palidoozy-art · 2 years
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a bunch of elves, pre and post needing therapy
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serafim-22 · 2 years
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mateuscosme · 11 months
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etherealluceras · 2 years
Who is your oldest oc?
Andrea (Oc self) - 100,000+ (Reason: Luceras' God undercover)
Flora - 50,000+ (Reason: Flower Goddess)
Proserpine - 50,000+ (Reason: ???)
Azrael - 20,000+ (Reason: Cuz he's an angel)
Felix - 17,000+ (Reason: Cuz he is a demon)
Serafim - 17,000+ (Reason: Cuz he is a demon)
Serenity - 17,000+ (Reason: Cuz she is a demon)
If you are wondering what Luceras is, it is the universe where my ocs live :)
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Me: There are so many grandpas and grandmas here.
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czesirethefool · 1 year
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Trying desperately to learn how to colour with markers. This one turned out ikay, though his skin is a bit too yellow, like he has liver issues or smth.
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theomachst · 2 years
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Angeal sees a Tweet about ‘Pet Shaming’
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annjiru · 1 year
  ❝  You  know,  ❞  he  begins,  placing  a  gentle-firm  hand  on  his  companion's  shoulder.    ❝  Should  you  ever  need  someone  to  spend  the  holidays  with,  there's  always  room  for  one  more  in  my  home.  ❞
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tootyrantlove · 1 year
I didn’t have time to send a drawing to the competition, sadly ...
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makoxmind · 2 years
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@serafim ; warning, the following contains descriptions of blood and gore.
Aerith needed him. Tifa needed him. Barret needed him.
And this is why he could not fail.
The iridescent lighting edged every corner of the room, but the linear streak of hazy blue did not flow uninterrupted. Pooling and flaking, blood made the tiles slick, and in the gloom its ruby red complexion had been stolen and replaced by the inky black of that low, low light. Cloud didn’t care if it ran red, black, green or any other misplaced hue it could pour in. A step forward sounded the squelching of some pale organ that had tumbled from a man cleaved in half, gasping like a fish as his corpse drowned in the unending sea that was the spillage… and the fighter showed him no mercy. No severing of the neck to ease that beings misery, nor the numerous others who spluttered and gurgled and wailed;
No mercy for any of them.
Twenty of Shinra’s lowest rank cleaved asunder by the sword which gave stuttered groans as its wielder dragged it across the scene, but even his weapons stained edge was muted in comparison to the thrumming of his heart beat in his ears or the huffing of his own burning breath. Tiredness was unacceptable. Sleep had been fleeting indeed. Now limits were being pushed and he had thrown his own sense of compassion out of the window hours before, when these people were people and not simply obstacles in the way that needed to be culled like pigs at a slaughter-house. How could there be sadness for those who brought their guns to put him down? How could there be mercy for those boot-lickers who strode forth to steal away the lives of his comrades?
They did not deserve it.
Every inch of him creaked like wood bending in the wind. The metallic twang in the air with every heaving of his lungs had begun to drown him too as the blonde whipped about, all too fast, to where the scarcest of movement could be spied within the desperate scene-- a single soldier clawing against the ground. The man’s legs had been spliced off and lay in an unknown direction... and yet he endured, slowly, painfully pulling the remnants of his body towards the door afar with a trembling frame; he was regarded with unblinking eyes, hues the color of the sky burning bright, pin-prick pupils like a hawk to prey. The clanging of the sword being repositioned caused the crawling one to immediately jolt and howl out in clipped tones and warbled breaths for an ounce of pity, but Cloud Strife’s expression remained unchanged. His stance unbroken.
This is my enemy.
Cold, numb, the ex-SOLDIER began to walk with the bruising of his heart against his ribs and a head empty of any real emotion. This is what SOLDIER’s did, they destroyed the enemy. One didn’t need any feelings to be a SOLDIER. This is what they trained him to be like, didn’t they? Somewhere in the yawning gaps of his memory he knew there were sessions, lessons, conditioning to make it so that the sight of the dying at his feet would elicit no real response from him. This… nothingness within was normal. Hectic and frantic, the crawling man twisted clumsily unto his back, throwing arms against his face with fading pleas of leniency as the wetness of blood returned to curl at Clouds feet… the sword was raised, a tarnished slab of iron decorated in body matter.
To protect who I love, my enemy has to die.
His grip tightened upon the hilt.
Every single one of them needs to die.
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meteor-shots · 2 years
“Depending on what happens, I may abandon Shinra.”
Zack felt a little like he had been smacked between the eyes with a hammer.  The words had caught him entirely off guard.
The first thing that went through his head was, Great, then they’ll make me go after him too.  It didn’t matter to the Company if someone was your friend or war buddy or even your goddamn mentor.  Shinra expected complete loyalty from its soldiers, and if it had your complete loyalty, then you wouldn’t argue when you were pitted against old friends in battle.
Of course, Sephiroth hadn’t said anything about going rogue.  But at this point, Zack wasn’t sure the Company would let their poster boy leave, and he had no reason to believe Sephiroth wouldn’t leave anyway.
In some ways, Zack couldn’t blame Sephiroth for such a declaration, even if he knew it would fall to his shoulders to resolve the situation.  Not after everything he had seen.  He was beginning to understand how Genesis had gotten so many SOLDIERs to defect with him when he’d left the Company.
Was this a warning?  A threat?  An invitation?  At this point, Zack had no idea.
On the flip side, it did feel like an uncharacteristic amount of trust was being placed in Zack right now.  Zack was probably the only person who could really even begin to identify with the hell Sephiroth was going through, though, so maybe it wasn’t that much of a leap.  Zack had no intention of spilling the beans on the situation anyway.
No, Zack would keep his mouth shut.  And he did now too, because he couldn’t say he wholly disapproved of Sephiroth’s confession.
“Right, well, I’d better go get the guys together,” he said, instead of responding to that.  He stretched his arms out behind him and turned to leave.
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palidoozy-art · 1 year
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Psychic Scream.
(Content Warning: Head Explosions, Vague Gore)
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serafim-22 · 2 years
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here to turn your rain into sunshine
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3mylifes · 1 year
Anjo de Serafim
Quando começamos a aprender
ABC é o que costumamos responder.
Asas são criadas
E palavras para o céu irão voar
Assim como estou
Em meu lugar.
Observo meu reflexo
E não mais vejo quem eu sou.
Antes nova para saber,
Agora jovem para aprender.
Já a vida não me diz mais
Que sou uma criança de Serafim,
Então vejo a me importar
Sobre o que pensam sobre mim.
Assim essa fase me atingiu
Na qual ninguém busca saber,
Mas eu penso em quem me tornei...
As mudanças desabrocharam
E me deixaram;
Deixaram no passado
Aquele Anjo de Serafim.
~ Adônis
Em um determinado dia de domingo, recebo a mensagem das minhas proximidades que me causavam saudades por, ao mesmo tempo, o contato humano vivenciar a distância. Nela, havia um pedido de ajuda que clamava a produção de um poema sob o efeito da temática mais aterrorizante daqueles que a conhecem e desconhecem: a puberdade.
Com as palavras do Anjo, mencionei os de Serafim, onde sua pureza e amor sólido nos conjura o passado para contemplar um novo presente de mudanças indispensáveis às perspectivas humanas.
Graças a esse poema, pude eu mesma revisar a minha verdade que, na época, contemplava a um ver diferente, cheio de repugnância e ardor do porquê tal fase existir.
Vide te mox!
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firxga · 1 year
"No. I am not putting that on." There isn't anything particularly wrong with the outfit choice. A smart vest and shirt, dress slacks with a subtle pinstripe pattern. Sephiroth can see himself in them, easily, and Genesis has always been a man of taste.
The General has simply made it his mission to foil the attempts of any paparazzi crawling up and down Loveless Avenue to obtain any decent photos of him. Not including the mandated appearances and photo sessions by Shinra's marketing and PR department. The norm may very well be to dress up nicely when attending famous plays and performances within the grand theater, but Sephiroth has never been much of one to conform to such standards. "Black t-shirt or nothing."
Genesis exhaled a long, slow breath. That word again. 'No'. It may have been healthy behaviour to set boundaries and even expect said boundaries to be respected, true — but that didn't mean he had to like it. The scowl on his face said it all.
Are you serious?
Why are you like this?
Is this the hill you're dying on today?
He considered the clothes again. Seemed regretful in the way he started to slowly hang them back where they belonged. It was quite a theatrical act for someone who hadn't uttered a single word out loud.
"... well." Genesis finally spoke. "I'd think your bare ass plastered across Midgar would be blinding in the sunlight." He turned, far too poised given the sharp turn in conversation. "I can't in good conscience allow you to wear nothing, so, the black t-shirt it is."
He spoke of the offending article of clothing as though it were a rat, all without twitching even a hint of a smile at his own wisecrack about his friend's... crack.
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bvlgae · 2 years
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I saw this stupid pecs meme and had to draw it.
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