#seriously does she even have one braincell
14dayswithyou · 12 days
Meowdy Saint! ^^ lolol hello hello o/ hope you are doing good!!
So this masterpiece of a game has been invading my mind with ZERO chill lately which directly translated to me coming up with a TON of questions orz I really didn't realize how many I ended up compiling lol
If you don't feel like answering this many please feel absolutely free to ignore this ask or only answer the ones you like the most, the last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed! ^^
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™?
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol
-does he know how to give massages? :00
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name?
(I am not sure if this⬇️ questions falls under character deaths, if it does I really apologize and absolutely feel free to ignore it ^^)
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl)
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100%
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao
ALRIGHT THATS ALL IM SO SORRY FOR ASKING SO MUCH THE REN BRAINROT HOURS ARE SO REAL IM LOSING BRAINCELLS orz Remember to take care of yourself drink water and take breaks!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
(Also sorry if some phrases don't make sense, english isn't my first language as I am 🤌 lolol)
✦゜ANSWERED: Under da cut because this got long >:3
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™? Ren's memories remain intact!! I mean... He remembers each time you get a bad end and sometimes says something different... >:3 There is also an in-universe reason as to why he has his abilities — I won't spoil anything, but his real name (along with River's and one other character) have a reeeeally big tell. But what this tell is is for me to know and you to find out >:3
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰 Ren (and by extension [REDACTED]) knows not to harm anyone if he knows you won't like it — and even then — he won't actively show that murderous side of him in the first place. To Angel, Ren is just a timid, normal guy.
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol Ren is actually good at cooking, he's just a bit out of touch since he doesn't normally cook for himself! It's normally microwave meals or takeout for him... ^^; And yes, Ren did burn and burn the pancakes in Day 3 — he was distracted by something on his phone :3
Bonus cut Day 3 content: I took out the scene where Ren started to profusely apologise for burning the pancake because he often had to cook when he was younger. Given the dynamic of his family and the environment he grew up in, Ren didn't have much room to make mistakes ;n; I cut this scene out because I felt bad ksgskd So y'all get to have flustered, happy Ren instead!!
-does he know how to give massages? :00 If that was one of Angel's interests or desires, then sure!! ^^
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao Someone else likes flora too, and it sure would be funny if Ren (eventually) starts to mimic certain traits and interests of the person you have the highest affinity/relationship points with in order to make himself look more appealing… >:3c
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀ It was mentioned in Jae's lore post (I'll link it here once I find it), but Maple is a Labrador! (Leon would be Jae's Australian Shepherd hehe) In my mind, Maple is only 2 or 3 years old, but that wouldn't really fit the official timeframe... ^^; Jae adopted Maple during high school so he wouldn't feel lonely at home, and it's been over 6+ years since then.... hgdshjg
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name? Angel affectionately calls Ren a puppy during the scene in Day 1 where they meet up after work, so that nickname definitely could work!
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl) aaa I think you might be mistaking that ask for something else? ;v; [REDACTED] would NEVER harm Angel in any capacity, and they're a very patient person. Even if it took decades for Angel to fall in love with him, they'll wait.
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈 You're fine!! And I'm open to doing that! I'll add it to my list hehe
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100% I've shared a spreadsheet that lists all the available choices, the points you earn from each of them, and the endings you can get — however it's only available on Discord and I don't really want to share it outside of the server and potentially put it in the hands of minors. Sorry!!
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao Hehe >:3 There's a loooot of lore that won't ever be mentioned in the game (since it doesn't seem fitting/I don't see a reason to), so I'm happy to provide it here!
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telvess · 4 months
Reader using pick-up lines on them
chaotic writing for the fun
“You should be arrested for stealing my heart!”
Pick-up lines, hmm? Alright, fine, but did you have to use the most pathetic, the cheesiest one? Hades is way too elegant for such a poor tasted attempt, he actually feels offended by your words.
Your first impression is horrible. Hades silently judges you. Of course, he is too classy to make any snarky comments, but you can tell by his cold, indifferent look that he has lost all interest in your company. At this point, he is more of a Poseidon than his brother himself.
If you aren’t the type of person who gives up easily and still tries to flirt… just stop. The best you can get from him would be „yes”, „no” or a nod of the head.
“You see my friend over there? She want to know if you think I'm cute.”
Buddha stares at you for a long moment, then looks over your shoulder to check out your friend (who you obviously made up), then then returns to you. His expression is blunt, maybe slightly bored. Totally makes you lose the confidence you had a moment ago as you watch him lazily suck a lollipop and pierce you through with his unimpressed glare.
The worst he can say is „no”, right? Well, who would have thought that the enlightened mind of Buddha would prove otherwise. A drawn-out silence makes you uncomfortable and you start to squirm under his gaze, not ready for that unfazed attitude of his…
Once the confidence you felt approached him vanished and you are ready to leave as quickly as possible, Buddha begins to laugh historically. You jump up a little and stare at him confused. It takes him a while to calm down, but when he does, he looks at you seriously again and says „tell your friend I find ya cute” with the most annoying smirk in the entire universe.
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
Susanoo watches you with harsh expression, his eyebrows raising as your attitude doesn’t change. You just stand in front of him and wait for his answer. Kinda hot, he has to admit.
He is amused by this shitty attempt, but still has to admit that it takes some balls to say something so crappy to his face. You’re bold, stupid and definitely not in your right mind.
He would definitely address all of the above and then… respond to you with an even cheaper pickup line that he thinks sounds good. He is very proud of himself and oblivious to the point that it matches his intimidating aura.
Susanoo likes a person who isn’t concerned with what everyone think of them, but he is also a person who expects others to submit to his will, which makes him rather difficult person to flirt with, demanding from you to adapt to his confusing preferences.
“If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.”
He looks at you very confused at first, then he puts to work all of his braincells trying to figure out what you meant. Is this some kind of puzzle? Mystery? It’s clearly impressive, because he struggles to solve it!
Please, stop the brainstorming session before he starts writing his thought on the board and calls members of the science crew asking for the consultations.
After yours short explanation (which probably burnt your soul to the bones with embarrassment) Nikola nods, compliments your clever attempt and… continues what he was doing before this whole masquerade started, oblivious to the fact you just hit on him. So you just stand there and wait for something, but you last barely several dozen seconds before you run away to hide somewhere far, far away.
Much to your surprise, Nikola visits you the next day and invites you for coffee, bluntly.
“Can I put my hand on your thigh, where it belongs?”
You sit next to him and get straight to the point. No hesitation, no shame in your eyes. Hermes’ eyes widen for a millisecond as the words leave your lips. Oh? Oh? Oh? He couldn’t help but let his lips stretch into a wide smile, trying to cover his mouth with his hand as a single chuckle escapes his lips.
When he pulls himself together, Hermes lets his playful nature take over. So you thought you were flirty? Hermes is too smart and too cunning to allow you triumph for long. Even if he isn’t interested, he will leave you with a dry mouth and wet panties. Hermes uses the tongue as smoothly as he uses the violin.
“I'm sorry, were you talking to me?” He denies, “Well, would you like to?”
My, my, look at you! Approaching the Sun God just like this? Apollo is impressed. In fact, because of how intimidating he is, it's not often that others surprise him with such bravado. Usually they just treat him as something as intangible as the rays of the sun, bathing in his glory, praising him as a celestial being, not as a person. You - on the other hand - are a breath of fresh air.
Once the first shock wears off, his entire figure begins to glow and he gives you the most breathtaking smile you will ever see. From that point on, everything he does comes so naturally that it makes you lose yourself. After making great first impression, you end up like everyone else: Apollo wraps you around his little finger and before you know it, you just sit there and listen to his melodious voice as if you are bewitched. The man is too charming.
“Are you a magician? Because when I look at you, everyone else disappears.”
Peasant. Get out.
You aren’t clever. You aren’t brave. You aren’t impressive. The only person that will disappear is gonna be you, if you don’t remove yourself in the next 3 seconds.
Whoever didn’t stop you from approaching Poseidon like this, definitely doesn’t wish you well.
“Aren't you tired? From running through my mind all day?”
The man gives you surprised look, and moment later he presents you his widest smile. Sasaki has no clue what to say, so he just stands before you, rubbing his neck and blushing like teenage girl. He may stammers out a few words of thanks, but you really shouldn’t hope for more. Kojirō is simply not used to compliments, so even the simplest pick-up line can rock his world.
Please, ask him about swordsmanship, because it’s probably the only thing he can talk about while his brain fries in the skull.
Once Kojirō pulls himself together, he turns out to be exactly as carefree and friendly as you expected. The longer you two interact, the more open and less awkward he becomes.
“Do you have a name, or can I just call you 'mine'?”
Did you just? Huh???
Ares blinks a few times before his brain process information. He can’t believe you said something like that! Do you even know who you are talking to? He is Ares, the God of War! One of the twelve Gods of Olympus and son of Zeus! He deserves more respect, not some pathetic, human-alike attempt at flirting. He shouts all this in your face, making a big scene and ridiculing you in front of the others gods. For a moment he’s proud of himself, but your teary eyes quickly put him in a less mighty state.
To make things worse, you literally run away. At first Ares tries to ignore the feeling of guilt in his chest, pretending that your reaction was childish and exaggerated, but all he needs is Hermes to make a little remark (“Poor thing, it seems she gave her all to speak up.”) to make Ares’ face red.
He mutters some lame excuse to leave and starts looking for you. He still thinks your attempt was awful, but maybe - just maybe - his heart skips a beat knowing that some pretty miss thinks so highly of him.
“If music be the food of love, let’s have a feast together.”
Okay, this man isn’t used to hearing compliments, let alone hitting on him. Jack is a little shocked, not because he doesn’t understand you, but because you actually chose him. He doesn’t recognize you, but to his great surprise you seem to know a little about him. After all, you referred to Shakespeare. It couldn't have been an accident, right?
“Pardon me, lady?��� is probably the first thing out of Jack's mouth as he’s still processing what you’ve said, but he quickly snaps out of his surprise, “Forgive me, where are my manners?”
Jack introduces himself properly, takes off the hat and bows like a gentleman. He then politely asks for your name, still fluttered that you gave him a chance.
“Did you do something to my eyes? I can't seem to take them off you.”
Neither Thor nor Mjölnir budge. Well, this is definitely something new; no one has ever approached Thor this way before, so he has to give you some points for creativity. However, don’t expect anything as Thor isn’t interested in continuing the conversation, so it’s up to you if you are interested in one-sided interaction.
“Well, here I am! What are your other two wishes?”
Loki stares at you without the slightest sign of interest, twirling strand of hair around his finger. He seems distant, almost like he didn’t hear you. Then he flinches, as if snapped out of trance. His face changes in a split second: a wide, forced smile and squinting eyes screaming at you to evacuate, because you’ve hit on the wrong guy. “Do you have a death wish, woman?” Loki asks, his voice has the sweetest tone that tickles your ears, but his words spew poison…
Loki is capricious. I don’t think it’s a matter of wrong pick-up line, it's rather more a matter of right timing. But even if you choose a bad moment to approach him, he probably wouldn’t hurt you (physically) - he prefers to scare others, toy with their fear than kill them.
On the other hand, if your timing is right, then you would still bounce off the wall, because Loki doesn’t intent to give you a straightforward answer; he would like to play with you, confuse you with the mixed signals he sends. He wants a reaction from you, entertain him. If you are cocky - his goal is to crush your self-confidence. Shy? Prepare for blushing, squealing and stuttering. Ah, you think you’re being funny here? Loki will gladly turn your smile into tears.
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
part one
Lance has no idea how powerful he truly is.
Seriously. Completely oblivious. He’s convinced that he’s the only one on the team who’s not powerful — and Keith knows this because those are the words Lance said with his own mouth. He’s so convinced that power is Shiro’s strength, Pidge’s intelligence, Hunk’s wit and compassion, Allura’s regality, and Coran’s wisdom. He’s even completely sure that Keith has power in his speed and initiative.
Somehow, though, the heart of Voltron does not know how he holds everyone in the palm of his hand. He does not see the picture of terror he makes; jaw clenched, brown eyes flashing with determination, back straight and shoulders set, demonic spider at his side, telepathic mice gathered on his head, poisonous, sentient vine wrapped around him — and the spirts of two lions, red and blue, growling in tandem behind him as he swears that no harm will come to the beast by Voltron’s hand.
Lance did not see the fear in the dignitary’s face. He did not notice his team staring at him with wide eyes, leaning far away from him and his own army. He did not see the pure, concentrated power rippling from him in waves.
If Keith’s being totally, completely honest, it’s kind of hot.
But it’s also a pain in the ass. As much as Lance’s greatest strength is in convincing people to listen to him, when he sets stubborn eyes on a task, the Universe herself cannot sway him. Keith has a snowball’s chance in hell of managing either.
“Just try,” Shiro pleads. “Please. Attempt to convince him that, as much as it sucks, killing the damn beast is the easiest way to secure this alliance and move on.”
“Shiro, your braincells are spilling out your ears like loose marbles if you think that I can convince him to even listen to the words I will attempt to say.”
“Holy idiom, there, cowboy,” Pidge teases, and Keith breaks away from the intense stare-down with his brother to stick his tongue out and shoot her the finger.
“That’s a normal idiom. Sorry that you grew up in Michigan where the most interesting insult you ever hear is someone saying please with a little more passive aggression than usual.”
“…Alright. Point to Keith.”
“Mhm. That’s what I thought.”
“Paladins!” Allura snaps, ignoring Hunk’s smartass comment that she is also, actually, a paladin, and as such is included in such snappish remarks and thus has lost a good chunk of ethos. “Focus! Stars, it’s like I have to do everything around here. Keith. Put your big boy pants on.”
Shiro chokes with laughter, desperately trying to pretend it’s really a cough, but it fools no one.
God, those two need to stop hanging out together. Shiro is dragging Allura down to his level. Poor woman.
“Talk to Lance,” she continues. “He only really listens to you.”
Keith looks at her incredulously. “Listens to me — have I missed something? I asked Lance to lead a briefing yesterday and he asked me what deity died and made me king of the jungle. He doesn’t listen to a goddamn word I say.”
Allura raises an eyebrow. “Did he?”
“Did he what?”
“Lead the briefing yesterday?”
Keith deflates. Because, well. “Yeah,” he mutters.
“So you’re just being a pussy, then,” she summarizes – why does Pidge insist on teaching her modern slang and why does she like it so much – and this time Shiro doesn’t even pretend he’s coughing. Hunk and Pidge also lose their shit.
“I resent that,” Keith says haughtily, denying nothing.
“Yeah. Okay. Off you go. Convince him to at least attempt to hear us out.”
Keith sighs, but does as asked, making his way to his and Lance’s rooms. He decides to take a minute and gather his thoughts — see, he’s learning, look at how not-impulsive he’s being — and heads to his room first.
When he gets there, he spends a few meditating beside his bed — he’d rather stick a hot iron through his eye than admit it, but Shiro and Black may be a little, teensy, itty-bitty bit correct about taking time to gather up thoughts and reflect or whatever.
Just as he’s about to get up and knock on Lance’s door, he hears Coran’s heeled boots click down the hallway.
Oh, fuck yes. If Coran talks to Lance, he might actually listen without argument! Lance has no issue following Coran’s instructions!
…On the other hand, Coran’s just as much of a — and Keith says this with all the fondness in his heart, believe him, if he didn’t find it so damn endearing he would not be spending his nights imagining what will happen when he finally grows enough of a pair to ask Lance on a date — tree-hugger as Lance is. He won’t be happy about the beast killing either.
But, hey. Coran’s a wise guy. It’s probably fine.
Just in case, though, he gets up as quietly as he can — he knows Lance’s goddamn bat ears will hear him if his fucking heart beats too loudly — and leans against the door to hear their conversation.
“Lance, dear, I was just coming to find you,” Coran says.
So far, so good. If Coran was already trying to find Lance, it was probably to try and gently convince him that saving the beast might not be the best option, right?
Keith heart sinks a little as a new thought worms into his brain: maybe, Lance isn’t just being stubborn, and he’s actually upset. Maybe Coran is going to make sure Lance is feeling okay, like a good person.
…Yeah. That’s more likely. Keith kind of feels like a jackass.
He startles out of his thoughts as Coran’s voice, notably louder than before, speaks again.
“Well, if you’re really feeling so much better, would you mind helping me recalibrate the fabricator?”
“Absolutely,” Lance says, and he does sound remarkably happier than he did when he stomped out of the bridge.
Huh. Maybe Lance convinced himself…?
As he thinks it, he knows it’s not true. But it might not be best to bring it up now, then. He’s only just gotten into a good mood, it will probably be better to bring it up over dinner, or something, when the good mood has enough time to settle properly.
Keith nods to himself. Yeah. That’s totally not an excuse because he doesn’t want Lance to look at him in complete betrayal again when Keith attempts to convince him that saving the beast is not an option, or anything.
part three
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Sfw omegaverse anon -
The "omega bestie" thing was smth Shanks probably told Luffy - ((Shanks sees a tiny unscented little pup all alone and went "Oh it's free real estate" /hj.)) In actuality, Makino raised Luffy for a good deal of time, but he is a rambunctious child, and I think he'd pester Shanks for stories and songs and all sorts of things. Shanks is a softie and so absolutely caved. Luffy learned a lot of the pirate's code from Shanks as a very small child and he treated it like GOSPEL, bc Shanks was, is and always will be his hero. So he definitely also got some very silly stories about Shanks' youth, and Buggy starred in more than a few, but never explicitly by name, it was always "my best friend" or "my packmate" or, on really sentimental evenings, "my baby brother".
When Luffy first met Buggy in Orangetown, the few braincells he has left sparked a connection - blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster clown man? Blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster omega packmate of his semi-adopted dad? Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone.
So yeah Luffy definitely knows Buggy is an omega, and when Buggy mentions "we served on the same crew", it just clicks. It's not really a big deal to him anyway, it feels stupid to care about that kind of stuff. You could not PAY him to care (but if you want to try, it's best to pay in food).
But yeah, Rayleigh and Crocus just both went "Ah, the kids will be fine" and then the kids went and were very much Not Fine At All. But that's a conversation for a different time.
Their parental instincts only kick in when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for followup. It's both obnoxious and also funny.
Shanks gets a heart flutter, and by nightfall his denden is ringing bc Rayleigh is 🤏 close to swimming out there what is going on, red-?
When Crocodile and Mihawk finally get their shit straight and start the whole Courting Thing, the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children.
Crocus calls Rayleigh. Rayleigh talks to Crocus. Neither have Buggy's number. How did that happen? Damn. If only Rayleigh lived with a woman who has an expansive information network where she can check for Buggy's contact information. If only Buggy was part of a widely known business with contact information for business needs. If only they considered this information and just how many options they DO have at hand.
Instead, they call Shanks - Shanks who is having a meltdown because "Bugs is growing up" and "two Alphas, really?!"
This does NOT bode well.
One prospective courtship is one thing. TWO simultaneous courtships are complicated. Those two Alphas enacting the courtship being former warlords, a mafia boss and the world's greatest swordsman, is something else entirely.
Crocus is sharpening his harpoon, debating his options. Rayleigh is seriously debating free swimming to the New World. Things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around.
Meanwhile, on Karai Bari, the Cross Guild Poly has finally hit the Holding Hands Stage, because they're stupid, silly and none of them are actually working with anything resembling game. Buggy blushes every time Mihawk pulls out his chair, he melts whenever Crocodile gets the door for him, and he's absolutely LOSING IT every time they ask him to spar.
Fighting has become their love language somehow and every time Buggy lands a hit of some kind, the others damn near swoon, which makes HIM swoon, and the crew and mercenaries are just watching this like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
Anyway yee I'm sleepy so I'm off, byyyeee~~~~
Shanks definitely did a Roger, looking at Luffy asks around who's child this is and proceeds to pick him up to Benn’s dismay (That is not paid enough to deal with his captain’s bullshit) Good thing Makino raising Luffy for a good bit of time. Luffy pestering Shanks for all sorts of things too, that's so Buggy.
Shanks talking about talking about Buggy without saying his name, I wonder why he won't say Buggy’s name to Luffy. Maybe Shanks didn't want Luffy to go and find his packmate, but that didn't matter when Luffy met Buggy. Good thing Luffy has some braincells after all that training Garp put him through. And the ‘Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone’ Yeah that's so Luffy, like damn he don't spare anyone.
Not Rayleigh and Crocus thinking that Buggy and Shanks will be fine. Indeed that is a conversation for a different time. I understand that Crocus would of given the kids a few things they would need in life while Rayleigh probably like I taught shit, you are good. And dips into the night without saying goodbye to grieve his captain and be with Shakky (for some reason that seems like he would do that. Its a headcanon)
THEN not their parental instincts kicking when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for fucking followup. OH NOOOOOOOOOOO, that’s not how parental instincts should be (I mean to be fair, neither were planning on having kids probably, but then Roger metting those two happened, but like… dudes that’s not how it’s supposed to work)-(Indeed it’s obnoxious and also kind of funny if you ignore that’s not parental instincts should work…) Shanks getting scolded by Rayleigh when his heart’s fluttering, I wonder who that person is, anyway Mihawk and Crocodile getting their shit together and start trying to court Buggy (you know he’ll first think that they are threahing him, so it takes sometime)
Started laughing at ‘the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children’ I love that, you know it’s not only Rayleigh and Cronus because most of the veteran Roger Pirates helped raised them too (hc/)
Crocus and Rayleigh not having Buggy’s number is so them… but what if it’s the same number he always had and they think it’s the wrong number now? Have they bothered to check? Or if they had, Buggy had openly said it wasn’t Buggy’s number? There could be so much more drama, but anyway yeah if ony Rayleigh lived with a woman that can find people’s numbers because she got that information network, if only Rayleigh knows where his child’s business is, oh no it’s too sad that they can’t find anything…
THEY CALLED SHANKS! Oh no! That’s the last place to call to find Buggy and to check if he’s alright! That man is fucking drunk, crying, ranting and raving about this! Oh dear! RIP to Crocodile and Mihawk, even the littlest teasing bullying their clown will land them in bad graces if those men see it (dear gods what if they found out they beat the shit of Buggy one day, that’s when shit would it the fan. Buggy’s followers will have a fucking telenovela to watch, they just need to be a safe distance away because holy shit someone might fucking died in the crossfire) Truly things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around… “Big News” Morgan would having the time of his fucking life with this.
Meanwhile on Karai Bari Island, where nobody knows about what might happened later down the line! Awwwwwwwwww, they are now in the Hand Holding Stage!!! That’s so cute! It took awhile because of so many things, good thing they worked it out.
Mihawk and Crocodile being gentlemen to Buggy is amazing, and them asking to spar is like BIG invalidation for him. Fighting and bullying each other (affectionately) is definitely one of their love language. Truly is like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
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mrpuzzlessimp420 · 17 days
Mario Simulator (Joke Fic)
Chapter 2
Warnings: Mention of Lobotomy, Blackmailing, Kidnapping, Plotting Murder (none of these are taken seriously)
Ships: Marware, SMG34, BatteryAcid (Mr Puzzles x Orange Juice)-Mentioned
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An idea popped into Mario's head, quite surprising as he probably didn't have any braincells left.
A very... unique idea.
You see, there was something actually... unnormal about Mario.
He was what you would call...
A yandere.
Now Mario wasn't your Ayano Aishi "I've never felt ANY emotions before Senpai!" yandere, he was your "though emotionally stunted still had emotions" yandere.
His entire life he had never felt strong emotions before which wasn't questioned by literally anyone as they just thought it was just because he was you know Mario or because he had been implied to be lobotomized in that one episode.
It also wasn't questioned when he started acting coo-coo crazy over Mr Puzzles as they just cracked it up to just be Mario being Mario.
So hiding this fact about himself from others was as easy as forcing your friends to kiss for a tiktok trend.
But like any yandere (insert-literally-any-character) fanfic, Mario had some roadblocks that stopped him from being with his one and only true loves...
Now Mario was used to having rivals, love related or not but Orange Juice was a special case.
Unlike the others, Orange Juice was actually dating Mr Puzzles which meant that if he just straight up murdered him, Mr Puzzles would be depressed, wear grey/black hoodies all the time and be emo and Mario couldn't have that! Being emo was the greatest sin of humanity!
He'd had to think of a plan to get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up or for Orange Juice to be extremely toxic so when he goes to kill him, Puzzles wouldn't be a sad depressed babygirl!
Unluckily for him, Mario was a number 1 lazy boy and didn't want to go through all the effort of figuring something out so he thought of the next best option: get someone to figure it out for him!
Now how would be his unwilling victim?
No she has had to much character development that she would drop kick him into the sun if he asked her to revert back to the days she was crazily obsessing over Boopkins (really though, Boopkins??)
No he was weird in his own way that Mario didn't want to deal with.
He'd probably need some sort of blackmail though.
Luckily for Mario, he always kept a copy of SMG3's gay little diary on hand, just in case.
A loud rigging bell went that snapped Mario out of his thoughts, it was the end of break!
And he didn't get to eat his spaghetti-flavoured apple :(.
Moving on from that, Mario knew what his next move was. At lunch he would kidnap SMG3, blackmail him to make a plan that would get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up, force him to help in the actual plan himself and make him promise to never tell anyone about the situation ever.
Yeah that seemed like a solid plan, what could possibly go wrong?
The next two lessons went by like SMG4 and SMG3's will-they-won't-they relationship that will probably never be canonized because of half of the fandom's homophobicness and their insistence that their brothers.
Right as Mario was considering drowning a random girl in a bucket of full of acid because of how clingy she was being, the bell went signalling it was lunch.
He ran out of the classroom with no time to lose, not even caring that the teacher yelled at him that "the bell doesn't dismiss him, she does" or whatever that crap was.
After searching for what felt like weeks, he finally found SMG3 packing up his stuff in a classroom that was now empty. His face slightly smiling at a image on his emo skull phone.
It was now his chance!
Mario grabbed a black bag out of thin air and, without SMG3 noticing, put it on SMG3's head and tightened it.
Now all he needed to do was find a dark, empty room that no-one would dare walk near to.
The broom closet! (DID YOU GET THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING? THE BROOM CLOSET- The author is then choked to death because they referenced another piece of media)
Dragging SMG3's lifeless body that definitely was losing oxygen by the second and not at all trying to hide himself, waving to others whenever they passed who just chalked it up to be Mario being Mario. When he finally reached the broom closet, he dumped the poor man in it, locking himself and SMG3 inside.
After finding a chair that definitely looked out of place in a broom closet that only held brooms, he placed SMG3 on it and tied his hands behind the chair with some spare rope.
Realising he needed SMG3 to talk during this blackmailing, Mario finally took the black bag off of SMG3's head.
"What the hell Mario?" SMG3 shouted after panting for oxygen for 4 minutes straight, his voice not being heard from the outside as the closet was noise cancelling.
"Mario wants you do to something for him." Mario said sinisterly, which was hard to tell due to his voice only being voice clips.
"Hell no I'll do something for you! Last time I did so I was humiliated on the internet!" SMG3 argued, not wanting anything to do with Mario.
"Well.. Mario has your gay diary sooo.. :D" Mario said, grabbing the copy of SMG3's notebook out of his skirt that has pockets.
SMG3 immediately freezed up, a pink blush spreading around his checks.
"Y-you wouldn't leak that would you?" SMG3 asked, sounding extremely nervous. No one could see his deepest and darkest thoughts and know about his massive crush on SMG4.
"I won't if you do this for me.." Mario stated as menacingly as he could, leaning down to SMG3.
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife...
"Fine... I'll do it..." He said, giving in to Mario's demands.
"Yippeee!!" Mario squeaked, though he was sad he didn't get to use his brand new cringe memes machine to torture SMG3 with but he could use it at another time.
"What do you want me to do then? Make spaghetti for you? Force me to a dumb challenge? Humiliate myself on camera?" SMG3 asked.
"Help me commit murder." Mario said blankly.
"Yeah sure why not." SMG3 stated, he selled bombs on the black market for a living, murder wasn't that extreme that he wouldn't do it. "Who is it and what's the plan?"
"Actually I wanted you to make a plan for me" Mario rubbed the back of his head, pulling a silly face while doing so.
"Of course you did.." He said, not surprised at all.
"Well to be honest, I need your help to get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up so I can go kill Orange Juice." Mario stated, extremely casually.
"Honestly wouldn't take you for a yandere type of guy"
"The author's friend thought it be funny."
"Well, I've already thought of some ideas so let's plan this!"
30 minutes later and they had already made a Plan A, a Plan B for if it goes wrong, a Plan C etc. Now all they needed to do was set it into motion...
(part 3 coming whenever I feel like it babieee-)
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moonssalad · 10 months
Am I the only one who is disgusted by seeing how many people actually seriously excuse Rhysands fucked up actions?
I have seen so, SO many people talking about how he hid the truth about Feyres pregnancy from her and always excuse it by saying how he didnt want to stress her out 💀. Or that he was looking for a way to save them before he told her, like he shouldve told her right away. And how he told the IC about it before he even told Feyre and told them to keep their mouths shut too and even worse is that they fucking listened to him, like what the fuck?? And how always in discussions about only Rhysand keeping it from Feyre people always start talking about how Madja didnt tell her either, like dude this is a conversation about what an asshole Rhysand is and not about Madja, keep to the topic! And how people hate on Nesta for telling her, like fucking hell. Ive even seen people say that Rhysand not telling her is AS BAD as Nesta telling her to hurt her or whatever. Its just insane, I think I lose braincells every single time I see posts like those 🤯. Feyre literally says throughout the books multiple times how she hates when people choose for her or dont tell her something because they think it would be too much for her and Rhysand literally keeps one of the most important things from Feyre.
Also what the hell was that bullshit about Amren saying how Rhysand should be High King? Hes literally one of the worst options for it. Bro cant even handle 2/3 of his court 💀. And lets so many people suffer in Illyria and Hewn City even though he has had CENTURIES to change something. Honestly none of the IC even try to change something about the Hewn City, like are you seriously telling me that Mor was the only person who was good in that shithole? Whats even more insane is how Mor doesnt change anything about it when she had LIVED THERE for years and now has the power to do it! And Illyria, Cassian seems to be the only one who is actually trying to make it better even though its not really working. Why the hell cant healers heal wings but can heal someone whos guts are basically spilling out?? Hell why the hell doesnt anyone know about c-section? Just insane. What the hell does Rhysand even do for his court? Just sits on his ass and thinks only about Velaris? Because it seems like that.
And am I the only one who was mad how Rhysand chose to show off Feyre as if she was his plaything in the Hewn City. Like yeah yeah keeping up appearances or whatever but how the hell will they see Feyre seriously after that? I think Feyre was in the Hewn City two times and the second was when she was High Lady and Rhysand got her to sit on the throne after the first time he showed her off as his toy. You cannot convince me that the Hewn City residents take Feyre seriously and its all Rhysands fault.
Talking about keeping appearances, the whole 'mask' thing is so stupid. When someone doubts the IC intentions they have the fucking audacity to be mad about it as if they arent the ones who made sure eveyone thought they were all incredibly evil.
I dont even want to start talking about UTM and how fucked up it was.
People always say that he does things like these because he is 'morally grey' but to me hes just a toxic asshole. You dont write a 'morally grey' character and then excuse every fucked up thing he has done, its just not how it works.
Rhysand is literally the worst MMC ever and its insane how so many people say how wonderful he is, how he is the man of their dreams 💀, fucking worried about yall if you seriously think that.
Feyre should take Nesta, Elain and Nyx and get the fuck out of there because they all deserve so much better than this.
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mickedy · 1 month
do you have strong feelings about minnie? the way disney writes her bothers me severely, i'm trying to find out how to write her better and i'd like help!
she's always written as nothing more than a mickey genderswap, they have the exact same character strengths and flaws, i want to write her like how ortensia is written to oswald or daisy is written to donald (in. ducktales 2017 at least when they dont feel like being . so toxic.), theyre character foils and they work better together
for example daisy is more practical and sassy and headstrong?? while donald isn't very practical he is very emotional and in the moment and isnt as ambitious as her he's just a guy
but minnie doesnt compliment mickey in any way their relationship is just Same Braincell Teehee
and its like every time disney TRIES to have friction between the two its usually making minnie less interesting than mickey in the sense he's going off the walls insane and she has to fold her arms and make him stop, w donald and daisy donald has to ground daisy sometimes but minnie can usually do no wrong ever??
i want to write minnie as mickey's foil in a similar way because she's always a copy and paste mickey and she deserves so so so much more, but im also worried that making a foil for mickey would stray too far from minnie's personality range?? which is why i keep referencing donald and daisy specifically because they have similar personalities but still manage to be foils, and i ALSO dont want to make her copy and paste ortensia, WHILE ALSO NOT MAKING HER JUST LESS INTERESTING MICKEY AS THEY DO SOMETIMES by just writing her as feminine mickey without the character flaws he has, so its a really weird balancing act here
You hit the nail on the head with a lot of points here. I've always found Minnie to be the MOST sidelined out of the 5 in terms of characterization. She's almost always written as "girl mickey", very interchangeable with him, not really developed with her own personality in mind independent of her relationship with Mickey.
I guess on a lot of levels I consider Minnie and Mickey to be like... really sturdy nuts. They have these extremely tough shells surrounding them, they are two of the most private people you will ever meet. Outwardly friendly, outwardly pretty boring and unemotional, a pretty vanilla flavored couple at any way you look at them.
But, we don't really get to see what goes on under that shell. What they're like in private. My favorite stories with Mickey are the ones where they crack open the shell, even just a smidge-- and we get to look on the inside. What we see is almost always the same. Above all else, Mickey cares about his friends. Mickey cares about his friends so much that he would take a bullet for each of them. He would give up everything. Friendship means more than anything else to Mickey Mouse.
On the flipside, we don't really get that same introspection with Minnie. I can't think of a time where they let her be emotional, like that. She's sweet and patient and polite and filled to the brim with goodness and kindness, but that's just what her shell looks like. She's very, very reserved. Like Mickey, maybe even moreso.
A lot of this is definitely because the writers don't really care about Minnie on that level, because she's Woman and she's Girlboss and whatnot. When they show her being emotional, it's pretty much always played up for laughs because Women Are Emotional amiright wink wink nudge nudge 😁🔫 <- (he does not know he is playing into misogynistic tropes)
But I like to think she just has these incredibly sturdy walls around her character. You will most likely never get to see what her private self is like in the entire time that you know her. I seriously doubt Minnie's actual friends know that much about her.
Mickey cares about his friends, but what does Minnie care about...? Where Mickey is an optimist, I consider Minnie to be a pessimist. That is a very strange claim to make, I know. But I think the reason we never see her walls break down is because... there'd just be more walls. She's such an incredibly reserved individual, she'd rather stick her hand in a paper shredder than admit that she's got feelings.
She's pretty no-nonsense in that regard, too. Mickey is a compassionate guy, but Minnie is more quick to lash out and start kicking and yelling when someone pisses her off. Tying back to the whole "friendship is Mickey's emotional core" thing... friendship is definitely not Minnie's.
I'm not saying she's not friendly. She's incredibly friendly! She's such a sweet and affectionate individual. But it's all very much an outward thing. I think, if you're looking for a "foil", that's definitely where they clash in that regard. Mickey is a plain, unassuming guy who-- at his core-- is sweet and silly and compassionate, and motivated by his love for his friends. Minnie is outwardly sweet and silly and compassionate, but doesn't have that same motivating factor, the deeper you look.
In the end, this is all really my interpretation of Minnie's character. Because she is definitely a victim of misogynistic writing, which sucks 🤷‍♀️ But I do think there is a lot of potential to make her and Mickey clash a lot more often than they're shown to... because, they don't really show themselves to anybody! That sort of intimate exploration of their character is something that really only comes out with each other. Which leaves a lot of room to mold their inner personalities into something much more interesting...
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bippot · 9 months
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Summary: How many times does Vigilante need to get injured before Harcourt finally gives in and hires a medic to help out with the squad's injuries? Far too many times, that's how many.
When it's uncovered that a fancy hotel is linked to, not only what's left of the legion of butterflies, but also a string of weird deaths and missing persons reports, the only two for the job are lovesick Adrian and the newbie.
Will they both make it out of paradise alive?
Tags: Canon-Typical ViolenceGun Violence, Blood and Injury, Undercover as a Couple, Fluff, Idiots in Love. Fake/Pretend Relationship, Summer Vacation, Butterflies, Alien Invasion, Stitches
Music recommendation: Ultraviolet by Stiff Dylans
Peacemaker, Adrian Chase Masterlist - here
One of Vigilante's most obvious characteristics was his recklessness. And this lack of self-preservation and complete disregard of the possible consequences of his actions ensured that Harcourt was almost always pissed at him for some reason or another - whether it was his tendency towards stupidity or how he constantly was nothing other than his annoying self.
Harcourt didn't like Vigilante. It was a fact. She put up with him, of course, as there wasn't really any other way around it. He'd wedged himself into this group and was not leaving at any moment. That didn't mean she had to be nice about it. Especially when he was messing up constantly. Like, right now...
"You're a walking fucking disaster! How the absolute fuck did you get injuried again?" She yelled, looking at him through narrow eyes as the blood seeped from beneath his torn sleeve in a slow but steady trickle.
"She got me." He nodded his head towards the dead body beside him, which had once been a woman who happened to have a very full chest and a butterfly shaped alien thing in her brain. "She got me good."
The injury had occurred because both Peacemaker and Vigilante had been distracted thanks to the boobs. Before her death, the butterfly had thrown an ornate letter opener from the stationary set in this very fancy office that had plunged its way into Vigilante's bicep, and she was swiftly rewarded by Harcourt's bullet in her brain. Why, oh why, did she always have to deal with these two dumbasses? Couldn't they, you know, stop with the whole zero braincell bullshit when they were on missions?
Out of missions? Fine. They could go around town and do whatever useless shit they wanted to. But on missions? And her missions specifically? Well, the fact that they didn't focus was becoming an insult. Harcourt was the leader of these fucking things. If either of those two himbos messed up, it was her reputation as a strategist and as a person who was goddamn good at her job that was on the line.
Was it a smart idea to take the 'boss' mantle from Murn? With each passing mission, Harcourt was seriously beginning to regret her choice. Sometimes, she couldn't even rely on Leota to help keep the boys on track.
"That's a shame. She had a great rack," Adebayo commented once she saw the big breasted corpse. Emilia's eyes flashed with something akin to anger before she managed to hide it behind her usual poker face, but Leota saw straight through it. "I know, I know, feminism and stuff about being more than our bodies - which I agree with, obviously - but those bazongas are stellar. It has to be said."
"No. No, it doesn't though. It doesn't have to be said."
From their earpieces, they heard John question, "Who's got a great rack?" over comms. Harcourt was surrounded by idiots on all sides, it seemed.
"You want me to take a pic?" Peacemaker patted himself down in search of his phone, which was quickly ripped from his fingers before he could even try. "Hey!"
"Let's get the fuck out of here."
With all the information transferred onto a USB that Economos would have to do his hacker shit to get past the encrypted files, the mission was over. They'd gotten what they need to. The extraction team could go home and not see each other for a while, which was something that Emilia desperately needed. Time away from these assholes was the only thing on her mind, so she began the walk back to the RV with a departing and very disapproving snarl to her teammates.
Peacemaker, ever the Harcourt simp, pushed Vigilante to encourage him to start following after her so that he didn't look so whipped when he did the same. As he made contact with Vigilante's shoulder, Chris accidentally touched Adrian's wound and he yelped loudly enough for everyone to hear.
"Ah, sorry, dude."
"Don't worry, man. It doesn't even hurt."
"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that."
Adebayo was last out. She looked over her shoulder and saluted. "Thanks for your boob service, soldier," she stated as she left. Keeya wasn't even going to believe how good they were.
When they were all back at the van, each member of the group had their own things to do. Chris was rustling a crisp packet out of the passenger's side window to get Eagly to follow the vehicle. Leota was in the process of changing out of her blood-soaked clothes in the tiny RV bathroom, which was a real test of flexibility. John was driving. And Adrian was pitifully sighing every two seconds in an attempt so that Peacemaker would pay attention to him and help him patch up his shoulder.
Somebody had to help the bleeding idiot out. Emilia was the only one left. Fuck. She didn't want to. She really didn't want to interact with him when she had the chance to put headphones on and disassociate until they got back to HQ. But... she couldn't let him injure himself further. He was an effective member of the team and it would be best if he didn't give himself an infection.
"Don't say a word."
She snatched the antiseptic wipe out of his hand and cleaned his wound haphazardly. Honestly, she didn't care if she was being too rough. He was fucking annoying her and, well, she wasn't afraid to show it.
"Ow, ow, ow, what the fuck?" He whined, swatting weakly at her hands but Harcourt wasn't budging. "Be careful with those man hands of yours."
If looks could kill, Adrian would've been dead so long ago. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and, therefore, Harcourt just ignored him instead and continued her ministrations, muttering, "Shut the fuck up," which she knew was going to be ignored anyway.
After cleaning the wound up a bit, she grabbed the needle and Adrian swore he saw his life flash before his eyes. Was this the moment that Harcourt went crazy and finally sewed his mouth shut? She'd threatened to do it before. He'd pushed her so far. Shit. Shit. Oh shit. He swallowed and shut his eyes tightly, bracing himself for whatever came next.
But, Harcourt just began to stitch his skin together - albeit begrudgingly - and blocked out Adrian's borderline embarrassing whimpers of pain. He was loud so it was hard to ignore. Still, he could help but stammer out, "Fuck. I wish we had a nice nurse instead of this shit. You wouldn't have to patch me up then," and, for once, the dumbass had a good point.
Leota was the best when it came to first aid, but she wasn't a nurse by any means. The group had often got into scrapes and dumbass fights, and it was rare that they got out of them without a cut or a broken bone or two. So, yeah, a 'nice nurse' would be a godsend. And, even better, Emilia had the perfect candidate in mind.
As soon as they got to HQ, Harcourt ordered everyone home so she could pace around Henenlotter Video in peace and think how she would bring the idea up with Y/N, mentally preparing the conversation in her head. It's not as if Y/N was difficult to talk to, quite the contrary actually, but Emilia knew that Y/N got out of the game so did she really want to be the one responsible for bringing her back in.
There was no harm in asking, right? All it was was a phone call. It was Y/N's choice.
"What do you want, Meeley?" was the first thing that Y/N said as she picked up the call.
Emila let out a chuckle at the nickname. Only two people in the entire world were allowed to call Harcourt anything other than her name - her father was six feet under so it was unlikely that he was going to say anything to anyone anytime soon - so it was a very exclusive club.
"What makes you think I want something? Can't I just call to check up on you?"
"Are you checking up on me?"
Y/N laughed. The pair had always been able to understand each other without saying much. Their minds were wired that way, the two of them. There was little doubt in Emilia's mind that Y/N knew exactly why the call was happening, and that was only confirmed when she said, "Okay, I'll play along." The smile was evident in her tone.
"How are you?"
"A child threw up on my shoes today," Y/N answered dryly. "So I've spent most of my time since I got home from work unpuking my sneakers."
"Sounds thrilling."
"Yeah, I'm really living it up over here."
"I bet."
There was silence. It stretched on for another couple of moments, both women waiting for the other to give in to the inevitable. Neither of them wanted to be the first, but they both knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Pleasantries had never been their thing anyway, so why would they bother wasting their breath.
Finally, Y/N sighed and asked, "What's the gig?" Emilia had won.
"Medical aid on my strike team."
"When do I start?"
"How fast can you get to Charlton County?"
"I'll see you tomorrow."
That was it. The job had been accepted with exceptional ease. In fact, it almost seemed like Y/N already expected she'd be pulled back into the biz at some point, so why not be pulled back in by Harcourt of all people?
Just as she said, Y/N was in Evergreen by the next day. Her time as a 'normal person' had consisted of waking up every day at 7 to work as a kindergarten teacher and she was giving that up at the drop of a hat. She'd called into work to inform them that she was leaving, which must've seemed abrupt to her employers and, if she were being honest, she felt a little shitty for doing it over the phone. Plus, she'd given them such short notice, which was a dick move.
It wasn't like she needed the reference, though. Emilia knew how she worked. Technically, one of her first jobs at the DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations) was acquired through nepotism since Emilia had been the one who put her forward for it.
Walking through the doors of the gross looking building that The 11th Street Kids used for their base, Y/N looked totally out of place. She wore comfortable jeans, a flowing button up and rounded spectacles. She looked like a kindergarten teacher, well, because she was. Had been.
"Hey lady! I think you've got the wrong place!" Chris exclaimed. It's not a super secret base if just any innocent looking woman can walk in. Henenlotter Video had stopped being a renting store more than a decade ago when all the other blockbuster type establishments did. There was no way she was looking to rent a video 2023.
Adrian had been in another room. Harcourt had gotten tired of his constant yapping and forced him to sort some of the files in the back office out, which was totally unneeded and tedious by design. As soon as he heard Peacemaker's calls, he ran in, gun in hand and ready to fire at the first sign of trouble. 'Would be a shame to shoot that face,' he thought as he took in the sight of this intruder.
"Woah, put the gun down, hot stuff," she urged, nonchalantly raising her hands to either side of her head. She nodded towards the guy in the spectacles "I'm assuming that's Vigilante."
"What?! No!"
"That's totally him," Chris shrugged casually.
Y/N slowly lowered a hand, assuring them, "Harcourt told me to," as she rifled through her back pocket to pull out a post it note that she'd hastily written all the information Emilia had given her the night before and read it, "Patch up the, uh, idiot named Vigilante."
Oh boy, being injured was going to get a lot more fun for Vigilante now. It was so cool that Harcourt had given in and given him a sexy nurse. He'd fantasised about this moment. Still, he retorted, "I'm not an idiot."
"Her words, not mine."
Emilia, with John hot on her heels, entered from her office and was rather surprised by the standoff going on before her eyes. She glanced between her three employees, a sigh leaving her lips as she shook her head. "Adrian, put the gun away."
He obeyed immediately, but didn't look happy about it and crossed his arms with a pout. Harcourt gave him a glare, almost like a mother disciplining her child when they don't greet a guest in a polite way. Adrian huffed and let his arms drop to his sides. He was adorable, Y/N realised, and immediately chastised herself as she was about to infantilize an actual serial murderer.
"Take him to the back office and redo his stitches."
Saluting her new boss, Y/N waited for Vigilante to move in their intended direction - she had no fucking clue where she was going - and followed after him once he got the memo, which was when John caught his eye and nodded his head to gesture for him to lead this newcomer to the back office.
Chris, John and Leota - who'd just walked in from their lunch run - all watched as Vigilante opened the door wide, let the pretty girl walk in before him and look over his shoulder to catch Peacemaker's eye. He was rewarded with a suggestive thumbs up from his buddy, one of which Chris was harshly slapped on the bicep by his boss for.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Stop being a pig!"
"Not for me, for him! His type! His type, not mine."
Chris was practically squealing whilst trying to defend himself to the woman he had to look so far down to observe. Harcourt is like a chihuahua, small but fierce and willing to bite if given the opportunity.
"She's nerdy-hot. He's crazy for those." Leota added as she began handing out the food. "You didn't think that part through, did you?"
No. Emilia hadn't. "He's crazy. Period."
On the other side of the door, Adrian was pretending that he couldn't hear his friends talking about him through the door - which was a situation he'd been through way too many times for his liking throughout his life - and haphazardly jumped to sit up on one of the filing cabinets, his butt creating a loud thud against the metal once he made contact. Yet, that sound was overwhelmed by what would become a very familiar one to Y/N from this point on.
Thanks to his energetic display, Adrian had managed to knock over the pile of case files that was to the right of him and were stacked in a wobbly 7ft tower. That was what he'd been doing when she'd first arrived. There were a lot of case files (most of which were classified and mostly contained lots of pages filled with redacted black blocks) and he'd barely gotten halfway into putting them back in the cabinet in alphabetical order like he'd been told to. Honestly, he often wondered why they even bothered with the files in the first place. It was an unnecessary paper trail.
A bunch of binders fell directly onto his shoulder, causing him to whine out, move way too quickly, and rip his stitches, which made another, even louder and pitiful whine come from his mouth. "Motherfucker!" he swore while clutching at his shoulder tightly.
Yes, he was in pain and that sucks. But also, it was kind of funny. Y/N had a hard time not laughing at him, which was unprofessional, but still, she let out a huff of laughter and was rewarded with a glare. "Sorry. Sorry." She calmed herself. "Mind if I take a look?"
"Go for it."
After carefully moving some of the files off his lap, she pulled some gloves on and waited for him to take his cardigan off so that she could take a look at the wound. Stupidly, he'd decided to wear a long sleeved shirt and 'unfortunately' had to take it off. 'Hot' was the one she would use to describe what she was seeing, and cut that thought short before it got more detailed.
And sure enough, there was a circular thumb sized hole in his bicep that was beginning to bleed again.
"Is it okay if I touch you? I mean, it will be pretty difficult for me to fix you up if you say no... it's nice to ask beforehand."
"Yeah, sure. Touch me all you want. I'd love you to." He paused to clarify, "As in, I'd love to not be bleeding anymore. Not that you should jerk me off or anything."
Despite how he was acting, Adrian didn't mind being alone with this woman. She was nice to look at and, so far, she seemed generally nice. No other members of the team ever asked before touching him. She didn't even get offended at his slip up. Adebayo would've called him a perv, and Harcourt probably would've swatted at him.
As she examined the wound, Y/N teased, "Well, I wouldn't want to show favouritism on my first day, would I?" and any sign of his previous grumpy mood had vanished, replacing it was a goofy, wide smile with pink blush that was far too obvious against his pale skin.
Weird. He felt the need to blurt out, "I'm Adrian. My name is Adrian, w-what's yours?"
"I'm Y/N."
"Good name." He could feel heat rising to his ears. Shit, was it noticeable? Hopefully not.
"You feeling warm?" She brought the back of her hand to his forehead due to his sudden change in hue. Her eyes darted from his bright, almost sparkling green eyes to his flushed cheeks as he gave her a slight nod. His head was definitely a little warm. "Have you been feverish at all since the injury?"
"Tell me if you do, okay? Infections are a real bastard to deal with."
She moved to find the first aid kit Emilia had told her they owned to find a banged up old box with huge dents and rust around the edges with a 'Medical Shit' sign hastily stuck on a diagonal along the top. Inside wasn't any better. It was only the bare essentials. Thread. Bandage. And three remaining needles. Luckily, Y/N had prepared for this as, in her experience (especially with Emilia), secret agent types are careless when it comes to first aid. They'd rather painfully limp a mile on a broken foot than take five minutes to make a splint and limp that mile less painfully.
Removing the straps of her backpack from her shoulders - which Adrian hadn't clocked until that point because the straps were the exact same colour as her shirt - she lowered it atop the scattered files to the left of where Adrian sat and unzipped it to reveal a bunch of stuff that looked very clinical to Adrian. He recognised some of it but he'd never been very good at the whole patching up thing, despite how much practise he had.
"Who's responsible for these?" She gently wiped away some blood that was about to drip off his elbow. "Was it Emilia?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
"Cause it's so shitty."
Not very many people knew that Emilia had a phobia of blood. It wasn't as severe these days, mostly on the account that it would be impossible to do her job if she let her fear get to her. Throughout her career, she'd gotten better at controlling herself, yet there were still moments when the sight of ichor still unnerved her.
"How's the pain? I've got some numbing drugs to make it painless, if that would help?"
Numbing? None of the others had ever offered him that before - probably because they didn't have it, but if they did and John got hurt first, Economos would definitely use up their supply on one injury. Someone offering to make his experience better without needing to? Shit. He was totally enamoured.
"Drug me up," he practically sang, only for his face to fall for a second. "Wait, it's legal drugs, right? You're not going to inject me with heroin or some shit, are you?"
What an idiot. An amused smile tugged at the corner of her lips at his concern and she shook her head. "How have you caught onto my plan of slowly drip feeding you opiates on my first day?" she joked, and to help him figure out that it was, in fact, a joke, she held up the bottle of anaesthetic so he'd be able to read the label. Sure, he didn't know what lidocaine was, but he could guess that it was the type of drug that a medical professional would use.
And by the way she warned, "Now, relax while I do this. You'll feel a small pinch, but that's it. Ready?" he could see that she definitely was used to this procedure. Maybe she'd done it hundreds of times before, maybe thousands. But, this was a type of bedside manner that he'd never experienced before. Doctors were like this, weren't they? They were like this on some of the tv shows he'd seen.
Honestly, he had no clue and just nodded dumbly. Getting checked out professionally was out of the question - mostly due to the cost, but there was also the need to hide his secret identity and explaining to a ER nurse that a drug dealer stabbed him in the shoulder whilst they were mid fight was a great way at blowing his cover - and this lack of proper care was evident by all of the jagged and wonky scars he had across his chest and shoulders that she gave a quick once over to ensure that there was nothing that was screaming 'BIG PROBLEM' that she would need to attend to immediately.
All of his DIY attempts had done the job. They weren't clean or well done but they'd worked, she concluded and started on her repair.
"You have a habit of getting hurt."
"No, I do-"
"That wasn't a question." She silenced whatever bullshit excuse he was about to try to get her to believe and gave him a look. Not one that was unkind, nor accusatory, but one that conveyed the general message of: I've read your case file, don't even try to deny what I've been briefed about. "Before these guys, did you patch yourself up?"
A small - and somewhat sad - "Yeah, still do most of the time," was what he responded in a soft whisper, making Y/N's heart crack a bit inside her. She knew Emilia could be cold and dismissive at times, but surely the rest of the group weren't the same?
"From now on, if you get hurt, you call me. Deal?"
The way she said it felt like a promise and, as he saw the determined glimmer in her eyes when she looked at him, Adrian felt a strange sense of relief wash over him. He wasn't exactly happy to admit it to himself but he couldn't shake the feeling that he liked having someone he could rely on looking out for him. Especially if that someone happened to be a pretty girl.
"Deal." He smiled, hoping that she could see the gratitude that flooded through his eyes.
Y/N returned that smile with a grin of her own and focused mostly on her stitching as he sat there watching her work. She was efficient and precise, never wasting time or effort. It wasn't rushed, nor was she sluggish. Just calm and steady and comforting, something which he appreciated a lot more than he thought he would ever. The way her fingers touched him so delicately with such expertise, as though she were performing surgery instead of doing simple patching, made him melt into a puddle and forget about all of the thoughts that had been plaguing him that day.
If he happened to make a noise, she stopped and let her eyes drift to his and wouldn't continue until he gave her a nod that he was fine and she could carry on. He was always fine. He always gazed back with a goofy dazed smile on his lips and his legs swinging right next to her hips, like a child whose favourite toy has finally arrived after weeks of longing and waiting for it. If he had any self control, he'd turn his gaze to anything but the beautiful girl, yet he couldn't bring himself to do so and his eyes were transfixed on her every move. It didn't matter if it was his stomach rumbling or the sound of their coworkers arguing in the next room - they both disappeared into the background, forgotten in the warmth of that moment.
Stitching him up took no time. She took one last look and ran her finger across it to make sure that everything was properly sewn. "Not too shabby, huh?" She glanced at him, smiling softly before reaching for a bandage and wrapping it carefully around his arm to secure it.
As soon as she was done, she ruffled his hair, cheering, "Way to go, champ," then realised what she had done and rushed to apologise, "Sorry. I've been working with children for years. I didn't realise it was demeaning until I did it."
"Oh, no no no! It's fine," he assured, "I liked it. Not in a weird way. It was funny."
"At least I didn't try to give you a sticker or a lollipop."
"You've got lollipops?"
Did she? She had said that as a joke. The only two types of people that have candy on them constantly are teachers and perverts. And, often, it's hard to tell the difference between the two. Still, she searched through her bag and found one to hand to him. Adrian walked back into the main room with a fixed arm, a lollipop and some pep in his step. The lollipop was the only part that Chris noticed and instantly complained, "Where did you get that from? I want one."
"Y/N gave it to me." It was the smuggest Adrian had ever sounded. "It was the last one she had."
Despite a jealous Peacemaker constantly asking for sweets, the rest of Y/N's first work day was a success. Emilia went over how they would proceed - for now, Y/N would assist John in the van so she could prepare her kit and be ready to fix up whoever (Adrian, most likely) needed it as soon as the field team got back - and the squad all sat around firing as many questions at the newbie as possible.
Leota was interested in Y/N's previous life as a kindergarten teacher, but she was definitely more interested in the way Vigilante was sliding his arm around the back of her chair. That boy was anything but subtle. He kept flicking glances at her from time to time and, whenever he did so, a bashful flush appeared on his cheeks before he ducked his head down and turned his attention to his feet for a few seconds in an effort to un-pinkify his being. Adebayo had never seen Adrian act so shy before.
Anytime they went out to bars, Adrian would never really act that interested in anyone of any gender (other than Peacemaker, of course) and she assumed that his flirting technique would be like his personality - loud and crude and brash. This gentler approach was something that didn't suit him at all. He seemed much more reserved and sweet than the cocky and arrogant Adrian she had come to know.
Chris, on the other hand, kept asking very personal questions that Emilia had to keep stopping him from committing multiple HR violations in one single breath. While everyone else found it amusing to hear his incessant babbling directed towards Y/N, Harcourt spent most of her time nudging him and telling him to "knock it off" or "Shut the fuck up cause I don't wanna know this shit."
That was until Emilia happened to notice what Y/N was wearing. The button up. She'd seen that before. "Hey, is that my shirt? I thought I lost that years ago," she accused, reaching her arm over to pinch at the fabric of Y/N's sleeve and pull a face at the offending item.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Meeley."
Bullshit. Y/N was a pretty good liar but the thing about sisters is that they can often tell when their sibling is lying. Emilia now knew that it had been stolen from her wardrobe all those years ago, just as a lot of her clothes did back then.
Next Chapter: BG3
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subwaytostardew · 2 months
Subway to Stardew - Passenger Events - Saloon Part 2
This plays after you see the first saloon event (submas having lunch with Elliott!) and visit on a Friday after reaching 3 hearts with Elesa.
Commentary under the read-more!
Did you notice the sprites? No? Great! I finally stopped procrastinating and recolored their spritesheets so now they don't share the same brown outline and match vanilla style a bit more!
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Sprite-wise... they're over 80. Emmet's in his 90's.
So many sprites.....
Also... Elesa's back! We have a basic outline for what would happen in Elesa's events, but we haven't written anything for her yet... She has plans though! She's rounding up all the artists for it. Meanwhile, submas are still struggling with passenger relations.
Elesa's storyline is going to be fun to plan out but one of her B plots is making sure Ingo and Emmet take their breaks!
Elesa's fun. She's a bit awkward herself (girl can NOT keep a secret for the life of her) but she's doing things. Nimbasa trio share a braincell and they pass it around throughout this event.
We wanted to show a little more insight into their life in the valley and how others feel about them. This time, you're catching them on a bad day. One of my favorite things about Stardew is how everyone is very much flawed in some way and everyone is an unreliable narrator. I love how it just presents life in a run-down town as is and it's up to you to interpret whatever glimpses you get.
Trying to merge the two different media's in terms of tone and seriousness is a bit complex. Pokémon - as a franchise - is at the end of a the day; kid friendly. Stardew Valley, while may look happy go lucky and cute touches upon some really heavy topics.
We are basically skirting the lines here and there with the themes and even trying to make it in character for the Pokémon characters as well.
Taking a kid friendly characters and just trying to touch upon tough subjects while also trying not to seem OOC or off - is tough. So creative liberties it is.
Not everyone gets along in Stardew. I tried to emphasize that in Sebastian's distaste for submas. He would hate being their neighbor. He's cranky because he can't sleep in until 10:00 AM anymore because they're already at work before it turns 6:00 in the morning. Extreme opposites with their problems.
Sebastian and Submas DO NOT get along... They may tolerate each other at the end of the story but they just do not mix well.
I also think that Sebastian would just project a lot of his personal problems onto them... He already does that with Maru. He's not the best taking out his frustrations in the right direction. Haven't finished Maru's passenger event yet (another battle event...) but submas would be decently close with her since she has an interest in Pokemon and Sebastian would take that as "siding" against him. They are also decently aquainted with Demetrius which isn't the best for Sebastian's dad issues. He's not fond of the invasive species they brought in but they do appreciate infodumping to each other about mechanics and such.
Oh, Demetrius... I'm going to have fun with world building info-dumps with him. Ya'll like world building? Well, talk to the villagers, they may have a glimpse into things.
I do headcanon Demetrius (pretty much painfully canon...), Maru, and Sebastian as autistic themselves just like the Nimbasa trio. Unfortunately, that does not necessarily mean that they'll always have solidarity. For one, Sebastian's sensitivity to loud noises puts him at odds with Ingo. Submas fare better with the more infodumpy types.
Sibling relations are a sore subject for all of them so submas are horrified at even the thought of splitting tracks and hating each other because they have codependency issues; Sebastian has an inferiority complex and hates how they make him feel like even more of a failure because he doesn't like Maru. Neither parties are exactly healthy, but you can pick between who you're going for! (I was curious as to what the deal was with Sebastian so he was the first bachelor I married... I think you can tell that I divorced him.)
Sebastian has his issues... He was also going to be my first bachelor but uhh, I went with Harvey. I still love Sebastian as a character tho, he is really complex especially family dynamic wise. I do feel bad for him....
He does. I do appreciate how messy his family dynamic is, but I'm a little biased against him since I appreciate Maru and Demetrius more (sorry). I really like how he doesn't handle his issues healthily (I mean... look at Emmet.) and it's interesting to compare him to the other characters.
Like Sam! Sam's a good kid (college age 20 something year old...) and actually really emotionally mature even if he's a bit childish at times. Abigail... isn't quite all there yet but she has a strong sense of what's right and wrong. She's less hesitant than Sam when it comes to things, but Sam serves a bit as damage control here. I headcanon Sam and Abigail to have ADHD so they kind of have an idea about submas being autistic and what that entails, but it's not at the forefront of their mind. It doesn't help that their autism manifests in verrrrry different ways and they don't really know them all that well in the first place. It's a bit awkward between them but they're okay with each other.
We had a bit of fun determining the heart point changes between each route. Personally, I think friendship decreases are hilarious. Also if you don't back up anyone in this situation then... 🤨
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(1) Sebastian -
Ingo -100 | Emmet -250 | Sebastian +250 | Sam -5 | Abigail -15
(2) Ingo -
Ingo +40 | Emmet +5 | Sebastian -100 | Sam -20 | Abigail -25
(3) Emmet -
Ingo +25 | Emmet +30 | Sebastian -100 | Sam -5 | Abigail -5
(4) Sam and Abigail -
Ingo +20 | Emmet +5 | Sebastian -40 | Sam +50 | Abigail +50
(5) Nobody -
Ingo -50 | Emmet -200 | Sebastian -200 | Sam -50 | Abigail -50
I don't see friendship decreases as characters getting angry at you per se. It can always just be them feeling awkward and wanting to distance themselves from you for a bit. For example, if you reject Ingo in his 8 heart event, you get knocked down two hearts just so you can get more friendly-but-not-too-friendly dialogue before it stagnates again at 8 hearts.
The "true ending" is Sam and Abigail's route since they're fairly neutral picks. You should stand up for them! Sebastian would agree that him lashing out was wrong, but he just doesn't want to talk to you about it. Why would he? You would just lecture him or something.
Bad ending is not siding with anybody like a coward. Sebastian's being a bit of a bully here (mainly to a grown man a whole head taller than him, but still, his friends got caught in the crossfire) and if you're wishy-washy then that's just odd of you as the town's farmer and supposed protagonist that goes out of their way to befriend everyone. Not a good look.
Sebastian's route is a bit of a jab at how his romance plays out. A few people have mentioned Emmet and Sebastian being friends with each other under the reasoning that they're lonely autists (but mostly just being favorites, which I get) buuuut... Not sure why you would go for Sebastian when submas is right there. Pick one or the other. They're enemies here. I can't quite see them getting along past that surface-level analysis. Smoking alone is a hard No. from Emmet since birds are super sensitive to airborne toxins (so much so, you can't even have non-stick pans around them!) and he's protective over his defeatist of an Archeops.
Ingo's route is more for fun than anything. If you really want Ingo, you do get the most points with him for mentioning him, but he's confused as to why you're trying to win him over now of all times. He's concerned about Emmet first and foremost!
Emmet has trust issues so even the slightest red flag puts a quite a bit of distance between you. He has low point increases because it's hard to win his trust. In this situation, a point increase mostly just means you didn't do anything wrong. If you side with him, that's what you're supposed to do since he's the side against Sebastian. He may be getting picked on, but he's a bit of an instigator himself. His own route aside, Ingo would be most pleased to see you speak up for his brother. Ingo's route is only has the highest point increases for him because it's well, his.
As for the bar fight... It was a bit difficult to figure out how to make it play out believably and interestingly despite it being three New Yorkers against some grocery store owner. Ingo is more focused on defense, de-escalation, and protecting his passengers (in this case, the college kids). He can take a hit and doesn't want to resort to making any attacks unless absolutely necessary, so he was blocking for the most part. Had Ingo not been the designated grocery shopper, Pierre and Emmet probably would have already killed each other. Emmet doesn't have the patience to deal with Pierre. He thinks Reshiram will smite him for upcharging them and will take it upon himself to deliver the justice of truth. Emmet's swinging at Pierre. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the best defense nor balance when he's kicking and punching. Pierre's too drunk to talk about it, but even sober he suspects that submas are working with Joja because as far as he knows, he saw Morris walk away from the Railroad when they first arrived.
Ah yes. Joja stuff. *Realigns stacks of papers* Lets touch upon Joja here for a moment and Pierre's view of things. When Submas first came around. Pierre was already suspicious of them - more confused if anything - why are two major city boys who also- mind you- come from a foreign region and bring along Pokémon. Take interest in a small town? With an abandon railroad? Right off the bat he does not have a great view; he is worried about his store, his income, and family and this is stemmed all due to Joja Mart.
Now Pierre spots Morris heading towards the railroad - of course Pierre does not know what the interactions between Submas and Morris are. In his mind it's Submas making a deal to work with them or is already with them! Pierre already hates Morris as it is.
That is why he is so passive aggressive to Ingo and Emmet. Just this time around - Pierre is drunk... and Abigail's friend is being "annoyed" by them.
Well... outright agressive in this event haha. I don't quite remember how the idea was finalized, but we decided that they would get into a barfight when doing another "showing passenger relations at the Saloon" event.
As for Joja itself. I most definitely headcannon them in this whole crossover universe as the typical "bad guy" Pokémon team. However they have already won/succeeded (Pokémon are no longer in The Ferngill Republic....) However things are now being shaken up and changing.
I could go on and on about Joja and how I view them... but I think that will be a separate post (if people want to know)
The fight was a pain to debug. For one, Pierre kept running off into the void like a coward. Ingo's lines about staying behind the yellow line were made in the debugging phase because I got fed up with him for doing that.
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Worse yet. 1.6 broke the Pokemon animations so now I have to go back into every event and redo everything (RIP green bean X-Scissor). The old method I was using no longer worked; before, I was using the addObject command. Now they show up as error signs because the sprites that were previously on the sheet called from were removed as they are not valid objects.
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I ended up having to figure out the temporarySprites command to replace the "using a Pokeball" animation. There are no instances of it being used in vanilla. Nobody seemed to figure it out either, so I had to make a mini-event just to test its usage and figure it out.
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I eventually did. Thanks to the help of my emotional support Emmet.
Ah yes... 1.6 has broken some events. Small things. (events are still playable) But we will definitely be revisiting some events to improve or make better. Or to just fix.
I have so much backtracking to do 😭😭😭😭😭 Oh well... I thought events were safe to work on since barely anything about them changed in 1.6... I was wrong.
The ending had quite a bit of revising for concision and tone. It was much more lighthearted in Kade's drafts, but I figured that Emmet is low on steam and probably would have gone nonverbal after everything. Too much passenger interaction for the day. He just wants to depart back to his home station.
Yeah there was a lot of dialog and exposition cut. (Hmm no wonder why it's only 13 minutes long. lol)
Only 13 minutes... Still a lot considering that most vanilla events are around the 1-3 minute mark...
Poor Emmet.. and Ingo. I won't lie, when first seeing the event I burst out laughing during the fistfight. Just somthing about Ingo suddenly collapsing due to Pierre. BUT THEY'RE OKAY - ISH.
It's a bit comical! I had fun ragdolling them. Emmet was going to be much more swingy in his attacks but I ended up not keeping it in since it just didn't look right when used as an animation frame.
We at least kept one of the rag-doll sprite as a "knock back" from Pierre. Which transitions well with his passed out sprite.
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Until next time! Thank you for boarding!
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Hi hi hello Cambria here on my main blog I have zero braincells to add any thoughts to this message but what are your Clara Thornton thoughts specifically I loved your comic so so much and that you even thought to make comparison between her and that phenomenon with birds it is so unnerving and also the panel at the end with Jackson and her having the same expression ….. AAHHH anyways. I am always here to talk about Clara and GTH if you have more thoughts this is me asking you to please share them and I will listen
OH MY GOD THANK YOU ily cambria GOD i wish we knew more concrete stuff about her childhood so that there was more to discuss. like surely there was some real and not just perceived form of alienation between Clara herself and her cousins' family when she was taken to live there, but we don't get any evidence of it in the game which I think is just tragic. Like it doesn't seem like something Clara would ever mention organically because of her desire to appear strong, Harper probably wouldn't mention it because she might have been too young or naive to pick up on it, and Wade probably never knew that such tensions even existed.
Like by all accounts Roger and Marie were great people and parents, but given their demanding jobs, the fact that they already had two children, and the fact that they presumably didn't have much info on grief and trauma and how to guide children through it, it's very possible they were just never there for Clara in the same way they were there for their own kids. I mentioned in another post that because grief in children surrounding parental loss often comes with a lot of resentment, it's possible that young Clara pushed herself away from her new family, and they just didn't know how to respond to that, didn't know how normal it was, and thus never treated her as one of them. I want to know so badly what they did, no matter how well-intentioned, that would leave Clara feeling like she'd ever be pushed out of the family after being taken in by them as an actual child and living with them for 8+ years. That would be a seriously major insult after being brought up with them!!!
Or was it because of the possible incest thing? Lately I'm back to thinking that that may have actually been intentional from the writers!
Idk this story is just sooo complex and rich and I'm honestly both glad it exists in a Nancy Drew game so that the dark parts can be understated and we can imagine our own backstories and also sad that it has to be so limited because I would also read a full novel or watch a whole Netflix original series about the Thorntons of Blackrock.
I also wish we got more info about the eventual reconciliation of the Thornton family. To what level was Clara a part of that? If she wasn't, and all her lifelong fears were confirmed at the end of the game, that would be really tragic. It would make sense, since her manipulation of Harper and Wade may have left their relationships far beyond repair, but god wouldn't that be a sad corruption story? And did Clara go to jail for what happened in 1989? (I kind of doubt it, given her socioeconomic status, the fact that the fire was so many years ago and may have been entirely accidental, etc., but who knows.)
But then, by the end of the game, Jessalyn is at the core of the family, not Clara or Harper or Wade, and she seems to have a lot of love and forgiveness for her mother. And maybe Clara could start to become a new person now that she's not being burdened by this horrible secret and if she sees that she will always have at least some of her family! I love a story whose theme is that it's never too late to change, and that shows that change comes because of love and support!
Do they all do holidays together? Does Jessalyn ever drag them all on tropical family vacations, even though Harper doesn't really like her cousins, Wade sees maybe an hour of sunlight per year, and Clara hasn't had fun in twenty years?? Do Harper and Clara try to kill each other with carving knives on Thanksgiving? I just need so much more on this deeply fucked up but also very funny family.
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selfox · 27 days
Here by my continuation of live reaction to fic Random Tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra from chapter Pride and Falls to chapter Locked In.
I'll admit that I'm already at Ungrateful Ark. I kinda gulped the Villains resort in one go, I was so immersed into it ^^' so I'd need more time to well... To structure overall thoughts
Fails and Pride
This awkwardness… guys, please just *talk*. Nature gave you mouths and brains. At least some shared braincells.
I love how slowly those two moved closer to one another during Worst Villain Fails. Mortification over their own mishaps, marvelous and the best way to bond once again Xd
OMG DRAKKEN THAT NO NO 🤣🤣🤣 DREW, YOU'RE AWFUL OTL OH this frazzled my game. Oh god. I HATE THAT JOKE 🤣🤣🤣
*several minutes later*
OK, I think I'm alive.
........ You're nutty, my guy
Ok moving on.
Nah, Dr D its a cool song!
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure those were from the gauntlets alone, my guy.
........ I've seen the illustration of this moment and I still think that either Carmen Sandiego needs to wear that coat more often or Drakken needs to take of his top part more... *sips tea*
This... Idk why but Drakken interacting with Wegos and Mego is giving me such a dose of serotonin. Especially them getting along. And yes, that slang is awful. Teach them, D!
Poor Shego. All nerves, awkwardness and overthinking. But he was just talking about Wegos.
YAAAY they are back!
Seriously (>:( Eddie, curse you ), I wish that we got an actual episode of how those two solved their issues during after whole Mad dogs and Aliens
.... And there was only one bed 🤣
“What if I wake up spooning her...” daaaw
I am laughing so hard at Shego's turmoil
Ok I'm laughing more at how she feels offended over pillow wall.
Yes, he was concerned over spooning, Shego.
Why is this Spongebob and Squidward moment with that wall?
He admitted it! Hallelujah!
Hehe time to share stories
.... You know with this sleepover and them being like little girls and how previously Shego helped him with make up....... I think I know what a perfect meme to use in my next drawing
;-; babies, I knew I just *knew* I'll get all soft on the babies in the baby era. THANK YOU JASPER YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE ;-;
OTL yeah...... That was not casual at allll OTL
She called him Drew ;-;
OTL oh yeah ough. Ough. Ouch.
Hello foil to Kim ouch. I am to this day still wish someone could say that to Kim.
OTL here it is “the image”
OTL welp, it was sweet but so bitter sweet ;-;
Aww grandma boy ;-; I wanna hear more about grandma Prudence ;-; and bby Drewbie and bby Eddie. This family
🤣 make it exciting, make it dangerous... make it sexy
... Chad? He and Shego are awful at naming things.
Please, not a bite of 87.... Well 2002 actually xhhxx
HOW DOES??????? He is either so unlucky or lucky as fuck
Them are precious beans.
OTL shego you really have to be careful with your wording cggvhv
Yes dr d you are her best hus... Friends and much closer than Junior
Locked in
One of the chilliest chapters and it is nice to get one after all that happened even if I know that retreat arch has its own thing going.
Heh, those two are such accidentally prone dorks
More reactions to come. And hopefully more thoughts this time
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whereonceiwasfire · 2 years
My one tired braincell has had a thought!
So, Danny's finally fed up with Vlad's crap, right? All the plotting, and scheming, and villain monologuing. Like seriously. The dude needs to get a hobby. Or a date. Wait. Yeah, Danny thinks. Maybe that's something. He saw the not completely dickish way Vlad was chatting up that reporter from the reunion. What was her name? Heather? Helen? Harriet? Yeah, Harriet! This is definitely something...
Danny proceeds to blatantly set these two up at every opportunity, in that slightly obnoxious, yet kind of effective way only a fourteen year old can. Yeah, yeah, he's the Fenton's kid and he'd love to answer some of Harriet's questions. He'll be at his Uncle Vlad's place. Whoops. Completely forgot. That was tomorrow he was gonna be over there. Oh well, now she's there anyway, it'd be rude of his uncle not to entertain her for a little bit, right? Danny makes big, sad, puppy dog eyes as he spins a sob story about how nobody can make it to the production of Hamlet his school is putting on. Maybe...Vlad and Harriet could come? And sit beside each other. Not that Danny's even in the play, but that's beside the point. Oh, oh, his parents have been wanting to have dinner with Uncle Vlad for ages. He should totally come this week. And bring that lady friend he's been spending so much time with. Oh, she went to their college too? What're the odds? Now she definitely has to come. It'll be fun.
Danny's not always around after he sets his little schemes in motion, after all, his plan wasn't to have to spend more time with his archnemesis. But he starts taking a more active approach when it doesn't exactly seem like his plan is working (little does he know, Vlad and Harriet are actually starting to get along, mostly bonding over the shared absurdity of being a single person in their 40s with a dating life so dismal a 14yo has to set them up).
Danny starts engaging in some not-so-subtle, matchmaking subterfuge to speed his plan along. He bumps into Vlad and/or Harriet from behind so they're standing close, sends waiters over with wine on Vlad's tab, knocks out the power so they're chatting by candlelight. He passes along compliments and presents the other person never actually gave to try to endear them to each other. It's especially difficult for Danny to come up with fake nice things Harriet said about Vlad, so they end up being weird, backhanded compliments like "oh, she wanted me to tell you that you don't look like a drowned rat man and she thinks your...uh...tie is......expensive." (Vlad finds it incredibly amusing to watch the boy try to find something nice to say about him so doesn't let on that he knows what's happening here).
This plan has kept Danny about as occupied as it's kept Vlad, but he's weirdly invested now. For some, unknown reason, it seems like Harriet actually likes Vlad. And Vlad doesn't seem like a total jackass when Harriet's around. And Danny can't give up now, he believes in the power of love. Or. Whatever. At the very least he's gotta see how this plays out because he figured it would keep the dude busy for a couple days and it's been months now.
Maybe he could somehow trick them into getting married...
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toastywarmth · 1 year
HBO’s Fred isn’t as bad as you think…
From the title, you’re probably confused, but let me explain.
I’ve seen a lot of people (rightfully so), criticising this new version of Fred, and saying he’s now a bad person.
But after analysing the first two episodes, I believe this Fred isn’t as antagonistic as people make him out to be. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a whiny brat, but when you actually look deeper into it, he didn’t do anything particularly wrong, and it’s the characters around him who give him crap for no reason.
Let’s start with his dynamic with Velma for example;
At first meeting, Fred does not give Velma the time of day and is pretty racist towards her, and is overall a jerk.
In the context of this one scene, Fred was not meant to be likeable, and it would make sense why Velma would dislike him enough, to accuse him of murder.
But...then we get the scene of them having a heart to heart, with Fred opening about his insecurities around his masculinity, and Velma sharing her experience with her mom and her hallucinations. It was a sweet moment between them, and Fred even remembered Velma’s name. This was the only scene in the first episode that I genuinely enjoyed, because it felt like the show was finally taking itself seriously instead of being meta, too bad they had to ruin it, and I’ll explain why in a moment.
After this scene, we get a scene of Velma changing her appearance to fit in, but it only works for a short while, before her classmates remember that she is still the main suspect in a murder case, and begin throwing trash at her. Fred immediately goes to Velma’s defence, though a bit passive aggressive, he was still one of the few people to believe that Velma didn’t do it. Plus, he’s a popular guy, why would he risk that by defending an outcast like Velma, if he didn’t have a smidge of belief in her.
And after both the heart to heart and him saving her from being hit by a paper cutter, Velma still had the audacity to insist that Fred murdered Brenda, even though it fundamentally makes no sense.
The body was found in Velma’s locker, the second body was found in her recycling bin. Surely, if she rubbed together two of her shrivelled, dulled, flea-sized braincells together, she would assume that the person who murdered those girls, is trying to frame her. So why would she believe that Fred (one of the few people who believes that she didn’t do it and openly defended her) be a part of the murder.
“Oh! Because he’s a rich white guy with a small dick—” I will roast you in a chicken rotisserie and feed you to my cat!
Velma is supposed to be the clever detective, yet she is clouded by her own biases, and doesn’t see the clear answers in front of her face. And the worst part is, when she did end up defending Fred, she does it by humiliating him in front of an entire courtroom.
Claiming that he couldn’t possibly cut those girls’ brains out, when he couldn’t even cut his own food, but completely forgetting that in the first episode, he threw a paper cutter with extreme precision and in doing so casually slicing off a student’s leg (yes, this is a real thing that happens the show, no it is not addressed).
Also, I hate how Velma joins in on dogpiling Fred on his body issues, even though she is aware that he struggles with his masculinity. It comes off as really mean, when Fred poured his heart out to Velma, and in return, Velma just judged him like everyone else.
The issues I stated above could’ve been fixed immediately, if they just removed the scene of their heart to heart, and the scene of Fred defending Velma. Velma would still have a reason to suspect Fred of murder, but won’t come off as too ridiculous.
Now that Velma is done, time to move on to Daphne, and her dynamic with Fred.
In their first scene together, it’s framed as Fred being a bad boyfriend. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying Fred is a good boyfriend, he did planned for Brenda to be his Plan B, if things didn’t go as planned with Daphne. But Daphne is not any better, when it comes to their relationship;
For one, she sexually pressures Fred. Touching him inappropriately, then gets mad at him when he says no. And then proceeds to gossip about him behind his back, all because he doesn’t want to have sex with her.
This is played up for jokes, or seen as Daphne being justified. When in reality, this was wrong of Daphne, she shouldn’t get mad at Fred for not having sex with her, then betray his trust, by talking behind his back to Velma, a person Fred doesn’t even know personally. And the reason this pisses me off so much, because I know this would be taken more seriously if the gender roles were reversed.
Here’s a little Tumblr wisdom; it doesn’t matter if you are a boy or girl or whatever, if your significant other is pressuring you into doing sexual activities, despite your protests, they do not care for you as a person, but more as something to benefit from.
You don’t need a reason to not want to have sex, even with the person you are dating.
This isn’t the only thing that Daphne does to Fred. She doesn’t even come to his defence when he accused of murder. Their relationship is implied to be one out of convenience rather than love, but still, shouldn’t Daphne be at least concerned that her boyfriend (whom she probably known for a while) could most likely end up in jail?
Not to mention, her possibly cheating on Fred with Velma. I say possibly, because I don’t know if it was stated or implied that her and Fred broke up, and I do not have the willpower to rewatch the episodes.
So recap; Fred is a bad boyfriend, but Daphne is an even worse girlfriend. Daphne and Velma are both mega-bitches, and deserve each other.
Now for the writers themselves, who think that having a 15 year old boy being constantly sexually harassed is considered ‘comedy’.
I can forgive something like Family Guy for doing these kinds of disgusting jokes, because they are at least a original property. Fred Jones is a character that people grew up with for years, and they decided to show him in this light, without even having the decency to age him up.
We get constant scenes of random ass adults making uncomfortable jokes about this minor’s dong. We get a scene of a bunch of people photographing this HIGHSCHOOLER in a open robe, and Fred’s father is more concerned about people finding out about his penis size, rather than the fact that these adults are taking pictures of a naked minor. Everyone in this show should be in freaking arrested!
And it’s made worse, it’s made so much worse, when you see the writers of this show are purposely making Fred as infantilised as possible.
Not only do they sexualise/make sexual jokes towards a highschooler, but they did it to a highschooler who has the mannerisms of a toddler. I don’t care if it’s a joke, I am GOING to give the writers the side-eye for this.
Also, side tangent, but making Fred this clueless child-like fool, is a can of worms of itself. For those who don’t know, Fred Jones was autism-coded by the fandom for a while, and was confirmed to be canonically autistic in Mystery Incorporated. I don’t need to explain why it’s bad to make an autistic-corded character into a clueless blubbering man-child. Of course, I know that the showrunners didn’t intend to make an incredibly ableist portrayal of Fred, but that doesn’t make it better. This is why you should ALWAYS do research on the source material before making a reboot, or else you end up with shit like this, and erase actual good representation. I know I sound overly passionate about this, but as a person on the spectrum who felt seen by Fred in Mystery Incorporated, this felt like a huge betrayal for me.
In conclusion to this post, this new version of Fred is annoying, but he deserves more of your sympathy than Velma.
Velma backstabbed him, even though he defended her.
His girlfriend sexually pressures him, and then didn’t have the gull to defend him when he’s committed of murder, and then fucks off to make out with the girl who tried to bash her head in with a crowbar in the earlier episode.
Everyone is constantly sexually harassing and body-shaming him, most of which are freaking adults.
That’s the end of my post, thank you for reading.
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wip tease number 5 or something
Lance has no idea how powerful he truly is.
Seriously. Completely oblivious. He’s convinced that he’s the only one on the team who’s not powerful — and Keith knows this because those are the words Lance said with his own mouth. He’s so convinced that power is Shiro’s strength, Pidge’s intelligence, Hunk’s wit and compassion, Allura’s regality, and Coran’s wisdom. He’s even completely sure that Keith has power in his speed and initiative.
Somehow, though, the heart of Voltron does not know how he holds everyone in the palm of his hand. He does not see the picture of terror he makes; jaw clenched, brown eyes flashing with determination, back straight and shoulders set, demonic spider at his side, telepathic mice gathered on his head, poisonous, sentient vine wrapped around him — and the spirts of two lions, red and blue, growling in tandem behind him as he swears that no harm will come to the beast by Voltron’s hand.
Lance did not see the fear in the dignitary’s face. He did not notice his team staring at him with wide eyes, leaning far away from him and his own personal army. He did not see the pure, concentrated power rippling from him in waves.
If Keith’s being totally, completely honest, it’s kind of hot.
But it’s also a pain in the ass. As much as Lance’s greatest strength is in convincing people to listen to him, when he sets stubborn eyes on a task, the Universe herself cannot sway him. Keith has a snowball’s chance in hell of managing either.
“Just try,” Shiro pleads. “Please. Attempt to convince him that, as much as it sucks, killing the damn beast is the easiest way to secure this alliance and move on.”
“Shiro, your braincells are spilling out your ears like loose marbles if you think that I can convince him to even listen to the words I will attempt to say.”
“Holy idiom, there, cowboy,” Pidge teases, and Keith breaks away from the intense stare-down with his brother to stick his tongue out and shoot her the finger.
“That’s a normal idiom. Sorry that you grew up in Michigan where the most interesting insult you ever hear is someone saying please with a little more passive aggression than usual.”
“…Alright. Point to Keith.”
“Mhm. That’s what I thought.”
“Paladins!” Allura snaps, ignoring Hunk’s comment that she is also, actually, a paladin now, and as such has lost a good chunk of ethos. “Focus! Stars, it’s like I have to do everything around here. Keith. Put your big boy pants on.”
Shiro chokes with laughter, desperately trying to pretend it’s really a cough, but it fools no one.
God, those two need to stop hanging out together. Shiro is dragging Allura down to his level. Poor woman.
“Talk to Lance,” she continues. “He only really listens to you.”
Keith looks at her incredulously. “Listens to me — have I missed something? I asked Lance to lead a briefing yesterday and he asked me what deity died and made me king of the jungle. He doesn’t listen to a goddamn word I say.”
Allura raises an eyebrow. “Did he?”
“Did he what?”
“Lead the briefing yesterday?”
Keith deflates. Because, well. “Yeah,” he mutters.
“So you’re just being a pussy, then,” she summarizes, and this time Shiro doesn’t even pretend he’s coughing. Hunk and Pidge also lose their shit.
“I resent that,” Keith says haughtily, denying nothing.
“Yeah. Okay. Off you go. Convince him to at least attempt to hear us out.”
Keith sighs, but does as asked, making his way to his and Lance’s rooms. He decides to take a minute and gather his thoughts — see, he’s learning, look at how not-impulsive he’s being — and heads to his room first.
He spends a few minutes when he gets there meditating beside his bed — he’d rather stick a hot iron through his eye than admit it, but Shiro and Black may be a little, teensy, itty-bitty bit correct about taking time to gather up thoughts and reflect or whatever.
Just as he’s about to get up and knock on Lance’s door, he hears Coran’s heeled boots click down the hallway.
Oh, fuck yes. If Coran talks to Lance, he might actually listen without argument! Lance has no issue following Coran’s instructions!
…On the other hand, Coran’s just as much of a — and Keith says this with all the fondness in his heart, believe him, if he didn’t find it so damn endearing he would not be spending his nights imagining what will happen when he finally grows enough of a pair to ask Lance on a date — tree-hugger as Lance is. He won’t be happy about the beast killing either.
But, hey. Coran’s a wise guy. It’s probably fine.
Just in case, though, he gets up as quietly as he can — he knows Lance’s goddamn bat ears will hear him if his fucking heart beats too loudly — and leans against the door to hear their conversation.
“Lance, dear, I was just coming to find you,” Coran says.
So far, so good. If Coran was already trying to find Lance, it was probably to try and gently convince him that saving the beast might not be the best option, right?
Keith heart sinks a little as a new thought worms into his brain.
Or, maybe, Lance isn’t just being stubborn, and he’s actually upset. Maybe Coran is going to make sure Lance is feeling okay, like a good person.
…Yeah. That’s more likely. Keith kind of feels like a jackass.
He startles out of his thoughts as Coran’s voice, notably louder than before, speaks again.
“Well, if you’re really feeling so much better, would you mind helping me recalibrate the fabricator?”
“Absolutely,” Lance says, and he does sound remarkably happier than he did when he stomped out of the bridge.
Huh. Maybe Lance convinced himself…?
As he says it, he knows it’s not true. But it might not be best to bring it up now, then. He’s only just gotten into a good mood, it will probably be better to bring it up over dinner, or something, when the good mood has enough time to settle properly.
Keith nods to himself. Yeah. That’s totally not an excuse because he doesn’t want Lance to look at him in complete betrayal again when Keith attempts to convince him that saving the beast is not an option, or anything.
from this series of mine
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beevean · 6 months
Man its just that the average nfcv fan vision of the belmonts is a human centipede. You grab the og belmonts, you kno the good hearted almost superhuman warriors who fought and killed Dracula time and time again, let nfcv turn them into regular vampire hunters that are framed as morally gray bc "muh poor vampires :(", and who are cynical jerks that don't do much of anything. And then you let the fandom bully them into the ground bc haha loser men and muh girlbosses.
And its kinda weird bc its also often making fun of them due to their traumas? Like yea maybe alcoholism due to losing your entire family at a young age isnt a joke you know. Or seeing your mother get killed in front of you as a child. Yes ofc you can make fun of dark stuff i'd be lynched as a hypocrite if i said you cant, but the way its done and how continuous it is... irrespectful? Like they dont respect the serious aspects of the character and legit think they suck for having horrible things happen to them? Im bad at gauging jokes like that but... yea (they just dont know how to bully fictional characters unlike us who throw Isaac off a 10 stories building everyday <3)
In any case, N! Trevor and N! Richter do not deserve that sort of treatment already, and much less their mainline counterparts :/
And regarding girlbosses, they way ppl need to put down their men to show how cool the girls are just, reeks of insecurity to me? Why does having a "loser dumb wife guy" makes her a girlboss? Why would a confident gal need a loser to take care of instead of a good partner were both compliment eachother's strong and weak points? Maybe im being a bit dramatic here, but it carries off a similar mentality to sexist guys that need to put down their gal's accomplishments to feel well Plus, the way how fandoms still revolve around said loser guys and how a lot of the times the writing itself makes the girlboss character a compliment or a motivation for the man without depth for herself makes it all feel performative. Just write a normal character with character traits who happens to be a woman ffs :/
It's incredible. NFCV alone feels like a shitty fanfiction, full of those fanfic tropes that would make me close immediately: flanderization, wimpification of "pretty" male characters, thirsting, juvenile wit, spotlight-stealing OCs, gratuituous sex and SA treated with the finesse of a charging hippo. Then you let the fandom fandomify this shitty fanfic even more, and the result is just a disaster, a kiddie pool of the most baffling misconceptions you could see.
Just to make one example, Trevor in the games is a noble but ruthless hunter, both friendly and fierce, fighting for mankind yet wanting respect yet gladly giving credit to his friends; in the show, he's a washed out Bojack Horseman-esque asshole, who despite his cynicism admittedly attempts to do the right thing when push comes to shove; and according to fandom he's pretty much a funny penis man with two braincells, Sypha and Alucard. the scene where he punches Dracula and he goes "you must be the Belmont" became a meme for a reason :^)
And yeah you're right that the fandom doesn't seem to. like the Belmonts much. But then again, they're acting like the show wants them to :) The writing doesn't take Trevor's alcoholism seriously, so they don't, alcoholism is a funny joke that makes people silly and just a tad pathetic (and it's not a serious addiction and symptom of larger problems no sir). Richter is a goofball who cries in a corny way, so it's easy to laugh at him - and that's when fans don't say that Julia deserved to die for being a "colonizer". Lenore is sexualized to hell and back, so the fans thirst for her and they think that Hector must thirst for her too, and look, wasn't her death so prettly tragic, maybe she was a good person after all!
The way fandoms treat girl characters nowadays is... barely an improvement over the 2000s when Amy would be called a slut for having a backless dress. Now it's all about how stronk and kewl and queens and girlbosses they are. And you can't criticize the writing of a female character because "just say you hate women 🙄", even when the said character is a female victim of abuse who was written by a molester as a smug radfem whose personality never goes beyond "i want to steal from men because men bad" *coughcoughcough*
The show itself is regressive when it comes to its female characters. They're all the damn same. They're either spunky sassy gals who put their men in their place, or evil but hot dommy mommies (Striga and Morana don't fit the mold because they're not characters). Most of them are magic users, even those who in the games were normal women. I will forever stand by my point that Annette did not need to be a metal bender, and if the writers truly cared, they could have fleshed out the skeleton provided by RoB. But they didn't. Because girl power!!! but only if you're conventionally "badass" and have a "strong" attitude.
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theintrovertbean · 11 months
Not gonna post more about Dorian and its staff. This will be my last post that involves those people in any way.
This is a blog dedicated to Nadia, and it shall remain this way. I brought this mess here, and now I'm putting an end to it. Plus, Nadia deserves better than to have trash on a blog that's dedicated to her.
However, I will not be silent when someone harasses Nadia and/or her fans. I will forever stand up for our goddess Nadia and my fellow simps even when no one else does.
Any accusations of me fetishizing Nadia will be met with a smile and a good laugh because any person with a braincell can tell that these are not true. Nothing I've ever said indicates that I fetishize Nadia and/or women of color in any way. That's because I don't. I am no child, and, unlike others, I don't behave like one either. I will not throw a tantrum when people are trying to hurt me by making up false, baseless claims. Like, seriously, when did I ever fetishize Nadia? This is just ridiculous. Her race and ethnicity have never been mentioned in any of my posts. When will people realize that a woman is way more than her looks?
My blog isn't huge, and I know I have been absent. Yeah, it has some popularity, but since it's dedicated to one character, it can't compare to others. Wouldn't have it any other way, tho, because we have created a small community, a simpdom (yk simp kingdom) for safely loving and appreciating Nadia the way she is. I intend to keep it this way and post some more content because despite how much we love Nadia, she is still severely underappreciated.
If someone ever hurts you, stand up for yourself. Never be afraid to voice your opinion and know that you are never alone.
And now back to writing 🫡
Love y'all,
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