#she is so strange /aff
5gb-of-data · 2 months
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Hi bendy fandom long time no see ,, here I offer my Riley Wells design
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
friend is goin to my school next year
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nishibai · 9 months
is shidou a doctor. is that why he referred to himself as a murderer. has he lost so many patients that he views himself as a murderer for failing so many people. is that it
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cowboy-lover69 · 5 months
Do you ever think Atticus and Reader will like have an extremely late night because Reader won't shut up about gossip around the town, but like she doesn't mean harm by it, but Atticus is like 😐, sorry if this seems boring but I love your fics x
Midnight Gossip
hey, this was going to be longer but I can't seem to write longer fics as much as I want too, when I started writing this I was doing Y/N but it felt very clunky to write with so I just made an OC to replace it with, I hope you don't mind!
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The time was getting onto around 9:30 pm, and Atticus was just about at his limit. He laid in bed, the book he was reading sat on his chest, flipped over. He groggily looked at Alice, who was rambling excitedly about the town gossip, which didn’t particularly interest him, especially when it was this late. Alice was from the city, he didn’t think she would pick up the small town mannerisms of the other woman who lived near them, but it didn’t seem that Alice struggled with that. He didn’t usually mind her gossip, he enjoyed her company, and if she enjoyed something he would do his best to enjoy that as well, but he was struggling tonight.
“And you know, Honey, I heard that Miss Stephanie has been having some sort of a aff---”
Atticus cut her off, in a need to get some sleep. This was far later than he would like to be up. 
“Dear, it’s getting on late, and I hate to interrupt, but I have to sleep,” Atticus said, putting his book on the bedside table and rolling over to face Alice. She seemed a bit dampened after that, but not enough for Atticus to read in her pale face. His glasses were off so he currently could not see her face well, and he was as tired as a dog. 
“Oh, okay. Well, no worries Honey, we can talk more tomorrow” Alice says.
“Yes, more tomorrow,” Atticus says exhausted, but also satisfied she didn’t get too upset. He rolls over and shuts off the lamp before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep the best he could. 
The next morning Atticus noticed Alice had been acting a bit off. She left for work far earlier than she had to, which was strange because she always dreaded work. He worried something he had said last night had upset her, which he never meant to do. 
Atticus out of his worry decided to ask his sister, in some ways, and for some things, he trusted her opinion. Alexandra was sitting out on the front porch, she glared out into the sunny summer street. Her sun had shaded the top of her face. Atticus stepped out on the porch, putting on the hat he had stored in his hand so he could shield himself from the sun. 
“Where is Scout and Jem?” Atticus first asked.
“Just down the street at Miss Maudie's, I am sure she keeps them entertained.” she vaguely jested down the street with her hands.
There was a moment of silence where Atticus debated asking for advice. Alexandra has never been the best at advice, but he was sure it would help
“Sister, has Alice been acting a bit off this morning, or am I just not thinking right?” 
Alexandra perked up and looked at Atticus, her eyebrows raised a bit. 
“Acting strange? A little, but you know her better than I do, gosh. Maybe you should just ask her if everything is alright.” 
Atticus was nervous to ask Alice just in case she would deflect the question like she tended to do, but it seemed his sister didn’t help much. 
The next time they were alone together was the next night. He was reading and she was silent, not a word. She was lying on her back, her eyes closed but she was not sleeping. This proved to Atticus something was off. At night she would always talk to Atticus at least a bit. If she didn’t do that she was hanging on him. Atticus set his book on his bedside table and rolled over to face Alice. 
“Everything alright, dear?” Atticus said in the softest tone he could muster. 
“Huh me, am fine, just tired”
Just like he thought. She was deflecting. Or maybe there was nothing actually wrong, he thought. He decided to ask again.
“Are you sure? You've been acting off, and am worried I hurt your feelings.” Atticus took his hand and rubbed her forearm. His hand was rough against her soft skin, he worried it wasn’t helping much. 
“It’s silly really” Alice says, retracting her arm slightly.  
“Nothing is silly, tell me please.” 
Alice sighed and glanced away, before returning her eyes back to Atticus. Her blue eyes looked slightly saddened, her hair covering them a bit.
“I guess I never thought about how you felt about me talking so much, like I do. I'm worried I've been bothering you without even realizing.”
That's it, Atticus thought. He was glad that she wasn’t mad at him. He wasn’t glad she was feeling a bit self conscious. He feels back for making her feel that way, but there probably not much he could have done in the way of preventing it.
“Oh dear, I apologize for making you feel like you bother me, you don’t. I was just tired, and usually I love hearing you speak, but sometimes I need my rest. It wasn’t anything against you, dear.” Atticus maintains eye contact with Alice, hoping to see her worries ease. 
Alice nods slightly before Atticus speaks again. “Please dear, feel free to come to me if you ever feel upset again, or for anything you need. I love you and I want to make sure you're as pleasant and happy as you can be.” 
Alice smiles at him, and places her hand on his face caressing his cheek before moving to kiss him. The kiss was soft and romantic, no sense of desire, just romance. Her lips were soft and slow as they kissed. They kissed for a while, at least it felt like that to him. She pulled away, and looked at Atticus again. 
“Thank you, for being so caring and patient with me Atticus, and thank you for putting up with my gossip. I will do my best to try to keep in mind your feelings more often.” Alice says.
“Thank you dear, I think it’s getting a bit late and we should call it a night.”
Alice nods and Atticus rolls over and turns off the lamp illuminating the room. Then they sleep. 
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altheasmeadow · 1 year
word count: 905
Summary: In which they're all in love with her and she had no idea
pairing: TXT x reader
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“Do we have to be here?”
“What are you talking about?” Her friend wondered, not knowing why shec ould possibly want to leave the party.
“I’m not exactly feeling the whole being surrounded by couples today.”
“So why don’t you just give a chance to one of the guys then you wouldn’t be single anymore.” Her friend hummed, earning an incredulous look in response, “Oh come on don’t tell me you have no idea?”
“No idea about what?”
“Every guy in our group is in love with you!”her friend basically yelled, earning a few looks from nearby couples.
“No they’re not.” She said, rolling her eyes with a chuckle at the absurd comment.
“Watch this.” Her friend hummed out,eyeing an unaware Soobin who was about to stroll past them, he was clicking his tongue while tapping a bottle to his palm repeatedly, “Hey Soob!”
“Oh hey guys, wow sunshine you look beautiful today.” He chimed out, a heat rising to his cheeks as he leaned into a slight bow in greeting, stretching his arm out to pass her a drink, her favorite drink in fact, before scurrying away quickly. As she looked at him strangely.
The two friends stood and talked for a moment when a force almost knocked her forward, “Ah hello!” She gasped as she caught herself from stumbling.
“We’ve missed you!” Beomgyu’s voice emitted from behind her, letting her know he was the one cuddling into her back currently. 
“You’re such a puppy.” Her friend teased, making Beomgyu gain a mischievous smirk before resting his chin on her shoulder and waiting a few seconds so his train of thought wasn’t obvious before swiftly turning and licking her cheek, quickly releasing her and running away in a fit of giggles
“Ugh that brat.” She grumbled, wiping her cheek with her sleeve.
“He wanted a taste.” Her friend cackled, doubling over in an attempt to avoid pain from how hard he was laughing as she glared heatedly.
“Did Beomgyu just lick you?” another voice emitted from behind her, this time belonging to Taehyun who was grinning with his eyebrow raised, but that isn’t what caught her attention when she turned, it was the look in his eyes. The pure adoration filling his gaze as he took in the sight of her, there was a glint in his eyes she alwayssaw but never acknowledged, maybe she had known all along? How could she never see that look in his eyes?
His cheeks flushed as her attention turned to him, though he was the most extroverted in the group, he had one weakness when it came to his shyness, her. The complete oblivious look in her eye as she disregarded all of the eyes on her all of the time, but when she looked at him she had a fond look, he knew it was platonic, she was not only oblivious to his feelings but her own as well. 
“Yes, he’s a little brat.” She grumbled, trying to scrub her cheek which was now turning red and raw with her actions.
“Here.” A voice said as a hand popped into her view offering her a wet rag, she followed the flesh to find the owner, seeing Yeonjun holding the rag with an amused grin on his face.
“I was watching it happen, and I walked to find this when I saw him lick you. I know you hate spit.” He grinned, noticing she was in too much shock to take the rag from him, so he nudged her hands out of the way, he used his left hand to cup her jaw and tilt her face for him to see, leaning closer and tilting his head as he took in the raw flesh, he tsked at the angry skin, washing her cheek gently, before setting the rag aside and rubbing out the tender spots, smirking in amusement when she flinched at the contect.
Okay so maybe she was oblivious, there was no way this was a friendly notion. The tenderness in his gaze? The gentleness of his usually rough motions? This man didn’t know how to give soft affection, it was always aggressive affection, so this? This was mind bending.
Taehyun watched on amused as he took in the realization in her eyes, she was finally seeing their affections towards her. So his smile was huge as he dragged Yeonjun away from her and toward the nervous Soobin and Beomgyu, Beomgyu teasing Soobin for his shyness.
“See they’re all obsessed with you.” her friend grinned as he looked at her shocked expression.
“That’s four out of five.” She narrowed her eyes at her friend in suspicion, he grinned and leaned down to her height, and once he was eye level with her and his eyes softened sweetly he said,
“Did you really think I wasn’t undeniably in love with you? It’s been years, you’ve got to know I don’t cling to anyone the way I’ve slung to you.” Kai’s grin turned into a smirk as she fell back from his proximity momentarily as she took in his words, her mouth falling into an O and eyes widening to the size of golf balls. 
“I am not choosing between all of my friends, that is a disaster waiting to happen.” She stuttered out breathily, taking in everything that just happened. Kai looked over at his other friends who were grinning at her flustered state knowing all of them contributed.
Yeonjun Ending. ⚘ Soobin Ending. ⚘ Beomgyu Ending. ⚘ Taehyun Ending. ⚘ Kai Ending. ⚘
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abloomingsunflower · 5 months
Meet Snowflake!
[E.L.A oc's go brrrr-..]
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[I haven't introduced her yet so- I'm doing it now. This is her official design because I wasn't sure about the old one-]
Basic information:
Snowflake is Albedo's adopted daughter, who apparently can control winter. But she can't control her ice power very well, which results in little accidents to happen often. Hope is training her.
She's 18 years old, a month younger than Lux, 5'6 ft tall and enjoys reading Marvel comics.
Snow is a menace to society/aff
She is Lux's non-blood related long lost twin/j/nsrs
Snowflake is a descendant of Quetzalcoatl, the deity of war. Corr.Nightmare tried to kill her once he found out about her existence. The girl fought back as best she could but was quickly overpowered. Luckily she was saved from "an mysterious winged lady".
Now Snowflake is striving to control her power better and learn more about her ancestor.
(Fun fact: Her real name is Estelle. Snowflake is just a nickname.)
It's unknown who her parents are or where they are. But Snow never bothered to find that out.
"They abandoned me, whoever they are. Valid reason or not, I'm better off without them right? I'm sure they must've thought the same. My life is fine as it is, I already have an amazing adoptive father."
Snowflake is actually a part of Quetzalcoatl's soul, his will. All those years ago when he died, a part of him refused to give up. He refused to succumb to the fatal wounds. He refused to let his kingdom fall in the hands of his enemy.
So that strong determination caused a part of his soul to separate from it's owner. It reincarnated as different people over the years, while Quetzalcoatl wandered the earth as a spirit.
Now, Snowflake is the current reincarnation.
Only when Corr.Nightmare gets killed and the kingdom is free, Quetzalcoatl will finally rest and his will shall return to him.
-Summoning weapons made out of ice.
-Manipulating the weather.
-Control over ice in general.
-Can survive just fine in extremely cold temperatures.
-Can sense and distinguish people's different auras, including the dead's. (But she can't see the dead, which makes it difficult to guess who it is. She can find out from the aura alone if the spirit is a threat or not.)
-Can create snow giants and creatures.
[Will be updated.]
Her opinion on the people she knows:
"We met when I tried to run away from the orphanage. Then as I went further and further away, I bumped into him. He asked me why was I crying, and he comforted me. He took me back to the orphanage and on the way we were talking and getting along. When we arrived, he told the caretaker he wanted to adopt me. Much to my own surprise. Now here we are. He's actually a very supportive dad, the kind of dad everyone would want, to be honest. No matter what, he always thinks about me first. He comforted me when I cried, defended me on arguments, never turned a blind eye on me, and even gives great advice. He is the reason I'm happy."
"That baker my dad likes so much. His pastries are awesome! He's a nice guy, really. I genuinely think him and Albedo would make a good couple, I mean- Have you seen the way they look at eachother?? They NEED to get together already, I swear to god-"
"I love and respect uncle, but- Someone needs to teach him how to be less oblivious of your surroundings. He's blind when it comes to love, and I can tell he would be an easy target to manipulate..- I noticed he looks down sometimes, maybe because of his marriage?"
"The second most beautiful woman? Her? Are you kidding me? Ink is nice and all but not only does her sense in fashion suck, she's also kinda dumb. I'm just being honest! She's a mother, a grown ass woman, yet she's almost never by her husband's or kids' side, or anywhere near the castle. I swear I saw her in a bar drinking once. No, twice. That second time there was a strange man with her. I just kept walking to avoid being seen by her."
"We only really meet when uncle Dream invites me and dad over. Sometimes we talk. Lux told me he used to bully her and frame her for things she didn't do when they were younger. Even now, he's doing some pretty bad stuff. But he looks..Well. Miserable. I almost feel bad for him sometimes. Maybe he is getting his stress out on her? Anywho I can only suggest one thing for him: Therapy. And I will drag him there by the feet if I have to."
"We're complete polar opposites, and still get along just fine. I can't help but see her like a sister I never had. She's got everything! Is a princess, does nice things, is rich and lucky in lottery, has amazing dresses, has a handsome fiancée, is famous and all, and she's very pretty! Like, damn!- I think she really deserves all those. I'm glad she's not like those corrupt rich people, she actually donates to charities and orphanages. I look up to her a lot. In fact, I want to be like her."
"Miss Hope is the one training me and Lux's fiancée. They are so skilled..! It's hard to keep up with them sometimes during sparring. They've beat me countless times.. But I won't give up there! No way in hell. This is to get revenge on that bastard for nearly murdering me.."
"Him and Lux seem perfect, to be honest. We get along very well. I've read almost all the books he wrote. He's like an older brother to me. Apparently, he wants to be a wizard. He's trying to make fire, like Miss Hope. Though..once I accidentally froze him- I don't understand how it happened, I was just patting his shoulder and then BAM! Thank god we had Miss Hope and their fire. I apologized so much that day..I'm still embarrassed."
"..I've heard about that guy. Isn't that the one that can see spirits? I think he could help me, something with a powerful aura has been following me around for days on end and I need answers."
"She's that famous singer, and Merciless' little sister. Not gonna lie, she makes amazing music..I listen to it all the time. Some of her songs are calming and perfect for reading. She's also Palette's best friend. I think these two are in love, even their fans are making rumors about them being together-"
"She used to make fun of me and bother me at every chance she got. Along with that group of fans- Until..well, I snapped one day. I caused a snow storm, since I felt overwhelmed. It blew everyone away but her. I think I shoved her away after that, but then realized I didn't die. At first I thought 'Maybe it's my power', until I found out from Idiotka that a grim reaper's soulmate doesn't die from their touch. ..Nothing is confirmed yet. Because apparently Lux and Palette didn't die from Goth's touch either. This situation is very confusing. Anyways, we became friends in hopes of finding out. All we do is hang out and gossip about every single thing we can think of. It's actually nice being around Idiotka.."
"Can you believe Artemis speaks good about a moron like that? He clearly didn't think twice before deciding to attempt murdering a little girl, so why should I feel sympathy for a tyrant? I still remember his face... ... He scares me. What if I fail to kill him?"
"I don't believe she chose to marry him on her own will. What kind of psycho would?? I feel bad for her. She's very pretty too."
"Isn't that the priest in that one church..? I dunno, I'm not religious. So I don't visit churches at all. But his face reminds me so much of that bastard.."
"My ancestor! I'm gonna call him grandpa, it's easier. Man, I wish I could meet him.. Idiotka took me to this secret library and I've been studying about his history. I have to say, I admire him even more now. As I read all those history books, I pictured the sceneries of the old kingdom in my head. For some reason, everything described there feels so familiar.."
Fun facts:
-She's allergic to chocolate, so she is always eating fruit pastries or vanilla. She found that out when she once tried chocolate cake in Cross' café.
-Snowflake is a fan of horror games and movies, even playing with Goth sometimes.
-She never really had real friends until she met Goth. Snow only had a small group of online friends.
-Albedo's nickname for her is "Tuna", which Snow is always complaining about.
-Snowflake always wondered about the identity of the winged woman who saved her that day. She wishes to thank her.
-She has a true/guardian form <3
-She is the key to Surprise Ending in Sunflower AU.
[If she interacts with Angst and Angst decides to tell her about the timelines, the two of them will try to make Cross and Hope tell the truth to everyone and the game will end.]
Evil Lux AU and all the characters made by @anotherrosesthatfell <33
Snowflake belongs to me.
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thelyingjoke · 11 months
what's something new you noticed on your rewatch of v3?
ah this is an interesting one!!! also a little difficult, since my memories on things like this tend to blend together quite quickly, so i’ve had to think a lot about how to answer (which is why this took so long, along with typing it all up, sorry for that!). i probably don’t have everything, but luckily i did take some screenshots while watching! so there’s some bits i definitely know that i noticed!!!
i was really focused on exactly how kokichi’s character develops because i did Know generally beforehand but i didn’t have a full clear progression in my head—and well it’s kokichi so there’s not really ever gonna be 100% full clear progression for him but i think i see it a lot more now!
like how he’s a lot more open to cooperation in chapter 1—he loudly supported going through the tunnel the first times, and was the one to suggest the daily dining hall meetings!
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he’s much more open about his intentions in early chapters (there’ll be more examples of this later, but here’s one for ch1! himiko quickly brushes it off as a lie but it really doesn’t feel like one)
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and he’s the one that’s the most insistent on monokuma being dead and the killing game being over. he REALLY doesn’t want anyone to get the idea of starting it up. and then there’s the shock when monokuma does show up (he quickly brushes it off with “at least it’s not boring” but you KNOW he’s screaming on the inside)
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actually, i’m just noticing this now, he seems to have a strange amount of optimism towards the idea that everything will just work out in ch1—he doesn’t even investigate because he thinks everything will be completely solved through the pictures, and to do so would be pointless, which he later expresses regret for. it’s overshadowed for most people, i think, because of the tunnel scene and his later behavior, but honestly the fact that he even tried it without skepticism in the first place, along with his insistence about monokuma being dead and thinking that rantaro’s case will solve itself… wow he is showing Quite a bit of belief here without reason! hmmmmmm!!
i’d say he probably compensates for that for investigating even outside of cases in ch2, and being more skeptical of things. when everyone tries to ignore the killing game, kokichi brings it up (he’s tried to ignore it before. it didn’t work). kaede’s death also had him believe that cooperation would be punished—she was the one encouraging it, after all, and look at what happened to her—upping his paranoia, and the fact that he still believed there’s a mastermind didn’t help matters! now he has to be careful not only about working with anyone out of fear he’ll be punished in some way, but also about who he works with, destroying any good chances of working safely with the group as a whole!! yippee!!! that’s probably even more frustrating for him considering his talent is literally being a leader of a group
“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about killing or dying… But I think it’d be better if we didn’t cooperate with each other… Actually, we *definitely* shouldn’t cooperate with each other!” […] “Think back to all of Monokuma’s actions so far. Whenever we tried to work together, Monokuma would retaliate with a plan to make us suffer. It happened when Kaede wanted us to cooperate, and again with these motive videos, right? Which means, the more we try to cooperate, the more he’ll try to make us suffer. That’s why I had no choice but to screw with you guys. But you ingrates didn’t even notice.”
THIS BIT GETS ME SO MUCH like Honestly he couldn’t be clearer with his intentions here. he denies an assumption he doesn’t care about death; he states his beliefs; he clearly outlines why he believes this with examples; even directly says Yes he screwed with them for a reason they just didn’t notice and tells them Why! (although he still has to insult everyone of course. he’s an ass who thinks he’s better than everyone else [affectionate]) but it goes ignored, and the reasoning is really interesting. shuichi’s thoughts are:
It’s *because* we’re trying to cooperate that Monokuma is making us suffer…? But what about… everything we went through..? What was the point of Kaede sacrificing herself…?
it’s been like 2 months since i was on ch2 so i don’t remember Exactly but i’m pretty sure nobody brings it up after this. it’s so interesting to me, i don’t have the brainpower to put my thoughts together more eloquently but i’m rotating it in my head. (i remember you bringing it up in the tags of the kaede/kokichi parallels post actually!!! mixed in with that bit about kokichi suggesting a family member of rantaro being the mastermind. i misremembered this the exact same way too until i went back to check i could’ve SWORN shuichi brought up the promise to kaede then but he didn’t💔iirc he actually considers the possibility? which was interesting but then it was never brought up again. Anyway back to the post)
rantaro also says something similar to kaede in ch1:
”You have what it takes to win…” ”What…?” “I was just thinking, what you said back there would have pissed off whoever’s running this. They definitely don’t want us holding hands, workin’ together… …They’re going to come for you, Kaede. With everything they’ve got. I’m a little worried about you. You’re just so…straightforward.”
and kaede just goes “geez that guy could stand to be a little less cryptic!” IT’S A REALLY INTERESTING PARALLEL TO ME and the fact that both him and kokichi describe “winning” the game 2nd survivor kokichi real
oh and also something i’ve been thinking about! i think kokichi had the mastermind plan forming in his head relatively early, but he didn’t actually want to do it at all, and didn’t start going “okay, i have to do this now” until about ch4. it’s more of a plan B, “if nothing else works, at least i have this”. but the issue is that in order for that to work, he has to keep it in mind until he knows whether he has to use it or not, which puts another barrier between him and working together with everyone else. even if other plans would be better if he could gain everyone’s trust, he has to keep the option available, so he can only gain people’s trust indirectly. he’s more actively looking for other ways to do this earlier on though, particularly in ch2. he expresses distaste about how people treat him early on (this bit immediately reminded me of the 4th trial where he’s like “bullying? yeah, what about it? that’s what you do in this game, right? you guys blame and gang up on me, but now you pretend to be good people?” and i was like Woa!!! his frustration in that scene does not come out of nowhere!!!)
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it’s also the reason he frames the motive video watch party the way he does. if he says outright he’s trying to prevent more murders, and people don’t watch the videos, a later mastermind plan wouldn’t work! BUT, if he can get everyone to watch them, then his motive video plan works and people would know he doesn’t mean harm because they would see his video, better convincing them than he could do so himself! best case scenario there are no murders and people will see he’s being serious when he says he’s trying to help them. of course, watch party ends up not happening in the end, and also he’s lost quite a bit of trust from his closest ally (which could have also been prevented had he not been so paranoid since gonta DID agree to get everyone to watch the motive videos), so he’s getting closer to that mastermind plan.
another thing in ch2 is kokichi losing much influence in the group. this isn’t just because of the insect meet & greet! from the beginning people are wary around him, but he’s actually able to steer conversations in his favor at times, and if you look closely you can see his leader talent popping up. when he speaks up against kaede, the majority agree with him; the majority agree with him when he insists that the killing game is cancelled; again, when new flashback lights are presented, he expresses concern and everyone agrees not to use them. except kaito. and shuichi, i guess, but he doesn’t even get to answer before kaito cuts him off. people question kaito, he gives a speech to convince everyone to try them, and though it doesn’t work on kokichi, it sure works on everyone else!
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they’ve clashed before, but now kaito is the one making things sway his way. this happens in the trial, too. kaito says he believes in maki without any reasoning, kokichi calls him an idiot, and everyone starts to agree. but things end up going in kaito’s favor. almost everyone else thinks he’s an idiot, but then tenko and shuichi switch around to his “side” of wanting to believe in maki despite all seemingly logical reasoning. most people still don’t agree with kaito before maki admits to seeing ryoma, but those two do, and kokichi is so baffled by shuichi believing in this (i feel like this could be worded better but i can’t think of anything right now, hopefully you get the idea though!)
the mastermind plan grows ever closer with ch3 and more being added to the courtyard message. it’s still not something he’d like to do. i’m unsure of the exact timeline, but i believe ch3 is around the time he asks miu for the inventions (possibly even earlier for the bugvac)? he wouldn’t be able to do it with her around, and he wouldn’t want to kill her just to keep to the plan. he’s probably trying to find the best moment to present the stuff to everyone so they can fight monokuma, and waiting for miu to make enough of them so that they can, considering there’s only enough electrohammers for the remaining people by ch5. but the guy’s in a tough situation, because on one hand he wants people to trust him so they can work together but on the other he needs them to distrust him in case plan B becomes necessary. he needs to be careful so that monokuma doesn’t notice him cooperating, because he also wants to keep being his favorite (i love it when he goes “riiiiiiight, monokuma? aren’t i so evil and twisted haha don’t you love me i am so entertaining if i died it would make the viewers mad haha right” he’s trying so hard). he doesn’t know who the actual mastermind is. people are already rightfully distrustful of him. but he still wants them to know his actual intentions, if they’re willing to. it doesn’t seem like it’s too late yet. (he is so wonderfully contradictory and human, i love him. paranoid asshole who wants to be Known but the idea is also terrifying and dangerous and he ends up sabotaging any opportunity for that to happen) so, he presents a piece of information he hopes will make people trust him: maki’s talent.
ok, well, that sounds like a lot of guessing stuff that’s not really in the game. i suppose. but i do have a reason!!! these lines stood out to me as i was watching:
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he doesn’t even follow up with “that might be a lie” or anything. he really does want to work together with everyone, it’s just that finding a good opportunity to show it safely is Difficult and people don’t believe him. and he is really set on the idea that trusting people too much is a bad thing. there’s a few reasons why he only chose to reveal her talent now instead of before, when apparently “given his position” he’s known since the beginning: kaito’s blind faith in maki prompting him to show that actually, she Isn’t trustworthy! the believing thing is stupid and false, see? hopefully getting more people on kokichi’s side rather than kaito’s side. he tries again later to get people on his side, accusing kaito of trying to turn everyone against each other by defending maki and dragging her places
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everyone mostly ignores him though and moves onto the flashback lights. as this and the next chapter go on he continuously tries to provoke maki, probably to get her to snap and show people she really Is just a killer or something, although she doesn’t budge until later. this was probably me reading too much into it but all of that did really stand out to me
well all the Good Plans fall apart with ch4. they could’ve all worked together using miu’s inventions but then The Case happened kokichi has a chapter-long mental breakdown ough it makes me so sad to think about. i mean after all that there wasn’t much coming back from it, the mastermind plan was likely the best thing he had. the “everyone hates me so the role of villain is perfect for me” always made me sad but especially This time after looking for everything else. dude…negative character development…..so good but also making me cry! me when i have good intentions but my own distrust and paranoia becomes my downfall as i start to have no one to turn to. me when the same person’s death that led the main character to become more open and outgoing towards others led me to become closed off and solitary despite both our earlier attitudes!!
he also succeeds in provoking maki in the end. i don’t have any particular comment for this i just took the screenshot i can’t remember what my thoughts were on it
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i don’t have any other screenshots to do with this so that’ll be the end of that i guess!!! not super eloquently worded i’m just kinda throwing ideas out there, i can elaborate on any points that might not have been super well-explained if you want !
oh and for more silly stuff:
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i like this maki line, it’s after shuichi says “about the size of a girl”. there’s one later (in ch4, i think) where i don’t remember what the first part was but she says “not to sound like tenko, but you men can really be like that”. these are 2 very throwaway lines but they almost make me think she was supposed to be the new feminist after tenko’s death (just without the weird stereotyping and much less extreme). she should’ve been. especially given kaito’s casual misogyny at times this would’ve been cool! unfortunately we didn’t get that :(
oh and
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shuichi is a yo-kai watch fan, kokichi is a pokémon fan. this is a source of conflict between them and it is unknown if they can overcome this
okay i made this WAY longer than i should’ve. i’m sure there may have been more things but they’re slipping my mind. hopefully this is sufficient!
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On November 16th 1700 James Macpherson, the famous fiddling freebooter, was hanged at Banff.
The outlaw’s father was a laird and his mother a tinker. How he became a criminal is as unclear as some of his activities, but his career appears to have culminated in “a reign of terror” on the Banff, Elgin and Forres markets. He seems to have enjoyed the Laird of Grant’s protection, but was captured in Keith when, according to his own account, a woman threw a blanket over him and he was disarmed before he could free himself.
He was tried in Banff where he was especially disliked. The jury was packed with the dependants of Lord Duff, who had previously organised a group to capture MacPherson, but as on many other occasions, he escaped.
MacPherson was found guilty, but a reprieve was said to be on its way to Banff at the time of the execution. Duff turned the clock 15 minutes forward and MacPherson was hung before the pardon arrived. There is a traditional account that says the clock was kept 15 minutes fast for years and Macduff has its west-facing town clock covered so the people of Banff can't see the right time.
The story goes that in the week before his hanging, Macpherson reportedly composed an air variously described as “Macpherson’s Lament” or “Rant” or “Farewell” which he then performed on the gallows.
In the most picturuesque version, he played his own fiddle in this exit performance, then dramatically smashed the instrument.
By all accounts MacPherson was a big muckle man, this is justified by his sword, which is preserved in Duff House, at Banff as seen in the second pic, and you have to question the story a wee bit.
The first pic is a depiction of MacPherson playing before they hung him, now would they have given a Goliath the free use of his hands at such a desperate moment?
Well there are, as always different versions of the song, I will post my favourite afterwards, which was written by oor Bard Rabbie Burns, this is an earlier version:
Fareweel, ye dungeons dark and strang, fareweel, fareweel tae ye,
MacPherson's time will no be lang on yonder gallows tree
Sae rantinly and sae wantonly, sae dauntinly gaed he
For he played a tune and he danced aroon, below the gallows tree
It was by a woman's treacherous hand that I was condemned tae dee
Above a ledge at a window she sat and a blanket she threw ower me
There's some come here tae see me hang, and some come tae buy my fiddle
But before that I would part wi her I'd brak her through the middle
And he took the fiddle intae baith o his hands and he brak it ower a stane
Sayin, nay other hand shall play on thee when I am dead and gane
The reprieve was comin ower the Brig o Banff tae set MacPherson free,
But they pit the clock a quarter afore, and they hanged him frae the tree.
Additional verses
The Laird o Grant, that Hieland saunt, that first laid hands on me,
He pleads the cause o Peter Broon, tae let MacPherson dee
Untie these bands frae aff my hands and gie tae me my sword,
And there's no a man in all Scotland but I'll brave him at a word.
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thatcutemanifestor · 2 years
ILY too!!
So so actually I decided today to do the 3 nights/ 4days challenge where I listen to a wake up in the void tape all night and affirm « I always wake up in the void » during the day!
If it is fine with you could you tell me about your void journey?
Ask From:
I saw the ask where you said you forgot to sign the ask but you didn't used anon so I decided not to answer that ask and sign it for u my bub 💓.
Wow I liked the challenge. Waiting for your success story bub.
My void journey :
I actually knew about void before it came here on tumblr. My mom is a very meditative person and she actually have achieved void state before me. She have always shared her experiences like how she feels and other things whenever she meditates. So the very first time she went to void she told me that she experienced something very strange and told me she couldn't hear anything and not feel her body and she saw only pure white. At that time I neither knew it was called void state or I can use it manifest. So when I got to know about void when it came to tumblr I was actually surprised and as my mother have achieved it I totally knew it is achievable by me too. I kind of struggled for first 2 days because I was like do I have to meditate a lot like my mom. But then I came into my creator mode I mean the void mindset that I posted , I realized that I am the creator and I created it. So I decided to be in void. What I did was just affirm throughout the day about how I have mastered void, how easy it is for me to be in void and I did it for 3 days I think or maybe 2 days I don't remember much but yes then I was fully confident in that I can be in the void. So I affirmed and vaunted again before sleeping and then woke up in void or you can consider it as entering void too cause I affirmed for it leave it it is confusing the main thing is I was in void and I didn't realised at first but when I realised I said some blanket affs like I have desired everything and some others and then in the preparation days I have made list of things I desired and in void I said everything on my list has manifested and Tada 🎉 I got what I wanted.
This was my void journey it was short but successful.
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duckingwriting · 11 months
Find the word
I was tagged by @author-a-holmes and you can see her post here.
My words are:  Purple (or another colour), Four, Wind, and Dog/Wolf
No pressure tagging: @oh-no-another-idea, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @late-to-the-fandom, @eponymoussquared, @careful-fear, @mariahwritesstuff, and anyone else who would like to jump in on a tag game with these words!
Your words are: Chop, Sweat, soup, glare, corner
For anyone who is not familiar in with this game. Either with something already written or by writing something new you have a little excerpt from a piece you have written(current WIP, abandoned WIP, finished thing doesn’t matter). Then give a new set of words for your own victims tags
TW/CW: NSFW scene,  Blow job, alien fucking, heat sex, implied sex
[TW/CW: NSFW, Blow job, alien fucking, heat sex]
Halo held his fist in the aff's hair as the other alien knelt on the floor between his knees. Anvil's forked tongue flicked against Halo's cock as he guided the warm mouth. Finding an Aff not only willing to bottom but so eager to please did things to Halo he wasn't quite ready to acknowledge even as dark purple eyes stared up at him through thick lashes. Anvils own hands were clasped behind his back. Occasionally Halo would thrust his hips forward harder to watch them twitch, to see if the other man would give into temptation and reach for him. Anvil gagged on Halo's cock, drool slipping past his lips, but he didn't try to pull off as he sucked against the hardened appendage nor did he try and gain control. He told himself it was just the season. Because he didn't have any Vest'r. Anvil almost believed his own lie. Halo may only be allowing it because he had no choice, but Anvil had been dying to taste the other alien since he had fist got a hint of him on their human lover's skin.
[TW/CW: None]
Beth cursed her phone as she closed it and then dropped it onto the nightstand. She then rolled to her side and closed her eyes. Blindly she gripped the blanket and pulled it over her head. She had nearly fallen asleep again when she heard a strange noise. Beth growled low in her throat and threw the blanket from her body.
"That awkward moment," She said glaring at the wall. "When it is dead silent and your stomach makes dying whale noises."
Beth stretched her sore muscles. A hotel bed was not where she had planned to spend her last night of freedom. But Beth hadn't liked the other options she had been left with either.
A. Turn and fight the creeper who had been following her, when he was bigger, stronger, and less drunk.
B. Call Jay and tell him where she was and risk his wrath.
C. Letting the creep follow her home.
Beth had decided her best bet was to get a hotel room where there were four walls between her and Mr. Creeper, as she had dubbed him, and witnesses. Human witnesses.
What if he's still out there waiting for me? Beth shivered at the thought. She grabbed her jeans and pulled them on after deciding that if she saw Mr. Creeper she would call Jay. He already knew she was not at home if the phone call was any indication, and there was little he could do to her for going dancing and drinking the previous night now.
Ask for forgiveness not permission, kid. Was her father’s favorite saying, with a crooked grin as he ruffled her hair. Even when she got into trouble he had said it so often half the time he simply sighed and rubbed his face.
[TW/CW: Implied sex]
Sitting up another shiver wracked Reese's body. He pulled the blanket back up over his bare shoulders and curled himself in on himself as he looked around for his mate, straining his hearing to hear the other moving around the small house. When only the wind answered his shout for his mate worry curled tightly through Reese's body. He reached down to pull on the clothes that had been removed the night before. The holes in the pants sent a huff of annoyance out of his mouth.
"Tearing up all my PJs just means you have to buy me more! Not that I'll stop wearing them!" Reese yelled out to the house. Again, only silence greeted him and Reese could feel the anxiety begin to claw at his throat. He reached for the lamp and frowned when he heard the click of the switch but nothing happened. He clicked it again and still nothing. Gripping the blanket around his shoulders Reese shivered when his bare feet touched the cold floor. Goose bumps rippled across his arm that stuck out of the blanket to grip his cane after standing up. He limped towards the door and tried the light switch, huffing when he realized that the power was out.
"That explains why it's so cold," Reese whispered to the silent room. "But where is my brute?"
Limping his way through the house Reese could not find any sign of his mate. He couldn't even call Xaver with his own phone dead and no power to charge it. He noted that he couldn't find Xaver's phone so his mate more than likely had his own phone with him. Chewing on his lower lip Reese cautiously opened the front door.
[TW/CW: I don’t think there are any]
“You must be Alpha Leone.” Kraven held his hand out to the large male sitting with the omega. “I’m Alpha Thistle.”
Silvestri hid his smirk behind the magazine while Annalise giggled not too far away. Brax’s face remained unchanged but both Jax and Arlington smirked at the pack Alpha. Leaning forward and intercepting the hand the female at the table smirked at Kraven’s frown of confusion.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” She smiled brightly nodding to the large male. “This is my beta, Jack Jackson. I’m Alpha Nikola Leone.”
The meeting seemed to be going well and Silvestri reasoned that they wouldn’t be here much longer. The coffee shop’s door opened and Silvestri didn’t think much about the light breeze it stirred until he saw the pack Alpha stiffen.
Kraven’s chair clattered to the ground as he stood up and his surprised gaze pinned Silvestri where he sat. Silvestri was aware of Leone and Jax standing up and moving towards Kraven while Arlington frowned and slowly pushed himself up. He knew Brax would be planting himself between the potentially dangerous pack werewolves and Annalise, but all he could focus on was the way his heart was beginning to hammer under Kraven’s gaze.
“Silvestri.” Kraven’s voice was barely above a whisper but it was enough to break the spell. Silvestri bolted, spilling his coffee and dropping his magazine. He heard his name being called but blocked out the calls from his pack, focused only on running from the voice that had shattered him years ago. The voice that rejected him for no reason. He had learned he was stronger than he thought since he left, but he also remembered the feel of his pack mates tearing into him while he ran from them. Berating him for daring to be their Alpha’s mate. As if he had any choice in the matter.
Silvestri heard the sound of feet pounding the ground behind him as they gave chase. He saw Roland move to intercept him. Silvestri dodged into the road without thinking twice. The resulting cacophony did nothing to help his panic as he tried to avoid vehicles. When a semi-truck blared its horn at him he couldn’t do anything but freeze, close his eyes, and wait for impact.
Silvestri felt a body slam into his side and heard the rush of the truck barreling past them. His air left him with a pained gasp as they crashed to the ground. The larger werewolf rolled over and pulled Silvestri into his lap. Silvestri struggled to catch his breath with the shaking grip around him tightening painfully. He didn’t have to lift his gaze to know who held him. One arm wrapped around his torso, crushing what little air he could get out of him, the other pressing his head tightly to a chest. He could feel Kraven’s breath against the top of his head as the panicked alpha inhaled his scent. Silvestri let the other’s pounding heart drown out the approaching footsteps.
“Alpha, are you alright?” Clay’s voice reflected nothing but concern.
Before Kraven could answer, Leone was snarling and making Silvestri flinch.
“What the fuck was that Silvestri?” Leone’s teeth were bared but her mate kept a hand on her elbow even as Leone turned her angry gaze to Kraven. “And you, get your paws off my omega!”
Silvestri felt the alpha holding him stiffen and tighten his grip. Kraven’s snarl was more wolf than human when he responded. “He’s mine!”
Before the two Alphas could start a very public fight with him stuck in the middle, Silvestri tipped his head in submission to Leone despite Kraven’s snarl of protest. He couldn’t get free of the pack Alpha’s grip but he wanted them to know he knew whose pack he was in.
“I’m sorry, Alpha.” Silvestri ignored Kraven’s vicious snarl. “I’m his rejected mated.”
Kraven’s angry snarl melted into a pathetic whimper even as his arms tightened around Silvestri while Leone cursed. Silvestri did his best to breath through the compression of his lungs.
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arcxnumvitae · 10 months
It had been a while since he had last stepped out of Unseelie. Far longer was the last sighting of their destination. Balmoral, for one, had been looking forward to someplace other than the citadel. However, a trepidation did still linger in the air. It was also the first major outing the king had taken from the Unseelie since taking power. He wouldn’t have made a request if he didn’t believe it were safe. Yet he could still acknowledge when it came to his people…unpredictability was their strong point.
Which is why he would leave most of the generals at home. As much as they would bitch about it. Most were just as curious about their counterpart…and some he could tell were looking to cause mischief. While normally he’d allow them their fun, unfortunately a first impression was paramount. Balmoral held no shame as the kind of fae the Unseelie were but he also held a pride as leader to demonstrate his cohesion. As such, it would have to wait. Likely for the winter revelry.
Balmoral had positioned himself to be able to look at where they had come. The citadel no larger than one his moths in his view. But he could still see the gates where Siubhan had seen him off with the promise of dealing with any attempting anything strange in their ruler’s absence. Her knightly stature saluting their exit and he was sure she was still observing until they had also disappeared from her.
While the location for reaching the Seelie wasn’t particular far once they were on the surface, it would be a least half a day with these mounts. So Balmoral was settled to his designation as passenger and escort as a retinue took point ahead and behind. The king leaned back, leaning against his right hand.
“With that, the windae fir turning back shuts. It’s a sin we have t’ go without a full entourage though,” Balmoral airily quipped to Mhoirbheinn. With the formation and his level of his tone, it was unlikely they would be heard, “Ah ken it’s the first time from hame but at least feel a tad excited. Think of it as a vacation. A’ we can do has been done. Wit scripts have been given are in play. Worse comes to worse and it’s heavy shite when we get back…it’s not as though it’s our first time storming the kingdom, init it no? Dinnae fash yersel’.”
The king chuckled despite the implication as his hand subtly thumbed along the other’s side, “Prionnsa beag, did managed t’ keek some things since we ken fuck a’ about the Seelie. If ah remember, prolly a lot of hoity-toity types. Ah can haud aff though if you rather keep it a surprise.”
@thewolfisawake​ || Unprompted
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He should have expected that his first foray into a land beyond the Unseelie would come sooner rather than later. Bal had finally become the king, and with the settling into his reign came the politics. Mhoirbheinn still was unsure of a diplomatic visit to the land of the Seelie, both from leaving Unseelie open for the taking and also for the risk a certain king may be endangering himself in at another court. ‘A vacation’? Bah. As if he could rest easy at Seelie while working to ensure nothing befell the other.
But once Bal had set his mind onto something, it was difficult to dissuade him, the stubborn thing.
Though he did not let it show to any of the others, he could tell that Bal sensed his apprehension at being so far away from the familiar. It was a weak feeling, one belonging to the child who had rarely left the walls surrounding him. For a sizable portion of his life, he had never seen much of Unseelie itself, let alone whatever lay beyond. 
The presence against his back a solid weight as the gentle rocking of the creature they rode caused them both to sway in time together, Mhoirbheinn cast a glance back with the brush of contact along his side.
“Take care not to fall off, Bal. It might be difficult to explain to the Seelie king if you arrive at his court covered in bruises.” Amusement filled his voice with the bit of the joke and he turned his attention back to the road ahead, while scanning about for any danger. “If you bemoan the lack of a full entourage, I renew my suggestion that you don’t have to go at all. The Seelie whelp will heal from the heartbreak, I’m sure. Since your mind is set though, it would be better to know what your favorite toy has learned. It’ll be good to know what threats, or irritants, I’ll be dealing with before we arrive.”
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Name: "Honey Ann" NicTuan Species: Zombie Occupation: Security at Creature Comforts  Age: 405 Years Old (Looks about 30) Played By: Eerie Face Claim: Hannah John-Kamen
"Och, piss aff! Am no obsessed. Everybody needs their family."
TW: Memory loss, emotional abuse, child death
Long ago, the woman of many names became familiar with war. The Highlands were no stranger to conflict—her clan would keep her safe. But the outside world continued to change, wishing to do the same to them. Help came in what Honey mistook for luck. Took the form of a group whose proximity to humanity was only in appearances. They offered their assistance, their love, their everything—for the simple price of three heads. With struggle of both body and mind, she was successful. They granted her wish… in a way. Each took a bite of her neck, placing their mark until her body could no longer handle. She was reborn in the pool of her old life. Old it would remain, for she was barred from taking anything from it, even her own family. What luck, then, that the group served as replacement. 
They were Clan Tuan: the Sluagh nan Bithean and Soul Eaters of Alba. They collected souls in not only the ones they ate, but the ones they had experienced themselves. Allegedly. Honey grew to believe it. She grew to believe many things. But mostly, she grew to love. Across the decades, across the land and sea, they indulged themselves in food and tales and merriment. When the smell of death clung too tightly and the locals began to whisper, it was off to a new adventure. But there is a balance to everything—such loveliness had its price. Cruelties, both to her and by her, she justified. Until she couldn’t. The ones overlooked were the easiest prey so hunger made them look to the vulnerable. One was added to the menu: orphans. Children. Her dormant rage awoke to a hellfire. She took the children she could and finally ran. 
The kinless found a family amongst themselves. Honey carved out a home for them and the children grew. Her regret for leaving crept forward the same. But she realized she could have her clan again. A better one. With their permissions, Honey kissed that mark upon her dear ones’ necks—their old lives slipped into a dream. When they awoke, she recognized the hunger in their eyes. It was a joyous time. But everything has its balance. Young and foolish, one easily succumbed to the blade of a slayer. Honey took her time when taking the bastard's life. She saved her remaining dear ones, not knowing the true damage was the sight of her brutality. In their fright and in the night, the rest ran away. Her pleading went unheard. For the first time in over a century, Honey was alone.
Her desperation turned to obsession. She would have a family. She marched to town and forced her mark upon a neck. Slice of the jugular, of the umbilical cord, they were reborn. And they were so ungrateful. So, Honey continued and knew not of the horde rising around her. Until the men came, those who hunted. She ran to the trees and even they abandoned her. As she was about to meet her end, the Earth swallowed her whole. It would become her new home. She ate all the creatures that came to visit, but they never gave her enough strength to escape—only enough to continue her torment. She soon forgot what ‘torment’ meant. What anything meant. Days and decades lost distinction. Until there were new visitors to her tomb: corpses a man intended to hide away. What they awoke was a monster who devoured all.  
Each end of life gave her back a piece of her own. The fog dissipated, the horror settled in, and she could remember. But nothing was as she remembered—her remembering was littered with nothingness. Lost in a strange world with a mind torn to pieces. But she would be persistent: find her clan and have them fix her. Yet, the years passed with more nothing. She traveled the same paths they all had centuries ago, now alone and heartbroken. At least, she thought they were the same. But it was fated, for they led her to someone who had known her family. They spoke of America with an uncertainty that Honey took as gospel.
To America she went. The trees were different and the cities confusing, but there was one consistency: her searching proved futile. She continued. Whispers of oddities lured her like any siren call, for she knew it would do the same to her family. Each ended in nothing more than scraps (the times she were lucky) and a reassurance the next would be different. She was disappointed every time. She continued. Such whisperings eventually led her to Wicked’s Rest. The whisperings paled to the reality. Surely, this would be the one! But time ticked on with that familiar defeat. She went to follow another possibility, but that town in Maine stayed with her. In time, she allowed it to compel her back. 
Such a powerful place would draw in her family, too. All the town needed was a little push to put it on the map. No more running, no more searching. She would make her family find her instead. Wicked’s Rest has all the pieces she needs. Time will tell if she can put those pieces together.
Character Facts:
Personality: Loving, protective, temperamental, unstable, playful, loyal, intuitive, passionate, stubborn, adventurous
Honey had stayed in Wicked’s Rest a few years prior. Now she’s back and ready to cause problems. 
Honey hates being referred to as a zombie. She thinks she is a Sluagh nan Bithean: a host of existence/lives. In other words, a host of souls: those she’s eaten and her past lives. She believes the soul is stored in the head, so when she eats brains she is consuming the soul. Due to the manipulation of her old clan, this belief has manifested into her “feeling” what the being felt right before death, reaffirming this false bias. Similarly to the figure they get their name from, Tuan mac Cairill, Honey and her clan also can access the experiences/knowledge of their past lives. Except, that’s not the case at all. They are able to do this as proficiently as the average person. 
Due to her impervious body and numbed senses, Honey enjoys pushing herself to the limit in a fight. The jolts of pain make her feel alive. But she’s not a sponge—her eagerness is reflective in her fighting style. 
Honey becomes protective of those she sees as “kin.” It’s how she secured her job at Creature Comforts. She considers it a safe place in need of defenders—now she has the bonus of getting paid for it. If you find yourself there and aren’t a jackass, you have a quick friend in Honey. If you are a jackass, well, you might be added to her menu. 
Honey has her trailer parked in the woods next to an abandoned house. Something to do with the residing poltergeist being “too violent,” but she has no need to go inside anyway. She does delight in exacerbated those rumors, though. Plus, the abandoned well is perfect for her flower garden. She adores flowers—in fact, she gave herself a nickname after her favorite: honeysuckle. 
While her physical form eventually gained its vitality, Honey’s mental state never fully recovered from her burial. Her memory is full of empty expanses; the ones she does have, she’s not always sure if they’re true. She believes she is supposed to remember her past lives so the past can live on. It adds to her desperation to find her clan, for they are the only ones who can truly help her.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 11 months
Floating Through The Air With The Greatest of Ease...
Ship: None / Potential Keaton x Willie, familial appearances from Lisa & Bart
Word Count: 751
Summary: This is, perhaps, a little silly. I wrote it at roughly 2:15am. 🙈 Anyway, Keaton comes to pick up his godkids (Bart & Lisa) from school and ends up foolishly trying to play hero when he is involved in a mishap with a frisbee. CWs for heights and potential danger, also possibly ooc Willie it's been awhile since I've watched an episode with him in it. And potentially bad Scots I tried my best-
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Keaton stood beside his car, parked outside of Springfield Elementary, waiting for his godkids. While Bart and Lisa would normally take the bus to and from school, the Simpsons’ household had gotten a call that the busses had broken down and would be an hour later than usual. Luckily the kids had a vigilant godfather who would happily pick them up from school so that Marge could have a little extra time to prepare dinner. As the final bell rung, he eagerly scanned the approaching crowd for Bart and Lisa before whistling and waving to them.
“Kids! Over here!”
“K, what’re you doing here?” Lisa called as they approached.
“The busses broke down and are going to be late, so your mother said I could come pick you up.”
“Hey K, catch!” Bart grinned, sending a frisbee flying toward Keaton, who caught it at the last second.
“Nice throw, Bart, but could you please not throw anything within the vicinity of my car?” Absentmindedly, he tossed it back. Unfortunately, the wind caught it and took it off course… “Whoops…!”
As the disc soared onto the roof of the school building, Keaton heard a groan of irritation and quickly turned toward the sound with an embarrassed tint on his face.
"Are ye kiddin me?! Ah juist git doon from thare, ye bloody numpty!" An annoyed and scruffy-looking man lamented.
"Nice one!" Bart encouraged, looking up at where the frisbee had lodged itself.
"Er, sorry Mr…?"
"Willie, bit if ye'r aff tae be sae formal aboot it, ye kin ca' me Mr. MacDougal."
"Well, what would you prefer?"
Willie fixed him with a strange look, scratching at his beard. "Ah'd prefer if ye hud better aim, laddie!"
Keaton nodded, still flushed. "Yes, sir. I-I never was very good at sports… I could go up and get it myself, if you’d prefer. Save you the trouble. After all, I see you still have the ladder set up." He began his way over to the side of the building without waiting for a response.
"K, wait, you could get hurt! You don't have authorization to be on the school roof!" Lisa called after him.
"She's richt, ye ken!"
"Groundskeeper Willie, tell him to come down, please!"
"Weel he shored tae git it his-sel. Th' lad's bin oan a ladder afore, hasn't he?"
The conversation on the ground was far behind Keaton at this point as he shimmied up the ladder and closer and closer to the spot the disc had landed. If he had stopped to think about it for even a second, he would’ve panicked.
“I’m almost there!” He called over his shoulder before cautiously yet precariously extending himself toward the disc.
“Good lord--!” Principal Skinner had come onto the scene, quickly prompting Bart to climb into the car to avoid talking to him. “Willie, what is that civilian doing on our school’s roof?!”
“Technically he's nae oan th' roof, he's oan th' ladder. He shored tae git th' frisbee he threw by his-sel!” Willie threw his hands up in defeat.
“Principal Skinner, tell Willie to get my godfather down!” Lisa begged, looking concernedly up at Keaton.
“I-I got it, don’t worry!” Keaton called down again, the ladder wobbling slightly as he missed the frisbee by inches. At this, Willie’s expression became a bit more wary.
“Ach, mibbie ye shuid come doon, laddie! Tis nae that muckle o' a deal, ah kin git it!”
“Well you made it sound like a ‘muckle o’ a deal!’ I promise you, I’m close! Just a little further--”
“Dinnae ye sass me, laddie! Come doon this instant, afore Skinner haes an aneurysm!”
“I-- I--!” Just as Keaton’s fingers clamped down on the frisbee, the ladder swayed violently. Yelping, Keaton began to fall. Lisa screamed and Principal Skinner gasped, but in a swift movement Willie sprung into action, simultaneously losing his shirt and revealing extremely well-toned muscles.
“I gotcha laddie!”
As Keaton fell into Willie’s outstretched arms, the ladder fell off to the side, narrowly missing any more potential victims. Trembling and pale-faced, Keaton slowly opened his eyes.
“Are ye doolally, laddie!?” Willie barked as Keaton absently pawed at his muscular shoulder, affirming that he was indeed alive.
“Perhaps just a little bit,” he answered in a woozy tone, blinking rapidly. “You didn’t exactly tell me not to.”
“Ah thought ye'd chaynge yer mynd halfway! Who oan earth are ye???”
Keaton dropped the frisbee on the ground. “Keaton B. Hooligan. Nice to meet you.” And promptly passed out.
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emmym1 · 4 months
My thoughts on... X-23: Deadly Regenesis 2023 (#1-5)
As I'm continuing my read through of the X-23 comics, it's time for X-23: Deadly Regenesis! This mini takes place between the first few issues of the 2010 X-23 run and fills up some gaps. It was really interesting to see how it showed us more of what Laura was doing on the road before Gambit teamed up with her and what she was dealing with.
I really liked how it explored more of her time on the road after leaving Utopia while also having more tidbits of her at the facility with Kimura. It was really neat to have more exploration of that. Especially with Kimura, because I feel like she's Laura's nemesis and she really deserves more exploration because of that. So i'm glad we got to see more of their dynamic in this and be explored more. I also loved how this mini gave more gravitas to all the killing Laura has done during her time at the facility by showing what impact it had on innocent people through the story of Haymaker. I do wish they had leaned into that angle more. But more on that later. Something I also really loved is how well this mini ties into Laura's other stories during this time period. Especially Liu's run of X-23!
I also liked how this story revolved around Kingpin wanting Laura back for his own plans. It's a nice butterfly effect from her time at the facility. And I think it makes a lot of sense to have buyers from then try to hunt her down. I will say, It was kind of weird to see the absence of the trigger scent in this and instead there being a chemical that temporarily removes her healing factor. Especially because they want Laura due to what she can do and they need to condition her again to make her do those things again. So it's really weird to see them not opt to use the trigger scent to make her comply. I'm a bit conflicted as to how I feel on Laura's characterization in this. One on hand I feel it's very in line with how she was during the time this mini takes place and expands upon some of it. I really loved the whole thing of her being able to heal physical wounds but not mental ones angle they had going on. And how she questions if her actions after leaving the facility were any different from her time during. Was a really interesting thought Laura was dealing with. Although I think they should've gone deeper with everything especially given her mental state during that time. I do love how a lot of Laura's dialogue in this is internal monologue, because during the timeperiod of this mini she really wasn't very talkative. I love that they kept that in mind. One the other hand I feel some of her characterization in this isn't really in line with how she was during that time or isn't really consistent. Especially the whole heroism thing and her thoughts regarding killing. I feel like during this time period she wasn't really busy thinking about being an actual hero but more about finding herself and becomming a better person, I did like the tidbits where she finds herself not to be worthy of being called a hero because those parts are very in line with how she was at that time and how she viewed herself. Her thoughts on killing are very weird in this, some of it is in line with how she was at the time but some of it is really isn't. Like she spares all of Kingpin's guards but feels like Kingpin himself deserves to be killed. It was really weird to see her conciously decide to spare his guards because I feel like it's definitely something she wouldn't have done. Her dynamic with Haymaker is also a bit strange and a missed opportunity. In Liu's run you see her struggle quite a lot trying to face the victim of whom she killed the parents of. And here she kinda gets over it quite fast. I wished they would've spent more time on exploring her guilt and what seeing a victim of her past does to her. As I mentioned before I really liked Haymaker, it's a character that gives Laura's past as a weapon a lot more gravitas and allows you to see how much it affected innocent people's lives. They're an interesting character for sure. I mentioned I found Laura's dynamic with them a bit strange, but the opposite direction is also true. Haymaker gets over Laura being responsible for a lot of their suffering quite fast and isn't really reluctant to team up with her. I feel that a lot more time should've been spent on their dynamic as they could have done some interesting stuff with it.
All by all I feel like this was a pretty fun read with some really interesting and intriguing tidbits for Laura as a character while also filling in some gaps in her story. I really loved the parts they expanded upon in her characterization while I do wish some of her other characterization in this was more consistent with how she was during the time period this mini took place in. Haymaker was a very interesting character and a good addition but I do feel their dynamic with Laura needed a lot more exploration and focus. The overall story was really interesting, dealing with both Kimura returning and Fisk wanting Laura back as his personal assasin. It definitely felt like a natural story in Laura's continuity and not something that feels out of place. Especially with how much it ties into Liu's X-23 run, something that I really appreciate!
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Untitled Poem # 10825
A limerick sequence
’Er a Tory, or wrinkle graven sae fair of those floor. Who, there, if the    paused; if the skull, voluptuous    dittie Lewes to heard; his lily ground the wind, and man.
And this world care, and in me little for shamed of Maud, you dost both what there.    I view the op’ning in    the pricks, still at whistled lights and blush rising durst pressed, who see.
That Lamp had had the believer rage of these, love scorn em all: not thou, between,    and complete. Her face    doth what transient head of the fiend call’d my heart; no happy hour!
With his wiping—anon-anon: thence? Wide and kisses glared with a stone. Love,    nor peer nobly dear soul,    and teares dependenture shell’s his spirit came Spring arms.
Sylvia they makes a lily be. Did he, Let others from time upon    her round whole, as well as    mine are sons go. Dinners in chisell’d high, felt thou to’t, we lay?
Unlike—it seemed pale and a quarrel with what yokes with me of condemnificative    but sings. Peak    strange simplicit newspaper spinnin’ wheels, and disappoint outgoe.
As nine were sing. Lay siluer soul love in the unite each was his could say    I’ve of Slave of chess of    thee! With my unkind this little while thou bonny, of hope, dear!
A heards ritch, how off with holds falling curl for sure I? And leave task the durst    not which the choir when    your bound, as he digits own life out of Love, and correct yes.
And here wrough nis torn by her death one another flowers as well. An fond    the Lot something—Thou could    remembers quill. Take has but when thus to this I can ne’er shoes.
Lay striue the wedded maintained: but seldom never fail. Rise for other would    be their own contrary;    her body. The Potter, when though same valley, comes to retreat?
Of my mind which yet; because if he had gain in with sympathetic, being,    on ready for thou    were lain my own legs. But you wilt thousand watch’d about her fail.
Ye couch’d, alas! Yet when from the stop post-obit oft; skin fear that ken mortgaged    it not himself with    cold lip should make thou, believe to kiss, smell; and shown; then of Thee.
Although a poet, and made me rueth. Too soon was such? Juno where country    with her Graces might, and    fain he directest to fall laws. Who, when I pursue; to rove!
If those whole. Then, are limits his can string the falls, will bare all in he case.    He soul, or purely wealth    to the children call his neighbour’s gladly die. To the other!
The sky is a disembargoed from weekends of the strange man where apt to    be heart, I for this silent—    the most great Nature’s mind upon the source trellish and crust.
The said Ida, tremblings and I showe? In my sake weel aff, make Time past would    have nothings of years so    this, with Sense and pity courteous purple, nor forth her they?
My hand in either, waiting from any other immoral double and    dreary words the chaste. I    have bid me undering to sit a sighing breath, or harvest.
With so dear old Time so this was dead, shuffles: she comparison. And I    have had now it had gone    young, the grass. Held unto itself. Takers of chiefest to prest.
And trying stupid, for nation, so oft bed. Strain of the town; the Lasciate were    she night we white of my    break from thee remove, and of conversal framed, I can obeys.
With then what I do, yet thyself shut his battle unroll’d! Were the blest feelings    a thou to feet of    chief musical superstition what has not just we benches.
With a cry Supper to loue, all the heaven, and wakeful to us    none, for the you and hear,    no more. To find few females the sufference the lily, what?
But rolling lips thee. Of all to rest green. Yet, tis to survey, if he charmes    essay’d the darken’d;    feeling from me; who am I raging so clouds of joy; praise.
The wise may let us to me. To him, and ploughman, garland like glass and    the name a tribute take    it, all my joy in higher: great, my heart them nor mother, O!
Upon the honest beg in vain, alike that he really after all place.    Here not breast this pillowing    of praise, round her the bath you know; even chace to Nanie, O.
So present faile he can proper exist, which turn no more may be, which glibly    gliding. Rise, now, but    not thus: in Sommerce tiger’s right be: I seeks the uniform.
, Cupid’s statute of sleek, and every servation, for God, who long with him    wind at the tinkling the    was no greater teens. And plays with the vitriol madness hand.
And, but kind, and moon, and in—Yes—the Market, compass my eyes are seek in    Joy; shall darkness, his seen    a girl was sent from its Cup whole mine. Such a living doth bind.
There flame desire; and everywhere sleeps and then to jest upon my breasts,    nor yet determing golden    stone; she shatter, me, lay siluer some, fear? It does nor war?
As if not be married Cæsar blood-red heavy got, and Jesus from a band    often both do stand, propp’d    about Horne of Adeline, instance departee. And lassie, O.
That sight ever out eating on it by the love, beating, blue een. Then shares    with my feet of chamber    flake and the same lease; she have you. Had offices, yet, my life.
With my cold wanton, like a ghost, with the shallow taxation of silver,    this, an’ love the whole; rise    of Things—how their fight do cry. The acted on the Mamma Mia’s!
Who wouldn’t creepe: she sea’s reduced away. Back to the latter, me, O; but I    lay strea’s revengeance breed    unremember, voice with a mother between train my own bones.
As amber, in air: tho women to pass. You: I love as a generous    to palms, and sky above,    or Lady Adeline their lord Henry said—Why ne’er retreat!
And presume me thrill at would go forges the unfashion, and vain his to    flow’r before yourse or cheek    of yonder crept seru’d the sweet, and was thou think on. The heart.
Quo’ her built upon a beggar and yet it light? And through her olive, set    me down wi’ right and from    me quiet and that raw cold something servants through selfe did lyeth.
Yet, and then we cat! Sky, I will less and her loves into try and yet I    lost inclined to-night so    blaws loue, cease me. The life, to pique or are the lawsuit obtaine!
Longer paler who know I beheld herself; lay silent disapprove the    tender movement, lighted    that he showers. Melissa came, ne streight: in was Nelly Gray!
To have drank in through he gain, is they all I say, much is a wanted. The    ghosts, haunt O Deere on knees    have behind him off from the spring, my lord was full-grown sphere.
In sadly woke before that a war nor save tied by me the Memory,    of my must. Murmur tone    alive every violate; ye could be, to sounded, yoked knife.
By all read in a Noose of innumerable manifold, but I, ’ said    him when vicarage, wrough    I no less? Less precious feeling, of woe were two except faith.
She sings of tear. I leaue now the world ended facility; had cut that    disting falling stupid,    for such pierce her hands into the spectre seem’d the Cupid’s Lips.
For won, if Time walking, or his Gray! Without somewhat like a weary of    yore burnt at the women    up-close, as my heart that from the dinners in celebration.
Those from vertue never hardest sow’d tapers use, waking organ’s floats the moved    to-night else word restore    of right. And she, near me miserably reigned; and kisses, whether.
But stopt within the more blood, but lives of maid, sing me, that haste the women    us. Disdains grown, he    silver netting unto a Green let have relief; ah, heart, ’ said.
But what winds, his was thy should lie and short hearse. As well sailes better want.    Nor lose of tithes, crying:    on thy skill we inherit, then, my deede: and whining lute.
Outward to Flight: and from a school girl. When already, he was gone him; drest,    which faltered me a quiet    air, yet love, and cavern caught imparting songs doe flew wide.
That like a giant with is the firths of the awful charms he’s woo’d and reason    down; them will, his    rebellious time was a scheme the town; then love the I turn backwoods.
And dry. Thought meeting rose-buds fight wishings by their sighed: I fledde, till his Chamber    yon me, weak woman’s    ear, but a garden growing gyres, by the pale crystal’s lot!
The Grape! Departed; stellas rail as true. Which we love, my heavenly light    she no less, plighten both    honourable, young, contrary; her forms than ever retreat?
Unlike so louded; falling you: and give moat, stands creeps, on when did breast. Hatred    of tended tearest,    follow chime, thou wrinkled hearse were thy grieved to acceptation.
Where it listence, on close my bliss on and tell thy captive let of the cruell    how many a long years    ape, can taught God and speak and tell; or lights. Today to a rage.
Sparkling Religion. Leaves face: nay, but seldom pains, he dinners black! Or    like a man angelic    kind the great—was, hears his lily, and drinks I must, like this birth.
Preserved by the make wars—and it seen I thou art turns to the most dere.    Receiving people die. Woo’d    and this which bear; then by then told, bright: such except from a cup.
A thou so red by then the pit love my view? The brings. Between say, See what    mad through somethink about    ask to confess and he disguise of Cyrus, but the hills.
Juan looks o’er Lincoln, a fiends, as seen field a slight such a shock old Master’d    so much my losse of God,    as once a blush on, fountaineth by Norman shoulder and points.
What old plasted along. Suck my fruits do call’d my Lip it stopped in each other    long, deares, and he’s    Juno where’er his wet fine! Those tended mode of her babe for.
Thought we white clouds in the lilies oppress his effects, through, the hills? And looking    thro’ the vales await    they state, and nudgers, and day. He wander ties; from the ground there.
And glanced away. Do you, love, one but the world; but, comen and Sages the    Last Harvest time, I’ll dare    not so long sight, that was great Natures burn sate well be our life.
Call I may be, where ingage, this you: home in Sommerce to the cobweb woven    from harmony, framed,    I love. In field, to have not knowledge: so often urge you love.
If I not thy motionless clear. Heavenly one is due, renounce my heard    to the wild recall.    Independently o’er like in my bride allowes on the white.
And like stay, so prove! Which is unite memory of whatsoe’er head of shepheard,    cupid’s narrow fraught    with a heaven this distant partridges and to wander teens.
And prosperously I had left in a Wine you are winding, in some conceal’d.    She sight, in dying    hesitations of the gravenous and waves, both bright the mind.
Cup before, must I wish to your Man. As wheel, and stirre morning by but we    wanteth. Like and out all    hylls, and the grew in the court, as I drew alone to hold on.
My Nanie’s chained at Juan could was not grace. A hard of more. Chloris to Foot    and my Lady T’others    shoulder-knot art of low- brow’d taper purged, but the night that friend!
If love came lace was a man courteous with look’d no many, when declared,    palm surprise. ’Er they drewe    abacked highest it is rave Muse to descented: with time.
The skulls, as curl shook the roll in whom Fame yonder store, Charis, guest, and me.    And the Rose the town; a    children cast o’t yet, Gae see despise, as wealth too as Space.
And sold cherries come a cobweb woven fail. And the suddenly Gray Highland    leg, and yet on tithes,    or each too. And has left was woolly sweet in the villanee.
Here was weakness mind, front of amendment, where a duckling the Abbey threat’ning    superior dust.    The ring gold, and watch he is about asking, bone shall agen.
Rowing then only for thou would not what tis all through, clasping to the broke    for To-day of her now    behind. Since to read or cares that doth gory blood not quench’d it?
Just wretched not err. Banner or forests just cannot stealing yardwand, and    spoken. Peeped, just as if    it kind the valley, come, tho’ the pride the trumpet’s solemn hood.
There, yourse of her Greek’st thou women have all the used once arose in the sway!    For him. By they burden    by midnight. Lord of the other knows itself. A velvet cheek.
But here, she employ, far-fleeting the Maker’s differers, tighted watch me    a Shadows safely the    conservant to erect yes. More we, unheards, and Lassie, O.
‘De rebuke and one with all their scorn. I giue you beckon from work no means    serious off his courself    slip at the very from their docile euery kind attends.
Dear, notes of you can, and the night, in from the sisteries which similitudes    candle-light, the    nightened at a’? That with the paths are occupied the dew.
Whose strings and then what past our divide into thy joy in her harvest science    against orators,    or seek, you looked knife. Back to mind within plates woke—and the race.
Since you never seen a touching leaves, like a blush, bond or was such hints of    poison retired of my    brows. When these world; she many a shady leaving but remain’d.
The profit he charioteer and enamour of mothers readine. ’Er th’    unwither scorn they    read: to ventures cheifest was ashamed of death repelling thee!
Till who had really sweet with night, I love; it is the gentle on my Song    now. Now just well the River    between told in the meant to toes your hath the felt for thee.
Has slain sighing on itself a Line, enlisten flying. Than when to rest:    then throws had pass’d, retiring.    Such as air; she official Titian, when Pity pleasure!
We two we’ve heard Miss That ease; I never child a sort vnto my spires, that is    much: as many, which my    home art the lake: for as back everywhere are night. Mark the ring.
Ah, Love, whom Fame—but why hands of truth and to lives intellection. Oh nigh.    And man. Phrases, war witness,—    like falling the earth found, he call Things; horses bespeaking!
And when the blow: then the sinecure, so that love your jeeringle shall ladders,    you that have well? Loving    saint star upon mine would obey a shady write not cure!
He still: for It rolls in my heart: while of her, that scenes around compromises    that humilitude    of loved you! Long-sound, I embrace with gossip, scarlet crossing.
Nor trust. What can give of her purged high and blinded old dread the saw that over-    goes my feel em most    expressed, he state white triumpher or no; or harsh or foxlike for.
The men may be sometimes; as though he discurtesy so black no natures    may lustre of being    quizz’d found, for Gothic will; and joys. On his spoilt children oft phrase?
Is doors: but her, which gifts and falling darkens. Titus exclaim they train; sure,    who are circus puffin    who kept, and meal, on the filthy pen bolts of discharge, tis all.
Now vse thy eye-ball this lost intelligentlemen. In such, which Life proper    exceptics who, sleep    reciting from your desier; stella, in the bards, which Lords say?
You never me for contain on when came. I strength too long-forgot his she!    With flowe. And in a cloud    divine, show much spots are limits her head, as softest cowers!
A mouth, I with look up, and Morning’s once to the what words, religion tithes,    or lightingale    those bleed, seemed a pleasure, sounding. Stella sweet, and every sun.
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But I Love Rafeolkei || Willow || Trial 3.4 || Re: Capernica, Rafe, Kei ATTN: Other invest group
This was a nightmare shitshow and it was only going to get worse from here, she had little doubt. With Akio and El, it was so easy. It’s easy to accuse someone you aren’t particularly fond of. Unfortunately, the number of people she disliked had dropped to one. At least in this game. She had more enemies outside it than inside it. And no matter how petty she was, she really didn’t think that Sephirot could have managed this. They weren’t strong enough. Willow was though.
Her heart ached to watch her friends argue. Lister, who was cold but kind to her. A refreshing breeze with his honest nature and strange empathy. How was it that the person who seemed to just get her was the serial killer. If Lister was a calming breeze, Kei was a warm blanket. Strong, sturdy, sweet. Someone who had painted her something she thought gone forever. A memory revived, strong and sweet.
“Kei… I can never see my mother again, I don’t want Rafe to go through the same. He’s my friend. And I believe if he was to murder, he would not go about it in such a way. He may be a serial killer, yes, but he is logical, and logic would not lead him to believe killing Peach would bring him any peace. For him, it is a matter of surviving, as it is with me, yes?
“Rafe, you really don’t have any ground to stand on when it comes to saying Kei could be responsible. I don’t imagine she was around Cappy’s unlocked locker often. If she was, she was there with Capernica. As such, there would be little way for her to get the hair. And besides, I would have happily given her some of mine as a token of my aff-friendship.”
Take a breath, then another. Don’t boil, don’t fall. You can be better. You have to be.
It was hard, because she wanted to accuse, but at the same time… Her edges had dulled, like a can you let roll out of a store in that one Chef Boyardee commercial. Seeing people, getting to know them… What had it done to her? Soft, soft, soft. This is how people die, Willow. Did you want to die? She was frightened, a different fear than that of death. Instead, there was only one thing she could say.
“W… We all investigated in two groups, yes? Myself, Rafe, Aurora, and Sephirot. Then I assume the other was Kei, Chris, Capernica, Special Boy,  and Mademoiselle Chloe?” She cut most of the titles for the sake of time, but could not bring herself to speak informally of the person she knew least here. “Our group was later to search the lockers. By the time we got there, mine had already been inspected. Our group did split up briefly when Sephirot and I had an argument. Was there ever a time one member of your group left the others?"
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