#shiro the polar bear
iamfanfan · 8 months
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
poor shiro cannot catch a fucking break can he. first he gets a crippling disease he's got two years to live. then an angsty wattpad breakup with his boyfriend then he gets kidnapped by aliens and pumped full of alien weed then he crashes on earth with so much walking midlife crisis energy that he gains the skinning puppies to make a fur coat hair, and then he immediately gets shot right back into space by his shittass little brother and weirdo friends with the literal matt clone. then this poor man is made the leader of an alien war, becomes a father to four fuckass teenagers through accidental child acquisition, is forced into the kim kardashian lifestyle by a ginger on drugs, gets kidnapped again, gets cloned, fucking dies, somehow comes back (yeah I'm not really clear about this) then this pathetic wet cat of a man, this stressed jean valjean father of four, experiencing his fourth midlife crisis and millionth mental breakdown, gains that senior citizen swag at twenty five. you could colour match his hair with a polar bear. then he witnesses a walking loreal ad (derogatory) get melted alive, watches a castle get blown up, loses three years in a space time jump and then finds out his ex- fiance who broke up with him right before he left has fucking died in a purple thumb invasion before he got to marry him. but oh no no no that's not the end for this poor sad man. poor guy doesn't get a second to grieve before he is visually assaulted by a less cunty sue sylvester ripoff and her gang of bitchy cheerios (this is admiral s*nda), and yet again made a leader against his will, and shot right back off into space again. then he watches the only other responsible adult in this entire franchise (hot badass space princess who like shiro did not catch a break) sacrifice herself and is left a struggling father. ends up marrying some random fucko. all while suffering through his shitass hot topic brother and blueberry disaster's doomed yaoi romance. oh yeah and he's only got one arm. give the guy a BREAK. FREE my man he doesn't deserve this 🔥🔥
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
parts one two three
The first emotion Keith feels, immediately upon waking, is intense dread.
And if that doesn’t sum up the day he’s about to have. Fuck’s sake.
He already feels pretty guilty about yesterday. Besides the fact that Lance is his right hand man — they’re supposed to have each other’s backs, and Keith definitely didn’t have Lance’s, because even though Lance wasn’t in the right he wasn’t in the wrong either — and they’re supposed to be leading this as a team, Keith knows part of the reason things fell apart so quickly is because he didn’t talk to Lance last night. He probably couldn’t’ve convinced Lance to kill the beast, obviously, but they could have definitely explored some different angles together. By letting things fester, Keith pretty much ensured that Lance was going to come up with some elaborate, dangerous scheme that was going to cost them an alliance, and worse, possibly get Lance hurt or killed. (Lance had a good track record with dangerous animals, sure, but this is a beast. The thing sounded like a mix between a polar bear and a dragon. There’s only so much Lance can do, uncanny abilities or not.)
But what’s done is done. Keith can’t very well redo yesterday and make Lance un-mad at him and everyone else, so he’ll have to make do with what he’s got.
And what he’s got is first shift on make-sure-Lance-doesn’t-mutiny-duty.
Fuck, Keith thinks as he makes his way out of his room, this is going to be the Actual Worst.
As usual, Keith is one of the first people on the bridge. Unusually, Lance is next. (Usually he is last, and also late).
“Hey, Lance,” Keith says, trying to muster up a smile.
Surprisingly, Lance beams right back. “Hello, Numb — uh,” his smile falters. “I mean, hi there, Mullet.”
Keith slumps. “I’m still Mullet, huh.”
Lance nods.
“You reckon I’ll work my way back up to Keith, soon? I’ll do anything, you know I will. I’ll even try your horrible face mask with you.”
To his further surprise — Lance must have actually slept well, or something — Lance smiles again, and this time it’s soft even to Keith’s eyes.
“Really? You would do that?”
“I’d do anything for you,” Keith says, and it’s more than he means to.
Lance frowns, and Keith’s heart sinks for the millionth time in just a few hours.
“Except help me save an innocent animal’s life,” he says, and there’s nothing Keith can say to that.
They sit in tense silence until the rest of the paladins arrive.
Shiro counts them once they do, like they’re kindergarteners and he’s a very tired EA, and furrows his brow when he finishes.
“Six. Including me. Who are we — where’s Coran?”
“He said he’ll be here in a few dobashes,” Lance says. “A calibrator broke down in the control room somewhere — nothing urgent, but he wants to get it fixed to get it out of the way. He’ll be back before we’re gone long.”
“That’s fine. Thank you, Lance,” Allura says, transparently trying to ease the tense line of his shoulders, a little.
It does not work. Lance sets his jaw and looks away.
Allura sighs. “I’m sorry, Lance,” she tries. “I know this is hard for you. If it were possible, and we had more time, we’d find another way.”
Keith decides that enough is probably enough. Allura and Shiro look genuinely dejected and apologetic, and both Pidge and Hunk look upset.
“Look, Lance, this situation sucks for everyone, okay? It sucks. We’re going to do what we can. If we get to the situation in question and we can actually manage to fix things without killing the beast, then that’s what we’ll do, okay? We’ll do our best.”
Lance exhales, shoulders slumping. He looks… guilty, and his guilt certainly does nothing to appease Keith’s.
“Sorry,” Lance mutters. “I know this is hard for everyone.”
Keith swallows the lump in his throat. He genuinely can’t remember the last time a non-major battle mission sucked so unequivocally for everyone involved, but Jesus Christ.
“Let’s just go,” he says, and everyone nods before following him off the castle and to the wet, humid heat of the planet.
part four
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2a8n · 1 year
Wait, wha…?!
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Why is Shirogane among those characters, who in this Orca's "like" category are?
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On the one hand, we were shown a little but the relationship between Rocma and Idate, so we can still come to the conclusion that he likes her (and, perhaps, even more).
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On the other hand, we have Rock, which is also a "friend" to this violent Orca, and may well fall into the "like" category. Plus, and Rock, and Rocma have a very ardent and hostile personality, which leads us to the conclusion that Idate likes people with certain qualities: they are short-tempered, cruel, not afraid to fight back and/or go against someone else's opinion.
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And based on all of the above, the question arises: why? Why is Shirogane in Orca's "like" category?
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He usually tries not to confront Idate openly in any way, either verbally or physically.
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The only exceptions are 2: and in both cases Shiro used his harpoon gun. Orca himself considers the use of any weapons to be "unfair", so I'm not sure that cases involving the use of a harpoon gun by a wolf would count…
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However, a certain amount of "irascibility" in Shirogane's personality is still present, given all these incidents with harpoons. And Suno-san also can attest to that.
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Does this mean that Shirogane is actually just as short-tempered as Rocma and Rock, but more patient than them? Quite possible. Based on this, it can be assumed that our depressive wolf quite easily shows "weakness" in the form of fear and sorrows, but it is more difficult to show him anger and hostility. The polar bear and the penguin have the opposite: it is easier for them to show their anger and hostility than their fears and sorrows. From here and their problem with interaction, probably.
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One way or another, but I come to the conclusion that Shirogane was able to get into the Orca's "like" category only for 2 reasons: 1) It's fun (according to Idate, most likely) to "play" with him; 2) It is more difficult to provoke him to get angry than to bring him to tears, which means that this is already a challenge (he most likely wants to bring Rocma to tears, because it is much easier to make her angry than to make her cry, which can also be considered as a challenge, probably).
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That's all that came to my mind. Given the incompleteness of Ice Scream, I'm still unsure of my guess. I hope someday we will be able to get as much information about this universe as possible and finally play a full Ice Scream. In the meantime… Poor Shirogane. =(
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nimbusnomade · 5 months
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35+ Awesome Japanese Winter Words
Fuyu (冬)
 Fuyu is the Japanese word for winter. It’s one of the four seasons in Japan. The other Japanese seasons are haru (spring), natsu (summer) and aki (autumn).
Samui (寒い)
Samui means cold in Japanese – and it is one of the most useful Japanese words for winter! If you’re in Japan during the winter months, you will hear almost every conversation start with samui desu ne – cold, isn’t it!
Yuki (雪)
Yuki is the Japanese word for snow. Snow is a symbol of winter in Japan, the same as many other northern hemisphere countries.
Japan is a large country with several different climates, so it doesn’t snow everywhere in Japan. The northern regions (especially Hokkaido) can be covered in snow for several months each year. But other parts of Japan (especially south of Tokyo) rarely see snow. Still, snow is a popular theme for winter cards, art and decorations.
Here are a few other snow related words in Japanese for you:
大雪 (oo yuki) – heavy snow
初雪 (hatsu yuki) – the first snow of the season
雪遊び(yuki asobi) – playing in the snow
雪合戦 (yuki gassen) – snow ball fight
雪祭り (yuki matsuri) – snow festival. The most famous snow festival is held in Sapporo, Hokkaido each February.
Kazahana (風花)
Kazahana is the Japanese word for snow flurry. If you are studying kanji, you might recognise the two characters that make up this word – 風 (kaza, wind) and 花 (hana, flowers). So a flurry of snowflakes is like little white flowers drifting in the wind. What a romantic image!
Ski (スキー)
Skiing is a popular winter hobby in Japan. The Japanese word スキー (ski) has been borrowed from other languages, so it’s easy to remember! It is written in katakana – the Japanese script used for foreign loan words.
Yukimi (雪見)
If you already know something about Japanese culture, you probably know that in Japan, people love to honour the changing seasons with different rituals that celebrate nature. Maybe you’ve heard of hanami – the spring time tradition of going to view the cherry blossoms. Well, yukimi means viewing the snow! Japanese people will often take the time to drink tea while admiring the snow.
Yukidaruma (雪だるま)
Yukidaruma means snowman in Japanese. Just like any other country, children love to build cute snowmen when it snows.The first part of the word, yuki, means snow. The second part, daruma, is a kind of round Japanese doll. Yukidaruma do look more like a ‘daruma’ than a ‘man’!
Bonus word: yukiusagi (雪うさぎ)
As well as snowmen, Japanese children love to make yukiusagi – snow bunnies! Usagi means rabbit in Japanese. Yuki usagi are smaller and easier to make than snowmen. Usually they are decorated with red berries for eyes and green leaves for ears.
Shirokuma (白くま)
Shirokuma means polar bear. Literally, it means white (shiro) bear (kuma). There aren’t any polar bears living in Japan, but a lot of people love them because they look cute, so they are kind of a symbol of winter and snow.
Kurisumasu (クリスマス)
Kurisumasu is Christmas in Japanese. It’s written in katakana, and of course it comes from the English word Christmas. Merry Christmas in Japanese is メリークリスマス (merii kurisumasu).
Christmas is not a big event in Japan because the country does not have a big Christian population. In fact, December 25th is a normal working day.
And it’s not considered a family day like in other countries. Christmas (or more especially, Christmas Eve) are actually thought of as romantic days in Japan! Christmas Eve is the hottest date night of the year – similar to Valentine’s day.
However, lately celebrating a western-style Christmas is becoming more and more popular in Japan.
Learn about some unique Japanese Christmas traditions here!
Oshougatsu (お正月)
Oshougatsu is New Year in Japanese. As we mentioned, New Year is much bigger than Christmas in Japan. In fact, many people consider it to be the most important holiday in the year. A new year represents a fresh start, and new hopes for the year ahead.
Most companies in Japan are closed from January 1 to January 3, and sometimes longer, to allow employees to spend time with their families.
The New Year period is typically a family time in Japan, with lots of traditions and special food.
Here are some other words associated with the New Year in Japan:
大晦日 (oomisoka) – Oomisoka means New Year’s Eve in Japanese.
年越しそば (toshikoshi soba)  – Toshikoshi soba is one of many traditional dishes served at New Year in Japan. Soba are buckwheat noodles, and toshikoshi is another word for New Year. They are traditionally eaten on New Years Eve because the long shape symbolises long life.
おせち (osechi)  – This is traditional food served on New Year’s day. All the ingredients of the meal have some special meaning for good luck over the next year.
 初夢 (hatsuyume)  – the first dream of the New Year
年玉 (otoshidama)  – New Year’s gift, typically money given as a gift to children at New Year in red envelopes
年賀状 (nengajou)  – New Year’s greetings cards
There are actually different greetings, depending on whether you say it before or after the new year!
Hatsumode  (初詣)
Hatsumōde is an important New Year tradition in many Japanese families. It means the first visit to a shrine or temple in the New Year. Many people try to go on January 1st, but any time in the first three days is OK.
Due to this tradition, Shinto shrines in Japan are extremely busy in early January. Many of them have a kind of festival feel, with food stalls outside and lots of activity.
During hatsumode, people buy omikuji (pieces of paper with fortunes written on) and pray for their wishes for the next year.
Kotatsu (炬燵)
If you’ve ever spent a winter in Japan, the kotatsu will be your best friend! A kotatsu is a low table with a heater underneath. You can sit around it to keep your legs warm and toasty in the cold weather. They usually have a blanket attachment to keep the heat in, and for extra coziness.
Most Japanese homes don’t have central heating, so the kotatsu is an important way to stay warm in winter! Usually the family will all gather around the kotatsu and hang out on cold evenings.
Mikan (みかん)
Mikan are Japanese mandarin oranges. They are a common winter fruit in Japan. They are grown in the south of Japan, especially Ehime prefecture. It has lots of vitamins and keeps people healthy in winter.
Japanese people especially love to enjoy mikan while sitting around the kotatsu!
Here are some other winter foods in Japan:
ゆず (yuzu) – another Japanese citrus fruit with a kind of lime/lemon taste
かぼちゃ (kabocha) – Japanese pumpkin
おでん (oden) – kind of stew with boiled ingredients such as boiled eggs, fishpaste cakes, potatoes and daikon
鍋 (nabe) – a warming hotpot dish full of vegetables and meat or fish
焼き芋 (yakiimo) – roasted sweet potatoes which are often sold by street vendors or food trucks in winter
いちご (ichigo) – strawberries. Strawberries are considered summer fruits in many other countries, but in Japan they are most popular in winter.
もち (mochi) – rice cake sold and eaten especially at new year, and also used in new year decorations.
Fuyu gomori (冬ごもり)
Do you like to escape from the world and stay indoors all winter? If so, you’re taking part in fuyu gomori – winter confinement or hibernation! The kotatsu is the perfect place for fuyu gomori 🙂
Setsubun (節分)
Setsubun is considered the last day of winter and beginning of spring in Japan. It takes place on February 3rd.
On setsubun, many Japanese families take part in a tradition to scare away evil spirits before the new season starts. For this tradition, the father of the household dresses up in a demon mask and comes to the front door of the house. The other family members throw soy beans at him, shouting 鬼は外! 福は内! (Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!), which means ‘Demon out! Luck in!’, to chase him away. This is supposed to bring happiness for the new year.
Some people also attend a shrine on this day, or eat a special sushi roll called ehō-maki facing a lucky direction.
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hellokittyisangel · 2 years
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Kaburin Bo Club is a gathering of friends who work hard to get closer to their ideal selves. Shiro is a cat boy who is always alone because he has failed in both his studies and sports. He wants to be like his teacher, who can do anything and is liked by everyone, Shiro is the leader of Kaburin Bo Club. Popo is a shy polar bear boy who has moved from a cold country. He's embarrassed to stand out because of his unusual coat. Mame is an energetic Mameshiba dog boy who aims to become a basketball player. He wears the same golden retriever look as his favorite player. He gets teased because he is small.
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biomic · 2 years
@de-sterren-nacht replied to your post:
i think you got an image wrong here? unless shiro and dapan look identical
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polar bear
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panda bear
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
Motherhood (an Ice Scream one-shot)
Another cold day in Iceberg Isle, the inhabitants of the village where going on about their daily lives, fishing, chatting with each other, the kids were playing around, making snowballs and throwing them amongst themselves, making snowmen, the usual day-to-day experience. Yukisada had come from a quick trip to the only market in the entire village and the only place in the Iceberg in general, where one could buy vegetables, since they couldn’t be planted and grown in the icy permafrost, Yukisada came back home with a bag full of groceries, some veggies, some meat, she was planning on making a nice homemade stew, to change up the pace from the usual clam chowder she made basically every single day, as lovely and warm as it was, at a certain point, it got tiresome to eat and prepare the same dish over and over again.
Yukisada laid the recently brought stuff in the dining room table, humming a little song while she did, to entertain herself a bit, but she was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps, she looked behind her and saw Shirogane, the wolf girl had finally left her bedroom after staying there for almost an entire week.
“oh, Shiro, you came out!” Yukisada smiled warmly, happy to see her friend finally leave her hidey-hole, when the wolf girl had barred herself inside her bedroom, she had some immediate concerns, while it wasn’t unusual for Shirogane to stay in her rooms for days at a time, an entire week seemed too much.
“I-I smelled food…” Shirogane explained, feeling a little embarrassed for that to be her reason to finally leave.
“I’m making a nice stew tonight, clam chowder is nice and all, but I was getting kinda tired of it, besides, I want to make something nice and tasty for the two of us!” Yukisada explained.
“yes, something nice and tasty, I’m sure my puppy will love it!” Shirogane smiled, her tail wagging excitedly.
“of course, a nice homemade stew for me, you and your pupp-“ Yukisada paused for a second, processing what her canine friend just said. “WAIT, WHAT!?” she screamed in shock.
Shirogane was taken aback by her friends’ reaction. “m-my puppy, I had a puppy!” Shirogane explained, well, not exactly.
Yukisada was left speechless, aghast, she blinked a few times, a thousand thoughts running through her mind.
“Shirogane… puppy!?... Shirogane had a puppy!?, when!? Who!? How!?... well… I know how, but… who did it? Rocma? No, that polar bear can’t even stand to look at her, much less go as far as to have sex with her… nonono, maybe… maybe… PERACO! That perverted, bastard penguin, when I get my hands on him, I’ll…!”  Yukisada was making strange strangling gestures with her hands, a look of absolute fury in her usually gentle face.
Shirogane simply looked at what her friend was doing, a bit weirded out by her unusual behavior. “well… yeah! I had a puppy, he’s really cute, you should see him!”
Yukisada snapped out of her enraged trance. “wait, of course, if I see what the baby looks like, I’ll know who the father is”.
“yes, let me see him” Yukisada said with a completely serious face and a lower tone of voice, almost like a cop asking to see a criminal.
“r-right!” Shirogane responded, still weirded out.
The wolf girl led the snowy owl to her room, Shirogane opened the door as slow and as gently as it was possible, before stepping into the room, making sure to not make any noise, turning on the lights in the bedroom, then turning to look at her friends, making a “shhh” sound with her mouth, putting her finger in front of her mouth to tell her friend to keep quiet, in response to this, Yukisada merely nodded.
“come closer” Shirogane whispered, walking up to the bed, on top of it there was a big pile of clothes, bedsheets and pillows, arranged in a vaguely circular pattern, making some sort of small, makeshift den, Yukisada approached the pile and looked inside of it, expecting to find the infant… Instead, inside the “den” was a small plushie of an artic wolf, with button eyes, it’s limbs and head attached with black thread, a sewn-on smile on it’s cute face.
“eh…?” Yukisada was absolutely bewildered, she expected an actual, alive-and-breathing baby, not a stuffed toy, she looked at her friend like the wolf girl had gone completely crazy, Shirogane simply smiled, a genuine, warm smile that could light up a whole room, she seemed so happy, like the owl had never seen before.
“he’s absolutely adorable, isn’t he?” Shirogane asked, her tail wagging like crazy, looking like a white blur, the most adorable of smiles on her lips.
Yukisada wasn’t sure how to respond, she was concerned for her friends’ sanity, maybe all the bullying she received had finally made her snap? But she also didn’t want to ruin the first moment of genuine happiness in her entire life, an internal debate raged in the owl’s mind. Shirogane walked up to her “den” and grabbed the stuffed wolf doll, cradling it like an actual baby, she smiled at the toy, the smile only an actual mother could give.
“I… I… I” Yukisada stuttered, she was completely speechless, Shirogane truly believed that the plushie was her actual baby.
Shirogane moved aside her overalls straps, then lifted her stripped shirt, exposing her breast, putting the doll’s mouth up to her nipple, as if breastfeeding it.
“you need to eat so that you’ll be a big and strong wolf when you grow up” She talked to her “baby”, before looking at Yukisada. “right, Yuki?”
“… I… I” Yukisada still couldn’t speak, but something suddenly clicked in her mind, she had seen this before! Or at least heard of it. “w-wait here a second, okay Shiro?”
The owl ran out the room, to his “clinic” (actually the entrance room of the house, which Yukisada turned into a small space to help her patients), she went straight to the bookshelf she had next to her desk, scanning the book titles with her vision and finger, she stopped at a thick, green book, in its spine it read “canine medicine, volume 4”.
“AHA, THERE YOU ARE!” Yukisada screamed, before realizing how dumb she looked, screaming at a book like she caught it stealing something.
The snowy owl took the book from its shelf, opening it and quickly skimming through the index pages. “dingoes, foxes, maned wolves, no, no, no” her eyes widened, she found what she was searching for. “wolves!”
Yukisada skimmed though the pages, looking for Shirogane’s specific ailment, she finally stopped at a page, in the top of it, in bold black letters read “faux pregnancy or pseudocyesis”, looking down from the title, she started reading the passage:
“False pregnancy in wolves are the result of a rapid decrease in the hormone, progesterone and an increase in the hormone prolactin. These hormonal changes occur normally in female wolves about 6-8 weeks after being in heat, symptoms range from physical, like sudden engorgement of the mammary glands and nausea and vomiting during the mornings, as if having an actual case of morning sickness…
Yukisada thought about if for a minute, she didn’t remember if she saw Shirogane with those kinds of symptoms…
“nausea… I don’t exactly remember… wait” she muttered to herself, a sudden memory appeared in her mind.
it was an average morning, she was sitting in the dining room, drinking some hot cocoa, she took a big sip of the cup, giving a satisfied sigh after finishing, it seemed it was going to be a normal day. Shirogane walked out of her room, looking depressed, this wasn’t unusual for her, but her face looked worse than usual, she was clutching her stomach.
“s-shiro, are you alright?” Yukisada asked, concerned for her friend.
“i-I’m fine…” Shirogane responded, obviously a complete lie.
Suddenly the wolf covered her mouth with her free hand, while clutching her stomach harder with the other one, the wolf ran to the bathroom, Yukisada following behind her, when she finally reached the bathroom, she was her friend hugging the toilet bowl while retching.
at the time Yukisada didn’t think much of it, it wasn’t unusual for Shirogane to feel ill after being berated by all the inhabitants of the island, the day before that, she had almost been eaten by Idate, then insulted by Rocma for her weakness and then insulted and literally spat on by Rock,  Yukisada thought that she had a nightmare of that event, repeating it over and over while she slept, that when she woke up, she felt ill to her stomach, it wasn’t uncommon for the wolf to feel nauseous after a nightmare like that.
“I should have known something was up with that… god… I’m such an idiot” Yukisada berated herself, she ignored her friend’s wellbeing, if she had paid more attention to her, maybe she could have avoided this whole situation, or maybe helped her friend through it sooner.
Another memory manifested itself in the owl’s mind…
She was talking to Shirogane about random stuff, when she suddenly noticed something about her friend’s chest, had… had her breasts gotten bigger? Yukisada stared at her friend’s bosom, she didn’t remember her being this busty, or was she always that size and she only noticed now? No, that was impossible, right? Yukisada kept ogling at Shirogane’s chest, like in a trance.
“um… Yuki, are you… alright?” Shirogane asked.
Yukisada snapped from her trance, before laughing awkwardly, her cheeks flushed with red.
“y-yeah, I am. Sorry, I just thought you had a… stain in your shirt, yeah, a stain” Yukisada forced a laugh, to try and make the situation less awkward…
Yukisada cringed at that memory, she would have rather kept it forgotten, but it did help reaffirm  Yukisada’s suspicion, she began reading the book again.
“in the behavioral side of the things, the symptoms can range from simple changes in behavior because of the hormones, like restlessness, mood swings and anxiety to even “adopting” objects to act as “pups”, guarding and defending the object, talking to it, to even trying to “feed” the object by placing it right against the breast”
“there it is…” Yukisada had her suspicion confirmed, Shirogane had a faux pregnancy.
Yukisada kept reading, “faux pregnancies usually resolve themselves in 2-3 weeks without any treatment…”. Yukisada closed the book, feeling slightly frustrated.
“two to three weeks, huh…” Yukisada said to herself, engraining the words on her brain, she sighed. “well… at least it isn’t anything bad, just normal canine stuff” while the duration was a bit longer than she would have hoped, she was relieved to see that it wasn’t something awful or incurable, she would just have to give her friend company while she went through the experience, and it’ll resolve itself.
Yukisada put the book back in its shelf, she exited her little “clinic”, returning to the dining room, Shirogane was already sitting on the table, holding her “puppy” in her arms.
“Yuki, you came back!” Shirogane smiled, her tail wagging at the sight of her friend.
“y-yeah, I just needed to do something”
“what was it?”
“well…” Yukisada was silent for a second, trying to think of something to say. “I was reading up on canine medicine, to help with your baby” she lied, she figured it was better to play along, rather than cause the wolf even more distress by revealing the truth too early.
“oh, Yuki, thank you so much, I know I can always count on you, you’re a great auntie”
Yukisada blushed, while the circumstances weren’t the ones she expected or wanted, it was nice to get a genuine compliment, especially from Shirogane.
“now, lets eat, I’m hungry and I need to make more food for my little puppy” Shirogane explained, rocking the baby side to side in her arms, smiling at it like an actual mother would do with her child.
“r-right, I’ll go ahead and start cooking, we’re having stew tonight!”
“that’s great” Shirogane smiled, those genuine smiles she gave were rare, but every time that she smiled with all her heart and soul, it warmed the snowy owl’s heart, she always loved to see her friend smile, as rare as it was, it gave her the determination to keep going.
They were going to be the longest two or three weeks of Yukisada’s life, but she was willing to help her friend in any way she could, as long as it meant seeing her happy and healthy, the snowy owl finished making the food, setting it on the table, seeing Shirogane happily eating something she made was amazing, it truly made it all worth it, so maybe… maybe it wasn’t going to be that bad.
so, i hope you guys enjoyed this little fluffy story i wrote for Yukisada and Shirogane, well, their genderbend versions, but still, i had fun writing it and i hope you guys had fun reading it!
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berryjamgirl · 4 months
I never post, but I felt the urge to share some ShiRocma headcanons :') this is about their genderbend version as I like them...A BIT OF NSFW UNDER THE CUT SORRY.
Shirogane was the first to fall for Rocma. Yes, she was surprised too as he has been nothing but rude to her and she herself had a distaste for him. But as shown in comics, Rocma has a softer side, and I believe Shirogane started to see a bit of that, and so got a crush on him;
As for Rocma... I headcanon that Shirogane is just his type of girl appearance wise. She's cute but not overly, so he always had that kind of forbidden attraction towards the wolf that got him frustrated because he's not supposed to!! She's a coward, and a relationship will slow him down. But he can't help it;
They are both too afraid and too proud to do the first move, but I think as they are fighting (mostly Rocma scolding her), he ends up kissing her in the middle of his rage and attraction towards her.
So now, they are in a weird relationship.
He doesn't court her at first sight. They just occasionally end up bumping into each other and finally talking like normal people, Rocma invites her in to play with Mafuyu, and well, let's say that he kind starts to believe she would be a great partner to also take care of the seal;
Polar bears are known for being playful while courting, so I believe he ends up unconsciously teasing her when they are alone, not in a playful way but it's more of a subtle thing that leaves Shirogane wanting;
And then, wolf heat season comes up;
Because no, I don't believe they would have sex out of it. They don't even kiss they just hold hands sometimes when Shiro feels courage (which is not often);
And then Rocma struggles to be nice. He doesn't want to be violent right now, it's not good he's not like some unruly orca, he wants to be gentle;
So yeah, it's very slow and passionate sex. Maybe he changes rhythm when he's close, but it's overall very nice;
Shirogane is very, very cute. Rocma often finds himself dreaming about her, but he never indulges until it's his own mating season;
They do start to cuddle, mostly for sleeping. Male polar bears don't hibernate, but they do sleep a lot, which ends up with Shirogane being dragged to his couch to cuddle;
They both have a giving presents type of affection, with the presents being food from hunting, it's the most PDA they will do in public, and it's not where everyone can see them, they do known they are with each other lol
Anyways, that's all, I might post more.
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ao3feedsheith · 2 years
Gacha 07: Warming Up
Gacha 07: Warming Up https://archiveofourown.org/works/43244305 by MetaAllu Keith getting his pussy played with post-polar bear swim. Words: 306, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of November Gacha 2022 Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron) Additional Tags: Temperature Play, Oral Sex, Sharing Body Heat, Trans Keith (Voltron), Trans Male Keith (Voltron), Trans Male Character, trans author via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org November 24, 2022 at 01:44PM
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berrylaberrosa · 5 years
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Grizzly, Polar, Panda, Shiro and Berry yeah!!
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pawsitivelycozy · 5 years
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I ALMOST FORGOT I was going to share our newest item today! (If you didn't already get a sneak preview email) --- So... HERE IT IS: Our new item! 😍🐻💖 Can you believe we didn't already have a bear plush?? These buddies are THE CUTEST THING I have ever seen in my life ✨
They're so on brand and I can't wait to share more pictures (bear hats + bear plushies? Yes please!) 💖
This amazing Tiny Teddy pattern is by Neogurumi and I'm so happy to be adding it to our line up! 🐻
I don't have a listing ready on Etsy yet but if you need one of these cuties just send me a DM! 😊
I can't wait for you to get your hands on them at #oconexpo and #animeiowa
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rigb0ner · 5 years
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Inspired by a convo I had with @tetsarou about their wonderful selkie Lance AU 💕
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askstylishtricker · 5 years
Append: ....You have an even more difficult V4 than I do- *quietly laughs* how do you manage that? -@askthelenfamily-
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Ah-! I’m rambling! Anyways! Just have Sand with you and he’ll be pretty calm.
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2a8n · 10 months
Shirogane's dream - Monologues
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As I promised, we will be covering monologues in the Shirogane's dream and some of his changes in the Ice Scream Remake in a separate post. Here will be purely my reflections, as always. However, I would also like to see your thoughts on this theme. And now let's get started!
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Wowww, you're so weak. "Wow, you are so disgusting." Well, did he start behaving less disgustingly from this? ( - _ - ) Crying from a mere orca punch? Gross. Has our hot-tempered penguin ever found Shirogane crying? And what's more, did Shiro tell him why he was crying? Could this be the reason why our depressed wolf is now hiding from everyone to cry, and can not really tell anyone about his experiences? Just be quiet. Hmm… Shirogane said something to our polar bear, but in response she just shut him up? It's curious. Usually Rocma starts a dialogue with Shiro, who in turn either remains silent or answers her with monosyllabic sentences like "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry… (next comes the answer to the question she asked)", etc. I can remember a moment from manga, when our wolf was indignant at what she said instead of "Thank you", but she only ignored him and continued to talk about her own. Hey, Shirogane! You're looking stupid as always! Shirogane seems to have an over-hyper fixation on his appearance, since Suno-san refers to it more than once when verbally insulting a wolf. It is likely that this is due to the scars that were once inflicted on Shiro's body and on his face. These scars apparently bother him so much that he doesn't want anyone to see and/or mention them at all (he even hid the scar on his face from Yukisada, his friend, at one of DSP's official works).
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….. ….. It reminded me of the moment in Ice Scream Round 3 where Yukisada had to remain silent for most of Rocma's scolding with roughly the same facial expression. ♪ Looks like someone was in a good mood. Too bad Shirogane can't boast the same… =( Hi, doggy! ♪ I'll give you a nice punch in the face. Even railroads could envy his directness. Really nothing to add. You really are pathetic, huh… Peraco seemed to hope that he wasn't pathetic (by the standards of the inhabitants of Iceberg Isle, I guess), but Shiro couldn't live up to her expectations. You're lower than a seal, you moron. If "seal" means Mafuyu, it's rather strange that you don't call her by her name, Rock.
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H-Hey, don't say such mean things, everybody! Yukisada is the only one who tries to stand up for Shirogane. Our kindhearted owl is even ready to go against the majority opinion for him. I respect. I'll give you something to cry about. If you finally get off this isle, then believe me, everyone will cry. From happiness. =) I'm just speechless. When someone is speechless, they usually don't say anything, so don't lie to us, Rocma. ? We are often shown Mafuyu from a fragments of Shirogane's memories. I don't understand, why he pays quite a lot of attention to her, despite the fact that the seal girl herself, based on what is shown, doesn't do a lot of things. You're like a water flea about to die! Have you… seen a dying water flea somewhere? In the North? Or is it usually on TV at the Peraco's house?
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Weakling! Worm! Wood louse! And now I'm even more inclined to think that they learned about the water flea, the worm, the wood louse, the caterpillar and the bees from the TV in the Peraco's house… Hey! Shirogane's crying! Stop it! Shiro upset that Yukisada has to stand up for him? Does he feel guilty that his friend has to do this, or is Shirogane ashamed that he can't take care of himself? Ahahahaha! You big baby! Look at the big baby! Here, Suno-san is trying to play on the shame of our pessimistic wolf. But, judging by the words of the snowman, there must be someone else (maybe Yukisada?) in order for the effect to be more tangible from what he said to him. You're dead, kiddo. Heh, it's funny that Rock in Ice Scream Original addressed our wolf not as "Shi*ogane", but as "kiddo". It's kind of a sad that DSP decided to remove it. ….. ….. Now I believe that you have speechless, Rocma. True. ( 0 v 0 )
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The part of the post dedicated to my reflections on the monologues from Shirogane's dream is over. Next will be my thoughts about the remade version of the same monologues from the Ice Scream Remake. I will not draw any definite conclusions, since this is purely reasoning on what has been said, some of which doesn't carry a large semantic load in the context of the Ice Scream itself as a whole. And now - to the finish line!
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Silence yourself. | Just be quiet. The sentence has been changed, but the meaning is the same. Here, rather, the difference will be in which of the options we have for what Rocma said, rudeness and harshness towards Shirogane will be more noticeable. ♪ | ♪ You won't see anything new here. You can safely skip. Crying just because a big bad orca hit you? Gross. | Crying from a mere orca punch? Gross. "Big bad orca" -> "Big bad wolf"; that's funny. I think in the "big bad orca" version, Rock's derogatory attitude towards the Shirogane's situation is much seen stronger than in the other case. You are seriously pathetic. | You really are pathetic, huh… Here, Peraco's disappointment towards Shiro is no longer noticeable due to the unfulfillment of her hopes in his person. Now she just thinks he's pathetic. Heya, Shirogane! Your face is looking as stupid as ever! | Hey, Shirogane! You're looking stupid as always! Now Suno-san puts more emphasis in insults not so much towards the whole appearance of our pessimistic wolf, but towards his face. Hmm… Woaaah, eww. You're really weak. | Wowww, you're so weak. In the Original Idate showed feigned surprise at the wolf's weakness. In the Remake, he pretends that Shirogane's weakness is comparable to stepping on a poop, I guess.
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Hey, everyone, don't say such mean things to him! | H-Hey, don't say such mean things, everybody! Yukisada is still the voice of adequacy in this madhouse, but, for some reason, the moment with his silence was cut in the Remake (I marked in purple what wasn't in the Remake). You're even worse than a seal, you absolute fool. | You're lower than a seal, you moron. Rock began to place more emphasis on insults towards Shiro. Considering that it is written in his bio that he takes out his disappointment on the poor guy, it becomes clear what DSP is trying to focus on. You wussy! Worm! Weevil! | Weakling! Worm! Wood louse! Nothing new has appeared. It's just that now we know that you can also see weevils on TV in the Peraco's house. You're like a water flea 3 second from its death. | You're like a water flea about to die! Given that both the in-game bio and his chart explicitly state that he has depression, I don't even know if Suno-san is trying to emphasize that Shiro is more dead than alive, or he looks like he's about to die… ( 0 _ 0 ) C'mhere, you worthles mutt. Let me give you a good punch. | Hi, doggy! ♪ I'll give you a nice punch in the face. Wolf, loser dog, pathetic puppy, doggy, worthles mutt… What's next? Mongrel? Squeak toy…?
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Hey! Don't you feel bad for Shirogane? Stop it! | Hey! Shirogane's crying! Stop it! Yukisada, in my opinion, the normal attitude of others towards your friend should come not from their desire to feel sorry for him, but from their desire not to do bad things towards him… Ahahahaha! Crybaby! You snot-nosed wimp! | Ahahahaha! You big baby! Look at the big baby! In both cases, as for me, the phrases sound provocative. It's hard to explain without the context of what Suno-san has basically been saying all this time in the game. ? | ? You won't see anything new here. You can safely skip. How about I make you cry again? | I'll give you something to cry about. You won't see anything new here. You can also safely skip. I am so done with you. I have nothing left to say. | I'm just speechless. Now her phrase in the Remake sounds more like "preachy", and makes sense: in Watch 1, we were even shown how Rocma tried to Shirogane verbally "guide on the right path" while he was bleeding.
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I'll kill you. | You're dead, kiddo. Bye-bye, kiddo… ( v _ v )
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Chapter 126 recap: Of one cloth-sundered
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The chapter begins with Lucifer’s big air ship crashing. Which of course, you had to expect. Kato designed that thing to especially smash. 
It’s such a massive event that even the polar bears stop to watch. We know Lucifer’s crew must be in Northern Russia, somewhere near the artificial Gehenna gate. (Okay..we have polar bears in Canada...but nah)
Even though the ship is wrecked, I’m 100% sure all of our main characters survived, as did Lucifer’s laboratory.
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Now here’s the part that really confuses me. In last month’s chapter when Yukio shot Rin he had white hair. This week it’s black hair. Until I saw the raws I was really confused. Anyway, Rin traps demonRin in the koma sword and his hair turns black, because he’s tamed his demon heart. 
(Now, whenever Kato has discrepancies in the plot, I automatically think Mephisto has meddled somehow. I don’t think she makes willy-nilly plot-holes. But I could totally be wrong. (There was still the Angel with fangs incident. )
  Getting back to Rin. Not not only is Rin a tamer, but he can tame himself. Rin has lost the fear he had over his demon side and seems to be able to control it now. Rin has had a breakthrough in this chapter. He has found a way to co-exist with his demons. Both real and metaphorical.
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Next in the plot, Yukio has heart-to-heart with RIn (shouting match) . He discusses the terrible burden he has been carrying this entire time. And how he’s been trying to kill himself. Yukio wants Rin to kill him without Satan interfering, as both of them are basically weak humans now. 
Of course, Rin gets so pissed off about the entire admission, because Yukio didn’t tell him the truth and didn’t believe in him. Rin is all about love and trust and he just doesn’t understand. Did Yukio hate him their entire childhood? Was he afraid of him because he was a demon? Probably?
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Yukio basically replies with: Sorry I couldn’t tell you, Rin. You’re as dumb as a bag of hammers. Plus, how does one tell a person they are the son of Satan? Even thought Yukio is being a pretentious ass, he does have a point. They chose to keep Rin ignorant and he wasn’t part of Yukio and Shiro’s world. 
(Just an aside...Yukio is giving me some serious Shiro vibes here. Isn’t he?)
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And who knows maybe Yukio does hate Rin. He knows that Rin might become Satan at some point. Yukio knows that Satan killed Shiro.
Even though Yukio denies it. He loved Shiro and didn’t even get a chance to mourn his dad’s death. Mephisto didn’t allow it. He kept him overwhelmed and busy for a reason.  
Plus, Yukio is very much like young Shiro, he can’t seem to find remorse for demons. 
Meanwhile, Yuri went out of her way to try and find common ground with demons a way to co-exist. Rin is learning this as well.
 Shiro did eventually change, but poor Yuri had to die for him to realize he was wrong. 
Will Yukio, too, remember how much he loves Rin. Will Yukio learn the secrets of his human heart before its too late and Rin dies? (LIKE YUKIO IS TRYING TO SHOOT RIN AGAIN!!! 
Shiro..why did you give guns to a teenager...?)
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Both brothers talk about the other not trusting the other, not depending on each other....not working together basically. All of this brings me back to the title of the chapter: Of the same cloth; sundered.
Does this mean that the bond between the brothers is broken? Are they going to decide to go their own ways and not rely on each other? 
(I don’t know about you guys, but I think if Rin and Yukio don’t work together they have no chance of winning. Rin is the braun, Yukio the brains but if they can’t love, trust or rely on each other. What’s left?)
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