#shoji hachi
thenastyotherblog · 1 year
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He’s Shy 2.0
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vick-shimmer · 5 months
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Nana ‘Hachi’ Komatsu 🍓🍰💖
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xavierocean · 7 months
rewatching Nana
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lilicsakura · 1 year
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Just started Nana! I def relate to redhead Nana; her sweetness, innocence and flirty nature lol
Her faces are also great!
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paeonie-s · 11 months
“if nana was a guy, she’d be the love of my life”
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guideaus · 9 months
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i dont really understand these characters' relevancy
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nanamimizz · 2 years
there are two anime couples i will hate forever with the passion of a thousand suns. shojin and sachiko and aki and shigure
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spicyliumang · 1 year
Me starting to realize some elements of Enya’s personality is a mix of Hachi from Nana and Momo from Peach girl 😭
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thenastyotherblog · 1 year
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I want to draw more of Shoji and lil Hachi 🥺
For the time being, have a lil sketch
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sfaghetti · 2 months
Hachi's comphet is the most explicit case of comphet I've seen in any media so it flabbergasts me that people call her bi or straight ... having boyfriends just for the sake of it and not bc of actually wanting them, dating Takumi just to get rid of her fantasies of Nana and also get closer to her, having to pick what man she got a crush on, when going on her first date with Nobu the best qualities she could point out where his hands being like Nana's, asking about Nana right after sex, talking about Nana with Shoji in bed instead of focusing on him to the point that even he thought she was in love with Nana, etc.
the only crush she ever got which she didn't force to happen was Nana
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strawbrrycreamdreams · 9 months
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I find it interesting how hated sachiko is compared to shoji. She's horrible for what she did for sure, but shoji..shoji is the true villain. He lied to both of them, strung both of them along, and even tho sachiko foolishly began to follow his lead in the cheating, at least she attempted to set up a form of boundaries when she first found out about hachi. Not to mention shoji admitting he'd cheat on sachiko with hachi had they still remained friends after the whole ordeal..sachiko is similar to hachi. She's meant to be a representation of what hachi was to shoji when hachi and shoji first began dating. But as hachi became more independent (which is a role he basically forced her into), he began to lose interest. sachiko on the other hand, though independent is also very easily accessible to him unlike hachi was becoming, as she fell into a more independent lifestyle. Once you get past hating sachiko, you begin to feel pity on her..he fell for due to convenience because he felt insecure in hachi's newly found independence.
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starskullzzz · 14 days
I disagree with the argument that Junko is a bad friend to Hachi, sure there were for sure some moments where she was a bit harsh however she was the only person that kept things real with Hachi. Hachi is super kind and selfless most of the time and is considerate of others but sometimes she can be a bit selfish and only think about how certain situations affect her.
Earlier in the show, when Shoji started seeing Sachiko, many people claimed that Junko was “ok” with Shoji cheating when if anything it was the opposite. She gave him a lecture about how he either needs to end things with Sachiko or break up with Hachi if he really wants to start a relationship with Sachiko. A lot of people say Junko should’ve told Hachi about Sachiko when first of all, It would’ve broken Hachi’s heart but also Shoji is an adult and it’s not Junko or Kyosuke’s place to handle that.
Junko and Kyosuke did so much for Hachi and always helped her when she had a problem. As much as Junko expressed how annoying and clingy Hachi could be, she always let Hachi stay by her side, her and Kyosuke were there for her throughout the series and stuck by Hachi.
If you disagree with me that’s totally ok! But please don’t start an argument in the comments.
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apinkylemon · 9 months
English translation for Nana 7.8 Ai Yazawa Interview (Part 1)
This are the original scans from my original 7.8 copy:
NOTE 1: I'm not a professional translator, i did this the best i could, english is not my first language so there may be misspelled things
NOTE 2: This interview is from the 7.8 fanbook published between volumes 7 and 8 of Nana, when Yazawa talks about the characters you have to keep in mind what we knew about them at that point and not what they did or became latter in the story
Thank you
Hi, this is Misato. Today i've the pleasure and the great opportunity to interview Ai Yazawa, author of the series. Next you will discover things that were not known until now.
Question 1: Who is your favorite character?
I don't have a preference for anyone. I love them all. < i don't know how to translate "que no se diga" but it means that no one can tell her anything for preferring one character or another > (laughs)
Question 2: Which character is more difficult to draw?
Hachi. But lately she's got a sweeter expression and a more femenine body, so it's getting easier every time. Before se had a mix between a small-town girl and lack of femininity that made it more complicated. Regarding characters that I find it difficult to draw for personality reasons...nobody
Question 3: What character would you like to be your lover?
Um, as a lover i don't know, but to fall in love I would choose Takumi. Love, the more complicated it is, the more you fight for it. To get married, instead, maybe I would choose Kyosuke, because he has a < here it says "machista" which means "misogynist" but i think it could be a translation error and really meaning "masculine"> side (laughs). See, he gets his girlfriend to cook him fried eggs (laughs)
Question 4: Who would you have as a friend?
Shoji and Hachi. I would love to take care of Hachi. Well, I couldn't stop looking out for her. Shoji is the typical guy with whom you have a good time and that never gives you a bad face. It's important not liking i'm as a boyfriend (laughs)
Question 5: Who would you like to be family with?
I would like Ren and Reira to be my older siblings. And as younger siblings i would have Shin and Misato. Imagine what a scene of beauties! If Junko was my older sister, maybe she would be scolding me all day and it could be a bit annoying (laughs). I prefer taking care of others.
Question 6: Which boyfriend do you like the most for Hachi?
Well, i think it would be Takumi. You are going to think that I have a predilection for Takumi (laughs) Asano, Shoji and Nobu don't fit my ideal man idea.
Question 7: If you were a man, who would you have as a girlfriend?
Hachi without hesitation! I would gladly take care of her. Even if she put me in the middle of her hurricane, I wouldn't have a problem. I wish I could became Takumi so I could date Hachi (laughs)
Question 8: Is there a character with whom you feel identified?
There are parts of me in each one of them. People aorund me say that i'm like Junko, but i think i'm not. I'm too soft with everyone (laughs)
Misato: This is not over yet!
Part 2 of 3 coming soon
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Facts about Nana.
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Nana O was kicked out of school after being accused of prostitution. Though false, she never disputed it.
Nana K has two kids with Takumi. Their names are Satsuki Ichinose and Ren Ichinose.
When Ren saw Nana at Trapnest's show, he didn't visibly react but it's noted that he messed up a few times likely from the surprise of seeing her.
Nana K and Satsuki live in Japan while Takumi and Ren Ichinose live in London. It's implied that they secretly got a divorce and Takumi got remarried. (citation needed)
Ren died on Nana's 21st birthday after crashing into the first apartment they lived in together.
Nana O was born March 5, 1981 which means today she would be 41.
Nana K was born November 30, 1980 which would make her 42.
Reira is half American.
The anime ends with Nana and Ren together, however in the manga he was already deceased at that period. Whether this is an error or not is unclear.
Ren and Shin would often kiss in front of Nana Osaki because it annoyed her.
After the anime, Shin spent time in jail for marijuana possession.
Yasu studied to be a paralegal but gave it up to persue music.
Nobuo is was the only non-smoking member of BLAST.
Shin saw himself as unlovable which is why he saw his career as a prostitute fitting.
Ren and Yasu met in the adoption system and became close friends even after Yasu was adopted.
Nana K knew she was pregnant with Takumi's baby because Nobu only had sex with her while wearing a condom.
Nana O admitted that she wanted Nobu and Hachi to end up together for a selfish reason. It was because she was afraid of her leaving.
Both Shin and Nobu come from wealthy families.
Before his death, Ren tried to quit doing drugs cold turkey which would have prevented it.
Reira's name is actually Layla. She's named after a famous Eric Clapton song.
Takumi has rejected Reira/Layla several times but ultimately ends up giving in and cheating on Hachi with her.
Nobuo was the only person in high school who tried to befriend Nana.
When Nana was 4, she was abandoned by her mother to be raised by her grandmother. Her grandmother was extremely strict and wouldn't allow her to wear black so she wouldn't "tempt men and become like her mother".
In August of 2022 Ai Yawaza says that she plans on eventually finishing Nana. She took a hiatus after being hospitalized for an undisclosed illness.
It's hinted that Hachi and Shoji may have lingering feelings for each other when they meet at the Jackson hole.
Satsuki (Hachi's daughter) wishes her family lived together.
After Ren's death, Nana suffered severe panic attacks. One in particular was bad enough that Hachi had to give her mouth to mouth.
Yasu had to carry Nana to Ren's funeral as she was near catatonic.
The members of BLAST encouraged Nobu to inherent the family business but he declined because he wanted to make music.
Ren and Yasu were formerly in a band called Brute.
Yasu's baldness is OPTIONAL. He opts to shave his head.
Nana didn't want her relationship with Ren to be public originally because she didn't want people to think she was riding off his success.
Shin's stepdad raised him as a second son after his mother committed suicide but never felt any warm feelings towards him.
Nana was often shown being jealous of Hachi having other friends and could be possessive over her at times.
Shin met his pimp, an airline stewardess named Ryoko Kawashigi, after he moved to Japan.
The members of Trapnest didn't want Shin and Reira's relationship to be public due to him being underage.
A trapnest, according to the band, is a mother's love that turns into a trap where she refuses to let go of her child no matter what.
Takumi's controlling behavior stems from his childhood which was unstable at best.
The strawberry glasses were the first things Nana and Hachi bought together.
Shin once stated he would never be connected to anyone by love.
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valeofpoppyltd · 4 months
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my gf and I were watching nana and I drew this dumb doodle of hachi shooting shoji in the head happy valentines day
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13eyond13 · 5 months
Hi...Can I ask your top 3 favorite characters from Nana? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
Hi hi!! I would LOVE to try to talk about this series for a bit, but PLEASE keep in mind I'm still only just finished volume 7 / chapter 24 (I am currently waiting in line to read volume 8 at my library! But I might get impatient and just try to find the chapters online too)... MY TOP 3 FAVE NANA CHARACTERS (SO FAR) 1. NANA KOMATSU / NANA 1 / "HACHI": OMG I love Nana 1 to death hahahaha. She literally makes me lol every single volume with her thoughts and decisions and interactions with everyone else, and it's just the most fun in the series to be inside her brain and following along with her relationships and emotional roller-coasters and little life lessons and anxieties and pains and hopes and dreams. She's an awesome character to me for being flawed and complex and selfish and immature yet still very likable and oddly tough and brave and sweet as pie at the same time. I think seeing the growth she's having as a person over the series is definitely the main draw for me, and watching her try to figure out her feelings for everybody and her place in the world and how to become the type of person that contains all the personality traits she's always admiring around her - and how to fill that void she feels of never completely erasing the loneliness inside or being perfectly synced up with the people she's trying to form a deeper connection with.
She's mysterious, she's proud, she's tough, she's badass, she's funny and sensible and kind! I love the more grown-up and emotionally reserved vibe she has in comparison to Nana 1, which totally makes sense considering her harder childhood and how self-reliant she always had to be. Her casual warmth with Hachi is endearing and her less obviously expressive and highly independent yet still emotionally intense personality is very relatable to me. It's the most fun to see Hachi reacting to Nana 2 to me I think, because Nana 2 is more closed off and a bit more afraid of exploring her feelings unabashedly than Nana 1. But she's by far my other fave in the series, and of course the heart of the whole thing is the very ambiguously devoted relationship between the 2 Nanas for me!
3. ???? I don't think I have a third main fave character in the story yet??
At the beginning of the manga I quite liked Shoji and Junko, but as the series is progressing it seems like they both got written out of the plot almost entirely. I liked Junko for always keeping it real with Nana and caring about her in a tough love sort of way, though she did for sure just seem a bit like the "voice of reason" character for the more ridiculous Nana to bounce off of whenever she was in a bind... I liked Shoji because he seems like a regular kid instead of some idealistic fictional love interest hunk - his reactions to Nana K. were pretty relatable to me, and their romantic interactions were cute and made me laugh and also cringe with sympathy at times (like when it was so awkward when Nana first moved to Tokyo too and they were still trying to readjust to being around each other more - I remember similar things happening to me whenever I had been long-distance in a relationship for a summer and and then suddenly near my partner again at some time). Even in the part where he starts developing feelings for Sachiko and sneakily cheating on Nana, I always felt he behaved pretty understandably and wasn't a horrible person so much as just a conflicted and young and immature one who wasn't in the right relationship when he was with Nana, maybe (though admittedly I wasn't that upset that he wasn't being featured in the story more after that, because that would probably get on my nerves). Currently I have just finished volume 7, and right now I am finding I don't feel a super strong connection to any of the other characters too much other than Nana 1 and Nana 2? The other guys in Blast are just okay to me, I don't have SUPER strong feelings about Nana getting together with Nobu (in fact I find him a little bit annoying at times - I agree with Shin that he "has some unrealistic ideas about women" and idealizes Nana too much - Yasu is chill and nice and wise, but a bit TOO chill and reserved to be super interesting to me). The members of Trapnest are also just okay to me? Ren bores me a little bit (maybe because I just would rather be reading about Nana 2 hanging out with Nana 1 than with him)... Reira is hard for me to form ANY opinions about other than eww, it's weird that she's sleeping with Shin, Takumi is a selfish yet possessive jerk and only thinking about himself, and I always forget the other one (Naoki?) even exists...
I WILL say that the little Nana 2 fangirl Misato is extremely cute and I'm always happy when she's on the page, hahaha. Her shameless devotion to Nana 2 and her politeness and extreme savviness about the music industry are just fun for me to read (as was Hachi's initial jealousy toward her, but I'm glad she managed to also eventually get over that)! --
MY TOP 5 FAVE NANA MOMENTS (SO FAR): Forgive me if these moments are completely arbitrary and sort of dumb picks, because I feel like I'm forgetting so much of the story from the previous volumes already, and I'm still only 1/3 of the way through the whole thing?? But here are ones that stood out to me whenever I was racking my brain: 5. Whenever Nana forces Shoji to let her sleep in his hotel room, then awkwardly sings him to sleep, and he's like: "YOU DON'T HAVE TO SING" hahaha...
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my reaction to that was basically Junko's reaction:
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4. Whenever Nana 2 starts getting jealous and confused about Hachi hooking up with Takumi I was like OHOHOH, HOW THE TURNS TABLE.... I think it's REALLY hard for Nana 2 to admit stuff like feeling vulnerable or jealous or possessive over Nana 1 at this point, and seeing her realize "heeyyyy maybe I want her attention and devotion a little more than I thought and was taking it for granted a bit"... that was a very feelsy little part! 3. Whenever Hachi is getting jealous about Nana 2's cute little fangirl and having super mean petty thoughts about her hahahah omg the most relatable thing of life! 2. When Nana 2 goes to Nobu after he first starts dating Hachi and is like: "I'M USING YOU TO KEEP NANA 1 IN MY LIFE FOREVER, SO DON'T MESS THIS UP!" OMG?? Fellas is it gay to keep your girl roomie nearby by throwing guys at her that are entrenched in your social circle and also more socially acceptable for her to date? When I say my heart skipped a beat at that moment!! And it just happened in the manga super recently, so who knows where things are going to go from here?
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1. When Hachi is having so many gay thoughts about Nana 2 that she's like "AHHH THIS IS TOO GAY I NEED TO GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND!!!!" Boy did I laugh out loud at the cognitive dissonance (and find it super relatable to younger me and my own panicking about maybe not being entirely straight thoughts? of course)...
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