#smosh ficlet
hayleythesugarbowl · 8 months
your smosh writing gives me life! if you have time please write something for courtney, i don’t mind if it’s a blurb or a fic or additional headcanons i just love them
Kiss the Nurse || Courtney Miller x reader
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist • sick!courtney miller x reader ⋆୨୧˚
summary: courtney takes care of you when you’re sick and is rewarded with a kiss from their patient
word count: 0.6k
warnings: mild sick fic
a/n: tysm for the request babes, this idea just kind of came to me and I hope you enjoy this…blurb? oneshot? it seems to long for the former but to short for the latter. im so bad at fic categories but i did some digging and I think this qualifies as a ficlet? anyways enjoy !!🍒💌
     “I’m going to have to check your temperature.”
     You groaned, slouching farther down on the couch and pulling your blanket up tighter around you. Well, blankets. Between the blankets atop you and the pillows behind your head, you probably could have made several bed sets.  
     Courtney stood over you, thermometer in hand, with an impatient expression on their face. 
     “Can you at least drink some liquids then?” They asked you, stepping closer to the edge of the couch.
     You pulled the blanket nearest to your hands up over your head.
     “No,” you mumbled.
     They rolled their eyes at you, smiling at your stubbornness. “Something to eat?”
     You didn’t answer them. Maybe you would get lucky and they would just think that you had simply fallen asleep. 
     “Kiss me?”
     That got your attention. You peeked your head out of your blanket fortress. Courtney was smiling at you, proud to have got a reaction at least.
     “Courtney, I’m sick remember?” You gestured to the tissues littering the floor next to you. In all likelihood, Courtney was probably doomed already as she’d spent all day playing nurse to you. 
     “No, really? I forgot,” they said, looking at you and grinning. “It’s not as if you’ve been laying here for the past 3 days.”
     You coughed. “Two. Two days.”
     “And haven’t I been a good nurse for those thr—two days?” They teased.
     You smiled, you couldn’t help it. “I’ve had better.”
     They clutched their chest in mock offense. 
     “Now I definitely need a kiss, just for that,” Courtney pouted. 
     For all your teasing, Courtney had taken good care of you. They’d never left your side since you’d said you didn’t feel good. Getting you anything you needed and sitting up with you into the wee hours of the night. You didn’t know what you would have done without her.
     “You look really pretty when you’re sick,” they tried, batting their eyelashes at you. 
     “You’re impossible,” you said.
     Courtney raised an eyebrow, “Haven’t you ever heard of kiss the nurse?”
     “It’s kiss the cook, Court. And I don’t want you to get sick.”
     “Maybe I don’t care,” they sat down on the edge of the couch next to you, and you scooted your body towards them. Courtney reached towards you and felt your forehead with the back of their hand, taking the thermometer to your brow. 
     “Was this just to get me to let you take my temperature?” You asked them, outrage in your tone but in reality you didn’t care. You wanted them close to you. 
     “Maybe,” they said. “And also this.”
     Courtney leaned forwards and kissed you softly, their hair brushing your cheek as they shifted so their body was hovering over yours…all of which was definitely not helping with your temperature, if you did have a fever. Which you wouldn’t know. Because they’d never told you, you realized, looking at the thermometer discarded on the couch next to Courtney as they pulled away from you and brushed a strand of your hair away from your face, stroking your cheek.
     “Feeling better?” They breathed.
     “Maybe a little,” you smiled, your fingers dancing over their free hand. You leaned towards Courtney, bringing your lips to theirs and kissing them as they had you.
     “Thought you didn’t want to kiss me?” They teased
     “S’pose, you deserve it, for taking care of me,” You said. “Thank you.”
“Anything for my favorite patient,” they said, beaming back at you and kissing you again, all attempts at trying to get you to eat or drink something long since forgotten.
     Some nurse, you thought as you kissed them back.
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this short little fic!! thank you so much for the request <3🎀
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
hi i would love an ianthony fic where one of them is sick and the other is caring for them?? Couldn't stop thinking about this since Anthony said he would "nurse ian back to health" back when they got covid lol
Congrats on 500 followers btw!!!
Ian/Anthony - Ianthony - Sick
“You suck. You did this to me,” Ian complains.
“I’m sorry,” Anthony says, pressing the back of his hand to Ian’s sweaty forehead, “I think you have a fever.”
“I have covid because a certain someone gave it to me.”
Anthony withdraws his hand and looks down at Ian. The two of them are sharing a bed, Ian under the covers and Anthony on top, a blanket wound over his shoulders. The both of them are sick as dogs, and to be fair, Ian isn’t wrong. It is Anthony’s fault.
He ignores Ian’s bitching and picks up his phone, checking the alarm he has set.
“We can’t have medicine again for an hour still.”
Ian groans and flips on his side so he’s facing away from Anthony. He coughs, the sound of a bark in his throat, and Anthony curls up against Ian, pressing his front to Ian’s back.
“You’re lucky I’m cold right now,” Ian mumbles.
Anthony squeezes gently around Ian’s middle.
“I’ll keep you warm. You want soup or something?”
“You’re going to make soup?”
“I was thinking I’d get it delivered,” Anthony says, setting his chin over Ian’s shoulder, “I don’t want to make you even sicker with my cooking.”
Ian laughs, the sound rumbling through Ian’s body and into Anthony’s.
“I’m sorry for traveling to Prague and getting covid and then giving it to you,” Anthony says.
Ian turns in Anthony’s hold, so they are face to face.
“It could be worse. At least we’re suffering together. This would suck so much more if I was trapped in my house alone and sick as fuck.”
Anthony runs a hand through Ian’s hair, brushing it away from his damp forehead.
“When we’re better I’ll make it up to you.”
“Yeah?” Ian asks with a smile, “How?”
“Um…all the blowjobs you can handle?”
Ian laughs and then coughs into his elbow to keep from coughing all over Anthony’s face.
Anthony rubs Ian’s back. He also doesn’t feel well but if he focuses his energy on caring for Ian, it’s easier to forget his own illness wreaking havoc on his body.
“How about this? I’ll order dinner to be delivered. We can lay here and rest until it gets here and then take our meds and eat a little something?”
Ian nods, his eyes already slipping closed.
“Sound perfect to be honest.”
Anthony fishes out his phone and begins setting up an order for their usual favorites and he leans in and presses a sweet kiss to Ian’s cheek.
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smorbsh · 5 months
Chanse regrets everything.
Well, not everything. He certainly doesn’t regret holding onto Shayne like a parasite, but he’s always had a flair for dramatics and he’s not above saying that he regrets every other thing about the night before– considering that it got him sick.
“..Are you, uh, staying?” He chooses to ask. Shayne blinks at him.
“I mean, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?” Shayne responds, like it’s nothing.
Chanse opens his mouth to reply, to crack some witty joke about being a burden, to imply that somehow Shayne is wrong about everything here. But it strikes him as soon as he moves to speak– that’s not true.
more shaynse! posting this before i pass out and praying i didnt miss any obvious grammar/spelling errors <3
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sage-lights · 3 months
spinning out, waiting for you to pull me in
“Hey,” Amanda's voice quivers. She physically can't look Angela in the eyes when she greets her. Fuck, this shouldn’t be happening right now. The day has barely started and Amanda already feels like running away from everyone.
Angela looks at her skeptically, “I would say ‘Good morning,’ but you look like yours has been pretty terrible already. Everything okay?”
Amanda collects herself enough to muster a sort-of smile and shrugs. She watches as Angela furrows her brows, contemplating something. Before Amanda can insist that it’s no big deal, she feels herself getting tugged towards the back of the office and led between the costume racks.
“Spill. What’s up with you?”
“It’s nothing, honestly,” God, Amanda feels like she’s a teenager again. It’s stupid that she’s this upset about it.
Angela scoffs and rolls her eyes, “Oh, come on, Amanda. Don’t give me that bullshit. We both know something is wrong,” her tone softens once she sees Amanda’s eyes start to become glassy, “It’s not stupid to be upset.”
She laughs a little, “How did you know that’s what I was thinking?”
“Because I know you. And I’ve never seen you like this before.”
“I appreciate you checking in, Ang,” Amanda sighs, “But I really shouldn’t be getting into it at work.”
“I know we’re coworkers, but we’re friends too, right? It’s fine if you really don’t want to talk about it, but I’m here for you,” she grabs Amanda’s hands and gives them a gentle squeeze. That simple gesture was enough to break down the final brick of Amanda's wall, and suddenly, everything came spilling out.
Two nights ago, she had gotten a call from Ian telling her that she didn’t need to come in for work the next morning, which Angela already knew, seeing as she was the one filling in for Amanda yesterday.
What Angela didn’t know, however, was how Amanda’s jaw tightened when she saw the close friends stories of her coworkers, her friends, having fun while she wasn't there. How she had to stop herself from spiraling as she rewatched the videos over and over again. How disappointed she felt in herself for letting this affect her.
Angela lets go of her hands. Amanda’s heart drops for a moment, thinking that she’s overstepped boundaries and came off immature, until she feels Angela hug her.
“We missed you too, you know?” Angela leans away slightly to look up at Amanda, arms remaining around her waist.
"I hate that I'm feeling this way. It feels so high school of me to be sad about my friends hanging out without me. And it's not even like you all planned to see each other! This is our job and," Amanda bites her lip, hesitant to admit, "I guess the kid in me remembers what it was like to get excluded from things. For the longest time, I was convinced it was a me problem. Maybe I never got over that."
"I get it, but you're right. It's a job where none of us have control over who's scheduled on any given day. It's not just a regular hang out between friends. Because if it was, I want you to believe me when I say we'd want you around every single time."
This time, Amanda is the one that pulls Angela into an embrace, "What would I do without you, Angela?"
"Probably cry alone in the gender-neutral bathroom." Angela laughs.
Amanda has to admit, Smosh is a pretty sweet gig. After all, it brought Angela into her life.
word count: 587
title from: "satellite" by harry styles i think it's literally been 4 years since i wrote fanfic but! i woke up with such bad amangela brain rot this morning that the thought of them is actually making me ill right now. i wrote this ficlet at 8am in class on the doc i use for taking notes, so it's not my best writing...yeah! hope you enjoyed it!
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merrybloomwrites · 3 days
Spencer Agnew - My Favorite Pizza Oven
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Summary: Spencer and Y/N spend a weekend babysitting Courtney and Shayne's son.
Word Count: 728
AN: Welcome to the first of 9 weeks of ficlets! Come back every Thursday for a little fic of Reader x Smosh! Most are Spencer x Reader but there will be a couple Ian x Reader and Damien x Reader as well!
When Courtney came up to you and asked if you and Spencer could watch her and Shayne’s son for a couple nights so they could go on vacation you immediately said yes. 
“Shouldn’t you check if Spencer is on board?” She asked. 
“Trust me, he’ll be on board,” you replied. You and your boyfriend had watched Ryan for a night a few months ago. Spencer had been asking for weeks when you thought the two of you might be able to babysit again. 
“Thank you so much! I’ll text you with the details.”
“Perfect! I’m looking forward to it!” 
“That’s because he’s always a little angel for Auntie Y/N and Uncle Spencer,” she said. 
“Because we absolutely spoil him and say yes to pretty much whatever he wants,” you replied with a laugh. “It’s our right as aunt and uncle!” You add and she conceded, joining in on your laughter. 
Later that night, when you filled Spencer in on your conversation with Courtney he got super excited and started listing all the activities he was hoping to do throughout the weekend with Ryan.
You just listened and sighed, hoping Spencer would behave and you wouldn’t have to rein in two excitable children. 
A couple days before your babysitting duties were set to begin, you and Spencer made a trip to Target after work to stock up on a few things for your home. You’d split up, wanting to get done quickly since it was getting late.
You always worry a bit about sending Spencer out on his own, never knowing what he’ll return with, and your fears are often valid. This time was no exception.
When you met back up, he was carrying a basket with the items on his list, as well as a Play Doh pizza oven set. 
“Are you thinking of getting into crafting now?” you asked, skeptically eyeing the item.
“It’s for Ryan!” he replied. “Shayne said he’s really into play-doh lately so I thought he might enjoy it. And I figured coming in with a new toy might help him be excited for a weekend with us, rather than sad that his parents are leaving.”
“That’s a really good idea,” you replied. You gave Spencer a fond look, as you’re reminded once again how thoughtful this man is. Even after years together you continue to fall more in love with him. Even while standing in the middle of a Target on a Wednesday night.
Two days later you arrived at Shayne and Courtney’s home with your overnight bags, prepared for a weekend of babysitting. Courtney went over all the instructions again, and finally you sent the two on their way to enjoy some time alone. 
As predicted, Ryan was a bit upset seeing his mom and dad leave, but Spencer quickly stepped in and showed him the new toy. It worked like a charm, and the two boys made lots of creations together.
Even better was the moment when dinner arrived. After making plenty of pretend pizzas, Ryan was ecstatic to see they’d be eating real pizza for dinner too! 
The weekend went smoothly, and that plastic pizza oven went everywhere Ryan went. Including the playground. He was truly obsessed. 
“I love this pizza oven!” he exclaimed during breakfast Sunday morning. “It’s my favorite!”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he reminded you so much of his dad in that moment. You had come up with a plan, a perfect way for Ryan to greet his parents when they got back home. 
A couple hours later, when Courtney and Shayne walked in the front door, Ryan had run up to them, new toy in hand.
“Hey buddy! I missed you,” Shayne said, hugging his son tight. “What’s that you got there?”
“It’s from Auntie Y/N and Uncle Spencer! It’s my favorite pizza oven!” All the adults began to laugh, as Ryan practically quoted one of his father's most famous lines.
Later that night, when you and Spencer were back home having dinner, you couldn’t help but think back on the weekend, and how wonderful your boyfriend was with the little guy. Your mind imagined what your future will be like, when you and Spencer have a little one of your own. One look at him told you he was thinking the same thing, and you knew you’d picked a good one.
AN: Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and can't wait to share more with you!
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blondeforyou · 4 months
Title: the softness of it
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Fandom: Smosh
Relationships: Spencer Agnew/Courtney Miller, Spencer Agnew/Tommy Bowe, Tommy Bowe & Courtney Miller
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Established Relationship, Makeup, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Kissing
Summary: "You said you liked the gold one, right?"
"It's sparkly, metallic."
"Oh, he knows the buzzwords."
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a combination of these two memes in one ficlet
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jovenshires · 6 months
here are some fun lil hints about the universe iwks is set in:
this setting is something i have directly experienced (though not in a long time)
i have used the english to latin function in google translate more than once while plotting this out
i have multiple charts mapping out where the characters are standing in certain scenes
said this before but ive never read an au like this organically in the wild (although i sought some out before i started writing this fic). idk if there's ever been a smosh take on this but i highly doubt it bc its just that niche
i explore a LOT of different dynamics in this fic but i think theres a very good reason to do so here
this is loosely based on some spencer lore he's dropped a couple times but i don't think any of us have ever spoken about AND a video he was in
i made an accidental reference to the suite life of zack and cody while writing this and its too late to change it
this au is a combination of two other aus that are slightly broader but still both also niche
i told my best friend what the plot is and she laughed at me and said "this makes sense for you"
and some other additional thoughts:
every minor character in this my absolute beloved im insane about all of them (specifically jeremy. oh my fucking god cannot wait for you all to meet my nuanced jeremy take)
i have added a special lil detail in the background of this fic Just for mauricio and im giving brownie points to the first person who points it out
(there are also a couple other extra lil easter eggs in here... references to other fics... bonus shoutouts to other smosh affiliates/collaborators... we'll play a lil game of search and find)
every dynamic between Every character is so intricate in this and i genuinely cannot fit all of it into one fic especially not w spencer "unreliable narrator" agnew at the helm so youll just have to wait for the lil ficlet sequel ! <3
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
High Crush (Courtney Miller x Reader)
Characters: Courtney Miller, Shayne Topp, Olivia Sui, Keith Leak Jr., Noah Grossman
Fandom: Smosh (Youtubers)
Tags: Reader Insert, Gender NeutralReader
Warnings: None
Requested by anon: Can you do a Courtney Miller x reader where the reader is getting her wisdom teeth out and the smosh squad go with her and Courtney has a crush on the reader and the reader confesses that she likes Courtney. I saw that you wrote for smosh and I wanted to send an ask bc I don't see many people who write for them. 
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“Are you nervous, Y/N?” Olivia asked you, not taking her eyes off the road.
“A little...” You admitted, trying to appear calmer than you were. In reality, you were extremely anxious for many reasons.
Olivia was driving you to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth taken out, and you had seen enough viral videos to know a lot of things could happen. Not only would you have to go through that horrible surgery, but face the possibility of embarrassing yourself while you were all loopy. 
“It’s gonna be okay” Courtney, from the copilot seat, patted your hand to comfort you. You smiled at her, endeared that she was always such a sweetheart.
“Just do me a favor, guys...” You looked at the rest in the backseat with you. “Don’t record me or anything, I’m probably gonna say some crazy stuff later”
“Why do you think we all came with you?” Shayne joked, laughing mischievously.
“I mean it!” You pointed a finger at him, then turning to Noah and Keith squeezed to your right. “Especially you two!”
“I’m offended!” Noah gawked at you, being supported by Keith’s complaints.
“You have no trust in us, Y/N” The latter said, innocently smiling at you.
“Okay, we’re here!” Olivia stopped the car and took her seatbelt off.
“Seriously, though” Shayne’s voice softened. “It’s probably not as bad as you think”
Looking forward to being done with it, you pouted and exited the car.
You couldn’t help but to fidget in the chair. The waiting room seemed like one of the worst tortures at the moment. Your friends tried to take your mind off it with their banter and jokes, but you were more and more nervous with each passing second. 
“Hey” Courtney bumped her shoulder into yours, bearing a playful cocky expression. “You can hold my hand if you want” 
You laughed a little, causing her to giggle too. 
“Don’t tempt me, Court” You joked, trying to hide the fact that you were dying to hold her hand. 
“I’m serious!” To reinforce her words, she held it out for you to take. “If it will make you feel better...” 
You nodded, knowing it would definitely comfort you. Looking at the rest, you noticed everyone was busy having conversations of their own. Olivia was confusing Shayne with something he didn’t understand, and Noah and Keith were arguing about something. 
When you felt the touch of her soft warm hands, your heart skipped a beat. It was comforting and anguishing at the same time. You had only been crushing on Courtney for forever now, and you were just holding her hand! While she was trying to make you feel better! 
To make matters worse, she dedicated you the brightest smile that nearly made your heart stop. Just then, you were startled by the sound of a door opening. 
“Y/N?” They called your name, to which you lifted your head.
“Can one of us go in there with her?” Noah asked, hoping to calm your nerves.
“Okay, but just one” The assistant said, and you immediately turned your head.
Still holding Courtney’s hand, you gently squeezed it. She widened the grin that  lingered on her lips and nodded.
Olivia, Shayne, Keith and Noah wished you good luck and dedicated you a few words of encouragement. You appreciated them and thanked your friends, even if it was the hand wrapped around yours that trully gave you courage.
You didn’t know what you were so afraid of. It was all done and you were feeling completely happy and relaxed. Your mouth did feel weird, a little numb, but everything else was perfect.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?” Courtney asked you as soon as the dentist moved his chair away from you. 
“Greeeeeeat, I feel great!” You eyed her gravely. “But there’s marshmallows in my mouth and I can’t eat them”
Courtney threw her head back and laughed out loud at what you had just said. The sound filled the room, making you chuckle in a silly manner. 
“Y/N will probably be feeling a little strange today” The dentist warned her, earning a solemn nod from her as she grew more serious again.
“No, no, no, no, no, no” You spoke quickly, trying to figure out why your voice came out muffled. Until you remembered the marshmallows in your gums. Which were actually gauzes, but your foggy mind couldn’t tell at the moment. “I feel fiiine”
“Are you sure? ‘Cause you seem a little high to me” 
“Nah, I’m hap-py” You told her, separating the syllabes.
Courtney watched in amusement as you repeated the word ‘happy’, seemingly loving the way it sounded. 
“You better sit for a moment before you leave, okay?” The dentist reminded you, patting you in the shoulder.
“Sure! Sure, sure, sure” You chuckled to yourself, grabbing Courtney’s face in your hands and fondly squeezing her cheeks. “I’m in good hands”
She giggled at the comment, even if her cheeks seemed to burn under your touch. When you let go of her, Courtney laughed a little as she kindly squeezed your arm.
“You need anything?” The smile wouldn’t leave her lips as she observed you in your intoxicated state.
“Yes!” You exclaimed, startling her a little because of the sudden change in volume. “I need to tell you something, but don’t tell anyone” 
“Okay...” Courtney half.questioned, cautiously leaned forward to hear your secret. 
“I like you, Court” You pouted, and she gawked at you while you began sobbing. “I like you so much, oh my god! You’re the best and I love you!”
Much to your surprise, she broke out in laughter. Surelly, she didn’t think you meant it. You weren’t being yourself at the moment, to be fair. 
“No, you don’t understand!” You whined, reaching out for her hand to hold it urgently. “I have a big crush on you because you’re amazing! You’re so funny and hardworking and kind and talented and pretty and-” 
“Okay, dude...” She awkwardly said, not really knowing how to react. “Thanks”
Next followed a fit of nervous laughter from Courtney as you lowly complained and wallowed in the misery that she didn’t really believe you. 
“Don’t laugh at me!” You hid your face in her shoulder, and your friend patted your head to comfort you as you softly sobbed still. “I’m serious!!”
“I’m not laughing at you, Y/N! It’s just, uh...” She continued to chuckle awkardly. “I don’t know...” 
“I wanna go home...” You mumbled, still sulky like a child.
“Let’s go” She helped you stand, holding you up in fear that you were still too affected to stand on your own, but you did. More or less. “You know, you’re pretty cute when you’re all whiny” 
“Shut up” As you left the dentist consult, you didn’t leave her side.
But Courtney didn’t leave your side either, wanting to make sure you made it home safely. Even after they dropped you off, you lingered on her mind.
The next day you were ready to face embarrassment. You didn’t remember anything that happened and you dreaded to see any possible videos that they might have recorded while you were high after your wisdom teeth were taken out.
“Hey” You heard Shayne’s voice greeting you. “How you feeling?” 
“My mouth still hurts” You replied with a shrug. “But what I’m really worried about is what I did yesterday” 
He laughed a little, but softly shook his head.
“Don’t worry, Y/N” Shayne calmed you. “You didn’t do anything too embarrassing”
“That’s good”
“I mean, we did get a few laughs out of you, but...” 
“Come on...” 
“Courtney, though... I think you said some weird things to her”
“What?” You immediately froze, terrified of what you might have said precisely to her.
“Yeah, she was acting a bit weird” He pointed a thumb over his shoulder to where she must have been. “I don’t know”
“Dammit...” You ran to the office to meet with Courtney.
You found her there, sitting in a chair and looking at her phone. She lifted her head at the sound of the door opening and immediately smiled at you.
“Hi, Y/N” However, you could sense some nervousness behind her usual friendly interaction. “Are you feeling better today?” 
“Yeah, yeah...” You frowned, mortified to have to face her. “But, uh... Courtney?” 
“Yeah? What’s wrong?” Courtney saved her phone to center her attention on you.
“Did I... say something strange to you?”
She looked away at the question and took a little bit to answer. The pause made your heart race in anticipation and fear. 
“Yeah, you... kinda... said you have a crush on me” Courtney accompanied her words with a small chuckle that made your heart flutter even more than the statement itself.
“What?! Kill me, just kill me” You hid your face on your hands, suddenly wishing to dissapear. “I’m so sorry”
You heard her quickly stand up and rush to your side to place a hand on your shoulder. When you looked at her, she was showcasing an empathetic expression.
“It’s okay, you probably didn’t mean it right?” She tilted her head in consideration. “Unless you did, because I... might have a crush on you too”
You blankly stared at her, unable to say anything. Your lips moved, urging yourself to summon some words, but still none came out. All you managed was a goofy looking smile and a nod.
Courtney dedicated you a tender smile, even if she averted her beautiful green eyes. You chuckled in awe while also trying to do something. A heavy silence had established, and neither of you knew what to do to avoid it.
Finally, she guffawed and shyly looked back at you.
“You have such a big crush on me that you confessed while you were high” A more relaxed smile grew on her lips, inevitably infecting it to you. “Dude, you had a high crush!!”
You laughed out loud together. You were both incredibly relieved that it had turned out like that. That you were now aware of the situation and comfortable with it. In the end you hugged, looking forward to what the future held for you two.
Tag list: @okay-j-hannah​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!!
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smoshjames · 5 years
Courtney and Shayne Had planned on keeping it a secret.
At least for a little while. They had gotten together maybe a week previously after a night of confessions and awkward first kisses, and they wanted to sort of try it out before telling a single soul. They did pretty good about keeping all of their new romance private, and if all went well, they were gonna tell their close group of friends the following weekend.
During the table read for every couple ever, Courtney and Shayne exchanged glances at their kissing part, it would be a funny little nod to their relationship in the future, if they got to the point where they were sharing it with the fans. And neither of them were in any way opposed to it, of course.
Shooting it turned out to be more interesting.
They had to make out behind Kimmy and Damien for about 10 takes, not to mention they had to do about 15 takes of just them falling over the couch, still making out. It was a fun scene to shoot, and definitely filled with a lot of laughter, most of those take necessary because of people laughing about how over the top Shayne and Courtney were being.
Kissing scenes, though professional, were always a little awkward, but this was the first time that leaning in to kiss someone was only awkward because everyone was watching and not because they were kissing, that part had felt right.
Afterward, when Shayne was alone with Damien as the two went to go grab something from the office in between scenes, Shayne was a little caught off guard by Damien. “So, how much do you like Courtney?”
“What?” Shayne had spluttered.
“The chemistry between you guys today was insane. I think I know you well enough to know that that was definitely more than just acting.” Damien said confidently.
Well, he was on the right track.
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shaymiens · 5 years
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So about a month ago, I created the Smoshblr Spotify Playlist! It is a public playlist, so anyone can look at the playlist, but it’s also a collaborative playlist, meaning anyone with a Spotify account is free to add music to it.
Thanks to you guys, there’s already a lot of great music on there! Listening to all the songs also serves as some great writing inspo, which got me thinking... why not make an ongoing community challenge out of it?! I was always a fan of those fic-writing challenges back in the day that included writing 100 fics for 100 prompts, and I wanted to do something similar to that, but for all sorts of fan creations. So now introducing:
The Smoshblr List: Creators Challenge! 🎉✨
(please click Keep Reading for details)
What is it and who can participate?
⤷ It’s a challenge for those in the Smosh community to make fan content based off the songs in the Spotify Smoshblr List!
⤷ For those who don’t really make fan content but still want to contribute, it’s a way to share some music and potentially see some cool content inspired by your favorite songs~
⤷ Basically anyone in the Smosh fandom can participate!
How do I utilize the playlist?
⤷ Make fan content that is inspired by a song in the playlist. You can write a songfic with the lyrics incorporated throughout it, you can think up an AU that comes to mind when you listen to the song, you can make a video edit that uses the song... whatever you want!
⤷ The Creators Challenge requires that you make your fan content in coordination with each song of the Smoshblr List, in the order the songs were added. In other words, you’re making a new creation for each song in the playlist, starting with the oldest song on the list to the most recently added one. This should push creators’ imaginations while also ensuring that none of the songs on the playlist is neglected.
What kind of fan content is allowed?
⤷ Whatever you can think of! Fanart, fanfiction, graphic edits, video edits, drabbles, ficlets, headcanons, moodboards, AU imagines... The list is endless!
⤷ Shippy content, NSFW content, and otherwise graphic content is allowed, but please respect tag etiquette (see Rules & Guidelines below).
Where can I share/find this content?
⤷ Tag your creations with the tag #Smoshblr List Creations.
⤷ You can use this tag wherever you post your content (Ao3, Wattpad, Instagram, etc.) but most likely you’ll use this tag for your posts on Tumblr :)
When does this challenge start/end?
⤷ This challenge starts RIGHT NOW!
⤷ As for when it ends... it never really does. 👁👄👁
⤷ I guess you “win” the challenge if you make so much content that you reach the end of the list before new music is added, but really, it’s an ongoing challenge -- plus a wealth of inspiration for you to return to when you want it.
Rules & Guidelines
⤷ Do not delete any songs off the playlist.
⤷ Keep shippy and NSFW content out of the main Smosh tags on Tumblr, including #smosh #smosh pit #smosh games #smosh squad and any of the cast name tags (ex: #mari takahashi or #lasercorn). Please still do use the tag #Smoshblr List Creations, but make sure to tag for ships (ex: #koah) or for NSFW content (#nsfw).
⤷ “Graphic content” can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, so you decide whether or not it’s okay to share on the main tags. Regardless, still use #Smoshblr List Creations, and if necessary, include disclaimers/trigger warnings in the tags and/or in the post itself.
⤷ If you want to add music to the Smoshblr List but making fan content isn’t really your thing, that’s totally fine and encouraged! Just out of courtesy for others, please don’t spam the playlist with a bunch of songs all at once. Otherwise, there’s no limit to the number of songs you add to the playlist over time.
⤷ Have fun and message me if you have any questions or concerns!
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hayleythesugarbowl · 8 months
hey! you've already done that courtney x sick!reader fic (which i adored) so i was wondering if you'd be comfortable turning the tables and doing a reader x sick!courtney? maybe where she has a stomach bug or something (idk that's the last thing i had)
many thanks x take care of yourself
Stay With Me || Courtney Miller x reader
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist • courtney miller x sick!reader ⋆୨୧˚ summary: when courtney calls and cancels your date night due to a stomach bug, you don’t hesitate to drop everything and take care of them
word count: 0.7k
warnings: mild sick fic, mild swearing
a/n: tysm for the request love, hope you enjoy this!! 💌🩰
     Your phone rang. You paused, mid brush through your tangled hair, to grab it. You were in the process of getting ready for a long-awaited date night with your partner of seven months, Courtney Miller. You figured it was probably them calling you now, confirming the time or asking for directions to the restaurant.
     Speak of the devil, you thought as you looked at the caller ID and saw it was none other than Courtney. You answered with a “hey” waiting for their reply, but it didn’t come right away.
     “Courtney? What’s up?” You tried again.
     “Hey (Y/n),” their voice came out weak and your brow furrowed.
     “Court? Are you ok?” You asked.
     “I’ve been better,” they answered, explaining, “Stomach bug.”
     “Oh no, how are you feeling? Can I help? Do you need anything?” You heard them laugh on the other side of the phone. 
     “I’ll be fine,” Courtney said, “I was just calling to let you know I probably won’t be able to make our date night. Throwing up’s a bitch.”
     You smiled, “Don’t worry about it, we can reschedule, alright? I just want to make sure your ok.”
     “Thank you,” Courtney said, “I just need some rest, that’s all.” But you heard their muffled groan following that statement.
     “I’m coming over,” you said. 
     “Really (Y/n), I’m fine—”
     “I’m already in my car,” you lied.
     “I’m already at your house,” you teased.
     This got a laugh out of Courtney and they relented.
     “If you’re going to be impossible, you have a key, let yourself in (Y/n).”
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     You did. Upon arriving at Courtney’s house, a few minutes later than you would have liked but only because you stopped to get their favorite soup, you let yourself in.
     You walked down the hall and towards Courtney’s room, finding them lying in bed.
     “I brought you soup,” you offered it to them and they took it, thanking you.
     “How are you doing?” You asked, taking in Courtney’s pale face and tousled hair. Even sick they were gorgeous, you thought. 
     “Better now that you’re here,” Courtney said, smiling up at you. 
     “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” you told them, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
     “I still feel really bad about our date night,” they said, and then looking you up and down, “and that you got all sexy for nothing.”
     You blushed and took their hand, “Well, maybe not for nothing,” you said, mirth in your voice, “we could have our own little date night here.”
     You ran to Courtney’s kitchen, grabbing a bowl and silverware. Coming back into her room and ignoring her bewildered but amused expression, you set the items in your hand on their bedside table.
     “Soup?” You asked, putting on your best high-society waiter voice.
     Courtney giggled, a sound that was beautiful to your ears.
     “Don’t mind if I do.”
      You made a show of pouring the soup and handing it to them.
     “Anything to drink?”
     “Water’s fine,” Courtney said, nodding to the drink beside their bed.
     “That is an insult to your waiter,” you teased them. But you sat down next to them and said, “See? Now it’s a date.”
     “Thank you,” Courtney said, blowing on a spoonful of the soup.
     You sat there, talking, until the soup was finished and Courtney’s eyelids began to droop. You got up and grabbed them a blanket, stopping by the bed as they turned to the side. 
     You bent down to brush a few strands of hair away from their face and kiss Courtney on the cheek. 
     Courtney grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards the bed and you stumbled forwards landing next to them. 
     “Lay with me?” Courtney asked, all innocence aside from the wicked grin on her face. 
     You let out a breath, giving in and laying down next to them, “If it’ll help you sleep.”
    “It will. Definitely,” Courtney said, nestling in to you.
     You stroked their hair, “Can I get you anything else?” You said softly.
     “Just…stay?” Courtney said quietly.
     “Your practically on top of me, I’m not going anywhere,” your assured them, joking. But Courtney was already asleep. You reached over and turned off the lamp next to their bed. 
     Stay with Courtney?
“Always,” you said, into the darkness as you watched Courtney sleep peacefully beside you.
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this little fic, i love writing for courtney!! have a wonderful day <3
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
Hi! If you're still taking prompts, maybe something short and sweet with Ian and Anthony accidentally napping on one another? (Like on a car ride or while watching a movie or something)
Ian & Anthony - Pre-ianthony / platonic ianthony - Nap
They have a routine. Anthony will come over to Ian’s place on Sundays to watch the newest episode of whatever trash reality show Ian’s gotten Anthony hooked on. They sit together on Ian’s couch, bowls of vegan and gluten-free snacks on the coffee table in front of them.
It reminds Ian of when they were teenagers and used to eat pizza and drink soda while watching the newest episode of Lost. It’s comfortable and safe, the way that Anthony always makes Ian feel. So, they follow their routine, and they eat together and laugh at people whose lives are way more dramatic than their own and at some point, Ian feels his body sort of slide sideways, feels himself start to lean against Anthony, their shoulders touching.
Anthony says nothing about the lack of space and likely doesn’t even think about it. The length of Anthony’s body along Ian’s is a map of pinpoints of warmth where they touch from shoulder to hip, to thighs, and ankles. There’s a comfort that feels like Sacramento and a soft quiet that makes it feel okay for Ian to let his eyes feel heavy and droop closed. He can hear the sound of the ‘It’ couple on the show bickering about how one of them betrayed the other and Ian can hear the sound of Anthony’s steady breathing.
Before Ian knows it, he feels himself nod off.
Anthony feels Ian fall asleep. He hears the soft quiet sound of the other man breathing and the rise and fall of his chest as slips into sleep. What he’s not expecting is Ian to tip further sideways and rest his head against Anthony’s shoulder, warm and comfortable as he leans against Anthony, as if Anthony’s frame is the only thing supporting him.
Anthony glances over at his best friend, the way his hair tickles the skin on Anthony’s neck, the way his glasses are skewed just a bit on his face. Anthony resists every urge to pluck the glasses off of Ian’s face, not wanting to wake the other man. They work so hard, the both of them do, and any time to rest and recharge is valuable, the same for the time they spend together. Anthony feels blessed and grateful that Ian trusts him enough to let himself be this vulnerable and fall asleep beside him. It’s not something that could happen to just anyone and Anthony recognizes that.
In the quiet space, Anthony sets his hand on Ian’s knee, he lets his own head rest next to Ian’s as he listens to the breathing of his best friend, the soft downy of Ian’s hair on his cheek, the warmth exchange between the two of them.
Not for the first time Anthony feels that fondness exploding inside of him like a firework. He loves Ian so much. Maybe more than the other man will even know, but he does, and right now he loves Ian so much, loves this quiet space they both exist in, loves this peace they can have with one another.
Anthony wants to see the two of them from the outside, from someone else’s eyes. He wants to see how it looks for Ian to be sleeping against him, Anthony’s head resting atop Ian’s. Anthony feels a smile slide across his face as he lets his own eyes fall closed, the two of them resting against one another, like children, like they did so many years ago, but more and different, and Anthony feels he will never, ever take this feeling for granted ever again.
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
Hmmm... prompts. Amanda/Ian, honest to God anything, but I gotta say? Of all the fics i've loved with them, Ian's never the aggressor. Which I get, he's a little guy, but.... I'd still love to see one where he's the one who makes the move. But if you're not feeling that or it's already something you're writing, Shayne/Ian or Damien/Ian... basically same prompt
Ian/Amanda - Amandian - Public
“You’re the strangest person I’ve ever met,” Ian says as he smiles at Amanda over their shared lunch at the Smosh studio.
“Thank you?” Amanda says, laughing, her eyes crinkling and sparkling, and she makes a face, one that says his compliment is as much an insult as anything else, “Honestly? Same for you, buddy.”
Ian feels himself grin, his smile widens. It’s impossible for him not to smile when it’s her. Amanda is hilarious. She is odd but she is so true to herself, so unafraid to do and be whatever she wants without fear of what others will think of how they will see her. Ian feels maybe he used to be like that once and maybe that’s why he likes her. He’s chasing the freedom he once felt in his youth.
Well, it helps that Amanda is also gorgeous. She flips her dark hair and bats her lashes at him, and he has to work to fight back the blush that wants to creep across his cheeks.
There are a million and one reasons he should walk away from this situation and shut down any of this…flirtatious? Tone that has seemed to spring up between them. He’s her boss and she is his employee, but he never puts himself above her, or any of the cast. He’s in the trenches alongside of them, at least he likes to think that he is.
“You’re smiling at me,” Amanda says.
“You make it easy to smile,” Ian says with a shrug.
Amanda grins, one that Ian feels must mirror his own.
She tucks a hand under her face, holding her chin in the palm of her hand, “Tell me more.”
Ian’s heart speeds in his chest and he swallows down the nerves that bubble up his throat.
“Well, when you hang out with a beautiful and hilarious woman, it’s easy to want to smile, don’t you think?” he says, keeping his voice calm but he watches her face for a sign that he fucked up.
Amanda is smart enough to read between the lines and understand that this is Ian confessing without blatantly coming right out and telling her that he finds her attractive, that he likes her more than he should, that he’d like to take her out if it is okay with her.
She levels him with a cool smirk and her eyes flicker over him with interest.
“Yeah?” she asks, her voice smooth like butter, “maybe you’re right.”
In the small expanse of the table between them, Ian inches his hand forward and lets his fingertips rest on top of hers.
“Feel free to say no,” Ian says, “but I’d love to take you out sometime.”
“Drinks?” Amanda asks, teasing him by recalling the bit he dropped on her a handful of weeks ago.
“Anything,” Ian says, “as long as it’s with you, Amanda. But I’ve been told I make a mean grilled salmon.”
Amanda flips her hand so that their palms touch, a faint pink to her cheeks, a smile that takes Ian’s breath away.
“I’d love to,” she says, her voice quieter, private in a public space, something for the two of them only.
Ian nods and then he pulls away before the others begin to notice and he and Amanda go back to eating, and laughing, and that energy between them has only heightened to a level that makes Ian feel dizzy and excited for what may happen between them.
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merrybloomwrites · 8 days
So the other day I said I'd be posting drabbles soon.
Turns out, drabbles are super short! I think what I'll be posting count as ficlets? So far they're turning out to be in the 400-1,000 word range.
ALSO! I came up with another idea for 1D and another for Smosh.
This means the fics start this week! First 1D post coming on Monday, May, 27, and the first Smosh post is Thursday, May 30!
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Worried Sick (Shayne Topp x Reader)
Characters: Shayne Topp, Damien Haas, Noah Grossman, Courtney Miller, Olivia Sui, Keith Leak Jr.
Fandom: Smosh (Youtubers)
Tags: Reader Insert, Female Reader, Sickfic
Warnings: None
Requested by anon: Can I get a Shayne from Smosh scenario where reader gets sick, but acts like she's ok and passes our during a challenge or something and Shayne freaks out and helps her? (Maybe Damien there too and is also worried as a friend?) 
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You all sat down in the couches to record a video for Smosh. You were a little nervous, because you were going to do a Spin the Bottle thing and, for what you had seen in their videos, it could get a little crazy and weird. And you were just a guest, even if you were good friends with them all. Still, you hoped whatever it was, you had to do it with Shayne or Damien, who you were closest to.
“You okay, Y/N?” The latter bumped his shoulder into yours, trying to cheer you up with a little smile. “Nervous?”
“A little bit” You shrugged to brush it off.
“You should be” Shayne jokingly got closer to you, speaking with a ‘scary’ voice. “Get ready”
“Gosh darnit, Shayne! Don’t scare Y/N!” Damien replied. “Like, it’s not that dangerous”
“Shut up” You rolled your eyes at them as they giggled together, and just then arrived the rest. Courtney and Keith were there, as were Olivia and Noah.
“Guys, we’re calling action!” They warned you behind the cameras.
“Okay” You took a deep breath, trying to settle the nerves.
You also wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. You loved hanging out with them and always had a blast, but truth was, you weren’t feeling your best. You were a little light-headed, you couldn’t tell if it was because you were giddy and jittery or because you were tired. You had starting feeling sick a few days ago and didn’t get to sleep or eat much. But that morning you felt better and blamed your unwell on the nerves.
“And action!” They announced, so you focused on smiling and waving at the camera while they did the intro.
The more you thought about being on camera and the many possible embarrassing and strange things you were about to do, the lousier you felt. Especially since you weren’t as close with the rest, only with Damien and Shayne.
“Shayne starts!” Courtney handed the giant bottle to him.
Your friend put it on the ground and gave it a good spin. You didn’t know if you wanted it to land on you or not, it was starting to get a little hard to focus. All you could think about was how you felt nauseous and warm, and the cameras and lights weren’t helping much.
“Y/N!” They all celebrated when the bottle landed on you.
Shayne picked up the bucket and rummaged through it until he pulled out a paper. The dare must have amused him, because he started laughing loudly like he did.
“Slow dancing like robots!!” He finally read, causing a few chuckles and giggles.
You were feeling a little under the weather, but you thought you could power through it. The video couldn’t take that long to film, you could hold on. You promised yourself to take some medicine and sleep for a week when you got home.
Charmingly, Shayne offered you his hand and you took it and let him pull you up. After you stood on your feet, you immediately felt ten times worse as a wave of exhaustion washed over you. You thought that it was just a head rush, but your stomach felt queasy too and your legs were shaky.
You panted in exhaustion, leaning over Shayne and resting your forehead against his shoulder. They awed and muttered amongst them, and must have think it was part of the dare, that you were goofing around, but you weren’t. You tried to call out for Shayne, but you felt so weak that you couldn’t find your voice. You only tapped him in the back but he did nothing. 
Shayne’s hands were awkwardly on your back as he folded his elbow joints like a robot. But then he finally realized something was wrong when you wobbled and leaned the entirety of your weight over his torso.
“Wow, you okay?” He whispered to you, his voice dripping with concern. You weakly shook your head and tried to wrap your arms around him for support. “Oh my god!!”
“Y/N?” Courtney asked, just as worried when she saw Shayne’s panicked expression.
Shayne quickly wrapped his arms around you to hold you up. You could feel your head spinning as everyone freaked out and stood up, calling your name and loudly speaking in panic.
“Guys, I think we should stop the video!” Damien’s voice exclaimed over the ruckus.
“No, no, leave her some room to breathe!” Noah observed, seeing as everyone closed in, concerned.
“Shayne, you should get her somewhere calm” You couldn’t even distinguish whose voice that was anymore.
You felt relieved when Shayne firmly wrapped one of his strong arms around your waist and easily scooped you up as his other arm hooked under your knees. You tiredly rested your temple against his shoulder, nuzzling his neck for comfort. Damien closely followed, mumbling suggestions about how to help you.
Shayne hurriedly took you away from there and you closed your eyes, trusting him to look after you. You felt so sick that all you wanted to do was sleep and get rid of all that dizziness, queasiness and headache. As soon as you left the warm room and the crowd, you felt a little better.
Before you knew, he set you down in a couch, his arms still hovering around you in case you wobbled and fell off it. But being rid of the pressure of the video and away from the cameras and the bright lights was a big improvement. And now you were surrounded by your two best friends, who would take care of you.
“I’m gonna get you some water” Damien rushed off, leaving the room in a hurry.
“Y/N?” Shayne gently tapped your shoulder and so you looked up at him leaning down to you, even if your glance felt hazy and distant. “Hey, you okay?”
You took a deep breath, still feeling weak and faint, and nodded. He heaved a sigh of relief when you showed some sort of reaction. You hated to worry him and everyone, but you really didn’t have any strength left.
“What happened?” His voice, although soft, was dripping concern just as the one reflected in his piercing blue eyes. He paused, but seeing as you were too weak to properly reply, he continued. “Did you eat something today?”
You feebly shook your head, feeling yourself heavy and clumsy. Needing his comforting closeness, you tugged at his wrist and brought him to the couch with you until he sat by your side.
“I’m here!” Damien then returned, still as frantically as when he left. He clutched a bottle of water in his hand, and was sitting next to you in a flash. “Drink, you’ll feel better”
You took the water from him and began downing it, finding yourself to be incredibly thirsty, maybe even a little bit dehydrated too.
“Easy, buddy, we don’t want you choking on it too” Damien warned you, gently rubbing your arm as to make you feel better.
As soon as you were done drinking, you gave him the water and leaned your head on Shayne’s shoulder, completely exhausted. He wrapped an arm around you to keep you close.
“Is that better?” Your friend asked you, to which you nodded.
“You were a little sick a few days ago, right?” Shayne asked you after that. “Maybe it’s catching up to you”
“Maybe we should get you some sugar or something” Damien muttered, helplessly looking around for something that could help you. “Anything to eat…”
“I’m… I’m feeling a little better” After drinking water and sitting down there, calmly, with your close friends, you were starting to settle a bit. “Don’t worry, guys, I’m okay”
“You almost fainted on me, Y/N!” Shayne suddenly exclaimed, startled at the sound of your voice again. “If you were feeling sick, why didn’t you say so?” 
You shrugged, knowing you had no real excuse. You wanted to pretend like you were okay, to keep working and hang out with your friends. But you shouldn’t have pushed yourself like that.
Noticing his friend’s annoyance, and willing to lighten the mood, Damien intervened.
“The important thing is you’re okay” He mumbled. “And now you have to rest” 
“Yeah” You sighed, embracing the feeling of their protectiveness. “Thanks”
“You gave us quite a scare there” Damien let out a deep sigh, a bit relieved to see you improving.
“Sorry…” You genuinely said, patting his arm while still resting over Shayne.
“You need to take care of yourself…” Shayne mumbled, still recovering from the mini heart attack.
“Yeah” Damien warmly smiled at you in spite of it all. “Or we will”
You smiled a bit too, knowing they would definitely stay with you there until you felt better.
Tagging: @thatsdarwinism
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smoshjames · 5 years
Mari was still reeling.
Dating Boze had become the rollercoaster ride she never wanted to get off of. One she could ride up and down on for the rest of her life.
Not that she was thinking that far ahead.
They had agreed to try things out and enjoy themselves. No promises, no seriousness, just fun. Not that it was hard. Not even an hour ago as the two of them stumbled into Mari’s apartment, kicking off their heels, and not even bothering to turn on the lights as they pulled their hair up and prepared to take off all of their makeup.
It’s Boze who starts it.
She sticks her head out of the open bathroom door with half of her makeup removed, still rubbing her left cheek, singing loudly the wrong words to a popular song they had heard that night. Mari, who had been drinking a glass of water laughs as the song takes a theatrical turn as Boze starts dancing to the off-tune lyrics, while still cleaning her face.
For the chorus, Mari joins her and it was random and silly and barely 1 o'clock in the morning, but they found themselves dancing in the darkened living room to no music and a whole lot of laughter.  
Boze eventually finishes cleaning her face and Mari does too. They eventually get into bed and Boze falls asleep quickly, cuddled up to Mari with her back against Mari’s back as she lays on her side staring at the wall, thinking about things she wasn’t supposed too.
She wanted this for more than just fun.
Moments like that had been so effortless and freeing and just what Mari wanted. To be completely herself with someone else was all she ever really wanted and here she was, able to be that with someone who could authentically be themselves.
She still doesn’t understand how she got so lucky.
(Original prompt)
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