#youtubers ficlet
steddielations · 1 month
makeup artist youtuber steve who gets famous and does interviews with celebrities while doing their makeup
rockstar eddie who released a grungy eyeshadow palette and does a video with steve to promote it and their chemistry is crazy and all the comments are shipping them
the kick is that eddie didn’t even know he’d be going on steve’s show, jeff asked their manager to set it up because steve did a solo review of eddie’s palette and they’ve all been teasing eddie about watching steve’s video over and over
now they’re all watching eddie get flustered as steve softly touches his face and holds him by the chin, complimenting his eyes and letting him ramble about music and what he likes to wear on stage because steve is actually a really good interviewer
and his last question comes after the cameras shut off and he asks for eddie’s number
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maxybabyy · 8 months
Sequel to this maxiel ‘too hot to handle’ au (soft cw for COVID mention and implied unsafe travelling)
Daniel has been living in Max’s London apartment for four months when Max signs on as a Red Bull affiliate sim racer. And Daniel is so happy for him, of course he is. With his newfound celebrity status back in the Netherlands and now this, Max is free to do whatever the hell he wants. But Daniel. Daniel hasn’t really been doing much since ‘too hot to handle’ wrapped up. He does the the odd appearance at events, started up a cameo account, but with Max’s recent breakout, he starts to feel a bit lost, envious that he isn’t getting the same opportunities.
So when he’s offered a spot on the newest season of ‘The Circle’, he accepts.
Max freaks out when he tells him. They’re in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and if Daniel leaves now, he won’t get back into the country, won’t come back. It causes the biggest fight they’ve ever had.
Max doesn’t yell, but it’s a hard conversation to have, and when Max leaves in frustration, Daniel doesn’t know what to do with himself. Because he has to leave, he can’t not go. He’s in his fucking thirties, and for an influencer like him, that’s pretty much ancient.
Max drives him to the airport, kisses him too wet and tearful. He tells Daniel that he loves him, begs him not to go, and when Daniel doesn’t, turns on his heels and leaves.
Quarantining for the show is tough.
Before Max, Daniel lived on his own in LA, but somehow, the last year has made him unable to be alone. Max still texts him, pictures of the cats, his set-up at the Red Bull facilities, his latest attempt at culinary disaster, but they don’t call.
To make matters worse, Daniel doesn’t win the show. His alliances are quick to get picked apart, and while Jesse – a gorgeous model from Austin, Texas – keeps flirting with him, it doesn’t feel right to flirt back even though he and Max aren’t together anymore. In the end, they call him a catfish and vote him out – a shitty end to an even shittier situation.
He’s offered some gigs around LA, nothing huge but enough to get him on the right lists. And then Netflix approaches him again, this time with their latest dating show – ‘Perfect match’.
He doesn’t say yes right away, knows the implications it will have for his and Max’s relationship, how obvious it will become that they’ve broken up. But like, Daniel isn’t looking for love – already knows where it is, where it was – this is just something that he has to do if he wants to stay relevant.
When you've been on one dating show, you’ve been on them all, Daniel reckons. The cast reminds him too much of the people they met on ‘Too Hot to Handle’ with the added bonus of inflated egos. Even the villa looks the same too, nice but bland with all cultural influence stripped away.
At the end of the first night, he matches with Gabby, a marketing lead from Seattle who has three brothers and loves to surf. She’s sweet and very pretty, touches his arm with her tiny hand when he makes her laugh, and Daniel thinks he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of the weeks getting to know her.
They’re hanging out by the pool, day drinking and chatting. It’s freeing in a way Daniel hasn’t felt since ‘too hot to handle’, since before COVID hit. He loved hanging with Max, with the cats in their apartment and late-night Zoom sessions with Blake and Scotty. But it’s different like this, being around people. 
He’s only loosely paying attention when the conversation picks up, “Gabby, you were on ‘Love is blind’, right?” Amy, from a season of ‘The Circle’ before Daniel’s, asks. “So you’re like ready for the real deal, huh? Marriage and all.”
“I mean, that’s why we’re all here, isn’t it?” Gabby says and laughs. “To find our perfect match of course.” Her hand has found its way to Daniel’s leg, slim fingers loose around his ankle, and Daniel doesn’t think, he can’t –
He forces himself to breathe, to laugh along with the crowd and not jerk his leg out of her grip. He waits another few minutes – at least one, it has to be – before he gets up to get another drink. If he lets himself be pulled into a game of beer pong inside, then no one has to know.
With his mind back in the game, Daniel and Gabby win the second challenge of the show and have to send two people off on dates. Daniel is still stuck on the hot peppers he had to eat when Gabby says, “Oh, this guy is cute, in like. An odd sort of way.”
Her nose crinkles when Daniel looks over, laughs at the way it transforms her entire face. “I don’t think that’s a –“ he starts to say when his mouth suddenly slams shut. Because the guy that she’s pointing to, this odd but beautiful creature is Max. His Max. Max Verstappen who is supposed to be back in the UK, test driving fucking Formula One cars.
They don’t pick Max, settles on some guy from a show Daniel hasn’t watched. But it doesn’t matter in the end; Max checks in two challenges later, on the heels of a date with another ‘too hot to handle’ contestant.
They don’t talk.
Max doesn’t approach him, doesn’t even look at him as his date introduces him to the rest of the house. Daniel wouldn’t even know where to start, so he doesn’t. Their season is still new enough that a lot of the people haven’t watched it, don’t know how big of a deal it is that Max isn’t glued to his side.
Gabby kisses his cheek, says, “I’m going to bed, don’t be too late, okay?” and Daniel nods, smiles and takes another sip of his beer, “I’ll be right up, yeah?”
Max isn’t around, but Daniel cannot imagine he’s matched with anyone here, and maybe that’s for the best too. He’ll be sent home, and maybe – maybe then when they’re both back in London, they can talk.
He’s halfway up the stairs when there’s a shout from one of the rooms, the one he’s been living in with Gabby, so he speeds up, takes the stairs two steps of the time until he’s out of breath and leaning against the door frame.
Max is staring at him from the corner of the room, and he looks fucking pissed. Pissed that he had to come all the way over here to get Daniel home, pissed that Daniel agreed to yet another dating show to find his fucking ‘perfect match’ when Max is right here waiting for him.
Daniel doesn’t know what to say. Max still hasn’t said a word to him, staring at him like he’s livid, but a producer is hovering awkwardly around in case it gets violet.
The producer is about to pull Max away when Daniel turns to Gabby and tells her that he chooses Max.
Everyone but Max is stunned. The poor woman, who just wanted to go to sleep, reaches for his hand, tells him softly: “That’s not how this works, Dan. It’s the girls choosing tonight. This is my room, you know this.” Gabby actually genuinely likes him, knows if she doesn’t choose him tonight, they will have to send him home.
But Daniel can’t not choose Max, so he lets himself be pulled from the room, Max’s hand firm on his wrist as they make it down the stairs. The producer doesn’t know what to do with them either, so they point them in the direction of the couch and tell them they’ll figure it out in the morning.
They aren’t sent home.
Max is still pissed, but he is of course Daniel’s perfect match, knows him better than most of these people even know themselves, so they crush all the compatibility challenges. (“This is of course Daniel’s tweet.” “’Tripping balls.’ Always Daniel will say this.” “These emojis are Daniel’s also.”)
They still don’t talk. Daniel is getting increasingly skittish because he doesn’t know where they stand, or how to act around Max.
Then they lose a challenge.
The host tells them they’re playing a version of Seven Minutes in Heaven, that they all have to kiss each other and rate each other’s kisses and the couple with the highest aggregated score will win. Daniel is too distracted to kiss anyone, barely shakes through it when it’s finally his and Max’s turn – their eyes are covered, but Daniel would know him blind, by the way he tastes and the shape of his lips – the worst kiss they’ve ever shared, and it’s still better than any of the other people Daniel’s kissed. Max’s score was equally terrible, reflected only by the fact that he had to be judged by straight guys.
With Maxiel’s streak of winning everything they touch, the couple sees it as their opportunity to split them up, so they send Max off on a date with someone new.
And Daniel’s not. He isn’t worried. Max has made it clear that he is Daniel’s match. He doesn’t watch reality television, and this human centipede of washed-up influencers won’t affect him. Except when Max gets back, it isn’t some ‘Ultimatum’ reject or a celebrity realtor on his arm.
As seen on some Monaco-based dating show, but intimately more known by the two for his presence on ‘Drive to Survive’ because of his brother, Charles looks absolutely enamoured with Max as they walk through the house together.
Max, who’s been starved for any conversation that wasn’t about who could name-drop the biggest celebrity, glues himself to Charles’ side and doesn’t let go.
He still comes back to Daniel’s bed at night, and suddenly Daniel cannot wait any longer. “What are you even doing, Maxy?” He asks, head held in frustrated hands. “Why are you here? Why are you – what are you doing flirting with Charles Leclerc? This has to be the pettiest – “
“This is of course what you want, no?” Max says, too calm for the fucking mood in the room. “Always you want to win, and this I can do.”
“Max, what?” Daniel says, “I don’t just want to win. That’s not –“
“Because if you’re here to find your perfect match, but did not tell me, there is of course no reason I’m here also.”
Daniel is not about to have an emotional breakdown on television (his mum and sister watch everything he does, and they don’t need to see him cry), so he drags Max to a dead spot one of the other matches had found looking for hook-up spots.
Max is still pissed but he listens to Daniel explain how he’d felt back then, lost in their relationship and envious of the offers Max had gotten, how: “I’m getting old, Maxy.”
“You’re not old,” Max says, quick and indignant, natural in his defence of Daniel.
“I am, Maxy.” He says, laughs in a way that’s supposed to be fun and cute, but must drip of self-deprecation. “I’m the oldest one here, and soon they won’t want me anymore. Then what am I supposed to do?”
Max has given little thought to Daniel’s crippling fear of getting older because he of course wants Daniel always, will always think he is handsome. He also doesn’t understand Daniel’s obsession with being famous – an influencer, as the fucking Netflix producer had called him when he contacted him to say Daniel was coming on the show, and would he like to come too? –  but he knows Daniel loves what he does, and feeling like he’s failing at that must be terrible.
“Always you should tell me this,” Max says softly, reaches for him until Daniel falls into him. “If it was this important to you, then of course I will support you.”
Daniel breathes out, lets the last of his tension bleed from his body. “I know, Maxy. I was just, I don’t know. Maybe I was embarrassed? You had all this going for you, and I was just at home playing with the cats.”
“Never you should feel like this, Daniel.” Max says and hugs him tighter. “I am so proud of you, and if this is what you want, then you should have it always.”
“While I was in LA, after I did ‘the circle’, someone told me they might have a job for me. Like a pilot season or some shit,” Daniel tells him softly, rests his head on Max’s chest to listen to his heart beating. “It would be out in Austin, but like, it should only be a month, maybe two. But I thought like, maybe if it made sense with Red Bull, you could come with me?”
“Of course, Daniel.” Max is quick to say. “This long-distance thing, I think, is not for us. Always I want to be with you.”
“Yeah, me too,” Daniel says and kisses Max, long and deep just like that first time. “Love you, Maxy.”
“I love you too, Daniel.” Max says, kisses him again before he stands up. “Now, let’s go so we can win this show also.”
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violetlunette · 3 months
This a a Prompt from my Disney Song Prompt List.
I'm technically stretching the rules here, but I guess since Disney owns Fox now, I can count on a technicality.
Song: Once Upon a December (Anastasia)
Requested by @singerkillerjaetch
The winter’s cold stabbed through straight to Silver’s bones, turning pink flesh blue and causing teeth to clatter.
‘I’ll have to find shelter soon,’ he thought. He searched the area, but his vision was hazy due to the thick mist his breath made.
Silver had no idea how long he had been in these icy woods, lost and alone. What he did know was that if he didn’t find warmth soon, Silver would never find it again.
Silver stumbled against a tree, his fingers so numb that he couldn’t even feel the scratchy bark of the tree.
‘I can’t… I can’t…’
“Stand up.” Ah, it was that voice again. “It doesn’t matter what you have to do. As long as you live.”
Silver closed his eyes against the sound. That voice always appeared at times like this, when he was lost.
He just wished he could remember who that voice belonged to.
‘Then again, if I could recall anything, I wouldn’t be here.’ With a shudder, Silver stood and continued to trudge through the thick snow, ripping his leg as the white gripped his knees.
A time ago, the boy had been found wandering with no memory of his past or even who he was. He only had his name due to his hair, and he hated the name “Gray.”
Silver began to worry that he would never find his true identity when fate, or perhaps luck, intervened. 
Silver met a pixie after he rescued her from a band of thieves who were going to sell her in a bottle. 
After the human shared his plight with her, she mysteriously told Silver that he should go to Briar Valley. There, he should seek out “Lilia Vanrouge.” Before Silver could question why, the other vanished.
Having no other leads, the teen made his journey to Briar Valley. 
Once he arrived, he was surprised to find the entire valley coated in snow.
Travelers had told him that this winter had been going on for some time, caused by the sorrow of the Dragon Prince, who had lost something dear to him. Silver, whose heart already twinged at the mention of him, went out to the prince. Whatever he lost must have been precious to create such a storm for so long--
Koff, koff!
Silver’s throat ached and nearly choked him. Silver came to these woods to find his past, but if he didn’t hurry and find protection from the cold, Silver wouldn’t have a future either.
There were many times Silver’s body nearly gave out and fell to the storm, but each time he did, the same voice would appear in his head, begging him to live.
‘I wish I knew... if only I could recall...’ Who that person was.
Silver pressed his lips tight, and his brow furrowed deeply.
It was faint, glowing as dim as an ember, but he could recall someone holding him as a child. In their arms, Silver felt safe and warm. He hadn’t felt that way for a long time.
If the human thought harder, he could hear a faint lullaby being sung. He couldn’t recall the song itself or the words—just the tune.
Silver placed a hand over his chest as the muscle inside it ached. 
It hurt, but it was that pain that kept him going. For his heart to ache and yearn so strongly for something his mind could not recall, Silver must have loved it deeply and dearly. And, surely, those feelings had to have been returned...
Hope could only move a body for so long, and it seemed that it was going to fade when Silver's aurora-colored eyes spotted something.
In the distance, settled between one of the many large trees and a stream, frozen completely by the cold, was a cottage. 
The sight brought tears to the teen’s eyes as warmth slowly spread to his icy bones.
He knew this place better than he knew anything else. This...this was home. His home.
He was home.
The door opened so fast that it was nearly pulled from the house. Light came pooling out. The only light in the dark, icy world. Framed by this heavenly glow was a figure that made Silver’s heart cry out, though his lips remained silent in shock. He held his breath until the other spoke.
“Silver?” That voice—he recognized it! It was the same voice that kept him alive all this time. This person was his...
Lilia stood, shaking not from the cold but from the emotions that filled him upon seeing the sight before him.
“Silver?” Was it a dream? Or perhaps he was seeing a ghost. Could this be his son? The child he had lost what felt like ages ago?
His grip broke the wood of the entryway. He didn’t dare hope. He didn’t dare dream. Not after all this time.
And yet--
“Father?” Lilia’s heart, numb from grief for so long, began to beat once more.
Only to break as the lad fell.
“Silver!” Lilia bolted from the doorway to his son’s side, pulling him from the snow as he called the other’s name again and again. Sadly, there was no response.
“Silver!” Surely fate didn’t deliver his boy to his doorstep just to have him die before the father. Such a thing would be far too cruel.
“Silver, please! Please…”
Once upon a December, Silver vanished from his life.
Lilia would not let that happen again.
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Steddie (not) Getting Married Today
I love this song on its own, but imagine...
Steddie are getting married and Eddie is OVERTHINKING.
Surely Steve is crazy. Surely he must have not noticed that he's getting married to the trailer trash, ex-drug dealer, mostly maimed/nibbled on by bats and a human trash panda incarnate Eddie Munson. Steve must have overlooked it, sure. Steve must be still in the honeymoon phase (they are well in their 50s now but maybe Steve's honeymoon phase is just long?) and not realizing that Eddie isn't really someone he should want to marry?
Enter Robin who is incredibly amused and tries to keep Eddie's stress under control (except not because she knows he's crazy about Steve and Steve is crazy about him).
Steve is still good-looking, kind, patient, wonderfully bitchy and Eddie is suddenly reminded that he's way out of his league ("you're not, second dingus, you literally have better career than him, I saw a woman AND two guys hit on you in the last bar, you thanked them for the consideration, flashed your engagement ring and then smooched Steve into oblivion, very consensually, which part of that all screams OUT OF HIS LEAGUE?") and he's 100% convinced he's about to ruin Steve's life and his own in extension, when Steve finally realizes he can do better.
In the meantime, Steve is running around, finishing everything, making sure his hair is perfect, brushing his teeth again so the first kiss is everything Eddie could ever want.
Eddie is curled up in a ball, asking Robin if she thinks Steve will mind being married to someone who has tattoos. Robin is somewhere between pity, amusement and attempted strangulation.
And maybe Eddie still has his running tendencies, maybe he's still insecure and a trembling mess, but it takes a single worried look from Steve, a whispered "you...don't want to get married?" and Eddie grabs his hands, kisses him (mhmmm, peppermint) and drags him towards all their waiting guests because he's fucking terrified, but he'd rather get eaten by a bunch of democreatures (again) than give Steve a single indication that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with him.
(Robin gets very drunk afterwards and Nancy consoles her, maybe poking a bit of fun at the fact that Robin was even worse mess at their own wedding)
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saberamane · 8 months
Warning for language in this ficlet.
Desmond: You know how it's only champagne if it's from the French town of Champagne? And otherwise, it's sparkling wine?
Clay: Yeah?
Desmond: I wish more things were like that.
Clay: What do you mean?
Desmond: For example. Someone isn't a wanker unless they're from the French town of Wanqer. Otherwise, they're just a sparkling fuckwit.
Clay: *snorts a laugh*
*Federico and Ezio stop their conversation, looking over, interested.*
Desmond: He's not your fiancee unless he's from the French town of Fiance. Otherwise, he's just a sparkling future husband.
*Federico, Ezio, and Clay laugh*
Desmond: Or as I prefer to call it, a brosecco.
*Wheezing laughter*
Desmond: It's only as pussy if it's from the Poosay region of France, otherwise it's just a-
Clay cuts in, red in the face from laughter: Sparkling cunt!
All four break down in laughter, eyes watering, gasping in air.
Maria and Giovanni, off to the side: *Shakes heads in exasperation.
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maniacalmole · 8 months
               “Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live—deliciously?”
               The girl’s breath shook. Her wide eyes stared into darkness. Her mouth formed the word, drawing it up from the depths of her, “Y—”
               And she was interrupted, by a new voice, a drawn out, “Hmmm.”
               Her eyes darted to the corner of the room.
               “Butter?” the voice said. It sounded, not sensuous, but dubious. What made it more shocking, it spoke at full volume, not loudly or harshly, but enough to break the dimness of the night. “Butter’s the best you can do?”
               The new figure—it appeared to be a man—was dressed in all black, not unlike the being she’d been speaking to moments before, who was now gaping at the newcomer in a way that somewhat ruined its air of confidence. The new figure was in shadow, but even the darkness of the room could not obscure his shock of flame-red hair, brighter than any she’d ever seen.
               “I mean, don’t get me wrong,” he said, unfolding, striding forward. “I like butter. Big butter fan, here. But it’s, well, it’s not exactly unique, is it? We’ve all had butter, right? Here.” He stopped before her, blocking her view of the other figure. The red-haired man held out something in front of her. It was round, shining in the firelight. It was almost as bright as his hair. “When’s the last time you had one o’ these? Or did they even have them in England, yet, before you came over here? Right, you probably wouldn’t have been allowed them anyway, well, miss—Try this.”
               “What,” the girl said, her voice cracking. “What is it?”
               “This,” said the new speaker, “is an orange.”
               The girl took the orange, hesitantly, spun it around in her hands. Behind the new figure, the old one hissed, but the red-haired man snapped his finger and pointed it back at him, cutting him off.
               “Nope, that’s my thing. Goats don’t hiss, mate.”
               “This one is mine,” said the horrible whisper, sending chills down the girl’s spine once again.
               But the red-haired man paid him no mind. He just gestured to the orange, raised his eyebrows. She pressed her fingers into it—dug her thumb into the thick peel—pierced it, then started to rip it off. The smell hit her like a breath of fresh air. She peeled faster.
               “Don’t listen to him,” whispered the shadows. “I can give you—”
               “Oh, dresses, eh?” scoffed red. “Is that what you specialize in? Tell me, what is it they’re wearing right now, your gaggle of women out hiding in the woods, eh, Philly? Pretty dresses, is it?”
               The other man retreated even farther into the shadow, scowling at the newcomer. The girl hardly glanced at either of them. She’d peeled the fruit and reached the first slice, felt the cool juice on her fingers, and brought it to her mouth. It tasted like sunshine. She devoured the rest of it frantically.
               “Kid, if you want to be a real witch, talk to the most sensibly dressed woman in the village. Or the one wearing lots of patterns. Some of them do like maximalism.”
               “I don’t want to be a witch,” said the girl, looking up from the fruit, startled. Remembering. Coming back to herself.
               The red-haired man shrugged. “Suit yourself. S’pose I can’t blame you, with the examples you’ve been set.” He bent down and handed the girl another orange, which she started peeling immediately. “Go down south,” he told her, in a voice more gentle than any she’d heard in a while. “Some nice family’ll take you in. People are a lot nicer than you’ve been raised to believe, when they can eat an orange a day, trust me.”
               The girl looked up from the orange just long enough to glance into his eyes—they were different eyes, strange, for sure, but not quite like a goat’s—in fact they were a little aslant of a goat’s eyes, and any change was enough for her—so she nodded, then turned and went, shedding bright orange peel as she went.
               “You just had to come and mess it up,” whined the voice from behind the red-haired man. It sounded quite different when it spoke above a whisper. “And now she’s getting away, and—oh—oh, yep, look, she’s gone. Thanks a lot.”
               “Really, ‘Black Philip’?" The red-haired man smiled out the doorway, into the dark night. Nothing was left to show the girl had been there at all, except for the bits of peel on the ground. "One poor family out in the middle of nowhere? That’s the best you could do?”
               “I hate you.”
               “Fuck off, Phil.”
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a-fictional-bitch · 1 month
Smut Drabble - Glam (Shvagenbagen) Metal
(Smut under the cut with GN! reader)
Glam was a man with an unbreakable composure, he always had been. It was how he was raised, how he survived, but when the musician met you, that changed. Somehow, someway, you had broken through the fortress of walls the man before you had put up in an attempt to protect himself, from what he was unsure. Maybe his father’s cruelty, the harsh reality of the word, or maybe even himself. Despite what he had originally thought to be his better judgement, he let you in, and instead of the impending hurt he had grown accustomed to, you showed him safety, comfort, love, and loyalty, the last thing he expected. 
Growing up so sheltered and isolated from much of the outside world, he was never taught a lot of the little things. You introduced him to many mind-blowing subcultures, ideas and beliefs that completely shattered those he was taught. 
One of those things just so happened to be pleasure, the sexual kind in specific. After the first time he allowed your gentle hands to touch him where he was most sensitive, he grew addicted to the feeling. The way your hands sent shockwaves of electricity through his body at your every touch, you gentle yet dominating kiss, and most of all the delicious torture he so loved you to subject him to. 
Your hands had already thrown the man into several mind-numbing orgasms that night, his back arching delightfully into your touch. You wanted to devour him, worship him, and praise him until his lithe body gave out in your arms, succumbing to the exhaustingly intense, feverish delight that you brought to him. 
He felt as though he were swept up in a roaring ocean, being tossed around by the tidal waves as his body convulsed at the intense stimulation as he felt your mouth lower down on him yet again, not giving him any recovery time from the previous round. Gasping for air, his body quickly snapped back to full attention, just as your fingers began to drift a bit lower. Your plush fingertips collecting a bit of the cum littering his abdomen and thighs from the previous rounds, and using it as a makeshift lube. You begin carefully massaging him, never stopping the movements of your mouth even as he squirmed from the fierce, almost masochistic level of pleasure. 
As you feel his tight muscles begin to ease, you slip a finger in, continuing only the movements of your mouth as the submissive man in your grip adjusts to the new, yet familiar sensation.
“You’re being so good for me, so beautiful.” Your sultry voice speaks up as you pull your mouth off of him momentarily to help him adjust. 
“Fuck..” He drawls out, melting into your touch as you begin moving your finger inside him, causing his hips to bounce in your grip. That was your signal to add in a second finger, and as you begin moving them in tandem, his whole body jerks as a shockingly high pitch moan escapes his open lips. You had found his prostate. You continue massaging that small button inside of him, forcing a series of angelic moans and whimpers out of Glam as he squirms. His pace perfectly matched your’s. Your fingers and his hips meeting at the perfect rhythm, and a knot began to form in his core as the pleasure continued to build, your motions nearly throwing him over the edge. His mouth chanted your name like a prayer, only driving you to fuck him senseless on your fingers even quicker. 
“Baby, ‘m gonna-“ He just barely manages to choke out before the knot within his stomach bursts, sending him head first into violent waves of white-hot pleasure rocking his thin frame.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
Maglor in the modern superhero au, btw, spends most of his time being a Billboard Top 50 sexy Bad Boy/Tortured Artist (but you could fix him, random screaming teenage girl with $29.99 to drop on his new platinum album!) (especially if you sympathize with how he’s only a villain because of family pressure and loyalty, and really his family are only villains because society turned against us first, and incidentally we’re right and everyone should be ready to fight gods, especially evil ones, at all times…)
Then periodically he does things like this:
(There’s also a non-zero correlation in the timing of Maglor doing relatively harmless melodramatic (ha) crime, scandals and/or publicity stunts, and Maedhros or their other brothers doing things it’s more convenient if the press doesn’t focus on too much.)
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dukeoftheblackstar · 9 months
мσяиιиgѕ ωιтн ρℓσ кσσи ♥ ~
Plo Koon, as a significant other, will duet an old song with you while he makes panna cakes (pancakes, pastries) while you dance your groupie little heart out ♥
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And if you're wondering what song I have in mind, it's this beautiful gem by Mickey & Sylvia ♥ OG Vid/Song.
Self-Insert ficlet ♥ ρℓσ∂υ¢н ♥ OC / reader ♥
Rating: Fluff with like idk, some nsfw words ♥ Nothing too heavy ♥
Pairing: Plo Koon x Reader / OC / ρℓσ∂υ¢н ♥
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Wifey loves dancing. Will dance her lil' lil' groupie heart out ♥ Will sing her lil' lil' heart out for beloved, babylove ~ Plo.
In turn, he would hum or sing a few words in with that good-god-fuck-me voice ♥ He'll get comfy and maybe do his old man swing of the hips that screams old money and morning pancakes ♥
He'd have the pan in one hand and the other on your hips ♥
He would turn and you would too. In perfect sync, with the pan in the air so you don't burn your pretty crown and break your rhythm ♥
Talon-clad hands would slide along your hip and stomach as you two turn and swap places ♥ Plo now plating morning pastries for the two of you ♥ You behind him doing your silly, lovey-dovey, dance as you pine to the tune of 2:07. ♥
Your hand would, undoubtedly slide from his abdomen down because, come on bestie, who tf wouldn't? ♥
But Morning!Plo is soft-Sunday-vibes!Plo ♥
He'd catch your hand, give it a squeeze, drag it up to his chest where his heart would be and keep it there ♥ Cause baby, you are his heart ♥
His itty, bitty, naughty, little heart-tart ♥ ~
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And as the song plays and you sing this silly, sweet, duet with him while rocking the both of you side to side ♥ Plo would lace his claws ever-so carefully with yours and bring you to the front with a slow turn as he steps back ♥
He would then take you into a proper hold with the pan no longer keeping his hand preoccupied and the panna cake tarts that you love so damn much, delightfully plated on the counter ♥
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With a hand on your hip and the other in his, you best believe that smooth Kel Dor god would lead a few steps and keep you so close against him you swore you'd give him the sloppiest head for dessert ♥ as he sings the rest of the words and literally sashay you across the floor with his mad old man dancing skillz ♥
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Thank you for constantly indulging me with my baby girl, Duch ♥
@amorfista @saengak @starrrgazingbunny @eyecandyeoz @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows @exosorcery @veny-many @kimiheartblade @eloquentmoon @bananas33
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onedivinemisfit · 11 months
Tagged by the adorable @kiriele here we go, I’m currently sick and in bed I need the distraction :3
Last song: *cue sobbing here*
Currently watching: Sovietwomble on Twitch derp it counts right
Currently reading: rereading the ficlet collection Behind the Curtain and being AWED ALL OVER AGAIN that @claudeng80 put this together for me 💝
Currently obsessed with: see above ⬆️ look at iiiiiiiiiit 😭😭😭
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I now have physical proof that the obiyuki fandom corner is the best place to be. Genuinely.
No tags as usual but if you wanna say I tagged you, then I def did I remember it :3
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scarlet-heels · 9 months
This time last month, Andy would never have thought that she’d be here in Miranda’s house in the Hampton's. She certainly would never have expected to be sleeping in the same bed as the beautiful editor during a long weekend trip with the three Priestly ladies. Yet, here she is, here they are, and the new but completely intoxicating relationship they have formed warms Andy thoroughly.
Late in the afternoon and in search of her lover, Andy stumbles into the music room to find the twins practicing; Cassidy on the cello, Caroline the viola. Andy leans against the doorframe and crosses her arms across her chest, a smile playing on her lips as she watches Miranda being tutor and conductor while offering gentle encouragement.
Andy, knowing the twins also play piano, is amazed that two youngsters can play multiple instruments. The twins notice her in the doorway and excitedly tell her to come in to explore their music room.
Spying a beautiful Stradivarius violin in a blue velvet lined case, Andy exclaims, “what? You guys play violin too?!”
The twins chuckle. “No, of course not! That’s Mom’s violin!” Cassidy tells her.
Andy turns astonished to Miranda, who wears a cool yet slightly amused expression. “You play the violin?” she asks in amazement.
(I mean, *of course* Miranda plays the violin! Why the hell wouldn’t she excel at absolutely everything?!)
Miranda dips her head in the affirmative, not wholly reluctantly, a spark of excitement flowing through her at the prospect of showing off yet another talent she has to her Andrea.
“Yeah!” Caroline exclaims. “She’s amazing! You should hear her play!”
(A beat)
“Oh!!!!” Cassidy adds excitedly. “You should totally hear her play!!!”
Miranda, starting to look unsure tries to shush the girls as Andy’s smile widens. “I would love to hear you play!”
The twins practically vibrate with excitement. “Mom!! Please??? We’ll play together! We’ll even play your favourite!!!”
“Fine.” She says with a faux eye roll and a sigh. She takes her place in front of the girls who sit patiently with their instruments at the ready.
“Cassidy to start.”
At Caroline’s nod of approval Miranda says “very well. And 1…2… “
Andy watches mesmerised as Cassidy begins the piece, her eyes watching the rise and fall of her mothers hand keeping the beat. As the music plays, Cassidy takes the lead, playing expertly, her sister providing an accompanying percussion. Andy watches as Miranda lifts the violin gracefully (so gracefully!!) and strings out a gentle background melody.
As the music progresses, the violin solo kicks in and Andy is utterly spellbound as Miranda plays beautifully, herself captivated and fully emerged in the graceful movements of the bow and the sound it emits. Miranda is lost in her own little world, her girls now playing a backdrop of percussion for her, Andy wide-eyed and certain this one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen.
Cassidy and Caroline glance at each other and grin conspiratorially; they know their mother is exquisite, and they know Andrea is smitten.
Later, when the girls are in bed and Andrea and Miranda are finally alone, Andrea takes a tentative step towards Miranda. “You really do play beautifully, Miranda.”
A genuine smile, and an uncharacteristic bashful dip of the head prompts Andy to take Miranda’s face gently in her hands and plant a soft kiss to her lips.
Inspired by this piece
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scaryscarecrows · 9 months
"We are never working for a billionaire again," Jason grinds out, bracing against the door as it thuds into his back. "Goddamn parasites--"
"He said zoo, he didn't specify this!"
"I'm just saying--"
"No shit--"
"Less fighting, more holding the door!" Jimmy shouts from the computer. Antoine shudders as the door thuds again.
"How did you miss the goddamn dinosaurs?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see 'animal V' and assume it meant Velociraptor!"
"Rogers, I swear to God," Jason pants, "if these things eat us, your ass is fired."
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sareinadale · 2 years
Enchanted - Jelsa Modern AU
"𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘮𝘴 𝘮𝘦 ... 𝘴𝘰 𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘩 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥."
– 𝘍𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘻 𝘒𝘢𝘧𝘬𝘢, 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘓𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘍𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦
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"𝘛𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴; 𝘐’𝘮 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶."
– 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺-𝘙𝘢𝘺 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵, 𝘈 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘺 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘧 𝘉𝘰𝘥𝘺.
Read on AO3
It’s been a while since I got back into Jelsa. I'm still in my ‘Helsa’ renaissance era after I resumed my Frozen obsession seven months ago. Anyway, Jelsa was my first ship ever, and being able to write about them brings back memories. My 14-year-old self would be proud to see this fic coming to life.
I had some difficulty writing fluff, as it is not my usual style of writing considering I have an angst addiction *cough* *cough*
Because of that, I STILL need to incorporate an element of angst so why not the longing type of love? You know, the secret pining from afar kinda love? Or the one where you're wondering if the feeling's mutual? Is it all infatuation? So I’m dragging ALL of you into the abyss of feelings with me *evil laugh*. 
If you like this story, please give this a like, reblog, and kudos on AO3 <3
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einsteinsugly · 10 months
1984. A Little Baby Man.
Eric (opening a present, on Christmas day): Oh, socks. Thanks, Mom.
Kitty (sweetly): Oh, well. Who does it say it's from?
Eric (holding up the bag): It says "from Santa."
Kitty: Well, don't thank me. Thank Santa.
Eric (snarkily, looking up, side-eyed): Well, thanks Santa. *Clearing his throat* No, really. Thanks, Mom. I've been needing a new pair...
Kitty (aggressively): It's not from me.
Eric (with a sigh): ...Okay. This is your handwriting, Mom.
Kitty: It's Santa's handwriting.
Eric: Okay, Mom, uh... you can admit it. It's fine, I'm a grown adult...
Kitty: Why don't you grab another present?
Eric: Okay... *grabs another present*
Kitty (sweetly): Who's that one from?
Eric (flatly): Mrs. Claus.
Kitty (with a childish gasp): Aww! *Nudging Red* Red, did you hear that?
Red (taken aback): What?
Kitty: Did you hear that? Mrs. Claus got in on the action this year. Isn't that sweet?
Eric (wide-eyed): ...Uh...
Red (flatly): That's very sweet, Mrs. Claus.
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peridotglimmer · 8 months
Kinktober Day 18: for the sake of good times
Ship 18 of 31: False/Everyone [secondary False/Xisuma/Cleo] (Hermitcraft)
Kinktober masterpost here
It is finally time for the longest fic of my Kinktober series this year! And since it's the longest, it gets a longer post.
This fic is inspired by and dedicated to @sharo-maneru , inspired more specifically by their fic A Day in the Spotlight, which is amazing and absolutely a must-read if you're a fan of Xisuma getting absolutely wrecked, railed, and taken care of by everyone he loves and who loves him. Sharo's a great person, too! <3
I started writing a False-version of their fic in April of 2021, but it spent quite some time in Development Hell. (As it turns out, this whole Kinktober thing is pretty good for my fics caught in WIP purgatory!) I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but I just couldn't manage to get to a satisfying ending. And then last week I finally figured it out, just in time! Phew!
This is definitely rated E for Everyone Fucks False. Featured Hermits are, in alphabetical order: Cleo, Etho, Gem, Iskall, Pearl, Scar, Stress, TFC + one mystery Hermit (though not impossible to figure out...pay attention to the sounds False hears and the skins people wore in s7...)
Speaking of season 7: this takes place in it! S7 has a special place in my heart, I love it so much.
Tags: Kinktober 2023, Ficlet, jesus where do i begin, Public Use, Penis In Vagina Sex, Blindfolds, Cunnilingus, Spitroasting, Somnophilia, Blowjobs, Bondage, Shibari, Submissive FalseSymmetry, Safe Sane and Consensual, Season/Series 07, Safeword Use, Aftercare, slight angst, Happy Ending, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar's Magic Crystals (Hermitcraft)
My False has situational mutism, which also shows up in this fic.
Kink-E-E’s Contract: Hermit of the Day Program signed by: False Symmetry I agree to spend 1 (one) day from sunrise to sunset as the server’s Public Use Hermit.
P.S.: The title isn't meant to be a Scar pun, it's a lyric from this song by Aly & AJ:
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havoc-bloom · 2 years
Pink in the Night - A Lankmann x Reader Ficlet
To my knowledge, this is the first Lankmann x Reader maybe ever. I’ve certainly not found any so far, so I would like to introduce you to ~ possibly (and I say this with a grain of salt) the first X Reader fic regarding the Pastra ARG ~
Also Lankmann may be a little OOC in this one but honestly his personality is so specific it’s hard not to write him even a little OOC. This is also VERY fluffy and even a little cheesy. TOOTH-ROTTING fluff my guys. May also be self-indulgent just a little bit but whatever. It’s cute, it’s fluffy, it took me 3 days due to a LOT of planning and re-working the plot but we are HERE.
Fic under the cut :]
Pink in the Night - A Lankmann/Reader Mini-Fic
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“It’s like a summer shower
With every drop of rain singing
‘I love you, I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you, I love you!’”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As soon as you stepped outside, you could feel that it was summer. As usual it was hot, but more so due to humidity than anything. From your front porch you could see some dark clouds in the distance, floating over the sky like balloons. “Hopefully they won’t come this way” you thought to yourself, before stepping onto the sidewalk and making your way down the road.
You didn’t pay much attention to your surroundings as you walked. Just focused on your destination… and focused on a certain someone. Lankmann.
You had been close with him for a while now, and often hung out together. Most of the time you met in a secluded field, just off the road, and though there was a bit of foliage to get through, it was worth it. You had found it long before you met Lankmann; it was one of your go-to spots for anything nowadays, as not many people knew about it. Though rain was expected later in the day, it had been raining all week, and you were sick of being shut inside.
Carefully making your way through the little bit of forestry between the suburbs and the field, pushing aside leaves and foliage, it finally opened up to the clearing. A large birch tree stood alone near the middle of the meadow, like a centerpiece on a table. You doubt the field would be the same without it.
Under the tree you noticed a silhouette, sitting slouched in the shade of the leaves. You immediately recognized who it was.
“Lankmann!” You yelled out his name to get his attention, jogging over to the tree. He turned to look at you, eyes seemingly glowing from within the little bit of darkness the tree provided. Just from here, you could already see the grin on his face. Finally making it to the tree, you plopped down next to him.  “Quite nice today, isn’t it? Much better than what this past week has been.” He told you as you sat down. You smiled at him. “Yeah. Might rain later today, but for now at least it’s sunny.”
He leaned back against the tree and sighed. It was relaxing, sitting here with him. All worries seemed to float away, if only for a moment. Nothing else felt like it existed. Just you and him, here. Warm sun blanketed the green grass, light dappling ever so slightly between the leaves of your little tree, and barely a breeze flowing through the field. It was more serene than anything you could’ve imagined.
“So, what’s having a roommate like?” You asked him. He sat up, staring aimlessly at the horizon. “Well I have to pay rent, but other than that we’ve thankfully gotten along! I just pay Pastra every month and edit his videos, really.” You chuckled. “Where do you even get the money from?” He didn’t answer. He simply smiled. And so did you.
Suddenly, you felt something land on your nose. A water droplet. Usually you’d just excuse it as dew from the leaves, but looking up now, you noticed how close the clouds had gotten. Lankmann seemed to notice as well, as his ever-present grin grew wider as he gazed up at the darkening sky.
“Oh lord, I don’t wanna get my clothes wet… I might have to head home.” You looked over at Lankmann. He didn’t seem to care about getting wet. In fact, he stood up and walked out of the shade of the tree to feel the rain. He seemed to enjoy it. “C’mon, lighten up a little! It’s just some water. Nothing you can’t fix!” He reached a hand out to you, as you were still sitting on the ground. With a huff, you took it, and he helped you up out of the protection of the tree.
Rain continued to shower from the sky, hitting your face as you both watched it fall.Through your peripheral vision, you noticed Lankmann’s smile softened and his body relaxed, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders after much too long. You’d never seen him like this before. So serene, so calm, so weightless. He always carried an… aura around him. For most it’s what immediately makes him so off-putting and even frightening to some. But now? That aura faded. What was left was no monster. And that’s what you realized made you love him.
…Wait, did you just say that to yourself? That you loved him?
But you did love him.
And something told you he loved you too.
Subconsciously you reached for his hand and held it. He seemed to subconsciously hold it back. It was nearly a mutual agreement of sorts. A promise. You felt much more comfortable here with Lankmann than you did with most people, and that sort of trust doesn’t come through dumb luck. It was quiet, but it didn’t need words. The sound of the rain said enough.
Part of you knew you’d have to go back home eventually though. “So, why not end it with a bang?” You thought to yourself.
“Well, it’s been very nice here with you Lankmann, but I do think I need to go.” His head swiveled to face you. “...I wish I could’ve stayed longer.” With that, you placed a kiss on his cheek and turned away, starting off into the field.
He seemed stunned for a moment. His smile faltered just barely before growing wider than you’d ever imagined it could, followed by a few small giggles. You didn’t need more than that to know you were right. He did love you too.
~ End ~
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