#smth about this fic makes me hate it. why do i write the way i do.
stuffeddeer · 28 days
okay but..... pathetic yearning beast!stalkerzai... he's so quiet abt his obsession with u making up any excuse to have u around for subordinate purposes and when ur not around him he makes sure he can still keep tabs on u AHHH hes so sad and so smitten
"pathetic" i dont need to hear any more. im on board.
The continuous knocking on your apartment door leaves you anxious, quickly pulling on a comfy sweatshirt before answering the door. A breeze flies into the room, causing you to shiver, before you make eye contact with,
"Why aren't you at work today?" Dazai crosses his arms, an angry expression on his face. Though, the pout he wears causes it to be less intimidating than he'd normally be.
You glance into your apartment briefly, still feeling chilly while exposed to the outside air. "Um... I don't work?"
"You always work."
"Right. Which is why I have today off." Awkwardly, you itch your arm. "Am I… needed, Boss?"
Dazai sighs before walking into your apartment (with no invitation) and closes your own door behind him. "You're freezing."
"I'm slightly chilled," you shrug, brushing off the notion. Any other subordinate wouldn't dare correct the boss of the Port Mafia, but he'd always been more lenient with you - supposedly because you ‘aren’t as dumb’ as the rest. "But that's what the hoodie is for."
Without another word, Dazai plops down onto your couch, making a show of looking around your apartment. It’s tiny - the whole thing barely the size of his office at HQ — and Dazai wonders if you’d rather move in with him. For more space, of course. And he guesses you’d be saving on rent that way, too.
“How do you know where I live?” You ask curiously. Sure, it’s probably somewhere in your files, but your boss never seemed like the type to care.
Shrugging, he murmurs, “It’s my job.”
You want to make this visit quick, but kicking out your boss didn’t seem like a smart idea. “Are you thirsty? Would you like a cup of tea?..”
Yes, Dazai wants to try your tea. Just because you’re his subordinate, and he needs to make sure it’s up to par. What if he needs you to serve tea to some associates in the future? “I’d love one.”
Biting back a sigh, you fill your kettle before placing it on the stove, watching as your old gas stove flickers on. Silence hangs between you two - you had no intention of carrying the conversation when he just barged in uninvited.
Dazai seems to have a similar idea, sitting laxly on your couch and waiting for his tea. You pour one cup, uninterested in making one yourself, before placing it on the coffee table in front of him. “Sugar? Milk?”
“This is fine, thanks.” He takes a sip. Heavenly, he’s sure. Well, all tea tastes the same, but something about it coming from your hands… delectable. It’s as though he can taste the love you must pour into every cup.
Mouth shut, you take a seat on the chair across from him. “May I ask, sir, why are you here? Am I needed?” The question is posed once again as you hope for a quick resolution. Kicking out your boss is wrong, but hopefully he’ll read between the lines and show himself out - the same way he showed himself in.
A long sip of tea permeates the otherwise silent room. He’s doing this on purpose, you’re sure of it.
“…I was worried,” he mumbles into the mug, sound muffled and quiet.
“You should be,” he replies, uninterested in repeating himself. “I needed you today, only to find out you vanished into thin air.”
“I didn’t run, if that’s what you’re implying,” your eyes narrow. You would not be mistaken for a traitor.
“No, no,” he grins. You were at your most entertaining when you became combative. Dazai much prefers you like this rather than subservient. “You took today off.”
Correcting the boss of the Port Mafia was risky, but, “You gave me today off. A month ago, after that mission, you told me to pick a day to relax.”
That’s… true. It was a strenuous mission, and while Dazai made sure to keep you out of the fray, he thought a gift like that would make you feel touched and indebted to him. Annoyingly, he’d nearly forgotten, since Dazai had planned on reneging at the last minute to trap you with him. For your work ethtic, of course.
A pout graces his lips, unhappy at your disappearance from his side. And that he had no rebuttal to it. “Well, I still need you. I made dinner reservations for two accidentally, and the restaurant is rather strict. You need to come with. The meal will be comped, of course."
“Sir, I don’t— “
“Don’t want your job?” His eyes narrow, pout vanishing immediately. You had to go along with it. “I’m sure you don’t mean that, over something as silly as a nice dinner.”
“...Of course, sir.” You tug on the strings of your hoodie, wanting to emphasize that you aren't exactly dressed for something 'nice.' "What time am I expected?"
Dazai has to stop himself from swooning. How adorable. Well, it’s not you that’s adorable, of course. It’s the juxtaposition of such n oversized hoodie on you that he finds adorable, not you yourself. Definitely. “We can leave now, actually. Get changed, please. I wouldn't say there's a dress code, but it's not a 'hoodie' establishment."
Rather than lashing out at him for the snide comment, you choose to bite your tongue and head into your bedroom.
Exhausted was too light a word to describe how you felt. Donned in a 'nice' outfit that was rather uncomfortable, you stood outside in the cold air and harsh breeze as Dazai suggested to the host to let him in. This bastard didn't have reservations for one, much less two.
After the manager is called over and recognizes Dazai, you're quickly ushered in beside him. Dazai pulls out a seat at a secluded table in the back, gesturing for you to sit. "Come."
Without a second thought, you sit in the very seat he'd pulled out, stifling a yawn as he pushes you in. You’re Dazai's best employee - he must keep you close at all times. Which is why he takes advantage of your position as his subordinate to orders you waste your day off in a fancy restaurant across from him. If you want time off of work, you’ll have to spend it with him - just so he can keep an eye on you, of course.
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 10 days
I wanna know ur Fontaine msq criticisms 👁️👁️👂I’m all ears
I'm not sure if you wanted me to talk about this secretly or publicly but! Here I go!
The TLDR: Fontaine MSQ aestheticised prison, poverty, child abuse, the justice system/court and didn't properly address any of it.
Focalors/Furina has way too much of a sympathetic angle for a dictator who's lets people drown with her inaction.
Neuvillette feels Bad for sentencing some people to death/prison, but that's it. He's one of the most powerful people in Fontaine. If he felt like there are systemic injustices, I.E sending an abused Child to prison, he should be the first person to DO something about it, not just cry and be sad so the audience can be like aw, that's complex character writing isn't it? No it's not! And guilt doesn't absolve you!!!!!!! (These are stuff we deal with in OTCOJ read my fic now /j)
Meropide has children in it, both Sentenced there (Wriothesley) and BORN THERE (Lanoire), and this is just a quirk of the place. Not only that, Meropide accepts prisoners of all genders and crimes. There are abusers and abuse victims in one place. Do you know how bad that is? How much potential for crimes to happen in a place like that— oh wait, Meropide isn't under Fontaine's jurisdiction. If you are assaulted as an inmate it literally means nothing to the court.
Wriothesley had no qualifications when he took over. Depending on how long he lived on the streets, how old he was when he killed his parents, how old he was when he was first taken in by the orphanage, etc, the man might never have more than 4–5 years of formal education. Sigewinne probably had to teach him how to write reports. And do Meropide's spreadsheets. Edit because I forgot to elaborate on this one: This isn't a point brought up anywhere, which is bad, because when poverty and incarceration robs you of a proper education (and the rights to vote in many places too, too, by the way), it reduces your prospects for jobs, reduces many people's ability to get a home etc etc. Wriothesley was just, narratively, Given his position.
Meropide is an industrialized prison, and they portray this as a good thing. Prisoners are paid in coupons for their labour, and this is also portrayed as a good thing.
The One-Meal-A-Day reform was something Paimon gushed about being so great of a perk, that people might want to go to jail for food (could be interesting and reflective of systemic poverty if MHY had brains, but they don't, so I was just Pissed because essentially all Paimon wanted to say was "Prison isn't so bad, but still don't go to prison guys! Prison labour is really hard!"). By the way, in most real-world prisons they are obligated to feed you three meals a day. Because that's how much food a human needs. MHY went with one meal just so they can say "if you want to eat more, you have to work." And then the welfare meal is a goddamn gacha. So imagine you're a starving child who's too weak to work in the fucking robot assembly line, and you wander up for your first meal in 24 hours, only to luck in with a shit one. I'd kill myself.
They wrote Wriothesley, who's a victim of the system, into a guy who's say shit like "I'm the Duke I can do whatever I want" for a cool moment where he choke-slams an inmate (I know he was a bad guy. But also, in copaganda when cops are violent/disregarding protocols, they are always only portrayed to do that against bad guys, so what does our critical thinking tells us about this one?) They wrote Wriothesley, who was an inmate of a prison so bad, so notorious that it is the literal boogeyman of Fontaine, that has a legal (???) fighting pit, with an administrator who abuses his position to be unreasonable, to willingly stay in the place and become an Administrator who would choke-slam an inmate while saying a cool line about how he has the power to do whatever he wants. They wrote him, the guy who had to be fed on the streets by melusines, to think one-meal-a-day was a good enough reform (while he spends god-knows how much on his boat). This wasn't a victim-turns-into-abuser narrative either, they want all this to be seen as positive character growth.
And then, the final kicker is, they gloss over his entire abuse. You can only read about these shit in his profile, which most people don't because they don't Have Him or doesn't care to unlock it/read it online, and they jammed his entire backstory into a flaccid info-dump at the end of his character story quest. This man isn't Allowed to feel abused and neglected and show any reaction to it within the narrative of Fontaine itself, because if they actually Gave Weight to what happened to him, they'd have to confront THE FUCKING JUSTICE SYSTEM they had NO PLANS on criticising. I don't think they ever explicitly said the fucking Crime-Theatre nonsense was Bad either.
I could go on, but this is already so long. But yeah, I hope this gave you an idea.
#and then. and im putting my most controversial opinion in the tags bc im scared lmao. but like... then... you have the fans..... doing......#the same fucking thing.#the amount of times I have seen Wriothesley used as just a side prop for Neuvillette to feel bad about shit. While Wriothesley is just.....#portrayed as having the inner peace and acceptance of a fucking monk. I was shocked when I read some fics I swear#they really said this man has no trauma at all! the stuff in his past? he's over it!#i hate that passivity when writing victims. like ok if One is written like that#sure. but MHY write all their victims like this#I mean look at fucking Lanoire#and Neuvillette sentenced him to prison after he killed his parents who were never confronted by the law. That's canon.#that's more canon than WRLT itself.#why weren't they confronted? did wriothesley try to talk to someone about it? why did he feel like killing them is his only option ?????#at least have there be some sort of conflict and friction there. How does Wriothesley feel about the court and Neuvillette when#this is the literal system that allowed all that shit to happen to him in the first place???#are you Sure he won't be at least a little wary? the fact that some people think he's Grateful to Neuvillette or even idolises him is crazy#because the man literally subjected him to prison. and if you want to portray his prison life as easy breezy and trauma free#you undermine his entire shitty little 'prison reform' narrative#and if you think he'd be completely 100% accepting of the justice system. Then why the fuck would he kill his parents himself#don't you see that the whole 'I'll accept whatever sentence in order to kill my parents' thing in itself is an act of defying the system#and I Hate#this idea. about being some of the most powerful men in the nation. and yet they can't fucking TRY to set up a better system or smth#i can't believe I read a fic where leaving starving street kids croissants is the most they (the characters and the writer) want to do#like. what the fuck. the whole point of that scene is just to make neuvillette feel bad and be like aw......... poor people exist.... OK???#this is literally how MHY would portray him though.... tbf..... This is what ppl would argue as 'in character'#I just think the character they're in is bad.#I will say I'm giving the fic a lot of grief. there's more to the scene than that. and. ultimately.....#fanfic is (saying this through gritted teeth) ........ recreational....................and free........... in the end.................#i dont think this is reflective of the writer. I do think it is reflective of the way the canon material (genshin impact)#presents in the audience who consumes it. most fans only want these guys to fuck anyway. not think about systemic injustices#canon doesn't make it about the systemic injustices either so why should we. the aesthetic of slums and prisons are just there for fun guys#IM JUST CRAZY OK. I SHOULDNT EVEN BE HERE THIS IS NOT FOR ME . I DONT CARE THAT MUCH FOR PEOPLE FUCKING AND I CARE TOO MUCH
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waynewifey · 10 months
Well, can you write a batman x fem!reader where the reader is a super hero (like catwomans superhero version or smth) and they just keep meeting at crime scenes and always flirt and stuff and end up dating?
obsessed much? — b.w blurb
summary: request above!
pairing: bruce wayne x superhero!reader
warnings: murder; hero wears acape
word count: 360
A/N: hii tysm for this request! i haven’t been writing much lately since my ‘aftermath’ fic, so this isn’t as big as you probably wanted, it just really made me want to write it as a blurb. maybe i’ll write a full fic about it later. also, i know a lot of people hate cape-wearing heroes but i absolutely love the goofy cliche, so i had to add that in. let me know what you guys think!
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he’s kneeling near the body with the putrid smell of blood flowing into his nostrils. the puzzle pieces are coming together, but there’s still a big one missing. the shadows devours him into the room. what isn’t he seeing? slowly, the sound of heels hitting the ground approach his back.
“i thought heroes didn’t do investigations.” the first reply is a scoff, then the cape rustling.
“i don’t,” she says, “but this one hits home.” bruce turns around to stare the deep round eyes, one of the few things he could see underneath her mask. her suit fits perfectly in her curves, the stretchy and non-flammable fabric accommodating her fight needs. perfect for running around town. it wasn’t bulletproof, though, because the stone-hard skin was all the protection she needed. the cape was just for fun. “i saved this dude from a train wreck last week. thought it was a malfunction, it sure as hell doesn’t seem that way anymore.”
“you think someone is targeting you.” she hums in response, a chill running down her spine. all she wanted to do was to use her gifts for the good of the city. somehow, that ended up with the total of four murders so far.
“they want to get my attention, i just don’t know why.” a pout appears in her puffy lips. he wonders what they feel like. he takes the plastic gloves off, staying with the leather ones, and lays them on the floor.
“who wouldn’t?” as he gets up, a snarky grin lightens her face up. they’ve always been this good in making the other forget the bodies in the room. literally.
“obsessed much?” one step in his direction leaves them inches apart. he still thinks it’s way too far. the height difference has her looking up, batting her eyelashes. “maybe you’re the killer, batboy.”
“it’s batman.” his voice is baritone and raspy, and she can feel his warm breath on her cheeks. one move and his hands would be on her. her heart beats shamelessly on her chest, like drums inside her body. his gaze is so penetrating she has to look away before answering.
“right. cute.”
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silverflqmes · 3 months
you are legit my favorite ffvii writer at the moment dude. if you feel like it, do you think you can write smth about being childhood friends w zack and reuniting with him one day? make sure to take care of yourself 💕 :)
notes. HELP YOU’RE SO SWEET ANON??? IWOWJDJDK i haven’t written as much yet and i still have lots to learn but that really warmed my heart to hear 🥹🥹🥹 i decided to combine this with another request, i hope that’s okay with you both!<3
genre. fluff + angst
disclaimer. tifa speaking on cloud can either be platonic or romantic — whatever you wanna think just don’t start up a whole ship war bc it’s embarrassing as hell. obviously this is a zack fic so focus on zack smh.
zack fair x gn!reader.
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“you’re.. leaving for SOLDIER?”
you shouldn’t be shocked, that was the last thing you should have been since you had been the one to encourage his decision.
and yet.. why did it hurt? you had known that it would, it was only naturally — but not like this.
zack averted his stare from the star blanketed sky, smiling solemnly. “sure am. you helped me realize that becoming a hero is something that i should do — that the world needed my kind of help.. so that’s,” he paused, allowing the evening breeze to shift his dark bangs. “exactly what i gotta do.”
you fell into silence for a moment, pursing your lips together as you considered his words.
it had been your crush’s dream from young, since seeing sephiroth on propaganda and hearing of his endeavors, to become a hero. the life he’d led in gongaga was wonderful, peaceful.. but you knew, deep down, he’d wanted to make that name for himself. that zack was.. meant for greater things.
and you, torn between your feelings for him and the need to encourage him as his best friend.. had no choice but to put aside what you felt to urge him to embrace his dreams.
when he received no answer, the raven haired teen took it as a sign to continue, leaning back on his elbows. “as of now, you’re the only one i’ve told about my decision — cuz well.. as you know, my parents aren’t super chill with it.” he laughed out, shaking his head. “so i’m gonna leave tomorrow night. got everything packed up already, a letter ready for them to pass on and i’ll be good to go!”
“tomorrow night? so soon?” you nearly interrogated him, only to respond with a slow nod. “you have my word, don’t worry about it.” should you tell on your friend? would that keep him just a little while longer if his parents knew and prevented his departure? would he hate you for it and finally give you a reason to stop feeling this way about him?
no.. you couldn’t live with yourself if he had hated you. that was practically death served on a silver platter, your heart would never start again if zack had expressed contempt for you.
for a second, longing flashed in his eyes before he allowed himself to grin, patting your back gently. “you’re amazing y/n!! i knew i could count on you no matter what! i’ll be sure to bring you something real nice from the big city!! and that’s a promise!”
a smile that didn’t quite meet your gaze etched itself onto your lips as you let out a hum of agreement. “you’re the amazing one, zack. i’ll..” miss you. “..be holding you to that promise, so you better keep it.”
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three years passed and no sign of zack. the promise stood, but remained unfulfilled.
you should have expected it, that becoming a SOLDIER meant never seeing him again. you knew he was alive, a letter would have come if he wasn’t, and his parents kept you posted thankfully.
yet, there was still an emptiness you felt in his absence. every year, you’d told yourself that perhaps maybe, he would come home to visit this time.
now, having turned eighteen, you had decided to leave the comfort of gongaga as zack once had, and journeyed to nibelheim — a village in the mountains. it was small, quaint as your hometown was, perhaps colder, but after being offered a job through your parents, it called to you.
your mother had been from nibelheim and met your father in midgar — who had left gongaga to pursue a career in research as she had.
despite their retirement, they had developed many connections.. one of which, had been in the mountain village.
when you pleaded to leave and join up with your friend in the city he’d left for, your parents had urged you not to, and were strict on it.. as though something had been terribly wrong there.
you’d never asked why they retired so early on, and just assumed they had wanted to settle since they’d made their money.
but it didn’t.. fully seem that way.
“didja hear y/n? there’s a group of SOLDIERS coming down here tonight. ahhh, i hope cloud is there — i haven’t seen him in years.” your companion and guide sighed out, pacing about idly as you jotted down notes on your observations of the terrain.
tifa had been a friend you’d made upon your arrival. she was a year younger, but a real go getter and great help on your expeditions. in the beginning you worried for her safety, stringing her along as you did — only for her to protect you from the perils you feared.
you’d have to ask if that mentor of hers was willing to show you a move or two on self defense.
“cloud, huh? is he in SOLDIER, too?” you had told the girl before you already about your old buddy, as there was no possible way of her exposing your feelings for him.
and honestly, it was comforting to confide in someone for a change.
she nodded eagerly at your question, smiling softly. “he should be, it was his dream to become a SOLDIER, like sephiroth — that’s what he told me one day before he left.. and he’d promised to always protect me, no matter what.”
your writing seemed to pause at her comment, head lowering as you willed yourself to chuckle despite your anguish. “is that so?” zack, as you recalled, had dreamt of the same. “well, i hope he comes home safe if he’s a part of that group.” you smiled a little, closing your notebook before standing up from your crouched position.
“that should be enough for today, thanks for coming along again — i think i’m almost there with reaching my conclusion on this strange increase in mako spillage on the landscape.. but i just- can’t seem to put my finger on it.” you muttered, knitting your brows together before casting a glance over at mt. nibel- the highest point of the area you had moved to. “whatever, they’re keeping in that reactor.. there’s something really off about it.”
the burgundy eyed female followed your gaze before humming absentmindedly. “yeah.. i’m hoping those guys coming today might know or at least clean up over there.. i’d hate to see what might happen if the pollution intensifies down here.” she answered softly, helping you up before looking ahead. “for now, let’s get back — it’s almost sundown.”
at the mention of the visitors on their way from midgar, your thoughts went to your old friend, but you reprimanded yourself quickly. you would not have hopes again — as they only ever existed to get shattered and turn into despair.
and yet.. that one percentage asking but what if, remained.
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the sun had drowned into billowing clouds, a shade of golden casting over the scenery as you walked beside your friend, exhaustion creeping up on you. however, you reminded yourself that the descent was always easier than the ascent.
“and we’re back, thank you for taking the tifa express way~” your travel partner giggled, earning a smile in return from you. she always had a way of brightening the mood with her optimism. kind of like.. nevermind.
the brunette looked around when she found the villagers gathered in the centre, adjusting her hat with a pout. “did we just miss them? i didn’t think we would be this late..”
you copied her actions, letting out a sound of contemplation. “maybe they turned in, midgar is a long way from here.. i’m sure they wanted to just take things easy for the night and start off fresh tomorrow.”
tifa paused for a minute to think before letting out a sigh and nodding. “i guess you have a point — tomorrow, then.” she smiled again, holding out her thumb. “i’m gonna be their guide, i’ll make sure of it!”
you rolled your eyes in amusement before nudging her with your elbow. “whatever helps you sleep at night, tifa.. i’ll catch you in the morning, in that case. i still gotta sort some things with information i picked up today.” a trip to that mako reactor and your research might at last be complete. perhaps.. you could convince the group in bringing you along- especially if your friend would be going.
it was the perfect in!
“mhm, see you in the morning, y/n! don’t be up all night doing that work of yours if you wanna wake up on time!”
with those parting words, followed by a wave, the female dressed in orange walked towards the direction of her home, eagerly greeting her father at the door before joining him inside.
your shoulders fell, a low exhale escaping your lips as you adjusted your backpack. and just like that, she was gone.
you made your way into the inn you’d been staying at for the time being, rubbing your eyes.
it was a temporary arrangement, given you hadn’t fully decided yet if you would be staying permanently in nibelheim. however, the living accommodations worked just fine.
you hadn’t thought yourself difficult to please, anyway. so long as you had the necessary essentials needed to live, all was well. that was what you’d learned growing up in gongaga.
entering the inn, you greeted the host before ascending the steps, pausing when you caught sight of a towering, silver haired.. male? unless a woman could stand at nearly seven feet.. and across from him, stood.. no — had your eyes deceived you?
the conversation between the pair, whatever it had been about, came to a full stop as they turned to face you, shock painting on the face of the SOLDIER with the darker hair.
“y/n..??” he spoke up incredulously, blinking over at you as his jaw fell just slightly. “no way- what’re you doing here.. in nibelheim of all places? i thought you were-”
“in gongaga?” you asked with a small smile before shaking your head. “my parents found me work here, so i moved just a few months ago. never thought i’d see you here, before returning home, no less.”
zack could feel the coldness of your words, piercing through him like icicles tipped in poison. pissed was an understatement.
the taller behind him smiled awkwardly before moving towards his door, not wanting to be muddled into the affairs of his triend. “i believe you both have some catching up to do.. i will see you in the morning, zack.”
the boy in question parted his lips in protest, but the cat-eyed male was gone before he could do so. damn!
awkwardly, he turned to meet your awaiting stare, swallowing thickly.
“sorry, i’ve.. had a lot going on.” he confessed, lowering his head in shame. “i wanted to come home sooner — especially after making first class just recently- but things.. everything that has been going on as of late at shinra, it’s been really messed up.” zack confessed, clenching his fists at his side before letting out a glum chuckle. “and it just keeps getting weirder.. what were the odds i’d find you here of all places?”
you leaned against the window, folding your arms as you gazed out. “close to none. i guess it’s a thing of fate, maybe.” you offered, sliding your eyes back to his zircon ones. “seems my parents were right to not send me to the city with whatever ‘messed up things’ that happened.”
the SOLDIER nodded, allowing a brief silence to pass before smiling. “they probably were, yeah.. don’t think you would have liked midgar much, anyway. it’s all gross and industrial looking.. although!” he blurted suddenly, perking up as though he’d remembered something. “wait right here, i’ve got something i want to give you!”
you rose a brow at his random burst of energy, reminding you that despite the change in his appearance, the development he had gone through.. he was still your zack, and that wouldn’t change.
he disappeared into his room before you could answer, rummaging by the noises you’d made out, which had you shielding your mouth with your hand. “don’t get lost in there, now.”
“like i would!” he laughed before emerging from his quarters, holding out a messily wrapped box for you. “no matter where i went, i always kept this with me, thinking that maybe- just maybe, i would pass through our hometown and find you to hold up that promise i made to you. finally,” the spiky haired SOLDIER paused, grinning brightly. “i was able to fulfill it!”
you blinked in surprise, taking the package into your hand as you felt your face burn despite the coldness provided by the high altitudes of nibelheim. “you.. remembered?”
appalled, zack let out a gasp of offense. “remembered? how could i forget?? a promise is a promise, and i intended on keeping it!” he huffed out before raising his fists before him in excitement. “now come on, open it!!”
overcome with a sudden happiness, to know you hadn’t been forgotten despite the negative thoughts you’d created, you opened up his gift to you with earnest. a glimpse of green entered your vision as you quirked a curious brow. a plant? no.. zack wasn’t the type to keep plants.
finally removing the top completely, you stared down at the present before stifling a laugh into your forearm. “you- you got me a cactuar.. stuffed toy?” you spluttered in surprise.
of course he did — it was zack for goodness sake..
“sure did!! ya like it?? it looked authentic when i saw it in the window!” he answered proudly, placing his hands on his hips.
you continued laughing, unable to contain yourself as you held your stomach. “it’s so random- but that’s.. that’s just like you to get me!” you wiped a tear, allowing a smile nearly as bright as his, or perhaps- even brighter for a change, to replace your initial frown. “i love it a lot, but.. you wanna know what i love more?”
a mixture of interest and excitement sparked in his eyes as he inched closer, eager to hear. “what? what is it??”
having caught your breath, you closed your eyes, holding the plush close to your heart. “being here- reunited with you, again..”
like an invisible string, knots and tangles had appeared in the thread that connected you both. however, it wasn’t impossible to unravel and detangle that which connected you both, to allow an opportunity of reunion.
( even if it was the right place, but sadly.. the wrong time. )
notes. bittersweet open ending cuz well.. it’s nibelheim- anyway, i hope this was okay! i think my writing style kinda changed.. scary. oh well! the support these last few days have been much appreciated<3 tysm you guys, hearts out to you fr<3
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matty-bear · 2 months
Curing Dysphoria [N.S]
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type: fic !
pairing: nick sturniolo x trans ftm!reader
warnings: SFW, fluff, angst (???), mentions and talk of dysphoria, going on testosterone
summary: you have always struggled heavily with dysphoria ever since you came out as trans. You tried your best to cure it but nothing seemed to work, despite all of your efforts. When you're having another spiral about your dysphoria, nick decides to call up a friend of his who ends up giving you advice that would eventually rid all of your dysphoria and help you pass. 
notes: decided we needed more nick x trans ftm fics in this community so i cooked smth up ;3 dont be shy to send in requests that include a trans reader for nick fics ! i am a trans guy myself so writing some will most likely help me feel better abt myself .  also its so over for you mfs when i go on t 
WC: 4151
previous events will be in italics !
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
Your journey with being a trans male was always difficult for you. It was never easy for anyone, so why would you expect it to be easy for you? You constantly struggled with gender expression and dysphoria ever since you came to terms with your gender in your early years of middle school. You often spent hours upon hours sobbing on the floor of your bathroom because you didn’t feel like you were passing enough or simply didn’t like how you looked in general. 
Ever since you started dating Nick, who knew of you being trans way before you guys started dating due to you coming out to him when you two became very close friends, he always gave you constant support when you felt shitty about yourself. He often held you close to him when you were having an episode and whispered sweet words that consisted of “You’re such a pretty boy,” “My precious boy,” and “You're so handsome, baby.” 
His reassurance never failed to calm you down for the time being. However as you continued to date Nick and your dysphoria grew worse, you knew you had to do something about it. However, since you weren’t friends or aware of other trans people in the community, you didn’t know who to turn to for help. 
The most you were doing to try to help with your dysphoria was cutting your hair short, binding with either a binder or tape, and dressing yourself in the most masculine way possible. (This was the least you could do or rather think of to try to make yourself pass as a guy) If you wanted to try extra hard to pass, you would put some makeup on to make certain features pop out more, like your sideburns and cheekbones.
However, you felt that this wasn’t doing enough for you and didn’t feel like you were passing enough despite the constant reassurance from Nick, his brothers, and your friends. You still hated your voice, (which seemed too high for your liking) the thinness of your limbs, and just how feminine you felt and looked as a whole. 
When you were spiraling and sobbing profusely in the bathroom one afternoon with Nick holding you tightly against him, the boy knew he had to figure out a way to help you. 
After a while, your cries eventually subside to soft sniffles. Even though your eyes seemingly ran out of tears to shed, you still felt the need to cry more. You slowly open your eyes and take in the minimal light in the bathroom, the main light source being Nick’s single candle resting on the counter in front of you. Simply looking at the light causes your eyes to strain and you soon find yourself shutting them again with a soft hiss.
As you rest your head back on Nick’s chest with a heavy exhale and gaze down at your body, you feel the male shift underneath you. You quickly lift your head at the small move and watch as your boyfriend takes his phone out of his pocket and pulls it to his face, a focused expression clear on his face. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, your voice coming out hoarse due to all the crying you just did. 
“Trying to call a friend of mine,” Nick replies, his gaze staying fixed on his cell as his eyes scan the screen. 
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you continue to gaze at the male. “Can I ask for what?” 
“I’m asking them for advice on your behalf.” 
“Advice? Like for being trans?” 
Your eyebrows kit together even more at Nick’s statement. A few beats of silence flow between the two of you, the only sound being the soft tapping Nick draws from his cell as he taps on his screen. After a moment, you speak up again, “You know someone that’s trans?” 
“Yeah, he’s the coolest mother fucker I know. After you of course. You have to meet him sometime.” Nick momentarily looks down at you to send you a warm smile before diverting his eyes back to his phone. “Anyways, he came out as trans about six years ago and I'm sure he’ll know how to help you with your dysphoria and stuff. I would give you advice on this myself but I'm not trans and don’t want to misguide you or anything.” 
You softly nod your head and sit up a little to peer down at Nick’s phone, your eyes intently watching his fingers flex as they diligently work on tapping and scrolling on his screen. After a few moments, Nick pulls up a contact and hits the call button. 
“Would you like to talk to him yourself?” Nick asks gently, the hand that’s resting on your side gently caressing your clothed skin. “I can put it on speaker if you’d like. If not, that’s perfectly fine and I can do the speaking for you.” 
You force your lips together as you ponder for a moment. “I can talk to him.” You reply with a small head nod. “Can you help me through? Like, talk to him?” 
“Of course.” Just as Nick lands a soft peck on your temple, the muffled sound of shuffling runs through your ears. You quickly whip your head around at the sudden sound, your eyes soon landing on Nick’s phone. At the sight of the ongoing call screen, you relax a little and gaze up at Nick, waiting for him to make the first move. 
“Kit?” Nick calls after a few moments. Immediately, the muffling sounds come to a quick halt and silence can be heard on the other line. 
“Nick?” Kit calls back, the deep and smoothness of his voice causing your eyes to widen ever so slightly. 
The male simply uttered a reply and you’re already intimidated. 
“Are you busy right now?” Nick asks. 
“No?..” Kit’s voice trails off, pure and utter confusion laced in his tone. “Wait, did I call you or did you call me?” 
“I called you. Did you think it was the other way around?” 
“To be honest, yeah.” Kit chuckles softly, “What’s up though?” 
“You know y/n right?” 
“Yeah, of course I do. You won’t shut the fuck up about him.” Your jaw slacks at the comment and you slowly turn your head to look over at Nick, the sight of the red tint dusting over his cheeks and tips of his ears causing you to smile cheekily. When Nick doesn’t reply after a few seconds, the sound of Kit laughing softly sounds in your ears. “Sorry, had to. But what about him? Is everything alright?” 
“Not necessarily. His dysphoria has been getting bad lately and I have no idea how to help him.” 
“Oh, I see. Is he with you right now? I want to ask him some stuff if that’s alright with you.” 
“He’s right here with me actually.” 
“Oh, sweet. Hey, y/n!” Kit greets, his tone nothing but friendly. You could sense that the boy was smiling on the other end just by how cheerful he sounded. “I wasn’t lying about Nick yapping about you. I swear to God that kid does not have an off button when it comes to you.” 
“Kit, I swear to God. Shut the hell up. I called you for help not to be called out.” Nick grumbles through gritted teeth. 
“Sorry, I’m stopping. Anyways, y/n do you mind telling me what you’re struggling with the most right now? You could tell me everything. I just want to know what’s going on in that head of yours right now so I can give you the best advice.” 
After glancing over at Nick with an anxious expression and gaining an encouraging kiss on the lips from him, you begin to open up to Kit about everything. During your small rant, Kit listened intently and only hummed here and there to let you know he was listening. When you’re finished, you exhale heavily and wipe away the few tears that managed to escape your irises with the back of your hand. 
“I think I know what you need,” Kit says, the soft and quick pattering of footsteps sounding from his end. 
“You do?” You ask, your eyebrows knitting together as you gaze down at Nick’s phone. 
“Yup. There’s this thing that the majority of trans people use called Testosterone. Or better known as ‘T.’ It helps our body go get rid of the feminine traits that we have and practically replace them with masculine ones. I’ve been taking ‘T’ for about five years now and it’s helped cure all of my dysphoria. Shits a life changer I'm telling you.” 
“What are the effects of it? Like what are the changes exactly?” 
“Well for starters, they vary between trans guys but it makes them taller, helps with hair and public hair growth, muscle gain, voice changes, and they develop a higher…” Kit's voice trails off at the end of his sentence, tension suddenly filling the air as silence sounds from his end. 
“Higher what?” You ask, worry and panic filling your veins as your hand raises to your mouth. Just as you begin to bite your nails out of anxiousness, Kit clears his throat before he continues. 
“Sex drive. You have a higher sex drive. I would go into more depth about it but I assume you haven’t gone through a bottom surgery and still have your area so I won't get into it. Also, a very important thing, if you continue to take ‘T,’ your period will eventually stop.” 
“Are you serious?” Your mouth opens slightly in shock at Kit’s last statement. “Like the period thing.” 
“Dead serious. I'm telling you this shit is a fucking live saver. Anyways, you think you're up to taking it?” 
“It sounds heavenly so absolutely. How do I get it?” 
“Well, you need to get it prescribed to you by a doctor. I can send you to mine so you won’t have to be as anxious going to the office. I promise you, they’re the sweetest person ever and will be so patient with you during the first few weeks or so of you taking it.” 
“I’d appreciate that, actually. I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to doctors and shit so going to see someone that you are accustomed to seeing will help ease me a bit.” 
“Word. I’ll text them here in a minute to let them know I'm sending you their way before I text Nick the office’s number.”
“Alright, thank you, Kit. I really appreciate it.” 
“Don’t sweat it! If you ever need help, don’t be shy to tell Nick. Hell, he can even send you my number so we can chat one-on-one if you’re up to it. All your call though! Don’t want to push you out of your comfort zone or anything.” 
“I’ll have Nick send me your number. I think it’d be easier texting you myself than talking to you through Nick.” 
“Sounds good. Well, if that’s all I'm going to dip now. Text or call me if anything comes up! Nice talking to you, y/n! Oh, and Nick too I guess.” 
Nick rolls his eyes, an unamused expression clear on his face as his thumb hovers over the end call button. “Goodbye Kit,” Nick states, his monotone voice drawing a small chuckle from the male on the other line. 
“Goodbye Nick.” The moment Kit voices his reply,  Nick ends the call and stuffs his phone back in the planet of his pants. After he huffs softly and gazes down at you, he watches as a small smile creeps onto your lips. Feeling his eyes on you, you pick your head up and lock eyes with Nick, a soft red hue immediately taking over the tips of your ears and cheeks. 
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, a hand coming up to cover your flushed face. 
“You look so happy it’s so cute,” Nick replies with a small chuckle. Before you get to add to the conversation, Nick cups your face with both his hands and begins peppering your face with small pecks. The action immediately draws soft laughter from your lips, your eyes shutting and the blush on your cheeks deepening a shade or two. 
“Nick!” You exclaim through giggles. You set both your hands on Nick’s shoulders and begin to softly shove him away. After a few moments, the male finally pulls away and gives you the largest and cheesiest smile. 
“I love you so much, you know that?” Nick gushes as he sets his forehead against yours. 
“I love you more.” You reply softly, a shy chuckle escaping your lips. The moment Nick lands another tender kiss on your cheek, the sound of his phone dinging alerts the both of you. 
“God, that’s kids fast as hell,” Nick mumbles. You pull back from Nick’s grasp to allow him to grab his phone out of his pocket again. After turning the device on and scanning his eyes over the screen for a few seconds, he flips the phone towards you. You blink a few times to get your eyes to adjust to the bright light drawing from Nick’s phone and when you’re finally able to see his screen properly, your eyes skim over the single message resting on the lock screen. 
Just texted Remi. Here’s their number xxx-xxx-xxxx txt them when you want! 
Your eyes light up at the text and you quickly lift your head to meet Nick’s gaze. “Text them!” You exclaim as you latch onto the boy’s shoulders. As you begin to shake him, Nick chuckles softly and rests his hands on your arms. 
“Alright, alright. I won’t be able to text them if you keep shaking me.” Nick says through soft laughter. You immediately stop your actions and drop your hands onto your lap at the male’s statement.
“My bad.” As you rub your nape and gaze down at the floor, Nick smiles softly and sets a hand in your hair to ruffle it. The action draws a small surprised exclamation from you however you don’t lean away and rather you simply smile widely. 
“You gotta stop apologizing kid” Nick scolds gently with a small shake of the head. You smile innocently at the boy and lean into his palm when he begins to card his fingers through your hair. “I'm gonna give Remi a text, alright?”
You eagerly nod your head and look up at Nick through your lashes, the large smile on your lips not faltering. As you quietly watch the male type away on his phone, you begin to feel the excitement build up inside you. If ‘T’ was just as good as Kit said it'd be, you could kiss all of your dysphoria away and finally live a worry-free life. You would finally be happy if everything worked out like you hoped it would.
You wouldn't have to spend hours upon hours on the bathroom floor spiraling and sobbing about your appearance and wouldn't have to feel the need to hide out in your and Nick’s place. You'd be content with your life and God knew you were in desperate need of some happiness in your life. 
It's been about three and a half months since you've been taking testosterone. It took about a week to see results but when you started to see some bodily changes, you were over the moon. The first change you took notice of was your skin texture. Your skin started to become very oily and thick and you had to make a few changes in your skincare routine to help fix it. Nothing too major.
The next change was your odor. Now, you were plenty aware of males carrying a natural and unpleasant scent but you weren't quite prepared to develop it yourself. When you noticed this, you made sure to change your cologne to a stronger smelling one in hopes of making your newfound ‘stench.’
The next change, which was the one you were looking forward to the most, was your voice. You slowly but surely started to develop a deeper voice as you continued to take your dosages. When this change started occurring, you felt as though you were going through puberty again. (Which was fine by you. If it took you going through puberty a hundred more times just to pass and get rid of your dysphoria, you were more than willing to do it.)
As your voice started to change, the number of voice cracks you developed was embarrassing, to say the least. When Nick took notice of this, the usual teasing he did seemed to increase significantly. 
You silently watched some supernatural series you stumbled upon on your TikTok feed as you lay down on the sofa at Nick’s place. The Sturniolo household was awfully quiet with both Matt and Chris being out with their friends. This ultimately left you and Nick to do whatever y'all want without being interrupted by the two males, You were so absorbed in the show that played rather loudly on your phone that you failed to notice Nick walk downstairs and enter the living room.
Noticing that you weren't aware of his presence yet, the male quietly made his way over to you. Upon arriving at the sofa where your frame lay comfortably, he peered over the back of the sofa to make sure he wasn't in your line of sight before loudly shouting and grabbing both of your arms. At the sudden exclamation, you scream loudly, your voice cracking in the progress, and you soon find yourself stumbling off the sofa and falling to the floor. 
The moment your back collides with the floorboards with a soft thud, the sound of Nick’s loud laughter runs through your ears. 
“You sound like a fucking elementary school boy!” Nick exclaims through hard laughter. As you boost yourself up into a sitting position, you roll your eyes. The moment you shift your gaze up, you watch Nick stumble around the sofa and walk up to you, soft giggles still escaping his lips. The moment he takes in the harsh glare you're sending him, he begins laughing hard again. 
“Nick.. It's never that funny.” You grumble, your voice low as you try to bite back the smile threatening to creep onto your lips. 
“It's so funny!” As you sigh heavily, Nick falls to the floor as more laughs rack his body. 
“I can't with you.” You boost yourself up to your feet and leave the living room to go to the kitchen, leaving Nick laughing his heart out on the floor in the living room. 
You were hoping that these voice cracks of yours would decrease the more that took testosterone but that was the least of your concerns at this point. The final change you took notice of (as of right now) was the muscle building up on your arms. Your once-thin limbs started to gain quite a few muscles as you continued to take the medication and you didn't have to do very much to keep it up.
You were quite happy with the sleeper build you had going on considering how you always wanted one but you wanted to attempt to build more muscle. When you began to work on your physique, Nick immediately took notice of it. 
A cold shiver ran down your spine as you stood in front of Nick’s front door. The winter wind was harshly hitting your face and the only thing that covered your body and provided you with a little warmth was the hoodie loosely hugging your frame. You would let yourself in the house however you left the spare key Nick gave you in his room. As you shut your eyes and heavily exhale, the sound of the door unlocking rings through your ears. Upon the door opening with a soft creek, you open your eyes and you’re immediately greeted by Nick who has a large blanket tucked around him. 
“What the hell are you doing in sweatpants and a hoodie?” Nick asks as he narrows his eyes at you. 
“This is all I had in my closet. Everything else was in the washer or dryer.” You reply with a frown. Nick huffs softly and grabs your bicep to pull you inside, the warm air filling the house immediately drawing a content sigh from your lips. “God, it feels amazing in here.” 
As you turn around to face Nick, a bewildered expression paints your features at the sight of the male intently staring at your arm, specifically the area he is currently grasping. 
“You good? Do I have something on me?” 
“No, no, you don't have anything on you.” 
“Then what's wrong?”
Silence drifts between the two of you as Nick continues to wordlessly stare at your arm. Feeling rather uneasy with the silence, you open your mouth to say something however are interrupted by Nick saying, “Did you start working out?” 
 Your face immediately flushes as Nick finally shifts his gaze up to you. After locking eyes with the boy, you slowly nod your head and reply, “Yeah.”
You hold back a chuckle when Nick begins to feel your bicep, his eyes wide in pure shock. “Since like last week. As much as I liked my sleeper build I had to work on my physique a little more.”
“Holy fuck y/n…” Nick mutters under his breath as he takes his other hand and begins to squeeze your other arm. As the male continues his actions, you can't help but notice the subtle shade of blush dusting over the tips of his ears and cheeks. Your eyebrows furrow slightly at the sight and a mischievous smile soon overtakes your lips as you continue to gaze at the boy. 
“You know what else I've been working on?
“What?” When you gently grasp Nick’s wrist and remove it from your bicep, he silently watches as you rest his palm on your stomach. The moment you set his hand against your clothed torso, his face flushes a deep red color, followed by his eyes widening. You can't help but laugh at the sight of the hard blushing boy in front of you and you pull his hand away as you double over in laughter.
“You want me dead, don't you?” Nick mumbles, his free hand quickly coming up to cover his face. 
“Maybe.” As you stand upright again, you send Nick a teasing smile before you grab the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss, the feeling of the male melting into the affection bringing a small smile to your lips. 
Since you were only a few months into taking testosterone, you knew that you would experience more changes. Remi, the doctor that Kit suggested you see, filled you in on what those changes would be and when you would most likely experience each of them. They were very supportive on your entire journey of being on ‘T’ and didn’t hesitate to answer any questions that you have regarding it.
When you were beginning to run out of gel, (they suggested you take this type of testosterone considering your great fear of needles. You tried to take it through the injections but even with Nick’s help, it never went well.) you immediately notified them and they sent you another dosage.
Kit was also very supportive and encouraging during this whole process. He often texted you every week or so to ask how you were holding up and such. When you told him about the changes you were experiencing or if he caught onto them himself, he showed a lot of excitement for you. 
The most encouraging person however was obviously Nick. He always reminded you to apply your gel if it slipped your mind and often suggested that he put it on you himself. Every time you notice a subtle change in your body, you don’t hesitate to call the boy and inform him of it. At times, you felt as though he was more excited by your accomplishments than you were.
Every time you came over and your voice had gone through a slight change or you were starting to gain a little more height, he would be smiling widely and devouring you in pecks all over your face. (This would often lead to a small make-out session in his room but no one’s gotta know that) He was always so happy for you and showed you nothing but love and support and you would be forever grateful for him. 
You were plenty aware of the fact that your journey as a trans male was far from over however you knew that Nick would be by your side every step of the way. 
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· TagList ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
@freshloveforthefit @thenickgirl @patscorner @frankdelreyy @sturnsann @kileybankzz @robins-scoop @miloisdone1 @rootbeerworshiper @rubyperic-09 @teenagetrash00 @maryx2xx
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azaarchiive · 4 months
ᥫ✦azariah’s solar system
notes: hi guys, this is just something for origination and practicality. i do take suggestions btw! open to anything except noncom, bodily fluids (except for the white one) or anything glorified abuse or anything of the sort. pls submit smth wanna prove im a good writer. proper rules list will be coming soon tho.
semi eita
• holiday girlfriend - ON HOLD
- you were one of semi’s many flings every time he flew to (country), always waiting for him with open arms. what happens when he comes back to a baby bump? (series)
hinata shoyo
• only the elite
- y/n is stinking rich and shoyo is the complete opposite. what happens when y/n oddly falls for him despite her equally rich friends and boyfriend and introduces him to the fucked up life in hiroo (series)
oikawa tooru
• blackout
- a cute little fluffy one shot about a blackout in your neighbourhood and what you both do to pass that time
• fanfic bakugou vs real size
- katsuki finds you reading a fanfic about him (one shot)
gojo satoru
• be mine?
- satoru is never second, so why aren’t you with him right now? (one shot) (valentine’s special)
• countdown
- your new year was welcomed with a kiss from the one and only gojo satoru. womaniser of the east quickly sees the damage it’s caused and starts to generate a little white lie pertaining both of your marital status to try and salvage both (mostly his) reputation. (smau) (series)
TO BE MADE: theres quite a few spoiler alert
unlikely paring; atsumu miya
• “being blamed for a school fire and going from the it girl to an arson freak is not ideal. the school luckily scavengers its losses and it rebuilt but something seems different, especially after a dead body is found. now you have to team up with the only guy that knows you’re innocent despite him being your biggest victim since middle school: atsumu miya.”
soo, what do we think? :3. y/n is a massive bully but changes her ways for the better fr, atsumu, suna and osumu are stem nerds. series
gangsta paradise; oikawa tooru
• “you’re a sweetheart who moved into a ruthless and dangerous area and you just wanted to make friends, who knew that ‘friend’ would turn out to be a gang member? it’s not like you did.”
gangsta oikawa (lol), sweetheart y/n. series
back to me; suna rintaro
• “you and suna had just broke up, after three long years it was over, at least you thought it was. what, you thought suna was gonna let you go that easily?”
i mean i wouldn’t call him toxic but i guess that depends on what you think. this is truly just a funny little fic about him trying to get you back. series
write it in your blog; bakugou katsuki
• “you are the most successful journalist in the whole of japan! and you’re only 22, however your whole blog is based on your hatred in the hero society, especially bakugou katsuki. which only grows when you post about a highly confidential case which you have hot evidence about and he turns up at your house.”
heheh reader is rich in this but bakugou is even richer. series
on his birthday; todoroki shoto
• “in which you died on his birthday and he’s learning how to cope with it”
idk whether i should make it into a proper series or just a long ass fic
i hate this place; kiyoomi sakusa
• “your friend group is toxic as fuck yet you find solace in someone who arguable better than the rest.”
don’t know whether to make the friend group ocs or haikyuu boys. long ahh one shot
before it happens; osamu miya
• “osamu sadly took his own life, yet you have a chance to save him by going back in time and stopping him. through that, you fall back in love with him despite dating his best friend rintarou.”
meh idk i’m not exactly feeling it but maybe when i start writing it ill like it more. might be a long ahh series.
FACE2FACE; akaashi keiji smau
• “you and akaashi have been texting for a couple weeks now, yet have never seen each others faces. when the training camp roles in you have no choice to face him… but instead you don’t and pretend your a whole different girl.”
black reader, ideally has the boho, earthy aesthetic and believes in tarot readings/astrology! (sorry to anyone that doesn’t believe in them :(( ) series.
tell ur boyfriend; gojo satoru
• “satoru and y/n have a one night stand and he can’t get his mind off of her, satoru just had to have her. not like that would be a struggle- he gets whatever he wants- who cares about her boyfriend! who happens to be toji fushiguro… as well as his child’s biological father..”
no-curses au, collage au, spoilt gojo fr, he takes care of megumi who is around 7
ever after high x jjk
• it’s literally just that, royals and rebels with curses in the mix
rebel(lol)!reader x itadori
• series of their dynamic, how the got together and what their relationship means to them.
y/n is like that one kid that just never does the school work, is always in trouble and is always late
detective!gojo x lawyer reader
• murder mystery series with love in the mix heheh
i am not creative enough to make my own cases so i will be ripping off of mr monk (if you know, you know)
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joelsdolly · 8 months
Could you please write something to do with hazel x an autistic reader? (Sorry if this is a strange request)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
warnings: nothing! fluff, idk if this is a warning but hazel is also a little autistic coded!
word count: 0.4k
notes: hii tysm for this request anon!! I'm autistic myself so I was already planning on doing this so ty for giving me an excuse to post it! I did this in the form of hc's! if you want a full fic tell me and I'll write it:)
-so I think that hazel wouldn't know that much about autism, I think she didn't really think she would have to be informed about it
-but when you stared dating she would do sooo much research about it, like she had no idea what a "safe food" was when you told her. then the next day she bought all of your safe foods and just came knocking on your door.
-if your overstimulated in public she obviously has something in her tote bag that could help, whether it's a pair of headphones, a sensory toy or anything that could help she's got it
-she loves hearing about your special interest, like she'll listen to you talk about them for hoursss, like if your special interest is a saga of movies, she'll lay down with you and watch all of them or she'll watch them all by herself so then she can surprise you with information
-she'll bring you small little gifts related to your interest, like pins or necklaces maybe socks, just small cute stuff!!
-if you don't understand sarcasm she's fine with that because neither does she😭 the girl is clueless, a lot of times if you go out in a group and someone says smth sarcastic and neither of y'all get it and you just kinda look at each other confused on why they would say that
-if you only like certain fabrics and she happens to have clothes with that fabric, it's yours now!! whenever she buys you something she makes sure it's not any of your sensory issues, like scratchy shirts? she doesn't even look at them, or shirts that are to tight? she wouldn't even think of buying it for you
-if anyone made fun of you she's defending you hard, like either making them feel embarrassed or just yelling at them😭
-if your burnt out and don't wanna hang out she's giving you all the space you need!! like she'll just wait for you to text her when your feeling energized again
-okay so if you have a meltdown she would try her best to calm you down, if you just need to cry she'll hug you and just let you get it out, or if maybe breathing calms you down she'll do special breathing with you
-she will send you stuff like "you call it autism I call it having that dawg in me" she finds it sooo funny
-if you don't like physical touch she'll only give physical affection if it's like asked for😭 she would hate to make you uncomfortable so she tries to make you the most comfortable person ever, her ways of showing affection if of course gifts but also words of affection, she always tell you how much she loves or how much she's proud of you.
-overall she's the sweetest:')
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aihaitahm · 1 year
if u have time can u plsss write ab vampire blade🙏🙏
vampire blade with gn! reader
cw blood mentioned
vampire blade and how instantly magnetized he was when you walked past him. he tends to always stay inside in the morning but elios assigned him to do something that morning and he grumbled, because why cant elios just grab silver wolf or kafka or anybody else to do it.
vampire blade purposely bumping into you to get interactions from you. he loves your voice and your looks make him lose his breath. mutual gazing and light touches. he started taking some morning chores/missions from elios which made the stellaron hunters question why he all of a sudden wants to take on these missions, where he would usually complain loudly.
vampire blade and when he’s secret admiration for you was out because of kafka, he begs and will even pay or play videogames with silver wolf to get your social medias. kafka is a big tease and would use you for black mail.
“bladie do you mind doing this mission for me?”
“well i guess i tell (name) about how you feel towards them. right bronie?”
“can you ever be more reasonable? fine i’ll do it.”
vampire blade and how he became flustered yet prideful when you first approach him to help you with something. some people were bothering you and you wanted him to make them go away because he naturally looks scary.
vampire blade giving you his number just in case you need help for anything. he was so smooth with it and even kafka and silver wolf was impressed while hiding behind the bushes. he texts you to make sure you got home safe and because he wants to talk to you.
vampire blade and him sharing his thoughts with you. he enjoys your company a lot. you both have gotten close and you show have mutual respect for each other. he gets a bit jealous when you hang out with other people. also you do notice how blade dresses up a lot in the morning as if he hates the sun and dresses more comfortably in the morning.
vampire blade reveals he was a vampire when you point about how he hates the sun. he was scared for your reaction but he had to get it out of the way. to his surprise, you werent shocked at all and you kinda knew along which made him quite disappointed when you said he’s quite obvious. sarcastic remarks sparked between you, making you both blush.
one night as you both were walking, monsters came up and came in the way. vampire blade knows how to fight and he always felt the need to always protect you. you fought along side with him and he was very skillful, you admired him for that. after the long fight, he felt quite thirsty and nauseaous. he did not want to drink out of you but if you offered… he wouldnt know how to react.
you noticed how thirsty and how vampire blade was suffering. you then unbuttoned your shirt and offered him a drink by your neck. vampire blade was hesitant but he was feeling like absolute shit.
“i apologize…” vampire blade held you close and tight. feeling the warmth of your body and the sexual tension between you both. you felt his hot fangs sink in deeper and deeper until he was drawing blood. you whimpered as he continued to suck at your neck, fingers playing with his hair.
as he finished, vampire blade noticed your obvious fatigued and brought you to the hunters’ place to get you aided. he carried you gently, and apologized. you being half awake and being dizzy, confessed to him so it is alright, as long he takes care of you. blade’s hand stiffen at your words. his usually pale skin, going bright red.
“its okay… i like you alot anyway maybe love too. just take care of me bladie…”
“idiot dont talk to me like your dying… of course im going to take care of you. youve always been mine and i… i like you too a lot.”
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skelletonscloset · 6 months
Ok- I have a request for a small RE fic. It’s been burning a hole in my brain: something where Leon comes back from a mission or something with some serious injuries and the reader (who maybe has some kind of medical background or smth??) has to like- convince him to let them take care of him.
Idk I’m honestly not super picky I just think it would such an interesting idea for like- angst but also comfort yk? Literally go wild
OMGGGG thank you soooo much for this Resident Evil request!! i lovedddd writing it!! i hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mild language and depiction of wounds.
1.3k words
~ ☠️
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You were called into work on your day off. of course you were. USSTRATCOM wasn’t good at respecting time off or vacation, always pulling people into a big mess that takes weeks to clear up.
It was late, roughly one in the morning when you got the call from Hunnigan, her worried voice over the phone begging you—almost commanding you to come in. Her words were so panicked, so fast you barely had time to make out the words “Leon” and “injured” but that was enough for you to realize why you needed to come in.
The drive to HQ felt longer than usual, maybe it was the fact your sleep was interrupted, or maybe it was the context, the fear. The building was almost completely empty when you got there, save for a few people finishing up reports and agents being sent out on other missions.
“There you are! come on, he’s in the infirmary,” Hunnigan instructed.
You were one of the few medics that had the skill level to treat whatever injuries he had and one of the only ones who was easily available and not out on their own missions. Hunnigan nodded towards the closed door, saying a few final words about what to expect and then walking away.
With a deep sigh you readied yourself. It was never easy dealing with injuries, and the way Hunnigan made it sound these had to be some pretty serious ones.
The light in the room was bright and harsh with multiple cabinets and drawers filled with medical equipment. Leon was on the bed, a grimace on his face and his eyes squeezed shut.
His honey blonde hair was messy and beads of sweat still hadn’t dried on his face. As you approached him you analyzed the injuries you could see. Scratches and cuts littered his face, a gash in his right arm and thick red blood seeped through his shirt.
“Leon what the hell happened!?” You urged as you got closer to him.
“The hell do you think?” His voice was dry and strained, one of his blue eyes opening to peer at your worry stricken face. “It’s alright.”
Your jaw tightened as you reached over for some cleaning supplies, “I think you pushed yourself too hard and did something stupid. and now you’re suffering the consequences. So no, It’s not alright.”
“Yeah well what am I supposed to do? Civilians needed help. I couldn't just leave them there.”
You dabbed a cloth with ointment around the slash on his arm, he hissed in pain. Sometimes you hated how righteous he was, how unwilling to give up he was. But it was something you’d always admired of him anyway. “Listen to me, I know you like to help people, Leon but you need to be more careful. The spain incident and Los Illuminados should’ve been a wake up call that you aren’t invincible.” You hoped that despite your lecturing him, he could understand it was out of concern
He only scoffed, “I know that.” And then he went back to being silent.
You gave him a look before taking out a roll of bandages. “You’re lucky this wasn’t too deep. what caused this?”
“A knife,” he said, rolling his head over to study your movements, eyes fixated on the way your hands carefully wrapped up his bicep in medical gauze.
You shook your head and gently grabbed the hem of his shirt. “I need you to try and sit up, I need this off so I can check the wound.”
He muttered a few incoherent grumbles of disapproval but ultimately subjected to your care. He heaved a deep groan as he sat up with your help. You slowly peeled off the shirt from around his frame and grimaced at the sight of a deep wound, either a stab or bullet entry on the side of his torso. Based on the diameters it looked as though a knife was pushed in and twisted before ripping out.
“Goddammit leon..” you muttered, immediately grabbing another cloth to clean around the wound. “You'll need stitches and I don't have access to anesthesia or lidocaine. so it looks like you’ll be biting down on a belt or something.” It was your attempt at a joke to help ease the tension.
He rolled his eyes, lips pulled into a thin line. He looked so exhausted, dark bags under his eyes. “do what you need to do.”
You walked towards one of the cabinets and pulled out some gloves, thread, and needles. In the corner of the room there was a fridge and freezer used to cool down medicine or preserve it. You grabbed a piece of ice and walked back over to him. “Here bite this.” you handed him a large medical bite wafer. “I'll make this quick.”
You eased the pain in the wound by rubbing the ice carefully around the cleaned edges before slipping the needle into his skin. Your eyes shot up to monitor his reaction in case it became too much. His jaw was set and his eyes shut.
You continued to stitch him shut, a few groans of pain escaped past the wafer as you finished up. After cutting the string and bandaging him up you sighed “all done.” He spit out the wafer into the trash and rubbed his jaw.
He opened his eyes and gave you a weary look. more sweat accumulated on his face and his breathing was more rugged and uneven. His face was still littered in bruises and cuts.
You grabbed a third cloth and dampened it, “Last thing, let me just clean you up then i’ll get you painkillers and give you instructions for what i need you to do following this.” You gently cupped his cheek, turning his face towards you. Tired blue eyes gazed up at you, thick brows furrowed in discomfort.
You dabbed the cloth against some of the cuts and wiped away some of the dirt. Your voice was shaky no matter how much you tried to relax it. “What happens when you get hurt you don’t make it home Leon… what happens when you don’t even realize you got hurt til it kills you. What if-“
“It's not going to happen,” He grabbed your wrist and raised a brow. His voice wasn’t angry or tired. It was gentle and smooth. “I know what I'm doing out there, I promise.”
You closed your eyes and sighed again, “Okay.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“Of course I don't, but it doesn’t change anything.” You bit, pulling your hand from his hold and continuing to clean his face.
Once again his voice was soft and quiet, “Trust me, okay? Or maybe I just need to start having you assigned to my missions too.” Towards the end his tone was more snarky.
“Maybe. If it stops you from being so damn stubborn.” you scoffed out a laugh and set the cloth down.
You gave him a once over as you cleaned up your supplies and disposed of what wasn’t necessary. “Okay you need to be on bed rest for three weeks. And no you cannot get out of this sooner.”
Leon only rolled his eyes again but nodded, knowing all too well that arguing with you clearly wasn’t worth it. “alright alright..”
You patted down your clothes and brushed off your hands. “I'll send Hunnigan in with your medicine and I'll visit you tomorrow.” And with that you turned around.
You halted in surprise when you felt his grip around you wrist, “wait.”
You looked over your shoulder, “Yes, Leon?”
“Thank you. Seriously. Probably would’ve been worse off if it weren’t for the many times you’ve had to take care of me… so.. thanks for worrying. Even if it’s stupid.”
You almost argued back on that last point but held your tongue. “Of course leon. Any time.”
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suffarustuffaru · 13 days
A while ago someone asked you for your thoughts on Garfiel. I figured the sibling set should be complete, so what are your thoughts on Frederica?
HALLO FINNB!!! interesting question :o my thoughts on frederica are. a little mixed. but ultimately i think what we’ve seen from her so far is interesting and that she has a lot of potential here.
we just dont know all that much about her :(( on one level i get it—rezeros cast is immense and naturally tappei has to rotate through everyone and give every character focus and spotlight at different times. but bc we dont know that much about frederica i feel like shes mostly just Kinda There, yknow? :<< we know way more about garfiel and i feel like frederica being kept on the backburner for so long kinda works against her and the emilia camp in general writing wise just bc she just has to be stuck in I Havent Had My Character Arc Limbo when the emilia camp is the main group we see consistently for rezeros main route ig. or at least thats my thoughts on it atm :<<
plus i was honestly kinda sad frederica didnt get to go along in arc 5 If Only bc she didnt get to see what her mom is up to firsthand. then theres the actual arc 4-5 interlude with frederica and garf trying to bond after sanctuary that i HOPE gets included in s3 :<< frederica is just lacking in screentime and literally almost any info at all for sure. which makes me sad bc tappei LET ME IN I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT HER !!! >:(((
and again i get it that tappei cant develop every character in existence at the same time. dude has to juggle the most massive cast especially by arc 7. but definitely this has its drawbacks especially with the way tappei writes everyone. bc at the moment frederica is one of the characters suffering the most from it—she appeared all the way back in arc 4 and four arcs later i cannot tell you all that much about her :<
i do think though that what we do see from her so far is interesting!! her insecurity regarding her appearance, like her sharp teeth, her being so fond of petra while also being so dead set on disciplining petra firmly when needed (which is sweet!!!), that one ss where frederica takes care of ram when shes feeling more under the weather than usual (which is Again super super adorable), frederica listening with a smile as emilia gushes about subaru to her. and also her just flatly pitying otto and hearing this guy say hes totally normal and being like “he Literally cannot perceive himself accurately at all” + dropping otto in the anime just to hug petra is fucking hilarious i need fredotto fics to actually acknowledge this.
but also other details like—and ok granted i dont remember every detail on frederica (yet) but leaving garfiel like that is still kind of. a dick move HAH. and i know her reason was smth along the lines of wanting to improve the outside world for demihumans iirc but like whats her Full Reasons for doing all that?? what was she even planning to do?? why couldnt she talk to or see garfiel more in this entire time period?? i think it comes with the interesting implication that frederica isnt entirely as nice and sweet as she looks—or at least that of course she herself is flawed. which is fun!!
also her relationship with clind is. ………..naturally of course i dont trust tappei with anything regarding children and clinds weird shit with children but ignoring tappei for a moment i do at least appreciate the complicated thoughts frederica has about clind. how she had feelings for him once and they still linger but she keeps her distance bc hes like That, you know? that feeling of broken trust and “i cared for you now what do i do with This Feeling” is So interesting to me i just hate clind’s whole thing with children bc tappei will never write it in an entirely serious and satisfactory manner 😭 BUT greed if and the dynamic between frederica and clind and frederica having to help kill / kill clind bc of greedbaru and echidnas shit is SO interesting (and clinds lore apart from being Creepy About Children is very interesting). but also poor frederica……….. ;-;
and poor frederica bc if the rumors about her getting more development by like arc 10 or 11 are true then shes gonna be stuck in I Havent Gotten Development Yet Limbo for a while ;-;
but yeah anyway. the frederica crumbs so far are interesting, the shit going on with frederica and garfiels family is Interesting, and i definitely dont trust tappei with children 👍 but i hope we get more info on frederica and that her character arc slaps really hard !! i Need to learn more about her!!!
im not fully familiar with fredericas side of the complicated family drama but if memory serves me right her birth was. not an entirely happy affair bc her poor mom has been through A Lot of shit and frederica was a product of that. and then her mom later tries to go find garfiel’s dad. like all of that is just so incredibly sad to me and again, i wish frederica was there to see what happened to her mom in arc 5, and also im curious about how thats affected frederica more in depth. knowing she wasnt exactly wanted. having these demihuman features from her dad (im assuming), whos also One Of the people who hurt her mom. knowing that she was born a burden, learning that her mom cant entirely take care of her and isnt in a stable life situation and almost certainly isnt mentally stable herself. garfiel coming along and their mom leaving. frederica leaving garfiel in sanctuary herself. her growing up admiring clind, which is an unfortunate parallel to what couldve happened with her mom and garfiel’s dad. its just so so tragic to me and theres a lot of things you could explore there!!
frederica to me seems like someone whos probably grown up too fast, who comes off as composed and very disciplined and likes taking care of others but also fumbles a little at growing closer and is insecure and uncertain herself even as shes good at being the older and wiser one to petra and later garfiel a bit. but also we dont know much about her so im kinda just spitballing here but she has potential methinks :,) im definitely sad that it seems like the fact that shes a pretty anime waifu or whatever kinda overtakes discussions on her character sometimes ;-;
and also one of my pals is really passionate about animals and gave me a whole lecture once a few years ago on why they think fredericas beast form design fucking sucks and i cant remember all of their points now but like i Will back them up i think garfiel and fredericas beast forms could look better but im not an expert at illustrating animals so HAH i cant speak on that. but def the eyebrows on the beast designs is so…… whaaaaat is that 😭 go FULL beast design or NOTHING. WHERE IS MY EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA BUFF FREDERICA BEAST DESIGN !!!
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also ngl i just think frederica looks really cute in this shot <333 ALSO iirc she feels like she cant wear cute outfits bc shes insecure about her body and :((((( GIVE THIS GIRL ALL THE CUTEST OUTFITS IN THE WORLD PLEASE :((( and also i just think its a tragedy just how much shes sexualized :(( and i just think there are. a lot of AFAB specific and girlhood specific themes you could explore with fredericas storyline but tappei is tappei so all the foundation is there but idk if i entirely trust him. but on another level i think its fascinating yeah!!! sad how much it flies over audiences heads sometimes.
in conclusion: i like frederica i hope we see more stuff from her. and im crying about how she reportedly wont be getting development for a wall :<<<<
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minkkumaz · 11 months
Ok hi wow I was supposed to ask for some sunoo hcs (as your bf) but like..I have a bnd req now too !! I was wondering if you could write smth for woonhak where he confesses to yn, right? and then yn rejects him bc of some issues she has w herself idk…but dont get me wrong she does like him! so now what is woonhak left to do ? (ofc they still end up together < 33) (like maybe it could be a mini smau..if you could but it could also just be a nice little fic or smth) this is what i was thinking abt when i saw the heartbreak girl fic you were working on 😭 i wonder what woonhak would feel after that rejection yk? how would it affect his seemingly happy and cheery personality ? (also im so sorry if this is long atp im rambling but if youre too busy a few sunoo hcs would be just fine)
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rejecting your best friend woonhak was quite literally one of the most difficult and complicated thing in your life. you loved him, but there were so many personal obstacles in the way.
PAIRING kim woonhak x fem!reader WC 0.7k TAGS adults dni. friends to lovers. slight angst. fluff. reader needs to fix herself but woonhak comes to the resue. readers problems aren't specifically mentioned. OMI NOTE oh my goshness i'm so sorry this request is very long overdue, i've been so busy. i hope this is okay though lovey.
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after he told you those special words, confessing his undying love to you and how much he cared, you didn’t know what to say. woonhak was your best friend in the entire solar system. even alien marshians couldn’t have a relationship as close as what the two of you have.
which is why it was even harder to let him down like this. it was impossible for you to give him the love he deserved when you had so much shit going on in your head. the situation made tears sting your eyes, as you had to watch his loving face drop to an unreadable expression.
this was a roadblock in your friendship, because even after you tried to get things to go back to normal, he couldn’t face you quite the same.
you figured it was about time to have a conversation with him about what has been bothering you, but it makes you sick to even think about. because even if you told him, he might not understand.
it made you feel even more selfish when jaehyun had to ask you what happened between you guys, and why woonhak hasn’t come out of his room for some time. how his normally bright and cheery demeanor was suddenly cold and distant.
this made you realize that you had to talk to him about things. to clear it up and make it right. you were sick and tired of letting him believe you weren’t also madly in love with him.
taesan snuck you into their dorms late at night, there was a soft glow from the cracks of woonhak’s door that shown down the hall. you thanked him profusely before making your way to his room and knocking on the door.
“jaehyun leave the food at the door.” he groaned out.
“woon it’s me, y/n. let me in please?” you found yourself almost begging,  hoping he’d open for you.
a short silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and the doorknob unlocking. you opened the door and followed in behind him. he looked tired, his eye bags more prominent and hair just slightly messier. if the thought of him ruining himself over your rejection broke your heart, this sight shattered it.
“do you need something? it’s kinda late you usually don’t come over until the day.” he mumbles.
“we need to talk about this. talk about us..” 
“there’s nothing wrong with us y/n, we’re best friends remember?” he tried to reassure you.
“that’s the problem woon, i hate seeing you like this knowing that you have feelings for me and–”
“it’s over y/n, just let it go.” he interrupts, falling backwards into the comfort of his bed. you lay next to him and stare up at the ceiling.
“i hate seeing you know you have feelings for me and i like you too, but there’s so much shit going on in my life that i don’t think you deserve to deal with that.” you exhale, feeling a weight be lifted off of your shoulders. theres a dip in the mattress when woonhak quickly gets up to lean on his arm.
“wait you like me back?”
“i might’ve loved you for longer than you’ve loved me, woon. it killed me to reject you but i knew i had to.”
“y/n.. you know how much i care about you, i’d do anything to help you.” his gaze softened at your eyes visibly starting to tear up.
“it’s so hard woon, i can’t do it by myself but you already have so much on your plate.” you sniff, wiping your eyes with your sleeve.
“you mean the most to me y/n. even if we stayed friends, i wouldn’t be able to see you hurting like this and not break my back trying to help you.” you giggled at his comment.
he took his hand to wipe the tears that fell from your face, you whispered a small ‘thank you.’
“let me take you on a date. maybe we can forget about all these hard things together? and even if things get more difficult i’m right here with you.”
“thank you.. i’m sorry i made things so hard for you. you look like shit.” you joke between stuffy nosed laughs.
“don’t forget you made me look like shit, how was i ever supposed to stop loving you?” he pouts.
“trick question, you were never supposed to stop. because i love you too.” 
“i didn’t want to make an effort to try the impossible anyways.” woonhak smiled at you, fixing the hair that clung to the wet patches on your face before kissing your tears away, “let’s feel better together, yeah?”
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Hello you beautiful person!
I've recently stumbled upon your founders headcanons and I have enjoyed them very much. So seeing that your requests are open, I have decided to send you this ask with a request. Or rather two ideas for fic/headcanons with Tobirama, as I have those two ideas in my head and I would like you to choose which one you like better to write about!
1) if you have watched the show "Gilmore Girls" and know the character of Lorelai Gilmore. I was wondering what would it be like if Tobirama was dating a reader who is similar in character to Lorelai Gilmore
2) an arranged marriage au, where reader is a princess from another country with a completly different culture to Konoha. Tobirama and Reader trying to figure out how to navigate such situation
Actually, a third idea, again this is if you feel like writing smth like this and I'm not sure if you write ship headcanons but:
3) MadaTobi x Reader polycule headcanons, as in Madara x Tobirama x fem!Reader, where all three of them are married, just general headcanons as how their life looks like
Again, please just write whatever you feel most comfortable with and what you like best, I just needed to get those ideas out of my head.
Thank you for your founders headcanons!
Lots of love and inspiration for ya!
Him dating Someone Similar In Character To Lorelai Gilmore || Tobirama Senju x reader
A/n : Hiiiii my dearest Mythy ! I loved your ideas even though I'm sorry I try to stay as canon as possible. So you can guess why I didn't choose the 3rd but hear me out when I'll be more confident I'd try to jump into less canon plot ! And for the 2nd, well you can't know but I hate royalty AUs. But that's just me 🤣 I really hope you'll like it ! 🥰💜
Warning : Fluff
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1283
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At first he didn't understand why you'd decided to stray from the path that would lead you to the future settled for you by your family, who had put a silver spoon in your mouth since you were a child
However, seeing how you behaved, he soon realized that you weren't exactly the obedient type. To sit in a corner and be pretty and do nothing more
He stayed away from you for a long time, observing your interactions with others, before making finally friends with you
At first he just thought you were some highly talkative and childish girl that didn't want to grow up. He was sure that would get him pissed off in no time
But as time went on, he began to realize different aspects of your personality
First of all, you were free-spirited and didn't need anyone to make a decision or follow your opinion, which is why you left behind the life your parents had prepared for you. It only added to the courage he knows you have within you
But the thing that really drew him to you was your rebellious side and your resentfulness, the latter reminding him of himself at times
Sometimes he'd give an opinion at an important meeting and only you would agree with him, and you were never the one to back down from a fight nor a verbal one
Despite your childlike side, you were very sarcastic when the occasion called for it. You always had a witty remark for every situation you found yourself in. Which was confusing at first, but over time he grew to love you and you charmed him in your own way
And then he loved to see you shut people's mouths with the ease you had with words
Well he liked a little less when he was the one whose mouth was closed shut by you, but he couldn't deny how attractive you were at those times
You had values he liked. Your unfailing loyalty and your independence, your cleverness and your way of putting things into perspective
Sometimes you'd make jokes and he'd find it hard to hold back his laughter. So much so that his cheeks would turn pink and he'd have to force himself to turn his head the other way. He couldn't understand why he found you funny when if the same joke had come from someone else, he wouldn't have appreciated it or would have told them to piss off
Especially when it came to your references to pop culture - which his brother adored so much - he would have found them too inappropriate for a kunoichi of your rank, but as it was you he could only secretly appreciate them
That's when he realized that what he felt for you couldn't just be sympathy or friendship, but perhaps - and he'd had trouble even imagining it - ...love
He hesitated a lot before making a move. Like inviting you to a date. If you can call it a date, he just said "Since you've got nothing to do, we could go somewhere"
"Go somewhere ?"
"Well yeah to sit and talk or we can still walk if you'd prefer" his voice didn't hold the same roughness as it uses to
He's lucky you understood what he was getting at, otherwise you wouldn't have gone along with his request
Surprisingly, it didn't go badly for his first date. After all, you'd always had a good feeling about each other, so there was no reason for it to go badly. Nevertheless, his hands were very sweaty, and he was afraid of screwing up and disappointing you or making you feel uncomfortable. But how could he when all his attention was on you. He even bought you mochis 😍
And then he hesitated, a lot again when it came to knowing whether he wanted to add depth to your relationship
It took him at least 3 months to push himself to ask you to be his girlfriend. He was so afraid of screwing up and losing you once and for all. He knew he had a temper and wasn't the easiest person to live with
He decided to believe in your bond and finally asked you to share your life with him
Though he almost asked you "Would you be mine ?" but at the last second it came out of his mouth as a "I guess...if you want to, we could...maybe...officially be a couple or something. Not that I care or anything, it's just that...well, I don't want anyone else to have you"
"Oh, you're finally ready to upgrade, huh ? Well, lucky for you, I have an opening for a dashing partner. Consider yourself hired"
Okay this time he couldn't hold back his blush, especially when you leaned in and caught his lips in a sirring kiss. You felt him smiling against your lips. He was so relieved you said yes... well in your own way but he wouldn't have it any other ways
But now that he was your boyfriend he couldn't help but be even more protective of you
And he scolded you a lot for your unhealthy eating habits. You were always eating junk food and ordering takeouts. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd seen you eat vegetables ( that's so unlike me lmao though I can't say the same for the coffee though 😂 )
You never cooked, so he offered to cook for you several times, but you always found an excuse to order food from outside
Even your drinking habits worried him a little. He was sure that if they drew your blood, they'd find coffee in your veins instead. You were totally addicted to coffee. You even asked for your ninja pills to be coffee-flavored
Of course Hashirama said yes and Tobirama went to yell in his brother's office when he learned about it
It was certain that if you hadn't had a good metabolism, you'd have fallen ill a long time ago
However, Tobirama is stubborn and he finally got you to eat vegetables at least 4 times a week. In exchange, you offered to share at least 2 evenings a week - if you weren't on a mission - making food-and-movie nights
Apart from your unsavory culinary habits, he was sure - no matter how flustered he was - that one day you'd make a good mother. He knew in advance that your child would be closer to you because of your childlike side and your sense of humor
You assured him that he'd find the room to fit in the life of your future child. And that he too would be perfect. Because if he saw himself always grumpy and not fun to be with it was just an impression because with you he was able to be more open... well again in his own way
In the meantime, he'd do anything to protect you. Since he's been with you, he's been surprised to discover a very protective side to himself. But most surprising of all was his jealousy and slight possessiveness. And while you love it says he hates it
He couldn't stand the idea of being so vulnerable. With you, however, the impossible was possible. With time, he was ready to show all his facets, just as you did
He found solace thanks to your extraordinary personality and he is so grateful that he found someone he can be open with without any fear of judgment
And it allowed him to experience of lot of firsts with you
And believe me all of them were quite the sight with him
But again nor you nor him wouldn't want to have it any other way
A/n : So can you guess I've never watched Gilmore Girls ? 😉 As I always say I hate to say no to an ask so I HAD to do my best to come up with a fic. I think it turned well 😙👌 Again my requests are open 🍟🥐
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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poppy-metal · 6 months
okay stay with me here… imagine your bsf being on ur ass ab being a freshman in college and still being a virgin, telling u almost everyday that you need to get laid, by jordan li no less. you refuse, saying there’s no way in hell someone like jordan would even look your way, so how would you convince them to have sex with you?
and because the gods seemed to hate you, brink made the idea to partner you with jordan li for a project. you walk up to them, make yourself familar and then ask for their deets to determine a time to meet up. jordan seems to be a person of very little words though, not saying much in return except “hm”, “okay” or a small nod of approval. did they not like you? or were they just not that friendly overall..no, they definitely had something against you. at least that’s what you told yourself.
fast forward, you’re in your dorm working on said project. it’s a bit awkward, the room silent besides the sounds of fingers tapping on keys, pencil writing on paper and the occasional creak of the bed whenever one of you would move around. you attempt to make small talk! “so…how’s your side of the work going?” jordan does nothing but nod, and then says “fine.” and then silence. okay, no. you have to know. you have to know.
“hey, sorry, um…did i…do something…to make you dislike me? like did i scuff your shoe or something because i can get it cleaned! whatever i did, i’ll try my best to fix it because i know how hard it is to work with someone you don’t necessarily like and—“ jordan looks confused. “sorry. i’m— i’m rambling.” and they chuckle. “why would i not like you? i barely know you, freshie.” and you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief. “wait, so, you don’t have a problem with me? like…we’re cool?”
“completely and totally cool.” you nod. “okay…good.” silence falls over the room for the third time.
“…would you wanna have sex with me?”
“like, would you wanna fuck?”
“no, i know what you mean, i’m not stupid. it just caught me off guard.”
that’s when you realize what the fuck you just asked them. the fuck was wrong with you? “oh! OH. yeah, fuck, uh, sorry. i didn’t mean to like, make you uncomfortable or anything. you can say no right now and we don’t have to talk about it ever again.” i mean, no is what you expected them to say. definitely not what they were thinking though.
“i mean, yeah, sure.” now it’s your turn to be caught off guard.
just a lil smth i wrote 👁️👁️ jordan li u son of a bitch i LOVE YOU
you: i didn't think I'd get this far
thus begins your fwb fastporn but slowburn 50k long chaptered idiots to lovers au fic.
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nabateaprodigy · 7 months
I just found your blog and I was wondering if you could do a Danganronpa hc/scenario (idk what you'd prefer lol) with a male (possibly trans if you're comfortable doing that) reader? 🥺👉👈
If it's not too much to ask ofc!
It'd be Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Soda, and Hajime (or if that's too much just Nagito) whose bf loves collecting plushies (especially super big and/or soft ones)! It's up to you if it's because it has to do with his talent (if he even has one) or not btw :3
Feel free to ignore this ask I don't mind haha
Anyway, take care of yourself (eat smth, drink some water, maybe take a nap or go to bed), and have a wonderful day/night! <3
A Mountain of Plushies
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Hajime.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.
Notes: Sorry I couldn't find a way to include the reader being trans while writing this. But I hope that it is a male reader fic is alright! Also, I've been doing well thanks! ("Maybe take a good nap or go to bed." If only you knew I sleep so much!)
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If you did have a talent Nagito would feel as though you're lying to him. Or even if you didn't have a talent he'd also think you would be lying to him! But why would that be?
Well, that would be because he thought you were the Ultimate Cuteness or Ultimate Plushie Collector! After all his wonderful boyfriend only deserves the most wonderful talent!
I feel like even Nagito would be impressed by the amount of plushies you have. I mean there were plushies on your floor, bed, there were just plushies everywhere!
Of course, even if you two are sitting or cuddling together there's always at least one plushie nearby! Well, maybe just more than one never hurts to have more nearby!
Also, do you know how Nagito is like really rich? Because he got it all from a lottery ticket I believe. He would buy you any plushies you would like. Also whenever he's out shopping he'd buy a plushie he thinks you would like or one that reminds him of you.
Very serious a very serious man so if he's so serious why's he holding a plushie? Well, that's because you gave it to him! After all, it is not like like could turn a gift from his adorable (he'd never say it but he thinks you're adorable!) Boyfriend!
Although I feel like like at first he would be annoyed with all the plushies. Just takes him a while to understand is all. But if they make you happy he doesn't mind you having so many.
You'd also give me plushies as a gift after he's warned up to having them around. You have him a bear with a suit because you thought it looked like him. "What this is stupid! It looks nothing like me!" (He doesn't mean it he's happy to get a gift from you especially one that reminds you of him even if it was...cute.)
I'd also like to think he'd also have a plushie you got him (the bear for example) just sitting on his desk. No one knows why the plushie is there and they don't dare question him about it. But he's happy to have you there as every time he looks at it he thinks of you.
He'd love the fact you'd have so many plushies! Like seriously I can see it and I won't expect otherwise he loves you and your plushies.
However, I feel like he would be a little jealous of your plushies. I mean they get so much of your attention! What about him? He's your boyfriend? (Make sure to give him lots of attention cuz this boy is just seriously in love with you.)
I feel like he might be a little annoyed at some plushies you have for example build a bear. I mean why would you want, need, and spend your money on those?!? He can make you one for free!
Okay now I'm kinda making it sound like he hates the plushies you have but he doesn't! He loves the way you have them set out in your room. He also loves how happy and excited you get when you see a plushie you don't have.
He also loves it whenever you're taking a nap and there's just a bunch of plushies around you. He gets into bed with you making sure no plushies fall off. "I love you, my prince." He says as he kisses your forehead and drifts off to sleep with you.
I feel like Hajime wouldn't care but not in a bad way! it's just not something he needs to point out or bring up.
Your plushies are something that are very special to you. So he does make sure to take care of them as best he can.
He is surprised by the size of your plushies though. Some plushies can fit in his hand and plushies that are as tall as him! I mean seriously where do you even get these plushies?
One thing Hajime likes is how your plushies match the themes and colors of your bedroom. They all go nicely together and he likes how you have them placed out on your bed and desk. Overall cute plushies but Hajime has an even cuter boyfriend.
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rand0m-s1nner · 1 year
if your fic requests are open, maybe smth with Levi and MC? Like maybe he sees someone tickling MC and he gets jealous bc he likes to spend time w them but at the same time he’s like nervous to ask bc yknow “I’m a yucky otaku why would they want me to tickle them???”
and when he and MC are hanging out later he brings it up if he’s brave enough and MC is like “of course you can!” And tickles ensue
Just an idea, hope you have a great day!!
Ok first of all I am SO SORRY I didn't do this sooner, I went on a super long hiatus writing-wise, but it's finally here! Hope you like it <3
Leviathan x Reader Tickle fic!
“Hey! There’s my favorite human! C’mere!” 
“EEP! Mahahammon! Stop thahat!” 
Leviathan watched from the couch as you giggled and squirmed in Mammon’s arms while he tickled you with the biggest grin on his face, which made Levi want to punch him. This wasn’t the first time he witnessed something like this happen between you and one of his brothers, you were ridiculously ticklish after all, and none of them would pass up the opportunity to tease you. None, except, well, himself. The reclusive Avatar of Greed was way too shy to even attempt tickling you. What if you think he’s gross? What if you don’t want to get tickled by him at all? It seemed so natural when his brothers tickled you, but he couldn’t imagine any scenario of him doing it that wouldn’t turn awkward. 
“Hehe, sorry human, gotta keep ya on your toes!” Mammon teased and walked away, and Levi flinched when he felt you plop onto the couch next to him. You were still giggling and breathing heavily after Mammon’s sudden tickle attack, and Leviathan found himself staring at you a bit too intently. 
“Um…Levi? Everything okay?” You asked, catching his gaze. He blinked and went red in the face, looking away from you and focusing on his DDD screen. 
“Y-yep! All good!” 
The demon sweated nervously when he felt your concerned stare on himself. It’s as if you were reading him like a book! 
“You look upset. You can tell me if something is bothering you, that’s what best friends are for!” 
Best friends. He blushed. You, treating a yucky otaku like him as your best friend? And the way you said it seemed so genuine, he couldn’t help it. 
“W-Well…I just…Feel like you hang out with my brothers way more than me! Y-yeah, that’s it! You barely spend time with me at all!” 
It was partially true, because of RAD work you’ve barely had the time to play videogames with your favorite otaku. 
“Aww, I’m sorry Levi! We can play something in your room tonight if you want?” 
Of course, he accepted and watched you happily skip away to get back to your studies. However, the tickling thing was still in his mind. How could he possibly ask you about something like that? 
By the time you both were gaming on the floor of his room, Levi kept glancing over at you instead of focusing on the game. He craved being closer to you, he wanted to make you laugh just like his brothers always did. His head was filled with anxious thoughts of his brothers stealing you away from him forever, all because he was too wimpy to get closer to you. 
“Hey, MC, c-can I…ask you something?” He muttered, finally getting enough courage after not having said a word in a while. You just assumed he was focused on the game, but deep down you knew there was something he left unsaid.
“Hmm? Of course, anything.” You replied sweetly and his heart skipped a beat. He paused the game and turned to face you, nervousness pooling at the bottom of his stomach. 
“W-well…It’s just that…Ugh, I can’t take it anymore! I hate watching from the sidelines how my brothers touch you and tickle you all the time! And you seem to enjoy it, too! I want to make you laugh like that as well…” 
You blinked a few times after hearing his little outburst. 
“Wait, so…You want to tickle me?” 
Leviathan gulped nervously and nodded, shutting his eyes and balling his fists. 
“Y-yeah- but it’s fine if you dontwantobecauseIknowImsuchagrossandyuckyotakuand-” 
“Hey hey, of course you can tickle me! And don’t say that, you’re not gross at all.” 
You placed a hand on his which snapped him out of his rant and he looked at you with a blush, his voice stuck in his throat. You were always so kind to him, he felt silly for thinking you’d be mad. 
“Can I? Really?” 
“Yeah, why not? I don’t mind. You don’t even have to ask, you know?” 
“I just didn’t think you’d want ME to tickle you…” 
You squeezed his hand and smiled fondly at him, shaking your head. 
“Levi, I like you a lot. I wouldn’t have minded either way. Now, what should I do? Lift my arms up or-?” 
“Oh! Um, yeah, you could do that…” 
You shuffled into a more comfortable sitting position and lifted your arms, interlocking your hands behind your head. Your shirt was lifted slightly, exposing some of your stomach, and you started feeling nervous when you noticed Levi looking at it. 
“Right…I guess I’ll just…” The demon mumbled in concentration and tentatively slipped a hand under your shirt to reach your stomach, while the other hand went around your side. You gasped softly when his fingers scribbled against your bare stomach and struggled not to squirm away from Levi, while he continued exploring your tickle spots. He noted the wobbly smile on your face and continued the scribbles to your belly, but used his other hand to poke you in the ribs. 
“Eek! Hehey!” You giggled and his eyes lit up. He scooched even closer to you and now both of his hands were on your ribs, poking and scribbling at them, which made you start laughing for real. 
“Ahaha! W-wait! Lehehevi! KYaAh!” 
Oh no. He hit your underarms this time and you couldn’t keep your arms up anymore, clamping them down to protect yourself from the ticklish feeling. What made it even more flustering is how concentrated Levi seemed on your laughter, trying to wiggle his fingers in the way that made you squeal the most. He was practically on top of you now because you were squirming so much, the realization of which made you blush. Leviathan didn’t seem to notice the compromising position you two were in and straddled you to restrain your movements even further. 
“You’re so sensitive here, I wonder what other spots make you squeal…” He mumbled to himself but it still reached your ears, making you get butterflies in your stomach. Who knew Levi could be so bold? But you didn’t have time to linger on that thought because he suddenly started tickling your neck, making you squeal and scrunch your shoulders. His second hand went back to clawing at your belly and by the time Leviathan exploited that spot to the fullest you were a blushing giggling mess. 
Your laughter had gone silent and Leviathan took that as his queue to stop. 
“Ah, I’m sorry, did I overdo it? Are you alright?” He asked nervously and you nodded, laying underneath him and catching your breath. Only then did he realize that he was on top of you. With a gasp, he practically flew off of you and backed away, blushing profusely. 
You had to reassure him that it didn’t bother you for at least fifteen minutes after that, and you honestly couldn’t tell who was more flustered by this whole ordeal between the two of you.
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cubeberries · 2 months
hi bestieeee!!!! i came across that post abt harry not being a saint in the boks and then i scrolled yr blog a bit and im a bit confused now!!! u seem to ship tmrhp but do u like harry? is there smth u like abt him? or do u just like the ship? its completely fine if u do! just askin, sry if this is rude, im just curious!!
hi nonnie, this not rude at alllll, thank you for asking me nicely, ❤❤ i've had people ask these questions with some very colourful names attached and that just ruined my mood for answering any of them. im sorry if my response is a bit lengthy, but i just have a lot of thoughts and opinions about tmrhp :)
first off, i will start by saying that i like canon harry overall, but some characteristics of his just give me a really huge ick. these characteristics aren't even morally reprehensible, i just dislike them, that's all. mainly the unnecessarily malicious way he describes people he doesn't like and also his self righteousness. i'm a firm believer of not liking EVERYTHING about a character. just because i pointed out some flaws of harry doesn't mean i hate him as a whole.
i also simply wanted to point these flaws of his out, because in many tmrhp fics i read, harry is cleansed of all his misdeeds or even has them justified. i personally see harry as a light greyish character, and i love it when he is depicted as such.
moving onto what i like about harry is firstly, his appearance. big fan of messy black hair, green eyes, round glasses XD. i also like that at heart, he is a good person. he tries to save peter pettigrew until the end, even though he is the reason why harry's parents are dead. harry saves draco from the fire even when ron suggests that he lets draco burn to death. harry doesn't use the killing curse on voldemort even once, even though he has the complete right to do so. i like harry's bravery and his defiance (to a certain extent.)
moving onto why i ship tmrhp. i like this ship for all the obvious reasons (the parallels, the contrasts, one chose love, the other chose hate) but also because i love the trope where the main protagonist ends up with the main villain. (call me shallow, or whatever, but it's cute, albeit horrifying.) i also ship it because of the dead dovey nature of this pairing, like, it's so interesting to explore! the angst potential! the betrayal! the guilt! so unusual but also intriguing. i like the fact that this ship isn't 'sweet' or is deemed a comfort ship like most of the other ships in this franchise. voldemort is a Bad Guy, and more than seeing how he is changed by harry, i think it is more interesting to see how Harry is changed by voldemort.
the reason you probably thought i dislike harry in this pairing is because i don't like what the fandom has done to this pairing. (i apologise if i sound entitled, but these are simply my personal opinions. fic writers can write whatever they please, and they are in no way obligated to cater to me. they should write whatever they enjoy writing.)
(i won't dwell a lot here as i also have another askpost here explaining this)
fanon tomarrymort has morphed voldemort's character so much so, that it is unrecognizable to canon voldemort. fanon voldemort simps for harry, apologises to harry begs harry etc. which is something canon voldemort would simply never do even if they were canonically together.
this fandom relies very heavily on Certain Themes, such as harry being a horcrux, and voldemort's obsession with harry being taken wildly out of context. this is mostly it. voldemort views harry as his, goes crazy with possessive issues and abides by harry's every command. harry is now viewed as someone Extra Special and Powerful and therefore can garner all of voldemort's full attention even though that is not the case in canon. harry is more important than the death eaters because they were always incompetent fools, amirite? harry has now fixed voldemort hooray! /sarcasm.
it's just that this is so far removed from canon that it makes me dislike the way harry is so glorified. i am not glorifying voldemort by saying this btw, i understand that voldemort is a Bad Guy.
what i wish was explored more in tomarrymort:
overcoming the fact that harry might not always be noticed by voldemort (in the case of the time travle fics), because voldemort is a self-obsessed guy. he spends most of his time studying, in prefect duties, taming the basilisk, thinking of making horcruxes, it is highly unlikely that he would notice the new transfer student as you guys like to call it.
how voldemort treats bellatrix. (i specifically state bella because she is the closest to voldemort's lover in canon.) it is common for this fandom to brush aside bellatrix and treat her with disrespect. and i hate that. i wish people would explore the fact that in tomarrymort, voldemort would obviously prefer bellatrix before getting together with harry. and even after, he will still view her favourably.
the fact that voldemort might not like harry's defiance towards him. most of the time, in tomarrymort fics, voldemort notices harry because of harry's defiance towards him and he is intrigued. but.. like.. if harry defied voldemort after they get together, he wouldn't like that. he wouldn't like that at all. not to metion the fact that there is a Wholeass organisation called the Order that is dedicated to defying voldmort 😭😭 harry isn't the only one being outwardly defiant towards him. hell, he probably executed death eaters for looking at him the wrong way, how can harry be any different? what i think should be focused more on is how they Compromise. how they form an understanding. how harry shouldn't defy Everything voldemort says and how voldemort shouldn't always order harry around.
how voldemort gets over the hatred he has for harry. i know most people prefer harry over voldemort and thus, their fics are mostly in harry pov, which focuses on how harry forgives voldemort from killing his parents. but what you have to understand is that while voldemort took harry's family from him, harry took Everything from voldemort. Absolutely Everything. voldemort holds MAD grudges. he isn't going to forgive harry overnight. (i know voldemort did it to himself, but he is not going to view it that way.)
their relationship outside of horcrux and main soul.
the power imbalance. the fact that voldemort is more powerful than him. i know harry is his equal, prophecy, blah blah, but harry doesn't want any of the greatness and the extraordinary power whilst voldemort seeks greatness. voldemort was an exceedingly smart, prodigious kid and i don't think his intelligence and capability to scheme should be taken away just to make him equal to harry.
ahh yeah that's probably pretty much it. sorry for rambling and any repeated points. im not proofreading this monster of text, if there are spelling errors... look away!
thank you for this ask nonnie ❤❤
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