#snarry fic
postmariannizm · 7 months
The best part of reading fics is getting inside of Snape's head
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anaki-boo · 7 months
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This stone bird appeared in the second half of winter. Even at Christmas she was not there, and in February she was already looking at Harry with her blind stone eyes. The bird was definitely conjured, because it was one with the tombstone, as if it was born from it. It was a raven with folded wings and a slightly open beak. As if he wanted to say something.
One could only guess who decided to decorate the grave of the professor, and why it was a raven. Not some bat, not a snake, finally. A raven. Perhaps it was the symbol of wisdom and death. Yes, Harry even read about it specifically in Agatha Daredevil's book "Symbolism in Magical Transformations".
"Raven," she wrote, "has long meant mind and has been associated with death. He embodies prophecy and insight. Crows in stories often act as psychopomps connecting the material world with the spirit world."
Don't ask why Harry needed to know about the raven. And even more so, don't ask why he visited the grave of his former professor so many times in a row. He didn't quite know the answer himself.
They say that criminals are drawn to the crime scene. But it was there—in the Screaming Hut, where he left him to die all alone, bleeding. But here… This grave was just a pit with a stone coffin in which Snape's remains were placed — evidence of Harry's crime. But he remembered the basics of first aid, he remembered, and then for some reason he thought that he was powerless before fate itself.
Harry still dreamed of Snape, paralyzed by Nagaina's poison, unconscious. His light warm breath, his eyes glazed with pain (but not from death). How long had he been lying there when they left before he died? A couple of minutes? An hour? Or maybe more?
Harry first visited his grave in June. He came alone and at dawn, sneaked in there like a thief. He was going to make some kind of speech, ask for forgiveness. But even though there was no one to eavesdrop on her, Harry couldn't get a word out of himself. Instead, for some reason, he burst into tears like a child. At the funeral — Lupin and Tonks, Freddy, baby Creevey, Snape himself — did not cry. But then... the speech was successful only in August.
Since then, Harry had been dropping in on the professor at least once a month, on one of the extra-curricular Saturdays. I told him about my life, shared all sorts of nonsense. He did not ask for forgiveness, as if he knew that the professor no longer holds a grudge. And as if he understands.
“Do you mind if I sort out your things?” Harry asked in May.
Only yesterday, the Hogwarts cemetery paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the battle. Today, the usual silence reigned here again.
“No one has touched them all this year. However, the elves have recently collected... how should I say... personal — clothes and all that. There are papers left in your office. No one knows who would need them, and I told McGonagall that I could take them. Not all of them, of course. But... something important. She said she would have given it to my mom if she were alive. But she's not alive, and you're out… So you don't mind, I think.”
The grave did not answer, nor did the raven. Their tacit permission was granted.
There was a warm spring calm. The sun was hot, the back and the back of my head were hot. It was like someone's tight embrace.
Surprisingly, there were few papers. So — study plans, several business and personal letters (Harry decided not to poke his nose into envelopes with the Malfoy coat of arms, but to forward them to Draco) and books, most of which were with a library seal, and over which Madame Pince then groaned.
"Professor Snape was constantly delaying the delivery of books! But about this one — he lied to my eyes in an impudent way, said that some scoundrels stole it and burned it!".
In the top drawer of the desk, under stacks of blank paper, Harry found an old, battered diary. The entries in it were completely irregular, sometimes Snape forgot about the diary for several months. There were potion recipes, whole phrases in runic notation, addresses (Harry assumed they were potion customers or ingredient suppliers), and drawings and squiggles that Harry remembered from the Potions textbook.
The guilt that seemed to have calmed down over the past year came flooding back to Harry. He randomly leafed through this old notebook and thought about how much he had personally deprived the magical world. If Harry had stayed, he would have helped Snape, if he had called for help, the professor could have been saved. And with him — his developments. Dozens of useful potions and spells. Cured diseases, solved problems and saved lives…
Harry shifted the notebook to his other hand and started leafing through from the end. On the last filled page, at the very bottom, a bird was drawn in ink. Smooth body, large open beak and folded wings. It was the same raven that appeared on Snape's tombstone in winter. Words written in the professor's familiar small handwriting seemed to fly out of the raven's mouth:
"Feed the bird."
In the lower right corner there was a postscript made in pencil:
"If you go to feed, take a broom."
Harry loved riddles, but he didn't like being overcome by excruciating excitement. Like, for example, this time.
Harry took with him a broom and treats for the raven. There was a piece of bread and a sausage wrapped in a paper bag in his pocket. In his mind, the raven would definitely have been treated to some of this.
It looked stupid. He was standing in the middle of the cemetery with a broom and trying to stuff his breakfast into the mouth of a stone statue. She refused to eat.
“Feed… Feed the bird. But how?!” he muttered, feeling himself getting angry.
Why did he even think that this was the same bird? What makes him think that the professor left him a hint? And what was he going to find anyway? A hiding place? A cache with something important? For example, by a will? Snape didn't care about earthly things, and he had nothing to bequeath, except for the old house, which, as McGonagall told him, he hated with all his heart.
Angrily, Harry threw the spoiled food on the ground and began sorting through everything he knew about crows in his head. As a child, these birds scared little Harry. Aunt Petunia knew about it and said: "Don't look at them, or they, bloodthirsty creatures, will peck out your green devilish eyes."
“Bloodthirsty… Bloodthirsty creatures," Harry whispered thoughtfully and bit his finger with his teeth.
The blood did not appear immediately, it had to be squeezed out of the wound. Harry put his hand to the bird's beak and smeared it with blood.
The stone moved. At first, the raven moved its head, then cawed soundlessly — just opened its beak several times. Then he spread his wings, stamped on the spot and fluttered up.
Then Harry understood why the broom was needed.
"Why the hell were you going through my papers? Arrogant, stupid, curious, shameless... why are you silent? Can you feel your hands? Do you feel it or not?!”
Snape was furious, his eyes were shooting lightning, but Harry was not afraid. To see him—pale and with bloodless lips—on the floor of a Screaming hut, to see him off on his last journey a few days later, to come to his grave for the first time — that was what was scary. But now I'm sitting in a chair, leaning closer to the fireplace, licking drops of firewhisky from my lips and watching the professor rub his stiff fingers… It wasn't scary at all.
Let his hands be completely frozen from the long flight, let them turn red. Let this village house be unfamiliar and creepy, and it looked like no one had lived here for a long time and only recently a person had settled here. Let Snape, aged and with a torn, scarred throat peeking out of the collar of his robe, shout at him (thank Merlin, his voice remained the same). Harry was happy. And he couldn't get a word out of himself.
“Do you feel it? Are you going to answer me?”
Harry nodded, somewhat drunkenly and sluggishly, and only then did Snape leave him alone.
He sat down at a table—a long one and probably intended for a large family that once lived here, and now almost completely covered with dried herbs- and began to unwrap one of these dried bouquets. His fingers nervously fingered the thin stems and selected suitable ones.
“I…” Harry finally managed to say, but then he trailed off.
Snape looked at him sternly, and there was a threat in that look.
“I was hoping it would be Minerva. Or, in extreme case, Miss Granger…
“Weasley”, Harry interrupted automatically. Hermione, who had been Ron's wife for three months now, was constantly correcting her acquaintances who called her by her maiden name. “She's Mrs. Weasley now”.
Snape snorted. As he was doing it before — ironically , disapproving and arrogantly.
“ I had a better opinion of her. Well… What the hell did you want in my desk? What were you looking for there? Memories? My diary, in which I confessed to crimes? They wanted to sell his Skitter, probably, and…
"I wasn't looking for anything," Harry interrupted him again. "McGonagall gave me permission to take your papers, that's all. The office had to be vacated for a new teacher. She allowed it… She allowed me to take what I think is necessary.
“Allowed you? And why on earth would that be?”
“I needed it.”
“Why did you need it? Couldn't leave me alone even after death?
“Couldn't," Harry muttered, reaching for a bottle of firewhisky. It was standing at his feet.
The esophagus burned with heat, it became difficult to breathe at first, and then immediately felt better. Even the excitement has subsided.
“Why would that be? Tormented by guilt?”
"No, no guilt," Harry lied. “ I just fell in love. You know, it happens like this… You know a person for many years, and then he dies, becomes less disgusting and malicious, and you even have a communication. So you can fall in love. Even... with such a… you.”
He took two more big gulps, and a very pleasant heat spread in his chest.
Snape was silent and stared at the herbs on the table. It seemed that now they would break out and a fire would start.
“And how did you...? The antidote? Or did someone help?”
"Someone helped," Snape echoed and, apparently deciding that Harry had had enough to drink, called for a bottle with non—verbal and non-verbal spell.
He waved his hand — and it jerked and flew to the table, hitting the bottom on the edge.
“Malfoy? I've seen his letters… You were friends, right? … Are friends, I mean”
"Can you take the stairs?" Won't you wring your neck? Or do you need to be levitated?
It took Harry a moment to realize what the professor meant.
“ Are you inviting me... to stay? After what I…”
“ You won't be able to fly back in this condition. I won't let you apparate drunk, and I don't have a sobering one. You will spend the night here, and in the morning I will erase your memory.”
“ What are you going to do to me that you will have to erase my memory?” Harry laughed.
“I don't like you, Potter...” Snape looked at him as if he suspected some kind of bad change in him or someone else's evil influence.
“Yes, to be honest, I don't like myself ... but you…” Harry paused, feeling like a drunken fool. “Don’t erase my memory. I'm coming back anyway. In a week or a month…”
“Yes, you are coming back. I have no doubt in your stickiness, Potter.”
A few things didn't happen next morning. Firstly, they did not quarrel, although they could have. Secondly, Harry did not apologize for what he said drunk in the living room yesterday. As if he felt it was wrong to apologize for telling Severus the truth. Thirdly, Snape never erased his memory.
And, to be honest, Harry didn't go anywhere. Neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor the next day.
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a snarry wip snippet
Two years and seven months after the battle, Harry Potter packed an oak trunk with his few remaining possessions and took a train north from Victoria Station. He was last seen in the bookshop, blue paperback in hand. Where he was off to, no one could say, lost between transfer and terminus. He was twenty years old, hair still unruly, an absent expression on his still-too-thin and pale face.
(He’s not eating well, Severus had thought. He’s not sleeping. One might say that Severus Snape is an expert in the look of a man who has given up. Then again, one might say a lot of things about Severus Snape.)
For the first five years, the world looked for him. They scoured London, Edinburgh, even Tokyo and New York. They turned out their pockets and peeked in their drawers, finding nothing but dust and pocket change. A man who doesn’t want to be found can make it simple to disappear. Consider a magic trick: now you see me, now you don’t. His eyes had looked empty. Lined. Tired. He was twenty years old and used up already. They looked for him, but what did they need him for now? The machine moved on. Fame found another chew toy. His name slipped from their tongues.
Severus Snape has always wanted to be free of the Boy Who Just Fucking Insisted On Living, and somehow now, ten years after Harry Potter’s disappearance, everyone is free but him.
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t4tdrarry · 2 years
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hello friends! last month was full of wonderful reads that i’m excited to share. there’s a good variety of pairings this round of recs too, with majority drarry and a few others sprinkled in. wishing everyone another month of amazing fics in august! and now here are my favourite fics from july:
The Heart of the Manor by @kedavranox | M | 3k
i love drarry and horror and this fic was masterful. it’s able to weave such a vividly eerie atmosphere with an incredible, ominous ending in only 3k words. skillfully concise and quick, it’s like a well placed gut punch in the best way possible.
Not Nineteen Forever by @sorrybutblog | E | 5k
i am a sucker for any fic involving de-aging/age difference between Harry and Draco, especially when it has a generous dose of pining. i absolutely loved younger draco in all his funny, sexy, teasing glory!
Progressive Displacement by GatewayGirl | E | 20k
this one was a reread, but one i’ll never get tired of. universe hopping is always so so fun, and all the different versions of harry and draco were amazing.
The Matchmaker’s Spell by @kbrick | E | 20k
messy drarry has such an exquisite flavour. their dynamic when it’s a little bit fucked up is just *chefs kiss* the energy of this fic is so wonderfully intense and i felt like i was buzzing the entire time i was reading it. and can we talk about that ending? brilliant!
The Day Before the Wedding by @kbrick | E | 39k
when i saw that kbrick dropped a new fic and that it was a timeloop fic, i pretty much dropped everything to read it. harry reliving the day before he gets married to ginny over and over is all at once spectacularly calamitous and cathartic. harry and draco both work for their growth in this one, and the timeloop aspect is done wonderfully, as per expected from kbrick!
The Art of Our Necessities by dcfg21 | E | 52k
this one was another reread and one that i’d consider one of my personal drarry classics, at least in the vampire genre. we have unhinged vampire harry who is bonded to draco to keep him on a leash, with a gloriously hot dynamic featuring a possessive and protective harry. i love how much these two cant help but want each other. a drarry vampire must-read.
The Remnant by @kbrick | E | 71k
i must admit that i went on a bit of a kbrick splurge this month but i couldn’t resist this one when i saw the demonic possession tag,, possessed harry has got to be one of the most creepy hot things i’ve read and i thoroughly enjoyed everything about it (as did draco 😳)
Ingredients of Respect by Lizzy0305 | E | 27k
harry gaining a genuine interest in potions is something i love reading, especially when severus helps him realize it. but when harry also gains an interest in severus, the tension is strikingly hot. i loved the dynamic between them!
In Between Days by atrata | E | 68k
the characterization of snape in this fic is so good! he’s the perfect mix of bitterness, snark, and self loathing. paired with a messy, angsty harry, you get a snarry dynamic that feels absolutely electric.
Break it Down by @acciotomriddle | M | 1k
prisoner voldemort and harry in a smutty power struggle? yes, please.
Dark Heritage by @dropsofnightshade | 342k
it’s always lovely reading harry-gets-adopted-by-adult-who-actually-treats-him-well stories. i especially liked the depiction of the black family in this one! and harry’s relationship with the greengrass family was such a treat as well. also notable is the world building, wizarding politics and dark magic!
It runs in the blood by @metalomagnetic | E | 121k
this fic has haunted my mind since i started reading it. voldemort courting sirius to be a death eater, and maybe even more was something i didn’t know i needed until i got it and then suddenly it was all i’ve ever wanted. this fic immersed me into a setting i don’t read too often—during the first war with voldemort. and we really get into the thick of it with sirius and all his different interactions. highly recommend!
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fleetingdesires · 10 months
[FIC] When a Fire Starts to Burn
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I have finally, finally combined my great loves of the Forbidden Cest and Snarry - may the HP Cest Fest live long and prosper for always getting my muse going!
When a Fire Starts to Burn
11k | E | Harry Potter/Severus Snape
It's a Severitus to Snarry A/B/O, do you really need more of a hook than that? Ok, fine: Severus is stood up by an alpha for his yearly heat. Suppressants can only help so much then, and when his heat comes on with his sixteen-year-old adoptive alpha son around him, well, things happen.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 8,723. Underage. Student/teacher. Mild gore. Mind magic. Nonlinear narrative.
In which Harry saves Snape for a change. Unforeseen events ensue.
A birthday gift for me?? From my beloved friend Nina?? 🥹 I hate to say I was a week late in actually reading it, but I'm glad I did. I was able to truly sit with and savor this sweet gift from a sweet friend.
Now there are many things I love about this fic, but we'll begin here:
No, Snape isn’t pretty. He isn’t nice to look at. Then why is it that Harry can’t stop looking at him?
If there's anything I love, it's embracing the ugliness. No shying away from it, but openly acknowledging that yeah Snape isn't the best looking, but how Harry is drawn in all the same.
Not just in looks, but Severus is quite nasty as well during their confrontations. Sharp as ever, and vying for control.
 “How many times have I saved your reckless neck in the past, you―” he hisses, seeming about to cross the distance between them to strangle Harry, but then he corrects his features into an eerie indifference. 
I also love the acknowledgement that Harry isn't so pristine either.
He is a scrawny, lanky teenager. His intellect is nothing to be impressed with and the way he speaks to Severus is wholly inappropriate most times.
We also see Harry as he should be in this fic: curious and bold, yes, but also demanding and reckless. He never knows how to leave well enough alone, and we've gotta love him for it!
Then there's the story itself, and how well-done the nonlinear narrative is. The realization that something is amiss, and slowly unfolding the erotic mystery of it. There are enough hints to follow where it leads, but holds you captivated all the same.
I truly am blessed to have friends who know me so well. This was such a delight for me! And all the more meaningful as I know the struggles Nina has been dealing with, and for her to craft such a tale in the midst of all that, for me?? Well...I'm quite lucky indeed!
You should definitely give this fic a shot if you haven't already, and please leave my dear Nina some love if you do!
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brightredsunset800 · 1 year
This fic brought me to tears with horniness and emotion. Not kidding, there are dried tear stains on my cheeks now.
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hpweddingfest · 1 year
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Title: The Coupling Prompt: 78 Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: E Word count: 11,000 Warnings: Brief descriptions of blood and injury Summary: Their magic thinks Harry and Severus are married. Severus tries to fight it because Harry is his student. Hijinks ensue!
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writcraft · 2 years
Writ, my darling love, I'm seeing all these Snape arts in your Tumblr and I'm getting more and more excited about your next snarry 😌. Can u give us a snip or is it an anon fest? 🥺 Also, about that wonderful snarry+draco art you shared, would you ever write a triad with them? 😍
Sending love, tai 💜
Hi Tai darling, thank you for your lovely message!!! I am SO in my Snape and Snarry feels at the moment and I'm working on several things. I have two fest pieces which are anon so I can't say anything about them really. Secret Snarry Swap I have nearly finished and that should post some time in December. I also claimed a prompt from @snarry-fest-adopt-a-prompt which starts posting in January. I definitely would write Harry/Draco/Severus and am actually working on one now! I have written them before in Forget Me Not but the one I'm working on has a different dynamic with established Drarry.
Finally, I have a fic that I'm desperate to try to finish for October although there's still quite a lot to do on it. It's not for a fest, so I can share a little! It's a vampire!Harry post-war Snarry fic, working title 'Love Song For A Vampire' - snip below the cut! I hope you enjoy it <3
“Am I conversing with a ghost?” There’s a bitter, dangerous edge to Snape’s voice. “Come now, Potter. Don’t play me for the fool. You’re as much flesh and blood as I am.”
“Not exactly.” Harry winces, wishing Snape would shut up about blood. He looks up and meets Snape’s furious gaze. “I’m not dead. More…undead.” Despite the fact there’s nothing funny about the situation, Harry lets out a strangled laugh. “I call it my pointy little problem.”
“Undead?” Snape purses his lips, his knuckles white from clutching his wand so tightly. “You’re a—?”
“Vampire, apparently.” The word is heavy on Harry’s tongue. It tastes like curses and Dark Arts. “Carrow cast a spell and it got through my shield. Kingsley reckons it’s ancient magic. I suppose Unforgivables get a bit boring when you’ve been flinging them around at everyone for years.”
“Foolish, idiotic…” Snape trails off, his fury rendering him speechless. He pinches the bridge of his nose, his voice muffled. “When did you last drink?”
“I had that damson wine about ten minutes—”
“Blood, you insufferable brat. When did you last drink blood?”
“Oh.” Harry still doesn’t like the idea of drinking blood, truth be told. His body craves it, but he tries to put it off until it’s the only thing that will satiate his thirst, like a cool glass of water on a hot summer day. “A few weeks,” he mumbles.
“A few weeks?” Snape snarls and his wand sparks as if it knows its owner is itching to cast violent spells directly at Harry. “Are you aware of the danger you’re putting yourself in? The danger you’re putting me in?”
“Relax, I’m not about to bite you.” Harry would quite like to bite Snape truth be told, but he’s not about to start gnawing at random people unless they specifically ask him to drink from them. Not that he’s found anyone mad enough for that yet. “I’ve got a flask if I need it.”
“Then drink, you foolish child. Don’t you recognise the signs of Fading?”
“Fading?” Harry stares at Snape, his skin prickling as a shiver travels the length of his spine. Whatever Fading is it sounds rubbish. “What’s that?”
“Have you done no research into your predicament at all?” Snape’s voice lowers, the same note of anger buzzing beneath the surface. Eventually he sighs, the sound almost resigned. He plucks at the buttons on his shirt to expose more of his neck and torso. “That can wait. I assume this is what you came here for?”
“No. No.” Harry clenches his hands into fists, closing his eyes against the way Snape’s increasingly exposed throat assaults his senses. “Merlin, Snape. Do your bloody shirt up. I’ve got some Niffler blood in my flask, they donate it to the Vampire Preservation Society. It doesn’t harm them it’s…delicious.”
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memelovescaps · 1 year
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Harry wants to give something special to Severus for his birthday.
A memory he will treasure, forever.
Written for an event we created on the "Prince's Dungeon" discord server to celebrate Severus Snape's 63rd birthday. Happy birthday, our Prince!
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likelightinglass · 2 years
What Comes Next (And How to Like It)
A choose your own adventure fic!
You are Severus Snape. You survived against all odds, and now it's time to take life into your own hands. What will you do with this gift of a second chance, and how will you find your happy ending?
Your happy ending is pretty much always Harry Potter, but there's so many fun ways to get there.
Just some shameless self promotion. This fic is a couple of years old but it's one of my very favorites. Certainly the most fun to write of anything I've written before.
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virahaus · 2 years
A snarry story told through a series of messages, leading our boys to find happiness where they wouldn’t have thought they would find it.
The main story is now complete! Last chapter will be an aesthetic.
Check it out on AO3!  Wordcount: 6,240
Fandom: Harry Potter
Warnings: No Archive Warning Applies
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Kreacher
Relationship: Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Severus Snape & Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter & Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter & Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Kreacher & Harry Potter
Tags: Post deathly hallows, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue, Mutual Pining, Getting to know each other, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Secret Identity, Severus Snape Lives, Happy Ending, Fluff and Humor, Reconciliation, Recovery, Falling in Love, Getting together, Getting to know each other, Happy Ending, Post-Hogwarts, Reconciliation, Not Epilogue Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, fanwork, Fanart, Chatting & Messaging, Smitten Harry Potter, Fluff and Humor, Recovery, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape Friendship, The Golden Trio, Healer Harry Potter, First Kiss, Frottage, Dirty Talk, First Dates, Awkward Flirting
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snapesmorningcoffee · 8 months
Lovely @hirukochan gifted me a fic!! It makes feels like christmas! Im so happy, thank you Hiruko i can’t believe i get gift from my favorite writer!!! Fortune Misfortune please go, read and gave some love for this fic!!
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i am no longer deathly sick or bedridden and I uploaded ch2 of my snarry fic! very excited to have finally gotten the intro chapters out of the way!! >w< ~☆
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titconao3 · 2 years
I loved your portrayal of war and how Severus and Harry reckoned with it in ‘Clay.’ Amazing stuff. I hope you write more!
Hello, anon!!
thank you so much fr your kind words ♥ it's lovely to get such a nice ask in my inbox! ty *hearteyes*
i hadn't planned on all the topics this fic ended up being about, but hey - sometimes you just have to go where the story takes you ;-) and yes, i certainly plan on writing more, in this fandom and others!
(159 published fics and counting; how did this even happen!!)
The fic in question is here (Snarry, 46k)
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lumosatnight · 6 months
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23 Fic Recs 2023!
This year has definitely been a year. I've devoured so many wonderful fics by so many amazing authors. Thank you @hprecfest for the super fun rec categories and for some fic inspiration! Here are 23 fics that I read and loved in 2023 (although some are quite a few years older) ordered by ship.
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut
1. A post-canon fic
The Discreet Gentleman's Connection by pluto (gayrights420) [Drarry, E, 80.4k] 🌼🔥 I had the absolute pleasure of beta-ing for this fic, so when I say it is amazing, it truly is just that. Fast burn on the smut via Floo sex, slow burn on the in-person falling in love. Satisfying in all the best possible ways.
2. A fic that made me laugh
AITA for being "obsessed" with my childhood nemesis? by @rainstormradish [Drarry, M, 4.3k] 🌼📲 Draco on a reddit forum is hilarious just on its own, but the banter and formatting really bring this fic to life. Amazingly creative, had me in stitches!
3. A comfort fic
The Eighth Tale by @letteredlettered [Drarry, E, 12.0k] 💔⏳ An oldie but a goodie. I constantly find myself coming back to this fic and having my mind blown every single time. Time travel timey-wimey angst.
4. A fic with art
Dating Draco - A Visual Game by @itsphantasmagoria [Drarry, M, Video Game] 🌼🎮 This is a fic in video game form!! Amazing art and lovely story where YOU get to make the choices for Drarry's happily ever after.
5. A favorite series
The Journal of Dreadful Things by @lilbeanz [Drarry, G, 112k, WIP] 🌼📖 Hilarious, witty, AND COMES WITH ART!! Lilbeanz draws and writes a wonderfully delightful series starting from Draco's First Year. His characterization had me in hysterics. Book 4 is starting soon!
6. Fic with the hottest smut
Moonstruck by @prettyremus [Wolfstar, E, 3.8k] 🔥🐺 Found this gem while scrolling through the werewolf smut tag (don't judge me). I love the switch in dynamic with Sirius taming Remus's wolf through, ahem, rough sex.
7. An unreliable narrator fic
Sea of White by @dividawrites [Harrymort, E, 8.6k] 🔥🤍 Deliciously hot, creepy, and strangely sweet. Love their dynamic here, the unrestrained lust. Harrymort "die" and lose their memories, so, of course, then they bang.
8. A fic that made me cry
Far Apart, Far Away by @unmistakablyoatmeal [Hinny, minor Drarry, T, 1.6k] 💔💍 Infidelity angst has never been this good. I love the layers of emotion in this fic. Quick punchy sections that really pulled me in.
9. A Muggle(?) AU fic
Pleasant Hope by @ac1d6urn, @sinick [Snarry, E, 41.6k] 💔⛪️ Pastor Severus!! The angst, pining, and self-discovery in this fic is superb! I love the interwoven magic and detailed world-building of this little town.
10. A fav amongst faves
The Last Trial of Peter Pettigrew by @sleepstxtic [Prongstail, M, 20.8k] 💔 🐀 Holy moly, this fic!!!! Is this my new favorite fic?? Possibly. The concept is brilliant, so creative and nuanced. The Peter character study using outsider perspectives is genius. Seamlessly balances canon and new scenes.
11. A pre-canon fic
Careless by @tax-onomic [Luther, E, 1.5k] 🔥🪞 Lucius/Arthur my beloved rare pair!! I am captain of the Luther ship, and Tax's fic hits all the right spots. The pining, the sniping, the prickly personalities with emotional vulnerability underneath! And all in the middle of a hot smut scene. Perfect.
12. A canon-compliant fic
Scottish by thepadfoots [Chedric, G, 749] 💔🌟 Lovely Cho character study focused around her Asian identity and the boy she loved.
13. A fic rated G (more like T though)
Lion-Hearted Girl by MinnieQuill (odainath) [Minmione, G, 4.5k] 💔🦁 I know the large age gap might scare some, but their relationship feels very organic in this fic. The setting is grim, but there is always hope in the darkness!
14. A fic rated T
You're So Vane by @patriceavril [Romelina, T, 6.8k] 🌼💄Romilda is so delightfully characterized, I was smiling through the entire fic. Angelina is the perfect foil (and love interest) to Romilda's attentions.
15. A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3)
Snakeskin by @cntrl15 [Bellastoria, E, 3.7k] 🔥👠 Talk about a rare pair! Astoria/Bellatrix only has 2 tagged fics on AO3: this fic and the drabble I wrote based on it. But read this fic, and you'll see why I felt the need to write more in this universe.
16. A fest fic
Master of None by @nanneramma [Snormac, G, 5.5k] 🌼🧘 Severus is so wonderfully cranky, and Cormac is fine AF. The surprise pairing of 2023 that I never knew I needed and now I'm obsessed with!
17. An under-rated fic
Sun, Shadow, Shade by @naomijameston [Snuna, G, 700] 🌼☀️ Post-war fluff. Sunshine Luna is the perfect match for sullen Snape. A short and sweet fic for this underrated ship.
18. A canon-divergent fic
but somebody's gotta do it by nocturn [Pangulus, T, 920] 😄🧟‍♂️ This fic will make you say WTF but also huh, okay that totally works. The concept is WILD but Lyra executes it wonderfully. Pansy drags Regulus out of the inferi lake and they flirt a little while he gets de-corpsified lol.
19. A dark fic
In his embrace by @loneamaryllis [Snarrymort, het!Snarry, E, 48k] ⚡️👀 Dark and dirty but so so good. A Voldemort Wins AU where fem!Harry is taken as prisoner. Snape's mindset as he tries to save her (and is forced to rape her) is so twisted and mesmerizing. Mind the tags!
20. A thought-provoking fic
Icarus by @thistlecatfics [Millvansy, M, 20.0k] 💔🍾 War trauma, addiction, codependency! This fic is messy with emotions but has a strong, beating heart underneath. I am in love with Parvati as she deals with Pansy's addiction and Millicent's denial — three beautiful, imperfect girls.
21. A holiday fic
A Time, Dark and Divine by @moonflower-rose [Dronarry, E, 17.0k] 🔥⛱ HOLY FREAKING FUCK!! The sexual tension in this fic is off the freaking charts. Drarry seducing Ron while on vacation in Portugal. Sign me the fuck up!
💫 GEN 💫
22. A favorite fic under 5k
The Scrunchie by @saintsenara [Lightning Era Girls, G, 4.5k] 💖👭 Such a lovely look into some of the female background characters, all following the path of a single scrunchie. Lisa, Padma, Parvati, Hannah, Sally-Anne.
23. A fic with an ending I can't stop thinking about
Through the Middlegame by @sandervansunshine [Astoria & Peter, T, 6.6k] 💔♜ Devastating, heart-wrenching, tragic. 10000% would recommend. Kylee has already heard me screaming in the servers about this fic. If I could get a fic tattooed straight onto my brain, this would be it.
A podfic
Plenitude by @wilfriede, written by eldritcher [Amelmione, M, 14 min] 💔🥀 Amazing voices, amazing music, amazing ambience. Wilfriede really brings one of my fav Hermione/Amelia Bones fics to life in this podfic!
A comic
War Prize by @mrviran [Snegulus, Reggiemort, M, Comic, WIP] ☠️🐍 The panels are awe-inspiring. I am HOOKED on this comic. The murder and the TENSION. Ughhhhh so good. I am so invested in Severus's arc!!
A self-rec (completely self-indulgent)
For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight [Snarry, E, 7.1k] 🔥✝ My first time writing Snarry! Priest Kink, church sex, and blasphemous religious imagery. Priest Severus is oh-so-tempted by Teen Harry. So fun to write and even more fun to go back and read as a guilty pleasure.
⚡️ Want more fics to read? ⚡️
Try my rec tag: #lumosinthelibrary
Year in Reading, b-day oneshots, WLW Library
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