#snowcone syrup
kindheart525 · 4 months
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Snowcone was cuddled up in her room with a good book, one she had stolen from the restricted section of a magic library...coincidentally the reason she was grounded as well. 
Oh well, she got left alone at the very least.
That is, until the knock at her door.
“Hey, are you okay? May I come in?”
The cup of Snowcone’s emotional limits overflowed as soon as the knock rung through her room. She shoved her head under her pillow and screamed into the muffling cushion before calling out a response.
"I'm fine but I would really prefer if you wouldn’t!"
“Fair enough.”
Aurora’s voice sounded through the door, even and calm. A nice contrast from Mom and Mother’s constant nagging, plus she knocked instead of barging in. But Snowcone still didn’t want to deal with her right now.
“I brought you chickpea tikka from the Tasty Treat, though. Can I at least drop it off?”
There was a moment of silence so quiet one could hear a pin drop, followed by the sound of rushing hooves and a lock clicking. 
"You can come in if you want, I don't really care."
Aurora entered the room, not paying mind to the mess strewn across Snowcone’s floor or the curtains drawn on a hot summer’s afternoon, instead simply placing the dish on Snowcone’s nightstand.
“Sorry you got grounded. I’m around to talk if you want.”
“Thank you.”
Snowcone immediately hopped back onto her bed and shoved her nose in her book, not wanting to make eye contact after mumbling her answer.
She let out a deep sigh when Aurora began speaking. 
"What is there to talk about? I broke a stupid rule and Mother thought I'd learn my lesson sitting in my room for the 49th time!" 
She was so frustrated by all this, she had this impulse and taking a look at this book would scratch that impulse in her brain. It made her feel a whole lot better for...an hour. 
What was the harm?
Unfortunately instead of leaving her alone, Aurora decided to settle down by the end of her bed.
“I don’t think it’s a stupid rule. Restricted spells are a pretty big deal. You may not be planning to do anything with it but who knows what would happen if the wrong pony got their hooves on it. These rules are meant to keep Equestria safe.”
Aurora tried to lighten the mood a bit.
“At least you didn’t end up in juvenile detention.”
Right away Snowcone whipped her head around and lashed out at Aurora. She was lucky her sister was understanding because she was spitting fire at the poor mare. 
"You think I don't know that?! You seriously think I'd let it get into the wrong hooves?! Why did you come in here if you only wanted to...”
She stopped and teared up a little bit. 
"Yeah, I guess I didn't..."
Aurora simply patted her back in an attempt at comfort.
“I get it. You’re stressed out in school, you’re grounded, of course you’re having a hard time. I don’t think you’ve had Veuve over in awhile either.”
Then she opened a can of worms.
“Is something going on?”
Aurora validating her emotions felt so good, she explained herself and she was totally right!
Snowcone began to wonder why she didn't talk to her more often...
The next question made her less than happy though. How in Equestria was she meant to answer that? Should she tell the truth? Lie? 
"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it. You're just gonna shrug and then leave me to deal with it myself anyways."
To her dismay, Aurora pressed on.
“Not if you really need help, I won’t. I don’t always have the best advice but Aura has been helping Eclipse a lot, no? You don’t need to tell me anything but she might be able to help you too.”
Snowcone let out a deep sigh and shoved her pillow on top of her head as Aurora went on. 
"I'm not too sure about that and I would quite rather kill myself, but sure. What’s the worst that can happen? I'll go."
Previous: Vigilante Next: How the Turntables
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thewirewitch · 10 days
I just spent most of my day working on making mini sakura jelly tarts and BOY do my feet hurt!
I...will most likely post pictures tomorrow. Not sure if they'll be super pretty, but I sure hope they taste good XD
(Also, the recipe I used had a LOT of leftover stuff, so like, I also made some sakura jelly cubes which I will also take pics of)
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Hyperspecific Poll but Stuff You Have In Your Bedroom Style:
in your room?
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erabundus · 1 year
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@voyage-inferno &&. said... (forbidden snowcone syrup,,)
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do not compare his BLOOD to a dessert topping — ? do not use his BLOOD as a dessert topping — ? what part of poisonous is so difficult to understand? ( forbidden ... try deadly. )
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hollowgourd · 2 years
Height Charts!
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Meet (most of) the cast of Hollow Gourd! Hollow Gourd Academy is the most prestigious Nippin (micefolk) academy in the universe, and accepts only the best of the best in their fields while remaining a successful Nippin Colony.
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fever-dreamer97 · 1 year
Izuku: Oh, I’m such a bad host. Do you guys want anything to drink?
Bakugo: I’ll take water.
Izuku: Okay! Todoroki-kun?
Todoroki: I’ll have a root beer float.
Bakugo:…You can’t just go to someone’s house and tell them to make you a root beer float.
Todoroki: Oh, sorry. What did you get?
Bakugo: Water.
Izuku: I mean, I would. But I don’t have root beer.
Todoroki: Oh, then I’ll have a milkshake then.
Bakugo: Dude, pick a household drink!
Todoroki: I don’t know which ones those are. What did you get?
Bakugo: WATER.
Todoroki: Okay, if I make you ice, can I get a snowcone?
Bakugo: He’s not gonna make you a snowcone!
Todoroki: I have snowcones at my house! I have 27 a day.
Izuku: You have 27 snowcones a day?
Todoroki: Yeah.
Bakugo and Izuku:
Todoroki: You know what, I’m gonna go home and get my flavor syrups. We can make a day out of it.
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Another Side
Fem! Special Forces!Yuu x Rook Hunt
I doesn't matter what anyone else says. They don't see what he does.
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"You're obsessed with her. More than your usual obsessions. She's not even a beast or monster. I don't get it. She so..." Vil held back for once. Rook loved her despite everything he had said. If he insulted her Rook would get this piercing look in his eyes.
Rook only smiled. He had no response.
Vil could never understand his love. She may have been as sharp as a thorn with words to match but she was his rose. And Rook peeled back her pedals one by one to reveal her true beauty.
Yes, she was mean and violent but only because she has to. She was a pillar in the sea standing strong for others. She pushed people away to protect her heart. That beautiful heat was more fragile than glass and encased with stone.
Rook knew everything about her.
Did you know she loved poetry, she went to spoken word festivals and has signed copies from her favorite performers. She'd die if anyone knew. Rook gave her his work, poems made in her honor. She said she'd burn them but she keeps them in a shoe box under her bed. She reads them sometimes late at night.
She has insomnia that gives her migraines. She may seem grouchy but it's just the bright lights. Rook learned a spell to block her senses to help. She would lean her head on Rook's chest as she takes deep breaths to get through the worst of it.
She has bad nightmares when she does sleep. She gets scared that her nightmares might become hallucinations if she doesn't sleep. Rook leaves medicine for her to stop her from dreaming. She takes them sometimes but gets scared she might become addicted even if it helps her.
She likes rabbits but they are naturally afraid of her. Rook would catch one for her so she could hold one. She'd let it go afterwards. He bought her a plushie rabbit instead.
When it rains or gets cold her scars ache and itch. They burn from her rubbing them. Rook runs a special bath to help her skin. She will complain like an old man until he makes her go in.
She loves sweets but gets shy if you point it out. Shaved ice was her favorite and she'd argue to death over the difference between a Sno-ball and a Snowcone. (The syrup and flavors are completely different)
She cries when no one is around. Despite everything she was lonely at heart. Rook had caught her once and she avoided him like the plague afterwards. She hates people watching her when she felt weak. So Rook put on a blindfold whenever he heard her cry. She wouldn't be alone but no one would see her.
He loved her. Even if she pushed him away. He loved her and he expected nothing from her. He loved her and it confused everyone.
He loved her and...she loved him.
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celestiaras · 2 months
stuffing each and every one of them in my mouth… what i think nijisanji en members would taste like because uhhh
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pomu rainpuff - caramel pecan
elira pendora - cotton candy dipping dots
finana ryugu - green apple snowcone
rosemi lovelock - strawberry lemonade with mint
selen tatsuki - grape punch
petra gurin - tangerine tanghulu
enna alouette - pomegranate
nina kosaka - black forest cake
reimu endou - tres leche
millie parfait - tutti frutti
ike eveland - butterfly pea tea
mysta rias - mango ice cream
vox akuma - cherry cola
luca kaneshiro - espresso
shu yamino - banana pudding
alban knox - orange creamsicle
yugo asuma - blueberry
fulgur ovid - cherry cough syrup
sonny brisko - lemongrass
uki violeta- taro boba tea
scarle yonaguni - strawberry soda
aia amare- toasted marshmallow
maria marionette - mixed berry gummies
aster arcadia - cookies & cream
kyo kaneko - blue raspberry icee
ren zotto - pistachio
doppio dropscythe - blackberry
kotoka torahime - strawberry banana trix yogurt
ver vermillion - cherry airhead
hex haywire - dark chocolate
meloco kyoran - sugar plums
yu q wilson - lemon starburst
vantacrow bringer - root beer float
vezalius bandage - cranberry hibiscus
claude clawmark - wintergreen mint
victoria brightshield - white peach tea
kunai nakasato - grass jelly
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paranoidgemsbok · 3 days
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This is called "The restaurant changed its drink specials so I gotta take things into my own hands"
1.5oz bourbon (i used this tiny thang of knob creek)
.5oz vanilla vodka
1oz lemon juice
1oz blueberry syrup (i made my own because the stuff i bought was like snowcone syrup)
2 barspoons honey syrup (also made my own of this)
garnish with crushed freezedried blueberries. you can also put some of this powder in the shaker idk if it helps but its fun
shake with ice n drink it
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thenatezone · 1 year
Look, this was exactly right. If (gods forbid) I ever betrayed a hot goth upperclassman, I would certainly hope that they sucked the life out of me like the syrup from a snowcone. Why wouldn't they? I'd say thank you in fact.
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kindheart525 · 4 months
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Snowcone’s mom had been a lot more supportive of her after the Gala debacle. It was like a dial had turned in Twilight Sparkle, like she was actually trying a little harder now. It seemed especially so after they met Snowcone’s Nana and saw what could happen if somepony like her didn’t have the right support.
But of course things weren’t entirely perfect.
Twilight still said the wrong thing sometimes, more than she should. She was quicker to own up to it but it didn’t stop Snowcone’s trauma from being set off. There was a lot of work left to do.
Snowcone loved her mom, she really did. But still there was that fear, that she’d never truly understand her. That one or both of them would say something, do something, that would ruin anything good that they had. That she’d end up alone just like her Nana did.
“Your Nana seems to be settling in really well!”
Twilight seemed to be reading her daughter’s mind as she brought this up, casually making conversation as she organized her library for the umpteenth time.
“I bet you’re glad to have somepony who gets what you’re going through.”
Snowcone was glad to have her Nana around, but just because she had the same condition didn’t mean they got each other all the time. They were individual ponies with different experiences after all. Not to mention her Nana had six or so decades on her. They weren’t a monolith.
“Yeah, I am.”
She answered simply. But she still had some worries.
“Though I guess it’s taking Mother some getting used to. A lot’s happened to both of them, they really don’t get each other at all. Mental illness does that to you.”
Snow quipped, trying to laugh off her worries with a joke. She really wasn’t sure if she wanted to get into this with her mom.
“You’re probably right, they’ll have a lot to work through. I think they can do it though!”
Twilight didn’t completely take the dismissive “all you have to do is try” stance but she still didn’t really grasp it. She was naive in her confidence that everything would definitely be solved; no amount of willpower could cure a mental illness. 
“Not how that works Mom...”
Snow grumbled through her teeth, feeling like she would snap if her mom said anything more. But she stopped and tried to calm herself down. She just wanted to be honest.
“They’ve drifted apart so much, it’s not gonna be easy at all. Mother has no idea what Nana went through. You have no idea how I feel! Sometimes you say things that make me wanna rip my mane out!”
She stopped before she could get ahead of herself.
“But I don’t want you and me to end up like Mother and Nana. I don’t wanna end up like strangers. I just...want you to understand me.”
This was the most emotionally honest Snow had been with her mom in a long time, she was surprised at herself.
Twilight had stopped organizing by now. Books were still scattered all over but she ignored them, turning towards her daughter and giving her her full attention. She gazed at her sincerely, guiltily even, as she listened.
“You’re right Snowy...I really don’t get it at all. I’m so sorry I make you feel that way. I need to be better about that.”
Snow was almost shocked as the words came out of her mom’s mouth. Never in a thousand years did she imagine she would own up to her mistakes so explicitly. She wasn’t meandering, she wasn’t making excuses, she was just straight up admitting it. Actually apologizing.
“Well...thank you.”
Was all she could utter out.
“You know me, I’ve always been so focused on the little details. So obsessed with being perfect, with my studies, my friends, you name it. It’s like anxiety. How I became the Queen of Equestria, I don’t know!”
Twilight laughed, but then scooched closer to Snowcone as she became heartfelt again.
“I keep myself up at night worrying about the kind of pony I am, if I’m a good friend or ruler. I’ve never been very good at talking to other ponies, I have to check myself all the time. But I haven’t been thinking enough about how I am as a mom. And because of that...”
Twilight began to tear up, her voice quavering with emotion.
“I’ve failed you, Snowcone. I should be putting the same work—no, more—into making you feel loved as I do everything else in my life. I would always tell you you needed to try harder but honestly...I’m the one who should be doing that.”
Snow could see how broken up her mom was about this, more than she’d ever seen her really. She wasn’t about to coddle her and tell her it was all okay when she had said some messed up stuff, but she did have some advice to help her.
“Maybe you should get a therapist.”
Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle at just how blunt Snowcone was. She didn’t beat around the bush at all. But she was absolutely right.
“Yes I should, and I will. I promise. I want to be a better mom to you and I’ll do whatever it takes. Anything at all. I want you to know that I really do mean it.”
Snowcone didn’t say anything, there was nothing else to say. So she just leaned into her mother’s chest contently, soaking in the feeling. Her mother wasn’t perfect but if she knew anything, it was that she was loved.
“Thank you, Mom. That really means a lot to me. I love you.”
She felt her mom’s wings wrap around her as she leaned in as well, into a secure embrace.
“I love you too, Snowcone. I hope you always know that.”
Previous: Follies Next: Steep Valley
Background and Books by EStories
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
Summer lovin’.
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synopsis: beach vacation headcanons and drabbles.
character(s): ningguang, raiden ei, jean.
warning(s): none, fluff.
note(s): female reader, no use of y/n, this was requested by an anon on my other blog but i figured it would be more fitting on this blog instead.
⎯⎯mod alice 🦋
happy summer break!
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She was surprisingly fairly cooperative with the idea of taking a break—however, much of that was due to the fact she’d get to spend the whole day with you. Ningguang was not open about her work life or work details, even with you. Truly, you understood her reasons, but you hated how it limited your knowledge in regards to her stress and time.
And so, that was when you proposed the idea of taking a vacation day—specifically at the beach. Liyue’s shores were also so lovely and versatile to everyone; ignoring the shores itself, Liyue itself was downright beautiful. You told her it’d be nice to get out the busy harbor for once, and to your surprise, she immediately requested for leave and agreed.
She appears calm when you both walk along the coastline (though, when is she not calm?) and you wonder if she’s even enjoying herself at all. The whole day was fairly mellow, and now the both of you walked along the shore, barefoot in the sand and your dresses catching the wind behind you.
“I hope that was at least a bit of relief,” you told her quietly. You wondered if she heard you at all, for your voice carried lightly against the ocean’s breeze before they could ever reach her ears. She showed no physical indication that she heard you, unstick she spoke.
“Of course it was,” she answered. For just a moment, her voice rang in your ears. So rich and velvety, and the slightest of deep tones—they contrasted so violently with the sweet scenery and air around you, that Ningguang herself seemed out of place in such a picture. But soon, you internally hoped, that will change.
“I’m glad,” you smiled.
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At first, she was more curious than she was interested. For what could be so enticing about Inazuma’s beaches? Unlike Inazuma City, the beaches were the same. The water was still there, the sand—there were no people that changed. No customs, no designs, no looks, nothing significant.
And yet you smiled. Smiled excitedly at at notion so simplistic as going to the beach with her—she just had to accept it, even if it meant coming out of her headspace. Ei really didn’t know what to expect other than sandy limbs and salty water, and yet somehow you changed everything.
The ice of her snowcone bit harshly on her tongue, but in a weirdly good way. Crunchy and cold, and yet also sweet and savory in a way that was so addicting. It was simple ice in a cup—simple, just like this beach. But the sweet syrup akin to you crafted her ultimate enjoyment.
“Do you like it?” you asked her, the both of you sitting under a small umbrella in the hot summer sun. “Valberry is a Mondstadt specialty—very sweet!”
“Sweet, indeed,” she mumbled. Though you both sat on a little mat atop the sand, she still felt sound everywhere. There were little grains between her toes, some on her legs, a lot on her sandals—she should be annoyed with such inconveniences.
And yet, these irritations somehow all dissipated when she looked at you once more, the sweetness of your simplistic joy matching uncannily with her sugary syrup in her snowcone.
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Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn. She pretty much just brushed off the idea of a break, pretty much refusing you. If you proposed a small one, then sure; but to the beach of all places? She had no time for such travel.
It was actually Lisa who pushed her to finally agree with you—curse that librarian and her way with words. She practically guilt-tripped Jean in your favor to accepting, but it worked out in the end. Jean was still tense even while the two of you strolled along the shores of Mondstadt, all until you finally sat down on the sand and watched the sunset.
The both of you sat so close to the waterline as the sun set, and only when you held her, did she finally begin to relax her body. She was always line mush in your hands—almost as if your touch alone gave her relief from all her work.
You planted a kiss atop the crown of her hair the moment her head fell gently on your shoulder. The both of you stayed silent, just watching as the sun set behind the ocean’s horizon. Along the gentle breeze that caressed your arms and face, the fresh water played at the both of your feet.
“I love you,” she mumbled so shyly, right against your neck as a way to hide herself. Jean was so sappy in this moment, holding you close for she did not know if you would make fun of her or not. She initially rejected this break time after all, and now she was here, completely enjoying it and hoping this day would never end.
“I love you, too.” And after those words left your mouth, Jean believed you were worth all of Mondstadt.
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Get to know you 22?
22 is “best memory”
That’s gonna be a tie between one that’s more nostalgic, and one that’s slightly more recent but important!
I very very fondly remember going to a horse day camp when I was 12 or so, and messing around in the woods and trails behind the stable with my sister and the other kids that were also going. There weren’t many of us, and honestly we didn’t even all get along, but there’s something, like, magical? About it? About being completely unafraid to be In nature, and to play pretend that there’s something More, Yknow? The horses were also very cool, and the one I worked with most was an ex-racehorse who was absolutely gorgeous. I miss her.
And, more recently, though “recent” is relative, is the day I found my cat.
Me, my mom, and my sister were taking a walk through a neighborhood adjacent to ours, going to get snowballs. (Regional treat, basically a snowcone but in a cup. I think there might also be a different syrup ratio or ice texture?) Anyway, we’re almost to the stand, when we hear a weird noise. I mistake it for a bird at first. Follow the sound, and find a month old kitten hiding in a bush in the median. I refuse to leave the kitten, while my mom and sister continue on to get snowballs.
This baby is just so tiny and sweet, he’s not afraid of me at ALL. (I thought he was a she at the time, because I had a misconception about feline nipples) So ofc when my family gets back I have Bonded with this cat and insist on taking him home. This is my baby now. We already had food that we’d been using for the family of ferals we fed at the time, so that wasn’t an issue. And we had cat litter bc we used it to keep the rabbit’s crate smelling fresh.
The initial plan was to see if someone had lost a kitten, rehome him, or take him to the shelter.
This, obviously, did not happen.
Tiny baby is now 18lbs of pure cat.
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Ooo snowcones 👀 you got any syrup or something to flavor them with horror?
H: we're having cake.
H: snow cones are gonna be fer tomorrow
H: and of course i got flavorings, who just eats plain snow and calls it a snow cone.
D: I do
H: you are not a part of this conversation
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orlaithrose · 2 years
When: 11th November Where: Treaty Towers Who: OPEN (3/4)
It was a fortuitous thing that Orlaith subsisted primarily on takeout and never filled her freezer with anything but the occasional bottle of vodka, because she had sent someone out for ice and they had returned with so many bags - for what purpose she couldn’t be sure - she would never have been able to fit them in if she’d had actual food in there. The party had been impromptu and accidental. In fact, Orlaith wasn’t sure how it had escalated so much, but she thought it might have something to do with the claustrophobia of Treaty Towers; if a door was open and there appeared to be music and alcohol inside, people took it as fair game. The nurses’ social it had been her turn to host had become a lot more than a nurses’ social. 
“Someone brought, like, ten bags of ice,” Orlaith explained at the cobbled together vodka snowcone station she was standing at. Thank god she’d had an ice shaver and a lot of vodka. The syrups had been won in a raffle at work and she’d never opened them. “I was a bit afraid to ask why they thought we might need that much, so I took them all no questions asked, but what am I meant to do with ten bags of ice? And so,” - she gestured at the set-up in front of her, smile wide, - “snowcones in November. Shame we’re not still having that heatwave. Anyway, do you want one?” 
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cloudymindddd · 1 month
i bought a snowcone machine and zero calorie syrups off Amazon and omg im so excited. zero calorie dessert ?? 🫶🏻
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