#so i’m okay missing her. but i did still want to see her.
No idea for how long I just played but it probably were around two hours. There were only two things I was genuinely excited about and looking forward to: Horses!!! and seeing Dani (I was also told lesbians but I didn’t expect them right in the beginning).
Dani, our beautiful lady! My needs were met. I love her so much. I wish I could kiss her irl. The horse part was severely underwhelming. I don’t even know what exactly I expected but there could have been so much more.
Also the graphics…? I am usually not that pressed about it but character models looked rather like PS3 (I’m playing on PS4, I’m sure it’s much more impressive on next gen but guyyyys ?!? you’re doing these characters dirty) Horse models looked better back on PS3 when I played assassins creed three. That is somehow disappointing.
My biggest pet peeve: you cannot throw rocks. I am hopefully either stupid and missed that part or they will introduce it later when I’ve made more progress bc I refuse to believe they got rid of the mechanic at all.
Visually the whole experience is way too cluttered for me personally. The user interface in general is overwhelming and confusing. (Also, again another personal pet peeve, but there is so much reading required when you go to the menu. I really don’t wanna bother with it. I just want to play and progress. At least at the start. For now I don’t wanna read all that and i do not have the focus to do so but I also kinda need to to properly play.) The map itself is large which is impressive and exciting but the way the zoom works makes using it absolutely atrocious! I would like to not zoom in in steps please? and I also want to zoom in more than it allows me to. It makes the map almost useless to me. I wish there was a better key to the map too. A similar issue with the mini map. It’s just not helpful to me because it’s zoomed out too far.
That made it especially difficult for me when I wanted to liberate a road block (those seem to have replaced outposts? I don’t know). I like to stealth and the mini map in FC3 helped me figure out which way enemies were looking. I am not sure if the mini map in FC6 does that too but I had trouble seeing the little dots in general… Enemy marking is unhelpful too. The markers only add to the visual clutter. I wish marked enemies would just stay marked like in other Far Cry games and not only appear behind objects when they are getting close. But then again I don’t even get to really try a stealthy approach because I cannot distract enemies by throwing rocks anyway. At first I did not even register the alarms. I was looking for them but just could not find them.
I am also no fan of the more RPG-esque style. Personally I liked crafting the way it was in FC3, something I missed in 5 actually, where you collected specific animal hides for bigger holsters etc. Personally, I just don’t like always having to seek out a workbench to craft something. Please just let me go to a shop and buy gun attachments. I do not even understand half of the symbols for materials anyways and I really do not care enough to look them all up.
Also incredibly irritating: The subtitles. If there is a way to turn off the auto translation of spanish terms please let me know because it just confuses me to not have what I’m reading match what I’m hearing. I am already confused and overwhelmed. :‘)
The intro sequence was super pretty and interesting but it felt strangely forced and so wannabe James Bond. Generally speaking, it is probably a nice game that has flaws like pretty much any other game but is just not Far Cry anymore. And that makes me fucking sad. So many creative people worked super hard to make this happen and I feel like I cannot even fully appreciate it because it is too far from what a part of the series should be.
It feels a lot like someone tried to make a bootleg FC but avoiding copyright issues at all cost. This breaks my heart. I wish I was able to enjoy it for what it is and not feel “robbed“ of another Far Cry. This is not the devs fault, just my personal issue, but it is still sad.
To be fair though, what I REALLY liked was how you do not have to hold down L3 anymore to keep moving a body after a takedown. I have big heart eyes for that and am mentally showing ubi my tits! The Characters are just as enthralling as I am used to. At least Dani, Clara and Juan are and I am head over heels for them. Especially Dani! She hits all my soft spots.
But Antón? I just don’t care about him. Also not about Diego. Such a shame. Far Cry always lived off their amazing antagonists and they really lucked out with Giancarlos. It makes me sad they did not make more out of it.
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armadil-lo · 5 years
hey so remember how my sister constantly treated me like shit and i decided i’d had enough and cut her out of my life six months ago?
well, i decided to give her another chance because she’s moving all the way across the country again tomorrow (back up near auckland, but a few hours’ drive further north), and i felt kinda weird about leaving things unspoken with her moving so far away. so we met up at my work a few days ago and talked things through. (or rather, i finally told her my side of things - though i should have realised her lack of genuine apology even after that was suspicious.)
but we only had a couple hours to catch up before i had to work that day, so i was like “why don’t you come over to mine on christmas? that way we’re not both alone on the day, that might be nice.” and she agreed.
but today, instead of spending christmas together, she refused to come over and instead picked a fight with me. all the classic things, y’know; attempted guilt tripping, blaming me for her being so disorganised, accusing me of not caring, not understanding my side of things, refusing to back down when i tried to be calm at first because i really didn’t want to fight again.
but of course, eventually i snapped. i’m literally not going to put up with that again. if she wants to start arguments with me and treat me like that only a few days after we tentatively made up after not talking for six months - and on the day before she moves across the country - then that’s her problem. i don’t have to deal with her if she clearly hasn’t learnt anything from me cutting her off the first time.
i honestly don’t know what i was expecting by giving her another chance. she only ever disappoints me. and now i wish i never had because i feel like an idiot and she’s literally ruined christmas. i should have seen it coming. the couple days we were talking again like normal was nice, but it wasn’t worth it. all she does is manipulate and guilt trip and place blame and start shit when it’s totally unwarranted and unnecessary. and i do not need that in my life.
i’m not giving her anymore chances. she’s hurt me enough, and i’m not going to let people get away with thinking they can treat me like that.
#me stuff#i’m sorry this is long but i needed to rant a bit#i’m also sorry if this puts a damper on anyone else’s christmas/holidays#i hope your days were all much better than mine#a BASIC SUMMARY of the argument tonight for those interested#(like. VERY HEAVY paraphrasing here.)#her: i cant come over i’m too busy packing and you won’t come help me#me: oh okay guess i’ll see you in auckland then?#her: k. (a few minutes pass) her: actually fuck you you’re never there for me#me: idk why you’re starting shit??? just calm down and keep packing so you get things done before your flight tomorrow. i’m not mad at you#for not coming over dude. merry xmas.#her: well actually I’M mad at YOU because you NEVER make the effort to come see me.#me: i don’t wanna fight dude. also yeah how do you expect me to drive three hours to see you when i don’t have a license or a car?#her: you missed the point you won’t even walk to come see me when i live 20 minutes away from you#me: no i got that its just a long explanation and i don’t👏🏻want👏🏻to👏🏻fight👏🏻#can we just talk about things next time we see each other?#her: that’ll prob be in 5 years but cool. a long explanation for why you won’t walk 20 minutes? k.#me: mkay you want my explanation? here it is.#me: i’m not GOING to make the effort between us rn bc i still feel that should be up to you. i did my part in agreeing to meet up with you#but that doesn’t mean i have forgiven you or forgotten what you did and said or think that the shit you put me through is okay.#i told you in person that i felt disrespected and unappreciated. and you still never apologised for that.#i said i was sorry for cutting you off and not contacting you sooner bc i am but i’m not sorry for my reasons behind it eg: putting myself#FIRST for once. i didnt have to invite you over today. so i hope you understand why i feel that it is you who owes me the trip to come and#see me and not the other way around.#however i still hope we can meet when i am in auckland next bc i am done missing you.#her (an hour and a half later): you have NO RIGHT to give me shit for moving across the country bc i gave up on you/you don’t care about me/#stop putting words in my mouth/i don’t think what i did was so horrible/etc etc..#me: k i’m not putting up with this. if thats how you feel then there was no point in us getting back in contact. don’t talk to me til you’ve#sorted your life out. (and then i reblocked her everywhere.)#it may seem callous to some but for me it felt necessary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Next Week
( steve harrington x reader )
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in which you just want to rent Back to the Future but every week it has already been rented and every time you come back to check Steve Harrington says it will be back. . . next week and for some reason, you still believe him.
in which two lovesick idiots have to make stupid excuses to talk to each other.
content warning mild cursing, steve being an idiot, the reader being an idiot, robin being the only smart one, and steve's awful description of the back to the future plot
a / n i love steve harrington so here's this... the last piece of happiness on this account before i drop so much angst with no mercy ( and then after that a robin fluff piece ) i believe you can survive this war but before that happens enjoy this mess!!
You had noticed a few things about the video store in Hawkins, Indiana. One, Keith didn’t work there alone anymore. Two, the cute boy working there always made your hands unnecessarily sweaty. And three, they never seemed to have the movies you were looking for. 
It started a few weeks ago. Your sister wanted to watch a movie that weekend after missing the showing of Back to the Future due to the unfortunate mall fire that knocked out a whole block of town. So the two of your drove to the gas station, bought a bunch of junk food, and headed to the video store. Though as soon as you walked in, you noticed the idiot who would quiz you for around twenty minutes on every movie you returned, and no you weren’t exaggerating, your sister had timed it, was no longer at the counter. But instead, the fallen king of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington, him and his hair in all its glory. You weren’t sure how his dethroning as king resulted in him getting stuck working at the video store by the arcade, for half a second you question if it was even him or maybe some weirdly similar look alike. But no, no it was Steve, you would know it anywhere. And just like any day, you had made your way to the counter, smiling at the boy who almost immediately smiled back upon meeting your gaze.
“Hi,” you greeted. 
“Hey,” he replied, reciting the lines Keith had gotten him to memorize after repeating them to him probably fifty times. “I’m Steve, welcome to Hawkins Family Video, where we bring movies to you, what can I do for you today?”
“I know who you are, Steve” you said, though immediately you wished you could turn back time find a time machine and jump backwards at how creepy it sounded. “Shit, I didn’t mean that to sound so creepy! Im sorry, I just, we went to the same high school. Well of course we went to the same high school but you know-”
“No! No, it’s good,” Steve replied, slightly stumbling over his words. “I, uh, I didn't think you were being creepy. What can I do for you today?”
“Oh, yeah, I was looking for Back to the Future,” you replied. 
“Back to the Future’ huh?” He replied.
“Yeah,I didn’t really get to see it after the whole mall burning down and all, you know?”
He only nodded, you noticing him visibly tensing up at you comment. Passing it off as nothing but it being a stranger memory, a tragedy for a small town like Hawkins, something that didn’t happen often. It was weird, the tiniest bit unsettling.
“If i'm being honest, the movie was pretty meh. Like just okay. Pretty low on the movie scale for me. I got to see it, it was a little confusing,” Steve explained, his voice slightly dropping into a whisper. “Not to spoil anything, but I’m pretty sure, the mom in that movie is trying to bang her son...so…”
You stared at him for a second, waiting for him to say he was joking. But nothing came, only silence as you stared back at him with wide eyes, your voice dropping into a whisper to match his. 
“Wait, you aren’t joking?” you asked.
“I mean, I work at a video store, would I be steering you wrong?” He asked.
“There’s no way! No way!” You practically yelled. “That’s messed up, they played that here? How did the PTA at the schools not go insane?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to say! No one believes me,” he agreed. 
“I gotta see this movie,” you said, a quiet laugh escaping at the end of your words.
“Ill go ahead and find that for you,” he offered as he walked backwards towards the back room, bumping into the door in the process. “I’ll be right back.”
And he didn’t lie, not long after the boy headed back out of the backroom, you quickly realizing he was in fact empty handed.
“I’m sorry, just realized someone came in earlier and rented our last copy,” he tried to explain, running a hand through his hair. 
“Oh,”you replied, slightly deflating after the anticipation built up for the movie. “That’s okay, I’ll just rent something-.”
“But you can come back next week!” He interrupted, practically yelling. “It will be back next week…”
“Yeah? Okay. Cool, great! Sounds like a plan,” you replied with a slight nod. “Guess I’ll see you next week?”
“Yep, next week, see you then,” he replied, his words coming out in an awkward kind of manner. 
With a quick smile at the boy, you made your way towards the door, not even noticing that your hands were starting to become extremely clammy. Only stopped by the sound of Steve’s voice once again.
“Hey! What’s your name?” He asked. “You know, so I can keep track of who wants the movie next?”
And so you gave him your name, writing it down on a piece of paper because of his claimed horrible memory watching as he tucked it into his pocket as you exited yhe store. A smile glued to your face and a giddy somewhat nauseating feeling in your stomach as you made your way back into the car, almost forgetting the fact your sister was waiting for you. Scratch that, completely forgetting your sister was waiting for you.
“Did you get the movie?” She asked, practically groaning the sentence out. 
“What?” You asked, buckling your seatbelt.
“The movie” She replied like it was the most obvious thing. “Where is it?”
“Oh! Shit, yeah, that’s why we're here! Um, they didn’t have it, we'll have to watch it next week,” you replied nonchalantly, as something that once would have annoyed you had zero effect on your mood. “The boy who worked there said it would be back next week, wrote my name down and everything.”
The younger girl let out another groan as she dramatically collapsed back into her seat.
“Fine. But don’t expect me to watch the fucking ‘Outsiders’ with you again.”                                                                                                  
And It went on for a few weeks, you making your way to the video store every Friday night with the same answer from the boy. One would question the validity of his statement, that it would be there next week, your sister had called you a fucking idiot. Her newfound revaluation that she could say a curse word without being struck by lightning completely shifting her vocabulary.
One night you even asked for a different movie you were pretty sure no one would be watching, but of course it just so happened to have gotten rented. You didn’t mind though all that much, though you would never admit it out loud, you didn’t mind it at all. Because each time you walked in you were greeted by Steve Harrington and some sort of memorable conversation. Steve Harrington. Who was actually pretty nice company, no matter how much of a dork you had realized he was. And no matter how many times you told yourself to just watch something at your house or borrow something from your friend, you continued to drive up to the same store, only to be given the same answer. And no matter how many times your sister had called you oblivious, you ignored the metaphorical butterflies that attacked the walls of your stomach. Maybe it was those conversations, the conversations that caused you to stay way longer than you intended? The conversations that ranged from joking about Keith to talking about stuff that left the two of you there up until closing. Whatever it was, you couldn’t help yourself from coming back.
Just like any other Friday, you parked your car outside of the store, your sister no longer tagging along as she knew you weren’t getting the movie but instead a hour long conversation she would have to sit through in pure boredom. Opening the door, the little bell rang, and you were immediately caught off guard by someone else at the counter. There stood a girl, close to your age from what you could tell. Her shoulder length blonde hair was covering her face as she looked at some book that laid on the counter. Hesitantly, you made your way to the counter, feeling somewhat out of place without having the perfect haired, idiot staring at you. Like you were in a whole other building.
“Hi,” you stated, the blonde haired girl looking up from her book. Feeling as if this was somehow your first time stopping in.
“Hello,” the girl replied, gaze back on her book as she flipped to the next page.
“I come in here every week looking for Back to the Future, I’m pretty sure Steve has my name written down,” you tried to explain to the girl. “I was just wondering if it was finally here to rent?”
“‘Back to the Future’?” The girl asked, as if you were stupid.
“Yeah…” you replied, doubting yourself for a second. 
“What do you mean it hasn’t been here?” asked the girl, whose name you had picked up as Robin from her name tag. “Nobody has rented that movie for like the past two months.”
“But...I, he told me,” you said, at a loss for words.
“Well Stevie told you wrong,” said Robin, with a slight laugh, setting the book aside to set her full attention on you. “What’s your name again?”
“Y/N,” you simply replied.
“No way! Your’re the famous Y/N?” said Robin with a awestruck kind of enthusiasm. “I have been waiting to meet you. No wonder he was so upset about missing work today. He hates work, I was so surprised he even cared that much that he couldn’t be here but-”
“Famous?” You asked, the word sticking out in the midst of her ramble.
“Yeah, it’s not everyday that Steve Harrington has been so encompassed by a girl that he has to fake that ‘Back to the Future’ isn’t here just to get her back,” Robin said, a laugh following her words, almost bending over from how hard she was laughing. “What an idiot!”
“What do you mean by fake?”
“That it was gone. It was a plan to talk to you again. Oh he’s gonna kill me if he knew I told you,” she explained. “But he needs to get it over with and just ask you out. There is no way he strung it out this long!“
You stood there astonished, not even sure what to say back in response. Now your turn to wear that awestruck looks What were you even supposed to say? Where was the lesson on what to do in this type of situation?
“Is he still here?” You asked, part of you wanting to see him, the other wishing to run away and not look back.
“No matter how much I want to see this go down, sadly he had something today,” she replied. “I’m closing up tonight, but you know, I’m sure he’ll be here next week.”
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Emma To Bruce
Dear Bruce,
Oh, Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. You don’t even know (because you are a diary and you never leave the house). I have spent the day among the mundanes. Not just mundanes. Tourists. All things considered, I’ll take the haunted cursed mansion, thanks.
When last I wrote we found out Ghost!Rupert thinks there’s a cursed object in this Herondale house on Curzon Street here in London. After that we have no idea, which is going to be a big problem because ley lines are, you know, lines, so objects could be anywhere along them. But one thing at a time.
It turns out the National Trust operates tours of the Curzon Street house—and I assume some Herondale in the past was smart enough to get rid of, or at least glamour the heck out of, anything too Shadowhuntery there. It’s advertised as being a recreation of a “typical Edwardian home,” which is close enough to the right time period for our purposes. So we got dressed up in mundane costumes—Jules found an excellent vintage Sex Pistols t-shirt in Arthur and Andrew Blackthorn’s Groovy Chambers of Love —and bought tickets for the 2:00 tour the next day.
What we learned from the house tour is that Edwardian décor mostly would look pretty okay in a modern house! It’s light and airy, lots of soft colors, cool patterned fabric, and so on. Oh, and we also learned the Edwardian movement missed Tatiana Blackthorn entirely, since everything about Blackthorn Hall is the very opposite of light and airy. Julian pointed out that she probably left it the way it was when her father died. Whereas I liked the feel of Curzon Street a lot, it was homey. I actually took a photo of some wallpaper and want to ask Tessa if she remembers who made it and, uh, whether they’re still in business I guess. What’s happened to us? We’re renovating a house. I feel so old.
The tour was fine, I guess, lots of detail about eras and maker’s marks and furniture. People asked ridiculous questions—one of the American couples demanded to know where the piano was and when the guide said sorry, no piano, they got angry and told her that all Edwardian homes had a piano so there must be one, and she had to kind of apologize and move on. It was awkward and I did not feel great about the people of my land.
But mostly I was tuned out of all that. The house was interesting enough. Persian carpets everywhere! An ivory chess set! A pewter-clad bathtub! Oh, there was a framed playbill from the time period that was obviously from some Downworlder nightclub, that was kind of cool. But most importantly, none of these were things enchanted by Tatiana.
I spent most of the time looking for anything that made it clear Shadowhunters lived here. The only thing I really saw was that there were a bunch of weapons used for decoration, which the tour guide noted was not appropriate to the period. Of course you and I know, Bruce, that weapons are always appropriate décor. But it’s like Julian always says, sometimes you don’t even need glamours, because mundanes don’t see what they don’t want to see. Like, the tour guide went on and on about a beautiful jadeite sculpture atop one of the mantels and said nobody knew what the shape was meant to represent. And it was obviously meant to be displaying a sword that is long gone.
Anyway we
Oh, wait.
It’s not long gone. I know where it went. It’s on the dressing table on the other side of the room. I can see it from where I’m writing this.
A real chill just went up my spine, thinking of that. At the house today I was thinking about the people who lived there, James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs, but to be honest I didn’t really feel an emotional connection to them while I was there. Maybe it’s just that all the really personal stuff would have been taken out of the house before it became a museum. But also, just…I didn’t know them. Tessa and Jem did, of course, and Magnus, and heck, maybe some of the other warlocks, I don’t know. But I didn’t, and I never will.
But you know who else knew them? Cortana knew them. I wish I’d brought it with me to the house today. (But nooooo, Julian said only weapons that could be completely concealed. And what if the tour guide had turned out to be an Eidolon demon lying in wait for us? I would have faced it with a bootknife smaller than I’d use to peel an apple with. Though it would have been an Eidolon demon that knew a lot about turn of the century furniture. ANYWAY, we were there to find an object, so let me finish that story.)
We were in one of the spare bedrooms, looking at the scrollwork on the bed or whatever. The tour guide was showing off some of the objects on the bedside tables, and the Sensor went off like crazy.
The tour guide gave us an evil look. “Turn off that phone,” she said to me, and the whole tour group flounced off to another room while I pretended to be trying to find my phone in my extremely ugly waist pack. Jules grabbed the Sensor, and it led us to —  a music-box on the windowsill. A very ugly music box. Well, maybe not ugly. Very overdecorated, just covered in bits and bobs and, like, way too much for a music box. There was a monkey figurine involved. It was a lot. Anyway, it was an excellent example of the mid-Victorian etc etc but also it was an object Tatiana cursed and, I guess, someone liked it enough to find it and bring it back here???
After that it was just a matter of waiting till the tour moved on, glamouring up, grabbing the music box, sneaking back out of there, and hoping nobody who worked there had the Sight. Which they didn’t. So now we have a music box to show Rupert in the morning and ask Tessa about. I hope it wasn’t hers or anything like that. I think of her as having better taste.
Okay, that’s it for now, Bruce. I’m going to go get Cortana so I can reach out and touch it from the bed. Julian always teases me when I do that but tonight it feels right. Catch you later.
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ficsforeren · 2 years
Pairing: Eren Jaeger X Female Reader
Genre: College AU, Smut, Fluff
Word Count: 10K
Summary: Caught having another girl sitting on his lap during a party, your boyfriend, Eren Jaeger tries to make it up to you by being your plaything for the night.
Warnings: rough and unprotected penetrative sex, bondage, daddy kink, reader masturbating while Eren watches, cunnilingus, blow job, hand job, recorded while performing oral sex, overstimulation, cum play, choking, dirty talk, use of marijuana, heavy swearing, dom!reader, bratty sub!eren
AN: Wrote this for my best girl, Lauren @ackersune! Sorry it took me so long to do your request, darling, but I hope you'll like this one (this is probably the filthiest sex scene I've ever written 🥵I'm so sorry)
Poster art by the most talented @rainbuniart (follow her on Twitter)
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When you told him, “Eren, I don’t think I can hang out with you tonight. My assignment is due on Monday and I still have a lot of things I need to work on,” you felt awful, partially because a) you haven’t been properly spending time together with him in the last two weeks because of that so-called assignment, b) you’ve missed him terribly to the point you started noticing how many words in your textbook were pronounced like his name (barren, marron, heron), and c) he seemed surprisingly cool about it even when you had promised him that you’d go see a movie together with him tonight.
Usually, when you cancel your plans with him, he would be grousing and fuming about it for days like a child. A week ago, for example, he was throwing tantrums in the hallway of your dorm. “I can’t believe you blew me off like that,” he complained with the biggest pout on his face. “I was really looking forward to our date last night, you know. I was ready to buy you flowers, flavored condoms, and everything. And Toblerones, so it was a pretty serious thing for me.”
“But you hadn’t bought them, right?”
“Yeah, well, I was about to.” He rolled his eyes. “Babe, you’re missing the point!”
“I said I’m sorry.”
He averted his gaze, muttering. “Easy for you to say.”
“Eren, for the third time, it wasn’t like we had a reservation at some fancy restaurant or anything. We were just going to order some take-out and watch a movie together at your place.”
He was practically puffing out his cheeks at this point. “I was looking forward to what comes after that.”
“And what is that?”
Jutting out his lower lip even further, he grumbled under his breath. “Me bending you over the table and fucking you from behind.”
“Hmm, figured.”
It was both cute, sweet, and slightly disgusting at the same time but Eren had always been like this from day one and this playful side of him was what made him so endearing (although your roommate Annie would probably make a whole PowerPoint presentation to prove you that no, he’s not endearing, he’s the most gigantic imbecile the world has ever known). Honestly, it even made you feel special too, in some ways, as he never behaved like this in front of anyone else. This childish, more honest, and mischievous side of him was only for your eyes to see and your lips to kiss.
That was a week ago, and just this evening you did the same thing to him again.
You expected him to go, “Damn it, babe, you’ve canceled our plans for like, what, seven times already?” (It was only the second time but Eren could be a little dramatic sometimes). “And for the same reason?! I mean, I have papers to work on too, but I’d never ditch you like this!”
But that was in your head. Because in reality, he only went, “Okay.”
“You’re not… upset about it?”
“Do you want me to be upset about it?”
“Err… No, but I thought you’d be—” You stopped yourself just in time. This was a good thing, right? You could work on your assignment without having your boyfriend seethe on the other side of your phone call. “Well, okay, then. I guess we can hang out tomorrow night? I can stay over at your place.”
“Or you can stay at mine. Annie won’t be here.”
You waited. You didn’t know what you wanted him to say but you waited. He wasn’t treating you coldly. His tone was light and casual, but for someone who usually spoke a minimum of ten words in a sentence, this was weird. When you could only hear silence from the other line, you restrained yourself from breaking into a heavy sigh. “So…” you tarried, a little bit unsettled with how uncharacteristically calm he was being. “What are your plans for the night, then?”
“Don’t know.”
“M-maybe you could go and meet up with the boys? It’s been a while since you hang out with them, right? I heard Jean is having a party tonight at his house.”
“You want me to go to the party?”
Honestly? You didn’t. Not if he was going there without you. “Sure,” you added a fake smile, even when you knew he couldn’t see it. “I feel really bad about canceling our plans. Go have a boys' night out or something—if that’s even a thing. I’m sure you’ll have fun.”
There was a pause. Somewhere in your mind, you could tell he was vexed about it but when you apologized again, he simply said, “Okay,” which somehow made him sound like he was not okay with it, but at the same time, you couldn’t force him to say what he truly felt if he didn’t want to. The last time you forced him to speak his thoughts, he snapped at you. He apologized right away but you sure as hell didn’t want to repeat that mistake.
“What do, uhh, boys even do during a boys' night out?” You chuckled dryly.
“We just look at some porn and jerk each other off, I guess,” Eren answered and you chortled, but he wasn’t laughing with you and yours felt strained. After another few failed attempts at breaking the tension, you decided to end the call. “Well, I gotta return to my papers. Promise me you’ll have fun tonight, okay?”
His okay started to grow a little bit worrying and irritating in your ears. “Bye, Rennie.”
“Bye, babe.”
“I miss yo—” Eren cut off the call before you could finish your line, leaving you staring at your phone screen with knitted eyebrows. Your stomach swirled, your heart lying heavily inside your chest. You tossed your phone back to the desk and you sighed. He’s definitely upset.
That was around five hours ago, and during those five hours, you could barely concentrate on your work. You kept thinking about him, kept trying to figure out whether his okay was just a facade to make you feel okay, though, in the end, it just only made you feel ten times worse. You only managed to write two more pages for your thesis and they were nowhere near perfect. Shutting down your MacBook, you sigh, I’m gonna have to revise them again later.
Eren is at the party. You can tell because Armin just posted a new story on his Instagram account and you could see your boyfriend sitting on the edge of the table with his eyes filled with boredom, sipping beer from his red plastic cup. Armin, Marco, and Frans are shouting random things at the camera, slurring their words because unlike Eren who can handle his alcohol pretty well, they’re already smashed after their fourth cup. He’s just chilling in the background, his legs dangling a few inches off the floor. When Armin shouted at him to say hi, he just raised his middle finger in the air and flashed it to the camera.
It’s obvious that he’s not enjoying the party as he should. And you know that he would’ve had much more fun if you were there. Can’t stand it any longer, you decide to take a quick shower, put some light make-up on and dress yourself in your favorite top and jeans. You don’t send him a text to let him know that you’re going to Jean’s party, thinking that it would be better to just show up and surprise your boyfriend with a kiss.
Just about an hour later, you’re walking past Jean’s front door, welcomed by the scent of sweat mixed with booze, cigarettes, with a splash of something that will definitely give you a headache tomorrow morning. The music is loud, too loud, but people are dancing to it with laughs and giggles like their ears aren’t about to burst in any given seconds.
You break past the crowds, moving from one couple to another, grimacing at the sight of them practically fucking on the dance floor. You’re getting dizzy, your eyes trying to scan the room under the flickering party lights, your body keeps being pushed here and there by people who spilled their drinks all over the carpet. You’re about to stop and take a breather when you see someone sporting his usual jacket and man-bun, sitting on a couch with his legs spread.
And a half-naked girl sitting on top of his lap.
Your heart plummets to your stomach, shriveling at the sight. Historia Reiss, you recall her name, one of the most popular girls in your campus, dressed in nothing but a skimpy silk tank top and a short skirt that rides up her thighs. Her backside is practically exposed, showcasing porcelain-like milky skin. She’s sitting on one of his thighs, her arm naturally winding around your boyfriend’s shoulders for support, tossing her luscious hair back to showcase her cleavage. Her beauty is stunning, to the point that you would’ve mistaken her as a model if it wasn’t because of her short height.
Eren, with the silver piercing on his ear glinting under the spectrum of light, has his eyes barely opened when she twirls her manicured fingers around his key-shaped pendant—fingers that, you’re sure, are just itching to rake their way down his back later tonight. He has a joint resting in one hand, the scent of marijuana filling the air. He brings the roll up to his lips, taking another long huff before he draws it away. The petite girl curls her fingers around his wrist and drags his hand closer, taking a drag from his joint, maintaining eye contact as she does it. Eren watches with hazy eyes, entranced by the way she effortlessly does it, blowing out air with her head thrown back so he can marvel at the column of her throat. When she giggles, a little smile breaks upon his lips. “Good?” He asks.
“Oh, the best,” she sighs, flirtatious and sensual. “Do it again.” You can somehow make out the words she said and Eren brings the joint closer to her lips but she shakes her head. “You know what I mean.”
When realization washes over him, it washes over you too. And when he draws his joint to his lips, sucking a breath, that does it.
You turn around on your heels; anger and jealousy scratching their claws against your insides, making you feel nauseous and disgusted at the sight that you have no other choice but to leave. As you make your way out, your head’s too shrouded by the thoughts of him that you can barely pay attention to anything else, you bump against a girl. She shouts at you, loud enough for Eren—who’s sitting just a couple of meters away from where you’re standing—to hear. He catches sight of you before you leave, eyes widening in surprise before he pushes Historia off his lap. Ignoring her protest, he jumps back to his feet, chasing after you.
You can hear your name being called repeatedly, but you play deaf. It’s such a huge fucking mistake coming over here and you know you’re going to feel even much worse if you stay even a minute longer. But when Eren catches your wrist, his fingers firm and strong around you, what else can you do?
“Baby,” he says, a little out of breath but other than that, nothing else seems unusual. “I didn’t realize you came. You should’ve let me know—”
“So you can do what?” You whirl around, facing him with a scowl. “So you could be more secretive? Take her to the bedroom and fuck her behind my back?” A voice in your head tells you that you're just being dramatic. It’s very unlikely for him to cheat on you, is it? But after working yourself for days trying to finish your thesis, all this exasperation building inside, it’s hard for you to not be dramatic.
“What?” He’s not offended, not insulted by the tone you’re using. He’s just genuinely confused. “What are you talking about?”
You open your mouth, ready to shout at him with this anger building up inside but you don’t want to cause a scene. It’s just not worth it. You’re not going to make your life look like a sappy scene from a teen drama more than it already does. So, instead of explaining, you simply mutter, “I’m going home,” as you turn around and walk away. You snatch your phone from your pocket, ready to call for a cab to pick you up when he tries to steal your attention back.
“Let me take you then,” he says, moving to stand before you, blocking your path. “I’m about to head back to the dorm too.”
“I’m just gonna take a cab.”
“Babe, seriously, what the hell is going on?” He almost whines in frustration, acting like he didn’t just have a girl sitting on his lap with her hands on his body, about to do the same thing he did once with you when he took you to your first frat party. “Talk to me, please.”
You can’t. Not now. But Eren gathers your face in his hands, lifting it so he can lock your gazes. “Baby,” he turns gentler, his breath tastes like alcohol and weed. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”
Whatever I did, I’m sorry? You repeat with disgust in your head. Never had an apology sounded so infuriating in your ears before. You take a hold of his wrist, leaning away from his touch. And with a quiver in your voice, coming from uncontainable rage instead of sadness, you tell him:
“Stay away from me.”
You’re being immature, you know that. You don’t like him when he gives you a silent treatment but you’re doing the same thing to him now. For three days you’ve been ignoring his calls. You haven’t read his texts. You pretend like you don’t hear him when he shouts your name in the crowd. You try to avoid him as best as you can in the hallways. Hell, you even ask Annie to tell him that you’re not in the dorm even when you’re curling up on your bed. But of course, you can’t avoid him forever.
When he goes all the way to pick you up after your study session with friends ended, asking you to grab some coffee together, you feel bad and unfair. You wish you could talk to him, but every time you see his face, you just remember the way Historia was perched so casually on his lap as if they had done that a million times before. Did they use to date? Or do they just casually hook up at parties? God, you don’t even want to start thinking about that.
“Thank you,” you tell him with a forced smile. “But I’m tired. I’m just gonna go back to my dorm and get some sleep.”
Eren is starting to lose his patience, you can tell, but he tries his best not to display any sentiment on his face. “I’m walking you there.”
“I insist.”
The pressure in his voice makes you sigh, and you let him do what he wants. It feels like you’re walking ten feet apart from each other even when your knuckles almost brush. Eren grinds his jaw, fighting the chaos of his emotions. He doesn’t speak a word and neither do you. You thought it would make you feel relieved, but it didn’t. You only feel worse.
“Is Annie here?” he asks when you’re rummaging your bag to find your key.
“No. She’s with Armin.”
“Then we should talk.”
Defeated, you let out a weary sigh. “Fine.” You push your door open and let him in.
He walks in first, turning around to face you. He looks handsome today, more so than usual as he had a presentation to do earlier this afternoon. He’s wearing all black from head to toe. His button-down shirt has three of his top buttons unfastened, showcasing a glimpse of sun-kissed skin and his toned chest. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, the veins in his arms protuberant. His dark jeans hug his thighs perfectly, accentuating his long legs. Eren wears his hair loose, the ends of his long silky strands brushing against his shoulders.
The second you close the door behind you, he cuts to the chase. “Okay, this is starting to drive me crazy, so I’m gonna ask you this and you’re gonna stop doing whatever it is you’re doing right now and talk to me. Can we do that, please?”
You drag your eyes away from him, leaning your back against the front door.
“What did I do wrong?” he questions, already turning restive when you don’t utter a word. “I know you’re pissed at me but I’ve been spending the last three days trying to rewind everything that happened between us and I still don’t know what the hell is going on.”
God, give me patience. “I saw you at the party,” you utter with a blank face. “With a girl.”
“With a girl?” He knits his eyebrows together. “What do you mean with a girl? I went there alone.”
That’s it. He can play dumb as much as he wants but you’re not having it. “Historia Reiss, you asshole!”
For a moment, his furrow turns deeper, scrutinizing you with confusion in his eyes, but then—
He laughs.
For some reason, Eren is laughing like a fucking child, full of mirth, guffawing even. And he continues to do so even when you’re throwing ice daggers with your eyes.
“What is so funny?” You don’t raise your voice, you just let your anger speak through your tone.
“Nothing, it’s just—” He takes a deep breath, hoping it would stop him from cackling like a mad man. His body may stop shaking from laughter, but the little smile on his lips remains and it irks you just as much. “You’re being so ridiculous right now.”
“Excuse me?” A muscle in your jaw twitches, just like the vein that almost pops on your forehead. “I’m being ridiculous?”
“Yes,” he almost laughs again, but thankfully—and fortunately for him—he manages to stop himself at the last second. “It’s ridiculous that you’re jealous of her. She’s gay, babe.” His grin turns wider when he notices you blinking in surprise. “She’s not into boys.”
Okay, what? If it’s true, then you’re absolutely ashamed of yourself for jumping to a conclusion like that. But then again— “She doesn’t look like that when you had your face glued to her neck the other night.”
“I was just talking to her. The music was loud—”
“Oh, yeah, right.”
He doesn’t like it when you cut him off, but he doesn’t comment on it. “Fine. You don’t believe me?” He sticks his hand inside the back pocket of his jeans, snatching his phone. “Here, you can look at my texts.”
You snort, throwing your face to the side. “I don’t want to read your texts.”
He takes a few strides forward, closing the gap between you. He shows you his phone screen, his voice turning gentle. “Just read them.”
Still scowling at him, you let out a harsh breath, taking the phone away from his fingers. You’re looking at his Discord chats, where he’s been exchanging direct messages with the same blond girl under the username RoyalQueen_Historia. Your eyes immediately move from one text to another, your thumb sliding up the screen to scroll down to his earlier messages.
Eren, oh my God, Historia said in her text. Those tips you gave me at the party the other day? THEY WORKED!
“Tips?” You ask with a frown. “You gave her some tips?”
Oblivious to your thoughts, he cheekily grins. “I did.”
“About what?”
“Oral sex.”
“You taught her how to suck a dick?” Naturally, your mind starts inventing scenarios of Eren telling Historia to go down on her knees, his hand tugging at the roots of her hair as he slides his cock in and out of her mouth, telling her to do this and that to maximize his pleasure. You don’t feel like reading his chats anymore, but Eren keeps his haughty smirk displayed on his face.
“Go on,” he suggests. Fear is absent in his eyes. “Read some more and you’ll find out.”
With your mouth set in a hard line, you do as you’re told, only to find yourself turning flustered for the next three seconds.
They were talking about her performing cunnilingus on her girlfriend, Ymir.
Holy shit, Eren, she went INSANE when I went down on her last night. No wonder your girlfriend fucking loves you. I can’t wait to try your other tips later today. You’re a lifesaver.
You’re stupefied, clutching on his phone with both hands as you read her last text.
“Yeah, see?” He simpers. “She’s gay.”
Now that you look at it—your thumb tapping on her profile to take a closer look at her display picture—you can see a photo of her sharing a kiss with a girl who has freckles on her cheeks. Their lips as they touch are noticeably curving up into smiles.
Oh, wow, okay, she really is a lesbian. And so, you feel relieved, but only for a few seconds before you realize something.
With a little gulp, you look up at him. Eren’s puckish grin has returned, his chin tilting up pompously. “I mean, I could be mean and make fun of you about this,” he sneers, taking his phone away and tossing it to your bed. “But since I’m a good boyfriend, I won’t do it.”
You exhale heavily through your nose. It's stupid. This is stupid. You’re stupid. You know you should say sorry but somehow your dignity won’t let you.
“Wait, what did you say?” Eren inclines his face to the side, his hand cupping his ear as if to hear you better when you haven’t said a single word. “You said you’re sorry? Aww, baby, you don’t have to. I know you didn’t mean what you said.”
You almost snarl at him. His childish side has returned and he’s as annoying as ever. “I will apologize for this, yes,” you say through gritted teeth. “But I still have my reasons to be mad at you.”
His smile slips. “What do you mean?”
God, you can’t believe you have to explain this to him but your boyfriend can be so laid-back and insensitive sometimes. “Okay, let’s imagine for a sec. You know Floch is gay, right? Now, imagine me sitting on his lap at a party, my hand around his shoulders, sharing joints. Asking him to fucking blew smoke into my mouth. How would you feel about it?”
There’s no amusement on his face. If anything, a scowl starts to form. “Historia and I did not do that.”
“Eren, I saw her telling you to do it.”
“Did you see me doing it?”
You loosen up your scarf. Somehow, it’s starting to feel a bit hot. “Well… No.”
“Yeah, cause you ran off after that.” He rolls his eyes. “Babe, she wasn’t asking me to blow smoke into her mouth. She wanted to see me do my party trick.”
“What party trick?”
“Making smoke rings with my mouth,” he admits rather bashfully as if he knew just how pathetic it sounded. “Look, Historia and I have been friends since kindergarten, okay? We do stupid shits together.”
“How come I’ve never seen you before with her, then?”
“Because I’d rather spend my time with you!” He almost shouts, frustrated. “And you keep blowing me off!”
His sudden burst startles you. “I wasn’t blowing you off.”
“I know. I know you had some stuff to do but—” He exhales sharply, running a hand through his hair. “Look,” he tries again, both his tone and his gaze are much softer this time. “I don’t want us to fight.”
Even if you try to be tough, you can’t help but melt a little from his words. Tucking your chin, you mumble, “I don’t want us to fight either.”
There are a few seconds that pass by with both of you staying reticent. Then Eren takes the final step, your bodies are mere inches away from one another. He lays one hand on the door, right beside your head. His other one finds your chin, angling your face upward. Your eyes peer into his viridian ones, his lips only a breath away when he whispers, “Do you miss me?”
You do. You missed him every second when he wasn’t here. You missed him even when you fought. You miss him even more now as he is so close and yet feels so far. “I do,” you breathe out. His smile is delicate when he hears your words and he presses your temples together. The fingers that were trapping your chin, have now moved to frame your jaw, lightly brushing your cheekbone before he tucks your hair behind your ear.
“Tell me how much?” He asks, tilting his head slightly to the side like a little boy.
You pout. “Are you messing with me?”
“No,” he chuckles once. “I just want to hear you say the words. It’s been a while since you told me you missed me. Or loved me.”
There’s a hint of shyness in his voice, and you realize that he’s not teasing you. He genuinely misses the way you sound when you tell him I miss you. Misses the way your lips move when you speak the words I love you. Misses the way your gaze turns affectionate when he whispers the words back followed by your name.
Eren really, really misses you, probably more than you miss him.
And to be fair, no matter what excuses you have, you did blow him off. “I’m sorry,” you murmur, standing on your toes to meet his lips in a brief kiss. “For not spending time with you. And for… doubting you like this.”
“No, like you said, you had your reasons.” A tender smile graces his lips. “I mean, right now, I’m still upset over the thought of you sitting on that dumbass Ken doll’s lap.”
You giggle. “You’re ridiculous.”
“God, how much I’ve missed hearing you laugh like this.” He brushes his lips against your forehead, making you smile as you feel your heart warm up. “How about I make it up to you?”
“I’m not gonna have sex with you, if that’s what you’re offering,” you reply, to both of your dismay, really.
“Why not?”
“‘Cause Annie can come back here any second.”
“We’ll tell her to wait outside.” He lowers his head, his nose skimming against the skin of your neck. “I haven’t touched you in two weeks, baby. I need to feel you again.” He moves to your ear, clamping his lips around your lobe. “Need to feel you around me.” The way his breath caresses your skin makes you shiver. “Need to feel how tight you are.”
And he’s back to being the tantalizing demon that he is, speaking breathily against your ear because he knows just how sexy he sounds when he does it. That little mmm when he nibbles on your shell isn’t helping either.
You lay a hand on his chest, pushing him away. “Jesus, you can’t just say stuff like that.”
He snickers, tapping his index finger against your nose. “You seem to enjoy it.”
“Oh, shut up.” You swat his hand away. “What can you offer me anyway?”
“Hmm…” He pretends to ruminate but the naughtiness in his eyes never falters. Then, his hand finds his belt, fingers toying with the strap before he unclasps it. “How about we use this?”
“You want to tie me up?” You almost groan. “You’re kidding, right? The last time you did that to me, I ended up with bruises all over my body, so, no. As great as it was, I’m too tired to do it again. And I have a presentation to do tomorrow. I don’t want my hickeys stealing the spotlight again, thank you very much.”
“Well, maybe it’s time for you to get your revenge.” As you frown, his smirk turns wider. He unbuttons his shirt all the way down, keeping his eyes on you as he does it. You try to keep a straight face as your eyes wander to his sculpted chest, the ridges of his abdomens are just as ravishing as the last time you saw them.
“What do you mean?”
“I want you to tie me up.”
Okay, so obviously you did not see that coming. Eren has always been the dominant one in bed, sometimes even going too overboard with his fingers wrapped around your neck and his teeth sinking into your shoulder. You weren’t kidding when you said the last time he bound your hands together in a motel room, he left your body with bruises, painted by his lips and teeth, formed by how tightly he gripped onto your hips as he took you from behind.
So, hearing him say the words tie me up almost feels surreal.
This is probably just a trick, you snort. “You’re just gonna complain halfway.”
“Well, true, I do like tying you up better,” he snickers. “Why don’t we make it a game, then? If you can make me beg for you to release my hands, I’ll do your assignments for a week.”
It’s tempting. Very tempting, as he is one of the smartest kids on your campus even when he’s only been giving a minimum effort so far. “And what if I can’t?”
“Well…” Placing both hands on the wall, each one on each side of your head, Eren presses his hips against yours, grinding as if you were two strangers losing themselves over a drink in a nightclub. Your heart throbs when you feel the tent in his pants. It’s been a while since you both were this intimate. You can feel his breath caressing your cheek, the intoxicating scent of his bergamot perfume making your head swirl. “We’re gonna go on a trip this weekend.” He lazily drags his fingertips from your cheekbones to your jaw. “I’ll book a nice hotel for two days.”
He’s now tracing over the pulsating vein in your neck, making you swallow your breath. “A-and then what?”
“I’m not gonna let you fucking leave, that’s for sure.” He bites his lower lip, his eyes turning half-lidded, glazed with lust. “And I won’t just tie you up, baby.” His hand cups the front of your throat, giving you a light squeeze just for a taste. His lips are brushing against your ear, his low moan reverberating when he plants a wet kiss on the spot below it. “Won’t stop even if you beg me either.” He chuckles in satisfaction when he feels you shivering a little underneath his touch. “I’m gonna ruin you, fuck you until you cry. I want to fuck you until you can't walk or talk, or fucking see straight. I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you'll feel like you can’t breathe.” He separates his mouth to suck hard on the side of your neck, teeth grinding against it until a bruise blooms beautifully on your skin. “I’ll keep fucking you until you pass out on my bed, voice hoarse from screaming out my name. I’m gonna use you, baby girl, every inch of you as I please.”
His words are magic spells and it’s frightening how easily you succumb to him when he’s like this. If he wants it, Eren can tug on your strings like a marionette. He can make you say the words he wants to hear, make you arch your back with his thrust, bend you over and fold your body in half as if you’re his sex doll.
“But,” he coos, taking a step away to let you breathe. “I won’t do that just yet. Like I said, I’m gonna make it up to you.”
Eren unties his belt, looping the end once through the buckle, stopping midway, before looping back, forming a figure 8. Then he places his wrists in each loop, grabbing the end of the belt with his teeth and tugging tightly until each loop is snug around his wrists. He releases the belt from his lips, mischief clouding his features, the impishness of his smirk surpasses the devil himself. “I’m all yours for the night, baby.” He presents his wrists to you in surrender. “Mark me up and use me as you will.”
You never considered yourself as a shy person, though you did have a few moments of weakness where his words got to your head and burned your cheeks with them. But you’re not easily flustered, always confident with your body. And when you have a lover telling you how pretty you are every time you get together, his lips appreciating every inch of your skin like you’re a piece of art, there’s no reason for you to feel insecure.
But tonight… Tonight, you’re more brazen than ever.
“Hmm, is that so?” Your smirk matches his when you step forward and slant your lips together. It starts light as you’re both still smiling into the kiss, but once they falter, tongues dart out to dance in the gap between your mouths before you plunge yours inside his hot cavern. Eren groans against the kiss, realizing that it’s not the taste of your lip gloss that he misses, it’s the taste of your mouth. Your hands are sliding up his chest, pushing down the fabric off his shirt just a little until they hang loose on his shoulders.
He grunts when he feels your nails clawing against his skin, raking them down from his collarbone to the middle of his stomach until he’s all marred with red lines. Your hands drift down to his belt, unfastening it from around his wrists. He breaks the kiss, asking you with a questioning brow. “You’re not gonna tie me up?”
You don’t answer him, only winding one arm around his neck, pulling him down to you to share yet another kiss. Eren guides you toward the bed, his body pushing forward until the back of your knee knocks against your bed. You know he wants you to lie down and spread your legs for him, but you don’t give him the satisfaction. You have his belt in one hand, your lips mapping their way down from his throat to the middle of his chest before you drive him away.
“On your knees.”
There’s something in your tone—reek with confidence and superiority—that staggers him for the first two seconds. “What?”
“You want to make it up to me, right?” You remind him with a sultry heat in your eyes. “Kneel.”
He doesn’t know what you’re planning to do just yet, but he obeys because whatever it is you have in your head, he knows he’ll love it.
Eren goes down to his knees, waiting with a little smirk on his face as you circle him. “You can still touch me if I tie you up that way, so…:” You bind his hands together behind his back, tightening his belt around his wrists and tugging on it until you witness him flinching. “Too tight, Sweetheart?” You murmur in a low seductive voice that has his body shuddering, but Eren simply chuckles.
“Not tight enough—” The cockiness in his voice vanishes at once when he feels you pulling again, the leather edges of his belt are now digging torturously into his skin. He refrains himself from hissing in pain.
“There, there.” You give him a cute peck on the top of his head before you move to stand before him once again. “Bear with me, okay, Rennie? It will only be a little while.” But once a thought fleets through your head, a Cheshire Cat grin paints your lips. “Well, actually, it depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“How fast you make me cum.”
That provocative look in your eyes, the way you’re staring down at him like you’re his queen and he’s nothing but your slave, it touches him on a level that makes breathing damn near impossible. But you haven’t even started yet.
You undress in front of him, peeling your clothes one by one as if you had all the time in the world but Eren feels like his time is running out. The more skin you expose to his eyes, the more he grows impatient, his blood pressure rising to dangerous proportions. Once you’ve left in nothing but your lingerie, you take a seat on the edge of your bed, spreading your legs wide apart. His eyes traverse down your body, watching you slide two fingers above your clothed heat.
“Now, sit back and watch,” you croon with your chin tilted up, your fingers pushing your panties to the side. You spread open your lips, letting him catch a glimpse of your protruding clit. “I’m gonna remind you just how much you miss me.”
“God, baby…” Eren doesn’t mean his words to slip out in a form of a breathy sigh that’s sketched with nothing but yearning. But now that they've departed from his lips, he just wishes you don’t hear them. He doesn't want you to know just how hopeless he is right now. But who is he kidding, really? Even if you didn’t catch his words, his face is filled with that intense desire that threatens his last vestige of control. He needs you and it shows.
But of course, you did. You heard him well. And you love it.
Eren is losing his mind.
He’s still kneeling on the floor, keeping his mouth shut as he observes you with both eyes wide open, just as he's ordered to. He may look obedient right now, but you know the second you unbind him, he’s going to use his belt on you like last time. The bed is high enough for his mouth to pleasure you with ease in that position, but you keep your distance. You’re not going to let him touch you, not yet.
Now that your lingerie has been cast aside, the sight of your beautiful, naked body evokes a myriad of sinful thoughts and bombard him with primal hunger. You’ve never done this before, never gone all the way seducing him like a devil luring an angel to fall from heaven. But Eren wants to fall, doesn’t he? He’s already falling.
The belt around his wrists feels like it’s sinking a millimeter lower into his skin every time he tries to break free. The pain reminds him to stay put, but it doesn’t wash away his craving. If anything, it just makes his blood boil, wanting to tear you apart.
Because look at you. Sitting with your legs wide open at the edge of your bed, your bottom lip tucked irresistibly between your teeth, your heavy gaze consuming him. You have one hand pressed against the sheets behind you, propping you up as you draw obscene circles on your clit. Keeping your eyes locked together, you probe your digits against your entrance, just taking a few of your juices before you raise them to your lips. Eren’s throat feels parched when he watches you push your fingers inside, wishing you were thrusting them inside his mouth instead. Hollowing your cheeks around them, you suck and lap every bit of your taste off your fingers. Now that they're lubricated with enough saliva, you bring them back to your heat.
When he asked you to tie him up, Eren didn’t think you were going to be such a fucking tease. He expected you to go down on him, to bounce on his lap as you fuck yourself and cum on his cock. He didn’t plan to go through this torture, as exhilarating as it is.
He pitches his voice low. “Baby.”
Your confidence transforms your face, making you look ten times more enchanting. Even with two of your fingers scissoring deep inside you, you show no hint of shyness. You’re a succubus and he is your prey, trapped under your spell and dazed from your charm. “Hmm?” Your voice is dripping with allure, melodious when you speak. “What is it, Rennie?” You bring your free hand to your chest, squeezing your left mound. You’re performing a show, maintaining eye contact before he locks his gaze at the way you’re pumping your fingers inside you. “Like what you see?”
So much, it knocks all senses away from his head. Eren swears under his breath, his eyes turning half-lidded, brimming with lust. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
“I know.” The naughtiness in your voice makes his cock twitch inside his jeans.
It’s like you were possessed. The devil’s inside you, controlling you. You’re overflowing with confidence, your expression is obscene and Eren would think about you for months after this with his hand around his cock, picturing this exact face of yours behind his lids as he thrust into his fist.
“Let me touch you,” he says, not yet pleading but close. “I want to make you cum.”
“Hmm, I don’t know about that,” you interrupt yourself with a moan, throwing your head back as you lift your hips slightly in the air, rocking yourself against your fingers. He feels like he's watching the filthiest porn, only this time, he's not allowed to enjoy it. “You can’t touch me with your hands like that, can you? Let alone make me cum.”
“Is that a challenge?” It astonishes you that he still has the strength to curve up his lips into a smirk. “Why don’t you be a good girl and beg Daddy to fuck you nicely with his tongue?”
You snort. “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“What, too scared?” His smile turns coquettish. “The last time I used my mouth on you, you came in, like, what, five minutes? It was almost embarrassing, Sweetheart.”
You almost roll your eyes. It seems like you need to work a lot harder to break him apart.
But the truth is, that was his last straw on trying to act cocky. And seeing you unfazed by his words only frustrates him even more. The second you return to ignoring him, touching yourself as you please, Eren realizes that he’s been dancing on the palm of your hands from the start. He knows you want him to lose the bet, and God, he’s never wanted to lose this much in his life, which is strange as he’s a very competitive person to begin with. But doing your assignments for a week? When he already has his own to deal with? And keeping up with your constant mockery? Really?
“Eren, look.” With one hand hooked around your thigh to keep your legs as far apart as you can, you retract your fingers away from your entrance only to spread your lower lips. “Can you see it?”
His heart elevates to his throat and he tries to swallow it back with a big gulp. He can see it. Can see your slick dripping out of your heat, can see your hole twitching as you clench and unclench your walls around nothing. “It’s missing your cock, baby,” you say.
A whine almost escapes him. “Fuck, just come here and ride me, baby.” He doesn’t care if he sounds desperate. He is desperate. “I want you—I need you so bad.”
Now, that’s more like it, you think gleefully to yourself. “Oh, you do? I didn’t notice that.”
Every tease comes out so effortlessly that it vexes him even more. His jeans are tight, so tight especially when his member is throbbing with every thrust of your fingers inside your cunt. He wants nothing more than to have your hands working on his zipper, breaking him free out of his confinement only for you to take it inside your mouth.
You can laugh all you want, but your patience has its own limit too. He’s not the only one who misses how good it feels when your bodies are connected, especially when you've been separated this long. “Fine,” you huff, sliding your fingers out of you. They're soaked, glistening under the fluorescent light. Stepping down the bed and kneeling in front of him to match his line of vision, you smear your juices on his face by dragging your fingers from his jaw to his cheek before you slip them past his lips. “Come on,” you taunt him. “Clean them up.”
Releasing a heavy breath through his nose, Eren sucks on your fingers, moaning lowly on your taste. You slide them out, letting him swirl his tongue around your tips before you push them back in. “Good boy.” Your velvety voice offers no comfort, only causing his impatience to race through him. You shift your hand down to his jeans, cupping his bulge. He almost whimpers at the sensation. Fuck, he’s so aroused it’s not even funny that the slightest of your touch feels like a fucking blessing to him.
“Oh my,” you fake a gasp. “Eren, you’re so hard down here. You should’ve let me know.”
“I’m gonna make you pay for this,” he hisses back but the second you stroke him again, the venom on his tone turns pathetic. "Baby—"
“Aaw,” you pout, batting your eyelashes cutely at his whine. “Didn’t you say that this was my chance to get my revenge?”
Eren’s entire brain has shut down. With a harsh grunt, he snaps, “Damn it, enough with the teasing. You can’t keep—”
You slap a palm over his mouth, leaving him stunned. "I can." His eyes largen, surprised at the way your honeyed voice suddenly turns perilous. “Keep running your mouth like that and I’m not gonna let you cum,” you utter, ending the pressure in your sentence with a conceited smile. “You got that, baby?”
Eren watches you without a word when you unfasten your hair tie from your wrist, still too shocked to form one. “As much as I love seeing you with your hair down.” You reach forward to gather his strands in your hands, tying his luscious locks up in a messy bun. “I don’t want it to get in the way.”
Of what? He wonders, but he gets his answer the second you rise back to your feet. Your cunt is just a few inches away from his face. All he has to do to get a sliver of your taste is tilt his head up slightly and dart out his tongue. “You want me to sit on your cock?” You place your hand at the back of his skull, guiding him forward. “You better warm me up.”
His stomach flips at your words—no, your command. You’ve never been this controlling, never been this demanding and dominating and he thought he would hate it, as it was supposed to be his role to play, but now that he finds himself quite literally kneeling and begging for you to fuck him, he realizes that there’s only one thing that courses through his veins.
It feels humiliating at first when his realization dawns on him. Am I a fucking masochist? He shouts internally but he’ll never let you know his thoughts. It’s not just your words that electrified him, it’s the way you said them. God, you look like a goddess right now. And it's only right for him to worship you.
He starts by placing a kiss on your clit, waiting for your reaction but you give him none. He parts his lips, the sweet, tight-lipped kiss is now replaced by a wet, open-mouthed one. “Stick out your tongue,” you say, grabbing a handful of his bun, and he follows. You grind on it, rubbing your heat against his face, the tip of his nose grazing your clit one second and your pelvis on the next one. “Keep your eyes on me.”
Eren’s emerald eyes move to yours, drooping as he feels your wetness coating his tongue. He can’t speak, you don’t give him the chance to. For a moment, you continue moving your hips, driving yourself to the edge and driving him to the brink of his sanity. He’s making a mess—well, you both are. His saliva is dripping down his chin, mixed with your juices.
When you release him to let him catch his breath, Eren finally surrenders. “Untie me.”
“Oh?” Your smirk returns instantly. “You want me to release your hands?”
“Yes,” he snarls through gritted teeth.
“Hmm, let me think about it for a sec.” You bend down, your face hovering right above his as you gather him in your hands. “No.”
His jaw drops, baffled. “What?! I thought we've agreed that you'd release me if I said the words—”
“Yes, but you’re good with your tongue, aren’t you?” Eren’s eyes glint, aroused by the degrading look on your face. “Can make me cum in five minutes, you said? Well, here you go.” You push his head back toward you again, causing him to let out a sharp breath when his nose is pushing against your pelvis. “Better start working on your magic before I lose my patience.”
Your hand is on his head, fingers fisting his strands and messing up his bun. He groans at the way you’re tugging on his roots, his sound muffled by your skin. Sighing in content, you raise one leg in the air and place your foot on the bed so he can reach more of your skin.
“Play with my clit,” you tell him. You know he doesn’t need your guide. You’re just saying the words because you know how much it will drive him insane.
Eren, given no other choice, follows your every word. He has your sensitive nub pressing against his tongue as he clamps his mouth fully on your heat. He sucks on your clit, making you hiss in pleasure. “Again,” you gasp, “Do it again. Feels so good, Ren.”
After being mocked consistently, your praise sparks fire in the pit of his stomach. He’s never seen this side of you before—this beautiful woman in front of him, begging for his touch but at the same time, owning every control over him.
“I want to make you fucking squirt on my face,” he says, dragging his lips to your inner thigh, biting and suckling hard on the soft skin until it’s bruised before he returns to lap on your juices. “Untie me and I’ll do it within seconds with my fingers.”
“Make me cum with your mouth first,” you taunt in return. “Then you can touch me.”
The way he almost growls when he says his next words light your skin on fire. “Spread that fucking cunt wider then.”
“Sure,” you say, but to his surprise, you plop down to the bed, parting your legs to showcase your swollen clit. He grins, it’s easier to eat you out like this, as he doesn’t have to keep his face toward the ceiling. But when he’s about to lower his head, you push him away with your feet pressing against his chest. His forehead creases in confusion. “Beg,” you vocalize, your toes playing with his necklace. “Say: ‘baby, please, let me fuck you with my tongue.’”
Fuck your mouth upside-down, bend you over in an abandoned classroom, maybe even take you from behind and press your nude body against the window of a hotel room where people can see—Eren has already come up with multiple scenarios on how to make you pay for this but right now, he just has to bear with it. “Baby, please,” he mimics, but his tone is unsatisfying.
“I’m sure you can do better.” You snigger. “Come on, darling. Put your heart into it.”
He bites back his anger but his eyes still gleam dangerously as his patience runs thin. “Baby, please.”
“Please what?”
“Please, let me fuck you with my tongue.”
“Good boy." You lay yourself down on the bed, hooking your arms under your thighs, pulling up your legs. “I’m all yours, Ren.”
Eren doesn’t wait for even a second to pass. He doesn’t play around anymore, changing pace from slow to fast without waiting for you to adjust. You moan, fingers buried deep in his hair, holding the back of his head as you move your hips to grind against his face.
He runs his tongue, flicking up and down your folds in a way that is so obscene, you feel like you have to shift your gaze away. But you don't. You commit every bit of his expression into his memory, probably take a picture of him if you can.
Now, that's an idea.
With your hand on his head, you push him away, making him wince at the way you're yanking at his bun. "Just a moment, baby." You reach over to snatch his iPhone from the bed. Swiping your thumb along his screen, you aim the camera at his face.
"Smile for the camera," you purr. Eren, although he was taken aback at first, is never one to shy away. He loves watching himself pleasure you. Hearing you moan from his touch boosts up his self-esteem. It's only for you and him anyway, right? You and your dripping wet pussy would look so perfect in his gallery.
So he smirks and puts on a show. He's so sensual, the way his tongue slips past his front teeth, his little "mmm," every time he clasps his lips and suckles on your clit—he's the depiction of the dirtiest poem you've ever read.
"How do you like the taste, Daddy?"
"I fucking love it." He runs his tongue across his lower lip, looking up to the camera from underneath his long eyelashes. "You're so sweet, baby girl. The sweetest cunt I've ever tasted."
You chortle, mocking and proud.
Keeping his promise, it only takes a moment before you feel your stomach turning warm as your muscles grow taut. When the video has surpassed three minutes long, you decide to stop. You want to focus on him. You need to concentrate on reaching your high. This has been going on for too long.
You cast his phone away, not caring whether you've switched off the camera or not. “Ah, I’m gonna cum. Suck on my clit again.” Your legs are closing in around his head, suffocating him but neither of you cares. “Yeah, fuck, just like that. Eren—” Shockwaves run through you as you let out a shuddering breath. Your fingers are grabbing onto his strands too tightly and he grunts, still lazily moving his tongue as your pleasure ripples through you.
“Oh, God,” you sigh, followed shortly by a string of giggles. “That felt so good.” Propping your body on your elbows, you reach out to stroke his cheek. His chin glistens from your essence, and when you press your thumb against the corner of his mouth, he parts his lips obediently. You can see a glimpse of his tongue, the same one that was inside you a moment ago, and you bite your lip at the sight. “So you are good with your tongue.”
You tug him forward by his collar and reward him with a kiss, messy and breathless. He’s a bit dazed when you pull away but his voice is just as deep and low when he reminds you, “Untie me.”
“You wanna cum, Rennie?”
“Aaw, too bad…” You jut out your lower lip. “'Cause I just did and now I feel kinda tired.”
He didn't find it humiliating to be recorded with his tongue inside your heat, but you're ridiculing him like this? His dignity is shattered and it shows on his face. “You are not gonna leave me like this.”
You arch an eyebrow at his tone. “See, I don’t think that’s the right way to ask someone a favor.” You can go on forever like this but knowing how he can be a bit resentful sometimes, torturing him any further than this will only give him more reason for him to be even merciless with you in bed. Not that it’s a bad idea, but—“Well, I guess I can’t give my lovely boyfriend a case of blue balls now, can I? Sit on the bed.”
“You’re not gonna untie me first?”
“Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
His cock spasms at the way you say your line, so bossy and arrogant. Yanking him up by his necklace, treating him like a dog on a leash, you push him down until he’s perched on the edge of your bed. You kneel on the carpeted floor, settling yourself between his legs. Unzipping his jeans, you pull the fabric and his underwear low enough until his cock springs free. It’s leaking pre-cum, twitching when he feels your heavy gaze on it. Eren nearly whimpers when you give him lazy strokes, his leg muscles tightening. It’s like he hasn’t been touched for years. “Want my mouth on you, baby?” You question him with a smirk, your breath caressing his tip with every word.
His jaw grows slack, his chest heaving up and down. “Yes, please.”
He’s much more submissive now, you realize, probably because you’re finally giving him what he wants. You hum, running your tongue across your lower lip. You lean close, kissing the throbbing vein on the side of his cock, lips brushing ever so lightly.
Suddenly, you circle your fingers around him again and you run your hand up and down his length, giving him a set of fast pumps that steals a startled gasp from his mouth. "Ah—wait—stop—"
He tries to shake away from your grip but you keep him still, spitting onto his cock so you can glide your hand more easily. "Baby—Baby, please wait—" His body jerks and flinches, his eyebrows stitched together as he feels his climax closing in. He doesn't want to finish yet, not like this, but when you're moving your hand like that, you're robbing his choices away. "Shit, shit, shit, baby—I'm gonna cum—"
Fuck, he's ready. He doesn't care anymore. Everything just feels so good. He can fuck you again in a few minutes, he just needs to cum now. And he's there, standing on the edge, ready to have his orgasm wash over him like the storm but it never does.
Because you stop. You retract your hand at once, leaving his cock standing and twitching in the air. His mouth falls open, his chest heaving up and down with his black shirt sliding off his shoulders.
"God, look at that face." You jibe at the sight of him looking so wrecked and disappointed. If you didn't know him any better, you might even think he was about to cry. "How do you like being edged, Daddy?"
Never in his life has ever felt this urge to take a fistful of your hair, shove his cock inside your mouth, and fuck you deep until you gag and choke all over his length, doing it over and over without sparing you any mercy even if you beg him to stop with tears in your eyes. God, you can be so infuriating sometimes. "You're having fun?" he asks you, cold and menacing.
"I'm having the best day of my life." But you apologize to him by twining your hand around his cock again, applying a gentle kiss on his head. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Here, let me make it up to you." You part your lips, taking him in but only the tip. You let him feel just a bit of your warmth, the slickness of your tongue that’s pressed flat against his muscle. You plan to tease but Eren is not having it. He bucks his hips forward so abruptly, thrusting into your mouth and you choke, taken by surprise. Growling back at him, you press one hand against his thigh, another one on his stomach, keeping him in place. You break away with a pop, a thick rope of saliva connecting your mouth to his dick. Eren groans in vexation, so loudly, you’re sure the students next door can hear it.
“Who told you to move?” You glare at him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
He throws his head back, emitting a sound between a grunt and a whine. “Fucking hell, you’re—” You harshly cover his mouth with your hand. “Mmph?!”
Keeping your palm glued to his face, you climb on his lap. You settle down with your knees on the bed, trapping his thighs between yours. You retract your hand only to shut him up with your lips, pillaging his mouth with so much vigor, he can barely keep up. "You're so damn impatient." Curling your fingers around his cock, you align his tip against your entrance.
He moans, louder than he’s ever been and you’re grateful that you’re there to muffle it down. No matter how many times you’ve done this with him, Eren is still the largest man you’ve ever had, stretching and filling you in a way that makes you keen. You grab hold of him in reflex, teeth grinding to refrain yourself from making noises.
The way you're shuddering makes him realize that you're in a bit of pain. Breathlessly, as he watches the way your face contort in discomfort, he asks, “You okay?” It's odd, even for him, how he felt so aggravated a moment ago, to the point that he wanted to lash out, and now he's like this, his face twisting in concern.
“Yeah, just—“ You try to move. Even with how drenched you are, there’s still a stinging pain as you wait for yourself to adjust. “It’s been a while.”
With you being this close to him, your chests squeezed together, Eren can feel your heartbeat hammering against your rib cages. “I won’t move, so…” He makes sure to let his lips brush against your forehead when he whispers. “Take as much time as you need.”
The sudden change in his attitude almost makes you laugh. “Didn’t you say you wanted to fuck me until I cry earlier?”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m trying to be nice, and this is what I get?”
“I hate when you’re being nice.” You dip your head down to speak the words against the side of his throat. “It doesn’t suit you.”
“What do you mean it doesn’t suit—"
You sink your teeth at the spot that connects his neck to his shoulder, pushing his shirt down until the fabric pools around his elbows. You do it right at the same time you work yourself on his dick, sliding almost all the way up before you take him to the hilt once more. Eren hisses in both pain and pleasure, the muscles in his stomach contracted as he feels his skin burned and marked. You try to soothe it down by planting a tender kiss, doing it several times until he can feel your smirk forming.
“You wanted me to mark you up, didn’t you?” You whisper against his ear, tugging his earlobe gently between your teeth. “Now everyone can see who owns you.”
“I still have one presentation to do tomorrow,” he grumbles but there’s no fury in his voice. If anything, he seems to be thrilled to have your marks on him, as this is the first time you’ve painted love bites on his body.
“Well,” you grind your hips, draping your arms on his shoulders for support. “The more reason why I should do it again, then.”
And you both do it at the same time—you suckling on the supple skin of his neck while he paints purplish bruises on your shoulder. You keep your hips moving, picking up pace and growing desperate with each grind. At one point, you push him down by the center of his chest, his body hitting the sheets when he husks, “Ah, shit, baby, you’re so good.”
“Yeah?” You keep your left hand above his heart to balance yourself as you bounce harder on his lap. “Go on, Daddy. Talk to me.”
“You’re so wet for me. So fucking tight.” He’s so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice the way you have one hand crawling up to his neck, slowly tightening your grip around his throat. “I can feel you—” He stops—no, he can’t finish. Not with the way you’re pressing against his windpipes.
“Feel what?” You lean forward, your hair tickling his cheeks as you move back and forth. “Cat got your tongue, Eren?”
His eyes glint at the word, his smirk resurfacing. “Ah, I love the way you call my name,” he rasps, his voice strained but it only makes him sound even more erotic. “Love the way you choke me.”
The laugh that escapes you is derogatory but Eren loves it. “Seems like you’re not so much of a hard dom, after all,” you scoff.
“I can be whatever you want.” He can feel your walls tightening around him and he throws his head back, eyes closed in rapture. “God, the way you move, baby… Drives me fucking insane.”
His rambling makes you feel the same, just as desperate, just as wild. With labored breathing and sweat breaking on your temple, you ask him with your words laced in urgency. "Are you close?”
“So close,” he moans out, his eyes drifting down to your chest, watching the way your breasts bounce with every snap of your hips. “Ah, I wish I could put my hands on you.”
You wish nothing more, really. It feels wrong to ride him without having his nails sinking into your hips. You just feel incomplete. And you know if you release him right now, he’s going to ram his hips so forcefully into you until you see stars behind your lids. So, what is there to lose?
“Fuck, okay, turn around.” Moving away from his lap, Eren groans at the loss but he rolls to his side, letting you unfasten his belt from his wrists. You feel sorry when you witness the angry circles that blossom on his skin. You can only imagine how painful it is. “Eren, I’m sor—”
He grabs you by the nape, slamming your face down to your pillow. You almost scream, shocked by the sudden friction of his cock against your walls and how hard he’s driving himself into you. “I’ll give you a chance to apologize later,” he says right beside your ear. “I’m gonna make sure you'll say it like your life depends on it.” The fabric of his black shirt caresses the dip of your spine, his necklace resting on the spot between your shoulder blades. “Right now, I’m going to fuck you like you deserve.”
You're biting on the edge of your pillow when his hands slide down past your stomach. He lifts your lower half in the air while keeping your upper body glued to the sheets, allowing him for deeper penetration. Your hair tie slips off his strands, his long hair swaying like branches in the storm with his every thrust.
Eren has both of your wrists pinned against your back, holding them in one hand while he keeps his right one on your shoulder, keeping you in place. “How do you like being tied up, Sweetheart?”
You can’t answer him. He can be as cocky as he wants, you don’t care. He pumps into you, furiously, groaning his own pleasure, taking you hard, building on the shockwaves already coursing through your body and taking you higher. His shirt is still draping around his lower back, his jeans hanging low. His back muscles ripple when he tightens his grip around you, "Whimpering like a little bitch now, aren't you, baby?" He simpers. "After all that teasing you did, in the end, you're still like this, hungry for my cock. But don't worry." He snaps his hips forward, once, twice, to emphasize each word that comes out of his mouth next. "Daddy's gonna fill you up real nice."
It's embarrassing how fast your orgasm hits you, and when it does, it feels like you’re free-falling from the sky.
“That’s it,” he chuckles. “Cum on my fucking cock just like that, baby girl.” His hips rocket back and forth, his face twisting in sweet ecstasy. “Ah, shit, you’re squeezing me so tight.”
His name, along with a string of expletives, comes out as sobs from your mouth, and when he keeps plunging himself hard, they turn into shrieks of pleasure. You always become like this when you’re overstimulated.
It's cruel for him to not give you the chance to ride out your climax slowly, or even take a breath. He's only eager to give you another orgasm that’s just as intense. You're sure your body won’t be able to hold it if that's the case, but thankfully, Eren’s hips turn erratic. “Where do you want me, baby? Want me to cum inside?”
“Yes, Daddy!” You usually only call him that to taunt him, to rile him up so he can be rough with you, but right now you can’t even control what comes out of your mouth.
“Beg then,” he imitates you from earlier. He lets go of your wrists, moving one hand to squeeze your left ass cheek while smacking his palm hard against your other one. “Say: Daddy, please fill me up with your cum.”
You’re clawing against your sheets. Every time he plunges himself deep, it feels like he’s slamming the air out of your lungs. “Fill me up with your cum!”
He clicks his tongue. “You didn’t say please.”
“Daddy, please!”
Your voice—that needy whine from your pretty lips—it feeds his ego so well. Pounding into you with a forceful rhythm, he sends his hot seeds shooting deep within you as his heartbeat thunders deafeningly in his ears. He’s still groaning out a series of profanities when his pace gradually turns slow, and when he’s done, he pulls himself out, sitting on his heels with one hand pushing back his hair. He blows out his cheeks, “Well, fuck,” he laughs in satisfaction, “Not gonna lie, being edged several times today really paid out in the end.”
It takes you a few seconds to answer him, too fucked out of your mind to instantly form a word. “Can you… help me clean up, please?”
“For what?” Eren holds his length in one hand, gliding the side of his cock against the crease of your ass. He plays with the essence that seeps out of you, pushing his tip back and forth into your hole. “I’m not done with you yet.”
He’s fucking his cum back into you, grinding his hips slowly but steady before he lets himself be buried deep inside, sheathed in your warmth. He lies himself down on top of you, the hard shape of his chest compliments your backside. He supports himself up with his elbows on the sheets. “Didn’t I tell you?” He leans closer to let you feel his smirk growing against the shell of your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you until you pass out,” he murmurs. “Probably fuck you in your sleep too, who knows. After what you did to me today, you don’t think Daddy will let you go just like that, do you, baby girl?”
You gulp.
God, save me.
Part 2 can be read here!
Huge thanks to my besties Sandra @the-princess-button and Coi @coyloves for giving me inputs and feedback. Sandra even wrote a few lines for me because my english is so terrible and I don't know how to describe the belt thing Eren did with his teeth, so thank you for being an angel I love you both so much ❤️❤️❤️
@l6ffys @vivi-et @halparkebitch @fwess @littlemochi @thebeardedmoon @didiyogo @xximthefoolxx-blog @coyloves @erenbean​ @tehehebri @justasketch @infnteen @naiomiwinchester @spiderlingh @doyochii @ahornyenby @aengelren @sakurashell @the-princess-button @resonancesoul @blrqt @cacapeepee @persyhange @jaegersdiary @cknf69 @erentoes @trashgremlin36 @meed18 @j0livi0ni @snowflake-201 @jaymihawk @eva-gates @claudevonstrukesblog @sofijaeger @rinsie @blanccofiie @ereninbunu @natanialora @khinjito @ackersune @watermelon-online @tropicsoda @claudevonstrukesblog @alexackrman @bblgumz @jurrasicpork @erenjaegercult Thanks for reading, lovelies ❤️
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
{Sanemi x Reader x Tengen}
the crack ship I didn’t know I needed
Warnings: Threesome, rough sex, degrading, double penetrating, anal sex — how did we get here
A/N: this was supposed to be a quick little story and now it’s a threesome? It’s 99% smut with 1% plot and…a normal length fic :’)
Also I’ve never written a MXMXF 3sum so please be patient if it’s a teeny bit choppy — still practicing lmfao
Word count: 6.1k
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Your back hit the wooden door in record time, leaving you breathless as prying fingers began to tear your uniform open. “I’ve had enough of you.” Sanemi’s gruff voice sent a jolt of pleasure straight between your legs. Clearly your attempts to get him worked up had been effective.
“I-I didn’t do anything to annoy y-you.” You couldn’t even keep a straight face as you lied. A scar covered hand grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing your lips against his in a hungry open mouth kiss. You were being suffocated, his tongue practically down your throat as his free hand pulled you apart.
You flinched at the sound of uniform buttons clattering to the ground, the quiet but audible tearing of cloth and the unmistakable ripping of your fabric binding. “Come on!” You weren’t talking above a whisper yet you felt like you were screaming. A vacant room in the butterfly estate wasn’t exactly the most private place to do this.
“Shut the fuck up.” Rough fingers came up to squeeze both breasts, a low groan leaving him at the sight of the plush flesh molding to his touch. “Don’t speak to me like that.” You were trying to hold in your moans regardless, arms lazily wrapping around his neck. “I’ll speak to you how I want.” He pinched, earning a yelp in response.
“I don’t understand why you are so mad.” You did, of course you did. You just loved to see the man squirm, especially since he couldn’t be straight forward with you. “Cut the shit.” You choked out a laugh, “cut the shit? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
His hand slammed against the door, the other abandoned your breast to wrap around your neck. “What does he have that I don’t?” The pressure on your neck wasn’t tight, but it was certainly uncomfortable. “Who’s he?” You knew who he was referring to, you just wanted to hear him say it. With gritted teeth Sanemi uttered “Uzui”.
“Well. To start, he has three wives.”
“Oh fuck off.”
“You asked.” His grip tightened slightly, making you shift uncomfortably. Regardless you felt a throb beginning between your legs. “Be more specific than stating the obvious, idiot.” His fingers pressed against your pulse point, noting the way it was picking up in pace.
“I don’t quite get what you’re asking.” The hand against the door had returned to your breast, abusing your nipple. You chewed on your inner cheek in an effort to keep quiet. “I’m asking you what Uzui has that I don’t. Not for you to spout your bullshit.”
“He’s also taller than you.”
Perhaps that one was taking it too far, especially since Sanemi wasn’t over the fact that Genya was taller than him. His fingers pinched the sensitive skin so harshly you couldn’t help but cry out. Your hands come up to try and pull him away. “Come on now, you know better.”
His lips were on yours again, using your already open mouth to his advantage. His grip on your throat tightened now, so much so you couldn’t breathe. Then again he had his tongue down your throat as well, there was much room to breathe anyway.
“Miss y/n?” You both froze, eyes shooting wide open at the sound of the little voice. “Miss y/n are you okay?” It was little Naho, you were filled with horror at the idea of her seeing you in this state. Sanemi’s lips pulled away, his grip on your throat loosened. “I-i’m okay! Naho, don't worry about it. I just hit my hand!”
You silently prayed that she’d leave it at that and walk away. After a moment she spoke “are you sure? I can get someone to check—“ you squirmed as Sanemi’s mouth sucked on your neck. “I-I’m sure, Naho.” Sanemi was chuckling against your hot skin. “Okay miss!” She didn’t miss a beat, you listened to her quiet footsteps fade away before speaking.
“Aww how close.” Sanemi’s face was right in yours again, breath mingling as he squeezed your neck. “What if she h-heard.” You stumbled as his hand came down to cup your cunt through your uniform pants. “What would she have heard? You blubbering like a fool?”
“F-fuck off.” He began rubbing you through the material, smirking at how hot you felt in his hand. “I’m going to ask you for a third time. You better not disappoint me. What does he have that I don’t?” He wanted you to fail, you were convinced the second he zeroed in on your clit. Even through the material he could figure out where to focus his attention.
“He…he…” you tried to catch your breath, waves of pleasure washed over you. “C’mon…” his mouth was pressed into your ear, you wanted him closer. You opened your mouth and closed it a few times, desperately wanting to tease him some more. “He’s…he’s got…” he picked up his pace, a shit eating grin covering his face as your mouth fell open.
“Tell me~” there was a sultry tone to his voice now, eagerly waiting for you to piss him off again. His hand left you entirely, a desperate whine leaving your lips. “Speak.” He was undoing the belt of your pants with ease, throwing it off to the side and letting it clatter. His hand slipped under, this time he began rubbing you with a thinner barrier.
He used his own leg to keep yours parted, eyes trained on your open mouth. He could feel your panties begin to dampen, only fueling his ego and growing dick. “Y/n…come on baby. Tell me~” you wanted to scream, his hand had returned to your throat. “H-he…” you swallowed thickly, trying to pull yourself from your pleasured daze.
“He has bigger…muscles…” you were thinking of any obvious differences, just to get under his skin. “Oh? What else? I know you got more…” his hand didn’t slip under your underwear, instead continuing to tease you over the damp garment. “H-he…he’s hotter.” That was a lower blow than the height comment.
His fingers stopped, a cold laugh shaking his frame. “He’s hotter?” His fingers slipped under your panties now, two fingers parting your lips. “If he’s hotter than me, why are you so wet?” He rubbed back and forth, two fingers circling your entrance. “See, I know your little game. You’ll keep saying whatever you want, things you know will irk me. Just so I go a little harder on you. Right?”
His warm breath right against your ear wasn’t helping. Slowly you nodded, hands reaching down, holding him in place. You didn’t want him to pull away, not when you were so close to feeling him inside you. He finally let go of your neck, using his newly freed hand to play with your breasts again.
“So let me guess. You were hanging all over that tall oaf just to get a rise out of me.” He knew from the start that was the case, but he certainly didn’t expect you to name the things you did. So in the end, though he’d never admit it. You did get on his nerves in the way you hoped you would. You technically won this battle already.
“M-maybe…maybe I wanted to sleep with him.” You cried out as he plunged two fingers inside, one hand coming up to smack your mouth. You both fell silent for a moment, it certainly didn’t help that this was all happening right against the door. “Careful now, we might get caught.” He didn’t seem all that affected, if it was for the persistent twitch between his legs.
He nudged your legs further with his thigh, giving him more access to thrust his fingers inside. You wanted your pants off, it was beginning to feel far too hot. “S-Sanemi…” you mewled as his fingers curled, hands coming up to pull at his own uniform. “Hmm?” He was waiting for something, you knew him well enough to know what.
“M-more.” You tried to move your hips against him, clit already aching from the lack of attention. “No, not yet.” He was calm, which was more startling than anything. “W-why…” he began to laugh, fingers slowing. “You already forgot why we are here. To be honest with you, I shouldn’t even be entertaining you like this, sweetheart.” He curled and uncurled his fingers a few times, mouth watering at how you’d taste.
“If you want to sleep with Uzui so bad, then I should let you.” He moved to pull his hand out, forcing a smirk off his face when your hands tightened, holding him in place. “What’s this?” You took it further than necessary, therefore he would too. You yelped as he pulled his fingers out completely, stepping away all together, leaving you cold and empty.
“S-Sanemi!” Your thighs clamped shut, blinking at him in pure confusion. He smiled at the way his fingers glistened, shrugging his shoulders. “You want him so bad, go find him. I did half the work already.” He was still fully dressed, you on the other hand looked like you’d lost a battle with a blade sharpener.
You decided to pull together what dignity you had, if he wanted you to go fuck Uzui? Then so be it. You buttoned your pants, pulled your uniform top close and turned to leave. Sanemi assumed you were bluffing, watching and waiting for you to drop the act.
You didn’t.
You flung the door open, using one hand to keep your top shut. Without looking back you began storming down the hall, if you were lucky the bastard would still be somewhere on estate grounds. Sanemi was left stunned for a moment, he certainly didn’t expect you to actually walk out.
A vein in his forehead began to twitch, leave it to you to one up him even like this. Sanemi situated himself, grumbling under his breath as he took off after you. “Uzui!” You burst through the door of his room, he looked like he was getting ready to leave the estate. “Oh! Y/n…?” He took in your clearly disheveled form.
“Sorry for barging In…I’m glad I caught you before you left.
Are your injuries healed?” You couldn’t just straight up ask him, but with Sanemi’s quickly approaching steps…maybe you could. “I’m fine…you talked to me earlier, remember?” Tengen knew your mind was in another place, your ripped uniform was an obvious sign.
You made your way further in the room, Tengen noted that your belt was also missing. He also noted that the fast approaching footsteps were none other than the wind pillar. “What the hell did you get yourself into?” He began laughing, as you scurried into the room, Sanemi appearing shortly after. “You can ask him.” You wrapped a hand around his forearm, using it to protect yourself.
Tengen took the wind pillar in, a smirk creeping up his face as he noticed the half hearted attempt to hide his own hard-on. “So my guess is correct. Please explain, Shinazugawa.” You let go of your top, allowing it to fall open as you hugged Tengen’s arm. “You’re a fucking pain in the ass.” You tried not to giggle, very pleased at the way things were turning out.
“Is this because she was giving me attention earlier?” He felt your plush skin on his arm, trying to still his own breathing. “Oh so you knew? You fucking bastard…” Sanemi closed the door so no one would hear…sure, that’s why he closed it. “Knew what? She was giving me attention, and I was returning it. Something you don’t seem to do enough of.”
“Oh don’t look so shocked…” Tengen continued. “She told me you won’t even give her a straight answer on where you stand. Is she your girlfriend? Or are you just using her for her body? You see, I wouldn’t do that.” Tengen turned to you now, holding back a groan at the way your breasts were nearly exposed. Sanemi looked shocked, not expecting Tengen to even entertain the idea.
“He told me to sleep with you, that’s why I came looking.”
Both men froze, eyes turning to you. Tengen was the first to absolutely crumble. How could he not? You were looking up at him with such pretty eyes. “Is that so?” He turned his back to Sanemi, crouching down slightly to look at you better. “So, do you want to sleep with me, baby?” His voice took on a similar sultry tone. The pulsing ache between your legs returning.
“Yes please.” You could hear Sanemi mumble something oddly similar to “fuck off”. Tengen paid him no mind, picking you up to turn and drop you on the bed he had just made. You bounced slightly, breasts fully spilling out for both men to see. “There is no way you’re serious!” Sanemi was storming over to the bed as Tengen crawled over you.
“Does it not look like I’m serious?” Tengen blinked up at him for only a moment before focusing back on you, lips crashing in a bruising kiss. Tengen’s kiss was already far different than Sanemi’s, it was rough but it was sweet. Larger calloused hands came up to massage both breasts, nothing like the roughness Sanemi had bestowed on you earlier.
“If you weren’t a Hashira, I’d kill you. How dare you?” Sanemi pulled at Tengen’s ponytail, pulling his lips away from yours. “How dare I? Give me a break, you couldn’t treat her right. So I will.” He brushed his hand off, to your surprise, Sanemi let him. “Sanemi…you told me to do this.” You whined as Tengen’s lips trailed over your neck and collarbone.”
“I didn’t think you actually would!”
You whined as full teeth scrape your skin, looking at Sanemi with lidded eyes. His blood began to boil, hands reaching to pull at Tengen’s uniform. “C’mon big boy! Undress if you’re going to fuck her.” Tengen began chuckling against your skin, pulling away from you just to look at him. “Oh! Sudden change of heart?” Tengen leaned up, admiring your body while discarding his own uniform top.
Sanemi was taking off his top as well, glaring at an unbothered Tengen as he did. You on the other hand were left speechless, the tension in the air was so thick you could probably cut it with your blade. It seems the whole ordeal was quickly becoming a competition between the two men. What in the world did I get myself into?
Sanemi took it a step further and undid his pants, Tengen followed suit. You took the chance while they were distracted to finally get your top fully off. Before you even realized it, both men were completely bare before you. Your eyes shamelessly zeroed in on Tengen. He was huge.
You knew Sanemi was big too, but Tengen looked…painful.
“Don’t worry baby, I got three wives that love this. I’ll make sure you feel good.” You weren’t used to such sweet behavior, Tengen gave himself a few languid strokes while Sanemi observed. He too looked a little taken back by Tengen’s size.
“Are you just going to observe, Shinazugawa?” Tengen was slowly taking your uniform bottoms off with teasing touches. Each one sent goosebumps over your skin. “Don’t worry about me.” Sanemi seemed conflicted with each thing Tengen did. Part of him wanted to see the man fuck you, while the other part of him wanted to rip his head off.
Tengen did as he was told, not bothering to look at Sanemi as he pulled the rest of your undergarments off. “I see you at least know how to get a woman wet.” Broad shoulders shook as he laughed, large fingers coming to ghost over your sensitive flesh. You heard Sanemi grumble something yet again, but your mind was going blank as Tengen slowly slipped a finger inside.
He worked you open slowly, regardless of how wet you already were. He leaned down, lips meeting yours again as he slowly introduced a second finger. You whined against him, body arching upwards to meet his warm, toned torso. You wrapped your arms around his neck, spread your legs further for him and slowly undid the tie keeping his hair back.
For a moment you nearly forgot Sanemi was in the room, eyes opening slowly when the bed dipped. “You’ll take her from behind.” His voice was irritated as he settled by the top of your head.
“You told me to pay you no mind, Shinazugawa.”
“Well I changed my fucking mind.” He crossed his arms, sitting and waiting patiently for Tengen to do as he said. “For the sake of y/n, I’ll go along with it. But I’m taking my time with her, so get comfy.” You were looking up at Sanemi the whole time he spoke, it was hard not to when his dick was sitting right there.
“Eyes on me.” Tengen used his free hand to turn your face back to him. He was surprised to find himself a little irritated, you looked so entranced by a cock you’ve probably taken many times. Your pupils were blown wide, walls clenching around Tengen’s fingers. “You think you can handle me?” He kissed your cheek, waiting for your response before pulling his fingers out. “Not…not yet.” Your orgasm was building, the one Sanemi ruined for you earlier.
Tengen could tell you were close, having three wives certainly gave him more than enough experience. You watched him go lower, eyes widening and heart rate picking up as you realized what he was about to do. “You wouldn’t dare.” Sanemi’s own heart was picking up, eyes wide as Tengen positioned himself to eat you out.
“You don’t mind, right baby?” His breath was fanning across your clit, two fingers still plunged deep. “N-no…go ahead.” You glanced up at Sanemi, the throb in your clit only growing. He looked absolutely enraged yet fascinated at the same time, his eyes zeroing in on where Tengen’s mouth was about to meet you. A shaky gasp left you the moment his tongue made contact.
Naturally this wasn’t the first time you had someone do this…Sanemi usually spent most of his time down there. Tengen though? He was a totally different experience compared to Sanemi. “T-Tengen!” You whimpered out his name as he lapped hungrily at your sex. Paired with his fingers, you were already beginning to see stars.
“Help me.” Samemi’s gruff voice broke you out of your daze.
His fist was lazily wrapped around his cock, eyes trained on Tengen. “D-do you want my mouth?” You weren’t mad at him anymore, you got your way after all. And since he was being a ‘good boy’…why not reward him. “Yes.” Sanemi nearly flung himself off the small cot, allowing you to turn your head so he could use your mouth as he pleased.
You flinched slightly as he didn’t hold back, shoving nearly half his length down your throat. Tengen on the other hand didn’t seem phased by all the chaos occurring by your head. Instead he focused on the steady rhythm he built up with his fingers, the way your velvety walls clenched and sputtered around him, and the sweet taste of your arousal on his tongue. You were absolutely heavenly in his eyes.
Part of him had to wonder how you ended up in the hands of the cruel wind pillar.
You tried your hardest to relax your jaw and throat, each thrust of his hips was hitting the back of your throat. You were used to his throat fucking by now, but it was a lot harder when Tengen had his hands perfectly gripping your thighs. You swallowed to the best of your abilities, earning a loud groan from Sanemi. Despite his speed, he still felt hot and heavy on your tongue.
“Surely you aren’t going to cum yet, Shinazugawa.” Tengen didn’t want to pull away from you, but he couldn’t resist teasing the man by your head. Sanemi’s hips still, burying himself so deeply you gagged around him. “And what if I do?” Tengen slightly regretted the question when you gagged, that was until you clenched around his fingers. Of course you’d be turned on by that.
“Oh nothing…” Tengen’s lips returned to your clit, sucking and licking with new vigor. Sanemi wanted to say something but decided against it, instead picking up his own rhythm yet again. He couldn’t shake the sound pillar’s words, what in the hell did Tengen mean by that? Was it a jab at his stamina? Or just a way to get into his head? Sanemi didn’t even realize Tengen’s words had done exactly what he intended…distract him.
It wasn’t until you cried out around Sanemi’s length that he was pulled from his absent minded thrusts. You came all over Tengen’s fingers, a low squelching noise sounded throughout the room as he worked you through it. “Give her a chance to breathe you ass.” Sanemi pulled his cock out of your mouth completely, irritation bubbling up again. “I’m already sick of you bitching at me.” You sat up, blinking tears from your eyes as Tengen pulled both fingers out of you.
“Both of you, stop bitching.”
You were sitting now, waiting for both men to turn their attention to you. “I’ll tell you exactly how this is happening if you’d just shut up.” That worked quite well, Tengen was standing at the foot of the cot now, pants halfway down his thighs. Sanemi was still standing beside you, for once he was continuing the obedient act. “Tengen…you’re a little too big for what I’d like to happen. So I’ll play it safe to ease my nerves.” You smiled as his eyebrow raised.
“I’m taking both of you at the same time.”
This time both men seemed to tense. “Don’t tell me you want us…in the same hole.” Sanemi actually broke a sweat at the idea. “No! Oh wow. No, I'm not ready for that.” You started laughing, body aching at the thought. “One will be in front…the other in back.” Tengen’s eyes bulged a bit, his uniform pants slipping down to his ankles. “Where would you like me, baby?” He tried to regain his composure.
“I want Tengen in the back, Sanemi you get the front.” You swallowed nervously, you’d never done much with that area of your body…but you knew of the potential it had.
“If this was your plan from the start, I would have spent more time prepping the right hole.” Tengen was making his way around to the head of the cot, Sanemi moved to the foot. “Sanemi goes first…” you knew it would be painful to have Tengen go in with no preparation. Part of you was hoping if Sanemi went first, you’d be too distracted to notice. There was only one way to find out…
Tengen took a seat behind you, muscular legs straddling the bed in order to give you enough room. “You heard her, get going Shinazugawa.” Sanemi was still irritated by the sound pillar, grumbling under his breath as he climbed onto the cot as well. You leaned back into Tengen, spreading your legs wide for Sanemi. “After all this trouble you caused, I’m still getting your pussy in the end.” He gave himself a few slow pumps, still slick in your spit.
“You were getting it no matter what.” You smiled lazily, watching as he rolled his eyes. “This was some grand scheme to fulfil your lewd fantasies. Don’t even try to deny it.” Sanemi’s hand landed on Tengen’s thigh, using it for balance as he positioned his head at your entrance. He pushed in quickly, your slick walls sucking him in with ease. “Always so greedy…” he whined softly, no matter how many times this happened, he could never get over how perfect you felt.
Sanemi bottomed out, not realizing how close his face had gotten to Tengen’s in the process. “Are you going to kiss me?” Tengen’s body shook underneath you, when it stopped suddenly you glanced up. Sure enough, Sanemi had pressed his lips to Tengen’s. Pulling away just as quickly as they had connected. “Do something about it.” A new wave of confidence seemed to take over the wind pillar, eyes training back down on your body as his hips fell into rhythm.
Sanemi’s hips continuously pushed you into Tengen’s body, ass brushing against his erection over and over. “C-come on…Tengen please…” you whined, the desire to be filled again was only growing with each of Sanemi’s thrusts. “No prep?” He seemed hesitant still, surely it would hurt. “I don’t care! Please…” Sanemi’s cock was hitting every point perfectly, just like it always did.
“If you insist.”
“Hurt her and I’ll kill you.” Sanemi’s voice was pressed into your ear, Tengen of course still heard. “Give it a break, tough guy.” You and Sanemi both made noises of surprise when Tengen lifted you by your thighs. “Work with me here, Shinazugawa.” Your eyes widened when you felt the bulbous head of Tengen’s cock press into your hole. It was already a sensation you weren’t expecting.
“Do you want me to pull out? I think it’s going to be a painful squeeze if I’m already inside.” For the first time during this whole back and forth, Sanemi seemed concerned. “That would probably be best…” Tengen‘s brows were furrowed in concentration. You, on the other hand, were completely at the mercy of both men. Perfectly sandwiched between their muscular bodies.
Despite the heat, you shivered. The emptiness you felt from Sanemi pulling out was quickly being replaced as Tengen speared you on his cock. Your nails dug into Sanemi’s shoulders, brows mimicking Tengen as you tried to steady your breathing. It hurt, just like he said it would. It felt like you were being torn in two as his tip finally slipped past your stubborn entrance. Your whole body was tense and quivering as he stopped, letting you adjust to just his head.
“Are you sure you can take it?” Sanemi had never felt your body this tense. “Y-yes…just give me a second…” you will yourself to relax, a shaky sigh leaving you as you nodded for Tengen to move a little more. Sanemi’s hand snakes down your front, two fingers slipping between slick folds to toy with your clit. A loud moan left you as pain mixed with pleasure, making it just a bit more bearable as Tengen aimed to bottom out.
“Finally using your brain for once, Shinazugawa!” Tengen held in a laugh, not wanting to push into you too quickly. “Shut up already, man whore.” Sanemi glared at him over your shoulder. “Not too witty with the name calling.” Tengen was just three inches away from bottoming out at this point. With the help of Sanemi’s fingers, the whole process was becoming pleasurable.
“S-stop bitching! I said this already!” You moaned as Sanemi pinched your clit, cock head brushing your folds. “Sorry, baby.” Tengen placed a kiss to the back of your head as he finally bottomed out. You never felt so full in your life. You were proven wrong only a few seconds later. Sanemi began pushing himself back into you, apparently you had nodded for him to continue. You already felt too far gone to process much else.
Sanemi bottomed out a few seconds later, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. “H..how are we…gonna do this?” Tengen could barely breathe, he was never quite able to get over how suffocatingly tight the other option was. “J-just…” your head fell back against his broad shoulder, unable to think straight. Sanemi wasn’t doing much better. Not only were your walls clenching around him, but he could feel Tengen’s cock as well.
“Do we…take turns? Or do you want — holy fuck — us to go at the same time?” You swallowed, using most of your strength to just lift up your head. “I don’t care, just move.” Sanemi would have laughed if he didn’t feel so breathless. “You better hope no one walks in.” Sanemi began thrusting his hips without another thought. Tengen followed after, thrusting his hips slowly, barely moving but the sensation was more than enough.
“I-I think this one…is all you Shinazugawa.” Tengen could feel every thrust, not only were you squeezing him perfectly, but Sanemi was also rubbing him perfectly. Sanemi didn’t even respond, eyes nearly squeezing shut as he poured all his focus into keeping a steady rhythm. Moans and whimpers spilled from your lips, Tengen’s death grip on your thighs was the only thing keeping you grounded.
“You gonna…cum soon?” Your walls were clenching around both men with a suffocating tightness. You mumbled out some sort of yes, the build up was becoming almost too much to bear. Tengen was panting heavily against your ear, his cock twitching sporadically between your walls. Sanemi seemed to be moving on autopilot, a string of curses leaving his lips every time his hips met yours.
Your second orgasm caught you off guard. Sanemi’s hand came up to clap over your mouth as you practically screamed. “We’re going to get caught.” Tengen laughed now, hips moving enough to slip about half way in and out of you. With both men thrusting repeatedly, your eyes rolled back.
Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through you, overstimulating you.
“S-slow!” You whined, hands digging and scratching at Sanemi’s shoulders. “Not yet…” Sanemi choked out, hips moving erratically as he chased his own high. “Oh!” You jumped slightly as Tengen settled deep, hot seed spilling inside of you. “T-that might…just be the easiest orgasm I’ve ever had.” His grip finally loosened on your thighs, muscular arms hooking around your waist. “I barely did a thing…” he sounded exhausted.
“C’mon Shinazugawa. You beat me.” Every thrust was beginning to overstimulate Tengen as well. “Fuck off.” Tengen couldn’t even be bothered to comment on his hostility anymore. Instead he busied himself with trying to keep you steady so Sanemi could finish. A few more thrusts and Sanemi buried deep, bulbous head slamming into your cervix as he spilled. You felt hot all over, still stuffed full but now with an unmistakable gooey warmth.
You flinched as Sanemi began rubbing on your sensitive clit.
“W-what are you doing?!” You jerked harshest into Tengen, earning a low groan. “I never said I was done with you…either of you. It’s time to switch.” Tengen’s head knocked into yours as he shot forward. “You already want a round two?” Sanemi pulled out of you before speaking, a shiver passing through you as his release began oozing out.
“I’ve never seen anyone look so fucked out, so I’ll be damned if I don’t get to experience that.”
You gasped as Tengen finally pulled out, his release slowly leaking out as well. “If you think you are up for it, fine.” Tengen reached over, grabbing a tissue off the bedside table. “You’re just asking for an infection if I don’t clean myself first.” You were trying to turn around. The same position would probably work just fine, but you’d like to try something else.
After some shuffling, you settled on Tengen’s lap. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you buried your head into the crook of his neck. He smelt like sweat and fine perfumed oils. His size still felt like you would be torn in two, regardless of him being in your cunt this time. “Ready whenever.” You let your eyes close, waiting to feel Sanemi press into your other hole. “Try not to cum, Shinazugawa.”
A gentle slap to his bicep shut Tengen up.
This time it didn’t hurt nearly as bad. Tengen’s previous preparation and cum helped Sanemi slip in easily. “You both better make this quick…” you couldn’t even keep your head up if you tried. It wasn’t helping that Tengen was warm, despite his muscles; he was still velvety soft. “Fucking…how the fuck did you not come on the spot.” Sanemi bottomed out, each word coming out in a hiss.
“Practice my friend.” He sent a wink over your shoulder. “This may be easier if I lay down, don’t you think?” Tengen was already leaning back, Sanemi chasing after him in order to stay inside. “There we go! Now we can both move a little easier.” This new angle had you gasping for air, with more mobility for both men…you were in trouble. “Ready baby?” Tengen ran a hand through your hair, “yes…” hips thrusting upwards slowly as Sanemi began moving as well.
With both of them able to properly move, you were already seeing stars. Not only could both men feel each other, you could feel them. It was the most bizarre thing you had ever felt. You could feel every single inch, every curve and vein. Sanemi’s thrusts were in perfect time with Tengen’s. Each one pushes your sensitive spot even further into Tengen’s cock. “Oh~” you felt like you were going to burst.
The cot below you began to creak. Both men were far too lost to their own pleasure to even acknowledge it. You silently began to wonder how you’d explain a destroyed cot. “You’re so damn tight.” Sanemi’s grip on your waist was bruising, surely you’d have marks. “It doesn’t - ha - help that I’m being stuffed…by both of you…” you hadn’t even realized tears were leaking down your face and onto Tengen’s shoulder.
“Her pussy is just as sweet as her ass.” Tengen cooed, a wet squelch filled the room each time he bottomed out.
“You act like…I don’t know.” Sanemi’s voice nearly cracked. It was taking every ounce of strength he had left to not come.
He wanted to at least make this last a little longer. “Can't neglect this now, can we?” Sanemi tried to distract himself,
hand snaking lower to begin toying with your clit again. Spots began blurring your vision, the tension in your gut just seconds away from snapping. “S..Sanemi…T-Tengen!” Warmth squirted out from between your legs.
You had never experienced an orgasm like that, one that had you blinking away stars and made your ears ring. “Holy fuck…” Sanemi nearly pulled out all the way, his pubic bone, thighs and even his balls were coated in your release. He could have cum just looking at it. “Oh! Didn’t think you’d be able to do that.” Tengen laughed, hips still shooting into you. He was close — very close — but he’d be damned if Sanemi beat him again.
“Mercy—“ you croaked into Tengen’s skin. “Just a little longer baby, almost there.” Tengen was out of breath, your velvet walls were hugging him just as perfectly as your ass had.
“Hang on for us, we’ll be done in a minute.” All bets aside, Sanemi could tell you were about to be pushed past your limit. A quick glance at the sound pillar sent the message Sanemi hoped it would. Tengen’s hands began rubbing soothing circles on your back, his orgasm was nearly on top of him.
Only a few more thrusts and Tengen spilled inside of you, Sanemi had stilled completely in hopes of not pushing the line between pleasure and pain. “Shit.” You could feel him twitching, a whine leaving your lips as Sanemi picked up his pace again. “Sorry…almost there…you’re going so good.
So..so good…” he was babbling at this point, balls slapping against your pussy and Tengen’s cock with each thrust.
Finally with a low groan, Sanemi gave in for the second time. You felt impossibly full, neither men pulling out yet in order to
keep their cum inside. “Can I sleep now?” You slurred, eyes closing against your will. “Y-yeah…we’ll take care of everything.” Sanemi nearly collapsed on top of you, Tengen’s bones felt like jelly. After a few minutes of silence Tengen spoke up. “Are either of you interested in marriage…”
“You really are a fucking man whore.” Sanemi groaned, pulling out slowly and watching his release seep out. “I’m serious, Shinazugawa. I wouldn’t mind another wife…or a husband.” Your breathing had evened out at this point, sleep taking you into its warm embrace. Sanemi only blinked, searching for more tissues to try and clean himself up with. “Oh so you’re going to ignore me?” Tengen tried again, sitting up slowly with you still snug against him.
“I’m not marrying you. Neither is she.”
“We could do things like this all the time…”
That made him stop, slowly making eye contact with Tengen. “Oh? That got you?” Tengen seemed pleased, large hands holding you tightly. Sanemi groaned, “I truly can’t stand you.”
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cumonweasley · 2 years
First And Last Love
Summary: You start to overthink when you overhear Nancy and Steve talking.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: insecurities n stuffs
A/N: Hi!! I’m getting back into writing so I made this new account to kinda start fresh I guess. I have another account where I wrote marvel fics. Anyways I hope you enjoy this! This is my first time writing for Steve and I’m a little rusty at writing because it’s been years since I’ve written something but I hope this is okay!
P.s. Y/N/N stands for your nickname!
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You and Steve have been dating for 8 months so far and you couldn’t be any happier. It was sort of a shock when he confessed his feelings for you. You thought it was a prank or a dare between him and your brother, Dustin, but they both assured you that it wasn’t and your brother ended up putting Steve on blast, telling you how all he ever did was talk about you when they hung out. 
Entering the school building, you searched for your boyfriend to tell him that your mom invited him over for dinner that night. Steve spent the majority of his time at your place, not wanting to be at home more than he needed to be and although your mom was wary of him at first, she soon warmed up to him. Needless to say, not only did your brother love Steve but your mother did as well.
“Hey Jonathan,” you greet your friend, “have you seen Steve?”
Jonathan shuts his locker and turns to you with a smile. “Hey Y/N, last I saw him was by the library.”
“Thanks,” you grin. “See you in class.”
You both bid each other goodbye and you head toward the library. As you’re about to turn the corner, you hear Steve’s voice.
“What’s up? What’d you want to talk about?”
You take a step forward to reveal yourself but stop when the next voice you hear belongs to Nancy, Steve’s ex girlfriend.
“Listen, I know this is completely out of the blue and you’ve already moved on but I can’t help but think about you… about us.”
Your eyebrows furrowed together at her words.
“Huh?” Steve questioned, not understanding what she was trying to say.
Nancy sighs. “What I’m trying to say is… I miss you, Steve. I miss us. I miss being together. I was an idiot to break up with you the way that I did and I regret it every day.” you peek around the corner and watch as Nancy takes hold of Steve’s hand. “I still have feelings for you, Steve Harrington.”
You’ve heard enough at this point and turned around, sulking back to your locker. You didn’t want to hear what Steve would have responded with. With your luck, he’d say that he still had feelings for her as well. After all, Nancy was his first love and you don’t just forget your first love.
You remember when Nancy broke up with Steve, how devastated he was. How he sulked around school, how he hadn’t smiled in months, how he would confide in you about how he was feeling; how he missed Nancy so terribly. Steve beat himself up after the break up. He tried so hard to get Nancy back. He showed up to her house with flowers, made her a mixtape of songs that reminded him of her, left notes in her locker; he really did try.
After almost dying by the whole Demogorgon thing, you and Steve had become quite good friends. He would cry on your shoulder after the break up with Nancy and it crushed your soul to hear him. It took him a while to finally be okay.
But no matter how much Steve would say he was over her, you had a gut wrenching feeling that Steve still had feelings for Nancy. Sometimes, as she was passing through the halls, you would catch him looking at her sadly; with longing.
You shake your head as you start to open your locker and let out a pathetic laugh. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Why are you an idiot?”
You jump as you hear Steve’s voice. You turn around, seeing him leaning up against the lockers next to you with his arms folded and a smile on his face.
“Hey baby,” he leans down to kiss you but you turn your head, making him kiss your cheek instead. He frowns a bit, not understanding why you didn’t let him kiss you but he doesn’t comment on it. “So why are you an idiot?”
“It’s nothing just uh… forgot my math book at home.” you respond.
“It’s okay, you can just use mine.”
“It’s fine, I'll figure it out.”
“What? No, just use my textbook.” He wraps an arm around your shoulders but you push it off just as the bell rings.
“I gotta get to class. Uh, see you later.”
And you left, leaving Steve to wonder why you were acting so weird.
For the rest of the day you avoided Steve. You didn’t want to see him, not after the conversation you heard between him and Nancy. You were scared that it was only a matter of time before he would break up with you to get back together with Nancy and you completely understood. She was the first person he fell in love with; his first love. And she was so beautiful. You never understood what he saw in you. You were nothing compared to Nancy.
You somehow made it home without running into Steve and let out a loud sigh as the door shut behind you. Today sucked.
“How was school?” your mom asked, poking her head out of the kitchen.
“It was good.” you mumble.
“Is Steve coming over for dinner?”
Crap, you completely forgot about that.
“No uh, he had something planned with his parents tonight.” you lie.
Your mom frowns. “Bummer. Oh well, maybe next time.”
“Yeah. Next time.” not.
You excuse yourself to go to your room. As you step inside, you set your backpack down on your bed and close your eyes, sighing deeply.
“What’s going on?”
You gasp, holding your hand over your chest as you spot your brother standing at your doorway.
“Jesus, Dustin, a warning would’ve been nice.”
He disregards what you just said and sits on your bed, looking up at you expectantly.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” he says, arms folded over his chest.
“Nothing is going on you dork.” you roll your eyes.
“Yeah suuuure,” Dustin scoffs, “so Steve just willingly chose to do something with his parents rather than come over here for dinner? Come on Y/N, that might have fooled mom but not me.”
Dustin knew how Steve felt about his parents, specifically his dad so there was no way your little lie would slip past him as easily as it did with your mom. You sigh and roll your eyes again. You’ve been doing that a lot today.
“Listen Dustin, I’ve got everything under control. You have nothing to worry about.” you reassured.
“Are you sure?”
“Okay then.” your brother stands up. “But if anything happens, just let me know. I’ve got this,” he lifts his left fist up, “and this,” he lifts his other fist, “waiting for Steve.”
You let out a small laugh at your brother’s attempt to have your back. “Thanks Dusty.”
It was later in the day and you were doing homework in your room when you heard the telephone ring from down the hall.
“I got it!” Dustin yells and the ringing stops as he answers the phone.
You go back to your homework, zoning out of the world around you and trying to focus on your school work but you couldn’t. Instead, you kept replaying the day in your head. The conversation between Steve and Nancy kept worrying you but you also felt a little ridiculous. You knew Steve liked you but you were afraid that one day he’d realize that he still wanted to be with Nancy.
You stare at the paper in front of you before pushing it aside and shoving your face into your pillow, groaning. “Yeah, I’m definitely an idiot.”
“Y/N, Steve’s on the phone. He wants to talk to you.” Dustin says as he stands by the door.
You groan again.
“Y/N,” he warns.
“Get up.”
“Get up or else I’ll tell Steve what you said to me about him last Christmas.”
You immediately left your head up. “You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
You both have a stare off before you admit defeat and stand up. “Fine.” You walk down the hall and take a deep breath before picking up the phone. “Hello?”
You can hear Steve let out a sigh of relief upon hearing your voice. “Y/N,” he sighs. “What’s going on?”
“What do you mean? Nothing’s going on.” you respond softly, curling the cord around your index finger.
“You’ve been acting weird all day. First you were really distant with me in the morning and then you completely avoided me all day. You didn’t even wait for me to take you home! I asked Jonathan if he knew where you were and he said you went home the second school let out so what’s going on? Did I do something wrong?” Steve sounds desperate to know what he did wrong and you feel even worse than you did before.
“No it’s just- you- I-I-” you stop trying to talk and sigh.
It’s quiet on the phone for a few seconds before Steve speaks again. “I’m coming over.”
And with that he hangs up, not giving you a chance to protest. You put the phone back up and turn around, spotting Dustin.
“Steve’s coming over?”
You nod.
“Sweet, then you can stop sulking.”
“Hey!” you frown. “I am not sulking!”
“Whatever you say Y/N/N.” he grins. “Just don’t make out with him when you two make up. My room is right across from yours and the walls are thin. Very thin.”
“Dustin!” you lightly punch his arm.
He laughs and skips off to his room, making kissing noises as he does so. You’re just about to run after him and give him a piece of your mind when there’s a knock on your front door. You freeze for a minute until there’s another knock and your mom emerges from her room.
“Is someone knocking?” she asks.
“I got it mom.” you tell her.
You open the front door, revealing Steve who had his hands in his pockets. He immediately looks up and locks eyes with you.
“Hey.” he says.
You two stare at each other for a few seconds before your mom enters the room.
“Y/N who is- oh, hi Steve,” you mom smiles, “what are you doing here? Y/N said you had something planned with your parents tonight.”
Steve looks over at you and you look down at your sock covered feet. You forgot you had lied about Steve not being able to come over for dinner.
“Uh, yeah it got canceled.” he responds.
“Does that mean you’re staying for dinner?” she asks right away.
Steve smiles and nods his head. “Yes ma’am, I’d never turn down your food.”
Your mom chuckles and you grab Steve by his arm, pulling him with you. “Come on, we should talk in my room.”
He allows you to drag him to your room but right before you could shut your door your mom yells out, “No funny business!”
“I would never Ms. Henderson!”
The two of you sat in silence, him on your bed and you on your desk chair. You kept your eyes on your hands that sat on top of your lap, not daring to look up at Steve. You were embarrassed, knowing that very soon you’d have to tell Steve why you’ve been avoiding him all day. What would he say? Would he laugh in your face? Would he tell you that you were right and he was going to leave you for Nancy? Thoughts raced through your mind at a mile a minute and Steve could tell you were in deep thought.
“Hey,” he says, gaining your attention, “what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“Are you gonna leave me?” you blurt out suddenly. It catches both of you off guard and you slap a hand over your mouth with wide eyes.
Steve’s eyebrows furrow together. “What?”
“Nothing! It’s nothing, I didn’t say anything!” you exclaim, still not believing that you idiotically blurted that out loud.
“Why would I leave you?” he asks, very confused.
You sigh. “It’s nothing.”
“You think I’m gonna leave you, Y/N, that’s not nothing.” he moves to sit in front of you and grabs your hand in his, gently caressing it with his thumb. “Tell me what’s going on.”
You bite your lip and look up at him. It’s now or never. Might as well get it over with.
“I… I overheard you and Nancy talking in front of the library.” you confess. “When she said she still had feelings for you.”
Steve closes his eyes and sighs. “Shit.” he breathes out then looks at you. “Y/N-”
“Listen, I understand. If you want to be with her again that’s fine. She is your first love and I remember how in love you were with her. I just… It’ll suck for a while, seeing you two together but I’ll get over it. As long as you’re happy Steve, that’s all I care about.” you give him a sad smile, tears pricking your eyes.
“You didn’t hear the whole conversation, did you?” He asks as he ran his fingers through his hair.
You shook your head. “I left after she confessed. I didn’t want to hear what you said next. I didn’t… want to get my heart broken.” you whisper the last part, quickly wiping away the pesky tears that fell from your eyes.
Steve curses and stands up, pulling you with him. “Come here.”
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a hug as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“I promise you, it’s not what you think.”
Steve arrived at school earlier than usual to discuss bumping his grade up with his teacher who told him if he completed a missing book report by the end of the week, his grade would go up. He agreed and made his way to the library where he passed Jonathan who was leaving said library. They say hi to each other and Steve enters the room, quickly finding the book he was looking for before heading out to meet up with you before the bell rang.
As he exited the library though, Nancy stopped him.
“Hey can we talk?”
Steve tucks the book away in his backpack and leans up against the wall next to him. “What’s up? What’d you want to talk about?”
Nancy takes a deep breath before speaking. “Listen, I know this is completely out of the blue and you’ve already moved on but I can’t help but think about you… about us.”
Steve looks at her, very confused. “Huh?”
Nancy sighs. “What I’m trying to say is… I miss you, Steve. I miss us. I miss being together. I was an idiot to break up with you the way that I did and I regret it every day.” Nancy takes hold of Steve’s hand and he still has no clue what the hell is going on. “I still have feelings for you, Steve Harrington.”
Nancy looks at him with nothing but pure love written all over her face. It was true, she did regret how they ended things and she wanted nothing more than to give it another try with him. She knew it was wrong to confess all of this and want him to date her again when Steve had a girlfriend but she was hoping he’d pick her. She hoped Steve still had feelings for her.
Steve was processing everything that just happened. He never expected Nancy to say anything like this.
“Steve?” Nancy spoke softly, “say something. Please.”
Steve comes back to his senses and all he can think about is you. He gently pulls his hand away from her grasp and takes a step back, putting some distance between the two of them.
“You know… the old Steve would have been over the moon hearing this.” He says. “Nancy, I tried so hard to get you back after we broke up. I was a wreck for months. I hadn’t smiled in who knows how long. The old Steve would’ve taken you back in a heartbeat but… not anymore. I’m with Y/N now and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than when I’m with her. She healed me. She’s been there for me. I-I’m so deeply in love with her, Nancy. There’s no way I’d ever jeopardize our relationship. I want a future with her.”
Nancy looks down, a sad smile on her face. “I was an idiot to think you’d choose me over her.”
“I’m sorry.” he spoke softly. “I did truly love you, Nancy. You were my first love and you’ll always have a place in my heart. But I’m in love with Y/N now and she’s my everything.”
She nods and wipes her tears away. “I’m happy that you’ve found someone, Steve. I’m happy that she makes you happy. You deserve to be happy. And I’m so sorry- for everything.”
Steve flashed the girl a small smile. “It’s in the past. Let’s just forget it and move on.” He checks the clock on the wall, noticing it’s almost time for the bell to ring and he pushes himself up. “It’s almost time for class, I gotta meet up with Y/N.”
Nancy saw as his eyes sparkled when he said her name. How full of love they were. She knew the look he had on his face because that was how he used to look at her. With love. And she knew in that moment that she could have never competed with you for Steve’s love. Because his heart was dead set on you and there was no changing his mind. No matter who it was, he’d choose you.
“It was nice seeing you, Nancy.” Steve smiled before walking away.
Before he got too far though, Nancy called out to him, causing the boy to turn around.
“Do you think we could ever become friends?”
Steve smiled. “Maybe one day.”
And with that, he left, excited to see you.
“It’s you that I want to be with, Y/N. Not Nancy- not anyone. Just you.” he says, kissing your forehead. “You’re it for me.”
You hide your face in his chest in embarrassment. “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions. I just got so insecure I… I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Steve responds. He pulls back so that he can see your face. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too.” it comes out as a whisper.
“I love you more.”
He kisses you right there in your room. It’s soft and gentle but full of passion, like he’s trying to show you just how much he loves you through the kiss. A few seconds go by before he pulls away and looks into your eyes as his thumb caresses your face.
“I’m so lucky to have you,” he says, “you’re so goddamn perfect, you know that?”
You immediately blush and whine out, “Steeeeeve.”
He lets out a chuckle. “What? I’m being serious. I love you so much.”
He looks at you with nothing but love in his eyes and you feel like your heart is about to explode. Steve is about to kiss you again when your mom yells out, “dinner’s ready!”.
He pouts but takes your hand in his. “Come on, let’s go.” you two barely make it to your door when he speaks again. “We are so making out after dinner.”
“What? You thought that one little kiss was gonna satisfy me? Nuh uh, we need to make up for lost time today.”
You let out a laugh as you both make your way to the dining table where Dustin already sat.
“Hey Henderson,” Steve greeted the boy as the two of you sat down, “how was your day?”
“It was good,” Dustin nods, “until I heard this weird noise. What was it again… oh!”
He starts making kissing noises and you kick him under the table while a blush spreads across Steve’s face. You’re about to say something when your mom comes back to the table, setting the food down.
“Alright kiddos, eat up!” she beamed as she sat next to Dustin.
Steve picked up his fork with a smile on his face. “Sweet! My favorite!” he exclaimed, “the food looks so good Ms. Henderson!”
You watch as your boyfriend loads his plate with food while engaging in conversation with your family and you can’t help the smile that makes its way to your face.
You could get used to this.
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moongumi · 2 years
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hold tight
pairing: yuta okkotsu x f!reader
⟶ cw. fem!reader, smut, virginity loss, sub!yuta (to switch), oral (m), unprotected sex, creampie, rough sex, edging, denial, crybaby!yuta, whiney!yuta, pet names. 18+ MDNI
sypnosis: yuta gets bad advice from his friend on how to stop being such a virgin
⟶ wc. 2.9k
a/n: hi all this was written really quickly, missing yuuta hours - can't wait for the movie to be out here!
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His voice is quiet, muffled, and almost incomprehensible. Your eyes are narrow, making him feel small and uneasy under the weight it bared.
“Say that again.”
His eyes waver unable to make contact with your own. His hands tangled together, legs shaking ever so slightly with nerves.
“Megumi said, you could teach me how to…have sex.”
Your mind is jumbled, racing with thoughts, how did he end up with that conclusion?
The wind gushes through your window, moving the blinds around and that was the only noise in the room after he spoke, he felt extremely awkward and out of place, especially with your eyes glaring through his soul.
“Megumi, told you that?” You scoff, moving from laying on the bed and standing up in front of him. “What else did he say?”
Yūta Okkotsu stands in your room for the first time in his life, shaking. He mumbles some words you can’t hear making you groan and roll your eyes. You throw your head back, slumping back on the bed, “You need to speak up.”
Yūta huffs, stepping closer, “Megumi told me that you’re really nice to first-timers and I could maybe get some advice.”
Your eyes twitch, what has this little bitch been telling people. “Just because I blew him in a bathroom doesn’t mean I’m some sex-pert. Now get out, Okkotsu.”
He doesn’t budge, not even when you kick him with your feet instead he grabs your ankle and pulls you to the end of the bed leaning over. “Please, just hear me out.”
You choke, trying to mask your shocked expression with an angry look.
“I’ve never done anything like this before and I want to be good, especially for someone─”
“I’m not fucking you! And that’s cheating!”
Yūta shakes his head, “It’s not cheating because we’re not together, yet.”
He makes that seem like it’s so much better. You roll your eyes trying to kick his hand away but he’s got a tight grasp on it, only locking eyes with you-filled with concentration.
“For the last time, no! Okkotsu, I don’t fuck virgins!”
“But Megumi said─”
“Megumi, this and Megumi that, stop bringing him up!”
Yūta realizes his first mistake, believing in his friend. Shit, he would’ve never imagined this situation would happen otherwise. Last night Megumi had told him that you were very good at what you did and extremely considerate with first-timers, but then you just said…maybe Megumi was lying, fuck, he was definitely lying. It wasn’t a secret that Yūta had feelings for the girl who’s out of his league, the girl that laid beneath his stance with her ankle in his hand but no, he had someone he really likes─right?
Yūta gulps, switching his hands, still holding your ankle as he gets on his knees, “Please. I have no clue what I’m doing and I just want to─”
“Yūta, I’m not your experiment.”
He breathes heavily, “But I can be yours, please, you can do anything to me.” Your eyes seemed to never lose the burning annoyance, the rage that made him feel as if you’d burn up in flames at any second.
“I already told you, I don’t─”
“Fuck virgins, I know but is that the only thing stopping you? Give me a good reason why you don’t have sex with virgins and I’ll leave.”
You sigh, rubbing your hands in the centre of your eyes, “They always cum too fast, okay? Virgins, especially guys get inside a nice soft pussy and bust within a second.”
Yūta huffs, “I won’t. I promise.”
His eyes were passionate, he wanted to prove you wrong. Especially when you were looking at him with less of that hate and more of a concern. Your eyes soften and he sees the possibilities, the way you’re under him right now could turn within a flash if only your clothes were off, shit, he didn’t even think of how he’d react if he saw you naked…he might actually fail.
“Okay, but if you cum don’t ever talk to me again.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“You can’t just keep telling me to stop.” You wipe the drool off your lips, eyes flickering towards his flushed vermillion cheeks.
He’s got the back of his hand stuffed in his mouth, biting down on it so he wouldn’t make so much noise. Your brother was home and well, it would be extremely awkward if he walks in.
Yūta’s body shakes under every little touch, sweat beading down his naked torso, his eyes water.“It’s not fair, I’m the only one naked.”
You rolled your eyes, tapping the tip of his angry red cock, “My room, my rules. Plus you wanted this, right?”
“I wanted to learn how to have sex, not resist busting my load in your─fuck! extremely wet and skilled mouth,” he twitches and squirms when your tongue licks at its hole, crying out, “You’re killing me.”
“Woah, as if it’s not the whole point, I’m teaching you restraint. I’m not letting you fuck me and cum right away.”
Yūta jumbles his words, his toes curl and he lets out the most intoxicating guttural moan you’ve ever heard. If only he could tell how wet were you with only the sight and sound of him. You shift your weight feeling the wet pool between your legs, sticking to your panties.
His eyes were soaked with his tears, his lips bruised from all the biting he did to try to keep his mouth shut.
Footsteps near your bedroom and you freeze, holding his veiny erect dick in your hand and you release his velvety dick from your mouth letting it drop, “Shush, wait a second.”
A knock at the door and your brother speaks, “Yo, what you want for dinner? Mom and dad won’t be home til’ late they told me to order something.”
Your brother was none other than Choso Kamo and well Yūta was scared out of his skin. He was not about to get caught balls deep inside Choso’s sister’s mouth. Yūta gasps, shutting his mouth with his hands immediately.
You sigh, pulling back his hand from his mouth, “What are you ordering?”
“Pizza? Mcdonalds, pick.”
You hum, nodding towards Yūta, “What do you want?”
Yūta’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head, and he cries in panic, “What? What do I─what do you mean?”
“Just get pizza, and get lots of sides and a drink, thank you.” You shout towards the door, hearing your brother reply and tap away on his phone assuming that he is ordering it right away.
You chuckle, seeing Yūta’s shocked expression was lowkey entertaining, plus he’s such a cute little crybaby.
“Why did you do that to me?”
You shrug, pinching his cheeks, “Becuz’ you’re cute.”
He cries out when your hands knead his cock effortlessly. His hair sprawled slick back over his head. For someone who’s had zero experience he’s been resisting quite well, especially since you were trying to make him cum─something in your gut clenches thinking of the way he’d cum so prettily, you wanted to experience it.
Yūta had always been a pretty boy, really pretty but way too kind and innocent for you to ever try anything with so when he knocked on the door an hour ago you couldn’t wait to play with your food.
Precum leaks past his hefty size, he wasn’t the biggest you’ve seen but god, it was so pretty just like his face.
“Are you ready?”
Yūta gasps, catching his breath, “Ready? Uh─ready for what?”
“For me.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Condom,” You waved the packet in your hand, “Or no condom?”
Below you Yūta laid like a pillow princess, eyes bewildered, his lips fell open breathing heavy breaths. His hands are amateur and frail holding onto the sides of your hips, scared to venture and grab at the curvature of your body.
He whines, brain stuttering, “I don’t─I don’t mind.” His lashes are long, raven and flutter as if he’s got mascara on it, god you were jealous. His adams apple is visible and moves whenever he gulps, you felt the urge to press your mouth against it and bruise it but you had something else to do.
You cock your head, wanting to tease him. Your chest bare, he could barely keep himself from looking but he wanted to be polite, even when your pussy was out and only hovering about his erection. “Pick.”
He gulps, eyes flickering to your chest, drool almost slides past his plump lips, “No condom.”
You smirk, “Good choice, you should be grateful I’m on birth control but this will make your life harder, I’ll warn you again─you cum you never talk to me again, Okkotsu, in school if you see me walk the other way─”
“I know, I won’t.” He says confidently, gripping your hips tightly.
You nod, tossing the packet aside. You were wet but it could be easier so you take one of his hands pressing it against the fat lips of your cunt. Yūta chokes immediately, you could see his abs flex, for a guy like him he was built but not ripped. God, he’s cute.
His hands were guided towards the folds of your pussy, feeling down the slit gathering slick at the tips of his fingers. Without even any hints from you he presses harder, feeling through the folds towards the entrance.
Your breath hitches in your throat, hands holding you up beside his head. Your tits hang right about his face, “Could I, you know, put those in my mouth?”
“Hhm, Yūta you could do anything to me right now,” You say, catching your moans with a press of your lips.
He felt himself get harder, knowing how wet you were just because of him, it was because of him right? He hopes so, feeling the itching desire to go deeper. He slips his two fingers into your wet needy cunt, feeling all of that arousal. You moan and Yūta’s mouth catches one of your nipples sucking on them. Your body squirms, feeling the flow of pleasure down your spine.
You couldn’t hold back, “Please, Yūta, deeper.”
He listens right away, his body reacting to yours with ease. He was learning fast, somehow he felt as if he was having sex with someone he’s known for a long time─somehow his fingers knew the way to pleasure you as if it’s done it a lot of times.
Your lips were wet and red from biting your lips, your brother would definitely hear you. Yūta couldn’t resist anymore, even though he told himself this would be just sex, your lips looked way too tasty.
His lips caught yours, sucking them into his─mixing your tongues together. He loved the way your voice echoes into his throat, the way your cunt clenches when he goes deeper and curls it like those people in porn do. His two fingers bottom out inside of you, wanting the right spot. Your hands weaved through his hair, pulling making him groan.
“You’re so hot,” Yūta slurs, his voice drunk with bliss, “I want to kiss you all day, it feels so good.”
You agree, nodding as your tongue folds around his, sucking on the end of it before you pulled away with a string of drool, “Fuck me now, Yūta, fucking put your dick inside of me.”
“Okay, baby. I’ll fuck you, I’ll fuck you real good.”
He doesn’t lie. He looks down at where your bodies would meet, holding onto his dick as he lines it up. His eyes and yours meet, his through his lashes and he doesn’t lose eye contact wanting to see the way your face melts when his cock begins its stretch into your dripping cunt.
The spongey head presses and stretches you open when his hands guide your hips down slowly, he wanted to control the pace. The stretch was painful from the sheer girth but in a lewd way, the pain felt good. You sit slowly, watch his lips drop glossy with the drool he dribbled.
You teased the entry, bobbing up and down only allowing the tip to ease in and out, Yūta stifles a whine, “Oh god, it feels so good. You feel so good.”
His eyes flutter, dilated with pleasure. If only he’d known it would feel this good he’d not been so scared to do it earlier.
“Everything feels too good!”
You couldn’t help yourself wanting to completely take his entirety, you sit with a quick motion completely taking his breath. Yūta chokes, shutting his eyes─his face flushed with a pained expression, “Slow down, please, I’m gonna cum if you do that again.”
“Well, that’s not really my problem, is it? If you cum that’s your fault─”
“That’s not fair, you don’t get to just sit on me with this tight pussy and just─fuck, expect me to not cum!” He strains, his abs flex bending forwards as he tries to resist his release.
“Please, let me cum,” His eyes watering again, knowing no matter what you wouldn’t listen.
“You want to cum that badly?”
You bottom him out inside of you, clenching around him. It fit snugly in the molds of your cunt, filling up its entirety. You roll your hips, torturing him. “It doesn’t really matter to me, if you cum then cum.”
“But I’ll never be able to talk to you again,” He whines, trying his hardest to hold you still with his shaking sweaty palms. The breeze from your ac hitting your bareback sends shivers down your spine as you halt.
You cock your head, blowing a raspberry, “So?”
“So, I don’t want that.”
Oh, considering you were only supposed to be his first experience you were kinda confused with his intentions, maybe he was just a little too fucked out to think right now. No, Yūta wasn’t fucked out, he was thinking very clearly and he didn’t want to end up ruining this, this moment, and whatever that could happen after…hopefully.
“But don’t you want to cum?”
Yuta sobs, nose stuffed, “I do! But you won’t let me.”
You lean down, biting his lobe, you moan loudly purposefully dragging your body up dropping his cock out of you almost entirely, and sitting back down on it. He squirms, gasping, “Fuck you!”
“You are─you are fucking me, Yūta, and I love it so much.” You whined with bliss, playing dirty, “I love the way your cock fits inside of me, feel that? You’re making me shake, pretty boy.”
You clench around him earning a couple of whimpers here and there. You lean back, resting your hands on the top of his thighs giving him a good view of your pussy engulfing his dick and your tits bouncing as you roll your hips throwing your head back.
Yūta felt the thrill, the clench in his stomach, the knot. He takes your tits in his hands, squeezing and savoring them as it might be the last time if he can’t hold back.
Humming, slightly disappointed it didn’t work you completely let him drop out of you. Kicking a leg over you face your ass towards him instead, his eyes nearly pop out of his head, face first with the juiciest ass he’s ever seen. His hands move with their own mind, gripping the cheeks and spreading them to see your perky little asshole. Your raw and swollen lips, leaking with his precum and your arousal. You look back, enjoying his excitement.
“Will you cum?”
He shakes his head, “Not if you don’t want me to.”
“Then make me cum,” You grab his cock and sit on it, enjoying the quick and abrupt penetration. It kisses your cervix, slamming against it over and over, “Make me cum pretty boy.”
Yūta nods, sitting up as much as he could, “I’ll try.”
He uses whatever he’s learned in all those porn videos, hentai, and erotic mangas. He reaches for your bundle of nerves, flicking it and rubbing it. There wasn’t much needed to help your already sensitive body, the way he’s trying and the softness of his fingers were enough to make you squirm. Your toes curl and your voice shrieks raw moans that scratched at the back of your throat.
Your body twitches, shivers. You choke up, hooking down on his cock with your cunt that pulses and shakes uncontrollably from the rush of bliss. Yūta kisses the back of your neck, peppering the sweet and softest open-mouthed presses down your back. “Come on, I feel you cumming, cum all over me.”
Loud gushing and squelches bubble from your hole, you almost forget about him. “Yūta.”
“Huh?” He whimpers.
“You can come,” You look back, seeing his bloodshot eyes, “Come inside me, I’m letting you cum.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, his thrusts are sharp and erratic. Brutally slapping against your bottom he thrusts from below, pushing against the plush blankets. His open mouth gape, drool runs down the corner of his lips and you decide it looked like it would taste good.
Taking his soft lips in yours you press up against him, feeling his load fill you up, painting your walls with his cream. His drool doesn’t stop, damn, it's messy and hot. Your breaths mix and exchanges of moans get swallowed by each other's lips. His lips were soft, bruised from how hard you kissed him. Your tongue enters his mouth licking the roof of his mouth making him groan.
“God, fuck.” He mumbles against your lips. You sit up, letting his softening cock slide out. His cum gushes out, staining your sheets and cascading down your legs to his thigh.
You grab his face in your hands, pressing deeper into him. His soft hands feathers around your waist pulling your body into his, settling you in his lap, “For a virgin, you’re really good.”
“I’m not a virgin anymore,” He says, biting down on your shoulder, “Does this mean you’ll fuck me more?”
You scoff, “Didn’t you want to fuck me so you could fuck that girlfriend of yours good?”
“I told you, not my girlfriend…yet, and maybe never,” Yūta reveals, his grip on your waist tightens as if to prove a point.
“You’re insane.” You press your lips against the crown of his messy and sweat-soaked hair.
Yūta shakes his head, “No, just in love.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
© moongumi 2022. all rights reserved, do not copy and publish my writing anywhere else.
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
love you like the sun came out
ˣ pairing: steven grant x reader
ˣ summary: steven spends an evening with two of his absolute favorites— the egyptian exhibit at the museum and you.
ˣ warnings: purely fluff + cheesy love declarations but we need it ;_;
ˣ a/n: this is just a ficlet i whipped up after bawling my eyes out at the end of episode 5. marvel better watch out bc i’m sending them a bill for my therapy this week lololol. hope you enjoy!
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“...And over here we have Osiris, the god of the underworld,” Steven enthusiastically points out, his pure excitement seeping from his voice. “Osiris had been the pharaoh of Egypt until his own brother Set murdered him out of jealousy.”
He stands beside you, oh so full of glee, and you couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face. It’s quite endearing, causing your heart to flutter out of control. Steven had practically counted down each day leading up to this moment— a casual date at the museum, the first of what he hoped would be many more to come.
Acting as your personal tour guide, Steven saves the best for last. The Egyptian exhibit is his ultimate favorite, something he couldn’t wait to share. Spending time with you surrounded by the most fascinating artifacts in ancient history is the cherry on top of an already perfect evening.
“What happened after?” You question Steven, your genuine interest fueling his eagerness. 
“Well, Set dismembered Osiris’ body and disposed of it into the Nile. Osiris’ wife Isis was devastated by his death. She then decided to search for her husband, and when she did, she put him back together and used her magic to resurrect him!”
“Ah, isn’t that romantic?” you quip, and it earns you a light chuckle from Steven. “Tell me more, babe?”
“Y-Yes! Hmm… let’s see who we else we’ve got here—”
For the next hour or so, you follow Steven as he jumps from one antiquity to another, revealing to you the story behind each one. It’s obvious to almost everyone how fond he is of Egyptian lore. He’s always so passionate when it comes to it, constantly spewing out historical tidbits with every chance he gets. 
You adore it, of course. You adore how happy and animated Steven becomes as a result. It makes you truly happy seeing him this way.
“So, this pretty lady right here is Hathor, goddess of love and joy. She’s also the goddess of music, and she— oh, um… Y/N?”
“Oops, sorry, I missed it. You were saying?”
Snapping out of your daze, you see Steven seemingly become worried as he starts glancing at the floor, now unsure of himself. He must have assumed that you were no longer interested or had grown bored, which was extremely far from the truth.
Before you could speak, an announcement plays over the speakers—the museum will be closing in fifteen minutes. Your heart sinks to your stomach when the smile on Steven’s fades, his tone expressing disappointment as he mutters, “I guess that’s it for today.”
“Wait, Steven,” you said, taking a few steps forward to close the distance between you and him. “We’ve got fifteen minutes still. Please, continue.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to keep you up so late. I know I’ve been talking non-stop in the last hour, and it’s fine if you want to go home.”
A heavy sigh then escapes your lips. “Steven—”
“Maybe Donna was right. Maybe I’m just not cut out to be a tour guide after all—”
“Steven!” You catch his attention, stopping him in the midst of his ramblings. “Sweetheart, where is this coming from?”
He shrugs emptily. “I-I don’t know. I thought that perhaps I went overboard with the whole mythology thing and probably lost you as an audience somewhere along the way. It’s okay; I’ve been told that I tend to be a bit too much, and I should have toned it down tonight. Gosh, I just ruined our date, didn’t I?”
You’re quick to shake your head no at his last statement. Exhaling, you cup his cheeks, your eyes then searching his. “Steven, this night has been perfect for me. I love each minute of it and want even more. I love how excited you get when you share these stories, and I love listening to every word you say.”
You pause for a second, glancing at the figure of Hathor on the side. “Goddess of love, right?”
“Yes,” Steven nods, “Joy and music, too. Also, she’s the goddess of the sky and fertility and—”
You don’t let him finish this time, not when you suddenly capture his lips in a sweet kiss, one he doesn’t seem to mind at all. It’s slow and tender. Gentle, like the kind of man Steven is. You hold him close, feeling him smile through the kiss, which only ends when a patron walks past and clears their throat. Prude.
“Well, in the presence of Hathor, I would like to say that I am in love with you, Steven Grant, and would love nothing more than to listen to you talk about Egypt all day and night.”
The smile on Steven’s face widens to a grin. His doe eyes lock onto yours, admiring you as if you’re the most beautiful creation since the great pyramids of Giza themselves that were built thousands of years ago. “In the presence of Hathor, I too wish to declare my love for you.”
“Well, there you go. Now that that’s out of the way…” you giggle, squeezing his cheeks and then placing a small peck on his nose. “We have around ten minutes left at the most. You’re going to tell me everything there is to know about Hathor until security kicks us out. Afterwards, I’m immediately buying us tickets online for next time so that you can finish touring the exhibit with me. Deal?”
Steven is left momentarily speechless, and you take advantage of his buffering mind to steal yet another kiss. 
When he finally does find his voice, he gives you a little laugh, and it is absolute music to your ears. “Sounds like an amazing deal to me.”
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bts-bay-bee · 2 years
Pairing: jeon jungkook x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Word Count: 3391
Warnings: college!au, they’re paired for group work (ew), cursing, y/n is kind of uptight about their experiment (she cares about her academics, okay?), choking, a tiny bit of dry humping, use of the word “whore” but in a nice way, like “my pretty whore”, finger sucking, orgasm denial, spit kink (only a tiny bit because my dumb ass forgot to add that because I was so focused on the prompts – I’m sorry!), edging, unprotected sex, crying kink (sorry, I project), multiple orgasms, angry neighbours, unprotected sex, cum eating
Prompts: 1 (“You think your fingers will make you cum better than my cock?”), 5 (“Deeper? Harder? Think your little pussy can take it?”), 16 (“How about to stop eye-fucking me and start actually fucking me?”), 18(“You’re so sexy when you think you’re right.”)
Request: @sxtaep​
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A/N: I apologize in advance for the tiny bit of chemical engineering. I also apologize because this fic is very self-indulgent, but I suppose you already saw that from the word count. (This is also a hot mess but I really want to post something, sorry)
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Jeon Jungkook was quite literally, irrevocably, the bane of your existence, so of course he’d be assigned as your lab partner. To make matters worse, the group list was quite clear: this was not just for the semester – but rather the entire year. An entire year of his bullshit.
 “Jungkook, you’re opening the wrong valve,” You said through gritted teeth, clutching your pen in your hand, hovering over your data collection sheet. He turned around, eyebrow raised perfectly over his safety goggles, tattooed hand still opening the wrong valve.
 “You’re so sexy when you think you’re right, Y/N.” He teased, throwing a wink over his shoulder before turning back to the piping system in front of him.
 “I don’t think I’m right; I know I am. That valve has been broken since last semester. The technicians told us to use the main valve to shut the system off.” You snapped, throwing your supplies onto the nearest flat surface to shut the offending valve. “I swear, I should’ve just done the entire thing myself –”
 “But what about spending time with me?” He pouted, grabbing your wrist in an attempt to bring you closer to him.
 “And why would I want to spend time with you?” You laughed sarcastically, snatching your hand back, inspecting the data you collected – probably all useless since Jungkook had been opening and closing the wrong thing for the past hour. “Having you in class is more than what I need to see of you.”
 “You say that now, but we both know you miss me when I’m not around.” Jungkook said smugly, taking the page out of your hand and looking at it himself. Staring at him in disbelief, you quickly glared at him when you saw the sun setting. Great. An entire afternoon wasted in this stupid lab with your stupid lab partner for this stupid experiment –
 “How about to stop eye-fucking me and start actually fucking me?” He murmured, leaning down, close enough to kiss you if either of you moved in the wrong direction.
 “This is a look of disdain, not desire.” You clarified, snatching back the data page, too invested in the figures to catch his frown. “This is all wrong, we don’t have enough time to fix it –”
 “Just come in again tomorrow.” He shrugged, tugging on your sleeve to bring you closer to him. “It’s not a big deal, Y/N.”
 “It’s not a big deal for you, I’m the one who has to figure out the calculations and then still write up the report.”
 “It’s not like you’re alone, I’ll be working on it too. Plus, I know what equations we need –”
 “Like you knew which valve to open?” You scoffed, begrudgingly accepting your backpack from him, stuffing it with your lab coat and goggles. Ignoring you, he opened the door to the lab, allowing you to step out before closing the door behind him. “How did you even end up as my lab partner? I’m pretty sure I saw Jaehyun’s name next to mine before the new pairings were posted –”
 “It’s a long story,” He murmured, waving it off, seemingly irritated with mention of his friend’s name. “But I’d be happy to recall it over coffee –”
 Cutting him off with a groan, you ignored the way he looked over at you, licking his lips at the sound. “Jungkook. We wasted an entire afternoon, someone needs to go do a literature review, since we couldn’t get the data, and I can guarantee you won’t be volunteering to do this. Just let me get work done.”
 Seeing you stomping away from him, Jungkook sighed, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of his stomach… Maybe this time he had gone too far with trying to get a reaction out of you. Afterall, he knew the valve was broken – he was the one who had seen Namjoon sheepishly walk away after informing the technician of his misdeed – but the prospect of spending an extra afternoon with you seemed heavenly, even if you were beyond stressed and trapped in a too hot, too loud, too cramped lab.
 Pouting without realizing, he turned on his heel, shrugging on his lab coat as he entered the building without you.
 Knocking impatiently, you waited for Jungkook to open up his room door, arms crossed as you leaned against the wall. You were too tired, exhausted even, to berate Jungkook for making you come to his apartment when he very well knew you were trying to make up for his mistake.
 Pulling back the door, you wanted to check him out properly, the grey sweatpants clinging to his muscular thighs almost made you drool, but you knew that if he caught you looking, you would never hear the end of it. Walking past him, you sat down in his living room, noticing that he had been busy on some spreadsheet.
 “So, I need to confess something.” He started, locking the front door and sitting next to you, his knee knocking into your own. Side eyeing him, you tried not to let your worry show; something major must be wrong if he had asked to meet you in person, and not spam your phone like he usually does.
 “The experiment today, I –”
 “Jungkook, please, can we not talk about that mess.”
 “I knew I messed up.” He mumbled, looking down. “I did it on purpose. I didn’t realize you were so stressed until we spoke after.”
 Stunned, you stared at him, blinking but not saying anything.
 “I just… I don’t know.” He continued, sighing. “Obviously we would have to redo it, I just didn’t think you’d hate spending an afternoon with me that much. I wanted to spend more time with you, I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
 Still stunned and confused, you didn’t utter a word as he pulled his laptop closer to him, beckoning you closer as he showed you what he had been working on.
 “I went back in and redid it. Everything fits the hypothesis. We just need to do a discussion based on the findings and conclude, then we’re done until next semester.”
 Finally finding your words, you found yourself speaking softly, surprisingly not only yourself but Jungkook as well.
 “Jungkook, that lab took forever, what time did you get back home?”
 Shrugging, he put his laptop back on the coffee table, not meeting your gaze.
 “I’m really sorry for wasting your time.” He mumbled. “I won’t bother you again –”
 “I don’t hate spending time with you.” You blurted, interrupting him. Finally looking at you, he swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. “It’s just… I’d prefer not limiting our alone time to when we have to do a project together. Or when we have important assignments to submit the next day. And especially not when we’re stuck in the lab. That place brings out the worst parts of me.”
 Snorting, Jungkook tried to hold back his retort. But failed. “I know, it’s like you turn into a dragon – ow! Y/N, seriously –”
 For the love of all things holy (or however the saying goes), you do not know how you ended up in this situation. One minute you were clicking on the submit button, lab write up finally done, looking forward to celebrating finally being done with the semester, and the next you were faced with an irate Jungkook.
 “What is your issue?” You hissed, looking at him incredulously as he closed both your laptops, jaw clenched.
 “You keep teasing me, you have been for three days, and you expect me not to be pissed?” He scoffed. “You’re fucking stretching and whining and shoving everything I can’t have in my face, and you expect me not to be pissed?”
 “I wasn’t whining, I was just stretching, we’ve been sitting here for hours –”
 “You were arching your back!” Jungkook argued, pushing his hair back in frustration. Okay, fine, maybe you did moan when you stretched, but it’s not as if you were flashing him or something. Maybe you were pushing him to snap. Maybe you were close to getting exactly what you wanted.
 “Arching my back?” You sighed, as if this conversation bored you. You wondered if he noticed your crossed legs. Or if he noticed you had (purposefully) not pulled up your lowcut shirt when it slipped lower on your chest. “Jungkook, please, stop seeing things that aren’t happening.”
 “They are happening,” He scowled. “You’ve been doing this for days, Y/N. It’s like you’re begging me to take you across the closest available flat surface.”
 “And if I am?” You smirked, making him sigh through his nose as he closed his eyes, jaw clenching further. “What if I want you to take what you want? Take whatever you want, without asking, without needing to ask?”
 Standing abruptly, he caged you against his desk, trying to control his breathing. When he opened his eyes, you saw his pupils were dilated, a dead give away of his arousal.
 “Is that what you want from me?” He whispered, index finger trailing over your exposed collarbone, barely touching you. Although faint, his touch sent a ripple of shivers through you, making his gaze turn even more predatory. “To take whatever I want? To treat you like nothing more than some toy?”
 Biting your lip, you raised your eyebrow at him. An invitation to do whatever he wanted.
 Grabbing your neck harshly, he pushed you flat against his desk, his free hand coming up to clutch your hair, making sure you wouldn’t move as he forced your mouth open with his own, sucking greedily on your tongue. He tasted like coffee and chocolate, the snacks he had so graciously brought out for you, wanting to keep you satiated while you purposefully teased him, purposely pissed him off.
 Raising his knee, he pressed it against your core, letting you grind down on it. Feeling you hump his knee, he chuckled darkly, pressing into your cunt harder, feeding off of your tiny whines.
 “Oh, baby, you’re getting off on this?” He scoffed; amusement clear in his tone. “My pretty, little whore can get off from just humping my leg? How fucking pathetic.”
 His words washed over you with shame, but you knew he was right – Jungkook was just one of those people who could be sexy doing the most mundane things. As much as you hate to admit it, you enjoyed it when was asked to do any manual labour in the labs; muscles bulging through his lab coat, toned muscles barely contained by his jeans, as he helped someone open a particularly stubborn valve. Even better when he had to jump up onto a raised platform – putting him at the perfect height to grab you by the back of the neck and fuck your throat for any and everybody to see. Speaking of which –
 “Want to suck your cock,” You mumbled, dazed as you continued to press your core against his thigh. “Please, need your cock in my mouth.”
 “Do you deserve my cock, baby?” He asked, insincere sweetness dripping from his lips. “Do you think this lying, teasing, mouth deserves my cock?”
 “But I want it,” You cried, pleasure ebbing from your body as he lessened the pressure his thigh expended on your core. Pinning your hips to the wooden table, he forced you to deal with barely-there pleasure. “Please, I’ll be good for you.”
 “But what if I want to fuck your little pussy?” He asked, veiny hands trailing over the waistband of your pants, slowly pulling them down to find your light pink panties. Balling your pants up and throwing it at random, he began softly caressing you through the flimsy material. “What if I want to fuck my baby stupid? Make you beg me to stop when you can’t take my whole cock, hmm? What then?”
 “Want that too.” You mumbled, eyes half-closed from need. “Want everything you want to do to me.”
 “Well, we won’t be doing anything,” He breathed, “Not until you soak your panties for me, okay baby?”
 “No, please fuck me, I can take you now,” You mumbled, struggling to not just continue humping his knee until you cum. “I’m so wet for you, Jungkook, please.”
 “If you’re so wet for me, how come only this tiny bit of your panties are wet then?” He murmured, outlining the small, but growing, wet patch on your panties, making you squirm. “No, Y/N, I want you to soak my dick when I fuck you, need you to be dripping for me, okay?”
 “s’gonna take too long.” Whining, you were two seconds away from tears. “I want you now.”
 “I don’t care what you want.” Jungkook smiled, cheeks making an eye-smile as he shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you choke slightly as he pushed it in further. “Now shut the fuck up, and grind on my thigh. Be my good girl, Y/N.”
 “Please, please, I’m close – I’m gonna cum, Jungkook –”
 “Nuh-uh, not yet, sweetheart,” He crooned, ripping away his fingers over your clit at the last moment, just barely preventing your orgasm. You were so close this time, it felt like you were just about to fall off the edge and he had abruptly yanked you off the ledge.
 Tears of frustration dripped down your cheeks, as he grinned at your ruined panties, now thoroughly soaked with your arousal. Letting you recover for a second, his fingers went back to your still-clothed clit, rubbing tiny circles, hard and fast.
 Furrowing his eyebrows in concentration, you felt yourself leak more arousal. You hated how empty you felt; core aching to be filled, stuffed to the brim with his cock, his fingers, anything he would give you. After being edged for so long, it didn’t take much to have you speeding towards the precipice of euphoria,
 “I just – want to – cum, please!” You panted, trying to rip your wrists out of his hand, planning to finger yourself if he pulled away again. You deserved an orgasm after being denied so long, and at this point you didn’t care if it came from him or you. You just needed a release. “I swear, Jungkook, I’ll fuck myself if you stop now –”
 Openly laughing, he pulled away, holding your wrists tighter as you struggled against him. “And how exactly are you going to do that, sweetheart?”
 “I have fingers,” You snapped, continuously struggling against him, tears still flowing down your cheeks out of desperation. You felt as if you would fall apart at the seams if you didn’t get your release soon, desperation gripping every inch of you. “I want to cum and if you won’t let me, then let me finish myself off –”
 “You think your fingers will make you cum better than my cock?” He whispered, his free hand, unbeknownst to you, pulling his sweats down, pulling his aching length out, tugging on it a few times. “You think anything you do can make you feel better than I can?”
 He didn’t care for an answer, instead pulling your panties aside, sliding his length right inside, the stretch making you both moan. Grinding his entire length into you, he made sure he was as deep in as he could be, ignoring the way you gasped for air repeatedly.
 “Can your fingers reach this deep, baby?” He asked sweetly, muscles bulging, hand squeezing his wrists tightly before quickly letting go, instead finding solace on your throat, without squeezing. “Hmm? No? Of course, it can’t. You need my cock to make you feel like this, yeah?”
 Mumbling nonsense, you tried grinding against him, desperate for any type of friction that you were able to get with the limited space to move. Wearing a genuine smile, Jungkook kissed your forehead as he saw how blissed out you were, almost content with just being filled with his length. Almost.
 “Please,” You mumbled, kissing and sucking tiny marks onto his skin. “Please, anything –”
 “Who would’ve thought you could be fucked dumb?” He teased, barely pulling out, his own muscles tensing as your core gripped his length, not wanting to part from it. “Such a greedy pussy, babe, doesn’t want to let me pull out.”
 Consciously unclenching around his cock, he pulled out completely, rubbing the head over your clit, causing even more tears of frustration to leak down your cheeks, a whimper involuntarily leaving you.
 Almost as if a flipped had switched in him, he began thrusting into you hard, thumb running under your eye, gathering your tears on one side, kissing them away on the other.
 “You look so fucking cute when you cry.” He murmured, kissing the corner of your lips as your hands gripped his biceps, his hair, anything you could get your hands on. “Wanted to make you cry from my cock for the longest time, Y/N.”
 “I wanted you for so long,” You gasped, nails leaving tiny indents on his skin as he began rubbing circles on your clit. Your denied orgasm reared its head again, making your voice higher, breathes faster. “I want you so spit in my mouth – fuck, please, harder! Please, I want you deeper –”
 “Deeper? Harder? Think your little pussy can take it?” he snapped, hand once again wrapped around your throat, pinning you down with a single hand. You gasped, not expecting him to actually give it to you. Using his free hand, he held your chin, making sure your lips were parted enough to let the rivulet of spit fall into your mouth, only barely making a mess. This pushed you over the edge and within moments he had forced you to reach your orgasm, finally letting you cum on his length.
 Muscles spasming, you whined, moaned his name so loud that you heard someone in the other dorm angrily hit their shared wall. Ignoring them, he kissed you deep, swallowing your moans, taking your breath away, leaving you gasping for air.
 He fucked you through the entire thing, never once faltering, even when you wrapped your legs around him, wanting him to never leave your core. His thrusts turned more into grinding as his own high approached, deft thumb still rubbing over your clit, the constant stimulation making your already sensitive core spasm again, orgasm leaving you full on crying.
 Without realizing, you had clenched so hard when you came, his cock had been pushed out, something that made him curse, immediately lining up his leaking length to your cunt. Pushing inside, ignoring your gasps and spasming muscles, he groaned,
 “I know, baby, I’m almost there, I promise.”
 “Want your cum, please,” You whispered, having no energy for anything other than to be used as his toy. “Want every drop, anywhere you want to, just want your cum –”
 Your pleads were drowned out by his curses, quickly pulling out and jerking off until his cum pooled on your stomach, the sheer amount threatening to spill over onto his desk, especially as you took in deep breathes, attempting to recover from your high.
 Leaning down, he kissed you sweetly, as if he hadn’t been telling you how fuckable you look when you cry, and you felt his fingers trailing over the warm cum on your skin, scooping some up and pressing his fingers into your mouth, simultaneously dropping more spit into your mouth.
 Twisting your fingers in his hair, you refused to let him part from you, only letting him go far enough to gather more of his cum from your stomach, alternating between sucking his fingers clean and swallowing his spit.
 When he had successfully cleaned your skin, he tried pulling away, tiny giggles bubbling from him when you whined.
 “Come on, we need to take a shower.”
 “I don’t have clean clothes,” You mumbled, leaning up, trying to get his lips on your own again.
 “Use mine.” He sighed, exasperatedly, his eyes full of amusement. “Let’s go, I want to get us cleaned up so we can watch a movie.”
 “But I want to keep kissing you!” You sighed back, using his tone against him. His skin heated, refusing to look you in the eyes.
 “I promise I’ll kiss you more later, I just want to spend some time with you which doesn’t entail us bending over a desk.”
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Missing Piece
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Feelings come to light in the most fitting way. Word Count: Over 2.6k Warnings: Pining, fluff, insecurities, feels, idiots in love admitting how they feel (is that a warning?), roommate!Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?), Alpine still being the best cat ever A/N: Hey, lovelies! We finally get to see how Stud and Smartie get together. And to me, it's just right. Beta read by the beautiful @maladaptivexxdaydreaming, but any and all mistakes are my own. Banners by the talented @vase-of-lilies. Moodboard by yours truly. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Please reblog or comment as it means the world!
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The sound of the clock ticking in the quiet apartment taunted you as you sat on the couch. You matched the timing to the rhythm of “Can’t Help Falling In Love” without realizing it until you heard yourself humming the tune. Ever since that night in the kitchen, you found yourself playing the song on repeat when you were alone. You wished you could dance with Bucky every night. It would be a dream come true.
You were also slightly on edge now when Bucky was close by, which wasn’t lost on him. Of course he noticed right away that you kept tapping your fingers against your thigh, like you couldn’t relax. Or how you shifted in your seat, unable to sit still. He finally asked you this morning if something was going on with a class or something else, to which you quickly said “no”. 
“It isn’t me, is it?” he questioned, his blue eyes full of worry.
“Of course not,” you swore.
Then you bolted to your bedroom.
And didn’t come out until he left for the day.
“What the hell is wrong with me?” you asked when Alpine joined you on the couch, smiling a little as she rubbed her head against your palm. Purring, she climbed on your lap and got comfortable. “Why can’t I just tell him how I feel?”
You were honest with him about everything else, but admitting your feelings made you nervous, as much as you wanted to admit how you felt. You replayed moments of the two of you together in your mind over and over, like how he treated your classmate when he came by. Bucky’s protective demeanor didn’t scream brotherly at all. He looked out for you the way a lover would.
“He likes me,” you said softly, absentmindedly petting Alpine. “Right?”
"But what if he doesn't? What if I tell him and he asks me to move out?" your voice cracked as the cat tilted her head and gently tapped her paw against your leg with a slight rumble. "I know he wouldn't do that. He isn't that kind of guy. He's the best kind of guy. And I'm me." 
Alpine got up and faced you before she bumped her head against yours, like she understood that your mind wasn't being kind to your heart.
"I just don't want to mess up what we have."
And I don't want to lose him. 
Another bump to the head made you smile. 
"Okay, okay. I'll tell him," you promised, if only to give you closure if he didn't feel the same. 
You jumped when you heard the door open, the cat jumping down and going to greet Bucky. “Hey, Al. Miss me?” he said from the doorway as he took off his shoes and left his keys on the small table. Your heart raced as he walked in, holding a small bag in his hand. You did your best not to stare at his Henley stretched across his broad frame. But you knew if your gaze drifted lower, you’d-
“Hey, Smartie."
"Hey! How was your day?"
"Not bad. You feeling better?”
You blinked as you looked up at him, confused. “Better? Was I feeling bad?”
“You ran into your room so fast this morning I thought you were gonna be sick,” he said, walking over to the bookcase and selecting a book after a moment. “Also thought I might've done something to upset you."
I made him feel bad. I'm such an idiot. 
“You didn't do anything. I’m fine,” you answered sheepishly, nodding as he looked at you. His hair was down, framing his face, and you wanted to brush it behind his ear and apologize for worrying him. 
“I'm not sick. Just a little out of it, but it's fine. I'm fine."
I really need to stop saying I'm fine.
“Just so we're clear, you're fine?" he smiled that crooked smile you knew so well. "I mean, you are fine. Especially since you're wearing my shirt."
You bit the inside of your cheek as you glanced down at yourself, the hoodie warm and comfortable. Bucky left shirts out for you since you wore them so often. He didn't seem to mind. And you liked that they smelled like him. "That's cheesy, Stud," you giggled. 
And I love it. Please, say more nice things.
"It's the truth," he said as he went to his chair and took a seat. He hardly made a sound as he shifted to face you. You were still in awe that the 6’3 man moved so silently. In another life, he could’ve been a spy or assassin with that kind of stealth.
 “But I'm glad you said something because you have seemed a bit off. Anything you want to talk about?” 
Your finger began to tap against your thigh, trying to think of how to answer. “Well, there is something."
Bucky took his phone out and made sure it was on silent. He did that whenever he didn't want anyone bothering the two of you, which happened often. "Shoot."
You swallowed as you tried to find the words, unable to get the truth out as he stared at you expectantly. 
Just say the words!
 "Actually, can we talk after dinner?” is what came out instead.
Why am I being such a coward? Maybe I can have a drink for a bit of liquid courage? No, no. No alcohol. I need to do this right.
“Yeah,” he nodded, his brow furrowing as he looked at the bag in his hand. “You sure you don't want to talk now?”
“I’m sure,” you tried to keep your voice light as he raised an eyebrow. “It isn’t anything bad, really. Just something I need to say and I can’t say it on an empty stomach. I didn’t eat much today.”
The frown on his face made your heart skip a beat. “When was the last time you ate? I’ll make you-”
“No, really. I can wait,” you stopped him as he began to stand. 
I will tell him how I feel, even if I end up blurting out the words unceremoniously.
 “What’s in the bag?” you questioned to change the topic.
Bucky didn’t look thrilled as he sat back down. 
He’s adorable when he’s concerned.
 “Like you said, you’ve been out of sorts,” he told you, leaning over to hand you the bag. “Thought this might help.”
“You got me a present?” you smiled as you sat up, seeing the slightest blush in his cheeks.
 I could kiss him.
 “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I wanted to,” he said, watching intently as you took the box out.
“A puzzle?” you smiled wider, carefully turning the box over. You loved putting puzzles together. Some of your friends liked to tease you about it, but Bucky encouraged your hobby. He usually used the quiet time to read while you worked on them. 
“A heart shaped puzzle?” you added, pointing at the photo on the lid.
He cleared his throat as you opened the box. “Yeah. There’s writing on it, too, but you don’t know what it says in advance. It’s part of the challenge of putting it together.”
“It’s a secret message puzzle?!” you knew that you were grinning like an idiot as you sat up, clearing out a space on the coffee table. “If it says ‘I’m sofa king cool’, I may hit you with a pillow.”
Bucky began to laugh as he opened his book, but his eyes were on you as you began to sort the pieces. “But I am so fucking cool.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Stud.”
He laughed again and you found yourself more at ease as you turned all the pieces right side up. There were also hearts in your eyes as you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. 
He got me a gift just because he wanted to. How is he even real?
You looked away when you realized he was looking back at you. He wasn’t reading his book. He hadn’t even turned a page. “What’s that book about?” you questioned since you couldn’t see the title.
“It’s actually a romance novel,” he told you, making you swallow as you separated the border pieces from the rest.
"You usually don't read romance novels," you pointed out, giggling as Alpine joined you again, jumping on the table. She was careful not to sit on the pieces, but she looked between the two of you a couple of times. What does she know that I don't?
"I thought I'd give this a try," he said as you connected two of the puzzle pieces. 
You hummed as you carefully put another piece in place. The wording was white against the red background and you couldn’t wait to spell it out. “What kind of romance is it? Fantasy? Historical?”
“Contemporary,” he told you, turning a page with one finger. “About a man living on his own in an apartment until his building manager had to raise the rent.”
Your hand paused in its movement as your gaze flickered to him. That was why he rented out his room. He looked back at you, but you couldn’t get a full read on his expression. Was he daring you to say something? “Is that right?” you asked.
“Mm-hmm. Ends up finding a roommate. Someone smart, beautiful and studious. Even gets along well with his cat.”
The piece in your hand almost fell as you looked at him again. You saw the twitch in his cheek, like he was trying not to smile. 
What game are you playing, Stud?  “Thought you hadn’t read it.”
He tapped the back of the book. “Oh, it’s in the description,” he replied, covering it with his hand so you couldn’t read the words.
“What else does that description tell you?”
“That he falls pretty quickly, but doesn’t say anything right away. Doesn’t want to scare her off. Not when they get along so well.”
You nod a little. That’s exactly why I’ve kept my mouth shut. I care too much to lose him. 
“Does he know how she feels?” you asked, your eyes widening as you caught yourself. “I mean, assuming she feels the same way. Does that blurb say that?”
He tilted his head slightly as he gave you a smile. “He has a suspicion that she does, but hasn’t made a move.”
You wanted the couch to swallow you up, embarrassment flooding you for no reason. “Does he think she’s a coward?” you asked in a small voice, trying to concentrate on the puzzle. It was almost complete. 
Bucky’s mouth set in a grim line as he set the book down, leaning forward to get your full attention. “No, he doesn’t. He thinks she’s the best person he knows. Always willing to go out of her way to make sure he’s taken care of and happy. Will bail on going to a party if she thinks he needs her close by. Cooks for him. Makes time for pizza and movie nights, even when she has to study. Dances with him in the kitchen.”
“Bucky,” you tried to say, but it came out a choked whisper.
“She makes him smile. She makes him feel,” he continued, moving from his chair to sit beside you. His jean cladded leg brushed against yours as he placed a hand on your cheek. “She makes him happy.”
You weren’t sure whether you wanted to cry or jump in his arms, but your heart raced faster as you gazed at him. “She does?” you smiled, unable to stop the tears from welling up in your eyes. 
“More than anything,” he whispered as he removed his hand from your cheek. You chased after his touch before he placed his hand over yours. “One last piece.”
You looked at the puzzle, realizing he was right. He guided your hand toward it and helped you pick up the last piece. You were thankful he did because you began to tremble the moment he sat beside you. Placing the final piece in together, you smiled as you saw the message.
 You are my missing piece.
Warmth bloomed in your chest as you read it over and over, reaching out to run your hand along the finished product. You smiled wider as you felt your cheeks get damp.
He did this for me. 
Bucky turned your face back toward him after a moment with such care, brushing the tears away with his thumbs as he stared at you with earnest eyes. 
Has he always looked at me that way?
“I’m crazy about you, Smartie. And if you want me to be your friend and roommate only, that’s what I’ll be. I’ll want you in my life no matter what, doll. But I have to know if there’s a chance for us because it’s killing me having you so close and not actually having you.”
Your heart still raced in your chest as you wrapped your hands around his wrists. “You do have me.”
“I do?” he whispered as he leaned in, his breath so close to your lips. "I have you?"
Your eyes slipped shut as his nose brushed against yours. "You had me from the start. I'm your Smartie and you're my Stud."
Your heart contracted as he brought his lips to yours, the delicate brushing making your breath hitch. It ended far too soon as he pulled back to gaze at you, something hungry flaring in his eyes before his mouth was on yours again. His tongue swept in easily, a mixture of tenderness and seduction as you savored the feel of him taking over. Boys had kissed you before, but it felt nothing like this. None of them ever robbed you of your ability to think.
Because none of them were Bucky Barnes.
He pulled away to let you breathe, but began to trail kisses along your face. And you didn't want him to stop. "So you like me?" you asked because you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to hear it again.
He chuckled, but didn't stop kissing you. "I don't think you realize how much I care about you."
You almost melted into a puddle then and there. “More than I care about you?"
"Much more. Told you. I'm crazy about you."
"I think you're just crazy," you teased to hear him laugh again. I'm head over heels, Stud. "And you really had that made for me?"
“I did. You love puzzles,” he grinned, clearly proud of himself. You didn’t blame him. It was a thoughtful, personal gift. 
"I love it. I'll have to frame it."
“I wanted to find the right way to tell you. Should’ve told you sooner.”
“That’s what I was going to tell you at dinner. It’s why I’ve been on edge,” you admitted as he briefly stopped his kisses, only a hint of surprise in his eyes. “For a Smartie, I'm an idiot for not saying something sooner.”
He grunted as his lips moved across your face again, like he had to touch every part of it. “You’re not an idiot. Don’t say that.”
“Sorry,” you smiled as his lips brushed between your eyes. You knew he wouldn’t stand for you putting yourself down. “So, how do you think that story ends?”
“Why don’t I show you?” he countered, your body hot as he kissed back to your lips.
You pulled away with a soft laugh, turning your head to look at Alpine. “Guess we’re giving her a show.”
“Sorry, Al,” Bucky said as he got to his feet, bending to lift you up in his arms. “This next part is not for your viewing pleasure.”
You laughed as he carried you away. Alpine was still perched on the table as she watched the two of you go to Bucky’s room. If you had to guess, she was happy.
I’m happy I found my missing piece, too.
I had mentioned in an ask a bit back that Smartie likes to do puzzles, so Stud specifically chose that as his way to confess. Inspired by the images below.
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We'll see them again soon. Love and thanks! ❤️
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thelovethatgrowss · 2 years
You Saw Me
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Yandere!Gyutaro x Reader
In which you’re the first person to see him and it costs you.
You were so pretty so so very pretty. Maybe prettier than Daki but he’d never let her hear him say that. Gyutaro couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t help watch you as you worked you helped prepare the other girls.
You had a small scar on your eye. In his opinion it just made you even prettier. You were gorgeous and you never noticed him. It was okay though why would you ever notice someone like him to begin with. Until you did.
“Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine.” You were talking to him.
“I always see you alone. You can eat with me if you want.” You noticed him and that was how it started.
Gyutaro followed you around like a lost puppy afterwards even if you weren’t aware of it but you were Daki’s. You helped apply her makeup when you weren’t busy. He’s always helped his little sister it wouldn’t hurt to ask for something in return would it?
That’s how you ended up in Daki’s room.
“You’ve been good to me y/n but I have an even better job for you now.” She beamed at you those unnerving beautiful eyes gleaming.
“It-it would be an honor to assist you in any way.”
“It won’t be you’re assisting.”
You wanted to scream but your voice seemed stuck in your throat. Another body was emerging from the young woman’s back, you were going to be sick.
You stumbled back as Gyutaro appeared from her body.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of me now y/n”. He gave you a strained a smile spread across his face as he dragged his nails across his arms. You swallowed as blood poured from the would before it healed.
These things weren’t human. You had been living among demons.
“Please don’t hurt me.” He ran a bony finger down the side of your face before shaking his head.
“Hurt you is the last thing I’ve ever wanted just be good for me okay.”
You sat in the corner as Gyutaro devoured the girl in the corner. You had learned after trial and error Gyutaro craved to be praised even for the slightest things. You valued that he would at least clean himself up before he came to lay with you.
“Did you miss me y/n”. He squeezed your wrist just a little.
“I always miss you gyu how could I not.” You whispered caressing his cheek as his bony body cuddled into you.
He held all the power in your relationship but he still looked at you like you hung the moon in the sky.
“I can’t believe someone as perfect as you want to be with me.” He giggled excitedly.
“You do want to be with me right y/n.” You nodded as expectant yellow eyes peered up at you.
“Nowhere else I’d rather be.” He pulled you into a sweet kiss before laying beside you. Your bowl of food laying carelessly next to the bed.
Your prison was pretty, almost as nice as Daki’s room. As long as you loved him the way he wanted you to your life was okay still you tend to wonder how a random act of kindness got you here.
“Gyu why me?”
“Because you saw me. No ones ever saw me before.” He whispered petting your hair.
A/N: I tried hope you guys enjoyed it
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abibliophobiaa · 2 years
Peter getting his wisdom teeth removed and just being super clingy and affectionate with reader, i love ur stuff btw :)))
thank you so much for this one! haha i love best friends to lovers with my whole heart. so hope you enjoy. 🤍🤍 only fluff ahead. fem!reader.
When Peter asks you to take him to get his wisdom teeth out, you’re more than willing to help. His Aunt May happened to be working a late shift last minute, leaving you to wait in the oral surgeon’s office as they take your best friend back into the operating room.
A little over an hour—and a few outdated celebrity magazines later—and one of the dental assistants calls you back into the room to retrieve your friend who is currently perched on a chair, staring down at his shoelaces intently.
“Did you know I have eight shoelaces? I guess I tied my shoes extra tight this morning.”
Double vision. That’s right.
“There’s two of you, too. Two is better than one, so they say.” He holds up two fingers in his excitement of seeing you, earning a giggle from the woman standing in the corner.
“Is he okay to go home?” You ask, moving closer to Peter. Snorting at the wads of gauze balled up in his mouth, garbling his speech.
“Yes, his surgery went great. The doctor gave a packet of what to expect during recovery. He should come back in a week or so to check up on his stitches, but other than that you are both good to go.”
At that, you gesture for Peter to get up off of the chair and grunt as he slams into your side. Feet very much that of a baby doe’s. Once he’s upright, you press into his side just to be extra safe and lead him toward the door the assistant opens for the two of you to pass through.
“Ha. There’s still two of you. Two of the prettiest person in the whole world.” He bops you on the nose, wrinkling his own in his laughter. “I’m a lucky guy.”
“Okay Casanova, let’s get you home.”
Getting him into the car proves to be interesting. He’s all gangly and floppy limbs. The sedation still making him unaware of his surrounding as you finagle him into the seat.
His legs remain on the outside of the car, fingers moving to turn the knob on the volume of the radio and raising it to an obscene volume as he shouts the words to the song through the cottony mouth he sports.
“But you’re in London and I break down ‘cause it’s not fair that you’re not arounddddd…” He drums out the beat on the dashboard as you shove at his feet. “This is when the feeling sinks in, I don’t wanna miss you like thisss. Come back, be here. Come back—”
“Hey, hey. We don’t want to cause a public disturbance, now do we? Plus I think we should leave Taylor to do what she does best—”
You wave your hands in the air in your victory as you manage to get the rest of him inside the car and close the door shut.
“You know I met her, right? Nice lady,” he says as you drop down onto the driver’s seat and shift the car into drive.
“You mean Spider-Man met her.”
“Spider-Man. Schmider-Man. I’ll have you know I’m a great singer. Some people just don’t appreciate real talent when they hear it.” He pouts, reaching into his mouth to pluck the gauze from within his cheeks.
Your hand reaches out immediately to curl around his forearm. He stills. “You’re not supposed to take that out.”
“Oh. That’s right. I’m sorry.”
It’s the dejected tone in his voice that rips your heart down the middle as you pull into his Aunt’s driveway. You turn to look at him, noting the way his eyes roam your features.
“You gonna help me get you inside, big guy?”
His eyebrows waggle seductively at the ‘big guy’ comment and you don’t even want to know where his anesthesia addled mind runs off to. Can’t be anywhere good what with the way he’s eyeballing you like that. You chalk it up to him not being in his right mind and help him walk up the short distance to the home before leading him into his bedroom.
“Alright, into bed you go.”
“Trying to get me into bed, hmm, Daisy?”
Daisy for your favorite flowers growing up.
Your heart always skips when he says it—this time no exception. His sluggish smirk teases at the fact he recognizes the uptick as well. But you clear your throat and shove the emotions aside.
“Come on now.”
He does as told, lowering himself onto his back beneath the comforters. You manage to tug his shoes off as he cozies up and move to head back down the hall when he calls your name.
“Yes, Pete?”
“I’m tired. Can you come here?”
“It’s just the anesthesia. It’ll taper off,” you reassure him, hand gripping the doorframe.
His eyes go soft around the edges and you note the slight downturn of that full mouth. Groan and separate yourself away from the door as you climb into bed beside him. You both turn onto your sides, hands resting in between the two of you. His eyes growing heavier and heavier by the second.
“Thank you,” he mutters.
“No problem. Now try to get some sleep.”
He shifts a bit, trying to get comfortable beside you. “Okay, okay. Night, Daisy. I love you.”
And then he’s out like a light. As if he never said those three words and left them suspended in the air between the two of you. You know it’s only the looseness of his lips due to what they’ve sedated him with, yet your mind races anyway.
You’ve felt something far outside the realm of friendship toward Peter for ages now. Months, really. The prospect of him ever feeling the same seems so unlikely. It doesn’t happen that way in real life, right? Not like in the stories or the movies where the best friends fall in love.
So you decide to shelve his words into a folder in your mind labeled “Not going to happen” and close your eyes.
When you wake, you’re a tangle of limbs with Peter. Legs intertwining. His thighs slotting between yours as he holds you from behind. Arm right around your waist. Cradling your back against his chest.
A slow, simmering nervousness begins to form low in your gut. This has certainly never happened before. And likely would not be happening were it not for the lingering after effects of his surgery.
“What’s wrong?” A voice asks from behind you, warm breath seeping against the back of your head.
“Uh…oh, I don’t know. We’re cuddling might be a start?”
“I’m okay with it if you are.”
That’s…new. Interesting.
You settle back against him, reaching over onto his night stand to grip your phone in hand. A picture of Peter with flowers in a halo around his head and a smile on his face greets you. Your profile is in the picture as well. Caught in a half laugh.
You notice the new text message from Aunt May and slide the phone open. Immediately earning the attention of Peter as he peers over your shoulder and notices you’ve sent a video of him to her. Plus the dozens of laughing face emojis she sent you in reply.
“What’s that?!”
“Oh, you mean your performance to all of New York in the key of screeching cat in a back alley?”
“Let me see that!”
He reaches around you to grab at the phone, earning a shriek from you as you flip over onto your stomach to hide the phone from him.
“I’m keeping this forever. You will not ruin this for me, Park—”
You break off into a fit of laughter as wiggling fingers catch your side and the phone shifts as you flip onto your back to shove at your fiendish, brown-haired attacker.
“You’re supposed to be resting!” You argue, shoving his thigh with your foot so he’s no longer hovering over you and instead slipping backward a bit further on the bed.
In his momentary lapse of attention, you grip the phone and slide it down your shirt. AKA, no man’s land for Peter Parker. He notices this, groaning as he falls foreword and rests his head against your thigh.
“How bad was I?”
“You thought you had eight shoelaces. You performed a beautiful rendition of Taylor Swift’s ‘Come Back…Be here.’ Was beautiful really. Really felt all the emotions with that one. Didn’t know Spider-Man was a Swiftie.”
He groans again. “You’re the one who played the ‘All too Well’ ten minute version so many times I ended up learning all the words. Just so happens the rest of the album is really good too. Sue me.”
“You also told me I was the prettiest girl in the world.” You bite your lip.
Might as well see where this goes.
His head lifts at this. “I mean, that one I could have told you while not under anesthesia.”
You feel heat rush to your cheeks at that. “Yeah? It’s just…you never have. Told me, I mean.”
His smile softens. Fingers curl around your wrist as he shifts his legs beneath him and settles down beside you. “You’re the prettiest girl in the world.” And then he’s the one burning up in the face. “Did I say anything else?”
“Nope. That was all.”
“You sure?” He asks.
Your head dips once. “Yup.”
“You know I can tell when you’re lying to me, right?”
You curl your own feet beneath you. Sitting up in front of him. Your fingers toy with the leg of his shorts mindlessly.
“You know how I can drink and not really feel anything at all from it? Or how I heal ridiculously fast. Or just the fact my senses are enhanced overall?” He asks.
You glance up again, noting the way he’s looking at you.
All soft gazes and slow smiles. His morning sleepiness still clinging to those serene features. He’s so annoyingly handsome even like this. You fight the urge to reach your fingers forward and trace the line of his cheek. Just to see how it feels beneath your palm.
“When I asked you to lay down with me I felt ninety-nine percent myself.”
“I…uh, love you, Daisy. Have for a while now honestly. You know it, don’t you?”
And maybe you have always known, in a way. Peter’s never said it so much as in words but in actions. His endless caring for you. The way he’s always there to lend an ear. The simple fact he’s the person you run to everything for. Your safe space. The brightest ball of light in human form to walk into your life.
“I love you, too, Pete.”
It’s not awkward. Lightning doesn’t crash down and strike you like you imagine it might. It’s almost normal. Nothing changes. Not really. There’s just a quiet understanding.
“So where do we go from here?” He asks.
“You go and gently brush your teeth. Because I want to kiss you, but you just got a few teeth removed from that stubborn head of yours. And then you get to ice your face all day and watch Netflix.”
“With you?”
“No, with your neighbor. Now go, go!”
Some time later, the two of you are sprawled out together watching endless episodes of your favorite TV show. You rest between Peter’s thighs, back against his chest as a laptop rests on your lap. Midway through an episode you turn your head and smile into Peter’s lips as they claim your own. Soft and inviting. Sweet and pliant beneath your own. He moves to press a kiss into your brow after, brushing a hair away from your cheek to tuck it behind your ear.
“Can I see the video you sent Aunt May now?”
“I will not accept kisses as bribery.”
“But can you be convinced?” He bats his eyelashes in jest.
“That is to be determined.”
He kisses you again. One, two, three times. A whisper of I love you against your skin.
“How about now?” He whispers.
You huff. “Fine, Peter Swift. Just know I warned you and I’m not deleting it ever.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Daisy.”
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
You think I’m cool?
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Max mayfield x fem!reader.
Requested:hi! was wondering if you could do a max mayfield × female reader where maybe reader is one year above her and max has her for a class and thinks she's so cool and has a crush on her but doesn't really understand her feelings and they end up getting paired for a project or something and it's just overall cuteness? <333
Note: I picture this as the 80s but it doesn’t really have a time stamp except for Kate bush. Also didn’t mean for this to be this long so forgive me.
Warnings: Gay panic, swearing, reader has hair so I’m Just ignore if not. Also kinda hint at a player reader.
Send more requests please.
Length: long.
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No matter how hard, Max tried to focus on the teachers lesson she couldn’t. All she could do is watch her. Everything she did had her in a trance.
To the way she would get frustrated at her hair that would fall in front of her face during a test. Or her clothes style, it scream badass and don’t get max started on the leather jacket she would wear.
But what she admired the most about her was her attitude. She didn’t care what people thought and chose to be funny and happy all the time. She also didn’t take bullshit, so more then half the school thought she was scary.
Y/n L/n the school’s crazy chick.
But to max she wasn’t crazy. Max looked up to her at first because she was nice to the freshman. Y/n was only a sophomore but it still counts. Then that admiration turned to something else and she wasn’t sure what it was. Or how to deal with it.
And that’s what scared her, because she’s never felt this way towards a girl. Hell to almost anyone. You made her brain go blank and no matter how hard she tried. You were still on her mind.
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You sat in class working on some type of sheet your teacher gave you. But instead of doing it you started to doodle on the side of the page. But some of your vision got blocked as another another piece of hair feel in front of you’re eyes.
You blow some air up at it, hoping to move it from your eyes but it wouldn’t work so you tucked in behind your ear. Just then your doodling was cut off again when your teacher started to speak.
“Okay, class. We are going to do something different, you will be doing a project. I will pair you up into sets of two people” You groaned at the thought of being stuck with the wrong person.
Most of the people in this class were popular kids, or nerds and you didn’t mind the nerds but they could be to much sometimes. You hoped to get paired with someone that wasn’t going to annoy you.
You listen to the teacher go on about the project. It seemed like you have create a sell’s pitch of any object or thing you want. You smirked at how you could totally troll the student and the teacher by picking something not ‘appropriate’ for school.
“Max and y/n” Your head shot up when you heard your name being called. You looked around to see who max was and you saw a a red head girl looking right at you.
You remember her now. She was the pretty girl that hangs out with the d&d group, she was actually pretty cool. You never talk to her but she didn’t seem like a stuck up bitch so she’s cool in your book. And her being pretty was a plus in your books.
You gave her a nod to say hello and turned back to the teacher. But you missed everything she did after that. She was freaking out.
Her face was on fire and her head was running in a panic, her leg started to bounce. “Holy shit I’m doing a project with y/n L/n” But it slowly hit her and go her less exited.
“Holy shit I’m doing a project with Y/n L/n.”
The rest of class went by fast after that. Everyone was getting their stuff together but max was the first one out the door. She was trying to get away so she wouldn’t have to talk to you. You made her such a baby and she hated it.
Max hoped her friends where around the corner so she could get away faster. But it wasn’t so easy to get away from you as she thought.
“Yo, max.” Your voice called out to her and ran past the people in the hall, almost knocking them over. She stop and turned around and put on a smile.
“You’re like a ninja, I looked away for one minute and you’re gone.” You started to catch your breath and fixed your hair.
“Sorry, I was caught in my own mind” She gave you a fake reason to why she left so fast. Which of course was a lie.
“Don’t worry I get it. So what do you think about the protect?” you ask her. You saw her tremble for a minute before speaking.
“It’s a cool idea” That’s all she said and it became quite between you. You just thought she was just a scared of you or something. So you just smile at her.
“What do do you say If I pick you up after school in the front and we can go to my house?” She blushes at the thought of everything you just said.
“Sure” she was starting to sweat. “Well, Max I’ll see you later” You have her a pat on the back and walked off to find your friends.
“Holy shit did I just see you talking to Y/n” Her group of friends ran up to her and she couldn’t show any emotions she was feeling.
“Yeah we have a project tonight” She said so calm and started to walk off as they followed.
They started to ask her a whole bunch of questions, you seemed to have fans. But max shut them up quick because she wanted to forget about you until tonight.
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You pulled your motorcycle around the front and looked for max. But you didn’t see her so you parked and waited for her to come out.
You turned you head at the sound of the school doors and saw max walking out but her friends rushing behind her. She looks annoyed but they kept following after her.
You called for her and they all looked at you, and soon max rushed over and so did they. “Hello new people” They quick where all in front of you and max rolled her eyes.
“Hello” They all screamed there greetings and just stared at you. “Don’t mind them” She got on the back of your motorcycle and glares at them.
“No it’s fine I get stared at all the time. We can all talk another day but we have something to get to” You handed her a helmet and she put it in and so did you.
“Later virgins” you started it up the Engine and she grabbed onto your waist tightly as you took off. You usually drive fast but since you have someone else you made sure to be carful.
Max was freaking out at being so close to you and holding your waist. She loosened her grip as soon as she realized what she was doing. Hoping you didn’t notice.
She wanted to be able to talk to you without getting flustered or some shit. You’re so cool and she can’t embarrass herself anymore then she already has. So she decided she will try and calm down as soon as you get to your house.
You on the other hand we’re going through the same thing but a little less nervous. Of course you’ve noticed her around school more then you should. Don’t get me wrong you’ve had a lot of girls on your bike before this but she was different.
So enough you guys got home since your house wasn’t that far from school. You pulled up to your house and Max stared at it in awe, this wasn’t what she imagine.
It looks like a family house all perfect, it also looked expensive. It was also bigger then mikes. “Holy shit” You turned off your bike at the right time to here her mutter those words.
You laughed and took off your helmet. “Didn’t expect the crazy chick to live here?” You got off the of the bike and your satchel was already on your body.
“What? No, nothing like that” You laughed at her being defensive “I’m fucking with you, max” You patted her head and helped her off the bike.
“No one should be home, all of the little shits have after school things and mom and dad are at work” You walked up the path to the front door.
“I didn’t know you had siblings” She muttered behind you as you unlocked the door. You pulled it open and waited for her to get inside.
“That’s the way I want it” you closes the door behind her as she walked through. You looked at her and saw her looking around and seeing how nice it was.
“Mom loves to buy the expensive things” You walked passed her into the big kitchen. The floor plan was big and open. The kitchen could fit twenty people in it and then there was a big dining table closer to the door.
Then the living room was a step down and had a good tv and good couches. It even had a stone accent wall, everything looked so expensive.
“Want something to eat or drink?” You popped your head out of the refrigerator and gave her a questionable look.
“What do you have?” She went over to you and stopped looking at everything. She looked in the refrigerator and saw a soda she liked and grabbed it.
“Grab any snack you want because I’m not coming back down” You stated as you grabbed a bag of chips and waited for her.
She looked around only grabbed another bag of chips and followed you. “My room is very custard” You pulled down the stairs to your room and she looked at you.
“You live in the attic?” You nodded and walked up the stairs to your room. You looked around to see if it was messy but it was a clean as it could be.
You set your things down and went to see if she needed any help. But she was already almost up and you stepped back. “Welcome to my evil lair” You open your arms to show off the room.
She looked around and every where she turned she had something to look at. The walls filled with posters and she blush when she saw it was mostly girls but also metal bands. You had a lot of jewelry or little things that filled up most of tables.
“Sweet” Was all she said as she kept looking around. You sat down on your bed which was on the floor. “You can look at my records if you want to listen to music” You watched as she went through them.
“Shut up” She pulled out a Kate Bush album and you blushed a bit. “What about it?” She started to laugh and pulled it out to put it on.
“Didn’t expect someone cool like you to like Kate Bush” She put it on the rocked player and lined up the needle.
“Well you like it” You snapped back her in a sarcastic way. She rolled her eyes and came over to you and sit on the other side of the bed.
It was silent as you both began to think and eat your snacks. You kept think about her calling you cool, so you wanted to know more so you broke the silence.
“You think I’m cool?” You watched as her eyes went a little wide and her cheek turn a different color. You smirked as soon as you saw her blush.
“When did I say that?”
“Like five minutes ago”
“No I didn’t”
“You literally said ‘Someone cool like you’ so that means you think I’m cool” You were a being so cocky right now it was almost annoying. But max couldn’t be mad at you because she did say that.
“Fine, I think you’re really cool.” She gave in. She really hoped she didn’t seem weird, I mean you guys never talked before.
When she didn’t hear your voice she started to freak out thinking she said something really stupid so she looked at you. You had your eyes forward and it look like you were in deep thought.
“Well, I always knew I was cool but “Really cool” Is another type of cool” you gave her a evil look and she groaned and you just laughed at her almost pouting face.
“Well I don’t think so now” she crosses her arms and looked away from you. As your laughter died down you gave her one last glance and then you moved closer to her.
You hit her shoulders with yours as the music in the background blared loudly. “I think you’re really cool too max” You would be lying if that seeing her close as she looks you didn’t make your heart skip a beat.
You both realize that both of you were just staring at each other was weird so you pulled away. As the night went on you both couldn’t control your laughter an become closer.
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It’s been three weeks since you and max started to hang out. Feeling start to grew between you two harder then you each thought. You both couldn’t stop thinking about each other.
Your friends caught you smiling sometimes as you dreamed and wondered what girl had you this time. Her friends did the same but with how she carried her self, using a new perfume and new clothes.
Today was no different but it was also the day you both dreaded the most. Your project was due today and you guys had been picked to present to the class. Being nervous has nothing to do with the project.
It was about the two of you. After this you both had no excuse to hang out with each other. Would one of you even reach out to the other? Or was it all just to pass the time.
You pulled up your chair to hers and sat on it turned around. “You ready sunshine?” You said giving her a very big smile. “As ready as I can be” she gave you a smile back.
You both went on in front of you class and it was very interesting. You had acted like it was a theater play and being so dramatic, max just stood there but when you looked at her she did the same thing. You both actually had fun.
But soon the happiness died and was replaced with the thought of never talking to each other again. You both didn’t want to seem like you were pushy or despite.
So as soon as classes end you both went your separate ways with only the other on your mind. You of course couldn’t let her go. Yes having someone that special scared you.
You tried you whole life not let someone in from being scared to lose them. But max was someone you had to have in you’re life even if it was just as a friend.
So you decided to find her after school and pull her aside. But what you didn’t know was she had the same plan as you and actual had one step up from you.
So as soon as the bell rang you two ran off to find one another. It took you both a second to find each other and she saw you first. You had your back turned and looked down the hallway.
“Y/n!” You heard from behind you. Turning around you saw just the person you’ve been looking for. You released a sigh of relief as you saw her come towards you.
“I’ve been looking all over for you. I thought you had d&d today- Wait what are you doing” she took ahold of your hand and pulled you into the empty class room beside you two.
“I’m doing to talk and you’re going to listen” You stated at her in confusion about what the hell is going on and why she was being so serious. You nodded because the look on her face kinda scared you.
“This is going to sound crazy but I have feelings for you and not just the friend kind. I have romantic feelings and I know it’s probably weird to you. But I don’t want to lose you but I can’t risk never speaking to you again and you not knowing how I feel”
You stared at her in pure shook. You looked like a deer in headlights you didn’t think she would confess to you. Or for her even to have feelings, gay feelings. For you.
You couldn’t speak for the first time in your life because you never felt this way about anyone. Her face looked for any sign of how you felt. She started to feel broken hearted that you didn’t feel the same and now probably hate her.
“If you hate me and never want to talk to me after this I understand. You make me feel so special and like I belong but if this is to weird for you I will-”she shut up fast as she felt you on her lips.
You just kissed her. Y/n L/n just kissed her and didn’t run away. She felt all the doubts fade away as you placed your lips onto hers.
You pulled her closer by a hand around her waist and she put a hand up to your cheek. It was a very soft and sweet moment, not rough or anything. Just pure puppy love.
“I hope you still think I’m cool” She laughed at your words at the wrong time but that’s what she liked about you.
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an-evergreen-rose · 2 years
Cant sleep without you
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reader x wanda maximoff
warnings: mentions of injury
summary: you cant sleep without your girlfriend there
It was around 2 in the morning when you heard the door to Wanda and yours shared room open. although you weren't asleep, finding it impossible without Wanda by your side, you still let out a small whimper at the bright light of the corridor flooding your room.
"im sorry, baby. go back to sleep," the sokovian woman whispered, her accent thicker due to her fatigue.
you sat up with a pout on your lips as you turned on the lamp beside you, "you know i cant sleep without you here."
Wanda looked at you with tired, yet understanding eyes. she was exactly the same. the rest of her teammates would often find Wanda half asleep on the couch watching sitcoms waiting for your return. in fact, one time, your 2 day mission turned into a week of tedious and totally unimportant surveillance, keeping you from Wanda. the only time Wanda did rest that week was when she collapsed in the middle of training with Natasha, who later scolded Wanda for her unhealthy sleeping habits - or lack of.
dropping her bag on the floor, she came to side on the side of the bed, reaching her hand out to rest on your cheek, which you gladly accepted. "I missed you."
you turned you head to kiss her hand, "i missed you too, are you okay? no injuries?"
Wanda smiled at your concern, "just a few bruises." you couldn't help the crease that formed by your eyebrows and Wanda leaned in to kiss your forehead, "I promise I’m okay detka."
you wanted nothing more than to hold her in bed, knowing that's what she loved most about coming back from missions, but you also knew she needed to clean herself up. "let me run you a bath?" you said in a small voice, still tired form the restless night, almost pleading her to let you take care of her.
she gave you a small smirk as she leaned in to kiss your pouting lips, "only if you join me."
you were thankful for the dim lighting in the room, allowing you to hide your crimson cheeks slightly, but Wanda knew they were there. she always knew how to make you blush, loving how shy you got Infront of her, despite being together for so long.
once in the bathroom, you began running the bath, lighting a couple of Wanda's favourite scented candles that rested on the small corners of the bath, knowing that Wanda liked it. you turned around to see her sat onto of the sink counter, a smile on her face as she reached her hands out for you, pulling you in between her legs for a much needed hug.  
"i love you, so much," Wanda said, gripping tight.
"I love you to wands, but i need to breathe." you mumbled into her chest, and Wanda quickly loosened her hold on you, allowing you to get some air but not enough to get away form her completely.
Wanda let out a small laugh, "sorry, baby. I just really missed you." kissing you tenderly.
whilst you were held captured in your girlfriends embrace, she had used her magic to stop the bath from overflowing as you kissed her neck - not in a sexual way, but a loving way, wanting to show her just how much you appreciated her being here. she moved her arms to your waist, gripping the hem of your shirt, tugging at it softly to signal that she wanted it off. disconnecting your lips from her skin, you allowed her to take it off, blushing once again as she looked at your exposed chest.
she gave you a small nod when you reached for her shirt, being careful when taking it off, to not wanting to hurt her from her previous injuries. she let out a small whimper at the stretch. you gasped when you realised why, seeing just how bruised her ribs were.
"You said it was nothing major." you whispered, gently reaching your hand out to trace the harsh purple spots.
Wanda cupped your face in her hands, stopping you from your movements as you looked your girlfriend in her green eyes. "I didn't want you to be mad," she said teasingly.
"I’m not mad at you Wanda," you replied, "maybe a little because you didn't tell me before, but-" Wanda laughed a little, but you didn't miss the small wince in her face when she did. "I'm just worried about you, I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
"nothing bad is ever going to happen to me, not when i have you to come home to. I'll make sure of it," she replied, seeing the fear creep into your eyes. "lets get into the bath, detka," she says, kissing your forehead, "before the water gets cold."
after stripping away the rest of your clothes, you laid back in the bath, letting Wanda rest between your legs, your hands gently massaging her hair as she let out a sigh of relief, the water doing wonders to her tired body.
once you had washed her hair and massaged her shoulders to ease her tension, you got out, fetching some towels for the both of you, making sure to give the fluffiest and warmest one to your girlfriend. she hummed in appreciation as you dried her hair, combing through it as gently as you could before helping her into some clothes to sleep in once you had your own on.
whilst cleaning up the bathroom, your chuckled as your heard Wanda groan from your bed, "baby, come here."
quickly turning off the light, you walked over to your bed seeing your girlfriend laying half asleep, her arms wide open for you to crawl into. resting your head on her shoulder, you lay your arm over her waist, careful not to hurt one of her new bruises. "goodnight, detka," she mumbles into your hair.
"goodnight, wands."  
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I’ve been playing a lot of skyrim lately, because it’s video game comfort food, and I decided it was time for my Redguard Dovahkiin to settle down. (Actually I specifically just wanted to be able to adopt some of the random orphans you meet because I felt guilty about them, but you need to be married before you can do that so that there’s someone at home to take care of the kids while you’re off galivanting).
So I travelled around a bit, chatting up likely looking npcs until I found one I both liked and didn’t feel guilty about marrying (I feel bad if I marry one of the warrior adventurer types, making them be a stay at home mum) and settled on an obnoxiously cheerful argonian called Shavee because her life was frankly shit, and I thought she’d probably be good with kids.
So off I go to Riften to the Temple of Mara to arrange the wedding. I book it in for the next day, realise I didn’t bring anything nice to wear, and spend the night before the wedding robbing every house in the city in the search for something to wear. Eventually decide everyone in Riften has terrible fashion sense and break down everything I stole into raw materials and use them to craft myself an outfit and some jewellery that i’m pretty happy with. I even carefully pick out my fanciest looking sword to wear.
(don’t know why I bothered, frankly, shavee turned up wearing a shirt covered in suspicious stains and weilding a pickaxe, it’s like she doesn’t even care about this marriage)
(also for comedy purposes, bear in mind I play with survival mods that mean my character needs to eat and sleep to live, and I literally spent the entire ingame night on this and forgot to eat and drink anything either and then just downed four bowls of wolf stew right before entering the temple so I didn’t starve during the ceremony. also I discovered during the wedding that I am dying of rockjoint, which I contracted from sleeping in a pile of hay on the floor of a skeever infested cave, so even being six foot tall and jacked can’t make up for the fact that I am exhausted, running a fever, and probably covered in wolf which I spilled because my joints are slowly atrophying, and even the fanciest clothes in the world aren’t going to cover that up)
so I enter the temple, and my finance is there, and Lydia my housecarl, and some random NPCs the game thinks are my friends because I did fetch quests for them
One of the random NPCs is Lisbet. Atfter I did her fetch quest, I then did another quest in which I discovered Lisbet is secretly a cannibal and part of a demonic cult that worships the daedric prince of decay by kidnapping priests, sacrificing them, and then eating their corpses. Raw. I think the raw meat is the sticking point for me here honestly.
I ultimately decided not to sacrifice the random priest to a daedric prince in exchange for one magic ring and all the raw human I could eat, because frankly, that doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I was expecting there to be some kind of dialogue choice where I could nope out at the last minute, but it turns out there isn’t one, so after they drugged the priest and tied him to the altar, I just got out my sword and started swinging.
I killed most of the cult (including the town butcher, because I had brought meat from him before and was extremely pissed off that he might have been secretly feeding me humans) but a couple of them got away, which I figured was fine because they weren’t trying to kill me.
Except it turns out, if any of them escape, then every time you see them in the future there’s a random chance that they’ll fly into a violent rage and try and murder you.
Lisbet is at my wedding. Lisbet decides that clearly me marrying this random argonian woman with two lines of dialogue is the happiest day of my life, and she cannot allow me that happiness, when I’ve taken so much from her.
So she tries to kill me. Only she can’t, because I’m stuck in a pre-rendered wedding animation, and also she’s sitting next to Lydia, my faithful retainer and owner of a really big axe.
It also turns out that Lisbet is essential, meaning she can be knocked unconcious but not actually killed because she’s needed for some quest or other. And the minute she wakes up from unconciousness, she tries to kill me again, so Lydia knocks her unconcious again, and I’m stuck, I can’t move, because I’m supposed to be in the wedding animation.
Except Shavee has, not unreasonably, see all this and decided that she doesn’t like me enough to risk getting murdered, and has done a runner, leaving me at the altar, but more importantly, leaving me trapped in a broken pre-rendered animation, so all I can do is stand there at the altar, staring at the space where my fiance was supposed to be, listening to the sounds of Lydia trying and failing to beat a cannibal to death behind me.
Okay, I think, clearly this wedding isn’t going to happen, I’m going to go for the registry office option and complete the wedding using the dev commands. I do this. The priest gives me a wedding ring, and I can finally move again. I chase after Shavee, who has an impressive turn of speed on her, and eventually catch up right by the city gates. I try to talk to her.
Apparently using the console has completed the wedding for me, but not for her, because she still only has the same 2 lines of dialogue she usually has.
Clearly this is working, I can’t leave my kids with someone who can only say 2 things and doesn’t even know she’s their mum, that’s irresponsible.
I try loading from inside the temple. I get the same problem.
Eventually I figure out that I need to use the dev controls to disable Lisbet’s entire existence in the universe.
Shavee and me get married. As the priest reads the vows, I stare at Shavee and wonder why she couldn’t even be bothered to put on a clean shirt. I wonder what kind of mother she’ll be.
Once the ceremony is over, and I’m happily married to the dirty green lizard of my dreams, and we’ve agreed that until I can make her recognise my extremely nice modded house exists I will share her single bed in the unheated flophouse in Windhelm she calls home, I re-enable Lisbet, because I’m worried I’ll forget if I leave it too long.
Fun fact about skyrim, it loads in quite a lot of npcs and objects by dropping them from the sky. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s objectively the funniest way to load in objects.
I re-enable Lisbet. She falls from the sky, clips through the roof of the temple, and lands in the pew beside Lydia, stands up, draws a knife, and is immedately beaten unconcious.
I no longer care, because Shavee now has all the exciting new spouse-only romantic dialogue options like “Could you cook something for me” and “have you made any money lately”, and I know she’ll be a great mother.
I limp to the door of the temple, while around me the guests not involved in the Lydia-Lisbet murder cycle scream and duck for cover.
I open the door to the temple, immediately collapse and ragdoll down the steps, which is how I discover I am dying of rockjoint.
I limp to the orphanage down the street, adopt two kids, and then finally remember that I’m carrying garlic bread, which as we all know, cures all known illnesses.
When I emerge back into the street, full of the joys of motherhood and garlic bread, I find the town in disaray. Lydia is chasing Lisbet through the streets with an axe and a dragon is circling overhead, burning npcs to death. People are running for shelter, screaming, while the guards try to take down an entire dragon using only the worst bows and arrows in the game.
I decide that as a parent, I have to think of my own safety first and leave them to it.
I head out of the city, intent on returning home and figuring out why Shavee refuses to move in with me. A man hanging around the stables challenges me to a boxing match. For want of anything better to do, I agree.
Halfway through the fight he dodges at the wrong moment and I punch one of his horses in the head.
Two guards attack me while I desperately try to surrender. My kids will miss me, but I’m prepared to go to jail for my horse crimes, I’m an honest citizen. Also my horse crimes seem somewhat less important than the dragon.
The guards refuse to accept my surrender. I am stabbed to death. As I collapse in front of the indifferent horse, Lisbet exits the city, followed by Lydia. The last thing I see before I die is Lydia swinging her axe at Lisbet’s face.
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