#so precious and cute!
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Rare photos of Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse and By Rhine with her son Prince Ernst Louis of Hesse and By Rhine (later Grand Duke), 1869 🤍
Source: Hessian State Archives
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deoidesign · 1 month
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sometimes I feel like discord is lacking emojis and so I make them myself. these ones in particular are my favorites
frog, toad, and soup!
Feel free to use them if you'd like!
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taohs · 9 months
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queen of expressions, nobara
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egophiliac · 3 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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comradekatara · 3 months
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oh book 1 gaang....... my silly rabbits <333
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littlepawz · 1 year
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the comfiest waterbed ever! :)
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danineedshelp · 4 months
omg help both of them are adorable
Oh and by the way apparently you get attacked for forgetting the credits which I forgot cause I didn't think about it plus I found this on YouTube and forgot to check out the description but since this one person wanted tuh call me a cuss word (Here)
Credits: Tis_Not_Love
Oh and if you don't have Twitter account go on YouTube and search up (Wings Husk and Alastor by Kressent Rhodes)
Im actually being kind right now /I'm sorry if you feel some type of way because I didn't add credits to this/ but saying JA to some one probably way younger than you is very rude(yes I know what you meant)
I'm not gonna tag the person you can check this entire post to find where this happened....it just kinda makes me sad that they were being kind for a few and then out of no where they add that.
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snowrea0 · 4 months
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I am so normal about him
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crismakesstuff · 11 months
I just saw the latest episode of my adventures with superman and
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new draw the squad template dropped
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dinodiiya · 2 years
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i love the hc that he sewed the doll for the boy <3
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aguriart · 18 days
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Baby boy wip
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vivlovesglitter · 19 days
I love Dream Sans he is my precious little creature 💛
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I made this outfit for him for a rp and I thought it was cute so here u go 😮
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6x15 | 7x7
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yearling-234 · 1 month
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I recently got caught up on dragon’s rising recently and it’s all I can think about,
I love him so much. I want him to snap and turn evil so bad
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comradekatara · 3 months
i feel like the reason aang isn’t as adored and beloved as he should be is because he’s the protagonist but he’s also not an archetypal western classical hero. i don’t agree with the entirety of that “avatar aang: feminist icon” essay because i think the role of patriarchy and gender in atla is more complex than what that essay posits, but he definitely complicates the masculine ideal of heroism and generally does not conform to patriarchal notions of masculinity. which is very deliberate, especially as contrasted with sokka and zuko’s explicit struggles with the imperialist/colonial standards of an aggressive, militaristic, and chauvinistic masculinity. aang is subversive because he represents an absence of war in a world ravaged by it. through his link to a (somewhat more) peaceful and harmonious past, he represents a better possible future. as katara would say, he brings people hope.
but people don’t like that he’s not visibly edgy or tormented like zuko is (even though he’s a far more tragic character than zuko is, just fyi), that he isn’t “cool” (even though he’s literally the coolest kid ever, just fyi), that he “gets the girl” (even though if anything, she gets him) despite being twelve and bald and nice (the horror!). katara is the more classical hero of the narrative, as its narrator and its catalyst, the adventurous revolutionary who gradually learns to control and use her powers and eventually becoming a force to be reckoned with. zuko is the classical anti-hero of the narrative, his “redemption arc” constantly hailed as one of the greatest character arcs in television. so people expect katara and zuko, as very obvious narrative foils who parallel each other every step of the way, to be the obvious couple, because based on every romance narrative we’ve been inundated with throughout our lives, within our patriarchal society, they “just make sense together.”
but as much as katara is a protagonist in her own right, aang is the show. the title quite literally represents the central thematic tension of the entire narrative, the colon illustrating the implicit divide between his duties to this brave new world in desperate need of justice and balance, or his duties to his extirpated culture as the last true voice among them. aang is the central figure because this tension represents the crucial ideological battle happening across the entire show. aang is the avatar because he is the only person in the entire world whose values have not been shaped by war.
people constantly laud zuko, in particular, for being the most interesting, complex character in avatar. but i personally don’t even think that’s true. which isn’t to say that zuko isn’t fascinating in his own right, of course, but rather that he’s certainly not the only complex character this show has to offer. he just happens to monologue about his anguish constantly. but aang wasn’t raised as an imperial prince, and so he approaches the world, and his own pain, in a very different manner. the reason he immediately goes to ride giant koi on kyoshi island, mailchutes in omashu, and otherwise goofs around after learning of the shocking ramifications of his people’s genocide is because that’s how he copes with his pain. unlike zuko, who never stops talking about his aches and yearnings, aang represses his trauma and hides his tears behind a mask of upbeat cheerful goofy twelve year old antics.
until he can’t anymore. until he snaps. both katara and zuko wear their hearts on their sleeves, and that includes their rage. but aang’s rage is dangerous specifically because it represents that he has been pushed past his limits, that the conditions of this world in which he is a perpetual stranger, temporally displaced and dispossessed, are intolerable. that peaceful reconciliation is impossible. and the fact that he persists beyond that breaking point, over and over again, to firmly and resoundingly establish his ideals even as they conflict with everything he has learned about this world, a world that is not his own even as he can never return to the world he once knew, is what makes him so unique, so powerful, so beautiful.
i know that aang isn’t the typical hero, neither narratively nor aesthetically, but really, that’s the entire point. the world, our world, needs something other than what we have now. we need someone who will not succumb to the ideals of domination and victory through violence to assert themselves. we need someone who stands firm in refusing to kill the firelord, even as everyone he knows tells him otherwise. we need someone who knows that darkness cannot be vanquished through more darkness, but can only truly yield to purifying light.
and sure, aang is a child, and often acts childishly. sure, he’s not conventionally handsome and alluring. but one thing i will never understand is how that somehow negates his appeal to the masses. because even if you don’t appreciate how crucial he is to the themes of this narrative you all seem to love so much, how can you not love his adorable little face? his precious little laugh, his zest for life, the infinite well of love and kindness he holds in his heart? people who hate aang are crazy to me. because you are, quite literally, hating the world’s most precious baby boy.
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mikakuna · 3 months
i have this thing where i involuntarily make really high pitched noises because i literally cannot help it. it's basically a vocal stim.
so now i'm imagining baby jay during his robin run who has little vocal stims that sound like a baby chick. he already looks like one with his yellow cape wrapped completely around him and only his little wide-eyed face poking out.
sometimes he gets so excited or worked up during patrol that he makes baby chick noises while hopping around and hiding in bruce's cape. it just happens, okay! bruce absolutely loves it-- he imagines his inner self just falling to his knees and clutching his heart because oh his little baby is so precious...
bruce: robin, this is superman and wonder woman.
little jay who's so happy he can't form words: *squeaky baby chick noises*
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