#soap opera au
masqueradenoir · 4 months
Additions to my pop cross soap opera au
All of the characters that we know and love are living in the same apartment building called astral apartments the living arrangement is that most of them are living separately with some exceptions and roommate situations that makes sense when I explain what's going on with certain characters in This
Jake and Ana are still runaway orphans with basically the same backstory they have in Canon minus the tears of the angelic and superpowers but Jake is explicitly being fostered by Sterling while Ana is being fostered by Kate
The various living situations for these characters include in one apartment is Benny champagne and Mara Benny and champagne living together because they're already married and Benny took Mara in after she and her parents had a falling out due to her breaking things off with her abusive ex-boyfriend that her parents were pressuring her to marry Benny gave her a place to stay in him and champagnes two bedroom apartment and helped her find work with tayrun at the local library
Jake is living with Sterling due to the whole being fostered thing and the same with Ana and Kate
Vasilia shares an apartment with her brother who works as her assistant in her boutique
Alexis lives alone in one of the very few one tenant apartments in the building having moved into it when it was clear that Sterling needed the extra room for a child as they were initially living together because they're besties and also to save money she's actually living right next to Heath who had a roommate at one point but no longer does due to a falling out unsurprisingly basically every major character I haven't mentioned in this post is living in a one person apartment
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cinnamon-stixs · 2 months
'Kinger, do you think we're soulmates in every universe?'
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'I hope so.'
(AUs in order:
Vampire AU by me
RPG AU by me
Mafia AU by @laweonakenny
Kinger's royal soap opera by @ominus-potato
Terrible AU by @obamerzslop
Unstable AU by @googleyeyedstarz)
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lorillee · 10 months
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sorry i cant stop thinking about the virtuoso classical pianist au this is wildly target audience: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but whatever
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wispscribbles · 8 months
Your art style is just so delicious!!! It’s got such low key Ghibli vibes, especially in the eyes, and your color control is fantastic. You’re amazing, keep rockin it! ✨
aw yay, Ghibli vibes!! I grew up on those movies, they've definitely inspired me to create. Thank you sm <3
wanted to draw some small ghibli ghoap after getting this ask. 'Ghost's moving castle'
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ominus-potato · 27 days
Kinger’s royal soap opera Part 1.2
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Annddddd that’s why Caine doesn’t go apeshit on Kingston’s ass!
You guys have been warming up to Kingston too much!! So here he is being an asshole again :)
Spent way too much time on this but it was worth it!!
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carrotkicks · 6 months
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i thought a little bit more about the Cinderella Chuuya idea
Mouse Support Creature Dazai has the best interests of his soon to be princess friend in his heart. And maybe a bit of jealousy too.
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canisalbus · 4 months
Do the modern AU boys have a favorite movie or show (or genre of media) they watch together? I imagine they curl up together on a couch or something with a glass of wine or something and just watch Spanish soap operas together and decompress.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 06
Andrew is dragging FF across campus towards where he parked his car and he is kinda of concerned that FF is just like fully letting himself be dragged across campus. I’m talking full on Andrew has a grip on the back of his hoodie, FF is just staring up at the sky, FF’s feet don’t even attempt to stop Andrew from pulling him where he wants to go, and when Andrew looks back FF’s face is just :I
Which even Andrew can admit is kind of weird.
Meanwhile FF is just like ‘The ground hasn’t really gotten cold yet so I’m sure Captain Neil and Andrew could really go to town on the hole they’re going to bury me in. I wonder what gave me away? It was probably the fucking Russian Literature book. I didn’t even like the plot twist in that one anyways. Can’t BELIEVE I’m gonna die due to my love of trashy literature. Thanks Grandma. Wait I’m sorry grandma, I didn’t mean to be rude-“
“Hey Granny Smith! I’ve been looking for you!” A most loathed nickname coming from a most loathed voice. Andrew doesn’t stop towing FF because why the hell would he? FF has never been so grateful to be dragged to his death! Now if only Andrew would break his long standing and well-known absolute refusal to do anything more than walk at a brisk pace.
He sees his step-brother jogging up to him and FF almost turns to Andrew to ask if he could just kill him HERE so he doesn’t have to deal with his step-brother and THEN get stabbed to death in the forest? He can accept that he should have told Andrew and Captain Neil that he knows Russian and the death sentence that rightfully comes with that but like C’MON having to deal with his Step-brother is just cruel and unusual punishment!
His step brother catches up and in a way maybe all the mental torture he’s gone through since coming to Palmetto is a good thing! He really was a novice at the poker face before and now he’s a grand master champion of staring at something that’s gonna SUCK and pretending like he has no idea that it is.
“Whoa there Granny.” His Step brother grabs his arm and tugs him out of Andrew’s grasp. Andrew really had not been paying attention to whatever jack off had been yelling something about apples. So FF getting yanked out of his hand was actually his first indication since FF didn’t say or react at all before. “You’ve been dodging all of Dad’s calls y’know. You still haven’t sent anything that we asked you for, got any excuse for that?!” His step brother demands.
FF looks heavenward because this is, like, so embarrassing. He can feel people stopping and staring at them.
(They were staring before his Step-brother showed up because he was getting visibly dragged through campus by ANDREW MINYARD. Some of his friends who had seen it were already planning a memorial service and candle vigil)
“Nope.” Because he has nothing to say about whatever the hell his step brother is talking about.
“Mom’s heartbroken you know! You haven’t reached out to her once!” he says. 
“I’ll get on that.”
“Are you going to get the stuff we asked you for?! We are family aren’t we? We’re not asking for a lot. Just for you to get tickets to your games for Dad’s colleagues, some autographs from your teammates, and a good word to that bleeding heart coach that we all should get the free ride you’re getting. That’s not too much right?!”
Andrew hasn’t intervened yet but now Andrew is under the impression that FF stopped hanging out because the kid’s family has been harassing him with calls and maybe this isn’t the first time they’ve come in person to campus. That’s why FF has been fading into the background. Andrew’s now under the impression that FF’s family has wanted him to use the Foxes (tickets, autographs, scholarships for his step brothers) and FF had just been pulling away so his asshole family wouldn’t bother the rest of them. That FF may not have been able to cut off contact completely because of a grandparent he was close to.
These are, in fact, the WRONG impressions of the situation at hand. The truth of the matter is that Wymack helped him get a new phone and phone number within 24 hours of getting to Palmetto, it was the one extra that he asked for in his contract and Palmetto is paying his phone bill now. The phone with the number his ‘family’ had just sits charging in a drawer on silent in Wymack’s desk because Wymack is INFINITELY petty when it comes to the things his Foxes are running from.
The other truth of the situation at hand is that Fluent Freshman’s grandma is the only member of his family he talks to regularly and he talks to her almost every single day of his life, she is the only person he can be completely honest with because she knows what a wimp he is and loves him regardless. 
His Grandma is just an EXCELLENT actress. So when his ‘family’ comes over for answers she’ll sigh, stare longingly at a framed photo of FF, and look out the window with a single pre-staged tear in her eye. She wouldn’t give them his new number no matter what.
He loves his grandma even if it was her teaching him Polish, her native tongue, that lead to him getting interested in the other slavic languages that lead him down the deadly path to Russian.
Andrew is under some very wrong impressions but he is also under one very correct impression and it’s the impression that’s the most important anyways.
Fluent Freshman’s family is what made him a Fox and Fluent Freshman’s family are therefore the enemy.
Except FF doesn’t give Andrew the time to pull out his knife, “No, I don’t wanna do that. Bye Greg.” He says, pulls out his student ID, slaps it on a nearby scanner for a STUDENT ONLY building and power walks inside leaving Andrew and his Step Brother alone.
The door shuts behind FF with a distinctive lock and Greg looks at Andrew his face purpling from anger, “You’re going to let me in there and-“
Andrew now has plenty of time to pull out his knife. “You’re going to what?”
Greg swallows and in a show of excellent survival instincts runs the fuck away.
Andrew watches him run before he turns back to the STUDENT ONLY building and heads in himself. He finds FF just inside the doors and he looks tired sitting there against the wall. FF doesn’t say anything to Andrew, doesn’t even acknowledge that he’s there. Andrew takes a spot on the wall across from him. People give them weird looks but Andrew is fine with waiting.
He doesn’t mind just sitting in silence with FF again even if the circumstances aren’t what they usually are. So they sit.
FF has blue-screened. The stress of his impending death, of his step brother showing up and saying crazy shit, he blacked out a bit from the stress of being between Andrew and Greg and has no memory of what he said before he walked into this building and then there’s the fact that he just WALKED INTO SOME RANDOM CAMPUS BUILDING (oh god he’s probably not supposed to be in here but Greg is definitely still loitering outside maybe security will be gentle if he just sits right by the exit so they don’t have to go far to kick him out? Maybe he should move near a Different exit so Greg doesn’t see him get tossed like yesterday’s trash? Well he already sat down so now it’s embarrassing if he gets up to just go SIT AT SOME OTHER EXIT.)
So he’s taking a moment to reboot.
Unfortunately his ability to have internal conversations and recognize that someone is there with him is one of the last things that loads.
“It’s fine. I’ve always been the leftover kid. I don’t care that they don’t care. I don’t care either.” He says and it’s a mantra he’s repeated for almost a decade now.
It is definitely not something he thought he was saying out loud in the presence of Andrew Minyard and it is also definitely not something he was SAYING to Andrew Minyard but how the hell would ANDREW MINYARD KNOW THAT WHEN FF IS STARING STRAIGHT AT HIM WHEN HE SAYS IT.
So Andrew thinks it’s the explanation FF is offering about his step brother / family. If there’s one thing Andrew knows the feeling of it is being the ‘leftover’ kid.
The one-sided kinship grows while FF is working on rebooting his vision and getting his heart rate down to a BPM that wouldn’t have medical doctors concerned.
Finally, FF blinks his vision has returned back to him, sees Andrew Minyard across the hall from him, and, by the grace of GOD considering his fried nerves, FF does not flinch.
Andrew doesn’t make any move to grab him and FF decides to take this momentary reprieve that his executor is granting him to shoot off a text to his grandma. “I am so grateful for all the love you have given me throughout my life. I think I’m going to see Dad in the next few hours so please let me know if there’s anything you want me to say to him.” Is what he sends.
(This grandma has gotten almost this exact same text when he had an oral presentation last week. Her grandson is a wimp but she loves him.)
“Are we still going on that drive?” He asks his affairs settled. It’s nice that Andrew let him have a breakdown here and even let him text his grandma his final thoughts. He was willing to use his blood to write out the message but where would he get the paper?
“Yeah, we can go on that drive.” Andrew gets up and offers his hand to FF who looks at it for a long moment KNIVES. THOSE ARE KNIVES. HE USUALLY CONCEALS THEM BETTER? IS THIS HIS WAY OF SAYING HE’S GOING TO BE REALLY MESSY WITH MY DEATH? OH GOD HE’S NOT READY.
(Andrew didn’t really take the time to put his knives back in his arm bands properly because he figured he needed to catch FF before the kid disappeared again. He didn’t think he’d find him just inside the door.)
FF pushes himself up onto his feet.
They get to the Maserati and FF was AWARE that Andrew had a nice car but he hadn’t pieced it together that he’d be doing his last ride in such a nice car. He briefly pauses by the trunk wondering if he should just save Andrew the trouble and climb in himself?
Andrew sees FF pause at the car and figures he’s just being polite not touching Andrew’s stuff without Andrew’s permission. FF is just that kind of guy.
“The passenger seat is available.” Andrew says and alright cool Andrew wants to threaten him first that makes sense.
Except Andrew doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t drive them to a remote location. He’s just driving around Palmetto and FF does not think that Andrew is planning on crashing the car to kill him (He has unfortunately heard Aaron and Andrew have a fight in German when he was waiting for his own appointment with Betsy so he also Is aware what happened to their mom no matter HOW HARD he tries to forget that he knows.)
It’s just actually kind of a nice drive?
“He called you Granny Smith.” Andrew states. (Wondering if THAT is the elusive first name)
“I’m close with my Grandma. My last name is Smith. They’re not that creative.”
“Hm.” (Dammit)
Andrew watches as FF’s shoulders eventually relax until he’s almost falling asleep in the Mas and decides that the drive has done it’s job.
Eventually Andrew parks in front of the tower, tells him to respond to his texts from at least him and Neil, and he is released feeling very much like one of those animals that were released back into the wild after being tagged.
He texts his grandma later “NVM it wasn’t that bad.”
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Per your requests:
@i-have-three-feelings @blep-23 @dreamerking27
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scrivenger-grimgar · 2 months
au of an au for mdzs where canon plays out exactly as it was supposed to except
wwx became a calamity after dying and cared for his coven of ghosts in yiling before mxy summoned him for revenge.
he still elopes with lwj after solving the corpse question
supreme ghosts have a similar ability to gods taking deputies, except since they're not sharing immortality they can have a lot more of them
wwx's "deputies" are (in order) jiang cheng, the wen remnants, luo qingyang, nie huaisang, mo xuanyu, jin ling, lan jingyi, ouyang zhizhen, lan sizhui, and lan wangji.
being a calamity's "deputy" means that you are soul bonded to them, with a kind of preternatural sense of the wellbeing of the entire coven.
one of the heavenly officials decides to fuck around with time, and only other heavenly officials were supposed to remember, except extremely strong ghosts and their covens also remember because there are TWO gods married to calamities, and calamities are weirdly cooperative with each other (hc, hx, wwx, & gL discuss trade agreements over tea and artistic process over alcohol).
thus like 75 people are now in the past.
wwx's child body cant stand the power his soul has and just kinda crumbles under the weight. thats mostly fine tho cause he can shapeshift.
of course he immediately comes up with a dastardly plan to inflict as much chaos onto the sects as possible while also protecting his loved ones at the same time. he gets in contact with the wen remnants (bigger and there's more of them) and slowly moves them over to yiling while he builds places for them to live on the mountain, and then offers the people of yiling a very good deal:
"we'll deal with all your ghost problems for free, and in exchange we get discounts on food, and you tell everyone who comes asking that the Yiling Wei sect has been here the entire time."
its almost too easy to set up, too. they forge some trade agreements and other documents to place in the other sects' files, waiting to be found, with ease, bc he knows what the filing for the jiang, lan, wen, and nie looks like, and part of the story is that the jin offended them so badly that they just stopped doing business with them altogether and also tend to actively hate them with few exceptions.
meanwhile, huaisang, qingyang, and wangji will reference the Yiling Wei and act like this is something everyone knows about, and jiang cheng catches on and starts doing the same.
wwx's plan is to drive them all insane by appearing out of nowhere and acting like he's been there the entire time. make them question reality.
wen popo, at a discussion conference: i'll be standing in for my grandson so he can participate in the games
jiang fengmian, initiating polite conversation: your grandson? what happened to your son?
wen popo, internally cackling: fengmian! are you so quick to discard changze like this?! for shame!!
jiang fengmian, who has never met this lady: what
wen popo: you know i trusted him when he said he wanted to stand by his sworn brother's side but if this is how you treat his memory after he was so unwaveringly loyal to you, only ever leaving for Cangse, the love of his life, then i'll have to have you stricken from the legacy registry!
wen popo, with unfaltering confidence: good evening wen-zhongzhu
wen ruohan, who has incurable face blindness: well met Wei-zhongzhu (do i know her???)
nie mingjue is the only one who's taking any of this well and thats solely because his brother has been spoon feeding him Yiling Wei propaganda for 13 years. lan xichen has a crisis because his baby brother eloped with a clan leader he met thrice and they're having a spring wedding.
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destefaniart · 9 months
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| Extra | au basis | au masterpost
A standard morning in the afton household
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masqueradenoir · 4 months
Some more additions to my pop cross soap opera au these being ones that are mostly dealing with characters I didn't mention much of in the previous two posts
The first a decision that I came to with the help of @l3m0ngal5 is that in this au Kayla works for Benny at his shop technically she's his assistant and while she will occasionally help him work on the cars her main job is doing the books and handling the actual proper business side of things while Benny focuses on the part of the job he enjoys working on cars and interacting with customers here Charlie is just an AI assistant on her phone if you're wondering how she got this job she came into town one day looking for a new start after things back home fell apart and her car broke down Benny fixed up her car got her a hotel room to stay at and offered her a new job to help her out and because this was before he took in Mara let her stay with him for a few days until she was able to get her own apartment
The second is The Sci-Five act as the staff of champagnes clinic swipe being his receptionist and sound strike acting as a nurse maybe calamity helps with the heavy lifting around the place and ziff does the books and is the clinic's entire IP department jump kick drives to pick up supplies from suppliers in the next town over to avoid delivery fees champagne obviously pays all five of them well
The third and final edition for this set of additions is that the astral apartments building is owned by this universe's version of Astra who for simplicity's sake in this universe is called Alice astral instead she keeps her rent prices cheap and affordable especially for her friends which are the majority of her tenants
A suggestion by @therummonster that I actually really like is that the town's name is Rivers crossing
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demigod-of-the-agni · 1 month
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Sephiroth but if he was desi... he is not beating the pretty boy allegations
"Desiroth" coined by my dearest bestie @nyatimesthree 🫶 thank you babes. anyway silly video I made and posted to instagram at 5am is under the cut
he estuans on my interius until i ira vehementi (sephiroth !!)
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 6 months
Currently thinking of a pidw native shixiong shen yuan au scenario where at the beginning of his tenure as a qing jing peak disciple him and shen qingqiu did have like a weird father-son esque bond. That like, slowly started to deteriorate as shen yuan got older and befriended binghe, slowly but surely being dissilutioned for his teacher/father figure/role model as time goes by and the more mature shen yuan is. Once shen yuan is like in his early 20s and is completely attached at the hip with luo binghe, shen yuan just. Finds it hard to love or respect shen qingqiu the same now after everything he's learned what he did to binghe and some other things he's done running the peak. But surely it can't get worse right?
And then the immortal Alliance conference happens. I'm thinking maybe either shen yuan missed out on the conference or wasnt around when the abyss opened, whatever the case, shen qingqiu comes back without luo binghe. Says he unfortunately died during the conference. And shen yuan privately thinks, for a horrible moment, "did he really?"
And because of that moment of doubt any sort of positive relationship between the two turns to dust.
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Andrew Wincott as Adam Macy in BBC Radio 4 "The Archers"
Source: BBC Radio 4, Radio Times, The Telegraph and the cherry one from adarlingmess on twitter (thank you!)
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ominus-potato · 2 months
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Abel is in the royal AU!! I’ll do a character design card for him soon dw 👍
Also, sneak peek of the next big KRSO comic:
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This one’s goood
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lorillee · 10 months
honestly though if franziska wasnt a prosecutor im absolutely convinced she wouldve been like a prodigy world class classical pianist competitor/performer or something
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