#soldezangelo headcanon
richie-shitlips · 1 year
Okay, so I’ve decided to post some soldezangelo headcanons because I love Solangelo and I love Valdangelo and you can’t force me to choose so the three of them are all dating each other now.
Firstly, Leo’s a trans girl, her name is Leah now. She was dating Nico and Will before she came out, but also came out to them a while before anyone else knew (well the first was Piper, but nobody else).
They’re actually t4t4t cause Nico and Will are both trans guys. Will’s mom is very accepting, we stan Naomi Solace. Bianca was the first person that knew Nico was trans, although everyone knew he was a boy once they escaped the lotus hotel.
In my brain, TSATS still happens in this AU, but Leah joined the relationship after her and Calypso broke up. (I also think that Calypso should join the hunters of Artemis, cause it would give a lot to her ark to say that her worth isn’t tied to a romantic relationship)
I’ll post more later, I just wanted to explain some stuff, like who I’m referring to if I mention Leah in a PJO thing
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pussyd0n · 3 years
Leo:You're looking glamorous
Nico:Let's get mischievous
Will:And polyamorous
The three of them together: Wine and men and wonderful vices, Welcome to the cult of Dionysus
MrD , wiping off tears of joy :
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thebigqueer · 3 years
Will 🤝 Leo
Texan solidarity
Oh my fuck okay but like. If we’re gonna look at this from a soldezangelo perspective. THE POTENTIAL.
Nico knows they’re both from Texas and I think they both bring the Texas out in each other. Like they’ll be talking and out of nowhere they start getting that southern twang in their voices again and Nico can barely follow along because WHAT ARE THEY SAYING HELP 😭😭😭😭
Also I think it’s incredibly funny if Will and Leo make up totally bullshit things about coming from Texas and I don’t know if Nico has ever been to Texas but if they haven’t Nico would be so confused like “??? You have?? Rodeos at school??????” And Will and Leo will shake their head earnestly and be like “it’s a hassle”
Will: My school wouldn’t let me come in because my cowboy hat was too small
Leo: *nods solemnly*
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my-apollo-gies · 3 years
Sorry this took so long to answer, but here are some:
Will and Leo bought Nico light up skechers just for the sake of being the light source not feeling left out
Leo is constantly making gifts for the other two as well as equipment for the infirmary
They have a notorious habit of having sleepovers (friendly reminder that they're minors so I mean sleepovers) in bunker 9 and cabin 13
Will is always wearing his binder too long (oops, I guess Will being trans is a seperate headcanon in itself, but most people who follow me probably know that I hc trans Will) and Leo had no clue what binder safety is
Meanwhile, Nico is screaming their arse off (exaggeration) and micro managing Will's binder usage
Nico and Leo are both extremely clingy
Nico and Leo were very briefly dating while on the Argo II but never told anyone
Will and Nico were dating before they asked out Leo together (mainly just for the purpose of sticking to canon)
They all just end up taking it in turns sitting on each other's laps
Except it's usually just Leo or Nico sitting on Will's lap for obvious reasons
If there is ever need for surgery, Will usually asks Leo to help because he's good with his hands
The rest of cabin 7 aren't very happy with this
For some reason I always imagine them sitting in trees
And Nico's like... absurdly good at climbing trees, and then Will's able to give Leo piggy backs to help him up so Leo and Nico combined are just sat there trying to haul Will into the lower branches of a tree
Naomi, being the only mortal parent left alive (sorry) has to put up with the three of them a lot
They really like shadowtravelling all over the world together and just staying there
When they inevitably go to Venice, Nico spends ages just panicking over how much the water levels have risen
That was the day he became an environmentalist
Also they're a vegetarian because of the whole smelling dead thing so you can say that Leo has had some experience at cooking tofu tacos by now
Will actually never becomes a medical doctor because of the stress and trauma but definitely goes and gets a doctorate
If poly marriage was legal/is made legal within a time that fits with canon, they take the surname Solace (mainly just because it sounds pretty... and, well, it's corny, but the meaning of the word solace is approppriate)
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solacesimp · 3 years
Naomi meeting Leo and Nico 🧍🏻
Will: Hi momma :) this is my boyfriend Nico and his boyfriend Leo who is also my boyfriend!
Naomi: son i know I said sharing is caring but, you share a boyfriend with your boyfriend?
Will: were all dating ma
Naomi: Samsung ringtone
Will: momma it's polyam
Naomi: that makes sense, ya hungry?
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callme-bluejay · 3 years
Soldezangelo Head canons pt 3
-Leo and Will are both from Texas. One of them is gun-ho proud to be a Texan and the other does everything they can do to hide their Texas roots.
-Nico loves their Texan boyfriends.
-Leo tries his best to hide the Texas lilt from his voice, but it comes out when he gets nervous or scared.
-Sometimes he uses his accent to his advantage, like when he's trying to get out of trouble with Nico or Will.
-Will, on the other hand, is 100% comfortable with his Texas-ness.
-He calls Leo "Sugar" and Nico "Darlin'".
-When he's upset, his accent becomes so thick, most people can't understand him.
-All three of them are pretty level headed in general.
-Most people think Will is the most level headed, but out of the three, he's the worst.
-Nico is the most level headed.
-Leo prefers to ignore stuff until it goes away.
-This gets him in trouble, a lot.
-He frequently gets into trouble with his partners because he sees him asking for help as being a nuisance.
-He hates letting them know that he's hurting because he doesn't want to bother them.
-He once broke his wrist while working in Bunker 9 and hid it from Will and Nico until Piper made him them.
-Additionally, Will doesn't like to let on when he's sad.
-Most people think he's supposed to be happy all the time, and he tries to live up to those expectation.
-Nico hates feeling lonely, but also hates being clingy.
-Will and Leo always reassure them that they aren't being clingy.
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kawaii-kozume · 3 years
Soldezangelo and cooking bc I can and I deserve it
Nico can't cook. Not for lack of trying, mind you, he tries. He just, can't handle the meat (sets off sensory issues), doesn't have the memory for recipes (he almost started a fire because he forgot it should have been 350F, not 530F). So he can't cook. But he's really good at online food ordering.
Leo knows so many random recipes. Most of them are simple, 30 min recipes and that ultimately becomes their saving grace when Will starts his doctorate's. He's also really good at detailed instruction so he can prep everything so Nico doesn't have to touch the meat and then just leave a note with the heat and time on it for Nico to throw in the oven.
Will meal preps like crazy. Sundays are grocery days and when they get home, Will has containers out and ready to go. He's pretty average with cooking. He can follow a recipe, he knows vaguely what spices work together, etc but he really excels at baking. He loves homemade bread and makes it when he can.
The three of them all need clean spaces to thrive so the kitchen is never super dirty. They clean up as they go and after every meal they clean up after themselves. Many relationships struggle in that area but they've always understood the space thing. (Note: The clean space doesn't extend to Leo's workshop but that's because everything is already in its place and if it gets moved, Leo cries.)
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top 5 nico headcanons and top 5 nico ships
1. autistic nico (duh)
2. trans nico (also duh)
3. Nico who chose his name from a board game he had a strange obsession with in venice
4. Nico has a room in the underworld that he keeps all his important things in (photos of his family, a locket, the hades figurine, notes from will)
5. Nico with amazing fashion sense
1. solangelo (shocker)
2. valdangelace / soldezangelo
3. Vandangelo
4. jasico
5. nico x happiness
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heyimboredtalktome · 3 years
Uh, hi. I'm collecting headcanons sooooooo Ace!Leo Valdez headcanons: go.
okay so this is also an amazing idea:
Leo realizing that the reason why he doesn't have a romantic relationship with someone is because he doesn't want one
Even when someone tries to get close to him in that way, he freaks out because he doesn't want it, he doesn't want a relationship, he's happy the way he is
One reason why he wanted a relationship is because all of his friends have their significant others, he felt really left out
But as he grew older and matured, he realized that not being in a relationship with someone is what makes him happy
Now if he's an aroace then he's got plenty of platonic relationships, he feels really happy, he's found a family in his friends and he feels really complete
If he's not aro, then he may be in a non-sexual relationship with Will and Nico because Soldezangelo is beautiful and it needs more love. He fits in really great with Will and Nico, they're just really compatible together and being with them makes Leo really happy
This was adorable, I think ace Leo makes so much sense, like it's amazing. I hope you liked these and thanks for the ask!💖🌺🦄❤️✨❤️🌺💖💖❤️
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anachronisticcrab · 3 years
Nico di Angelo Headcanons
It’s Nico’s birthday! So here are some Headcanons about him
* He wears dresses cause they’re pretty and make his aesthetic pop even more
* He’s royalty. I think his grandma was related to the Savoia’s (Italian royal family) so he grew up royal and shit
* He’s Rromani
* He’s a classics nerd, especially with literature and art
* He has a huge family after the Giants War, most of them adopted. Reyna, Meg, Rachel, Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Piper, Castor, Mr. D, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Gwen, Will, Austin, Kayla, Chiron, Hestia, Bob, Damasen, Hades, Persephone, Zagreus, Mesperian, Melinoe, Hermes, Castor, Apollo/Lester, Thalia, the troglodytes, Estelle, Sally, Paul, Drew, Mitchell, Clarisse, etc.
* They have the most comfortable bed in the WORLD. Whenever his family can’t sleep, they go to the Hades cabin and they send good dreams their way and chill out on one of the huge comfy beds
* He stress cooks
* All he wants for gifts is more family
* He’s literally a nonna ngl
* He hates IKEA. He calls it the Swedish Mafia and glares whenever someone gets anything IKEA related
* He’s gone vegetarian cause meat just tastes like death to him (not my hc but I’m not sure who originally came up with it, if you know pls tell me)
* He drinks his weight in coffee every day. He’s a caffeine addict
* He’s nonbinary cause duh
* He’s ace cause everyone is
* He hates horror movies. They remind him of Tartarus and he gets rlly bad flashbacks from them, so he doesn’t watch them
* Toasters make him jump. The amount of times he’s stabbed a toaster cause it went off and spooked him is amazing
* He loves Marvel and DC
* He’s amazing at poker
* He wears crowns all the time cuz he’s ROYAL
* He has a shockingly deep voice. No one expects it from him cause he’s short and skinny and looks like he should have a voice like a little flute, but his voice is super deep. It’s one of the reasons ppl are kinda uneasy around him
* He still wants to be a pirate and had a blast on the Argo 2. It was his childhood dream come true— demigods and pirates
* Nico talks with his hands all the time (click here to see my bigger post about it)
* He loves his sisters more than anything cause he’s Italian at heart. Rachel, Drew, Meg, Hazel, Reyna, Estelle and Annabeth are the luckiest people out there
* Contrary to popular belief, Nico is more interested in a career in medicine than Will. Will has a lot of trauma from being a combat medic for years, while Nico wants to learn more about biology and medicine cause it’s come a long way since he was a kid. Will ends up becoming a guidance counsellor
* As I said, Nico’s more likely to do something in medicine, but he doesn’t. He gets a degree in art history and ends up as a museum curator
* Nico has hundreds of books on his shelves and there’s sticky notes with writing on all of them. Little notes, observations, connections, ideas of what something could mean in a deeper way, notes about how Character A was 100% queer and in a loving relationship with characters B and C
* He can’t stand country music. There are a total of two good country songs and he hates the rest of them
* Other than that he listens to pretty much any music. His favourite band is the Ramones cause it’s canon and they’re amazing
* His favourite song is actually My Heart is Buries in Venice tho, not smth by the Ramones
* He’s shockingly good with kids. He’s very entertaining for them to hang out with, he listens to them rant, he plays games with them. Nico’s just great with kids and everyone at CHB loves him
* There is a total of three (3) animals that Nico can stand. They are cats, dogs, and snakes. Anything else and he will despise it forever
* His full name is Domenico Ade Uriele di Angelo. Ade is the italian form of Hades, and Uriele is the Aquarian Angel so I kinda thought it was a good fit lol. Plus Domenico is fun to say
* He’s never told anyone, but he’s actually open to the idea of a poly relationship and has always had a tiny crush on Leo (don’t mind me throwing in a hint of soldezangelo to appease my soul)
* He lives cuddles! If he doesn’t know you well, he won’t touch you with a ten foot pole. But once he gets to know you and he is comfortable around you... he’s s o f t. He falls asleep on ppl all the time
* Percy gave him his address and phone number after the Battle of the Labyrinth (which is how Nico knew where Percy lived at the end of the book)
* I’ve got so many ideas about Percy and Nico being like siblings and you can find a post about that whole deal here
* When Nico was still living on the streets b/w BotL and tlo, he spent some time at both Percy and Rachel’s homes. He and Rachel bonded over painting
* He’s really good at photography
* He can play like 9 instruments
* He doesn’t really get or understand Halloween and Thanksgiving, but he participates
That’s all for now!! Happy birthday to Nico di Angelo!
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thebigqueer · 3 years
Since Leo canonically is a fan of the Hunger Games, and Will is canonically a nerd, those two talk about the series all the time and Nico’s there like “wtf are you guys talking about”
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thebigqueer · 3 years
Hey so I was wondering do you have any Soldezangelo headcannons? I am in a huge mood for it and Idk why.
WELL HELLO!!! yes i shall try to come up with some!! 
the three of them pay pranks on each other literally all the time 
idk if you saw one of my other posts but i headcanoned that leo and nico steal will’s clothes all the time and make him scavenge for them, so that’s definitely one of the pranks they’d play on him 
will is so tired but like. he loves them. so what can ya do??
leo’s probably constantly walking around camp and making little gadgets and whenever he walks past either of them he just hands over whatever he’s working on and keeps walking while starting a new small project and by now will and nico probably have so many little trinkets in their cabins
you know how nico starts to sit at the apollo table for breakfast/lunch/dinner? well then they convince chiron to let the three of them switch tables all the time and the hephaestus and apollo cabin’s are like “JESUS CHRIST YALL MAKE THE TABLE SO CROWDED” 
which is why they end up being pushed out to the hades table by the end alksjfjsklfd
will is probably like 33% of leo and nico’s impulse control 
maybe leo just randomly bursts into fire sometimes and will and nico have to like. spray water wherever there’s fire on the ground. and anytime a camper comes around and sees the fire and sees leo talking excitedly while also being on fire, nico and will are like “it happens all the time just deal with it” 
I hope you liked those!! thanks for the ask!!
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thebigqueer · 3 years
on his birthday every year, nico di angelo rents out a ship and dresses up as a pirate and takes leo and will with him for Hot Pirate adventures
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thebigqueer · 3 years
Soldezangelo Headcanons? 🥺🥺
the three of them like to do some Gay Crimes together like all the time idk i feel like they would 
its only small crimes though like stealing a pack of candy from a convenience store or something
every year for nico’s birthday the three of them straight up rent out a boat and pretend they’re pirates because yeah 
they usually cover themselves in a large-ass blanket at the campfire 
sometimes, for some reason that idk, when will’s stressed he just randomly starts putting bandaids everywhere, and his partners are not safe
nico’s favorite hobby is twirling their finger through their curls LKSDJLKSFD it’s very therapeutic
will found dead kitty remains somewhere and nico reanimated it so now they have a kitty 
nico is super fucking good at scary stories, and sometimes will and leo halep out and they’re really good at like creepy effects and stuff like sometimes leo will hold up a ball of flames to nico’s face to make him seem crazy and will’s really good at voice impressions
they have a rule that once a month they have to go to the beach one night and just sit there and lay under the stars and be adorable dorks
hope you liked those!
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thebigqueer · 3 years
okay but consider: Will getting hurt in Tartarus and needing a prosthetic when he gets back to camp, which Leo volunteers to make. and you see this dynamic of Will Leo and Nico all getting closer (leading to solvaldangelo) because Leo has to make sure the prostethic fits and works with Will and Nico is physically incapable of leaving Will alone
(also Will with a prosthetic that constantly goes to hospitals and helps little kids with prosthetics feel cool and helps get them excited about having one)
and i think also this kind of gives nico and leo a chance to like really get to know each other. nico kind of had his doubts about leo and probably thought he was a bit ridiculous but through this interaction, i think he realizes that leo is actually super serious and really passionate about his work. he admires that a lot in leo. 
and as for leo, he gets to know nico a bit more and definitely apologizes for the way he treated nico on the argo II. 
i think once they start with the process of getting that prosthetic, nico and will and leo end up sitting at dinner often together just so leo can talk about how things work, how things might be a little different, how he’s progressing along, etc etc. they’d probably sit at the hades table or find an excuse to sit outside of the dining pavilion because will and leo’s tables would be filled to the brim.
nico probably asks a lot of questions, and leo, who understands that nico’s just nervous about will, would be really patient with him. and both will and nico really admire that because this is one of the first times either of them have had to deal with it. 
but overall, their friendships really grow together, and blah blah blah they catch feelings blah blah blah you know the drill.
and also!! i fucking LOVE the second idea you put there about going to hospitals. i’m kind of thinking... leo has his own little project with kids where he helps them learn about mechanics in the Waystation, right? when they’re older, they probably all go off to live somewhere together and like leo always brings will around so he can try to show off how cool will’s prosthetic is and like make an even more comfortable environment for kids in his little company for them. all the kids are so in awe of both will and leo because they think the prosthetic is so super cool, and i’m sure there are some kids there who have lost their own limbs and they find solace with will (eheheheh get it).
that is such a cute idea!!! i really fucking love it. 
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pussyd0n · 3 years
This is my second Soldezangelo fanart .So based on this post , I decided it'd be good to give Leo a similar accessory lol (the hat is festus themed if you didn't notice). Also thoughts about Nico with curly hair ?is it okay ? And the shorties totally DID NOT steal Piper's shoes because they didn't want to look short (and didn't have platform shoes lol)
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Hehe the idea is based on a headcanon where Apollo conducts CHB Tallent shows . Constructive criticizm is welcome.
Tagging some soldezangelo shippers who might appreciate some soldezangelo art: @kawaii-kozume ,@heyimboredtalktome ,@soldezangelo ,@my-apollo-gies , @anyone who appreciates a Soldezangelo fanart
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