#some of yall need therapy not tumblr
simleez · 11 months
people will be like omg why is life not going my way and then start go back to spewing the most hateful shit on their blogs like damn besties you attract what you put out every thought about this one you intellectuals
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luciality · 1 year
why do i only seem to be tumblr mutuals with babes. bunch of 10/10 stacies following me and my silly little hetalia blog like i-
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peepawbones · 1 year
Trauma dumping into your writing is therapeutic and entertaining. Nobody can ever call you cringe if you’re actively coping better than them.
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zodoods · 6 months
what if miraculous characters had tumblr
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🐞 ladybug Follow
i want you all to know that if anyone gets akumatized on tuesday im quitting i have three tests and a part time job go to therapy
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🐞 ladybug Follow
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🐞 ladyblogger Follow
ladybug is 25? she should have been at da club...
🐞 ladybug Follow
im literally a minor
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🎸 guitarhero Follow
sometimes i want to kill myself but then i remember i havent seen my friends figure out their romantic tension yet and ive gotten too invested
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👦🏼 adrienagresteofficial Follow
Buy the New Gabriel Perfume here!
Carefree. Dreamy. Radiant.
🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
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@ladybug excuse me???
🐞 ladybug Follow
🐞 ladybug-is-horny-heritage-post Follow
ladybug is horny heritage post
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🎧 djnino Follow
i just want everyone who posts adrien velocity gif edits on here to know that he's really just some white guy
🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
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🖕 felixcantfathom Follow
dni if you're parisian because how on earth is NO other city getting akumatized...yall need to pack up the drama queen attitude im sick of seeing you on the news
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🐞 ladyblogger Follow
👦🏼 adrienagresteofficial Follow
Please stop voting for my dad...
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🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
my nanny/stepmother/secretary said that "women should be allowed to murder their bosses with no repurcussions" she would do numbers on here
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💎 chloebougie Follow
AITA for causing 80% of the akumas in paris or do you all hate women
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🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
i keep asking ladybug to hang out with me but she keeps blowing me off do u think she's cheating on me????
🐞 ladybug Follow
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do u guys want a part two i have sm of these kdjshgjhdsg
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toasterman247 · 5 months
confess to the good people of tumblr what you did to the ugly mighty beanz
alright so the mighty beanz story. sure. Yall know mighty beanz yeah? these little mfers;
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ALRIGHT so, when I was younger and these bastards were all the rage or whatever, I liked these things. so one day I got my mom to buy me some mighty beanz or something
so when I opened up the pack of mighty beanz or whatever it was, (it might have been like a single one? im not sure) the one that I got was like. so putridly ugly. which is kind of the whole mighty beanz artstyle, but, I digress. I hated it so much. it made little child baby Joshua so upset and infuriated. I couldn't stand this thing being in my presence ANY LONGER.
fueled by the rage of 10 thousand burning suns I clenched the horrid bean in my fist, wound up, and let loose what must have been a record breaking speed pitch. The foul bean raced toward my room's wall at subsonic speed, TORE THROUGH THE FUCKING DRYWALL, AND PLUMMETED TO THE ABYSSAL DARKNESS THAT IS THE SPACE BETWEEN MY ROOM AND THE NEXT ONE.
To this day the mighty beanz shaped hole still exists in my room. As a constant reminder of what might happen to those that wrong me. and also that I severely needed anger management therapy as a child...
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hugs4neth-official · 2 months
(if this cuts off suddenly, its cause my mom walked in. better to give yall something than nothing) some of this information wont be relevant to everyone but im tagging my irl friend that needs it for reasons ill explain below
if you are poet, read all of this please its very important. anyone else feel free to skip its pretty distressing lol.
reblog if you can so the other moots see this. (also so they can find this account, only 19 of yall have found it and should be over a hundred)
tw for parental abuse and self harm
we're still lying low. i cant afford to get caught on tumblr rn
love yall so much, im glad so many people have found this blog
my mom is fucking pissed. ive lost my phone completely, and i might be losing the ipad too. im hoping that because i use the ipad for school she wont take that. my computer is safe for now, she doesnt know the password and knows that people would ask questions if she took it
my texts have been comprimised. im not allowed to text anymore, and shes reading everything. already got texting from my ipad once, fortunatly i dont think that she knows it was from my ipad so she hasnt taken it (yet)
poet we need to figure out a way to comunicate from my computer that isnt tumblr.
my mental state is stable-ish currently, but it wasnt 2 hours ago.
she has threatened physical abuse.
she has also said "I wish i had the luxury of kicking you out"
due to number 8, im working on a go bag.
number 9 is probably an over reaction but im not getting caught unawares
the only sh ive done so far is head banging, which is bad but not the worst form. i think i left a bruise tho. no signs of brain damage
i got my grades back and theyre all pretty high, so im not in trouble for that. but i think she is pissed that im doing my work in school and not at home? idfk
she promised thursday to put me back in therapy. she has taken that back
apparently the reason she thinks im not disabled is because she thinks im faking all these injurys. her reasoning for this is "last time we saw [dr name] he said that nothing was wrong" (he said that there was nothing wrong other than the previously diagnosed severe generalized hypermobility syndrome) i think its fucking hysterical that she thinks i would fake not being able to do fucking anything because of my pain
i did absoluletly have a full full full mental breakdown from about 10:30 this morning to about 3:45 in the afternoon
if i get anymore "injuries out of nowhere" shes gonna cancel all my summer plans. (translation: no medical care for the rest of the year)
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mechanist901 · 9 days
Ok I saw a poll about why people use subtitles and looking the the notes just reminded me of some bullshit and I went on a rant in the tags, decided to put it here with some additional thoughts:
Hi, I'm Mech and I'm deaf
More specifically I have profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears (profound means it's the 2nd most severe level of hearing loss). The hairs in my cochlear are damaged or missing and this inteferes with how I process audio from vibrations into signals my brain can understand. I use cochlear implants on both ears, which essential replace the need for the hairs. I also had language therapy when I was younger, so I'm quite well spoken, not what most people in the UK would associate with a young deaf person. I'm also autistic so theres some weird interaction and overlap between the two. Most importantly, yes, I use subtitles. Despite having what is arguably the best hearing treament currently available, I use them. But that's still a valid reason and theres a million valid reasons.
(Here comes the ranty bit)
The discourse around subtitles disgusts me. Just use them if you need to Noones gonna judge theyre an accesbility tool if yall cant get over people using them gods help us when it comes to wider accesbility implementations i used to to see some really toxic ass arguements on anime subreddits about subs or dubs being wrong to use because its not intended and for some baffiling reason i see the same shit here on tumblr it makes watching anime so fucking hard since this attitude means most places do sub and dub seperately heres the fucking thing about anime i cant fucking lipread them so im fucked if im limited to one of the options and im not gonna go learn japanese like some people suggest bc ive already tried learning a language and it was fucking hell gain im deaf learning a new language is so incredibly hard fuck yall who have opinions on this shit just accept it already
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I just read the blurb you added to another ask about Lestat legit fantasizing about making someone his slave and like I couldn't make myself finish reading the books, they genuinely suck and book fans talk about them enough you know everything relevant that happened anyway, but like they really need to touch some grass, yall are worse than christians and the bible like the show is better because the writers dont suck, sorry not sorry guys
tbh u picked the best comparison with the bible thing because I think that's rly the issue for alot of old book ppl. I think anne rice was "forbidden" catholicism when ur parents forced u to go to church as a kid. she also didn't like having boundaries with fans so I've rly seen them call her "mother" and shit, cuz they prbly grew up feeling like she was. it's less about the books and more about ppl who don't examine things again as adults and then take it out on 20 year olds on tumblr who don't gaf about her dead ass lol. if it wasn't finding her as a kid, u notice how these ppl all have traumatic stories of when they started to read the books? ppl dying around them and shit. lestat made them feel better about it. like okay good for u but wtf does that have to do with anyone else. how is that an objective opinion on the books lol. go to fucking therapy idk.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Keep being jealous of who? Of Tkk? This is exactly what Tkkrs always say!
I really don't understand the way Jikook blogs move on recently.
If insecure jkkrs sent you a hateful ask about tae, then why posting it? Why not treating it like the hateful asks you get from Tkkrs about Jimin and Jkk. You sure don't post those or talk about them. It gives the impression that you care more about defending Tae than defending Jimin and Jkk.
All I've read these past days in Jkkrs blogs are talks about Tae and Tkk. You talk about them more than their own blogs. Their own blogs aren't this invested in proving Tkk relationship is real like Jkkr blogs are.
Is Jkk no longer exists ? are they no longer exciting ? Are they not mistreated in this fandom ? If Jkkrs blog don't celebrate Jkk relationship, then who would ? Tkkrs blogs ?? Definitely not. Army blogs ?? Absolutely no. Jkk together are invisible to them. So who would talk about them ?
There was a time when we used to feel even closer to Jkk when we read these tumblr jkkrs blogs, but not anymore.
That's what all shippers say of their ship. Every damn ship has one of those "hoes mad" edits. And idc what shippers say. For me though? It was "Keep being jealous of Tae." Because clearly some of yall are desperately jealous and lashing out in vile ways because no one taught you how to regulate your emotions better. I recommend therapy. I also recommend you ACTUALLY look through my blog. My masterlist is pinned. You'll find entire subsections of my masterlist dedicated to defending jimin/jk/jikook from some of the vile asks I get about them from the other side. Just like i have an entire essay of a post written telling people to keep being jealous of Jimin. Sorry im an equal opportunity defender of the SEVEN men I adore. Not just 2. Maybe you are seeing so much defense of Tae lately because jkkrs need to pull their head out of their ass and act like the "better shippers" they claim to be. As for your temper tantrum over jikook blogs lately, we aren't airport's anon. You don't need to announce your departure. You can just leave
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hellboundhimbo · 2 years
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MORE JOJ GIRLS joanna's design isn't creative at all with the exception of her dress. like its deadass just jonathans outfit. REASON FOR THIS BEING a lot of my thoughts on her are less abt her design and more abt what her story could be. strap in fellas its time for an Unhinged JoJo Rant courtesy of tumblr user hellboundhimbo.
now i already touched a bit on the subject here, but boy howdy if she still doesn't live in my head rent free. since writing said post, I've had a brain blast in the form of an epiphany that, what if all those concepts, but she's TRANS. i know, i'm a genius (read also: stupid gay idiot). t4t jonaeri, anyone?
i wanted her design to reflect the journey of coming into her own, and finding her own definition of womanhood. at the beginning of PH, she wears very traditionally victorian clothing. long dresses, corsets, those big ass hats, the whole sha bang. over the course of the story, however, she realizes she doesn't need to conform to societal standards to be "worthy" of the title of woman, so she begins to dress in ways she wants to, or is practical for that specific situation. i wanted to make it a point that while she lets her hair down, she never cuts it or is like "EW EARRINGS BLEH' cuz like. femininity isn't her enemy!! its the patriarchal standards that enforce such a rigid, static form of it onto people!!
when it comes to the trans aspect of her story, I thought long and hard about how to go about it cuz like. i'm trans masc myself, and the last thing i'd want to do is try to infuse transness into a story and have it feel like a redundant, shitty commentary that intrudes on the narrative or smth. i think I've come up with a good idea of where to go with it, though.
i think joanna probably came out sometime in her early teen years, around 13-15, but started questioning around the time she met erina, (haven't come up w a name for him yet, if yall have any ideas feel free to shout em.) who came out much earlier, like 9 or so. just like the idea of joanna being like "omg wow u changed ur gender wow that's so crazy haha doesn't everyone feel that way tho" and erina's like. no???? they don't????
anyway once joanna came out lady joestar was like "ok fine u can trans ur gender BUT you gotta be a lady." which sucks cuz no more rugby but fuck it we ball (or I guess. not. ball.) she struggles a lot with being a poised debutante cuz shes like 6'5 and rich dudes don't really like it when their dance partners could chuck them to the colonies with one arm but fuck them. rest of the story remains mostly unchanged, blah blah blah dio blah blah stone mask blah blah you know the drill ANYWAY speedwagon's first appearance is when we really start making some real impacts on joanna's character, with some definite parallels being drawn between joanna, who was lucky enough to be rich and accepted by her family (for the most part,,,) and speedwagon, who lives in the slums with no family to speak of. by proxy, some parallels to dio as well (she'll get her own ramble when I post her design in 284738374 years), because phantom blood sets up so much for a conversation about classism that we see so little of :( love phantom blood tho dgmw
also you can bet your sweet ass that hamon is becoming a metaphor for queer liberation.
don't wanna divulge too much about it cuz like I am hoping to write something about this at some point but,,, big Thoughts here trust me bro.
to address the elephant in the room, how does joanna got honkers if there was no hormone therapy in victorian times? hamon doubles as hrt. if araki's allowed to pull new hamon capabilities out of his ass every 5 seconds, so am I. it works for the metaphor too but like that's less funny.
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snoozeagustd · 2 years
HI, OKAY WHAT THE FUCK??!! I just woke up and what do I see?
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I am literally in shock right now! 
thank you so much for all of the love that you have given me and honestly thank you so so much for all the support you all have given this blog! I never expected this blog to have 100 followers, let alone more than 100, but you all proved me wrong.
To celebrate (because i like to find excuses to celebrate anything and everything), I wanted to do something fun! Thank you so much Freya darling (@sugarwithtea) for helping me come up with a few ideas for this event and for keeping up with my rambling! This literally would not have been possible without you my jaan!
I will be taking requests for this event over 2 weeks (!!!) and I'll try my best to answer them as soon as possible. Please read the rules for each game (whether you can be on anon, whether you are a mutual, ect)
all posts related to this event will be tagged as #nixie hits 100!
I hope you guys enjoy~~
(please ignore how messy this banner is. i’m doing some semblance of editing after literal years and i have definitely gotten worse-)
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💫 vibe check : i’ll tell you what vibes i get from you/your blog in a moodboard (ive never done this before so please don’t mind that it’s not great) (off anon please)
💕 shipping game : send me a description of yourself/a fun fact + a fandom (Marvel, Obey Me, BTS or TXT) and i’ll ship you with a character! (anon is allowed)
🕹️ games: any of your typical tumblr event games! (fmk, would you rather, top 5 or anything else you can think of!) (anon is allowed)
🔖 recommendations (from you) : send me any recommendations you have for tv shows, movies, books, songs, tumblr blogs, etc! (anon is allowed)
📑 recommendations (from me) : i’ll put my ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle and recommend you a song! (off anon please)
🫂shout outs:  recommend some of your own fics or just some fics you love so we can show appreciation for all these amazing writers here on tumblr! (anon is allowed)
❤ first love: share some crush stories with me! (anon is allowed)
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Since it’s also my birthday today, I've decided to add a few more personal asks so that you can get to know me better!
🔮 then and now: tell me your first impression of me and I'll tell you mine! (off anon please) (mutuals only)
🏹  exchange ship: tell me who you ship me with, and I'll tell you yours with a why (off anon please) (mutuals only)
💌 questions: send me any questions that you have for me! NSFW questions are allowed! (for NSFW asks, you need to be off anon so that i can verify your age) for general questions, you can ask me on anon! (gain inspiration here or here )
✨ advice: ask me for some advice on questions about life or just whatever you want! (please don’t take my answers seriously) (anon is allowed)
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Below this, I'm just going to tag some of my friends here on tumblr who have made my time here super super fun and memorable! I am truly grateful and appreciative to all of you!
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to some of my closest friends here:
@mochakat @eternallydaydreaming2015 @tea-is-vibing @adoveamongdemons @poetic-dumbass @buckyinluv @kaitioo @sugarwithtea @jjkeverlast @yoongukie-ff
firstly, thank you for taking time out of your day to talk to my pathetic ass :’) i really do hope that we can continue to be friends for a long time because i don’t know what i would do without all of you. You guys don’t know it, but you have become a big part of my life! I truly treasure and appreciate all of you <3
i love and treasure yall sm, you have no idea 💖💗💝❤️‍🔥❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍💕
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to the rest of my moots:
@istanfluffycontent @yourlocaltimetraveler @chiimiie @namkook @hawtymin @hobipost @kookiecrumb @parkdatjimin @bebejungkook @smasmashie @thetaeprint @xpeachesncream @liyacreate @glamrocklevi @angeladore @just-another-fangirl-69 @henry-and-the-seven-lords @obeythebutler @adoveamongdemons @this-bitch-needs-therapy @incorrectlyavenged @somniprobe @satandrankmy-coffee @a-hoe-in-human-form-2 @kimtaesss @underratedbitch-number13 @pjiminbloomx @yoongukie-ff @skyfull0fstories @lvoekook @wrote-my-own-deliverance @youlightmeupfinn @gimmethatagustd @bangtanintotheroom
I know that we don’t really interact much outside of reblogs and/or likes but I hope you know that whenever I see you in my notifs, I literally smile like an idiot. no joke. anyways, please feel free to approach me because due to my anxiety, I will never be able to although i really want to talk to all of you. I hope that we can get closer eventually <3
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to the rest of my followers,
thank you so so much for allowing me to reach this milestone when I never ever thought that I would. I really appreciate you and I adore seeing you in my notifs! I do recognize you, you know? I hope that as time goes on, we can have more of such events and celebrate together!!
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 year
Which brushes do you use for CSP 😳??
oh i always dreaded this question lmao-
ill be honest and clear cut with yall~
✨I have no idea✨
ok lemme explain, [tho if you dont wanna read all this just skip to the images in the end that i posted of my dumb self made and modified brushes] i have always used different mediums in my art~ ive used SAI, Gimp 2, CSP and occasionally Photoshop for the effects, filters and some brushes~ and i almost never remember where i downloaded them from because, first off, they were free anyway and i also almost always change them to fit my style beyond recognition to how they originally looked by default XDDD
MOST of my work is usually with SAI with almost the only brush i use in general for everything [ Inking, Coloring the edges, Shading, Lighting, and most other hand drawn shapes and hatching and etc ] is used with these settings. i never change it because i had years of experimenting to finally be comfortable with these and i will die a painful death if anything happens to my laptop before i could save these settings so i keep it in my art files just in case lmao~ [i do NOT like change and trying new stuff is2g i need therapy-]
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HOWEVER when it comes to CSP i have had..... very depressing progress yay :D ... SAI in my experience has been a bit sucky in being able to handle large sizes and layers or anything else and having the possibility of crashing but the way it makes some things easy has been a MIRACLE for my lazy ass, i might have given up art before i ever even started if SAI didn't exist, but as how all EASY things usually are they start lacking in variety after a while, and i realized since one of my friends had bought me a CSP a long time ago, heck i might as well use it and oh my GOD the anxiety it induced ended me up with an IV and several trips to the hospital for injections to calm me down [and potentially temporarily blinding me] im not even joking. i mean yeah i was going through stuff back then that did NOT help my situation in general but the fact that CSP doubled my anxiety cuz i just couldn't draw with it made me have several existential breakdowns where i thought i will never be able to improve my art as a self proclaimed artist anymore because i had gotten so used to only working with what i found PERFECTLY comfortable to my own tastes that im just useless at getting used to anything else... so what happened was that i went on the most violent weekly spree of downloading any brush i could that even resembled REMOTELY to what i wanted- i also searched for brushes on tumblr or google or anywhere else- i watched so many CSP transition videos on youtube my brain was spinning and i was on a rout of self destructive agony to make this WORK. so now i have a bajillion downloaded brushes and all of them have spawned 20 other copies that i have aggressively modified beyond any sort of resemblance to what they used to be- it doesn't help that the file names and the brush names are different so i cant search for them either 😑
but if the brush names could help you in finding them uhhh, heres like.... 1/10th of the brushes i downloaded and modified that i actually did NOT go back and delete because they are fun to have around XD
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have fun, //goes to cry in a corner-
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commandermahariel · 11 months
if i had a dollar every time someone on tumblr had a very insane, unhealthy obsession with theron shan, i'd have two dollars. which isn't a lot but wtf guys seriously go to therapy some of yall need it
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hi ily. for questions, 1, 12, and 24? <333
HI OMG ILY TOO 😭😭 already know this is gonna take me a hot minute because u chose some deep questions but mostly because that’s just a me problem <3333 here we go!!!
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
dAng okay starting off STRONG hm for positive things i’d say first my middle school friends. my friend group coming out opened to door to my own queerness and created an atmosphere where queerness was the norm and we were able to unapologetically express that. it’s a little nostalgic looking back because since moving schools i’ve definitely had to suppress a ton more and talking about my queerness in any way irl has become sort of taboo for me which is a little sad. but i will forever be grateful for them for introducing that side of the world that i might have taken a long time to meet otherwise and ofc for being such a beautiful support system and lovely people <3 i miss yall second uhhhhhhhhh i’d say omg okay so listen this is gonna sound stupid but i am 100% serious when i say seaweed brain podcast. they not only reintroduced me to percy jackson and showed that it’s okay to still love this fandom when you’ve “outgrown it” (and that led to me re entering a lot of fandoms that used to bring me a ton of joy as a kid) but they’ve also taught me a ton, how to think critically about text you read and topics you hear about, how to love a text and see it’s faults, showed me a ton of new perspectives and taught me a lot of important lessons about like problematic parts of literature or tropes or ideas that as a kid i obviously didn’t catch but are so so important for me to learn about and start unlearned now. and ofc theyve showed me that it’s okay to have different opinions and to change your opinions and to share your opinions and have respectful open fun discourse about them <3 and always such a queer safe space for me before tumblr was in the picture and have let me live vicariously through their rants of how gay the books are with their guests :) so yes i would fr say they have shaped me a lot into the much more informed nerd i am now and help provide a support system and a source of comfort from irl <33 love u erica and carter lol keep slaying and lastly i’d say definitely joining tumblr <3 i first came on here last summer after a therapy session where my therapist was asking about my friends and was like ‘well do u have any online friends’ and i was like no my parents wouldn’t let me and also i wasn’t sure how to even find those friends. and then i remembered about tumblr which i had previously though was like an old app like i didn’t think it still existed 😭😭 and i was like well hm lets see if it’s still there and honestly *winks at camera* it was the best thing that i’d ever done no but seriously i was not doing so hot at that point and the community on tumblr—just the unapologetic joy and curiosity and passion and casual affection and community—it really helped me just to get through the day knowing i had a source of joy at the end of it! and it also gave me a space where i could be myself after a day of masking and conformity and finally god finally have somewhere where i could express things like hyperfixations or simple queer things without apology or criticism and ahhhh it’s helped me love myself so much more and encouraged my curiosity and helped me learn so much through so many resources! and ofc gave me many many lovely ao3 fics :) ily all so so much ty for being the best <3 tumblr for the win
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
probably something i think a lot more people need to hear is that no one fits into a box. humans exist on a spectrum in pretty much every dimension of our life and trying to limit yourself to just one point on that spectrum erases so much of the beauty and potential and magnitude of just living as yourself. even though society might tell you that you’ll only be accepted if you look, dress, talk, act, believe, grow up, love, experience the world in one way, they’re lying. those are systems of oppression that have hundreds of thousands of forever of years integrating in our institutions and so yes they will make it hard for you to exist as you are no matter what. but they are nothing compared to the true complexity and nuance of being human. they cannot define you—literally no one can define you except yourself. and that’s another thing: it’s okay to be wrong about that definition. the journey of self discovery and throwing off the labels society has placed on you since birth is not. easy. but it doesn’t have to be, and it will never look the same for anyone, and you will probably make interpretations about how you fit into the world that you will disagree with later on! but the important thing is to find people who care about you and support you and love you not despite but because of who you are and if you are struggling to find those people, make sure to care about and support and love yourself!! because you are beautiful and strong and worthy for just existing in this world that is trying it’s damn hardest to make it difficult <3 i love you for all the wonderful confusing doesn’t make sense and doesn’t have to lovely rainbow of a human being you are
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
jesus u fr chose the hard ones bestie 😭😭 um i’d say one thing i am proud of myself for is how much i’ve grown over just the last year or so? i’ve found so many incredible resources and learned through research and communities and self reflection SO much about myself and about others!! i’m really proud of how much more informed and critically thinking and mature i am today, and how much i’ve learned about my own biases and those present in the institutions controlling our everyday lives. obviously still working on it but i think i can say i’m much more able to see things in a nuanced way and im more informed about a TON of things that i previously assumed i knew! i also love how this has really fed my curiosity and also allowed me to connect with other people like y’all in communities i never would have reached out to otherwise <3
well oh my gosh. would you look at this. kiri finished an ask response the???? day of?????? thank you so much for the ask bestie ilysm hopefully this unedited rant was understandable <333 have a slay day u icon
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Ok I'm probably about to jump into a snake pit...
But Im genuinely curious.
So I saw on Tumblr here that a lot of people are upset with the new younger fans that have entered the Pedro Pascal fandom. The biggest complaint is them calling him daddy and being uber obsessed with him like they are going to marry him or something along those lines.
Now I HAVE noticed myself that there is more notice around him which I think is weird in the sense that Pedro has been acting for a long time in some pretty main stream shows like Narcos and The Mandalorian but whatever, I digress.
What I want to know is... have y'all noticed it and how do you feel about it?
I saw the majority of people saying these kids (I'm saying kids because they are younger than me at 17-20) need therapy. THAT bugs me because honestly I feel like no one should say that in any context because it's always said like it's an insult.
"Oh my god you need therapy. You need help!"
Does the younger generation really understand what they are saying when they're like "Pedro is daddy"? Probably not. They just know what they've seen or heard in media. Wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity to educate them instead of shaming them?
For YEARS I hid what I was sexually attracted to because I was shamed in every direction. My bio mom would tell me somethings wrong with me because I wanted "to be abused". I was like "Um...I don't though. I just like dominate men and women."
Then as I started being more open about the abuse I endured growing up people would say things like how I needed therapy because I "wanted to continue the cycle" and "punish" myself.
I seriously wish someone had sat me down and been like "No the dom/sub dynamic is a completely different thing and this is why. What you're feeling is valid."
Then of course the whole kids being obsessed like they are going to marry him. Dude, when I was 16 I genuinely thought I was going to marry Johnny Knoxville. Lol. I mean its a part of growing up right? Now OBVIOUSLY there is a line and if you see someone start to cross it of course say something or even educate them about that as well.
IDK maybe it's because of what I've been through I see things differently but I'm curious on yalls thoughts. TO BE CLEAR! This is a discussion. If you come at me or anyone else rudely I will delete the comment or not acknowledge it if you send me a reply in my asks. Be respectful!
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ahoysailorsteve · 1 year
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#i know i mentioned empire before and never went back to fully elaborate but yea the 'traitor' comment is what tipped me towards that theory
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yall mind if i scream
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823 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
steve harrington post s2: *has endured intense trauma both physically and emotionally, got dumped in a bathroom after getting called out on his attempts to suppress said trauma instead of dealing with it, definitely needs some therapy or at least a brain scan for the numerous head injuries*
the duffers writing s3 steve:
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1,791 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
s1: the atmosphere in the upside down is toxic, hazmat suits are required to go through the gate, will just barely makes it
s2: spores everywhere, hopper and dustin both inhale them, hopper is fully decontaminated at the lab after being saved from the tunnels because of the toxicity, steve and the kids wear goggles and masks to protect themselves
st4: fuck it, walk walk fashion baby
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4,276 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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