#something about this shit always makes me cry!!
moonstruckme · 2 days
Hey! Unsure what happened but I copy+pasted a request into my doc and now it's gone :( Anyway to whoever sent this, thank you!
Request: can i request hurt/comofort with high!reader x buzzed!sirius (or poly!mar whatever you’d like) where reader smokes a little more then she can handle and he takes care of her but he’s like still a little high himself, if that makes sense TT just nice and lovey and dovey!!!!
cw: weed, greening out, mention of vomit/nausea
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 727 words
Sirius is trying to be comforting, but he keeps getting distracted by the feel of your back underneath his hand. The muscles of your shoulders are tight, your breathing stilted and your skin shiny with a thin layer of sweat. Sirius can’t stop thinking about how he’d like to rest his face in between your shoulder blades and kiss an adoring line down your spine. He worries it wouldn’t be very helpful. 
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is quieter than breath, a soft sigh drooping your shoulders as you let your head loll forward. 
Your body starts to list forward with it. Sirius weaves his arm under yours, settling down more comfortably on the bathroom floor and pulling you back against his chest. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” He kisses the crown of your head. “I should have warned you about this. I need to remember to be careful with you.” 
Caution isn’t really in Sirius’ nature, but however unwisely, you put a lot of trust in him. The weed you’d smoked tonight was a different strain than the one he’s shared with you before, but he’d forgotten to clue you in. You’d matched him hit for hit, and with your lower tolerance it hadn’t ended well. You’ve been sick more than once. 
“You’re so nice,” you whisper. Your voice sounds tight. Sirius’ chest contracts, worrying you’re starting to get teary. “You don’t have to take care of me, but you are. You’re so, so nice.” Definitely teary now. “I’m really sorry for ruining your night.” 
“Aw, sweetheart.” He kisses the side of your face with something akin to desperation. He already feels like his heart is going to spill right out of his ribcage, and your upset makes it about ten times worse. “You’re not ruining anything. Of course I have to take care of you, you’re my girl, you know? I want to.” 
He peers around you, trying to see your face. You’ve got that same, slightly spaced-out look you’ve had for the past hour, a sad little line between your brows. Sirius reaches up to smooth it out with his finger, and you turn toward him like you’d forgotten he was there. He wonders if this much affection can actually crush his bones to dust. It feels plausible.
“I love you,” he says. 
You sigh, fitting your head into the crook of his neck and shoulder. It’s not a happy sound, but he knows it’s not meant for him. “You, too.” 
You take his hand, turning it palm up and tracing the lines in his skin. Your touch is so light it tickles. He has a small scar from a failed attempt at cooking with James when he first moved out, and when you get to it you raise his palm to your lips, resting them there purposefully. 
“Can I have a hug?” you mumble against his skin. 
“Fuck yeah, always.” 
Sirius does the work of turning you around, your own coordination not spectacular at the moment, and your arms curl under his arms, wrists crossing between his shoulder blades. He thinks your hands might be making fists. For his part, he rubs up and down your spine slowly, squeezing intermittently, unsure how much you want. Sirius has always been shit at comfort. He’ll keep trying as long as you let him.
“I don’t like this,” you admit. Your face feels warm where it’s pressing into his shoulder, and Sirius realizes you might be crying again. He hugs you harder. “I can’t think.” 
He feels, very acutely, his heart fracturing. “Oh, baby,” he murmurs, “I’m so sorry. I know it’s awful.” 
“I’m scared,” you whimper. 
“I know, sweet girl.” He may well be crushing you now. If your ribs are breaking, you don’t seem inclined to say anything about it. “You’ll be okay, though, I promise. I’ve got you. Just try to relax, and I’ll take care of you, yeah?” You don’t respond, sniffling. Sirius rubs your back again. “Do you feel like you’re going to be sick any more, darling?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t think so.” 
“Alright, my lovely. Let’s go to bed, okay? You might feel better when you wake up.” 
You hug him tighter. “Thank you for being so nice to me.” 
“Wrong again,” he says, tucking a kiss into your hair. “I’m not nice to you, I just love you too much.” 
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wonuwrites · 2 days
Seventeen's Reaction When You Can't Sleep At Night.
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Anyone else having a rough time sleeping lately or is it just me? Past few nights have been rough so I thought of this little thing. Also was inspired to write this based off the song "When You Can't Sleep At Night" by Of Mice And Men. Hope y'all enjoy it.
Warning: mentions death of a loved one, anxiety, nightmares, fluff/angst in some places, minor cussing, fairly sfw but Dino's is a bit suggestive so MDNI, oh also some pet names like: Sweetheart, Baby. Love, Babe, idk the cute names and shit lmfao.
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☾ S. Coups:
Your mind was racing and you couldn't help but stare up at the ceiling. You felt a bit guilty because you kept tossing and turning when you were attempting to fall asleep. Seungcheol who was next to you didn't say anything but you made him turn slightly as well while keeping his arm loosely around your waist. He was sound asleep and truth be told you envied him. You wish you could sleep like him. As if he could hear your envious thoughts, you felt his lips on your shoulder before he pulled you closer to him. "Still awake, sweetheart?" You nodded before turning over to look at him. He kissed you and pulled you closer to him. He'd ask you what was on your mind and would do everything in his power to help you sleep. He wouldn't even close his eyes until he knew you were asleep for sure.
☾ Jeonghan:
You made your way into the kitchen to get a cup of water. You were almost 80% convinced that sleep was not going to happen that night because a random bout of anxiety was just eating you alive. What was the anxiety? You had no fucking clue but it just kept nagging at you and you hated it. You just felt so small and you couldn't find your center. You remember a luke warm glass of water used to help one of your friends back in high school so you decided to try it. You only took a sip before tears threatened to fall which made you take a shaky breath. You leaned against the kitchen counter and tried your best not to breakdown but that didn't work to well. Soon you just let it out. You didn't know how long you were there but you felt someone come up behind you and pull you into his embrace. Jeonghan noticed you were taking awhile to come back to bed and decided to look for you. When he found you crying in the kitchen he felt his heart break into a million pieces. He wanted to give you space at first but also felt that you needed someone at that time so he just came and hugged you. You started to cry into his chest harder which he just rocked you until you were done and ready to talk about it. Sleep could wait.
☾ Joshua:
The first few nights after Jisoo left for tour or various schedules were the worst. You had become completely reliant on him and needed to feel his side of the bed had something in it. You had done everything to make it seem that way with adding weighted blankets, books, or even a pet. Nothing worked long term and tonight you felt it. You thought maybe you could gaslight yourself and get some rest that way but no. Nothing was working. Your eyes were tired but the rest of you was not. You decided to scroll on social media and watch fancams of him and hope that would help and it almost did until Jisoo decided to shoot you a text to let you know that he had just got to his hotel. Instinctively, you called him which made him nervous and confused. It was nearly 2:30 am in where you were and you were awake? Before he could even scold you in concern you told him you couldn't sleep. His heart would hurt a bit because he knew that you struggled sleeping when he was not there. He just stayed on the phone with you until you fell asleep. Even then he stayed on a little longer just to hear your breathing. "I'll be home soon, (Y/N,)" he would whisper, "I love you, always."
☾ Jun:
You had a huge project coming up at work in the next week and you were struggling to sleep. Jun didn't realize how bad it was until he stayed the night and noticed you were no longer snuggled into his side. He walked around the house while rubbing his eye trying to find you but it was as if you vanished. He almost gave up until he found a light under a closet door and he found it weird. He knocked on the door while whispering your name which made you gasp in shock. Before you could hide the evidence of papers everywhere Jun opened the closet door and looked at you with an emotionless face. You looked down embarrassed which made him sit down on the floor across from you. He would slowly gather the paperwork, and when you tried to protest he would just shake his head. "Baby," he would whisper, "tomorrow is your day off, how about we practice your project tomorrow after a good night rest?" You tried to protest again but he just looked at you with a pleading look. You would then feel guilty before nodding and looking down. This hurt Jun's heart because he didn't want to be a controlling person but truth be told he was worried for you. He leaned over and kissed both your left and right cheeks before helping both of you up. He led you back into the bedroom while whispering sweet nothings to you. Once you got into bed, he left the room to "hide" your project before joining you.
☾ Hoshi:
You shot up in bed screaming after having the most realistic nightmare. This nightmare has haunted you for years but you thought it was over. Especially with you now dating Soonyoung. Soonyoung jolted up as well asking what was wrong while wrapping his arms around you. You starting weeping into his chest which made him scared as hell. He hugged you as you kept saying "no" and tried his best to calm you down. His eyes started water as he realized soon that you were mumbling apologies to your ex who had passed away in the past. He never asked any information about his death but he knew that it hurt you a lot. He knew the best thing he could do was rock you and kiss the top of your head until you calmed down. Once you did, he held you like that until you started to cry again and apologizing to him. You didn't want Soonyoung to think you loved your ex more because it wasn't the truth. He whispered that you didn't need to apologize and reminded you that he was there for the good, the bad, and the ugly. "Baby, you don't have to tell me a thing if it's too much, but I'm here to listen if you are ever ready. I want to help. I love you, okay?" "okay."
☾ Wonwoo:
Your best friend recently passed from a freak accident and it was just eating you alive. Why did they have to go? Why so soon? You didn't even get to say a proper goodbye and that's what killed you. You just missed them so much and your heart hurt from it. Work had be generous and gave you a bereavement period but staying alone in your thoughts somehow made this time worse for you. You didn't admit it to anyone but Wonwoo knew you were struggling really bad. He saw the signs and knew you weren't sleeping well. Which is why Wonwoo was staying over the night of the funeral so he could do everything in his power to help you. Not with words but with actions. He made you tea and put soft music while you sat on the couch in a blanket while scrolling through your friends instagram. His heart hurt for you because he knew what it was like to lose someone. He sat next to you and put an arm around you. You leaned up against him, "I miss them," you whispered. "I know, I'm sorry." He continued to hold you until finally went to sleep.
☾ Woozi:
After a hour of tossing and turning, you realized that sleep was just not an option. You didn't know why it was so hard to sleep but it just was. You sighed as you turned on your phone and noticed Jihoon had just sent you an instagram reel. You couldn't help but smile at his name and watched the reel with a smile across your face. When you reacted to the reel you got a call pretty soon from him which you quickly answered. "You're still up?" He asked before you could even say 'hello.' This made you scoff before saying, "I could say the same thing about you." "Eh, I have an excuse. I'm in the studio." You rolled your eyes before getting an idea. "Can I come by? I can't sleep and wanna be near you. I promise I won't annoy you." He chuckled and hummed a bit. "Sure, wanna spend the night too when we are both finally sleepy?" "Yes please. I'll be there in 10."
☾ DK:
One of your many quirks was panic baking. Whenever you were stressed about something you would bake. It didn't matter if it was brownies, cakes, bread, cupcakes, lemon bars, or whatever. So many of your friends loved this little habit about you but they didn't realize you would do this instead of sleep most nights. However, Seokmin did. He came home after a long day of schedules when he smelt some goodies come from the kitchen. Normally people would be excited to smell goodies but not at 1:30 in the morning. He would sigh and make his way to the kitchen. There he saw you taking out some cupcakes. He waited for you to set the hot plate down before he called out your name. You jumped and looked at him as if you were a deer in headlights. He gave you a concerned look and that's when you broke down and told him you couldn't sleep because you were nervous so you baked because that "was all you were good at." As you continued to breakdown in front of Seokmin, he quickly made his way to you and just rocked you while you fell apart. He whispered sweet nothings and stayed there for awhile before promising to clean up the kitchen so you could take a shower in hopes it would make you sleepy.
☾ Mingyu:
It was one of those nights where sleep was the enemy. You just kept tossing and turning to a point where you were just getting annoyed. You had tried everything from white noise to brewing some sleepy time tea. Nothing worked. It wasn't until you started scrolling through instagram and noticed Mingyu just posted a photodump. You liked it instinctively and automatically got a call from your concerned boyfriend. It was 2am and his royalty was still awake? Unacceptable. When you answered his heart broke when he realized that you were struggling to sleep so he did what any good boyfriend would do and came over to snuggle. Hopefully he could help you sleep.
☾ Minghao:
It was a sleepless night the night before and you promised Minghao to a brunch date. You were exhausted by the time you got there but tried your best to shake it off so he wouldn't worry. However, Minghao knew how to read you like a book so you were not able to fool him one bit. He would just order the food to go and take your cute ass home so you could get some proper rest. He would wait for you to tell him if anything was going on but would just take care of you by brewing you a tea or cuddling you to sleep.
☾ Seungkwan:
Sleeping was never one of your talents. Honestly, you never could get the right amount of sleep. It would either be too much or too little. To say this didn't concern Seungkwan would be a lie. He would often ask how your sleep schedule was and if you mentioned you got less than 3 hours the night before his heart would break. Unlike Minghao, he would ask if anything was bothering you or what was going on but that's just because he wanted to make sure you were okay. If you were going through something, he would try his best to work it out with you. He even would offer a shoulder to sleep on if you got sleepy throughout the day.
☾ Vernon:
To say you tried to sleep was an understatement. You were tossing and turning, counting all the sheep, and even tried to gaslight yourself that you were asleep. However, nothing worked. You still laid wide awake while your precious boyfriend was asleep peaceful next to you. You sighed as you turned one last time and surprisingly that woke Hansol up. He rubbed his eye before flinging an arm around you and pulling you closer. "You okay, babe?" He would ask with his voice all gruffy sounding due to the sleep. "yeah... sorry." He didn't believe you and would roll you over so you were making eye contact, he tried to figure it out telepathically but he couldn't so he kissed your nose instead. The gesture made you scoff before snuggling into him. "I'm fine, just can't sleep very well tonight." He'd hum while playing mindlessly with your hair. "We can put on a movie if you want?" You would smile into his chest before whispering an "ok." It was moments like these when you were thankful he was there.
☾ Dino:
You sighed before sat up to get out of bed. Sleep was just not in the cards and honestly there were other things you could do instead of getting a restless night of sleep. However, you momentarily forgot your adorable boyfriend, Chan, was cuddled up next to you and his grasp tightened as you tried to escape his grasp. Him being stubborn made you giggle which made him smile before he looked up at you. "You can't leave me yet, it's still dark outside." You would sigh before wrapping your arms around him as well in defeat. "Sorry babe, I just can't sleep." "Mmm, why?" "I don't know. I've tried everything." He then opened his eyes a bit and gave you a little smirk, "I mean not everything...." You could feel what he meant and giggled before kissing him and hoping he could *literally* wear you out.
It's finally out. Please lmk your favorite one. Personally I loved writing DK's part. (as usual. It's so easy for me to write for him,) Please lmk what yall liked tho <3
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kokomyass · 2 days
JJK Characters ☆ That time of the month...
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JJK x Fem!Reader
Genre: ☁️
Trigger warnings ⚠️: swearing, crack
featuring: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna
synopsis: in which, the jjk men are out buying you supplies for your period, some with more experience that others....
notes!: in sukuna's part, he is true form and has like a kinda palace thing going on yk....
a/n: thought of this idea, liked it and wrote it!!! I hope you enjoy 💜🍇💜🍇
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"Heyyy babe....so about those pads you wanted me to buy....you kinda failed to tell me that there are pads for every colour of the fucking rainbow!"
You had to use all your will power in you to not start laughing at Satoru through the phone, which would consequently lead him to hold a grudge.
"Satoru, I told you to get the ultra maxi pads with wings, remember? How difficult is that?" you nagged as you heard a frustrated groan through the phone.
"Well which colour is that? Cause there's no way I'm reading allat-"
"Gojo!!" you didn't usually call him by his first name it was an easy way to show your annoyance.
"Okay sorry!! Well, Y/N, there are like 5 different ultra maxi pads! How the hell am I meant to know which-"
"Satoru, with wings."
You heard the line go silent as you heard rustling assuming he had picked the pad up.
"So...um I found it....I'm gonna get myself out of this aisle because thanks to you I embarrassed myself in front of all these experienced women."
All you can do is giggle at Gojo's dramatic ass.
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You hear the door to your house open as you lay in bed curled over from the pain your cramps are giving you.
You hear your husbands soft footstep approach your bed as you open your eyes slightly to see him bent over cupping your face careful not to wake you up to violently.
"Hello sweetheart, how are you feeling?" you hear his deep, smooth voice whisper out.
"Well...I feel like shit, but now that your here I wanna cuddle with you. It'll make me feel better."
Nanami chuckles as he sat on the bed, extending his arm out to let you cuddle with him.
"Just to let you know, I went out to buy some night and day pads, tampons just in case your in the mood to use them and your favourite snacks to keep you going. They are all here if you need." Nanami said, as he gently brushed your hair as he felt you squeeze tighter.
Nanami looked down as he heard sniffling later realising you were crying after looking down at your face.
"Honey what's wrong? Did I miss something?" Nanami's heart dropped.
"No, the absolute opposite. You always get everything right. Nanami, have I ever told you how madly I am in love with you?"
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You had sent Geto out to do some period shopping and by that you meant shopping for pads/tampons and snacks.
When you were on your period, you were EXTREMELY snappy and emotional. This time of the month was one Geto feared all the time. One small thing could make you flip out.
"Hey babe! I'm home!"
You were sat on the couch wrapped in blankets as you watched TV.
"I got your stuff babe, snacks, pads and all..." Geto placed a kiss on your head before sitting next you. You took the bag from him searching for your favourite sweets.
"Thank yo-...Where are my skittles, Geto?"
Geto's heart dropped. He had completely forgotten to buy that and he regretted his life choices, but it was too late because you had already started crying.
"Ughh, I really wanted those skittles...why do you always forget Geto!" you sobbed angrily as Geto pulled you apologising profusely.
"I'll go out and buy more baby....I'm sorry...."
"NO. I WON'T WANT THEM ANYMORE!" you shouted at Geto as you stood up angrily walking to you bedroom as Geto sighed letting his head fall back on the couch, choosing to let you come to him in your own time.
Time Skip
You had guiltily shuffled out of the bedroom and sat next to Geto leaning into him as he let out a sigh of relief.
"So, you feeling better??"
"Yeah, sorry babe....I overreacted. My favourite sweet isn't even skittles..."
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"So babe, what size is your pussy again?"
Toji was a man with no shame and clearly no brain. He went out to get pads for you forgetting to ask what type you needed.
"Wh- Toji!! How many people are in that aisle!?" You heard Toji chuckle at your very valid question, given what he had just said.
"Princess, listen, that doesn't matter right now. Just tell me your fucking pussy size."
Before you could scold Toji and maybe educate him you heard another woman's voice through the phone.
"Um sir, just to let you know you are rather loud...and pad sizes are based on the amount of flow not-"
"Did I ask?" Toji spat.
The woman's mouth shut as she spluttered trying to say something back before Toji diverted his attention back to you.
"There is like ultra large....do you want that cause I know how big-"
"Toji don't you dare finish that sentence. Just get me large ones please...and for the record it is based on your flow, so you had no right shut that poor woman down like that."
"I call it what I want to call it, and that's pussy size."
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You currently had a stuttering Choso on the phone who was clearly pretending he wasn't embarrassed.
You had sent him out to get some snacks, hinting that it was your time of the month but you didn't ask him to get pads or tampons fearing it would be too much for him to handle.
"So....um...Y/N, do you....erm do you want me-"
"Choso, baby, please spit it out." you giggled at how flustered he was as it wasn't a common occurrence.
"Do you need...pads...?" he whispered the last bit so you could barely hear.
"What was that?"
"...pads...." you had made out that he said pads.
You let out a loud laughter that could be heard through the phone, shown by the fact Choso was hushing you.
"Y/N, stop laughing! Yes or no? If yes, what type?" you could tell he was trying to be vague.
"Choso you are so cute, yes I would like some please can I have some night pads? I have enough days ones."
"Okay! I got this....okay see you and love you!!" he cut the phone after chanting to himself that he had the power to pick one product off an aisle.
All you could do was chuckle and feel warm at how much he cared for you...even if it was embarrassing for him....
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You were giving Sukuna his daily massage in his throne room despite your cramps from your period. You didn't want to tell Sukuna that you were on your period because whenever you did he became a bit too overprotective in a murderous way....
However the cramps were unbearable.
"My Lord...May I be seated?" Sukuna's head whipped around and looked up and down your body before nodding slightly, tapping his leg indicating for you to sit there.
You sat down on Sukuna's crossed legs resting your head on his broad chest as you sighed squinting your eyes at the pain.
Two of Sukuna's arms were wrapped around your waist whilst the other two were on the floor. He tighten his grip on your waist as if he knew you were experiencing pain.
Suddenly a sharp knock was heard at the door.
"You may enter." Sukuna's gruff voice sounded out.
"I have the pads and tampons and foods you requested, Lord Sukuna." Uraume entered with a box placing them at your feet. Leaving promptly.
"It is your time of the month, is it not?"
You eyes widened as you looked back at him to see him looking down at you.
"Y-Yes my lord...how did you know?"
"I keep track in my own manner." you didn't even bother to ask how that was.
You knew Sukuna wasn't exactly the loving type, but you couldn't help but wrap your arms around his neck.
"Thank you, my Lord!" he places one of his hands on your back not saying a word just letting out a huff. After a while he mumbles out.
"It's alright woman...."
a/n: I hope that was good and all those true form sukuna fans out there hmu 😜
love you!! 🍇💜🍇💜
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euphoricfilter · 3 days
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pairing: jungkook x gn! reader
genre: non-idol au || angst ||
summary: regret is the worst emotion
tags/ warnings: kinda just angst… the ending is ambiguous so you can try make it happy if you want
notes: a little ramble based on how i feel at the moment as a little treat before bed <3 i feel very rusty because i haven’t written in so long
☆ where you can find the rest of my stuff!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
the knowledge that the thing you want to say is going to hurt someone you care about is the worst feeling. a strange sinking in your chest, malleable guilt that chews away at your mind and your heart.
words tacky on your tongue as you rehearse them in your head over and over, a well practiced script. because ending something with someone you like a lot hurts. really, truly, hurts.
it hurts knowing you’ll hurt them and it hurts not knowing how your relationship will be after you utter the miserable set of words stuck in your mind.
jungkook was your first.
jungkook was your everything.
he was perfect, within whatever limitation human perfection has. he treated you like you were the best thing on the face of the earth. you were the light of his eyes, perfect in all your imperfect ways. a piece of you tucked away in his mind all hours of the day.
quick to message back when you text about your day. always on the other end of the phone. always there. the one person in the universe who loved you for who you were, the one person who loved to spend time with you all hours of the day. just the silent comfort of knowing you were there enough for him.
gentle as his fingers would run through your hair, legs tangled together and breathing soft as you linger between the waking world and gentle sleep.
his love for you was all consuming.
which is why you didn’t understand why it felt like your world was crumbling. a phantom hand wrapped around your delicate neck, constricting every breath you took.
a constant spiraling anxiety, tugging you further and further into this abyss of worry and self loathing.
the strange self loathing you have when you don’t know yourself anymore. unsure why. what reason there is to your existence. why people even liked you when it felt like you had nothing else to offer.
and at the time you thought you needed a break.
palms sweaty as you hold the phone to your ear, boyfriend understandably concerned by your recent lack of communication.
“hello..?” jungkook answers.
you swallow, “hi” it comes out quiet, throat already lodged, eyes glossy.
“what’s wrong, baby?” he hums, you hear him shuffle on the other end of the phone.
your lungs inflate as you take a deep breathe
“i..” you start, all that practice getting you nowhere as your mind stops, guilt clawing it’s way up your throat.
“baby?” he presses on, worry evident in his voice.
“i don’t know if i can do this anymore” the bitter words slip off your tongue, “you don’t deserve this”
and of course jungkook had been baffled. though maybe a small part of him knew that this was coming, how you’d slowly started to creep away from him. the unintentional distance scratching the surface of what was rattling around your mind.
“if this isn’t what you want… then that’s okay” he breathes, “i just want you to be happy”
you feel the tears trickle down the mounds of your cheeks, “no” you huff, “god, jungkook please don’t be nice right now”
“what do you want me to do?” he laughs, though you can feel the lack of humor, laugh dry as it’s pushed past his lips.
you wipe your wet cheeks, “call me a bitch or something”
“i’m not gonna call you a bitch” he sighs.
“but you don’t deserve this… i should have at least come in person or… i don’t know” you cry, “i feel like such a horrible person”
“you’re not a horrible person” he hums, “i don’t want you to feel bad”
“too late” you murmur, “i feel like shit… you’re just so nice and i really like you…. but i don’t think i can do this anymore”
the fact he has been so nice had made it harder. the sadness in his voice as he reassured you as you cried. the moment sinking in when you finally put your phone down. you’d shattered something so lovely. you’d ripped away the only person who made you feel seen.
and the week after was no different. he didn’t message you. so you never tried reaching out, how could you when you’d broken his heart.
it felt selfish missing him. wanting any sort of contact you could get.
and when he messaged about bringing some of your stuff over back to your place, that wasn’t enough. you knew that the small exchange wouldn’t be enough because you missed him, and asking for friendship after you ended the relationship chewed away at your mind.
sometimes missing someone is a strange feeling. knowing that the dynamic you once had is totally different, that it might never be the same as it was.
and sometimes missing someone hurts a little less than the guilt that eats away at you for what you have done. or missing someone can hide that slither of regret you have, wishing you knew you’d hate life without them as much as you did with them.
the world is lonely when you don’t feel seen.
dread wrapping around your mind. slowly sinking further and further into the darkness. nights spent thinking about the moments you’d shared together. that maybe you want what was once there.
you missed jungkook more than you’d like admit and it was eating away at your heart.
all it took was a week. a week of silence. a week of being alone and figuring out life by yourself.
you tip your head up, full moon shining down on the street as you stand outside jungkook’s apartment building, feet shuffling against the ground as you hold your phone to your chest. you’d written a message, rewritten the message, thought about what you’d say.
and that selfish part of you wants to send it. that selfish part of you wanting him to be there, for you to touch him, know that he’s really there and you can change what had happened.
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certified-chrisgirl · 11 hours
bad parents — 𐙚
dad!chris X mom!reader
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summary: your parents meet your daughter for the first time and it doesn’t go very well.
warnings: crying, teen pregnancy (don’t do it wrap it up) and cussing (lowkey slightly swiftie reader)
a/n: i gave the daughter a name so that it seems more realistic yk. i also know it was supposed to be like both parents are bad but i got halfway through and realized i did it wrong 💀
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my parents were never good parents. well i say my parents mainly my dad. my dad was a bitch and my mom just went along with it. my dad always yelled and argued. he always found something he disliked about me. he was never supportive of me whatsoever so when i found out i was pregnant at only 15 it did not go well.
i ended up moving in with my boyfriend chris and his family at the very beginning of my pregnancy cutting all ties with my family. that was until out daughter delilah was about two years old.
for the last three years now my mom has been begging to meet her and i’ve done everything i can to keep it from happening. i could not stand the thought of my dad around my daughter. i refused to let him treat her they way he treated me.
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“mom i have told you multiple times no” i argue with my mom who is on the other line begging for me to bring delilah over. “but she’s out granddaughter” “yea no that train left when you kicked me out” i said look up to see chris walking through the door.
“anyway mom i’ve got to go bye” i say hanging up the phone sighing. “what was that about” he says setting his stuff down on the kitchen table walk over beside me. “just my mother trying to get me to let her and my dad meet delilah”
“oh im assuming you said no” “well yea my dad treated me like shit my entire life and she just let him. they kicked me out when they found out i was pregnant i am not about let them ruin her too” i say sighing and rubbing my forehead.
“yea i get it” chris says kissing my head and wrapping his arms around me. “where’s delilah?” “she’s upstairs playing. delilah honey” i say yelling for delilah.
a few seconds later we hear little footsteps coming down the stairs. “daddy!” she says running to chris as he picks her up. “hey sweetheart” he says kissing her cheek and fixing her dress. “how was filming?” i ask chris as he turns towards me.
“it was good. we filmed reading fan fiction again” “oh lord” i say chuckling. “daddy can we play barbie’s?” delilah ask tapping chris’s shoulder. “of course baby” “mommy do you want to play?” “baby i would love to but i’ve gotta make dinner” “it’s ok you can play after” she says smiling playing with the necklace on chris’ neck.
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"i finally got delilah to go to sleep. i had to read her like three books" chris says walking into our shared bedroom while i sit at my vanity taking my make up off getting ready for bed. "i wish i had the energy she has" i say laughing as chris sits down on the bed looking at me through the mirror.
"you know... ive been thinking and please don't get mad at me when i say this but maybe delilah should meet your parents" he says holding eye contact with you. "what. you can't be serious" i say scoffing as i turn to face him. "ma come on they're your parents"
"no they're not. if they were my parents they wouldn't have kicked me out. they would have helped me but instead your parents got stuck doing that." i say obviously very pissed he would even suggest that.
"i know but they want to be apart of her life" "well they're about five years too late" i say turning back to face the mirror. "what about this, we let them meet her and we will see how it goes and go from there. we can always keep her away from them if they don't treat her right" he says trying to reason with you.
"you know what fine. one time but if it goes wrong im blaming you" i say turning towards him once again. he smiles as he stands up walking over to me. "thank you ma" he says and he bends down placing a soft kiss on my lips.
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"hey is she ready?" chris says walking into the bathroom as i finish pulling up our daughters hair. "yep all done" i say as she stands up on the counter. she's wearing this absolutely adorable baby blue dress with little ruffles. "hi daddy" she says walking over to him throwing her arms around his neck.
"hi baby you looks so beautiful" he says placing a kiss on her temple causing her to giggle. "thank you daddy" she says with her little lisp. "and so do you ma" he says smiling down at me placing a kiss on my lips. "ewww" delilah exclaims causing both of us to laugh.
i was wearing a beautiful baby blue sundress to match delilah. "mommy where are we going again?" "we're gonna go out to eat with my parents baby" "oh ok" "what time is it babe" i say looking over at chris as he pulls out his phone.
"5:40" "ok come one we gotta go can you help her with her shoes please" i ask as he nod and i walk out the room. I grab my purse making sure i put my phone in it and zip it up.
"yall ready?" i say as chris walks into the room after putting delilah's shoes on. "yep lets go" he says as we walk out the room and out the front door. Chris opens my door then opens the back door for deliliah buckling her into her car seat.
"ok you guys ready" chris says getting into the drivers seat and turning on the car. "daddy can we play taylor" deliliah says causing a smile to spread across my face. "of course baby" chris says laughing at his daughters actions. "that my girl" i say turning towards the girl as she lets out a giggle.
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"ok are you sure you want to do this" i say as i face my childhood home. "yes the real question is do you" he says grabbing my hand. "well its got to happen at somepoint" i say before turning towards my daughter in the backseat. "baby listen to me if they say anything that makes you uncomfortable you let me or your daddy know ok. we will leave whenever ok" "yes mommy"
"ok lets do this i guess" chris says turning off the car and getting out. i follow not long after him as he grabs delilah out of her seat. "hold my hand sweetheart" chris says grabbing delilahs hand to make sure she stays out of the street. chris looks over at me and can tell by my face im still not so sure about this. "ma its going to be ok" he says grabbing my chin and placing a small kiss on my lips.
i smile at him and then change my focus to our daughter. "ok come on lets get this over with" i say as we walk towards the door keeping delilah between chris and i. chris knocks on the door, my mom opening it a few seconds later. i feel my breath hitch as i haven't seen her since the very beginning of my pregancny. chris noticing my change in breath and rubs my lower back.
"y/n" my mom says moving over allowing us to walk in. "hi mom" i say as she looks me up and down. "you've grown up so much" she says pulling me into a hug catching me by surprise. “and you must be delilah" she says as she pulls away moving her attention over to the little girl.
delilah clutches onto chris leg as she looks up at my mom. "hello chris" she says looking over at chris who still had his hand in deliahs. “hey” he says as we follow them into the dining room where my dad is already sat at the table in "his spot". my dad never even looked towards us, he was so angry when i told him i was pregnant but i didn't think he would be so cold towards us.
"take a seat. i tried to make things i know kids like" my mom says chuckling as we all walk towards our seats. "thank you im sure she will eat it shes not picky" chris says pulling delilah's chair out along with mine. "let me go grab the plates ill be right back. you talk to your daughter" she says pointing at my dad causing me to roll my eyes. its sad when your mother has to tell your father to speak to you.
"y/n" he says turning his head towards me. "hi dad" "uh how are you" he says obviously not really wanting to engage in a conversation. "im great actually" "well thats good" he says right as my mom walks in with the plates "okay dig in everybody" she says handing everyone a plate. "you want a little bit of everything baby" i say looking over at the girl in between me and chris.
"yes please" she says as i add some of everything for her making sure to add more mac and cheese because that's her favorite food. "here let me cut her chicken up" chris says as i hand him the plate letting him cut up her food into smaller bites. "here sweetie" he says setting the plate in front of delilah.
"thank you mommy thank you daddy" she says gabbing her fork immediately taking a bite of the mac and cheese. "youre welcome baby" i say as chris, my mom and i make our own plates. "so how have you been y/n" my mom says looking over at me.
"ive been good thank you" "how about you chris? are you still doing youtube?" "oh uh yea my brothers and i are" he says as my dad scoffs. he always hated the idea of chris doing youtube. he always thought that wouldnt be enough to raise a kid.
i can feel my mom kick him under the table as i roll my eyes. "how is it going" my mom says returning her attention back to chris. "its going really well actually we hit 6 million not to long ago" he says smiling over at my mom. "6 million thats incredible congratulations" my mom says squeezing chris' hand. "daddys famous" deliliah says giggling looking up at him.
my mom smiles over at her as she continues to let out little giggles. "shes adorable" my mom says looking over at me. "what do you say baby" "thank you" she says shyly. "you had to tell her to say thank you?" my dad says as my head snaps towards him. "shes five" i say coldly as he rolls his eyes.
"well im just saying you we're saying thank you on your own by the time you were five" "well maybe its because i got yelled at if i didnt" "it worked didn't it" "maybe but it did show me how i will not be treating my child" i say as he rolls his eyes.
"you're doing a great job" my mom says trying to take the attention off my dad. "thank you mom. that means a lot" i say smiling over at her. "and you too chris" "thank you really" he says as she smiles at him. "hows your mom" she ask.
"shes great. shes been so helpful" he says smiling over at her. "thats great im glad she was there" "me too" he states smiling over at me. "i hope you guys don't mind me asking im just curious do you plan on having another kid" she ask looking over at me. "at some point yes we haven't really decided when though" i say responding to my mom. "i want a sister" delilah says smiling over at my mom shyly causing her to chuckle.
"yea that's been her most recent obsession. she's been begging for a sibling" chris says laughing. "mommy can i have some more mac and cheese" "you’ve gotta ask her baby" i say pointing at my mom. "may i have some?" delilah ask looking over at my mom. "of course you can" my mom says smiling over at the little girl as a smile lights up on her face.
"more really?" my dad says looking up at me. "what" i say looking over at my dad. "i told her she could have some, we have plenty" my mom says shocked he said anything. "its not that she cant have some im just shocked they arent restricting her" he says as i scoff. "shes five" chris says glaring over at my dad. "yes but not restricting her now will lead to bad habits and you don't want that" "shes a child she can have as much mac and cheese as she wants"
"but you need to keep her in line. you dont want her gaining weight. speaking of weight i dont really like that dress shes wearing. it makes her look a little big" he says not even looking up from his plate. i bite the inside if my cheek before turning my head towards chris. "take her out to the car because im about to lose my shit" i say. he picks up delilah who now has tears running down her face.
"its ok baby come one" he says walking out the door. "there you go being dramatic once again" he says rolling his. "oh what the fuck is wrong with you" i say raising my voice a little. "who the fuck do you think you are talking to a five year old like that" "ok now you’re just over reacting" "no im not. you have no right talking to my daughter like that. do you see why i kept her from you so long?" "i never wanted to meet the kid. i never wanted this life for you, i never wanted for your future to be taken from you by a dumb kid. i tried so hard to keep that boy away from you. I never liked him, he doesn't have it in him to be a good father. hes too young to know what thats like." he yells as my mom just sits there looking down.
"hes a way better father than you ever were. did i think i would be a mother so young? no but i wouldnt trade it for anything. im happy, chris is happy and most importantly my daughter is happy. he is the best thing that has ever happen to me. he the most incredible person i know and hes a incredible father." i yell standing up out of my seat.
"mom it was good seeing you thank you for having us but i just can let him talk about my kid and husband like that" "husband?" my dad say looking up at me. "yea we got married a year ago but you didnt want anything to do with me so i never told you." "well congratulations honey" my mom says as i nod at her. "thank you and thank you for having us" i say as a turn to walk towards the door.
i walk out the door to see chris standing outside the car with delilah in his arms. as i walk closer i can hear the small sobs coming from the little girl. "oh baby" i say as she looks at me. i take my thumb and wipe the tears from her cheek. "im so sorry honey" i say kissing her forehead. "you look so beautiful sweetheart" chris says as delilah lays her head on his shoulder.
"can we go home" she says in between sobs. "of course baby" i say as chris opens the door to put her in her car seat leaving a kiss on her forehead before closing the door and turning to face me. he wraps his arms around me puling close to his chest. "im sorry i made you bring her" he says as a i shake my head. "i don't want to talk about it in front of her" i say as he nods and opens the passenger side door for me.
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"ok i put her to bed. she was half asleep when we got out of the car so it didnt take long" chris says walking into our bedroom to find me sitting on our bed in pajamas looking down at my phone. he sits down next to rubbing my back. "are you ok?" he says which causes me to just break down. tears start to pour down my face as a i shake my head. "oh ma im so sorry" he says as he pulls me on to his lap causing me to straddle him.
i wrap my arms around his torso burying my head into his neck. " you knew it was a bad idea and i insisted we take her anyways and i am so so sorry ma" "how could he do that" i let out trying to control my breath. "because hes evil" "i-i thought he would at least be nice to her even if he didn't like it. and then insulting you after you walked out. who does he think he is" i say letting out another sob as i raise my head up.
"we never have to see him again ok ma i promise" he says as i nod laying my head back on his shoulder. he continues to hold me there tracing shapes on my back slowly causing me to doze off. i feel him pick me up a few minutes later l feel him pick me up and lay me down on the bed. he trys to walk away but i grab his hand and groan. "ill be right back i just need to go change" he says as i let go of his hand.
not to long later i feel the bed next to me dip and chris arms wrap around me. i bury my face into his chest quickly faling back into a deep sleep. "good night ma i love you" he says before falling to sleep himself
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
requested by: @chrisgetsmewet i hope you like it. this is my very first dad fic so i might be awful 😭
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A Honey Trap For The Butterfly
Nanami Kento was everything you needed in a therapist, only as long as you ignored the sinking feeling in your gut.
Even tho there's nothing describing the act of s*x here, it's still a yandere fic - so minors and those not comfy with yandere stuff DNI and have a nice day! 🫶🏽
Word Count: (will update when life stops life-ing lmao)
⚠️Content Warnings⚠️: UNBETA'D, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Yandere!Therapist Nanami Kento, Gender!Neutral Reader (and no bits mentioned), Modern!AU, Hurt/Comfort, Soft Yandere, behaviour that SHOULD NOT be tolerated irl, Nanami says some very comforting shit to manipulate you, no curses.
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⚠️Further Content Warnings⚠️️: Unhealthy power dynamics, HEAVY and subtle emotional manipulation, implied stalking, mention of sexual activities, professional boundaries are OUT the window.
When your gut tells you something is wrong, one tends not to believe it at first, and this causes you to dismiss any further warnings.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Sorry, I-I'm just..."
"There's no need to push. Only if you're ready."
"No, I-I'd like to."
Therapy was a tricky thing. There was the problem of getting the right medication for you. There was also the problem of finding the right therapist for you. Which is why some people - like you - search for a very a long time until you finally found one that clicked. Nanami Kento, who was practically everything you needed in a therapist.
"The nightmares are about your family, yes? They say nightmares are ways for the mind to release overwhelming emotions. Can you tell me more about them?"
"Y-yes, I...these nightmares are always the same. My family talking about me behind my back, it's...I feel alienated."
"Hm...it's no wonder these nightmares always coincide with upcoming family gatherings." He scribbles something down, and turns his full attention towards you. "If you're okay with sharing, what makes you think they're alienating you?"
"I...now that you mention it Doctor, it does seem to coincide, but...I-I don't believe I've mentioned...how did you-"
"Ah, it's just an observation." He waves his hand dismissively. "And I told you, you can call me Kento."
"I-I'm so sorry!" You apologize profusely, embarrassed and just a little defeated when you turn up short at the cashier of your favorite coffee shop. There's a brisk walk, and someone familiar drops some change at the cashier for you. Though being payed for was a surprise, the person paying was not. It was Nanami, who you seemed to run into a lot. So much, that bumping into your therapist outside of your sessions was almost the norm. Something about living nearby.
"Oh, Doctor, I-I'm really sorry about this!"
"Oh don't fret, it was only a few bucks." He offers his hand. "Come, sit with me."
You're taken aback. It's not like you didn't WANT to. Nanami was a very attractive man; well built, broad shoulders, and such a handsome face. But, still, he was your therapist. There is a very faint alarm, all the way at the back of your mind, that makes you feel just a little bit uneasy at the proposal.
"A-are you sure this...I mean, i-is this okay?"
"Of course." When he intertwines his fingers with yours, his face and eyes and words are completely welcoming. Laced with nothing but care in order to hide the ugly side just waiting to devour you.
"It's just coffee."
"I think last session was a very eventful one. You did a lot well this week. I'm quite proud of you." He says and hands you the paper for your medications. His warm and strong hands linger on top of yours. "See you for lunch after?"
"I just can't believe they'd do that to me..." You try and keep yourself from crying any more. "They're my family. I shouldn't have to cut them off like this!"
"Hey, hey...I know it doesn't seem like it, but you made the right choice." Nanami gently cups your face with his hand. "I'm proud of you."
"It's okay. You'll be okay." His eyes go over to your lips, as he tilts your head to better align with his. The room suddenly feels awfully quiet, too constricting, when his lips meet yours.
"I think I've come a long way." You sigh and laugh softly. "I'd like to celebrate but...I-I'm not sure how. I'd like to minimize my spending..."
"Well, I'd have to agree, you ARE making fantastic progress." He takes your hand in his. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to celebrate it with you. I have a few ideas we could try."
"Oh, of course!"
"Date night." He brings your knuckles to his lips. "Your apartment."
Nanami stayed over that night. Worshipped your body as if he was made for it. He was a wonderful lover but, the entire experience left you feeling wrong, somehow.
"I don't know what to feel...I just...they're all dead. My family, they're all..." It was all too much, and Nanami wraps his arms around you. "I know what they did but, still, I..."
"Oh, love...it's okay. Let me handle everything; planning, funeral expenses. Everything."
"Kento, that...that's too much-"
"Nothing in the world is too much for you, my dear." He holds your face when you start to cry again. "I would do anything for you."
When he looks at you, his eyes show a devotion and adoration so strong it borders insanity. You'd never expect this 'gentle giant' to be the one that caused your family's deaths. It was nothing you've ever seen from him, and it unsettles you.
"Anything. You know that, right?" He seals it with kiss on the lips, just a bit too harsh, just a bit too possessive. "Stay here, with me - where you belong. Don't worry anymore."
"You're home now."
When your gut tells you something is wrong, one tends not to believe it at first, and this causes you to dismiss any further warnings. It is just one of the many ways that humans self-sabotage. Though, for many manipulators, the intention is to make their victim do so by putting up a welcoming and disarming front - a perfect honey trap.
Writing this was a TRIP man, ughk. It's so tame and light as a yandere fic but something about writing subtle manipulation just makes my skin crawl the most. 😭 Anyways, hope you enjoy! ✨🫰🏽
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penelope-potter · 2 days
Falling Forever With You~
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Pairing: Alastor x Fem! Owl Hybrid! Reader Summary: Alastor invited you to meet him at the library after your performance, but what could he possible want from you? Continuation from part one of 'Falling Forever'
Part 1
Warnings: No one
Your heart hammered against your rib cage as you slowly walked down the stage. The crowd clapped and cheered for you both but you didn't really noticed it because your gaze was looking everywhere to find Alastor. Charlie started babbling about how amazing it is to welcome everyone here as you sneaked between the tables only to find the radio demon looking around. Your eyes met his and his smile only grew wider as he turned around swiftly and looked behind his back for a last time before disappearing in the dark hallway. You could feel your hands shaking as you started walking to follow him as someone grabbed you by the wrist. "Whoa wait wait what are you doing there sweetcheeks?" You looked at Angel who's gaze was incredible worried. "Nothing...Al just wanted to talk with me about something." You said innocent and smiled awkwardly as he only raised an eyebrow. "Yeah I'm totally sure that he just wants to talk with you..." You sighed. He doesn't understand it. "Angel, I know you just want to protect me from this. But I- well, you know how it is to be in love with someone. And this one sided thing makes me sick. I just-" You stopped and took in a sharp breath. "I know that he's probably not feeling the same as I do. And maybe you're right and he's just toying with me. But I want to hear it from him directly. I want him to say it in my face that he don't feel the same, so I can't cut the rope finally." Angel looked at you sadly and pulled you into a hug. "Aww man my poor friend is really in love. Shit stop it." You let out a tired chuckle. "I wish that would be so easy..." You looked up at him. "Or that it would be obvious like the thing going on between you and Husk."
His cheeks turned more reddish than before as he shushed you. "Yeah yeah okay. Just...promise me you won't agree on a deal with him alright?" His condition shocked you. "A deal? With him..." Would he really be so brash to come up with a deal so that he could use you as his toy forever? The thought of him being so cruel and heartless when he's been so gentle with you all the time, made your heart hurt a bit more than before. "Yes, just promise me that. I can't save your lovey-dovey ass- but I can tell you how stupid you are when you end up crying because I was right. But I can't save you from a deal with him. The least I want for you is to be trapped like I am." Your shoulder dropped and you gave him a crooked smile. "I promise. No deals, and no..." You stopped. "...tears." You continued and held out your pinky for him to clink in. He smiled and bonded his with yours. "Good. Now go on- don't let him wait for too long." You nodded and looked above your shoulder one more time before you were gone, finding Alastor. The library was empty. Of course. You often go here just to read the old books Charlie has somehow managed to get and read here for hours. Almost always Alastor comes by 'suddenly' like he said and sat down with you to chat or read together. You smiled at the thought of the endless nights you two sat on the carpet and read an old novel he liked, or an old Romance book you were too shy to admit that you liked this kind of stuff. He never complained, nor he laughed at you for liking something so cloud headed. He just gave you his soft smile and asked you why you liked this scene so much, why you adore the way the story was written and while you explained it to him, he never broke eye contact. Sometimes his fingers wanders extremely close to yours, so you could feel his nails brushing against your fingertips. You walked further until you could hear a soft melody coming from one of the rooms. The library. You were a bit surprised because it was a song unlikely for him. You once heard it from your old radio he gifted you, and he just stood there for a moment and listened to it. It had a tune more from his time so less modern, he had to like it somehow. He must heard you singing along with it and now he's playing it maybe for you to calm down. It just effected you to be more nervous to be honest. You stopped before the two large doors and raised your hand to open it. Your wings flutter nervously and your tail spread like a fan behind you. Okay, it's alright. It's alright you got this. You thought to yourself before you knocked against the door, didn't waited for an invitation and stood there between the angles. He sat there, on the carpet, on his spot where he's always sitting. He shifted his weight on his left arm and his head turned around to look at you. His eyes were half lidded, the red color of his lids were shimmering like blood in the small fireplace near the bookshelf. "I must say, I was a bit worried that I might have scared you away with my sudden offer sweetheart..." He started and only then you realized that you were holding your breath the entire time. "Why would I?" You asked and smiled at him forceful. You already know how this will turn out.
"You are right. You never let me down. Just like a few minutes before..." He gestured you to sit next to him, so you slowly walked to your spot and plopped down. "Yes...uhm so if- if that's the reason why I should come, I'm incredibly sorry really- I just thought it was a good idea-" He stopped you with his finger against your lips. You almost choked on your words as you just stared at him blankly. He titled his head and took a moment to admire you as he shifted his hand and grabbed your chin. "Oh no sweetheart, I indeed trust you. And it was an exiting memory for me." He said and his smile softened. "A-and what is the reason you got me here then?" He didn’t answered you instant, he took his time to shift his head to the other side, incredible close suddenly, as his eyes found it’s way to your lips. “I wanted to ask you something dearest. And I might already know the answer…” Enough. You blinked two times before shifting backwards to loosen his grip. “Oh...you- you do.” You avoided eye contact as he just raised an eyebrow at you. “What is the matter sweetheart? I didn’t even start to-” “Just stop.” Silence is filling the room and left you feeling hopeless. Tears starts to blurry your view as you tried your hardest to hold the tears from falling. Angel was right. He was just toying with you. He must be. “(Y/N)?” Oh how you hated it. How you hated the way your name rolls over his tongue, or how his gaze seems to read through your soul with an ease when you try your hardest to keep it all hidden. “When you already know the answer why do you want me to say it?” You turned your head, still in the position with him bending forward to you. He didn’t care to move so you just sat there awkwardly as well. As he didn’t gave you an answer you sighed. “I know that you don’t feel the same about me like I do about you. And I’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. But please, for god’s sake don’t toy with me. You can make fun of me or tease me I don’t care- but just don’t pretend to feel the same when it’s the opposite.” You fixated a spot near the fireplace and felt your cheeks burn up. God this was horrible, so horrible. You should have known it from the beginning. Angel was right. He kept his act just to use you for his own good. What would have happened if you would have played along? You didn’t finished your thoughts as Alastor once again grabbed your hand and lead it right to his chest. Surprised you looked back at him, his eyes now in a sad kind of way. “Oh sugar, how did I managed to let you feel this way about me?” His gaze never left yours, his hand still on yours on his chest. You could feel his heart through the silk of his coat hammering. “I might be cruel to everyone else, but never to you. I have control over many things but not over this. You are the first person I ever felt this strange attachment, and I must admit that I hated it at first.” He looked down at your lips for a brief second before looking right up again, his other hand slowly raising and hovering near your cheek for you to choose.
“If I would wanted to play with you I would already had you under my hands. But you darling are different. I never loved anyone ever before in this way and it frightens me till this point. I can’t afford myself a weakness like this. To always have an eye to the only precious thing I never want to lose. To have something to lose. But you seem to be worth starting wars for.” He paused as his expression showed a sprinkle of surprise for letting slipping the words out. You just stared at him unsure. Is he really saying the truth? He seemed to guess your thoughts because he pressed your hand closer to his chest. “I don’t have control over this. And I have control over everything about me.” His words let your heart melt and you could feel the heat rushing right up to your cheeks. Everything felt so real, his words his actions as well. You wanted to believe him so bad but something pulled you away from it. It was the pure angst you felt. His hand still hovering over your cheek as you slowly leaned your head against it, your hand stabilized his. “I want to believe you so bad Al...really but-” “Please give me a chance.” Your eyes widened. He rarely took this word into his mouth, nor he ever seemed to beg for something. You searched for anything in his eyes to tell you that he’s lying, that everyone was right and you just should move on, but you couldn’t find anything. You just sighed, shaking. “Promise me.” You said, and shifted your weight forward, he leaning back slowly but still incredible near to you. Your wings flutter and starting to shake as well. “Promise me you won’t play with me.” It took you by surprise as he grabbed your face with both hands for you to look directly into his beautiful crimson eyes. “Never. Satan himself should come and get me then if I ever even think of it. I-” He paused. “love you.” The static of his voice was completely lost, what brought you to shiver. You loved his voice but without the static filter it drove you completely insane. “I love you too. But I guess you already know this right?” His smile grew wider. “I had some theories. But I wasn’t completely sure…” He leaned his forehead against yours. This could be a horrible idea. It could be the end of you. Angel would kill you again. But when it was so wrong like everyone told you, why does it feels so right? “Liar.” He chuckled. “Just for the others….” His mouth now close to your ear. “May I?” He looked at your lips, his face just inches away from yours. “Yes.” Not even a second later he took your face once again and pressed his lips against yours. Your heart skipped a beat as you shyly grabbed his collar. The kiss deepened as his claws ran through your hair and brought you shivers down your spine, as you got braver and also took his face in your hands. He asked for permission with the tip of his tongue and you opened your mouth for him.
It couldn’t be possible wrong when you feel like you’re in heaven when you really are in hell. Alastor’s hands wandering over your back, pressing you against him, as you two shifted and lost your balance and dropped backwards on the carpet. You two chuckled like teenagers on their first make out session and you could feel your whole body burning. He’s now hovering over you, silently admiring you. “Just look at you. What did I done right in my life to be blessed with someone like you?” You just playfully rolled your eyes. “Yeah right…” “Hm what is this?” He came closer to you, your chests touching. “Not used to recieve compliments?” He brushed over your lips with his claw. “Whoever made you feel this insecure- I will find him.” His expression changed to his manic side for a second before getting soft again. Or no, it was something different. His gaze was full of desire, of longing. “You can’t imagine how often I imagined this…” His lips brushed against yours. The thought of him imagine scenarios of you and him kissing or something else made you shake for excitement. “Oh so you daydream about me?” You teased, your wings spreading wide and tickling his arms. “Oh not only on the daytime…” He brushed a feather of your right wing slowly as you started to make a noise. His smile grew wider. “My little songbird...” He continued to brush his claws through your feathers as you grabbed him by his coat and pulled him towards you, his body now pressed against yours once more, he laying on top of you. “Stop teasing me, or I might go on stage once again to escape you.” He titled his head. “Hmm that would be unfortunate. Not when you look at me with those eyes…” He took one of your feathers between his fingers, rubbing it. “...not when you look like an Angel right now.” He looked back at you and his lips brushed over yours again. As the kiss deepened you bit his lower lip a bit what caused him to squeeze. You smiled against the kiss as he pulled apart a few inches. “Rude. I guess you don’t know the outcome for getting into trouble hm?” He licked the corner of your mouth with the tip of his tongue only for connecting your lips once again. His hands tracing over your hips now, slowly finding it’s way to your legs. Your whole body heated up by the sudden intimate touch of him when you were so used to reserved ones. A hand on your shoulder, your back, your head even. The most intimate thing he ever done was to place his hand on your lower back or on your chin. This is new. But it felt so good. Your moment was over as soon as you heard steps coming from the hallway. You immediately stopped, and Alastor looked right up. His hair all messy because of your grip, his smile showed now teeths as he looked back at you.
“I-I think it’s Angel. He wants to make sure that everything is alright…” You said and watched the door, ready for the embarrassment of the evening as you heard a chuckle coming from him. “Oh how badly I want to show off with you, sugar. But I guess this will have to wait a bit.” “Al-” “You started as the door opened and you closed your eyes as you could hear him snap his fingers and the floor under you two began to shift in an instant. A few seconds later you found yourself in Alastor’s room. You were lying on the carpet on the side of his room with two armchairs. He shifted his weight from you and pulled you with him. “I really wanted to show you off darling…” His smile changed into a lustful grin. “...but I guess I am a bit selfish tonight.” You smiled and got up, close to his face of a sudden. “That’s okay I guess. But I think we should go back to the others. They must be waiting for us.” You teased and got up, leaving him alone on the floor. You didn’t came much forward because he swiftly got up and swirled you around like you would be dancing. “They had their act sweetheart. The other one is not meant for them to see…” You couldn’t hide your smile, which he found adorebal. You were so sweet, so innocent. How a soul like you could carry their heart on their sleeve and not already be used by some filthy, disrespectful demon. He knew that he had gotten himself something to be shred apart, something that could be taken away from him. But somehow he doesn’t find it so terrible anymore. Maybe the people were right. When you find something to live with, you will be able to take this burden with you. The candle which you will always be afraid it will be blown out by something or someone. He is aware of that and it scared him more than anything ever in his life or afterlife. But he’s willing to try it. You accepted him as he was, with all of his being. As you came to the hotel, you weren’t afraid of him. The opposite, you always searched for him even when he really tried his best to test you. But you were never afraid, never saw the monster he is and ever was, not being able to sense the danger coming from him. It didn’t changed as you heard all the story’s about him, story’s which were right. You didn’t cared. You never do. You give everyone a chance. Even him. “Can I ask you something dear?” He asked, looking directly in your eyes. Your expression immediately became serious. “Yes. Of course. Is everything alright?” You titled your head, a sudden wave of sadness rolling over your beautiful face, and it almost brought him to his knees as he heard the words from you. “Do you changed your mind?” “W-what? No, never darling!” He said quickly, and grabbed your hands in his. “It has nothing to do with you. It has something to do with me…” You listened, still a worried expression. “Then what is it?”
You asked finally. “I know it seems a bit strange for you. I bet so. But, why do you love me? You can’t accept a monster…” He started but you held his cheeks in an instant. “Hey. Why would you say that?” “Because it’s true. I did nothing good up there. And here neither. The people are scared of me, and I would shred them apart in an instan. The residents in here aren’t very fond of me. You should hate me for the things I did, and you should not love me. Your soul is far too pure to love a filthy like mine…” It broke your heart to hear this from him. He never showed any kinds of weakness and now he’s opening himself up in front of you. Your shoulders dropped and you pulled him closer to you. “There is nothing that I don’t love about you. You did many things but- I don’t know. I couldn’t love someone who wouldn’t misbehave. And you could tell me very terrible thing you ever did and I would love you anyway.” You traced your fingers through his hair, and you could feel how he stiffened under your touch. You caressing his head up to his ears and he slowly relaxed a bit. “Oh darling...how?” He leaned into your touch. “I can’t help it. I don’t know why, but I can count so many things that I love about you.” You smiled and came closer with your face. “Your beautiful voice for example. Or your charming way to talk or act. You always listen to everything I say, and you calm me down when the whole hell is falling apart. You hold me to the ground when I lose track and you managed to get me all flustered when I’m around you. So…” You gave him a feather like kiss on the cheek. “I guess this is a good start for loving you, hm?” He chuckled and leaned his forehead against yours. How blessed I am for finding you sugar.” “I never thought that-” You stopped. Was it really right to ask him again? Maybe you did a huge mistake for accepting his ‘love’. “Thought what?” He pulled apart a bit to look you in the eyes. “That you love me.” You gave him a crooked smile as you loose your grip on him. “...I am everything you don’t like. I come from a modern time, I cry a lot and show my feelings open for anyone to use against me. I’m weak like you would say. That we are friends was already a huge surprise, and now you love me? I-It just feels so surreal.” You looked at him standing in front of you, taking a step forward. “Sweetheart, don’t you see? You make me act like a child with their first love. I never done this before, and I know that I now have something to protect from this hell. But I am ready to risk it all.” He stepped closer and grabbed your hand once again. His smile softened as he buried his nose in the crock of your neck. “You wear your heart on your sleeve darling. And I would despise it by any other, but you made something with me. And I love it.” Your scent made him almost go insane, and how your body is incredible hot against his. Or was it
him all along? It doesn’t matter. The sudden urge to pull you even closer to him and tangle himself around you is so strong it made his heart race. “Well…” You sniffed, he looked up surprised. “I guess I have to believe you.” “Oh sweetheart no more tears.” He gently wiped the tears off your face. “Sorry…” You laughed and tried to blink the rest away. “Don’t be.” His expression got serious suddenly as he leaned closer to you and gave you a light kiss on your bottom lip. “I will tear the whole hell apart, if anyone ever tries to take away your smile. Sugar.” Your eyes lidded like his as you smiled warmly. “I don’t want you to get into any trouble-” “Shush now sweetheart…” He bit your lower lip gently as he talked against your lips, his hot breath tickling your chin. “...everything for you.” The kiss you two shared got more passionate and slow, without the need to lead to something further. It was just you two in this moment, the music from the lobby just a quiet background noise. His smell made your head fizzy and you could feel your heart beating fast against his as your bodies were pressed against another. It all felt too realistic for a dream. You were afraid everything would be gone the second you opened your eyes again. That you would be lying in bed and imagined yourself everything up, but it never happened. He looked at you with half closed eyes, while touching every inch of your skin with a gentleness you would have never expected from him. How can he be cruel and yet so gentle? It doesn’t matter to you anymore. The only thing you hoped is that his feelings would never change. You were pulled apart by the sudden chuckle of his. You looked surprised as he swirled you around, your wings spreading apart so you were hovering in the air, pulling him off his feet for a brief second. “What was that for?” You laughed breathlessly. He looked confused, his eyebrow’s told it. His smile was softer on the edges, his real one. “I don’t know...sudden burst of joy.” He rubbed his hair like a little boy, what brought you to laugh again. You pulled him close to you again and started to clap with your wings. You took him with you just a few inches above the ground, but it was enough for you both to giggle like the kids you were deep down. He never thought he would feel something like this. But with every second he enjoyed it more than anything in his past live. You were his first and last. That’s for sure.
Part two is finally out! I hope you like it you all :)
Tagging my favorite person again @fraugwinska ♥
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s1m0nth3swaggy · 2 days
chat i saw someone make incorrect qoutes of Dead Boy Detectives and I wanted to try as well. I saved the best ones, these are awesome
Slight shipping of Niko and Crystal/ Edwin and Charles because these bitches gay
Edwin: You spent all our money on THIS?? Charles, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Charles: Life could be worse, Edwin. Edwin: Life could be a lot better too!
Niko: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it. Crystal: …I was hungry.
Edwin: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Edwin: Start talking! Charles: Well, I- Edwin: Shut up!
Niko: Anything else? Edwin: Yeah. Stay away from me! Niko: Alright. See you in the room we share.
Edwin: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey! Monty: But I'm a vegan. Edwin: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Edwin, entering the room: Sees Thomas (Cat King) and leaves Thomas (Cat King), watching Edwin leave: There’s my monthly dose of Edwin…
Crystal: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Edwin, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Charles, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Edwin: Coming right up.
Charles: What’s up? I’m back. Niko: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Charles: Death is a social construct.
(they are in love your honor)
Crystal: Niko, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean? Niko: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later. Crystal: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Edwin. Niko: Wait- Crystal, no-
Jenny: Crystal has discovered "deez nuts" jokes and it's all they say now. Everything is deez nuts. They simply can't stop. Jenny: I asked Crystal where they learned that joke. They made me promise they wouldn't get in trouble if they told me. I agreed. Jenny: So they lean in and whisper, "deez nuts."
Charles: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen. Edwin: That’s a snake.
Edwin: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops! Charles: loads shotgun I got this. Edwin: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
Charles: What are your adjectives? Edwin: …You mean my pronouns? Charles: No, I know what your pronouns are! What are your adjectives? Edwin: …I dunno. What are yours? Charles: Noisy and chaotic! Edwin: I’ve never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.
Jenny: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
(Charles being a little bitch i love him)
Monty: What are you two arguing about this time? Crystal: They’re always using common phrases incorrectly! Charles: Cry me a table, Crystal.
(after the whole "I wasn't talking about you" scene and when Monty was trying to annoy/ make Edwin jealous or smth)
Monty: You are a solid 11/10. Edwin: Aw, thank- Monty: Which is 1.1 because you look like shit.
(i need more niko and monty moments because im convinced they'd be besties)
Monty: makes Niko a cup of tea but puts salt in it Niko: sips tea Monty: Niko: finishes tea Monty: Didn't it taste bad? Niko: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all. Monty, tearing up: Oh, okay.
Thomas (Cat King): I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good, so I simply did myself.
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holylulusworld · 3 days
Designed by pain (11)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments, daddy Dean
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (10)
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“Sweetheart? Y/N? Uh—I’m sorry,” Dean follows you inside your office like a puppy. “I saw red when that bastard came here. Men like him looked at you like you were their latest meal for years. I saw the same hunger in my father’s eyes when I introduced you to him.”
“So, what you are trying to tell me is that the fact my son is crying his eyes out is all someone else’s fault – not yours?” You size Dean up. “Really? That’s all you have to say!”
“No…I mean. Fuck,” he drops his gaze and shakes his head. “You don’t have to tell me that I fucked up big time! I wanted to get to know my son and now, I hurt him. But…but that man came here, wanting to claim you…he called me a cretin!”
“You’re a cretin,” you grin for a moment before you press your lips into a thin line.
“Only because I don’t eat my burger using cutlery, doesn’t mean I’m a cretin. He’s an uptight bastard wanting to dick you down,” He purses his plump lips, making you even madder.
“You won’t sweet-talk your ass out of this situation,” you snap at Dean. “Whatever Ketch has done, or attempted to do, has nothing to do with the fact that you fucked my life over only by your presence. You came here to turn my world upside down and dare to blame Ketch for the shit you, once again, pulled. Do you ever grow a pair of balls and take responsibility for your actions?”
You are a panting mess after your rant and need to sit down. Holding your head you take deep breaths. You don’t know how to fix things with your son, and how to handle Dean, Ketch, and the whole situation.
“You quit your job,” Dean watches you intensely. “What do you want to do now? I mean, uh…you need money and all. I could help you and stuff.”
“I got enough spare money to survive,” you huff. “The house is mine, and so is my car. I have no debts and know how to handle my finances. I don’t need the hero in torn jeans to come along and save me. Not you. Not Ketch. Not some entitled asshole believing he can rule my life.”
“I didn’t try to rule your life,” Dean argues. “Imagine my surprise to find out that I’m a father for eight years!”
“You’re not a father!” You curse his name and whole existence. “You’re a sperm donor, nothing else. Stop acting like my son or I owe you shit. If anyone owes us shit, it’s you!”
“I could…” Dean trails off. Arguing with you is the worst for Dean. He doesn’t want to hurt you even more. But, at the same time, he doesn’t want to give in so easily. “Let me help you.”
You groan loudly. “Did you even listen? I just told you that I don’t need a hero to save me. All I want is for you, Ketch, and your Sasquatch brother to leave me alone.” You glance at Sam who awkwardly pokes his head inside the room. “Sorry, Sam.”
“There was someone on your door. They got a package,” Sam sheepishly says. “I put it in the living room. Is it alright to grab a coffee or do you want me to leave immediately?”
You regret your harsh words. Sam is an innocent bystander. He always was nothing but kind towards you. “Again, I’m sorry Sam. Please grab a snack and coffee. Or you could order food. The numbers are pinned to the fridge.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “Sammy, can you leave us alone? We are having an argument I’m about to win.”
You huff. “This is not an argument, Winchester. We are fighting, and I’m about to win this fight. In the morning, I want you gone. My son needs stability. I cannot let you confuse him even more. You will fly back home and forget about Michael soon enough. It’s not as if you are ready to take responsibility for your son, or your behavior.”
“You are confusing me with the man you left eight years ago, Y/N. I have grown out of my cocky attitude and irresponsibility. I’m an adult and know how to take responsibility for my actions.” Dean talks back, stepping toward the couch. “I know what happened in front of your house with Ketch was…” He sighs. “Let’s say it was not one of my best moments. I fucked this up, okay.”
You rub your pulsing temples. Dean has this ability to make you mad and wants you to hug him at same the time. “You are giving me a headache, Dean. What you don’t get is that my little boy is sitting in his room, wondering why I never told him about you. How could I tell him that I left you because of what happened that night.”
“Maybe you could…” He bites his tongue when your son walks inside the room. Michael rubs his eyes and looks at you. “Hey…uh…bud. I’m sorry for the yelling earlier. I didn’t want you to find out this way.”
“Was it all a lie?” Michael turns to look at Dean. “Do you even have an Impala, or was this a lie too? You promised to take me for a ride. Did you lie about that too?”
“Michael,” Dean’s features soften when looking at your son. “I didn’t tell you that I’m your dad because I waited for the right moment. Your mommy and I wanted to discuss things before talking to you. Everything else was the truth, bud. I’d never lie to you.”
“You saw the car in the pictures, baby boy,” you slowly get up from the couch to run your hand over his head. “Remember? The one you liked so much with me and his car.”
Michael nods, realizing he forgot about the picture. “I remember now, mommy.” He looks at you, fresh tears in his eyes. “Can we talk some more tomorrow? I’m so confused.”
“We will talk about everything tomorrow,” you softly say and wrap your arms around him. “It’s getting late, and you must be hungry.”
“Hmm…” Michael nods against you. “Can Dad and Uncle Sammy eat with us? I want to hear more about my cousins. Uncle Sam said they like books, and cars too.”
“Oh,” you are surprised. Sam took his time to talk to your son while you argued with Dean and Ketch. You feel sorry for being mad at him. “It would be nice to get to know more about time.”
“Yeah,” Michael lifts his head to look at you. “Maybe we can meet them too when I don’t have school. Uncle Sam seems to be nice.”
Dean clamps his mouth shut. He tries to not disturb the moment of peace and silently walks out of the room. He sighs deeply and runs one hand down his face.
“I need to find a way to make things up to them…”
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whoiserenity · 2 days
Chris Sturniolo Headcanons
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Here is a Chris version of the pregnancy headcanon, requested by an anonymous person!
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He would rub your back when you vomit and tell you to not worry and just get it all out. He would cuddle you whenever cramps start. He thinks it's just nothing and assures you that it'll just go away.
"You feeling any better, babe?" Chris asked, his voice muffled because his head was buried in your hair.
"A bit," You replied.
"Don't worry, it'll go away soon." He said and pecked you on the cheek.
He would not believe it at first and thinks its a prank but then gets really excited when he realized you were serious.
"Baby, I need to tell you something." You sat down on the couch.
"What is it?" He turned off his phone and looked at you intently.
"I'm... pregnant." You looked at him and he only has his jaw dropped.
"No. You're joking, right?" He asked as you shook your head. "What, no. Is this some kind of prank? Is there a camera anywhere?" He stood up, looking around.
You showed him the pregnancy test. "No." He said, smiling, as he had his hands on his head. "So, you're telling me I'm gonna be a dad?!" He asked excitedly.
You nodded as he started screaming and jumping, he even went out of your apartment and shouted "I'm gonna be a dad!" so loud that the neighbours went outside and congratulated him. He even dapped up some other guys.
He'd immediately call his brothers and tell them about it.
"Guess what dude?!" Chris screams to his phone and Nick looks flabbergasted and you can only see Matt's forehead on his camera. "Okay, dude. You're blasting my eardrums, go on." Nick said.
"Y/N IS PREGNANT!" When Chris said the news, Matt's camera immediately shifted to his shocked face and Nick just yelled, "WHAT?!"
He would even show the pregnancy test to them.
He held your hand and encouraged you the whole time, even making jokes to lighten your stress with the pushing.
When the baby finally came out he told you that you did so good and that your baby was so beautiful just like you.
it's now your kid's first birthday. He asked his boss if he could not attend work that day, it led to an argument but he didn't attend anyway. Just for your child.
"My little birthday girl!" He picked up his daughter and spun her around before securing her in his arms.
"I love you so much." He kissed his daughter on the cheek as she giggled. You looked at them both while preparing the table for her 1st birthday party.
"Papa!" The child giggled. Chris' jaw dropped. "Holy shit." He said, his voice trembling. "What?" You asked, worriedly. You thought that something bad happened.
"She just said her first words." He replied.
"PAPA!" The kid giggled again. You gasped and Chris started crying, he couldn't believe that her first words would be papa.
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That's all! Thank you for reading my headcanon! Leave a like if you want to! Feel free to request! The inbox is always open!
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Do you think there should be more love shown to Bobby when he was in a coma? I mean when Buck was in a coma even May, Athena, and Chris was there. Everyone came to see Buck. But when Bobby was in a coma no one wait beside him only Athena? It would be great if May continue telling Bobby she loves him like when she told Bobby when Buck was in a coma. Maybe that would be the push for Bobby to wake up. His (step) daughter asking him to come back home to their family. What if there was an interaction between Buck and May beside his bed and them discussing that Bobby is basically their dad. Even Harry, remember when Michael was asking the family about proposing to David, Harry said that he now had 3 dads so Harry sees Bobby as his father too. Have the kids interact with each other would be great. Since Bobby's main guilt is about losing his kids. It would shown that in this life he has kids too though not his biologicaly. Maddie and Karen were not in the hospital. It seems like nobody cares about Bobby even though Bobby has always been the anchor to them. It's sad actually. Instead of the date with Tommy, Tommy could've supported Buck by showing up in the hospital.
there were many questionable decisions on this episode regarding Bobby and I definitely think the biggest problem was the lack of emotion of a dramatic situation they build up for three weeks.
They promoted the hell out of Bobby being in danger in this finale and when it reached the moment for them to gut wreck us, they cut most part of it (Athena in his bedside almost crying, Eddie praying on his bedside while Buck looks almost catatonic). Not to count the complete wtf decisions regarding it other decisions, such as May and Harry not being there for the painful part? When the actors are in the episode and we know it's hard for Corinne to be on the episodes due schedule with her college? Not a single solo scene with any of the 118 who lost their shit before for way lighter injuries Bobby had? Buck "almost lost my dad" thought turning into a sexual joke? Really??
The fact Athena was out hunting whoever done it, I get it, because i expected it end on that. People who expected Athena to do different don't know her character well tbh. The moment she heard from the doctors that Bobby's heart stopped for 14 minutes, she already lost hope, she thought he wasn't waking up from that, and she had lost him. With that? She wouldn't sit there and watch him die for nothing, because in her mind this wouldn't do anything good for Bobby. She already went through that with Emmet and she definitly wouldn't wait 30 years to catch the culprit. This time she had to do something even though it's completely a bad call from her part, because its mostly a coping mechanism to shield her from the pain she is feeling while trying to compensate for the guilt (into believing Amir was the culprit when she invited him in their house + her last words for her husband being on a argument) and to mask her pain. So this part i get it, even if her ways of doing it are definitely not the best to watch. From Athena's part i think we got enough emotion, even if misdirected, however it could have been better. (Forever mourning the promo scene not making to the final cut)
Overall I don't think they made Bobby unimportant (Considering the "goodbye montage" makes it clear he is that much important even if himself doesn't see it). The problem of the whole hospital moments is they writing ooc scenes that don't feel genuinely the character we've watched so far (except for Athena, personally she was totally in character) in the middle of a rushed episode that did not need to be rushed.
Heck they could have left Bobby's life hanging till the premiere. They had the perfect chance of a wrecking cliffhanger if that is what they wanted. They didn't need to worry about being cancelled with such an unfinished story line.
It would stress the hell out of me, but would have killed as a starting anchor to the next season, because it's literally an emotional disaster for the team. It would also allow certain breath in the finale for Athena's character, May and Harry presence could be more meaningful and not only after the turmoil and we could have scenes with the team and Bobby as well.
Instead we got that.. Anyway, it had some bathena moments, but this was underwhelming after all that build up. And i definitely think this episode should have been more emotional. Like allow the audience to feel the pain of the situation before rush to solve it?
Thank you for the ask, and sorry for the venting.
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onmywayend · 3 days
MG|It's not just a one night stand (M)
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Mafia boss mingi x Mafia boss reader
Smut/Frenemy/Mentioned of alcohol death, blood/Reader has shit boyfriend/Mingi has crush on reader/Make out/Public sex
"It's been a while, Y/N," Mingi greeted you with a smile as you clinked glasses. "How have you been?"
"Same as always," you replied, a hint of weariness in your voice.
"Really? I heard about your boyfriend-"
"Dead. And he was never my boyfriend, just an ex," you cut in sharply, the memory stirring up a storm of anger within you.
"Can't we talk about something else? When did you start caring so much about me?" you deflected, raising an eyebrow at Mingi.
"We're good friends, aren't we? Is it wrong to care about your friends?" Mingi replied casually, sipping his wine which was annoying. Care? Tsk…He just wanted to have a good laugh at you.
Your relationship with Mingi was complex, a mix of friendship and rivalry in the Mafia world, where you could be at odds one moment and allies the next.
“You just want to see my joke. Don’t you?”
“I haven’t said that.” Ignoring his words, you rolled your eyes and sipped your wine.
"Have you thought about finding a new boyfriend?"
"I don't know," you replied, guarded.
"Well, with your fiery temper and dangerous aura, not many would dare to be your boyfriend," Mingi teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful voice?" you asked, trying to suppress the urge to hit him and smile slightly.
“Then why don't you shut up?!”
Your voice carried a note of warning, but instead of being afraid, he leaned in close and whispered provocatively, "I don't know who else could handle you but me."
The intimate gesture caught you off guard, a blush creeping onto your face. You felt his breath brushing against your ear, and you couldn’t help but feel nervous.
“Are you shy?” You panicked at being told off and pushed him away, he dodged your kick.
“Look! I was right, wasn't I?” You were about to say something back when a sickening yell stopped you in your tracks.
Before you could respond, a commotion interrupted the moment.
"Y/N!" A man pushed his way through the crowd, tears streaming down his face as if he had been crying for hours.
"Don't security guards work anymore? How did they let this wild dog in?" Your voice was cold and filled with annoyance, your impatience evident on your face.
"What do you mean, Y/N?" The man in front of you paled, unable to comprehend your words.
"You don't understand human language, do you? Are you really just a dog?" Your heart, once filled with love for this man, now only harbored hatred. The memory of the betrayal and violation from that fateful night is still fresh in your mind.
"No, Y/N. I know you still care for me. Please, don't leave me!" The man pleaded, desperation in his eyes. You fidgeted with the glass of wine in your hand, your whitened fingertips looking like they were going to break the stem. The eyes of the entire room fall on you, whispering and murmuring, and there are even ugly jeers.
At this rate you'll be the laughing stock of the Mafia.
“I know I was wrong, can you forgive me?”
"Forgive you? Am I that forgiving?" You raised an eyebrow, the anger simmering beneath the surface.
"She's not!" Mingi interjected, his presence adding to the tension in the room. Your tongue tipping your right cheek in an expression of extreme displeasure.
"Who is he? Your new lover? How dare you?" You lashed out, slapping him to the ground, releasing all the pent-up resentment and anger.
Your action startled everyone and the room fell silent, you looked at the man before you, a sudden realization flashing through your mind. Without warning, you grabbed Mingi's tie and kissed him, sending a jolt of electricity through both of you. Without waiting for him to kiss back, you left his lips and met the man's gaze with defiance.
"Yes, he's my boyfriend, and you mean nothing to me. How dare you think you still have a place in my heart?" You declared, holding Mingi close, not realizing that your proximity had caused him to stiffen, his heartbeat thumping to drown out all sound.
"You should be grateful that I didn't kill you at that time. How dare you come to see me and court death? "
“No, Y/N, you're acting, aren't you?” Your patience worn thin and looked down on the man. You poured the red wine over him, the glass shattering against the ground.
"I toast you." With a swift motion, you drew the gun from Mingi's jacket, aiming it at the man's head without hesitation.
The gunshot rang out, ending the chapter of your past love. The crowd scattered, unwilling to be caught in the crossfire. The security guards arrived, swiftly handling the aftermath.
"You can have it back." Without a look , you placed the gun in Mingi's hand and turned to leave. But before you could make your escape, he grabbed your arm, pulling you back.
"What? I didn't harm you."
"Shouldn't you take responsibility?" Mingi crouched down to your eye level, a sly smile playing on his lips, his gaze filled with desire.
"I... I apologize for any offense caused. I'll make it up to you by treating you to dinner next time." You attempted to move past him, but he blocked your path, towering over you with his imposing presence. His strong aura seemed to engulf you, leaving you feeling small and vulnerable in comparison. However, everyone knew that beneath your seemingly delicate exterior lies a formidable strength.
His magnetic presence exudes a captivating allure, making it hard for you to resist or break free. His deep, mesmerizing eyes convey an unspoken longing, causing your heart to race and a blush to creep onto your cheeks. As the Mafia Boss, you refuse to be outmatched.
"One meal doesn't seem like sufficient compensation." Mingi's voice was low and enticing, drawing you in with each word.
"What do you want?" Your question was interrupted as you back hitted a round table, leaving you with no escape. Mingi pressed his body against yours, encircling your waist with his arms and positioning himself intimately close. He leaned in towards your lips, his breath teasing your senses.
"I want what that man once had." His breath dances across your lips with every syllable, as though he's playing with your nerves. Your ears started to get red because of shyness.
"He may not know how to love you, but I do." A faint smile tugs at the corners of his lips, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.
"You... um-" Before you could respond, Mingi captured your lips in a kiss, his scent enveloping you in a heady mix of musk and alcohol. You attempted to resist, but his advances left you powerless. His lips moved hungrily against yours and his hands ran up and down your body, igniting a tingling sensation that sent shivers down your spine. He sucked on your lips, licking and biting them. All was driving you crazy.
You kept your lips sealed, determined to maintain your composure as a mafia boss, unwilling to let him break through. "You have to open your mouth for a kiss, didn't that man teach you that?" He withdrew from your lips abruptly, his breath warm against your ear as he planted a kiss on your temple. “I…Hm…”Before you could respond, he cupped your face and kissed you once more.
His hands roamed down your body, tracing the curves with a delicate touch. A soft moan escaped your lips, prompting him to deepen the kiss, his tongue intertwining with yours in a dance of desire. The intensity of the moment consumed you, the heat between you rising with each passing second. You forget the struggle and throw yourself into the heat of the moment. It had been so long since you felt this kind of passion, this kind of fire.
The kiss was a tempest, stirring emotions within you that you had long buried. As you struggled to catch your breath, he gazed at your flushed, swollen lips with a hint of satisfaction.
"How was my kissing?"
"You..." You lightly tapped his chest, a shy smile playing on your lips.
"Want something even better?"
"What?" His hand trailed down your waist, his knee brushing against you, sending a shiver down your spine. With a few simple movements, he ignited a fire within you that you couldn't ignore.
"But...what if someone sees..."
"Do you care? You're in the business of taking lives, does it really matter?"
"I want them to see how I fuck the life out of you."
"Min..." Your protest was cut short by his kiss, reigniting the passion and possessiveness from before. He devoured your lips, his hunger palpable, greedily sucking the sweetness from your mouth. With ease, he lifted you onto the table, your skirt riding up to reveal your long, elegant legs.
"Oh fuck. You're so beautiful. How can that asshole not like you?" His fingers trailed down your neck and you lifted your head to give him more access. He left a trail of kisses and marks while sucking hard on your collarbone, the deep red hickey standing out on your fine skin.
"Ah! Min..."
"Patience, my dear." His fingers teased over your panties, hooking them gently, and you lifted your ass knowingly to let him take them off. “Don't prepare me, I'm ready.” you whispered, causing his eyes to widen briefly before returning to their calm demeanor. “Tell me to stop if it hurts.”
He pulled down his pants and underwear just enough to free his cock, larger than you had ever seen, glistening with pre-cum. It seemed eager to enter your cunt, to claim you as his own.
He deftly removes a condom from his pocket, tearing it open with a sharp bite. "So, you came prepared?" you teased. "I'm only preparing for you," A mischievous glint in his eyes. He rolled the condom onto his hardened shaft and gently kissed your lips. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," he whispered, his voice husky with desire.
As he eased into you, a wave of pleasure washes over you, and you arched your back in response. Your legs bent against his thighs when you adjusted his size. His left arm wrapped around your waist while another hand put on the table as support. With each rhythmic thrust, the intensity builds, sending shivers down your spine. "Ah! Mingi!" you gasp, your nails digging into his back as he holds you close, his movements becoming more urgent and primal.
“You’re so fucking tight! Did that bitch ever fuck you?” His deep thrusts hitted all the right spots, driving you to the edge of ecstasy. You moan softly, your body responding to his every touch. Your breath quickened, and your heart raced as he explored every inch of your body with his lips and hands as if he knew your body really well. His shaft rubbing against your velvet wall while his tip kept hitting your deepest part.
You couldn’t help but moan shyly and your mouth formed an 'O' shape.Your chest heaved dramatically as your breathing became rapid. You wrapped your hands around his neck to bring him closer to you. “Oh god!!!” He suddenly slammed into you like he's trying to break through your limits, plunging into the deepest part of you, ramming into the same spot over and over again.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” In a moment of pure abandon, he surges forward, his movements becoming more forceful and unrestrained. The table rattles with each powerful thrust, adding to the symphony of passion that fills the room.He hissed as he buries himself in your chest, greedily inhaling your scent.
He had waited patiently for this moment, his feelings for you growing stronger with each passing day. Despite his disbelief in love at first sight, he found himself falling for you the moment he laid eyes on you. Keeping his emotions hidden, he feared that his overwhelming desire might jeopardize your friendship. But when he saw you standing up to a despicable individual, his suppressed feelings surged to the surface, overpowering his rationality. And when you kissed him, he knew there was no turning back.
"Fuck!Y/N!I love you so much!," he showered you with kisses, his passion unleashed like a wild storm. “Ah! Ah!” Your breath caught in your throat as he fervently explored every inch of your being, the intensity of his touch leaving you breathless. He was going faster and the sound of skin slapping and squeaking of water drove him crazy. With one hand hooked around his neck and the other against the edge of the table, you raised your head and moaned, completely lost in the moment. You let go of all inhibitions, the world around you fading into oblivion.
"I'm cumming, fuck,min!" you gasped, your body trembling with desire. His response was a primal growl, driving you both to the brink of ecstasy. As the waves of pleasure crashed over you, you surrendered to the overwhelming sensation, a symphony of moans and cries filling the air. He pushed you down with his hands gripping your shoulders. Both of your lower core pressed together and your body moved back and forth with his thrusts. The friction even hurt your back a little, but you ignored it and let him keep thrusting.
“Min...I wanna cum.” “Cumming mess on my cock. I want to feel you.” His words were like a catalyst that pushed you right over the edge. After a high-pitched moan, you squirted. “Oh my god!” He felt a rush of heat around his tip and felt himself going over the edge. He buried his head in the crook of your neck for the final stroke, and his thrusts became sloppy. Finally, after a few thrusts, he cummed all in the condom and slowly withdrew inside you.
"I've never cummed so much before," he confessed and threw the condom in the trash can. His gaze was soft and filled with emotion. Disposing of the remnants of passion, he then tenderly fixed your disheveled appearance, his touch gentle and reassuring.
"Was that good for you?" he asked. You patted his chest then rested your head against it, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear.
“Yah...it's good.” You trailed off, and he teased, “What? Say that again! I can’t hear you!”
You cupped his face and suddenly kissed him. He's stunned into silence. “Now you know?” He cracked a satisfied smile and tried to kiss you again, but you stopped him as you placed a finger on his lips.
“We gotta go now. We’ve stayed here too long.”
“Then just go to my home? Sounds good?” “Up to you.” He carried you in his arms and headed straight for the exit with a smile.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Go on a date with me?”
“You already had sex with me. How can you still ask me this stupid question?” You rolled your eyes with a little impatient tone.
“I'm afraid you'll just think it's a one-night stand.”
“Am I such a casual person?” You rolled your eyes again. You didn’t know why he always asked such stupid questions and could still be a mafia boss.
“Nah, I haven’t said that! So your answer is?
Soon, word of your relationship spread throughout the Mafia.
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marscomet · 2 months
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faunandfloraas · 24 days
i love being friends with girls and then they get a boyfriend and then he becomes the center of her entire existence and all she talks about and all she focuses on and i sit there and i smile and i nod and i feel myself becoming genuinely evil
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dazais-guardian-angel · 2 months
kinda wild to me that one of the most compelling aspects of both Chuuya and Kunikida's characters to me, that I never really see talked about, is how they're heavily set on a doomed crash course towards complete and utter destruction, and how I am so, so worried for them both.....
#bungou stray dogs#been thinking a lot about chuuya lately (shocking for me i know (said with no sarcasm truly lmao it is rare for me))#cause of the 15 manga and also playing the fucking jeht quest in genshin impact ugh (where's the one dual genshin bsd fan who Understands)#but like this pressure has been building up for chuuya for so long due to being used and manipulated by all these people#first the sheep then mori then verlaine then still mori now#he was groomed since childhood just like dazai#but unlike dazai he didn't have an oda to help him get out of the mafia........ he's still stuck there#and his personality is different from dazai's. dazai was more self-aware imo (but still a groomed emotionally abused kid don't get me wrong#but chuuya's whole thing is needing to belong and wanting a leader to be loyal to but ending up in positions of leadership himself#which makes him feel pressured but he accepts and stifles any negative feelings just because he wants to belong#and all this crushed him with the events in the light novels and yeah he went through character growth but he's...... Still In The Mafia...#and that fucking scene asagiri added to the cannibalism stage play i don't think hardly anyone even knows about bc IT'S NOT DISCUSSED ANYMO#where mori emotionally manipulates him with the flags!!! and it deeply hurts him!!! and he presumably deals with that shit all the time!!!#it is WORRISOME. it WORRIES ME okay.#chuuya doesn't have anyone who can save him from the mafia (dazai is in no position to okay; it's all he can do just to try to save himself#and it's so so scary. it spells awful things for him.#didn't asagiri say he'd have a rough path or something??? and he added that fucking scene in the play!!! it haunts me!!#i fully expected this shit to hit a turning point in the meursault arc but we can't have nice things i guess#and as for kunikida a;lskdfl (took me this long to get to him oop) literally the ending of Entrance Exam (the novel) is just#One Big Foreshadowing for Kunikida's downfall#he's compared to the azure king for a reason. Sasaki saw the azure king in him for a reason. it's fucking worrying!!!!!#there hasn't really been anything like that since in the manga (just like for chuuya lol ugh) but he's TERRIBLE at coping with his trauma#and it only gets more apparent once shit hit the fan in the doa/hunting dogs/meursault arc#it's not good!!! i'm worried for kunikida too!!!!#even if the manga isn't focusing on this these worries are always in the back of my mind man#both kunikida and chuuya are doomed to hit some kind of breaking point eventually and i await those moments with dread yet anticipation#i want dazai to be able to save kunikida from the despair being too good a person brings the way he couldn't save oda#and chuuya.... if we get a scene with him & mori mirroring the one in dark era where dazai finds out that mori orchestrated the kids' death#oh man i think i'll fucking die (give it to me i need to cry)
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p4nishers · 1 year
something something eddie saying "now i can't even talk to you because of it" about the lawsuit something something buck saying "i just want you to talk to me" when he goes back to work after the lawsuit something something eddie screaming "can you hear me" and "talk to me, talk to me" to bucks lifeless body
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