#sometimes all it takes for me to not hate a character is a redesign
deckoftrickcards · 1 month
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WAIT WHY IS HE FUN TO DRAW HELP (notice the gay earring plz)
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comradekatara · 2 months
Genuinely asking—what changes would you make to the adult gaang designs? :)
this is such a fun question thank u for enabling me. i mean i draw them as adults sometimes so also check out my /oldergaang tag if u want visuals (altho i also change my designs a lot because my art is nothing if not inconsistent) but if i was just going with like standard character designs like if i could redesign that hideous “old friends” poster for example…
aang: get rid of that fucking. chinstrap. don’t give him white man features because what the hell is that. and let him wear his off the shoulder monk robes from book 3 because he was slaying with that fit. actually the way aang is drawn in imbalance is basically perfect i would retain that design into adulthood. thank u peter wartman for all that u do….
katara: i don’t mind the older katara design (from the little we see of it) but it’s also not nearly as cunty and slayful as i would like. katara is genuinely interested in fashion and loves experimenting with clothes and hair and makeup, i refuse to believe that as she ages and has more resources to tailor her style to her own personal tastes she wouldn’t get a little funky with it. like she kind of just looks boring and uninspired in her older design, and that’s unacceptable to me because she should be hot. adult katara should be the hottest woman you have ever seen in your life. and she should be buff, also. shredded, even.
toph: any signifiers of copness are obviously unacceptable to me. but even more that than, it’s very important to me that older toph is distinctly butch. i think she would cut her hair the second she realizes that there is no reconciliation to be found with her parents and that there is no reason to adhere to those confucian values. and she would wear a lot of sleeveless outfits (sort of like the shirt korra wears in “korra alone”) to show off her biceps and also space bracelet (spacelet) that is her prized possession forever. and she’s just kind of a hot hippie butch legend . period.
zuko: in the old friends poster he literally looks like a lizard so just like. no. wtf. and i like his long hair in theory but i don’t like that it’s styled after ozai and not ursa, i think his hair would be shwoopier and frame his face more. and his robes should be less spiky and militaristic and more designed for comfort because that’s what makes him feel most like his true authentic self and he deserves that. also weird for a guy who is trying to demilitarize the fire nation to wear an armor-adjacent type of outfit. so mainly he’d just look softer and more like his mom.
sokka: i hate buff goatee whitewashed sokka that is some kind of demon. lok did so little with him and yet said so much (all of it egregiously wrong, ofc). sokka would be fairly tall (although not as tall as aang) and have defined muscle but in a sinewy, lanky way. and despite always having enough to eat he’d still look somewhat malnourished just because he’s constantly overworked and exhausted and never takes care of himself. and his ponytail would be longer but he’d still shave the sides. and the older he gets the darker his clothes get until he basically just wears black all the time because at some point he realizes that it’s more advantageous to remain culturally ambiguous if he’s gonna be a cosmopolitan. and he wears glasses (which were a gift from kuei). and sometimes he uses a cane because he didn’t sufficiently take care of his broken leg after the war ended and now he’s paying the price for it. and his cane has a blade inside too, but he rarely ever even pulls out the blade because he can incapacitate someone with just a wooden stick anyway. so he looks like if a nerd was a shadow was about to collapse at any given moment was secretly ruling the entire world. and he’s not in any sort of front-facing position of power whatsoever but he’s actually pulling all the strings from behind the scenes, and it’s exhausting. his eyebags are visible from outer space.
suki: i don’t even think there is a “canon” adult suki character design besides her in her kyoshi warrior armor and makeup but to me casual suki just starts dressing more like sokka. like the loose baggy sleeveless shirts (except in a lighter shade of blue bc kyoshi island colors) and tight pants and boots. it’s a very dykey look already and they’re basically girlfriend twins so their styles would merge even more than it already has within the show itself. like sometimes people think that sokka and suki are siblings because they dress so similarly and give off such a similar vibe and they’re just like “but we’re literally different ethnicities??? and also we are currently making out????”
okay bonus round bc i can’t just neglect them
azula: she cuts her hair really short and as an adult leaves it to shoulder length for the most part because that’s more comfortable for her. like zuko, she also starts dressing for comfort, and for a period in her late teens stops wearing makeup altogether. she gets back into wearing makeup as an adult, but she stops caring about whether or not she leaves the house with lipstick on, and it becomes more about the process for her than the result. she’s comfy and cute and dykey.
mai: sokka is her lesbian style icon so after her first haircut that was inspired by toph’s haircut to piss off her parents, she gets an undercut and starts wearing her hair in a ponytail like sokka. as she gets older she also gets more confident in her body and doesn’t feel like she needs to wear baggy long-sleeved clothing at all times or she’ll die. and she isn’t rail thin as an adult either because she starts letting herself eat more than a single grain of rice at a time. also, she gets a sword.
ty lee: she becomes a kyoshi warrior so she starts incorporating more blues and greens into her wardrobe, but also more oranges and yellows after she embraces her air nomad heritage. and she just dresses very colorfully and has a vast rotation of different cute little outfits. and i think she’d also experiment with different hairstyles once she has the freedom to define herself outside of the aesthetics expected of her. she looks beautiful always
haru: he finally shaves that thang
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fairytoge · 3 months
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dating headcanons ; k.choso, z.naoya
this only took me like,,, four months to complete this 😭 but i hope you enjoy!!
other parts ; n.kento, g.satoru, g.suguruㅤi.yuuji, f.megumiㅤi.toge, o.yuuta
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the loml choso (not including all the other lomls)!!
but anyway!!! choso is an absolute sweetheart, as long as you're not fighting against him in a battle or anything
he 10000% would do pretty much anything and everything to make you happy or to just make you smile
he loves you sm it makes other people cringe... you two are definitelyyy the couple people see in public and slightly grimace at because they're so in love
he'd probably do subtle pda but if you don't like that sort of stuff, he wouldn't do it!! he loves you too much to make you uncomfortable and push your boundaries
he's basically like a typical gentleman?? like when people say that men aren't like how they used to be, choso is their ideal man!!!
summary: he's so in love and whipped for you
but it's vvvvv endearing!!!
i think, as soon as you two begin officially seeing each other, he'll want to introduce you to his brothers and get their opinion on you too
they mean the world to him and he would probably love nothing more than for the people he loves most to also be friends!!
someone help me the older brother issues are realll
but yeah, he's just a sweetheart and would worship you like a god if you asked him to <3 (he does that without you asking 🤭)
choso would also go along with whatever you say 99% of the time!! the 1% off is when it endangers you lmao
if you call him some dumb nickname or do the trend where you call a s/o the most random things, he will genuinely take it as a compliment so seriously that it makes your heart hurt
he's a bitttt naive, but you love him!! and he definitely loves you omg
i hate his personality but he's hot 😔 so!! this is gonna be kind of ooc for him icl
dating naoya issss.... interesting? he's got a unique character for sure
realistically, you probably wouldn't see him that often assuming that he's a full-time sorcerer and you are a housewife (or househusband!!)
but, the times that you do see him, you are both so sappy and touchy with each other, no matter who or what is around
naoya is spoiled, so it doesn't come as a surprise to know that he has always been able to get what he wants, and that nothing has changed since he was a child
with this in mind, he would definitely not be shy about pda, unless you're both in a proper environment like a clan meeting i guess...
he probably wouldn't even let you in there though 😭 his superiority complex is off the charts
pleaseee start training him to not act like a creep
leading on from this!! naoya would treat you like a princess if you're both truly in love, and would stop at nothing to get you what you want!
you mentioned that you would like the garden to be redesigned so that you can plant more flowers? done! the kitchen isn't to your standards? it's gone before you can look at it for another second!
suddenly you understand why he is the way he is, because if this is the life he's been living, it's 100% worth it lmao
i also feel like naoya has tunnel vision for you!!
like, let's say that he's come home from exorcising a curse, or from a particularly hard mission, and being more impolite to the servants than normal as he literally hunts you down in your own home
he lowkey scares you but not in a bad way?? he's just kind of intimidating sometimes, without meaning to be!
overall, naoya would probably be a good s/o to have!! as long as he loves you 😭
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© fairytogeㅤ ꔫㅤ please do not copy, repost, translate, etc without my permission
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frogboy0 · 2 months
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I recently watched Hazbin Hotel for the first time! I've never been into it before, and I vaguely remember it when the pilot first came out years ago but I never even watched THAT!!
It's not............. the best show ever BUT I HAD FUN WATCHING IT!!!!!! I mainly like it bc I love Catholicism and the bible SOOOOO I'm rewriting it and I'll be posting ALL MY IDEAS!!!!!! (Ppl are gonna hate it LOL)
Close-ups + notes are under the cut :)
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CHARLIE: OK SO I basically got rid of all the goat stuff that she (didn't) have going on ASIDE from the hooves hahaha, I didn't draw them here but she still has those bc I think they're COOL
So taking inspo from the fact that Charlie's design was based off porcelain dolls and marionettes, Charlie is LITERALLY a doll come to life!!! Lucifer and Lilith, bc they couldn't naturally conceive a child (bc Lilith is dead + is known to be responsible for the death of newborns), basically just made a child-doll and gave it life with their demonic magic!!!
I ALSO WANT CHARLIE TO CONSTANTLY BE TEETERING THE LINE OF LOOKING CREEPY AND FUCKED UP!!!! She's literally a living doll, I need ppl to look at her sometimes and be unsettled (sheep in wolf's clothing)
VAGGIE: Like Charlie, I'm completely throwing the animal (moth) motif that Vaggie (supposably) had. I'm mainly leaning more into Hotel Manager/body guard. WELCOME TO THE GUN SHOW!!!!!!
Honestly, I've changed Vaggie's design over 4 times and it's subject to change STILL. I gave her a cloak bc I think it's epic and I think she's epic and you'll be seeing her in future posts with what her outfit looks like without the cloak, it's a sleeveless collared shirt and she's got long fingerless gloves on :) AND THE CLOAK IS ALSO THERE BC I THINK SHE'S EDGY!!!! She's edgy and emo and amazing
I WAS gonna make her with awesome battle scars but then I remembered that angels can only be harmed with angelic weapons so :(((( no hot scars
ANGEL: MY ANGEL DESIGN IS NEVER CHANGING!!!!!! I have no notes, I think I'm in love with my Angel.
I heard somewhere that Angel in cannon has one black sclera and one white one bc he died with a black eye sooo..... He died with 2 black eyes LOL!!!
I didn't wanna give him prominent wrists and ankles bc I thought it looks cute :3
HUSK: He's a tuxedo cat, I think they're adorable and I think Husk is a 70 year old man who should be adorable. And NO BOW TIE!!!! I'M TIRED OF EVERY CHARACTER HAVING ONE!!!!
He's a frazzled drunk who's still Alastor's pet LOL
ALASTOR: I took a lot of inspiration for Alastor's design from Dr. Daddy-o, a radio DJ/host from New Orleans in the 1940's!!! I LOVE his voice and I wanted to base Alastor off of a BLACK RADIO HOST bc he's you know, BLACK!!!!!!!! Idk who that white boy is in cannon
He and Charlie are tied for the tallest in the cast, they're the same height (not counting his antlers)
I wanted to make Alastor look pretty human looking, aside from his antlers and deer ears ofc bc I don't think he needs to look scary all the time, he usually uses his words to provoke ppl anyway (and if that doesn't work THEN he'll use force) (Wolf in sheep's clothing)
NIFFTY: Niffty's design is based off Rosie the Riveter (WE CAN DO IT!!!!) especially with her her top, her hair and her headband/bandana.
I also made her taller than she is in cannon bc she's not the kind of character that the audience or even the other characters take seriously so in my head adding a couple inches to her will make me take her more seriously LOL
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new-tella-us · 3 months
Alright. No art. Just positive rant. The entire point of my redesigns was me being slightly annoyed at the designs and story of Seduce Me and having way too much positive nostalgia to be normal about this game. I love-hate this game. However! The one thing I will never, never shit talk Seduce Me for is its characters. The main six love interests (Yes I am counting Diana as a main love interest. Thank Demon War for that) are all so well written! I genuinely love them. Even Sam, my least favorite character, isn’t boring. I don’t dislike him for being a bad character, I dislike him because the tsundere trope annoys me.
But this isn’t a rant about the characters as a whole. This is a rant about Damien. Let me rave for a second. Because as melodramatic as his backstory is, it got me hook, line and sinker. I am convinced that either Michaela had a period of being obsessed with Damien or some redheaded fuck boy named Damien pissed her off so much that she made him into a character just to make him suffer. This boy is tragic!
Like b r o, all the other boys’ backstories can be summed up with “The palace life is boring, my dad is kinda shitty and I got one other, reoccurring, minor inconvenience” and then there’s Damien being like- “My mom suffered as my dad’s harem girl until she couldn’t take it anymore and tried to murder me before killing herself. Also my dad is extra shitty to me. He tried to kill me a few times. Food? That’s a luxury. Energy? I’m used to not having it. A room? What is that? Please let me become human because mind reading kinda sucks, oh wait, I only got a 1 out of 6 shot for that ending. And I’m not even the canon ending!”
And another thing! Matthew’s main bad ending has traumatized me for multiple reasons but that line, “That’s what you get for making me go to the human world” after he kills Damien! Now, Matthew is a favorite of mine, but in that moment, I wanted to shake that little bitch until his soul evacuated his body! Like, I don’t care that he was being controlled, how d a r e he come firing shots at Damien when all he wanted was a good life away from his abusive ass dad!? Bro Damien may have been the illegitimate child but at that moment Matthew was the bastard.
On a different, lighter note, I do love the sort of contrast between him and Matthew, at least on the topic of “naivety”. Of the two, you expect the fun loving, goofball to be the naive, kind of innocent one. But that’s not the case. Matthew is optimistic, Damien is innocent. Matthew knows what he wants and while the world is a wonder to him, he goes about the world with this sort of maturity, knowing what he wants to see and when. Damien is more of the spacey type. There is this level of inexperience to how he grasps the world as if he can’t even believe that it can exist. Plus, as much as he has an idea of what he wants to see, sometimes he feels like he must ask permission. Like in the New Years Episode where if you go on Damien’s route, he asks “Can we do this every year?”.
In conclusion, I want to wrap Damien into a blanket burrito and tell him that everything is going to be okay. And then take him to therapy because this man probably has C-PTSD. As my friends would say, I am mentally ill for this demon equivalent of a sad, wet dog.
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peony-flowerking7 · 2 months
hue just some oc
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Rant+oc talk
I'M NOT LEAVING LMK FANDOM ANYTIME I LOVE IT TOO MUCH! I've just been frustrated lately, I have trouble with BNHA especially making an oc. But I favorite Gyaru characters they always have the best outfits. So I am hoping this calms my brain cells a bit, I've been having a hard time making a bnha oc but now I have one! She's actually a redesign of many various ocs I had in the past. Yes...I was shamefully in the BNHA fandom...I was a despicable person honestly.
I like the world building, the power system and how it works with science. It has some amazing characters and yes I still do like Bakugou I heard he died and then a lot of things in the manga are disappointing. I have a hate and love relationship with the anime honestly. I could write a whole chapter on it. I especially also don't like bnha oc, I'm sorry but this is my opinion but please don't take it the wrong way. It may come off a bit hypocritical but some BNHA oc are pretty boring and bland, they all look relatively the same, the same white paper skin, blue eyes and black or white hair. Not to mention some quirks are also pretty boring, they also have the same head shape and same eyes.
For me, all BNHA oc look the same, there's nothing to distinguish them well. That's my rant for the fandom side as for the anime. Horikoshi has a big problem with some arcs and characters he never once again used and it's frustrated. Also...fucking Mineta god I hate that character with a burning passion.
Anyways off with my oc, her name is Misao. Her quirk is entirely based off on Mami powers in Madoka Magica. Her whole ordeal is magical girl stuff. So quirk I don't have a name but the description of it is, her cells can turn into guns, only her cells though she can't use anybody else's cells to make guns. Her father Quirk is a healing Quirk while her body is the same as her daughter she can pull any type of gun she wants from her cells except she can use other people cells. For that, the Mother is a military soldier and her father is a medical doctor.
Misao quirk is a combination of the two, let me explain this. Misao's cells can manufacture guns, it doesn't matter which one as long as she has the knowledge of that gun existence and it system is something possible. For her to pop out the gun she needs she will have to pull off a bit of her cells or her skin, it's a painful experience that makes the gun's power more powerful. The good thing is that with the combination of her father Quirk the pain lasts a bit but that all depends in which one she's taking out. Small guns require less so they feel like a pinch while bigger weapons require much force and it can cause Misao a lot of pain. Which is great for power but bad for Misao. She cannot produce bullets though, those she has to make by herself or she can ask her parents for them. It between those two but sometimes she rather ask Yayorozu or Bakugou with these. Like I said earlier Misao can heal faster than a normal person can, also the more guns she gets out the more immobilize she gets and more weaker she grows. Taking out a weapon strains her to the point where she will fall unconscious and stop moving for a couple of hours.
Also she's not very smart, you can say she's a bimbo. So she fails at tests and quizzes but does well in responding while getting her nails done. Also, most of her classmates think she's dumb and just like some of them but Bakugou is the only one to acknowledge the opposite. She was train as a military child, something she dislikes as well. She prefers looking good and getting her nails done, she actually doesn't even want to be a hero, she wants to be an idol. Her dream were crushed as a middle schooler, she really doesn't have a lot of choice.
She also doesn't like some of her classmates because of how their personality rubs her the wrong way. She's uncomfortable with them so she avoids getting to know them, the only one who she enjoys the company with is Bakugou, mostly because of his eyes also his quirk drawbacks but she does avoid him. Shinso is another person she enjoys being with, she's more close to him since they both can connect with each other about societal problems and cats.
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mossmutant · 2 months
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My AquaCadet / GWARRIOR character redesign.
Reintroducing Cap’n Canis Lupus! Formerly known as Carnivorous Canis Lupus.
I am cadet #2000858!
My Aquabats fan character who used to be apart of GWAR. He was created in November 2023. He is my first fan character for an existing universe of established characters, well two universes, so I don't take him seriously at all and you shouldn’t either!
As a representation of myself as an Aquabats character, he reflects me and my interests. I'm a huge fan of GWAR and I actually got into the Aquabats because of the GWAR vs. The Aquabats radio play for the Ska Parade Radio Show in 1998.
In the 90s, “Carnivorous Canis Lupus” was a member of GWAR, he was a stagehand for their band and would help set up the larger props for the performances. There wasn’t really much to him with GWAR aside from being a stagehand and to eat and piss on slaves whenever one of them fucked up. He previously fought the Aquabats in the “GWAR vs. The Aquabats” radio play and became somewhat fascinated with them. Once the Aquabats defeated GWAR, the two bands went their separate ways, and he forgot about the Aquabats entirely.
A year later, GWAR had went back to Antarctica but forgot Carnivorous Canis Lupus and left him behind in California. When he couldn’t find the rest of GWAR he found a cave to live in. He was still evil, fucked up with drugs, and hateful. Canis still wanted to destroy things around him, and that’s when he came across the Sandfleas who had similar goals to him. He fought them and became apart of the group once the fleas realized he could be of good use to them. Mel gave him the name “Jaws”. Since Canis stood out too much compared to the rest of the fleas, Mel gave Canis a mask, sweater, and necklace like the rest of the group, and that is how he went from being a Gwarrior to a Sandflea.
When the Sandfleas encountered the Aquabats again it brought back a vague memory from 1998 when he fought against them alongside GWAR, but he couldn’t remember much about them. Just that their costumes looked familiar. After losing the fight and some bickering with the fleas, Canis was still trying to remember where he’s seen the bats. He didn’t want to ask the fleas so he quickly shrugged it off and went about his business.
Later that year, the Sandfleas fought the Aquabats again. When Canis was fighting one of them (for some reason, it’s Crash in my mind) he got their scent and remembered exactly where he first encountered them. He then got distracted by the memory and lost the fight a third time against the Aquabats. The Sandfleas continue to be pissed off and couldn’t come to a conclusion on why they kept losing against the bats.
Canis continued to be interested with the bats and had slowly started to become a fan. He admired the Aquabats from afar and in secret to not get caught. He thought they were cool and respected them for defeating GWAR. He secretly believed in the good of the world, which is what the bats stand for. Although he always put on a great fight. He never admitted to anything in regard to the bats and never spoke about them.
Canis was the only member with powers, so one day they got into some serious shit causing them to blame Canis for everything, and basically end up screwing him over.
So once he got out of the slammer he went to the Aquabats and wanted to be apart of their group, but Commander turned him down and told him he can be apart of the Aquacadets and Canis gladly accepted. So now he does the best he can to help the other cadets out when needed, though sometimes his aggressive tendencies come out so he’s still learning on how to better himself.
He is apart of a cadet friend group called “Cadets Viva La Skateboard”.
Fun Facts
-He is from the planet Scumdoggia and was apart of GWAR's Scumdogs Of The Universe, so technically he's an alien wolf-like creature.
- I like to imagine that he was close to Slymenstra, Beefcake, and Balsac. He hated Techno Destructo and often got into fights with Oderus Urungus.
-When learning about the Aquabats, the MC Bat Commander became his favorite and started to look up to him. (CCL and MCBC are best friends in the alternative version of his story!)
-Is trying to break the habit of eating crack.
-His speaking voice and attitude is similar to that of Freddie Mercury's...for obvious reasons.
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mip-map-mop · 2 years
An Asian's views on blackwashing Asian characters:
I usually don't speak about race-bending publicly, but after seeing other people talking about it on Tumblr and race-bending being a kinda big thing on Twitter, I'd like to make my own kind of essay about it. For now, I'll just be talking about people race-bending my own race and that I'll mostly be focusing on anime characters:
Not all anime characters have a specified race. When they do, they’re mostly Japanese (or at least Asian), as most anime takes place in Japan. Asians have a variety of skin tones, obviously.
I'm an Asian on the darker scale of skin tones, but Asians can have any skin tone. So, no, I am not a "white person speaking over Asians".
Asia is not just East Asia, as Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Western Asia are Asian too.
I have many problems with race-bending, especially when it involves Asian culture, which is my culture.
I'd like it if people reading this will fully read it and will understand where I'm coming from.
The character is not yours. You shouldn’t change the racial element of a character that isn’t yours.
It’s better to create your own character and have them be inspired by the character you want to race-bend.
Races are not interchangeable. Race-bending is a racist version of redesigning a character.
Artists can say “it’s just harmless fun” or “It’s not as bad as whitewashing”. Every race should have right representation. But that’s the thing. Changing a race of a character is not the right way. Race-bending any character can be very racist since it’s erasing the representation that race gets.
Whenever artists race-bend a canonically Asian character, I feel personally offended. I hate the mentality of changing a character’s race just so you can relate to them. You don’t have to change their race to relate to them. You can relate to them because of their personality, backstory, etc. You can like a character, even if they’re not the same race as you.
Black people may not be represented right (sometimes at all), but Asians (and just about every minority) also have the same problem. You can’t just “fix” a race’s problem by increasing problems for another race.
No one is Asian-washing black characters. Example, since this series has a lot of diversity: Josuke Higashikata from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable/Diamond is Not Crash. People draw Josuke, the half-Japanese and half-British character of Japanese nationality, black. You can literally look up “josuke black” and know what I’m talking about. Artists doing that are not just making Josuke’s skin color darker, they’re replacing his features with black people’s features. If an artist draws Muhammad Avdol from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, the black man of Egyptian nationality, Asian, they definitely would be called racist. But when an artist turns an Asian character black, it’s okay? No, both are racist.
The “Blasians exist” excuse: If you redesign a character to be mixed, their features should be mixed. If you erase the defining racial features of an Asian and replace them with black features, you are not drawing a Blasian, you are drawing a Black person. I really hate it when artists redraw a character as black and say they’re mixed race when they erase literally every racial feature to put in another.
Why can’t people just draw their own black character?
Why not make an OC if you want black representation?
It’s much better than altering a canon character since it doesn’t have racist elements in it.
The reason I’m writing about blackwashing and not whitewashing is because everyone seems to agree that whitewashing is bad.
Imagine taking an Asian character and making them black. Sounds racist to me.
But all race-bending is bad.
Even my mixed African-Asian friend (who actually comes from Africa) doesn't like it when people draw Asian characters black.
As an Asian, I would much rather want to see someone having a black OC than someone redrawing characters of my own race to fit the features of black people.
As an Asian, I would much rather want to see someone having an Asian OC than someone redrawing black characters (or characters of any other race). (Then again, people aren’t drawing non-Asians Asian)
Races are not interchangeable, no matter what. 
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marvelatthismess · 6 months
Buckle in, this is a long one
Unpopular opinion but I hate character reworks
Redesigns? Ehh its 50/50 as long as its cosmetic
But full reworks that change the fundamentals and play style of a character? I hate it
This isn't my autism hating change either, i don't mind changes when they're done right but im yet to see a character rework done right
We'll take Revenant for example, I never played him myself but I've played alongside a lot of Revenants, his changes not only shook up the feel of the game for those playing him but those playing with him - which i know was the point but his kit no longer works with the kits of other characters, its become selfish (some might call mirage's kit selfish too BUT mirage's whole thing is using decoys of himself to distract from his teammates, to put himself under fire while his teammates heal/reposition) in a way that makes him better at lasting solo than in a team
And with conduit's release, revenant feels like playing alongside a more expensive conduit, his ult feels like her tact but with a longer cooldown and less utility (his tact feels like a knock off of vantage's too but you didn't hear that from me)
I get that it had lore significance but they didn't need to change his kit to portray that significance, a visual redesign and a few kit tweaks could've done that. Ash has had 4 different bodies (human, titanfall2, arenas announcer (legacy launch trailer, for non arenas players that don't know what version of her this is), apex games) yet when you look back she still feels the same all the way through and you can see similarities between Reid at the beginning and Ash as she stands now; Revenant hasn't kept that individually, he has the same voice and colour scheme but past that? He has the feel of other legends, he doesn't feel like Revenant anymore
And maybe that's the point, to disconnect him from himself, but it just doesn't work. I've run into far less Rev players now than I used to, roughly 1/5 of my games used to be with a Rev on my team and now I sometimes go a whole day without seeing one as a teammate; by disconnecting him from himself for the sake of a plot line, it's disconnected him from players that can no longer enjoy his play style
Anyway- that was a whole ass rant, closing note:
If respawn rework Ash or Horizon, I will riot
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sanasanakun · 5 months
I was reading your post about how Gortash is so polarizing in how people respond to him and while I don’t have an answer, I can weigh in on the side of thinking he’s attractive and not understanding some of the complaints people have. I try to see what it is that makes some people go ewwww no way but I don’t see what they do. For example a lot of people will say he looks dirty and I feel like I’m missing something completely. He looks unkempt but his hair looks shiny and clean and there’s no stains on his clothes. There’s scars and age marks and stubble on his skin, but I don’t read that as dirt (maybe I’m wrong)? His teeth aren’t perfectly white but thats the case for anyone who drinks coffee or tea so that doesn’t mean anything about hygiene. It also feels like people mistake his skin for just being dirty instead of not pasty white. Also when I see comments about “this guy must smell bad” and I immediately think of that journalist who made a remark about zendaya smelling like patchouli and weed because it feels like it’s coming from the same mindset and is sometimes word for word literally just that. This isn’t even touching on the fact that he’s got wrinkles and dark under eyes and signs of age and trauma that aren’t cute or superficial. I’m saying that the haters are all racist or ageist but I think there’s some biases at play and no one feels like they need to think about it too deeply because he’s an antagonist.
Yeah, I definitely agree with your takes here. I’m also someone who thinks he’s attractive and never really had a problem with his design. I don’t really care for the hair and think it’s a little goofy, but overall he’s very handsome (and the outfit is drippy af).
I will say that his model actually DOES have dirt on his face. Like those spots are the in game dirt feature (idk if that’s the right word). I’m not sure if that’s to have age spots or show that he’s a little disheveled, but yeah he is actually dirty in game lol but I’m with you in never thinking that he was dirty or smelled bad. But he doesn’t look like an archduke and I think that’s the point of his design; he’s a fraud and a tyrant (aka a bad leader).
And I definitely think a lot of the criticism for his design comes from racism and ageism. And I’ll preface this by saying that I’ve always read Gortash as being inspired by Turkish and Bulgarian people looks-wise. The constant insults of calling him disgusting or dirty make me side eye cause I do think it comes from his darker complexion and “unconventional” features that are more common in Türkiye and the Balkans.
Like I can only speak as a Bulgarian, but people in Western Europe treat us like shit. They call us dirty, untrustworthy, mafioso, ugly, etc. like Western Europeans fucking hate us. In America, it’s not as bad but we still have a negative image (in my experience. I’ve been told I’m poor and from a country that shouldn’t exist before). And I’m very white, so I can’t even imagine what it’s like for those with darker skin tones. So, I think people carry this bias against people that look like Gort and don’t think deeper about it when they say these things (or redesign him). I find it very hurtful tbh because I really loved seeing a character that looked like him. He’s very unique amongst the other character models.
And obvs, ageism is a huge problem that people also won’t confront with themselves. And all this combined with bad media literacy (imo) like they cannot get over the “young and handsome” part for some reason and it’s so annoying.
Anyway, I’m rambling and prob not making a lot of sense cause I’m tired lol but yes! I agree with you. Luckily, it seems like Gort has a pretty sizable fanbase and a lot of people love him! So, it’s not all bad. But I wish people would maybe think a bit longer about some of their opinions on him. Cause he’s a horrible person! But we don’t need to constantly call him dirty or disgusting or whatever. But that’s just where I stand on this whole thing.
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lena-cant · 11 months
I kinda get sad whenever they make a remake of a game that is similar enough in enough aspects that people begin to view it as a replacement for the original game.
Let's take the example of Resident Evil 4, since its remake came out at the beginning of this year and it's fresh in my mind. The Resident Evil 4 remake (let's call it RE4R for brevity) is a pretty great game and in a lot of ways it's a noticable improvement from the original. It rewrites the plot in such a way to shuffle around the order of events, and I'd argue that the result does flow better. The game feels really good to control (I never really had a problem with the original's tank controls but RE4R is still a noticable improvement) and the enemies that you fight are generally more responsive. The game is better (though still not perfect) in the way that it treats women, and avoids (some) of the overt male gazey-ness of the original. A lot of the characters have been redesigned and they generally better suit my taste. They removed (most) of the god awful quicktime events and managed to make interesting sections of gameplay to replace them. All of these improvements make it, in my opinion, a better game than the original and I would probably recommend RE4R over the original if I was asked a question like "if I could only play one of them, which should I play?"
But the thing is, I still love the original RE4 and it is different in enough ways to make it a distinct game from the original. Ignoring the changes that I referred to as improvements previously, the remake also made a lot of changes that I think of as lateral moves. The tone is darker and it leans less into campy vibes than the original. The level design is different and can often feel more sprawling than the original. The voice actor for the merchant just isn't nailing the vibes. You can upgrade the knife but it has durability. It's a whole bunch of little things, really, that make RE4 a different game from its remake that's worth going back to and playing, even when the remake is out and (I would argue) better.
And even the little, shitty annoying things about RE4 are still things I like about it. The quicktime events are bad, sure, but their existence as an early implementation of the concept is charming to me, I see them and roll my eyes. "Oh, those quicktime events, god bless 'em." Sometimes I fuck up with my movement because the controls are less than ideal and I die for it, but that feels to me like a bit of texture in the wall, that subsequently was sanded off. Like, yeah it was giving people splinters, but it just doesn't feel the same with it gone.
I'm not really sure what the point of this post was, I guess it's just "if you liked the RE4 Remake you should play the original too." And more broadly "if you liked a remake of anything you should play/watch/read/etc. the original." If nothing else it'll be an instructive experience in how far that medium has come. I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting old (I was 4 when RE4 came out but shut up) but it just seems really sad to me when a remake like that replaced the original. Especially when it seems like the creators behind them (like with the case of RE4) seem to be wanting to actively revise the history around the game.
When RE4R came out, they just called it "Resident Evil 4," and they retroactively retitled the original to be "Resident Evil 4 (2005)." It feels to me like Capcom wants us to forget the original came out at all. Which would be a shame, because the original is such a fun and interesting and unique game that I'd hate to lose it in the stream of time.
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xxlittle-miss-horrorxx · 11 months
I think I may make a side blog just for Helluva Boss
Now it’s not really gonna be so much of a critical blog (even if I may critique things here and there) but idk I still have a very love and hate relationship with said series. It’s actually more of a blog of an AU of how I would change things. Like redesigns and such.
I don’t fully hate it since I had fond memories with season 1 but idk something about season 2 misses the mark for me… the last episode was so bad that even my friends who love the series thought it was too much. (Actually like me, they also can’t stand season 2)
Also, I don’t wanna discuss these spindlehorse allegations. I feel like it’s not fair to jump the gun since there’s more sides to the stories and I keep seeing screenshots that provide no context at all. And just talking about that is super exhausting… like sorry guys, I rather not have people bother me about that.
However, I still like the characters I just wish season 2 didn’t assassinate them. I actually love Blitzo being an cynical asshole and he’s a favorite of mine BUT ahhhh I would prefer if he faced consequences. I’m very mixed with Stolas, I enjoyed him through season 1 since idk the morally grey with him was entertaining but eh…. The woobification happened and once again being neglectful to Octavia :””) so yeah but I had ideas I have in mind.
I think the issue with Helluva Boss, is that it should had stayed as an episodic edgy adult cartoon than forcing it to have a plot driven story. A thing with cynical characters CAN work but you should let them face consequences when they do dumb stuff. It’s kind of why I enjoy MTV’s downtown so much since that show too has cynical characters but don’t always get things easily handed to them. But now it’s like giving me the odd feeling I had with Aggrektsuko and SVTFOE when they force a ship to show that it ruins all logic 🙃🙃🙃
That being said, I have issues with the fandom and hatedom.
I really don’t wanna engage to much with the fandom since holy shit there’s so much toxic positivity there, i remember people getting angry at me for disliking Loona. (When I had my reasons) and I had to give my reasons why the show had a misogyny problem with women. Because god forbid a fan can’t have different opinions.🙄🙄🙄 I am nervous to share self ship art of my oc with Bl*tzo since oooof st*l*tz shippers may take it personal. (Even tho I plan to have blitzo and Stolas be in a friends with benefits relationship since I think that makes more sense with them )
And while I don’t really 100% believe these allegations since I think there’s missing truth, I hate how these Stans would attack Erin and Ken like guys please fucking stop. We need to have innocent until guilty, not just with Viv okay? I’ve detached myself from Viv since I’m not fond of her childish behavior but I don’t wanna jump the gun with her still. (Please don’t bother me about this I’m aware of Ken and I do hope they recover, it’s just that’s so exhausting )
As for the hatedom and antis… oooof I’ve seen antis go too far and would harass Viv and her writers and such because of a bad episode and all of that. Don’t get me wrong, I know Viv enables bad fandom behavior and even shit talks people that review her stuff and I am against that… but sometimes these haters stoop to her level. Hell one “critical” blog even went on how Viv blocked them and was all “suspicious I think not” well when you constantly got o their pages to harass her and her team, well no shit they’ll block you. And idk this person just has a very unhealthy extreme hate for Viv…. They watch her every move and look way too deep into things…
It’s just idk I hate because these people get lumped with criticals. Some critic blogs are fine I just hate they’re now lumped with antis that go too far.
Also maybe it’s me, I’m planning to create an Indie project soon and I just rather make a side blog for this stuff. I think it may be unprofessional for someone like me to dwelve into the hatedom and fandom and it’s better to surround yourself with small friends you trust.
So yeah don’t expect me going anti or Stan, it may be a bit critical but it’s also me doing fun AUs and enjoying things I do like about the show. The more you stay in toxic positivity or toxic negativity, it’s gonna eat you alive.
I’ve been encouraged by friends to just do my own thing you know :3
So I just rather be the casual fan who just forms her opinions on things so I don’t have to interact with fandom as a whole :””)
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melonnade · 8 months
OC-TOBER DAYS 2-4 (commentary about each character under the cut)
2: NEW OC - Luo Yuqing
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3: OLD OC - Tess (joint effort between @millidew and I)
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4: REDESIGN - Sanya Harris
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Day 2 - new OC: technically Xiang Wanyi is my newest OC but he was Day 1, so I’ll just do my second-newest. for a long time, Luo Yuqing didn’t really get much character development from me. from the onset, I knew I wanted a character like Song Riyuan as the protagonist of this OC universe. SRY needed a friend of some sort but I didn’t really have a clear-cut idea, so I just quickly scribbled in LYQ’s design without thinking much about it and made their concept “cloud recesses wangxian but lesbians.” so for a while, LYQ has just been “what if Lan Wangji was a girl?”
after fleshing out SRY a bit more though, I figured LYQ deserves some more actual thought from me too, so she has this sort of inverse character development thing with Riyuan. Waymond Wang in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once has a quote that lives rent-free in my head: “When I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naive. It is strategic and necessary… This is how I fight,” and “We have to be kind. Please, be kind.” This is SRY’s mentality at the beginning of the story. LYQ has a more cynical worldview: sometimes kindness hurts more than it helps. It’s more similar to Megumi from jjk’s “who’s to say that someone you save won’t kill anyone in the future?”
not going to get too much into plot, but over time, stuff happens and the two begin to slowly swap ideologies. after a time skip, LYQ has basically SRY’s original mentality, while SRY has taken on LYQ’s. I get so excited just thinking about how they’d interact when they meet again—they’re still so, so important to one another but there’s this distance now that they’re not sure how to navigate. to SRY, her old mentality was the reason why she wasn’t able to keep the two of them from being separated—she hates that part of herself. to LYQ, her memories of SRY were what got her through everything—she takes on that ideology as a sort of homage initially, but grows to believe it completely. there’s so much fun potential here for different situations.
I’m just going to try to describe her in a sort of stream of consciousness way. overall, LYQ makes me think of the North Star—always there, always constant, never wavering. basically, she doesn’t give up ever. not in a Naruto Uzumaki bold, confident kind of way, but in the same way Sisyphus keeps pushing that boulder, slowly but surely, over and over again. Luo Yuqing’s character is like the way waves against cliffs over the course of centuries can turn rock to sand. not sure how much this makes sense, but these are the types of associations I have in my mind with her. the vibes, if you will. she’s very fun to think about, now that I have more of an idea of what she should be.
Day 3 - old OC: Tess is the very first OC I ever made, before I even knew what an OC was. she’s a group project of a character, so I guess Millie and I have shared custody. she’s very edgy, very cringe, and was very fun at the time to make. I don’t think I ever drew any ref art of her, so this is just a drawing that I made today of what I remember her looking like. Tess is so funny to me because I remember thinking, “if she’s an assassin, she can’t be 12, because I’m 12, and 12 is too young to do anything like that. she can be 13 though.”
I drew her with her manic pixie dream girl traveling companion Sel, since I didn’t want to separate them!
I think Tess & Sel’s creation was a formative time in my life because this is basically how I make every OC now. they always come in pairs—their personalities are developed around one another, so I almost never make individual OCs. you can pretty much group all my OCs into two: Luo Yuqing & Song Riyuan, Qin Tianxiao & Xiang Wanyi, Haneul & Anna, Zach & .Soren, Atlas & Louisa, etc. If a character on my Art Fight doesn’t have an obvious foil, it’s most likely just because I haven’t drawn their ref sheet yet. anyway, I just think it’s funny how that moment in my life influenced my entire creative process, even now. if you spend enough time looking at my OCs, there are definitely clear patterns that I tend to follow though!
Day 4 - redesign: another part of my OC creation process is when I scrap certain universes, I try to reuse the characters if possible. either I’ll essentially blend them up with another character to create someone new or I’ll just stick them in a brand new universe. Sanya Harris initially was a best friend/sidekick-type character in an urban fantasy monster-hunting OC universe that I’ve abandoned. (like all of my other OCs, she had a partner OC too, but he’s been recycled into Zach lol). she was a college student working a part-time job as a motel receptionist in rural Kansas. now, in her current backstory, she lives in California and is a teenager going to summer camp. this whole situation is very funny to me.
actually, a lot of my OCs would fit for the “redesign” prompt because all of the recycled ones are basically redesigns. for example:
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let’s compare the art I drew of Tess to Haneul’s original design from 2021. “they’re the same photo” meme etc, etc.
their personalities are very similar too—they’re basically the same person. again, I find this hilarious, but yeah, there are definitely character archetypes that repeat in my OCs that are easily identifiable if you’ve been watching me make a lot of them over the years.
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jurweemn · 7 months
WcWd: This OC I introduced but refused to elaborate on a couple weeks ago
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I should start by introducing him: his name is E'lim! I chose it because it sounded partially like "Eli" with a bit of the word "limb" mixed in. TBH I just mash random syllables together when coming up with names (this was moreso the case back when E'lim here was made, but that's still part of my naming process sometimes)
I mentioned that he usually wears a more plain attire when he appeared two Wednesdays ago. Well, turns out that I never settled on consistent shoes, either. Here's a couple more pixel art drawings I found of him:
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There's quite a few more (probably unfinished) drawings of this fella hidden within the containers for nigh every medium I used around 2019-2021. After that? Not sure what happened, but suddenly I didn't like him. Like, I think he'd be more appealing as a character if his arms were noodley but I always drew them so stiff as though they had bones and it looked weird.
Looking back, I didn't have a good enough grasp of how to make this type of character: noodley limbs that definitely don't connect to the rest of the body in an anatomically correct way, oversized shoes that will inevitably result in cursed imagery if taken off, gloves that are likewise over-inflated and never to be removed... huh maybe I should do a character design study on Sonic characters
I also constantly gave him that stupid-looking smile. It reminds me of the Dreamworks face meme now and I hate it. Now, if I were to redesign this guy? I'd embrace the fact that he's supposed to be stylized, and NOT worry about whether or not he appears to have bones because it seems like that's exactly what I did every single time I drew him and, poor guy, that's not a good look for him 😔
...I wanted to end the post with that paragraph, but then I started typing up the other two-thirds of this post in the hashtags. So here's my rant about the canvas sizes: the "Halloween" one was WAAAY too big for starters. There was this whole era of my drawings where I wanted to be able to capture the details that other mediums offer, but I also didn't want to use other mediums because pixel art was what I was best at. I ended up just taking an unnecessarily long time on massive pixel art canvases, all because I had concerns about working in a software like ibisPaint or Procreate. "Pixel art doesn't require brushes, so how would I know which brush to use?" "What on earth is a 'blending mode'?" "I can't draw a straight line for the life of me, and you want me to add weight to them now??" I'm pretty sure most self-taught artists have struggles like those, though; I was just a bit late to it because learning those things wasn't needed in my pixel artist skillset, oddly enough
Anyway. Those two drawings of E'lim with a clipboard are actually some of the last I made, both of him and in oversized pixel art. You might can tell that I was beginning to address all of the problems I've brought up in this post already; the scale on it is smaller than the Halloween drawing, and the face isn't just a widened smile peering directly into the viewer's soul. Regardless I still wasn't proud of how he kept turning out in my drawings (and also didn't fit into my shifting ideas for worldbuilding) so I lost interest in drawing him and he fell out of being one of my main OCs.
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respie01 · 2 years
Big presentation
I’m Rèspie (it’s my artist name) an 20 year old italian student form Italy, in fact I might have an hard time to post because the academy takes a lot of time but I’m sure i will find some time to post. When I’m not studying or going to school, i pass the time or drawing or watching video on youtube (the subjects may vary from what I watch), I also like history, games, stories and generally I’m an open and curious guy.
I identify myself as He/Him (I want to use Them but I’m not sure how it works) I’m Bisexual with a more sexual attraction towards mans, especially big mans. I also have autism and i knew it since childhood, thus I have a difficult time to socialize but I still like to talk a lot.
Now this is the list of most of my OC, many of them i use it for one of my project that I will make when i fell read but there are some OC that are not part of a story or that are not important.
Also most of my oc are a particular kind of human that can change form, I will explain in the future. Rèspie
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This is my main Sona, he’s a student studying animation at an art academy. As you can see he’s head is cloud because he usually daydream a lot and thus makes him very creative.
He moved to the nearest rent place that he could find and in the end find it at the city of Cover Hills, this rent was shared with another person which is my next OC...
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He’s the local scary guy, infamous for having a venomous look that scare many but deep in side... he’s kinda of a kind as****e, he’s very strict and serous guy but at the end he cares for others.
He’s very good with the guitar and with the computer but a weird thing about him is that he hates to tell about his past, many people even if you ask many time he doesn't want to talk about it.
Then there’s a third member of the household that has recently been added...
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She is a robot from another place, or even a world, but unfortunately she doesn't remember how she was a part from a piece of her name. She seems traumatize about the cold and ice for some unknown reason.
She has a great skill with the sword that she had mastered in the past, she has a sense of justice and loyalty but now she has to learn all about this world.
Then there are other OC but since it’s taking a lot of time to explain I will go with short description. Neth
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He’s a simple guy of the near city of Velida Falls part of the bigger city of New Lador, he’s the the third sibling of a India-American Father and Korean-American Mother. His biggest interest is computer technology and collecting many things.
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(I may redesign him in the future and also his story isn’t completed yet)
He's upbeat and free-spirited but sometimes he falls into danger due to his careless behavior, usually involving his skateboard.
Marxia (left) and Camillo (right)
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(again, I haven’t written any story for them so I going use simple description)
Marxia is a strong karate trainer and a bit of a goth.
Camillo works at an local book shop, and although doesn't read many books he is a intuitive and clever guy.
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That’s it, now that I’ve introduces myself you can ask me question about me and my characters.
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pinksparklelps · 2 years
I really need to get this off my chest. Whether to just, inform, or give myself some kind of peace of mind. Because i think about this so frequently and sometimes it gets so overwhelming. Everything will be under the cut, so please, protect yourself if you do not like to read about discourse/drama.
First things first, im gonna do what i REALLY dont want to do, and thats ping who exactly im talking to. Even if they dont work at all. @velvet-sword @fluffnstuffq you two. You two are the main sources of my endless thoughts.
I want to start this off with how childish you were. Your “proof” is not proof. I am not, and never will be that stupid asshole terf Florence. I am just as much of a victim as all of you, and you have no right to say otherwise. I guess i could say its my fault for getting so close to popular people that are/are nearly adults when im STILL a kid. And when all of that shit went down i was, what, 14? And you expect me to act like the mature one.
Im so tired of thinking of this almost everyday because you caused me, AND MY GF so much pain and paranoia. Why, WHY on gods green earth would i EVER want to be florence? Tell me. Give me what you think are my thoughts. Because let me tell you, I HATE ATTENTION. Good, bad, neutral, ALL OF IT!! I do not like to be complimented because i feel like i dont deserve it, i dont like to be yelled at because i feel like a failure, i hate when people even LOOK at me because who KNOWS what on earth they could think about me? Even if its just polite eye contact, the thought of someone watching me makes me freeze.
I admit, i have used gacha back then, and I occasionally use it now because the minigames are fun. Character creators are good because i can make characters like that if im not feeling inspired. But SOOO many people use gacha life/club/whatever. Whos to say one of you didnt or did have it installed? I have no proof it was you, you have no proof it was me.
And the fact that you were harassing more people just solidifies the fact that i made a huge mistake in idolizing you back then. I was just a kid who like a silly game about music and shapes, and you basically ostracized me from the entire fandom. I havent played the game in like 2 years because of the terrible memories of you.
And Blitz!! Remember that one person you mentioned that you got us all against? I know them. Theyre actually a nice person. AND. You and gingy. You crossed the line, especially gingy. Stealing my characters after the fact, redesigning them EVER SO SLIGHTLY, and making a goddamn story with them? Even my spiritual oc’s that represent parts of me. You guys are supposed to be role models. You are popular, and older, and you do this to a fucking child? Ive been more mature than youve been in that situation. You all sent hate anons when i just walked away. I wanted to leave but you kept chasing me. Funny how i got no more hate after threatening to block them.
Speaking of which, “changing typing styles.” Only way i change my typing/writing is for fanfiction/stories and when i meet new people. I naturally incorporate others words and phrasing into my language. Hell, one of my new friends got “skill issue” from me haha. It seems to me like you couldve been projecting. Taking your actions and saying IVE done them so everyone looks at me instead of you. Funny, since you care so much about justice. Justice for everyone except the child who was also a victim of tracing and cyber bullying.
And i cant BELIEVE you would think i was abusing my gf. Shes smarter than that you know. If she were in a bad situation i know she would want to leave. If i knew i were hurting someone i would feel so guilty and push who i was hurting away. Well it seems my “loving and sweet gf” facade has worked for 2 years huh. Impressive of me isnt it? No. Me and my s/o are happy and we help each other grow every day. I do something wrong? They point it out, I apologize and do my best to fix it, and vice versa. Unlike you, i know that we are happy and in a really healthy relationship.
And since im talking about all this, rainb! Yes you! You were so incredibly uncomfortable to be around. Just seeing you type was enough for fight or flight to kick in. You were so harsh and not at all understanding and its a miracle you were allowed to be a mod. Sometimes i wonder how many people in that server got hurt and how much the server has fallen into disarray. I just hope people get out of toxic situations like i did.
And lastly, how dare you make fun of my fucking vents. You, you all are utterly amazing! I couldnt even begin to THINK of the possibility of someone doing that! You fucking assholes. I can be scared of my mom and still seek guidance from her. Shes my MOTHER! And i did NOT hide behind her, and it was only ONE TIME when you all were ganging up on me in a private chat. Its not my fault i froze and fucking broke down because you thought i could cause mass chaos in a community i loved. The second you start making fun of someones feelings that they trusted you with, you have become the monster.
No matter how much I despise each and every one of you, i do not wish for you to come to harm, even though you so obviously deserve it. I hate that i want you to be happy. But my mom told me it shows that im just a kind person. Sometimes i miss you, and i hate it because you were awful. I wholeheartedly believe in karma, but i also believe you can do better. I want, need, and deserve an apology, but i know you wont give it. And even if you do, im never ever going to forgive you for what you did to me. I once almost committed suic*de because i couldnt contact you and i didnt want to lose my friends. I couldve been sent to the mental institute back then because i cared so much about losing who i loved. But i see i put my life in the wrong hands.
I felt so hopeless in that server, but in my new group, i see so many talented people and know i trust them. I love them, and i dont feel sad knowing im not as good as them. They are talented, and even if i cant fully see it, i am too. I could never see myself as good enough with you all. But now im happier, and have good friends and family that i know care about me, even if i dont fully think i deserve it. Im happy with where i am. Im happy with how much ive grown.
And even though it hurt so much, im happy i met you guys because it was a learning experience that i never asked for.
I dont care what you have to say to or about me anymore.
Im happy.
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