#sometimes you just have to make a graph to show just how crazy you are
metaphorical-goblin · 2 years
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Word count distribution chart for my Avian Development fic... can you tell which chapter was my favorite to write?
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kaiasky · 1 year
Complete-ish Guide To Settings You Might Want to Change
These instructions will be for desktop, because the settings are easier to find there. You can do the same on mobile, but it might be in different places.
Dash settings
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Your dashboard is broken down into several feeds, including "Following" and "For You".
"Following" is primarily the posts of people you follow, "For You" is algorithmic.
If you just joined, "For You" is default, if you're a longtime user it's "Following". You can change this in the settings on the right
A lot of longtime users will tell you that the Following feed is where we spend most of our time. But try out all the feeds, and see what you like most.
The settings that are settings:
To start, click the settings gear under the account icon (the abstract person head).
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This should take you to the General tab. Key settings:
Community Labels: By default anything NSFW is silently hidden. You can change how each subtype is handled.
Hide Additional Mature Content: If you have an iPhone disable this or it'll hide every post from you on the off-chance it contains porn.
If you're under 18 as determined by the birthdate you entered on signup, you can't change these. (If you want them on, you'll have to make a new account and lie)
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Under the "Dashboard" tab, you can enable timestamps, which is mostly just nice information to have. sometimes a post is from 2010 and you can be like wow.
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The next four probably have the biggest impact on your tumblr experience, so I'm gonna do a breakdown.
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Best Stuff First reorders your "Following" to have popular posts at the top. Disabling it makes your feed chronological. I like it off, but up to you.
Include Stuff In Your Orbit and Based On Your Likes put various content from "For You" into "Following". Personally, I disable them to keep "Following" purely posts by people I follow, and then switch between feeds to get what I want.
Followed Tag Posts will put content from the "Your Tags" feed into your "Following" feed. Since you can go to the separate tags feed, I usually turn this off (it tends to show me a lot of duplicate posts), but up to you.
Under the "Notifications" tab you can tell Tumblr to stop sending you emails.
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I'd recommend disabling all the emails--if you get a bunch of replies, Tumblr will happily send you dozens of emails, and you don't need that.
Notifications is the push-notifications in-app/in-website. The mobile app, for some reason, has a much better interface for controlling these, including the option to only get activity-notifications for mutuals. You can leave these on, or turn them off if you find the flood of notifications is distracting.
Tumblr News is a newsletter, it usually just has content from @fandom and the other staff-run recap blogs.
Conversational notifications sends you more emails.
Under the "Tumblr Labs" tab you can enable a bunch of cool beta tests.
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I particularly suggest Reblog Graphs, What you Missed tab, & Popular Reblogs tab, but they're all fun to try out. A lot of these are honestly better than the For You dashboard.
For each blog you have, you can customize it's Blog Settings. Beyond things like setting an avatar or description, there's a few settings that are fun.
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Custom Theme gives you your own subdomain at [blogurl].tumblr.com.
This makes your blog easier to search, and a lot of 3rd party tools depend on you enabling it. It also makes it easier to link your posts to people who don't have tumblr accounts.
You can completely customize the CSS/HTML/Javascript. you can go legitimately crazy. It's not a requirement, but if you want unlimited flexibility, go wild.
On the contrary, if you wanna run a more private blog, you can disable this and then hide your blog from search results/non-registered users.
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Likes and Following are public by default. I like to turn these off so I don't have to worry about like, "what will people think if they see i'm following [...] or liking [...]". But it's also fair to keep them public if you'd like.
The other Blog Settings are important but pretty self-explanatory I think.
Finally, there's some useful tools I like:
XKit Rewritten - A bunch of scripts (like RES for Reddit). The one I really like is "mutual checker", which shows at a glance which blogs you are in mutuals with. Which is such a good feature it's included in the mobile apps by default i think.
siikr.tumblr.com - Tumblr search is bad, and google's indexing of tumblr blogs is worse. Siikr will find any post you've made on your blog. Because disk space is limited, only use it to search your blog, and if you're tech savvy consider running a local copy from source.
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iotiamohd · 4 years
@iotiamo follow for follow? <3
Schrödinger’s Leak
We’re extremely sorry to say: this is fake. We made it because we’re agents of chaos  to prove that it was possible to do something like this in two days. It took a lot of work at the sacrifice of our sanity, but we did it, and filmed on a phone like the original leak was, it could pass off as real. (Look through this blog if you want to see the ugly truth of the HD version.)
The problem is...we were originally doing this to prove that the leak was real, because “no way someone would do this in two day, especially without getting paid”, and instead not only we realized it’s possible, but we’re left with more doubts than before. Keep on reading if you’re interested in what we (didn’t) find out, and what we did to put this together. 
We could have posted this a bit earlier, but we didn’t want to distract from the #SomethingToSay campaign.
Guys. Guys, we wish we could explain the sheer amount of things Vittorio Guerrieri, Cas’ voice actor, has been in. This man is in every anime dub ever, it’s impressive—we knew finding that specific “Io ti amo” was a losing battle, but we still tried. 
Oh, God, did we try. We went through English scripts of all the rom-coms he’s dubbed; compared that to the Italian subtitles of those same movies, looked for working links to stream the Italian dub and check if the “I love you”s we found were the right one....brain cells were lost. Progress was not made. 
We settled on using the one in Marley & I (lmao), that Owen Wilson’s character says to the dog  to his wife. It’s even better than the one in the leak, in our humble opinion, @ og leaker, suck our collective dicks.
Pictured here: Owen Wilson confessing his undying love for Dean Winchester (as he should).
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The closest match we had is Dean's Anch'io, (me too).
Although it wasn't a Supernatural "exclusive" line, we decided to search within the original scripts and look for an Italian corrispondance. We found it.
2x20 [9.54] - What Is And What Should Never Be It not only was a perfect match in terms of sounds, but after analyzing the file with Audacity we had no doubt about it. Furthermore, if you overlap the OG leak's "me too" with the one we found, they seem to perfectly fit. 
Listen to the cleaned and compared audios here, and stay tuned for our mixtape, it’s gonna be straight fire. 
Here are the graphs. The “Anche io” from 2x20:
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“Anche io” from the leak:
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Obviously we didn’t expect them to look the same, considering the differences in audio quality, but they’re still very similar. It was listening to the audios side by side that convinced us. 
...Is this proof that the leak is fake? Idk. Probably yes. But what if it’s a coincidence that they’re so similar? How different could the two graphs for two small words said by the same person possibly be, after all. And what about all the other lines that we couldn’t find a match for? You see now why we’re conflicted. 
The original idea was to go through every. single. time. Dean says “Castiel” in the Italian dub, hoping to find a perfect match for the one in the leak. We figured every other line could have been taken from the voice actors’ older works (both Castiel’s and Dean’s are very popular here in Italy, and their voices have appeared in...everything, basically)—but that “Castiel” had to come form Supernatural. 
We didn’t find it. We went through a lot of the episodes with Castiel in them, the ones with more emotional scenes first, and found nothing...we ended up getting distracted by the search for Mi dispiace, Dean, when we realized that also had to come from Supernatural. We settled on using the first close match we thought of: the scene in 09x01 where Dean is praying in the hospital’s chapel. 
This is not the “Castiel” used in the leak, so we can’t prove that it’s a recycled line stoled from an older episode of the Italian dub. For all we now, Stefano recorded it for 15x18. 
“Castiel” from 09x01:
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“Castiel” from the leak:
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Does this prove anything, considering how bad the audio quality of the leak is? We wouldn’t get the same exact graph even if it was the same snippet of audio. (By the way, when we started this we thought that Dean had rarely said Castiel’s name like that in the dub. We’d forgotten than Italian!Dean never calls him Cas, the asshole.)
The same problem remains: did the leaker find some obscure anime episode where Guerrieri says Io ti amo and used it to dub Castiel, or is this all very real, and that’s why we couldn’t find it anywhere? We don’t know, we just don’t know. 
Apart from the very wistful "Castiel..." right before Dean gets chucked on the ground (lol get rekt), the other line that came without a doubt from Supernatural is "Mi dispiace, Dean."
I'm sorry, Dean, a sentence that Cas doesn't say that often throughout the show: we checked the English scripts, and we found only three instances where it happens (we only have up until season 13 dubbed in Italian, so if he ever says it in the remaining two seasons, it certainly doesn't have an Italian version). 
5x22 - Swan Song: Cas says it, and it's very obviously not the one in the leak. The tone is completely different. 6x22 - Meet the new boss: again, close but no cigar. 7x01 - Reading is fundamental: at first we thought it was the exact same one, and that's why this particular Mi dispiace, Dean is the one you can hear in our fake leak. After checking with Audacity, the one in the episode and the one in the og leak don't correspond. It's just the closest we could find. 
So...? What does this mean? We don't know. It's very possible that Italian!Castiel does say Mi dispiace, Dean somewhere in another episode, straying away from the original English script, but without transcriptions of the Italian dub available online, we had no idea where to start. 
It's also possible that the leak is real, and that's why we found no doubles for this line. 
Also: we've seen people in various posts about the leak saying that the change from "Goodbye, Dean" to "I'm sorry, Dean" is suspicious. It's not uncommon to change lines if it means lipsinking them better, and considering what was happening in the scene, it's not out of place to have Cas apologize to Dean. It wouldn't sound weird to someone who has never watched the original episode. 
But, there's another argument to make...Cas has never said goodbye, Dean in older episodes (as far as we could find), and the og leaker was forced to use the next best thing they could find in the Italian dub. 
That monitor in the leak looked so sus at first. Is it normal for professional studios to use equipment older than some people on this hell site?
Apparently yes. 
We've found a bunch of photos of voice actors in front of the screen they use at work, and they all look like that. Dusty. 
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These pictures also confirmed that the punctuation in the frame rate changes—sometimes it's all :, sometimes it's all ; (like in the case of the OG leak), sometimes it's mixed. Once again, we can't prove anything one way or another.
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This is a pic from 2009 of Davide Chevalier, Sam's voice actor, and the framerate looks different from the one in the leak...then again, it's from 2009. What does it mean? What does it all mean?
If you know more than us, please tell us:
Did we read the Audacity graphs correctly? Do they prove/disprove anything that we didn’t mention?
Does the framerate make any sense? Are we being bamboozled?
Do you have any insight on whether or not season 15 is already been dubbed? We know that season 14 will go on air in bundles of three episodes starting from the 12th of December, so it’s not crazy to think season 15 is already in the works.
Was this worth it? Was any of this worth it? We slept very few hours last night. 
tl;dr: in conclusion, we CAN’T affirm with absolute certainty if the Italian leak is fake or not, since we have evidences leading both way. Sadly, the final word will be when the episode will actually air next year.
IRTF - Internet Research Italian Rogue Task Force
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mrsmaddiebobaddie · 4 years
MCYT High School Teacher AU
I don’t know if this has already been done but with student teaching on the brain this was invading my subconscious.
Phil: Principal
The most chill admin you’d ever find (He kind of has to be with the staff at the school)
Will let most things slide if you ask nicely
Has a quiet space in his office for students to take a moment to calm down after acting out. He’ll offer them candy and talk through the situation with them. 
Started out as a counselor at the school, so he still holds a similar mentality when it come to talking with students and staff. 
Always takes the side of his staff. The district is usually in the wrong anyway.
He knows the teachers are the experts, screw whatever requirements the state has, he lets them run their classrooms whichever way is best for the students’ learning
Technoblade:  Literature & Composition
One of the most engaging teachers at the school
Most students love him because he’s real and he’ll tell it like it is. 
Has a coffee machine in his room. It’s rare that he’s not holding a mug in his hand while he teaches
Has high expectations for his students
Rarely gets angry. Even when he’s upset he still comes across as calm.
Usually stays at the school late making sure to give the best possible feedback on papers and reports. He genuinely wants each kid to learn something from his class.
Tommy: Speech and Debate
It’s only his second year of teaching
The students would run the classroom if not for Tommy basically being a student himself
There’s a strong chance his class will be off topic at any given point. It’s always an adventure walking past his door, you never know what you’ll hear
Somehow still gets high scores on average from his students
Keeps students after class when he notices them struggling with school or life in general to talk with them. The conversations are always beneficial.
Will 100% fall asleep during professional development meetings.
Karl: Biology
Tries to act hip, fails most of the time.
Always has the most energy in his lessons, finds unique ways to teach the concepts other than slides and worksheets.
Usually the first one in the building each morning
Will give students different options for final projects so they can chose the best method of showing their evidence of learning. 
Gets lower scores than he should on observations because he doesn’t do well under the pressure. One year Phil didn’t announce when he’d be coming in and watched from the door to give a more accurate review. 
Wears a sweatshirt to class more often than he should
Quackity: Spanish 
Hands on learning whenever possible
Uses the home ec. room to make authentic Mexican dishes with his students when they cover the food and restaurant unit
Will just forget that the kids don’t speak Spanish fluently and ramble on until someone interrupts him.
Slow grader, you get your scores when you get them.
Known to be a bit chaotic with his teaching style, it works for some kids but he does need to reteach certain sections every now and then
One time a kid feel asleep in his class so he had all the other students leave and they had class outside to freak the kid out (They were right outside the classroom window, he could still see the sleeper, he told Phil)
Skeppy: Algebra
Like’s his job, pretty much your average teacher
Can’t stand freshmen, but tolerates them since that’s half the students he has. He prefers teaching advanced algebra to upper classmen
His lessons are always formatted the same, starting with a lesson on how to do that days math, with the remainder of the period being free work time
Holds math challenges with his class and gives out prizes. It’s usually candy, though one time he gave out cash. He made his kids promise not to say a word about it. 
Very good at teaching the same math concepts in different ways to help struggling learners
Always one minute away from being late for first period, but makes it just in time every morning.
Dream: Health/Football and Assistant Basketball Coach
Took the teaching job mainly to coach sports
Still cares about making connections with his students, he uses his class to teach life skills and promote positive social and mental health.
If any of his players are in his class he will pick on them. He has no mercy.
Dreads sex education because no one can be mature about it. He gets revenge by making the students film a “how to say no to sex” video with someone in the class.
His wheeze laugh is iconic. You can hear it from down the hall.
If you meet with him and are honest when you’re struggling, he’ll work with you to pass his class. He isn’t going to ruin your GPA over a project on the negative effects of smoking.
Wilbur: History & Geography/Theater 
The teacher who sits on his desk when he lectures
Is very sarcastic with his students, but knows who can take the teasing and makes sure not to make anyone feel uncomfortable.
Prefers class discussion over solo work time, he likes hearing student’s perspectives and ideas.
One of the teachers most likely to be the crush of teenage girls. 
Not afraid to mark you down for sloppy work. You use a black ink pen and draw precise lines when turning in maps and graphs or you redo it.
Speaks in musical references 
George: Physics
The chillest teacher by far
Due dates? Don’t worry, he’ll accept an assignment literally months after it was supposed to be turned in
Makes difficult topics seems simple when he describes them
He doesn’t really care if you have your phone out in class as long as you’re paying attention and learning the material
The students straight up call him George, he doesn’t seem to care
Placing near the top for the most crushed on teacher
King of multiple choice questions
Eret: Economics & Government
Makes any student in his class feel welcome
One of few teachers who can lecture the entire period without students falling asleep. He always has interesting stories
Let’s kids chose where they sit
Freshmen are always caught off guard by his voice when they hear him for the first time
Spends too much of his own money on supplies for his students and classroom (Honestly most teachers have to spend their own money on necessary supplies, he just goes about and beyond.)
There’s always a group of students who eat lunch in his classroom 
The Union Rep at their school, will fight tooth and nail for the staff members
Tubbo: Band Director
Super cheerful whenever he’s teaching
He rarely has any free time before or after school because he has so many one-on-one lessons and meetings with students
Likes to have practice outside when the weather is nice
Does his best to make his students feel comfortable and relaxed whenever he does performance based assessments. 
He’s also a new teacher, but you honestly wouldn’t be able to tell
He will be in tik toks if you ask him to, and he’s familiar with all the pop culture trends
Let’s the students chose a song to play at the last band concert. Some years have been less chaotic than others, the worst (or best, depending on who you ask) being when the students voted to play Deja Vu from Initial D.
Fundy: Computer Science/Coding 
Begins each class with a cheesy computer joke. Every class.
Everyone knows you can’t get anything past him technology wise. He can see that headphone in your ear from across the room.
Isn’t afraid to assign extra work when students are disrupting class
Once took up an entire class period showing his students how he coded different difficulties in Minecraft. He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he plays the game in his spare time. 
About half the students in his class aren’t really interested in computers, they just want to have him as a teacher since everyone says he’s cool.
Known to hack school computers to bypass restrictions
Sucker for pizza parties. Has at least one per semester  
Sapnap: PE/Basketball Coach
Hella competitive 
Abuses his power of having a whistle. Someone should really take it away from him
Gyms shorts every day. Even in the winter. Sometimes he wears sweats, but never jeans.
Doesn’t let anyone sit out of activities
Tries to set up fun tournaments for each activity they do, makes sure to balance the teams so no one has too much of an upper hand.
He’s usually the teacher who mans detention, he tries to make it as positive as it can be though.
Keeps extra sets of gym clothes to give to students who forgot or can’t afford to buy them
Schlatt: Calculus and Stats/Business  
You either love him or are terrified of him
One of the only teachers who can have an “aggressive” teaching style and still connect with students
You will learn something from his class, he makes sure of it. 
Doesn’t accept late work unless you have a really good reason why you couldn’t turn it in
Wears a tie every day
If another teacher needs a last minute sub during his prep period he’ll cover them. Doesn’t matter what subject, he can wing it
He was the reason the school started offering business studies as an elective due to some vague threats towards the district
Niki: Art/German
Teaching voice is so soft
You can’t tell whether or not she’s giving you constructive criticism because everything she says sounds so positive 
Let’s her students lead learning for the most part, she will cover topics that most interest them while still trying to hit the district required standards (luckily teaching electives gives her a bit more freedom with her curriculum)
Her classroom always smells lovely
Will bring in homemade goodies each Friday for the staff room
Holds art galleries at the end of each semester to show off the arts since they often go unappreciated. It has turned out to be a super popular event for students and staff.
Bad: Special Education
This man has endless patience. It’s crazy
Even after the longest days when none of the students are cooperating, he still has a smile on his face
If he hears cursing in the halls he will call you out in front of everyone. Teachers included. 
Makes sure to keep a list of all his students favorites so he can surprise them with gifts on their birthdays or around holidays
He works closely with the other teachers to make sure his kids can be as involved in general education as possible.
Always wears something fun, be it a tie, socks, shirt, or even a full outfit. His students love seeing what new wacky garment he’ll be wearing that day. 
More Head Cannons
If someone brings food for the staff room Tommy WILL take it. Sometimes he’ll come back for seconds, there will be none left by the end of the day. He’s not as bad as Skeppy though, who will literally pack it up to take home for later.
For the past few months the staff members have been receiving anonymous email chains with photoshopped pictures of each other. Everyone was sure Fundy was behind it, Eret thought he saw him teaching his students how to use the program by editing their favorite teachers into stupid situations (they’ve all been school appropriate of course). Fundy did in fact start it, but now so many other teachers have joined in that it can’t be traced back to one person anymore.
All the teachers love going to sporting events. They’ll join in with the student section to cheer on the teams. If they know there’s a kid who doesn’t have family that will come to watch them they’ll make shirts with that players number to show support for them.
Wilbur, Niki, and Tubbo work together on musicals. Niki does the sets and costuming, Wilbur directs, and Tubbo leads the pit. There are plenty of long nights during tech week that devolve into chaos (especially when Niki isn’t there)
Spirit week is very intense, to say the least. The teachers are assigned a grade to be advisors to, and they get into it. For the duration of the week they practically become rivals with whoever isn’t in their assigned grade. They’ll pull pranks on each other constantly, especially when the students can see. It’s all playful of course, but it gets the kids more excited about spirit week when they can support their teachers and watch the amicable rivalries carry out.
Technoblade once joked that he knew every detail about every classic novel. His students took this as a challenge, and tried to find the most obscure and specific trivia questions they could ask him. He has yet to be stumped.
Dream and Sapnap had a running streak of about four weeks where they made everything into a competition. Who could enter their grades into the computer fastest? How many cups of coffee did they drink that day? Who got to school first that morning? There was a tally board in the staff room and the teachers had a betting pool going. Phil finally ended it when they accidently broke the school’s copier trying to see who could scan the most documents in five minutes. Dream was ahead by three points, Sapnap never lived it down.
In service days are incredibly boring, so the staff tries to make those days a bit more entertaining. They order in pizza or sandwiches for lunch. Since there aren’t any kids in the school they’ll do everything they’re no supposed to, like racing office chairs down the hallways and blasting non-school-appropriate music in their classrooms.
Wilbur accidentally started a black market of sorts when he took all the new whiteboard pens from the supply closest. He used this to his advantage, getting people to do him favors in return for the good supplies. When Dream found out he not-so-jokingly threatened to slowly steal everything from Wilbur’s classroom until he released the pens. The next day the closet was replenished once more
Quackity and Tommy are co-emcees for the school assemblies. They hold class competitions between the grades, including spirit chants and ridiculous games. Think minute to win it style, but way crazier. Everyone gets super into it, the upperclassmen usually win. The two have good chemistry and a fun energy.
George has a unit where students make bottle rockets and launch them outside on the soccer field. And every year Karl brings his class out to watch claiming that “it’s science, I teach science, I’ll have them write a paragraph about what they learned”. Really he just wants to watch rockets go brrr
For Schlatt’s birthday one year, Wilbur and Techno printed off shirts with his face on it for all the staff to wear. Schlatt was super confused when he came into work and all his colleagues were walking around with his face plastered across their chest. He got back at Wilbur for it by putting salt in his coffee for a week straight, but Techno never got his comeuppance. It’s debatable whether Schlatt just didn’t know he was in on it, or if he knew better than to mess with Techno.
Lesson planning and curriculum building is quite the process. Some departments can stay on task better than others. Schlatt and Skeppy get in, plan out the term, and get out. The math department has everything on lock. Social studies are also pretty good at getting pre-planning done. They tend to spend most of their time having discussions that aren’t necessarily related to the tasks at hand though. The English department is a mess. It’s really Tommy who’s a mess, he just projects that onto everyone else. Karl and George work well together to map out science curriculum. Even though teachers who teach electives aren’t required to collaborate with each other, they still get together and bounce ideas off each other and get feedback.
I have plenty more if people want a second part. I also only listed the MCYTs that I’ve watched enough to know their personalities at least a little bit, but if you wanted to see another person I may expand the staff list!
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scoupsy-remade · 4 years
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For this gif tutorial I’m going to try to keep it as basic as possible, I may add a few tips for coloring at the end, but for the most part this is going to be how I make my basic gif. Also I’m not going to use my vapoursynth to process the video beforehand, just because I know not everyone uses it and it’s harder to learn. This is going to be just a downloaded mp4 video through the gif process. Don’t let the idea that this is a BASIC TUTORIAL fool you, I’m going to try to teach you a lot of things. It’s gonna get wordy, but i will try my hardest to keep the process easy. I’m just going to explain what things do instead of having you just copy + paste my method and not know what it means. okay? okay.
Before we start though, if you plan of giffing live stages you either need to accept the they will not be super crisp and clear OR learn how to use avisynth/vapoursynth to resize the videos without quality loss.
If you just want to gif music videos or variety shows then this should still give you HQ gifs.
Other notes:
try to ONLY use 1080p and up video if possible, maybe 720p if you’re really desperate, but anything under that... it’s not going to look good at all, so try to avoid using them.
The Photoshop I am using is PS 2020, so all my screenshots will be from that version and with my weird set up. But I’ve been using pretty much the same method since cc 2015 so other than the fact that some placements and names are tweaked, it’s the same. (If you can’t find something on your version shoot me an ask and I’ll try to help! And asks I get on this tutorial I’ll link HERE for future reference) 
To cut videos I’ll just use my quicktime player.
I use edit > trim to select the portion of the video I plan to gif and save that as it’s own new mov file.
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which pops up this tab 
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that you just slide until the part you want to gif is selected
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then just save it as a new video and your done with part 1
Now what we’ll do is open our photoshop and import that clip into layers
FILE > IMPORT > VIDEO FRAMES TO LAYERS and select your video.
A small pop up will appear to show the clip you’re opening, you can trim it further here or just keep going by clicking okay
my setup is weird for drawing BUT you should have it looking remotely like this: 
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The things you will DEFINITELY need to see are TIMELINE, LAYERS, ADJUSTMENTS. If you don’t have these sections you can add them to your screen by clicking on the WINDOW tab at the very top menu bar and clicking on them
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LAYERS - this is pretty self explanatory but each row is a layer in the gif. the more layers the bigger the gif will end up, the longer it plays. So bigger clips will have more layers and end up as larger gifs in the end.
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TIMELINE - This is where you can edit the gifs timing (make it faster or slower) 
We’ll be doing a bit of work with it so it’s important to know it well
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ADJUSTMENTS - Best friend and worst nightmare. this is where ALL the tedious recoloring is done. VERY rarely would you not use these. 99.9% of kpop things are filmed through a green or blue lense so you’ll want to fix that to not have ghost idols
So, Let’s make a gif
Step 1 - In the top right corner of your timeline is a set of lines, click there and then click SELECT ALL FRAMES
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under each frame is a time stamp (this video’s is 0.04) this decides how fast each clip goes by, or how quickly the gif moves. Personally I prefer slower gifs, but I say anywhere between 0.04-0.06 is a decent speed.
Step 2 - with all the frames selected, click on the small down arrow next to any of the frames and change the speed to your liking. (I’m going to use .06)
Step 3 - in that same tab of lines we’ll now click CONVERT TO VIDEO TIMELINE, which will change our Timeline to look like this:
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Step 4 - Back in our very TOP menu we’ll click SELECT > ALL LAYERS, then on the TOP menu click FILTER > CONVERT FOR SMART FILTERS (this might take your computer a minute since our File is still pretty large.) Now our Time line will look like this: 
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Step 5 - Sharpening
This one is VERY MUCH something you’re going to have to play with to get your settings to be how you like them. It’s also where I’d use topaz adjustments, BUT since I said we’re doing basic PS gif we’re just going to be using smart sharpening. SO: 
 in the TOP munu again, click FILTER > SHARPEN > SMART SHARPEN
A pop up window will appear and you can edit the settings to your liking. Mine:
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Step 6 - Resize your gif or crop it to tumblrs standards:  big singal gifs have a 540px width ||  Two gifs use 268px || and three gifs use 177/178px
To do this we’ll use the crop tool and type in our dimensions in the menu bar:
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and then crop to your liking. (this doesnt resize the gif it just crops to the correct ratio so we still have to shrink the gif) 
Next, we’ll resize the gif to that size in the TOP menu click IMAGE > IMAGE SIZE a pop up menu will appear and you’ll type in your resize ratio and click enter.
Now technically thats a gif. it’s TECHNICALLY done. but mine is white washed and there are words on it that I dont want so onto the coloring and blurring. 
First I’m going to show you how I blur text on gifs. because text is EVERYWHERE in kpop content and it’s hideous and I hate it. so lets kill it.
First we’re going to add a new blank layer to our LAYER TAB by clicking the little box with the + inside at the bottom
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Sometimes doing this can mess up the timeline’s selection but its SUPER easy to fix so lets do that. 
So in our timeline we have these two bars on each side that select what part of the gif will play. this is also where you can readjust your gif if it has extra frames at the end, or it ends up being too large and you have to make the gif smaller to save it. Just click and drag the bars back to where our gif actually ends, and all is fixed!
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Now on our new layer we’re gonna take a paint brush (one of the ones with a lot of fade NOT the solid circle ) and paint over where the words are like so:
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I know it looks stupid but trust me okay. 
Now in your LAYER tab we’re going to duplicate our gif layer by right clicking on it and selecting duplicate. 
Then we’re going to drag the new gif layer so that it’s above the paint layer in our LAYER tab :
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Now, right click on the top gif layer and select CREATE CLIPPING MASK. it should put a little down arrow to the left of the picture, toward the paint layer. This means the gif is ONLY visible where that paint is now.
So we’re going to click on FILTER in the TOP menu again (while we still have that top gif selected!) and Go to BLUR > GAUSSIAN BLUR. a pop up menu will appear and you can just drag the radius until the text is as blurry as you want it to be. (also IF you missed part of the text, you can just go add more paint to your paint layer and it will blur wherever you paint!) 
so now my gif is like so:
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So now we’ll color him, because he’s pretty washed out.
This is where I’m going to be the least specific about what I do and more about what tools do, so that you can learn how to color things the way you like them!
The Adjustment tab on Photoshop has 16 options but I’m really only going to talk about 6 of them. We’ll do it in order though. All the actual adjustment tools will open in the PROPERTIES tab
Brightness / Contrast  - Pretty self explanatory, but definitely should be toward the end of your coloring, as if can effect the quality a lot. Small adjustments do A LOT so don’t go crazy, 
Levels - Levels is all about the balance of how dar or light your gifs will be if you adjust in the RGB layer it will adjust for the entire image, but if you change the selection to RED/GREEN/BLUE it will adjust just those colors hues. Also there are three small droppers to the left of the graph. using those you can select which part of the gif you want the image to recognize as the lightest/darkest part of the gif, and the tool will adjust the gifs coloring to that point. ( play with those droppers! magic happens i swear!) 
Curves - Kind of like levels but instead of how light or dark the entire image is it works more on contrast. REALLY play with the curves options, i’m sure most things you can do with other tools can also just be done in curves if you’re patient enough to learn
Vibrance / Saturation -  Vibrance will make duller parts of an image higher contract and brighter and saturation will make everything a more neon shade. or in reverse lowering vibrance will dull out the things that were already neutral and saturation will dull out the more vibrant parts of the image (usually reds)
Color Balance - Good for fixing tones. so if a live stage is SUPER BLUE!!!!! you can readjust and calm down the blues to dull them out or get rid of them completely. Again play with this its insane what it can do 
Selective Color - adjusts the different colors in your image without touching the other colors. if you wanna touch the reds, make them pinker but not change the blues and greens, you do it here
If you want MORE drawn out explanations of what each of the 16 adjustment layers do here and here are actual articles you can look at.  But it’s all about practice. playing with all the adjustments alone and together. Finding out what you like to do!
Now when you gif is ALLLLL colored and you’re ready to save it we do FILE > EXPORT > SAVE FOR THE WEB and a whole new window of options pops up. I’ll give you two examples of how to play with those options and then we’re done! 
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keep in MIND tumblr’s gif limit is 10MB which is pretty huge now, but still watch your gif size!!!!
AND SAVE your done!
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I hope this was helpful! Let me know if you have any questions,again I’ll have an ask tag for it and it’ll get linked HERE if people end up needing help!
Happy giffing!!!
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epickiya722 · 3 years
8, 13, 24
8 - How do you develop your OCs?
It's a complicated adventure, honestly. I don't have a concrete plan as to how I develop OCs, but it depends on what I'm writing, I guess. For fanfictions, I try to write OCs like recurring characters. They'll pop up once in a while, but not enough to 'annoy' readers unless that's their purpose. When it comes to fanfiction, I don't write a lot of OCs because I just don't. However, if original works? Ah jeez, it's something crazy. While for FF, it's simple. For original works, I go through so many drafts and whatnot to make sure my characters are different. Here's a few things I do when making OCs.
Listen to playlists, pick songs I believe could work as 'theme songs' for characters.
Create moodboards. Sometimes, I'll put some pictures together that look good to me and then BOOM! Before I did this for practice, but now it works like a story board for me. A visual representation for how my character thinks, feels, looks like, etc.
Freewrite my story. Ever since I started writing (which was middle school), I realized planning does NOT work out sometimes. Creating charts and stuff makes me feel like I have to be perfect with everything and I have limits. So when I write without planning, I have free range. I just write the story and along the way, my characters develop and show off a piece of who they are. This tip is probably my most to-go step to do when I want to write.
Inspiration... mix 'n' match... I'm trying to think of a phrase/wording for this, but my brain is being stupid right now. Anyways! This is something I do when writing fanfics, but it helps too when I write original works. I don't copy a character down to the T, but I'll probably use a characteristic I like and use it for another character that I feel like is missing that piece. Example being my OC for my one of my BNHA fics. He's a second-year, General Studies student. I had an idea how I wanted him to look and act, but his quirk? Yeah, it was lost to me until I watched an episode of Charmed (2018) and decided on an emotion quirk seeing Maggie uses her powers. Come to think of it, is there anyone with an emotion quirk?!
Face-casting. Physical appearance is just as important as a character's personality. Looking through photos, I might see a picture of a person and go "Ooh, they look a character I can make up." The person could have heterochromia or maybe pink hair.
Despite what I said, making graphs can work, too! I can get stuck with freewriting so I'll make a graph or the like to keep track of my characters. Making sure I have their eye color down, hair, height, anything. I even add notes of what the character has done or whatnot so I don't have to go thirty pages back to one or two scenes.
13 - Do you prefer writing multi-chapter fics or single-part fics? Do you prefer reading multi-chapter fics or single-part fics?
Both for both. I like writing mult-chaptered fics especially for a whole plot I want to get into. Single chaptered are just as good, too. These are good to write for if I don't have time or a prompt that is meant to be short.
24 - Which fic of yours do you wish people would ask about more? Why?
Ooh, there's a lot of them. I don't get much questions about my stories since I don't post about them here. I do plan to on my other blog though! However, to pick there's 2 of them. One is a fanfic, yep. This one is posted, a comedy for BNHA. It's called 'Beware of the Bunnies' because, yes I am funny like that, don't judge! It's not that old, but I love it so much already because I headcanon that if Midoriya wasn't doing his Work Studies with the Endeavor Agency, it would be with Miruko. Miruko just needs to be acknowledged more honestly, not because she's attractive (she is though), but because she's just a fun character in general. And even though she has had little screentime (I read the manga, too), both her VAs are awesome in their work. I can see her and Midoriya going back and forth in funny convos.
Another fic is an original work and it hasn't been posted yet. This is the one I have been rewriting. I adore the story already even though I just started. It's the characters for me. And I just hope those who do read the story will ask questions about it. Even now if curious about the series and the cast.
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vln-vibes · 4 years
Unwanted, Unreliable, Unstoppable
Yeah so this thing is crazy long so I’m dividing it into three parts. Anyways this is very self indulgent but I hope you like the content.
Summary: They were tired, they were so so tired. This fight has been going on long enough, this war was getting harder and harder to fight as the years went on but no one ever helped; Not the citizens of Paris, not the French government and certainly not the Justice League. But what is they received help from a man that was practically a myth himself; the Batman.  Is this exactly what the Miraculous Team needs or will this lead to their falling from grace?
“I’m so tired of this!” Ladybug scratched at her head feverishly. Currently she was standing at the second most top of the Eiffel Tower with her team: Chat Noir, Ryuuko and Viperion.
“I know m’lady” Chat sighed, letting his cheerful mask take a break as he stood next to her, leaning into the railings.
“Those— Those assholes that call themselves the Justice League just keep ignoring us; it's like they just don’t give a shit about us” Viperion rolled his eyes. They had tried, time and time again, to get help from older, more experienced heroes with their situation in Paris; they were fucking teenagers thrust into an adult’s war. One they didn’t even care for anymore.
“They don’t care for Paris… Why should we?” Ryuuko spoke up, cold fury clear in her eyes. “If they cannot find the need to handle the Paris situation themselves then why must we be the ones to? No one even appreciates out efforts, its like they just want us to have everything handled”
It was true.
At first the Parisians praised the Dynamic Duo, Ladybug and Chat Noir, for stepping up and saving the city from the terrifying Akumas they had no way of handling. They even got the heroes to help out with things not in their jurisdiction; suddenly any crime, as minor or major as it could get, required their attention, any fire could not be handled by the fire department alone, schools needed the heroes to make guest appearances, they were wanted in television interviews, everyone needed to know everything about them. It was fine, for a while, they didn’t mind helping out.
Then Heroes’ Day happened.
Suddenly they were pathetic.
If they were supposed to be so strong then how come other heroes had to come to help? It had never occurred to them that they were chosen by Ladybug and Chat Noir, all they knew was that the duo was not as strong as they once believed.
After all it was just one criminal,
How hard could it be?
Sometimes, Ladybug wishes, she had just let Alya keep the stupid earrings. She was sure the girl would have taken them immediately at the time but, given her brashness and temperamental nature, she would have already lost to Hawkmoth.
Plus she didn’t blame the small kwami or even Master Fu all that much: She resented the man but still respected him very much and knew he went through the same thing as she did at an even younger age with absolutely no way out. She was aware that if she truly wanted to all she could do was just give the earrings to someone else or even hand them over. But Ladybug was stubborn and the earrings were her’s now, just like the ring was Chat’s, the choker was Ryuuko’s and the bangle was Viperion’s.
That didn’t mean this battle was theirs to fight.
“... Why don’t we leave?” Viperion asked, disturbing their silence. The trio looked at him curiously, as though he broke an unspoken rule.
“Why would we?” Ladybug responded, knowing fully well that Viperion didn’t tend to speak up unless he was certain of his words.
“Because they’re running us dry, this city is killing us” Viperion raised his voice, aware that they could already, “Adrien and Kagami are living shitty home lives with abusive assholes that want to call themselves parents. Mari, you’re being burdened with too much responsibility by that bitch Bustier and that class full of sheep! I hate seeing you all kill yourselves for people that will never appreciate it because they think they’re above it!”
At the end of his rant Viperion’s eyes were nearly glowing, his breathing a bit more rough than normal, looking away from his teammates knowing he stepped too far. “Sorry, but I don’t want my friends to die on me when I can do something to stop it”
Ryuuko, Chat Noir and Ladybug understood where he was coming from but it was like a slap on the face, a reminder of what civilian life was like for them. Ryuuko could feel the sting coming from her leg, where mother had hit with her shinai after failing to be in proper form. Chat Noir still felt the ache of having to do photoshoots all day and then staying up at night to have to do his make-up work; not that his father cared with his disregard of child labor laws. Ladybug still had some redness from bruises Alya had caused by tripping her on her way to class.
“... Okay so these are the sad gang hours” the group turned back seeing Roter Fochs land, Roi Singe and Pegasus landing behind them. The Parisians were really only aware of ‘The Core Four’ as they’d rather have some aces up their sleeves; not that the three were ready to confront the Parisian backlash just yet. They didn’t want to deal with anymore bullshit than they had to in their civilian lives.
“Is everything alright? Or is it just Life™?” Roi Singe asked, leaning onto his bo-staff next to Viperion.
“It takes 60 euroes to go to therapy but no money to say it just be like that sometimes” Roter Fochs shrugged, much to the dismay of Viperion, Roi Singe and Pegasus.
“Can you please stop joking about your mental health” Pegasus found himself groaning. A small hovering screen appeared next to him, a cowboy hat firmly attached to the top with an antenna sticking out.
“Yes studies show that LGBT youth have a higher percentage to suffer from depression, some even to the point that they𑁋”
“Thanks for the concern CowBot but, really, I’m fine; let me have my fun” Roter softly tapped the little robot. It was nice having people, well sentient beings, still concerned with his well being.
Suddenly the group tensed, their artificial ears and enhanced senses picking up a light clink, the sound of something quickly winding up followed. Two male figures landed in front of them, quickly surrounded by the Parisians. The taller one of the two quipped:
“Well aren’t you a merry bunch”
“Who are you and why are you here?” Chat Noir kept an icy cold edge to his voice, emulating how his father would talk to employees that weren’t Natalie.
“They’re not Akumas, no magic radiating off of them” Ladybug analyzed, looking closely at the duo but she couldn’t recognize them at all. The male that had spoken had a lean and relatively tall body, he couldn’t be more than four years older than her team, so around his late teens early twenties. He had long raven hair, his bangs framing his face perfectly, even in the moonlight she could tell he had a pale complexion though the black domino mask he sported helped hide most of it and his eyes. His uniform wasn’t one she recognized from any superhero from the League; black kevlar, if she had to guess, made up nearly the entirety of his suit, from his boots, pants and even gauntlets, heck she wouldn’t be surprised if his cape was bulletproof. One of the only things to bring color was his crimson chest piece, with two belts across it holding up a golden bird symbol, the same one on his canary utility belt.
“Tt, we just came here to talk” the smaller male scoffed, his posture not looking any more tense or relaxed, just attentive. His build was also lean like his taller partner though she could tell his body would be able to build more muscles with his broader shoulders. She assumed they were around the same age, his jawline defined but not to the same extent an adult’s would be. His hair seemed almost darker than that of his partner’s and was slicked back though maintaining most of its volume, a naturally tan skin was found beneath a green domino mask, much like his companion’s. His uniform was definitely more colorful, almost as if he was meant to garner attention(and boy wasn’t that concerning); black seemed to be the main color in his suit with the outer cape, pants and sleeves being that color, ruby red tunic that went beyond his belt with dandelion accents on its edges and a golden R over his heart, pine boots and gauntlets matching the shade of his mask with dandelion yellow covering the inside of his cape and hood as well as his own utility belt.
She had no clue who they were.
“And why should we trust you?”
“Because we don’t like the Justice League any more than you do”
One Week Ago
“Hey B, we found something interesting while reading the League’s data” Barbara Gordon’s voice echoed in the BatCave. Currently she and Tim were doing the weekly check-in on the League, something those heroes never seemed to notice. Not that they were surprised.
“What did you find?” Bruce asked, telling Duke and Damian to take a break from combat training while he did.
“There’s an alarming amount of distress calls from France, specifically Paris, that the League has been either ignoring or not receiving” Tim showed him the graph of all the history, going back at least three years closer. It was small at first, once every two months at the beginning, once a month when the second year began, every two weeks bordering on weekly near the end of it, by the start of the third it was daily until some time three months ago they just stopped.
Well wasn’t that cause for concern?
“Can we get any audio of the calls?” Bruce’s detective side coming up as Barbara was able to bring up a few that hadn’t been automatically deleted by the Justice League’s system. The first one was the very first from three years ago, a video call.
“Uh hello!” the girl on the video said awkwardly, clearly nervous but determined to get her message out, “My name is Ladybug”
Her costume looked like it was simply made by spandex, a rather plain design of red with black spots around, a domino mask with open lenses was the only thing really concealing her identity.
“Paris has a supervillain, his name is Hawkmoth and he feeds off of negative emotions. His power can turn anyone into his enslaved champion and we- my partner and I are the only ones really fighting this. I- I know you’re all really busy saving the world and all that but- but we’re just kids! We have no experience and well, we were hoping you can send someone to help? We’ve only confronted him three times now but well, we were just pushed into this”
Bruce could feel his blood growing cold, she couldn’t have been older than thirteen when this was recorded. He knew no Leaguers went on missions to Paris for the past five years… He told them to play the next video, from two years ago.
“Hello Justice League” Ladybug still wore her simple spandex though now standing tall next to a boy with a black cat leather outfit. Behind them was a girl with a bee themed outfit, a girl with a fox themed outfit and a boy with a turtle theme.
“We just came out of this Heroes Day disaster”
“No thanks to their help” the bee girl snapped before looking away.
“Look, Hawkmoth is getting more and more dangerous. He was able to transform half of Paris into his minions, they took over Paris and nearly won”
“What is it going to take you for you guys to finally help?” the cat boy growled much to the surprise of the others.
“Chat Noir!”
“Oh please we can totally handle Hawkmoth without them; you two should be enough already. With us three helping you, defeating him should be easy, power of teamwork and all that” the fox girl waved off, much to the surprise of the turtle.
“Rena did you seriously not remember what just happened. We were compromised, we nearly let Paris fall. We’re not trained for this, not even LB and Chat, and they’ve been doing this for the past year”
“What was the last transmission?” Bruce found himself asking as the cave suddenly grew silent, all eyes on the monitor as their last transmission played.
“Why are we even bothering with this?” a new male voice asked, the video was shaky before finally pointing at the Parisian streets. If you could even call what was essentially a river of water, reaching to the top of most rooftops streets anymore. Items were floating about, bodies littered around them.
“They’ll never listen, they never did” another female voice agreed, they assumed it was the girl at the corner of the screen, looking down on the streets in what could be described as pity.
“I know” Ladybug’s voice sighed from behind the camera. “But they should at least see the consequences of their actions”
“If they even bother watching these, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just delete these as soon as we send them” Chat Noir entered the screen, eyes cold and calculating.
“Paris should be thankful that Lucky Charm is able to bring them back” the male with the snake themed outfit shook his head. “This is probably the 1,000 time most of Paris died with an akuma, second with Syren”
“Super lucky” the dragon female rolled her eyes “It’s not even worth trying to save citizens since all they do is cretique us”
“And the officers; Apparently we should be able to deal with city-destroying being and protect the people at the same time while officers just stand behind the lines waiting for us to do both” Chat Noir hissed
“What's done is done. This will be our last call for the Justice League; I hope you’re all happy, knowing that you’ve forced children to grow up and fight in a man’s war. Bug Out”
“There are no records of these videos even being played, or even of these events happening as far as Parisian government records say. But there’s clearly a lot of cover up going on, most of Paris’ emergency broadcasting doesn’t make it out of its borders, heavy encouragement of tourism even though there have been complaints by the people about… akumas?” Tim reported as soon as the video finished playing.
“There’s even records of a city-funded statue being made for Ladybug and Chat Noir yet no indication of where it is or what its for” Barbara continued “This blog keeps coming up, it used to be called the Ladyblog before it switched to Fox Tea. Look at these videos”
The screens were suddenly filled with shots of these Akuma; one that froze the city over, one who controlled the weather, one who began dropping adults from the sky, Syren, Heroes’ Day… All of them had to be handled by scared children. 
“These look too real to be edited” Duke said in awe. He was very aware of his children all surrounding the screens, looking at the countless destruction of one of the major cities in the world.
And none of them had ever heard of them or these children who were forced to deal with it.
Ones who seeked out help and were never given the time of day.
“Red Robin, Robin” his two sons standing in attention “I want you to investigate the matter and offer our help; convince them that we’re on their side on not aligned with the League”
“We’re on it, Batman”
“So you just want us to believe you found out about us and suddenly want to help?” Roter Fochs looked at the duo skeptically. 
“We wish to assist you with this whole… situation. No one has heard of Akumas or of Parisian heroes before, we concluded that it may be the government attempting to keep tourism up” the shorter male, Robin, they later learned, spoke up while keeping his hands in the air.
“Though that doesn’t excuse the League, who we know you personally sent distress messages” Red Robin echoed the message “We understand the incompetence of the League better than anyone else. Did you know they never bothered to even open most of those messages?”
Red Robin was surprised by the sudden animalistic growling coming from the group, some of their eyes glowing while others looked disappointed.
Ladybug looked hurt.
“Who do you work for?” Ryuuko  asked, curious but not letting her sword lower from its position.
“We’re Robin and Red Robin”
“Like the food chain?”
“.... Yes. Anyway we’re vigilantes sanctioned in Gotham, New Jersey in the United States; we’re both proteges of the Batman” Red Robin held back the need to roll his eyes at the monkey boy’s statement.
“Never heard of him” the French heroes turned to each other, trying to see if the name rang any bells.
“According to the internet the Batman is almost a folklore for Gotham; people claim to see him and his array of birds and bats but none could ever get clear photos” CowBot replied after a quick search.
“If the League never saw our messages then how do you know about them?” Chat Noir stared right at them, as though he’d know they were lying, which he couldn’t but Roter Fochs could and would.
“Because we’re better than the League” Robin said with the same certainty one would say the grass was green.
“Why should we believe you?” Ladybug asked skeptically, if they were so good then why didn’t they handle what the League wouldn’t? Why didn’t they just try to take over the Hawkmoth situation without their input? Why didn’t they just take down the League by themselves?
“You shouldn’t, “ Robin shrugged once more “But we’ll actually help where the League wouldn’t”
Ladybug stole a look from Chat Noir, both turning to Roter Fochs, who shook his head softly indicating the duo wasn’t lying.
“If you really want us to talk then give us the coordinates to meet with the Batman” Ladybug demanded, Robin looked outraged at the implication while Red Robin nodded.
“Alright, but how will you know if we’re lying to you?” he asked curiously, typing something in his communicator, the center of his utility belt, before handing it over to her.
“Trust me, we know when you’re lying plus we’d know when we get there” Viperion smirked, “Also you can stand down now Bunnix, MultiMouse”
The duo were not surprised to see two figures standing behind them, one male with a mouse theme and rope wrapped around his hands, and a petite girl with a bunny theme and a sharp looking umbrella pointing straight at their backs. They were just surprised that they hadn't sensed them before.
“Did you get those coordinates, Pegasus?” 
“Yes Ladybug, waiting for your signal”
“Well then birdies, we better hope you weren’t lying or you’ll find Hawkmoth won’t be your biggest problem”
“Why don’t you guys like the League?” 
The meeting between the Bats and Team Miraculous had gone much better than any of them had expected; it had certainly helped when they found out one of their own, Agent A as they called him, was once a wielder.
They had both been surprised by the amount of members each team had: The Bats had expected Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuuko and Viperion; Roter Fochs, Pegasus, Roi Singe, Bunnix and MultiMouse had been a surprise.
Meanwhile Team Miraculous had only heard of whispers of Batman and many Robins, even a theory on a bat girl of sorts from their brief research; having Batman, Robin (V), Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Signal, Batgirl, Batwoman, and Black Bat not to mention Oracle and Agent A; they had almost thought it was an ambush.
They supposed they each knew how to keep certain secrets tight.
“The Justice League, though still consisting of some of the most powerful people in this Earth, are too high and mighty; none of them really consider the consequences of their actions and are too reliant on their powers to be able to resolve all their problems. None of them have any contingency plans if their enemies find out their weaknesses and exploit them. Not a single member is a ‘normal human’”
He pulled up a hologram in the middle of the meeting table, every person who's worked with  Justice League showing up, each showing their array of powers and abilities before showing their membership status.
Batman, Green Arrow, Speedy, Robin, Artemis; Non-Members
Two Green Lanterns, Captain Marvel, Black Canary, Bumblebee, Rocket, the Atom, Blue Beetle (II), Superboy; Reserve members with clearance.
“That does seem pretty discriminatory” Viperion hummed as he thought of the people on the list, those on the Non-member list had no power or enhancement at all while those on the reserve, with the exception of Captain Marvel and Superboy, had powers or suits but the vulnerability of humans.
They weren’t considered strong enough, or maybe even reliable enough.
“We’d probably be considered in the same capacity as a Green Lantern” Pegasus concluded “Take away their ring and their powers go away”
“Which brings us to the next question” Batgirl chimed cheerfully “What is it exactly that you’re facing off against?”
“The Miraculous are ancient artifacts that lend you the powers of certain godlings named Kwami. Kwamis are the essence of concepts and ideas: The Ladybug who represents Luck and Creation, the Black Cat who represents Misfortune and Destruction and Horse who represents Transportation and Innovation are just some examples” Ryuuko explained for them
“Hawkmoth is in possession of the Butterfly Miraculous of Metamorphosis and Desire along with the Peacock of Emotion and Will” Ladybug paused briefly as she saw the look of surprise on Agent A’s face, wondering if she’d feel that way if she found out Tikki was being used for evil in the future. “Both were thought to be missing, possibly destroyed, when the last Master of the Order was able to salvage them from the attack to the Temple of Miracles. He was only a child when the Temple was attacked, thus he was able to escape without being detected by the enemy”
“If I remember correctly,” Chat Noir interrupted “I believe Master Fu said their name was “The Shadows” or I think he said they now go by𑁋”
“The League of Shadows” Nightwing softly added, the air tensing immediately.
“You know of them?” MultiMouse was weary considering the Shadows were very keen on keeping to, well, shadows. That had to mean that the Bats had confronted them.
“Intimately so” Batman growled out.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bunnix’s brows furrowed underneath her mask, feeling as though they wouldn’t like the answer.
“The Shadows have been a pain in Gotham’s ass in the past” Batgirl explained before turning to Batman “Especially since the Demon’s Head was interested in having Batman as a Son-in Law, though his daughter is sometimes an ally”
“Batgirl!” Red Robin admonished
“Don’t forget the little demon over here” Red Hood joked, missing the look of shock in the Parisian heroes.
“Or the fact that it sometimes seems like he wants to get on Red Robin’s dick and have his babies”
“Batgirl, Red Hood that’s enough” Batwoman sternly looked at the duo.
“You’re saying Robin is related to the Shadows” the Parisian heroes in the Reserve Team looked at them suspiciously while the Core Four just patiently waited to see what the Bats would say.
“That’s in the past” Nightwing steely stated “He was born into that lifestyle, but his mother let him chose to leave and live a different life”
“We had no choice of who our parents were” Black Bat reinforced, the team taking a mental note that she was once a shadow as well.
“Noted” Chat Noir said cooly “Though you must understand our reluctance when hearing the Shadows; like we said the Shadows destroyed the temple that was meant to safeguard the Miraculous and killed off every Guardian in the process”
“It would be foolish of us to not be on guard when hearing of them being so close to us again” Ryuuko explained “Though we will give the benefit of the doubt”
And so was the beginning of their partnership.
“You’re all skilled fighters for not having any proper training” Oracle commended, looking at the statistics of the spars they all had, by far the Core Four had the strongest stats but it wasn’t because of the others’ lack of skill.
“Thank you, Oracle” Ryuuko bowed after finishing her match with Robin, an intense sword fight having just finished. If she had truly wanted to she could have ended it by cutting Robin’s katana but she found it both dishonorable and the easy way out considering they were testing skill sets. On the other side of the room was Red Robin and Roi Singe’s fight, bo-staff against bo-staff, being monitored by Black Bat.
“Oh kwami” Ladybug whispered as she and Chat Noir were called for the next match… against Batman and Batwoman.
“This is where we die Noir”
“It’s been an honor m’lady”
The fight had been entertaining, each side coming in with an array of attacks. At first the Bats had played offensive with the Miraculous duo playing defensive, dodging Batarangs and all their little gadgets. The Bats hadn’t expected just how durable the simple looking yo-yo and staff would be or any of its features.
At some point there had been a flash bomb, Chat Noir blocking it from Ladybug and getting temporarily blinded, Batwoman had planned on attacking while he was disoriented however the attack amplified his enhanced hearing, extending his staff and tripping her in the process.
In the end the Bats had won but it had been a close victory considering the Miraculous Team had not bothered to use their special abilities during any of the fights.
As they were taking a breather, resting and getting drinks, Robin spoke up.
“How are you allowing your city to step all over you?” Team Miraculous looked at him briskly before Red Hood, of all people, continued for him.
“We’ve seen the reports and the Parisian news, they’re relying on your team of four, considering they aren’t aware of the others, to be there to solve all their problems”
“It’s okay for your people to put so much trust in you but it's gotten to the point where they expect it of you” Robin concluded.
“I’ve tried telling them” Viperion sighed, facing his group “We really should be leaving Paris to handle their own problems, we’re busy enough in civilian life and akuma fights as it is”
“How do you suppose we do that when we already face scrutiny for not dealing with Akumas fast enough?” Chat Noir asked, his tail flickering behind him.
“You could always stop patrolling in broad daylight if you don’t want to leave the city altogether” Red Robin suggested, “Hiding in the night is easier to avoid any authority or anyone trying to get interviews. Plus this way it's less predictable where you’ll be certain hours of the day”
“He does make a good point” Ladybug said, mostly to herself, before nodding “I think it's a good idea”
“You heard her team,” Chat Noir turned to face the others “All for stopping daylight patrol?”
All of them nodded in agreement, the beginning of a long list of necessary changes in their lives.
“My father is planning a press conference to talk about his ‘concerns’ with the lack of your appearances” Chloe rolled her eyes. A year ago, after the Heroes’ Day Disaster, she and Carapace had chosen to stand down while Rena was ultimately retired. She’d found out about Adrien when she went for a visit only for him to jump in through the window.
It was awkward between the two of them before they called for Ladybug.
She gave her neutral face of disappointment first before making a plan.
They were all aware that Lila must have been the one to start the disaster, being Volpina was the only explanation, as Ladybug confessed that Lila had a vendetta against her. Chloe also figured she must have been lying, something she had already suspected before, about being in another country considering Hawkmoth’s attacks only stayed in Paris.
Due to Chloe’s secret identity being out in the open they realized Hawkmoth wouldn’t be above targeting her family again. Thus Chloe became Ladybug’s spy.
Meanwhile in civilian life Nino was getting tired of Alya and Lila’s antics, especially the ones against his bros Adrien and Marinette. Well more against Marinette and more sexual harassment/getting together with Adrien. That’s not even touching on their newest content on the blog which was just criticizing the Miraculous Team for all their weaknesses and shortcomings, in the guise of offering “suggestions” on how to get better. 
They thought it’d be good to have an inside man, someone who could warn them of anything Lila and Alya might come up to.
They were both the secret members of Team Miraculous.
“Holy shit are you serious?” Nino exclaimed in Chloe’s room. They’d all come in secretly and by different entries to meet up in case certain nosy classmates had spotted them.
“Yep, I may or may not have threatened my father with a lawsuit against his violation of child labor laws and me not receiving my paychecks” Adrien said excitedly.
Chat Noir had made an off-hand comment on how his father had tired him out with a packed work schedule. This resulted in prodding from the mother hen known as Nightwing asking for details which ended in Chat Noir confessing that he works for his father’s company, had been homeschooled most of his life and often had a packed schedule full of extracurriculars, including up to around 12-hour work days sometimes. Turns out with that brief information Oracle informed them that his father was violating child labor laws due to the fact that he had worked more than thirty five hours a week since he was fourteen.
“Holy shit” he’d say in awe at the moment “My father is rich though… who knows if this would even go through with his influence”
“No man is truly above the law” Nightwing had given him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, “But… is everything alright in your home life?”
“I- I shouldn’t say anything that reveals my identity… '' the usually chaotic boy said solemnly, his cat ears downcast.
“Chat Noir,” the group turned to Ladybug, the one who’d help introduce her team to the life of masks and magic “Your own safety is much more important than keeping your identity safe. We both know the kind of person your father is… I’d rather you have the best options possible to face this”
“How come you’re so fast to trust us?” Robin asked, surprised but keeping a stern face.
“You do realize that she has the coordinates to this place, right?” Viperion smirked “She’s known who you are for a while and never mentioned anything. We just expect you to return the courtesy”
“That seems about right” Red Robin sighed before taking off his mask, the others of the Bat Clan following suit. Team Miraculous gave Ladybug one last look before dropping their own transformations, some of them looking familiar to the Gothamites.
“Marcus is that you my boy?” Agent A, otherwise known as the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth made his way to MultiMouse who nodded shyly. 
“I actually go by Marc now great-uncle Alfred”
“Wait what, Al has siblings?” Stephanie exclaimed, Jason was whispering for Tim to write it down in The Book.
“Yes, an older half-sister” he said with an impeccable raised brow “I would have never thought you’d follow after my footsteps Marc”
“I guess it does run in the family”
“Adrien Agreste! Like son of the fashion mongul Gabriel and late actress Emellie Grande de Venily?!” Stephanie exclaimed as soon as she focused on the blonde teen.
“Yep” was all he could find himself saying, taking comfort in Marinette’s presence next to him.
“Don’t worry Adrien,” the boy looked up to the slightly intimidating looming figure of Bruce Wayne “We’ll help you deal with your father”
“Boys” Bruce had said as soon as he entered the living room, where the group had devolved into a video game competition. “Remember tomorrow is your monthly therapy session”
“Already?” Damian groaned, his brothers, with the exception of Dick, looking like they would rather not go.
“Timmy isn’t prepared to face his inner demons” 
“And it seems Timmy hasn’t slept in some time again, hasn’t he?” Luka teased, continuing to run his hand through Tim’s hair, the boy practically purring in response.
“You have a therapist?” Marinette asked Bruce skeptically.
“We’ve all… gone through things growing up. Alfred made me realize that we were all in need of some help”
“And do you umm… talk about your nightly activities?”
“They’re trustworthy and confidential, yes”
“Do you think you could give me their information?”
That’s how Team Miraculous found themselves on the day after another akuma attack, in a private room within Wayne Tower, each waiting their turn to see the doctor.
“You’ve been through alot Luka” the teen was lying on his back, facing the ceiling as the psychologist who worked with Bruce talked. “Losing what you’ve come to accept as your family, watching your friends die, even though you knew you could change the outcome. Doing it over and over again in order to save the city… It's not something anyone could be expected to handle, let alone a child your age”
“I… I know Dr.Quinzel. But I can’t allow myself to feel guilty over everything or even get overly emotional. If Hawkmoth found out it’d be a disaster, especially because Marinette trusted me with the miraculous… the first for her to assign full time as the Guardian…. I can’t let her down” Luka gave her a lost look, one rarely seen on the charming boy before.
“Keeping all of that inside… It could fester up and explode if you’re not careful Luka”
“So you’re telling me that you are perfectly fine with how your life at home is going, Nathaniel? Even after everything we’ve discussed”
“Look I’ve tried telling my parents they were wrong but they just keep saying I’m confused, not to mention think my art is a joke… and maybe they’re right”
“Those are important parts to who you are. Saying that would be like considering yourself a mistake… Do you feel that way Nathaniel?”
“I think I have pretty bad taste in girls, though my friends usually call me a himbo for not really thinking things through. Maybe I should think before acting more?”
“I’ve known I was going to become Bunnix ever since I was fourteen, it was always just a matter of when. So when I was finally called to action I was so excited but… I can’t help but wonder if I’m cut out for this”
“My mother has groomed and taught me to be perfect at all I do. It was something ingrained to me since I was a child; It wasn’t until recently that I learned that is impossible to achieve. Why was mother so pertained to me being it?”
“I know I’m the smart guy but I shouldn’t be expected to have all the answers, especially for my classmates who refuse to look at evidence as it is. Seriously, if I had known they would have taken my comment about how dangerous a napkin can be as pure fact then I would have not said anything that day”
“Sometimes I feel like I’m not enough for my grandmother. She’s getting older, she’s starting to forget a lot. I help by telling her things like stories but I’m not sure how long that will last… She’s the only family I have left in Paris, I don’t want to leave my friends or boyfriend behind”
“My father has always been a distant man but ever since my mother… I’m not sure if he even sees me as his son at this point. There are some days I’m treated as nothing more than a trophy boy or a regular employee. I wonder if this would have happened regardless of my mother’s passing”
“I am Ladybug, I am also the last Guardian. But I’m just a teenager! I have a life I want to live outside of Paris… I want to be a designer, start my own brand, find love and have my own family… But Hawkmoth is in the way of all that”
“Are you sure about this LB?” Nino asked from the terrace of Chloe’s penthouse. They’d been talking strategy when an Akuma attacked, given the chaos displayed by the news via LadyBugOut livestream, they could only assume it was another Volpina attack.
Unfortunately Volpina had a Sentimonster to help, Reality Check. A glorified 3D printer who could temporarily make Volpina’s illusions tangible and real.
It had proven to be a difficult battle, especially since Luka and Adrien had been caught up as civilians and couldn’t help Ryuuko and Ladybug. The others still had to wait for Ladybug to give the signal before they’d consider going out to help in broad daylight lest their hidden cards be revealed too soon.
In the middle of the fight the two heroines had made a strategic retreat, one the Fox Tea blogger did not hesitate to call the coward’s way out. Suddenly the two appeared at Chloe’s along with Roter Fochs. The scarlet hero had taken out two familiar boxes with extremely familiar jewelry inside. 
“I’m certain of it” she said with a determined smile, “Besides this could finally get Hawkmoth and maybe even Alya off your backs if I introduce new heroes; Of course your costumes will have to be different, as will your codenames, but I trust that you’ll know what to do”
“Hello my queen!”
“What’s up dude”
Paris was in uproar when they heard of the new heroes; Abeille and Anselm.
Abeille’s costume was much more armored than that of Queen Bee’s; the whole suit had a honey yellow bodysuit with black armor pieces, her chest piece in the shape of a bee’s face, black elbow length gloves with some honey stripes, thigh high black boots with honey kneepads. Her own mask was different from her former as it changed her eyes to royal blue like Pollen’s while being honey colored with black v shaped lines. The golden gauntlets on top of her gloves would be able to send out small shocks, capable of stunning enemies for small intervals at the time, nowhere near as potent as Venom.
Anselm’s own attire was not so different from Carapace; Anselm still kept the hoodie his predecessor did though beneath it is where the differences began. Anselm wore a pine green helmet, yellow tinted goggles on top of his red eyes, with pale thin daffodile lines going from the top to the bottom of his hood. The hoodie and his undersuit was sacramento green, bordering on black, though the majority of the suit was also armored with pine pieces like the hexagonal chest piece, shoulder, thigh, shin, knee and elbow pads. He also had much thicker gauntlets than Abeille’s along with armored gloves and reinforced sneakers.
Of course, Chloe Bourgeois and Nino Lahiffe were quickly off of the suspect list when the two were spotted separately looking for shelter amongst the Akuma attack during Fox Tea’s livestream.
“So you’re part of the OG Team huh?” Stephanie asked as she gave a once over to the two newcomers.
“Deep undercover missions, you know how they go” Abeille scoffed, her honey blonde hair swaying along with her five black streaks around it.
“What she said. We couldn’t help as Queen Bee and Carapace anymore, compromised identities, so we helped as civilians before covering our tracks and coming back” Anselm tried to keep back Chloe’s prickly personality.
“Like what?” Cass’ appearance startled the two, though both looked like they were about to draw out their weapons.
“Well I get them intel from what’s happening in the mayor’s office that Max and Markov can’t get out from the computers, daddy is a bit of a pushover and squeals pretty easily”
“While I get intel from Fox Tea’s disastrous dude duo. I’m usually among the first to find out about anything their plotting… though I’ve had to drop that. It was getting too much for me to continue being with Alya so we broke up”
“So you kept dating Cesaire just to gather intel? Doesn’t that seem manipulative?” Duke asked from his seat on the monitor, the two Parisians looked at one another before beginning to laugh.
“Not compared to what those two are capable of”
“Are you sure about this?”
Currently Viperion, Ladybug and Bunnix were on the Gotham rooftops, shadowing the Bats for the night. The three were honored to be trusted with the responsibility but still felt foreign in the much darker environment, literally and metaphorically.
“It’ll be a good experience” Oracle said in their ears, their comms being synced to those of the Bats “And you won’t be alone, I’ll be here and so will your partners”
Right on cue Robin, Red Robin and Black Bat landed on the same rooftop. The plan was for the six to cover the patrol for the night, the others would be getting rest or doing specialty training with their abilities. It was a surprise for the Miraculous gang when it was revealed that Signal and Red Hood would be joining them as fellow trainees. Alfred and Black Canary, a metahuman who often worked together with Green Arrow in Central City, would be in charge of the training while Bruce also oversaw their progress.
Honestly they hadn’t known what surprised them more: the fact that Batman had metas on his team or that he trusted other heroes with the training of his children.
“It should be a regular night; standard mugging, gang fights and possible robberies should be all that happen tonight”
Of course that was not what happened.
As it turned out Riddler had escaped Arkham, no surprise, and had gone too long without his medication. Edward Nygma was usually a pretty tame man, if a little eccentric with his love of riddles and his brilliant mind.
He decided to hold Gotham Grand Terminal hostage.
Ladybug was decidedly trying not to panic as she saw the very obvious bombs spread across different sections of the terminal. There were too many for them to deactivate in less than three minutes and there were probably more hidden around.
“Riddle me this; What is Joan of Arc made of ?” Ladybug and Robin were the first to arrive at the scene, Viperion and Red Robin being the closest to coming as back up. Robin seemed as confused as she felt but decided to really think about it…
This was so stupid.
“Maid of Orleans” the look Robin gave her, like she just made the most foolish decision of her life, was seen spread across the faces of hostages before Riddler began to laugh.
“Why you are correct, little red” he wiped a tear from his eye “Bats would never think of something so punny like that!”
“Yeah well I’ve had a lot of experience with annoying puns”
“What’s colorful, loud and is a mess to clean up?” Ladybug’s eyes widened as he pressed the big red button on the remote control, Robin bringing Ladybug down and shielding her as the hostages began to scream.
“...Confetti cannons” Ladybug muttered, her whole body covered in the colorful paper pieces with glitter in the mix.
That son of a bitch!
It was April 1st.
“So what is it that we’ll be doing?” Bunnix asked as Black Bat silently leaped through the Gotham rooftops, camouflaging effortlessly with the shadows unlike her because of the white and baby blue costume she had on.
“You two will be checking up on Red Hood’s sector for the night, Crime Alley” Oracle’s voice responded for her.
“Right, so is this just a standard patrol?”
“Something like that”
Bunnix was admittedly a bit nervous about being with Black Bat, Cass didn’t really talk much and was kinda hot. Bunnix had just dutifully shadowed her, staying as quiet as she could even if she did more parkour than necessary, when they stumbled upon a drug deal. Bunnix was about to go down to smack some people around with her umbrella when Black Bat shook her head.
“One of Red Hood’s men, let’s wait to see the deal go through”
Bunnix wasn’t sure what to think as she watched the deal go down. Weren’t they supposed to be the ones to stop this from happening and not helping them? It was a bit confusing and against her moral code…
“We do this to keep the kids out of the involvement” Oracle seemed to read her mind, explaining their reasoning “Before Red Hood decided to get involved with drug trafficking Crime Alley was full of children who would be taken advantage of by dealers; whether it meant getting them addicted or becoming their messengers and delivery boys. He made it very clear to his ‘allies’ that no child from Crime Alley was getting involved in their plans again or else the deals were off. Those who tried going above him… well they’re no longer around to try and take him down”
Still that did not help ease Alix’s worries as the night continued on. Black Bat came to a sudden stop on top of a warehouse, gesturing for Bunnix to follow behind her, and climbing in through a shattered window. Inside were dozens of wooden crates, each with cameras pointed at them and only one with an open lid. Black Bat walked towards the open crate with ease, going inside and taking out three duffle bags from inside. She placed two on her, criss-crossing each other before handing the other one to a reluctant Bunnix.
The tow then headed to a hidden tunnel underneath one of the empty crates, making their way in a closed (?) Gotham sewer. It didn’t smell as disgusting as Alix imagined it would be, musky at best, though she thought that it may be due to the fact that there was no dirty sewage water there. They walked in relative ease, essentially walking for what had to be at least 15 minutes in numerous twists and turns before reaching a ladder. The two got out, Bunnix recognizing it as part of Crime Alley with how run down the area looked.
Black Bat knocked on a rusting steel door, three times, five, once and then a tap with her palm.
The door opened up, a boy no older than 12 being the ones to greet them.
“Where’s R.H?” he questioned, he looked disappointed but not alarmed, clearly he had met Black Bat before.
“Was busy. This is Bunnix, she’s helping for the night” The boy was clearly unimpressed with her but he closed the door and led them down the long hallway. She noticed the few scattered toys along the way, with some open doors showing mountains of writing supplies and even a little library.
What was this place?
“This is Red Hood’s sanctuary for the kids of Crime Alley” Black Bat whispered next to her “Batgirl and Red Hood are usually the ones to come here though all of us have come at some point.” they entered the large room showing children of all ages, some as young as infants and others looking close to early adulthood. They dropped the duffle bags in front of what she thought was the leader of the pack when Red Hood wasn’t around.
They were filled with non-perishable food, wads of money that will probably be used to provide for the group of 30 or even more for the next month, toys, books and some new clothes.
As the children gathered around, each a little dirtier than Alix remembered ever being as a child, lining up to get a new something that Red Hood got for them she couldn’t help but think;
… Maybe things were never so black and white.
“I know it may seem frightening, even unnerving, to let go of your control but if you keep your powers bottled up it may prove to be disastrous in the future” Black Canary told the group of teens.
“With abilities bestowed to you like those of the Miraculous are left untrained then it may prove to lead to your downfall” Alfred nodded along to Dinah’s words.
“As capable as Ms.Lance and I are, we have realized that we would need further assistance to properly be able to train each of your abilities”
From one of the Batcave’s entrances they could hear the screech of tires before a slick black car parked next to the Batmobile and Hoodcycle.
“Sorry, we’re late” a red headed woman said as she stepped out of the car, her pale freckled skin slowly gaining a green tint to it as she removed her lab coat and glasses, “Selina here thought she could make a quick steal on our way here”
“Oh c’mon Pam, you know you love the rush as much as I do” a tanned woman laughed, twirling around a golden necklace with one of the biggest rubies they had ever seen in its center.
“Now, ladies; Pam-a-lamb has a class of powered kids to teach” they recognized Dr.Quinzel belatedly as she was missing her glasses and uniform. She was now wearing a much more colorful array of clothes with the consistent theme of red,black, and white. Her skin seemed paler than they remembered and her blonde hair had red tips on one side and blue on the other.
“Hey girls” Barbara came down the elevator at the same time as Stephanie and Cass, seemingly cutting their conversation when she saw the newcomers”
“Babs!” Dr.Quinzel exclaimed, making her way to the other girls after giving a quick kiss to the green skinned woman.
“Well you’re right on time Pam” Dinah sighed, cocking her hip before pointing at the newcomers “These are Dr.Pamela Isley otherwise known as the Gotham Rogue Poison Ivy, Selina Kyle a more vigilante type thief Catwoman, and, of course, you know Dr.Harleen Quinzel or as she prefers to go by Harley Quinn”
“Hey kittens” Selina waved at the group “By the way it's been too long since we girls have hung out; how’s about a Birds of Prey raid? You in?”
“Only if Oracle agrees” 
“Oh pleasepleasepleaseplease!” Stephanie and Harley’s persistent pleading could be heard immediately afterwards. A polite cough interrupted the chaos.
“As enthusiastic as you ladies are for your plans, may I remind you that we have prior plans to care for first. Namely the training”
“Sorry Alfie” Harley said, chastised, “We’ll get out of your hair. C’mon ladies!”
“...So training?” Marc asked
“What happened to you?” was the first thing Kim laughed out as the duo stepped into the cave, leaving a trail of confetti and glitter behind. Marinette looked back at her team, unimpressed, in their own state of disarray.
Chloe, Max, Marc and Nathaniel seemed to be nursing their own cases of migraines; most likely having pushed the limits of their own new abilities which relied on mental fortitude. Chloe and Jason’s powers were the most similar to Alfred’s which involved manipulating and projecting thoughts and ideas to the people around them or to specific targets. Nathaniel was developing the power to create illusions that only his target would be allowed to see. Marc could create intangible clones of himself but could still project what they were seeing and hearing to him. Max could teleport objects a few meters away from or towards him.
Kagami, Kim, Adrien and Nino seemed the most physically exhausted. Kagami was beginning to have slight control of fire, wind and water but not yet conjuring it; given her slight burn marks, wet clothes and messy hair Marinette would guess that she still hadn’t fully grasped the manipulation aspect outside of being Ryuuko. Kim’s own face was dirty and slightly bruised and matched that of Adrien’s. Kim had begun to use his chaotic energy to make the wackiest things happen but to have the outcome he wanted while Adrien could suck the luck out of people for small intervals lest he want to have the misfortune backlash cling on him. Nino’s was more tame though he now had to focus on two things since he could now use his energy to both heal and to create a shield that encompased his body like armor.
“Oh god you guys look like messes!” Alix laughed along with Luka, the only two that looked fine as they had a fairly tame patrol with Cass and Tim.
“Next time I see Riddler remind me to throw a glitter bomb” Marinette grumbled as she made her way to the showers.
“Not before I stab him with his stupid cane” Damian growled heading for the male showers.
“So how long till Daminette guys?” Adrien asked
“Definitely before the end of the year” Duke concluded, the others not being sure if he used his power or not.
“I’ll take you up on that. I’ll bet we make more money than with Red Scales” Stephanie laughed.
“Red Scales?” Luka asked curiously before the others yelled out.
“Okay how come no one warned me about that!” Jason yelled as he came out of the Cave’s entrance. The group either gave questioning or amused looks.
“Oh, so you saw that too?” Alix asked, perched from one of the sofa’s armrests.
“You assholes could have given me a heads up” he complained before groaning into a sofa “God, someone get me some bleach”
“What’s Jaybird talking about?” Dick asked, coming in from the kitchen with an array of snacks for the rowdy bunch of teeneagers.
“Oh just Timbers getting some with the big bad snake boi” Stephanie sang, causing Jason to groan and Dick to choke on his own spit.
“More like trying to eat each other’s tongue out” Nathaniel responded in disgust.
“Timmy, no!” were the words the oldest yelled out before heading into the Batcave in record time.
“Anyway,” Stephanie began “It’s time to pay up bitches. Marinette and Cass get the loot”
“Hmm, so I guess that’s what fresh blood splatters looks like” Chat Noir said in morbid interest.
“Well it's certainly more noticeable than dried blood” Viperion nodded along, watching as Red Robin and Red Hood carried out the interrogation from a one-way mirror. There was a new gang who specialized in child trafficking, most of the kids coming from Crime Alley and therefore not getting reported to the police; luckily they had Red Hood looking out for them.
“Yes, well we are here to see how they carry out their investigation and get used to all the squeamish things” Ladybug gave a calculated look, as though she herself were in there and what she would do to get the information out of the man they captured earlier that night.
“Do you guys think this sort of thing is going too far?” MultiMouse asked curiously, he was beginning to grow a bit uncomfortable with the amount of blood the man had begun to lose. 
“I mean this asshole deserves it” Roter Fochs glared “I don’t think it's too much if it means saving all those kids”
“Standing on the edge of what is seen as a hero𑁋”
“Let’s you see all the things you can’t from the center” Ryuuko watched as the man was forcibly being held back up by Red Robin after Red Hood slammed his face on the interrogation table. 
“World is not black and white” Black Bat spoke from next to them “Many shades of gray in between; We are in the gray”
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kryptonitearcade · 3 years
WEEK 1 - Techno Insights
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Once Self Assessment for me really helped me realize things that I need to know in order for myself to be aware of my actions, emotions, and everyone who I encounter everyday.
I always have a rule with my friend that if there is something you think is wrong or something has changed we better speak up candidly and we take it through ourselves and evaluate.
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My Pesonality Test Shows that I'm more likely Extroverted somehow rather than before. Yes, The test is true. I do think always on how to interact to everyone around me that sometimes leads me to overthinking rather than facing it.
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In this Second Personality Test, I'm at least Glad and Happy that Most of the traits in the graph shows how I work and do things Nowadays. Because in the past I think My Overall average was 72% and still the highest was the Collaboration yet seeing this results came to me that I think through out the years I've really grown out and put the differences aside nor smashed all the barriers, just letting it everything flow. I'm truly glad that I am in the right track.
Change is Inevitable.
Its Up to everyone whether to fight and live with it or run from it. Life is short, I think for me today being spontaneous sometimes can make you try things unimaginable and crazy but will help you assess and grow at the same time.
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manikrege · 3 years
For 'gifted' kids who feel like a disappointment
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You ever wanted to become an astronaut? I think we all did. At some point in our childhood. Back then, the stars and moon felt so close. Power Ranger transformations looked realistic. And getting an A+ was just a matter of focusing on your studies one week before the exam.
But above all, life was fair. You work hard, you get rewards. I remember teachers telling me how I was going to be so happy & successful after my 10th board exams. Of course, they postponed that promise until after my 12th, then my graduation, then my MBA ... and now they joke about how marriage is the true final test.
Part of me wants to believe in their simple idea. But it's starting to crack. Because I know for sure that I gave my 100% at the job. I was still fired. I know for sure that I wrote those blogs and manuscripts with all my heart. They were still rejected. I'm confident that I gave that relationship all the time and love I could've given. It still ended.
All of a sudden, I don't feel like I'm the gifted kid they told me I was. I'm no longer a topper, a front runner, a prodigy with all the potential, or an obvious winner on my way to conquer the world.
It's not like I'm a complete mess or failure. It's just this uneasy & humbling discovery that I'm actually average in many areas, and even terrible at some things that come easily to my friends. It's the discomfort of realizing that lagging behind somewhere is inevitable.
It hit me when an aunty asked me about what I'm up to nowadays, and I felt afraid to tell her that I'm taking a break to figure out my next steps. I guess I didn't want to show that I've burned out, lost my way, or worse, extinguished my 'spark.' I guess I didn't want to look like a disappointment.
But I really do. I feel like I was slowly climbing to the top of this roller coaster and now that I'm here, all I can see is a plain straight line for a few miles ahead. No ups and downs. No crazy loops. No thrilling adventures. Instead, a patch where I'm supposed to stumble and fumble. A middle that just doesn't seem to end. Between being a carefree, city-exploring, movie-going, third-year student and a responsible, settled adult. Just between these phases, you get it?
It gets complicated when I look around. Just yesterday, we were all skipping class to catch 'Endgame.' And now everyone's on their own trajectory, spread across the world, chasing different dreams and goals. I see friends getting excited to announce their milestones on LinkedIn. Getting hired by big fish. Securing scholarships in Ivy leagues. Launching their own startups. I mean, how the fuck is everyone getting featured in Forbes' 30 under 30?
Look, I really want to be happy for all of them. But at some point, we all start to compare a little, don't we? Especially those of us who've always been a little competitive.
When I was reflecting on these feelings last night, I thought about how the problem started in statistics class. When Radhika ma'am drew a straight line pointing upward and forward from 0 to 100 on the graph. And we were told: "This is how success looks like." A steady consistent burn towards status, security, fame, and money. And until recently I didn't realize how much that model was hurting me (well, I've always thought that math is shit anyway).
Because if I look back at myself and people I'm proud of, our growth has been anything but linear. Sometimes you take a step back, sometimes you go in circles for years, sometimes you say "fuck it" and abandon the axes to run away into some other dimension. Growth is not always beautiful. In fact, it can be very messy. It hides in pain, dances behind self-doubt, smiles in suffering, and celebrates obstacles. Which is why we don't always recognize it as it's happening.
Growth is also seldom tagged on Instagram or vlogged about on YouTube, only it's end products are. We don't see the hardships, the mistakes, the pressures, the embarrassments, the anxiety, the stress, and the crushing disappointments that come hand in hand with shining 'talent' ... Tweets and Stories are too short to fit all this heavy baggage that's part of everyone's journey.
Lastly, growth is also very unfair. It doesn't always lead to meaningful or positive results. Sometimes its only job is to make us hurt. You don't always become stronger or better. You don't always come out smiling. You cannot have full control. You can do everything you possibly could've done and still lose. You can try, try, and fail in spite of all your attempts. Shit will just happen for no reason, serving no purpose. Not all dots will connect.
And that's something I'm learning to make peace with. I'm learning to normalize:
Not having a plan for everything
Fucking up even when I was prepared
Needing help or guidance from others
Taking a gap year for my mental health
Not only depending on my 'strengths'
Being just another guy in the crowd
Letting others take center-stage
Helping others without feeling threatened
So here I am. Excited to announce something, too. Excited to announce that I'm currently not doing, winning, or being great at anything. Because there's nothing wrong with sitting out a match every now and then. A hunch tells me that I'm going to hit the ball out of the park when I get back.
Hold on, Manik. Hold on.
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caysophia · 3 years
Danielle Moonstar x Reader (f)
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Y/n pov
I walked down one of the many hallways in this place, Passing the dorm hall. I looked down, hearing footsteps echo to a room. It was Reyes and girl, she was in the light blue clothes everyone is put in when they come here. Reyes opened a door and they walked in.
"new girl... wow," I said to myself and walked to the common rooms to go tell the others. We haven't gotten anyone new since Roberto, and that was a while ago. I wonder what her power is? why is she here though, she must have done something bad...
I walked into the common room, Rahne watching a movie on the old Philips TV, Illyana doing the same. Sam and Roberto were playing a round of Foosball. I tapped on the door and walked through "Hey!" I greeted and elbowed Sam's back, not as hard as to hurt him. Roberto nodded, focusing on the game. Illyana looked from behind the couch "Hey Copycat." with a laugh. Illyana isn't that bad, she's just scared. Rahne waved not looking up from the TV.
"Whatcha doing?" I heard Sam ask, I turned to him "I don't know." and jumped on the couch "Eh! We gotta new gal." That caught Rahane's attention "eah just came in. Probable 2 days ago. She just woke up." and turned around.
"I wonder if she'll be a group?" I questioned "Probably, I would think" Sam answered stopping the game "I wonder whys she here? We haven't gotten anyone new, or well since I came. At Least." Roberto asked the foosball game now over. I shrugged "I wonder what her powers are?" Illyana asked.
" I don't know but, we'll find out soon. I0 think, Faster then Roberto's, that's for sure." I said in a teasing tone, Roberto scoffed " Yeah ok, printer." I gasped and started laughing "That's not even good! that's trash dude, try again." Rahne chuckled turning off the TV, and cleared her throat "We have group soon, we should get ready." and stood up, I waved to her as she left.
I'm going to go take a shower, see ya." Roberto said leaving the room as well, the same thing with Illyana. I and Sam said goodbye to both of them. I leaned forwards putting my arms on my knees, Cracking my knuckles "this shit sucks."
"I know." sam said with a groan, falling to the chair on the side of the room.
3rd person, group
" Rahne why don't you go first, tell us about the time you first changed." Reyes started turning towards Rahne"I-' she was cut off as the door opened and in walked a girl with flannel on. Her hair was short, about to her shoulders and kinda wavy.
"This is Danielle Moonstar."Reyes start "For real?" Roberto laughed, Reyes glared at him "Oh, you're serious." Y/n gave a little chuckle to his stupidity, " you can sit right there." Reyes said pointing to the empty chair next to sam.  Reyes smiled at Rahne " Continue." Rahne nodded and started to tell her story again.
Y/n sunk into her chair, she pulled her hat down covering a little bit of her face. She couldn't stop looking over at the new girl, Danielle. the way her hair fell on her shoulders, in such pretty waves. Y/n jumped hearing Illyana yell " I'm done." she stood up throwing her jacket over the shoulder "wonderful, can you show Danielle around. since your up." Reyes asked her with a smile, Illyana argued with her. Giving in and leaving the room with her.
The session finished about 15 minutes after.
Danielle's POV
I and then stood up from the table we were eating at "Who are these people?" I asked, I don't know anyone names. Rahne smiled at me "Ok, That is Y/n and Sam." Rahne pointed " They are twins. Both are really smart if you have a question about really anything. Go to them."   The two looked up 'they looked like twins.' i thought to myself Y/n smiled before looking back down at a notebook.
"that's Illyana, she's kinda crazy. Y/n and she are friends, they are quite close. connected right away. So watch out if you mess with one of them." Rahne gave a small chuckle to me "Okay, got it." I laughed "but don't worry Y/n is nice, just like sam. she's one of the 'goodies'."
We walked up to a guy with headphones on "This is Roberto." He smiled "New girl, Puppy." and took our trays.
I looked at Rahne "That's everyone?" she nodded "Yup, Sam and Y/n Guthrie, Illyana Rasputin, and Roberto da Casto. That's everyone. And Dr.Reyes, of course." we both laughed, I looked around the room one more time before Rahne and I left. Y/n was looking in our direction, I gave her a small wave and a smile. She nodded her hat and turned around.
3rd person
A few days later
Illyana, Roberto, Sam, and y/n ran past Dani's room "What are you guys doing?" Rahne asked, "Attic, you coming?" Y/n asked before turning "No, the new girl isn't invited." Illyana stated, in a stern tone. "come on, both of you." Sam gestured and the group continued their walk to the attic.
"Is this where you guys hang out?" Dani asked, looking around the old room "Yeah, its got stuff here from before this was for mutants." Y/n stated, her accent sounding like Sams but for the feminine. Y/n sat next to sam, as he sat on a stool.
Illyana grabbed a silver briefcase "what's that?" Danielle asked "Lie detector test." Roberto answered as he sat in the chair. Rahne hooked him up and sat down next to the machine "Dare." Roberto states "You cant ask dare." Illyana said in a smartass tone "Fine, truth."
Sam looked around "How many girls you been with." he said with a smirk "I can't even count how many." Roberto said with a smirk, Rahne shook her head "Lie." y/n laughed "how many?"
Roberto cleared his throat "three." sam nodded "that's not bad." Illyana looked at Rahne "Lie." Y/n laughed and looked at him "Why?" Dani looked at her, she sat with her elbows on her knees. She looked like a prison interrogator "I get too hot..." Roberto said getting out of the chair "sam your turn."
Sam got up and sat in the chair "Fine." Rahne hooked him up, Dani cooked her head "What's up with the piece of coal?" Sam looked up " My dad, he gave it to me before he passed." he looked down, Y/n cleared her throat "Yoy got your question, up." Illyana said standing up from her seat and getting in the chair "Well hurry up." she said to rahne, she muttered an 'ok'
"Why are you here?" Dani spoke up, y/n chuckled "I killed 18 men... one by one, with my sword and Lockheed." Illyana stated looking directly at Danielle "shes telling the truth, the line is flat." Roberto stated.
"Your turn, Y/n. Don't think we forgot about you." Roberto smirked, y/n stood up fixing her sleeve "Oh really now? ok." she grabbed the stuff from Illyana and sat down, hooking her self up.
"What's your power?" Danielle asked "Energy blasting and Channeling. I can copy people's power, and send a blast of energy out, causing mass destruction.." Y/n stated, looking towards Danielle, "I can copy them, sometimes I'm able to keep them. Like sams." Illyana smirked, "she's a copy cat, watch out."
Danielle looked at y/n "So you could copy mine?" Y/n nodded "If I see it, yeah. But since I haven't seen it, or heard it. No, not yet." Danielle slowly nodded. Y/n started taking off the equipment "Why have you been acting weird lately, y/n?" sam asked, of course right before she could take off the finger cuffs "What do you mean?" she chuckled, Roberto looked over at her with a smirk "She has, hasn't she?"
"I don't get it, what?" she looked around, Sam and Roberto were smirking at each other " You like someone?" Rahne asked y/n laughed "No... why?" she sat up in the chair, Rahne looked at the graph "Who?" she said with a smirk, Y/n shook her head and took off the cuffs "shut up." and stood up to walk out of the room "Well who is it?" Illyana asked leaning forwards "You guys don't need to know. Why is it such a big deal ?!" Y/n maintained her strong act.
"You do! Who is it, Roberto?"  Sam laughed, Y/n fake gagged "No way in hell." Roberto acted hurt, putting a hand on his chest and falling back in his seat"Hey she doesn't want to answer that." Dani started, Y/n looked at her and put her hand up "Its fine, I swear. Don't worry." she said with a smile, Rahne though for a second before "She likes you!" she yelled pointing at Dani.
"What the fuck?! No, I-I don't even know her." She started to defend herself, y/n looked at sam wanting some help. he put his hands up "you started this, just answer the question." her face got red, with embarrassment and anger. Her hand twitched and she cracked her knuckled "I'm going, you assholes." and again started to leave.
"Just tell us? what's the big deal, it's just a question y/n. Stop being overdramatic. You're not in the south anymore, you don't have to wait till marriage." Roberto mocked her, Rahne looked at him and shook her head "not funny Roberto." Sam looked at him with a glare and flicked his hand against his throat, signaling to cut it out.
"You wanna know? Do you really want to!" the room shock a little "You really want to?! Fine, I like Danielle. There, you happy now." and with that y/n left the room.
Sam looked around the room, so did Rahne. Roberto sat in his chair, in silence. Illyana had a smirk on her face "What's so funny?!" Danielle asked her with a serious tone, Illyana shrugged "I just can't believe anyone would like you..." she smirked.
"Ok that's enough, imma go find my sister." and he stood up and left the room "I'm going to too!" Danielle ran after him. Leaving Roberto and Illyana alone in the room to pack up.
Y/ns POV
I ran down the stairs leaving the old room, slamming the door shut. 'I can't believe them!' i yelled in my head my fist clenched,  I could punch sam right now. Even though he didn't mean to make it a big deal, he just wanted a simple answer but still.
My shoes echoed down the empty hall, Reyes was definitely able to hear me. My eyes watered up, and I felt energy start to bottle up in my body. I need to get outside, now. I ran to one of the many exits and started trying to open it. It's locked. I started pushing the door harder, hoping it would bust open.
"Please open, please!" I yelled and banged on the door harder and harder. The energy that would be released soon would probably wipe out this side of the building. I cried harder "Open the fucking door, Reyes!" I screamed the door unlocked and I busted through and ran straight for the field in front of the building "Y/n!" I heard a voice yell from the building. I kept running.
I tripped on a stick and fell to the ground, the energy being released when I hit the floor. I screamed as the blast rang out. I heard a faint scream and a barrier was put around me, Reyes. Once the blast faded down, slowly. I looked up from the ground, the field incase in the bubble Reyes cast was either on fire or charred. I broke down.
"Y/n!" I heard Sam yell as he ran down the hill towards me before Reyes put a dome around him to keep him from going any further.
3rd person
It sounded like a bomb exploded outside the brick building, Sam and Danielle ran towards the girl in the field. Reyes ran out soon after that, putting a field around her bug enough for the fires to not spread anywhere else.
"What the hell just happened?" Dani yelled, Sam looked over at her " she exploded. What does it look like?!" He screamed and ran towards his sister, crashing into a field.
"No, don't go near her." Reyes stated and walked towards sam "What happened for her to explode?" she looked Between sam and Dani "We asked her if she liked anyone, she got defensive and we didn't leave her alone. She got overwhelmed and ran out." Dani confessed, Reyes looked at her "thank you, Danielle." eyes gave her a small smile before turning to sam with a stern face "Sam why didn't you stop them? you know she can't control it."
Sam looked at the Doctor and shook his head "I don't know, I fucked up. Just please let her go." he pleaded, Reyes looked at the dome down the hill. The fire had gone away and the girl was in the middle of it.  She lifted the doom and smoke flooded out from it, y/n stood up and looked at the people on the hill.
"Your gonna need to be separated from the others, you know that y/n?" Reyes spoke to the girl as she walked up. She nodded and looked at Sam, and shook her head at him "Look I'm sorry-" he started before y/n cut him off"don't. I'm sorry Dani you had to see that." before leaving the site with Dr.Reyes.
"Is she mad?" Dani asked sam Shook his head "No, just disappointed and embarrassed that all. Well, see her a few days though." Sam said turning towards Dani, she raised a brow "In a few days? What is gonna do to her?" she asked, " she's gonna run a few tests on her, and put her in confinement to make sure she can be let out again." Sam started walking towards the building in the dark. Danielle thought to herself for a little bit.
"Do you think that was all over a question about if she liked me or not?" Dani asked looking at sam, he shrugged at her "Could be, I mean she likes you but It could have been something else as well. You'll have to ask her that yourself."
Sam and Dani walked into the building seeing Illyana, Roberto, and Rahne by the exit "What happened?" Roberto asked sam "She exploded. What do you think?" Sam said in an angry tone "Probably all because we wouldn't leave her alone about her little crush on Danielle. And now I won't be able to see my sister for a good week all because of this bullshit." and with that sam walked off to his room.
the group stood there in silence, sams boats echoing down the hall. Slowly fading off. Danielle looked at Rahne "I feel like this is my fault..." she started "no, not yours. It mostly me and sam. We started it, we joke a lot with her but we sometimes forget her limits. She won't hate us for it, She won't hate anyone for it. But don't expect to hear her talk for a while." Roberto stated in a quiet tone.
"Whys that? we won't see her for a week sam said, but why won't we hear her?" Dani asked looking at the 3 "When she explodes, she gets embarrassed and will give us the silent treatment. We also will not hear from her for a while because when she explodes, It injures her voice box. It comes with the power." Rhen scratched the back of her neck.
"will she forgive us though?" Danielle asked the group once more question, Illyana laughed "always. It's just her. She forgives and forgets." Illyana looked up the Lockheed puppet "That's why she gets along with everyone so well." she shoved Lockheed in her back pocket "I'm going." Illyana turned on her heel "I'm going as well, see you guys tomorrow morning.
Dani and Rahne looked at each other "Do you like her as well?" Rahne asked Dani. Danielle shrugged "I don't know, I haven't talked to her that much. She's nice but, who knows." Dani smiled at Rahne and they walked to their rooms in silence saying goodnight teach others and closing their doors.
y/n fell asleep, the explosion still ringing in her ears and occurring through her dreams. And like Sam said, "Not mad, just disappointed." and embarrassed.
word count-2753
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jse-element-au · 4 years
Fugent and the Medicus
Summary: Chase meets up with Henrik at a coffee shop for one of their customary weekly chats, planning to tell him about the weird things that have been happening to him. Unfortunately, things go awry.
Trigger Warnings: None
Chase felt the knot in his stomach tighten as he approached the coffee shop. He had been planning to ask Henrik about “the incident”, as he had decided to call it, and maybe bring up these pow-oddities that he discovered after it. He’d sound like a total nutcase, but he wasn’t really sure what else to do. Henrik was one of the smartest people he knew, plus one of his closest friends, so talking to him about it seemed like the only rational choice left. 
As he walked into the coffee shop, Chase peered around, trying to find Henrik. He eventually spotted him scrunched up in a booth with a somewhat wilted potted plant on the table, his usual black coffee already in hand. Henrik was wearing a green turtleneck with black sweatpants, and was occasionally glancing up while he sipped his coffee and checked his phone. Chase wasn’t sure why, but he kept glancing over at Henrik while he ordered his water (he didn’t really feel like having tea today). Henrik seemed somewhat off, or…different, for some reason. Chase realized what it was when he was picking up his drink. Is it just me, or does Henrik look...nervous?
“Hey!” he called to the doctor as he approached the booth. Henrik’s concerned expression dropped when he saw Chase and his face split into a grin. “Sorry I’m late, I had to help Emily with her homework.”
“It’s fine,” Henrik replied in his thick German accent. “I should be the one apologizing, I got here quite early. How is Emily? What was her homework about?”
“Oh, God. She’s started working on piecewise graphs, and of course she procrastinated, so I had to help her today. It was a total nightmare! I was so confused, I had to Google what it was when she wasn’t looking.” 
Henrik snorted. “That’s what happens when you drop out of high school.”
“Shut up, man,” Chase insisted, grinning from ear to ear. “How was your week? Did you have to help anyone out with their math homework?” he teased.
“I did, actually. Well, it was biology, not math, which was really easy for me.” Henrik smirked at Chase before sipping his coffee. “Surprisingly.”
“Oh my God, you’re such a smart-ass,” Chase laughed. 
“At least that’s better than being an idiot like you!” Henrik quickly responded, also laughing. 
Chase stopped worrying about Henrik as they continued their conversation. He wasn’t acting particularly nervous. He was making fun of Chase a little bit more than usual, which did usually happen when he got nervous about something. Chase just figured it was because he might have an important surgery to do tomorrow, or an inspection later that week from his boss, or something along those lines. Henrik valued his job so much that sometimes Chase wondered if he even cared about anything else. 
The only problem was that Chase couldn’t find the right moment to bring up his concerns. He never really went into these chats with a specific topic he wanted to talk about, but now that he was, he wasn’t really sure how to do it. Their conversation flowed like water, easily changing from one topic to the next and without many breaks in between. Eventually, however, he was given the opportunity, though not in the way he expected.
“Okay, so in my most recent video, I went to a skatepark with my crew to try some stuff out,” Chase was explaining. “I haven’t practiced in a while, but I was doing pretty well, right? Haven’t fallen yet, done some pretty cool tricks, recorded some interesting stuff. But then, as I was trying to grind on a rail, blam!” He spread his hands out for dramatic effect, knocking his water over in turn. It spread quickly across the table, and was about to soak Henrik’s phone and get under his coffee cup when Chase noticed.
“And the stupidest part was-Oh my God, Henrik! I’m so sorry!” Chase yelped. “I’ll go and get some napkins.”
With that, Chase dashed towards the stand that contained the napkins. Oh God, what if it ruins Henrik’s stuff?, he fretted. How can I be so clumsy? I really hope it doesn’t ruin any of his things. He grabbed about thirty napkins and rushed back to the table, where Henrik was staring across the table, mouth agape. 
“What? What’s wrong? Did the water get on your phone? If it did, I’ll buy you a new one. I’m really really sorry I spilled, it was an accident! I’m such a clutz,” Chase explained.
Instead of acknowledging what Chase had just told him, Henrik just said, “Look...at the water…” and pointed to the opposite side of the booth.
Chase asked him, “Wait, what happened? Are you okay?” But Henrik just stared, seemingly mesmerized. Dreading what he might see, Chase turned and looked.
The water was floating about a foot above the table. 
Clearly, nothing had been done to it by the baristas, as the water would have acted weird in Chase’s cup. Nor was it because of some special effects rig, as it still acted like water. It flowed and ebbed, it swirled around, droplets were breaking off and re-joining with each other. It was almost as if someone had power over it and was able to control it. 
Chase felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. He knew instantly what was happening. He panicked, then pushed it down. He closed his eyes, and tried to focus on bringing the water down into the cup.
“Chase, what are you…” Henrik started, but trailed off when he saw the water slowly lowering into the cup. When most of the water was safely back in the cup (a few droplets were still floating around), Chase sat down and looked at Henrik with a slightly panicked expression.
“Okay, w-well, when I walked in here to have our usual, uuuh, chat with you, I wanted to talk to you about...Well, I-I mean this is obviously a total surprise for you-Okay, wait n-no-this is just so weird and I don’t really know what to say, or-or how to explain...” Chase trailed off when he realized how stupid he sounded. Well, there goes the thought of Henrik not thinking I’m crazy, he thought. And so much for asking for help. There’s no way he’d help me if he thinks I’ve lost it! He looked up at Henrik, but his expression was unreadable. Chase was getting up and trying to think of an excuse to leave when Henrik grabbed his wrist.
“Wait,” he said. “I...have something to tell you-or...show you, I guess.” Without any more explanation, he grabbed one of the leaves of the plant and closed his eyes. 
The plant’s leaves started to perk up. More leaves started to grow out of the stem. The plant started to grow until it was twice its height.
Chase stared in awe as Henrik let go of the plant and stared at the table. He mused,  “Alright...you...you can do weird stuff too.” 
Henrik nodded.
Chase took a deep breath. “Okay, and these pow-oddities didn’t happen to show up after you had a near death experience?”
“Yeah…they did. What about you?”
“Dude, I basically drowned. I definitely should’ve died, but I just blacked out for-I don’t even know how long, and I was just washed up on shore, like nothing happened! And then all this weird stuff started to happen, and I have all of these....oddities that-”
“Chase.” Henrik grabbed his shoulder. “I hate to break it to you, but these aren’t…oddities, as you call them. They’re powers.”
Chase sighed and looked at the table. “I know, but...I don-I don’t want this. My wife knows that something weird is going on, and she’d freak if I told her. I just…” His shoulders dropped. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Hey, it’s ok,” Henrik reassured. “I didn't want this either. I was planning to tell you about it today, too. You’re my most understanding friend, and I really wanted some support. We’ll get through this together, OK?”
Chase looked up gratefully at the doctor. “Okay.”
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Acquisition (Tales From The Heart)
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Gen Warnings: None Characters: Penguin, Shachi, Law, Bepo
One of the first questions a new crewmember always asked, without fail, when joining the crew, was "how the hell did you afford this?" The question was accompanied by some sort of gesture, from wild flailing to a simple point depending on each person's general response to something big, shiny and obviously expensive, towards the Polar Tang. The submarine sat proudly in the water, the bright yellow (well maintained, of course) and identifying marks (with their jolly roger and the captain's DEATH emblems how could it not be theirs) gleaming in all its considerable glory.
A submarine was rare, expensive, and far beyond the treasure hoards of any rookie crew, and that was before they entered it to see the state of the art infirmary.
"We didn't." The admittance would always come from either Penguin or Shachi, whichever one was in earshot at the time. Sometimes they'd answer in chorus. The full story would always wait until they were out at sea, buried safely beneath the waves as the Polar Tang once again proved its invaluable worth.
Setting out from Swallow Island in a small, stolen, fishing boat (it had belonged to the father of a boy Penguin and Shachi really hadn't got on with), the four of them had very quickly realised that if they were going to travel together, let alone have any viable shot at this piracy thing they seemed to be heading for, if Law's half-answers and nervous glances were any indication, they were going to need a better boat. Without so much as a cabin to keep them dry in the rain and snow (they had to pull a stray tarpaulin over themselves when such weather occurred), it was impractical at best and suicidal at worst. Winter was reaching its peak, and if nothing else they would freeze to death without somewhere sturdy to shelter from the elements.
Penguin and Shachi had wanted to go to Minion Island, always on their horizon but never before in their reach, reasoning that as a pirate base (former, apparently), there should be something there. Law had vetoed that so fast they'd got whiplash, so rather reluctantly they had instead changed course for the other island in their triangle. Law hadn't been much more impressed with that one, apparently, but they needed provisions at least, and a sturdier boat. Not designed for long journeys at sea, their current vessel had begun to buckle and more often than not there were dredges of water in the bottom, around their ankles. It was likely that that, resulting in eternal lethargy for Law, had persuaded him to cave.
The large, grey metal boat they had seen as they docked caught all of their attention. It looked unlike any boat the four of them had ever seen, riding low in the water with minimal deck space and a thick, heavy door.
"So cool," Shachi had sighed, Penguin wolf-whistling behind him.
"How much to you reckon that'd be?" he'd wondered, despite realising that a boat that large would be too much for the four of them to control. Even as adults, rather than their teen selves, it would be a huge ask.
"We're taking it."
Law's declaration was totally absurd, but the conviction in his words had made it sound almost believable. Almost.
"Unless you've got some hidden fortune you've not told us about, we've barely got 100 Beri between us," Penguin had pointed out. "How, exactly, do you expect to afford that?" Law had looked at him as if he was an idiot.
"I don't recall saying anything about paying for it."
Oh, right. They were pirates, weren't they? Well, kinda. Penguin and Shachi didn't know if it counted when they didn't have a boat, a name, or a flag. Also, the whole piracy thing… Law's charisma had got them that far, but their resolve was beginning to waver in the face of reality. Crazy ruffians they might have become, but they'd never actually stolen anything before (they conveniently forgot that the dying ship they had just tied to the shore hadn't been taken with permission).
"So we fight for it?" Bepo had asked, finally contributing to the conversation. The mink cub had been content to remain silent for much of their time, offering himself as a bed where possible to keep Law out of the water at the expense of his own comfort and occasionally changing the course when he thought they were going wrong.
"If that's what it takes."
Fights Penguin and Shachi knew, and the prospect – plan – had calmed their jittery nerves against the idea of actual piracy. Law's own calm, measured response to the situation helped to further ground them, effortlessly taking on his duties as captain as if he'd been born to it. As far as Penguin and Shachi knew, he probably had been. They'd certainly never met such a ruthless thirteen year old before.
Luck had been on their side that day. It transpired that the strange yet alluring boat had only just been finished, and was in the dock awaiting its christening by some important official or other. The quartet hadn't hung around to find out who.
While subtlety wasn't Penguin or Shachi's preferred method of doing things, their inexperience was more than covered for by Law and Bepo's own stealth as they had silently taken down the numerous guards on the walkway from the ship to the shore and slunk on board the ship. It had smelt of fresh oil, the last hinges still settling into place. Within the narrow corridors were more guards, easily caught off guard and subdued – Penguin and Shachi weren't entirely sure what to make of them alive yet in pieces, and Law had seemed almost as surprised despite being the perpetrator – and, leaving Bepo on guard just inside the ship's entrance, Law had led the other two through the maze until they found a control room.
For all the complicated controls (hopefully there was a manual somewhere), someone had very helpfully labelled a couple of the buttons – THRUST; LOCK; DIVE. It had probably been for the self-important official to use on the maiden voyage, but the thieves had not been about to look a gift horse in the mouth. The third button in particular had brought a gleam to Law's eyes.
"A submarine," he'd breathed, looking far more excited than they'd ever seen before. "This is perfect. We're definitely taking this."
Why a submarine was perfect – and what that even meant; Penguin and Shachi couldn't claim to know much about anything more than a fishing boat – was a question for another time, as Law had pressed the button labelled CLOSE, watching the steady green light by it flash for several moments as an accompanying klaxon sounded before turning red. That done, he had then pressed THRUST, and the sudden roar of the engines deafened the four of them – Bepo having run to join them with breathless reports that the outer door had "just suddenly shut, Captain!" – before they'd felt a lurch as the ship pulled away from its berth, tugging some of the dock with it.
Unable to see what was going on – there were no windows, just screens showing indecipherable graphs talking about things that Penguin and Shachi couldn't even begin to understand – they had clutched at each other as Law waited, watching the screens with apparent comprehension, at least on some level, before deciding to press the button labelled DIVE.
For several moments, it didn't appear as if anything had happened. The ship was still moving forwards at a steady pace, and the horrid thought struck them that something was wrong.
Then their bodies told them very firmly that something was wrong – the metal beneath their feet wasn't level, as it had been, but very slightly slanted downwards and felt as if it were falling away from them. Either that, or they had suddenly lost a lot of weight and were about to float. It had not been a reassuring feeling.
It had only stopped when Law lifted his finger from the DIVE button, gravity catching up with them all at once and buckling their knees so that they fell to the floor.
"What the hell just happened?" Shachi had gasped, deciding against trying to get up. Law, sat in a chair and looking decidedly unruffled by the whole thing, had turned to look down at him with a satisfied grin on his face.
"We just stole a submarine. Now, what should we call it?"
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
hey hidden. I hope this question isn't weird but your job is very cool to me, so I was wondering: what exactly did you need for education to get into it, and what's it like for you?
Are-  Are you-  Are you asking me to nerd out?
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EDIT:  Trigger warning for discussion of cancer treatments/research.
SO I am a molecular biologist.  I am currently researching immunotherapies for a biotech company.  
One thing I should emphasize is that this stuff takes an enormous team working together for years.  I don’t want anyone to think that I’m, like...  Personally producing cancer medicines.  I’m part of a team of about 400 people, working together with 20 ish years of data produced by our company and the companies we partner with.  And my boss tells me what I’m going to work on!  I design the experiment, run the experiment, and consider the data from there, but I’m not the “mastermind” for anything.  It’s usually the upper level career scientists with pHDs doing that.
Another disclaimer is that, sadly, we as humans aren’t at the “defeat cancer forever” stage.  Like, it’s not... near.  The best defense continues to be frequent screening so it can be caught and treated early (which is bad news in the states, where people can’t afford the screening because we don’t have universal health care, or they can afford it but don’t go because they have three part time jobs, none of which give benefits-  But I digress).
Oh!  And one more thing I want to tell all future science dorks, something I was super lucky to learn at age 19: follow the money.
When I was 19, I was culturing and chemically processing algae, then assessing the data.  My company at the time wanted to create biodiesel from algae, and my whole world was rocked when they told me: WE ALREADY CAN MAKE VIABLE FUEL FROM ALGAE.  The problem is that it costs about $4.50 per gallon, so it can’t compete with normal diesel (at the time, this was like 12 years ago).  
So what they wanted was algae that had the correct chemical profile for use in biodiesel, that could also be grown at tropical temperatures.  Why?  Because the algae was to be grown in sugar cane processing centers, where it’s tropical, and most of the production costs came from cooling the incubators and instruments that would grow the algae.  So they needed algae that could make diesel, but also grow in hot weather, which apparently isn’t common.
ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY!  It’s often not even about “can we do it,” but “can we do it at x cost, considering conditions hundreds of miles away.”  Crazy!
Ah, but you asked how to get into biotech!  It’s not that hard, thankfully!  I have a BS in biology.  I made sure to get good grades and all of that, and if you’re serious about biotech, you want to take classes in things like immunology, virology, any science class that can return to human health and biotech.  I will say that, while I’ve always naturally excelled at biology, I had to take more chemistry than bio!  Plus, you need math and physics...  
But here’s my best advice for biotech-interested young people:
-If you’re looking at universities while in high school, PLEASE check out what AP classes will get you out of undergrad labs.  The WORST PART about being a science kid is the labs.  For example, every bio and chem class has a lab.  The class itself usually consists of three 50 minute lectures (150 min/week), and you get 3 credits.  The lab is 170 min per week, and you only get 1 credit.  If you don’t place out of some classes with labs attached with AP credit, YOUR ASS WILL BE SITTING IN LABS FOR AT LEAST 340 MINUTES A WEEK!  AND YOU ONLY GET 2 CREDITS FOR THAT!!!!  It’s utter bullshit.
So, if you’re in high school and really serious about pursuing a science degree, check out which AP scores get you out of labs at your favorite universities, and really commit to getting 5s in those.
I was able to place out of 3 labs this way, and it played an enormous role in maintaining my sanity.
-Everyone in biotech knows EVERYONE in biotech.  It’s absolutely astounding.  But it’s a small field, centered around a few hot spots, and lots of these people have been at it for 40+ years.
Here are some of the hot spots in America (you might have to live in one of these areas to find biotech jobs, so be sure you’re down for that).
Anyway, like I said, I worked as an undergrad at a biotech.  I was so fortunate, because they paid me, I was already doing actual-factual research, and I got to know people.  And when I graduated, people went, “Oh you worked for Bob?  Let me give him a call.”  And then they did.  And then Bob said, “Oh yeah, she’s a hard worker, hire her.”
SO you need to make connections ASAP, and strive to show people your hard-working, curious, problem-solving, good-attitude-having self.  Sadly, there’s an element of luck there, for sure.  But you need to be ready to try to work in professional labs in college, which means juggling your difficult courses and school labs with work.  Hooray!
...Did I say this wasn’t hard?  I’m full of shit, aren’t I.  Looking back, all I can see is how lucky I was, and how I “only” needed a 4 year degree, but...  It really takes a lot to get here.
As for what it’s like...
I love it, it’s great, but like any job, it...  Well, it’s rough.
Here’s what I think you need to thrive in biotech, assuming you’re not put off by the stuff I’ve already covered:
-Organization, time management, and focus.  Honestly, being a lab researcher isn’t about being smart, it’s about juggling a lot of things simultaneously.  Lots of folks describe the job as “hurry up and wait,” because you rush to mix the experimental ingredients together so they can incubate for two hours before you do the next step.  And while that’s incubating, you do x, which has a few 15 minute incubations.  In those 15 minutes, you generate graphs with yesterday’s data, make records for you lab notebook, order items for next week’s experiment, print labels, or...  Any number of things.  There are ALWAYS tons of balls in the air, so organization and time management are 90% of the job.
And you need to focus, because most of the time it looks like you’re adding a single droplet of water to other droplets of water.  Almost everything you work with is a clear liquid, so you can’t go spacing out and forgetting what you’ve already added to the mix.
A typical day is to arrive at work, sit down for a while to plan out how to best use the incubation times to do other things, head into the lab, hope for incubation periods for toilet/water/food breaks, and scramble to get data processing in there somewhere.  Deadlines are usually tight, because it’s always a race to patent a medicine before one of the other 5,000 companies trying to do it can.  We all work from the shared published scientific knowledge, so there’s no...  Developing something in secret.
I’d say my job is challenging, but rewarding, especially as we come closer to generating medicines for what we call “patients with unmet needs.”  Remember how I said “follow the money?”  Sadly, often, um...  Okay I’m gonna do a really quick and loose explanation.  People have different versions of the same genes, right?  And sometimes, there are “cancer” genes- this is a really sloppy explanation, sorry.  So medicines get created for the most common mutated cancer gene first.  So say 70% of cancer patients have this mutated gene, 20% have that mutated gene, and 10% have a third mutated gene.  Guess who gets medicine made for them first?
If you guessed the largest group, you’re right!  The trouble is that big companies will then move on to the largest group for another cancer/gene group, leaving people with more rare genetic issues without treatment options beyond chemo, which many elderly or immunocompromised patients simply can’t tolerate.
My company specifically aims to help these people with no help in sight.  On the one hand, follow the money- we are doing it because we will have a market, and we can’t compete with big companies yet.  On the other, we are helping people who have no options.  I’m so grateful to use my gifts (organization, planning, focus, problem solving, and natural curiosity) to play a small, small role in hopefully helping people.  It means something to me.
On the other hand, it can be a grind, no lie.  And any high-pressure job will have colleagues who are also under pressure, and might lash out or try to throw other people under the bus when problems arise.  A certain level of emotional maturity and strength is required, and frankly, I needed therapy to get there.
Also, if you’re a female-presenting human, some people will give you shit in biotech.  Luckily, I’ve only ever had one coworker be blatantly sexist and ask me (multiple times) if I was sure I belonged here.  Unfortunately, you’re more likely to see more discrete sexism, like folks asking you to organize parties for pregnant or engaged coworkers because “you seem like you’d be good at it,” ie “you’re female and I am throwing social tasks at you so I can focus on my science, which you also have to do.”  I’ve had a lot of coworkers try so hard to corner me into doing emotional work for them.  But...  Honestly, most of this is just existing as a woman, and isn’t specific to biotech.
So yeah!  You’re gonna have to work hard, but if you have an interest in science, great organization skills, and want to play a little role in helping people who are suffering in a way that doesn’t involve direct social interaction with the hurting people...  It’s great!
Sorry for the absolute wall of text, I hope this helps!  I’m always happy to talk about this, so please ask away if you’d like.  Thanks for the ask!
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thegirlinashell · 4 years
Let’s Get Graphic
Social media is all about engagement. The words are pretty self-explanatory, to be honest.
It’s all about playing around, making it interesting. Colorful visuals almost always attract a lot of attention.
When it comes to journalism, finding an effective way to connect with the audience becomes a must. Creating interactive, and self-explanatory graphics is one way of doing exactly that.
There are multiple ways of presenting a graph. Let’s take a look at a few that I created from last week’s news, shall we?
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The above picture, sourced from Google and a quote that I read in an article by the NY Times, shows a graphic representation of a quote by Pope Francis, with a photo of him, this is known as Portrait Quotables. It’s a quick way to put out the news. Works well in the swipe and tap era we live.
Now, let’s scroll down.
For the next graphic, which is also known as a Factoid, I referred to an article by Aljazeera.
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Can you guess what the article talks about by looking at this graphic?
Yes, it talks about a study that shows how air pollution killed 4,76,000 newborns in 2019. Sad yes, but look at all the information you got just in one glance.
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Yes, I put that gif to make it more engaging. Works, doesn’t it?
Now, let’s look at a graphic we have all learned at one point or the other in our lives.
Charts, if made properly, explains a lot.
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So Trump recently called India’s air ‘filthy’. To quote his exact words, “Look at China, how filthy it is. Look at Russia, look at India… the air’s filthy. I took us out of the Paris Accord because we were going to have to spend trillions of dollars, and we were being treated very unfairly,’’
So I referred to an article by The New Indian Express, which talks about how Trump is not entirely lying. The above chart shows that India has the highest exposure to PM 2.5 in the world in 2019.
Crazy, isn’t it? now we can all sit down and think about for sometime.
Well that’s a lot of graphic for a day. That’s all for today folks!
Now you can scroll away. 
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Author Tag!
I saw the lovely @elizabthturner do this and thought I’d give it a shot :)
fandoms you write for
Lotr/the hobbit
where you post
On ao3 and here on tumblr
most popular one-shot
This fix-it Jonerys oneshot called A Terrible Nightmare, it was actually written before season 8 but it got popular again after that shit show because nothing bad happens and it’s literally just a huge ball of fluff.
most popular multi-chapter
My modern Jonerys au entitled Business or Pleasure It’s a really fun one but it’s sooo difficult for me to write X/
favorite story you’ve written
This is way too hard to decide on, any of my multi-chaps honestly they’re all soooo important to me.
a story you were nervous to post
Definitely A Flame in the Snow, mostly because I thought no one would be interested since it was kinda just a passion project but I was so happy with the positive feedback!
how do you choose your titles?
I’ll usually write our story arcs and decide once I’ve done a summary of each chapter in my head or on paper.
do you outline?
God too much, I do line graphs of the plots and write out family trees. Then I’ll do a moodboard and sometimes a corresponding playlist, it’s an addiction honestly. I have more complete outlines than I do complete stories.
complete number of stories
Yeah well relating back to what I just said, I’ve imagined probably around fifty but I’d say ones I’ve actually started writing number closer to forty.
what do you have in progress?
Oh god well I should have more started but rn I have a multi-chap assassins creed Jonerys au that I’m writing with my true love @darkknightandco as well as the next chapter of business or pleasure, a flame in the snow, and like ten thousand words of my multi-chap remix fic that’s due in April. So yeah I’m trying my best *pained grimace*
do you accept prompts?
Yes. Definitely. Absolutely!
upcoming story you’re most excited about?
Definitely my Jonerys remix it’s ambitious but I hope people will like it when it comes out and I’m hoping to make it a series... also crazy excited for the assassin's creed au tho sooo can’t really decide ;)
I’m tagging => @darkknightandco @mywishingglass @xdarksistahx @stilesssolo @arielchelby @thescarletgarden1990 @afc-brandon @jessthebooklover @dracoignisworld @esteriivy @notreadyforprimetimeemmy 
And of course any other of my lovely fellow authors that would like to fill this out and let us get to know your writing process a bit better! 
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schraubd · 4 years
Should I PlagueWatch It?: Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever is a show so good, the protagonist can tell a Jewish teenager she wishes he was killed by the Nazis and still be relatable. The protagonist is Devi Vishwakuma; the line is delivered to her academic arch-rival Ben Gross. It is not deserved -- Ben is certainly a jerk (though he evolves as the season progresses, and honestly Devi isn't really any better than he is), but not anywhere close to where it would be even remotely acceptable to wish genocide upon him. There's nothing cathartic about it, no "well that might have been a bit much, but ...." Devi just said something terrible, hurtful, offensive, and self-destructive. And yet, she's still relatable. This is a very hard feat to manage. Television is still reckoning with its era of the anti-hero, and after an array of male leads who were meant to be protagonists even as they constantly made terrible and callous choices (e.g.: Mad Men, The Sopranos), the latest trend seems to be female anti-heroes who are by no means one-dimensional villains but certainly mistreat friends and evade responsibilities with seemingly cavalier abandon (e.g.: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Killing Eve),  These shows are interesting because they explore personalities and inner conflicts that other shows don't. But it's supremely difficult to keep the audience onboard with a main character who just makes relentlessly bad and unlikable choices. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend -- and to be clear, I loved Crazy Ex-Girlfriend -- really wavered while walking this line. Never Have I Ever manages it better than maybe any show I've ever seen. At the show's opening, Devi is returning to high school a year after her father suddenly died at her orchestra concert, and all she wants is for this year to be better than last. If Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a comedy that just under the surface is an exploration of mental illness, Never Have I Ever is a comedy that just under the surface is an exploration of grief. Devi, played outstandingly by Maitreyi Ramakrishnan in her first role, is clearly still traumatized by her father's passing. And that trauma manifests mostly by her being very, very angry. Devi is trying to suppress her emotions, but she often lashes out -- sometimes to real stimuli, yet often way out of proportion to what is remotely reasonable. Breaking a window with her textbook upon finding out that her best friend has a boyfriend she never told her about, for example. Or responding to a bit of smug condescension by her bitter rival by announcing she wished he had been exterminated, for another. Ramakrishnan deserves a ton of credit for immediately establishing Devi so that this anger feels authentic -- it isn't drama for drama's sake, and it isn't one-note either. It's how this teenager would be responding to this trauma she's trying to work through (or avoid working through, as the case may be). That she's a teenager certainly helps: she doesn't have to always make smart or likable choices. She's a teenager! They screw up -- usually under far less emotionally taxing circumstances than these. Devi, it is alluded to, was by no means a perfect child before her dad died. She was stubborn and headstrong and a bit too invested in being the highest achiever in her grade. But in the end, she's a regular kid with regular teenage struggles and stresses who just took one emotional punch too many, and now is in a spiral. And that is certainly relatable. Devi is such a strong lead character that I haven't even gotten into the superb supporting cast that surrounds her, virtually all of whom feel like fully-realized and lived-in characters. These include the aforementioned arch-rival, her two best friends, the popular boy whose the object of Devi's affections, and her older cousin with an American boyfriend and an impending arranged marriage (it's not really a love triangle, she explains, "It's more of a line with a dot if you're really going to graph it."). The most important is Devi's mother, who is a strict immigrant parent insisting on nothing short of the Ivy League and no dating until Devi is in her twenties. If these sound like pretty standard rom-com archetypes, they are -- which makes it all the more impressive how the show gives them each a fresh spin. I could quibble with some character choices around the edges, but they're really not worth the time. The show works, and it works well. Oh, and John McEnroe is surprisingly strong as the narrative (yes, there's a reason for it, and yes, it makes at least enough sense to justify the conceit). Should you PlagueWatch it? Definitely. Jill and I binged all ten episodes in one night. Never Have I Ever is very, very good. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/2YnPnwR
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