#sorry for the typos i dont like spell checking
palmastrings · 2 months
Possible demon form headcanon thingy??
Ok so you know the saying "you've got blood on your hands" As a metaphor for being guilty of something?
Well I took the idea and ran with it to make this.
They kinda work like brands in the sense that they are constant reminders of ones sins. I know this kinda exist in real life in a sense but it wasn't my intention to mimic that.
But umm... only people who were/are angels can get them. The Higher up the marks go, the more grave the sin was.
I kinda wanted to match it up with lesson 37 of nightbringer where *spoiler* the brothers get imprisoned in a area designated to the crime they committed in the celetial relm.
So for example, lucifers goes almost all the way up his arm because of his crime against his father (being the worst crime of all), while belphies goes to the wrist for (some reason I forgot) for being less severe. Simeon has them too but the only reach his fingertips, it's why he always wears gloves.
Technically speaking Satan shouldnt have the marks since he was born a demon, but since he was kinda a extention of lucifers sin of wrath, lucifer split some of his mark with him, which is why lucifers mark dosent actually go past his arm.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ sunrise in versailles (part 1) (chapter 13)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 6k ish
warnings- swearing, angst, some kissing, theres an argument whoops. mentions of pregnancy. fluff.
a/n- Hey m'loves, sorry for the late chapter, I hope you enjoy!!! (excuse any typos, have not spell checked!!!)
You tried your best to offer a small smile at the camera, taehyungs parents looked back at you through the screen with confused and angered faces.
"we are gonna have a baby" taehyung declared again, his hand coming down and out of frame to grasp yours, giving a reassuring squeeze.
Taehyungs mother looked more than upset, devastated was more the correct and fit term, while his father just seemed disappointed.
"You told us you werent together" she spoke up, her hand over her mouth as she exchanged glances with her husband.
"funny how things happen, huh?" tae chuckled nervously, this time you squeezed his hand.
"are you sure you are the father?" his dad added, making your chest pang with pain at the accusation that you were the type to sleep around so carelessly.
"You dont need to cover for her" his mom spoke
"I know he is the father, im not stupid, thank you. How dare you ask that?" you spit, feeling guilty at your outburst, but mad at his parents for even going there. "look..it wasnt our plan. Some things....occurred...and we cant change them, all we wanted to do was tell you guys and its up to you to support us or not, either way...its happening, and im sorry if you dont like it" you mumble, taehyung softly nodding and smiling, proud of you sticking up for yourself.
Taehyungs mother simply scoffed, her hand wiping her tear that had fallen.
wow. she really wasnt happy about this, about you.
"we taught you better than this, and y/n I know your mom taught you better too....you know how things are supposed to be done. You get your career started, you marry, then children." his father cleared his throat
"we dont need to do things in order, you know" taehyung spoke against his dads words, "we have a plan...I think we will be alright"
You smile at your boyfriend, hand rubbing his back. "Yeah...." you whisper, "and besides...my parents had me before marriage, they were younger than taehyung and I when they got pregnant" you try to point out.
His mom glares down at you through the laptop screen, "yeah and how did that work out for them? wheres your dad now? hm? exactly."
Your face falls at her words, you didnt even have anything to argue back, a sick feeling falling over you.
"mom..." taehyung warns, his eyes darting to make sure you were ok.
"why would you bring up such a thing?" you whisper
She shrugged, "because its life, and things dont always go as planned. I wanted my son to be an established business man by now but no, you've tied him down to the ground again."
You watched, feeling numb, as she spoke more
"we had a feeling you two would end up together, but not like this...no no...not like this"
With that, you looked at taehyung before looking back at the screen.
"I think we are done here" you were quick to hit the disconnect call button on your laptop, standing up immediately as you ran upstairs.
"y/n!" taehyung closed the computer, standing up to follow you.
Once you were inside your bedroom, you wrapped your arms around your stomach, pacing the carpet. Taehyung abruptly walked in "baby..."
"why would she say that to me? why would she go there?" you cry softly, questioning how his own mother could be so cruel.
"I am so sorry my love" he is quick to wrap you in his arms.
Your hands held him tightly as you tried to calm your breathing.
"im terrified to tell my mom now" you whisper
"something tells me she will be a little kinder..." taehyung chuckled softly.
You moved to sit on the bed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable given you were still in your work outfit from this morning. You were a bit stressed at all the sudden life changes, and the least you wanted was some compassion. You will never understand how such cruel people could birth and raise someone as loving as taehyung.
"Im sorry" you lay back, eyes on the ceiling.
"for..?" he climbed next to you, laying on his side as his hand crawled up to your stomach.
"all of this mess...your parents..."
"baby thats not your fault...screw their opinion...I have my girl, and if its just you and me in the end, im alright with that. you know why?" he mumbled softly
"because we've already made it this far, look at how good we are doing, hm? I love you, and im proud of you....please dont listen to my mother or father, their words mean nothing. Focus on us, on you and me okay?"
You gently nod, holding his hand as he kissed your cheek. You both laid in the comforting silence of the room for a bit, before taehyungs voice brought you out of your trance. "lets take a bath"
The next morning you were up and at work early, checking attendance for the young children at the daycare center.
You and taehyung both agreed to hold off on disclosing the information with your mom for a few days until it felt right to do so, however part of you wanted it over with. You were about 3 months along, and it felt like things were passing quickly.
"Daniel?" you called out gently, looking around the room to find the small hand raising up to your attention.
You checked off his name before finishing the list, handing it to the main teacher.
The children were adorable, there wasn't many, only 8....5 girls and 3 boys. Though its only been a few days of work, most have warmed up to you just fine. One even trusted you to watch over their stuffed animal during recess time (thats a big responsibility)
The group was mainly produced to watch over little kids who's parents worked all day, which, you hate to admit, but made you feel a bit sad.
Children need full time attention and care, and you questioned if you would ever hand your child away to some strangers for hours, days, weeks at a time. It was crazy now that you had this wild perspective.
During your lunch break, you sat down in one of the empty classes to facetime taehyung, who answered after a few rings.
"hello?" his groggy voice came through, the screen showing the ceiling.
"aw sleepyhead, did I wake you from your nap?" you giggled, speaking sarcastically as you watched for his face.
"mm" he finally looked over his phone, a soft smile apparent, "hi baby...hows work?"
"its good actually....im not as nauseous as I was when I woke up, thank God"
"thats good."
you nod, smiling as you bit into your protein bar as you slowly sunk into your desk chair more. "how are you?"
"im good" he smiled, "I fixed the drain"
"woo!" you giggled
"I know..." taehyung yawned, rolling over and out of bed. "It doesnt make that weird noise anymore, see?" he pointed the camera down to the sink, the water flushing through normally
"good job, thank you" you smiled at your phone
"Oh and also...um, my mom called me again after you left."
"yeah, I think me explaining things sort of helped her, she still isnt happy but she takes back her comment."
You sigh, "well im still upset about it"
"and you have every right to be, im just saying....she knows she was wrong"
You nod, crumpling the wrapper in your hand.
"and of course, I told her that we haven't told your mom yet, so no contact. She promised she wouldn't say anything" he mumbled
"well...thats good" you smile blankly, "maybe we should tell her tonight? I dont know..." you sigh "im so nervous"
Taehyung looks back to the phone, offering you a sympathetic smile. "angel...I know its scary but we cant not tell her...we need any support we can get"
"i know" you nod, defeated as you look at the clock. "okay honey...I gotta go, ill be home at 3, okay?"
"okay baby, love you" he smiles gently, waving goodbye before disconnecting the call.
You sigh, putting your phone into your jean pocket as you make your way back into the classroom.
"Ah, Kenji is feeling a little bit under the weather right now, I am going to direct you to sit with him for a bit while I begin the next activity?" the main teacher came up behind you, pointing you in the direction of a young boy sitting at an empty table in the back, his hidden face in his arms.
"is he feeling ill?" you question, sympathetically eying the small boy
"no..." she shook her head, whispering, "he told me his parents had been fighting all morning"
your heart pangs deeply in your chest, the surge of the feelings you felt at your own parents fighting resurfacing, you knew what it felt like to have drama at home and then be forced to go to school or work and act like nothing happened, despite being upset.
You nodded sadly and quietly made your way to the back of the room, pulling the stool out from beside him and sitting. "Kenji, you alright bud? whats going on?" you gently rub his back, trying to get him to lift his head up.
"mm..im okay" the tiny voice squeaked
"you know...its okay if you arent" you whispered, leaning your head into your palm. "do you wanna talk about whats going on? you dont have to, but sometimes it feels better to let it out, especially if you dont always get the chance to." you try to course him along, not wanting to pry but rather wanting to provide relief.
With this, Kenji slowly lifted his head, cheeks red in embarrassment as slight tears watered his eyes. "I dont wanna talk" he said apologetically
You frowned for a moment before composing your teacher-like empathy, "thats okay, but is it alright if I sit here with you?"
He nodded, putting his head back down as he leaned closer to you, the only thing you could possibly do was rub his back for a bit longer before grabbing the nearby crayons and paper.
"you wanna draw?"
He nodded, silently as his chubby hand grabbed a crayon. "'dont know what to draw"
You giggled, "well....do you have any pets?"
He nodded enthusiastically, almost as if the mention of his pet was able to pull him out of his behavior.
"really?" you smiled widely "what kind of pet do you have?"
He grinned, his smile missing many teeth, "I have a cat! her name is chibi!"
You laughed, "chibi, small in japanese, is chibi really tiny?"
"yes, she this big" he reaches his hands out to show you the exact measurements.
"wow! that is tiny, you should draw her for me, i'll hang it up on my fridge at my house" you giggle
"really??" he widened his eyes, grabbing the paper as he furiously began to draw, you were happy to take his mind off whatever home troubles were burdening him.
He, at least for that moment, completely forgot about his sulking, and the way he drew quickly told you that.
"I have a pet fish, yknow" you smile, watching him draw.
"mhm, his name is Hae" you nod, "hes a tiny yellow fish"
"hae is a funny name" he blurts, smiling as you show him a photo of your pet.
"its Korean for sun, like in the sky" you add, knowing that Kenji isnt super familiar with the Korean language. "My boyfriend bought him one day and now he has this huge tank, we even put a little spongebob figure in there. Do you like spongebob?"
He giggled, "yeah, maybe hae and Chibi can be friends"
you grin, "Oh that would be lovely huh?"
He held up his picture before immediately putting it down "wait!" he grabbed the yellow crayon and began to add a small touch to the corner of the page, turning it around and waiting for your approval.
"did you draw hae and chibi?" you spoke, your hands holding his smaller one.
"oh my! this is beautiful Kenji, thank you bubs! i'll make sure to show this to Hae so he knows his new best friend"
Kenji beamed in confidence, writing his name on the page before gifting it to you.
"thank you!" you spoke, kenji gently hugging you before the main teacher made her way over.
"hows everyone?" she cheered, glancing at you
"we're good, right kenji?"
He happily nodded
"your daddy is here to pick you up, but make sure you hold Miss.Y/n's hand out to the front okay?"
You gently take kenji and make your way down the stairs to the parent pick up spot, you kneel down. "do you see your daddy?"
The smaller boy eagerly looks around, scanning the tall adults for the familiar face, "oh hes here!!" he jumps up and down, dragging you over to the man standing against the wall on his phone.
"daddy!!!" Kenji runs and clings to his fathers leg, his dad laughing and picking him up. "this is Miss.Y/N!!"
the fathers eyes drag up to you, offering a greeting smile. "hello" he bowed his head politely, "Min Yoongi" His hand reached out for yours
You shook it, smiling back "nice to meet you, Kenji had a fun day, make sure he tells you all about it"
He chuckled softly, his arms squeezing the small boy in his hold. "oh yeah?"
Kenji nodded, "I told her about Chibi"
"oh yeah, chibi, our fat cat" Yoongi teased
"shes tiny!!"
"not anymore"
You couldnt help but giggle at the adorable interaction, "well make sure you say hi to her for me, yeah?"
Kenji nodded, standing to his feet as he took his dads hands. "well i'll be seeing you around then" yoongi grinned, watching you say your goodbyes to Kenji
"yep, i'll be here tomorrow" you giggled, waving the two off before helping attend to a few other students.
Min Yoongi couldnt help but notice how gentle you were with his son, it made his heart happy that he could be at a safe place during the day instead of having to witness the downfall of him and his mothers marriage.
He also took in your appearance, noting how beautiful you were, but the thoughts quickly disappeared as his son begging to leave for ice cream.
You texted Taehyung as you left work, your feet dragging you down the street as you avoided bumping into others
Me: taetae im free...want me to pick you up coffee? (3:06pm)
Tae<3: yes, thanjs my love (3:07pm)
You giggled at his typo as you looked up, turning your direction in the way of the store before you felt a hand on your back, gently asking for your attention
"um..hello?" you took your headphones off as you turned, your eyes widening as you took in the appearance of the man you haven't seen in quite some time.
"Y/n..." he looked upset, rough, and like he had not been taking care of himself, not that he ever really did anyways.
"kaito?" you scoffed, looking around as if this was some joke
"please, im sorry, I dont mean to interrupt you and I know i'm the last person you want to see right now but I just ...I need to talk with you" he exhaled, hands defenseless as they fell openly to his sides, his venerability at show.
Your eyes glared over him before you took a breath, deciding that the risk factor here was low.
He swallowed, looking down at you sadly. "are you pregnant?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
Yup. he knows.
Trying to figure out what to respond was hard, the pause and lack of defense was probably enough to answer his question. "I...."
"I saw...taehyung..." he said his name as if it was venom, hard to pronounce, "a-and I know you guys are kinda...whatever. I just want to know....are you? is it...is it mine?"
Throughout everything that has been clouding your mind, you haven't had a moment to sit down and realize the possibility that the child could realistically be either Taehyung or Kaito's.
You rarely were intimate with your ex, but the slight chance was still there, and the fact you never realized it until now only adds another problem onto your already spilling over plate.
He took in your panicked state, speaking up "if it is, im....not mad, I just want to know. I know you hate me and you deserve to, but-"
"yeah what?"
"I am...pregnant" you whisper, "please dont tell anyone?"
his eyes fell low, his expression turning soft. You aren't used to seeing Kaito like this, his kind side..
"Its Taehyung's" you gulp out, because hell, even if it is Kaitos, in no way would you want him back in your life. Not after what he said, what he did. He could swear up and down that he's changed but it wont matter to your opinion or baby, at the end of the day, taehyung would be the father....biological or not.
With a sigh, he covered his face "im not gonna tell anyone....I just...I miss you, and I wish that I was the one with you during this and-"
"you dont deserve to be the one, Kaito." you spit, growing uncomfortable. "annie, chae and dahyun all abandon me over your words, over your actions...I was the one who was painted out to be the bad guy...and not once did you come to my defense!"
He nodded sadly "I know...I know"
"you fucking blame taehyung but hes been the only one there for me through it all, hes the only one I have!" you choke out, turning around in frustration "fuck...the nerve you have to do this to me right now"
"are you sure its Taehyung's?" he whispered, not in a rude way, more so in a last attempt to get you to talk with him
"stop with that!"
"If its mine I want to be there, I want to help out, even if you hate me, y/n" his face read regret and desperation
"as if I would ever let you close to me or my family again...the audacity you have is beyond anything ive ever seen....its never gonna happen, you treated me like shit over and over again, nothing will change, Kaito, and ive moved on. You need to as well...." you spoke before brushing past him
Kaito looked up at the sky with dreadful eyes, not able to watch you walk away from him again. He regretted his actions everyday, and just wanted 5 minutes to explain exactly what has been going on during the past few weeks. He wanted to explain that it was all Annie, that she was the one who spread rumors, she was the one who turned your friends against you, he wanted so badly to sit and apologize for anything hes ever done, and tell you that hes trying to change for real this time....but now the only thing he can do is store his thoughts away, as you leave again.
"I think we just need to say fuck it and go to Paris"
Taehyung looked away from his hands as he hung up new curtains you bought, the ladder he stood on shaking as he turned to you. "hm?"
"I think we should just go, I really need to get out of Busan"
He smiled gently, eyes returning to his task "I thought we agreed to go in a few weeks, that way you can visit your mom after words during vacation time"
"we should go now, I dont really care anymore"
He frowned a bit at your tone, "whats the urgency, baby? everything okay?" he stepped down the ladder.
You swallowed, "everything is fine, I just need a vacation, and I think its good to just...go"
He nodded slowly, trying not to pry into your sudden desire to leave, "okay...um, we can do that. I'll call them..." he smiled, "what about your mom? thought you wanted to tell-"
"it can wait"
"are you sure youre okay Y/N?"
you sigh, laying into his chest as you hug him, "I just want to be away and alone with you, stressed." you mumble, deciding against getting into the whole kaito thing, knowing he would blow it out of proportion.
Taehyung rubbed your back "ahh...okay....well how do you feel if I move the trip to Monday?"
"i'll let work know"
Taehyung handed you a cold cloth that he had dampened in the airplane bathroom, allowing you to put it on your neck.
Given that there has been time between your last airplane experience to now, you were more prepared on what to do when you felt sick.
"thank you" you mumbled, closing your eyes "how much longer?"
"6 hours baby" Taehyung spoke sadly, looking back at you, your face was pale and clammy.
"I know but just sleep, i'll be here, okay? breath through it" his gentle smile brought you to feel even a little safer.
The flight was long, and bothersome. When you werent on the verge of puking, you tried to sleep, but the seat was too uncomfortable so you tried to lean up against Taehyung, who was moving too much, so you decided to just lay back and count the minutes until this hell ride was over.
The only safe thought was that soon you and taehyung would be alone, entirely, in Paris. The most romantic place...pretty much ever.
You did your best to ignore the whiney nagging voice in the back of your head reminding you about what Kaito said, and how the baby could possibly be his. You wanted to discuss with your boyfriend, which would have been the right thing to do of course, but the way Taehyungs eyes light up when you talk or even slightly mention the pregnancy in anyway, makes you feel like a knife was throw directly into your heart. You cant break him, its okay to lie in some instances, right?
Besides, you were 99.9% positive it was taehyung's anyway, considering there was only a few times you and Kaito ever did it, and only once without secure protection. Chances here are, youre worrying about nothing.
This trip will be nothing but relaxing, a week away from all the shit in both of your lives.
The last time you and Taehyung went to Paris was a few summers ago, it was before the whole friends with benefits and emotionally constipated feelings arose, so this time around will be like an incredibly new experience.
Once the plane ride did finally come to a stop, Taehyung helped gather your luggage as you made your way to the center of the airport arrival gate.
"The taxi guy told me he would pick us up around 6:25pm, we have a few minutes, lets grab something to eat....you didnt eat on the plane"
You smiled, pulling your bag behind you, "because the food was gross, and I felt awful"
"are you feeling better now?"
"a little...I just need to sit and drink water"
He made sure to allow you time to relax as you felt your nausea slip away
Once you both got in the taxi, you eagerly looked out the window to admire the beautiful city that is Paris, the way everyone dressed, the beautiful agriculture, Busan had its perks...but Paris was such a different experience.
"im glad we're here" taehyung whispered, kissing your shoulder as he reached for your hand
"me too" you grinned softly, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to his lips "thank you for taking me"
"I wouldn't know who else to take, your my only one." he whispered, squeezing your hand
It was late in the evening, but the sun was just starting to set once you both arrived to your hotel
"oh this is beautiful" you spoke as you stood out of the car, admiring how fancy everything seemed.
"wait until you walk in"
your boyfriend assisted you with getting the bags out, putting them on a small wheeler as you began to lead inside the building.
A cool breeze hit you once you entered the lobby, an overwhelming aroma of cleanliness and bakery foods filled you, making you turn to taehyung "wow..."
"yeah...." he smiled, eyes looking everywhere, "lets check in, I wanna see our room"
The room that was arranged origanally just for Taehyung, included a king sized bed, a large flat screen tv, a mini fridge, and.....a terrace with chairs.
"this is so fucking cool!!" you giggled, running around the spacious area before collapsing on the bed
"this is so exciting, look!!" he ran to the terrace, admiring the view of the now dark city, lights shining everywhere.
You had gotten up to follow, a smile creeping onto your face as you hugged him from behind. "I love you"
He turned his body to face you, arms grabbing your waist before pressing a delicate kiss to your lips "I love you" his forehead was pressed to yours as he gently swayed, the music from the cafe below was loud enough to hear from outside, adding to such a perfect moment.
"this is gonna be a fun trip"
"I agree....lets just not worry about anything, just you and me" you whisper, hands cupping his face
"just you and me, thats easy" Taehyung chuckled, spinning you around before teasingly dipping you over, kissing you again
"how romantic" you giggled, holding onto him
"mhm I try" he led you back into the room "we can unpack in the morning while we have breakfast, I plan to go museum searching tomorrow anyways"
"that sounds fun...let me at least unpack an outfit so I know what to wear" you ran to your suitcase, eyeing some dresses and taking them out as taehyung laid on the giant bed, eyes looking at the french tv guide.
You held a fluffy white dress up to you in the mirror, tilting your head as you decided if it was a good choice or not. Taehyung looked over and smiled, "thats cute, baby"
"is it?" you look over, "I tried it on before we left....its okay, its kinda tight around my stomach and you can kinda see the bump at this point."
Taehyung stood to stand behind you, arms hugging you as you shared a gaze in the mirror. "my beautiful girl" his lips reached your neck "why wouldnt you want to show it off? youre sexy" he teased, gently squeezing your butt as you sighed
"ahh! stop" you jokingly scolded, folding the dress "I guess i'll wear it...its supposed to be really hot tomorrow" you tossed the clothing down on top of your suite case as you turned to look at your boyfriend "what are you doing?"
He scrolled through his phone, tapping something before a gentle jazzed tune emitted throughout the room, you raised an eyebrow as he set the device down.
"dance with me"
"no" you giggled, turning as his arm gently grabbed yours
"please, baby, just for a little" he smiled, voice low and quiet as you fell against his chest. "you look so beautiful...wanna enjoy every moment I have with you"
You blush, closing your eyes as he sways a bit to the music "i look dirty...I am dirty, we just had a 12 hour flight"
"you're always beautiful, and we can take a shower after this"
"so you admit it, I stink" you giggle
He sighed, pulling away to look you in the eye "no, im just saying we can clean up after, stop questioning everything and just let me love you right now and always" he smirked
"mmkay...." you smiled, hiding your face before swaying again
The room was dim, and you had to admit, you were more at peace in this moment than you had been in the past month.
"love you...so much" his hands grazed your back as he spoke against the top of your head.
"Love you more" you whispered, tightening your grip on him.
For a split second you felt guilt, guilt because you forgot that you were pregnant, and it wasnt just the two of you...and you will never have time like this alone again...and somewhere deep down you feel sad about that.
As if he knows your mind is wandering, he leads you to the bed and sits down, pulling you to his lap. "do you wanna sleep before we order dinner?" he asked, hands combing through your hair
he pulled you down to lay on his chest, between his legs. The rather loud sound of his heartbeat allowed you to melt into his touch.
You couldn't help but imagine as you closed your eyes, that is was just you and taehyung....and you had done things the right way....just you, and your boyfriend together on a trip.
The thought was rude, and selfish, but it didnt stop you from thinking it.
Life would change, and you knew you needed to start taking advantage of these moments now, before youre mom and hes dad.
right now?
you're Y/N and Taehyung.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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greycappedjester · 1 year
Hi! I am so sorry if this comes off as rude or nitpiky- I really don't want it to, but I felt you should know! In your last chapter of The Weirdness with Witches (which, wow, what an INCREDIBLE ending), I noticed a couple of spelling errors. Like, in this line, waste has two 't's in them: "'Why wastte the money?'”, and how it's 'a crime scene' instead of 'an crime scene' Huge fan of you and the series, and I just wanted to let you know! I would recommend Grammarly- it's what I use for my fics!
Thank you for the recommendation. I might try that as my current software is not great at spell check.
I'll also try to get those typos changed (currently on mobile so can't really rn). Also, no worries--as long as the comment is clearly well intentioned like this one, I dont mind at all when people point out my typos and grammar stuff. In fact, I really appreciate you telling me when there things I missed. Thanks again:)
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debatenarutooocs · 11 months
Sorry not , ion want no beef . But I’m in a new chapter everyone my Vtubing account is @thatsnotvixxy(or 1 x and two y’s) I came here to say ….. seiki, negate, nlinz , jade etc. if someone had to make me spell something.. I spell that shit wrong, even if it meant to save y’all. I’ll get it wrong on purpose. 😭 no cause like fuck y’all for ruining my Danm time in the bnha/anime art fandom. Ain gon say it’s all your fault but y’all was just fuck up ass adults. Idgaf y’all famous , shit my Twitter / every social media is on my link tree cardd SHII thing, if you got anything to say. Bc what made y’all say “okay we don’t like this poc minor lets fucking lie on her to make us feel better” and lord forbid Meg you a bitch that switch over.(mind you all these emotions in the pass, I could care less if yall eat or not 😭💀) . But y’all sat there on YALL asses to make a FUVKING lie! And seiki b**ch you made it seem like I wanted student x teacher but you never in a day in your life showed that Danm proof! Like if it was serious SHOW THE PROOF THAT I DID THAT SHIT ! But tada it was no fucking proof, and SHII if we gon keep it real I honestly though we had a sister/bro hood (they/them) but massa and that clout got to yo mfk head ! Oopsies😭 and Meg .. now shorty tf you make some fake ass I messages ??? I already checked yo ass on dms but still mfk you was like 20 or 21 idk. And everybody else ….. y’all was some hating ass mfks like deadass . If you trip suck on a cock and fall. (Hella typos DONT care) but all the energy abt what people get and there back….. keep hearing/seeing those words I meant every fucking thing. ….. but if a mfk want to apologize I don’t mind . But I said what I said off my chest and that was YALL was some mentally derange ass adults that maybe couldn’t get no dick or ass or some shit, coochie . (I say that as a asexual😭😭 no dick by choice). Other then that…. Hmmmmmm if I do art it’s @friendzndstyles and twitch ig / Vtubing @thatsnotvixyyvt. BUT CONGRATS I GOT MY MY PNG VTUBER ARTIST
Welp toodle-loohhh be safe guys now that I’m 20 … ion really give af if y’all like me / forgive me , just don’t fuck up my safe place with y’all childish ass stupidity wii lies , cause some YALL ass joining the vtuber community apparently 😭💀. But idc eat go do something , think abt YALL reflection of the past. Uh other people Ian add no names but YALL fuck YALL to anybody in that group who had beef and act like who couldn’t speak up. - and that’s on vixy aka himeygi ! Aka any other name I had through the years .
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
hi, this is a random question but i have to ask. do you edit your fics yourself or do you have a beta reader? also if you have beta reader(s) how did you go about i guess getting one? i'm a little shy when it comes to asking for things pertaining to my writings and stuff and someone suggested i get a beta reader since my works have a lot of typos and stuff that i don't catch when reading it. i'm so sorry for rambling this to you, but i guess i just trust your advice and suggestions the most, but i hope you're doing well!! (from a moot)
So it depends. I would sometimes ask a friend (Chye, Gaia) to edit for me to help me check for spelling errors. But for the most part, I do the editing all on my own. My works are very long and I'm not really...the most patient person when it comes to the distance between me finishing a fic and me posting (hence why so many times i end up posting at ass fuck o'clock in the morning because i tend to stay up writing and stay up later editing so i can post it instantly bc gods help me if i actually...wait a few hours and do it like a normal person-)
You dont have to feel bad for asking! I dont mind answering at all, lovely. To be honest, what I've seen, is folks in writing nets sometimes put out like, a "job posting" for someone to beta their work and give a lil summary on what it is and how long it is and usually someone gets to them quickly on if they'll do so. If you're part of a net, try asking!
If not, then see if one of your friends has free time and doesnt mind giving it a look over or editing for you as they read. Its much easier to ask a friend for help than a room full of strangers/associates anyway (regarding the net setting) so I would say reach out.
And if all else fails, as lame as it sounds, you can always go over it yourself with a fine tooth comb. Read it aloud, sometimes that helps people than reading it in their heads. As you're reading aloud or whispering it to yourself, you probably will catch yourself going "that doesnt sound right", "that doesnt flow well", "thats NOT how that is spelled" and can correct as you go. I find that helps too sometimes.
I hope you're doing well, too, lovely. Good luck and happy writing!
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hold my hand (bring me comfort)
i am super sick because of the covid booster shot and i decided the best way to make myself feel better was writing a corny sickfic set in a world where The Magnus Archives is an office romance and the office romance features Jon having 0 idea how to deal with a fledging crush and deciding soup is the best way to do so. to spice it up it’s not even him who’s sick for once what could you ask more.
“but, tired, wouldn’t it have made more sense for you to go the fuck to sleep?” yes next question
is it particularly accurate, realistic and/or the height of my characterisation for either of them? no. did it make me feel better? yes on a spiritual level. we all need soup sometimes. i should have also probably slept but going to do that now.
please enjoy, this is a rambling mess but i am lovingly holding it in my hands and offering it to you ❤️
«I made you... soup.»
Martin can see that. It doesn't make the image of Jonathan Sims, his boss who maybe-sort-of doesn't really like him, standing on his doorstep in jeans and a hoodie and holding a container of - as he helpfully explained - soup, any less jarring.
He abruptly realises he's still holding a crumpled tissue way too tightly in his fist. There's snot on it.
It's disgusting.
He tries to surreptitiously hide it in his pocket. Jon doesn't seem to notice.
Probably because he's still shifting his weight uneasily from foot to foot, holding his pretty heavy-looking tupperware with both hands so as to not drop it, waiting for Martin to... do something. He nervously looks up from the plastic lid, then, starting up again, taking a sudden interest in the patch of darkened hallway that must be visible over Martin's shoulder.
«It's- you didn't. Sound well over the phone. I brought soup. Would you- can I come in?»
«Oh. Oh! O-Of course, sure, come in.» he says, and he almost trips in his haste to move back, freeing a space for Jon to slip inside and closing the door behind him after.
That is when, finally, the reality of the situation dawns on him through the fuzzy, cotton-like haze clouding his head like thick fog.
Everything is suddenly in very sharp focus – the sluggish, slow response of his limbs when he tries to move them, and the ache suffusing his whole body in unpleasant waves (and prickling the base of his neck and the length of his spine and only, somehow, his right temple with especially bothersome stabbing pain), and, of course, how could he forget, the fact that Jonathan Sims is now standing awkwardly inside his flat instead of on his doorstep. Still holding a container of soup that, now that Martin takes a closer look, could probably feed a medium sized army no problem. Entirely too much soup.
Is the soup for him? It’s. The soup is probably for him, or Jon wouldn’t have made the trip all the way from his flat to bring it to him.
There are several baffling implications hidden like Russian dolls in this bigger thought.
Number one – Jon had thought about him. Jon had worried about him. Martin had called him that morning to confirm that, yes, from feeling slightly under the weather the day before he had graduated during the night to a fully fledged fever-and-nausea-and-cold flu situation and no, he wasn’t about to go into work. And Jon had listened to his – admittedly kind of pitiful – explanation on the phone, and apparently Jon had gone home – which in and of itself would have been impressive in any case – and was concerned enough to make him food and bring it to him.
Number two – Jon had, also, made him soup. Not bought it, not scavenged it from the recesses of the tin aisle in the supermarket. He said I made you soup. Which means that apparently Jon can cook and usually just chooses not to, except he had gone out of his way to cook for Martin on a Thursday evening, because he was sick.
Number three – Martin will have to update the status of his lingering his-hair-is-luscious-and-when-he-smiles-the-world-stops-to-look crush because after this he might somehow, possibly, definitely be in love. Not to be dramatic or anything.
He isn’t dramatic. He is not.
It’s the way Jon had looked standing there, oversized purple hoodie with a faded print on the front, hair clearly braided in a rush, with frizzy grey strands escaping the loose plait to curl around his neck in ringlets, for god’s sake.
It’s how his eyes had been darting nervously between Martin and the stairs, like he’d been terrified he’d tell him to get lost, like he hasn’t spent the past six months (or, let’s be real, closer to a year now) sighing after his retreating back like the lovesick main character of a Victorian romance novel.
It’s, really, the tiny, self-conscious, real smile Jon is gracing him with now, holding the soup towards him, eyebrows rising in confusion.
«W-where can I put this? I- I mean, only if you want of course, I-I could heat up. Some of it? For d-dinner?» he stammers through the offer, and by the end Martin is almost sure he can see a blush blooming on his cheeks, even if it’s hard to tell between the dim light in his entryway and Jon’s dark complexion.
Martin is also blushing but that isn’t the point and also, it’s really impossible to figure how much of it is because of the fever he can already feel getting higher again and how much is because of Jon offering to set up dinner for him. For them? Oh god.
He’s a mess. He’s a mess and Jon probably wants to sit down at the table – with Martin in his sweaty pjyamas he didn’t change out of for the whole day and his curls sticking to his temples and his heart rabbiting too fast in his chest with sickness – and eat dinner. Together. Eat the soup he made specifically for Martin, with him.
If the flu doesn’t take him out, Jon will probably manage where it failed. Martin doesn’t say any of that.
«Oh– oh, yeah, sure. The kitchen is- this way, yes.» he says, instead, and leads the way to his cramped but very yellow kitchenette.
Martin’s flat isn’t… the biggest. Or the best. Or not even especially fireproof, as the scorch marks on the wall right behind the stove can be a testament to. But it’s his.
He likes it, and it’s pretty cosy if he says so himself.
There are a lot of throw pillows. He went to Ikea and found a nice photo frame, of the kind that can hold more than one picture, and put on a selection of highland cow photographs on the wall to cheer himself up on bad days and it works. It works and he will not hear anything about it and he’s bracing himself for Jon’s inevitable comment and he’s already opening his mouth to defend himself except–
Jon is smiling again. At the cows on Martin’s kitchen wall.
It’s not even a small smile this time. It’s unjust how stupidly endearing he can look like this – casually hesitating in the doorframe, taking in the unfamiliar environment with careful eyes, and smiling like five pictures of cows doing various adorable cow things are the best thing he’s seen all day.
To be fair, they might be. They are very good cows.
This doesn’t help Martin’s sudden, fervent wish this wasn’t an unfamiliar environment and that Jon was comfortable, here, actually fitting into the nooks and crannies of his life like he belonged there, not like a guest. Now that he has gotten a glimpse of what that would look like he feels greedy, want settling in his sternum like yet another ache, although much sweeter than the feverish pain in his muscles.
«Sit down, Martin.» he says, and the way he rounds the r into nothing is so familiar and yet so much softer than usual, a quiet, exasperated tone to it that almost gives him whiplash and oh, it’s cute. Mahtin, he says. He, in fact, does sit down. «You’re– you’re sick, let me do it. Just– please tell me where the bowls are?» he goes on, and he’s facing away from him, setting his tupperware down on the counter and lifting the lid with a small pop, so Martin can’t be sure.
But he also can’t completely dismiss the possibility that he is blushing again, with the way he seems hellbent on keeping his eyes on the swirling surface of the soup until Martin points him to the lower cabinets where he keeps his dishes, and then very resolutely keeps not looking over at him as he turns on the stove and scoops the newly hot soup into two green bowls with generous ladles.
Martin is not staring. Except he maybe kind of is – he isn’t sure if he’s doing it more than usual, but he feels like, yes, probably. Jon moves with comforting, assured certainty, and he seems to relax even further as he goes through well-practiced motions.
When he sets the plate down in front of him, along with a spoon and a napkin, he isn’t smiling but his expression hasn’t quite settled into his usual frown, either. It’s just… calm. Pleasant.
Martin smiles, absurdly pleased even though he did absolutely nothing. Then, he tastes the soup and finds yet another reason to fall in love with Jonathan Sims.
It’s the best damn soup he’s ever had. Not recently, not even in the last year – in his whole life, hands down.
Martin is not going to cry into this bowl of soup.
Not even if his whole body is hurting like a bad bruise when you press down on it, and he’s sitting down on a comfortable chair, listening to the man he has an incredibly embarassing crush on going on and on about how he made the best chicken soup he has ever eaten, pointedly not mentioning the fact he made it specifically for him.
He doesn’t cry.
He’s very proud of himself.
He does, however, sway dangerously to the side when he goes to stand up after eating, having to catch himself against the table not to fall.
Jon is by his side in an instant, and when Martin risks a glance his way he’s standing just a little too close, hand hovering over his elbow, forehead pinched with worry in an expression that has no right to be as adorable as it is.
If he wasn’t feeling quite so unstable already, he might feign being faint again just to see if Jon would catch him.
As it is, actually, oh, he might not have to fake it. He flops back down on the chair, heavily, groaning in pain when the movement pulls harshly on the tightness in his back.
Jon hovers for a second more, before apparently making a decision, determination settling across his features – his lips press together sharply, his scowl getting deeper.
«Alright. Yes, you- you should rest, I- yes. Let’s- let’s get you to bed.» he says, and Martin feels weak and… precarious enough that he goes willingly. Almost. Not before trying to make some point about doing the dishes (I’ll take care of that, Mahtin, you can barely stand), and protesting because Jon is a guest (not withstanding the fact he was never invited in the first place and did this all of his own volition) and just, generally trying to wrestle down the urge to resist being taken care of.
It’s… rather hard, in fact, to let Jon usher him down the hall to his bedroom, muttering even more apologies because the room is in complete disarray, and there’s tissues everywhere, and his blankets are a sad pile on top of his bed because he didn’t bother straightening them before dragging himself to open the door earlier.
Jon doesn’t seem to mind, leaving him to settle under the covers to… do something. At this point, the fuzziness is back, muffling quite effectively everything that happens outside his direct field of vision, his head and eyelids both too heavy to deal with. The fever reducers must be wearing off.
He closes his eyes for just a second. Probably. When he opens them again, Jon is very close. Sitting on the bed right next to him, that concerned look back in his eyes.
God, his eyes are so pretty.
They’re the same rich brown of good hot chocolate, and when they get like this, all warm and softened from their normal brand of disapproval. They’re lovely.
Not the point. The point is that Jon is offering him a glass of water, along with something else – medicine, he registers distantly as he tries to swallow the pill without choking, and he’s so close.
Martin feels his legs shift against his side as he goes to stand again, seemingly satisfied once he drinks almost all of the water and takes the paracetamol without protest.
He really doesn’t want Jon to leave, all of a sudden.
This has been… nice. Apart from the fact that he’s really sick. And that everything hurts. And that he isn’t quite sure why Jon would appear on his doorstep to take care of him when he’s sick out of the blue, so maybe it’s to make it easier on his conscience for when he’ll fire him, on Monday, for missing work. Or for making it way too obvious he is absolutely, undoubtedly head-over-heels infatuated with his boss.
In his fever-addled mind, who clearly has no idea what they’re doing, Martin panics at that. His hand shoots out from under the blanket, gripping Jon’s delicate, fragile wrist – he doesn’t squeeze, afraid to hurt him. Just… kind of holds him, keeping him from getting away.
Jon’s eyes are darting frantically between that tiny point of contact and Martin’s face, and he kind of looks like he is panicking, but that makes no sense, does it.
«I’m- I’m sorry. I know. I know you don’t like me.» it’s out of his mouth before he can stop it. He isn’t sure he would have wanted to stop it, anyway – it is true.
Jon has never made a mystery of the fact he doesn’t like him, which only makes it weirder he’s here, sitting next to him, after giving him soup to help with his flu.
And yet. Here they are.
He looks incredibly conflicted – he’s biting his lip hard enough Martin is kind of afraid he’ll draw blood, but then he does that thing again, where he squares his shoulders as he comes down to a definitive choice on some matter he has discussed entirely in his own head, solely with himself.
When he speaks, it’s with a soft, subdued voice, still kind. Intent, somehow.
«Oh, Martin. No- I just- I’m.» he starts, then stops, frustrated, and he looks away for a second, trying to collect his thoughts. Then he starts over with a sigh, words rushing out of him, «I’m really. Really sorry about– behaving like that. I will apologise properly when you’re feeling better, but– but. I do like you.» he finishes. He’s definitely blushing, this time.
Or maybe the room is dark. Or maybe Martin is already half-asleep.
That must be it, because there is no universe apart for his imagination in which Jon would actually turn his hand in Martin’s own, interlacing their fingers for a second, holding it so gently, so carefully, like it might break.
He exhales, shakily, and his hand is so warm. So small, but firm. Steady. This is also pretty lovely.
«Too much, I’m afraid.» he says, then, and it comes out of him like a secret, like something precious, held reverently in a whisper.
Martin doesn’t hear him. He’s already asleep.
(He wakes up, hours later, groggy but mostly fever-free.
Jon is nowhere to be found.
The soup is in the freezer and there’s more medicine on the living room table, says the note he finds taped at eye-level on the fridge.
He’s grateful no one is there to witness the completely besotted smile he feels overtaking his face.)
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dianagj-art · 3 years
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I tried to do more of the screenshot/cinematic kinds look but I gave up and just bullshited the backgrounds bc I didn't wanted to look so plain but I also didn't want to do a background
anyways Mipha is here! it's Mipha time!
(Friendly remainder that what's bellow is just copy paste from my draft and there's probably a lot of typos and gramar mistakes)
More of Yiga Link AU
<Previous / next>
A group of young Zoras finds Link's body sinking on the river, south of the Minish Woods. They take him out to land and check on him, he is barely alive and they quickly take him all the way to Zora's domain. They send the fastest of them first to inform the princess and she meets them halfway.
Link's wounds are bad, but she still can heal him, they take him to the domain to keep an eye on him, besides he is still uncouncious. They set him up on that little area for other species when they visit, and Mipha had other healers take a proper look at him.
The princess buys him clothes from a merchant since his are barely existent with so many cuts. The zora recognize those cuts, they know the boy was on a Yiga attack and unfortunately, they find his tattoo behind his neck.
They are not idiots and they fear the boy might be a spy and all was just a set up, the princess still wants to talk to him. Mipha was no fool and she wasn't as naive as most people outside the Domain may think, but she was curious, and there was a feeling in her chest that told her there was more to know about this boy.
Link wakes up in unknown clothes, he has no idea of where he is but soon finds out as he started to look around. He remembers what happened and a hand grips his chest. He knows he shouldn't be alive.
"That was terrible wound you had there," The voice startled him and he instantly stood up to go into combat mode. "Don't stand, you are not fully healed yet." he really didn't have another option, there wasn't a part of his body that did't hurt and the pain brough him down to the bed again.
He looked up to see 3 zoras, two tall ones dressed in armor flanquing a smaller one in shinny red scales and dressed in zora jewerly. The princess.
"Don't be sacred" she said and gestured to her guards to stay put as she walked to him, "I just came to look on your wounds"
Link frowned at that, the princess? Coming here to check on a stanger's wounds? Yeah sure. Link remembers his tattoo and quickly hides it with a simple illution spell that wouldn't take that much of his stenght.
"Dont you have healers for that?" he asked coldly.
The princess laughed lightly "Yes," she admitted and stood by his bed, her amrs behind her body, holding her spear "and they know more about hylian anathomy than I do, but they can't do what i can. Your wounds were bad enough to require my assistance."
Link frowned again, "what does that mean?"
Mipha smiled and gestured at the bed, "Can I?" Link recoiled his legs, leting her space to sit down, the princess did, leaving her spead resting on the bed besides her, she extended her hand to him, "give me your arm" she said softly.
Link hessitaded but he rested his arm on her hand. She carefully took off his bandages and let exposed a deep cut on his forearm, the boy winced at the sight.
The princess then put her other hand above the wound and closed her eyes. Her palm started to glow and link gasped loudly. His arm started to feel cold and a bit numb, but the pain was gone, and soon the same sensation washed over his body. It was nice.
Mipha was focused on the wound but she looked up for a moment to catch his expresion, she smiled lightly and looked down again.
The light coming from her palm dimmed until it was gone and his exposed wound wasn't there anymore. Slowly, the pain came back to the rest of his body. Mipha let go off his hand and he lifted his arm to his eye level, twisting it one way and another, trying to see the trick but no, the wound was really gone.
"You... You really have healing powers..." he had herd the rumors but no yiga had actually seen it, just heard things from other people.
Mipha hummed a laugh, catching link's atention, "Outsiders are always so surprissed to see it" she stood up, taking the spear again, "I have other things to attend, but i'll come back to heal the rest of your wounds latter."
She leaves with her guards, a few minutes latter another group of zoras show up. Two of them check on his wounds and tell him to rest while the other two just guarded the entrance. He had a bad feeling, whenever he peeked an eye to the other room he saw a guard. He didn't know if that was normal or if it was because of him.
He rests, too tired to try and transport, and fully knowing that in this state he wouldn't be able to fight. He starts trying to form a plan to get out of there. Taking a swim was not an option, anywhere near water he would be an at disadvantage. He had to make it to the montains that sorrounded Zora's Domain, he could take a run for it once he were back to his feet, he had no idea if zoras were fast runners but they had short legs, he was sure he could outrun them. Once close to the montains he could teletrasnport himself to a higher place and away from them.
Tho he didn't know where to go from there. It's not like he could go back to the Hideout.
Mipha comes back that evening and heals two more of his wounds before leaving. Link is starting to think that maybe her healing magic tires him as much as illutions and trasportation tires him. It takes a few days for him to be fully healed, all the time he is forced to stay on the rooms to "rest"
All the time he feels uncomfortable, he feels watched. It gets worse when he is fully healed and the princess wants to give him a little tour around the domain, everyone always stares at him, or maybe they are looking at their princess and he was just being paranoid.
He had never been to Zora's domain, to be honest, he hadn't seen that much of Hyrule, and he was intrigued to see and learn more.
As they start to walk around the Domain a little red-scaled Zora runs to her and hugs her leg "Sidon!"
"I'm sorry princess," another Zora runs to her, "he's been running away the whole day, he doesn't wan't to do the jump"
"If you don't jump how am I going to teach you to climb waterfalls?" Mipha asked him and he just hugged her tighter, hiding behind her from his instructor.
Link quickly put two and two together and figures out he must be the young Zora Prince, but he was most concerned with the idea forming on his mind. Would they follow him if he jumped? He eyed an opening on the level they were on, and without really thinking about the heigh he kneeled down
"If I jump would you jump?" he asked Siron, "I can't swim as well as a zora would, so if i can make that jump I guess a zora prince would have no trouble doing it, right?"
Siron thinks for a moment then nods. Link walks to the edge and looks down to the long drop. "Having second thoughts?" Sidon's instructor asked him. Link just frowns at him, and takes a few steps back, he took off his shirt and dropped it before sprinting and jumping.
He hits the water gracefully and as he sinks he prapares to transport, but sees a lot of Zoras around him. He sees that at the bottom of the lake there's a whole underwater town that probably outstretched fartest of what he could see. He goes out to the surface and finds it quite hard to not let the current take him away, even when he was under their castle as there were underwater walls shielding him from the strong current of the main water fall of the domain. A few zora heads pop out, looking at him curious. Some heads look younger, maybe teens? And look at him impressed and exited
"SIDON!" Link lifts his gaze and sees someone had jump and the tiny zora splashed in the water. He looks around but the zora prince doesnt come out.
"OW!" something bites his toes and a tiny shark head pops out, sidon smiles with sharp teeth and giggles until the current starts to drag him out. Link lets him, surely other people would help their prince. But they dont they just look, and as much as the tiny zora tried the current kept draging him.
Link reaches out a hand and takes him, wraping his scaly hands around his neck as he swims to the base of the castle structure. He leaves sidon on the rock and climbs up too.
Mipha's head pops out behind him, "you swim quite well for a hylian" Link jumps in surprise, when had she jump? he didnt even see or hear her splash, "You are bleeding," she said and he lifted his feet off the water to see quite a deep bite. "SIDON!" mipha screams distressed, "how many times do i have to tell you it's impropper to bite others!" she lifted herself to the place they were sitting and patted the space between link and her, he puts there his feet and she healed him. As always he stared at her hand facinated.
"I have to thank you, for not letting the curent carry Sidon" she said, "you shouldn't have to, he is 23, he should be strong enough to be able to withstand it." link looks at sidon as he jumps into the water again swiming closer to the rocks. 23? "but I would have done the same" "and thank you for jumping, her instructor had been trying to make him jump all week"
Link looks at his foot and thinks of all the other wounds he had, all the wounds the yiga had made. "I should thank you," he said, "I should be dead. You saved me."
"those wounds were no accident, were they?" she asked, "the yiga were sent to kill you" Link nods, "but why?" he sruggs.
"I have to leave," he said softly, "but i'll hate to leave without paying back what you have done for me,"
Mipha smiles, "I'm sure we'll think of somehting," she stands up, "I know a place you can stay meanwhile. Sidon! Lets go!" he swims to them, his little back fin braking the surface, he jumps towards Link, mouth open. Link backs up but Mipha catches him on the air and hums a laugh. "I'll meet you at the top," she said to link and pointed over his shoulder "you can use the leadder to climb up."
Mipha swims up the waterfall they just jumped from with sidon on her back. They meet at the top and Mipha leaves sidon with his instructor. He runs to link when he shows up and tries to bite his leg, "My prince, dont do that!" the instructor pulls him away before he can do damage and sidon smiles with his spiky teeth.
"I have to apologyze for his behavior," Mipha said tho she is trying not to laugh, "His new teeth just came out and he has a need to bite eveything."
They walk to a village at the top of the mountain overseeing zora's Domain. Mipha pays him a night to stay and tells him good bye. Link is bafled that she has so much trust in him, he plans on just leaving, but he has a chance. He now knew and gained the trust of two zora royals. He knew they were the only heirs of the zora domain and since the king didn't had a mate... He could make a move. And maybe, he could be allowed back with his people.
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drwcn · 3 years
Hi! I hope you are doing okay with all the discourse going around. Im white and raised in a very white society so i will never have a say in it, but i was wondering, is there any way i can educate myself more in asian/chinese culture? Im aware i consume content thru western lens and because of that i dont really get all the nuances of the shows, but i would like to have at least some backround. Im guessing just watching the shows doesnt give enough of that, can you maybe reccommend some blogs or books to check out? (If you dont thats totally fine and im sorry if i said anything offensive)
Hey friend! Not offensive at all, no worries. Honestly, I’m not too sure. I think just keeping an open mind about things is a really good start. I’m not really sure which blogs to recommend but if I could recommend some dramas? Since it’s probably easier to watch a show then read a book?
《The Story of Minglan》 is a good one to sort of parse out the intricacy of historical Chinese society in the Song Dynasty, keeping in mind that different dynasties have different practices, so even amongst different time periods there were differences. 《The Story of Yanxi Palace》 is another good one for Qing Dynasty (circa 1740s) if you wanna get into imperial harem stuff. (Or you can watch 《甄嬛传》 or 《如懿传》 for harem stuff. I just think The Story of Yanxi Palace is the most palatable, most aesthetic, and most fun out of the three. The other two are kinda tragic?) There are other dramas but I feel they’re not as... accessible?
Chinese historical dramas come in 3 flavours: serious dramas, idol dramas, and those that ride the fence. What I mean by idol drama is...everyone in it is young and hot and the writing is eh and the acting is eh. More often then not there’s a lot of modern elements to it. The Untamed is so popular because it’s idol drama done really well.  (xianxia and wuxia genre used to be more quality when I was a kid, but now they’re kind of ehhhh.) I would say Minglan and Yanxi are both successful because they ride the fence. 
On the other hand, serious historical drama has A LOT of politics and can be quite dry especially if you’re watching it through half-assed subtitles. The actors typically are more seasoned, older. People jokingly say that idol drama is what mom watches and serious drama is what dad watches, and honestly given my parents’ tv habits...it’s pretty accurate 😂.
Some really well known ones from the past 20 years are: 
The 《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》 series 1-4. I would only recommend part 1-2, 3-4 are not as great. This one has quite a bit of humour but it might fly over your head a bit because of the language barrier. The story surrounds a well known government official and scholar named Ji Xiaolan  纪晓岚, his frenemy and colleague the (EXTREMELY corrupt) prime minister He Shen, and the Emperor Qianlong. For better or worse these three are depicted as both liege and subjects as well as friends. Trying to see Ji Xiaolan and He Shen one up each other while Qianlong tries to balance his court and rule the country is quite interesting. I won’t pretend this is an easy series to follow, but it’s actually quite fun. 
《汉武大帝》 - is about Hanwu Emperor of the Han Dynasty circa 150 BC? He’s one of the most famous emperors of distant history. It’s basically about the course of his life and the many people that featured in it. 
《大明王朝 》- my memories of this one is very vague, but it is about the Ming Dynasty (the dynasty before the Qing Dynasty c. 1500,1600.) 
《The Advisors Alliance 军事联盟》-  2017 two-part television series based on the life of Sima Yi, a government official and military general who lived in the late Eastern Han dynasty and Three Kingdoms period of China. circa 150 AD. 
As a side note, a lot of serious dramas for a while now have been focused on the Qing Dynasty, just because it’s the last imperial dynasty before Imperial China fell into decline, WWI and WWII ravaged the country and communism happened. Even a lot of idol drama are about the Qing Dynasty (I feel like I should do a post about this, just to string things together haha). 
So for the Qing Dynasty, because they are Manchurian, their last name is Aisin Gioro or in Chinese Aixin Jueluo 爱新觉罗. Their earlier emperors are much more well known than their later ones and have been the focus of MANY dramas. (You’ll notice their names in the beginning spell very different than the Chinese names you’re used to, but once they take over China, the emperors’ names start to become more and more mainland Chinese and less and less Manchurian.) 
Nu’er Hachi 努尔哈赤/ Nurhaci - The granddaddy of Qing Dynasty, but was never officially Emperor of China during his life time. 
Huang Taiji 皇太极 - Nurhaci’s oldest son. He led the campaign against the Ming Dynasty but died before the campaign was over 
Fulin 福林, Emperor Shunzhi 顺治 - Huang Taiji’s 9th son. He is the real first Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. His uncle Duo’Ergun 多尔衮/ Dorgon was his regent as well as his commander-in-chief. Dorgon was the one who won the war against the Ming Dynasty and instated his nephew as the Emperor. Fulin was 6 years old when this happened, and now you may wonder why the fuck is that? It’s because Fulin’s mother, Huang Taijii’s widowed concubine Consort Zhuang (name: pu’erji-jite bumubutai  (pinyin) 博爾濟吉特 布木布泰/ Bumbutai Borjigit, Da-Yu’er 大玉儿) remarried her brother-in-law Dorgon. Whether Bumbutai and Dorgon were actually in love is....contestable. Certainly one of my favourite serious dramas that depict this part of history is《大青风云》. 
Xuanye 玄燁, Emperor Kangxi 康熙 - Fulin’s third son. Very famous. Very long reign. Serious drama associated 《康熙微服私访记》, 《康熙王朝》
Yinzhen 胤禛, Emperor Yongzheng 雍正 - Xuanye's 4th son. His reign was highly contested because some ppl believed he forged the succession document. It’s probably not true. He was an efficient emperor but very austere, very severe. Not well liked. The best serious drama about him is probably 《雍正王朝》and the aforementioned《甄嬛传》. The former is 100% politics and a fictional re-telling of historical events whereas the latter is 100% harem drama and 100% made up. 《步步惊心》is an idol drama about a girl who transmigrated back to this time and fell in love with Yinzhen. Lol. 
Hongli 弘历, Emperor Qianlong 乾隆 - Yinzhen’s 4th son. I think he’s the longest living/reigning emperor of Chinese history. SOOOOO many dramas were made about him or set in his reign. Of the serious drama category:  《铁齿铜牙纪晓岚》 that I mentioned earlier is really good. There are others but I won’t name them here.  《如懿传》 is a serious drama about his harem, but really terrible? I really didn’t like it (just my personal view). Incidentally it was released around the same time as《The Story of Yanxi Palace 延禧攻略》which is also about his harem and MUCH better in my opinion, because the actor for Hongli in Yanxi is much better skills-wise. 《还珠格格》was the OG idol drama about Hongli’s children. I gave a brief synopsis about it here. It was made in the 90s but damn...so nostalgic. 
There’s many more emperors after him, but they’re not as important. 
Okay yeah, so I’m not sure if any of this is really helpful, but definitely watching serious drama gives you much better context and understanding of Chinese culture than idol drama. I mean when the drama has flying and magic...the historical relevance sort of falls to the side. 🤣
ADDENDUM: I made a typo earlier. Fulin is Huang Taiji’s 9th son, not Nurhaci’s son. Also Abahai is Huang Taijii’s mother’s name (wikipedia lied to me on this one XD). 
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moronic-validity · 2 years
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#especially not from you cis people who dont have to fight to have your identity recognized or to have your pronouns respected
My Top Posts in 2021
Slashers Ranked: Spelling and Handwriting
-Billy Lenz: 5/10. He's not going to win any spelling bees anytime soon, but he's satisfied with his abilities. As for handwriting? Let's...not talk about it.
-RZ Michael Myers: 6/10. Okay listen. He can spell. His handwriting though? Yikes big guy. If his handwriting was legible, you'd be able to figure out what he was writing
-1978 Michael Myers: ???/10. What are you? A cop? Michael knows he can spell, but it's apparently none of our business
- Bo Sinclair: 6/10. Once again with the handwriting.... I've always liked the hc that Bo is a voracious reader. Like I really like it. I think that because he reads, he's also a fairly solid speller. His problem? His handwriting looks a hell of a lot like his dad's
- Vincent Sinclair: 3/10. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just think that Vincent writes too quick to double check his spelling. He probably knows how to spell, but you'd never be able to tell because he'll scribble his typo ridden note to self, then go back to doing what he was doing.
- Lester Sinclair: 7/10. Lester's score comes from the fact he works for the state. Does this mean he's going to win any spelling bees any time soon? No. But he can spell well enough to fill out whatever stupid reports have to be filled out.
-Jason Voorhees: 5/10. Listen, Jason can't spell for shit. He really does work at it. Most people can't tell that Jason can't spell because he'll use synonyms. You only really realize it when he gives you a grocery list that says 'popcorn seeds' instead of popcorn kernels.
-Brahms Heelshire: 9/10. The little shit can spell, okay? His parents probably made sure of it. And is handwriting? You expected childish scrawls considering his behavior, but it's actually very neat and almost pretty.
-Thomas Hewitt: 10/10. Luda Mae made sure that Thomas could spell and not only can he spell, he has the best handwriting out of any slasher on this list second only to
- Bubba Sawyer: 10/10. Depending on which line you follow, Bubba had either Verna or Drayton on his ass about spelling and handwriting through his entire childhood and well into adulthood.
- Pavi Largo: 2/10. He can not spell for shit. That being said? He has beautiful swirling handwriting. "Pavi, you know there's an e in the word heart, right?"
"Do I kare?"
- Luigi Largo: 9/10. Really neat handwriting and really solid spelling. He handles a lot of contracts and he takes great pride in it.
- Amber Sweet: -1/10. She'll text you and blame autocorrect if there's a typo. Her actual handwriting is nearly illegible and she can't spell.
- Graverobber: -8/10. Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you. Graverobber had really neat handwriting and it's completely legible, but then he mixes numbers in with the letters because fuck you, that's why. Spells like a late 2000's scene kid.
-Amanda Young 5/10. She really does have decent handwriting and her spelling isn't bad. She's honestly just middle of the line here.
- Leslie Vernon 3/10. Okay listen, I hc Leslie as dyslexic (I'm also dyslexic, let me have this) and sometimes spelling is really hard. He knows what he's trying to write, his handwriting is good, but bless this man, his spelling is not great.
- Charlie Hewitt: you would think, as another one of Luda Mae's boys, that he would also have good spelling and good handwriting. You'd be wrong. 5/10. Charlie didn't care much for the lessons and he can spell and his handwriting is legible, but it is no where NEAR Thomas's level.
- Drayton Sawyer: 9/10. His handwriting isn't as good as Bubba's, but his spelling is definitely on par. He takes a fair amount of pride in his penmanship.
- Asa Emory: 7/10. Please hear me out here. Asa has really neat handwriting and can spell scientific names all day long. Technical terms? No problem. Do not ask him to spell the word refrigerator. He can't do it.
-Daniel Robitaille: 8/10. Okay so I saw the original Candyman very recently and my gut instinct is that he can spell and that his handwriting is really really good. And no, not just good for having a hook hand. Good. Period.
- Lawrence Oleander: 6/10 or 1/10. I imagine his handwriting as very neat when he's calm and the scrawling of a mad man when he's not. As for spelling? He's fairly good at it when he's focused on what he's doing.
- Strade: It's complicated/10. Okay so here's my thought process here. Strade is a serial killer. My guess is, he changes up his handwriting every now and again. Sometimes he's an elite speller with carefully swirling letters, and others, it's chicken scratch where ds and bs and ps and qs all look the same. The general consensus is that Strade writes however it suits him and the situation he's in.
176 notes • Posted 2021-08-30 17:41:12 GMT
Slashers Ranked: Can They Cook?
This list may upset some people, I apologize now.
-Billy Lenz: 2/10. He can boil water, which is an important first step. His problem is that everything winds up burnt or undercooked because he gets sidetracked like a mother fucker. He would've gotten a 5 or higher, but he pours the milk in his cereal first too.
-1978 Michael Myers: -9/10. He ate a dog. I will not elaborate further.
-Lester Sinclair: 6/10. He can cook!!! It may not always look the best, but he can!!! He does happen to utilize roadkill from time to time (if it's in good shape), but he's proud of it and will explain the ecological benefits.
- Bo Sinclair: 4/10. In jail for waffle related crimes. Also...got points for waffle related crimes.
- Vincent Sinclair: 5/10. He leans a bit more on microwave meals than his brothers, but you know what? They're always cooked through.
-Jason Voorhees: 7/10. He can actually cook. Fairly well. He cooks most things over a fire, but that's a personal choice. He has access to a stove. He doesn't want to use it.
-Brahms Heelshire: 0/10. Part of your job is to cook for him and feed him. Look me in the eyes and ask me again if he can cook
-Thomas Hewitt: 5/10. Listen to me. If he isn't working, he's at Luda Mae's hip when she cooks. He likes to watch and learn and help out where he can. Charlie is a little shit about it.
- Bubba Sawyer: 4/10. Would love to learn to cook from Drayton, but uh....Drayton banned all other Sawyers from the kitchen while he's cooking after an incident involving the twins.
- Pavi Largo: 8/10. The only one of the Largo siblings who can cook!!! He enjoys it, a lot!!! He loses some points by the fact that he very rarely cleans up after storm Pavi tears through.
- Luigi Largo: 5/10. He doesn't have to cook for himself, so he doesn't. He can, and will if he has work to get done; but he doesn't like to. The food is edible, and that's the best he can admit to.
- Amber Sweet: 3/10. She doesn't have to cook for herself, so she won't. She just won't. She'd sooner order takeout than cook for herself.
- Graverobber: -3/10. He would fight pizza rat for the slice of pizza.
-Amanda Young: 6/10. She's very much a mediocre cook, but like, she can feed herself and that's what's important.
- Leslie Vernon: 6/10. A lot like Amanda. He's not going to win any awards any time soon, but he can feed himself. He's trying to get Eugene and his wife to give up that apple pie recipe though...
- Charlie Hewitt: 0/10. He can't cook and doesn't want to learn how to. End of story. It's 'women's work' and he does not want Luda Mae to know he said that.
- Drayton Sawyer: 10/10. Best Chili in Texas.
- Asa Emory: 7/10. He's actually not a bad cook, but does like to experiment with using insects in his cooking. He doesn't lose points for that though, he loses points because I can see his dumbass not cooking alcohol all the way down when he cooks with it.
- Daniel Robitaille: 7/10. I am showing favoritism here. I think he can cook simply because I think he can. Anyone want to argue with me on it?
- Lawrence Oleander: 4/10. I love you Lawrence, I swear. His thing is that like... he usually only cooks when he's high. Like really high. He usually lives off of stale cereal and milk that's days shy of expiration. He's also a big fan of nachos, but that takes a specific level of inebriation.
- Strade: 8/10. Yeah, you heard me. I said it. I'll say it again. 8/10. He can cook and he can do it well. The reason he loses points is because he will only cook for himself. You and Ren? Nah. Either cook for yourself (if he'll let you) or eat a granola bar (far more likely with Strade).
177 notes • Posted 2021-09-01 20:10:20 GMT
Slashers and their preferred social media
Michael Myers- Tinder! Weird right? Not really, helps him find new victims
Vincent Sinclair- Deviantart. Good place for him to showcase his art to a more understanding audience
Lester Sinclair- runs a popular vulture culture account on tumblr. Someone runs a Jonesy fan blog and he reblogs their posts all the time.
Bo Sinclair- Mr. God's Gift to Man has an insta account. He doesn't take great selfies....
Asa Emory- has an incredibly popular entomology account on tumblr. Deleted his account after someone told him what a buggie was.
Billy Lenz- absolutely has a tiktok account. Change my mind. He doesnt post though.
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher- Run a tiktok account together, or more Stu runs the account and Billy winds up in videos sometimes
Thomas Hewitt- would I go to hell if I said he had an account on farmer's only? Probably. This boy actually has a facebook account and is only friends with his family members.
Brahms Heelshire- (has an account on care. com) Runs a private insta account. He posts photos alternating between him and the doll. If you're attractive and request to follow, get ready for some weird ass messages.
Jason Voorhees- has a super popular account on Instagram where he posts nature photos. No one has seen his face....FACE REVEAL AT 10K JASON!!!!
Bonus, bc I love you all:
Amanda Young- has a Twitter account (derogatory)
John Kramer- has a facebook account and is friends with Jill Tuck and that's about it
Adam- def had a photography account on Instagram, also would've made dope spotify playlists
193 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 23:29:25 GMT
Slashers Ranked: Who Could I Fight
-Billy Lenz: 4/10. I would definitely lose. He seems like he'd be easy to lose hold of. Would definitely bite. It'd be fun until he chokes me to death.
-RZ Michael Myers: 0/10. Man is built like a brick shithouse, are you kidding me? I'd shove him, he'd flick me halfway across the globe.
-1978 Michael Myers: 6/10. I would lose, no bones about it, but God, it'd be a good fight. By good fight I mean it'd be a big and lethal game of tag. I would never face this man 1 v 1 intentionally (unless we were fuckin).
-Lester Sinclair: 0/10. Would not fight. He may as well be my brother.
- Bo Sinclair: 10/10. Would rock his shit. Then probably hook up with him. Duality of man.
- Vincent Sinclair: 4/10. I would never willingly fight him, but if I needed to, I'd rock his shit. I'd just like...rather not. He's v pretty.
-Jason Voorhees: -8/10. I'd never fight Jason and unlike with Lester, that just means I'd get my shit rocked and would die painfully. But hey, at least it's outside.
-Brahms Heelshire: 9/10. I'd rock his shit too. You think just cuz he's tall and handsome and British that I wouldn't?
-Thomas Hewitt: 0/10 I simply would not fight him. Sorry kids. That being said, I'd be perfectly content helping the family with anything they need, so hopefully that'd save my skin (literally)
- Pavi Largo: 7/10. I'd rock this pretty boy's shit then immediately be disemboweled by his brother or sister.
- Luigi Largo: 5/10. Have you ever seen two people with older sibling syndrome and anger issues get into a fight? Okay. Alright. Now give them each a knife. This is only a low ranked fight bc I have a big ass crush on Bill Moseley and would hate to hurt Luigi bc of it.
- Amber Sweet: -1/10. Most people would assume that fighting Amber looks like a bitch fight with scratching and hair pulling. Most people would be wrong, that's a fight with Pavi. Fighting with Amber looks like you shove her, she calls her body guards to fuck you up and they're rather good at their job. She doesn't have time to entertain petty little fights.
- Graverobber: 10/10. I'd totally get fucked up, but I'd love to get thrown around by him.
-Amanda Young: I'm gonna say 3/10 because she may throw me in a saw trap if I win or lose. Shit, the fight could be a saw trap.
- Leslie Vernon: 15/10. Please let me fight this fucker. Please. He seems similar to fighting Michael, but with slightly more humor to it and potentially less dying.
- Charlie Hewitt: 3/10. I'd shoot him and be done with it. Like no offense, but I kinda don't like him anyway... sorry
- Asa Emory: 4/10. Either I fuck up Asa to the point he can't hurt me, or I get thrown in a trunk and brought to the hotel. This sounds like a lose lose. Frankly speaking? I'd love to say I could take Asa in a fight, but in a true moment of knowing thyself, I will say that I would be a very pretty bug sculpture.
Bubba Sawyer: 0/10, would not fight. I just wouldn't. Not bc he's baby or whatever, I just like him too much. Also, he's fuckin stacked. He'd rock my shit in a heart beat.
Drayton Sawyer: Two scores. Old man Drayton? 5/10. I could rock his shit, but simply wouldn't. Young man Drayton? 12/10. I'd rock his shit then makeout with him while we're all bloody and bruised up. Why? idk. Give me one reason why not.
- Lawrence Oleander: 4/10. I'd win, but at what personal cost? I couldn't even kill him in game (I couldn't make myself do it). If I had to fight him? I'm fairly sure I'm faster and I'm fully willing to kick him in the shin and run. If he gets ahold of me? I may be fucked.
- Strade: 7/10. Two smartasses walk into a bar. One walks out, the other is being carried to an unmarked van by the first one. Yeah. Okay. So I'd totally die, that's first off. Second? I'd totally be internet famous by the end of it. I feel like Strade would use my correct pronouns as he's pulling my fingernails out for laughs.
222 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 02:30:00 GMT
Slashers Ranked: Can They Drive?
-Billy Lenz: 4/10. Honestly, I think Billy could drive, I think he shouldn't (I think there are a lot of people who shouldn't drive though). Someone please record him road raging
-RZ Michael Myers: 0/10. Don't let him drive. Please? Please, he'll intentionally hit people for the fuck of it
-1978 Michael Myers: 9/10. Man stole a car and got out of Smith's Grove. Didn't crash it and didn't attract police attention. I'm impressed
-Lester Sinclair: 7/10. Really good driver, really shit car. It happens. I think he intentionally hits bumps too quickly because he likes to go airborne.
- Bo Sinclair: 10/10. Also a really good driver, really enjoys driving too. Absolutely babies his car.
- Vincent Sinclair: 2/10. Okay listen, there is a 1 in 3 chance he can't fuckin drive and I'm banking on it.
-Jason Voorhees: 0/10. I love Jason to bits, but our boy can't drive worth a shit.
-Brahms Heelshire: 4/10. This one is interesting because he has definitely never had to drive anywhere in his life, but also I believe he would've dicked around and driven around the grounds at some point in his life. He should never be allowed on roads with other cars, but he hasn't crashed
-Thomas Hewitt: 5/10. He's actually a pretty good driver, but Hoyt taught him how to drive so it gives him anxiety
- Bubba Sawyer: 5/10. Fairly good driver, not the best or worst. Drayton taught him how to drive and he immediately hit the mailbox. Has been a bit skittish since.
- The Largo Siblings: 0/10. None of them can drive. None of them have ever needed to drive. Why are you trying to make them drive.
- Graverobber: -10/10. He sucks as a driver and knows it. Drives anyway. Will flip you off as he cuts you off. Would for sure flip his blinker to signal going the other way.
-Amanda Young: solid 6/10. She's a good driver but gets distracted really easily. She's also the type to get out of her car at a red light if you pissed her off.
- Leslie Vernon: 3/10. Gives all of his passengers anxiety. He has never crashed a car, but he drives with his knees while texting and sometimes eating. Goes 10 mph over the speed limit and gets confused when he gets pulled over. He was just multi tasking, no one died.
- Charlie Hewitt: 5/10. Good driver, but will definitely merge over on top of you. If he's signaling, it's a warning, he's not asking permission to get into your lane. Gives me capital A Anxiety though. Road rages hard as hell.
- Drayton Sawyer, Young and Old: 10/10. He's a good driver and always has been. Is extremely safe behind the wheel and does his best to keep his driving record clear. He can excuse cannibalism and murder, but draws the line at irresponsible driving.
- Asa Emory: Also a 10/10 driver. He can't afford not to be. As long as he isn't using his car as a weapon, he's incredibly safe behind the wheel. He doesn't want law enforcement looking in his vehicle.
- Lawrence Oleander: -2/10. He will not drive please do not make him. He doesn't like driving. He walks everywhere.
- Strade: 9/10. Another shockingly good driver, for the same reason as Asa. The last thing he needs is law enforcement poking around his car. He lost a singular point for the lack of a handle in the backseat. Just throw the childlock dude.
256 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 19:04:39 GMT
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kaykeichan · 3 years
So...I've going through a serious mutli-level identity crisis for the longest time and just wanted to share my experience and realizations for those that need to hear it.
First I thought I was Bisexual.
Then when I realized I didnt always want sex and wasnt always attracted to people of both genders sexually but still loved them, I did some research into the Ace community.
From there I determined myself to be Bi-romantic Asexual.
After a little more confusion as to why I sometimes had sexual attraction to my partners and sometimes I was sex repulsed, I did more research.
I found the term Demisexual which is basically you can be sexually attracted to someone you are emotionally close to and trust, but are not typically sexually attracted to people you dont know. (I'm paraphrasing what it meant to me so for the real definition please look it up if youre curious)
So then I altered it to Bi-Romantic Demisexual and that stuck for awhile.
Going from my first relationship with a girl and probably my first non-toxic relationship ever to now another non-toxic relationship with a cow het man (who I love and care about very much), I then began to miss that feeling of being with a girl. It became an obsession and I was worried that I was actually a lesbian and that I'd have to leave my boyfriend so I wouldnt keep steinging him along on could live my life as true to myself as possible (and all the other thoughts we tell ourselves)
But I know he loves me for me. He knows i like girls. He knew I had a girlfriend before him. He doesnt fetishize it. He resects me for who I am...at least who I tell him I am.
Throughout all this sexuality crisis, I'm also having a gender identity crisis. Am I a cis girl? A Demigirl? Non-binary? Am I actually a Transguy still in the egg stage? So that led to a lot more research to me settling on being Genderfluid.
I'm quite comfortable in that actually as I have some days where I dress and act more feminine and days where I'm more masculine. But my guy when we were joking around once said "reassuringly" "Dont worry, baby. You'll never be masculine to me ❤" Ouch...but I didnt say anything. I tried to push that twinge away and say it was fine. Idk if he even realized what him saying it that way meant to me, and I acknowledge that I need to tell him how I felt about it soon.
I need to tell him all this soon.
So where in all of that time of research, uncertainty, and anxiety does that leave my gender and sexual identities?
Technically at this point I could label myself as, a Genderfluid Bi-romantic Abrosexual or a Demi-Romantic Abrosexual Demigirl...but as you can see thats a lot of labels and hella confusing...
So I did some deep thinking about all these labels and why we feel the need to categorize ourselves. Yes we want to belong to a group and relate our experiences to each other, but I can still do that if I just stick with simple labels like Bi, Ace, and NB even tho those arent the most "accurate" representations of me.
But who decides what's "accurate"?
Oh right. ME
So why am I trying so hard to compartmentalize myself and stressing myself out thinking i need to come out to a boyfriend who's already accepted me as I am, has said so multiple times, amd is always making an active effort to support and understand the lgbt community for me and for himself.
He's already accepted me without all the labels, and so should I.
You know whats a great umbrella term that already exists that could fit me the most comfortably without all the anxiety? The least used letter of the alphabet mafia
So I am proud to finally just say I'm here and I'm Queer! And I dont need to be anything else for anybody else 😁
tl;dr You dont need a shit-ton of labels to accept yourself in your own unique identity. Just being Queer is ok ❤💛💚💙💜
(ps sorry for any typos, emotions dont have time for spell checks lol)
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frankensteindotpdf · 5 years
Jon’s TGWDLM Livestream
I offered to write out all of Jon’s answers in his q&a (not verbatim, just a summary but also it got a little long, sorry for that) so here it is! sorry if there’s typos, i wrote this at 2am lmao i put most of the qs in bold
it was hard not to kiss jeff in WDYWP, especially because his face was so close (great way to start it off)
“Sing the beginning of Moana wasnt improvised”
He loves Not Your Seed and Show Stopping Number
His favourite piece of fanart is one of the first ones with red paul blue paul (in let it out) and he had it as his homescreen for a while
he got into starkid by doing Power Prom with jeff and lauren, (as well as another show with jeff and another with quite a few of the starkids) and then they asked him if he was interested in auditioning and he sent in a video audition and tah dahhh
if he could play any other character from tgwdlm it’d be hidgens (though he says part of the reason he loves hidgens so much is because robert did such a good job fleshing him out)
“how close are you and jeff” “uhh who’s jeff?”
paul’s job was originally gonna be a movie critic (buzzfeed-esque) (and at one point in WDYWP they brought up how he was reviewing a Hamilton movie musical-which was, incidentally, his fav deleted bit) but it ended up being at a customer service center “but most of the time he fixes printers and plays on the internet”
jaime helped out with some of the lyrics to CORC/COPC because she’s a barista
his fav memory with the cast was before shows and one time when they hung out after the show at a diner
his fav line that almost made him break every time was “Latte hottay...my wife...yknow like borat, dude” (it made him break a couple of times but he was always walking off stage like right as he said it)
he really liked the line “we’ll make a jammin’ cup of java, mocha latte with the froth for you, jack, frappuccino!” he just thought the wordplay was real good
fav joke was probs the moana bit (he broke a couple of times there too)
fav song was Show Stopping Number (and he said the way the songs flow when you’re listening to it on the album is so good)
he never found it boring to go to rehearsals because James and Lauren are such good choreographers and all the actors are so good at singing and dancing he got to watch them perform all the time and he really enjoyed it (how pure)
his reaction to hearing the show’s plot was “hell yeah, this is gonna be so much fun”
when he first heard let it out he was stoked because in high school he had tried performing Confrontation from Jekyll and Hyde with just a boom box so no one could actually hear the music and it didnt go well so he felt like that song was letting him redeem himself
his fav moment from the show’s run was the first show because they were so stressed because it was the first time they went all the way through the show with tech and music and it went really well “It was magical. we were all,like, on this adrenaline endorphin high and, uh, it was awesome.”
fav character from any starkid show is either nick playing robin or nick playing obi wan from Ani (he’s seen the scene where obi wan walks into the bar “probably a million times” because he loves the timing and the dry humour) but also nick gage as sultan from Twisted
fav moment to watch in the show was the part after Not Your Seed when the aliens were trying to talk at the same time
“would i have wanted to sing more? no, because i got to sing these two awesome songs” Let It Out was really fun to do but also daunting, and in Inevitable he got to sing parts of the other songs
no real mishaps with the blood capsules, just getting fake blood all over his face and shirt (but that was fine cuz it made him look like more of a badass in the next scene, as long as he remembered not to wipe it off)
fav line that he said? “ok”
“will i ever make my own version of Love Never Dies?” he wants to be in a musical about death (more of a “silly fun romcom”) and thinks that concept has so much potential
he’s inspired by The Adventure Zone and that’s where he got the name Travis from (idk what he’s talking about being inspired about, he never really says)
if paul drank the coffee, he would have been infected
there were no pranks, but
before one of the last shows he was rehearsing outside and he “stepped in human poop” like 20 minutes before he had to go on (he threw out the shoes ofc and luckily a member of the band had extra shoes that fit)
general advice? “number 1 surround yourself with people who love and support you and that you trust and you like to have a lot of fun with 2 if you can develop a skill that you l can support yourself when you’re not working, develop that skill, its really important just so you can put food on the table and also you’ll hear a ton of advice and there are a lot of training programs about how to act and how to sing but find whatever works for you...understand the character and do whatever you can to remove tension” (that was a lot lmao but i thought it was good advice)
there were lots of little improvised bits in the show but his fav was trying to figure out what he and emma were gonna say when they were going through the alleys
before every show they’d put their arms around each other and make a one word story (i can explain the game if you dont know what it is)
paul still wants a carpet
the starkid actor he’d want to play paul (if it wasnt him) would be brosenthal or brolden
fav food is “fuh”?  im sorry im a dummy ive heard of it but i cant spell it but yeah he likes it cuz it hydrates you and it’s delicious
he doesnt know the “alexa play despacito” meme
he’d love to speak mandarin (and do a film in china, he’s never been)
paul cant hear the background music when the aliens sing
his fictional band would be named either Territorial Fashionistas, The Light Quixotic, or Immortal Bond
fav fan moment was with a fan who had just had a really bad breakup which reminded of himself and how being true to yourself is more important than staying with your partner
dark mode looks cooler on his phone so he likes it best
in songs where he got to watch others singing and dancing, he was smiling on the inside and the fact that he couldnt sing or dance for most of the musical was made up for by the songs he did get to 
MY QUESTION!! (yes, i screamed) “Why did Paul offer bill and mr.davidson a ‘nice caramel frappe, nothing better’ when he only ever ordered black coffee?” he’s gotten them for Bill before cuz it’s his favourite, and he was just saying anything to try to get away from mr.davidson
he knows the lyrics to Moana because he secretly loves musicals after having watched so many with Alice growing up, but he wont even admit it to himself “he says he likes hamilton way more than mamma mia, so, yknow. he has an opinion”
he hopes it’ll come to chicago but he doesnt know if it will
his fav musical is a tie between Chess and Little Shop of Horrors
the backstage was really nice
he was honoured to have lauren spit on him
he was, of course, sad when it was over (but he’s stoked to move to LA)
finally, in the ending he revealed what his decision was for the end with paul, but i think it’s better expressed through a gif so check out: https://showstoppinnumber.tumblr.com/post/182153650669/theguywhodidnotlikemusicals
that was so long haha sorryyy i didnt wanna leave out anything. it was fun! hope you enjoy it, @realshowstopper!! if y’all have any qs hmu
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memoriashell · 5 years
to you, who i write for
Characters / Pairing: Soriku; though it really just reads as Riku angst / pining. 
crossposted on ao3
Notes: This was the first thing I wrote post KH3 and I think I’m okay with putting it out at this point. So yes, warning for KH3 spoilers.
The formatting of this fic is a little weird quite frankly, because it’s a ( mostly ) texting based fic. I used strikethrough at points to indicate messages that were deleted / unsent, but since I know strikethrough can be finicky on some devices ( tumblr mobile ), so I’ve gone ahead and also italicized those parts as well.
There are also some obvious typos! Mostly for a touch of realism because Riku absolutely accidentally typos shit. There are other reasons that I hope are obvious when reading it!
Summary: Riku keeps sending messages because he doesn’t know how else to cope.
( somehow, i hope these words reach you )
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry I haven’t texted back in a while.
[ Text : Sora ] We’ve been busy. Not that that’s any excuse.
I’m sure you’ve been too busy to notice.
[ Text : Sora ] Mickey said to tell you he sends his best wishes.
Let me knwo if you need anything.
It’s an admittedly bad habit he’s gotten into, writing up messages that he won’t send. Riku means to cut off the urge before it become a habit, but here he is, still typing up messages for him and him alone.
It’s kind of therapeutic, to write up the things that he can’t really find the words to say aloud— and one would say he should invest in a journal before he accidentally sends a text he does not mean to, but he doesn’t think it’d be quite the same. Doesn’t simulate the same kind of conversation, even if that means a few things that he doesn’t mean to say slip through.
( If it were just anyone he was sending these messages to, Riku knows he might have more than a few reservations— but it’s Sora, who never judges him, even if there are more than a few things he would like to keep secret for him ).
So he continues typing up messages to get things off his chest, and if Sora finds it annoying that he spends more time typing up theoretical conversations than actually having them, he never says anything about it. Probably because Sora only understands how to use their gummiphones half the time to begin with.
Of course, he does send actual messages too, even if perhaps less frequently. Short little blurbs when he can tell that by the increasing frequency in his messages that Sora is worried ( and as bad as Riku is at saying what he wants, he can at least make sure he isn’t worrying for no good reason ).
Notifications of social media updates, text messages that were a litany of errors between them; the buildup of numbers bring some form of comfort.
Until they don’t.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s not like it’s nothing new. Being separated from you two.
We’ve done it before in worse circumstances.
[ Text : Sora ] It hurts?
Is this what it was like for you?
I think I understand your pain now. Srry.
[ Text : Sora ] Are you coming home soon?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s still weird to not wake up to you clogging up my notifications.
[ Text : Sora ] I guess I can return that favor for once.
I’ll try to keep you updated on hwo everyone’s doing.
If he had been dependent on his phone before, then it was most certainly his lifeline afterwards.
Old notifications are left alone, a flashing number remains constant—as if the moment Riku checks it, it will disappear ( and some of the hope that he clings onto will go with it ).
He sends messages when he needs someone to talk to, so, nothing has really changed in that regard. He thinks about it a little more like writing letters than a journal. Sora will see them eventually, he hopes—thinks he would laugh at how many messages he sends and what kind of things Riku chooses to talk about.
It’s better than thinking of the alternative—
( The illusion is jarring and broken more quickly than he would like to admit because Sora has almost always been quick to check his messages, regardless of situation, the fact that the device will remind him of the fact that his messages continue to go unread is jarring and hard to get used to.
He willingly clings to the hope that something might change )
[ Text : Kairi ] Why.
[ Text : Kairi ] Why was it you?
Why was it him?
[ Text : Kairi ] Was it all pointless?
I think it’s my fault.
[ Text : Kairi ] For not doing something.
[ Text : Kairi ] It should have been me, not you.
[ Text : Kairi ] I want to see you two come back.
[ Text : Kairi ] We should talk when you both are safe again.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s weird.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it feels like you two are dead or something.
I mean.
You kind of are?
[ Text : Sora ] But you promised. You’d come bcak.
I’m holding you to that.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it just.
Feels like we can’t talk about you for some reason.
Guess everyone’s still hurting.
[ Text : Sora ] They miss you, though. I can tell.
They miss both of you.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you both.
[ Text : Sora ] Come home soon.
[ Text : Sora ] You promised.
[ Text : Sora ] If I called, would you answer?
[ Text : Sora ] I guess not.
There are some miracles evn you can’t pull off.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m trying to act like it’s okay.
[ Text : Sora ] You can probably tell otherwise though. You’ve always been good at that.
Even if you can’t pick up on other things.
[ Text : Sora ] Srory.
About everything.
I’ll try harder.
[ Text : Sora ] I know you’d want me to.
[ Text : Sora ] I can’t
I haven’t been seleep?
[ Text : Sora ] I keep.
[ Text : Sora ] Dreaming.
[ Text : Sora ] About yyou? I think?
Thats not really somehting new, though.
[ Text : Sora ] But it’s dffrnet this time?
I think
I know?
I’m seeing hwat you’re doing?
[ Text : Sora ] Im.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m nnot sure?
[ Text : Sora ] I’m worr
[ Text : Sora ] Im scared.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m scared for yuou.
[ Text : Sora ] I haven’t mentioned it too anyone.
I’ll have to eventually because I’m not sleeping enough
Can barely make sense of what I’m writing.
Pretty sure Aqua’s going to start casting sheep spells on me soon.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sure you would agree with her.
Probably would have beeen the one to fall asleep instead.
[ Text : Sora ] But.
I can’t tell them?
Not yet,
[ Text : Sora ] I don’t wwant them to have to hurt more.
[ Text : Sora ] I know you’d want me to rely on them but.
Trust me on htis one?
[ Text : Sora ] I 
I think
I know Im asking too much
[ Text : Sora ] I’m being selfish agian?
[ Text : Sora ] Pleaes come back soon.
[ Text : Kairi ] I hate you.
[ Text : Kairi ] No.
I don’t.
[ Text : Kairi ] I hate me.
I think you knew that already, though.
I’m sorry.
[ Text : Kairi ] I wish you were here.
I think you’d know how to handle thsi better than I do.
I miss being able to talk to you.
Both of you.
[ Text : Kairi ] I’ll make it up to you both.
[ Text : Kairi ] I promise.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] You two have been gone for a year now.
It’s weird.
I guess we can officially hold a funeral?
[ Text : Sora ] I’m joking. Kind of.
It was a serious consideration, I think. By someone.
[ Text : Sora ] Probably Lea.
[ Text : Sora ] Still having dreams but.
Less frequently lately.
I’m worried. Is everything okay?
[ Text : Sora ] Before, I could always tell you were alright.
Just a feeling in my heart that told me so.
I’m starting to wonder if I can actually tell that you’re alive still
Or if I’m just being hopefull.
[ Text : Sora ] We miss you.
[ Text : Sora ] We haven’t given up on you two.
[ Text : Sora ] So you better come back.
I think they’ll cry if you don’t.
[ Text : Sora ] Because you.
[ Text : Sora ] For them.
[ Text : Sora ] We just.
[ Text : Sora ] Aynways.
[ Text : Sora ] Just hang on a little longer. Please.
[ Text : Sora ] I sthis my fault for not doing anything.
[ Text : Sora ] For not saying anything?
[ Text : Sora ] Im
It’s too late now, I guess.
[ Text : Sora ] I wish I could hcange things.
[ Text : Sora ] It wasn’t supposed to be you.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you.
I wish I didnt.
I know it’s not weak to feel like this but.
[ Text : Sora ] I wish I ccould be stronger. For both of you.
[ Text : Sora ] Srory
[ Text : Sora ] Sorry
[ Text : Sora ] I love you.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s kind of weird.
Scary weird.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it feels like everyone else has forgotten about you two.
[ Text : Sora ] I guess they’ve started moving on and I haven’t.
I always hold onto things too long.
[ Text : Sora ] Somehow it doesn’t feel that simple.
[ Text : Sora ] Don’t tell them, but
I’m scared they’re forgetting?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s happened before. Not tht you remember.
[ Text : Sora ] That’s why I have to keep sending you messages.
Even on the bad days. When I can’t
Dont know what to say.
[ Text : Sora ] So I won’t forget.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes I think I’m being irrational, though.
[ Text : Sora ] I know they still remember you.
[ Text : Sora ] They have to.
[ Text : Sora ] You haven’t forgotten about us either, right?
[ Text : Sora ] I can’t
[ Text : Sora ] Im trying
[ Text : Sora ] It’s.
[ Text : Sora ] Bad.
Feels bbad. Brken.
[ Text : Sora ] Haven’t written in a hwile.
[ Text : Sora ] Cant figure out what I want to say.
[ Text : Sora ] Trying to be better.
[ Text : Sora ] Cloud be worse?
[ Text : Sora ] That’s not. Saying mcuh.
[ Text : Sora ] Sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll try to ttalk to you again soon.
[ Text : Sora ] Kairi came home today.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sure you knew that.
[ Text : Sora ] We talked for a bit.
She couldn’t talk about you.
Can’t blame her.
[ Text : Sora ] You’re worrying me again.
What happened?
[ Text : Sora ] I think it’s been almost two years now?
Not srue.
Stopped keeping track.
Days keep blurring together.
[ Text : Sora ] I did a year before
So this shouldn’t be that much worse.
But it’s so much harder ths time?
[ Text : Sora ] Probably because I at least knew you were safe last time.
[ Text : Sora ] We’re trying.
[ Text : Sora ] Im try
We want you back home. Safe.
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll try harder.
[ Text : Sora ] Are you waiting for me?
[ Text : Sora ] I hpoe you’re just slaking off again.
[ Text : Sora ] Sora, I 
It’s so bad without uyou.
[ Text : Sora ] Please.
[ Text : Sora ] Come home.
[ Text : Sora ] We ccan’t.
[ Text : Sora ] I cant
Do this? Without you
[ Text : Sora ] We’re all still waiting on you.
His phone has become a definitive lifeline to keeping himself sane. Which isn’t saying much when he is haunted by another lifetime in his dreams, but—
He’s never cared for conventional, healthy methods, anyways. He takes too much care into making sure nothing happens to his phone because, well ( he doesn’t want to imagine what would happened if something happened— but he clings to the hope of a sign, anyways ).
The feeling of something distant in his soul, something missing— something rips at his soul and in the same moment something comes up on his phone—
He must have voiced some sort of anguish because he’s distantly aware of someone asking if he’s okay, but—
He can’t respond, eyes focused on the pop-up on his phone
[ Text : Sora ] I guess these aren’t getting to you?
[ Text : Sora ] That’s fine.
It was foolish for me to hope any of these messages could reach you.
[ Text : Sora ] I still haven’t looked at any of your old messages.
[ Text : Sora ] I like to think you were answering my messages.
Silly, but it helped sometimes.
[ Text : Sora ] Bfeore I could feel you. Knew you were okay.
But not today. What happened?
I know you can’t tell me but.
Wish you could.
[ Text : Sora ] Is this why Kairi couldn’t tell us?
[ Text : Sora ] I think the others can tell too.
That something is different.
[ Text : Sora ] I know I can’t call you, but can you call me?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s important.
[ Text : Sora ] Because I know
If you call, I’ll be able to find you.
[ Text : Sora ] Nothing could stop me from finding you.
[ Text : Sora ] So call for me?
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll see you soon, Sora
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Roswell New Mexico ep 1.09 liveblog Songs About Texas
Listen I don’t care that I’ve never done a liveblog about this show before. I love it. I watched the original. I like this one better. Do not watch if you don’t want my buzzed cursing and spoilers and flailing. Because I curse and flail and spoil. it was an accidental liveblog because I was messaging a friend of mine who watches but was not caught up. So I didn’t want to spoil her until she said it was fine and then it became no holds barred. Do I edit it or let you see my terrible typing while I watch a show and drink a beer in the afternoon? 
Ahh. Get it unfiltered.
me--all right. i'm watching the roswell episode
buddy--We had a rather intense work meeting How’s the Rowell episode Roswell*
me-- just started. idk. did you see the last episode? omg i like all these character so well
Buddy--No I’m so behind
me--well then i can't tell you marias not as quirky. i liked the last maria a lot oh i like all these characters. the female sheriff? i like her too can we please have a maria/alex/michael love triangle? please? no wait not love triangle. ot3 polyamory please
buddy--Lol your commentary is awesome
me--michael is canon bi. it works. maria and alex can just be nonsexual partners and share micheale he's SO cute IF YOU HAD KEPT UP TO DATE I COULD GIVE YOU BETTER COMMENTARY
[buckle up I just go IN]
me--they're going to see a faith healer they're wondering if she's an alien. max and michael went to see if she did that, but liz and maria went to see  if she could heal maria's mom who is crazy. the female sheriff went to ALEX instead of his father who is trying to get her to out max.  she found a handprint death and thiks there's a conspiracy and she doesn't trust alex's dad who is blackmailing her to surveil alex. wait why is MARIA going with Michael to heal his broken hand that was smashed by Alex's dad because he cauthg them together. oh wait. liz is talking to max PERSONAL SPACE MUCH? michael is funny. "That feeling babe is naivetee" wait why does michael care about maria? oh she's a fake healer. oh. they just did an indigenous appropriation comment. wait grandma is like, 'they were asking about the sigil?" i love his show confession. i'm on my second beer. michael stole from the scamming healer. liz doesn't care
buddy--Ah feeling a little loose?
me--michael is funny casual let's say better than anxiety oh they just made a cut about healthcare. this show is awesome maria is singing alanis morisette!
buddy--Oh hey I don’t judge at allI can’t go that route or my family would start raising eyebrows
me--i'll probably have to watch again because i'm getting buzzed wait why is michael flirting with maria stop it michael if you're just teasing poor max is moping wait maria's making max sing with her i love max, michael, maria and liz together. oh now we have alex, the female sheriff, and liz's ex boyfriend. i like them too but he thinks the murderer is isobel but it's not i bet it's someone else.
buddy--No I can’t imagine it’s that simple 
me--i think there's another alien out there killing people and taking control of isobel which means she didn't kill rosa but whoever controlled her did I'm REALLY gonna need michael to stop flirting with maria because i used to ship maria and michael and he made me ship michael and alex. michael is both hot and funny at least we get some max and liz bonding. oh no there's a motel across the street!!!!!! girl sheriff just got told her ex bf max is an alien
this show is great
Oh god lol Is everyone in this town in love with max evans? says liz's ex bf what's his name?
buddy--Dude come on you know the answer to that I think Kyle 
me--lol kyle yes that's right uh oh needed to rewind the lol line and i rewound too far. atleast i get to see max and liz again wow how far did it rewind? I guess I'm pushing my kids "clean up your room at 4" back a little bit. wait we're back to alanis again? maybe my buzzed rewinding is making it so i don't need to watch again btw maria can sing wait michael TOTALLY checked out maria stop that! liz is falling in love wth max wait lol line coming up. in love wih max evans DId you just threaten to tattle to our parents Jenna? Manes or the Sheriff. now she's about to find out Max is an alien. wait. the female cop is Jenna. it skipped to the previous commerical l why would it do that? michael and maria flirting again. listen stop playing with my heart. WHICH ONE?Maria or Alex?  they're so cute Liz suggests the hotel. She jus tlooked at Max with love in her eyes If there's only one bed i will die Jenna freaking out about Alien Max wait here's the line. Kyle annoyed because everyone is in love wih Max evans.  Alex says, "angsty nerd isn't my type even though he is tall." Kyle says, "Is angsty COWBOY?"lol
me--btw remember kyle used to be a homophobe
buddy--Ohhh right
me--uh oh. Kyle has info too. Alex is investigating. Alex, Kyle and Jenna are a good team. Alex wants to take over project shepherd.
me--Oh no lol
KING SIZE BED ITS THE JALAPENO ROOM REAL SPICY that is an actual quote from actual canon
buddy--LOL What?! 
me--LOL YES LITERALLY But the clerk found anothe rroom I think Wait wait before he found the room
"It's fine, I can sleep in the truck" max "ITS FINE WE"RE ADULTS" liz
buddy--LOL Oh the kiss of death 
me--lol but they're teasing he finds another room lol. i'm crying with laughter is it the beer or is it really funny? i have to pause and let myself laugh even though the other room is called The Alamo room. "Which one of you is into mass carnage? i love this show Lol rewind i need to see that again WF WTDF WTF i can't even curse without typos IT LITERALLY JUST DID THAT just cut to liz alone in a giant bed. halepenos. real spicy. she's tossing and turning i am pausing with liz tossing and turning because I DONT BELIEVE IT i know how to spell jalapenos. i'm not a good typist especially when watching tv
buddy--It’s okay lol
me--THey cut from Liz tossing and turning in the jalapeno room to max tossing and turning in the alamo room. THIS IS A FUCKING FANFIC neither of them could sleep. YOU COULDN"T GET COMFORTABLE BECAUSE YOU SHOULDA BEEN IN THE SAME BED YOU FOOLS
me--Max wants to be a healer, he tells liz. or thinks he should because he's seen people die in his job. She's the only one he's saved."Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." quoting henry the iv. dorks. he just gave her his coat uh oh liz doesn't hate max anymore. she was mad at max becuase he lied to her, he broke her heart. shades of bellarke LISTEN YOU ASKED FOR THIS LIVEBLOG isn't there a writer for this show that used to be on the 100 is it the sisters?
me--mother fuckers
buddy--Oh lord almighty
me--i have to keep taking breaks because i can't handle it
buddy--Well I know what I’m watching when I get home
me--they are literally bellarke after coming back together. llz felt betrayed like clarke felt betrayed over madi if i press the wrong button it goes CRAZY on the rewind. it just went all the way back to the fake healer liz wanted to share a bed. she hated the alamo room this is SO fanfic romantic THis is so bellarke even how she walks away kyle and alex are bonding over aliens. but kyle doesn't believe they are terrorist threats. maria and michael are bonding over being shitfaced come on michael OH MY GOD HE KISED HER SHE KISSED HIM BACK OH DOWN THEY GO DAMMIT THIS WAS NOT IN MY PLANS OT3 or bust do NOT mess around with my maria and michael if you're not going there
Faith healer again. This time Max is there with the grandma. The grandaughter is scamming but the grandma knows something. Faith healer wants to see max striptease lol. grandma tells her to get in the car. Grandma calls him a loud white cop lol He shows her his tattoo. Grandma knew someone like him. Sh enever spoke until the day she died. "He has arrived so I may leave." She thinks Max is who she said.
Oh Maria and Michael. "Here's the deal. Never happend. Tell no one." He told Max and Liz or maybe not.STOP FLIRITNG YOU"RE KILLING ME
"I could never hate you" max says to Liz. And she doesn't believe his version of her."youre always muttering in spanish like it's some secret language no one understands but you. hello. we're in new mexico. we all speak spanish."He sees her faults. And he loves her Easily KILL ME NOW STOP WITH THE SUNFLARES WOW SHE REALLY YANKS HIM BACK TO KISS HER HOLY SHIT THAT"S ROMANTIC REWIND HE SEES HER. oh he takes her hands and tells her she thinks that being more perfect than her sister she's easier to love but he sees her fautls and he loves her easily" Is it so crazy that I believe in you too?" I just know. Oh god THAT IS . A FUCKING GOOD KISS. She has her hands all over him
buddy--Sorry a coworker was talking to me
me--rewind AGAIN ou have to catch up
buddy--I will
me--he says, "come on I'll drive you home" and starts walking away and she's like THE FUCK YOU WILL YOU AMAZING MOTHERFUCKER YOU"RE GOING TO KISS ME I"VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR TEN YEARS. I could literally keep rewinding that all day but I realize I need to know what comes next commercial break ends. omg they're still kissing Now they're breathing. Why he asks. "I ran out of reasons not to. Was it whorth the wait?" He says it was worth the wait SOMEONE'S WATCHIN GWHO THE FUCK IS THAT? WHO THE FUCK IS-- WAIT THATS ISOBELS HUSAND HE sees the eggs He sees isobel in the egg. 
kyle and liz. her cure works but the thinks isobel is the murderer. the husband tells the sheriff that isobel is in rehab. he's lying. Kyles father was killed by an alien too.
Alex and Michael oh no. after Maria. He's got maria's necklace in his boot now alex is jealous. YOU MOTHERFUCKERS. Alex says he needs a mechanic
Buddy--.The original Liz shiri appleby directed this episodeBtw
me--Wait no he's confronting Miechael. Alex tells him he loved him. LIke something cosmic and now he wants to start over. motherfucker
yeah i knew about shiri. she has apparently read some fanfiction so have the writers
Buddy--Yeah I’m 100 percent the show runner carina has lol percent sure*
me--alex wants to be friends with michael "Do you want to know who I am" or do you want to know what i am." Max is writing fiction and reading it to Isobel. In walks Liz. He kisses her again. Thanks her for solutions for Isobel. She thinks there's a fourth alien in roswell because she knows the murders were aliens but not isobel because isobel hasn't had a blackout since Rosa. I told you there was another murdering alien.
me--wow that was INTENSE. next week she tries her cure on isobel her husband knows she's an alien now though
buddy--Oh lord
me--I"m posting this whole thing online. Just so you know. you'll be kept anon.
buddy--That’s fine lol
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zxntavc-blog · 5 years
*WARNING:(suicidal content,curse words,etc)
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*Hyungwon x Reader ANGST
*I'm also sorry if there are any spelling mistakes,grammatical errors, And typos.
it's my first time writing here, So I'd really appreciate some feed-backs.
You sat down at the edge of the bed,You then looked over at the picture frame that is hanged on the wall.
You couldn't help but sigh,"When will this suffering ever end?" you asked yourself.
"(Y/N)" a familiar voice spoke out.
You looked over to see a man looking staright at you in the eyes, You stared back.His eyes we're red from crying,"O-oh wonho" you chuckled as you tried to hide your sadness.
"It's time to check up on him" Wonho took my hand and motioned me to follow him down stairs. I followed like a lost dog on the streets as we went outside and into his mustang.
I looked outside the car nervously,shaking and sweating I then looked at Wonho who is now busy driving.
What ifs came to my mind..
What if...We came there too late.
Chae Hyungwon,The man you fell inlove with was now in a very complicated position. Where he suddenly looses control over-himself.
He gets very suicidal and the last month was the fourth time he tried taking his own life. You could imagine the horrible stuffs he previously did to himself,He once drank a whole bottle of medicine,Tried bleeding himself to death,Drowned himself in the bath tub,And throwing himself off the building.
Hyungwon lives in a very secured house, But still manages to get himself killed.
He is being taken care by a bunch of "Doctors" and assistants who takes care of him 24/7.
You frowned,"I couldn't even take care of him myself" you muttered. Wonho looked over at you sighing," You know damn right you can't (Y/N) he hates seeing you cry over him"
"And i hate seeing him like that Wonho! He can't even control himself a-and i feel really bad when all i could do is pray that someday he'll stop acting like this!" your tears started falling down making Wonho a little guilty of what he said.
But he actually has a point, Hyungwon doesn't want (Y/N) around because he could get her hurt too,Not physically but emotionally. Hyungwon really hates it when (Y/N) cries cause of her.
The car stopped infront of a large gate where the inside helds a big house. Wonho went oustide and opened the door for you.
You smiled and took his hands before getting up, Both of you looked over at the large metalic gate infront of you. Two guards motioned for the both of You to follow them.
You both followed them as they opened the gate,One of the guards gestured for You and Wonho to come in.
You looked down not wanting to even get your eyes on the house.
This very large house was suppoaed to be You and Hyungwon's house.
But now it's juat only him.
You both planned to buy this house and now it's here,Wonho looked at you with a small smile. "Let's come inside Hyungwon's waiting"
"I hope he is" you thought to yourself
You and Wonho went inside, Both anxious at the same time. "It'll be alright" Wonho whispered to you quietly,You smiled giving him a thumbs up.
As You both were walking up stairs a loud banging sound a loud scream was heard inside the entire house. "SHIT!THE PATIENT" you heard a man said as you saw him ran to the opposite direction.
You looked at Wonho nervously and he did so too, "HURRY" you took his hand and runned off to where you saw the others are.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" you shouted as you bursted inside the room,Your heart dropped when you saw hyungwon.
Standing at the edge of the balcony's room holding a gun.
"Where on earth did he get that gun from?!" Wonho said frustrated
Ever since Hyungwon's grand mother passed away,This caused a big infact to Hyungwon and He suddenly became suicidal and blamed himself for her death.
You looked at Hyungwon who is now looking back at you with those dreamy but teary eyes of his.
"I'm sorry baby,Will you forgive me if i jumped?"
You couldn't say a word, Flashbacks from when you were happy with him started flooding back in.
"Ugh cafe again? Aren't you tired of drinking the same caffeine every dayy?" your friend Seung-Hee rolled her eyes as both of you entered the small lively cafe nearby.
"Shh! It's not cause of the coffee you idiot" you shushed her making her grin a little.
"Then—is it because of him?" She pointed at a young handsome cashier, His name tag showed that he is "Hyungwon".
"Ohh (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)~" Seung-Hee chuckled teasingly as she stared at the Handsome cashier,"Why don't you go order me a hot cocoa or something?" she pushed you over near the line as you only gave her a glare.
Seung-Hee giggled and walked over to a table and started texting, Ypu looked at the line and only two people were ahead of you. You gulped as you suddenly turned red
He looked like an angel. Fuck.
"Hi what can i possibly get you for today?" He smiled sweetly
Oohh does he know he's killing me?
"U-uhm" you looked at the menu nervously,"Can i-i uhm uh get a hot cocoa and just an iced coffe please?"
He nodded and wrote down your orders, You stared at him in disbelief. How could someone be so perfect?
"And what will the size be?"
"U-uhm grandes?" you looked away blushing
"alright a hot cocoa and one iced coffe both are grandes is that right miss?"
You nodded.
That's where it all started.
After that your relationship with Hyungwon began. It was really nice
He always had a small present for you when he goes home from work. He would always kiss you on the lips before work and You would always make sure that he has a warm hug when he wakes up in the morning.
It was all Perfect, Too perfect to even last. You have to admit that you missed all those good times together but.
You still stayed.
You promised him that even at hard times you'll be there with him,"Together?" Hyungwon smiled as he held his pinky to yours.
"DON'T I BEG YOU" your tears fell down slowly as he stared at you,He looked away. "Don't do that please" Hyungwon muttered
"None of this was your fault!" you said looking at him straight in the eyes. "I know.." He smiled,"But the thought of it still haunts me and i couldn't help but blame it all onto me even if I convince myself that it was never me" he sighed and looked above the sky.
"stop him!" the doctor said and pointed to his assistants.
"dont" You managed to speak out.
"Thank you baby" He smiled sadly
“Setting you free was hard,But seeing you in pain was sadder”
I had to.. Let my angel fly away.
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thiefcat-niao · 6 years
Ending the Session (Chapter 2)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!   Characters/Ships: Gemshipping (Thief King Bakura/Ryou Bakura); Ryou Bakura, Thief King Bakura, Atem, Yugi Mutuo, Zorc Necrophades Rating: T Length: Chapter 2 / 3; 2400 words
Into Ryou’s lonely apartment comes a spirit, an ancient power that speaks and manifests through the Ouija board kept beneath the bed. It calls itself Tou, and claims to be human. Ryou believes.
Read on AO3  Previous Chapter – Next Chapter (Coming Soon~)
Chapter Two: A King of Thieves 
For nearly a week, Ryou spoke to the spirit daily—sometimes twice daily. Yugi commented that Ryou seemed happier, when they met for coffee. Ryou shrugged off the comment, mumbling some half-truth about doing well in his classes. In reality, his homework hadn't been getting done with quite the level of diligence he usually held himself to.
Ryou hadn't learned much about how the spirit, Tou, had lived, but it didn't much matter. He had learned, in his estimation, many far more important things. Tou was pragmatic, for instance, and jaded, but had an unexpectedly lively sense of humor. At first Ryou had struggled to detect the spirit's jokes, through the toneless board. But he'd also grown far more attuned to the feel of Tou's presence, in his apartment, and fancied that he could sense Tou's general emotional state.
It worried Ryou that the spirit would grow suddenly tense, at times; would flicker with what appeared to be anxiety, or at least agitation, and usually request and end to the session. While Tou always offered fatigue as the explanation—and sometimes it was; Ryou could feel the weight of the spirit's exhaustion—those times were different. Ryou wondered what could cause a spirit like Tou to feel that way, and decided he had no basis with which to even form a hypothesis.
"i know whats keeping me here..." Tou had said, "and its not a thing you can help me deal with..." Ryou wished that that weren't true, but accepted it nevertheless, and so didn't pry.
Ryou stood, one evening, at the stove, preparing diner. The apartment was quiet. He was looking forward to speaking to Tou, later, but for the moment was quite enraptured in his cooking. The sizzling strips of meat made a pleasant crackling, and Ryou hummed along with the sound. They filled the apartment, too, with a heady aroma of meat and herbs, and Ryou bent in over the stove to assess whether or not he needed to add more of any particular seasoning before checking his rice on the rear burner.
The pepper grinder, on the far side of the counter, struck the ground with a jarring crash, and Ryou jumped. He looked around; heard nothing, save for the sizzling of beef in the pan. He glanced down at the pepper, rolling pensively across the floor.
The pepper grinder picked up speed suddenly—bumped into Ryou's foot. He smiled.
"Give me a second, okay?" Turning back to the stove, he lowered the heat; checked his rice again, and then scampered from the room. When he returned, he had the Ouija board tucked under his arm. He placed it beside the bloodied cutting board on his counter and opened it.
"Hello, Tou!"
"your dinner smells maddeningly good...” was the immediate reply, and Ryou chuckled.
"Is that all you wanted to tell me?"
"its important...” The pointer moved rapidly, a challenge to read, even for someone as practiced as Ryou. "youre a really good cook...”
"I didn't realize you could smell."
"i can hear and see and smell... i just cant touch or taste... no body yknow..."
"Fair enough."
"i want some of your dinner so badly i could die..."
"I wish you could join me," Ryou said, honestly.
There was a pause, and Ryou tilted his head; waited patiently. He could tell that the spirit hadn't left.
"thanks for talking to me...”
"Of course!" Ryou said, surprised. "I'm happy you want to talk to me, too!"
"its not so common for humans to contact us... not so common for them to be so open either... usually they get freaked out the first time they manage to make contact and then never do it again and usually theyre these stupid kids drunk or just real jerks not the likable type at all...
It was a long, rambling message, and Ryou waited for the pointer to still. Then he said, "I've used the board a lot. I've gotten responses, before, but never a spirit who's come back more than once or twice, let alone actually initiated the contact. It's really nice!"
Again, there was a pause, and when the pointer moved it did so rather slowly. "how do you know im not a bad spirit...”
"I don't, I guess, not for sure. But I don't think you are."
"when i told you i was called tou that was a bit of a lie... half a lie...”
"Oh?" Ryou tilted his head; waited for the spirit to continue.
"i was called touzokuo... king of thieves...”
"Oh. That's a cool title."
"cool you say cool...” The pointer moved so fast it almost jarred Ryou's hand free, and he jumped. "hahahahahaha... youre weird you know that... king of thieves is what they call a bad guy... i was a bad guy when i was alive...”
"That doesn't mean you're a bad spirit, now that you're not alive," Ryou said patiently, and the pointer fell still. There was the faint smell of something beginning to burn.
"youre a kind person to say that... but you should be careful... i had quite a reputation as not only a thief... but a killer..."
"I don't sense any blood-lust from you now, though," Ryou said, and the spirit was silent. "You aren't a bad spirit. I may not have any way to know, but I'm sure of it."
The pointer stayed still, for another moment, and then moved toward "goodbye." Ryou hurried to ask another question before it got there.
"What was your favorite food, when you were alive?!" he blurted—the first thing that came to his mind. To his relief, the pointer stilled.
"roast pig..." was the slow response, after a beat. Ryou smiled, relieved.
"Really? I'm more of a dessert person, myself, but savory foods can be really good. Especially when you're hungry."
"aha... thats very true..."
"Were you hungry, a lot? Is that why you became a thief?"
"dont try to make excuses for what i just told you..."
"I'm not," Ryou huffed, a bit indignant. "I just want to know you better. I want to understand you."
"i was hungry..." the thief said, after a moment. "i was angry too... i wanted to get back at the whole world..."
Ryou considered that, then said, "I wish you could join me, for supper."
"your foods starting to burn... you should get that... itd be tragic to ruin it..."
Ryou nodded, but as he went to leave the board, some near-physical force held his hand to the pointer.
"r-y-o-u" the spirit spelled out, with a force that surprised the human boy. "end the session... never leave without saying goodbye... youve used the board enough to know that..."
Ryou hesitated, then nodded. "Sorry. You're right, of course... Goodbye, Tou."
And the pointer, in response, moved to, "goodbye".
... ... ...
Ryou stifled a yawn; popped a piece for chocolate into his mouth, and took a swallow of coffee. The apartment felt unusually empty—devoid, in a rare moment, of spirits. And, though he knew he should sleep, Ryou had to take the opportunity to do research while he had the apartment to himself. So there he sat, at his desk, the light of the computer screen tinting his white hair light blue.
"King of Thieves... Thief King... Touzokuo..."
So far, he hadn't found any historical figures matching those titles, but they were sufficiently vague enough to render standard search engines all but useless.
It was three in the morning; Ryou took another sip of his coffee.
'Didn't he say... wait, that garbled message...'
Scrabbling through some papers beneath his bed, Ryou found the notebook he'd had during his first conversation with the spirit that called itself Touzokuo. He returned to his desk, then looked at the word that hadn't made any sense, at the time; the word he'd assumed to be some sort of spiritual typo: nedjem.
Ryou ate another piece of candy; it had a pressed brown sugar center inside of milk chocolate, and he let it melt in his mouth, feeling the graininess as he rubbed his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He typed "nedjem" into the computer, and hit enter.
At first, nothing interesting showed up—the search engine tried to autocorrect his query to needed. So he tried "meaning of word nedjem," and hit enter once again.
A... carob pod...?
Ryou's eyes widened slightly as he stared, surprised, at the hieroglyph that had appeared on his screen. He clicked on the first result, and read aloud, "Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph signifying 'sweet,' represented visually by a carob pod and thought to be said as 'nedjem.' One instance documents a doubling of the symbol, presumably read 'nedjemnedjem,' to indicate a pleasing concubine."
Ryou took a deep breath; tasted the sugar thick on his tongue, and took a drink of coffee to wash it down.
Ancient... Egypt...
It made sense, the more he thought about it. Though he'd passed off the spirit's reference to Anubis, Anubis being a fairly well-known symbol of death even in modern times, it made a lot more sense if he considered it as an influence of the spirit's original culture.
So what did I ask? Why "nedjem"?
He had asked what the spirit was called—Tou. He'd asked what the spirit was—h-u-m-a-n. He'd asked if the spirit had made contact with the living before—once or twice.
Ryou ate a marshmallowy piece of candy that got stuck in his teeth, and momentarily distracted himself getting it out with his tongue.
Then, it struck him.
"youre odd... different from others ive talked to..."
"Really? How so?"
Ryou's hands flew to his face, and he tried not to read into the odd answer, now that he knew what the long-extinct word meant. After a few more fruitless internet searches, he'd worked himself into enough of a frenzy that the mere thought of sleep was impossible. And, the internet having failed him, he reached for his cell phone and knocked his pencil holder off his desk in the attempt.
... ... ...
"Hnn..." Yugi Mutou raised his head as his cheerful ringtone cut through the silence. He dragged himself to the side of the bed, ignoring the bleary, angry muttering of the man sleeping beside him, and observed the time on the glowing screen—3:47—and the name. "Unh... Ryou-kun...? What is it...?"
"Yugi-kun! Ah, I'm so sorry, did I wake you?"
"Ryou-kun, it's almost four in the morning..." Yugi stifled a yawn; listened to his friend squeak and shuffle frantically on the other end of the line.
"I-I'm so sorry! I-I forgot, for a second... haha! I can call back tomorrow, if—"
"Ryou, I'm awake. What's up?" Yugi settled in, arms folded beneath his chin and atop his pillow.
"Ahh—! O-Okay, then... well... has Atem ever mentioned a legendary Thief King, from Ancient Egypt?"
"Thief King?" Yugi echoed, and was startled when his bed-partner bolted suddenly upright. "Atem! What's—?!"
"Who's on the phone, Yugi?"
"Great Ra..." Yugi breathed, and Ryou made a questioning sound. "Hey, Atem just woke up... Do you want to talk to him?"
"Oh Yugi, that would be wonderful! Are you sure he wouldn't mind?"
"Give me the phone, Yugi," Atem commanded, though his eyes were shadowed with sleep and his hair was sticking out to the side, as opposed to his usual vertical spikes.
"He wouldn't mind at all," Yugi told Ryou, and then held out the phone to his boyfriend.
"Oh! Atem! Sorry to bother, at this hour, I just... got all caught up, and—"
"Out with it, Bakura," Atem commanded, and Ryou squeaked. "What's this about the Thief King?"
"I just... well, you're an Egyptologist, after all, and that's where you're from, anyway, so I figured if anyone would know anything about—"
"Where did you hear about the Thief King, though?" Atem demanded, and Ryou swallowed audibly.
"So there is something..."
"Bakura, tell me where you heard that title," Atem said, his voice low and almost threatening. Yugi pulled worriedly at the sleeve of his nightshirt.
"I just... I mean... a friend. A friend mentioned him." Ryou's voice was shaking.
"Don't lie to me, Ryou Bakura."
"Atem, don't scare him," Yugi implored. "You know how he is..."
"O-Okay..." Ryou began hesitantly. "Y-You know how I like to play around with Ouija boards, occasionally...?"
Atem scrambled up; stumbled from the bed, much to Yugi's increased distress, and cursed as he tripped over a discarded piece of clothing. "You didn't. Tell me you're not going to say what I think you're about to say, Bakura. Tell me you don't have the spirit of the Thief King in your apartment."
"Well, not at this exact moment, but—"
"Great Ra!" Atem fumbled with his coat; threw it on over his nightclothes as Yugi began to follow him from the bed. "Okay, Bakura, I need you to leave that apartment immediately, do you understand? I'm coming to get you."
"Wait, what?!" Ryou spluttered, and Yugi called out his boyfriend's name in confusion. Atem ignored them both.
"This—this is why Ouija boards have a bad reputation, Ryou," Atem continued, hopping into his shoes. "You've gone and summoned something bad, now, something very bad, and—"
"Tou wouldn't hurt me!" Ryou objected suddenly, and Atem cursed.
"Listen to me, Ryou—the so-called Thief King is a demon-god. You know I was a pharaoh in a previous life, don't you? I lived during the same time as the Thief King."
"You knew him?!"
"I killed him, Bakura, when he tried to kill me! After he—!" Atem cut himself off; muttered a curse. "He isn't human—he's a demon, as I said, a demon called Zorc, who took on human form to kill the pharaoh—to kill me, and those I loved."
"That doesn't make any sense!" Ryou objected.
"He's deceiving you! He's the best damned liar I've ever met in any lifetime, believe me, and now he's lying to you! I'm coming over, okay? You stay on the phone with me now, and—Bastet!" Atem cursed.
Yugi—a few steps behind him, on the way to the door—yelped. "What?!"
"Little asshole hung up on me!" Atem fumed; handed Yugi his phone. "Try to call him. We're going to his apartment."
"Atem, is he... really in danger...?"
"Not unless he's done something really stupid like opened a portal..." Atem muttered, flinging the door open and flying down the apartment stairs, Yugi on his heals. "Gods... let him be safe... I can't lose another friend... not to that bastard Thief King... not in this lifetime..."
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