#sorry guys I have been Salty these past 24 hours and I’m not sure why
jamiesfootball · 10 months
Anyways since I am now deep in both Ted Lasso feels and Leverage feels, one more thing and then I will stop Leveraging my Lassos and go back to being a Ted Lasso blog-
Anyone else remember that time Eliot ‘second chance at life’ Spencer almost ruined a con because a kid was being hurt and he decided that the appropriate response to the situation was to go confront the kid’s abusive dad and hang him over a stairwell?
And then it turned out that the kids dad knew all the cops in town, so at the end of the episode he sicced the FBI on the situation? And then it was just Eliot sitting ambiguously in his car watching the kids dad and we were all like 👀 ‘Mr Showrunner did you mean to imply that Eliot killed that kids dad’ and John Rogers was like ‘I mean?? No, because Eliot doesn’t do wetwork anymore, but I guess we did leave it a little open to interpretation so, you know, just know Eliot would do whatever he thought was necessary’
Amazing. Cathartic. Say what you will about the cheesier moments in that show but they did not come to fuck around when it came to saying ‘actually some people suck, and here’s why’
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
why aren’t you with your first love? He didn’t feel the same way and things just didn’t work out. could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? I feel like I’ve hurt myself more than anyone.  have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? My doggo, ha. is good grammar attractive? I wouldn’t say that, but I do like and appreciate it. what is your relationship status? Single.
say the person your thinking about walks up to you and hugs you, what do you say? I’d be very caught off guard and back away. Also, social distancing get away from me. ha. were you sad when you heard about michael jackson’s death? It was sad. have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up? Yes. have you ever cheated on someone? No. ever been called a bitch? Only in a joking way as far as I know. Although, that’s probably been said by my former friends in recent years after I just fell off the grid. :/ ever had your heart broken? does it still hurt? Yes, in the romantic sense and in other ways. I’m not hurting anymore over the romantic ones, but the others will always affect me. are you happier today or three months ago? Wasn’t happy then or now. has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Yes. how long could you go without cursing? I don’t curse a lot. did anything annoy you today? Not so far, but I’m sure something will. I’m an irritably and moody person. have you consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours? Nope. It’s been 7 years. have you ever kissed someone who’s last name started with an b? Yes. who is the last person you were in a car with? My younger brother. what were you doing at 8am this morning? It’s only 4:25AM, but knowing me I’ll probably barely be going to sleep at that time. :X if you were kicked out of your house, where would you go first? I really don’t know. Thankfully, I know that would never happen. in the past week, have you cried hysterically in front of a friend? No. what will you be doing in 3 hours? Attempting sleep.  what are you currently looking forward to? Nothing. what’s the last thing you drank? Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink. is tomorrow gonna be a good day? what are you going to do? Just another day. are you satisfied with your life as of now? No. what do you carry with you at all times? If I go anywhere I’d take my mini backpack with my wallet, phone, medicine, hand sanitizer, and mask. who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? My brother. are any of your friends taller than you? Just about everyone I know is taller than me. have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? Yes. how late did you stay up last night and why? Until after 8AM. :/ who was the last person you took a picture with? My mom. you’re extremely quiet, what’s it mean? It could mean I’m upset or it could mean nothing.  do you wear a belt with every pair of jeans? I never wear a belt. a fact about the last person who had their arms around you? She’s my mom and she loves to watch true crime stuff. where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Kohl’s. could you go a day without eating? It happens once in awhile. what was the reason you got grounded for last? I’m 30 years old. do you know anyone that smokes weed? I know many people who do. how long does it take you to shower? Like 30-40 minutes. the last two people you kissed, are they virgins? No. describe how you feel right now in one word? Tired. anybody tell you they miss you lately? No.  anything you want right now? Not at this exact moment. are you closer to your father or mother? My mom. do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? No. what’s your relationship with the person you talked to last? He’s my brother. do you want to get married & have children one day? No. any siblings? I have two brothers. do you believe love lasts forever? I believe it can. do you say sorry first? Usually. I’m quick to blame myself for everything. did you speak to your father today? Not yet. I will later on when we’re all awake. is there a guy that knows everything or mostly everything about you? A lot of things, but not everything. have you ever been to mexico? Yes. what locker number is yours? I never had a locker. you’re single, why? I want to be, it’s best that I am. I couldn’t give the time, energy, or attention to one right now. No one wants to be with me anyway. has anyone ever hurt you? Yes. what made your day? There hasn’t been anything as of now. It is only 4:30 in the morning, but still I don’t see anything happening today. do you like the snow? Yessss. It’s probably magical to me because it doesn’t snow where I live. do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? No.   have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? Yes. does anyone call you babe or baby? Nope. what were you doing at 2am last night? Surveys and listening to ASMR. do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? I sleep in the middle. do you prefer an ocean or a pool? I love being near the ocean, watching the waves crash in and out, feeling that cool air, and smelling that salty ocean air, but I don’t get in it. I don’t swim and deep water terrifies me. But still, I’d choose the ocean for the reasons I listed. do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? Yes. do you sleep with your closet door opened or closed? My closest used to have sliding doors, but I got them taken off a few years ago and put up curtains.  are you capable of holding down a long-term relationship? I believe so. is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? Yes, my loved ones. if your best friend made out with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, what would you do? My mom would never.  when was the last time you were in a very good mood? Hmm. what is bothering you right now? My back. what are you excited for? Nothing. do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope. have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Yes. do you wear your feelings all over your face? I’m not as good at hiding it anymore like I used to be. what is the last movie that you watched? It’s Complicated. do you like when people play with your hair? I did when I was younger.   is there a specific moment you can replay in your mind perfectly? There’s a lot of moments I can and do that with. do you miss how things use to be with someone? Yes. I miss how things were with Ty and I. 
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kittymaverick · 5 years
MCF Moths to a Flame commentary part 2...
I really heavily underestimated how much jumping I was gonna do watching the gameplay alone... So, Eipex, good job on making me scared for the MD’s life... MD: LEMME OUT. If this weren’t so entertaining, I would honestly be screaming the same still...
1. Pazu: I remember these people Who doesn’t? MD: I wish I don’t! 2. Oh, THEY MOVED THE ENTIRE DOOR HERE??? MD: ...Okay, next time, I’m not just bringing a lighter. I’m bringing lighter, and gasoline, and kerosene, and napalm, AND A TONNE OF TNT JUST TO BE SURE NOTHING OF THAT MANOR EVER SURVIVES AGAIN. 3. MD: this room, it’s like all the Ravenhearst cases in one-- I’m gonna go pass out in the corner. Eipex, when I asked for Ravenhearst, I don’t think I meant like... give the MD a full room of it... Or maybe I did... MD: I knew this case was bad before we started whyyyyyyyyy did I come whyyyyyyyyyyy *sobbing* 4. There’s even a shrine-- wait, why does Gwen’s nest have... eggs... MD, which one of the twins was it that survived? MD: Um, let me check your posts... Okay, apparently, it was Charlotte. ...Are we absolutely, 100%ly, without any doubt whatsoever, certainty beyond all reasonable speculations that Gwen LEGIT DIED WHEN ALISTAIR STABBED HER? MD: ...Look, I checked her body, OKAY? RANSACKED IT EVEN. THE DALIMARS DON’T EXACTLY STAY DEAD THOUGH IF YOU HAVEN’T EXACTLY NOTICED. (Meanwhile, probably elsewhere in this museum, maybe... Dalimars: The Master Detective sure likes arguing with themselves nowadays... they’re never going to get to the end of this game at this rate...) 5. MD: I probably shouldn’t go into a fireplace that just showed up, but... I’m too curious-- Oh, good to know you’re just like a cat like me! Which life are you on now? MD: ...Considering Ankou gave me the feather, negative 2? 6. Complex puzzles actually seem doable and logical this time! Though it is hella creepy. 7. “All the cases are too easy! I’m gonna look into some of the Master Detective cases next. Maybe there’ll be a challenge in there.“ MD: I’m second hand embarrassed about this man’s ego. And other than the security breach your agency has, can I say... Your cases don’t so much have challenges in them as so much as loose ends that never tie up... MD: Look, I REALLY try with the fire, okay??? 8. Shoot all the evil ducks. If you shoot a wrong one, you’ll have to start again! MD: THIS IS THE NEW WHACK-A-TROLL I SWEAR. Pazu: I got this. *100% it* MD: See, in the hands of a good player, I still got it. ...First, how dare you diss me. Second, You do realize your adversary now know your shooting skills, right? MD: Shut up and let me have my small victories will you? 9. Hm, Raven badge, crystal badge... wonder if the last one is going to be death badge.... MD: If the Dalimars and that Scottish guy teamed up, I’m as good as dead... 10. ...is that... is that? MD: ...ISIS??? PLEASE LET US KEEP HER AS A PET. MD: Wait, HOW DID YOU GET CAUGHT? YOU’RE BASICALLY A GHOST CAT. Isis: *innocent kitty eyes* 11. Gargoyle chest with... Madame Fate’s Crystal Ball. MD: Please tell me that’s not the real thing because if it is, I’m breaking it right here and now. I think the pieces are under lock and key because they have Charles’ soul fragments in them right now, right? MD: EXACTLY MY POINT. 12. Video guy assumes you’re a guy. MD: I’m glad as least one part of my identity has been kept secret more than anything else... (Note: MD’s voice acting in this game suggests they are feminine) 13. And the final badge is revealed to be... the cog badge? Wha? (Even Pazu is confused lol.) ((I also just realized, we’re still in the Beta segment of the videos...I’m gonna cry in act 2 and 3, aren’t I?)) 14. MD: Should I be scared or honored that someone made rooms out of my old cases? Do you really want me to answer the obvious? MD: ...Okay, VERY SCARED. FREAKED OUT SCARED. ...BUT THEN YOU KEEP ON DOING THOSE PUZZLES. MD: I CAN’T HELP IT OKAY IT’S MY OCCUPATIONAL HABIT AT THIS POINT. 15. Cheating with weights on the hammer, MD? MD: Look, I walk around a lot solving cases, but that doesn’t exactly leave me time to work out, okay? 16. Oh, so MAC... was constructed by this guy-- MD: ARE YOU SAYING MY BADGE LITERALLY BETRAYED ME??? Well... MD: I CAN’T BELIEVE IT I CAN’T EVEN TRUST MY BADGE IN THIS WORLD ANYMORE. WHERE IS THE NEAREST CLIFF I’M GONNA YEET MYSELF OFF OF IT. (...I did say they were gonna give us a companion cube just to take it away, didn’t I?...) 17. MD, considering how well you know the queen... um, why didn’t you check before coming here whether it was fake or not? MD: ... Well? MD: Look, UK’s going through Brexit right now okay, I don’t think she wants to be disturbed when her country is in a crisis. 18. Okay, past the spire staircases! And behind door number three is-- OH NO. MD: OH THANK GOD THEY ARE ALIVE. NO THAT’S NOT GOOD WE HAVE HOSTAGES. REPEAT WE HAVE HOSTAGES! 19. Chloe: Thanks for freeing me-- MD: Okay, can I first say, how could you fall for this? Um, pot calling the kettle black here? MD: ...OKAY OKAY I’LL RESCUE YOU THREE THEN WE’LL REEVALUATE OUR METHODS, TOGETHER. Aiden: Make that Archivist pay for what he did to us! Blake: ...No pressure? MD: *sobbing* 20. MD: OKAY I GOT EVERYTHING, AND THIS IS... an apprentice badge? Archivist: Yo. Wassup? *Springs trap* MD: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT WE KNEW IT WE KNEW IT WE KNEW IT Other detectives: Um, oops, sorry? Archivist: Really, though, how could you fall for that? And you call yourself a Master-- MD: I AM GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE AND HURT YOU SO BAD YOU WILL WISH YOU WERE DUMBER. Archivist: Um... that wasn’t... on the script-- Me and MD: SHUT UP WE HAVE A LOT OF FRUSTRATIONS AND PARANOIA BUILT UP OVER THE YEARS TO VENT OKAY. MD: And YOU just happen to be on the receiving end of it. Archivist: *drops trap several stories down* MD: DAMN YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- [Here endith the Beta section!] 21. Hey, we awake? MD: Yeah... awake, ish. OW. Need, to, break, out, somehow. How convenient this guy left sharp objects in the cabinet here for us to use... MD: ...How did the glass not break from the fall? ...Hey, I’m supposed to be playing captain obvious here, not you! MD: Oh right, sorry. Anyway, to vandalism! 22. Archivist: You’re sloppy, aren’t you? MD: Says the guy who left sharp objects for me to break out of here with. Probably because he WANTS you to break out. Archivist: Remember Broken Hours, detective? Tick tock-- MD: I can’t believe I preferred the Dalimars as the villains. Me neither. At least they had some competence in their madness, minus Victor. 23. Blake: Take this Detective! Quick, I’m almost out of time-- OKAY WE ACTUALLY HAVE A HOSTAGE SITUATION HURRY UP! MD: If we take back the incompetence comment, will you give us more time? Archivist: No, of course not. MD: I thought so, you incompetent bastard. Archivist: You little...! Um, PUZZLES AND LIVES TO SAVE PLEASE??? 24. MD: Solving books puzzles gives me more books? Really now, that’s real creative-- Um... is that what I think it is? MD: It’s... It’s nitroglycerin. I’m... I’m so moved. Finally someone understands me. *sobs* Might I remind you this guy has your colleagues HOSTAGE??? 25. There are literally so many references to past games that I’m like overwhelmed with joy. MD: And I’m overwhelmed with HORROR. 26. Pazu: He’s going to get squashed. THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING. MD: Nah, he’s gonna be fine. I hope. I wish. I mean, I usually turn out fine, right? Right??? ...I’m starting to think your agency is so broke because of all the health bills you guys need to get reimbursed afterwards. 27. Archivist: You fall into my traps again and again-- Let’s be honest, that’s just an MD thing, okay? The rest of the MCF crew-- well, actually... Okay, you know what MD, the Archivist is kind of right here. It’s like you guys are literally DRAWN to traps. MD: I’m sorry for being a bad role model and starting the trend? 28. Huh, this room, looks REALLY familiar. MD: I GET IT. THIS GUY, HE’S A COPYCAT. LITERALLY NONE OF HIS THINGS ORIGINATE FROM HIM. HE’S BEEN STEALING THEM FROM EVERYWHERE AND FRANKENSTEINING THEM TOGETHER. It’s almost kind of impressive in a very disturbing way... 29. MD: Oh hey, Parker, coming with? ...I think the reason why you didn’t get a partner for this mission now is because... they all got kidnapped. MD: Yeah, I’m starting to see that now. We REALLY need better security... 30. MD: Found the center of the mechanism! Now to stop it-- WAIT, THINK, THIS IS A TRAP? MD: Gosh I hate that I have to do that for everything now... 31. Pazu: what is this obsession with badges? Someone clearly didn’t get one and is salty. MD: Gods, all four of us agents are going to need new badges after this, aren’t we. Oh gods that’s gonna come out of our pay too, I’m sure... Speaking of badges, look! You get an agent badge! MD: Can’t believe I’m saying this but I really, really, really, much prefer solving the case involving STAIN as well as about the Hope Diamond to get my qualifications than this... massive puzzle tower... Wasn’t Huntsville how you got start on the whole MD path to begin with? And solving the Hope Diamond got the queen asking you to go to Ravenhearst? MD: ...*sighs* yes, this is a trip down memory lane in the worst way possible, I swear... 32. Um, someone’s calling. You gonna pick up? MD: You know, the least you could do is fix broken things after bringing them over, Archivist? Archivist: But if I did that, where’s the SURPRISE? MD: The last group of people that tried to surprise me got their asses kicked, you know. 33. MD: Draining people of their mind force, huh? I believe the Dalimars have officially been outranked on delusions of grandeur. If this note doesn’t scream trap, I don’t know WHAT does. MD: Honestly, considering how dumbly I fall into traps... I’ll like to see the guy try to drain my brain and see what he gets out of it. 34. Is that... THE PATH TO RAVENHEARST MANOR REPLICATED INDOORS? MD: I’m both impressed, and also feeling Charles’ jealousy emitting from whereever he is sealed. Let’s just hope this guy doesn’t propose at the end too. You have all of our blessings to defenestrate him if he does. 35. Awwww he didn’t have time to finish the rest of the manor. Only got up to the gate. MD: It’s like watching someone give up half way on their ambitious project. HEY GUY, AT LEAST ALISTER AND CHARLES FINISHED THEIR PROJECTS. DID YOU? Archivist: Did they build traps like these? *Trap Chloe* MD: ....You are rising up my shit list with record speed and that doesn’t happen often. ALSO CHLOE SERIOUSLY! 36. Archivist: Too bad for your companion, she paid the price. MD: ...I KNEW I should have kept some of that nitroglycerin! Oh hey look he even has a cable car ride for you! Don’t think we’ve seen that since Return or Escape from Ravenhearst? Archivist: If you want to get to the end of the ride, take a seat, NOW. MD: Oh I’ll seat, but only because I WANT TO. Also, your chair aren’t even replicas. 37. MD: Okay the box now... let’s open it-- Oh come ON! IT’S WHACK-A-TROLL!!!!!!! 8D MD: *Smash emergency exit button* Now ladies and gentlemen, please exit the ride into the next insane area. We hope you’ve enjoy the trip BECAUSE I SURE HAVE NOT-- Really? AN AMUSEMENT PARK NEXT? You did say you weren’t having fun... 38. Aiden: HEEEEEELP! MD: ...as much as I feel sorry for the old guy, I’m also glad I’m not the one stuck in that rocket ride... 40. Oh hey, it’s whack-a... detective. AND IT’S MORE FRUSTRATING THAN WHACK-A-TROLL. REALLY EIPEX? REALLY??? MD: ...Can’t believe this, but now, I miss Whack-a-troll. 41. Archivist: Can’t believe you made it this far without realizing I was one of the missing people? MD: ... Actually... Me: That makes sense, like, I was expecting it, honestly. There WERE four missing posters and we only found three. I was wondering WHEN that was going to come up. MD: See, some of the players don’t go through 19 cases and NOT develop SOME sense of paranoia that you’re going to be betrayed. 42. Archivist: Why don’t you step through the door to claim your prize? Me: How about, no? MD: No here as well. Aiden: Also no here. LET ME GO THROUGH INSTEAD! Archivist: WAIT NO THAT’S NOT HOW IT’S SUPPOSED TO GO-- Me: ...Aaaand we’re out of the illusion. I KNEW IT! WHEN EVERYTHING WENT MISTY I KNEW SOMETHING WENT WRONG! MD: Okay, instead of celebrating you seeing this coming HOW ABOUT YOU GET ME OUT OF THIS CONTRAPTION THANK YOU. 43. Hey, you got your badge back. MD: I know. And it’s stabby. MD: I KNOW. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? MD: IT’S VANDALISM TIME! 44. Chloe: Hello? Anyone there? Blake: Um, same here? Aiden: AHA! Knew there was something fishy. MD: Okay, since we’re all awake, let’s do what we Master Detectives are great at doing. MDs: solving freakishly complicated puzzle panels. *sighs collectively* 45. Archivist: TOO MUCH BRAIN POWER! NOOOOO *Poofs* MD: THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR PLAYING GAMES WITH US-- Um, who, is, that? Basically everyone who remembers the sole survivor of the Dalimars: CHARLOTTE! [To be continue!]
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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An Advent Confessional
Catholics are to take advantage of the sacrament of Penance at least once a year–if you’re Catholic, you should remember that from your CCD or RCIA class. Advent is a particularly good time to do this. If, like most of us, you hurry to clean your homes in preparation to receive guests, wouldn’t you like to also clean your soul in preparation to receive The Guest, the Christ Child, who comes to us at Christmas?
Think of it as the way we clean off all the gunk of accumulated sins from our soul, rather like taking your mud-stained SUV through the car wash after letting it get thoroughly grimy on the highway. Like the salty winter road grime on your car door, sins eat away at our souls, making them weak and puny and prone to damnation–something nobody wants, of course.
All terrible analogies aside, the main, most important reason we go to Confession is that sin separates us from Jesus and the only way to wash those sins away entirely is to go straight to the Man himself. Venial sins–those of a less grave nature or committed either without complete knowledge or full consent–can be cleansed in the reception of Holy Communion. The mortal sins–those of grave matter, committed with full knowledge and consent–can only be cleared away by Confession.
However, even if you’re not regularly and willfully violating the Ten Commandments with crass impunity, it’s a good practice to go to Confession more often than mere need would indicate. Since none of us knows exactly how long we have on this earth to work out our salvation, it would seem that frequent or even somewhat frequent Confession would be in our own best interests. If you want to keep your soul in peak condition, a good detailing on a regular basis is worthwhile.
That’s where even for regular practicing Catholics, things can get a little tough. I know, I get it; it’s embarrassing to think about your moral failures, let alone verbalize them even in the privacy of a confessional, often to a person you only nominally know from his Sunday homilies. And confessions can be deeply personal, painful things, sins that cut us to the bone, or they can be irritating and wretched things like how mad you might’ve got at someone who caused you a momentary inconvenience. And what would this guy know about it, anyway, sitting there on the other side of the screen? (Note: for this article’s purpose, I’m ignoring the existence of face-to-face confessions, which I abhor for personal reasons, namely being, I am awkward enough in anonymity or even presumed anonymity; I don’t need to amplify this by eye-to-eye contact.)
The reasons are there, and they are good. First, perhaps least prominent, is in our recollection of our sins. Self-knowledge, they say, is the first step to wisdom. In taking time to acknowledge and quantify our sins, to ask ourselves what we’ve done (or not done) to push ourselves away from Jesus, we take ownership and responsibility for our sins, and (hopefully) gain a little insight as to how not to repeat them in the future.
Second, in the act of Confession, we surrender ourselves and our wills to that of Christ. We acknowledge we’ve done wrong; we speak the sin aloud, and we make a firm purpose of amendment in our Act of Contrition. In the humility of acknowledging that we have hurt God in willfully turning away from His love, we make ourselves vulnerable to Christ’s healing absolution. We become the Prodigal Son returning to the Father, sorry for what we’ve done, open to his restoration and love, with a will to change ourselves–or to let ourselves be changed.
Sometimes this is easier said than done. Sometimes it takes an act of will to find a church with available Confession times, get yourself into your car or on the bus or on your bike, head across town and then stand or sit in line for half an hour with a bunch of other sinners. It’s difficult and irritating and it takes a bite out of your Saturday afternoon or early weekday morning (of course be sure you don’t compare that to anything our Savior may have suffered, by the way). Added to that, you can never be sure the priest might not be at his 100% best; he might be tired, or surly, or unwell; he might’ve just come off of a retreat with fifty unruly college students who had an ebullient night of adoration complete with praise and worship, and he’s not in any sort of mood to listen to your circumambulatory story about why you didn’t pay your parking ticket. Or, he might just be grumpy. God help him, he might be short with you, but remember you’re not there to explain why you did something–or worse–blame someone else for your sin. Stick to the point; tell your sins, as you remember them, with as little circumstantial explanation as possible (unless Father asks for clarification)–or as they used to tell us, “in number and kind.” In other words, what kind of sin and how often?
Is this awkward? Heavens above, yes, it’s awkward! It wouldn’t even hurt you to admit that to the priest–”Father, it’s been a while,” or “Father, I’m not sure what to confess.” Usually, the priest is more than willing to help you confess. For me, at least, and I suspect most introverts, it’s the same. I blank out; I forget my lines; I stumble over words and the phrases of prayers. It happens. Often, helpfully, the confessional has the Act of Contrition printed and pasted on the kneeler (note to sacristans, this is a blessing–consider it, if you haven’t done it already). Though I was raised Catholic, I can still manage to forget it at the best of times. I have suffered through both brusque, somewhat terrifying confessors and more unguent interlocutors, for whom nothing it seemed was sinful enough to warrant absolution. The thing is, I still went. The important thing is to GO and to be absolved of your sins, to put yourself right with the Lord.
Don’t put Confession off until it’s too late just because it’s uncomfortable or awkward or you don’t feel absolved. As Christians, we believe Christ will come, and we believe as he told us that since no one knows when he is going to come, we should live in a state of preparedness to receive Him: “But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven nor the Son, but the Father alone.” (Mt 24:36) This doesn’t suggest you should live in constant fear and misery of his return! On the contrary; Christians should anticipate his coming with joy as one would a long-expected guest, and we should try and keep our lives holy. Of course, we are human and we will stumble and fall. Let Jesus work through the sacrament to bring you back into his companionship. To quote the corny joke, “Jesus is coming–look busy!” Don’t just look busy. Be busy in tidying up your heart by acknowledging and confessing sins.
And the more often you go, the less time you allow to elapse between visits, the easier and more natural it will become.
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Times of Change - {6}
{5} | {Master List}
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The next morning you woke up with a sore back. You'd had to help Changkyun get a passed out Kihyun in the house.  Changkyun was strong but Kihyun was heavier than he looked, having put on a lot of muscle mass in the last four years.
You walked past your window heading to the door, but stopped when you saw someone out of the corner of your eye.
Sitting on the ledge of Kihyun's open window was Changkyun. You walked over to the window and opened it.
“Morning. Been sitting there long?” You asked, noticing it was just past 8 am.
“A few minutes. I've been waiting for you to wake up. Is that weird?” He asked.
“I mean...a little. But I find it quite endearing actually.” You admitted with a friendly smile.
“Wanna have coffee?” He asked.
“Absolutely. Meet you on the porch in five? Gotta go make coffee and try to at least put my hair in a ponytail.” You laughed, trying to smooth it down.
“Sure thing.”
It ended up taking ten minutes before you could get outside. Your hair was unmanageable and your coffee timer hadn't gone off to brew at a set time. On top of that your back was absolutely killing you. Your Tuesday morning was starting wonderfully.
“Sorry.” You apologized quickly as you got outside. “It's not my day apparently.”
“We all have those days. I don't mind waiting.” He said as he moved over on the porch swing.
“So got any big plans for the day?” you asked him.
“Later I'll go look around for jobs. Kyuhyun's dad said he had something lined up for me if I wanted it, but I'm going to turn it down.”
“Can I ask why?”
“I want to get a job that I earned, not that was given to me. His parents have already done so much for me that I'd feel guilty anyway.” Changkyun admitted.
“His parents are pretty great. His dad has his moments, but he's a good guy overall. I wish my dad was half the man Kihyun's dad is” you said, still feeling salty about your dad's wedding invitation.
“Anything is better than the parents I have.” Changkyun said unemotionally.
“That bad huh?” You asked him.
“Do you want to talk about it? A little morning therapy over how shitty our fathers are?” You joked, trying to ease the sudden tension.
“There's not much to tell really. My dad is a big businessman in the capital. He wanted me to go on a couple dates with another businessman's daughter. I told him I wouldn't and he got mad.”
“He kicked you out because you didn't want to go on dates when you were only 16?” You asked appalled.
“No. He kicked me out for the reason I didn't want to date her.”
“Okay. Can I ask the reason?” You asked.
“I’m asexual.”
“Are you serious?” You asked.
“Yes. It's not weird or anything ya know.” Changkyun defended.
“Oh shit, no! That's not what I meant! I mean are you serious your parents kicked you out and disowned you because you're asexual?”
“Okay. I was scared for a minute what you thought. But yes, they did. My dad deemed there something wrong with me and said he didn't need a family flaw.”
“Wow. You win. You definitely have shittier parents than me. I'm so sorry. Ignorant people just really don't understand. I would like to still be respectful because they're your parents... but they're assholes.” You told him.
“I definitely agree. I had a hard time when I first entered college because I knew I didn't have anywhere to go. But I met Kihyun and we clicked instantly. After a couple of months I told him my story and he brought me home with him. The rest is history I guess they say.”
“Kihyun is like his dad, he has his moments.” You said, feeling a little more grateful towards Kihyun for his soft heart.
“So what's your tragic backstory?” Changkyun asked after a moment of silence.
“Well, the only thing we have in common with those situations is we were both 16.  My dad left six years ago. He preferred to have a dog than a daughter. I talk to him maybe once a year, if that. Didn't come to either of my graduations. Hand delivered a wedding invitation to my mom’s house for his wedding. To a 24 year old.”
“That's shitty. You gonna go?” He asked.
“Hell no. I don't give a shit about him. Blood or not, he's no farther to me.”
“That's an emotion I feel on every level.” Changkyun said.
“How bout this. If you change your mind and want to go, I'll be your date. We can pull a Step Brothers and fuck shit up.” he said, quoting the movie.
“Now there's an intriguing offer. I'll remember that.” You smiled.
“To shitty fathers, but great friends.” Changkyun said, clinking his cup to yours.
You and Changkyun sat outside talking for a few hours.
You found out he had also graduated with degree in business management and accounting. He eventually wanted to go on to be a stockbroker, but wanted to start off in the financial field for more training.
You'd spent little time with him but you realized he was very open and friendly, smart, and slightly socially awkward in a charming way.
It was just past 11:30 when the front door opened and a haggard looking Kihyun stepped through.
“Morning sunshine” you teased. It was quite out of character for your friendship and of late, but sitting with Changkyun had lifted your spirits exponentially.
“Hi.” Kihyun grumbled back.
“You drank all the coffee.” Kihyun said as he came and sat between you and Changkyun.
“I'll get you some.” You said, needing to refill your cup anyway.
“How long have you guys even been out here?” You heard Kihyun ask as you walked down the steps of his house.
“Only since 8.” Changkyun said.
“What could you guys have possibly been talking about for four hours?” Kihyun asked.
You laughed a little as you walked into your house, but didn't hear Changkyun’s reply.
You realized as you got inside that you didn't know how Kihyun took his coffee. You'd started drinking coffee together right before you stopped being friends, so you made it the way you remembered from then, hoping it was right.
You made his cup, then yours, and went back outside.
“Wait. She drove you to pick me up from the bar?” Kihyun asked, sounding much more awake.
“Yes. Do you not remember?” Changkyun asked.  You stopped in the doorway, not making yourself seen.
He doesn’t remember? You thought to yourself.
“Not at all. I remember you coming in to the bar and saying you found a ride. I remember you dragging me into a car, and then I remember waking up on the couch in the living room.  That’s it.  Why did you leave me on the couch by the way?”  He asked.
“Y/n had to help me get you into the house and by the time we got to the living room she was holding you up the best she could while applying pressure to her back.  Pretty sure she tweaked something.  She’s been shifting a lot this morning, but hasn’t said she’s in any pain.”
You were surprised that Changkyun had noticed that.  He was much more observant that you realized.
“She’s like that.  She won’t show weakness to anyone if she can help it.”
Realizing you were listening in on a conversation you weren’t a part of, you put both mugs in one hand and shut the door heavily behind you, making them aware of your presence.
“One coffee.” you said handing him the cup.
“Thanks.  Oh, this is good.  You remembered how I take my coffee?” he asked.
“I remembered how you took it eight years ago and just guessed.” you corrected him.
“Well, good thing it’s still the same.”
It was silent for a moment before Kihyun spoke again.
“So..uh..thanks for getting me home last night. Did I do or say anything stupid?” he asked, not really wanting to know the answer.
“Well-” Changkyun started, but you cut him off.
“Not at all. You thanked me for picking you up and promptly passed out.” you said.
Changkyun gave you a questioning look, but you just shook your head.
“That’s good. I would hate to make things even more awkward than they already are.” Kihyun said, releasing a breath he’d been holding.
You didn’t want Kihyun to feel pressured to have a conversation he clearly wasn’t ready for sober.  You also didn’t want to remind him of an apology he made solely because he was drunk.  You were surprised at the tightening in your chest when you realized that he really didn’t remember the things he said last night.  
You had mixed feelings when he had said he wanted the chance to fix the things he messed up; that he wanted to go back to the way things were.
But you stayed awake for a while and thought about it, and you really wanted to give him the chance.  He had said some hurtful things, and did somethings that would take awhile to forgive, but you were older now and knew that people could change.  Maybe Kihyun wasn’t the same person he was all that time ago, you know you certainly weren’t.
But now he didn’t remember saying those things, wanting those things.
So instead of bringing it up, you kept it quiet.  You would wait until he was ready to open himself up to you while sober.
You just hoped that day would come.
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nyctimus · 4 years
Text symbols meme thing for Ivanpez and Talix and like lit anyone else you wanna do it for.
Set in MB:R verse!
8:03 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hi handsome! Don’t forget you promised to meet me for brunch at that cute little bistro on main, okay?! Can’t wait to see your pretty face! 🥰
text that WASN’T SENT.
9:30 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] My mother has enough money to cover the slack for us if you just quit your job
RUSHED text.
4:45 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] I’m SOOO sooo sorry I’m running late :((( Got stuck in the goddamn metroplex traffic, swear to god I’ll move to the wilderness and abandon the city completely one day. I’ll be there soon! Promise!
DRUNK text.
3:09 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Move in with me wuit your job. I’ll quit mine. We can go somewhere nice like ...  3:12 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Whefe? Where you what to go 3:13 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Beach? We c an skinny dip every night 3:13 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hou can buiold a nice beach hut an I will make nice curtains for it, okay?
2:57 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you insisted on wearing that skimpy little white tank to work in just to try and tempt me to tear it off of you. 
1:15 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Come here. I want cuddles, and my bed is nicer than yours
5:44 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Peter. 5:44 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you, but I promise I’ll right it. 5:49 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What do you mean? Of course I have, why else would you have worn those atrocious, eye- searing shirts every day for the past WEEK if not to punish me? 5:51 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What? 5:51 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Don’t be ridiculous. Of course you’re punishing me. 5:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Still too angry to tell me what I’ve done, I see. Okay. I’ll try again later.
RANDOM text.
2:32 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Gold or indigo? I can’t decide.
SCARED text.
6:45 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hey, I thought you’d be back by now? 7:02 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete? 7:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Peter??? Please pick up 7:26 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Baby please
LOVING text.
10:50 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Good night, sweet boy, I hope you have the very best dreams... I know you’re nervous about tomorrow, but you shouldn’t be... you’re perfect. 10:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] You’ve got this. Now get some rest... don’t make me come over there 10:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Fine, then. See you soon
3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What are your favorite appetizers? Salty or sweet? Party hosting has become just a little more complicated since I started caring more about your opinion than my own. Feelings can be so pesky sometimes 😛
3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete!  3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Can you believe we’re leaving on our veeeery first vacation together as a couple together today? Even if it’s just a little two day getaway, I’m SO excited, I’ve been looking forward to this all week. 3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Can’t wait to have you all to myself. You may be sick of me by the time this is over. Fair warning!
1:19 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s entirely possible I’m just a way for him to pass a little time. And I’m fine with that. Obviously. Why wouldn’t I be?
1:19 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete? 1:24 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] My mother just died. I.... I’m packing to head home to Paris now. Can you go with me?
/ / /
5:25 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know you’re sleeping and won’t even see this for another 6 hours or so, but if you come give me a ride home I’ll smuggle you a whole loaf of that cinnamon coffee cake you like. Please
text that WASN’T SENT.
10:17 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] How do you do it? Live like that constantly? It was a ten minute experience two months ago but I’m still having nightmares
RUSHED text.
3:59 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] K, I know Ellis would probably throw the entire knife drawer at your face if you show back up here but there are SO many drunk assholes here right now it almost seems worth it to beg you to come save me
DRUNK text.
9:42 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] U just reality want you to hold me brighttnkw 9:42 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Plea.Se. And pet my hair, Anne kiss my nose. Ok?
4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know this is fucked up, okay... 4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And idk if it’s the full moon or what, but I can’t stop thinking about you with your gun when I’m getting off 4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Your actual gun. Not your dick, love that one too but the one you... you know what I mean  4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] The way you hold it. Your fingers. Those fucking veins in your arms, Jesus Christ
1:32 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Are you okay? I know it’s silly to be afraid for you every single time the news mentions turf wars and casualties, but I worry about you. Text me when you can
5:18 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Swear to fuck next stuck up ass businessman that walks through these doors, orders coffee and then wrinkles his nose when he tastes it is getting the whole pot poured on his fancyboy suit. Why do people come here wanting Starbucks? I’m going to scream
RANDOM text.
7:30 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] ...Pretty sure your kid is here staking me out right now. Not even subtle. Staring me down as I text this. Should I be concerned? Pretend I don’t know him? SOS
SCARED text.
4:06 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I think someone’s following me. I keep seeing the same car. At work, outside my apartment 4:07 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] In the parking lot at Krogers. What should I do? 4:08 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know if they see you it might make things worse but can you come get me? Please. I’m scared
LOVING text.
7:31 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Hey, hot stuff. I’ll be dead to the world by the time you read this but I just wanted to tell you I hope you have a good day. Kick everyone’s ass. Don’t get arrested. 💖 xo
9:22 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] What do you have planned for Thanksgiving? My brother’s hounding me to bring you back to the farm. No pressure either way. He’s kind of a lot. I think he wants to shovel talk you, so... feel free to be busy, haha
5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] You know that cat I’ve been leaving canned tuna out for for like, the last month and a half? 5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] SHE CAME INSIDE 5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And killed my favorite plant, but! SHE CAME INSIDE!!!
8:57 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know you’re just worried about me, and I get that 8:57 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] But you need to fuck off. It’s none of your business, man
6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know I’m being an asshole doing this over text 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] But I’ve been trying for weeks to say it in person, and I just can’t. I look at you and it wipes everything else out of my brain 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I don’t know how to commit to a guy with a kid. 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And I know you warned me, first thing, and I know I’m being horribly selfish 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I just. I guess I’m looking for something else. 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I’m sorry.
/ / /
7:37 am [Graham → bitchboy] it’s cold, jackass. if you’re gonna fucking leave me here to freeze by myself you could at least turn up the heat wtf 7:37 am [Graham → bitchboy] inconsiderate motherfucker
text that WASN’T SENT.
7:36 am [Graham → bitchboy] please come back, i dont sleep as well without you
RUSHED text.
6:44 pm [Graham → bitchboy] fucking setup? target expecting me so find your leak
2:57 am [Graham → bitchboy] i wasfn EXPECTING him, tyler 2:57 am [Graham → bitchboy] i mean everypnoes heard of him. what an asshole he is. cause he is. but hes this asshole who owns a TEDDY BEAR 2:59 am [Graham → bitchboy] of course you won’t believe nme but im not lyin i swear it on my mams grave 3:02 am [Graham → bitchboy] and its not his sons. its his. its so cute. hes cyte. ill stab your duck if you tell anyone 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] duck 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] duck 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] y ouknow.  3:04 am [Graham → bitchboy] god. 3:04 am [Graham → bitchboy] its’ terinle
11:52 pm [Graham → bitchboy] finally finished up here. 11:52 pm [Graham → bitchboy] eta 47 mins, have your office clear and my reward ready ;)
12:02 am [Graham → bitchboy] sometimes i feel like you’re intentionally giving me the lamest possible fucking targets. wtf. i like killing bitches that will stab me back, not pushing pathetic ass grannies down the stairs while her 50 cats watch me? im picking my own files from here on out 12:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] and im bringing the cats 12:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] maybe youll think twice before pulling this shit on me again
6:26 pm [Graham → bitchboy] you sign my paychecks. thats it. you dont get to tell me what to do outside of that. dont get it twisted just because were fucking, asshole
RANDOM text.
8:32 pm [Graham → bitchboy] idc what we do for dinner but i really want cheesecake so
4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] idk what you and dj usually do for holidays. should i head out? i can crash at my old room at tys, i dont mind
4:29 am [Graham → bitchboy] idk, got me good thus time. pulling over. behind sunoco on 35. dont wnna crash but you should send someone to gt rid of the folders if not my body too by rhen. too much evidence sorry 4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] im really sorry 4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] i love you. sorry for not telling you until now . sorry. im so sorry
0 notes
Best Fake Smile I
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader (platonic...or so it seems...)
Summary: Hitting the bar right after you caught your boyfriend cheating you doesn’t seem to be the best ideas at the time, but when a blind lawyer comes up to you, it may have been your only good thing that night
Warnings: none, I hope, except for swearing 
A/N: This is what happens when you finish a season of Daredevil and suddenly feel like writing...
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Nothing made anyone in the world feel more alone than anyone could be when you’re nursing a cold, shitty beer occupying a booth in the dark corner of Josie’s filled with jovial drunks, all of them noisily having a much, much better time than you were. 
Of course, it wasn’t their fault that you found your boyfriend of 2 years cheating on you with a skinnier, prettier woman (and she was blonde!) right in the three-seater couch of the apartment you shared with him, no; it was almost too pathetic how you were there, alone, wallowing in your own ocean of beer-smelling self-pity while everyone else was so goddamn happy with their own lives, you attempting miserably to drown your problems out (and failing, to be honest). You were so helpless and lost, like a rabbit caught in a snowstorm; in a room full of intoxicated men and giddy women, you were a nobody, unnoticed amidst the drunks in the room. 
This made you knock back your drink once again, letting the cool liquid seep through and tide you over for the almost-inevitable long night.
Matt Murdock tuned out of Karen and Foggy’s conversation about getting new furniture for the Nelson and Murdock office (Karen found the chairs vastly uncomfortable), opting to listen to the other conversations of the other people around him in Josie’s; keen ears picking up on the all-too-friendly flirtation going on at the farther left side of the bar counter, to the rowdy discussion of last night’s baseball match by a group of the no doubt baseball fanatics from behind him, to- Matt furrowed his eyebrows a little, picking up on the air of self-pity coming from a rather tipsy woman at the back of the bar, most probably recently dumped or something like that. 
The man smiled softly to himself, taking a swig of his own beer before getting up from his seat by the bar, causing his best friend and partner Foggy to groan as he instantly caught on to what the dark-haired man was about to do, much to Karen’s confusion. “Where’s he going?” She hissed at the long-haired blond next to her, both of them watching their mutual blind brunet friend move slowly towards the back of the bar. 
Matt grinned when he heard Foggy mutter grumpily about his affinity for attractive women despite being unable to see, navigating past other bar inhabitants with his cane until he reached the person he overheard earlier. “Looks like you had a tough day.” The blind man mused out loud, the woman looking up to see him. 
“I wasn’t aware you could see.” You said snarkily, noting the cane he was holding. You also noted the fact that despite being a blind man, he was actually really freaking cute, with dark brown hair combed to the side in a slightly boyish haircut, only to be contrasted by the light stubble he had. His choice of clothing however, was enough to let you know that he was an office kind of guy, wearing a black blazer coat over a neatly-pressed button-down shirt. But what threw you off was the smirk on his admittedly adorable face, the kind that seems like he knew much more than he’d ever let on. “No offence.” You added a second later, the man waving it off as a joke. 
“There are other, more important, ways to see, Miss...?” Matt cocked an eyebrow at you, silently asking for a name to match the face, which you told him, the blind lawyer smiling genuinely when he remarked that it was a beautiful name for a beautiful person, your slightly tipsy self fluttering at the compliment. “May I sit?” He asked politely, and for a moment you were about to say yes without even a moment of hesitation. Calm down, (Y/N), he’s just a really cute stranger who was nice enough to say hi, you told yourself, despite knowing that you were already halfway falling for his unassumingly charming demeanour. No need to freak out.  
Once again, Matt smiled to himself, hearing your heartbeat slow to its regular pace as you made up your mind. 
Somehow, you and Matt ended up stumbling into a well-known 24-hours diner that both of you frequented, taking up a whole booth with him sitting opposite you. While waiting on your shared order of a strawberry milkshake and a generous helping of extra salted fries, the lawyer continued with his string of jokes that you found extremely hilarious. “Okay, so, this rabbit and his friend, who is a tortoise, were racing against each other, with the pig as the judge. Who do you think won the race?” Matt questioned you, your forehead scrunched as if you could ascertain what the punchline was, but to no avail. 
“I mean, logically the rabbit would win, right?” You replied slowly, watching him break into that cute little smirk you found adorable, yet still not quite understanding where the joke was going. “They’re faster than tortoises.” 
“How would you know, are you the pig?” It took your drunk brain a couple seconds before you understood what he meant, bursting into loud, uncontrollable laughter at how easily you fell for the joke, him grinning as a response to your amusing reaction to the joke. Thankfully, you composed yourself just as the waitress came over with your milkshake and fries; but like the hungry drunk woman you were, you pounced on the fries as if it was your last meal, Matt going after the milkshake at a much slower pace than you, sticking a straw for himself and you into the drink. “Slow down there, you’ll choke on those.” The blind lawyer chastised you, making you decrease your speed in embarrassment. 
“Hey, I have a question, and I hope I’m not crossing any lines or anything, but...were you always-” 
“Blind?” He guessed, making you bow your head down as another wave of embarrassment wash over you. Of course you’d ask him something like that while drunk, you scolded yourself, only to look up when he began to explain. “No, I uh...I was in an accident when I was 9. Been blind ever since.” 
“I’m really sorry-” 
“Don’t be.” Matt smiled warmly at you. “Like I said before, there are other ways to see, not just with your eyes.” 
“What...kind of other ways...?” You asked in confusion, taking a sip from your shared milkshake, wanting to know more about the blind man. He tilted his head to the side a little, possibly picking up on something, a telltale hint of whatever he could use to prove it, looking like a puppy when he does. 
“See that couple by the window?” You looked to where he mentioned, and indeed, there was a couple having a meal together, seemingly very animated with each other, indicating that they’ve been in a relationship for a while now. “He’s nervous, and she’s excited, so I’m pretty sure it’s their anniversary, and he plans to-” You watched as the man went down on one knee in front of his girlfriend, clearly about to ask her to marry him. “Propose.” 
On one hand, you knew you ought to feel happy for the couple, whoever they were, for being blessed with the opportunity to be bound together through marriage, but at the same time, you felt a sharp pang in your chest as you blinked back prickly tears, reminded too much of what could've been with you and your now ex boyfriend. Obviously he wasn't a good choice for you if he was already cheating on you a year or so into the relationship, but for the longest time, you were under the false illusion that he, with all his flaws, was supposed to be the One for you, the person you thought you deserved to marry. Now that you understood why he would sometimes come home at 4 am and behave all-too coldly to you, all you could do was to look at the newly-engaged couple forlornly, glancing down miserably at the plate of fries, unable to stop yourself from recalling the exact, heart-shattering moment when you found him with another woman, wave after wave of emotions suddenly crashing on you.
Matt must have noticed your sudden change in mood when he tentatively reached for your hand, providing comfort even without saying anything. "Can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
You nodded as an okay before realizing he couldn't actually see you, so you let out a small squeak of consent, the man squeezing your hand once before letting go. "Who on earth could be so heartless to hurt you this much?" Your eyes flicked back to look at the blind man, him doing that head-tilting gesture again, but this time he was serious; he sounded like he wanted to wrap you up in a warm blanket and cuddle with you like a puppy, but at the same time he had the air of someone who would do anything to protect the people he cared about, even random strangers he found moping in a bar.
For a second you wished he would. 
"It's my boyf- ex-boyfriend, he uh- he cheated on me on our couch. I...The thing is, a week ago I found a small velvet box and naturally, I thought he was going to propose to me, to seal the deal. I mean, I wasn't wrong, he was going to propose...just not to me." You smiled sadly to yourself, picking a fry up and dipping it into ketchup before placing it into your mouth, the saltiness of the fry soothing your emotions a little. "Of course I know I deserve better, much much better than him, but I think I'll just have this night to feel like shit about it."
"Amen to that." Matt took a fry from the plate and motioned for you to do the same, an odd toast using two extra salty fries shared between a blind lawyer and a heartbroken woman. "To feeling like shit tonight." He grinned as he spoke, coaxing you to smile as well.
"To feeling like shit tonight."
"No. Way!" You stared at Matt in shock, stopping in your tracks when he started laughing at your reaction; anyone walking down the street would probably find you two an odd little pair, and frankly, you didn't care much about that. "How the hell did you get away with that?!"
"I can't help it, people just fall for my overwhelmingly blinding charm all the time." He answered you with a straight face, only for both of you to burst into laughter once again, you composing yourself just enough to grab his arm and walk with him to wherever you both wanted to go, not having decided yet. "That was a bad joke, eye realize that." This comment only made you crack up even more. Unfortunately for the both of you, the sky decided that moment was probably the best time to open up and pour buckets all over Hell's Kitchen, drenching both you and Matt within seconds, you instinctively grabbing his hand, yelling over the rain to tell him that you could find shelter at your apartment, to which he agreed, you dragging him along, his cane abandoning its purpose as he trusted you enough to not let him fall.
At some point after a minute of running past several blocks, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of your apartment building, hastily unlocking the door with Matt in tow, the man looking more like an adorable wet puppy. "You must be freezing cold right now, I think I have something of my ex's that could fit you for the night." You told the drenched man as you went up the stairs, a hand on his surprisingly really beefy bicep to guide him. Holy crap, he could crush skulls with this! You thought.
"I appreciate the offer, but I really don't want to trouble you." Matt declined your offer as you struggled to unlock the door, you turning to glare at him.
"No offence, Matt, but you do realize you're blind, right? I have enough morality to know that leaving a blind man to fend for himself in the rain is an inhumane decision that could land you in a manhole, and me in jail." This comment caused him to smile widely, probably knowing you'd bring that up in any case he'd try to turn down your offer to letting him spend the night.
"I'm sure I can take care of myself, (Y/N)." The dark-haired man told you reassuringly as you finally got the door to open, you stumbling inside your cozy little apartment, wet droplets of rain dripping all over your fuzzy carpet, leaving small puddles in your wake. Matt was still hovering by the open door, unsure whether he wanted to enter the confines of your home or not despite your invitation.
"It's no big deal, Mr Lawyer Guy, it's not like I'm going to screw you or anything." You huffed as he finally entered your home; even with your back turned to him, you could tell that cute little smile on his face had made a reappearance. "Now, do you want to share the bed or sleep in the couch where my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with another woman?"
@a-game-of-words @nekodresden85 @dare-the-punisher @secondhandsmokemoncherie @batsofanarchy @welcome-to-awesometown @instantangelstudent 
Yeah. Um. Hey. I know I’m originally a Supernatural reader-insert fanfiction blog, but I’ve hit a very literal wall of writer’s block and I’m taking an indefinite break from Supernatural-ing...
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Signing Off - Chapter 19
A/N: Omg hi, it’s a year later and i’m sorry I abandoned y’all (like C did to 5h but that’s not the point) Oh shit? do you hear that? That’s the sound of C stans or ot5 fans clicking off this fic right about now. Ah… shit. Imma shut up now and let y’all read this update, it took a year to pump out and it’s absolute shit so my apologies. Camila’s POV I sat on the idea of accepting the role for this movie for a few days. The thought of Lauren and Normani having a rather close relationship still lingered in my brain. I knew they were only friends but how much closer could they get if I weren’t in the picture? I knew Lauren wouldn’t betray me like that but I had always been a jealous person. No matter how much I tried, my jealousy would always get the best of me. My instincts tell me to hurt them before they hurt me but I didn’t want to hurt Lauren. More importantly, I didn’t want to lose her either. I knew I probably should’ve been more communicable with Lauren about my uneasiness but I also didn’t want Lauren to think I didn’t trust her. Because I did trust her, I still do, it’s myself that I didn’t trust. I took the role. I had called Roger a little less than a week after my date with Lauren. He was very excited that I gave him a call and he started to finalize all of the details for the film. My days with Lauren were dwindling so we had decided to spend every waking moment with each other. We cooked together, we read together, we did everything together and it just felt so domestic, I was going to miss that. Lauren and I had a date every few days. Most of the time, it was just us going to grab some fast food or a slushee but I still considered them dates as long as I was with her. “Good morning.” My girlfriend whispered in my ear as I stirred awake. “Morning.” I mumbled, turning around to face her. “You leave tonight.” The green eyed beauty pouted. I chuckled, “Who needs a calendar when you can have a Lauren Jauregui.” “Not everyone can have a Lauren Jauregui.” My girlfriend joked back. There was a short silence that followed our short banter. “I’ll miss you.” I said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Finally! I’ll be free of you! I needed a break from having you around me 24/7.” She joked before relenting after I gave her a pointed look. “I’ll miss you too, babe. We’ll FaceTime almost everyday though, right?” I gave her a tight lipped smile, “I’ll try to.” “When do you get to come home again?” The other YouTuber asked, breaking our eye contact and beginning to trace a light pattern on my hand with her thumb. “I don’t know.” I sighed. “Roger said that we’re predicted to be done by March” The green eyed girl stayed silent for a moment. "Do you know how long you’ll be filming for?” “About three months.” I answered. When Lauren didn’t reply I decided to change the subject slightly, feeling guilty that I had been withholding it from her. “My ex-girlfriend is playing my love interest.” “Oh.” The other YouTuber gulped. “Why did you guys break up?” “It was a mutual decision, honestly. We grew apart and had different aspirations in life. She had a role on Broadway so she had always been off in rehearsals or parties with her cast mates. I didn’t mind since I threw myself into my YouTube career. I had photoshoots and meetings to distract myself from missing her.” I explained. “I didn’t know you had an ex-girlfriend.” Lauren responded. I shrugged, “Our relationship was private for the most part, I never really posted pictures with her nor was she ever in any of my videos.” “How long have you known about her being in the film too?” Lauren insecurely asked. “Since the day after our date.” I truthfully told her and I immediately saw her look away. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.” “You still should’ve told me.” I could sense a little insecurity in her voice. “You don’t still have feelings for her… right?” She hesitantly asked. “Laur, look at me.” I requested. When she complied I continued, “She was my first love, so I’ll always love her. But that doesn’t matter because i’m not in love with her, I’m in love with you.” I softly kissed her lips to reassure her. “Please never forget that.” I whispered when I pulled back. After a long pause, my girlfriend finally responded. “Okay. I trust you.” I smiled and searched her eyes for any hint of doubt, but I didn’t see any. “Okay. Can we get breakfast now? I’m starving.” “Sure, babe, I’ll be the chef and put together an exquisite meal for you.” My girlfriend yelled while jumping up from the bed and running towards the kitchen. I shook my head at her antics and took my time washing up. When I finally sauntered in the kitchen I saw Lauren sitting at the table, phone in hand, munching on a bowl of cereal. “What took you so long? Your cereal is probably soggy by now.” She said with her cheeks full of cereal. “A bowl of soggy cereal is your supposed exquisite meal?” I laughed examining the floppy Frosted Flakes in my bowl. “Yep! Just call me Chef Lauren! Gordon Ramsey who?” She beamed. I laughed, “You’re such an idiot.” “But I’m your idiot.” We sat in a comfortable silence. Lauren was preoccupied with something on her phone while I quietly ate my cereal. It was times like these that I’d miss most, times where we’d sit in comfortable silence but one of us would crack a joke and we wouldn’t even have to be touching but I’d still feel close to her. I continued to eat my soggy cereal while toying with the promise ring that Lauren had given to me in Rome and smiled. “I love Lauren Jauregui” I thought to myself. This movie shoot is one small bump in the road of Lauren and I’s relationship together. Lauren’s POV I’m not going to lie, the fact that Camila was going to be on the other side of the planet to me with her ex-girlfriend scared me shitless. Even though she had spent the past few weeks reassuring me that there would be nothing going on with them, I was still skeptical about her being her love interest. I mean that means they’re gonna have to kiss and stuff right? What if there’s a sex scene? They’d be naked together! However, I trust Camila. If she said there’d be nothing between them, I believe her. I looked at my girlfriend across the table, eating my soggy masterpiece in bliss before leaning over to kiss her temple quickly. “What was that for?” The brunette YouTuber asked, beaming at me. “Nothing, I just love you and I’m going to miss you.” I replied contentedly. “I’ll miss you too, my love.” She responded, entwining our hands over the dining table. *** “Babe, your flight leaves in an hour and a half, let’s go!” I called from the front door of my girlfriend’s house. “One second!” Camila called out from upstairs, tripping over her luggage as she sprinted to grab the remaining clothes she had yet to pack. “You said one second like 10 minutes ago, Camz.” I chuckled, walking through the door of her bedroom just in time to witness my girlfriend trying to shove the clothes into her luggage. “I was going to pack sooner but I passed out after you insisted on going three more rounds!” The petite Cuban defensively said. I smirked, “It’s not my fault you can’t keep up.” “My stupid Mario Kart dude wouldn’t go any faster! And he was like a banana magnet!” She huffed, frustrated her luggage won’t close and how I had brought up our Mario Kart tournament. “I kept trying to avoid them but he always found a way back to them.” “Right… blame the character, not the driver.” I winked before moving to shut the luggage with ease. “I’m gonna put this in the car, you finish grabbing everything else, okay babe?” I loaded my girlfriend’s luggage into the car and waited patiently, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. Minutes later, she came out bringing her purse and a small bag. “Ready to go?” I asked, intertwining our hands in her lap. “Sadly, yes, I am.” She sighed. “Alright,” I stopped to check my imaginary watch, “We’ve got an hour and 15 minutes to get you there and on that plane! And with LA traffic, you’ll be there with plenty of time to spare!” I said sarcastically. “Yeah, yeah, shut up and drive.” My girlfriend demanded, rolling her eyes. We made it to LAX with about 45 minutes to spare. I went with her throughout the airport til about as far as I could go, but by now we were both crying. “Goodbye, my love.” I choked out, looking like a blubbering mess. We embraced each other in a gut crushing hug. “I love you so much. I’ll call you whenever I can.” The petite brunette mumbled through her tears. “Final boarding call for Flight 1218 to Rome.” We heard a flight attendant announce over the intercom. I proceeded to passionately crash my lips against my girlfriend’s. I never wanted it to end. This would be the last kiss that I get from my girlfriend for who knows how long? The kiss tasted like her chapstick mixed with the saltiness from our tears. Camila began to walk away, our hands still intertwined. I decided to yank her back and kiss her once more. In this kiss, however, I snuck my tongue in there, making both of our knees go weak and a tingling between my thighs. “Now you can go.” I said, pulling away before things got more heated. “I love you, have a safe flight!” I watched my girlfriend enter the gate and my heart sank a little. I quickly took my phone out and sent a text. To: Camz I miss you already. I then took my time wandering back to my car. I hadn’t spent more than a day without Camila, I didn’t know how I’d do with three months.
[A/N]: Find this story on wattpad here
Happy Anniversary H4RMONY! 
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acashgirl · 7 years
Untitled Marvel Project: Part 1
   So Peter isn’t going to be in this part at all, so sorry. I’m really trying to build up this story and I would like to see the feed back for this beginning part. I promise he’ll be here soon but I need to make sure you guys enjoy my style of writing!
(Next) (Index)
You felt the air pressure change and are suddenly encapsulated in a wind tunnel, kneeling down and desperately trying to cling onto anything; a pocket in the metal flooring, a loose line close to your reach, maybe even a unlabeled lever but nothing was there. The wind was shoving you closer and closer to the gaping hole while the earths gravity was drawing you in. Scrambling, panic, fear, falling. Facing up towards the infinite universe you catch a glimpse of a flyer that melts back into the sky as your body twists around trying to stop yourself. It’s useless, the surrounding cloud layer begins to thin and ground is quickly approaching. But then there’s light, a lot of light. The fast descent makes you become light headed and the last thing your mind registers is a large  “A”.
   A quick jab of pain struck your arm and spread into your shoulder. Trying to shift around you’re struck with an even worse pain swelling all over your body. Desperation dug deep and all you wanted to do was open your eyes but they were swollen shut.
“Hey-hey hey! It’s alright, you’re alright!” the voice sounded big but very calm.
“You crashed through a few layers of granite and concrete at a high velocity. We were honestly surprised you weren’t dead. I’m going to go grab some solution to decrease the swelling in your eyes alright?” Heavy footsteps trailed off.
“So that was a building, fuck my body hurts. Well no shit Sherlock you crashed with a ‘high velocity’”   
The footsteps returned.
“Alright,” the voice sighed “so this solution is going to feel very very warm for about 30 seconds, but I promise it’ll go away.”
Two drops hit each eye and it began to almost burn.
The pain went past your eyes into your nasal cavity causing it to tighten
You could still breath but it felt wrong.
A wave rushed over your face and you tried to squirm but couldn’t.
You hoped your face showed how much pain you were in, like fire was in your skull.
It began to dissipate.
Your eyes didn’t feel so heavy.
“Your eyes are going to be sensitive so I’m going to shut off the lights. Friday?”
“Yes Mr. Banner?”
“Lights off please.”
The skin covering your eyes dimmed in their glow and you began to open your eyes. Of course they fought with you and did not want to cooperate but eventually were coerced. The ceiling was blank and coated in a bright white which caused you to squint. You tried to move your neck around but quickly realized it was stabilized.
“Oh I’m sorry, try not to move much. You suffered multiple contusions and are beat up pretty badly. I’ll get into your view.” 
The man walked over and slightly leaned in. He was a sizable man, graying hair, and thick framed glasses over a square face. His top button was undone on his thinly striped button down and his sleeves were cuffed at the elbow.
“Hi, my name is Bruce. Do you know if you can speak?”
Even with your throat feeling so dry something came out.
“I…hurt…” it was so hoarse and didn’t even sound how you remembered.
“Well that’s a start,” he gently smiled “Would you like some more pain suppressant?”
He nodded and walked out of your view and in a moment you felt normal, still couldn’t move, but there was no pain.
   A sigh escaped your mouth and you heard Bruce exhale.
“W-where am I-I?”
“Well you crashed into a great place. This is the home of the Avengers.”
“T-the Avengers.” You said firmly.
“Yes, and this is not a normal occurrence if you did not guess. Robots or maybe bombs but a young girl no.”
“I saw a-a plane. It d-dropped m-me.”
“You fell from a plane?” he appeared back into your line of vision blatantly concerned.
“I-I fell through the c-cloud layer, i-it disappeared i-into the sky.”
“Just gone? Why were you in the plane?”
“I don’t remem-mber.”
The tension in his face relaxed, he was still dealing with a young girl.
“Well you’re safe here, we can be very accommodating.” he smiled.
You tried to mimic his smile and cleared your throat “We?”
“As I said, the home of the Avengers.”
“Why do I feel so weird whenever the Avengers are mentioned?”
Peering down as far as you could you could see some monitors and your legs in some sort of braces. You looked back up again.
“If you feel up for it I can bring in T- Mr.Stark, he’s been curious about you.”
“Tony.” you said quietly.
“You remember Tony Stark?”
You scowled a bit, “He sounds familiar, who is he?”
He laughed “Just your average billionaire-become-superhero, do you mind if I call him?”
“No, it’s fine.” You suddenly felt uneasy.
“Friday? Could you please tell Tony our guest in awake?”
“Yes Mr.Banner.”
   Some time past and with much appreciation Bruce didn’t leave the room. He seemed like kind person, perhaps even caring. It was obviously too soon to tell as you’ve only had one experience with him thus far. Eventually you heard footsteps approaching and an automated door opening.
“Tony! Took your time.”
“Well Bruce it is a big building, a lot of space to cover.” You heard a slap, presumably on his arm.
“So! What do we have here?” It was a loud voice, confident, Stark/
“Well currently she can’t see you. If you don’t recall she broke almost everything so moving her head isn’t an option.”
“Right how silly of me, lemme-” you heard him sit and then wheels and feet scrambling across the floor.
“Hello!” His head popped into view “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Tony Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man, world class hero and person extraordinaire.” You blink twice.
“Can she speak?” Tony almost yells turning his head over his shoulder.
“Well she was, however your introduction may have revealed a little too much about yourself Tony.”
He turns back towards you “I’m sorry how boisterous of me, you see I just don’t usually know how to feel when a stranger crashes through my impenetrable lair and puts a new skylight in.”
“It wasn’t exactly a choice of mine now was it?” You gritted through your teeth focusing on one spot in the ceiling. You could feel Tonys blank face staring into yours.
“What a lovely voice you have, glad you can use it.”
“Your dry humor is impeccable, maybe add in some more sarcasm, wouldn’t want to confuse people now would we?” You side eyed him.
“Looks like someone woke up cranky, maybe we should knock her out for a few more days and see if that would help.”
“Tony-” Bruce interrupted.
“Try a few years then pull the plug, I should be dead right?” Tony looks into you almost insulted.
“Here’s the deal, you crashed into my building with no source of identity and survived. I’m sorry from my lack of sympathy in this situation. Once you were hooked up to our system to nurse you back to health we realized that you are indeed not fully human and your smart mouth isn’t exactly helping me want you around, understand?”
Bruce sighed as your eyes began to get salty and sting, all you wanted to do was rub your eyes and make it go away.
“What do you mean ‘not fully human’” They were both looking at you now and clearly in your view. Tony looked towards Bruce as he spoke.
“Your cellular structure contained pieces of elemental structures we could not identify while your brain scan resembled closely to Wanda Maximoff, or as the public calls her the ‘Scarlet Witch’.”
“Wanda possesses a form of telekinesis through experimental procedures.” Tony added in.
“However her cell structure is different to yours which leads us to believe you two do not possess the same power.”
“I-I don’t remember having any power. I don’t remember anything before the plane.”
“Plane?” Tony asked turning towards Bruce.
“She was dropped from a craft that disappeared after her ‘departure’.”
“Well that’s not uncommon now is it. But why would someone drop a girl who may possess telekinesis? They tend to be useful you know,” he turned towards you “especially if you fry their brain. ZZZ!” He crossed his eyes which made you laugh a little.
“Well at least you’re not an emotionless monster. I’d pat you in congratulatory but you’re fragile.” He said while getting up “According to your charts,” he walked out of your view “You should almost healed by… tomorrow! Great, looking forward to that.”
Bruce looked at him and Tony came back into view.
“So we are going to knock you out for a few more hours, don’t want you to be bored to death. Is that uh- is that cool?” They both were looking at you now.
“uh…uh yeah I suppose that makes sense.”
“Cool!” Tony exclaimed “Brucey administer the sleepy cocktail.”
Bruce looked at you one more time “Alright” and disappeared out of your view.
“Well goodnight- oh never got your name” he laughed “what’s your name?”
Right as you were going to say you couldn’t remember you zoned out into darkness.
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gigglingbean · 5 years
Wow,  it’s been almost 6 months since I’ve been on this site and typing furiously away on my MacBook. I can’t believe I’ve just been posting one post a month from January to July – Explodingbelly is such a letdown. I even tried refreshing the site because I thought the posts weren’t updated.
In the past couple of months, I’ve been to so many places and ate so much, I think I have a lot of content to generate, provided if I stopped procrastinating and drowning myself with work.
The reason why Wine & Chef  comes up to be the first post after such a long hiatus on Explodingbelly, is obviously because I think the place is worth recommending lah. Affordable menu, wines and a good ambience to boot, it’s been a damn long while since we’ve came across a place that checks off all the boxes on the list.
The Place [Nearest MRT: Outram Park] 
As I sauntered down the stretch of the very happening Keong Saik Road where Wine & Chef was located, I simply can’t phantom why each and every restaurant there is bustling with throngs of crowds even with the sky high prices of the menu. Sorry, I guess I’m just a peasant.
As you step into the restaurant, one would be greeted with a large collection of wine bottles on the side, a chalk board of their best sellers and a dimmed “atas” ambience with expats filling the front of the restaurant with everyone having a glass of wine on their tables. If you’re like me, you’d go something like HUH YOU SURE HERE THE FOOD AFFORDABLE MEH?
We took the table right at the end of the restaurant where we had some good privacy but the semi-open kitchen was quite a bane, cause we could smell everything that was being prepared and WE WERE STARVING.
The Menu
Before I go into what their menu entails, I need to rave over how affordable their drinks are – can you believe their house pour wines start from just $7++ a glass and a full pint beer at $9++? Apparently they get their wines directly from wineries which allows them to keep their cost low, and hence keeping it affordable for their diners!
They serve up a decent mod-sin (Modern Singaporean) menu, incorporating Asian twists into their Italian cuisine, which I 10/10 approve because this keeps their menu fresh and certainly stands out from what the rest had to offer. You could expect dishes such as Har Cheong Gai glazed with honey and soy (Chicken Little – $10++) and Bak Chor Mee Linguine.
As great as being different is, I also am wary about fusion dishes usually as some tend to try a little bit too hard ah. Well, let’s see how they fared.
The Food
Anything with mushrooms on the menu is a MUST ORDER when you dine with me. So very naturally, we went for the Mushroom Trio ($10++) for a start.
3 types of mushrooms in this one (DUH) – white button mushrooms, oyster mushroom and shiitake. OK la, mai hiam buay pai (translated as, umm.. don’t nitpick, is not bad) HAHA! This had the buttery fragrance they’ve used to sauté the mushrooms and it complemented perfectly with the “mushroom juice”. I don’t know about you but I usually tend to dislike the fact that restaurants use shiitake as part of their mushroom dishes as shiitake tends to have a stronger/distinct flavour profile and lingering aftertaste as compared to the other kind of mushrooms, which overpowers the combination. BUT all in all, I’m just really nitpicking – this was pretty decent.
We went for their pastas because Explodingbelly loves pastas and hey, they pride themselves in Italian food, so pastas must be very good right?
1) Scallops Capellini ($28++)
Ah, the classic combination of scallops, capellini and truffle dressing, let’s see how well they fare and stand out from their competitors. Probably the most instagrammed dish over here, but was it worth the hype?
My eyes lit up as I took the first morsel of this dish – BAM! There were just so many things going on in my mouth. The flavours slowly unveiled itself starting with the aroma of truffle diffusing across my palate (wa very long never use the word diffuse, since my secondary school Chemistry days), and then I was hit by the umaminess of the soy dressing, followed by the crunch of the sesame seeds, burst of the tobiko, the al dente linguine, and finished off with my teeth meeting the smooth, light chewy texture of the scallop, releasing that tinge of sweetness to finish off the entire mouthful – that hallmark sweetness of fresh scallops. 
Does my description even make sense? I’m trying very hard to let you guys imagine how good that mouthful was. I just kept nodding my head and said wa good good good right after that. Haha! The only gripe? CAN GIVE ME BIGGER PORTION NOT?
2) “Bak Chor Mee” Minced Meat Linguine ($24++)
I keep saying I love fusion food, if I don’t order this, I’ll be quite the joke right? But honestly, I had MASSIVE doubts about ordering this dish initially. What I envisioned would be a pasta dish that tasted flat, with the only saving grace of it qualifying as a BAK CHOR MEE, was the bakchor and wanton. But for the better good and for the love for you guys reading this, I STILL ORDERED IT.
That very familiar aroma of BCM struck me as it was set right in front of us – oh my! It’s my very favourite vinegary smell of what I reckon as a good bowl of BCM. I couldn’t wait to dig in already. After snapping just 3 different angles of this dish (LIES), I took a huge mouthful of this pasta.
SHIOK. It was what you’d define a successful fusion pairing with it preserving the elements of the BCM, yet with elevated ingredients and preparation to make me want to part with my $24++ for a plate (uh bowl?) of bcm. It retained the vinegary taste of our usual bowl of bcm goodness with a hint of spice in the back of your throat with the sliced chili and spicy minced chicken. I appreciated how the minced pork and chicken were in slightly bigger chunks for a greater bite and also make me feel like my money is worth la.
The truffle infused wanton was what I was pretty much excited about when I ordered this dish, turned out to be the only thing that was lacking in this plate. It was a tad too oily, 0 taste of truffle, and was a little odd. I think put the Pontian fried wanton would be better ah. Haha!
I WOULD come back for this dish again even though it doesn’t look as aesthetically pleasing as the capellini.
We were left very, very satisfied after a 100% hit rate from the earlier dishes, and that tempted us to look through the dessert menu to finish off this meal on a mind-blowing note.
Just as mushrooms are synonymous with Explodingbelly, if you’ve followed me long enough, I’m also the self-proclaim master of SALTED EGG YOLK. Hello, who got the dedication to write and research for idk how many dishes of salted egg yolk dishes and eat most of them? AM I THE MASTER? You better say yes.
Anyway I digressed. For desserts, we got us a Salted Egg Cheesecake ($12++)
For those who are shaking your heads, thinking that I better not complain because I asked for it when I placed an order for such an unorthodox and try hard combination, let me make several disclaimers that led to this choice:
This honestly sounded like fun to me – Salted egg, cheese cake, graham cracker and coconut gelato, YUM
Their BCM linguine was a win.
I’m the master of salted egg yolk, hello?
I excitedly took a scoop of a little of everything and well… let’s put it this way, not every can go well with salted egg. This was slightly shy of revolting. Okay, I thought the salted egg would have been the “dessert kind” of salted egg, you know? Like those in your salted egg ice cream – lighter, sweeter, and yet still has that slight saltiness and hint of spice. This was just the FULL ON Tze char salted egg crab kind of salted egg sauce on CHEESECAKE and COCONUT gelato. Oh gosh.
The coconut gelato was way too sweet and lacked flavour. It was more of a vanilla gelato with a hint of coconut kinda combination. This was bad. This was FUSION GONE WRONG. Sigh, this was me being naive as well.
Closing Remarks
Well, even though the dessert did not quite end off the entire meal on a good note. We were still pretty impressed by the dishes served by Wine and Chef. You could tell how impressed I am when I’m even motivated to write about them on my already dead blogging brain and dead blog.
I’d say if you’re looking for a fresh date idea, or simply a slightly cheaper alternative for some good food and affordable drinks for a hang out evening, Wine and Chef is a darn solid recommendation.
You can find them at: 
7 Keong Saik Road Singapore 089115 (Nearest MRT: Outram Park, also can walk from Tanjong Pagar MRT if you want to lose weight)
Opening Hours: 
Closed on Sundays Monday to Saturday – 12pm to 11pm
  Wine & Chef – Great Ambience, Affordable Wines, Food & an Amazing Date Night Idea Wow,  it's been almost 6 months since I've been on this site and typing furiously away on my MacBook.
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survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #1: “Back Into the Groove of Things” - Scott
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The cast was announced and both tribes started calls in their tribe chats.  Some early alliances started based on past relationships.  The first twist was that the tribes had to elect a Tribe Captain.  Regan took charge on Naicha demanding she be captain.  On Jinsei, they strategized about it for hours with Lydia using Sam and Scott to help make her Tribe Captain.  The first challenge was Winterbells and MJ lead Naicha to a hefty win.  After losing, The Alliance of Sam, Scott, and Lydia (The Three Muskequeers) tried to decide whether to vote out Austin or Catherine.  They decided to go with Cat due to her poor challenge performance and her connections on the other tribe. Connah figured it was him who was going home and ultimately self voted.
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Tbh I’m really bored so I’m gonna make a pre-game confessional before the game starts. I really am excited to be back and playing my official last season of Tumblr Survivor (and ORG) ever. I want more than anything for this season to end on a good note, so I plan on giving it my all and hoping for the best. I think the timing for me to come back is especially perfect, mainly because in the past my personal life was mixing in with the ORGs and it got to the point where I had a big mental breakdown in front of the family dinner table. That’s why I took a break; I just had so much going on personally that I had to stop using ORGs as an escape from my problems and actually face them. It’s been about a year and a half since I was involved with ORGS and I’m really happy with the person that I am today and to say that I resolved most of my personal dilemmas that I had. There’s been so many seasons that I was considered for since Ancient Greece, but honestly the timing in my personal life didn’t work out and I would drop out in order to take care of myself (Easter Island, Sri Lanka, Generations [not 100% sure about this one], India, and Solomon Islands). This time the only conflict I may have is that I work night shift some nights, but lately I’ve been scheduled on day shifts so hopefully it stays like that so it doesn’t interfere with challenges and the game itself. But honestly I think I can work around it game wise plus many people talk during the day and late at night so it can benefit me. This season is actually really scary for me going into it mainly because I don’t know who to really expect. It’s an all-host season, so obviously it’s going to be all retuning players but I really haven’t been involved with this community in a long time. I could see a lot of familiar faces, or I could see a lot of newbies from the seasons I didn’t follow. I think I’m honestly going to be such a huge target coming back into the game. I say this mainly because lately I’ve noticed there’s a trend where guys who disappear for a long time and come back will end up winning (Jake B, Simon, Tommy, Stoner, and  Mitchell to name a few). So to be coming back after two years could put me in danger and others may see me as a threat, which is why I need to be extremely cautious. Plus I personally have a huge reputation that I refuse to destroy. Every time I’ve played I’ve never been pre-merge/pre-jury, and I don’t want to know what that feels like. Plus I haven’t played Tumblr Survivor in 2 years, and I know a lot has changed when it comes to the game format. Hopefully I can adapt to it quickly and be conscious the entire time. I’ve only spoken to like maybe 6 people from the community after Malaysia ended. I don’t really have anyone to possibly pregame an alliance with. The only reason why I applied is because Regan convinced me to and I spoke to Trevor about it to make sure it was legit. I know she applied, but if she’s cast I don’t think it would be in my best interest to keep her around (I’m sorry Regan I love you). I just feel like everyone would know how close we are and it would put a huge target on my back, or make it bigger along with everything else. I haven’t spoken to her about possibly being on this season, and I plan on keeping it that way. But other than her, I don’t know anyone who could possibly be on this season which could be a good thing or a bad thing for me. Good thing is that I’m a single person and if there’s a big group/pre-game then I can be a part of a group to go against the pre-game. However, if people are like “let’s go with the pre-game group over the individuals” than I could be screwed early on in the game and possibly be the first boot. Honestly my biggest fear is just being pre-merge and doing worse than ever in my Tumblr survivor career. Idk, maybe things can all work out for the best for me, I’m remaining optimistic about all of this and I really can’t wait to get back into the groove of things.
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i literally wrote the saltiest jury speech ever towards lydia when we were in riau together and now she is on my tribe fjdkafjdskalfjkldjafdfs. we got along well enough in riau and in hindsight i definitely was way too salty towards her but hopefully no bad blood carries over from riau into this game.
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Can't wait to be first boot
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[2017-06-07 8:34:48 PM] Jessy: first impression? josh icon [2017-06-07 8:34:56 PM] Jessy: i feel like he's the only person getting invested in my convo. [2017-06-07 8:34:57 PM] Jessy: SKLJSLSJK [2017-06-07 8:35:17 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Am I gonna have to copy all this into a confessional or will you write one later :p [2017-06-07 8:35:23 PM] Jessy: i'll write one later [2017-06-07 8:36:04 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Thank you !
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HI Trevor. It's your fave mom, Sam McCanada. Look at my son doing his momma proud 
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i am god awful at winterbells.  i am god awful at every single flash game. this will be fun. the first night is always weird because i keep having tons of tiny conversations and they're all just small talk. everyone knows that these conversations are just small talk at the beginning of the game and yet we have these conversations anyway, fully well knowing that they mean almost nothing at this point. i feel like ive been out of the tumblr survivor community for so long that i am so disconnected from everyone here, and that immediately makes me feel like im in trouble. they all know each other so well, and while i know almost everyone here on a very basic level, i'm not particularly close with anyone here. ive played with a few people here before. in riau i essentially yelled at lydia in my jury speech and then proceeded to not vote for her in FTC. the one and only time i played with andrew, i voted him out. i'd like to think that feelings from previous games dont carry over, but i know that they do for some people. i don't know. i dont feel safe. 
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why is connor so impulsive? i love the kid but 5 minutes into the game i'm already in an alliance with him and drew when drew and i haven't even talked yet sjhfsdkjfa. More detailed confessional later~
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[2017-06-07 9:11:49 PM] Jessy: NO ONE IS talking to me. [2017-06-07 9:11:52 PM] Jessy: Can't wait to be on the bottom [2017-06-07 9:43:24 PM] Jessy: i like josh.. [2017-06-07 9:43:30 PM] Jessy: regan rlly tried me.. [2017-06-07 9:43:35 PM] Jessy: mj is a snake... [2017-06-07 9:43:38 PM] Jessy: matt is a snake... [2017-06-07 9:43:52 PM] Jessy: connor seems like a person who's gna be in a good position... [2017-06-07 9:44:08 PM] Jessy: allison and i idk her yet that well [2017-06-07 9:44:18 PM] Jessy: drew idk her yet that well [2017-06-07 9:44:18 PM] Jessy: KLSSJKL [2017-06-07 9:44:20 PM] Jessy: *him. [2017-06-07 9:44:31 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Lol [2017-06-08 1:26:44 PM] Jessy: i just wanna make an alliance that can watch shit on rabbit and have a fun time. [2017-06-08 2:35:32 PM] Jessy: regan wants a girls alliance [2017-06-08 2:35:34 PM] Jessy: BKLMSLKMFSDKLM [2017-06-08 2:38:45 PM] Jessy: its a concept yeah. [2017-06-08 2:57:07 PM] Jessy: im just tryna be utr. [2017-06-08 2:57:14 PM] Jessy: wide the waves. [2017-06-08 2:57:23 PM] Jessy: find my crew and watch tv shows on rabbit. [2017-06-08 2:57:48 PM] Jessy: mi opciones es no grande :/
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Hey I'm back who wants to see me get 12th again??????? Or worse. BUT YEAH. I'M FUCKING BACK IN A MAIN SEASON YA'LL. Third times the charm I guess, but honestly I'm so scared. Pumped, but scared. This is - like I said - third time playing, and my first 2 times I got 12th. So fuck me in the ass amirite? Like, if I get 12th or worse I'll probably casually go into a major depressive episode for a little bit. So I have a LOT riding on these first impressions. First impressions are everything, and I don't really know these people very well? So it is VITAL to me if I even want to have a game in this mess to have a good social game right off the bat. And everyone seems cool at the moment? I'm just nervous about preexisting relationships and all that jazz and mumbo jumbo. I mean, I am the newest person on the tribe I think in terms of how long I've been here? In fact, I think only person younger to the community in this game than me is Connor Wubbenndjfm on the other tribe. Preexisting relationships are just scary. Like, I was on the call tonight with a few of the people. And they were all nice! But I kinda felt like a high schooler volunteering at an old person's home. ASDFGHJK I'm SORRY OKAY it's just that literally everyone was sharing war stories of like 2 plus years ago and I've been here for a year and a half so. Not a lot I could have contributed! But like I said, everyone seems cool. For not at least. And that's what I like. Keep the discourse at a minimum for the time being please! But yeah I guess if I had to give a quick opinion on everyone just from tonight: Scott: Super cool! Very easy to talk to. Bonded over our love for Isaac McDicksucc. I'm hoping he's not just doing some "be this social to everyone thing" and actually found a better-than-average connection with me because if so, I would like to work with him. David Robb: Person I actually know! Hosted me in TAR and shit and I've voted him out of a side. But I'm hoping we can work together? At least for now. I know I'm gonna sound hypocritical, but I feel like this is the only preexisting relationship I might need. I probably know the least amount of people here so gimme a break okay? Bitches... Sam McCanada: Cool girl! Remembered watching her host Transylvania. Know she's done super good and has slayed in CYS which is super threatening because I've heard that's a hard as ORG. If she tries to be the controlling type then it'd be best to be with her as opposed to against her - at least for premerge. Connah: He seems chill. He was on the call but didn't talk much and we kinda talked RRN. I know he's close to Lydia and MJ so I gotta watch out for that. If we go to tribal first I would go for him or Lydia only if someone voiced wanting to break up potential alliances first. Other than that I wanna keep my head down. Lydia: Same alliance type deal word vomit thing I just said above. But she seemed nice even though I only talked to her for a little. I'll try talking to her more tomorrow to feel things out. Austin: GOOD. BYE. I do NOT want to play with Austin Trevino. No sir. Goodbye Spongebob goodbye goodbye. Like he's a damn mess to play with and to watch play. He quit a side premerge the second things weren't going his way. And I know he's gonna try kissing my ass and kiss up to everyone and think he has this AMAZING social game. Like... no... sweety... no. But ya know what? Seemingly easy first boot cannon fodder. If need be. Catherine: Yay! Honestly love Cat. She won my first ever ORG (a side) a year and a half ago and I got 6/24 there so I spent a lot of time with her there. But then she kinda died? But now she's back! Out of herself, Austin, and Lydia - she didn't have an excuse for not being around. Idk how social she'll be but I wanna at least have her for myself. Okay whew. Other than all this nonsensical shit I just typed above, there's the other tribe which I can go more in depth about a little later once I sleep and process everything. Drew? Love him but farewell. Regan? Other tribe's Austin. Matt fucking Summers? I gtg suddenly. MJ? Could kill me but I wanna kill him first. Allison? My mom and one of my best friends but tbh this isn't Pacific Islands and I'll vote her out if I have to. Etc. Etc. There was Conner Wubben who's cool but I don't really know. 2 others I can't remember right now asdfghj oops. Oh we also have a challenge and I suck at desktop Winterbells so there's that too. If we coulda used the mobile app well :~) that woulda been fun. But Trevor apparently hates fun and friendship. Oh yeah and fuck this twist. It's 2:30 am and I'm tired and I'll talk more in a video confessional tomorrow so gnight and wish my flop ass luck because I'll need a little if I wanna get past that 12th placement hehe. *Takes a shot or 4*
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I'm back for my 3rd go, and I feel as though I have a lot to prove not only to myself but to the community as well. It's been well over a year since I last played Tumblr Survivor, and I do think I've grown a lot as a game player. Coming into this season, I felt flattered by the shape and size this cast has been brought about. I'm standing here with castaways from All-Stars, multiple winners, and well-known players all in the same season. To me, this is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing because I'm the unknown of this season. The wildcard if that. I'm here coming off a mess that I played in Bhutan, and a lackluster performance in R&R. Not many people know my gameplay or how I evolved into what has become my playstyle. A lot of these players are "Old School" (characterized by the grouping from Generations), and I'm not well known inside the community. The curse for me this season comes with the realization of outside bonds formed from the casts' older seasons. These people know each other. They know how they play, and in order for me to win with the likes of Summers and MJ playing then I'm going to need to play to the absolute best of my ability. I need to play a game that is true to myself that can only represent why I, Austin Trevino, am the best possible outcome for a winner this season. Something I know I'm weak on is my social gameplay. For me, this season, I need to overhaul my playstyle to focus my strategic game SOLEY on my social gameplay. Play smart, not hard. I need to realize that I'm in this for 39 days, and not just round by round. My physical gameplay is lackluster at that, so I need to be able to make up for it by spreading awareness to my tribemates as to why I am an ideal candidate in benefiting their game. In doing so, I've already worked to the best of my ability to find 1 thing I can use as a reminder that I'm not some "nobody" they've never met before. So far I've reached out to the entire tribe and connected with each of them on the following: Andrew - We played Comoros together. I've also been talking to him about some Solomon reps for Cutthroat, but he is someone I genuinely like. I need to go deeper in getting to know HIM as a person, but I do believe he is someone I would like to work with in the future. Him and I are both pre-merge flops, so I do think we can see eye-to-eye in allowing ourselves that window of opportunity to take over. Scott - Scott is nice, supportive, and relatable. He is someone that is coming back into these ORGs for the first time in a long while, and I do think I can relate to him in the fact that this is something we haven't done in a while. He's going back to school to major in psychology because he wants to become a school psychologist. I've taken AP Psych in high school (LOL), so I do see myself working a friendship over with him through various small talks which could transform into something larger. Lydia - Lydia doesn't remember this all too well, but we played Storybook: Neverland together. She knows how willing I was to give my game for her and be loyal, so I do think she is someone that would gladly look to keep me. I reminded her of all this when I brought up voting out Jordan Pines on Jordan Pines Day. She's smart, and no one can deny that. Her placements are BY FAR the best average placements in this entire cast. It's threatening to see her on this season, but it's comforting to know that I can bring up a fond moment from a past game in order to share my expression of loyalty towards a person. David - David and the entire cast of BBHell2 hated my gameplay. That was 2 years ago, however. David knows and called me out on my horrific social gameplay in jury, so I need to prove to David that my social gameplay isn't an issue anymore. To start, I brought up some things about David's job as a cashier and found a way to relate to his job with mine (I'm a cashier as well). I think it really shows a lot when, after 2 years, you can remember something about someone even when they criticized your social gameplay. (See, I do listen to people >.>). I like David. Connah - Literally he was my host for R&R, so I immediately had something to open up with. I didn't last long in R&R, so the window of opportunity is wide open when it comes to establishing something. Cat - OK LITERALLY I LOVE HER, JOSH, AND CONNOR (who are all in this game and I need to immediately make a mental note that they're a trio in my books), BECAUSE THEY ALL HOSTED ME IN PERU AND THAT SEASON SUCKED BUT THEY WERE LIT. Cat hasn't been around all that much for me to talk to (or maybe I'm being ignored?), but I do hope to connect with her again by bringing up Peru and some friends we do have in common. Sam - Sam I've probably spoken to the most. She's "fresh" off of an Okinawa victory, and I do see myself trusting her. I voted for her as tribe captain and I would definitely like to see her place some level of trust in me. I just find it easier to talk to her over most others. I like Sam. This season I need to prove to myself that I can outlast the 3rd tribal council. Both seasons I've played have seen me voted out then. I can't OVERPLAY. Building relationships is what matters most here. As for the twist(s) of the season, I do think it's bittersweet. Trevor has turned this into a hunger games for Hosts. We created our own Weapons of Murder. I don't see this turning into a Redemption Island season with a cast of 16, so I do think this season is going to be idol heavy in terms of the various idols. Most of these hosts have held their unique idol twists, so when idol searching does come about, I need to be on the lookout for anything and everything imaginable.
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im in a super weird position here because im super close with connor and josh on the other tribe. the thing that makes it an awkward position is that EVERYONE knows how close we are. we started our own survivor platform together and we're currently on the hosting chart for another main season. connor, josh, and i literally hosted austin in a season together. i definitely know that i'm a target because of this. the votes for tribe captain are due in 15 minutes and no one has talked to me about it. im just going to vote for some random person and hope that its with the majority, however i (ONCE AGAIN) dont feel safe.
i'm trying to stay on the down low but i don't know if that's helping me or hurting me. on the one hand, it helps because it keeps me out of the spotlight a bit. but on the other, it might hurt because i might not be bonding with people as much as i could be. fjdksaljfdsaklj i dont know what's happening
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i love jake gyllenhaal
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So, things are going kind of well, I think. First off, Josh and I are together, which is great, but Cat is alone on blue. Frankly, out of the three of us, Cat being alone was worse case scenario. I knew if I was alone that I would have been able to finagle my way into things and build relationships because the game I play is very social. Cat says that talking to people is a chore. So.... rip cat? I know Drew and Josh very well going into this game, MJ fairly well as he hosted me in RnR and Palawan, and Regan was technically in RnR with me and we played a storybook season together. Im also fairly good friends with Matt, so I definitly think there is room for me to pull some strings and get some control over this mess before it turns around too quick and gets me. Regan being tribe leader is good for me I think. She's very easily influenced, or she has been in the past, and I think she will be good for my game as long as she doesn't pull a Regan and do something crazy. And lets be real, we all know she will. Drew, Josh, and I do have an alliance, although there has been little to no talk in that chat. Rip. Also, Drew probably knows that if it were a f2 and it came down to the three of us, Josh and I would choose each other, so I need to do some work there to make him feel more comfortable in that three than he is now. I love Allison. Day 1 there was a tribe call and it ended up just being the two of us, and we watched a performance of Hamilton we did for show choir, and she is SO fun. I like her A LOT. Jessy? I like because she likes my dog. That's really all I have to say about her right now, yikes.
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Me, looking at the wiki for the first time since premiere night: who the FUCK is Jessy???????
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Well I’m really bored right now waiting for a call to happen so I better start one of these. I’m really happy to be back here and I like the tribe. Sam and I spoke on the first minute of the game and reconnected due to previous relationship. I like her and definitely want to work far. I don’t think it’s in my best interest to go all the way with her but I think it’s a smart idea to keep her around for the current moment. She wanted to make an alliance between Lydia and us and I was okay because I find Lydia to be quite comical. We spoke on who could possibly be the tribe captain and Lydia agreed she would. I think working with Sam and Lydia short term is ideal mainly because they both have gone far in multiple seasons and know how to do it, so sticking with them can benefit me significantly. I consider them to be my #1 alliance for now just because I usually respect the first alliance I ever make. I also have a good relationship with Andrew. The two of us talked and agreed we would work together. I want him to do well in this game just because he’s never made merge (and I think hes really cute rip) and I think he would be someone to benefit me as an easy #1 ally. I’m not sure what long term plans are but all I know is I want him around and I will riot to whomever to ensure he stays. David I like as well. We both spoke and agreed we don’t want the other to be the first boot. Sam and Lydia seem to really like him so we know he can be the easy #4 to our alliance. The only people I’m not really aligned with so far are Austin, Catherine, and Connor, and ideally I want one of the three to be the first boot when we lose because MJ is too good at winterbells for us to possibly win. Austin kinda annoys me so far just because he reaches out to me every single day. And like I know hes been doing the same to others just by communicating with them and I find that to be messy. Like its one thing to talk to people once in a while, but to do so every day like that is a bit sketchy. And like he hasn’t even talked game with me, it’s all just personal talk. Which is nice, but I don’t want to be the first to talk game with everyone because it makes me a threat. Catherine I only spoke to once because I messaged her. We talked about her flopping in Galapagos. I know she has a relationship with Josh so she could be an easy boot, but at the same time that connection could help long term. As for Connor, I personally think he shouldn’t be here.  He’s going through a lot personally losing someone close to him and I think he should take time off to grieve and stuff. But I can’t make that decision for him. Other than that, he hasn’t reached out to me so idk how to feel about him. A plus to aligning with Sam and Lydia so early on is that Lydia gave me the idol map for being the captain. I felt obligated to share it with them because I couldn’t lie and be like “Oh Lydia gave me this” early on. So now we’re all hunting for the idol. During this idol hunt I found the Amulet of Abduction. I plan on keeping this for the swap, that way if im in the minority I can get an alliance member over to my side and either screw their game over or regain majority on my tribe. But the Amulet stays to myself for now. And because we lost immunity, I gotta discuss the vote. So far I am loyal to Lydia and Sam, and I can get Andrew to do whatever Lydia, Sam, and I want to do. And they like David so I’m sure I can convince them to vote out one of the three ppl I haven’t spoken to. But yeah, I’ll update this later tonight cause I can’t flop playing for my first time in two years. It’s game on bitches, and I’m ready to play.
literally no one talks in this game and im so annoyed cause we lost the challenge and these people are acting like nothing even happened... oh well, hopefully i dont become the first boot cause my paranoia is getting me. like its really odd that no one is talking. in Ancient Greece no one really spoke to me, and i found out i was in the minority after that season ended. The only reason why i got far was because we ended up not losing challenges until swap and we just lost our first challenge so i hope it isnt me. i can't varner my ass out of this game cause its been 2 years and i just wanna play but no one wants to play which sucks!!!
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So I'm gay and this tribe is a bunch of mutes. Basically I was on a call with Scott that ended up being 2 and a half hours? And now we're supposedly closest allies. Which is fun! Scott is really cool and I really AM hoping I'm his closest ally and he's not just pulling generic social game bullshit. But we also talked about the vote and he said Austin's name first. Not me! So I really want Austin to go home because he's a shady fuck. Like... Okay so he keeps talking about all of this shit that comes off as so fake. He says we have to break our curses and I'm like what's this "we" you heterosexual potato. Like he ain't good at these games and if he stays over me? I riot the streets. So yeah I talked to Sam a bit too and she - like Scott - told me I'm the person she's talking to the most. Which! Might be a lie. But ya know what I'll run with it. I'm also making a point to talk to Cat on the side because I love Cat and if she's not being super social then I wanna make a point to talk to her. My talks with David and Lydia are kinda spotty, and then I don't talk to Connor much. But he is going through some personal things right now and I hope he's okay so I'll obviously let him deal with that. Personal things prioritize these games for sure. TL;DR - I want to kick Austin's ass back to str8 lakes where it belongs. Just as long as I'm not the person bringing up his name first :~)
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[2017-06-08 6:37:55 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: What is happening [2017-06-08 6:38:04 PM] Jessy: LITERALLY NOTHING WHICH IS WHY I'M SHOOK!! [2017-06-08 6:38:21 PM] Jessy: matt and i had a convo and he told me about regan giving him the advantage [2017-06-08 6:38:25 PM] Jessy: and i lied and acted like she didnt give it to me either [2017-06-08 6:38:32 PM] Jessy: and now im scared regan told him i got it too [2017-06-08 6:38:37 PM] Jessy: [6:02:22 PM] Jessy: hi [6:02:25 PM] Jessy: matt told me that [6:02:35 PM] Jessy: you gave him an advantage LKJBLKMASDLFKM and he shared the clue with me [6:02:41 PM] Jessy: i dont think he told anyone else tho so its not a big deal but [6:02:51 PM] Jessy: i want him to propose a f3 to u tonight w us [6:31:05 PM] Regan: Omg [6:31:10 PM] Regan: He said he guessed r [6:31:12 PM] Regan: And got it wrong [6:31:31 PM] Jessy: same [6:31:32 PM] Jessy: KLJSJKLS [6:31:45 PM] Jessy: can we pls f3 tbh [6:32:36 PM] Jessy: he doesnt know that i got the clues too right [6:32:36 PM] Jessy: SKLJSJKL [2017-06-08 6:38:59 PM] Jessy: i saw her go away and online within a min [2017-06-08 6:39:01 PM] Jessy: SO LIKE IM SHOOK SIS REPLY! [2017-06-08 6:39:15 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I love receipts [2017-06-08 6:39:39 PM] Jessy: if nothing is actually happening this is proof of my paranoia [2017-06-08 6:39:40 PM] Jessy: LSKJKLSJ
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they're gonna vote me out first and it's so extremely obvious. how are these people considered all stars of the game when they make it so ridiculously obvious who they're voting for???
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[2017-06-10 1:55:26 AM] Jessy: btw mj will be first boot on this tribe [2017-06-10 1:55:27 AM] Jessy: know tht [2017-06-10 1:55:52 AM] Jessy: im not letting mj connor josh catherine go far. [2017-06-10 1:56:23 AM] Jessy: oh nd lydia [2017-06-10 2:34:50 AM] Jessy: r u gna make an edgic [2017-06-10 2:35:56 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I am, yes [2017-06-10 2:38:14 AM] Jessy: when im ottn>
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Ok, so I think I proved my social game to be effective. This tribe is VERY quiet. No one is talking, and if they are it's very forced. Lydia kind of baited me into giving a name, but with that came no repercussions. Honestly, me name dropping Cat has spiraled into a FAST frenzy of game talk. It seems like Lydia spread it quick, so I do know now that she's taking full advantage of the trust our tribe has in her. David pointed out that he heard a Connah name drop, but I haven't heard that? I don't know if Lydia gave him that name or if someone else did, but I do enjoy knowing that there are 2 people my tribe sees as disposable over me. It's kind of nice not having to work my ass off to keep my name out of others' mouths. The social game isn't all that bad.
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Fuck MJ and winterbells
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So update after the first late night fiasco Lydia, Sam, and I agreed on Catherine as a target. I was okay with this just because she really hasn't approached me (or anyone) and hasn't made an effort to really want to play this game. We only spoke once (I reached out to her) and all we spoke about was how she flopped at Galapagos. Oh well, hopefully she actually goes tonight. As for how this game is going, I think I am in a good position. I think one thing I need to watch out for is how close David and Sam are. I need to keep Andrew close to me, and I think he is going to be a huge help to me. So far he's been trusting in informing me on whats going on. I am worried since Sam and Lydia contemplated sending him home first. Now as awful as this may sound, I think its best for my game to keep Austin close to me too. Even though I see him doing lots of damage since hes kinda on the outs, keeping him close to me and making him think he controls me is ideal for me. Just as long as he doesn't catch on to this all should be good... right? I'm definitely not as worried about the vote, however I think I need to try and get a sub-group going with people that aren't Sam and Lydia so that way if they become a sinking ship I have other lifeboats getting me out of heavy waters. I want to solidify something with David and Andrew, but part of me worries he will tell Sam and she'll think I'm trying to go against (plz say this in her Canadian accent) her. I think I can do well this season, just gotta hope someone's dumb twist doesn't screw me over
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I'm stress eating Dairy Queen and I guess the vote is Cat idk why it wasn't Austin but whatever I just don't want it to be me thank you and goodnight
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Catherine and Connor never spoke to me about the vote and the vibe at camp is really sketchy so if i leave tonght rip me... but i had a good time and it was fun. Hopefully this isn't my last confessional
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[2017-06-10 6:17:56 PM] Jessy: dw im gna send the most iconic conf ever! [2017-06-10 9:11:40 PM] Jessy: oh fuck i need to write it [2017-06-10 9:11:40 PM] Jessy: KLBVKLMSADFMKLDS [2017-06-10 9:11:52 PM] Jessy: if i submit it and someone already left can it still be counted for ep 1 [2017-06-10 9:16:34 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Submit it quick :|
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