#source: avenue 5
uncorrectintamed · 11 months
Wei Wuxian: I have the decision making powers of a pigeon trapped in a library.
Lan Wangji: A library? Why is the pigeon in a library.
Wei Wuxian: I saw a pigeon in a library once, it did not make good decisions
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marksandrec · 1 year
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2496
Come on, man. (Dialogue from Avenue 5.)
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bcs + avenue 5
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textsfromthetva · 2 years
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Incorrect Loki Quotes [67/?]
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introvertpanda · 1 year
Murdock: I have the decision-making powers of a pigeon trapped in a library.
Face: A library? Why is the pigeon in a library?
Murdock: I saw a pigeon in a library once. It did not make good decisions.
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Kaito: I have the decision-making powers of a pigeon trapped in a library.
Shiho: A library? Why is the pigeon in the library?
Kaito: I saw a pigeon in a library once. It did not make good decisions.
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Why do I keep thinking I'm clever? On a good day, I'm barely not stupid.
-Courier Six (with 2 Intelligence)
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Roland: If anyone needs to freak out, this is a safe space emotionally. Roland: Physically we're obviously in terrible danger.
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emmikay · 1 year
Skimbleshanks: (during Macavity’s attack) If anybody needs to freak out, this is a safe space, emotionally. Physically, we’re obviously in terrible danger.
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incorrect-koh-posts · 2 years
Guy de Lusignan: Why do I keep thinking I’m clever. I’m not. 
Guy: On a good day, I’m barely not stupid. 
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incorrectvikings · 2 years
Rollo: If anybody needs to freak out, this is a safe space, emotionally. Physically we’re obviously in terrible danger.
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Alby: If anybody needs to freak out, this is a safe space. Emotionally. Physically we’re obviously in terrible danger.
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erza155-writes · 1 year
You're an avenue 5 passenger now, [watcher]. It doesn't matter that you're not on the ship, or that you're in a completely different reality, because being on avenue 5, well, it's a fucking state of mind
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astrojulia · 11 months
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The Revolutionary Power of Uranus:
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·˚Uranus through the Houses.ೃ࿐
# 1st House
Positive Aspects:
1. Self-Discovery and Transformation: Uranus in the 1st house sparks a deep curiosity and endless questioning about one's true identity. Individuals with this placement constantly seek to understand themselves without limitations or barriers. Uranus inspires them to go beyond conventional boundaries, consistently transforming and evolving into new versions of themselves.
2. Individuation and Breaking Norms: The influence of Uranus encourages individuals to question their societal roles and cultural conditioning, fostering a desire for a unique and independent identity. Those with this placement explore diverse aspects of the world, such as different occupations and genders, always striving to find their own authentic path. While they may seek group affiliations, they ultimately recognize that their true identity cannot be confined to any specific label.
3. Eccentric Personality: Uranus in the 1st house bestows an eccentric personality upon individuals, expressing themselves in dynamic and unconventional ways. This planetary influence, known for breaking down barriers and defying conventions, naturally leads to a unique and distinct persona. Sometimes, these individuals may feel the need to distance themselves from their surroundings to fully embrace their true nature.
4. Originality and Non-Conformity:Individuals with Uranus in the 1st house possess a strong inclination to be authentic and resist conforming to societal norms. They embrace their originality, choosing to stand out rather than blend in. Uranus, the planet of individuality, highlights their uniqueness and emphasizes that their needs and desires differ from those of others.
5. Creative Outlets and Independence: Emphasizing creative outlets and pursuing independence enables individuals with this placement to express their individuality and carve their own path in the world. These avenues serve as platforms for self-expression and further reinforce their unique qualities.
6. Inner Stability and Integration: Navigating the influence of Uranus involves cultivating a sense of inner stability and integration. Despite the ever-changing nature of their personality, individuals with this placement strive to find inner peace and acceptance. Understanding that change is constant allows them to adapt to life's ups and downs, fostering a sense of equilibrium.
Negative Aspects:
1. Ego and Conceit: While exploring self-identity, individuals must exercise caution not to become overly absorbed in their own greatness or develop a conceited attitude. It is important to maintain humility and recognize the value of others' experiences and perspectives.
2. Potential Subconscious Process: The path to individuation may involve subconscious processes, leading to a slower or sudden development of characteristics that break free from societal expectations. This can create challenges in fully understanding and embracing one's unique identity.
3. Flux and Changeability: Finding inner peace amidst the constant flux and changeability can be challenging for individuals with Uranus in the 1st house. They must learn to navigate the unpredictable nature of life and seek stability within themselves, even as external circumstances evolve.
4. Surface-Level Identification: It is essential not to get too caught up in identifying solely with the ever-changing personality. While the 1st house placement brings forth unique qualities, it is important to recognize that the persona presented to the world is often a mask worn for social interactions. Individuals should strive to connect with their deeper essence rather than solely relying on external appearances.
5. Unpredictability and Impressing Others: The need to stand out and impress others may arise from a desire to showcase their unique individuality. This can sometimes lead to unpredictable behavior, as individuals with this placement seek recognition and validation from their surroundings. It is important to strike a balance between expressing oneself authentically and considering the impact of one's actions on others.
# 2nd House
Positive Aspects:
1. Liberation from Conventional Habits: With Uranus in the Second House, individuals are urged to break free from attachment to physical possessions and traditional notions of value. This placement encourages a mindset that goes beyond materialism, allowing for a more liberated approach to possessions and wealth.
2. Embracing Unconventionality: Uranus in the Second House fosters a taste for the unconventional. Individuals with this placement often enjoy collecting unique objects, embracing quirky aesthetics, and engaging in intellectual innovation or mass communication. They are drawn to ideas and concepts that challenge the status quo.
3. Original Money-Making Ideas: Those with Uranus in the Second House possess the ability to come up with original and innovative money-making ideas. They have a natural inclination towards thinking outside the box when it comes to finances and are often successful in finding unconventional sources of income.
4. Long-Term Investments: Individuals with this placement are inclined to make long-term investments. They understand the value of investing in items such as computers or other technological assets that have enduring worth. This strategic approach to finances can lead to long-term stability and prosperity.
Negative Aspects:
1. Conflict between Uranian Change and Stability: The natural square between the Eleventh House (associated with Uranus) and the Second House creates tension between the urge for change and higher visions, and the need for stability and security in the physical world. Balancing the desire for personal transformation with the practical aspects of financial stability can be challenging.
2. Obstacles to Traditional Goals: Pursuing traditional goals related to the Second House, such as wealth accumulation and physical security, may present challenges due to Uranus' disruptive influence. Individuals with this placement may face obstacles and setbacks in their efforts to achieve conventional measures of success. These natives need to focus more on the other two values: psychological and self-management.
3. Erratic Income Experiences/Money Management: The influence of Uranus can lead to rollercoaster income experiences, resulting in financial uncertainty and instability. Fluctuating income streams may require individuals to develop resilience and adaptability in managing their financial affairs.
4. Potential Alienation from the World: A challenge for individuals with this placement is finding a balance between breaking free from attachment to physical possessions and maintaining a connection to the world. While embracing non-conventional ideas of value, it is important to avoid isolating oneself and jeopardizing personal security and stability.
# 3rd House
Positive Aspects:
1. Bringing Higher Mind Energy to the Practical World: Uranus in the Third House enables individuals to apply Uranian energy in practical ways, allowing them to gain inspiration and insights about themselves and the world. This placement encourages the integration of innovative and unconventional ideas into everyday life.
2. Curiosity and Gathering Knowledge: Individuals with this placement possess a natural curiosity and a drive to gather diverse facts about the world. They have a thirst for knowledge and seek to explore unusual subjects, leading to a deeper understanding of various topics and expanding their intellectual horizons.
3. Quick Thinking and Originality: Uranus in the Third House signifies quick thinking and a great deal of originality. Those with this placement approach subjects and problems in unique ways, often offering fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.
4. Independent Thinking and Freedom: There is a strong inclination towards independent thinking and the freedom to explore unconventional areas of thought. Individuals with this placement resist conformity and embrace their individuality, valuing the ability to think outside the box.
5. Ability to See Beyond Details: While emphasizing analytical thinking, individuals with Uranus in the Third House possess the ability to see beyond the details and grasp the bigger picture. They can synthesize information and understand the broader implications and connections, going beyond mere surface-level understanding.
Negative Aspects:
1. Conflict between Ideal and Practical Worlds: The placement of Uranus in the Third House creates a conflict between the ideal world represented by Uranus and the practical world. This can make it challenging to effectively implement insights and revelations into daily life, as the practical application of unconventional ideas may face resistance or limitations.
2. Disruption of Stable and Predictable Life: Uranus's influence can bring unexpected changes that disrupt the stability and predictability of life. These disruptions can challenge reliance on immediate sensory perceptions and require individuals to adapt to new realities and circumstances.
3. Resistance to Influence and Maintaining Unique Opinions: Individuals with this placement often exhibit resistance to being influenced by others. They insist on maintaining their unique opinions and perspectives, which can hinder collaboration and openness to different viewpoints. While valuing independence, it is important to remain open to constructive dialogue and diverse perspectives.
4. Potential Impractical Ideas and Overlooking Crucial Factors: The quick thinking and tendency to jump between ideas can sometimes lead to impracticality and overlooking important factors in plans or decision-making. It is important to balance originality with practicality and consider the consequences and feasibility of ideas.
5. Irregular Logical Connections: While intuitive insights may arise, logical connections may be irregular and prone to jumping around. This can affect the coherence of thought processes and communication. It is important to cultivate clarity and structure in thinking to ensure effective expression and understanding.
# 4th house
Positive Aspects:
1. Embracing Change and Progress: Individuals with Uranus in the Fourth House have a natural inclination towards embracing change and progress within their family life. They are open to fresh approaches and innovative ideas, bringing a sense of excitement and growth to their domestic environment.
2. Unique and Unconventional Home Life: The placement signifies a home life that is characterized by uniqueness and unconventionality. These individuals create an atmosphere that is different from societal norms and expectations, infusing their living space with creativity, alternative values, and a sense of adventure.
3. Insights and Revelation: The presence of Uranus in the Fourth House brings forth a deep existential restlessness. This restlessness leads to a lifelong internal journey and a quest to find one's True Home. It opens the door to profound insights and revelations from the subconscious mind, allowing individuals to delve into their own depths and discover their true selves.
4. Adaptability and Growth Opportunities: With Uranus in the Fourth House, individuals often experience frequent moves and uprooting from familiar surroundings. While this may initially pose challenges, it also provides opportunities for growth, adaptation, and the discovery of new horizons. It encourages a sense of flexibility and the ability to thrive in changing environments.
Negative Aspects:
1. Instability and Family Challenges: The presence of Uranus in the Fourth House can bring a certain level of instability and challenges within the home and family life. This may be due to a rocky start or the passing down of restlessness and change to the next generation. It is important for individuals to find ways to create stability and nurture strong familial connections amidst these challenges.
2. Rebellion and Family Conflict: The strong desire for a fresh approach and rebellion against the family's established norms and traditions can lead to conflicts and disruptions in relationships. It is crucial to find a balance between asserting individuality and maintaining healthy family dynamics.
3. Traumatic Crises and Marital Difficulties: Adults with Uranus in the Fourth House may experience marital difficulties, family conflicts, and even divorces that can be traumatic and emotionally challenging. These individuals may struggle with feelings of guilt and self-blame. Seeking support, therapy, and open communication can aid in navigating these difficulties and fostering healing.
4. Frequent Moves and Disruptions: The need for change and wanderlust associated with Uranus in the Fourth House may result in frequent moves, uprooting individuals from familiar surroundings, schools, and friendships. This can create challenges in adaptation and stability. Developing coping mechanisms, building a strong support network, and finding a sense of inner stability can help navigate these disruptions more effectively.
# 5th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Unique and Ahead-of-Their-Time Creativity: Uranus in the Fifth House represents immense potential for unique and innovative creative expressions that are ahead of their time. Individuals with this placement have a natural inclination towards unconventional and groundbreaking artistic endeavors.
2. Independent and Individualistic Self-Expression: This placement encourages freedom of self-expression and a desire to break free from social conventions. It allows individuals to authentically and uniquely express themselves, embracing their individuality and originality.
3. Precocious and Independent Children: Uranus in the Fifth House may indicate the presence of precocious and independent children. These children exhibit qualities of individuality, displaying originality and nonconformity in their interests, hobbies, and creative pursuits.
4. Pursuit of Original and Creative Endeavors: Individuals with this placement possess the ability to pursue original and unconventional hobbies and creative pursuits. They have a strong desire to explore uncharted territories in the artistic realm, contributing to their personal growth and fulfillment.
Negative Aspects:
1. Egoistic Expression and Lack of Harmony: Excessive attachment of the ego to creative expressions may lead to a lack of harmony and a self-centered approach. It is important for individuals to strike a balance between their artistic expression and the need for collaboration and harmony with others.
2. Attention-Seeking and Shocking Behavior: The desire for attention and the tendency to engage in unconventional behavior or adornments solely for shock value may create negative perceptions and hinder genuine self-expression. It is crucial to find authentic ways of expressing oneself without resorting to attention-seeking tactics.
3. Lack of Self-Discipline and Immaturity: There is a likelihood of a lack of self-discipline, which can lead to impulsiveness, immaturity, and a carefree approach to life. It is important to cultivate self-discipline and responsibility to maintain stability and personal growth.
4. Short-Lived Desires and Potential Harm to Others: Intense drives and desires for short-lived experiences may unintentionally cause trouble and suffering for others. It is essential to cultivate self-awareness and consider the consequences of actions, balancing personal desires with the well-being of those around you.
# 6th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Transformation and Progress in Self-Improvement: Embracing discipline and humility associated with the Sixth House can lead to valuable transformation and progress in your quest for self-improvement and personal growth. By cultivating discipline and adopting a structured approach, you can make significant strides in your journey of self-improvement.
2. Unconventional Approaches to Health and Work: Uranus in the Sixth House provides insight into health matters and allows you to engage in unconventional practices that work for you. You have the freedom to explore alternative healing modalities and find autonomy and freedom in your work environment, incorporating innovative approaches.
3. Insight and Inspiration for Everyday Life: Tapping into the well of insight and inspiration within you, you can practically apply these revelations to your everyday life. By aligning your actions with your ideals and incorporating innovative solutions, you can bring a sense of purpose and meaning to your daily routines.
4. Challenging Routine and Seeking Unique Work: Your unique approach to daily life may manifest as a desire to challenge routine and repetitive tasks. You may seek work that is stimulating and aligns with your genuine interests, allowing you to bring your creativity and individuality into your professional life.
Negative Aspects:
1. Conflict between Independence and Subordination: Uranus in the Sixth House signifies a conflict between the drive for independence and the Sixth House's association with subordination and discipline. This can create a clash between the desire for uniqueness and the inclination for routine and conformity. Finding a balance between independence and the requirements of daily life can be a challenge.
2. High-Strung Nervous Energy and Chaos: The disruptive energy of Uranus may result in high-strung nervous energy, causing chaos and confusion as you strive to maintain or establish organization in the face of disruptive revelations and insights. It is important to find grounding practices and establish a sense of stability amidst the upheaval to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
3. Rebellion and Irresponsibility: The desire for freedom and independence may manifest as rebellion against routines, rules, norms, and even as irresponsibility. This can lead to conflicts in the realm of work and service. It is important to strike a balance between asserting your individuality and fulfilling your obligations and responsibilities in a constructive manner.
4. Difficulty in Finding Enjoyment in Work: Due to a reaction against routine and repetitive tasks, individuals with Uranus in the Sixth House may encounter difficulties in finding enjoyment and maintaining a job. This can lead to dissatisfaction, frustration, and periodic job changes or instability. Exploring work options that allow for creativity, innovation, and autonomy can help alleviate these challenges.
# 7th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Transformation and Growth in Relationships: The placement of Uranus in the Seventh House indicates the potential for transformation and growth in your relationships. Your interactions with others serve as a catalyst for personal development and individuation, allowing you to gain insights and expand your self-awareness through the dynamics of partnership.
2. Unconventional Characteristics in Relationships: With Uranus in the Seventh House, your relationships are likely to have unconventional characteristics. You gravitate towards partners who embrace uniqueness and nonconformity, fostering a progressive and forward-thinking approach to your connections. This allows for a sense of freedom, authenticity, and personal growth within your partnerships. You bring a unique perspective to situations, allowing for innovative solutions and fresh ideas that can lead to success and advancement.
3. Opportunities for Exploring Individuality: The presence of Uranus in the Seventh House brings forth opportunities for you to explore and understand your own individuality within the context of relationships. Your partners may have distinctive qualities or perspectives that challenge you to explore different aspects of yourself, leading to self-discovery and personal evolution. This placement encourages you to embrace your individuality and assert your independence. You are not afraid to stand out from the crowd and express your true self, valuing authenticity and non-conformity.
4. Fluid and Harmonious Partnerships: Your destiny is closely intertwined with the realm of personal relationships. As a result, you are likely to experience fluid and harmonious partnerships that support your growth and self-expression. Your ability to embrace change, adaptability, and openness contributes to the development of fulfilling and transformative connections. You are open to new ideas, embrace change, and have the ability to revolutionize traditional practices, leading to positive advancements and breakthroughs.
Negative Aspects:
1. Conflict between Independence and Partnership: Uranus in the Seventh House can create internal conflict regarding your drive for independence and individuality within the context of a committed partnership. The tension between your need for personal freedom and the demands of a relationship may lead to challenges and struggles in finding a balance that satisfies both your desire for autonomy and the need for intimate connection.
2. Instability and Potential Separation: The influence of Uranus in the Seventh House can symbolize inherent instability within relationships. There may be a tendency for sudden changes or unexpected disruptions that can lead to separations or significant shifts in the dynamics of your partnerships. Navigating these challenges requires conscious effort, open communication, and a willingness to embrace transformation.
3. Resistance to Adjustments and Compromises: Your individualistic and rebellious tendencies may make it challenging for you to make necessary adjustments and compromises within relationships. You may have a strong belief in being right and resist conforming to societal or traditional relationship norms. This resistance can lead to conflicts and hinder the growth and stability of your partnerships.
4. Insensitivity to Others' Perspectives: The presence of Uranus in the Seventh House may sometimes lead to a certain degree of insensitivity towards the perspectives of others, particularly when they contradict your progressive social ideas. It is important to be mindful of maintaining open-mindedness and practicing empathy to avoid discord and facilitate effective communication within your relationships. Cultivating a deeper understanding of different viewpoints can strengthen the bond and promote harmonious connections.
# 8th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Profound Inner Transformation: The placement of Uranus in the Eighth House signifies the potential for profound inner transformation. You have the capacity to undergo deep changes at a soul level, leading to personal growth, self-awareness, and spiritual evolution.
2. Embracing Unconventional Paths of Intimacy: Uranus in the Eighth House encourages you to explore and embrace unconventional paths of intimacy. This may involve unconventional sexual expressions, alternative relationship dynamics, or a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life and death. You are open to exploring the depths of human connection beyond societal norms.
3. Awareness of Power Dynamics: With Uranus in the Eighth House, you possess a heightened awareness of power dynamics within relationships and intimate connections. You strive for equality and independence, and you are conscious of the need to maintain personal autonomy while navigating the complexities of shared power.
4. Embracing Impermanence and Transience: The placement of Uranus in the Eighth House fosters a deep understanding of the transient nature of life and relationships. You recognize the importance of embracing change, letting go of attachments, and finding meaning beyond material possessions. This awareness allows you to approach life with greater wisdom and appreciation for the present moment.
Negative Aspects:
1. Hidden Transformations and Isolation: The transformative processes occurring within you may often go unnoticed by others, leading to a sense of isolation or a lack of external support. Your inner growth may be profound and significant, but it may not be readily visible to those around you.
2. Internal Conflicts and Power Struggles: Issues of power, freedom, and control may create internal conflicts within you. You may find it challenging to navigate power dynamics in relationships, balancing the need for independence with the desire for deep connections. It is important to cultivate open and honest communication to address these conflicts constructively.
3. Disruption of Inner Security and Existential Crisis: The realization of the impermanence of life and relationships can disrupt your sense of inner security, particularly if you have relied heavily on material possessions or external factors for stability. This realization may lead to moments of uncertainty or existential questioning, but it also presents an opportunity for personal growth and a search for deeper meaning.
4. Loss and Emotional Challenges: The Eighth House can signify experiences of loss and bereavement. These losses serve as catalysts for personal growth, but they can also bring emotional challenges and grief. It is important to seek support and find healthy ways to navigate through these difficult periods, allowing yourself to heal and integrate the lessons gained from such experiences.
# 9th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Expansion of Higher Consciousness: With Uranus in the Ninth House, you possess a natural inclination towards matters of the Higher Mind. This placement signifies the potential for significant insights, expanded understanding, and personal growth as you explore philosophical, spiritual, and intellectual realms.
2. Embracing a Spirit of Adventure: Uranus in the Ninth House encourages you to embrace a spirit of adventure and seek new experiences. You have a deep yearning to broaden your horizons, explore different cultures, travel to distant lands, and immerse yourself in diverse perspectives. This quest for novelty and change contributes to your personal development.
3. Intellectual and Spiritual Pursuits: Your curiosity and thirst for knowledge are heightened with Uranus in the Ninth House. You are drawn to intellectual and spiritual pursuits, seeking to expand your understanding of the world and your place within it. Engaging in philosophical debates, studying metaphysical concepts, or exploring different belief systems can lead to personal growth and a profound sense of meaning.
4. Potential for Enlightened Transformation: By remaining open to receiving revelations and insights, you have the potential for profound transformation and personal enlightenment. Uranus in the Ninth House facilitates a shift in your worldview, allowing you to transcend limited perspectives and embrace a more expansive and enlightened understanding of life.
Negative Aspects:
1. Restlessness and Boredom: Without a conscious understanding of the importance of individuation and self-understanding, you may experience restlessness and frequent boredom. You might find yourself constantly seeking excitement, change, and new experiences in an attempt to satisfy your restless nature. It is essential to balance this desire for novelty with the need for inner reflection and self-awareness.
2. Disruption of Inner Security: The realization of the transience and impermanence of life can disrupt a sense of inner security, particularly if your security is solely based on material principles. This awareness challenges you to find stability and a deeper sense of security that transcends the ephemeral nature of external circumstances.
3. Loss and Bereavement: The Ninth House can signify experiences of loss and absence, which serve as catalysts for personal growth and inner exploration. While these experiences can bring emotional challenges and the need for introspection, they also offer opportunities for profound self-discovery, healing, and a deeper understanding of the nature of existence.
4. Struggle with Transience: The recognition of the impermanence of existence can sometimes drain life of vibrancy and vitality if it is experienced negatively. It requires a conscious effort to find new meaning, purpose, and depth amidst the transience of life. Embracing the present moment, cultivating gratitude, and connecting with timeless values can help you navigate this struggle and find renewed inspiration and joy in your journey.
# 10th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Embracing Change and Innovation: Uranus in the Tenth House signifies a strong inclination to embrace change, innovation, and idealism in your career and life purpose. You have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on society by introducing fresh ideas, progressive approaches, and revolutionary concepts within your chosen field.
2. Independent and Original Spirit: Your placement suggests a strong sense of independence and an inclination to carve out a unique career path. You possess the drive and determination to pursue your own vision, break away from conventional norms, and contribute something original and valuable to the world. Your individuality and innovative thinking can lead to remarkable achievements and recognition.
3. Promoting Freedom and Equality: Uranus in the Tenth House amplifies your natural inclination to challenge existing structures and open up systems to greater tolerance, freedom, and equality. You are driven by a deep sense of social justice and have the potential to become a catalyst for positive change, dismantling oppressive systems and advocating for inclusivity.
4. Humanitarian Service and Societal Impact: Your major life accomplishments are likely to involve providing humanitarian service or fostering positive change and innovation in society. You are drawn to occupations and endeavors that allow you to make a meaningful difference, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of others. Your visionary ideas and dedication to social progress can inspire and uplift those around you.
Negative Aspects:
1. Conflict with Societal Expectations: The inherent conflict between Uranus and the Tenth House ruler, often Saturn, can create challenges in navigating societal expectations. Your non-conformist nature and revolutionary ideas may clash with established norms, making it difficult to find recognition for your unique qualities and contributions. Striking a balance between your innovative spirit and societal expectations requires conscious effort.
2. Underappreciation of Uranian Qualities: Society at large may undervalue and underappreciate the qualities exemplified by Uranus. Your independent thought, uniqueness, and idealism may be met with resistance or skepticism, making it challenging to receive the recognition and validation you deserve. However, it is important to stay true to your authentic self and persevere in promoting your visionary ideas.
3. Disruption of Inner Security: The realization of the transience of life, the impermanence of relationships, and the challenges of societal expectations can disrupt your sense of inner security, especially if it is solely based on material principles or external validation. Embracing the fluidity of life, cultivating resilience, and finding inner stability through your values and purpose can help navigate these disruptions.
4. Struggle with Traditional Career Paths: Your unconventional nature and aversion to hierarchical structures and power dynamics in the workplace may create challenges in finding fulfillment within traditional career paths. The pursuit of your own unique path can be met with resistance, and it may require resilience, perseverance, and the ability to forge new avenues that align with your values and aspirations.
# 11th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Embracing Individuality: With Uranus in the Eleventh House, you have a natural inclination to embrace your individuality and stand out from conformist social norms. This allows you to bring about positive change and contribute to society in unique and impactful ways, inspiring others to embrace their own authenticity.
2. Participation in Social Causes: Your deep-seated desire for the betterment of humanity and social conditions motivates you to actively participate in groups or causes dedicated to these goals. Your involvement and dedication to social causes can make a significant impact on society, fostering positive change and inspiring others to join the collective effort.
3. Leadership and Authenticity: In social groups, you are likely to emerge as a leader due to your authentic nature and unwavering commitment to your values. Your leadership style is characterized by integrity, honesty, and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. You earn respect and admiration from your peers for your ability to lead while staying true to yourself.
4. Connection with Like-minded Individuals: Uranus in the Eleventh House facilitates deep and lasting connections with like-minded individuals who share your ideals and passion for social progress. These connections provide a supportive network that amplifies your efforts and contributes to your personal growth and fulfillment.
Negative Aspects:
1. Struggle for Balance: Navigating the delicate balance between expressing your individuality and fulfilling social responsibilities can be challenging. While you aspire to bring about change and challenge societal norms, it is important to find harmony and avoid complete alienation from society. Balancing your unique perspective with the needs and expectations of the collective requires conscious effort and understanding.
2. Potential for Misunderstandings: Your aloof and unpredictable nature in group settings may occasionally lead to misunderstandings, causing temporary conflicts or feelings of isolation. It is important to communicate effectively and cultivate empathy to bridge any gaps in understanding and maintain harmonious relationships within social groups.
3. Contempt for Compromise: Your idealistic goals and aversion to compromising your principles may occasionally lead to feelings of contempt towards those who conform to societal norms. It is important to recognize the value of different perspectives and find common ground to foster collaboration and cooperation.
4. Conflict with Different Viewpoints: Your strong identification with social movements and ideals may create conflicts with individuals or groups who hold different viewpoints. It is crucial to approach these conflicts with diplomacy, open-mindedness, and a willingness to understand diverse perspectives. Finding common goals and areas of cooperation can help bridge ideological gaps and foster productive dialogue.
# 12th House
Positive Aspects:
1. Spiritual Growth and Higher Consciousness: Uranus in the Twelfth House signifies a fortunate position for those on a path of spiritual growth. It suggests that you have assistance from the Higher Mind in transcending the ego and embracing a higher consciousness. This placement offers opportunities for profound spiritual experiences and a deeper connection with the divine.
2. Creative and Artistic Expression: Individuals with Uranus in the Twelfth House often exhibit exceptional creativity and innovation, particularly in artistic endeavors. Your connection with the Higher Mind allows for a heightened expression of creative abilities, enabling you to produce unique and inspiring works of art that touch the hearts and minds of others.
3. Visionary Inspiration: Your placement suggests that you have a natural channel for visionary inspiration from your Higher Mind. This inspiration may manifest in sensitive and artistic expressions, as well as in your chosen field of work or creative pursuits. You have the ability to tap into higher realms of consciousness, receiving insights and ideas that contribute to your personal growth and the betterment of others.
4. Transformation and Growth: Uranus in the Twelfth House offers opportunities for transformation and personal growth. It invites you to explore the depths of your being, confront subconscious patterns, and embrace spiritual practices that lead to a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you. This transformative journey can bring profound insights, healing, and a sense of purpose.
Negative Aspects:
1. Suffering and Isolation: The placement of Uranus in the Twelfth House suggests that sudden events or changes may bring about periods of suffering, isolation, or mental and emotional disturbances. These experiences serve as catalysts for redirecting your focus toward a more spiritual dimension and finding solace in the depths of your own being.
2. Resistance to Spiritual Growth: There may be a resistance or lack of receptivity to the guidance of the Higher Mind. This resistance can manifest as a reluctance to embrace spiritual practices or a tendency to ignore intuitive messages. It is important to cultivate openness and receptivity to spiritual growth, as resistance may lead to repeated experiences and challenges until progress is made.
3. Self-destructive Behaviors: In response to pain, suffering, or feelings of isolation, there is a possibility of turning to self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse or other harmful coping mechanisms. It is crucial to seek healthy outlets for emotional expression, practice self-care, and seek support from trusted individuals or professionals to navigate these challenges and facilitate spiritual growth.
4. Martyrdom and Misguided Beliefs: There is a potential for fervent devotion to beliefs that may take on a religious significance. However, this devotion can sometimes lead to a touch of martyrdom or a misguided approach to seeking spiritual experiences. It is important to maintain a balanced perspective, discernment, and critical thinking while navigating your spiritual path, avoiding becoming overly attached to dogmas or sacrificing your well-being in the pursuit of spiritual growth.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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wardenparker · 4 months
Vampire Waltz - ch 15
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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A mysterious inheritance, sprawling mansion, eccentric roommates, friendly bat, and coven of New England witches are the newest chapter of your life after being unceremoniously dumped and kicked out by your boyfriend. For Max, the biggest change in his life is you, and what exactly he's going to do about the fact that he is stuck living with you as long as his sire continues to punish him for that incident at his last office...
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 15.4k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: deceased parents, cursing, food, blood and blood drinking, depictions and references to abusive relationships. Anxiety and trauma responses. Self-worth issues.* Idiots in love, silly stripper routine, unserious reference to foot fetishes, mention of rimming, oral sex (m and f receiving), 69, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, vampire bite, blood drinking, use of a safe word, alcohol consumption, PTSD, anxiety/fear, panic reaction. Summary: Picking up where the last chapter left off, Max and Dolly share a night of intimacy that makes their time in the past even more precious. Nothing lasts forever, though, and there are less easy nights ahead. Notes: For this week's photo, have a peak at the guest bedroom that inspired Dolly and Max's getaway. This is the second floor guest room at the Vanderbilt's summer cottage, standing in for a guest room in their 5th Avenue palace. (And, as usual, forgive any errors I may have missed in proofreading. I really have to learn to do it before I get too sleepy.)
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14
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"Tired, sweetheart?"
"Not at all." You've said goodnight to Renee and to Emmanuel's valet already, telling them you don't need help getting ready to sleep tonight, and that leaves just you and Max alone in your room together with a fire to keep you warm. "I do want to go to bed, though."
“Mhmmmmm.” Max licks his lips and winks at you. “Then we will have to get you out of that ballgown.” He tuts after he says it and frowns. “And I can’t rip it off you since it’s back in the future.”
"Most of it is just untying bows," you remind him, but your fingers feel for the seam on the left side of your bodice and start to unclip it carefully. This is the part that requires care. If anything underneath gets torn? Well...that's just an unfortunate accident.
Max decides that he should slip off his tailored coat, hanging it over the back of a chair before he's assisting you – wearing his vest and button down, shirt and tie still. "The loveliest bow I've ever unwrapped." He murmurs. "You are a gift, Dolly." Max has always flirted, always shmoozed, but with you – the pretty words come naturally and from the heart.
“If I didn’t know you as well as I do, I’d say you were too over the top to mean it.” He helps you with the hooks and clasps of your skirt and slipping out of your bodice, so that you’re just left in your many layers of underthings. The pretty corset cover would be a shame to lose, so you quickly set to work on those buttons.
"When it comes to you? Never." Max promises, wanting to rip everything off of you, but he also wants this to be romantic. Slightly afraid that your ex had been rough in the bedroom and doing that would trigger you, he keeps his hands steady and slow. Deciding that he will seduce you.
The ties holding each petticoat in place are easily pulled open, and each one is pulled over your head and tossed aside with little ceremony but enormous amounts of anticipation until you’re in just your stockings, corset, and chemise. It’s not that Max has never seen you naked. He has literally helped you wash, held you while you cried, and tasted your essence straight from the source. You’re not embarrassed to be seen by him. It’s just that the anticipation around this night has built up so distinctly that your skin has a layer of goosebumps just from wondering exactly how it will happen. The careful removal of your last few layers leaves you breathless, his cool fingers delicately shedding each piece of fabric from your skin like he’s plucking the petals from a flower.
Max’s fingers skim the underside of your breasts, not cupping them and just teasing with the cool brush of them. “Dolly…” he hums as he ducks his head and kisses along your neck. “We’re alone now.” He reminds you. “Tell me what you want.”
“It…seems pretty straightforward to me?” It’s also borderline impossible to think with Max’s lips on you, and you struggle to pull your thoughts together based on that one distraction alone. “I—I want to make love to my soulmate.” It seems ludicrous to say it out loud like that. Old fashioned and sentimental. But…the reality is, that this is sentimental. It’s the most sentimental you’ve ever felt in your life. Because Max is worth that emotional weight. Right now the only weight that isn’t worth it is the last of your clothes, which he helps you out of with eager hands.
“Romantic and slow.” Max decides, smiling against your skin and kissing your pulse. “Strip you down and kiss every inch of your skin. Before I finally slide inside you.”
“Hmmm,” you hum, swallowing a gasp when he nips at your pulse again. “Romantic torture? Actually sounds pretty sexy.”
“Not torture, worship.” He corrects you, sliding his hands over your bare stomach and down your hips. “Show you what you deserve.”
“Baby…” Turning around in his arms, you smooth one hand over his shaved cheek and bite your lip, holding back a worried pout. “You’re not in competition with my demons, love. I hope you know that.”
“I know.” He promises softly. “I am better than your demons and I want to prove it.”
"Conversely?" You step closer to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. "In some cultures you would be considered a demon in your own right. So maybe we're just fighting fire with fire?"
“I am a demon.” His eyes flash yellow and he smirks. “A love demon.” It’s a joke, one to make you laugh.
“A desire demon?” Teasing him right back, you easily press your body against his and trail kisses from his lips to his jaw and down his neck.
"Yes." Max groans and closes his eyes and tilts his head back so let you do what you want. "Your desire demon."
“Hmmm,” you hum against his skin, almost triumphant in the way he’s reacting to you. “Yes, you definitely are.”
You make his knees weak, growling quietly as his body tightens in pleasure. "Dolly."
"Mm?" Having someone as powerful as Max is shake for you is a little intoxicating, and you barely stop to mumble against his skin. "What do you want, baby?"
"I want you." He groans, making sure he doesn't tighten his hold on you too much. You are still human and delicate. "I want to see you cum again."
“Then we should finish getting you undressed.” One more nip at his jaw makes him groan and you grin unrepentantly before you declare: “I want to watch.” And get up on the bed with darkened eyes.
Max grins, winking at you as he starts to slowly undress. "Bam Bam, bum bum." He teases, rolling his hips playfully in a mock strip tease.
The sight of him undressing isn’t funny – by definition it’s the single sexiest thing you’ve seen in your life to date. The fact that he’s doing a Chippendale’s routine in a full tuxedo is what does it, sending you into a torrent of giggles on the bed.
He pouts at you, even though he's sending you an air kiss. "Are you laughing at me?" He huffs playfully. "You wound me."
“I’m laughing at the fact that you’re singing your own stripper music,” you promise him. “If you’d picked Pour Some Sugar on Me, I’d be laughing even harder. The whole thing is perfect, baby.”
He winks and turns around to shake his ass at you with a small twerk. Enjoying the way you are laughing and having fun. You had been so apprehensive about anything physical at the beginning and now look at you.
“Max…” When you say his name again it’s soft and sweet, as gentle as you’ve ever been in your life. This man has no idea how much he has changed your approach to life. How much lighter your heart is because of him. How much sweeter the world seems with him beside you. “I love you.”
Turning back around, Max beams at you. "I love you too." He promises, unable to resist rushing over to you to press his lips to yours. The bump of his heart making him shiver and hum against your mouth.
Urging him closer without breaking the kiss, one hand pulls Max toward you on the bed while the other shoves fruitlessly at his open trousers, trying to push them off of his hips in the same motion that you would have him beside you in bed. It feels giddy in a way, from all the giggling and the tender vows, and you swear this is the closest to being a romantically portrayed young lady in love from a period film that you’ll ever get in your life. And really? You love it.
Kneeling on the bed, Max gazes down at you lovingly and bites his lip. "Want to make this a night to remember, Queenie." He hums, leaning in and kissing you softly. "I'm going to kiss every inch of your body."
The urge to get one last tease in is too great, and you widen your eyes to a look of endearing confusion and distaste after kissing him back. “Even my feet?”
"Baby, a man's foot fetish isn't something to scoff at." He teases. "You don't want me to suck on your toes?"
You scrunch up your face and shake your head, letting out another soft giggle. “I can’t say it’s on my list,” you admit. “Ballet and ballroom feet aren’t exactly modeling-ready.”
"But you don't exactly have ugly feet either, love." He wrinkles his nose, but nods. "However I will leave your feet alone, but don't tell me I can't lick your asshole."
A slow tilt of your head shows you’re actually considering it, and after a second you shrug. “I’ve never tried it, so sure. Why not?”
"What?" His eyes widen in shock and he is absolutely flabbergasted. "Really? You— you never tried— and I can—?"
You shrug again, but you’re grinning over Max’s shock. “Nobody ever asked before. So nope. Never tried any of it.”
"Dear sweet baby Jesus..." Max slaps his hands together and looks up at the ceiling. "Thank you for giving me such an innocent little soulmate to turn into a dirty girl." He grins down at you wickedly when he says that.
“Cunt first, ass second,” you tell him, wagging a finger like he’s a naughty schoolboy. “Deal?”
Waggling his brows, he makes an 'x' over his heart. "Deal." He slides off the bed to strip down fully, clothes removed in less than five seconds and he stands in front of you completely bare.
“Get back here.” More than just wanting to see him, you want to touch him. The small touches and baby steps you’ve taken aren’t enough anymore. You reach out to pull him back on the bed, letting him loom over you and taking in all the defined planes of his body before you smooth your hands down his chest and over his stomach — down to dig your fingertips into his hips before looking up to make sure it’s okay for you to explore more.
"Do you want me on my back, Dolly?" He asks softly. "I will do whatever you want and let you do whatever you want to me."
“I just want to touch you.” Already your breathing has turned heavier, lust swimming in your stomach and in your eyes. “I don’t care if you’re standing or lying down or however you’re comfortable.”
Max shifts to his side, biting his lip as he stretches out for you. His hard cock is bobbing between you and he watches you as you look him over.
“Gods…” He really is gorgeous. It would be borderline absurd if you weren’t so giddy about him being yours. “I am a very lucky girl.” You hum, turning the tables on him and starting to kiss down his body instead.
"Shiiiiiiit." Max groans and bites his lip, keeping his eyes open as your mouth starts to caress his body. "Queenie, I'm supposed to worship you."
Barely pausing in your journey down his torso, you nip at both of his hips before grinning up at him. "Can't it be both?"
“You are full of surprises.” He huffs out, but he doesn’t move to stop you on your quest.
"You've been taking such good care of me." One hand on his chest encourages him to lay all the way back, and you shift yourself to kneel between his legs. "Let me take care of you for once," you insist, lowering your head to take his cock into your mouth with a groan.
He had not expected that. Head falling back onto the pillows, Max lets out a moan that would be embarrassing if he gives a shit. But he just lifts his head and watches you slowly roll your tongue around the head. “Sweetheart— fuck.”
Humming as you bob up and down on his shaft, you would be hard-pressed to believe before this that you had actually missed something as simple as giving head, but it's giving pleasure that you missed. Sharing in intimacy. Having a real partner. Max has done so much for you that extending this intimacy is a pleasure for you as well. Plus, his moans are exquisite. Every single sound out of this man is gold, and you want to hear every single way he'll gasp your name as you swallow his cock.
The urge to grab you has Max clawing at the sheets, desperately trying now to shred the fine silks that Mrs. Vanderbilt had ordered. It’s hard, especially the way that you are so eagerly sucking him. “Dolly, Dolly— baby— you gotta— I can’t—”
It almost pains you to have to stop, but the obscene popping noise that comes with pulling off of his length is far more satisfying than it should be. “Did I do something wrong?” Instinct tells you no, but you still want to check in with him.
“Fuck no.” He groans, reaching down and cupping your cheek to pull you up for a desperate kiss. “You’re just gonna suck my soul out through my cock.”
“And is that bad?” The kiss truly is desperate — sloppy and enthusiastic and full of passion. You’ll absolutely keep going if he lets you, but Max might have other ideas about how he wanted tonight to go.
“No, but I wanted to show off my amazing skills before I cum.” He huffs playfully. “And possibly weep while doing it.”
“Honey.” Your face softens, love tempering lust, and you cup Max’s jaw in both of your hands before pressing a soft, earnest kiss to his lips. “Believe me, if anybody’s going to cry tonight it’s going to be me. And they’re going to be happy tears. Only the happiest tears with you, I promise.”
“Only happy tears.” Max doesn’t even want those, but he knows you probably will. He kisses you again. “Now…if you really want to suck my cock, we can do a little Gilded Age face sitting?”
“I really do.” The confession comes with a smirk, and you nudge his onto his back again gently. “But if I’m too heavy on you or it’s not comfortable, tell me right away. Okay?”
“Queenie.” Max tuts and looks at you, completely offended. “Who do you think I am?”
“Well…” The real answer is that Derek and other previous boyfriends had never wanted to share this particular experience — but none of them really ate pussy to begin with. And that’s something Max excels at. “I didn’t want to assume…” is what you answer instead.
“Assume all you want.” He chuckles. “You can’t hurt me sweetheart, I don’t need to breathe.”
“I forget about that…” you mumble, cheeks warm with embarrassment but not so much that it dampens your enthusiasm. Max pats his chest and waggles his eyebrows when he lays back, encouraging you to give him all you’ve got — so you take him at his word. You settle your knees on either side of his head and intend to be at least slightly delicate about lowering yourself over his face, but Max grabs your hips with a growl and pulls you straight down to him eagerly, making you gasp in surprise as much as pleasure.
Max has shown you what he can do but he wants to improve on that. Really drive you crazy. His tongue isn’t shy, never hesitant as he dives into your folds with a happy groan. The symphony the two of you make right off the bat is enviable. Every groan Max rumbles into your folds comes out of your own mouth as a barely contained moan. The kind that have to be muffled somehow, and there is no way quite as good to stifle moans than by taking Max's cock back in your mouth.
Max hisses into your wet folds when you engulf his cock. Loving how eager you are for it and him. It makes him work even harder to make you moan loudly. It's the kind of overwhelming feeling that only feels better the more and more you put into it. The vibrations he gets from you moaning as you swirl your tongue around his cock move through him in waves and end up pushed right back into your pussy as he licks and sucks every possible inch of your pussy.
Max squeezes your ass, smirking into your folds as he slurps and sucks. Loving every dirty second as the two of you are in a race for pleasure. It really isn’t long before your thighs start to shake and your stomach tightens. Max knows your body too well even after so little time that he can shuttle you toward pleasure with a deft and expert hand. Or, in this case, tongue.
Groaning your name into your cunt, Max watches you. Feeling your pulse speed up and the heady arousal thickening on his tongue. Signifying you are close to coming apart for him. He grunts, squeezing your ass and bringing you back on his face more, nearly pulling you off his cock completely.
You know he's always careful with you, making sure he doesn't hurt you, but the way his fingertips dig into your hips tonight almost makes you wish that he would one day. That he would go just far enough that you could still feel his grip on your thighs the next day as you go about your utterly normal life. While you know that he won't do that tonight, it feels far too good to care. The way you're careening toward your first orgasm of the night is too good to care about anything else.
Your breath catches and he knows you are about to come apart for him. Wanting to see it in all its glory when you finally break. There's no mistaking the way you shake for him. He knows it well by now and you're realizing that Max affects you in ways no one ever had before – whether that's talent on his part or the soulmate connection is up for debate. In the moment that the tether inside you snaps and you flood his eager tongue with cum, you're forced to pull away from him or really and truly you might be far too enthusiastic and choke on his cock before you can get further into the night. But pulling away means there is nothing to muffle your cries, and you force yourself to stifle a loud moan of his name to make sure that the house doesn't echo with the sounds of your pleasure.
The good thing about his strength is that he can move you around like a leaf on the wind. Bolting upright so your legs are dangling over his shoulders, the snarl Max gives is feral as he feasts in your juices. Slurping them down as if they were ambrosia, and they are. It’s the best something has tasted since he’s been turned into a vampire.
"Gods—" You hold tight to him as he drinks you down, every last drop licked from your lips and then from his.
He chuckles, a dirty, self-satisfied sound as he smacks his lips. “Was that good enough for our opening act? Or shall I show you again?”
You could prolong the night. You know you could. Make it last as long as possible and truly wring each other out. But you’re craving the closeness of having him with you and inside you in a way that you can’t quite describe. When Max cradles you in his arms again after you catch your breath, you can’t help the soft, breathy tone in your voice when you promise him: “I’m ready.”
Gently, probably the gentlest he’s ever been, Max repositions you. Wanting to make sure that you are comfortable and looking him in the eyes when you assure him. His eyes are light, almost yellow with desire but his words are soft. “Are you sure? You want me to make love to you?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.” Lying beneath him in this borrowed bed, it seems like the strangest thing in the world to say that this is right, but it’s all about him. It’s all about this time spent with your soulmate and finding your strength again — because he has loved all of you. Even the parts you thought were broken forever.
“Alright.” It’s out of character for him, or maybe out of character for the facade he wears for others, but Max is almost shy right now. The tenderest love shining on his face as he leans in to press his lips to yours. You trust him with the most vulnerable of things, your heart and the intimacy of your body. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” More fiercely and completely than you ever thought possible, and yet somehow that doesn’t make you scared. It makes you sure, and so you surge up to kiss him another time.
You are the bold one and Max finds that incredibly sexy. Groaning into the kiss as his body floods with a warmth that can only come from you. Easing you back down to the silken sheets and slowly starting to cover you with his own frame and your breath escapes into his mouth.
It feels also surreal to be desperate to be touched again, but when Max’s hand closes over your side to shift his weight above you and his lips connect with your pulse, you shiver. “I love you.” Murmured again with every ounce of honesty in your body, your legs wrap lightly around his waist to encourage him to settle in the cradle of your thighs.
“I love you, Dolly.” He nudges his nose against yours and slowly settles between your legs. His cock is achingly hard and throbbing against your core. “Tell me if you don’t like something.”
“I promise.” The welcome pressure of having him between your thighs only makes you pant more heavily, needing him as much as wanting.
“Good girl.” He hums, kissing all over your face and down your jaw. “My beautiful soulmate. All mine.” His hips slowly grinding against you, feeling you get even wetter as you squirm under his cool body.
"All yours." The first real press of the head of his cock against your entrance has you squirming, practically begging for more.
Max slides his hand between you, wanting to make sure there’s no slips, no uncomfortable misses that would cause you a second’s discomfort. Wanting this to be experience you deserve. “And I’m yours.” He promises, sealing that vow with a kiss as his hips slowly push forward and the head of his length slips inside you seamlessly.
That familiar first press is almost foreign after so long without it, but wanting it makes you sigh and lets your whole body relax to take him in. Blazing hot, soaking wet, and squeezing his cock tight, your body is as welcoming to him as it possibly could be — especially with your head tossed back on the pillow and a low moan of his name on your lips as he rocks his hips forward to fill your pussy more and more with each stroke.
“That’s it, pretty girl.” Max moans, kissing your neck where you bare it. He wants nothing more than to sink his fangs into your throat but he resists. “So good, taking my cock. You like it filling you up?”
“Fuck—” Even just the groaned out curse comes with a fervent nod of your head, and you squeeze your eyes shut or open them wide alternately and he presses inside you, slowly but surely. “Fuck, Max, oh gods—I—feels so fucking good, love.”
“That’s it, you’re so perfect. Fuck, I’m about to cum you’re so tight and hot.” Max groans into your lip, trying to stay connected as much as possible.
“Slow and steady, baby,” you encourage him breathlessly, rolling your hips under him to tell him it’s okay to move.
“I’ve got you.” He groans. “Gonna take care of you. Make sure you don’t have any complaints.”
“Could never.” Complain? About him? Fuck no. If anything, your mind is fogged with happiness.
It’s taking so long but finally, finally, his hips are flush with yours and he’s buried to the hilt again. Pausing for a second before the slow drag out of you begins. He wants to take his time, but he also can’t bare to pull out of you.
Slow and steady is truly it. Like Max doesn’t even want to leave the clutch of your body but he knows it will feel so Fucking good when he does.
Hissing, Max rolls his hips quickly back into you. “Fucking perfect.” He praises. “You’re fucking perfect, Dolly.”
The rhythm he sets is exquisite, carrying you through waves of pleasure by clinging to you every bit as hard as you cling to him. Of course everyone says that your soulmate is your perfect match, but you had never really thought it would extend this far. Never thought that when he slid his arms under you in bed to keep you as close as possible, you would feel like you had finally come home.
Max has always been a thorough lover. Call it ego, call it pure pride, but he wants his partner to sing his praises during and afterwards. This time, it’s more about giving. Wanting you to have nothing but bliss when you’re in his arms. The slight slap of his hips isn’t enough to jar you, just a subtle little sound.
Every roll forward is somehow the fullest and most blissful you’ve ever felt. Stifling your moans into endless kisses and letting your hands explore the plains of his body as he moves above you and never hold back from letting your own body respond to his. Every inch of you seeks him out, so your hips roll to match his and your hands clutch to keep him close even as he has you cradled against his chest.
“Never gonna let you go, Dolly. Never gonna let you go.” He groans out, holding you close and nearly panting against your throat. He’s so fucking overwhelmed by the feel of you, of your scent and softness. The feelings bursting inside of him has him melting into you.
"Staying right here," you promise him, gasping with every thrust forward. "With you."
"You are my other half, my better half." He moans, scattering your skin with kisses. "My Queenie, my queen, my life." Until you arrived, Max had been so focused on success that it was what he lived for, now he just wants to live for you.
"Love you —" A sharp, strong thrust makes you groan into his shoulder, and you clutch him tighter. "Forever, baby."
“Forever.” Forever is a long time, especially for him and yet if there is anyone he believes would love him for an endless amount of time, he believes that it would be you. There's no second guessing or doubting when it comes to you. Just love.
You both felt like you might shake apart when you were finally joined together, and that feeling hasn't abated. Every stroke is a scrub of your pussy walls as he pushes inside you until you feel so full that your heart swells along with everything else. It's lovemaking, in the purest and simplest definition of the term, and you've never felt so lucky in your entire life.
"Never felt like this." Max admits, pulling back to look into your eyes. His own are yellow now, his facial features slightly sharper than before but he's holding back from transforming. Taking more effort than usual due to how much you affect him. "Never."
"Max—" Your chest heaves and back bows under the shaking pleasure. "Do you—" Seeing his eyes makes the thought swirl, and you would be lying if you said it was the first time it had occurred to you since arriving in 1885. "Drink from me."
The vampire above you shudders, a full body shiver that races through him and vibrates against your skin. Eyes widening and brightening even more. Tinged with hunger, desire and concern all swirled together. "Are you sure?" His voice is deeper, raspier and stopped mid-thrust to stare at you.
“Yes.” There’s no hesitation in it. No worry or hidden anxiety. Only the surety that it will make this night — this first time together — all the more meaningful. “I said forever, love. And I mean it.”
He hisses, fangs popping out of his gums and it's a miracle he doesn't bury them in your throat that second. "Tell me a word." He begs, sounding slightly pained. "A safe word."
The conversation in the woods seems ages ago, and napkin was never going to be a serious safe word to begin with. So when you force your mind to function just for half a second, what you come out with is “Traffic”, and that seems like as good a choice as any. There’s never going to be any reason to say the word traffic in bed otherwise. “And you’ll… you’ll let me drink from you, too?”
"Yes." He all but groans the word, nodding at the thought of you having a bit of his blood inside you, carrying him with you. "I will. Let you have it whenever you want." Although it wasn't technically addicting, the more vampiric blood a human drank, the stronger it made them. Some humans loved to drink as much as they donated in return. "It won't hurt." He promises, kissing your lips and then ducking his head to lick over your pulse.
“I love you.” Words of trust are the only thing that come from you now, as if to say that your love for him and your trust in him are entirely intertwined. That no matter what else happens between the two of you, the tether of this togetherness holds those two things in it for both of you forever.
"I love you." He growls the sentiment, pulling his tongue away from your skin just long enough to get it out. "Forever." He reminds you, right before his razor-sharp fangs slice through the thin layers of your skin to the beautiful, pulsing vein below the surface.
It’s pressure and a sharp pinch, just like having blood drawn at the doctor, but the difference in the moments after is enormous. At the first feeling of blood being drawn up through his fangs, your body shakes in pure pleasure and kickstarts the most unexpected, swirling, lasting orgasm that has ever wracked your body.
He had known you would cum from it. Had predicted it as sure as the sun rising every morning. Groaning as he mouths against your skin and retracts his fangs so he can suck, his cock still buried deep inside you is twitching as you pulse around him.
“Fuck— fuck— oh gods—” The feeling is so much more intense than you expected and so much more pleasurable, making you moan and whimper beneath him as the hot rush of orgasm courses through you. If that is going to happen every time he bites you, you’re going to need to be sitting or lying down each and every time.
He keeps rocking into you, filling you with every snap of his hips. Slightly harsher than before as he gulps down mouthful after mouthful of your sweet blood. It's like ambrosia and he has to remind himself not to drink too much.
His pace quickens, pushing you toward yet another orgasm even faster than normal, and you’re swimming in a lighter-than-air, almost out-of-body feeling as your moans grow louder and sharper. You have to untangle one hand from the silk sheets to slap over your own mouth because Max is still drinking from you, and it takes you another few seconds to realize that you have to be the one to stop him. “Max—” Keening his name into the night, The fingers of the one you still have on him are clawing into his back while the coil in the pit of your stomach tightens all over again. “Baby—traffic.” Starting to feel lightheaded is what tips you off, though you know that could still just be the sex.
Max freezes. The cool coil of dread knotting in his stomach as he pulls away. Lips stained with your blood as he searches your face. “What’s wrong, what hurt?”
“I’m okay,” you promise him, pressing a kiss to his lips and tasting the irony tang of your own blood in the process. “Just starting to feel pretty lightheaded.”
"That happens sometimes during sex." He assures you, leaning in and licking your neck to heal your wounds.
“I’ll remember for next time.” He’s frozen still inside you, but your body is aching and needed more despite multiple orgasms. “I didn’t kill the mood, did I?”
"Do you want to keep going?" He asks, frowning slightly. He wants to make sure that your safe word didn't mean a full stop for everything. "What do you want, Dolly?"
“I want to keep going.” You pick your head up and kiss the place where his pulse beats whenever your lips meet his. “Please?”
You can have whatever you want but he's relieved that you want to keep going. Not that he would have been upset, but because he never wanted to do anything to make you feel like you had to stop. "I love you." He promises, leaning in to nudge his nose against yours and slowly starts to move again.
“I love you, too.” Shifting beneath him, your legs come around his waist and your arms twine around his back, letting each thrust hit that much deeper inside you.
“Will you cum again for me, sweet girl?” Max groans, the taste of you still so robust on his tongue. “Will you cry out for me again?”
“Feel so good…” Already your breathing turns heavier, that powerful heaviness and electricity of just being connected to him piquing every feeling in your body. “Gods you feel so good, love.”
"I'm a lucky bastard." Max grunts, gathering up the remains of his control and feeling even closer to you now that he's drunk from you. Pulling you closer and rolling his hips and grinding into you rather than pulling out.
The intense grind of his hips rubs your swollen clit with each roll of his hips, working you up that much faster. Every thought but Max leaves your head, letting you focus on him and him alone. He can sense the changes in your breathing, in your heart rhythm. "You're gonna cum." He promises, ducking his head down and kissing along your throat. "Gonna come apart for me like a firework."
“Need you to cum with me.” You’re so close to the edge that you know this one is going to shatter you, holding yourself on the precipice of breaking apart at every seam and all you can do is beg him to follow you.
"Gonna." He promises, groaning out the word. Even though he doesn't need to breathe, he's choked up. Overwhelmed by the pure beauty of the moment. "Right after you do."
Whether he knows he’s giving you permission or not, you tumble off the cliff of one last climax, pouring your cry of his name into a kiss that tangles you together that much more. You shake apart underneath him, cunt squeezing him tight and heart pounding with every wave of your release.
Max shudders, absorbs the reaction of your body. Taking it into his soul and letting it burn inside him. Watching you as starlight burst behind your eyes. Making sure that you’re tumbling into pleasure before he thrusts deep, giving into his own needs.
The two of you lay together for long moments afterward, with Max cradling you close while you catch your breath. The feeling of being full is remarkable and oddly comforting, as the depth and the meaning of the moment washes over both of you. “I love you.” Another whisper into the candlelit-night, but it’s weightier this time. Most witches and vampires could only dream of bearing children together — but with your bloodline it is actually possible. Unlikely. Exceedingly rare. But possible.
He can sense what you are thinking about, the weight of it is also on his mind as well. "If we don't, we will still be happy." He promises you, stroking your shoulder lovingly and hoping he can keep that promise. "We can adopt or rescue puppies, whatever will make you happy and fulfill you."
“We have forever,” you remind him, within an almost wistful note in your voice. “We can do all of it.”
"Forever." He smiles. "We can do everything you want. Travel the world, and now, through time."
The next night feels like it's been pulled right out of a movie. The red, gold, and cream gown that Renee had laced you into is accented by a bold, beautiful set of ruby and citrine jewelry that Max and Yayo had found at the same jewelry store where Max picked out your ring. The elaborate hairdo and long, cream gloves make the long red velvet cape look positively purposeful, and you feel as made-up as could ever possibly imagine. The realization though, that you are not nearly the most elaborately dressed woman there, comes when you get out of your carriage. Annie and Emmanuel stand excitedly by on the steps waiting for Max to help you out onto the cobblestone, and her own pearl and diamond jewelry winks in the moonlight. It's simultaneously mystifying and yet so very easy to remember that this young woman is the same person who will one day be your mother, especially when she looks even more dressed up than she did in the photos of her wedding to your father. Annie is eager and smiling, eyes wide in the flickering gaslight on the street as the sign behind them proclaims the details for the production of Carmen that you are all about to see.
“I am so thrilled to be here.” She moons happily, clutching Emmanuel’s arm and smiling dreamily. This trip has been perfect and she cannot even imagine a more wonderful evening. “Box seats!”
"Your parents were very generous to allow us to use their box." Emmanuel is beaming with his newly minted fiancée on his arm.
“Yes, and I believe that we will have a grand time.” She coos, batting her lashes at him innocently. “Especially since we are also having a late dinner and dancing with the Vanderbilts.”
"We're looking forward to meeting more of their family." The invitation from Cornelius and Alice to join them at his brother's home for a soiree after the opera tonight was most appreciated, and from the way that Alice worded the invitation, you have a feeling that she might be looking forward to bringing guests who are exceptional dancers.
“Yes. I am so happy that we are here.” She turns her gaze to you and smiles. “And I get to enjoy your first opera by your side.”
You comb your mind for a long moment trying to decide exactly which kind of irony that statement is, considering your mother also took you to your first opera when you were ten years old and there was a production of The Magic Flute being performed in English nearby. Deciding it doesn't matter, you reach out to squeeze her hand when you reach the top of the stairs with Max and smile warmly. "I cannot think of anything that could make tonight better," you promise her honestly.
There is a dramatic sound of a bell, signifying that the guests need to find their seats so the opera can begin. “Oh there is Mrs. Astor.” Max leans in to tell you. “Everyone is here, apparently.” He’s smirking slightly, curious to interact with her now that he knows she’s also a modern woman in a primitive time.
“We should go and say hello to her at intermission.” You return Mrs. Astor’s small wave when she spots you across the lobby but follow your mother and Emmanuel and the young man who is escorting the four of you to your box. The blur around you — of color, of sound, of so many people so excited for the evening — has you grinning and giddy for the night in your own right.
"What I wouldn't give for my phone." Max murmurs to you. "Not to call anyone, but for the fucking selfies." He's joking of course, but high resolution colored photos from this time would be amazing.
“We could start an Instagram trend,” you joke quietly, holding into his arm as you take the stairs inside the opera house’s lobby. “Photoshopping your selfie into a historical period. Except ours wouldn’t be photoshopped.”
"Do you think people would question a selfie stick in this time?" Max asks, chuckling at the reaction to him pulling out the long telescopic tool.
“You’d get questioned like an inventor. Nobody loves gadgets like they do in this time.” The theater around you is so incredibly opulent that you really can’t look away — eyes bouncing from one thing to another like a kid in a candy store. “This place is gorgeous,” you murmur to him as you walk.
"Yes it is." The opulence cannot be replicated in your time. The attention to detail and craftmanship lost through modernization and mechanization of the world. They called it The Gilded Age for a very good reason and Max is mesmerized by the sight. "Nearly as gorgeous as my wife."
You throw him a grin and roll your eyes teasingly for good measure, but Annie overhears the last comment and coos dreamily at the two of you. “Flattery is Max’s middle name,” you tell her with a little laugh.
"A beaming bride makes for a lovely night." Max tells Emmanuel seriously, changing the popular phrase 'Happy wife, happy life' to fit into the times and your situation. "Romance her as much as possible and she will flourish."
“Every day,” the younger man promises, with sparkling stars in his eyes every time he looks at his soulmate. Emmanuel is a gentle, romantic soul and absolutely worships Annie. “Every day for the rest of my life.”
It's haunting, because he knows that it will be true. Just that the life will be cut tragically short and the rift from that time will vibrate through time to affect you. His hand is over yours that is wrapped around his other arm and he squeezes gently. Encouraging and supporting you. "Waltz with her." He tells the other man. "Every chance you get."
“I shall have to have a few pointers from you on that front,” Emmanuel chuckles. “I have never claimed to excel at dancing, although I do enjoy it.”
“I will give you lessons.” Max promises, unsure of when the horrible events with Emmanuel went down.
“And I will sing your praises to all of society for it.” Annie giddily leads Emmanuel to the open door of her parents’ box and takes your hand to have you sit beside her. “Not that you need my help. Your wife is a favorite of Mrs. Astor now.”
"Except Dolly never wants friends because of how they benefit her." Max explains. "My wife is a very loving and loyal creature. She has friends because of how they make her feel. And you are one of her dearest."
“I’m sure we should all benefit from such a shining example.” Emmanuel praises, smiling at how Annie reaches across to hug you tightly just before the lights begin to dim over the audience assembled for tonight’s performance.
One thing that Max doesn’t care for in this time, is the fact that to show too much affection is frowned upon. He releases your hand and wishes he could wrap his arm around you, but he doesn’t wish to cause a scandal, so he leans back and waits for the performance to begin.
Unbeknownst to both of you, wishing the very same thing, you slip your hand into his to thread your fingers together in his lap. This time may discourage public shows of affection, but your relationship does not. It’s all about balance.
Max looks down at your hands and smiles, catching your gaze when he looks up and he winks at you. Loving that you are in tune with him and his body leans in closer to you as the first lines are sung.
Carmen is a stunning opera. Dramatic, groundbreaking, emotional, and inspiring. By the time intermission comes you’ve been on the edge of your seat. The first half of the show has left both you and Annie breathless in the best way possible and your heart is hammering with it when the lights come up.
Max stands, helping you from your seat and he smiles at the dreamy expression on your face. "I can tell this will be a tradition now." He teases, having enjoyed himself immensely even though he had also been observing everyone else in the theatre as well.
“Modern operas have subtitles,” you assure him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “So you can follow along in English and not have to fight through the French or German or Italian.”
"How do they put subtitles on a live performance?" Max asks seriously.
“Screens.” Although the visual of actors with lyrics written on cards makes you grin as you whisper to him. “We’ll go. You’ll love how swanky it is, though nothing is swankier than chatting with the Astors at intermission and having dinner and dancing with the Vanderbilts afterward.”
"I don't think that we would ever be able to top this." Max admits with a grin, shrugging slightly.
“For now, let’s just enjoy it.” You hum, squeezing his hand again as you lean into his side. In this time, these people — they take their summers and seek out the beaches and the grandeur of Europe or beauty of mountains. And it’s clear to you after just a short amount of time that both you and Max love it here, but it isn’t where you belong. Perhaps, though? Just perhaps…you might take a leaf out of their book. And like the socialites of Gilded Age New York City take their summers away from home, you and Max might one day to decide to ‘summer’ in the Gilded Age. “For now, let’s go see the Astors.”
"Your wish is my command, my dear, sweet wife." He coos, smirking at you as the two of you glide down the stairs to the lobby. Refreshements are being served and no doubt you will have to leave his side to attend to your needs in the toilet, but for now, he will be satisfied by escorting the most beautiful woman in the room around.
Annie and Emmanuel elect to stay behind in the box and you don’t say a damn thing, preferring to just let them have their time to flirt and whisper back and forth while you and Max go and mingle. A glass of lemonade is procured for you so that no well-meaning friend or acquaintance will attempt to offer you wine out of politeness, and soon you spot the Astors at the center of a crush of admirers.
It takes a few moments for them to move through the crowd, too many people stopping to chit chat with her and her husband, but soon enough Lina is standing in front of you and pulls you in for a quick, fierce hug. "I am so glad you came." She whispers.
“How could we possibly turn down the invitation?” It doesn’t matter whether you mean the invitation from her or from your grandparents. Either way, you are here. “Are you enjoying it so far?”
"I did not think that I would, but I am immensely enjoying it." William skirts around the trains on your dresses and shakes Max's hand, speaking to him quietly as Lina chats with you.
“He’s enjoying himself here.” The two of you now your heads to murmur between you as though you were simply gossiping. “I think we might try to come back, if I can get the hang of traveling back and forth.”
"That would be wonderful." She squeezes your hand gently. "William and I would be willing to host you anytime you wished to visit." She promises quietly.
“And if you ever wanted to come forward, we would be glad to have you.” You promise her just as earnestly.
"Perhaps one day." She hums. "Although I believe that William is a bit...stuck in his ways." She offers with a small smile.
“We have an excellent staff.” A wry smile on your lips twists her way. “He would be treated the way he is accustomed. I promise.” By the very same people who currently care for him anytime they visit your grandparents, but you can’t say so here.
The glass of punch in Lina's hand is quickly drained and she fans herself. "I must excuse myself." She hums. "Unless you also need to use the facilities?"
“I’ll follow you.” You drink the petite glass of lemonade easily and set it on the tray of a waiter passing by before turning to Max. “We’ll be right back, love.”
"Of course, my love." He smiles at you and nods, watching as you and Lina Astor walk off.
Around two corners, it is not the busy, central bathroom that Mrs. Astor leads you toward but rather a smaller and more concealed one that she seemingly has special privilege to use. The attendant inside even offers her a polite smile but departs after you both step in the door.
"Now, you seemingly have a glow about you that wasn't there before." Lina eyes you with a knowing smirk before she moves over towards the mirror to check her hair.
"I have no idea what you mean." Is a complete but polite lie, and you have to stifle a smile as you peak into the mirror beside her. Not that you would know how to fix your hair even if you tried. Renee had put more pins in it than should ever even exist together on earth.
Even though it's thoroughly unladylike and she would never do such a thing in public, Lina snorts and rolls her eyes. "You are aware I have five children, correct?" She hums. "I know when someone has been naughty."
"We're married!" You defend, even though that isn't technically true, but the fact that you've just been called out by Lina Astor for getting it on practically makes you double over laughing. "Surely the Gilded Age isn't so prim that they look down on that sort of thing?"
"Again, I have five children." She teases and winks at you in the mirror. "All we have for entertainment is fucking. Especially in the winter."
This time you can't swallow it, snorting in amusement and shaking your head at her. "It was the first time," you admit a little sheepishly. "So I'm still a little...giggly, I guess?"
"Obviously the boy was good to you," She eyes you carefully and approves of the starry glaze to your eyes. Since she was a child of the sixties, she was a little more liberal in her views of sex and love and had been fortunate enough to teach William what she likes. Her own children were carefully guided but it was freeing to talk about this with another modern woman. "It's a good thing. I would hate to slap his shins with my walking stick."
"There's no need for that." Although the mental image is fairly amusing. "I'm very lucky to have him for my soulmate." Typically you would adjust your makeup. Or the way your shirt is hanging on your body. But since you've been pinned within an inch of your life and aren't wearing any makeup at all, all you can do is stand there and feel the intense heat in your cheeks while you talk to Lina. "He's very— he takes good care of me. In every way."
"Good." She offers you a small smile. "I feel that a good relationship, a good marriage is a partnership." She huffs slightly. "Although in this time, some men might not appreciate that, but a woman's part of her husband's life either adds value or causes stress." She smirks. "It is up to his attitude on what that might be."
"Thankfully, Max's misogyny is all show at this point in his life. He's spent enough time in board rooms and business meetings that he can blend in, but at home it's a partnership." Since you're standing in front of the mirror anyway, you smooth your hands down the front of your dress and make sure you're in one piece before turning away. "I'm glad that your soulmate seems to have been enlightened a little on the way things can be."
Lina chuckles and tilts her head. "History books do not show it, but honestly? Women control much more than the men would have believed. If a wife is unhappy, he will receive cold tea, sour brandy, his cigars 'disappear'." She lifts a brow at you and smirks. "Itching powder in his long johns."
"Happy wife, happy life," you laugh, absolutely loving what you're hearing from her. "And I hope you taught all of this to your girls, too?"
"Absolutely." She tuts and shoots you a grin. "And my daughters-in-law."
"Brilliant." You can't help thinking that every one of these encounters is going to make a hilarious set of stories to tell Allison when you finally get back, and you are just constantly filing away little bits of information as you go. "Absolutely brilliant."
She grins before she nods towards the stall. "If you'll excuse me, I have to wrestle with my petticoats to go to the bathroom before intermission is over."
"I wish you all the luck in the world." It gets a laugh from both of you, and you nod to the door. "Enjoy the second half of the show, Lina. I'm going to go track down our soulmates."
"Before you go." Lina stops at the stall door and looks back at you. "The book is coming along fabulously. It will be ready on time."
"You're very kind to make the copy." You soften a little at the reminder of it, feeling the ache of gratitude in your chest. "I can't imagine it's the sort of thing that is easy to share with just anyone. I promise it will be in good hands."
"I have no doubt." She hums. "My daughters are not terribly interested in magic right now, so it will be a relief to know that the knowledge might be passed down if none change their minds."
"I promise." Instinctively, you make at 'x' over your heart with your finger and are grateful that the gesture can be shared with someone who doesn't think you're incredibly odd or childish for doing it. You say your good night here, figuring that you won't be have the time to say anything appropriate later on when the opera gets out and you're swept away to dinner, and go back out to the lobby to find Max before intermission is over.
“Hey Dolly.” It’s not as if he were staked out by the bathrooms, but Max has been looking out for you. “Refreshed?”
"Refreshed, and a bit teased." You take his arm when he offers it and start back toward your seats. "Mrs. Astor noticed how particularly happy we are tonight."
“Our wedded blissful status was noticed?” Max preens smugly and he waggles his eye brows. “Or are you just walking funny?”
"Even if I was, you wouldn't be able to tell under all these petticoats." The slight smirk on your face is a beaming smile all over again and you lean into his side as you walk. "Yes, our bliss was noted. Which means I'm sure it was by other people too. But I don't give a damn. If anything, they should be very jealous of me." For last night, and also for this morning. Max had decided to wake you up before the rest of the house began their day, and he did it with his head — and then his cock — between your legs.
“We could always fit a quicky in during intermission.” He suggests, cock twitching in his trousers.
"Intermission's almost over." And while he may be quick, you're enjoying taking your time with him.
He pouts, but he knows that the scandal would be more attention that you would want to bring down on yourselves. “Next time.” He promises and offers his arm.
"Next time." There is no doubt in your mind that there will be a next time, and that gives you a sense of anticipation that you can't deny loving. "Of course, I'm not saying that when we get home tonight, that there won't be time then..."
“No?” He arches a brow. “What are we doing when we get home?”
The box attendant is in sight and there are people around you, but you know his hearing is far better than anyone else’s in this opera house tonight so you whisper with a barely contained smirk. “It’s a very good night for a ride. Don’t you think?”
He grunts and his brow goes up even higher. “You mean-“ he waggles his brows and leans in. “I’m your horsey?”
It probably shouldn’t, but the endearing silliness of Max’s choice of phrasing makes you almost snort when you laugh, and you squeeze his arm as the attendant opens the door for you to return to the box just as the bell rings to tell patrons to return to their seats. “Yes, love,” you snicker and shake your head in amusement. “That’s exactly what I mean.”
“Oh goody.” The playfulness is simple to keep the gorgeous smile on your face, but if he had his way, he would be ordering the carriage be brought around.
“It’s our reward for a very productive evening in society,” you decide, although that’s just the excuse. In reality, now that you’ve had a taste of Max? You’re addicted.
Max chuckles and helps you into your seat. Annie and Emmanuel are positively beaming and Max doesn’t miss the way both of them are a bit mussed. “Ready for the second act?”
“Terribly excited for it.” Annie hums, trying and failing to look as innocent as possible.
His eyes slide over to you and he makes a face. Not believing your mother for a second.
The face you make back very distinctly reminds him that’s my mother! but it’s none of your business. You face forward as the lights come down again and make the executive personal decision not to say a goddamn thing. At least, not right now.
Max smirks and reaches over, lacing his fingers through yours. "Remember..." He coos in your ear. "Technically her daughter is getting railed right under her nose as well." He teases playfully.
You can’t help it — cracking a guilty but extremely pleased grin and letting out a small laugh as the lights come back down. He’s right, of course, even if Annie doesn’t know what you really are to her. “Behave yourself,” you chastise, barely even meaning it, and lean over to kiss him.
"Naaaaaah." He kisses you happily and winks. "What fun would that be?" There's a sense of freedom in being able to tease you, to see you light up when his corniness comes out and it makes Max adore you even more. "Now watch your opera." He chides as the lantern lights are lowered again, as if he wasn't the distraction all along.
It quickly becomes apparent, as soon as just a few minutes into dinner, that you have made friends with the loving-if-slightly-snobby branch of the Vanderbilt family. Any and all attempts at conversation with Mrs. Willie K. Vanderbilt — gods forbid anyone call her Alva — is met with one upmanship and a quality of narcissism that you have rarely encountered in real life. There are a lot of truly terrible people who would have loved Alva Vanderbilt, and that thought makes you shudder. Instead, you come away from dinner and dancing in that house very glad to be unlaced and untied from all of your layers and flop down on the bed in your dressing gown to wait for Max to come upstairs. Cornelius had sidelined him about something or other when you back to the house and you can’t wait to have him back in your arms.
“Is there anything else you wish tonight, Mrs. Phillips?” Renee asks, just inside the doorway so she doesn’t intrude on your relaxation. “Tea, perhaps?”
“Nothing tonight, Renee. Thank you.” As warm and gossipy and giggly as you got to be with 21st century Renee, you’re worried about saying too much in front of her in this time. In this place. So you just try to be as polite and appreciative as humanly possible every day. “I think Mr. Phillips and I are going to take a long walk in the park tomorrow, and I know that Annie is planning on doing a little shopping, so you should have some time to yourself tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Phillips.” Even if she doesn’t smile, the nod is polite and her expression has softened. “If there is nothing else, I will wish you a good evening.”
“Good night, Renee.” In lieu of being able to embrace your friend, you offer her a heartfelt smile and climb into bed, armed with a book from the library to read until Max appears.
After a nightcap that Max did not enjoy, and some stimulating business talk that did, he is finally climbing the stairs to the wing where you are waiting for him. Taking his time and hating it because of the human staff in the Vanderbilt household, he is eager to get behind closed doors with you.
Max slips in the door and grins as he shuts it behind him, flicking the lock behind him. “Hey, sweetheart.”
“Hey.” Your book goes down in your lap immediately and you can’t help but beam a smile at him. “What did Cornelius have to say?”
Max smirks, shrugging out of his jacket and laying it over the back of the chair in the sitting area. "Wanted to bend my ear about a project he was considering."
“Oh?” You know he loves the fact that these powerful men are taking his opinion seriously, and you smile a little brighter. “What project was that?”
"There's a tract of land that is for sale that he was considering." He shrugs slightly. "Wanted to know if I was familiar with North Carolina."
“So more than one Vanderbilt was looking ably building down there? Interesting.” Shifting over in bed makes extra room for him. But it’s not that he’ll need it. The second he gets in beside you, you’ll be cuddled up anyway.
"Maybe." Max leans a hip on the writing desk and shrugs. "Or the land sits unused until that estate is built."
"Maybe." It’s not as if either of you is a Vanderbilt historian. It could be anything. "History will tell. But for now...are you coming to bed?"
"Absolutely." Max smirks and within seconds, he's standing bare in front of the bed, looking down at you.
“Show off.” It’s endearing, though, and you grab his hand to pull him into bed with you.
He snickers and winks as he presses close, ducking his head and pressing his lips to yours.
For the first time, you pull back from Max’s kiss abruptly and frown, feeling anxiety rise in your throat. “Did you—um—is that—” It’s okay. Breathe. Just breathe. It’s not the end of the world. Take deep, long breaths. “Did you…have a drink? Before you came up?”
Max's brows furrow for a second, wondering why you are pulling back but then he winces. Cornelius wouldn't take no for an answer, so he had quickly tippled back a disgusting drink. "I- uh, he- he wanted a nightcap." Max rushes to explain. "I refused but he insisted and it would have been- uh, rude to refuse."
“Oh…um…okay.” Despite you saying it, and nodding profusely, there is a spark in your fingertips and anxiety rolling down your spine. “Would you…” About to ask him if he minds brushing his teeth, a bubble of fear opens in your throat and the words get swallowed. “N-Never mind. Never mind.”
Max frowns, not liking the way your suddenly turned stiff and hesitant. “Dol-” he stops talking and he closes his mouth. Realizing that you can smell the alcohol. “Shit.”
“I know you’re not drunk.” But that doesn’t stop the fear from settling deep into your bones where it lived for so long.
"I should have refused." He shakes his head and pulls way, slipping out of the bed and backing away from it. "I'll go brush my teeth and...." He doesn't know what he can do to reassure you, but it feels like he's failed you. Without another word, he disappears.
Oddly, the feeling of panic in your body is less actual fear of him, and more fear of the feeling. You know in your mind and heart that Max would never hurt you. Fuck — you let him drink from you last night. But the gut reaction of terror behind smelling alcohol in his breath makes you afraid that you’ll always be afraid, and that’s the reason that you’re turned over on your pillow shaking subtly and trying not to sob as he goes into the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Max is cursing himself for not thinking about brushing his teeth earlier. He knows you don't like alcohol and why but he hadn't even thought of it. Alcohol has zero effect on him and honestly it had tasted horrible. "So fucking stupid." He hisses at himself.
“I’m sorry.” As soon as he walks back into the room you’re apologizing, and it seems like you’ve reverted back to simply apologizing for existing, but the truth is more complicated. The sparks from your fingers had started arcing while he was in the bathroom, and now they’ve created a sort of woven magic protective blanket around you that you did not conjure on purpose nor do you know how to get rid of. “I don’t know what’s happening.” The fear is for this now, as fear starts to be the most dominant emotion in your mind all over again.
Max frowns and his eyes widen as he starts to take a step towards you it's like an invisible barrier has been set up between you. "You don't need to be sorry." He shake his head, lifting a hand to try to push against the barrier. "It's my fault sweetheart. Mine. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."
“I didn’t do this,” you rush to promise him, as bound on your side of the barrier as he is on his. As confused and shocked by its appearance as he surely is. “I don’t know how to do this.”
"It's okay, we- we'll figure this out." He promises, holding up his hands and backing away from the barrier. "Are you- do you think it's because of me?"
“I think it’s—it’s like the woods—” Thinking back to the fear you’d felt in the woods, it was like your magic had been called up out of necessity. Things had been unlocking in your mind for weeks now but you didn’t fully understand any of it. How could you, when it had been kept away from you for so long? “Like…my magic is trying to protect me?”
"From me..." Max whispers, looking devastated at that prospect. "I- I'm going to go get Annie." He decides and turns around to throw a dressing gown and pants on to rush from the room so he doesn't shock your mother.
Knocking on a door is a simple thing. Simple enough, anyway. But Annie Brown — sitting quietly in bed with a book and a cup of tea — is immediately convinced that someone has brought a battering ram to the second floor of the Vanderbilt’s home. She pushes everything aside and wraps herself in her robe before pulling the door open in concern. “Max?” Her eyes are wide, having expected that racket to be nothing less than the news that the house was on fire. “What is it? You look…rather upset. Is everything alright?”
"It- it's Dolly." He shakes his head and rushes to explain. "Her magic. It's- it- there's a barrier." He doesn't know what the hell she can do, but hopefully she can help you break the spell. "Because of me."
“Can’t she dispel it?” Even as she asks the question, Annie is already shifting back into her room to put in her slippers and follow Max out into the hallway. “What do you mean it’s because of you? What happened?”
"I- Dolly doesn't like drinking." He huffs, embarrassed by this. "Her- it's not a pleasant memory for her and Mr. Vanderbilt wanted a nightcap." He explains. "She- when she smelled the drink on me, she was upset." The two of them hurry towards the rooms he was sharing with you. "When I came out of the bathroom there was a barrier between us. She said she didn't do it."
"She doesn't have much experience with her magic." Annie knows that. You haven't talked about magic very much together, but you've said just enough to her for her to know that. "I will do anything that I can." She rushes upstairs with Max and follows him to your door, not knowing which one to find you behind.
"Dolly....I- I brought Annie." Max pushes the door opened and lets your mother, another witch, go inside ahead of him. Hoping that it would be for naught and you would be sitting there embarrassed and with no barrier around you. Obviously not the case since you still have a shimmery essence around you. "Oh fuck, it's still there." He hisses.
“Mo—Annie!” With your blood pulsing in your ears and panic in your throat, you barely manage to stop yourself from calling her Mom, but the tears running down your face don’t care what you call her so long as she helps. “What’s happening?” You beg, as though she could know the answer as soon as she’s walked in the door. “It’s a protection spell.” Clearly you had already figured that out, but Annie feels the need to assure you since you seem terrified. “And Max says you didn’t do this on purpose?” “No.” You shake your head adamantly and try to remember to breathe. “Ever since I arrived in—in—in Newport…my magic has been haywire.”
Biting his lip in worry, Max wishes he could go back in time and fix his mistake. He closes his eyes and sighs, wondering if you have now subconsciously linked him with your ex, the same danger. "I- I'll - I should go."
“No!” The last thing you want is for him to leave. He hasn’t hurt you and he wouldn’t hurt you, and you’re going to prove that to yourself — to your magic — somehow. “Stay, love. Please stay?”
He swallows, even though he doesn't really have to and looks around. "I - I don't know if I should." He admits quietly. "This happened because of me."
“If this happened because of you, my dear friend, then it might also undo because of you.” With the door carefully closed and locked behind her, Annie moves to the side of the bed to be as close to you as she can be while the magical barrier has you firmly protected. “Will one of you please explain to me what happened? In detail?”
Max looks over at you and senses the hesitation in your eyes. The fear of blurting out too much. "Dolly's ex used to abuse her when he drank." He admits quietly. "She doesn't like alcohol. He- he attacked her once and she managed to save herself with her magic." He rubs his hands on his pants. "When she smelled the drink on me...I guess she panicked and thought that I was like him. Or maybe her magic took over to protect her from me."
"Ex?" Annie questions the term, wanting to make sure that she understands completely. "A lover. Before—before I found Max." Gods if she only knew how much more uncomfortable this conversation is for you. You just can't afford to dwell on that right now, as you just remind yourself to breathe through the fear. "I don't think Max would ever hurt me, it's like...like my magic just jumped out of me on instinct." "Oh my..." Annie crosses her arms, looking between you and Max with concern and care written across her features. "It seems...that is, it sounds...as though you have been spellbound, my dear."
“What does that mean?” Max frowns, relieved that Annie knows what is happening but not sure it’s a good thing.
"It means that at some point in your wife's life," Annie purses her lips together, squeezing her arms around her own waist in concern. "Another witch did not trust her to wield her magic carefully. A powerful witch." Whimpering in discomfort under your magical blanket, you could scream for the irony of the thing. "My parents." The irony is terrible, but more than that, you're distinctly afraid that this might give you away. After all, some spells can only be undone by those who have cast them.
“And what do we do? What happened? How do I help my wife?” He demands.
"There are three choices," Annie tells you both, chewing on her bottom lip as she inspects the nearly invisible edges of your barrier with interest. "The simplest would be to have the witch who cast the spell unravel it. Without that option, either Dolly must break through the spell with her own force, or a witch more powerful than the original caster must break it for us."
Max knows that all of those things are impossible. He cannot give up your true relationship to your mother, and he knows you don’t trust yourself enough to break it yourself. You’re still so unused to magic. And your grandmother had already admitted through her letters that your mother was a more powerful witch than her. There was possibly another option. “What if the threat was no longer around?” He asks Annie quietly.
She sighs, understanding, but shakes her head. "You left the room and the barrier remained. I do not think this is about you as much as you fear it is."
“That’s- it’s not what I meant.” His eyes are haunted, heavy with emoting and he refuses to look over at you. “I left but I was still here.” He rationalizes. “Would she- would it work if I- I- um, wasn’t?”
"Don't you dare." There is gravel in your voice. A growl that is as unfamiliar to you as it is to them, but at least you know where it comes from. From the very bottom of your soul, where you know you wouldn't survive this world without him. You aren't as strong as your mother. Not by a longshot. Life without your soulmate is impossible now that you've found him. "You're staying right here and we'll find another way." It's like a magical weighted blanket, holding you to the bed, and all you can manage to do is shake your head at him. "Promise me. Promise me you won't do that."
Max frowns and he huffs seriously. “What if it’s the only way?” He demands quietly. “I- it’s worth it to me.” He admits. “For you.”
"It's not the only way." You would rather give up every ounce of truth to your mother than lose him. Break your promise to your grandfather and risk unknown complications. You would rather gamble with the world than lose Max. "A—Annie can dispel it." "I can?" She wheels around, looking at you as though you have just nominated her for queendom — disbelief and a touch of pride in her voice. As though she were touched that you would think so well of her. "Yes." A shaky breath comes with your nod, because you aren't technically lying but it feels that way. "The daughter of a powerful witch and a vampire? You must be able to."
“I don’t know if I am able to.” She worries, frowning as she looks between an equally devastated husband and wife. “But I will try.” She turns her head and pins Max with a stare. “Do not do anything foolish.” She cautions. “If you upset Dolly, it could provoke her magic even more.”
“Please help.” There is something about asking your own mother for help when you’re scared that makes your chest tighten, but stead of more fear it’s nearly nostalgia. Like being a little girl all over again. Except as a little girl you had had no idea that your own parents had spellbound you.
Annie frowns and nods, “of course I will help you.” She rushes to assure you “However I can.”
“Tell us what to do.” It’s entirely possible she doesn’t know, but you has to believe that she has some kind of idea. Otherwise the ace in your sleeve is calling Lina Astor to the house in the middle of the night.
“Think about touching Max.” Annie bites her lip and pushes the sleeves of her nightgown back after removing her robe. Moving towards the barrier. “Visualize it in your head.”
That is the easiest thought to have in the world, and you reach out to him under the shimmering barrier instinctively. “Um…right…” She said visualize, and you obediently close your ideas and imagine being in his arms instead.
Annie swallows harshly and turns to Max. “Give me a drop of your blood.” She demands, holding out her palm flat.
You watch with worried eyes as Max complies immediately, letting his fangs out to puncture the skin on his fingertip so a single, full bead of dark red blood wells up above his skin.
Annie thinks back to every lesson her mother has taught her, aware that this is probably the most important magic that she has ever done. “Thank you Max.” She whispers, flashing him a reassuring smile as she turns back to the barrier. Closing her eyes, she starts the incantation, hoping that she is strong enough to undo the spell with Max’s blood as an aid.
The barrier starts to vibrate around you as Annie murmurs her incantation low and steady. You can't even hear the words from a few feet away, but you can feel the affect that they're having. The barrier bends around you, the magic that was shimmering now starting to blink abruptly and then flash like bursting lightbulbs.
There's nothing more that Max wishes for on this earth than for this to work. He bites his lip, not bothering to heal his wound on his hand. Watching with baited breath, even though he doesn't breathe as the barrier continues to twist around you.
Words like reverse and shine and will and power spill from your mother's lips as the temperature in the room drops. An imperceptible chill floods the space. Not a breeze or a draft, but a chill that settles into bones and sets hooks into hearts. The cold takes hold even in Max, who has been technically icy to the touch for years. The colder you get the more you concentrate on that feeling of touching Max's cool skin with your own warm hands. The way his kisses warm against your lips. The way it made moving under him last night feel even more powerful, friction and heat and the rush of pleasure in both of your bodies making him feel warm for the first time since he was turned.
"Dolly." He murmurs quietly, stepping forward and wishing that he can just pull you out. "Please." he closes his eyes. " I need you." He's helpless and he hates that. Strong, fast, and resilient, but there is nothing he can right now but watch your mother try to undo the spell that binds you. That has you wrapped up and pulling away from him.
"Talk to her, Max." Annie gets a rush of energy back at her when he does, as though your magic responds to his voice instinctively. "About anything. Anything happy."
"I want to waltz with you again." Max tells you honestly. "I want to waltz with you every day. I missed today. I should have swept you up into my arms when you were folded into that beautiful dress you were wearing tonight."
“Tonight wasn’t your fault.” There had been so many other guests at dinner that your dances had been taken up by the other gentlemen, and Alice had sung Max’s praises as a dancer so that the ladies had very nearly stood in line for him. It was a pleasure to watch him be so sought after. To see the way his eyes found you on the dance floor regardless of his partner and know that you would be the one sharing a bed with him tonight. He thrives on feeling wanted and valued, and you never would have taken that from him.
“Still….” Max shrugs. “I only want to dance with you, Queenie.”
“I love you, too.” You shift forward without realizing it, instinctively wanting to be closer to him, and gasp softly when you realize the barrier has moved the tiniest bit. “Oh gods…I think it’s actually working!”
He can only hope. Max steps a fraction of an inch closer to you and continues on. "I want to travel with you. See the world. Experience everything with you." He takes comfort in the fact that Annie is aware of vampires, is the daughter of one, so he doesn't have to censor himself. "Watch the world change with you."
“When you see the barrier start to come apart,” Annie pants with effort but concentrates, pausing her incantation to give you instruction. “Try to pull at it. Like you’re picking apart embroidery. Max, keep talking to her.”
“Our lives are going to be perfect.” Max tells you desperately. “If we can have children, I’ll give you as many as you want. Gorgeous little girls, who look like you and handsome little boys who have your sweetness.”
As Annie chants and Max makes endless promises, the barrier binding you to the bed loosens slightly in halting amounts. It waves like oceans waves and turns a vibrant, flashing purple. It squeezes you tight, as if trying to retain control, but you keep your eyes closed and concentrate on imagining all of the things that Max is promising. Your life together. Your happiness. If you can let go of everything else, maybe you can grab at the happiness. “Good!” Annie cries, seeing you move under the waves of magic. “Open your eyes, Dolly. You have to take it apart yourself.” The magic has bent to your mother’s will — or what you have to assume was her will — and looks now like pearlescent threads of satin ribbon fraying in every direction across your body. It is not the neat, directed weaving you expected but knotted and gnarled tangles of wispy white, and you immediately grab at the nearest knot to find it astonishingly solid in your hands as you furiously work it open to release the threads.
Max steps forward. “You can do it, sweetheart. I know you can. Please do it.” He begs quietly.
The only other time in your life that you have broken through the barrier of your magic was for Max. To protect him. And now you understand why your attempt at a protection barrier didn’t work at all — because you’ve been surrounded by one for most of your life. Fear is what made you leap into action last time. Fear that something would happen to take Max away from you. Even if you knew in the most logical parts of your mind that a bullet could not kill him — you feared it. And fearing that one drink could turn Max into the same monster Derek was, while illogical, is the definition of a knee jerk reaction. Every single thread you grasp is a reminder to yourself that it won’t happen. That alcohol has no effect on Max. That the dangers of the pst will never repeat themselves. Every knot you grasp, tugging at the strands of your gnarled fears, is a step toward being stronger. For Max.
“Come to me baby.” He begs, holding out his arms to you as you attempt to break through the barrier. “I choose you, I’ll always choose you over everything.”
“I—I’ll always choose you, too.” Your fingers dig into the knot of magical threads at the heart of the barrier, feeling the way the power — your power, untouched and unwielded — bends and droops at your words. The threads don’t merely break, they seep into your skin like sun rays and light you from the inside. Annie and Max watch in awe as every shred of magic untangles itself after that large knot, absorbing into your mind and body so thoroughly that you begin to glow.
“Beautiful.” Max whispers, completely enthralled by how powerful you are. A wind that doesn’t come from anywhere ruffles your nightgown and blows around you. A byproduct of the magic being harnessed and absorbed by you.
“Gods above…” Annie presses one hand over her heart, watching in awe as you take the last threads of your binding apart. You look like an angel, and she cannot tell why but her heart aches over the image of it. “Max!” Throwing yourself forward is easy now, as though you could simply fly wherever you needed to go without any effort, and you launch yourself toward your soulmate with one hand outstretched to bring your mother close as well.
Max cradles you, wrapping up in the security of his arms with palpable relief. He had honestly worried that it wouldn't work, that he would be separated from you. Now the warmth of your body is surrounding him and all he can feel is like you've come home.
Characterizing it as crying would be an understatement. What you are doing is weeping into Max’s shoulder as you cling to both him and your young mother in sheer relief. It feels, for the first time since you were a child, like you are whole again, with a in one of magic running in your veins alongside your blood. There is no other way to explain it — you feel whole again. For her part, Annie hugs you tightly, tears of effort and - yes - more relief in her own eyes. She cannot explain why she feels so close to you, but now it feels even more important that the two of you had met. “We should discuss this with my mother when we return home,” she murmurs, knowing that her mother is a far more power witch than she is at this time. “I wish I knew other witches nearby to consult. But you must learn to control your powers. They will act out, now that they are free.”
Max frowns, concerned. “She will.” He promises Annie. “She will, even if I have to learn magic myself.”
“Lina.” You remind him, not wanting Max to think that he has to take the entire world into his shoulders. “We should go and see Lina tomorrow. She might be able to help.”
Annie frowns slightly and pulls back. "Lina Astor?" She asks curiously. "Oh- I had completely forgotten." She admits, huffing slightly. "She is a very accomplished witch. And when we go home, mother will be a boon to you."
“Thank you.” Putting aside completely the fact that it was most likely Annie herself who spellbound you as a child, you high her tightly in thanks now. Without her here, who knows if you ever would have figured out what had happened or been able to break the enchantment at all. It might have been a lost cause without her incantation.
“You are most welcomed.” She hum, pulling back and biting her lip. “For now…perhaps you should have your soulmate hypnotize you.” She suggest. “To relax you.”
“I’ve…we’ve never…” you glance at Max curiously. “Does that work?”
Max winces, but nods. “The powers I have…I could make you do anything.”
“Then maybe a relaxing night’s sleep is the thing after all.” Hugging Annie tightly once more, you sit back and realize how truly exhausted you feel in the moment and huff a laugh at yourself. “Though I may not need you to do anything more than tuck me in, love.”
"If she's not needing it, I would rather not hypnotize her." Max admits. "It takes away her free will and I don't want to do that."
“Your love is very clear.” Annie nods in understanding, though her own mind is racing and she very much doubts her sleep with be restful. But her exhaustion is different from yours.
"Thank you for your help." Max takes her hands and kisses the back of them profusely. "Thank you." He repeats. "I'll escort you back to your room as soon as I get Dolly settled." He promises.
“I know my way.” She assures him, not wanting you to have to be left alone even for a few minutes. Not after what you’ve just undergone. “I’m glad you’re well, Dolly. That we could figure out what was wrong.”
Max sends her a grateful look and closes the door behind her after she slips out. He hadn't want to leave you, couldn't stand the thought, and now he doesn't have to. "Dolly..." He murmurs quietly, turning back and looking at you with nothing but pure relief.
“I’m sorry.” The words are out of your mouth immediately, and you practically throw yourself at him again to hug the proverbial breath out of him. “I know you wouldn’t have hurt me. And I know I’ve said that you could have a drink if you wanted. It just took me off guard and I panicked.”
"No." He shakes his head and holds you tight. "You have nothing to be sorry for." His hand moves up and down your back. "Not one goddamn thing. This is on me." He tells you. "My mistake that you nearly paid for."
“It’s done now.” That’s the important part, after all. That it’s over and that you’re both safe, and you can have your arms around him now. “Are…are you okay? I know I scared you, but…I scared me, too.”
"I think my heart stopped." Max jokes dryly.
“Har Har.” You intone, rolling your eyes at him to continue diffusing the tension left in the room. “Thank the gods Mom was here.”
"Yeah...thank God." He murmurs quietly, deciding to let the fact that your mother was the one who most likely put the spell on you lie. "Let's get you to bed, Queenie, you look like you are about to pass out."
“I’m exhausted.” In fact you’re nodding without evening meaning to, and halfway to sitting in the mattress already.
"You should be." Max whispers as he quickly lays you down and climbs into the bed beside you and pulls you close. "You did something amazing. Something I would never believe if I didn't see it for myself."
“I don’t even believe it.” You mumble, letting Max pull you in close and wrap you up tight in the safety of his arms. “I thought spellbinding was a myth. A magical boogeyman than witches threaten their kids with. I didn’t know it was real.”
"Surprise." He huffs sarcastically, shaking his head and slowly starting to rub your back.
"Will you rest tonight?" The last thing you want is for him to sit up worrying, but you know you're on the verge of crashing and won't be able to stop him one way or another. What matters to you more than anything is that he tries to rest.
"I'll try, sweetheart." He promises, unable to guarantee anything right now. Nothing expect he needs to hold you. "You just sleep." He whispers. "I'll be right here, watching over you and making sure nothing happens to you."
"I love you." And having that love for one of the things that goes bump in the night means you sleep a little more deeply in his arms. In the waking hours, you'll have to seek out more help in harnessing your magic. Tonight? Max's arms are all you need.
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