#specifically i had to say bye to Him and i asked him to sign my shirt before i left and he did and we said bye and i’m probably never gonna
luvfy0dor · 2 days
Hiya! How're you? Congrats for 600! You're an awesome writer and you deserve every one and more! For the event, may I please request 'Spiderman kisses' with Fyodor and Sigma (If you do gendered readers, male preferably but I'll go with GN too if that's easier!). For details... I have two (if you don't mind). 1. I want Reader to be the one initiating the kisses, please! And 2. Let's say Reader doesn't have an ability. Instead, he manages to hang upside down is because bro just chills in the cramped-ass ceiling vents system and he knocks down ceiling plates all the time to drop down into rooms from the ceiling as opposed to using the door like a normal person LOLZ-. Feel free to decline if not suited to your tastes, bye-byeee!
Sigma and Fyodor + Spiderman Kisses ♡
Warnings; might make you feel a little lightheaded, it made me feel that way lol
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Sigma ★
Walking the halls at night in the aerial casino became one of Sigmas least favorite things when you wiggled your way into the ceiling and vents. You had popped out of no where one too many times for his liking, always giving him a mini-heart attack. He was walking back to his office when he heard the faint sound of thumping up in the vents. It was so quiet and minute that he almost thought a chipmunk had crawled up in there instead of his boyfriend, but when one of the tiles was popped out, he was proven wrong. "Sigma!" You said quietly, happy to see him but unwilling to disturb the visitors in the rooms throughout the hallway. "Ah, y/n, I was looking for you. Are you headed to bed?" He asks, those pretty grey eyes staring up at you. "Not yet, I don't think so. Not unless that's where you're going?" You respond, situating yourself so that you torso is hanging upside down from the ceiling with your legs keeping you from falling. "No, I'm going to my office for a little while longer, but I'll be back in the room soon." He gives you a smile that you return. "Alright, but before you go, I've missed you all day long." You say, cupping his cheek and leaning closer to him. "I haven't had a kiss yet today, you know that?" You laugh, to which he blushes and chuckles under his breath, letting you pull him in and kiss him. He didn't really know where to put his hands since your position was inverted from the usual standing, but he decided the back of your head was the way to go. He felt his nose press against your chin as he kissed your bottom lip, and your nose bump against his. He hummed into the affectionate action, his hand trailing up to caress the nape of your neck quickly before he pulled away. His breath was slightly shaky and his heart rate increased as he looked into your eyes. "Okay, I'll see you later!" You crawled back up into the ceiling and went on with your past times up there. He watched you disappear and smiled before heading off. Suddenly, having you pop out of nowhere every now and again wasn't that bad.
Fyodor ★
Fyodor knew if he needed to find you during hours at the DOA hq, there was no specific of guaranteed spot you would be. He'd have to find you hanging out of one of the cramped, tight vents somewhere by luck. He found it both confusing and interesting that you willingly hung up there all day, but each time he thought about it he understood just a little bit more. The silence and peacefulness of alone time away from interaction could be very enjoyable, especially if it was combined with a good book. He walked through the halls with his cape flowing behind him. With each room he walked by, he glanced inside for any sign of his lover. "Y/n? Where are you?" He calls out to you, listening afterwards for any rustling or thumping above his head. "Hmm..." He thought to himself, heading to the furthest room down the corridor and walking inside to find you hanging out of the vent. "Oh, I don't recall having found you in here before, darling." He says, drawing your attention. You lift your book from your eyes and smile at him. "Yeah, I realized I hadn't hung over here yet so I figured I'd try it. Not like it'd be massively different." You reply, watching him walk closer to you. "Is it time to leave?" He nods with a small smile of amusement. "Yes, it's best we head home now rather than walking through the dark later." You stare at him while he speaks, entranced by his beauty, even after a stressful day dealing with a clown and a naive manager. "Okay...you know, I always want to kiss you like this, but you never take the hint." You whisper, reaching out and brushing his hair behind his ear with a small pout. He hums and gently holds your hand over his cheek and leans in closer. "Well then, maybe you should have been more direct." You huff with an eye roll and pull him in, connecting the two of by the lips in a passionate kiss. Your thumb caresses his cheekbone and you can feel him sigh quietly. You quickly pull away when you feel your body start to heat up, hurrying to get yourself out of the vents before you loose your balance and fall on your head in front of Fyodor. "Hah...I shouldn't need to be more direct if you're as smart as you make yourself out to be." You say, slithering back up into the metal tunnel to backtrack your way out. "Maybe I just wanna hear it from your lips, Myshka? Is that so bad of me?" He grins and you feel yourself do the same. You definetly didn't think that was all too bad now.
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A/n; Thank you so so much for the compliments and request!!! 💖💖 this was super duper cute, it just made me feel a little dizzy while writing it, but I wish I could hang out if vents like that thats so cool ^^
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mayclair · 1 year
last day of school today :(
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malereadermaniac · 8 months
Jealousy looks good on you ~ Kit Connor x Male Reader
So you guys LOVED my last Kit post so here's another one
Can I just say how fucking annoying it is to search "jealous male reader" and every post is Yandere and shit??? Like bro I want jealousy in the sense that I feel wanted not always 'death' and 'darling' and shit. Rant over <3
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Before Dating
The two of you were best friends
In the most platonic way, you two were practically already dating
Kit and you were close since Y7
The two of you would cling onto each other, the gingers hands were almost always on your waist if yours weren't on his shoulders
You would sleep round Kit's house every weekend, then he would sleep round on most weekdays "because your house is closer to college"
When one of you got into a relationship, it went one of two ways:
If Kit got into a relationship, the girl would get jealous of you within a week, Kit would get mad at her and they'd break up in a month tops
It was always weird for Kit when he got into a relationship, he'd never really LOVE her, but he just put it down to him being young
What he knew was that he didn't like how his girlfriends treated you, and he hated how because he was in a relationship, you would back off with the clinginess
One time, a new girlfriend of his was alone with Kit, and when he brought you up, she said "Oh that f*g? You're like, actually, friends with him?" - that was the first and last time he'd shouted at a girl
The second option is you getting into a relationship, Kit gets insanely jealous, side comments about your boyfriend and going silent when you would bring him up - totally platonic
Kit would get even clingier, like snuggling his face in your neck "Cause he's tired"
The ginger would even crash your dates 'on accident'
Your boyfriend at the time would go mad, Kit fucking loved it, you were his best-friend after all
But all of his 'platonic' jealousy paid off when the guy broke up with you, and Kit was your shoulder to cry on
He felt bad, but he loved being your comfort, he didn't want anyone else to be as good of a friend to you as he was...
Kit knew he was Bi since Y10, what you didn't know was that you're the reason he knew that
After many failed relationships, the ginger realised that he'd much prefer to be in a relationship with you than any other girl in your year
After all, he had broken down once when you canceled plans to go on a date with your bf - like he cried and all, that must of been his first sign that he wasn't as straight as he thought
And after his glow-up in Y13 (not that he needed one, my god), you fell for him too - HARD
Kit is the most jealous type of man ever
And you fucking love it
Usually it's really little things, like his hand tightening around yours when an attractive guy is talking to you
Or holding you closer when an ex tries to talk to you
He isn't toxic about it at all
When kit gets jealous he talks to you about it - it's so attractive
However, the last time he got jealous was intense
The two of you were out, not specifically on a date, but just enjoying each other's company
The calm and enjoyable atmosphere was interrupted by your most infamous ex
Kit hated him and his guts
That cunt ruined you, and no matter how much Kit loved to comfort you, this dickhead went overboard
And he had the guts to keep in touch with you!?
As you and your ex chatted, he started to obviously flirt with you
You laughed his remarks of as Kit pulled you closer to him
After a while, Kit had, had enough of him
"Hate to interrupt but can't you see we're on a date here, mate?"
Fuck you loved it when Kit went full on Britt
He rarely did that, but it made your face darken slightly with a blush
"Alright mate no need to be dick, bye (y/n), ill see ya round"
You say nothing, just roll your head towards Kit and look up at him with a cheeky smile
"What?!" He asks defensively
"Nothing... jealousy just looks good on you" you tease tour ginger boyfriend
"Oh shut up" he chuckles, his muscular arm around your waist tightly as he leans his head into your neck
It's crazy how such an attractive man gets so jealous for you, but you love it
The built ginger gets possessive obviously, however that's more in the bedroom than in daily life
He always prefers secluded areas for dates, fields or the comfort of your own home
Mainly because of his new found fame, but the man also likes to keep you to himself
Kit also tries to impress you so much, the ginger feels the need to be the centre of your attention at all times
He'll lift you up to show off his strength, subtly show off his muscles or mention his paycheck for last month
You play into his little games and act all wooed and impressed, and he lives off of it.
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totheblood · 1 year
i keep thinking about infatuated ellie.. like LOVESTRUCK, nervous, giddy ellie, and ik you’ll do her so much justice
a/n: ik this is from weeks ago but i'm writing some headcanons and would appreciate if u guys could send some more! i also need to note the ai audio i made of joel was inspired by my talented friend saz who had the idea to make a joel ai and have him and ellie interact, her fics are amazing and i believe she will be making her own ellie fic w a joel audio so pls folllow her and read her work! her @ is @dyk3ification also i wrote this in whole foods before my class so if it sucks... thats why.. ai audios at the end! also pls interact w me and my work it makes me so happy ily bye!
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lovestruck!ellie headcanons
ellie is 100%, certifiably, and downright a hardcore lover to her core
when she’s crushing on you she is the type to take anything you do as a sign that you like her back
she’d be like “no, dina, but when she held the door she looked back at me and smiled… who does that?”
“polite people?”
or if you’re sitting next to her in class and she drops her pen, the minute you reach down to pick it up for her she’s imagining your future together
she would just secretly pine after you for as long as she can, way too nervous to work up the courage to ask you out
she’s the type to journal about you, draw you, think that it was weird, and rip it out of her journal
but she’s too sentimental to throw it away so she’d just tuck it into a box in the back of her closet
she’s so observant about the things you do
just by sitting next to you, she knows your favorite movie, your favorite place to eat, and your favorite flowers
(she writes all of this down in case she one day works up the courage to ask you out)
when you do finally start talking she would go out of her way to go to the things you invite her too
for example, you invited her to a GSA mixer (something she wouldn’t attend on her own) at a time when she was working
she called out sick just to attend and talk to you for a total of fifteen minutes
it’s totally worth it to her cause you hugged her twice (she counted)
she does insanely stupid shit like going out of her way to get you your favorite coffee from this very specific place half an hour from campus.
“oh, ellie you didn’t have to do this. thank you so much! let me pay you back.” you’re reaching into your bag looking for your wallet
“oh, it’s no big deal i was in the area,” she was nowhere close to the area. “and it didn’t cost that much,” it was an 8-dollar cup of coffee. “maybe we could go together sometime?”
ellie doesn’t even realize she’s asked you out by the time you’re agreeing with a huge smile plastered on your face
the date goes well, so you ask her on another and another… and another
before she knows it you’re her girlfriend and she can’t shut up about it
she’ll try to manipulate conversations just so she can say the phrase “my girlfriend”
she’s at the movies with jesse and dina and with every preview of a horror movie shes like, “oh, i think my girlfriend would love this movie.”
the barista at the coffee shop makes her latte too sweet and she’s all like, “i wish my girlfriend was here so i could give her this.”
she’s also the type to call you and find out where you are just so she could deliver you her very sweet latte that she knows you would enjoy
she’s also the type to brag about any accomplishments of yours to everyone
“oh yea, my girlfriend won some academic award. she’s such a genius.”
she’s the type to whenever you’re together she would just be staring at you and you’re like, “what?”
“nothing… you’re just so pretty. i’m so lucky.”
there’s not a day that goes by that she doesn’t make you feel like you put the moon and the stars in the sky
all of her weekly calls with joel have become her ranting about how much she loves you
“ellie, all you do is talk about this girl. when am i going to get the chance to meet her?”
“soon, i hope. i think you will really like her. she’s fuckin perfect, joel, i swear.”
“so i’ve heard.”
ai audios:
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
For the 500 follower even could i request arkham visit drabble with arkhamverse riddler?
A/N: can do anon! For context this visit takes place during Assault on Arkham, or more importantly before Task Force X comes into play. I know some don't quite consider the film to be canon despite it taking place in that same universe but I enjoy this riddler too much and wanted to squeeze him in here while it was open ended arkhamverse riddler lmao. I hope y'all don't mind.
Word Count: 555
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Arkhaverse Riddler - Arkham Visit
You never understood how anyone could make heads or tails of these endless white halls. You tried to follow along the directional signs.
You also tried to ignore all the jeers, screams, cries, and everything in between that reverberated throughout the corridors. Even if some of the noise was muffled by doors, whoever said the cells were sound proof were full of shit. 
Finally you got to the Intensive Care Unit, you unfortunately were able to recognize a couple of faces…
"Ooohhh well if it isn't Eddie's little play thing…" Joker snickered. 
You turned away to not give into the Joker's banter. You see Jonathan…he gives a nod. At least he acknowledged you this time. 
"Ah, you made it here two and a half minutes faster than usual….eh could be faster." 
If you didn't regret coming here before you definitely did now. 
"Or I could not have come at all!" 
"Oh, like you have anything better to do than to see the smartest man you know." 
"I could be asleep." You pointed out.
The silence was then filled with loud boisterous laughter from Joker.
“Just as I thought, wasting your time. When you could be doing something more productive!” 
“Oh, right.” You pulled out the book you had tucked in your arm. A book Edward specifically requested you obtain for him, along with other specific instructions. “Like getting you this book of riddles?” 
Edward’s head picked up as he hopped off his cot and towards the bars. 
“Precisely! Perhaps there’s hope for you yet!” 
“May I remind you, I’m the one that gave you a place to stay? After the Christmas Eve fiasco?” 
Edward rolled his eyes. “Details, details. You had an obligation to provide me safety as your mentor.” 
“Mentor?! We’re partners, Ed! Partners…equals.” You corrected, as you held the book inches from his hand. Like a carrot on a stick. 
“Fine! Fine! Partners! Slip of the tongue. Hand me the book!” 
You barely brought it closer and Edward snatched it out of your hands. 
“You’re lucky I just wanna leave here, pronto.” 
Edward ignored your as he continued to peruse the book. He grinned when he saw an item of particular interest. 
“Is it all on there? Everything in working order?” 
“No, not at all. I completely tricked you, I wasted all of our time.” You said laced with sarcasm. 
“Sarcasm will get you no where.” 
“I don’t know, it’s gotten me pretty far. Only thing keeping me sane.” 
‘Regardless,” Edward closed the book. “Everything is in place and going according to plan. No doubt, after all…it is my plan.”
You’re fairly certain and this rate your eyes are going to roll out of your head. 
“Yay, perfect. Amazing. Can I leave?” You asked. 
“Yes, yes, you’re dismissed. Thank you, dearest. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to you soon.” 
Your eyes widened. Did he just say something…kind of sweet? “I…uh…you’re welcome?” 
Edward waved his hand as he went back to lounge on his cot. “Pleast try not to get more dumb while I’m not there to keep your brain stimulated.” 
And moment is gone. 
“All right, sure thing. Bye Ed.” 
You left when all you got was another wave. You slowly made your way back out of the facility. His words of gratitude and the term of endearment echo in your head.
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You’ve gotta give us the details on Krissy Davis! What makes her top five for you?
Hi Babs!! I’m actually so glad you asked…
This is going to be a long post, I’ll break it up with some gifs! I was wondering if anybody would ask about her specifically because I don’t see a lot of talk around Krissy’s character like…anywhere? In fact, upon attempting to sort works on Ao3 with the ‘Krissy Davis’ tag reveals 0 results! To be honest, I never gave this character much thought until recently. I always sort of liked her, but we see her once then never again! First of all, in case anybody forgot what Krissy looks like, here she is!
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Our first and only introduction to her is in Bye Bye Boo Boo; she is the president of the Boys4Now fanclub Tina is a part of. The things we know about Krissy are…not a lot, admittedly, so of course the fact that I’m drawn to her is really a mystery to me too!
I think the biggest thing for me is that there’s so much possibility with this character! Krissy is framed as someone who isn’t exactly Tina’s friend, but clearly she gets along well with her enough to be a member of this fanclub. For as popular as this band seems to be in-universe, it’s honestly a pretty small club, which tells me she probably isn’t a popular girl, at least not to the same degree as Tammy and Jocelyn seem to be. In fact, we don’t even know if she goes to Wagstaff! I assume she does, as Tina does mention something about Krissy calling an emergency meeting “after school” and Tina doesn’t have a cell phone so…how else would she have known if she wasn’t just…told at school?
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I think what drew me to her was that she’s sort of framed as the antagonist of the episode she appears in, but it’s very clear that she’s not a bad person or even a mean girl in general. Even Tina sort of makes up with her in the end!
Krissy’s relationship with her dad seems like something interesting to explore because the way he acts, it is very obvious to me that she’s an only child. He tries so hard to relate to her and her mother seems…supportive but annoyed (mostly at her father?) her father very obviously would do anything for her — but also the whole signing up everybody at his company seemed more for himself than for his daughter. It’s interesting because it feels like she acts like a spoiled child but also…in a lot of ways, she acts sort of like a child whose…missing something. Maybe I’m just projecting, but she’s so open to interpretation, you know?
She’s also very emotional too, which she clearly gets from her dad, as they’re both seen crying over this boy band break up. It seems to me that Krissy feels her emotions very deeply and gets very attached to the things she enjoys. The end of this episode always sort of tugs at my heart strings too, even though it’s so short lived and it’s not as fulfilling as I’d like. When she’s so upset - and I wish I had a gif of this - and says “I hate him! Everybody hates him!” It’s just…I don’t know, I just feel like I wanna give her a hug. I feel like it was something we as viewers were supposed to examine through the lens of “bratty kid throwing a tantrum” but it very much does not feel that way to me.
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I’d love to see her in more episodes, but if I’m being completely honest, she’s going to start making appearances in my fics!
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tsum00 · 2 years
tattooartist!geto x bookstoreowner!reader pt.2
a/n: i finally did wrote it lmao. the other day i read part one again and kinda cringed, but alas, we move. hope y'all enjoy!!
warnings: none! just fluffiness(for now... ;) )
wc: 767
pt. 1 here
you were fucking tired. the night before you had barely gotten any sleep thanks to him. that damned tattoo shop owner, geto suguru.
hoping to banish your drowsiness, you tried making a cup of coffee, but realized you were out. amazing, you grimaced. but there was no time to gripe, there was work to be done. you got ready and headed down to your bookstore.
flipping the sign over to "open", you began your duties. dusting the shelves, unpacking new book shipments, and helping the wandering shopper here and there.
but exhaustion caught up and you could barely keep your eyes open. that and you were hungry. glancing at the clock, you decided it was time to take your lunch break. the café down the street would do, the drinks and sandwiches were pretty good.
the interior was filled with green. light green paint on the walls and dozens of plants filled the space, it was nice here. you stood in line, scrolling on your phone until you heard a familiar voice behind you.
"y/n? is that you?" the voice questioned.
you jumped a little and felt your body heat up as you turned around.
he was dressed casually, donning an oversized dark blue t-shirt, black zip up hoodie, and black joggers. his hair was up in a bun. how does he look amazing each time you see him?
"geto? h-hi! what are you doing here?" you managed to force out. god, you were gonna stay up late thinking about that.
"i was just getting coffee for my workers, do you want anything?" he asked, smiling.
"what? no no, it's fine. thank you, though! that's very sweet," you said.
"i insist. what would you like?" he persisted.
ok damn, he's not letting up, you thought. might as well take advantage?
walking up to the cashier, you recognized the pink haired employee.
"hey yuuji," you and geto said. pausing, you looked at each other. you know him?, you expressions seemed to say.
"yuuji and i were classmates in college, he helped me through sports medicine class," you explained.
"he came to my shop to get his first tattoo," geto explained.
"yeah!" yuuji chimed in. rolling up his sleeve, he flashed an impressive tiger tattoo. "i met this guy megumi, he's really good at animal tattoos. i love mine! i'm thinking about getting another," he beamed. "so what would you like?"
you ordered a prosciutto caprese sandwich and an iced matcha latte. geto read a list of drinks off his phone and swiped his card without a care.
waving bye to yuuji, the two of you left the café. happily sipping your drink, you thanked geto profusely.
"next one is on me, promise," you insist, giving him a serious look.
"oh? a next time? didn't know you were planning a next time, y/n," he smirked at you.
"i- yes," you sighed. "i liked spending time with you, is that a crime?" you challenged.
this had taken geto aback, his eyes grew wide and he stopped sipping his drink. a faint blush painted his cheeks.
regaining his composure, he smiled charmingly and said "well i'm happy to hear that, so do i".
with a quickness! you gasped in your head. that wasn't something you expected to come out of either of your mouths.
the two of you kept walking in a bit of awkward silence until geto cleared his throat.
"would you like to meet my coworkers? i'd give you a tour of my place, since i've been in yours already," he suggested.
i wish he was actually at my place, specifically on the bed in my drawers, you thought, shaking the sudden thought away.
"sure! sounds fun," you agreed.
he led you down the block and crossed the street to his shop.
walking in, you took in your surroundings. the interior was clean, white with black accents throughout. on the walls were beautifully taken pictures of freshly done and healed tattoos.
geto walked further into the shop and announced that he brought coffee for everyone. cheers rang out throughout the shop as everyone grabbed their drinks. you hadn't followed him immediately, staying in the lobby to stare at the pictures some more. when you went to the back, everyone stopped talking amongst themselves and kind of stared at you.
a guy with white hair and bright blue eyes slumped over in a tattoo chair perked up.
"yo suguru, who the fuck is she? your girlfriend??" he asked eyes glowing with curiosity and mischief.
a chorus of "ooooh"'s and "aaaah"'s filled the space.
what the fuck had you gotten yourself into?
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chromotps · 5 months
h-hey so. I saw your tweet? from such a long time ago (eh no I think it was october) that was about cora/law and something something basically law being soooo much into cora and sick of waiting in general (can I also mention here. the 1975 - fallingforyou and especially the /you said some day we might, when i’m closer to your height/ line) so uhhhhh what about. a cora lives AU when they reunite once law becomes a warlord (also don’t tell me the 100 hearts weren’t meant for cora) and cora has been somehow found and brought back to life by the marines??? but kept hidden from public information for as long as doflamingo was running loose and rampant. but after dressrosa it’s no longer important and anyway they meet again and it’s all. reserved and polite and cora is just happy to see law all grown up and how much influence and power he has etc etc meanwhile law. keeps inviting him to the most high-end/expensive restaurants. buys him the most expensive wine. gets him heart-themed jewelry. the finest silk shirts/scarves. some rare types of tobacco. basically like a reverse sugar daddy thing except it’s law who absolutely spoils cora except cora doesn’t really have any idea what to do with it? bc law just says it’s bc cora took care of him all these years ago and now law wants to reciprocate. except he’s. way too invested in this/there’s something else in his eyes when he looks at cora, instead of just gratitude. IDK IM JUST. they’re such a weird ship to me bc i can’t stomach it at all in any other form than Cora lives AU and they meet as adults + the age diff/dynamic remains kinds the same (master/protegee? sorta) + law is just so fucking into him it’s unreal. bc hes spent so much time thinking about Cora? growing up? much longer than he had actually known him. so he kind of became something mystical in his mind, so when he finally meets him in flesh again? law can’t really deal with whatever he’s feeling toward him except it’s a whole fucking lot. again idk even what I wanted to say through this it’s just back to that tweet - yes I also think it’s a shame there isn’t more coralaw where law is the one leading the relationship/courting cora (or. domming him. like you said) and generally being lowkey obsessed about him. thanks lmfao and bye
HJGSFGSDjgdfshj first off this ask made my day... is there anything like the internet to bring together two fans of a very niche and specific dynamic ANYWAY
GOSH I do love the idea of Law spoiling Cora, especially bc like, from what we saw Cora went from a life of luxury in his youth, to one of struggle and then eventually medium-ish comfort, and was happy to throw it all away again for Law when they went on the run. So it's like, now Law can give that all back to Cora easily and I'd even sort of read it a bit as Law subconsciously trying to show how he's not just some little kid anymore so let him sleep with you Corazon, look, you think a guy who gives you this many silk shirts doesn't know how to show you a good time
Cora getting a little overwhelmed when the gifts and meals start being sprinkled with signs of courting... like, a brush of a hand or Law bringing them somewhere secluded on a walk and carefully getting into Cora's space. Asking Cora to be his +1 to big fancy dinners and escorting him around with a hand on his back ahahaHA
Cora can't deny that Law is just like, a dream guy, but he's gonna need a little extra push to let go of that sense of propriety saying that "they really shouldn't do this"
I tried responding to some other parts of the ask but it got really long and sort of turned into me just rambling about lawcora, so... i separated it all from here 😂
GOSH the 100 hearts being for Cora... another hopelessly romantic tribute from Law, the most Extra Adult-ass Emo walking around. It's exactly like you said, that's one of my favorite things about Law around Cora--the depth of his emotion... we know Law had this deep capacity for hatred when they first met—he was just this well of resentment and anger, even as a kid. But after seeing just how far Cora would go for him, that intensity got completely redirected into love (or "low-key obsession" haha—the naming his pirate crew after Cora and modeling his coat and tattoos after him). It's especially wild considering how "reserved" Law is around others, I guess? Like, he wants everyone around him to Stop Being So Ridiculous, but I feel like with Cora he would just want more and more, to draw out bigger and bigger reactions from him and encourage Cora to screw convention and run off with him. bc in his head they're all that really matter...? he's an all-or-nothing kind of guy!! I guess
And yeeeeah on Cora's side, it's definitely a difficult ship to pin down. I'm kind of like you, really picky about how I'd want it to play out... Part of me doesn't want Cora to be completely oblivious, and I don't love when people strip out how much of a badass/tough/discerning guy he is (though I do love the klutzy, naive-ish side of him). I don't know......... I think I like how I laid it out in the tweet, where Law has always sort of harbored feelings for Cora in the form of puppy love that transformed into an all-consuming fixation. Then it's just a matter of Cora finding out about it, denying those feelings (but the reason changes from "I couldn't see Law that way!!" to "he couldn't really feel that way about me/he could find someone more 'his equal' (in age? status? what excuses are you making Cora??)" over time. And at that point, when Law knows Cora wants him just as bad but is holding back from it, he just snaps. 😂
If they really did have just one long separation, and then a sudden reunion, I like the idea of Law re-learning who Cora really is... Like, he has faded memories of Cora's bravery and goofiness and weird little habits, but he wasn't prepared to meet him again and only end up liking him MORE. He learns about what Cora went through as a kid/in Doffy's shadow, and seeing how he still stayed so kind and brave just makes Law wilder than ever about him lmao!!
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pigeonwit · 9 months
hihihi can I request pov for the ask game pls
im. so sorry for being so late on this one my dude. but manhattan wv snippet!! any takers!!
“Right.” David sighs and claps his hands together, trying to force himself out of his eager researching mindset – God, he can’t believe he has to waste time helping a fucking tourist. The whole reason he even lives here is so that he doesn’t have to do that.
The wind tugs at his hair, whistles like a chastising parent in his ears. David rolls his eyes. Fine. Fine. He can spare two minutes to help one lost idiot. One. Even if it is going to mess up his flow and his process and he just hit his research stride and two minutes is actually quite a valuable amount of time-
The wind leaves a scolding chill down his spine. David’s about to turn his head to the sky and scold it, when he realizes the fucking tourist is still watching him, a stiff look of poorly hidden apprehension on his face as he no doubt debates the idea turning and running back to town with himself. Something crude and mortifying and painfully familiar curdles in David’s stomach – he grits his teeth. Right. Time to go, please and thank you.
“O-kay,” David huffs. He plants his hands on the dreadfully normal man’s shoulders and turns him in a perfect one-eighty. “You’re going to follow those train tracks, alright? And you’re going to go right back the way you came. See? Easy. Buh-bye, now.”
He slaps the man’s shoulder once, the way you might slap a horse’s flank, and turns back to mangled tracks.
“That’s your solution?” The man scoffs – David has to bite his tongue to force himself not to snap at him to kindly get on with it, already! “I just – walk back to New York?”
“Yup,” David says curtly, popping the ‘p’. “Just click your shoes, think of Kansas, and you’ll be back home thinking this was all a weird dream.”
The man shuffles, looking towards the horizon of the tracks and back to where David’s kneeling in the mud.
“I’m not from Kansas-?”
“Oh my God, can you just leave?!” David snaps – he might be able to just barely grit his teeth through a social interaction, but he refuses to speak to a Judy Garland philistine. It’s the principle of the matter.
There’s what feels like fifteen minutes of shuffling from Unnamed Tourist, as he will henceforth be referred to in David’s research notes (truthfully, it was probably only five minutes, but again – the principle), before he finally mutters a curt, “Nice meeting you, too,” and wanders along his merry way. David forces himself to keep his eye on the wrecked and rusted tracks, to note any signs of life or struggling – there are no scratches in the steel, no visible bite marks or tears… It truly only looks as if this specific section of track had simply aged a hundred years without telling anyone, all in one afternoon.
He makes some notes in his journal, scrapes some rust into a sample tube to take home with him. He makes sure to murmur a little apology as he does so, like a vet with a fussing cat – I’m trying to help you, I promise. It’s a small thought, but it cracks a smile out of him anyways. He's about to grab his soil sampler when the wind tousles his hair, and David leans into it, letting it tug at the strands – but then it tugs harder, pushes his head towards the left with a childish insistence. He frowns, but obeys, just about to ask what’s wrong, when he lifts his gaze to the figure in front of him.
“What," says the tourist - the tourist who is now standing in front of him, not behind. "The fuck?”
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mrsnancywheeler · 26 days
Hi hi hi ok ok so like, ive been obsessed eoth Phoebe Bridgers recently while writing my own song and stuff since i get to write a report on like a bunch of different artists for college and im including her in it.
But what i cane to say is that Billy and muse FULLY remind me of Moon Song.
More specifically the lines
"You couldn't have. You Couldn't have. Stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody. Who loves you more. So i'll wait for the next time you want me. Like a dog with a bird in its mouth"
Like i dont know of it makes sense?? But like it just reminds me of them because of the fact that like this part of the song is practically talking about the denial of the idea of someone wanting another. Like, the relationship is unsteady and theres always that chance that someone else will come along (in this case other groupies) who would take away that attention or love or what ever it is. And then the dog analogy too?? Because the verse ends with a 'mm' to replicate the sound of a dogs whimper and begging to just get loved by another. Like the dog is a sign of trying to stay loyal, trying to stay devoted even going as far as bringing back a token to win what was had before back into their life (the bird).
"But now I am dreaming. And your singing at my birthday. And ive never seen you smile so big"
Like she's litterally trying to imagine things where better than they are. But in relation to Billy and muse, i fully interpret this line as muse's naivety at the very VERY beginning of it all and before that cycle starts back up. Like she's imagining things will be okay, things will work out and that it was 'just this once' or something like that.
But then theres also the line:
"But you're holding me like water in your hands"
Basically aluding to the fact that every time Bully has betrayed muses trust, it causes that break to happen and for her to fall apart all over again, just like water would when someone tries to hold it, it falls through the cracks and pours out of the palms.
Im probably like thinking wayyy too much into this but like I just wanted to share my thoughts haha. Also love your writing, like i cant express how many nights ive soent just re reading and re reading because my god it is so good. Anyways bye byeee
YES THIS IS SO REAL (again I'm humbly asking for forgiveness for taking so long 🥺)
muse knows very quickly that there will always be other girls, groupies, that he'll use to make him feel like he's not tied down, that he hasn't shared his feelings with someone, his love. and she's desperate for him not too, to put it behind her when he shows any morsel of wanting him. and whenever things have been good and she can slowly see him falling into old habits after saying something he feels is to revealing, too commiting, she's desperate for him not too. she gets clingier, tries to praise him more, offer him more sexual favors, anything to try and stop him. but one, her trying so hard shows she cares which reminds billy why he loves her and he doesn't want to think about that, two she's not letting him detach easily which makes it an annoyance, and three it's easier to snap than to admit wrongdoing. muse really does remind me of a puppy dog, coming around with big puppy dog eyes, snuggling up begging to be pet, whimpering for attention, any bone thrown she'll fetch and bring back.
muse totally convinces herself the first few times that it was just once, well a couple missteps, but it'll be alright. there's a whole future of good things, right? and he feeds enough into the illusion that the picture is almost complete before he starts to tear the photo up.
yes, yes, yes, eventually the water will slip through every crack possible, leaving only droplets also searching for escape, it might not happen quickly, but he provides the cracks and even if she's desperate to stay, each meltdown brings her closer to emptying his hands.
i love it when y'all think into it, it's so beautiful to have a community to overanalyze things with the silly little characters I've created in these universes, and I love it 💋 thank you so much for sharing, and that's literally the highest compliment. stuff like that keeps me writing because I'm so glad you can find enjoyment in it and re read and re read, I'm glad to share my thoughts and for them not to just be mine. bye!! ❤️
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
not me waiting until the last minute to send something in because my brain is void of imagination 😭
🌽 this line from love, rosie (gets me every time…. have u watched this movie? u SHOULD) + steeb ! <//3
Because I've realized that no matter where you are or what you're doing, or who you're with, I will always honestly, truly, completely love you.
bee this is my last celebration ask bc i saved yours till the end <3 i love this movie, it ruined my life. i had a really specific thought for this -- it's a voicemail steve leaves <3 i hope u like it!! __ The light on the new answering machine your mom bought you is blinking when you get home from the party, illuminating the dark of your tiny kitchen. You rub your temples and sigh. Did all of that really happen? Did the guy you were seeing take you to a party with all of his friends and then break it off with you in front of them?
"Shit," you say out loud to the empty room. It's so absurd that a giggle bubbles out of you and suddenly you're bent in half with the force of your laughs. Until they start to turn to sobs, and you're gasping for breath and clutching your side. It's not that you're heartbroken, not really -- you're just alone again. And you wonder what you did wrong.
The light continues to pulse dully and you calm yourself down but need to fill the silence so you hit play.
"Hey, uh...it's Steve." You clap a hand over your mouth. Steve, your former best friend and first kiss and first everything. Steve, who has been distant ever since you moved back to town after college. Steve, who you've loved as long as you've known him. This is the first time you've heard his voice in months. You miss him so much it's like a knife to the chest.
"I'm really sorry for taking this long to call. There's no excuse, really, but I want to point out that you didn't call either. But you have a good reason! Or so I've heard. Kyle? Chris? Sorry, I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but I don't know his name. I guess that makes me an asshole anyway. Well, nothing new there."
You've thought about it hundreds of times -- what you'd do if Steve came back into your life. If you'd drop everything for him. And while it's probably unhealthy and for sure unreasonable, you know that you would. The memory of him, of his lips and his hands and his smell and his warmth has been in the back of your mind for years.
"Okay, I don't know how long these things let you talk, so I gotta wrap this up. Here's the deal: I'm pretty sure you have a boyfriend. And that's great, and I hope you are happy. But I want to get back in your life, if you'll have me. However you'll have me if it's not too late. Because I've realized that no matter where you are or what you're doing, or who you're with, I will always honestly, truly, completely love you. So, yeah. Call me, if you want. Bye."
You barely hear his sign-off, his confession ringing in your ears. The ache in your chest that you've been feeling for almost a decade pulses keenly and you wonder if your ribcage is just going to splay open right here on the counter. It's too much for one person to feel.
"Tomorrow," you whisper. "I'll call you tomorrow, Steve."
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miaisagirllover · 9 months
starcourt mall
chap 2 of my fic “it almost worked” you can read the first chapter on tumblr or ao3
When Will woke up, everything seemed normal. He just ate breakfast, made some progress on a summer project and drew some sketches of his room. He also called Max to apologise for shouting at her a few days ago. She accepted it and they had a nice chat for a few minutes. But then at dinner, his mom wanted to talk to him. Will knew the signs, she was a bit more quiet and was staring at him from across the table. After a few minutes, she finally asked him something.
“Will, can I talk to you for a bit?” Joyce asked.
“Sure, Mom.” Will replied wearily, knowing what it might be about.
“I’ve just noticed that you’ve been acting a bit odd after, y’know, last October. And I just want to let you know that you can talk to me about anything on your mind,” She paused for a bit “But try leave the boy issues with Jonathan.” she added humorously.
Will seriously contemplated telling her about how the exorcism failed. This was just too big to hide, and what about the long-term? What if he hurt his mom,brother or friends? He was about to say it, but then that voice again spoke up. *No*, it demanded, *don’t tell her*. Will took a moment to think.
“Do you mind if I go to my room quickly? I’ll be quick.” he said hastily.
“Will, honey, what’s wrong?” Joyce enquired
“Mom! I’m fine, can I just go for a bit?” Will shouted.
Joyce was taken aback. Usually Will was quite sweet and quiet, so what had happened for this major personality change?
“Alright,” Joyce replied “But please don’t shout at me like that again.”
“Sorry, Mom.” Will sounded much more meek than before.
As soon as he left and went into his room, he started shaking. He didn’t know whether it was because he had just shouted at his own mother or because he was cold. Maybe it was both, Will didn’t even know himself anymore.
He’d never had an attitude like that, especially to his own mother for fucks sake, except now he did have one with because Will didn’t even have full control over his body and it had the potential to ruin all his friendships. But for some reason, he couldn’t tell anyone what was going on. Every time he tried, some instinct in his head just stopped him. Maybe it was some selfish self-protection. After a few minutes, Will decided to leave the bathroom and just try to convince his mother that he was all fine.
“So, are you sure you’re ok now?” Joyce asked.
“Yea, do you mind if I go to Starcourt?” Will requested.
“Sure, just remember curfew at-“
“9:45, I know,” Will interrupted “Bye, Mom.”
Will then left the house to go get his bike and ride it to the mall. He wanted to get there early to talk to Mike. Outings like these were some of the only times he got to talk to him because most of this summer, Mike was making with El and too “busy” to hang out. Will never understood how someone could be busy with just kissing. It should take just 2 seconds for a smooch and 10 seconds (and that is the pure maximum) for a makeout. How do guys do that with girls for hours on end?? Everyone that Will knew was in a relationship. His brother was dating Nancy, Lucas was with Max now, and Mike couldn’t keep his lips away from El. Maybe even Dustin had met a girl at science camp.
After 15 minutes of biking, Will finally reached Starcourt. Since it was the evening, the mall was lit up with its name in bright neon lights. Next to the bike racks, Lucas and Max were talking with eachother. Mike wasn’t there.
“Hey guys!” Will greeted
“Oh hey, Will, do you know where that dumbass is?” Max asked
“I didn’t see Mike, probably busy kissing El.” He answered, laughing a bit. He’d only known Max for 10 months, but they’d got on really well. And if there was one thing anyone should know about Max Mayfield, it was that she and Mike didn’t get on well. Will didn’t know the specifics of their rivalry, as he was in the hospital for most of it, but he knew the general idea; Mike didn’t want her in the party but Max wanted to join.
A car then pulled into the parking lot and 2 people came out. It was Mike and his sister, Nancy.
“Mike?” Lucas sounded extremely confused “Why the fuck is your sister here?”
“Our parents thought that he was spending too much time at Hopper’s cabin with El, so they asked me to take him.” Nancy replied “Plus, I need to do something here at the mall so it’s convenient for the both of us.”
“You just wanna talk to Steve and try get with him again!” Mike sneered
“Mike!” Nancy snapped “You know I’m dating Jonathan. You’re just mad that I’m preventing you from taking an hour detour to make out-“.
“Can we just go to the movie please? We’ll be late.” Mike firmly interrupted.
“Alright then, you guys can leave and I’ll follow on after.” Nancy said before whispering, “Jackass”
Will honestly thought Nancy had a point about Mike. He had barely been able to call on the phone or radio him on the walkie-talkie. At least Lucas and Max would be talking to each other, giving him and Mike some space to talk a bit.
It only took a minute for them to get to Scoops Ahoy so that they could use a secret corridor to get to the movies (granted, they were running through the crowds of mall-goers). Once they got to Scoops, they were dryly greeted by Robin, Steve’s coworker.
“Hey dingus, your children are here.” She drawled “Hey, Mike, where’s your sister?”
“Why do you need to know?” He replied
Just about as Robin was going to answer, Steve opened the door, letting them through the corridor.
“If anyone hears about this, you’re all-“
“Dead, we know” The party retorted
The kids honestly weren’t too discreet with going into the cinema. Anyone could’ve followed them and found out where they entered from, but that didn’t matter. Lucas was borderline running through the people in the seats.
Perfect, Will thought. Lucas and Max were a row above him and Mike. Maybe he could talk to him during the ads or after the film. His attention was diverted by the room going dark and the movie starting. But after a few minutes, the screen paused before going dark. Everyone in the cinema, including Will, started shouting in disappointment. But then a feeling suddenly came over him. It was coming from his neck, but it quickly spread all over his whole body. It felt like spiders were crawling on him, like he was drowning and burnt all at once. Will immediately started to get worried. The only time he had felt like this was on the field. It was the worst feeling he had ever had. But someone noticed Will’s zoned-out expression.
“Will, are you ok?” Mike asked.
“Yea, I’m fine.” Will said, but then suddenly he felt like he needed to leave now. He got out of his seat and ran out of the cinema. As he was leaving, he was shouting at people to move. Usually, he would always say “sorry” and “excuse me”, but he couldn’t bother with all of the pleasantries right now. Where would he go now? Considering that he was starting to feel like vomiting, Will decided to go to the bathroom.
Great, it was empty. He rushed into a stall and knelt at a toilet. It took only a few minutes before he started throwing up more than he ever had in his life. Then the lights started to flicker, and he knew what that meant. Will hid in the corner of the stall, until it stopped. But when it did, someone started speaking, to him. The voice wasn’t familiar, nor was it human, but it seemed to know him.
Give in, Will, you know you should, what else do you have to lose? Your life has been a train wreck, but I could help. And every part of Will’s body was saying no, that he should resist. What did this thing know about his life? But that instinct, the same one that prevented him from telling anyone the truth, it was saying something different. Will decided to exit the stall and see what this thing was, but when he did, no one was there. It was just him. But just before he was going to open the door, an excruciating pain shot through his body. The last thing he remembered before passing out was being balled up on the floor from pain, and 2 people running in.
“Will! Are you ok?” “What happened?” “Are you hurt?” “Should we take him home?”
Will opened his eyes, with the aftertaste of vomit still lingering in his mouth. The first thing he saw was that he was still in the bathroom, just not alone anymore. He saw 2 blurry figures, one with raven black hair and the other with flaming ginger hair. They were Mike and Max.
“What happened?” Will groggily asked his friends. All he remembered was pain, passing out and waking up.
“We wanted to check on you ‘cause you gone for so long and we looked here and saw you convulsing. You were saying something about ‘not this time’ and ‘give in’ but maybe you were just out of it.” Mike tried to keep his voice stable, but he clearly wasn’t hiding it well. He was as pale as a ghost, and was shaking even when holding Will’s hand.
“Where’s Lucas?” Will enquired. He wasn’t anywhere in his field for vision.
“We sent him to get Steve and Robin,” Max replied “And don’t even try say that you’re okay, you were muttering weird shit and having a fucking seizure.”
Just as she said that, Robin came through the door, with Lucas swiftly behind her
“Steve left early today, something about a chick and a date, so it’s just me. How are you feeling? Do you need me to get,like, an ambulance or anything? Because your friend said you had a seizure and those can be very serious.” Robin very quickly said. Will couldn’t take half of what she said in because of the speed of her talking.
“Guys, I swear I’m fine. Can I just go home a bit early, I’m tired.” Will lied unconvincingly
“Sure you can go home, but I’m coming with you.” Mike said firmly. Will decided that was fine. As long as Mike didn’t tell his mom, everything would be fine. Everyone filed out of the mall, except Robin, who needed to finish her shift. Max and Lucas grabbed their bikes and left first, giving Mike and Will some space to talk.
“So, are you sure you’re ok?” Mike asked as they rode their bikes “Because whatever happened in the bathroom looked a lot like what happened near those tunnels last year.” Will immediately felt a sense of worry go through his body.
He’ll find out, lie to him, that voice suggested. It was louder and more present now. Will hadn’t… No he couldn’t have.
“Mike, I get that you’re concerned, but i’m fine now.” Will answered “Remember, I had the Mind Flayer steamed out of me, and El closed the gate, so everything’s fine.”
“Will, you’re hiding something from me, I can tell. You can tell me anything, we’ve been friends since kindergart-“
“Yea, well sometimes it doesn’t feel like that, does it, Mike?” Will muttered.
“Huh? What did you say?” Mike asked.
“Nothing, anyways we’re at my house, bye Mike.” Will replied, before hopping off of his bike and going into his home.
“Hey, you’re back early, are you ok?” Joyce asked.
“Yea, I’m fine, I just wanna sleep. Long night.” Will replied. He kicked off his shoes before rushing into his room. He decided to look through his drawings to try calm himself down. Drawings of the party as their DnD characters, campaign ideas, sketches of Mike. Will went onto his bed to just think. Why did he start shaking on the floor, saying some weird shit? Max said that he was saying “give up” and “let me in”. He didn’t let it in, did he?
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louiloeve · 1 year
Whether By Fate or Necessity - part 2
Here's chapter 2 of my Baldur-fic already, because I can't wait, apparently :D
Self-indulgent tagging: @satanoceanic @user1286 @baldur-my-beloved @casual-espeon @mossmanismoss
CHAPTER 2 - BAD SIGN He knew something was off, because of the way she had begun looking at him.
At first, Baldur thought whether his mother, Freya, was afraid of him, because her eyes widened with fear every time that she looked at him, and because she often seemed occupied by her own thoughts when they spoke, trailing off or asking him to repeat himself, all the while she continuing to steal glances at him, at the windows, the doors, all exits or entry-ways. Once, she even jumped when someone entered the room unexpectedly; afterwards Baldur felt a little sorry for the person she had then snapped venomously at. But of course, Baldur knew that couldn’t really be the case; why would his own mother be afraid of him?
Maybe she wasn’t actually afraid of him, but afraid for him, but he couldn’t possibly fathom why.
The nervous looks started after Baldur had visited her recently. He was sitting down as his mother stood behind him, pulling out the metal beads from his hair and undoing his braids. He liked to keep both his hair and his beard neat, and even though he was perfectly capable of doing it himself, he liked letting his mother do it. She doted on him, he knew – everybody knew that – and he was cognisant that it brought her a kind of motherly joy to be part of the small things in his life. For this reason, he knew that she liked to be needed, and therefore he had specifically asked her to do it for him.
When Baldur was younger, he had thought his mother’s attentions half-way egregious and he felt very much like she was effectively smothering him. To top it off, he had also thought it completely embarrassing, especially if someone else caught him being groomed by his mother. It was bad enough that his father, Odin, would chastise Freya for molly-coddling him while Baldur was still in the room, and thereby indirectly calling him a sissy, who was riding his mother’s coattails, but it was worse still if Thor or Heimdall saw her fussing over him.
“Aww, look at the ‘ittle wittle baby!!” Thor would pucker his lips condescendingly and distort his voice as if imitating a small child, much to Baldur’s chagrin.
Of course, Heimdall wouldn’t be far behind; he rarely was when he sensed a chance to bully his younger brother. Heimdall had often said things that made Baldur feel bashful and his cheeks burn red, but the worst time was once, when Heimdall said nothing at all, but just stared at him while Freya cut and braided his hair. Heimdall was just leaning against the wall, nonchalant and aloof, one foot propped up behind him, all the while staying silent and keeping intense eye contact with Baldur, a mocking smile playing around Heimdall’s lips. Baldur was arrested by the strange swirling of the Bifröst in his older brother’s eyes and hadn’t been able to look away, only feeling more and more exposed the longer Heimdall stared. Baldur kept waiting for him to say something, and the anticipation somehow made it feel even worse. Finally, Heimdall snorted in derision before he pushed himself off the wall to leave.
“Bye, little brother,” Heimdall said as he left.
After that Baldur wouldn’t let Freya braid his hair for a long time.
Read the rest on AO3 here
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goldenfharry · 1 year
I need people to remember that Harry is a grown ass man. If he didn’t like his contract with the Azoffs when he first signed he wouldn’t have signed with them. We all know what the contract with one directions management was like and why would he put himself through that again. Not to mention you can leave your management whenever you want. We see people do it all the time. Travis Scott left, Kanye West , Nicki Minaj all left full stop management. Harry house lawyers that would have looked through that contract that would have advised him against it if they didn’t think it was right for him. He would have looked at that shit himself to decide if you like it or not. You can leave your management whenever you want. It’s not like a label. You don’t owe them anything. They work for you. Jeff and Irving work for Harry. If he wasn’t happy with his management he could leave. He doesn’t have anything to for fill with them. It’s not like his record label. If he wasn’t happy he could leave. If Harry didn’t want to open this new arena with a concert he Could say no. No one’s holding a gun to his head. This man is in his late 20s. A grown ass man. We need to stop this narrative that no one’s letting him do what he wants to do. Maybe Harry is just a workaholic who likes to work. Who doesn’t like to take time off. Who likes to do things the way he wants to do it. And if this is the way that he wants to do it and let it be. No one’s controlling him and No ones forcing him to do anything. If people like Kanye West and Nicki Minaj who are arguably bigger than harry styles can leave full stop Management then so can Harry. Travis Scott is on the same level as Harry styles and he was able to leave.
Really random that I haven’t stepped a foot on tumblr all weekend and suddenly I have multiple asks talking about the same thing, sent at the same time 😂
Anyways, you have your opinion, is as valid as the others. Never once I defended that Harry was being held hostage by his management, nor I believe that. But, the reality is that, in my opinion, you can never be 100% free on this industry, even if you are the biggest popstar in the planet. You do have obligations and even if you can actually refuse, there are certain things that you could say no, but you won’t because you know that you need to do it for your career. This happens daily, on our normal jobs, how many times did we had to agree on doing something that we didn’t wanted to, to keep our jobs or to possible grow? Doing extra hours, helping out superiors. It happens. This is not specifically to these two concerts, I think he will have the time of his life and it will be epic, but it’s naive to think that Harry would say “oh sorry no I don’t want to do those shows but yeah, bye!”
I shared this, because I also thought that it was worth the read and reflected the way that I think. I will make it clear that I don’t think Harry is a prisoner, this is not like Modest lmao. But he is an adult and sometimes, adults accept to do things that they have to in order to keep business progressing. But this is just me rambling
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scottsgayroommate · 7 months
Dear Diary
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Todd visits Wallace’s home unannounced only to find the door unlocked and him not there. His diary is though and it is intriguing to say the least.
Pairing: Wallace Wells x Todd Ingram
Genre: Fluff
wc: 1K
a/n: Hi this is my first fic and I would love to hear any feedback💖
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Todd was bored
He was slumped in his room at home, trying to find something to do but he could not think of a single thing.
Invite Ramona over to hang out? She is on a date today
Hang with Scott? He is Ramona’s date today.
Check in on the League? No, that place is an absolute train wreck.
And then it hit him
He could go and see Wallace! His friend and the object of his attractions could not possibly be busy! So, having decided his route, Todd started his walk to the home that Wallace and Scott shared.
As he strolled through the streets, Todd was taking in the beautiful scenery of snow falling against the bright lights of the city, as he tried to remember the way to Wallace’s house.
He walked for half an hour, constantly checking his phone for directions, and only getting increasingly confused until he encountered a familiar spot.
He finally got to the house after a while of searching and knocked on the door. After a while of knocking Todd tried the handle and to his amusement it was unlocked. “Probably the work of Scott” Todd thought.
As he walked into the house, he looked around and saw the many knick-knacks dotted around the room some of which included DVD’s that Scott never returned and an empty coffee mug on the small table by the armchair.
Everything was seemingly normal.
Though one thing was off about this room. Wallace’s things were here, but he was not.
Todd looked around for any sign of the raven-haired man, but no luck.
Instead, he found a small notebook, open on the kitchen counter, filled with neat handwriting that he recognised as Wallace’s, and Todd’s curiosity got the better of him.
Todd turned to the first page, and began to read:
Dear diary,
Today, I went to the local coffee shop that Julie works at with Scott and Ramona.
Like always I asked for an espresso along with a croissant! Ramona got a latte while Scott unsurprisingly got a hot chocolate (He has no taste fit for an adult).
Ramona started telling us how she saw Roxie and Todd hanging out at the local mall and how she then decided to join them. Honestly, I was kind of jealous at the fact that I wasn’t there to hang out with them (specifically Todd).
Todd actually showed up today! He came in and ordered water (odd choice for a coffee shop) and sat down with us!!!!
Todd is so hot, he has fantastic hair, a pretty face, eyes I could get lost in for hours, and he plays bass!! How much more perfect can a man get?! And along with that he is an amazing person, he is so nonchalant, but you can tell he cares, and when he smiles it is like the sun is in the room!
Scott almost home so I better wrap this entry up. Bye!!!
Todd continued to read, and many other passages were like that, gushing over how amazing the taller boy was.
Todd was evidently shocked and slightly flustered. Wallace lov- liked him back? The same way Todd liked him? Even after Wallace claimed there were no sparks? Todd must have been dreaming because this was the best thing to ever happen to him.
Suddenly, he started to hear footsteps approaching the front door and he hurriedly set the book exactly where it had been and sat on Wallace’s armchair.
"Who’s there- Todd?" Wallace said, confused
"The one and only,"
"What are you doing here?"
"Had nothing better to do so I decided to pop in,"
"Oh, okay then! Wait how did you get in?”
“The door was unlocked so I just entered to get away from the cold,”
“Damnit, I have told Scott numerous times to lock the door when he leaves but he never listens I should have known that he was not responsible enough to lock up...”
Todd smiled to himself watching the other vent his frustration. Eventually, Wallace calmed down and noticed that Todd was still staring at him
“So umm, do you want anything to eat or like a cup of coffee or tea perhaps?"
"Sure, tea sounds nice," Todd replied with a smirk
Wallace nods as he goes into the kitchen to start preparing the drinks, and Todd silently follows him.
As he stirs the tea, Wallace jumps at the feeling of arms around his waist and a quiet breath on his ear.
"So, Wallace, I noticed a nice little book on the counter."
"What-? What book what do you mean" Wallace replied, flustered, knowing exactly what book he meant.
"Aww come on, you know? The one with the black cover? White accents? Has the name ‘Wallace Wells’ written on the front?”
"I uh- I don’t know what you're talking about"
"Really? The one that was open when I came in? You must know what it is, it was on your kitchen counter after all"
"Oh- umm that book"
"Yeah, I read a few pages of it. Quite interesting opinions, you have on some people Wallace"
"I um- yea, yea I do"
"Saw a few interesting entries about me actually, care to explain."
Wallace blushed bright red, which was even more noticeable in the light provided by the ceiling light, and did not say anything, he simply fiddled with his fingers out of pure nerves.
"Come on Wallace, I read it, I know what you think of me."
Wallace suddenly turned around
"I’m so so so sorry! I did not expect you to read it and I do not want to make you upset after I said there were no sparks between us! If you want, we can just forget about it-"
Wallace was cut off by the gentle press of lips against his own. Todd was kissing him? Since when!?
Wallace was all but calm when Todd pulled back and smirked
"It's all-good Wallace, I’m not upset, and I definitely don’t want to forget it."
"Wallace I love you. You are amazing in every way, and I was worried that you hated me after my confession.”
".. we really are idiots, huh?"
"Obviously" Todd said leaning down to kiss him once again
As their lips connected sparks began to fly and both men had a warm feeling in their chests
That night was their first as a couple, though many more would come.
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or-something-better · 2 years
May 31, 2022
((In the Bunker))
I pour myself a large glass of orange juice and take it, along with my laptop, in to sit at the map room table. I've got this nagging feeling that all of our recent over-the-top even for us, supernatural activity, might come back to bite us in the ass. Better to know what's happening out there around us a head of time, than to just get caught with our pants down. Opening the laptop, I go to work scanning tagged sites for our local area.
Popping into the bunker, I notice Sam at the Map Table.
Looks up at the movement Ruby... hey. What are you doing here?
Reaching into my satchel I pull out the 2 Moldavite stones we used recently. Holding them up to show Sam. "I'm returning these to the artifact room."
Can't hide my surprised look I didn't realize that you still had them. I don't know, guess I just sort of assumed that they were used up in the spell somehow. Thanks for bringing them back.
"I was keeping them safe until I could return them. We wouldn't want them falling into the wrong hands." I start to head for the artifact room
You need help putting them back? I mean, in the right place?
I stop and turn to him I think I remember how we did it the other day. I ask out of curiosity* "What are you doing?
I walk out from my room going after coffee hey Sammy
Sam: Me? Looks back at the computer and then feels like I'm saved from what would have been an ensuing argument by Dean's arrival Hey Dean... Ruby I'm just looking for anything off in the surrounding areas last few days...
Thought we were gonna go hunt something SAmmy
Yeah, you know, signs that our recent activities might have caused some interest. Demon signs, the usual...Was just looking to see what's out there feels a little guilty about how that sounds
Looking for a case or looking for any particular type of activity?
Uh huh sure you were you forgot didn't you?
No.. no I didn't forget... just hadn't gotten that far into specifics just yet, you know, to find an actual case. Gives Ruby a direct look I've just been following up a hunch first..
And what would that 'hunch' be?
You being in danger from the spells of course
Really? What makes you and your brother think that?
Look, Ruby. I know we've already talked about this, but Dean's not wrong.
When does anything good ever come after magic
I would expect him to take your side. Why does everyone assume that magic is bad?
Why are you so stubborn to see it
I could ask the same of you
He's not taking a side.. we're all on the same side here. I just think that we need to be smart about this and a little caution right now seems like the best move. That's all I'm saying
Didn’t say the magic was bad just saying something worse seems to be not far behind it
Funny, 'cause it's not feeling like that.
Gabe forbid somebody might ACTUALLY care about you right ruby
And would that somebody be YOU... Dean Winchester
Gives Ruby the seriously look “It mean all of us Ruby”
And Sam and everyone else here
I smile “Right. I think I will put these moldavite back....where they belong. Of course, if it's too hard to do that, I'll let you know Sam. Bye guys.” I head for the artifact room. Entering the artifact room, I locate the box that the moldavites belonged in, noted the second one being returned as well in the red ledger, and decided to just pop to the apartment from here.
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