#spiritual upgrade
1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
Hydrogen-Based is the Real, Cosmic Reality!
Do you ever wonder why 75% of the known universe is Hydrogen...uninhabitable, unexplorable H Y D R O G E N ?
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So, what's up with Hydrogen?
Did you know that Hydrogen is the lightest element?
Did you know that your soul is like a bubble in cosmic terms?
And when you pass the physical constraints of this life, this carbon-based realm, this third-dimensional existence, your soul--like a bubble--rises in ascension to transcend the primitive existence of the temporal human being...perhaps? Yes!!!
#soulsnack #mindsmack 💗💙💚
Have you ever considered that HYDROGEN-BASED beings could live in all that Hydrogen that exists in a universe we can't explore--but because we are third-dimensional, carbon-based, primitive beings, with ten-percent-limited mind capacity, we can't possibly perceive it to be...?
Maybe we can't comprehend with our limited, human senses just like we can't comprehend what a black hole really is...or where it leads.
Because holes don't exist. Holes are just the name humans give to an entrance because they don't know where it leads. But all holes lead somewhere.
A hole in your head leads to your skull and brain, a hole in your jeans leads to your leg, a hole in the earth leads to dirt and water and fire...you get my drift, I'm sure!
So, we live a limited, timed life as human beings in the third-dimensional, carbon-based realm. We live in a realm that is a timed existence from the time we take our first breath of oxygen until we take our last.
We can only perceive what the third-dimensional limitations of existence allow us to perceive.
We can't perceive the fourth dimension--or what could possibly exist infinitely there--or the hydrogen-based realm that exists simultaneously with our own because we are limited and confined to the ability to perceive in the carbon-based third dimension only.
We won't be able to perceive the next dimension until we divinely travel (supernatural, cosmic transportation) to it via the passing of our physical human vessel -- or what humans call "death"...
Perhaps, the "universe"--as we see and perceive it--is NOT all the universe is.
Consider this...there are many universes called the Ever~Verses, and our universe is only one dimension and one perception, and one base out of the many.
Even if we use machines to see and technology to perceive, the machines and technology still are perceived by the human eyes, so our perception of what a machine or technology shows us will still be a limited perception according to what our limited eyes and minds allow us to see and perceive via the technology and machine.
It falls back to our limitations as carbon-based, oxygen-breathing, third-dimensional human beings indeed.
But that's not to say it's the way it will always be!
I personally believe that's what eternal life is and the gift that Jesus Christ promised us for believing the truth. He did promise ETERNAL LIFE as the gift!
The infinitely unconditional gift of eternal life for you and me!
Perhaps the event that humans have termed "death" isn't a death at all...
Seeing as, humans--by means of limited perception, logic, phonics, and communication--are most likely the ONLY SPECIES in the entire Ever~Verses to call the event of passing from the physical realm to the spiritual realm..."death"...maybe it's not what we've always thought it was or perceived it to be; considering our perception has always been limited.
So, instead of believing what we've all been taught since birth by those before us and what someone taught them (predisposition due to learned behavior via culture and heritage) maybe it's time to understand humans leading humans isn't always the wisest path, and sometimes, what we learn is what they wanted us to learn--versus what reality really is.
Perhaps, spiritual health and wellness require we question everything in the pursuit of our awakening, even our culture and heritage and the learned beliefs and behaviors we've adopted and adapted to in the process of being born and living a life in a human-built society. The constructs of our global society as a species were determined long before you or I were born. But that doesn't mean we can't awaken to the possibility of a cosmic truth now!
Human terms are limited because they were terms devised by human perception. No other being in the universe is going to refer to any aspect of existence in the terms that humans know existence...because human terms are limited to human beings on Earth.
Hence, a human calls the sun the sun, but an alien might call the sun a sizz. You feel me? Humans call our own planet Earth, and a planet--while an alien might call our planet something like Testraa and all planets "orbs" instead of planets. You feel me?
Everything we do, think, feel, and speak is limited to human perception. Human perception is limited to carbon-based, and carbon-based is limited to the third dimension. We will never understand anything beyond the base and dimension we were assigned upon our cosmic birth to this realm.
So, it falls back to the terms we give events that are unknown/unperceivable to our limited perception...because, like a black hole, we don't know where it leads.
These assigned terms (like death) that life as a human being requires of us so that we can identify and understand what is happening to us as a species--like passing from our physical vessels, what happens to our souls, and where our eternal spirits go from here--are what we live by regardless of their cosmic accuracy.
So, what if the event of passing or leaving our physical, human vessels is the beginning of our cosmic, divinely ordained spiritual upgrade...and rather than an ending, a wonderful beginning? A fresh start for our souls!
The journey of our souls! Life on Earth is only one small fragment of the greater whole.
Thy Hydrogen Theory | Written and Explained by JD Slayton 2022-2023 © Copyright All Rights Reserved J.D. Slayton. As personally relayed to me by the Angels of Destiny.
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What Is the Purpose of the World Satsanga Trilogy?
What Is the Purpose of the World Satsanga Trilogy?
Dear Readers: Here is what I’ve been doing for the past 10 years in the background! These books by Guy Needler represent a co-creative effort by many participants around the world to provide a Spiritual Upgrade to humanity. Out with the stories about “burning bushes” and in with Spiritual Science to explain what really happens with sentience, energy, structure, beings and entities in our…
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muavenusphoenix · 1 year
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Hey folks, friendly reminder that:
The whole idea that the Earth is about to enter its "next evolutionary level" is rooted in Victorian-age eugenics.
The idea that people who accept New Age beliefs are having their DNA "upgraded" is fundamentally eugenicist.
The idea that starseeds are traveling to Earth to spread spiritual truth is a narrative inspired by the idea of white man's burden and the belief that sending missionaries to convert Indigenous people to Christianity is a good thing. (It's not; it's racist and genocidal.)
The idea that those who reject New Age beliefs will be "purged" is fundamentally a belief that genocide is a good thing.
New Agers are either ignorant or dishonest when they claim that ancient religions and holy texts support their beliefs. The information they cite is either fabricated, distorted, or taken out of context.
The ancient astronaut hypothesis is inherently racist, because its purpose is denying that ancient POC could have built anything on their own.
The New Age/starseed narrative is inherently antisemitic and has a large overlap with conspiracy theories QAnon believes in, including adrenochrome harvesting (a modern form of blood libel).
Please see my pinned post for more details.
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wayti-blog · 11 days
Love has come to rule and transform; stay awake, my heart, stay awake.
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Sometimes, even though it may be to our frustration, we have to get out of the way and allow things that are coming our way to flow to us and the things that are heading away from us to depart from our lives without holding on to either. 
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SourceMessages/photos/a.2203765509860639/3431977153706129/
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solianapaeris · 1 year
“Your brain becomes a reflection of what you choose to do. It’s the labyrinth that is forever under construction, always becoming something new—for better or for worse. Pause and use your brain right now to contemplate what this means. Billions of neurons create trillions of connections, a vast system that is in constant flux. Upgrade or downgrade. It’s your choice. Learn or stagnate. Explore or stay put. Grow or shrink. Your daily actions decide the size, power, and vitality of the galaxy within you.”
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valorxdrive · 1 year
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♕ - “Y’know, I always got the question if there was ever a time I had to take care of the keyblade in terms of maintenance or anything of the sort. That in itself is fair to consider! Weapons, just like people need some good upkeep.”
“These things on the other hand know how to remain pretty hardy. Seeing how they’re a weapon woven with the heart, usually keeping them in downtime as you rest normally mends the nicks and scratches upon it.”
“But if there is a case where you see it facing some heavy wear and tear against particularly tough enemies? It’s up to you to keep it in top shape even in the heat of the fight.”
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“Like so!”
Drawing a hand upwards horizontally while keeping the keyblade stationary within his grip, a low exhale is made while he draws upon those very powers that dance joyously with the barriers of mind and matter. Exuding a force of  pure Heart power upon the this unknown brand of steel, a luminous glow would be blanketed upon the weapon, seizing sparks of scintillating light into the slotted nicks, molding them with that potent strength as it finds itself glowing with a properly reformed state.
Sora couldn’t help but give the weapon a little flip and twirl by the hand after inspecting his handiwork. Not a scratch.
“Battles that we bump heads into go a little beyond just physical. Your heart if you’re in over your head can just as easily get damaged.. and in turn, depending upon how ready you spiritually are, can face serious consequences if you’re caught short. This often goes to that point of no return, it’s why the Keyblade often seeks the resolute.”
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realityshifters · 1 day
Reclaiming Reality Shifting
What is the value of reality shifting?  Is it about escapism, entertainment, and daydreaming?  Or does it have some greater purpose?
Not to be confused with delusion, escapism or daydreaming, reality shifting literally changes the physical world What is the value of reality shifting?  Is it about escapism, entertainment, and daydreaming?  Or does it have some greater purpose?   A video was recently brought to my attention, where Asmongold suggested reality shifting is nothing more than people wishing they lived a different…
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
My addictions are...tumblr, the internet, snappin' selfies, micro dating, blocking people, writing long posts, early morning, mid-afternoon, and late-night shit posting, auto-correcting myself even when auto-correct corrects me, cherry coke until they stopped stocking it so now just...coke, hating most Scorpios, self-loathing, and smoking.
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themagikmirror · 25 days
‼️Urgent Spirit Message @ This New Moon‼️
This may not be the happy, go lucky "New Moon" message that you're looking for , but its an important reminder nontheless to be the change you want to see! Otherwise, the changes we’re unwilling to make are the cycles we're willing to repeat ♻️😮‍💨 Contemplations :
What will you take accountability for at this New Moon + moving forward? What are new, different & better things you need to implement?
🔮Spirit wouldnt let me rest without posting this Mini Read 🪞Get Connected to my lil base camp on Facebook & Book privately w/ me there : The Magik Mirror
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truths89 · 9 months
Not letting another person’s wind Rock my sail Assumed ability to care—I rescind; I exhale, and maintain the harmony from which I hail 
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Believing that a person's ability to connect to the divine is affected by their genes is spiritual eugenics.
You might see this belief manifest through statements like:
"As your vibrational frequency increases, you'll unlock more of your DNA and you'll be able to immediately channel Source energy."
"The dark side is trying to change our genetics to cut off our connection to Source so they can control us."
"Back in the days of Atlantis, some people bred with the reptilians, and the people who carry the reptilian gene have this predatory instinct, and they can't connect to Source."
Fundamentally, the assertion that your capacity to be spiritual is determined by your genetics is an assertion that some people are genetically - and therefore ontologically - incapable of being spiritual, and are therefore incapable of behaving in whatever ways a person deems "enlightened."
The ultimate function of this is to dehumanize people with other cultures and beliefs, and make their genocide appear acceptable - whether through execution or forced assimilation.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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Warning End Times Prophecy 5/25/2023 Channeled Messages; Archangels
The Archangels Are Coming Down to Meet us From Heaven
All of those who did not believe. You will see that who you are has been monitored throughout time. Yes you do create yourself in a sense but God is still real. God creates you. You are made in the likeliness of them. The Universe will show you this however necessary for you to see. One day we will ascend. If you are an energy worker, lightworker, healer, sorcerer, conjuror One day the elements will reveal to you that everything you have done with them was either assisting you in your ascension or hurting you. Were you focusing on healing or pain. You might get a new soul Path and go into Reincarnation. You might be able to stop reincarnating. You might experience a physical death, or a non painful death. Never to reawaken or to be thrown back into the never ending cycles of reincarnation. What would you choose? If you had the choice. Some of us do not... A lot of us. All of those who do not love the Lord will perish..... Their time has come to an end. They say God isn't real. They don't believe that life will ever stop going. They don't see spiritual significance in everyday happenings. They don't believe in a New Earth, an afterlife. They who know God is real will experience Heaven ... Did you know a female God self/aspect is real too?
Source, Gaia Sophia, Mother Earth. This is the Divine Twin Flame Union. Divine Feminine, Masculine Merged. That oneness is God. Source. Our main female Creatrix is the Mother Earth herself. She is the perfect embodiment of the power of the womb. Everywhere you can see her messages if you go out into nature. Imagine yourself on this planet and not experiencing the love of God... The planetary deities are Gods wives. God is always changing. Their bodies, plans, Universe... When you meet them, what do you want to say, ask, do you think about those things? Now's the time. Do you want another chance? Do you want to manifest something specific?
Be aware that Angels, Aliens & Demons will be among you. They will walk among you. Some of your brothers and sisters will gain past life memories, knowledge and abilities right now.. Our shadows coming to the surface. Face them, face the truth. The demons will melt away essentially once you do confront them... Some may miss someone. Some of you may be getting aggressive. Take care of your body obsessively before letting go of yourself. Aim for balance.. Spiritually, emotionally, physically.. Who else is feeling called to change their religion and aesthetics, appearance? A lot of us are waking up to who we have been, who we truly are, Our Souls Divine Perfection. We are God, Source, Creator in form- in a physical expression.
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the-healing-mindset · 2 years
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Piece by piece. Bit by bit. The upgrades are setting in. Don’t get discouraged just because it looks like things have stagnated. You’re moving forward even when it feels like you’re idle because the momentum that you have created is moving you right along.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SourceMessages/photos/a.2203765509860639/3290301924540320/
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demilypyro · 7 months
Developing my indie spiritual successor to deus ex but instead of a cyborg picking upgrades you're a trans woman obtaining new expressions of her gender, making choices on how to present yourself to the world, and the stats are things like "force of personality," "hingedness," "congruence" and "verisimilitude"
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