persephonescottage · 1 year
Honey & Wine | 01.
Pairing: Billy RussoxFem!Reader
Summary: Pony wakes up to a home just not hers.
Warning: References to sexual situations, swearing, obsessive thoughts. Although this chapter might not include it, this fic will include kidnapping, stalking, somnophilia, CNC (between two consenting adults), knife play, age gap, dub con, Stockholm syndrome, gaslighting and other triggers I will include as we go along, please only read if you’re 18+. If any of this warnings trigger you please don’t read.
A/N: Here it is! Thank you to everyone that still wanted to know about my silly little characters and thank you for choosing to read this. This is a sequel to Pony and I’m excited to give this two a proper ending. PS. Billy is back at it!
The smell of the sea you remember from growing up in California present as soon as you open your eyes to the white room you’re laying in.
Warm sun rays fill it as linen curtains fly around with the breeze that comes in through a pair of french doors.
Your hair lays on cream colored pillows embroidered with blue threads and your body is tangled in sheets that smell like lavender. There’s a bouquet of pink peonies on a vase on the night stand right next to a water filled carafe.
Where the hell are you?
The adrenaline in your body interjects you out of the bed and you run to the doors to look outside. The sea is right there, just passing a small patio with bugambilia bushes and a small table round up with two chairs.
The waves crashing against the colorfully tiled concrete ledge that separates you from the sea. 
You touch your body slightly, moving your arms, lifting your legs. Nothing hurts and you’re not injured, in fact you feel quite rested apart from the strange sweet taste in your mouth.
You’re barefoot but you don’t care, you walk in a trance letting your naked feet touch the warmth of the terracotta clay floors outside as you reach the ledge, the cotton camisole you wear sticking to your body. 
The sun is shinning bright.
You’ve never seen such a shade of blue.
“What are you doing?”
You hear his concerned voice behind you and you suddenly remember. Your trashed apartment, you kneeling on the floor fighting a panic attack as Billy Russo dragged you out through the emergency stairs of the building in John Street.
Everything went dark after that.
“You scared me.” You say, your hand on your chest as you turn around to face him.
His hair is tousled and he is wearing a grey linen shirt and some shorts, a white kitchen towel over his shoulder. His cheeks pink in a sun kissed look and you panic.
How long have you been here if he already has a tan?
“Step away from the ledge Pony.”
“I’m not gonna jump.” You assure him baffled, because its the truth, but also because your instinct says you have to be on his good side.
“Get back inside then.” He looks slightly relieved but you know he’s still has his suspicions “I’m making breakfast.”
“Wait. Where are we?”
“Where you wanted us to be my love.” He smiles.
“We’re in Santorini, come on inside, I’m making omelettes.”
With that he disappears into the house that you can now see from the outside. Irregular white walls that seem brighter with the sun rays, slight touches of the same blue you saw on your bed sheets, the wood frames of the doors that lead inside.
How long have you been asleep?
Is anybody else here with you?
But most importantly. 
Are you free to go?
He went inside and you could run, you tell yourself checking for a door out of the home, but all you can see is the sea surrounding you. If you wanted out you would have to go in.
But, do you want out?
You let your naked feet touch the rustic tiles on the inside of the home, the walls are decorated with colorful art and it’s fully furnished. You hope he had someone decorate it before you arrived and not that you’ve been unconscious long enough for him to do all of this.
“You hungry?” His tone is so casual, so domestic, that it terrifies you. 
The house smells like chives and fresh cream and you can hear the sizzling sound of the skillet where he is cooking over classical music that plays quietly on a vintage radio. You stare at him while he works, without the fancy suits and the sleeked back hair, he looks slightly boyish.
Or maybe you were just so used to the edge of the Blackbird mask.
“Sit sweetheart it’s almost done. You want some wine?”
“What time is it?”
“It’s always five o clock in Santorini babe!” He laughs so carefree and you try your best to smile.
You’re fighting yourself to not look alert but you’re not that great of an actress and you’re sure you look like a scared little mouse when he comes near you and guides you to the dinning table.
You would lie to yourself if you said the feeling of his hand on your lower back didn’t make your heart skip a beat.
“How are you feeling doll? Dizzy? Nauseous?”
“Not really.”
“Perfect.” His smile warm again “Hungry?”
You shrug but you sit down on the table anyway.
You see him get back into the kitchen and come back with a couple plates. There’s fresh fruit, eggs, coffee, toast, everything looks delicious and your hand automatically goes for the coffee mug, taking a much needed sip.
He wouldn’t poison you would he?
“Now that you’re up, I was thinking we could go down to the beach.”
“Now that I’m up?” You question him but all he does is keep eating, as if you had said nothing.
“You need the fresh air and I-“
“Why are here?” You cut him off bluntly. “What happened to me?”
“You were asleep for a while.” He dismisses it.
“Define a while.”
“Couple days.”
And he says that so nonchalantly?
“What’s going on here Billy?”
“Jesus, so many questions, eat your breakfast we’ll talk later.”
“No. Let’s talk now.”
You see him put his fork down and you get tense. He doesn’t look as angry as much as he looks frustrated but his dark eyes look up to you and that always triggers feelings in you. 
Sometimes sexy sometimes scary, but always feelings.
“We’re in Greece, just you and me, that’s what’s going on.”
“So like a holiday?” You want to believe.
“Not exactly.”
You can feel him going around your questions, dodging the real explanation and you think if you weren’t on the other side of the world without rhyme or reason you could find it cute.
“Billy?” You talk slower this time warning him “Why are we in Santorini?”
“This is what you were working three jobs for. Isn’t it?” He’s smiling now “You wanted a house in Greece.”
“Yes but not-“
“Not with me?” He laughs, his eyebrows raised in surprise “Well that’s a nice thanks for the place  Pony! By the way it’s under your name. The new one of course.”
You look at him perplexed and he catches on.
“If I found out you killed your ex anyone can. Just wanted you to be safe.”
His words make your face burn. 
He talks about your crime in such a casual manner, a secret that closed you up like a clam for years. You fled California, you shut yourself from the world and focused all your time and energy on running away, and he speaks of it as a stumble on the road.
You don’t think you can eat anything at the moment as your stomach churns with memories of your crime and you see him finish his plate, reading your face and taking yours to the kitchen as well.
There’s this familiar dynamic going on but you’re not sure if it’s safe yet. He acts as if you’ve lived together longer.
Coming back to the dinning room you see him swirl a glass of red wine on his hand and he bends down to peck your cheek on his way to the patio.
“Get yourself ready for the beach honey. The fresh air will help your head.” It’s half a sweet request and half a command and you know you can’t argue with it when you stand and walk behind him to the patio down the hall where you walked in.
As soon as he steps out the breeze playing with his now longer hair he calls out for you after he’s pulled out and sat on one of the chairs around the glass table.
“Hey Pony?”
“Yeah?” You find your voice quiet and shy.
“Why Greece?”
“I love Mamma Mia.” Is all you say before walking to the direction of your bedroom, his loud laugh following you through the doors.
It did sound ridiculous now that you said it out loud.
You find strange how the bedroom feels so much like you decorated it and you have mixed feelings when you keep finding objects of your old apartment scattered around in the decor.
Your makeup sits in the vanity, along with your perfume bottles, vintage iron brush and handheld mirror, your skincare tucked in a cabinet of the bathroom, your art on the walls and certain pieces of your clothing hang in the closet. 
You recognize those pieces as the ones in the polaroid pictures you once had to show to the police when he left them on your nightstand in Brooklyn, when you didn’t even know he existed in the first place.
So this is why all your place was trashed.
He could’ve done it in a more organized way, you think.
You go through the drawers of your dresser finding everything inside. They’re all full with clothing in your size, accessories exactly to your taste and you eye the shoe rack on the wall that has all kinds of designer on it.
You even reach the lingerie drawers and scoff when you find all dainty lace and bows in there.
After he kidnapped you? 
Not gonna happen sir!
There’s a couple of bathing suits there and you’re relieved they’re not so revealing but you still put a light short dress on top of a one piece red one and a large hat that hangs behind your door.
How did he manage this? To create this environment where you feel so immediately at home, where you find everything naturally and everything is to your exact taste?
The waves keep crashing outside of your window and you wonder what would happen if you refused to go to the beach. 
You can hear Gianna’s voice in your head. You’re in Greece with New York’s hottest bachelor, he got you a full new wardrobe and wants to take you to the beach, and you’re nervous?
She would be so disappointed but you’re just not sure how much freedom you’ll have in this paradise.
Maybe you should start by asking for your passport.
“Ready sweetheart?” He calls for you again and you sigh.
You did kinda want to see the beach, you’d think of escaping later.
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toxicanonymity · 4 months
beach walks
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7k, Joel x f!reader; surf instructor Billy x f!reader (Billy gifs)
night walks au A/N: Picks up right after beach walks prequel.
SUMMARY: Paths cross, and Joel can't let you go. WARNINGS: I8+ angst, infidelity adjacent if you squint, drugs, dubcon (drugs/location) p in v, somewhat possessive!joel, exhibitionism, homoerotic tension if you squint. cuck!billy but you also sit on his face.
Joel can't sleep. He stares at the ceiling and keeps drifting back to what he shouldn't have seen - you in the pool with Billy. Plus, he evisions you fucking on the beach, in the hotel, in that stupid shack. He's not happy about it, but you’re so damn hot. He can't help the way his body reacts. He keeps hearing that moan, fuck.
He figures out what helps him get back to sleep, and by the end of the night, he's used all the lotion in that little bottle. 
He wakes up for the last time around five. He showers and packs his bag. It's still dark when he goes for a walk on the beach. As the sky hints at sunrise, he stands with his fingers interlaced on the crown of his head and listens to the birds. He’s been doing his best, and it turns out his best sucks. On a sandbar, he finds a live starfish missing an arm and gently tosses it like a Frisbee back into the ocean. 
What is he doing? He could've left it all alone. 
He walks back to the hotel and gets a cup of coffee and a newspaper. He goes out on the cafe porch to read. There's a yoga class in view on the beach, and he looks to see if you're in it. Yeah, there you are. His stomach drops and his nostrils flare with a deep breath. You look great, but he can't see your ass. Right behind you, there's Billy. 
Why Billy? He's impossible to hate. At least he's also impossible to tame. No way it goes beyond this vacation. But if anyone can make him wanna change, it might be you. Joel used to think Billy had it made, but he's a lonely guy underneath it all.
Four of you are eating breakfast at a table for six in the dining hall. You're sitting across from Billy.
“Can’t miss with Billy’s Bistro. Never burn the toast, never give ya salmonella . . .” 
“Salmonella?” Your friend Kari asks. “Was there an outbreak here?” 
Billy has a spoon in his mouth, but his eyes widen. He looks back and forth between all three of you as he slowly swallows his chia pudding, then says, “Explains the Groupon, doesn't it?” 
“Gross,” Kari pushes her plate away. 
Billy shrugs, then looks at you. “Billy’s bistro,” he mouths with a subtle sparkle in his eyes. His face softens, then comes to life when he looks behind you. 
“There he is,” Billy announces. 
You look back and do a double take. Your heart skips a beat, and your eyes widen. Joel gives you a nod of acknowledgement. 
He’s wearing swim trunks, and his thighs look massive. All of him does. Did the memories fade, or did he manage to put on 10 lbs of muscle in what, two months? His hair is longer – only an inch or so, but enough to curl. You can’t stop staring. Your face is cold and tingly.
“Have a seat, mate.” Billy uses his foot to push out the chair to his right, at the head of the table. He puts his hand on Joel's hulking trapezius as he sits down. 
“Joel Miller. This man is a legend,” Billy tells you.
You glance at your friends, and they're as shocked as you. They met Joel once, at the restaurant. 
“Taught me how to roll my first joint,” Billy says. “Now I can't even get’m to take a bong rip.” He turns to Joel. “That was some good shit ya brought, mate.”
“Yeah,” Joel says barely above a whisper, glancing at you.
“Hey Joel,” your friend Nahlah says. 
“Hey, Nahlah.” 
You had barely let him sit down to say hello at that restaurant. 
“So you know each other,” Billy concludes. “Brilliant! What a world.”
“Yeah, we know each other,” Joel subtly nods, looking at you. He looks tired.
“Do they know the new you?” Billy asks. 
“The new you?” you ask Joel. 
“Health nut.” Billy grabs Joel's arm, beaming. “Look at’m.” He turns his attention to Joel. “On the straight and narrow. Can't believe it.”   
“Really?” you ask Joel. 
Joel sighs and side-eyes Billy. “No. Just had to, kinda. . . get my life together for a minute.”
It’s a punch to the gut. Getting his life together meant dropping you? That’s where he went? Your face burns, and your nostrils flare. 
“Excuse me,” you tell the rest of them, and stand up with heat in your chest, determined not to make a scene.  
“Catch up later,” Billy says and reaches for you as you come around Joel’s chair. You lean in and he gives you a kiss on the cheek. You don't look back on your way out the door. 
You get down to the beach, take off your sandals, and walk, heading nowhere in particular. 
Soon enough, Joel is calling your name, jogging. You keep walking, but he catches up. He walks beside you in silence, between you and the ocean. You try to ignore the stride of his hulking form in your periphery. 
“Guess I don’t fit in your new life,” you mutter, then swallow the knot in your throat and put your shades on, even though it’s not sunny. You keep walking. 
“Yeah ya do, baby,” he reaches for your hand. The tenderness almost gets to you, but it’s out of nowhere. You just can’t. You cross your arms and slow your pace. 
“Guess I never did,” you mumble. 
“I’m sorry.” Joel looks at you. You keep looking down, taking slow, careful steps. 
“For what?” you ask, looking at the sand for an answer.
“Bein’ a fuckin’ idiot. Wrapped up in my own shit.” 
“What shit?” you ask. 
“I’ll tell ya everything, but–” 
“--But what?” 
“We’re supposed to head out in like (he looks at his watch) fuck. Like ten minutes.” 
You scoff. “Did something happen?”
“No—well, yeah.” He looks around then asks, “You okay?”
You don’t answer. 
“You looked happy,” he says, gesturing over his shoulder toward the dining hall. It sounds more like a question than an observation. Yeah, you were finally having a good time without him until he showed up. Now you’re confused, and mad at him for confusing you. 
You stop in your tracks and turn to face him and the water. “What happened? You couldn’t even text me?” 
The sky gets darker as thicker cloud cover creeps over the sun. “I should’ve,” Joel nods. 
You barely have the energy to walk. You sit down on the sand. He better tell you, right now, if there's any hope.
He swallows and looks down and away, then takes off his sunglasses and joins you on the sand.  “Got in my head,” he mumbles. “So many times, I was gonna. . .even walked to your door one night.” 
“.. .okay?” You wait for him to continue. 
“Thought ya might think I was lame, cause I wasn’t the same, I was. . .” 
“You were trying to get your life together,” you recite, genuinely trying to digest it for the first time. A tear falls out of your eye and you angrily wipe it away.
He shakes his head. “Never shoulda said it that way. I had somethin’ to take care of. Tell ya ‘bout it when we've got time” 
The lump is back in your throat, full force. He’s really gonna swoop in just long enough to make you sad, then leave you as confused as ever.
He looks dejected. “I know, I’m an idiot.” 
“So what do you want?” you ask. 
He looks at the sea for a moment. “To start over.” 
“Why?” you ask and wipe away more tears. Your voice becomes strained. “What do you regret?” 
“Nothin’, pumpkin. . . shit, I’m so bad at this.” He groans in frustration at himself. “And I know it, that’s why I. . .” he trails off and shakes his head. 
You glance at his eyes and curse yourself for a twinge of empathy.
He claws a handful of the dry sand between you into a little pile and mumbles, “You deserve better, always did.” He smoothes out the pile, then pivots to face more in your direction. “Look at me, pumpkin’. Please.” He reaches for your sunglasses. You pull back your head away and take them off yourself.  You turn and face him. He wipes his hand off on his shirt before brushing tears off your cheek with his thumb. “Only thing I regret is bein’ such a dick.” 
You begin to stand up, not wanting to feel him suddenly leave you again.  Once you’re standing, you cross your arms again. You dig the toes of one foot into the sand.  Joel’s hands gently engulf each of your elbows, and he gets as close as he can. You don’t pull away, but you don’t open up either. He hugs you anyway. 
God, his arms are huge. He holds you tight and breathes into your hair. He mutters, “Think about you all the time.” You let out a held breath, then his scent fills your lungs. A wave of affection threatens to break down your walls.
Your arms uncross on their own, and he hugs you with his body fully against yours. It feels like a warm mistake. It’s too late now. 
“Ya know, I would’ve done it with you,” you sniffle. “Whatever this lifestyle thing. . .” 
He whispers your name and hugs you tighter. He holds you for a minute, and you dab your eyes on his hulking shoulder. The weight of his arms is as soothing as his scent. This isn’t fixed, you tell yourself. You’re not going to pick up where you left off. If he invited you back to his room right now, you wouldn’t go. But somehow, you feel for him. You’ve never seen him anxious or vulnerable. He’s always been so sure of himself. So full of himself, but in a charming way.
You begin to pull away, still determined not to be the one who gets left. “Guess you’ve gotta go,” you mutter. 
He looks sad as he slowly drops his arms, running his hands down your back. “Talk when you’re home?”
You sigh and look at your feet. Your self-preservation instincts tell you to cut him off. Quit him while you can. While you have the upper hand. While he can’t hurt you worse than he has. “What can’t you say right now?”
“A lot,” he answers without missing a beat. He seems to glance at your neck, but you can’t be sure. 
You shake your head no. 
“Please. Then I’ll leave ya ‘lone if ya want.” His eyes shift away. Does he mean that? Your eyes cloud up again, and you put your glasses back on. 
“I dunno.” You walk back to the main building in silence and slip on your sandals on the way in.  Joel hugs you goodbye. It feels like he doesn’t want to let go, and you don’t want him to either. Your arms faintly itch as he walks away, and you brush off the sand.
After Joel leaves, your friends finish eating and emerge from the dining hall. 
“Where’s Billy?” you ask. 
“He has a lesson,” Nahlah says. 
You go back to your room and take a shower, trying to wash it all away, but Joel’s presence lingers, even as you turn off the water. You lie on your bed looking at the ceiling. Nahlah and Kari are on the other bed, watching ghost hunters on the free cable. 
“How was last night?” Kari asks. 
You sigh and mutter, “I need a nap.” 
“I bet you do,” Nahlah teases. 
You drift off, hoping everything will sort itself out while you dream. 
You sleep for hours and wake up alone, without the clarity you’d hoped for, except that you resent what Joel’s doing.  You’re already falling under his spell again, and you don’t like it.  It would be too easy for him to break your heart again. You know what could take your mind off it. 
You walk down to the shore, and Billy is finishing up a lesson. He sees you and nods toward the shack. You let yourself in and wait on the sofa, emo and increasingly horny. 
He comes through the door and takes off his long sleeves. He tousles his hair and stretches his neck with his hand on the tattoo. He takes a sip from a squeeze bottle, then asks, “You alright? What happened earlier?” 
“Nothing,” you rest your head in your left hand, with your elbow on the arm of the loveseat. 
“He’s a good guy,” Billy says, then looks at his watch and shifts gears. “Got fifteen minutes.” 
He joins you on the loveseat, then leans over you, pressing a kiss into your lips and pulling you closer. The kiss is loaded. You welcome his tongue, soothed by his touch, but your energy is gone. You’re practically catatonic compared to before. He kisses you for a few more seconds, then breaks away and asks, “You alright?” 
You nod and kiss him back, then reach for his shorts, cupping his semi-hard package. 
He breaks away and reads your eyes. “‘S’alright, love.” 
He pulls away entirely and slumps into the loveseat, using the opposite arm as a pillow. “C’mere,” he mumbles, and opens his arms. You lay face down on his warm, bare chest, beads of sea water transferring to your beach dress—through one of its crochet holes, a pierced nipple teases your skin.  
Billy holds you. You lie there, relaxed, one leg over his. A tear rolls out of your eye and onto his hot skin. “Shh,” He rubs your back for a few minutes, his chest rising and falling under you. His cock twitches against your thigh between his legs, and a shock of desire zaps through you. His hips lift slightly, just once, and your eyes flutter open. He sucks back his chin to look down at you, then his fingers lift your chin to look at him. You’re no longer crying at all. 
“There she is,” he murmurs, with his pupils widening before your eyes. He reads your eyes and glances at your lips. “Fucking gorgeous.” His face drifts toward yours, your neck extends, and his lips nudge your upper lip before your mouths come together. You prop yourself up with your forearm so neither of you has to strain your neck. The kiss starts languidly, then heats up and his hands come to your hips. As you kiss, his hips lift into you, and his cock hardens against your quad. As he licks into your mouth, you slowly grind on his thigh. He breaks away, searches your eyes, and whispers, “attagirl,” before claiming your lips again. With your limbs slotted together, you make out, grind, and quietly grunt.
For a while, your thoughts are gone, then Joel walks back into your head. You wonder how good he’d fuck you now, if he thinks it’s his last chance. Still moving on Billy’s thigh with your mouth half-connected with his, your breaths get heavy with desire. Would Joel be rough? Would he be tender? Would he be how he is so often–ravenous, but deliberate and appreciative of every inch of your body? You imagine his cock shoving into you and the way he’d sigh, yeah. 
Now you’re gushing wet, already about to cum. You break the kiss to moan, and Billy breathes, “Yeah, good girl.” He grinds against you and his hands move you on his bare thigh, now coated with your slick. “Fuck, that wet for me.” Not just for him, but, yeah, that wet. His cock has hardened against your hip. “Mmm,” he moans into your mouth as his lips take yours again. Joel’s a good kisser too. A little more forceful, but still smooth. You’re thinking about Joel being under you. Imagining the first time you were in Joel’s basement, when he pulled you into his lap so decisively. You’re on the edge of bliss, sliding on Billy’s thigh. You bite your lip, then moan. “Yeah,” Billy encourages you. 
When it’s clear you’re not quite there, Billy breathes, “Sit on me. C’mere.”
His mouth hangs slightly open, and his eyes are black with lust. You carefully lift your knee off the cushion between his legs, and the light touch of his hand helps you on top of him as he watches, spellbound. You lower yourself at just the right angle and moan at the first direct contact with the stiff shape in his shorts. Your eyelids are heavy. 
He lifts up the hem of your beach dress, and you take it off. He moans at the sight of your body. 
His lips remain slightly parted as his hips lift, grinding against you. He palms a breast, and you massage your other one. He begins to reach between you, fingertips sliding into his waistband, then looks behind you at the clock. “Sit on my face.” 
He scoots down to put his head flat on the cushion, and you rise off his shorts. He takes his cock out with a sigh and spits on his fingers as you knee walk forward. He spreads the spit on his cock and breathes vocally, eyes on your tits. You could swear you smell his precum. 
He unties your swimsuit bottom and lets half of it fall, leaving your slippery cunt bare. His palms on your ass bring you down, and his scruff drags against your inner thigh. His warm, humid breath envelopes your most sensitive place, then his lips make contact.
One hand leaves you to attend to his raging erection, and he grunts a short “mm” into your cunt at the relief. He laps at your entrance, licking upward, then latches onto the space just above that. He licks your clit, then sucks. He moans into the bundle of nerves, and your thighs tremble. He breaks away for short moments, breathing hot against your folds as he strokes his cock behind you. He eats you voraciously, and you whimper. He’s at just the right spot, doing just the right thing, and he keeps at it.
You brace your hands on the arm of the sofa and think about Joel looking up at you from between your legs. You take a deep breath and see stars. Your body twitches and you moan, riding your waves, with Billy moaning into your cunt. He gently laps at your entrance and strokes himself faster. As your climax wanes, you rise off his mouth, with Billy still stroking himself, not finished. He gathers slick from your folds, brings it to his cock, then pants pants, “How ‘bout another?” He begins to pull you back down.
“No,” you whisper, “that was perfect.” You allow him to keep you there, hovering over him. 
“Wanna ride?” His voice is shaky as he keeps pumping his cock behind you. 
“Not now,” you answer. 
He turns his head slightly, seals his lips on your thigh, and sucks. You reach down between your legs and grab hold of his damp, salty hair to pry him off. 
“Mmm,” he responds,“Yeah.” His strokes are heavier and so are his breaths. You experimentally tug at his hair again. He shudders, then paints his stomach in cum, with a warm squirt reaching your ass. 
He scoots out from under you and asks for the third time, “you alright?” 
You tie your swimsuit again and settle into the loveseat, face and chest still heated from your peak. “Yeah,” you nod. 
He fixes his swim trunks then prowls toward you to give you a gentle kiss and you taste yourself on his lips. “You’re tasty, love,” he murmurs, then pulls away. 
He puts on his rash guard, then points at you, “Aqua tonight.”  Right, his DJ thing. He gets off the loveseat and looks at the clock. “Before I forget,” He grabs his bag and unzips a front pocket that looks to be full of condoms and pill baggies. He turns his head to ask, ���How many of ya?” 
“Three, I guess.” 
He rummages around, then holds up a little baggie with three pills. “Just a little X.” 
“Oh, I dunno if we’ll–” 
He shrugs. “Might try it.” He looks at the clock and mutters, “shit.”  
He presses the baggie into your palm and closes your hand. He holds up a few condoms and asks, “just in case?”. 
On the road, Tommy and Maria talk and listen to music. In the back seat, Joel looks out the window, or he wants to look out the window, but he looks at his reflection. He can’t shake the feeling of your warm tears wetting his shirt, or the image of you kissing Billy, or the glance at what he’s pretty sure was a hickey on your neck. He’d be surprised if it wasn’t after what he saw the night before. 
The further they get from the resort, the more Joel’s chest tightens. He takes out his phone to text you. He types, “I can’t leave you with him,” stares at it for a few seconds, then erases it. 
Who even is he anymore?  
Something clicks. 
At a stoplight, he says, “Stop at that gas station.” Tommy parks at a pump. They need gas anyway., “Open the hatch,”  Joel says. Tommy pops the trunk and gets out of the car to pump gas. Joel grabs his bag from the back and Tommy does a double take. 
“You goin’ back?” Tommy asks, not shocked. 
“Yeah.” Joel pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’ll find my way home.” 
“We can take ya back,” Tommy offers, nodding in the direction of the resort. 
“Nah,” Joel scratches the back of his neck. “Need the fresh air.”
He and Tommy share a brief, manly hug and pat on the back, then Joel walks off with his bag on one shoulder.
Joel’s coming for you. He might not have the right words, but he doesn’t need them. Never did. None of this was built on words. It was something unspoken under something physical and fierce. He pockets his phone and puts on his shades, walking with new resolve. There are things he wants to tell you, and some of them need words, but not all of them. The words can wait. They’ll come easier when you’re back where you belong. 
Two hours later, he’s back at the hotel. He smells his own sweat soaking through his shirt, and his phone’s about to overheat.
“Long time no see,” the receptionist says. 
“Yeah,” Joel mumbles without humor, then forces a smile. He gets a room, puts his things away, then heads out to find you. 
You’re not at the pool. You’re not in any of the common areas. 
He goes down to the beach, toward the surf lessons. 
Billy’s showing off for a customer. Joel sits in the sand and waits. He admires the way Billy moves in the water, resenting him at the same time. 
When Billy’s done, he walks up to Joel. Joel’s eyes fall on Billy’s swim trunks, then his mind goes to your hands, your mouth, your perfect cunt.  
Billy extends his hand, and pulls Joel up. He pats Joel’s arm, then lets him go. “Got some time if ya wanna catch a wave.” 
“Where is she?” Joel asks. 
“I dunno, mate. Prob’ly with her friends?” He motions for Joel to follow him to the shack. Years ago, Billy more or less offered Joel a handjob in that shack. Joel declined, and that was that. 
As they enter the shack, Billy unzips his quarter-zip long-sleeve top and pulls it off. He takes a sip of water, then wipes off his mouth. “So,” Billy starts. “What’s the story?” He turns up the water bottle again and it makes a high pitched sound as he sucks it. “Ex-lovers?” he asks with a smile. 
Joel’s jaw clenches. He takes a breath through his nose and calms himself. “Not ex.” 
Billy chokes on his water, then wipes his mouth again. “Does she know that?” 
Joel rakes his hand through his hair, at a loss. “That’s my girl,” he nods, heart pounding. 
“I don’t think she is, mate. Women aren’t property-” 
“-cut the crap, Billy.” Joel’s chest is heaving. 
Billy’s eyes fall to Joel’s right hand, which is flexing into a fist. 
“Hit me if it makes ya feel better,” Billy puts down the water bottle and braces himself in a welcoming stance. 
This fucker. No, Joel isn’t going to hit him. 
Joel forces himself to relax, puts his hands on his hips and shifts his weight, shaking his head at the floor. 
Billy lunges toward him, light on his feet as if he’s gonna sucker punch Joel. It’s playful, but Joel drops his shoulder and tackles him to the floor before he can get in a jab. 
On the floor, Billy fights back, eyes wild, but Joel’s too strong. He pins him with his left forearm on his chest, straddling him. 
Billy grabs Joel’s left tricep. “Look at that,” he marvels. “Unbelievable.” 
Joel looks into the blue eyes staring up at him and wonders if you’ve had this POV. For a brief moment, he’s tempted to slide his forearm up to his neck. Billy looks at Joel’s right hand which opens and shuts in the air, stretching.  
“I can take it,” Billy urges. “C’mon, knock me around.” 
Billy’s enthusiasm takes the wind out of Joel’s sails and brings him back to reality. He releases his forearm and sits back on his knees, still bracketing Billy’s hips. Joel slowly stands with a groan, then helps Billy to his feet. 
—- Later at Aqua —--
Billy has given you the closest VIP table. You and your friends are sitting there with a drink. He points at you from his DJ booth, which is on a raised platform. All three of you hold up your drinks and smile at him. 
Kari and Nahlah have had their eyes on a couple of guys who are finally approaching. It's a group of three. You decline to dance, so the third guy sits down to have a drink with you instead, shouting over the music, “HOW LONG ARE YOU IN TOWN?” You look past the man, and Billy is laughing, looking down at his mixer board. After indulging the man for another minute or so, you excuse yourself to the restroom, hoping the man will take the hint and disappear in your absence.
On the way to the restroom, you pass a couple of dark rooms with hall windows and suspect people might be fucking in there. The half-pill you’ve taken isn’t doing anything, but you know better than to double it just yet. 
When you come out from the restroom, the guy is still at your table. You curse him under your breath and head outside for some fresh air.
You duck out a door that’s propped open. Smokers are milling about. A few partiers are comforting a crying friend. You walk just far enough to get some space from that scene and the artificial light. You lean against the brick wall to breathe. The tiniest droplets of sea water tingle merrily on your face. You open your mouth and can taste it in the air. You fill your lungs and savor the breath. A buzz hums from your skin.
Your dress has a slit on one side and is long enough that you can lift your knee and rest one foot on the wall behind you without exposing yourself—but that wouldn’t be the end of the world anyway. You watch palm leaves rustle in the ocean breeze and look at the sky. There are more stars here than at home. Maybe you should take a walk. 
You’re still gazing into the sky when you notice someone in a colorful shirt approaching. They flick their cigarette away and it sparks. You smile, and as they come into focus, they turn into Joel. 
Are you rolling that hard after half a pill? You’ve still got your wits about you, don’t you? You watched Joel leave this morning, and you’ve never seen him dressed like this. The colors vibe perfectly on his silk shirt, and a gold chain sparkles underneath. His curls are fluffier than earlier. 
He slowly approaches and wets his lips when he’s a few feet away. His eyes rove your body. When he’s close enough, he rests his hand on the brick wall to lean over you. He smells like cloves. He looks tired. He leans a little closer, and you look him in the eyes. 
“Thought you left,” you mutter.
He shakes his head, and continues to gaze into your eyes. “Couldn’t do it.” 
You run a hand up his chest, palm gliding across his shirt. His chest is strong, and the fabric is like cool shaving cream under your fingers. In the back of your mind, you still have so many questions, but you don’t ask them. Not now. 
“You can be mad at me,” his brows knit and he nods twice. ”I deserve that.”  His eyes lock on yours.  “But I'm not gonna let ya go.” 
Your nipples harden with a chill, and your lips part.  
His gaze falls from your eyes to your lips, and you tilt your chin up. His eyes fall further, to your neck, and he inhales sharply through his nose. You turn your head the other way. Still braced on the wall, he nudges your chin so he can look at the bruising. You feel his heart rate quicken under your hand, and you slide your hand up to the cold sweat beading on his neck. 
His thumb brushes over the bruising. He brings his mouth and nose to the other side and grazes your sensitive skin with his nose. His tongue teases you and you shiver, then he plants his lips. He grunts softly as he marks you. His breath hits your wet skin as he lingers there to murmur, “Missed how ya taste.” 
He returns to the bruised side of your neck and licks the mark, tenderly, then harder. It’s sore, but you don’t react. For a moment, his lips lay plush and soft against your damaged skin. Then he opens his mouth wide. He scrapes his teeth, then plants his lips and sucks, and you try not to flinch but let out a little gasp. He tongues and sucks at it for almost five seconds before releasing you. 
He soothes the spot with the light touch of his lips, then kisses up your jaw, to your ear, where he murmurs, “What are you on, and how much?”
You tell him. 
“Should be fine,” he mutters to himself as he pulls his head back. 
He looks back and forth between your eyes. “Wanna make sure you remember.” 
You wet your lips and swallow. 
He’s close enough that his body heat enhances yours. His whole presence is a warm embrace. You half-heartedly try to conjure what you went through earlier—the hurt, the resolve not to let it happen again. You can’t find it under your affection, wonder, and empathy. Something tells you it’s going to be okay. 
He looks at your neck again. 
You open your mouth to apologize, but he cuts you off, “Shh.” He takes your hand and leads you back inside. 
It’s dark, minus the red and pink lights washing over the dance floor, which is crowded but not quite packed. He gets two soda waters from the bar, and you sit down in the VIP booth. He has his arm around you, caressing your shoulder. Soon, you have your legs in his lap, just happy to have him close. You reach into your dress for the small plastic baggie. Joel is watching the dance floor and idly stroking your leg as you pour the other piece of the pill into your hand. Some of it is powder by now. Joel’s eyes return just in time to see you put it on your tongue. 
He squeezes your chin to open your mouth, then, with the same hand, sticks two massive fingers between your lips to retrieve the pill. “You don’t need this,” he mutters, then sticks what remains of the pill in his mouth and takes a sip of water.  “What else ya got in there?” Joel feels you up through the fabric on and around your tits, and his eyebrows shoot up when his hand catches on something.
He shoves his hand down your dress and finds it tucked under your arm: a small, foil square. He turns it over and the clear backing reveals a glow-in-the-dark condom. He tosses it onto the table, then pulls you tighter against him. Your hip brushes a warm bulge in his soft black pants, and it twitches. These pants would be so easy to slip your hand into, you just know it. But before you can try, he brings his mouth to your ear. “C’mon, let’s dance.” 
On the dance floor, Joel stands behind you, and his heavy arms snake around your torso. He moves with you, with the music, and runs his palms over your dress. His dick hardens, and those silky pants leave nothing to the imagination as the vivid outline grinds against you. You lose yourself in his touch, in the soft rub of his cock, until you sense someone watching and glance toward the DJ booth. Billy smiles to himself and goes back to his mixing board. Joel shamelessly grabs your tit again. You’re already so wet for him.  In the corner of your eye, you see Billy still watching but pretend you don’t notice. 
“You’re so damn hot,” Joel growls right against your ear as he massages your breast and grinds against you with his arm crossing your body and one hand on your hip.  “Uggh,” he groans in arousal. He jostles behind you, adjusting his pants, then gathers the long skirt of your dress. He covers your ass with himself before the air has a chance to hit you. Then his hard, naked cock slides between your thighs. You gasp and look back. He kisses the side of your neck. You’re gushing all over him. Your thong is soaked through, and he’s sliding along your folds, hot and hard. He moans in your ear. His tip pushes the front of your dress out with every thrust through that warm, wet sleeve of your thighs against your cunt. 
Each pass of his tip makes you need him so bad. You turn your head back to say, “Let’s go somewhere.” 
“You want it?” he asks and slides out from your thighs, reaching down between you to put his dick away before letting your skirt down. 
You nod and begin to lead him to the restroom, but he firmly holds your elbow. You turn around and put your arms around his neck to plead, “Let’s go,” nodding toward the bathrooms. He grabs your ass and grinds against your front, raging hard.  He holds you close and you give up for the moment. 
He dips his head and noses your chin up. His lips brush a sore area, and you twitch. You slot your fingers into his curly locks, making him growl silently into your skin. "Joel," you sigh. "Let's go."
Either he doesn't hear you or pretends not to.  "Mmm," his hum vibrates into your skin. He pries his lips off your neck only to plant them on your mouth. Your tongues meet, and you need him, you really need him. Now. 
After a few seconds of bliss, you break the kiss to plead, "Let’s go." He reads your face and shakes his head no as a dim red light falls over you in passing. Your mouth falls open in protest. He grinds against you, letting his answer sink in. And in case there's any doubt, he brings his lips to your ear. "Gonna take it right here." 
He gathers the front of your dress. You swallow, stunned and throbbing in anticipation. 
He takes his cock out under your dress, then lifts one of your thighs, and you hook it around him. He keeps your raised knee against him. Your shoes are just the right height. He pulls your thong to the side and there’s no mistaking how wet and ready you are. Right away, he notches at your entrance. You tilt your hips. His fingers dig into your thigh and the plush of your ass. He plunges in with a grunt, pushing a gasp out of you as he divides your walls in what feels like slow motion. Your eyes flutter closed and your head falls back as his cock makes its place inside you. He holds you against himself, and your leg stays hiked up as he retreats, then begins to slide into you to the beat of the music. He brings his lips to your ear. “Ohh–good girl.”
You’d envisioned this every day since the last time and somehow forgot it was this good. He holds you close, his body flexing, expertly moving inside yours. You’ve missed this, you’ve really missed it. He grunts and moans into your hair, unrestrained. The music is loud enough. 
“Fuck, you’re hot,” he practically shouts, holding you by the ass and thigh as he fucks up into you. It’s a thrill being full of his cock in a sea of people. The song changes and you glance toward the DJ booth. Billy is looking right at you. Joel’s pace slows to match the new tempo. You melt into his arms with the perfect shape of his length dragging between your walls. Billy’s eyes smile, and he slowly nods. You catch him adjusting himself just below the DJ table which makes your walls twitch. You bite your lip. 
The grip of Joel’s fingers tightens, pressing firmly into your flesh. Billy’s hand is still below the mixing table when Joel turns your face back toward him and kisses you. Everything else fades away except his mouth on yours and his cock thrusting into you. The smooth slide of his tongue makes you twitch. His thrusts become sharper, deeper with the aid of his bruising grip, and your mouths break apart with labored breaths and moans. God, you’re wet, and only getting wetter. 
Joel searches your eyes as he thrusts into you. The lights wash over you again, and his pupils are wide. You gaze at each other, and you hold the back of his head, fingers tangling in his long curls as he slowly fucks you on the dance floor. There’s a glance from one or two dancers, but no one cares. 
You steal another glance at Billy, and he looks to be in a trance with his mouth hanging slightly open. He wets his lip and he closes his mouth, then runs his hand through his hair. You bury your face in Joel’s neck, and his familiar scent enhances everything. Pleasure is building more with each thrust of his cock making you whole. Nothing compares to this.
Joel grunts and sighs, and twitches. “Ohh, fuck,” he sighs. Is he going to come like this? God, he’s sexy. He tilts his head down and noses your nose so your chin tilts up and he finds your lips again. He kisses you sloppily, loosely, breathing and grunting, and the way he fills you up— shit, he feels good. Are you going to come like this? 
“Don’t let me fall,” you plead. 
He stares at your lips and his mouth draws yours in. He bottoms out and stays deep, moving in short pulses, holding you so your front grinds against his. 
You break the kiss to sigh, “Fuck.” You whimper against his lips as it overtakes you in slow motion. You don’t hold back. The moan rips out of your chest as your body clenches around his. You pulse, and your body spasms. He holds you tighter. “Ohh,” you moan.
“Oh, baby,” He pants. Each thrust is sharp. “Oh, fuck,” he bottoms out and groans as he pulses powerfully.  “Ohhh.” He holds you still as you milk his cock. “Ohh, gg–unghhh.” When he’s nearly spent, an air horn sounds.  Joel groans, and you both look toward Billy. He nods and gives a low thumbs up as the last of Joel’s cum dribbles into you. Joel laughs into your hair, “I’m gonna kill’m.”  
Joel dips his knees to let his cock slide out. He lets your leg down, then your dress, and fixes his pants. He holds you for a whole song. His cum dribbles down your thigh, and you don't even wipe it with your dress. 
“Let's get outta here.” 
You look for your friends, and they're still with the guys from earlier. Joel waits as you go over and say goodbye. When you return, he puts his arm around you as you walk outside.
Outside, he hugs you as you wait for an uber.  The night has dulled your anxiety, but it’s still there somewhere, and it reveals itself as you think about spending the night with him.
“I still don’t understand,” you whisper.
“I know, baby. Ya will. Promise.”
“Can you just answer one thing?”  He waits for your question.  “Who drives a black Mercedes?” 
You pull back to watch him react.
“Black Mercedes. . .” His brow furrows and he searches the pavement for an answer.
“The SUV you were in.” 
“Oh, pumpkin’,” his face softens.  “Just my lawyer, baby.” He kisses you on the forehead, which pauses your thoughts and weakens your eyes. 
Your phone buzzes with a call from Kari, but the call cuts off. Kari hasn’t texted, but in your messaging app, there’s a new group thread with three unread:
“come over to mine,” Billy had texted minutes ago. Then, “key’s under the cactus.”
Joel had already responded, “not tonight.” 
if you want the lore about the surf shack in didn't years ago here it is
I'm watching the comments and rbs for what people are excited about and what people want to see 👀
Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate your patience and support. Your love of night walks Joel and investment in these two makes me really happy. Love you guys 🖤
@silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @may-machin @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret @bean-is-reading @rainstorms-library
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maxwellatoms · 9 months
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Like all of the characters, Hoss changed forms a couple of times throughout his life. By the time the game showed up I was actively working on Underfist and was tempted to use the new Hoss design, but instead I felt like I'd go with the one people were more familiar with. Which also happened to be the one that wouldn't require me to redesign all of the costumes.
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myfandomprompts · 9 months
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Do not hesitate to reload.
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californiaboytoybilly · 4 months
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cw: stalking, voyeurism/exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, sex toys, dominant bottom billy, mildly dubious consent, pervert steve harrington, cocky billy hargrove, model billy hargrove
beta read by: @bottombillyapologist (tysm 🖤)
He was watching.
Billy knew he was watching. He was as predictable as the soft creak of the weathered floorboard that accompanied his first step across the threshold of his bedroom, somewhere beyond the soft fluttering of his sheer curtains.
Casting his eyes to the side as he walked towards his bed, Billy tried not to smile as he caught a glimpse of him, half hidden behind the stone statue in the garden. Steve- because it wasn’t hard to find out really anybody’s name or place of work when you had a wallet full of cash- had become something of a toy to him.
Steve didn’t know that Billy knew he was there, of course. No, no. That had been the best part for the blonde.
He imagined a breathless gasp echoing in his garden as he dropped the towel tied loosely around his waist, shower damp skin prickling as it was bared to the air. Steve would be drinking in the sight of him, lip clasped between his teeth all guiltily the way he did when Billy started coincidentally passing by the ice cream stand he worked at in the mall when he went to visit his favorite photographer.
Not many professional photographers would let you drag them into their supply closet for a quick fuck after a session, and Billy had been in a five year dry spell when it came to anything more than casual.
Maybe it was a little fucked up that he knew someone was stalking him and enjoyed it, but Billy wasn’t trying to pretend to be normal. It could’ve been his vanity, his ego, some need to be seen by someone— but he didn’t care why.
Putting on these Friday night shows was the only time he even bothered to touch himself anymore. It just wasn’t the same without his little audience member.
Billy sighed as he sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching for the rich tub of lotion he kept nearby. He wondered if the anticipation was simmering in Steve’s stomach in the same way it was for him as he scooped up the cream on his fingertips, thick and sweetly scented like white tea and raspberries.
As his fingers swirled the cream over his toned chest, massaging and pressing, leaving tingling little trails in their wake, his body began to wake up in other ways. Billy’s head tipped back, a private smile just for himself spreading across his lips as he let his legs fall open.
The teasing was the best part, but he found himself incredibly impatient for the main course. It had been a long week and he’d been eager for this.
Letting his back hit the wall, Billy slowly trailed his massaging fingers lower as he worked his skin cream in, breath catching in his throat when his fingertips brushed the very top of the thatch of hair between his hips. So close.
Finally, he couldn’t bear it anymore. He needed to get off like it was as important as the oxygen he breathed.
Wiping off his fingers carelessly on the sheets, Billy let his eyes open just enough to peer subtly towards the window once more. There he was, even less hidden than before as his distraction clearly won out over his need to be hidden. That was how Billy had first learned of him after all.
As soon as all of the calendar model’s perfect golden skin was on display, Steve’s blood rushed south and Billy got to see a little more of his admirer as he slipped up.
Though the details were a little fuzzy from here, Billy could see his hand slowly rubbing over the denim of his jeans, pretty jaw dropped just a little as he braced himself against moss covered stone. Fizzling pleasure like fireworks flooded Billy’s body at the confirmation he was enjoying what he saw.
Like he always did.
Maybe one day he’d invite him in. Sit him down in the leather chair in the corner and make him beg to touch the object of his obsession, while Billy took himself apart painfully slow in front of his eyes. Maybe he’d even let him lick his spent dick clean after, just a fleeting taste to drive him wild.
Billy throbbed between his legs at the thought. Fuck, that was enticing. He always felt so boneless and lazy after a good orgasm, cleaning up was a hassle he didn’t always want to bother with. He knew Steve would do such a good job, clever pink tongue catching every single pearly drop like it was a priceless wine he could never afford.
With that image burned into his mind, Billy let his eyes slip shut as his hand wrapped around the base of his cock, flushed and weeping where it had risen to kiss the soft skin of his abdomen. If he gasped a little louder than was strictly necessary to ensure the sound would carry through the crack of his open window, that was his own business.
Need scratched up the inside of Billy’s body with fire-tipped claws, a beast yearning to be set free. Tonight wouldn’t be a slow, leisurely show. He needed it too much for that.
A whine escaped him as he rubbed his thumb over the swollen head, ass lifting an inch off the bed as he just barely stopped himself from thrusting into his hand. Fuck. His free hand blindly traveled over the bed until it slipped under his pillow to the place where he’d hidden what he needed for this.
Cool, pink glass brushed his fingers and he smiled as he removed it from its hiding place. Heather had been horrified at the very thought of a glass toy, cringing so hard in the shop despite the salespersons assurance it was solid and completely safe that she’d almost escaped her own skin.
Billy loved it. The temperature, the unyielding nature of it, the heart shaped bumps and ridges that made his toes curl. He lifted the toy to his mouth, opening his eyes just a little as he spit on the flared head of the toy.
He tried his best not to look right at Steve as he lowered the toy, letting it skim over his waiting hole as he spread his legs a little further, chin falling to rest on his chest with a pant as he pushed it inside of himself. A shudder rolled up his spine, tongue damn near falling out of his mouth as it lolled.
The spit wasn’t enough to make it an easy slide, but the friction only made his cock jump in his hold again. He liked it to burn a little so he could feel it later.
Idly, he wondered what Steve was packing. Would he stretch him open like the toy? Make it burn? Or was his proclivity to watch because he was on the smaller side? Did it make him feel inadequate, did he watch because he didn’t believe he could please Billy?
He was sure he could find a way. Size wasn’t everything.
Maybe if his cock was too small to ride, Billy would tie him to the bed. His ankles and wrists bound, laying there helpless and desperate as Billy straddled his face and rode his tongue until his blood turned to lava in his veins and he lost the ability to speak.
It only felt fair. Payment in pleasure for all that Billy had given him over the last six months.
He worked the toy faster as his desperation built, thigh muscles bunching up tight. Another lazy glance under his lashes showed him that Steve’s hand had disappeared into his pants, head pressed against the statue and shoulder rapidly rising and falling.
You wish you were inside of me instead? Billy wondered, before the toy brushed against a spot that had him damn near choking on the moan that ripped free.
Steve’s head dropped the second the sound reached his ears, only for a moment, mouth moving around a word Billy couldn’t make out and hand never so much as pausing its rapid motion. Just the sight of him had Billy going faster, rocking himself down to meet each thrust of the toy to get it deeper but—
Billy whined, annoyed. He was so fucking close but it wasn’t enough. He needed more.
It almost pained him to let the toy slip out of him, cock weeping and angry at the sudden neglect as he used his hands to get to his knees. He was loath to sacrifice his little glimpses of his favorite freak, but… maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give Steve something special tonight.
It was Valentine’s Day, and he felt like being nice.
And, he really needed to fucking cum before he exploded.
Billy turned his back to the window, kneeling on the soft mattress holding his weight, and bent over to reach into his nightstand. He might have shaken his ass, just a little. As a treat.
It didn’t take long to see what he was looking for. Bright red silicone and big enough to make his mouth water. He snatched it as well as the tube beside it, impatiently slicking it up just a moment later.
Finally, he thought as he slid down onto the toy, which was tightly held in place by his feet. It left his hands free to brace him against the wall, back muscles tightening under his skin as he began to fuck himself down onto the toy. It was bigger than the other one, enough to almost hurt, but he relished in it.
Once he was sure he wasn’t going to topple over, he removed one of his hands from the wall and dropped it to pinch at his nipple, head falling loosely back on his shoulders as he let out a litany of curses.
Had Steve fully come out of hiding now that he thought Billy would be oblivious? Or was he still being careful? Maybe he was even taking pictures…
That thought shouldn’t have been appealing at all and yet it had him rocketing towards the edge, probably forming a puddle on the sheets where his bobbing cock drooled endlessly. Quiet enough to not be heard from outside, Billy tried letting Steve’s name mingle upon his pitchy moans and heavy breathing. He liked the way it dripped from his tongue.
In fact, he liked it so much that he made an incredibly risky decision. One that had the chance of scaring off his skittish little bunny for good.
But his orgasm was creeping up on him, he felt drunk on the endorphin rush, and he wanted more next time. He wanted to be touched. Wanted Steve to get on his knees and beg for the privilege to do so. Even the thought was…
His body trembled, hand shooting down to stroke himself one, twice—
It crashed into him like an ocean wave, Billy’s hips dropping down as far as he could take the toy as he clenched tight and let out a near wail of Steve’s name. It trailed off into a sob of a moan, back bending and body shuddering violently as he painted the wall with his release.
Did he imagine the startled sound behind him? His brain was swimming as he struggled to catch his breath, barely able to muster the energy to lift himself off of the toy and let it fall to the bed. He angled his body as he flopped sideways, landing on his back with his legs splayed, one dangling off the bed.
He wanted to look, see if he’d scared him off. But he felt like his muscles had been reduced to pudding and he really needed a minute to reattach himself to reality.
A minute felt like a week before he could drag himself into a sitting position, wincing at the stab of soreness that would haunt him deliciously tomorrow. He pulled himself to wobbly feet, stretching out his body as he stumbled his way towards his window.
Steve stood wide eyed in the same place Billy had last seen him, lips parted and face bright red as Billy hit a button to flick on his pool lights and effectively illuminate him. He had a dark patch on the front of his pants, which made Billy lick his lips as he fought back a smirk.
He was looking at Billy both like he was the most alluring and most terrifying creature he’d ever seen. It absolutely didn’t make the blonde preen.
His bunny shuffled in place, looking like it was taking every ounce of strength he had not to run. Billy lifted his fingers to his mouth, kissed them and then winked as he pressed them against the window.
Steve jolted, lip sucked into his mouth and looking for all the world like he forgot how to blink.
Billy took a step back, reaching out to either side of the window to grab onto the edges of the curtains as a broad smile broke out onto his face. “Happy Valentine's Day, sailor boy.” He called out, watching only long enough to see Steve’s face slacken and go impossibly more red before pulling the curtains shut with a flourish.
Perhaps he’d indulge in a little bit of ice cream tomorrow.
He’d certainly worked up an appetite.
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every-dayiwakeup · 1 year
Neil cuts Billy's hair.
Billy doesn't want to be seen like this, but he has to go to school. Everyone's staring at him, and he wants to disappear. He's lost control of the one thing he can control in his life... his image.
Now he's got nothing.
But then King Steve actually sends a golden smile his way during Gym, tells him the new haircut suits him.
And Jonathan Byers, the stalker he's very much aware of, still has this look in his eyes that tells Billy he'll always want him.
Maybe his stupid hair is growing on him.
Billy starts to realize that in Neil cutting off his hair... the man he calls father has added fire to the smouldering flames in his belly. Billy's not angry at himself anymore.
Neil can't stand that he's reclaimed the haircut... He'd throw an even bigger tantrum if he knew it got Billy two boyfriends.
That knowledge is what keeps Billy going.
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richardsletters · 1 year
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Full name: Richad Ramirez   Date of birth: 2-28-60 Height, weight, shoe size: 6'1' 180 - 12 Hometown: Texas Marital status: Single             Family: 5 Wheels: Lamborgini in the SQ parking lot ha   Brother:4   Sister:1 Most Treasured honor: My dick Perfect women or man: Me Childhood Hero(s): Jack The Ripper Favorite TV shows: The Munsters Favorite Movies: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Night of the living dead Favorite songs:  “” Favorite Songs: Led Zap, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden Metallica, Ozzy. AC/DC Billy Idol Favorite singers:”” Favorite musicians:”” Hobbies: Slicing + dicing + spicing up Rump Roast. Favorite meals: Woman's feet Why you wrote me: cause your up on the times. Or so it seems. And your fine. Recommended reading: All murder books. True crime magazines Last book read: Marquis DeSade -  Jullietta + Justine Ideal evening: Full moon, sex + drugs all night Every January 1st, I resolve: Can't say here. ha Nobody knows I'm: ?? My biggest regret: Not carrying a gun at all times. ha
If I were president, I'd: rule with an iron heart and a rock hard dick. Who: I don't like about people: Everthing. 99% of the people suck. I like most women though. My biggest fear: Nothing. The supernatural maybe Pet peeves: ?              Superstitions: ? Friends like me because: I aint got friends. Associates only Behind my back they say: ?? If I were an animal, I'd be: a tyrannosaurus. Personal goals in life: ?? Favorite color: Black   Favorite number: 666 Political views: None all politicians can eat shit Thoughts on crime: It's a wheel. your either the driver or the one who gets crushed by it. Try and avoid (?) Thoughts on drugs: Great. They should be legalized Thoughts on sex: Great. Everthing goes. Sexual likes/dislikes: Great. Everything is good. Except fags. Women lesbians are ok. Describe first sexual encounter: Prostitute. I was 12 years old What I expect from friendships: Nothing Religious thinking: Satanic evil motherfucker What you are thinking now: Can I suck your toes
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cannibalsclass · 17 days
bro your like 14 and asking billie to eat you out??
dont think i havent forgetten your previous blogs
yup do u want me to say it again?
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tac-the-unseen · 22 days
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widowshill · 6 months
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But it was clear to me the reason why he was so good at bending men towards his will was he knew the power of a story and how to harness it to his own ends.
dark shadows + black sails, "a story is true. a story is untrue."
ds 2 / bs "V" / ds 2 / bs "V" / ds 25 / bs "XXXVIII." / ds 38 / bs "XXXVIII." / ds 38 / bs "XXXVIII." / ds 65 / bs "VII." / ds 65 / bs. "VII." / ds 25 / bs "I." / ds 25 / bs "I." / ds 56 / bs "I." / ds 56 / bs “I.” / ds 56.
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Pairing: Dark!Billy Russo x Fem!Stalker!Reader
Summary: After a few months of stalking Billy, you make the decision to curb your obsession, believing that he deserves better than you. Billy doesn’t agree. part of the same AU as this drabble here
Warnings: stalking, unconventional and non healthy relationship, minor violence, this two aren’t exactly sane but they’re meant for each other
My Masterlist
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The smile on your face seems to pacify the investors surrounding you, despite the fact that the expression doesn’t reach your eyes. You stare down at the floor for a long moment, as the rest of the group exchange their pleasantries.
Over the last few weeks, you’ve been increasingly distracted. Suppressing the urge to watch Billy has taken more effort than you had initially thought. Following him home after work, listening to him on a morning and evening through the bugs in his house, and watching him through his bedroom windows - it had all become a habit for you. A habit that had been near torture to quit.
The worst part was that Billy had indulged you. He had photos of you. He could have gone to the police, or sought you out himself. But he hadn’t. It was your own conscience that had stopped your stalking in its tracks. After all, what would your next step be? You couldn’t kidnap him, there would be too many questions if a CEO disappeared. You would have to meet him, and from this realisation your self consciousness had set in. Would he even like you?
Seeing him from a distance, and watching him during his most intimate moments, had all seemed safe for you. There was no chance of rejection.
You look up at the group surrounding you, barely even processing their words. Then your gaze slides over the rest of the room. There’s plenty of people gathered in the ballroom for the charity gala, dressed in designer clothes, and sipping on flutes of champagne. You try not to sigh, wiggling your foot to adjust it’s position in your shoe.
Then your eyes land on him. You can hardly breathe.
It’s him. It’s Billy.
His dark eyes roam over your body, starting at your heels, before fixating on your bare legs revealed by the slit in your dress. His eyes linger on your chest for a long moment, until he catches a glimpse of your face. Then he realises. That the pretty girl he was just eyeing up was the same girl that had been stalking him for the last few months - minus your recent attempt at cold turkey.
His expression darkens and you also come to a realisation. There was something worse than his rejection. His anger. You knew full well how dangerous Billy was. You had seen him run training drills, and during his own workout sessions in his home gym.
You make some quick excuses before you’re making your way through the crowd towards the door. Your heart is hammering in your chest as you walk swiftly through the hallways. You make it around another corner, only to be slammed against the nearest wall. The scream in your throat dies as Billy curls his fingers around your neck.
“Well, well, well.” He muses with a dark expression, though his tone is light, almost casually conversational as if he wasn’t cutting off your air supply. “Look what we have here.”
His eyes drop down to admire your dress, as you writhe pitifully against his hold. A wicked smile tugs at his lips as he continues,
“You’ve got some real nerve, I’ll give you that.” His eyes blaze with anger as he tightens his hold on you. “Ignoring me for weeks, then showing up in public dressed like this.”
He eases the pressure on your throat, and you gasp as the oxygen returns to your head.
“I didn’t know you’d be here.” You protest weakly, and he raises a brow at you. You can hardly blame him for not believing you. Just a few weeks ago you had his whole schedule memorised. You always knew where he was. Your voice is small as you repeat in a near whisper, “I didn’t.”
“You disappeared.” Billy says, his tone hard and defensive. Your brow crinkles in confusion.
“I thought I’d gone far enough.” Tears prickle in the corner of your eyes at your admission, and Billy drops his hand from your throat. “You deserve better than me.”
His laughter is sharp, and filled with self depreciation as he scoffs,
“Billy, the things I want to do you, they’re not healthy.”
“Tell me.” You shake your head, but he leans even closer to leave a trail of kisses along your throat. “Tell me exactly what you want to do to me.”
“I can’t.” You shake your head again, tears falling onto his face as he continues to kiss along your skin. You can hardly believe this is happening. That Billy - your Billy - was kissing the blooming marks left by his fingers. He sucks on the skin lightly, and you whimper at the sting of his tongue against the slowly forming bruises. Your toes curl at the dizzying contrast, the soft heat of his mouth after his hands were wrapped around your throat.
“You’ve broken into my house, left filthy pictures of yourself for me to find, and stole I don’t know how many pairs of my boxers.” Blood floods to your cheeks, and an almost painful tingle of embarrassment runs over your skin. “But letting me in on those dirty thoughts of yours is too much?”
Your fingers dig into the fabric of his jacket, and you take a shuddering breath.
“Oh fuck.” You breathe out, before you finally admit, “I want to follow you to a bar when you meet up with your friends.” Your eyes are squeezed shut tightly, you can’t bare to meet his eyes but now that your thoughts are flowing you can’t bring yourself to stop. “I want to wait until you’re stumbling home drunk, and to take you home with me instead. I want you to wake up in my apartment, tied to the bed. I want you to depend on me completely. I want you to be mine.”
Billy doesn’t react. His expression doesn’t move an inch, but there’s an entire world of thoughts and emotions swimming in the dark pools of his eyes. He’s never belonged to anyone, and deep down he’s always wanted to. He thought he would find some sense of belonging in the army, then with Frank. But neither of those lasted. And now here you were, wanting him so desperately that you had broken the law just to catch a glimpse of him.
Maybe you were right. Maybe this wasn’t healthy. But he’s never had any sort of relationship that wasn’t a little dysfunctional.
“And then?” He asks softly as he traces his finger along your jawline. Your fingers are still hooked around his jacket, and you manage to meet his eyes with an intensity that has a sharp shiver running down his spine.
“And then I’d never let you go.”
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @restingbitchsblog @tiredbeebo @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @hummelmi @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes @blanchedelioncourt @chickensarentcheap @katedrexel @stardust-danvers @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit
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persephonescottage · 2 years
PONY | 23.
Pairing: Billy RussoxFem!Reader
Summary: Pony fucks a zillionaire.
Warning: References to sexual situations, swearing, obsessive thoughts. Although this chapter might not include it, this fic will include stalking, somnophilia, CNC (between two consenting adults), knife play, age gap, dub con, Stockholm syndrome, gaslighting and other triggers I will include as we go along, please only read if you’re 18+. If any of this warnings trigger you please don’t read.
A/N: Hey guys! I wasn’t gonna post this until I had the ending chapter (which is the next one) and post them together, but I haven’t posted in soooo long that I was like why not you know?
Anyway, sorry for having a melt down on main but thanks for all your sweet comments, i’m still working like crazy but i feel a bit better now. I hope you like this one!
Oh fuck it.
To hell with it.
It’s the only thing that crosses your mind now with his hands squeezing your hips and his hot lips on the sensitive back part of your shoulder. You were gonna fuck Billy Russo and you would stop fighting it.
You had no choice either way, you rationalize when he turns your body to face him and shows you the shinny knife he hid on the ankle of his dress pants.
It looks sharp and deadly and he moves it quickly cutting all the ribbon on the lace up corset to finish setting you free from it.
“Wait no, you’re destroying the dress! How am I supposed to leave here?”
“Quiet! I payed for it, I can do whatever I want.”
You pout.
You want to argue, but there is a gleam in his eye that tells you it’s all part of the Blackbird act. He does this all the time, he is both good and bad cop in your relationship and you know he’ll have something for you to wear after.
So you let him have his moment.
But you still pout like a spoiled child and he rolls his eyes.
“Please Pony keep pretending your pussy isn’t dripping for this.”
And you blush because he’s right as he picks you up like you weight nothing and sits you on the table, his forehead resting against yours giving you a questioning look.
He looks so beautiful, his gaze predatory and yet he is asking for your consent, your hands think by themselves and you touch his cheek with your open palm, his scar feeling rough under your skin.
He flinches and looks away and you want to kick yourself.
Did you fuck this up?
You should’ve asked before just like he was doing it with you.
There must have been a worried look on your face because you see him fight with himself before he looks back at you, giving you that questioning look again and you know everything is fine between you.
You won’t try it again but everything is ok.
You nod.
He may go ahead, you mean to say with the gesture, and you hope he knows he can do whatever he wants to you, he doesn’t need to ask for permission.
His fingers remove the last pieces of the dress off from you and the dry environment of the bookshelves around has the room cold enough for your nipples to be hard, and he takes them both in his hands as his mouth attacks your neck.
There is nothing delicate in his touch, it’s hard and animalistic how he squeezes your skin, leaving redness anywhere his fingers have been. His breathing is hard and he has started to slowly thrust onto your right thigh desperate for friction, his hand shakily undoing the button and zipper of the trousers.
The delicate skin of your chest burns with the scratching of his beard and you close your eyes to enjoy the moment only to flinch opening them fast when his fingers spread your pussy lips open, pushing two large fingers inside of you, curling them with force.
You look for his eyes and you’ve never seen anything darker. 
He’s gonna eat you alive.
You can’t wait.
His pace is excruciatingly slow and you hope he can’t notice the way you rock your body back and forth on the table so he’ll go faster, or the way your sight hasn’t left the bulge showing through the opening of his pants.
“How do you want it Pony? Do you want me to go slow, tease you until you can only beg for me to let you come or do you want it hard and fast like you’re my own personal fuck toy?”
“Hard” you pant, your body still moving to find his contact.
“You sure?”
You know he’s taunting you, teasing you to force you to say the words he wants to hear, but you’re too desperate to care, his fingers curling just right. So you say what he wants you to say, confess what you’ve openly thought about touching yourself with him in your mind.
“I am your personal fuck toy.”
Before the last word leaves your mouth you hear him groan and move quickly to remove the rest of his clothes, filling you up quickly. You don’t need to move yourself anymore as his thrusts force your body to slide back and forth on the table and you know you’ll have burns from the ridges on the oak wood in the morning.
You try to move, to touch him, to grip onto his body but he places his hand on your lower belly pushing softly as he fucks you recklessly and your body becomes numb and useless as you get your first orgasm of the night coming out of nowhere.
It’s embarrassing how quickly it was and you feel your face flush as you try to hide it pressing your check to his chest but he doesn’t stop the pace.
“So fucking tight baby, fucking perfect. Tighter than I imagined all this time.” His voice sounds hoarse and anguished.
He’s not holding back anymore like he did those nights in your apartment, when he pulls on your hair to straighten your body to look at him in the eyes as he fucks you, just like he had told you he wanted it to on your first time together.
You can feel his cock filling you completely and you’re sure that the table under you is wet with the remaining of your first orgasm when the second one comes and you’re chanting mindless words and begging him to never stop.
His hand is tangled in your hair now, taking the strands and moving your head from time to time to kiss you passionately.
He smiles to you after the kiss sometimes and there is something so domestic about it, like you’re a normal couple, partners in crime having a sexcapade at a random boring party and not what you really are.
For a moment his pace slows down and he changes his angle to hit directly onto your g spot and you moan loudly. The rhythm is gentle and obscene and he rolls his hips to stroke the spot inside you every time and you sink your nails onto his strong arms.
You’ve heard legends of men that can make you feel the way Billy Russo was making you feel at the Monet, you read about them and settled for the stories to be complete fiction, but you never dreamed of this.
The sex you’ve experienced before this moment barely seems to classify as anything more than clueless foreplay in comparison to half of what Billy had shared with you by now.
His fingers palm your throat, gently squeezing as his lips find yours again and his tongue fills your mouth, reminding you who is making you feel this way as you can’t stop moaning.
“You’re mine.” He repeats like a prayer and buries his head on the crook of your neck, his breathing uneven.
His thrusts become deeper and faster until he groans against your skin and you feel him twitch inside of you and then pull out, painting your thighs with his cum. 
Your eyes are tired and you let him push you onto the table to rest as he climbs on top of it to lie next to you. The wood of the table is hard and cold but you can feel your body relaxing as if you were at a spa.
He keeps one arm wrapped around you, heavy on your torso, pulling your side close to his chest as you stare at the ceiling and you know he is tired too but his palm still finds your chest and plays with your breasts lazily.
“Should we talk about this?”
“About what?”
“I know who you are now.” You say turning your head to face him.
The lights in the room are dim but bright enough to show you his scars and you want to  touch them again, just caress his cheek and give it a kiss, but after the flinch a minute ago you pretend you don’t notice.
“And you’re a fucking zillionaire!” you breath out exasperated “Oh my God, I just fucked a zillionare on a library table.”
“I’m not a zillionare.” He laughs. 
“Why are you laughing? I’m serious, shouldn’t you be dating supermodels and socialites?”
“I really thought I fucked all the stupid questions out of you sweetheart, but I guess I’m gonna have to go for round two.”
“Seriously, what are you doing stalking the working class when you could be dating a Victoria’s Secret angel?
“You let me worry about that Pony.”
“Oh my god, what time is it? Gianna will be looking for me!”
“Is that Gianna you’re worried about? Or that walking trust fund you hang out with?”
“We’re naked on a table Billy, you’re seriously jealous of Henry right now?”
“I’m not jealous.” 
His voice is quiet and stubborn as he gets himself up from the table and disappears in the darkness of the corner of the room. You’re too exhausted to look for what he’s doing so you let his voice guide your imagination through where he is gone.
“Yeah you are.” You smile in a mocking sing a song voice  “And you’re pretty bad at hiding it.”
“Why would I be jealous? I don’t think that boy could make you come even once.”
There’s sounds of glass clinking before he returns to the table and you’re flushed by his comment. 
You are also sure Henry couldn’t make you come even once.
Billy hands you a glass of wine he must have served while in the darkness away from your sight and you take it after sitting down on the table, pretending you’re not staring at his naked body moving around so casually in the room, as you press your legs together faking modesty.
But you know what that’s really for.
You’re wet again.
In his other hand a damp cloth napkin you know he stole from the catering and you clean your thighs from the mess he made earlier. It’s warm and somehow that feels like such a sweet detail on his part.
“Cheers my love.” He finally clinks his glass with yours, the red whine moving around with the motion “When a woman has seen me, as you have, she belongs to me. She loves me forever.” he finishes.
“Gaston Leroux.” You smile shaking your head in disapproval before sipping on your glass, the wine rehydrating your throat after all the moaning you did before. “You know you can’t keep getting away with mischief by quoting Phantom of the Opera to me.”
“Oh just this one night Christine.” Billy pleas climbing on the table with you again.
“Ok, drama queen.” you say sipping wine again with your eyes rolling.                                                                                                              
“That’s what us zillionaires are like I guess.” He mocks leaving his glass on the side.
There is comfortable silence after and you know you’re fucked. Because this is so good, so perfect, so comfortable. Not comfortable like it would be with Henry, not safe like it would be with him, but it’s just right.
His fingers are playing with the skin of your thighs in delicate touches as he drinks from his glass. You see his Adam’s apple bobbing with each gulp.
You want to lick it.
“I don’t want a super model Pony. I want you.”
His confession strikes you out of nowhere, cutting the silence of the room like a fast knife and you don’t know what to say.
“I know myself and I’ll never stop wanting you. I don’t care about what has happened, it’s gonna be you and me forever.” 
He is staring at you now, so intensely you feel your eyes watering. Is it from happiness?Is it from fear? You’re not sure, but he keeps going, his gaze on the door every few seconds as he expects someone to barge in and interrupt you.
“You will never have to do anything you don’t want to do ever again, everything I own is yours now. That house in Greece you’ve been working three jobs for, it’s yours, everything can be yours, all you have to do is love me.”
His voice is cracking, he sounds desperate and nervous and his hand is on yours now, squeezing it from time to time.
Would he cry?
You’re not sure.
But your head is foggy all of a sudden and the room starts to spin.
“Billy I-“ you begin to speak but there is a vignette of black in your vision and it gets more dense as you struggle to keep your body upright.
This can’t be happening now, not after his confession.
You fight the slumber taking over your body but your limbs are weak, your eyelids flutter threatening you of deep sleep.
Billy gets closer to you, holding you to him as you begging to drift slowly, so you won’t hurt yourself falling flat on the table. 
There was something in your drink, you should’ve known that, but with the last sight you get before passing out the one of his lips on your cheek, you’re not so sure you’re that upset.
Tag list: @bxtchopolis | @wheresthesunshinesblog | @adriennebarnes | @restingbitchsblog | @sm2324 |@fruityfucker | @ruleroftides | @lilacs-lavender | @dragon-of-winterfell | @virginsvicide | | @spear-bearing-bi-witch | @iiirhiane-g | @simpforbuckyb| @fific7 | @snowkestrel
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gijoe-forever · 1 year
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onstrangerthighs · 11 months
Byergrove in a nutshell:
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morenapanda · 5 months
Looking Through Your Window
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Billy had decided to follow you home. 
It wouldn’t be the first time he had done so but it was the first time in which he was this angry while following you. Normally he would be content with following you and watching you from your bedroom window. He had to hide himself well because your apartment was small and your family seemed to be everywhere. Even your room held no privacy since you had to share it with your brother. 
It didn’t matter though as long as he could see you.
There were days when he was lucky and he would hide outside while the house was almost entirely empty with you being the exception. On those days he got to see sides of you no one else would ever see. 
Some days it was you singing songs off-key while cleaning, others it was you dancing along to songs you played on your phone. His favorite days however were the days in which he had to actively hold himself back from barging into your room. The days where you closed your curtains and he had to get as close to the window as he could so he could sneak a peek.
The days where he caught you touching yourself. 
He can’t exactly pinpoint when his infatuation with you started. He just remembers taking notice of you after some chance encounters. The time you offered to help him with a math problem. Another time the two of you had run into each at the school library. Then there was time he caught you staring at him. 
These moments may not mean much but they meant a lot to him now.
The moment that truly led to his infatuation was when he was once again beat up by the typical bullies in his life. They had been bothering Freddy again, never seeming to get the hint that if they messed with Freddy then they messed with him. He did what he typically did, which was insult them and draw their attention to him only to make a mad dash to create some distance from them. 
Sure he could fight them and win but he was trying to take his secret identity seriously which meant sometimes taking some hits he wished he could just fight against. 
On that particular day though, he spotted you outside of class. Possibly taking a breather, you had suddenly turned towards him. He took notice of your eyes widening and a look of concern cross your face. As you began to walk towards him he wondered how bad he must look. 
“Hey.” He wasn’t sure what to do, people didn’t normally notice him when he happened to be injured.
You cleared your throat. “Well I noticed that you seem to be hurt. You wouldn’t mind if I patched you up would you?” You asked while scratching your neck. You pulled bandages and a first aid kid out of seemingly nowhere with your other hand. 
Billy decided there was no point in saying no. “Alright, sure.”
You quickly sat down next to him and got to work. As you tended to his injuries Billy took the time to study you. You didn’t really stand out, there were moments here and there where he saw you with who he assumed were your friends but you didn’t seem to be popular. Your looks were pretty average too. You weren’t one of the prettiest girls in school but you weren’t ugly either. You seemed to hold the perfect balance in being an average student. 
“Well there you go. I hope these injuries heal up soon. I’ll see you around.” With that you quickly stood up and headed back into the school. 
Billy realized that had been the first time anyone has ever looked after him like that. Of course he has his family and they help him fight crime, and they always make sure to check up on how he's doing but this is the first time someone has patched him up like this, the first time someone who isn’t his family looked out for him. Sue him if he was a little intrigued. 
His intrigue quickly turned into obsession the more he learned about you. He remembered hearing about how easy it can be to either hate or love a person once you get to know them. Clearly he was heading in the love direction. The small things that he learned about you just made him like you more. The way you seemed to easily get distracted. The way you seemed to make faces at people without even realizing it. The way you seemed to get lost in reading. The way your hair curled. 
There was always something new to learn and figuring out how to do so without you noticing was half the fun.
So here he was, following you home as it had become routine for him at this point. Although today would be the first time he ever followed you home with you actually leading him here intentionally. 
You had shown up to school in an outfit he would never have expected you to wear. Not because you couldn’t pull it off (because you definitely could) but because you normally didn’t wear anything like it. You normally just wore the typical casual wear that just about everyone wore to school. A normal t-shirt and jeans, that was your go to. He even remembered you mentioning how you would like to wear nicer outfits to school but that there was no point. “School isn’t a place to wear a good outfit, it would be too much work for a place that drains me of all my energy. Besides, I'm too lazy to really make myself look good for school.”  That was your explanation.
Clearly you had changed your mind considering you were wearing one of the prettiest outfits he had ever seen you in. It was a baby blue, strapless dress that reached above your knees. It hugged your curves just right and made you appear even softer than before. This was the first time he had ever seen your legs so bare in public. To top it off you had styled your hair differently today. It was free and out of its usual bun, the curls perfectly framing your face.
You left him breathless.
As he got closer to the school he noticed other guys eyeing you up. Of course it wasn’t like in the movies when the girl had a supposedly huge transformation and everyone stopped and stared at her in awe. There were still plenty of people minding their business and heading off to their classes or towards their friends. Not every guy was distracted by your new look either. However , the guys that did stop to ogle at you made Billy see red.
He had learned enough about you to know that none of the guys at school had ever given you a passing glance. You were pretty much invisible to them and from what he saw you seemed to be alright with that. To think that all you had to do was wear a dress and suddenly you became someone worth noticing to them. 
Well he wasn’t going to give them the chance.
“Hey Y/N!”
You turned to look at him, confusion clear on your face. 
“Can I talk to you real quick?” You were talking to your friends but he saw some guys standing close to your group, clearly trying to find an opening to talk to you.
“Sure.” A smile flashed across your face, you seemed to recognize him. You quickly turned to your friends. “Hey guys I’m going to talk to Billy for a bit. I’ll come back if I get the chance but if the bell rings then I’ll see you at lunch.” After getting some nods from your friends you stepped towards Billy.
A triumphant smile took over his face as the guys near your group showed faces of disappointment. He quickly led you to a more secluded area of the school. 
“So what’s up Billy?” 
His mind drew a blank, he hadn’t really thought of what he was going to say to you once he got you away from the group of spectators. He was going to have to wing it.
“Uh I was just wondering how you were doing?” He winced. Seriously? This was the best he could come up with?
“Oh I’m doing pretty good, thanks for asking. How about you, how are you doing Billy?” You looked up at him and Billy immediately lost the ability to speak. He shook his head and tried to gather his thoughts before he made a fool of himself.
“I’m good too. I actually wanted to tell you that I really like your dress, it's really pretty.” Although not as pretty as you. 
“Thanks Billy.” You beamed up at him, a twinkle in your eye. “Something tells me you had something else you wanted to tell me though so what is it?” 
He hadn’t realized how obvious he was being but it probably would be for the best to just be upfront with you. “I uh, just wanted to know why you decided to wear that dress today? Usually you just wear your normal clothes.” He immediately realized how that may have sounded. “Not that you shouldn’t wear a dress or that your usual clothes aren’t nice too! I was just curious and my curiosity got the best of me.” Dang it! That came out wrong!
Instead of getting annoyed with him like he expected you gave him a small smile. “I just wanted to look pretty for once, and if I happen to get attention from a special someone that’s just a bonus.”
Attention from a special someone? Who could you possibly be trying to get the attention of? He thought the only guy you interacted with was him. He suddenly felt a surge of anger pass through him, he should be the only one you paid attention to. 
“Oh? Do I know this special someone by any chance?” He tried to sound casual but if she gave away the guy’s name who knows what he’ll do to him. 
“Maybe.” You replied coyly, playing with a heart shaped locket you were wearing around your neck. “Why?”
“Oh no reason, just curious.” He said, leaning against the wall. He studied your face as if the truth would be revealed if he looked at you long enough. 
“Hmmm, well maybe if you happen to know this guy with brown hair and hazel eyes.” You smirked up at him while he tried to remember any guys he’d seen with that description. A couple of guys did come to mind. 
“Is it Carlos from physics?”
“Noah from English?” 
“How about Kevin from History?”
“Mmm no, give up yet?” 
He could see you enjoying his struggle as you moved closer to him. He was tempted to pull you even closer and hold you in his arms but he knew that you may not be receptive to that.
“Can’t you give me another hint?” He moved closer to you and looked into your eyes, silently begging you to listen. 
“Alright, let me think. He’s really cute and loves to wear red shirts to school.” 
The first part of that hint angered him but he tried to focus on the second part to figure who he had to deal with. Red shirts. Hmmm…who wore red shirts a lot? He thought back to all the guys he’d seen around school. Many of them have worn red before but not enough for this hint to really help him. 
“What letter does his name start with?” 
You reached over and placed your hand on his chest. “B.” You whispered, you then leaned up towards his face and pressed your lips against his.
For a moment he was frozen in shock. He quickly snapped back to reality and kissed you back, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you closer. 
You eventually pulled back and studied his face. He had a couple of freckles across his nose and you could see the bags under his eyes. His eyes were unfocused and his lips were still slightly puckered from kissing. He was perfect.
You took a moment to gather your thoughts. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist, was that okay?” 
He just stared back at you, his body seeming to be frozen.
“Uh Billy?” You waved one hand in front of his face.
He flinched. “Huh?”
“Did you hear what I said?” A look of concern on your face.
He placed a hand on the nape of his neck. “Ah, sorry I didn’t. Could you repeat it?”
You had a hard time focusing as you remembered the warmth of Billy’s hands on your hips. “I asked if you were okay with me kissing you, I’m sorry I got a little ahead of myself there.”
A shy smile crossed his face. “Of course it’s okay! You can kiss me whenever you like! Wait, does this mean you were trying to get my attention?” 
He could feel the hope blossom in his chest. A kiss didn’t necessarily mean you wanted to date him or even that you liked him romantically, but you didn’t seem the type to kiss someone unless you liked them.
You beamed up at him. “Yes Billy, I like you and I was trying to get your attention. From the looks of things I did a good job.”
“I mean you did, but you already had my attention way before this.” He revealed.
You looked back at him incredulously. “Seriously?” 
He nodded. “Yup.” 
“No way, why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Sorry, I wasn’t sure you would like me back.”
“Well clearly I do.” 
That brought his attention back to your dress and how one of his hands was on your hip. He squeezed it knowing you wouldn’t mind since you apparently liked him too.
You grabbed his other hand and brought it back to the other hip. Now that you knew he liked you, you didn’t mind being bold.
“I want you to hold me.”
A blush spread across his cheeks at your words. He didn’t expect you to be so upfront. He couldn’t wait to see more of this side from you.
“Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” He squeezed your hips, hoping he would never have to let go of you again. 
“I would love to be your girlfriend.” You quickly pecked his cheek. Your cheeks grew tired from smiling but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. Billy Batson was your boyfriend, he liked you back!
“Hey look, I don’t want to tell you what to do but please don’t wear that dress to school ever again. I don’t like all those guys looking at you.”
Your lips stretched into a sly grin. “Billy, are you jealous?”
Billy pouted, “I think it’s fair for me to be jealous, you are my girlfriend after all.” 
He’s so cute! I want to tease him so bad.
“I don’t know-“
“Don’t play with me.” He pulled you even closer, his hold on your hips tightening. “Your mine.” 
You felt a sudden rush of arousal. Your cunt grew wet and you hoped that it wouldn’t show through the dress since you had decided not to wear any panties today. Welp, I can see a new kink has been unlocked, right next to manhandling.
You rubbed his arms, “I’m yours”, you agreed. You had to admit that seeing him act like this was doing something to you. “I’m not gonna lie Billy, seeing you be possessive is really attractive.” The possessive look he wore quickly morphed to that of shyness as his ears grew red and a blush covered his face. “Really?” 
“I wouldn’t lie to you about this.” You replied.
He beamed at you, “Well then I’m glad.” 
As the two of you basked in the warmth of holding each other close a group of other students passed, unaware of the two of you being nearby. “Dude I’m telling you she wasn’t wearing anything underneath! No panties or anything. Prettiest pussy I ever saw.”
“No way. She wouldn’t just show up to school suddenly wearing a dress with no panties underneath, she’s pretty shy. I feel like she would have to work her way up to doing that,” his friend argued. “Yeah I can understand wearing something different like the dress but I don’t think she’d go as far as not wearing any underwear. I mean we’re at school, wouldn’t she worry about being caught?” 
“Bro I swear I’m not lying. See for yourself if you want. I saw it when we were walking to History since it’s on the second floor. You have science with her don’t you? On the second floor of the science building? Just look then.” 
“Alright I will.”
As they continued past you two, you couldn’t help but shiver as you felt Billy tighten his hold on you. You peeked up at him, taking note of his furrowed brows and possessive look returning. 
“Billy I-”
“You’re not wearing any panties ?” 
You felt a sudden heat take over your face. “Well you see, I wasn’t sure if you liked me so I was sort of hoping that maybe this would get some people talking about me and I’d get lucky and you’d-”
“That’s not a good reason for leaving your bare cunt out in the open like that!” He growled, moving his face closer to yours. 
“That pretty little pussy is mine and no one else is allowed to see it.” He looked around and grabbed you by the arm. “Come on.” 
He led you over to the classrooms nearby, he studied them before deciding on the one at the very end. This class was known to be typically empty at this hour since the teacher taught only four classes and left soon after they finished teaching. He quickly strode over to the classroom and pulled you in. 
“Uh Billy? What are we doing here?” You looked around the room, all things considered it looked pretty clean. The lights were still on and while there were some papers left here and there, everything was overall pretty organized. You turned back to Billy, he stared back at you, clenching and unclenching his hands. 
“I don’t like other guys seeing you in ways that only I should see you in. I don’t think it’s fair that they got to see your slutty cunt before I did. You did this, knowing they would talk about it. I think it’s time I punished you. Now walk over to that table and bend over .” 
You couldn’t help the shiver that ran through your body, you hadn’t expected Billy to be this possessive but you couldn’t say that you weren’t into it. You walked over to the table and bent over, placing the palms of your hands on top of the table to hold your body up. As you started wondering if you were doing things right or looking as inexperienced as you felt, you sensed a sudden warmth behind you. You let out a small gasp as Billy came and wrapped himself around you, trapping you between his body and the table. 
“Since you wanted my attention so badly I’m going to do whatever I want to your body and you’re going to bear with it, alright?” Although a question, what he said was more of a demand as he started to touch you anywhere he could reach. 
“Look at these pretty tits, so perky, I can’t wait to hold them.” He rolled your shirt up to your armpits, then unclasped your bra, freeing your breasts and exposing them to the cool air of the classroom. You could feel your nipples hardening, not sure of whether it was from your growing arousal or the chilliness of the room. 
Billy immediately began playing with your breasts, gently squeezing them, occasionally pulling your nipples. 
“Ahh,” you couldn’t help but pant, not expecting to feel so good from having your breasts played with. Maybe your inexperience was making you extra sensitive? You suddenly jolted as you felt something hard press against your ass. It took you a moment to realize that it was Billy’s length. You couldn’t help but moan at the realization.
Not even a minute after, Billy began rutting against you. You couldn’t help but let out a whimper at the fast pace he set. Billy seemed to grow desperate for more as he unbuckled his pants, dropping them to the floor. He lowered his boxers in record time and lifted your dress up so that your wet cunt was exposed. 
“You’re so wet for me already, you're such a slut.” He slipped his cock between your thighs. “I bet you had been hoping for this all along haven’t you?” 
You couldn’t help but nod. “Oohh Billy, I’ve wanted you for so long. I wanted you so bad. Needed you to take me and make me yours.” You couldn’t help but spill every dirty secret you have to him. Getting off on him seeing your desperation.
“Really? How bad did you want me?” He asked. He wanted to hear every little thought you had. Have you been dreaming of him? Of the two of you doing this together? Did you like him as much as he liked you? 
“So bad Billy. I dreamt of you all the time. In class, at home, in the car. I couldn’t escape you. I dreamt of you noticing me and taking me in front of the class so everyone could see I’m yours.”
Hearing your confession drove Billy mad as he began rubbing against your wet heat even faster, letting out groans of pleasure. Your cunt was so soft and warm against his cock and he couldn’t wait to sink into you when he got the chance, for now though he’ll stick with the pussyjob. 
He held you firmly against him, arms wrapped tight around your waist to make it easier to rut against you. 
He was curious about what else you dreamt about with him. “What else did you dream about?” 
“Oh Billy you have no idea,” you groaned out, “I dreamt of you fucking me so many times, in so many positions. Of you taking my virginity. Making me your slut and personal cocksleeve.”
Billy’s brain short-circuited at your words. You were a virgin and this depraved? The words coming out of your mouth were so filthy, he didn’t expect you to be this nasty. 
It really turned him on. 
“I guess we’re going to have to make those into reality now aren’t we?” He whispered into your ear. You shivered at the thought of him fucking you dumb. 
“Yes please!” You begged as he continued rubbing himself against your cunt. You were glad that he held you against him otherwise you would have fallen to the ground already. 
“Those guys aren’t allowed to look at you like this. They shouldn’t be able to see your pretty little cunt. I can feel it absolutely dripping and we haven’t even done anything. You must be desperate for my cock.” He was so angry, you were his and it was about time that he showed you what that meant. 
“Billy please, I want you. Please don’t stop.” The pleasure of your clit rubbing against his cock left your head completely empty. The only thought crossing your mind was Billy, and how good he made you feel. 
“That’s right baby, let out as much noise as you want. After all, anyone who hears it will be able to know how good I make you feel.”
“What if someone catches us though?” You whimper. 
“Well that’ll be the perfect way for them to know that you're mine now won’t it?”
“Billy no, I don’t want anyone to see me like this.” You didn’t want to be caught naked at school but you couldn’t help the sudden arousal you felt at the idea of people seeing Billy draped over you. Of them seeing the absolute pussy whipped look on his face. The look of pure lust that he had from just rubbing himself against your pussy.
“Don’t lie to me you little whore, I can feel the sudden gush of your juice dripping all over my cock.” He growled out. “I’m going to teach you what happens when you let others see what’s mine.” 
He started sucking on the skin below your ear while he thrusted his length directly against your clit. You could feel your own body trembling from the pleasure of it all. 
“Oh God, I think I’m gonna cum.” You were a bit embarrassed to be finishing so quickly but you chalked it up to still being fairly new to this. 
Watching Billy go crazy from touching you made your arousal only grow. His arms were strong, the muscles obvious from the way he held you. The veins of his arms popping out. You tightly held onto his arms as you felt a rush of warmth run through your body as he drew an orgasm out of you. 
He drew another moan out of you as he started thrusting even faster, chasing his own pleasure. The wetness of your cunt allowing him to move as fast as he needed until he finally reached orgasm. He groaned as he managed a few small thrusts, his balls twitching as he finally spurted out his cum. Some of it landed against your pussy while the rest dripped onto the floor. 
Billy couldn’t believe what had just happened. How could he have known that when he went to school today that he would end up in this position with you. He couldn’t wait to do all the things he had always wanted to do with you and for the two of you to fulfill all the fantasies you apparently had about him.
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bloomtoy · 19 days
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