#star wars commander thorn
denimscotch · 2 months
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The things one does for caf… (Fox appreciates it don’t listen to him)
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You said in one of your earlier responses that Thorn knows how you like your caf. How DO you like your caf???
The caf they usually get shipped, in reality, only hardly qualifies as caf. But, when it came to masquerading as the hot(or iced, he knew some of the Corries preferred it that way) beverage and serving as a good pick-me-up on those long nights- it did the job just fine. It was overly bitter, and tasted like it'd been ground from ash with an underlying taste of chocolate exposing a lazy attempt to hide it. It was tolerable, better with creams or sugar, but those were limited. Aside from Fox's really-not-so-secret secret stash. No one touched it, unless you wanted to face your brothers scrutiny- or, even worse, Fox's discontent. and when did that even stop Thorn, really? Before Fox could fully finish considering his answer, bucket tilting with the start of a sentence, he was interrupted by the "swisssh" of a door sliding open. Now, he was looking off screen at the sudden intrusion. "Second cup of caf with one sugar and a generous spoonful of honey for the Marshal Commander." A humorous comment aired, followed by a pair of armored hands appearing to set a mug of something steaming on the coaster in front of him. "Hot and fresh." "Commander Thorn." His tone came warningly, a finger on the hand closest to the recorder tapping discreetly. There was a pause before door opened again, not closing without a faintly audible chuckle.
Fox's helmet exhaled a brief sigh, glancing forward. Resigned to what must be a very common interaction, he stopped mid-way instinctively reached for his cup, letting his hand fall short. Reluctant to automatically indulge himself while scrutinized by a blinking red light. "...Sweet. I like it sweet."
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blitzink · 6 months
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a huge project i’ve been working on all semester!
Star Wars The Clone Wars Poster Collection<3
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amikoroyaiart · 3 months
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I missed my favourite Coruscant Guards so here is Thorn and Fox!
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ominouspuff · 3 months
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Corrie guard mood board
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mearchy · 3 months
Fox's reports are the most sardonic, passive aggressive reports anyone in the Senate Security Office has ever read. But they have to accept them because they are all technically by-the-book correct and unnervingly thorough, and nobody can find fault with them as hard as they try. The less caf he has had, the worse it is. He goes from "As per Coruscant Guard records..." and "As all Senate employees are aware..."
to "As one might be able to assume by means of basic observation and an approximately swamp-rat level of intelligence-" and "To elaborate on that, as one is required by Report Administration Regulation Clause 365:1a to do, despite a statistically proven decline in reading comprehension among government employees-*"
My man is hitting the keys one by one so hard his keypad breaks. He's got reflexive tears of manic rage in his eyes. He's imbuing his incident reports with so much hysteria the next Jedi who comes into contact with them gets a headache. Free him
*he has a source for this, by the way. Fox includes citations in his reports like a maniac. Like Cody. This is because if he has to countenance one more follow-up email than is necessary he will brain himself against the desk. He will commit lobotomy by pencil. Just you try and fucking stop him, Thorn.
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dragon-subway · 3 months
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Average day with the coruscant guard
quick n silly inspired by this post and @//ddeck’s tags on it
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lychgate · 5 months
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everyone on the comms channel heard that
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rooksunday · 2 months
the image of an exhausted commander fox, sitting in his office, throttling a datapad and yelling WHY IS MY JOB SPREADSHEETS?? before yowling like a space banshee and frisbeeing the thing through the open window with all the force of kamino-guaranteed strength bolstered by buereaucratic rage, where the datapad sails merrily and speedily for a longer distance than many would credit before impacting with concussive force against the surprisingly soft skull of emperor palpatine, gladhanding for the press in the courtyard of the senate below
the resulting explosion is caught on many cameras
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
I'm just gonna leave this here 🤗
"Do you think it hurt?" The question had been eating Wolffe alive, ever since he had deserted the Empire and realised what he did.
Rex turned to him, "Did what hurt, Wolffe?"
"The general..." Wolffe couldn't bring himself to say anymore, as he felt the bitter bile stir in his stomach.
"No," Rex tried to sound reassuring, tried to sound like everything will be alright when it ultimately won't and will never be, "I think it was quick, painless."
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denimscotch · 2 months
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When you’ve bothered your brothers with the data pad being on full brightness for the last time.
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monkeyart · 29 days
Happy Star Wars Day ✨
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Fox and Temple Guard/Sith apprentice Feemor and the others for @blackkatmagic 's fic I have lived with shades so long.
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risingmoonyue · 11 months
AU in which the chancellor dies in a freak (probably Zillo-beast related) accident. Everyone is attending his funeral and really, the Jedi are trying really hard to mourn but it’s incredibly difficult to when the entirety of the coruscant guard is apparently throwing a mental and spiritual party so loud in the Force Dathomir can feel it.
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ofteasandherbs · 15 days
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Commander of the Coruscant Guard.
May someone help these guards.
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twinterrors29 · 1 month
one day, Cody embarrasses himself in front of his General badly enough that he decides the only solution is to fake his death, forcing everyone else in the battalion to refer to him as Commander Colby, Commander Cody's 'replacement'
little does he know that Obi-Wan can tell that Cody isn't really dead, but is just too polite to bring it up with Commander 'Colby' even though he doesn't quite understand why his Commander felt the need to go through this masquerade
until he accidentally reveals his knowledge a month later by accidentally referring to his 'new' Commander as Cody, then immediately recognizing his faux pas and apologizing profusely for 'dead-naming' his Commander
'Colby' is so mortified that his scheme was seen through that he immediately fakes his death again and returns as the miraculously-revived Cody, and swears everyone to secrecy about the matter
which, of course, means that the entire GAR knows about the incident within a standard week
while Rex is busy making sure that Cody never lives this down, Fox decides that the idea is genius and decides to replicate it himself on Coruscant whenever he thinks a Senator is starting to get too familiar with him
this is why there's so many different named Coruscant Guard Commanders: it's all Fox all the way down
the Chancellor is baffled by this, but can't let on that he's noticed Fox's charade without risking revealing that he can tell all of the 'different Commanders' he interacts with are the same man using the Force, so he is forced to play along
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cobaltbeam · 10 months
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The CG needs a mascot and Fox needs a nap
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