#starwars the last jedi
allicat0 · 1 month
anyways LOVE ur writing !!
i had an angst trope in mind recently abt hunter x fem!reader
basically as he's quite bad at expressing his emotions he tends to scold her and be really mean but not on purpose, thinking she sees it as him being protective, which she doesnt
and then they take a 2 person job from cid where she almost dies during it and he's mad and all and they fight and she says that maybe she should've died earlier, and just before finishing the job she ALMOST actually dies but there's a happy ending
is that's alr🫶
Left In The Dark
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ans: oh my goodness, YES! I love this idea so freaking much, I also love love love writing angst and was so happy(but also sad)writing this. Hope you enjoy! I tried my best😭
Summary: Lately things within the Batch had been stressful and Hunter felt the pressure caving in on him. He knew he wasn’t alone, and that his brothers took an equal leadership role as he did. Though his continuous need to protect everyone but himself, still left this heavy weight on his shoulders that he could never seem to shake.
Content: afab, Angst, Self-doubt, Hunter x FemReader, arguing, blame game, harsh language.
A/N: I don't like Hunter when he's sad, it makes me sad. Again sorry for any punctuation, grammar or structural mistakes!!
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Lately things within the Batch had been stressful and Hunter felt the pressure caving in on him. He knew he wasn’t alone, knew that his brothers took an equal leadership role as he did. Though his continuous need to protect everyone but himself, left this heavy weight on his shoulders that he could never seem to shake. 
Hunter was sitting alone in the dimly lit room, his thoughts swirling in a chaotic storm of confusion and sadness. He stares blankly at the wall, lost in the echoes of past conversations that ended in hurtful words and shattered trust. The weight of his own emotions feels like an invisible chain, binding him to a cycle he can't seem to break. "What am I doing," he whispers to himself, the words heavy with self-doubt and longing for understanding. He doesn't know why he reacts the way he does, why his attempts at protection often turn into painful misunderstandings. Like a wounded animal, he retreats further into himself, searching for answers that seem to elude him at every turn, a haunting reminder of his struggle to navigate the complexities of his own heart. “She was just trying to help” He mumbled to himself once more. 
You on the other hand were at the front of the Marauder, while Tech and Echo were both doing repairs on the ship. The last mission didn’t go as smoothly as you had hoped, leaving the whole Batch divided. The atmosphere in the batch was heavy with tension, the air thick with unspoken frustration and disappointment. The mission had been carefully planned, every detail scrutinised and rehearsed, yet despite their best efforts, it had unravelled into chaos. Hunter could feel the weight of failure pressing down on him, his shoulders sagging under the burden of expectations. You did your best to help him, to cheer him up, remind him that what happened today wasn’t his fault but, he bursted out and left to be alone. 
Between Hunter and the rest of the crew, there was a volatile mix of frustration, anger, and a lingering sense of betrayal towards fate itself. The silence was deafening, each member grappling with their own thoughts and emotions, unsure of how to bridge the growing divide. It was a moment frozen in time, marked by the bitter taste of defeat and the uncertain path that lay ahead.
You and Hunter had found yourselves locked in a cycle of bickering over seemingly trivial matters, yet the tension between you has been palpable. It's as if every conversation, every interaction, has become a potential minefield where the smallest spark ignites a fiery exchange. Simple things, like navigation or organising the next mission, making your every day with him a battlefield. What starts as a minor disagreement quickly escalates into heated exchanges, with words exchanged like arrows in a skirmish. The weight of these constant conflicts hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over what used to be easy camaraderie. Don’t get it confused, the two of you loved each other so deeply and had made it clear you would do anything for eachother, though Hunter had a hard time expressing it leading to your bickering arguments, pulling yourselves away from one another. 
It’s always been evident that Hunter has struggled with expressing emotion, ever since he was a young clone. His demeanour created a significant and unhealthy strain on him and the relationships of the people he holds closest to him. He knew he would sometimes hurt the ones he loves, but he never knew why he did it. There's an ongoing internal conflict within Hunter. On one hand, he genuinely cares about the well-being of the people around him and wants to protect them. However, this desire to protect sometimes manifests in ways that come across as harsh or critical. Despite his intentions, he is often unaware of the unintended impact of his words and actions. He may say things with the intention of offering guidance or preventing harm, but these words can be received as hurtful or dismissive by others. 
You heard footsteps travelling through the Marauder, stopping behind you. “Cid wants to see you in the parlour” It was Echo. You looked behind you and gave him a soft side smile “Thanks for letting me know” You sat up and out of the chair, making your way past Echo, he quickly placed his hand on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks. “You know he doesn’t mean it” he said to you softly referring to Hunter’s last outburst. “I know” You said softly, moving away from his grip and meeting Cid inside the Parlour. 
When you walk in your met with Cid speaking to Hunter, his arms were crossed over his chest, he didn’t look too happy with whatever Cid was telling him. “We just got back” You heard Hunter say as you were in range of their conversation. “And you’re going right back out- Ah there she is” Cid said as you caught her attention, Hunter looked over to look at who Cid was referring to. The anger left his eyes as he looked at you, filling with shame. “I need the two of you to go out on a quick and easy job for me” Cid said crossing her arms Hunter was about to protest but she quickly cut him off. “I don’t wanna hear your complaints, remember who you’re working for.” 
“ I have a guy waiting for his Cargo I was meant to deliver some time ago. . anddd I may have forgot, so I need you two to go deliver it to him” Cid explained the plan to the two of you “We need a ship, the marauder isn’t in any condition to fly.” You said finally speaking up. “I’ll give you a ship, just don’t screw this up alright, or they’ll have all our heads.” Cid warned. You and Hunter loaded up the ship in silence, neither one of you finding the courage to speak up to one another, now wasn’t the time to speak on behalf of each other's feelings, the two of you had a job to do. 
“Look I” Hunter started to speak but you quickly cut him off “there is no need to apologise right now, we’re on a job. . we can talk after.” You said sternly, clearly upset of the events that took place a few hours earlier. Hunter's eyes fell to his hands resting in his lap, letting out a sigh as you continued to fly the ship. The whole ride there, there were little to no words shared, just silence. 
The hum of the engines was steady as you piloted the ship through the vastness of space. The mission had been proceeding smoothly so far, each step executed with precision and expertise. He sat beside you, monitoring the navigation systems and keeping an eye on the mission objectives.
As the ship cruised through the starry expanse, a sudden blip on the radar caught your attention. Before you could react, Hunter's voice cut through the calm atmosphere. "We've got incoming," he announced, his tone shifting instantly from relaxed to alert.
The ship shuddered as Tie Fighters swooped in, their lasers blazing through space. Your reflexes kicked in, manoeuvring the ship expertly to evade the onslaught of enemy fire. Hunter frantically worked the defensive systems, trying to buy precious seconds as he returned fire.
The intense battle raged on, the ship jolting with each hit it took. Despite the chaos, you remained as focused as you could, your piloting skills keeping the ship one step ahead of destruction. However, luck was not on your side as a critical hit struck the ship's engines, sending it spiralling out of control.
The alarms started to blare, lights flickered, and the once smooth mission turned into a desperate struggle for survival. “Hold on, we’re going down” You said you were doing your best to control the plane so the landing wasn’t too harsh but there was no preventing the outcome. With a final impact, the ship crash-landed on a nearby planet, Jakku, the ground shaking violently upon impact.
As the dust settled and the ship's systems powered down, you and Hunter coughed from the smoke, making your way out of the ship. The ship was badly damaged, you and him weren't gonna hear the end of it from Cid either. Luckily the two of you weren’t badly banged up, “why did they even attack us anyway-” Hunter groaned while leaving the ship. “There was no warning, no coms to surrender, or to even identify who we were.” He continued to ask open ended questions. 
As the initial shock of the crash landing wore off, Hunter's frustration began to simmer beneath the surface. He surveyed the wreckage of the ship, his expression tight with concern and annoyance. "Damn it," he muttered, running a hand through his dishevelled hair.
You approached him cautiously, knowing that Hunter's emotions were running high. "We'll figure this out," you said, trying to reassure him. Hunter turned to you, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and worry. "This shouldn't have happened. I told you to keep an eye on the sensors!  We could have avoided those Tie Fighters if we had seen them coming sooner," he accused, his voice edged with frustration.
You felt a pang of guilt at his words, knowing that he was right. You had been focused on monitoring other systems and had missed the early warning signs of the impending attack. "You can’t blame this all on me! They came out of nowhere Hunter!," you protested against him, but felt the weight of his disappointment. Hunter's expression softened slightly, pinching the bridge of his nose "Cid had to pick you to come with me, of all people," he huffed out. “Excuse me?” you said as your eyebrows furrowed together. “Last time I checked, I was the one holding up our position for most of that, without my piloting abilities we could have had a much worse fate" 
“Well look where you got us!” Hunter raised his voice back at you pointing towards the ship.
“The ship is destroyed, we have no way of transportation, and” Hunter inhaled sharply, taking a deep breath. “Look I” 
You cut him off “No, I perfectly understand what you mean” You snapped back at him. “Maybe you’re right, maybe it would have been better if Cid sent someone else with you, if I didn’t come at all, since everything I do lately seems to be pissing you off!” You said sternly. “But I can tell you now, that there was no way to avoid that!” You pointed towards the destroyed ship.
“I got us to Jakku, now let's finish this cargo drop off so we can find a way to get back home” You walked away from Hunter grabbing the Cargo box from what remains of the ship, dragging it out. It was heavy and gonna be a pain in the ass to haul through the sand in the blistering heat. Hunter came beside you lifting the other end of the cargo and the two of you were off. 
The relentless sun beat down on Jakku's barren landscape, turning the air into a sweltering oven. You trudged through the soft sand, each step sinking deeper into the heat-absorbing grains. Sweat trickled down your forehead, stinging your eyes as you hauled the heavy cargo box behind you.
The box, filled with god knows what but it seemed to grow heavier with every step. Hunter walked beside you, his face etched with frustration and exhaustion mirroring your own. The two of you had been travelling for what felt like endless hours, the heat and monotony of the journey wearing down your patience. "What's taking so long?" Hunter's gruff voice cut through the hot air, his tone tinged with annoyance. "We should have been there by now."
You gritted your teeth, the heat amplifying the tension between you. "It's not like I'm enjoying dragging this thing through a desert," you retorted, your own irritation bubbling to the surface. Hunter scoffed, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Could've fooled me. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we make it before nightfall."
The bickering continued as you pushed forward, the weight of the cargo box a constant reminder of the challenges you faced. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the sand, continuing your travel through the sand. The two of you finally reached your destination, coming to a small area filled with people. The relief of unburdening yourself from the cargo box was near, the coolness of the evening a welcome reprieve from the blistering heat of the day.
As the last rays of sunlight faded over Jakku's horizon, you and Hunter finally met the Client you were asked to deliver the cargo to. He stood tall and imposing, his features hardened by a life lived on the edge of the law. You approached him cautiously, the weight of the cargo box now off your shoulders but the weight of the situation heavy on your mind. "We've got your delivery," you announced, gesturing towards the cargo box at your feet.
The Client’s eyes narrowed as he inspected the box, his expression unreadable. "Took you long enough," he grumbled, a hint of impatience in his voice. "We hit some unexpected obstacles," Hunter explained, stepping forward to diffuse the tension. "But the goods are here, just like we promised."
The Client’s gaze shifted from Hunter to you, his scrutiny making you uneasy. "And is it all here?" he demanded, his tone sceptical. You exchanged a quick glance with Hunter before nodding. "It's all there," you confirmed, hoping that the client wouldn't notice the slight hesitation in your voice.
He seemed satisfied for a moment, but then his eyes narrowed again. "This is only half of what I asked for," he accused, his voice rising in anger.
You and Hunter exchanged a worried look, realising that this was not going to end well. "We were told this was the entire shipment," you tried to explain, your words falling on deaf ears. A tense standoff had begun, the air crackling with tension. Finally, the client seemed to relent, though his expression remained distrustful. "Well it’s not what I asked for," the client said, frustrated, looking over at you. He pulled out his gun from the holster pointing it at the both of you. 
“Easy, now” Hunter said, holding his hands up in defence. “There's no need to -” The client cuts him off “Oh there is every need, I want what I was promised” He yelled his blaster still pointed towards you. You felt as you were quickly pulled into the client's arms pressing your back against him, blaster to your head, Hunter pulling him out in defence against the client. 
The cold metal of the gun pressed against my temple sent a shiver down my spine, as I stood there, held hostage by a desperate individual. Hunter, always quick on his feet, assessed the situation with a calm demeanour, his eyes flicking between me and the client.
"Let her go," Hunter said evenly, his voice carrying a hint of authority that demanded attention.
The client's grip tightened on the gun, his eyes wild with fear and desperation. "Ahh I see, a little soft spot you have for her I see. .be a shame if anything. . happened. To her."
Hunter took a step forward, his hands raised in a non-threatening gesture. "Don’t you touc-” He took a deep breath “look We can work this out. There's no need for anyone to get hurt."
But the man's resolve was unyielding. He kept the gun trained on your temple, his finger twitching on the trigger. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, never in a moment as serious as this one. Your hand slowly moved to the button on your buckle, sending an alerting beep to the marauder grabbing the attention of Echo, allowing them to know they were in trouble. 
“They’re alerting us from Jakku, the plan must not have gone as expected.” Echo said relaying the message to Tech “not surprised.” Tech countered.  
“Is the Marauder ready to fly?” Omega asked Echo and Tech a worried look spread across her face. “Well see” Echo said as Tech fired up the engines getting ready to take off, they were on their way. 
The three of you were in a standoff, Hunter was unsure what to do in this situation he was crossed, your eyes were laced in fear and there was nothing Hunter could do. You had to think fast and thank you did, your eyes locking with Hunter's mouth the words “shoot” to him. Your foot stomped down onto the Client’s, he yelled out in pain letting you go, moving out of his grip Hunter shot him in the shoulder, yelling out in pain. It was just enough time to allow you to get to his side. “Come on we need to go” Hunter said sternly, as you were about to leave you suddenly felt a piercing pain threw your upper torso right by your ribcage falling to your knees, yelling out in pain. You had been shot. “Ah shit” you cried out doing your best to stand on your feet. Hunter turned to the Client and blasted him right through the chest.
Hunter wrapped your arm around his shoulder giving you support, raising you up, and getting the two of you out of there.”we got to go before things get worse.” Your breathing was heavy, as you did your best to keep yourself collected, but you could feel yourself losing your strength by the second.
Groans would escape your lips, as you would lose the strength in your legs. “Come on, we're so close.” Hunter did his best to keep you focused and awake, but your eyes began to blur. 
You struck in and out of consciousness “No no, come on stay awake” You heard Hunter say as your body began to go limp. Who knows how long you were out, coming in and out of consciousness, your eyes would open every now and then, getting small glimpses of what was unfolding around you. You could see the bright light of the ship come down, it had to have been the Batch, feeling as the sand hit your face. Hearing the worried conversations ringing throughout your mind. 
Your eyes begin to slowly open, taking a second to adjust to the light beaming down on you. Feeling the pain of your Wounds coursing throughout your body, causing a groan to escape your lips. Unsure of where you were, you tried sitting up, but falling back immediately. “Mm fuck” you cried softly. 
Your groans caught the attention of Hunter who was sitting in the chair, by the corner of the room. “She's awake” he called out to the others coming to your side. His hand pushed your hair back and behind your ear, getting a clear view of your face. “Hello handsome” you said with a cheeky grin going to laugh, but coughing in the process hurting your side. “Easy, easy, he got you pretty bad.”
Hunter leaned down and kissed your forehead. “I thought I lost you. . there was a moment I thought you weren’t coming back. . scared us all” he explained to you, the pain coming through his voice. “I’m fine” You said to him with a weak smile, grabbing onto his hand. There was a look in his eyes, full of shame and regret. He looked away, not facing you. . taking a deep breath. “Look I.” Hunter began but you cut him off “I know” You said to him softly, his eyes softened. “I’m sorry.” his head fell. “I’ve been so, unfair to you.” He barely let out, he felt horrible for his recent outbursts and detached emotions, but you didn’t blame him. You never did. “It’s not something you have to apologise for Hunter, I get it. .” You tried to make him feel better, but he shook his head disagreeing with your words.
“No, it’s not okay,” Hunter said sternly. “You don’t deserve that. . what if, what if I couldn’t get you back. . all I’ve been is unfair and cruel. . I don’t mean to be. I don’t know why I do it. . I hate it.” He admits to you his voice breaking with every word. “I hate that I am, that I can’t express myself properly, I just end up hurting you further. . I fight and” he went to continued but you stopped him “Hunter. .” You looked at him with a soft gaze, feeling his pain. You knew he was trying, you knew he was struggling and it broke your heart. “I forgive you.” You gave him a faint smile reaching your hand up and cupping your cheek. “But never be afraid to tell me what's going on inside that crazy head of yours, alright?”He nodded his head “yeah. .okay”
“I love you so much. .and I wanna be able to help you. But I want you to understand that I never will and never have blamed you for anything, everyone processes their emotions differently and that's fine. . just don’t leave me in the dark. Promise me from here on out you’ll try.” You said pleading with him. “I promise” he said to you softly “I love you.”
“I know.” you smiled. 
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@allicat0 . .signing off
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Hey all I made a poll expanding other to add rogue one and Andor characters go vote in that one. After both these polls finish I will make a final poll comparing the two winners to see who is truly the saddest death on Star Wars.
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artphotographyofmen · 2 months
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Poe Dameron by Kevin Wada
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My beloved Kanan Jarrus
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crucifiedfaerie · 8 months
Gibson Girl | Pt. 1 ༉₊˚✧
Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader
➴ Summary: After a run in with the Supreme Leader, he can't seem to get you out of his head- or leave you alone.
➴ Song: Gibson Girl - Ethel Cain
➴ Part Two | Part Three
➴ Word Count: 3.4k
➴ Warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, dom!kylo, kinda slowburn ??, kylo is kinda really manipulative, stalker!kylo, um he's right behind me isn't he?, the mask STAYS ON, how does he not get hot in there ??, mean!kylo to soft!kylo, alcohol plus unbalanced power dynamic so dubcon, SMUT (unprotected PiV sex, fingering, hitting, slight sadist!kylo, degrading, scratching, a teeny tiny bit of blood- nothing serious), fluff if you squint, angst if you squint harder, typos and me being illiterate probably
➴ Taglist: ( @enviedear )
A/N: i haven't written a fic in a good four years so apologies if my writing is a little rusty. my partner and i have been watching the starwars movies and the kylo ren brainrot is so real. i need him expeditiously !! i've also been reobsessed with ethel cain recently and gibson girl is sooo kylo coded so i was inspired to write. i really hope you like it, if the response to this is good i might consider making a part two possibly ?? i do have a few other fic ideas for kylo/ben that are stirring around in my brain sooo im excited to share those eventually
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It seems as though you've seen the Supreme Leader around more times in the past two weeks than you ever had in the two years you've been working as a technician on the Finalizer. Like a shadow clad in metal and black leather, he seemed to follow you.
It started two weeks ago with an honest mistake. You had woken up late that morning. Rushing out of your chambers and down the hall, you turned the corner a little too quickly, fearing youd be late to work.
When you crashed into him, you thought you had run into durasteel, the way he didn't move an inch. You, however, bounced backwards, hitting the ground and sending the toolbox in your hands flying.
It wasn't until the air that was knocked from your lungs had returned that you realized this dark mass was not made of durasteel. Sitting on the floor, your eyes trailed from the boots in front of you up to the dark expressionless mask you knew only belonged to the most feared man in the galaxy. Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order.
At this realization you scrambled to your feet, picking up your tools as you went and fervently apologizing. You did want to keep your head attached to your shoulders, after all.
"Supreme Leader- I- my apologies sir! I didn't see you th-"
Your string of incoherent apologies was cut short by him wordlessly lifting a gloved hand to silence you. With wide eyes you stared at him as he lowered his hand, bending down to pick up the wrench you had dropped on his boot in the commotion.
He placed it in the toolbox that shook as you tightly grasped it. As he pulled away the leather of his glove brushed against your bare hand, sending a chill down your spine.
He stood there, staring down at you. Past the near-blinding glint of the cold hallway lights bouncing off the dark metal of his mask, you could see your own mortified expression in the reflection of his visor. Your gaze flickered down to the hilt of the saber he kept on his hip and you winced at the mental image of that crimson colored plasma beam he could send shooting through your abdomen at any moment.
Oh gods, im done for. Any second now.
You were pulled from the morbid thoughts of your impending demise by his deep, modulated voice.
"Do not be late." He said sternly, not a speck of emotion behind his words.
You nodded quickly, "Yes Supreme Leader, I- thank you sir!"
You ran down the hall and as you turned the corner, for a split second you saw he had turned to face your direction. Despite that cold mask, you could feel his eyes on you, burning holes through it.
In the days that followed, he began to frequently make small appearances in your life and that feeling of a pair of mystery eyes on you became a familiar sensation. Whether you were eating in the cafeteria, working through a tangle of wires behind a control panel, or simply walking down a hallway, you'd feel your stomach drop. When you looked around there he would be, a creature in a mask, staring you down from afar. After averting your gaze, pretending you didn't notice him, he would continue on and disappear into the darkness of the Finalizer.
To say you were scared of him was an understatement. Was this just an elaborate plan to kill you for dropping your wrench on his foot last week? It couldn't be. If he wanted you dead he would have sliced you in half in the hallway, gods know he's done it to people before.
Fear wasnt the only thing he made you feel. As you knelt on the floor, trying to run a diagnostic test on the navigational software, your mind wandered to who could possibly be underneath that expressionless mask and modulated voice. Was he really the terrifying creature everyone rumored him to be? Or was there a real human under there? A human man with pretty eyes and rough hands from years of training. You let your mind wander to how they would feel in your-
Your thought was cut short by the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight up.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
When you turned around he was so close you jumped and dropped your datapad on the floor. The cracking noise made your heart sink. He was standing right behind you, looming over your small frame that was crouched on the ground. He stared down at you, his masked head tilted as if he were pondering something.
"Supreme Leader. W-what do I owe this pleasure?" You managed to choke out.
Kylo reached out a hand to you, and you obliged, your trembling hand dwarfed by his own. The stiff leather of his glove gripped you tightly, lifting you up to stand in front of him.
The modulator in his mask crackled as he spoke "No need to be so terrified, little star." He chuckled a bit but his usual sternness was still present. "I've only come to ask for you to join me in my quarters tonight..." He paused, "you intrigue me."
Your brain went foggy at the sweet nickname he gave you and it felt as though you might pass out at the thought of being invited to his room. Never had you seen Kylo Ren be so kind to anyone, so why you? Your face flushed with pink as you tried to find the right words to say.
"Intrigue you? Sir I can assure you there's nothing intriguing about me, I'm just a techn-"
"Nonsense." He leaned down to get eye level with you, his helmet inches from your face. "I expect you to be there tonight after lights out. When I want something I do not take no for an answer... and I always take what I want." His voice was dead serious but you could almost hear the smirk that was under his visor.
He released your hand from his tight grip and took a step back from you. With a swift turn, he walked down the hall, not giving you a chance to respond. You stood there stunned for a moment then sank down the durasteel wall, reeling from what just happened.
Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order, wanted you in his quarters. Tonight. After lights out.
Later that night, as you were getting ready, you felt like you weren't even in your own body. When you looked at the clock and saw it was 10 minutes until lights out you thought you might throw up from nervousness.
What do you even wear to see the Supreme Leader in his quarters at midnight? Oh gods I'm gonna pass out.
When you were finally satisfied with how you looked, you took a deep breath and exited your chambers. The cold quiet of the flagship's hallways sent a shiver down your spine.
What am I doing? Why would he invite me here? I should just turn around and go back to my quarters.
Your legs felt like Andorian jelly as they moved you down the dark, secluded hallway towards the front of the Finalizer. You ask yourself so many questions as you attempt to suppress every nerve in your body. He was terrifying, but there was something alluring about him, something so... attractive. Something that made you feel like a small insect being lured into a spiders web. And you liked it?
Once you reached the end of the hallway, you realize it's a dead end. The tall, dark double doors enlaid with silver told you this was probably his door.
Do I knock?
Before you could even finish your thought, they opened, seemingly on their own.
The familiar crackle of his modified voice called out to you sternly, "Come in."
You obliged, taking a deep breath before you stepped into his quarters. The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by the warmth of the fireplace. As you looked around, his space was about what you expected it to be, minimalistic and decorated in hues of red and black, but grand enough for a Supreme Leader.
And there he was, sitting in a red lounge chair in front of the fireplace. You saw him pick something up off the coffee table before he stood and approached you.
"I can sense your nervousness, little star. Take this and come with me." Kylo handed you a glass of whiskey before taking your other hand and leading you back towards the fireplace, motioning for you to sit in the chair across from his.
As you sat, holding the glass in one hand and feeling the velvet cushion beneath you with the other you realized you hadn't said a word to him yet.
"Supreme Leader sir, its an honor to have been invited here by you. Your quarters are... magnificent."
He chuckled. "I'm glad you like it, but there's no need to bother with honorifics when you're here. You may call me Kylo."
"K-Kylo..." You tested out his name, unsure if he was being serious.
This has to be a dream. This cant be real. He can't be-
He nodded, speaking as he poured another glass of whiskey for himself. "I invited you here only to get to know each other. It would be rude of me to expect my guest to be so formal with me."
You felt your face get hot and you look at the floor illuminated by the fire. "Apologies if this is too forward... but how can we get to know each other if I dont even know what you look like?"
I shouldn't have said that. Surely he'll kill me for even asking. Stupid. Stupid.
He fell silent for a moment and stared at you. You internally panicked, thinking your forwardness had angered him.
You've really done it this time.
Kylo reached up and you heard a click followed by a quiet hiss emitted from his helmet. Pulling the helmet up slightly, he revealed the bottom half of his face, and oh gods was he beautiful. His dark locks fell down and brushed his jaw which looked as if it had been carved from marble, and you think you caught the beginnings of a scar lining it.
"Compromise." He flashed a dark smile before taking a sip from his glass. Kylo's unmodulated voice was smooth and deep, a sound you could find yourself getting used to hearing. You watched his Adam's apple move as he swallowed the dark liquor down.
After setting his glass back on the table, Kylo lowered his helmet and clicked it back into place.
"I haven't been able to get you out of my head since our run in. You interest me so much." He mused.
You sighed shakily. "I dont mean to disappoint you s- Kylo, but there isn't much that is interesting about me or my life. Especially here on the Finalizer, most of my days tend to be the same."
You had taken only a few sips of your drink but your head was already getting foggy.
He ignored what you said, seemingly more eager to tell you something he's been wanting to say for two weeks now. "Your mind is what intrigues me most. I can hear them, your thoughts, and they are so loud." You could almost hear the smirk on his face.
He what.
"You what?" You choke out, your face going bright red.
No. no no no.
He chuckled darkly. "No need to be embarrassed, little star. I enjoy listening to your thoughts of me. How late at night you think about my hands groping your body. How you fantasize about being immoral in a complete stranger's lap. How right now you're thinking about me hurting you..." He paused, "I cannot lie to you, my thoughts have been plagued with yours for weeks now. Thats why I invited you here, so I could show you everything you wish you had."
You tried to speak, but couldn't find the words. Your face was flushed with pink and the whiskey was starting to take its toll on your thinking skills.
He stood from his chair and stepped towards you, taking the glass from your hand and setting it down on the table next to his. Towering over you, he leant down closer to you. His gloved hand lightly trailed down your face and snaked it's way behind your neck, his fingers weaving through your hair. He tightened his grasp and pulled down, forcing you to look up at him.
"Tell me, sweet thing. Are you scared of me right now?" He already knew the answer but wanted to hear it.
You nodded, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Y-yes Kylo."
"Good." He said coldly. The tone of his voice changed, as if his sweetness earlier was simply a ruse to lure you in. He pulled you up by your hair to stand, and in one swift motion he had you thrown over his shoulder.
He carried you away down a dark hallway, the light from the fireplace growing dimmer and more distant as he took you deeper into his quarters.
Like a little insect caught in a spider's web.
Once he entered his room, Kylo threw you on his bed carelessly, nearly knocking the air from your lungs.
He immediately went to work on your clothes, pulling your shirt and pants off, almost ripping them in the process. You were left only in your underwear, writhing from the heat growing in your core.
Kylo admired your body, running his cold, leather clad hands along your thighs roughly, spreading your legs. He had been waiting for weeks to do this. The seam of his glove brushed across your clothed clit, causing you to let out a whine.
"Such a pretty voice... I want to hear more of it." He said sternly before pulling your underwear to the side and running two gloved fingers down your folds, coating them in your slick. You gasped at the contact.
Without warning Kylo pushed his fingers inside your entrance, curling his fingers upwards causing your back to arch. As he pumped his fingers into your cunt, he went to work on your clit with his thumb. His other hand snaked its way up your body, stopping once it was wrapped tightly around your neck.
Waves of pleasure washed over you as he stretched you out with his fingers. You felt your climax quickly approaching "Please- sir. Please m'gonna-"
He pulled his hand away and you groaned at how empty you now felt. You rubbed your legs together to get a little bit of friction, but were halted by the sharp sting of his hand coming down on your thigh. You let out a loud yelp.
"Needy little slut." He raised one hand and an invisible force spread your legs fully and froze your entire body in place, while his other hand worked to undo his belt. "You don't get to cum until I say you can, understand?"
You only whined in response. He slapped you hard and grabbed your face forcefully, leaning down closer to you, his visor millimeters from your face. "Say it. say it!"
"Mhmm yes sir I understand!" You whined loudly. Your face stung and you could taste copper.
He let go of your face and finished freeing his cock. You nearly pass out from the sight of it.
Oh gods help me, how is that supposed to fit?
He chuckled at your thought as he lined himself up at your entrance "Don't worry little star, we'll make it fit." He said evilly before pushing inside, watching you as your face contorted from the pain and pleasure of his cock splitting you open.
You nearly scream, letting out a choked whine as he bottomed out, pressing forcefully on that bundle of nerves deep inside you. You tried to adjust to his size but without any warning he withdrew himself before slamming back into you again.
His thrusts were erratic, unrelenting on that sensitive spot, hitting it with every snap of his hips.
"F-fuck... Kylo- you're gonna make m-me cum." You whined, feeling tears prick your eyes as you were reaching your breaking point.
He reached up and grabbed your throat, squeezing, which made your head feel lighter. "Shut the fuck up and hold it." He said coldly. It sounded like a whisper coming from the modulator of his mask.
He pounded into you with such power, and it sent shockwaves rippling through your body. You screamed as he thrusted into you, showing not a speck of mercy on your much smaller frame.
Kylo felt your walls twitching around him. "You wanna cum so bad don't you?" He cooed, feigning sympathy for you.
You nodded your head desperately.
"Beg for it then. Beg to cum on my cock and I might just let you." He growled.
"P-Please-" You whimpered, on the verge of tears.
"I said beg!" Kylo struck the side of your face again, harder this time.
"Please! Please let me cum Kylo!" You cried.
He let out a satisfied groan, gripping your hair and tugging to make you look up more. "Go ahead then, little star. Cum for me." You could hear the smirk behind his mask.
An invisible hand went to work on your clit as he continued to ram into you with unrelenting speed. This sent you over the edge, the tight feeling in your abdomen burst as a wave of euphoria washed over your body. You dug your nails into Kylo's back. Despite him being clothed, you know you did it hard enough to draw blood. You heard him wince but the raw pleasure he was inflicting on your body was too much for you to care about that.
He's cold blooded so it takes more time to bleed.
His thrusts became sloppy and harder as he neared his own release. He had come completely undone, his emotionless façade gone as he whispered sweet nothings and strings of curse words through his mask.
"Fuck-" He said your name, lingering on it, drawing it out in a sickly sweet way. "Gods- your body- its so- I'm in love with it. Fuck."
A few thrusts later, Kylo buried himself inside you to the hilt one last time, bottoming out and groaning as he pumped your cunt full of his cum.
You felt his cock twitch inside you as he looked down at you, hands pressed into the bed on either side of your head and breathing heavily through his modulator.
Kylo pulled out as he stood up and you felt his cum leak out of you and down your thigh onto the bed. You watched as he tucked himself back into his trousers and redo his belt. He went into the refresher attached to his bedroom to retrieve a towel and you felt the bed dip when he returned.
He wiped his cum away gently with the towel and you yelped from the sudden overstimulation.
"Shhh" he cooed, still stern. "I'm only trying to help." Kylo threw the towel to the floor and sat on the bed, back leaning against the headboard. He pulled you closer to him so your head rested in his lap. You watched as he pulled his gloves off for the first time and you took a mental note of how strong his hands looked.
He ran his long fingers through your hair and you sighed, closing your eyes. "I could get used to this." You said sleepily.
The last thing you heard before you succumbed to sleep was, "Me too, little star." Even through the crackle of his modulator, it almost sounded like he was deep in thought.
When you awoke in his bed the next morning, Kylo was gone. As you rolled to the side of the bed, you could still smell him on his bedsheets.
On the bed next to you was a black box wrapped in red ribbon, with a note attached. You opened it and inside was a new datapad, with a fresh, uncracked screen. The note read: "Little star, apologies for the broken datapad. I expect you'll be here when I return later. -K.R."
You smiled as you sunk your head back into his pillows.
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its-liss · 1 year
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Reylo Medieval AU
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saber-life · 11 months
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4 new lightsabers features in the new Disney+ Ahsoka TV Series. (C) Saberlife 2023. See link below
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the-pretty-corpse · 24 days
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Let’s all try our hardest to manifest Finnrey into reality!
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aurora-starwars · 8 months
Hello, could I request a Kylo ren gn!reader (romantic). The reader and Kylo where old friends at Luke’s Jedi academy and they see each other for the first time in years. Starts with angst and ends with fluff cus I’m a sucker for happy feel good endings!
Old Friends Bring Up Old Feelings
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Pairing: Kylo Ren x gn!Jedi!reader
Summary: Kylo and reader, who were friends at the Jedi academy, reunite
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: slight angst, slight crying, nothing to bad, mostly fluff-ish
A/n: I feel like it has been so long, I am trying to get through a few requests but I have been so busy lately! Sorry y'all. <333 And I just got my wisdom teeth taken out so that was a lot. Anyway thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy! <33333
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It was a brisk morning on Ossus, the sun was slowly rising over the mountains and animals of the planet finally quieted down. The air was misty, cold, and unwelcoming to the young Jedi who had just gotten up. [Name] was hoping to meditate that morning, but with the noise coming from the Jedi temple, it was increasingly less inviting.
[Name] started towards the forest around the temple, hoping to get away from all the sound. Their meditation would go best in the tranquillity of the forest. Subtle crunches underfoot could be heard as they got farther and farther from the temple. The voices of young initiates that were once shrill, now cease to ring in [Name]’s ears.
[Name] began to slow their pace, deepened their breathing and listened for the world around them. The leaves shaking on the trees as the wind ruffled them together, the small sounds of critters in the forest, the small bugs buzzing, the sound of rushing footprints—
[Name] nearly jumped out of their skin, snapping their eyes open to find the eyes of Ben Solo looking back at them. They held a hand over their heart to show their shock.
“Whatcha doing out here?” Ben smiled, ignoring their frazzled state.
“Would you be nicer about sneaking up on people? I was—”
“You were what? Meditating? While walking? You should have seen me coming,” Ben walked in tandem with [Name], only a foot from their side.
[Name] shook their head, eyes looking back forward again as they tried to regulate their breathing. The forest seemed to go forever.
“I was trying to find a spot to meditate, is that so wrong?” [Name] asked, raising an eyebrow, as smirk prominent on their face.
“Oo, I will come with you. I need some peace away from the temple,” Ben stated, ignoring their question with a smile.
“Yeah, I guess you can come along.”
“You guess? It wasn’t an offer, I am coming. And you can’t get enough of me.”
[Name] looked over to see the smug look on Ben’s face, to which they shook their head fondly.
They reached a clearing in the forest with two, surprisingly dry, logs [Name] made plans to sit on.
“Says the person that followed me all the way out here,” [Name] took a seat on one of the logs, crossing their legs in front of them.
Ben sat on the leg opposite to them, so that he was facing [Name]. He watched them closely as he crosses his legs.
“Maybe I can’t get enough of you,” Ben offered lowly, hoping that the Jedi initiate across from him didn’t hear.
[Name] watched as his eyes cast down, his brown eyes holding so much innocence in his youth. Those were the eyes [Name] knew since they were young, since they were both younger than they are now. When they both had just come to Master Skywalker’s Jedi Temple and had nobody but each other.
[Name] smiled to themself softly, watching as Ben’s eyes closed, watching as he fell into his deep meditation. He had always been strong in the force.
“Good,” [Name] closed their eyes, falling into the embrace of the force once again.
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A sudden crashing sound shook the Millennium Falcon, knocking [Name] from their meditation. Alarms from the ship started blaring, the ship receiving a few more reverberating shakes before [Name] got a comm from the pilot. Chewbacca’s strained voice rang through their comm device, signalling to [Name] that the ship had been hit by several blasts from a First Order Star Destroyer and are now being hailed by them.
[Name] cursed under their breath, it was just them and Chewy on the ship, what could they want? There was nothing of importance, what could the First Order want from them?
[Name] moved to stand just above the entrance of the ship. They felt the shake of the ship landing, a sign that they had been hailed on the Star ship and was about to be boarded. After several moments of pressurizers shifting and adjusting, the ramp opened up and several stormtroopers flooded the Millennium Falcon, surrounding [Name].
Two on either side of them grabbed [Name] by their arms and practically dragged them out of the ship, although [Name] didn’t put up much of a fight, their grip was still strong. [Name] kept their eyes forwards, not daring to show their fear or thoughts, choosing to focus in with the Force to see what their eyes could not.
Once they made it to the bottom of the ramp, [Name] found a dark figure standing directly in front of them, several feet away. The stormtroopers holding their sides stopped moving, letting them go with a rough release.
Looking back at the figure, [Name] found that there was familiarity in this dark looming presence. A familiarity in the way they stood, the way they held themself. A familiarity in the Force, an intensity, a passion [Name] had only felt once. The darkness surrounding this figure was made of their own grief, the loss of someone, or even, one’s self.
After another moment of silence, another moment of studying this person, this person who seemed to be studying [Name], it hit them.
They know who that is.
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A hand slowly comes into [Name]’s vision, a soft hand with calluses from training. Ben’s hand. [Name] looks up to see Ben’s smiling face. Taking his hand, [Name] finds that his smile looks more like a smirk now and he starts to get into a fighting stance.
“Ready to go again?” Ben’s ignited his lightsaber and trains his eyes onto his opponent, [Name] standing there watching him closely.
They widen their stance and ignite their own lightsaber, only smiling before leaping into battle.
“Hey, hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Ben’s voice is soft, hushed and full of panic. He’s kneeled next to [Name]’s shaking body. The tears leaving their body are heavy and abundant, leaving them heaving, curled into themselves.
When [Name] tries to speak, they find themselves incapable as they try and fail to catch a breath. Ben’s arms curl around their shaking body, pulling them into the warmth of his body.
“It’s okay, you’re safe. I’m here, I’m here,” He mutters gently into [Name]’s hair, holding their body just a little bit closer. Just a little bit tighter.
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“What do you mean you could have more power?” [Name]’s voice rebounded off the trees around them.
“Snoke said that I have potential, that I could be more!” Ben’s voice became low but strong.
[Name] put their face in their hands, trying to rub out the frustration, before looking back up at Ben with a pointed stare.
“More than what? More than what we are now?” [Name] questioned loudly. “I am not sure what he is promising you, but I am sure that you don’t want to be a part of it!
“You don’t know what I want,”
“Apparently not if listening to Sith lords is what you want,”
“[Name], are you with me or against me?” Ben’s voice was weaker now, less sure. He held his hand out, hoping [Name] would take it.
“Ben, I will never be on the Dark side. And I would hope you wouldn’t either,” [Name]’s words seemed to reverberate through Ben’s skull, like they could echo in there forever.
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Echoes of their past seemed to all rush back, filling [Name]’s mind with memories. As they looked into Kylo Ren’s mask, they felt his fear in the Force, his confusion, and most importantly, Ben.
They felt his recognition, he knew who they were. They felt his internal battle, this isn’t what Ben wants. They felt the dark side, but they also felt the light. Ben was still in there, and he was just begging to be let out.
[Name] took a careful step forward, a pleading look in their eyes as they looked at the mask man before them. Many stormtroopers lifted their blasters at the movement, to which Kylo signalled for them to lower them.
Kylo watched carefully, slowly reaching to his mask, pressing the release at the back. The faint hiss of his helmet seemed to echo in the vast hanger of the Star Destroyer. Despite the many stormtroopers surrounding the two of them, it was completely quiet, so when Kylo’s helmet hit the ground, the sound rang out across the hanger.
[Name]’s eyes quickly scanned Kylo’s face. Ben’s face. There was a scar, looked quite fresh, reaching from once side to the other, that was unfamiliar, but everything else was almost the same as the last time [Name] saw him. He looked a little older, more tired. But he still had the same eyes as Ben, the same eyes that held so much hope. Ben Solo’s eyes.
“Ben…” [Name] whispered. It was soft, unintentional but a plea none the less. [Name] wanted Ben back. Back in their arms, where he belonged.
That was all it took. One word and Kylo had moved from his looming position, running towards [Name] with a relieved look on his face. [Name] wasted no time in meeting him in the middle, running to the man they missed so much.
They met in the middle in a frantic grabbing of each other. Their hug was tight, warm, and freedom. Tears streaked down [Name]’s face as a received sigh came out of Ben.
“I missed you,” [Name] whispered into his ear.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Ben muttered sadly, holding them tighter.
“I can’t get enough of you,” [Name] smiled sadly, relief washing over them.
As they separate, they look around to see the First Order watching them, reminding them of where they are. [Name] looks down at Ben’s hand, before taking a breath and stepping back.
“Ben Solo, will you come with me?” [Name] held their hand out for him to take. “Will you leave the Order for me?”
Ben looks around, his brows furrowing before looking back at [Name]’s hand. He knew what this meant. There was no coming back from this, no going back to the Order. This meant joining the rebellion, facing everyone he has left and everyone he had wronged. But it also meant, [Name]. And he would take that trade off any day.
Grabbing their hand, he smiled at [Name]. This was the start of his life again, and he was not going to make the same mistakes again.
[Name] smiled back at him, tightening their grip on their hands before quickly turning around and running towards the Millennium Falcon.
“Chewy, get us out of here!”
The stormtroopers, who just seemed to come out of a daze, started to run after the two Jedi, shooting at the old ship. The two of them sent a Force pulse at the army as they were half way up the ramp, pushing the army back and stunning them for a few minutes. Closing the ramp, Chewbacca began the takeoff sequence. And as the two former Jedi initiates looked at each other, they were sent into hyperspace, leaving their connection to the First Order behind.
[Name] smiled at Ben, eyes shining.
“You picked me,” [Name] said, eyes fixed on the brown of Ben’s.
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” Ben put simply, taking as step towards [Name], pulling them in by the waist.
Ben looked between their eyes before pulling them in for a sweet kiss. His soft lips made for an awfully good apology, [Name] figured. When they pulled apart, they couldn’t help the smiles that came on their faces.
They pulled each other for another embrace, this one of a promise. A promise to never leave each other. All of a sudden the felt another figure attach to them, this one a lot bigger and fluffier. Chewy let out a holler of something and they both laughed and let him join in. Maybe being away from everything isn’t what they need.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! If you want to be apart of any tag-lists let me know! <3333333
Tag-list: @luvlykrispy
Master List
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womeninfictionandirl · 3 months
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Rey by Chris Ring
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revanknightwoman · 10 months
Some really epic and dark concept art of sequel trilogy movies
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It could be so much more
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allicat0 · 1 month
Based on your other Star Wars fics (made me weak in the knees) would you write a Bad Batch oneshot? In honour of the end being so near… either Hunter or Tech (I knowwww he’s not- but he IS) and plot relevance doesn’t matter. If the reader were a little tied up or restricted in a way and talked down to a teensy bit… whatever you would write would be incredible I’m sure. Love your work soooo much
Longing for Love
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ans: Firstly, thank you so much for the request, and I totally agree Tech is a cutie and I adore him just as much as Hunter. I love the idea and I hope I could provide what you were looking for! I know you asked for oneshot but I believe I went a little over board. I got a little carried away
Summary: It had been quite some time since you and Hunter last saw each other.. So when he finally returns back to the Parlor he was quick to get his hands on you. (This also takes place season 2ish)
Content: MDNI!, 18+, afab, Dom Hunter, Restriction, tied up, degrading, praising, submissive reader.
A/N:I am so sad that TBB has officially ended Im so sad but so happy with the ending! Again sorry for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. Enjoy!
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They say falling in love can be like a whirlwind, sweeping you off your feet before you even realise what's happening. It's a rush of emotions, a rollercoaster of highs and lows compressed into a short period of time. You find yourself captivated by someone's presence, drawn to their quirks, and enamoured by their essence. In such moments, time seems to blur as you dive headfirst into a new connection. Every conversation feels like a discovery, each shared experience deepens the bond, and before you know it, your heart beats a little faster whenever they're near. Which is exactly how it felt between you and Hunter. It’s said, what makes falling in love so intense is the rawness of emotions, the excitement of something new and uncharted. There's a sense of vulnerability that comes with opening your heart so swiftly, but also a thrilling sense of adventure as you explore this uncharted territory together. While some may caution against rushing into love, there's also a beauty in allowing yourself to be swept away by the magic of connection, even if it happens in the blink of an eye. After all, love doesn't always adhere to timelines or expectations—it simply blooms when two hearts find resonance with each other.
When you were recruited some time ago, it wasn’t an awkward transition, not only were they quick to take you in and treat you like family but you and Hunter’s relationship grew fast. As time passed, you would find yourself noticing the little details that made him so unique—the way he would crinkle his nose when he smiled, the way his eyes would light up when he talked about the future, or the way his touch sent a flutter through your heart. There was a sense of ease and familiarity that came with spending time with Hunter and you were quick to realise you were falling in love with him, little did you know, he was feeling it too. 
When he would arrive back to the Parlor after a mission you would talk to each other for hours. When you’re spending countless hours with someone you're slowly falling in love with, time stops.. It's in the small, seemingly insignificant moments—sharing laughter over inside jokes, engaging in deep conversations that stretch into the night, or simply enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence—that love quietly blossoms and grows. It wasn’t long until you and Hunter made your love for one another official, but when you did it made him leaving ten times harder. 
When circumstances forced the two of you to be apart, whether due to missions or other obligations, you found yourself missing those moments of connection and intimacy that the two of you shared. Simple things like his comforting hand on my shoulder or the way he'd smile in a way that made your heart skip a beat, that became cherished memories that you longed to experience again. The distance highlighted just how much he meant to you and how his presence had become an integral part of your life. It was a test of patience and resilience, learning to navigate the feelings of longing and yearning while finding ways to stay connected despite the physical distance. So to keep yourself busy, you put  your medical field to work tending to the wounds and ailments of those who come seeking help inside Cid’s Parlour as well as keeping the place nice and intact. 
After being apart for seven long months, the reunion with Hunter was a moment you had been eagerly anticipating, like a traveller yearning for home. The anticipation built with each passing day, the thought of finally seeing him again filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Your heart raced with a mixture of emotions—joy, relief, and a deep sense of longing finally about to be fulfilled. 
You heard the Marauder land out on the loading dock outside the Parlor, you rushed outside watching as the ship’s door slowly began to fall. When your eyes met, it was as if time stood still. You started running to him, the world fading away as you made your way over to Hunter. The feeling of his arms wrapping around you, pulling you close. There was an undeniable sense of comfort and belonging in his embrace, as if all the distance and time apart had melted away in that single moment. You held each other tightly, savouring the feeling of being together once again, feeling the warmth of each other's presence after what felt like an eternity. Words were unnecessary as your actions spoke volumes, conveying the depth of emotions you had been holding onto during your time apart.
In your shared moment Hunter eventually broke the silence. “I’ve missed you beautiful” you could hear his smirk, your grip tightened around him, not wanting to let him go afraid he would leave once more. “I’ve missed you too” You said to him faintly. “I’m just gonna help the guys unload. . I’ll be in shortly alright” Hunter said, pulling away looking into your eyes. “Go. .I’ll be right in.” He waved you off and walked back onto the ship. 
Having him gone for as long as he was, put not only a mental toll on you but a sexual one as well. You would be lying if you said you weren’t dying for his touch. Craving the feeling of being held close, melting into Hunter's arms and losing yourself in the moment. Waiting to feel the sensation of his body pressed against your own, the taste of his lips. The desire for Hunter’s touch has become a powerful force, driving you to seek solace in fantasies and secret desires. After the Batch finished their quick little debriefing with Cid, the two of you made your way into your shared room. Hunter wraps you in his arms, his fingers gently caressing your skin as he holds you close. His heart beats in sync with yours, taking everything in a moment to savour the warmth of your body pressed against his. He traces the outline of your features with his fingertips, feeling the texture of your skin beneath his calloused palm. With each stroke, he feels the tension in his body melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquillity and peace. His eyes meet yours as he pushes a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
Hunter inhaled sharply as you looked up at him. “I’m sorry we were gone for so long. . far to long.” he said softly as he cupped your cheek, your face melting into his touch. “Why don’t you make it up to me” his demeanour changed quickly once you struct up the offer. His head tilted ever so slightly to the side as he raised an eyebrow. “Unless you're tired, you can rest inst-EAD!” Your words grew louder when Hunter swiftly picked you up and placed you down on the bed, it was safe to say you got your answer. 
Hunter's lips press against your own and suddenly the world fades away, leaving the two of you in a moment of pure ecstasy. Feeling his lips on your own made you feel complete, and whole once again. Each kiss was laced with passion, each one getting sloppier than the last, being away from each other has been hard and like you said. Now he was gonna make these last seven months up to you. His hands trailed down your sides, firmly gripping onto your hips, pulling you closer. You felt his tongue push its way past your lips lapping with your own, exploring the depths of your mouth. 
Pulling away just enough to catch your breath a trail of saliva breaking from your separation. Your eyes lock, only for a moment. Hunter began trailing kisses along your jaw and down to your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His lips made their way across your collarbones, lingering for a moment before reaching your chest. He paused, his fingers gripping the bottom of your shirt pulling it  up and off. Hunter took a moment to admire your chest, his fingers brushed along your skin gently. Leaning back down you felt his lips meet your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses that made their way further down. The warmth of his breath teased your skin, making you squirm slightly in anticipation. With each touch, the wetness between your legs grew, leaving you breathless and eager for more. He was teasing you, doing his best to work you up. . and it was working. 
You looked down at him, your eyes pleading with him, he knew that this was what you desired, and he would give it to you. Gently, he lifted himself off the bed, and grabbing his silk rope, he tied your wrists together and attached them to the bedpost, ensuring your comfort while also restraining you. Your eyes never left his, the trust and submission evident between you. As he finished binding your wrists, he traced the rope with his fingers, his eyes never leaving yours. Hunter leaned in and began to kiss his way down your body once again, savouring every inch of your skin, leaving a trail of passion and intensity. Each touch, each kiss, and each breath sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, knowing that you were completely in his control.
Hunter could hear your heart beating faster, the anticipation and excitement building up inside you. He ran his hands down your sides, feeling your muscles tense under his touch. With a knowing smile, he pulled your pants and panties down, discarding them to the side. He reached for another piece of silk rope, spreading your legs and began tying it around your ankles, then to each end of the bed. Still allowing your legs to have some mobility but, you weren't going far. The sensation of being bound sent shivers down your spine, heightening your desire for what was to come. He stood up and admired his handiwork, the sight of you restrained before him driving him wild with lust. He knew what came next would be even more intense, and he couldn't wait to lose himself in you.
"I'm going to make you beg for me, Beg me to take you, and to make you scream my name." His voice was deep and commanding, sending waves of desire through you. As Hunter knelt down between your legs, gently pushing them apart, giving him full access to explore every inch of your body. His hands ran up and down your thighs, leaving trails of fire in their wake. You couldn't help but bite down on your lip holding in your sweet sounds, the combination of the restraints and his touch pushing you closer to the edge. As he reached your most sensitive area, he paused, looking up at you with a smirk, his eyes locked on yours, the power dynamic clear. "Say it," he commanded, his voice low and hypnotising. "Tell me you want it, that you need me." The command sent pleasure racing through you, making it nearly impossible to form coherent thoughts. "Say it, or I'll stop." His eyes were filled with both desire and a hint of playful cruelty. You gasped, your breath catching in your throat as you whispered, "Please."
Hunter raised his eyebrow “you know that isn’t good enough, use your words.” his words were stern once more. “Please touch me” you let out a soft whimper. The power dynamic between the two of you was driving him wild. He took you in deeply, his tongue began lapping over your wet pussy in a well paced manner, pushing you closer to the edge. As he continued, his hands held your legs open holding them in place, bounding you completely. His tongue dipped inside you, exploring every inch, sending waves of pleasure through your entire body. Each touch was deliberate, each flick of his tongue designed to bring you closer. "That's it," he murmured, his voice low and seductive, vibrating against your pussy. "Beg for me, beg for the release I'm about to give you." You could feel yourself getting closer. "Please," you begged, "I need you, please don't stop." His eyes locked on yours, desire burning brightly, as he continued, you could feel the release building, the inevitable climax just moments away.
You felt the knot building up inside, getting ready to release just moments away, but you felt Hunter pull away. Your eyes shot down to look at him. “What are you?” He gave one last kiss to your pussy before lifting his head away from the inbetweens of your legs. “Not yet,” Hunter said sternly as he pulled the lining of his pants down, adjusting himself and freeing his stiff cock. His hand gripped around the base giving it a few pumps. “Mm please Hunter, please let me cum” You cried out to him, a smirk spread across his face. “Such a greedy whore aren’t you. Begging for me to let you cum.” He said as he positioned himself between your thighs, his deep brown eyes locked on yours. His large hands grip your hips, guiding himself into your pussy. The initial thrust is slow and deliberate, letting you adjust to his presence. 
But It wasn’t long before he began to thrust deeper, you moaned softly, revelling in the fullness of his invasion. With each thrust, you pussy wrapped around him tighter causing your head to fall back into your pillows. Without your hands to cover your mouth you did your best to shield your moans into your pillows but failed doing so. Your sweet sounds echoed throughout the room, as Hunter continued to thrust into you having total control over your body. “F-fuckk Hunter” You cried out his name as he picked up the pace, his hands gripping your hips tight as he pounds into you. Your hands squirm trying to break free of the restraint you wanted to hold him, but you knew it wasn’t gonna happen.
You did your best to move your hips in the rhythm of Hunter’s thrust as much as your restraint body would allow you to. “That’s it, fuck you’re such a good slut” he let out in a low groan. His thrusts became more sloppy by the minute, he was growing close and so were you. “Hunter!” you whined out your eyes locking on his. “What is it pretty girl, fuck, tell me what you want” his voice was horse as he spoke, choking back his groans. "You're so close, aren't you? So close to that release." His fingers dug deeper into your sides, making you squirm beneath him. "But you won't get it until I say so. Beg for it, beg to cum." His voice was low and commanding, sending shivers down your spine once more. You whimpered, the desire and need building within you. "Please, please, I need it," you begged, your voice barely above a whisper. "Please let me cum." He smirked, as he continued thrusting his cock into you, pushing you closer to the edge. "Not yet,” 
“Fuck I can’t take it anymore, Hunter please!” he surrendered, allowing you to fall over the edge and into the abyss of pleasure, cumming on his cock. Your legs began to shake as he fucked your through your climax. “Shit, baby.” Hunter let out a low moan, thrusting into you a few more times before, sending his release into you. The two of you fell silent, doing your best to catch your breath. Watching as his chest would rise and fall rapidly trying to catch his breath. He pulled out of you slowly and leaned up, planting a kiss on your lips, before falling next to you. “Don’t ever leave for that long again” you huffed out, catching your breath. Hunter smiled looking over at you “I promise, if I’m ever gone that long again. . I’m taking you with me” 
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@allicat0 . .signing off
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peterokii · 11 months
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providence-park · 1 year
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crucifiedfaerie · 8 months
Growing Pains | Pt. 1 ༉₊˚✧
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Fem!Reader
➴ Summary: He loved you, he left you, and now he will stop at nothing to get you back.
➴ Word Count: 1.3k
➴ Warnings: smut in future chapters so 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, stalking, kidnapping, lots and lots of angst, a little blood, slight death mention, kylo is kinda soft for a min but he's still kylo ren so mean!kylo, flashback dream, established relationship with ben, crylo ren, reader is wallowing and low key wants to die
➴ Taglist: ( @enviedear @capitanostella @teapartydreams )
A/N: lowkey (high key) cried while writing this. did not intend for this fic to be so sad right off the bat but here we are. so apologies for that. nonetheless, i hope you enjoy !! <3
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Your head was spinning as you clutched your saber, the yellow glow reflecting off your teary, panicked eyes. You don't know how long you had been running, it felt like ages. The salt from your tears stung your face where twigs and branches had slashed you. Something had been hunting you. A dark, looming creature in a mask that you knew was never going to stop until it was dead or had you in its grasp.
You stopped in a clearing, frantically whipping your head around, looking in every direction. The moss felt soft underneath your bare feet that were sore from running, and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Not even the wind or the birds made a sound and the hairs on the back of your neck stood straight up.
Before you could even process the sound of the branch snapping behind you, everything went black. The last thing you remember feeling was being caught by two strong hands before being enveloped in the dark void of sleep.
It was the same dream as every night, and despite how heartbreaking it was to wake up from, you found great comfort in it. After six years, you had accepted at some point that sleep was going to be the only place you'd ever see him again.
"Do you ever wish you were a bird?" Ben turned his head to look at you, that same smile on his face he always seemed to have when he was in your presence.
You laughed at him, "I can't say it's something I've ever thought about. Do you?"
The two of you had been laying in a flower meadow, watching the clouds and birds go by as the sky faded to an orangey-pink. He let go of your hand to roll closer to you, and he brushed your wind blown hair out of your face.
You picked pieces of grass from his dark hair as he spoke. "Of course I do. If we were birds, we could go anywhere together, we could fly far away from here and we would have no responsibilities." He smiled down at you.
Before you could respond to him, everything faded away. Ben, the pink sky behind him, and the warm meadow all slipped through your fingers like sand. Despite it's own despair, your brain threw itself into a different memory. A much darker, more painful memory.
"Get away from me!" Ben screamed at you, pointing his saber at you. The rain beat down on the both of you, soaking your clothes and chilling you down to the bone.
You looked at him, the betrayal clear in your eyes. "This isn't you, Ben... I don't understand, please help me understand. Why are you doing this?" Your voice broke as you pleaded with him, your warm tears mixing with the cold rain.
He ignored your pleas and looked down at you with an expression void of emotion. "Maybe you never knew me to begin with."
In the blink of an eye he was gone, leaving you alone and cold in the rain. Your broken sobs were drowned out by the heavy rain as you realized nothing would ever be the same again.
When you awoke, the painful throbbing in your head came crashing down on you immediately. Your body ached as you sat up from the concrete floor of the cell you had been put in, and you lifted your hand to the side of your head. When you looked at your fingers they were covered in flaky, dried blood.
When you fully came to your senses, you saw him, sitting across from you on the other side of the room. Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order and most feared man in the galaxy was mere feet from you, simply staring at you. You weakly scrambled backwards to put distance between you, your head hitting the wall behind you, causing you to wince.
He stood, holding a damp cloth in his gloved hand. "Don't do that. You're hurt enough as it is." Kylo said blankly through his modulator, before crouching down in front of you, attempting to be at eye level despite his dark helmet separating the two of you.
He reached his hand out towards your face. You frantically shook your head and inched away from him, causing him to sigh and use the force to freeze you in place. "Stop moving, I'm trying to help you." He sounded annoyed, but he began to gently wipe the blood from your face with the cloth.
You winced at the contact, which he noticed. "I'm sorry, I'm almost done." The modulator in his helmet stripped his voice of any emotion, but you could've sworn there was a hint of sympathy in his tone.
Once he finished, he released you and leaned back slightly as if to admire his work, before nodding at you. "You must be terrified. My intention was not to hurt you, I thought it would be easier to catch you... I suppose I was wrong." His modulated voice crackled.
You saw your reflection in his visor, your expression terrified and eyes sunken. You began to cry. "Why am I here?! I j-just want to go home, I want t-to go back to Ahch-To, please!" You begged him through broken sobs.
Kylo tilted his head slightly. "Now why would you want to go back there? It isn't like you have anyone to go back to but the terrible memories." His voice was now cold, calculated.
Your brow furrowed. "How would you know that?! You know nothing about me!" You shouted at him, tears streaming down your face.
He laughed through the modulator, as if there were some inside joke you had no part in. "On the contrary. I know plenty about you."
Your eyes narrowed as you stared at him, angry and confused. "Who are you?"
He sighed. "In due time, you will understand. In the meantime, eat." He pushed the tray of food that had been sitting next to you when you woke up closer to you, before standing up. "I'll be back later. If that food isn't gone when I return, you won't like the consequences." He turned around swiftly and made his way to the door.
"Why didn't you just kill me in that forest?" You said weakly.
Your question made him freeze. He tensed in the doorway, and didn't turn to look at you before speaking. "In due time, you will understand." He repeated, only he sounded... pained this time. He quickly left, shutting the door and locking it behind him.
You picked at your food, feeling the sorrow and rage boiling inside you. You screamed, throwing the tray at the door before curling up into a ball and sobbing against the cold, concrete floor of the cell.
You wanted nothing more in that moment than to feel the warm, comforting embrace of Ben, but you knew it would never come. There was a song he would always sing to you, to calm you down. As you laid there crying, you began to hum the tune to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, Kylo stood outside the door to your cell, listening to your outburst. He sighed, leaning against the wall, deep in thought. He was quickly pulled from his thoughts though, by your humming.
He froze. Despite your broken sobs, he recognized it immediately. He had almost forgotten about that song, it reminded him of a version of himself that he had spent six years trying to kill. Kylo didn't realize he was crying until he felt a tear slip out of the bottom of his helmet. He quickly wiped it away with a gloved hand and inhaled sharply, before walking down the dimly lit hallway, away from your cell.
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artofcodaleia · 2 years
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Some other #Reylo stuff
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