#stephen miller
batboyblog · 3 months
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liberalsarecool · 11 months
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Never let this ghoul sound normal. Never become numb to evil.
Look how cruelty ages you. This POS is 37.
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thecalminside · 7 months
There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.
-Lao Tzu
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republikkkanorcs · 6 months
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
Donald Trump increasingly is acting like a James Bond villain – albeit a particularly mindless one. He spends a disproportionate amount of his time plotting revenge against his perceived enemies.
The really sad part is that the bulk of the Republican Party fully understands that he's a psychopath but refuses to call him out.
Even worse than those GOP sycophants, there are rightwing think tanks and attorneys plotting out the details of Trump's revenge.
Rosters full of MAGAfied lawyers are being assembled. Plans are being laid for an entire new office of the Justice Department dedicated to “election integrity.” An assembly line is being prepared of revenge-focused “special counsels” and “special prosecutors.” Gameplans for making Smith’s life hell, starting in Jan. 2025, have already been discussed with Trump himself. And a fresh wave of pardons is under consideration for Trump associates, election deniers, and — the former president boasts — for Jan. 6 rioters. The preparations have been underway since at least last year, with Trump being briefed on the designs by an array of attorneys, political and policy advisers, former administration officials, and other allies. The aim is to build a government-in-waiting with the hard-right infrastructure needed to turn the Justice Department into an instrument of Trump’s agenda, according to five sources familiar with these matters and another two people briefed on them.
Number one on Trump's list are Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team.
This year, close advisers to Trump have begun the process of assembling lists of the names of federal personnel who have investigated the former president and his circle for years, and are attempting to unmask the identities of all the DOJ attorneys and others connected to Smith’s office. The obvious purpose of this, according to one source close to Trump, is to “show them the door on Day 1 [if Trump’s reelected]” — and so “we know who should receive a subpoena” in the future. Such subpoenas would of course be instrumental in Trumpland’s vows to its voters that, should he return to power, Trump and his new attorney general will launch a raft of their own retaliatory “special counsel” and “special prosecutor” probes to investigate-the-investigator, and to go after their key enemies.
Stalin's NKVD and the Spanish Inquisition would be jealous.
Trump's second term special prosecutors whose job it would be to go after his targets would be based inside the White House rather than at the Justice Department.
Some far right grovelers have already begun to kiss up to Trump to get a place on his revenge squad.
Some lawyers and operatives close to Trump have pitched themselves for these kinds of roles, telling either Trump or some of his closest advisers that they’d be more than happy to take the gig in Trump’s possible return to power in 2025. And along with having dreams of sweeping retribution and purges, the upper ranks of Trumpworld have spent years putting together projects to vet and prepare a new generation of appointments — for “special prosecutor” posts, as well as much else — and administrative talent. In this informal vetting for Justice Department candidates, former senior Trump aides and well-connected activists have sought lawyers with a track record of loathing DOJ, particularly what they deem its supposedly “liberal,” “left-wing,” or “Marxist” elements. Between these different Trump allies, different private spreadsheets have been created in recent years, some laying out dozens of possible contenders, while some include upwards of a hundred names, sources with direct knowledge of the situation say. Former top Trump White House policy adviser Stephen Miller and other key Trump diehards have contributed names to several of these lists. 
Yep, if you smell fascism then there's a good chance Stephen Miller is nearby.
Trump got elected once and he could get elected again. People on the moderate to progressive part of the spectrum need to unite and make complacency a thing of the past.
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lokkie83 · 5 months
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During a very cold windy Sunday, we went to explore Nemea, whose name might be familiar because of the lion and Hercules and so.
But Dim told me the story of this archaeological site and it was very interesting. There was this american guy, Stephen Miller, that back in the 70s asked to the greek government permission to excavate in Nemea, because he knew what he was going to find: The stadium, the Zeus temple, and some more. And he did! All with his money and donors money, Greece didn't have to pay for any of these. The guy spent decades in there, unearthing, restoring and finally opening both the site and the museum. He even managed to bring back the Nemean games (similar to the ancient olympic games) and now they're celebrated every 4 years, anyone can attend!
So, bless Mr. Miller, because this site was amazing and actually this was one of the few places where they actually let you step into the ruins and the temple itself :)
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aunti-christ-ine · 11 months
Shocked. Shocked, I tell you. *eyeroll*
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All right; I know it's an insult to Nosferatu to be compared to these other two pieces of shit.
Oopsy, now I just insulted pieces of shit. Sorry.
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kp777 · 1 month
Extremist ex-adviser drives ‘anti-white racism’ plan for Trump win – report
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o-kurwa · 2 years
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thecalminside · 1 year
Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?
-Lao Tzu
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nodynasty4us · 9 months
Stephen Miller to Target: You should have known we were going to bully you.
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redshift-13 · 9 months
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Miller, if you recall, was the creator of the human rights abusing policy of separating immigrant children from their parents during the Trump administration. "Was said to “actually enjoy” seeing photos of families being separated at the border."
Miller allegedly also called for outright military murder of migrants, you know, to protect the white master race: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/06/stephen-miller-migrant-boats
And, surprising exactly no one, this conservative has a long running history of white supremacist statements and actions, including a collaboration with neo-Nazi Richard Spencer: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/stephen-miller
But, how do you "sexualize" cereal? If Kellogg's offered "Frosted ______" (insert the first perv thought that comes to mind), he might have a point (of questionable significance), but nothing of the sort exists of course.
What Miller & co. are referring to is this: "It also criticized marketing campaigns including boxes of Cheez-It crackers featuring drag queen RuPaul and cereal boxes celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month." https://www.reuters.com/legal/kelloggs-woke-workplace-diversity-programs-are-illegal-group-claims-2023-08-09/
But there's a giant logical hole here. How is it that depictions of LGBT people, which is a way of merely affirming their existence, becomes synonymous with insidious recruitment into sexual deviancy? There's no serious argument to be made that this is the case, so the sexualizing claim necessarily relies on the unfounded prejudice that LGBT people wouldn't exist in any significant numbers unless they were "recruiting" others to join them. Leave it to conservative cranks to to keep this urban legend - functioning as a kind of conservative ersatz sociological research finding - alive in 2023.
Imagine legal precedents rising to the level of case law that holds that the mere public appearance of LGBT people is tantamount to intended sexual crimes against children. Is this the end point?
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bighermie · 2 years
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