#steps 1 foot inside the arcade and the light returns to his eyes
waterghostype · 25 days
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was assigned to do art for school based on the color green so of course i chose the green ninja (accompanied by long xiaojiao)
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt. 5
Hey hi hello! I'm back at it again with another chapter! I'm scheduling this one to post so I don't forget. I really really liked this one, I put two of my favorite ships In here because of course I did. Kuzuhina and Komanami honestly make my gay heart happy. <3
Characters In this part: Lee!Hajime, Ler!Fuyuhiko, Chiaki, Nagito, Chihiro
Word count: 2,177
Part 1: [Click or tap here!] Part 2: [Click or tap here!] Part 3: [Click or tap here!] Part 4: [Click or tap here!] Part 5: You are here.
After the sun went down, Chihiro found that they couldn’t sleep, so they decided to sneak out of their room to go get something to drink. They took a detour down the stairs after they heard some soft murmuring coming from the lobby.
Upon investigating they found Chiaki playing video games while Nagito watched, chatting to her all the while. As they stepped closer to see what the game was, the floorboards creaked, Nagito and Chiaki’s attention snapped over to The Programmer who blushed in embarrassment for having interrupted them.
“I-I’m sorry! I was just on my way to get something to drink and… I was just curious what you were playing.” they sheepishly explained, looking down at the floor.
Chiaki smiled. “It’s okay,” she said softly, glancing back at the arcade machine. “I’m not sure what the game Is called, The letters are too faded for me to make out. You can come look If you want.”
“Ah! N-No I’ve distracted you enough, I don’t want to be In your way or anything.”
“Really, It’s okay.” She reassured them. “Come join us, Nagito doesn’t bite. If he says something that weirds you out, I’ll handle him.”
Nagito glanced at her nervously before looking at Chihiro. “Chiaki doesn’t bite either… She just tickles.” He smiled in exasperation.
Chihiro hesitated for a moment longer before approaching the two sitting on the bench.
It was a custom bench that Kazuichi made for her and Nagito. He made it after constantly seeing Chiaki sitting playing the game while Nagito either stood next to her or sat on the edge of the machine out of her way and watched. The two had become nearly inseparable over the last month, No one understood why. Chiaki never gave a straight answer when asked, always coming up with a joking answer to their question.
She scooted over, her leg pressing up against Nagito’s as she patted the seat next to her. He put his arm behind her back, his hand resting against the edge of the bench on the other side of her.
Chihiro sat down, studying the machine curiously. “What Is it like?”
“There’s a couple of games programmed into it, But this one is like Pac-man, with Monokuma’s head instead of Pacman. And the ghosts are different colored Usami’s.” Chiaki explained, hitting the start button on it.
The blue lights lit up the dim room and soft 8 bit sounds filled the quiet space, Chihiro smiled as they watched the game enthusiastically. It’s been so long since they’ve seen a video game.
After a few minutes Chiaki paused and turned to Chihiro. “Do you want to play?”
“Wh-What? No, I couldn’t. You’re playing, I don’t want to take over.”
“It’s no problem, It might be nice to watch someone else play for once.” she smiled, to get out of Chihiro’s way, she crawled up into Nagito’s lap, startling him. Apparently he had been zoning out.
“Are you sure…?”
“Mhm. Just hit that button to start.” She replied, pointing to the bright blue button.
Chihiro scooted over so that they were directly in front of the screen now, and hit the button to start. Instantly they were flooded with nostalgia as they remembered all those times they went to the arcade with friends.
They were pretty decent at the game too, once they figured out the A.I’s algorithm they were even able to get a high score.
“Wow, You beat one of my scores.” Chiaki remarked, surprised. Albeit pleasantly so.
“Ah! I-I’m sorry! You probably spent really long trying to fill up the leaderboard!”
“No, No, you’re okay. Really. It’s only a couple of numbers.” She reassured with a gentle smile. “I’m just glad you’re having fun… You really do apologize a lot, Don’t you?”
“I-I’m sorry.” Chihiro blushed. “W-Wait, No. I just… I guess I do apologize a lot… I’m sorr--”
Chiaki poked their side, causing them to squeak and stop mid apology. “That’s exactly my point. You don’t have to apologize so much… You’re okay.”
“Still, It’s impressive how quickly you were able to catch on to the A.I’s patterns and use It against It.” Nagito commented with a smile. “I guess that’s why you’re the Ultimate Programmer! You’re able to spot those things pretty easily I would imagine.”
Chihiro smiled sheepishly at the praise. “Yeah, I’m used to analyzing any kind of coding I can find. I like to deconstruct the coding and see how It works.”
“Kind of like Kazuichi when he finds something well built.” Chiaki replied, nodding In understanding.
“I’m glad there’s someone else here that understands these video games and how they work, I’m pretty useless when It comes to them.”
Chiaki narrowed her eyes as she turned to look at Nagito. “You aren’t useless.”
“Ah! Nonono- I didn’t mean It like that! I just meant I’m not good at games!” He quickly put his hands up in defense.
“I’ve got my eyes on you…” Chiaki mumbled, slowly looking away from him.
Chihiro giggled at the two, blushing and squeaking when they realized that they had giggled out loud and Chiaki and Nagito were now looking at them. “I-I’m sorry! I just-- eep!”
They yelped as Chiaki squeezed their side. “Stop apologizing, I mean It. If you apologize one more time, I’ll give you the same treatment I give him when he talks badly about himself.” She warned playfully.
“O-Okay, S-Sor…” They stopped themselves.
Chiaki climbed out of Nagito’s lap as he went to stand up and stretch. “Hey, You wanna try a multiplayer game?” She asked, Chihiro nodded eagerly and the two began to play a new game.
Nagito curled up on the couch, watching his girlfriend happily playing with her new friend. He smiled to himself as he whispered. “It’s moments like these that give me the most hope, watching you be happy Is the best hope of all.”
“Huh? Did you hear something?” Chihiro asked.
Chiaki shrugged. “Must’ve been the game…” though she glanced over her shoulder at Nagito and smiled at him, seemingly she heard him.
Later on In the night Fuyuhiko jolted awake as he heard his doorbell ring, that uneasy feeling was returning to him as he slowly approached the door. Upon checking his e-handbook he discovered It was two In the morning. He jumped when whoever was at his door knocked.
“You’re a yakuza for fucks sake.” He muttered to himself. “Stop being such a little bitch.”
He swung the door open quickly, immediately relaxing upon seeing It was just Hajime. “Oh… It’s just you…” He sighed softly, stepping aside to let him in.
“Sorry Hiko, I know It’s really late… But I couldn’t get to sleep.” Hajime apologized as he came Inside and shut and locked the door behind him.
“Yeah, I can’t really sleep either. I just dozed off for a couple of minutes.” He replied, setting down on the foot of his bed.
Hajime came over and sat down next to him. “You still worried about the students too?” He asked quietly, Fuyuhiko nodded silently.
Hajime smiled a little, putting his hand on top of his. “Yeah me too.” He said. “But for what it’s worth, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Hiko blushed, though he would vehemently deny such a thing. “H-Hey, I’m not a damn kid! I don’t need to be protected!”
The depressed student put his arm around the Yakuza’s shoulders and pulled him into his side in an affectionate half hug. “Fuyu, There Is nothing you can do that’ll convince me not to protect you.”
Fuyuhiko smirked slyly as he rested his head on the taller man’s shoulder. “Nothing, huh?”
“Nope, Sorry.”
Hajime closed his eyes, finally feeling himself relax a bit now that he was with Hiko. He'd had some horrible dreams of Fuyuhiko getting hurt or… worse.
However as usual, his relaxed state didn’t last long before It was ruined. The feeling of fingers ghosting against his sides under his shirt made him jolt back to reality with a string of tired giggles. “Hehehehiko Ehehehehehe… w-what ahahare you doing?”
“What’s It look like, Dumbass? I’m tickling you.” He retorted, amused.
Hajime continued to giggle as he squirmed, gently pushing at the Yakuza. “I cahahahan seehehehehe that, but whyhyhy?”
Fuyuhiko began to tickle Hajime’s belly, causing his giggling to quickly turn into laughter. “I’m showing you I can protect myself.”
“Byhyhyhy tickling mehehehe?! Ahahahaha!” He laughed, doubling over to try to block his stomach.
“If I can take you down, Imagine what I could do to someone else.” He grinned cheekily, tweaking his hips.
“GAHA! Ahahahahahahaha! Thahahahahat doesn’t prohohove anything! Ihihihi’m eheheheasy to tahahake down!” Hajime complained, falling backwards on the bed.
Fuyu was quick to settle himself on the brunette’s hips, his fingers nimbly dancing all across his sides. “Then how are you gonna protect me?? You should just let me protect you.”
“FUHUHUHUYU! NAHAHAT THE SIHIHIHIDES!” He yelped as he switched tactics to squeeze at the sensitive spot. “AHAHAHAHAHAA! STAHAHAAP!”
“Then stop all that crap about protecting me,” Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes.
Well, mistakes were made.
“No?? No!?” Hiko repeated as he leaned down, blowing a raspberry against his side. “What do you mean, No!?”
Hajime screamed, his laughter going up an octave as he arched his back from the sensation. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT THAHAHAAT! PLEHEHEHEASE!”
“I’m a Yakuza, I can protect my damn self!” He reminded him with another raspberry to his side. “Just cut that crap out, It bothers me.”
“Because when you say that It makes me think that--” Fuyuhiko stopped, his fingers resting on Hajime’s side as he suddenly grew silent.
Hajime giggled tiredly as he recovered from the tickle attack, he looked up at Hiko with a questioning look. “I-It makes you think what?”
He shook his head slightly, looking away from the taller man’s gaze.
The trapped Ultimate reached his hands up, gently cupping the Yakuza’s face as he turned his face back to look at him. “What does It make you think?” he repeated softly.
“It makes me think that something Is going to happen… to you…” He said quietly, reaching his hands up to rest against his.
Hajime frowned as Fuyu pulled out of his gentle hold and got off of him, opting to sit next to him instead. “Hiko, nothing Is gonna happen.”
“Then why would you say that?” The blond asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Because… I had horrible nightmares about something happening to you, and It makes me feel better to say that. It makes me feel like I have some kind of control over this.” He explained, sitting up.
Fuyuhiko’s face softened as he looked Into Hajime’s eyes. “Is that why you came over…?”
“Yeah.” He sighed, pulling him into his lap. “I had to see with my own eyes that you were okay.”
Hiko frowned as he wrapped his arms around Hajime, resting his head against his chest. “I couldn’t sleep because I was scared as soon as I did I would be woken up to the body discovery announcement…”
Hajime pecked a kiss to the top of his head, silent. He wasn’t sure how to make this situation better for either of them, the fact of the matter is that they’re never safe. Monokuma is always throwing out motives to try to tempt the students into killing, and there’s always that fear in the back of his mind that someone might fall for it one day.
“Hajime? Can you…” He trailed off, stopping his train of thought.
“N-Nothing. Nevermind.”
“Hiko…? What Is It?”
“Forget I said anything.”
Hajime frowned, reaching his hand up the Yakuza’s sleeping shirt and brushing his fingers against his side. “Tell me, Or I’ll tickle you.” He gave an ultimatum.
Fuyu flinched at the gentle touch, his body shivering. “Fucking hell,” He muttered under his breath. “F-Fine! I was going to ask you If you’d stay with me tonight.”
Fuyuhiko blushed bright pink as he buried his face in Hajime’s chest without waiting for a response.
“That’s why I told you to forget I said anything. Because It’s stupid.” He mumbled.
Hajime smiled warmly as he soothingly ran his fingers up and down the smaller man’s back. “It’s not stupid.” He said softly. “Yeah, I’ll stay the night with you.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to…”
“Hey, Look at me.” Hajime gently pulled the blond back to look in his eyes. “There’s no place I’d rather be than with you. Besides, I might actually get some sleep If I know you’re safe.”
Fuyuhiko blushed even more as he smiled. “Yeah, Me too.”
Hajime leaned in and planted a soft kiss to his forehead, stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. “You’re so cute, especially when you smile.” he teased lightly.
The blond narrowed his eyes as his neck turned pink from embarrassment.
“Hiko? H-Hey… Wait! DOHOHON’T! AHAHAHAHA!”
Welp, It was worth It to harass his boyfriend. At least Hajime didn’t mind being tickled, At least not by Fuyuhiko.
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deans-baby-momma · 3 years
Wounded Hearts 1
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Summary: When John Winchester leaves his two high school-aged sons in a motel in Fairfax IN while he goes off on a hunt, they both make friends. What happens after they have to suddenly leave when John comes to fetch them? Will those friendships endure? Does Dean leave a piece of his soul behind?
Word Count: 3,635
A/N: This is a sequel to Past Haunts, but it’s mostly what happened in the thirteen years between high school and when Sam and Dean return to take care of a haunting in their old stomping grounds of Truman High. The first couple of chapters will be mainly Dean’s POV and then after that, each chapter will switch from Dean’s POV to Rebecca’s POV. I will label them appropriately.
October 14,  1996   Dean’s POV
I watch with pride as Sammy schools some kid. My brother might not look like much but he can fight. I guess all the times sparring with Dad and I have paid off. He gets a few good punches in before laying the bully out. I smile widely as Sam tells the kid that he’s not tough, he is just a jerk. The crowd begins chanting ‘Dirk the Jerk’.
One of the onlookers turns to walk away and slams right into me. I look down to see a girl from a couple of my classes. It takes me a minute to remember her name. Rebecca. Rebecca Quentin.
The blush on her cheeks and the way she pushes her hair behind her ears is adorable as hell! She looks down at the ground after she apologizes but I’ve got to tell her it’s okay. No harm, no foul.
“Hey Rebecca, right?”
I get a glimpse of what a spitfire she is, when I accidentally call her ‘honey’.
“I’m not your honey, Dean!” she rages and honestly it is cute as fuck! 
I smile and try to make up for my obvious mistake. “Listen, Becks,” I begin and cringe at another faux pas. ‘Dammit Dean keep it together.’ “Is it alright if I call you that?”
I sigh and relax when she nods her head that the nickname is okay.
“We got off on the wrong foot. Let me make it up to you. We can go get a bite to eat.” She looks like she is about to reject my offer so I quickly counter. “I’ll even bring my little brother so it won’t look like a date. If that’s what you’re afraid of.” 
When she agrees I can practically feel my heart rate pick up. This girl is beautiful with her gorgeous blue eyes and brown hair. She is a vision and she just agreed to go out with me! Well, Sammy too, but I get to talk more and learn about this angel.
I call Sammy over, never taking my eyes off her. As we leave the school grounds, I wonder if she is aware that she has strategically placed Sammy between us. Was that intentional or just a coincidence? The two of us carry most of the conversation during our trip since Sammy has his nose in some book, the big nerd!
Rebecca Quentin is 17 years old, the same age as me; a senior and is planning on going to college to become a Psychologist. She tells me that she has her heart set on Harvard.
“You must be really smart,” Sam quips glancing up at Rebecca before going back to reading.
On our walk, I learn that she is an only child and lives with her parents on the other side of town. I can’t imagine not having siblings because, although he can get on my nerves, Sammy is my life. I have been protecting him since I was 4 years old, it’s my duty. 
As we pass a movie rental store, I get the bright idea for pizza and a movie in our motel room. After some coaxing, Rebecca agrees and I rush inside to get the movie. ‘All Saints Day’ is one of my favorites. 
Our money situation is getting sparse but I want to splurge for her so I grab a couple bags of popcorn at the checkout and after paying, I join Rebecca and Sammy on the sidewalk.
We walk to the pizza joint and go inside to place our order. I look around the nearly-empty restaurant as we wait. The lighting is bright but is dulled by the amount of wood inside. Dark wooden panels cover the walls with even darker wood beams line the ceiling. The tables are draped with red-and-white checkered table clothes with a candle and a condiment tray in the center. The whole ambience of the place gives off a romantic vibe and I imagine bringing Rebecca here for a date.
‘Get a grip Dean!’ I think to myself. ‘You just met the girl and had to persuade her to hang out with you. She’s probably not even interested in you like that; just too nice to say no.’ The waitress calls our name and I grab the boxes before we continue our trek to the motel. 
At the motel, I am a complete gentleman, holding the door for her to enter first and I even carry her food for her. We settle in, me on the floor and her on the end of my bed. We watch as David Yeager portrays the Hatchet man. Sometime during the movie Rebecca joins me on the floor and when a jumpscare scene comes up she hides her face on my shoulder. I smile as I lean over and whisper, “I’ll protect you.” That earns me a smile and from the look in her eyes, I can tell she actually believes and trusts me. I can’t help myself as I lean over and press my lips to hers, keeping it chaste and innocent because Sammy is right there.  A few minutes later she places her hand in mine and I entwine our fingers, a smile breaking out on my face. I am scared that if I acknowledge it she’ll pull away and that is the last thing I want her to do, so I sit there with a big old goofy grin. We finish the movie and polish off the rest of the food before Sammy begins complaining that he wants to go to the arcade. I only have $20 left for us to live on until Dad returns and the brat is getting on my last nerve.
Suddenly Rebecca speaks up and pulls some bills out of her pocket. “Here ya go. There’s an arcade down at the end. Go crazy!” she tells him, with a laugh.
Sammy’s whole face alights and he begins begging me to go. “Can I Dean? I promise not to go any further. And to come straight back when I’m done. Please?” 
I look at Rebecca and then to Sammy. That means Rebecca and I will be in the room alone, by ourselves. What if she is expecting something to happen. Fuck! I have not watched enough Casa Erotica on stolen pay-per-view for this. I don’t know what I’m doing. Fuck!
I pull Sammy to the side. “No further. And if you see anything...suspicious come back here. You know the codeword.”
Sammy repeats the codeword and is out the door in a flash. Well this just turned awkward. I run my hand across the back of my neck as I turn to look at Rebecca. I take a step closer to her as she steps closer to me. Before long, we are standing toe-to-toe and I can smell her strawberry, I think it’s strawberry at least, shampoo. Her lips are still slightly swollen from the kiss I gave her and I lick mine as I hesitantly reach for her. She walks right into my embrace and wraps her arms around my neck. I lean down and kiss her and OH MY GOD! This kiss is even better than the first. I take a chance and swipe my tongue across the seam of her closed lips and am surprised when she opens to let me lick into her mouth.
She tastes like heaven, if there is a heaven. Her tongue wrestles with mine and she moans as I begin lightly sucking on hers. My hands begin rubbing up and down her sides, the hem of her shirt catching on my fingertips. I pull back and look at her questioningly and she nods so I grab the garment and pull it over her head. She is wearing a little peach bra with a tiny little bow in between her breasts. I swear I could cum right now. She helps me pull my shirt off and then we discard the rest of our clothing until we are left in our skivvies.
We lay down and make out heavily on the bed. I feel like my dick is going to burst, it’s so hard. I slide her bra strap down and then reach behind her to unsnap it. Of course with my bumbling hands, I have trouble but I get it loose and Rebecca pulls it off, dropping it on the floor. 
I stare at the picture before me. Her nipples are hardening to little nubs as I gaze at them. Seeing breasts on television is one thing but fuck me, breasts in real life? There is no comparison. Gathering up all the courage I can muster, I dip my head and kiss one of the stiff peaks, flicking my tongue across it. Rebecca moans above me and her hands land on the back of my head. I continue laving her nipple all the while loving the sounds she is producing.
I slide my hand slowly down her stomach, praying she doesn't feel the tremble in it. My whole body is vibrating with nerves.  I have never gotten this far with a girl and I'm worried I will somehow mess this up. I want to satisfy and please her. When my fingertips meet her panties, I lightly run them along the edge. I look up to see Rebecca's eyes watching me. She wiggles her hips and smiles. I take that as her consent to keep going. 
I push up onto my knees between her legs, almost embarrassed at the obviousness of my arousal. I hook my fingers in her panties and pull them down. Once I get them to her feet I stand up and take them the rest of the way off. I grab the top of my boxers to remove them but my eyes land on her body. Taking my time, I run my eyes down from her face to her neck, over her heaving chest and gorgeous tits down her stomach to….her pussy. Fuck! I palm my dick as I look at the splendor before me. Her outer lips are bare and smooth and I can just see a peek of her clit. How the hell am I going to last, I'm already about to blow my load. I push my boxers down until they fall to the floor.
 Climbing back onto the bed,  I position myself between her legs and lean forward to capture her lips. My cock rubs against her inner thigh and oh my fucking god! How am I getting harder?!
Rebecca's back arches off the bed, breaking our lips apart. "Dean," she sighs and I look into her eyes. Holy shit! This is happening! I'm about to have sex. I sure hope to god Sam doesn't return anytime soon. "Do you have a condom?"
Fuck!! Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Yea I have a condom; one dad gave me when I turned 13, four years ago. Dammit to hell. 
I crawl off the bed,  trying to figure out if I want to take a chance with that old thing. I look around the room and spot a half wadded sandwich wrapper on the table. It keeps sandwiches fresh and dry so it should work right? I grab the plastic and notice a few crumbs stuck to it. I shake them off and proceed to wrap the cellophane around my dick,  making sure that the tip is covered well.  When I am satisfied with the protection, I climb back onto the bed and take my previous place. 
I grab the base of my dick and line it up with her entrance. "Ready baby?" I ask as sincerely as I can.
I’m nervous as hell but I want to make this good for her. I look down as I run the tip of my dick along her slit, her juices warm and slippery. I press in to breach her outer lips and notch myself at her entrance. I don’t know why but I am assuming this is her first time too. Maybe it’s the look of anxiety on her face or maybe I’m just seeing things. Either way, I want to ease her into this. Ok, yea and me too. “This might hurt and I’m sorry.”
I press into her and am immediately met with resistance. Yep, this is her first time too. Has to be, ain’t no way they are always this tight, right? I lean down and kiss her to swallow her cries as I pull out and push back in. A few more tries and our hips are flush, my dick is inside her! Holy shit, I am inside a girl and fuck does it feel wonderful! I have to bite my inner cheek to stave off the desire to shoot my load. It feels that fucking good!
When Rebecca whimpers, I freeze. Oh fuck! Did I hurt her? I should have been more gentle. ‘Good going Dean!’ I silently chastise myself. I wanted this to feel good for her, not to cause her any pain. I pull my upper body off her enough so that our foreheads are touching. Neither of us are moving, just our chests from the heaving breaths we are both taking. 
“Are you okay?” I ask, although if she would say no I think I’d have to kill myself. I don’t want to have harmed her in any way. 
Instead Rebecca grins up at me and nods her head. I feel relieved instantly. “Yea. Just keep doing what you are doing. It’ll get better.”
I start a slow and steady drive of pushing in and pulling out all the while trying to hide the euphoria on my face. I lean down and nuzzle into her neck, kissing the skin behind her ear.
Rebecca starts making these sweet little sounds that are so much better than anything I’ve ever heard on pay-per-view. It is music to my ears. I begin grunting on the push in and moaning each time I pull out. I swear I am in heaven. If there is a god, I want to shake that guy’s hand.
 Oh god! Now her pussy is squeezing me tight, making my momentum wobble. I can feel my nuts drawing up and I know I’m about to meet my end. White explodes my vision and I push in as far as I can, pulsing and shooting my load into that plastic sandwich wrapper. This is so much better than jacking off! 
Suddenly, Rebecca grabs my biceps; her fingers digging into my skin. She throws her head back onto my pillow with her eyes closed as she screams, “Oh god! Dean!”  I can feel her getting wetter and seeping out around my shaft.
I kiss along her collarbone, careful to keep my weight off of her as we both come down from that magnificent high. Now I know what all the excitement is about. Sex with a woman is phenomenal!
After cleaning up and getting re-dressed, the awkwardness creeps in. We stand in the middle of mine and Sammy’s motel room, just staring at one another with small smiles on each of our faces. Mine will probably be etched on and never go away.
“Well, I uh….I better get home,” Rebecca stammers, pushing her hair behind her ear. Does she realizes how fucking adorable and captivating that little habit is? Probably not, but it fucking is.
I don’t want her to go but I know she needs to get home. I look at my watch and balk as I see that it is almost 6 pm. So that means for almost an hour she and I had sex. Wow!
I grab her wrist and pull her toward me, running a finger down the side of her face. “See ya tomorrow, Becks.” I lean in and give her a quick kiss on the lips and wistfully watch as she opens the door.
Before leaving though, she looks back at me one more time and smiles. There is a sparkle in her eye and I can’t help but feel proud; I put that there. After the door closes, I turn to grab my flannel; might as well go hang out with Sammy in the arcade. Maybe whoop him in a game of Mario Kart. A spot on the bed catches my attention and my heart flutters when I realize what it is. There in the middle of my bed, is a splotch of Rebecca’s cum. I’ll sleep great tonight, with the knowledge that I finally got laid. And we both enjoyed it. The proof is right there. 
I pull my flannel on, checking to see if I had the room key before I strut down the side of the building to the room that the arcade is located in. I look through the window to see my nerdy ass brother sitting at a game for dorks; some type of trivia shit. I go to grab the door handle and wonder if Sammy will be able to tell a difference in me. I am no longer Dean Winchester, virgin but I am Dean Winchester, sex god. 
I challenge Sammy to a round of Lethal Enforcers, totally demolishing him. But at 13 Dad hasn’t let Sammy get much practice in with a gun. Not like he has with me; by the time I was Sammy’s age I could take apart, clean and reassemble almost any caliber weapon in Dad’s possession. I ruffle Sam’s hair as we head back to the room, much to his chagrin. 
“What’s got you in such a good mood Dean?” Sammy asks. “You and Rebecca do it?” I can tell by the playfulness of his voice and the smirk on his face, Sammy has no idea what transpired in our room.  In an attempt to play it cool and nonchalant, I puff out my chest and say, “Yea. I rocked her world.”
Sammy rolls his eyes and continues walking towards the room. I shudder at how much of a jerk I sound like. It was nothing like that at all. What happened between Becks and I was magical and wonderful and I wouldn’t mind doing it again. At that thought, I remind myself to invest in some newer condoms. 
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The next morning
I can’t wait to get to school. I have first period with Rebecca and I am hoping to be able to sit beside her. That is, if Amanda Heckerling and her flunkies leave us alone. There is a skip in my step as Sammy and I walk the two blocks to the school. But it falls away when the cell phone in my pocket begins ringing. I know there is only one person with this number and there is only one reason he would be calling. Dad is done with his hunt and is on his way to pick us up. I curse as I take the phone out of my jacket pocket and flip it open.
After the call, I tell Sammy the news. “Dad will be here by lunchtime to pick us up. Do you have everything in your bag?” We had long ago learned to carry our personal possessions with us instead of leaving them in whatever motel room we stayed in. Easier for Dad to just pick us up and leave town before any questions or concerns arose. 
“Yep,” Sammy answers and I can tell he is as melancholy as I am at the thought of leaving this town. In the three weeks we’ve been here, we have both made friends and hated leaving them behind, knowing we’d probably never see or hear from them again.
I go about my normal routine, checking in at homeroom and grabbing my shit out of my locker before heading to English Lit. As soon as I walk in I spot Rebecca but instead of the smile I expect to see on her face, she looks down. Is she ashamed of what we did? Did she tell someone and they made fun of her for having sex with the boy from out of town? I walk past her and take my usual seat at the back. I can’t wait for Dad to get here so we can get out of this shithole! Lunchtime cannot come soon enough.
At lunch, I track down Sammy and we go to the front of the school to wait on Dad. As we hear the rumble of the Impala coming we both look up at the building morosely. The best and worst things happened here. I met a girl and had sex just for her to turn around and deny she even knew me. “This place sucks. Come on Sam,” I say as I head around the front of the car to get into the front.
As we pass the sign that thanks us for visiting Fairfax, I silently wish Rebecca Quentin a farewell. My heart constricts and I feel sick. I lean my head back against the seat, closing my eyes and daydream about blue eyes and dark brown hair and soft silky skin. 
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15 notes · View notes
1831 Thursday 13 October
7 10/.. 12 40/..
Great deal of rain in the night but apparently fair at 7 10/.. and, now at 8, at which hour Fahrenheit 64°. - out at 8 1/2 - Went into the bookseller's shop opposite - bought Chichester guide - they did not burn the bp. [bishop] last night in effigy - the police interfered and prevented the burning - but all the people seem reformers, moderate or radical - then sauntered down to the Cathedral stopping as I went to admire the beautiful gothic market place a little below the hotel (The Swan) -
A verger went all round the cathedral with me and to the top of the tower (about 248 steps) from which springs the steeple, within the latter is a sort of scaffollding by which to secure four ladders, of 40 feet long each, hung, as it were, in air one above another and by which the workmen ascend, and, when at the top, if anything is to be done outside (which has happened without accident 4 or 6 times in the time of this verger, a singing boy in the cathedral 40 years ago) they make a hole in the stone work, and put up a scaffolding on the outside of the steeple - too hazy to see Chichester steeple, or the Portsmouth or the Isle of Wight - but good bird's eye view of the town - not large - merely high Street good and another goodish street or 2 the west Sussex and East Hampshire infirmary is a large handsome looking plain building stone or stuccoed - a small part of boulevard or old rampart left, shaded by 2 rows of fine large elms, the only town walk the inhabitants have - the corporation sold all the rest long ago by bit and bit and it is all built upon - Both inside and outside of the cathedral exceedingly plain - round Saxon arches - no ornament - the interior has been lately cleaned and scraped, so that, the white and yellow wash being gone, the natural colour of the stone is left with great advantage - saw no painted glass -
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View of Chichester Cathedral in 1833 by Joseph Francis Gilbert [Image Source]
Walked all thro' the cloisters (3 sides of a square remarkably neat and well kept - roof not underdrawn - of the sweet or chesnut eatable wood that, as is the rest of the cathedral, which spiders have an aversion to, and therefore not a spider's web to be seen - thro' the cloisters, and entered by the South transept door - on one side (right) paintings of all the bps. [bishops] - on the other all the Kings from William the conqueror down to Henry 8 when they were done - this transept screened off by the tomb of St. Richard once famous for the miracles done at his shrine in this cathedral - the transepts communicate with the side aisles of the nave and choir which last takes in the part under the tower roofed in the same height as the rest of the choir - instead of tabernacle work, plain gothicized sort of wainscot of deal painted darkish brown with gild gothic mouldings - looks much better than might be fancied from the description - beyond the choir the Sanctum Sanctorum, a presbytery - handsome and spacious - 2 fine columns of darkish porphyry like Sussex marble (from near Horsham) with 4 smaller columns clustering round them - from the east end of presbytery descend by a few steps into the fine large well-aired vault of the duke of Richmond made in 1750 the 1st. duke buried in westminster abbey till taken up and brought here - 20 coffins there - the broad brickwork bench on which they stand is on arches to prevent damp and there are open windows on each side that the place is as sweet as any other part of the church -
Above the duke's vault is what was the Lady's chapel to which one ascends by a few steps - now the library - in a line with the choir, but much lower - small library - the chapter holds its meetings there - some old brass plates (like small bread and butter plates) a chalice etc. and inscription of William the conqueror's time taken from the tomb of the 2nd bishop - (translated by the reverend Thomas Valentine prebendary of Selsea - the organ is of the time of Charles 2nd - the choir screen very plain gothic of time Henry 6 - 3 pointed arches the middle one much the narrowest - no transept aisles - double aisles on each side nave and choir - fine specimen of quite plain old Saxon - church consecrated 12 September 1199 - believes there is an error about this date in the guide book - several errors - records not consulted that ought and might have been - the belfry tower not mentioned save in a note of errata - a large good loking looking square gothic tower, a little distance from the church built for the bells because of the injury they might do the steeple, as said the verger guide -
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The choir at Chichester Cathedral [Image Source]
In returning, sauntered along High street in spite of its raining a little bought sponge, and a pair of strong leather shoes at a venture - back at 11 50/60 and from then to 1 25/.. breakfast and read the Times - sad rioting work at Derby - and the mob burnt down the duke of Newcastle's Nottingham castle, to the ground on Monday - Very comfortable at Chichester - the Swan a very good Inn-
Off at 1 35/.. - Goodwood (3 miles from Chichester) plantations (duke of Richmond) stretch along the range of down (down) at a little distance north of the town - the duke getting rich - a good economist - has bought a great many farms lately in this neighbourhood - at 1 3/4 pass road (left) to Goodwood and in 5 mins. [minutes] more get a peep of the house - oblong - south part a pediment in the middle and a round topped little round tower at each corner - flattish all around after leaving the Goodwood downs, and not very interesting drive till alight at the Norfolk arms Arundel at 3 10/.. - wait for my 2 servants -
At 3 55/.. at the castle - stands high, on a chalk hill - the low rich ground (some of it let at 6 guins. [guineas] an acre belongs great part to the duke great to the corporation) about it, supposed to have been covered by the sea at the time the castle was first built by the Romans - (no date of the castle) - In proof of the retiring of the sea, anchors and other marine implements have been found on digging - at present this low land forms quite a basin round particularly in front south of the castle - the river Arun running along it with remarkable windings - but if it was not for these windings - these great détours - the tide comes up so strongly that it would force the water, so back as to make it overflow this low land - the Arun runs to the sea and to the Thames - and navigable all the way, sometimes by canal-cuts - the man who shewed the house said Arundel was originally perhaps Arundale -
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Arundel Castle c1880 [Image Source]
Magnificent castle - the old ruins fine - particularly the great old ivy covered round Keep Tower where we afterwards saw the 7 large horned american owls - but the present house built on the old site, partly keeping up the old walls (4, and, in places, 5 yards thick) by the late duke, who spent above 30 years and £600,000 in doing it, unfinished as he died and left it - on entering the court, the building forms nearly 3 sides of a square - or a centre and wings - centre 4 stories high - entrance (rather projecting) with its large windows above and on each side of it, 4 tiers of 2 three light windows = 8 - on entering (right) baronial hall and unfinished chapels - (left) library and unfinished saloon - baronial hall tho' not quite finished very fine - magnificent oak plain gothic groined roof - capital model for the hall at Shibden? - chapel a heap of brick and rubbish within not seeable - ditto the saloon -
But the mahogany lined, beautifully gothic wrought library tower which cost above £30,000 - far the most beautiful library I ever beheld anywhere - from the baronial hall, we saw dining room breakfast room fine drawing room etc. (the centre divided by fine long gallery) but I skip all to get to the library - 130 feet long - gallery round mid-height the room and all the windows above the gallery - the galleries finished at the top like aisles, and the middle part finished likewise at the top and partly for a gallery, library, museum! 3 arcades and a sort of transept. then 3 arcades more at the other end - 6 windows on each side, and one transept window on each side = 14 windows - two beautiful white marble chimney pieces on the same side (north east side) that were bought by the late duke at the sale of the duke of Bedford's house in Bloomsbury square pulled down about 38 years ago - of the 1st. chimney piece the 2 large supporting figures are whole lengths of Socrates and Plato, with a square medallion of Archimedes and his attributes in the centre of the architrave - one of the figures of the other chimney piece is said to be Æsculapius - library walls 4 yards thick - the library windows outside seem large churchlike windows - the lower 1/2 of them lights the library - the upper lights rooms above -
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The library at Arundel Castle [Photo by Des Morris]
The castle and its fortifications stands on 5 1/2 acres of ground - the man thought the baronial hall must be 45 feet high - and the drawing room 25 feet high - he recommended me to see Bignall - the fine old Roman mosaic pavement discovered there - 7 miles from here - on the Petworth road - turn off 4 miles from here at the public house at the foot of Bury hill - 1 5/.. hour in the castle - 20 mins. [minutes] at the old round keep tower and 10 mins. [minutes] looking round about the castle - there is a narrow way and parapet wall all round the front towards the town and the south -
Home at 5 35/.. washed hands had hair done etc. - dinner at 6 in 3/4 hour - then till 8 40/.. wrote all the above of today - very glad to have come round to see this castle - the present duke does nothing at it - leaves all unfinished or not just as the late duke left - the present one has lately bought a large estate here of a Mr. Walker - I look everywhere for models for Shibden - I must be contented to do as little at it as possible - my ideas are too apt to grow too large - from 8 3/4 to 11 1/2 at my travelling account and to my great joy brought it down to tonight - oh! that my private account, cashbook and all the rest were equally well done! - but what I have done is better than nothing - I must work at the rest for a day or 2 in London - a little rain while out this morning at Chichester and a little also as I came here but afterwards (from 3 p.m.) fair - Fahrenheit 65°. now at 11 1/2 - Came to my room at 11 40/.. -  
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/14/0134 - SH:7/ML/E/14/0135
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solecize · 5 years
REPLY 2009 ⠀ ⠀⠀.⠀⠀.⠀⠀.⠀(OR: 2009, YEAR OF US) — 002.
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now playing: club no. 1 by super junior
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summary: ten years ago, we found ourselves at a turning point in pop culture as the decade began to close. this was the year that brought the world obama, the death of michael jackson, and the highest grossing film of all time, avatar. however, in south korea, something big was brewing as well and it started off with infectious lyrics, colourful costumes, and sensational dance moves: kpop. the korean wave that started to build several years ago begins to find its footing in the international limelight in 2009. this was the golden era of kpop. this was the time of sorry, sorry. the debut of quite possibly the most different and groundbreaking girl group in korean entertainment, 2NE1. the rise of shinee, one of the most consistent boy bands of this era and beyond. the throne of bigbang would remain steady with their ventures into japan. and of course. . . snsd's gee that would solidify their place as the nation��s girl group and overtake their male counterparts. nothing can touch this legendary age.meanwhile, in the very city that milled and churned out these stars, eight teenagers were also coming to a certain close in 2009. youth was suddenly running out like grains of a darkened hourglass, as everything and everyone brought tension into their lives. where was the next step on their path? high school is nothing more than a cruel halfway point between childhood and adulthood, but this group of friends made the most out of it. after all, this is the youngest that they'll ever be. this age is the time where hopes rise higher than ever, where love burns the most passionately, and the desire for freedom expands the furthest. in 2009, we follow these teenagers' stories to the background music of the opening chapters of kpop's greatest legacies.but, ten years later at their high school reunion, where do we find them.”
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or: highschool!got7, dancecrew!got7, coming of age, school reunion angst, reader x ?
APRIL 2006 (3)
Slick, strawberry ice cream never tasted so fulfilling until that day’s relentless sun. Though it was only spring time, it must have been at least twenty degrees outside and when the air conditioning system broke in our classroom, I was left an absolute mess. The workload of being a first year high school student was made into an unfortunate underestimation and the weather only caused more stress to my body.
“Yours looks good, I should’ve just gotten the same thing as you,” Youngjae frowned, as he looked at his own vanilla scoops. He leaned in to take a taste of my cone, but I merely interrupted with a noise of disapproval.
“Nuh uh. Nice try, Choi Youngjae, this happens every single time.” I turned my back so that he couldn’t take any and hummed.
All it took to convince him to skip his after school vocal lessons was a distressed IM, claiming that I had an emergency. Sure, it was probably wrong to use my loyal best friend just to have a companion to get ice cream, but he’d done the same thing on several occasions. I’d missed so much time at Hagwon because of him. Great minds think alike and Youngjae wasn’t even mad when I met up with him outside of his school with a carefree attitude, clearly not having any emergencies to worry about.
“I should’ve known,” he said upon seeing my figure approach him at the front of my school.
“Oh, shut up.” I frowned and punched his shoulder in what was supposed to be a playful way, but he nevertheless yelped at the contact. “I never get to see you anyway with you stupid training anyway. Live a little and spend the afternoon with your best friend!” At that, Youngjae grinned and he couldn’t say no. Next thing we knew and we ended up at our favourite ice cream shop.
We continued walking along the sidewalk a busy street in the Guro district of the city. It was only five o’clock and people were rushing to get home to their families; cars flying by, people trying to beat the rush onto the subway lines, bicycle lanes filled up. It was busy as ever, as Seoul as ever. There weren’t that many people our age around, as most first year high school students like ourselves should be at after school lessons.
“Do you ever wonder what will be like when we’re like them?” Youngjae was eying some older college kids inside a random cafe that we were walking by, as I tried to keep my long hair out of the ice cream.
Two of them appeared to be a couple, while several other kids surrounded them at the same table. They were laughing, listening to music, and flipping through American magazines and I could feel jealousy running through my veins. Their parents weren’t frantically calling them when they were late by a minute or two returning from tutoring or yelling at them to grow up. They were grown.
I replied, “I wonder what we’ll be like when we’re like them.” Pointing at a pair of people trying to hail a taxi, a man and woman dressed in business casual attire, it seemed like they were making their way back to home. I wanted nothing more than to grow up and relish in unknown liberation.
Youngjae followed my gaze and thought about it for a moment. “You’ll be whatever it is what you want to be—” I rolled my eyes at that. It wasn’t a secret that I wasn’t exactly sure of what I wanted in a career, lacking passion for any field or hobby. My parents wanted Jinyoung and I to pursue lavish medical careers, but he was the only one with the endurance and intellectual capabilities to do so.
“—And you will be a successful singer.”
A light tint of pink spread across Youngjae’s cheeks, ever so bashful regarding his ambitions. However, there was no doubt that he was eventually going to be a star one day. I’d never seen such comparable talent to him.
I continued on, “Maybe we don’t have to wait so long! Didn’t you say that your company is looking to debut a new group next year?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he dismissed my statement, “it’s not a guarantee, though. And what if they don’t even pick me to be apart of the group?”
“You’ve been under their management since the seventh grade! They’d be crazy to cut you.” I was still able to recall the day of Youngjae’s first audition to the company, where I’d accompanied him on the weekend instead of studying at home with Jinyoung. Nerves were never one to affect Youngjae, but on that day, he couldn’t stop shaking no matter what he did. It was only when he was finally called that he was able to take a deep breathe. He got the acceptance call the following few weeks after. I’d march right down to the company office myself, they wouldn’t dare take away my gifted best friend for four years just to cut him out of their boy group.
Youngjae shrugged, then looked back to where we were observing the two adults. They were gone. “By our thirties, we’ll be happy for sure and that’s all I care about. Maybe you’ll finally grow out of Super Junior—hey, don’t give me that look!”
I quickly rid of the bitter expression on my face and laughed. Tugging his arm, I told Youngjae that we should go to an arcade instead of watch strangers like some creeps. I thought, maybe this part of being a teenager isn’t so bad. For now, I was willing to embrace this and so was he.
“Remember that time that Bambam knocked over an entire shelf?”
Letting his name slip past my lips felt so foreign, it seemed like forever since talking about my old friend. It wasn’t like recalling a one time anecdote, but a piece of life. Jinyoung emulated the odd sensation, not hiding the way he paused his walking for a split second at the sound of Bambam’s name. Then, after getting over the initial feeling, he burst out into laughter.
Shoulders shaking with each chuckle, Jinyoung replied, “My god, that was fucking hilarious. It was after we found out that we qualified for the NDCCs, right?”
“And Mr. Lee gave him a weeks’ detention for it!” I nodded vigorously. There was no way that my mind could forget that day, especially not the priceless looks of excitement on the boys' faces. The memory was fresh in my mind, as if it had occurred the afternoon prior.
The two of us were the lone people in that empty hallway after choosing to explore the second floor. Jinyoung claimed that he wanted to find his first year homeroom for old times sake. He’d walked straight past the library, probably because of all the last minute studying that he used to do in there that continued to haunt him, but I took a quick glance inside. The interiors were darkened, but I could make out the familiar layout of the room for the most part. I hadn’t exactly spent a lot of time in there unless I had to during my years, so Bambam was the first thought to come to mind.
“Hey, our old lockers are somewhere here!” My brother exclaimed, having made his way into another corridor.
I didn’t need to follow his voice, remembering exactly where the lockers were. It wasn’t quite Jinyoung’s locker, but he often used Jaebum’s instead of his own, as it was situated on the undesirable basement floor. Mine was just two away from their shared space and by the end of high school, the three of us claimed the entire block as our own.
Passing by the iconic music room, I found Jinyoung kneeling in front of a block of lockers. I had to stop myself from entering, as I figured that it would be best to do it later when he was here. Watching Jinyoung peered into each one, probably trying to jog his memory, it was odd to realize just how old we’d become. Spending countless of days in this hallway for three years, yet my brother couldn’t even remember which locker was Jaebum’s.
“Oh! This one’s mine!” I giggled, spotting the locker immediately, even from the distance I was at. Stepping forward, I pointed to the one that was three away from mine. “This is the one you’re looking for.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “How did you figure that out?”
Smirking, I gestured to the corner, where faint lettering was carved into the metal. There was no way I was going to leave Haerin without a trace, so as I ran my thumb over the imprint ‘SJ,’ I was more than pleased to see that it lasted for ten years. I nearly forgot that I did this, but it was probably one of the best decisions I made before graduating.
“What—holy shit.” Jinyoung looked at the ‘SJ’ carving and was silent for a moment, blank stare. Then, he burst out into hysterical laughter, to which I made a face at. “And you were even playing, what was it? Club No.1! You played it on the way here. Some things never change, huh?”
He was right. Some things never do change and I was content with that, knowing I still had a bit of that high schooler in me. It didn’t matter if it was Super Junior or that childlike innocence, or even my first loves that blossomed in these hallowed halls. The years pass, just as my branches grow rapidly, but returning to my roots reminded me of how much I longed for those days once again.
MARCH 2009 (5)
Lee Donghae's angelic voice continued to ring in my ears the whole train and bus ride home from the fan meeting. It was like a broken song stuck on replay on my MP3 and there was not a single thing I could do about it—not that I wanted to. I'd felt as though I was on cloud nine the entire time I was there, despite the fact that their thirteen members were just little dots from the seat I was in. Minyoung swore up and down that Siwon stared right at her for the majority of the event and we argued about it for the entire commute home, just before she got off at the bus stop ten minutes before I did.
Skipping school was practically unheard of, but it was a risk I was willing to take for Super Junior.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school!" she waved at me happily, as she strolled out of the bus with ease. I could never imagine having such nonchalance in my step after missing a full day of class to see an idol group, not with my hardass parents. However, Minyoung mentioned that her mother didn't care, too busy drinking her life away.
Unfortunately for myself, things were different. I paid Jinyoung almost my entire part time salary for him to do his imitation of our father's voice and call in sick for me with the school. Nobody seemed to suspect a thing when the two of us "left" for classes in the morning, as I wore my uniform and carried my backpack. In reality, I had to make a beeline for Minyoung's house, where I would change into some more fashionable clothing and eventually, the two of us left for the noon fan meeting. We made time for us to be able to hope on the bus back home. Needless to say, everything went smoothly, at least up to this point. Sneaking out was fine, but sneaking back in? A different story and certainly the nadir of the day.
It felt obligatory to repeat examples of excuses out loud over and over again as I made my way home.  "Sorry I'm late! I had a few questions to ask about my physics test. . .no, no, that sounds too forced . ."
Any car that passed by me on the street that even had the slightest of semblance to my mother's or any patrol vehicle that belonged to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency granted a near heart attack. However, nothing came of these scares, so I continued walking along the sidewalk towards my house. There were some crazy things that teenagers did for their idols.
The only way to about successfully sneaking back in was the secret path. It led to behind the house from a convenience store that Jinyoung and I used to play in when we were kids. Looking back, we were absolutely insane. It was the scariest alleyway that I could conjure in my imagination, for it barely fit two bodies and allowed very little light to seep through. If it wasn't in broad daylight, I wouldn't be crossing this way at all. At the very least, it wasn't long after squeezing through that I could barely make out the house in the distance.
However, as soon as I stepped out of the alleyway, a large figure came out from the sides.
Enduring the wind was knocked straight out of my chest, the other figure didn’t even seemed fazed at the sudden collision of bodies. I stumbled back a few steps, sputtering as I did so. There was a light chuckle and when I looked up, I saw Jaebum’s cheeky smile.
“And where do you think you’re coming from?” he raised an eyebrow at me and my heart stopped. I obviously did not think this far; Jinyoung’s friends were usually hanging around the house. I didn’t think that any of them would cause trouble, but then there was Jaebum, who would gladly give a side comment to my parents about my truancy just to see the look on my face.
I tried to play it off, pulling the best casual shrug that I was capable of. “School. I had to stay after school to ask Mr. Go some questions.”
“Last time I checked, you weren’t in class, especially without uniform on." Jaebum raised his eyebrows and reached out, touching my hair. "And you actually brushed your hair? You definitely went somewhere else."
There was no way. There was no way in hell that today was going to be one of the only days in the year when Im Jaebum, notorious class skipper, decided not to keep up with his hooky playing ways. However, looking at his semi pristine school uniform—I wasn’t going to count the buttons that he so cheekily left open on his dress shirt—I groaned. He had gone to class, which I didn’t count on.
Jaebum continued, "How come you haven't cut your hair? I think you'd look good with short hair." Giving unsolicited styling advice was his way of calling me boring.
“You. . .I can’t believe you actually showed up.” Last year, rumours flew around that Jaebum missed almost two weeks worth of classes in a row. In hindsight, saying two weeks doesn’t sound like lot to non Korean students, but there was no such shirking culture in any school in the country and especially not one as competitive as Haerin. Even the lazy students at least showed up and took a nap in the back of the classroom as opposed to outright not attending.
The said male grinned. “New year, new me.” Jaebum glanced at me, probably trying to figure out what exactly it was that I was up to. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Okay, fine. I skipped.” There was no reason for me to not admit it, Jaebum was going to force it out of me either way.
“SuperJuniorfanmeeting,” I mumbled, my string of words sounding more like a singular, incoherent mess.
Jaebum just chuckled at me, getting a real kick out of the situation. It wasn’t like I was the goody-two-shoes type, but I’d always used to berate him for shirking his school work. I didn’t actually care, but it was more on the basis that I figured that he and Jinyoung didn’t have to hang out and be so damn loud in the living room if they would just see each other at school.
“Say that one more time, please.”
Setting my jaw, the glare I sent his way could’ve killed. “Super Junior fan meeting.”
At that, he only let out a loud scoff. “You skipped for Super Junior? Are you for real?” His chiding was nothing new to me.
There was one time when Jaebum tried sneaking into our house late at night to hang out with Jinyoung, as if they were a fucking couple. Who the hell does that that? Unfortunately, my brother’s room did not have a window and the two politely asked me if Jaebum could go through my window, then sneak through. I said no. That was supposed to be that, but the twat ended up knocking at my bedroom window at two in the morning anyway.
If it weren’t for the fact that I was up late on Facebook, I would have probably strangled Jaebum. I had no choice but to let him in, though, and the first thing that he did was make fun of the amount of Super Junior merchandise that I had in my room. Posters, stacks of albums, stickers, mugs, you name it. That was how I discovered Jaebum’s hatred for idol groups and how he discovered his favourite thing to use in order to vex.
“I don’t want to hear it, asshat.” Grumbling, I tried to move past him, but he stayed put.
Jaebum said, “Nope. I’m not going anywhere.”
It was almost time for my mother to return home for work and I couldn’t believe that he was choosing to play around now out of all the time he had in the world. He folded his arms across his chest, as if waiting for me to do something. The light shone on his medium brown hair and illuminated his playful expression.
“I need to get home!”
“And I need to get to the studio, but your dumbass brother decided to take his time flirting with Ms. Jung after school, so now I have to wait for him.”
I rolled my eyes, how very Jinyoung of him to do. Despite being senior class treasurer and all around boy next door, I knew my brother well and he wouldn’t be related to me if he didn’t have his sly side. He used his role on student council and high rank in academics to stay behind to talk with teachers, often to schmooze or just to flirt like he did with Ms. Jung.
“Gross. Just go to the studio by yourself, then,” I replied.
Jaebum chuckled. “No, because I’m a good friend who waits for his friends, especially when the said friend is getting details on beautiful Ahyeon." 
I had to snort at that. "You boys are disgusting. Just get going so I can." Hearing him talk about the Geometry teacher like that made me want to throw up without hesitation. High school boys, especially overly horny ones like Jaebum, always did in the hallways after any one of Ms. Jung's classes. She was young, pretty, and everyone raved about how she looked like some actress from Boys Over Flowers.
He was still in front of me. There seemed to be something we wanted to say, judging by the confusion playing in his eyes, but nothing came out. Tapping my foot, I raised my wrist to my line of sight and saw that I didn't have much time left.
"You should audition for the crew," Jaebum suddenly blurted out, though his tone stayed as nonchalant as ever.
That took me by surprise and for that, I looked at him like he was crazy. "Me? Yeah, right. Now stop wasting my time and—"
"—Jinyoung said you dance, you can't dance for us?" he cut me off. I was sure that he was joking, but judging by the sternness and what seemed like shame for asking me, I realized that Jaebum was indeed serious about his suggestion.
Obviously somebody had brought myself up as a suggestion for the crew member replacement. I wouldn’t know why Jinyoung would even do that, he was fully aware that I would repudiate such an idea. I couldn’t even imagine myself having to hang out with the boys or stand on a stage.
"Yeah, in middle school. Not anymore, I don't like dancing."  
If there was one thing that could wound Jaebum, it was speaking ill of dance. He cringed at my words, face scrunching up. I didn't have any passions in the way that he and my brother had dance, so I couldn't understand. The sentence allowed made him want to get out of my way, side stepping.
He said, "Well, if you change your mind, we're in the studio on Friday. Jinyoung and Mark have said good things about you, so I thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask, but I guess I was wrong."
I shrugged and was on my way, thankful that he managed to give up on me. Picking up a speed walk, I dashed towards the back door of my house and made sure that the interiors were empty before doing so. As I closed the door, I couldn't help but look over at Jaebum and I saw that he was still in that spot. It was embarrassing that not only Jinyoung told the crew about me, but Mark as well. Thinking about it made my face go hot and with that, I shut it and hurried to change before after school tutoring. 
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hoekins · 6 years
i just finished writing this right now, it’s fresh from the oven my feels
pairing: mike wheeler x oc (steve’s sister)
warning: lighthearted swearing, some lumax feels iM
2.4k words
Stacy didn’t really ask for Steve to drive her to the arcade but it’s not like another option is available. Her parents aren’t keen on cashing out on a new bicycle for her to travel around in since they’re planning on getting her her own car anyway, they‘re just waiting for the right moment and maybe not until Stacy gets her driver’s license for Hawkins. So for the mean time, Stacy enjoys the free rides in the company of her older brother who seems to find driving her around an excitable agenda.
As Steve clutches the gear shift to pull up right in front of the arcade, he tilts his body to ask his sister, “Do you need change for the games, quarters, or?”
“Are ya offering me free money?” Stacy grins, chewing along to the pink gum in her mouth.
“Yeah, no, get out.” Steve huffs, facing front once again with his left hand on the steering wheel.
“Grumpy ass,” Stacy mumbles to herself, pressing the seatbelt to unwrap it from her body. One foot at a time, she launches herself out of Steve’s car and turns to him since he has a few more words to leave before he does.
Steve’s eyes strain themselves to look at his sister against the obnoxiously bright neon lights on the arcade sign. “I’ll pick you up at 7.”
“9.” Who in the world plays arcade games for just one hour?
Steve purses his lips before giving in, “Okay, fine. Be safe.”
Stacy stands by the entrance, watching her brother’s car weave through the ongoing traffic on the main road before she enters the dark building illuminated by colorful lightbulbs attached to the game machines. It takes her a while to find her friends in the busy crowd, noting to herself that Friday nights in the summer sure do promise an influx of prepubescents. She does find them crowding a Centipede game machine. As she wiggles her way past short and long bodies alike to get to Max, a tall boy munching on Cheetos blocks her path.
“Are you 18?” He asks monotonously, orange fingers weaving their way out of the sticky bag of chips.
Stacy looks around and catches Will’s eyes who tilts his head in question of the scenario Stacy has caught herself in. Returning her gaze toward the lanky brunette, she replies, “No...”She meant to say it in a duh tone but it ended up sounding more of a question.
“Aha! You’re not from here!” The tall boy prods. The more that Stacy is forced in his presence, the more that she picks up some... details about him like that his scent reminds Stacy of basements, the kind with atrocious ventilation that results to trapping of sweat inside the room due to the lack of windows or air vents. The older teenager derails her train of thoughts, “You have an accent.” He says it like he just decoded a million-dollar Math problem.
“Is he bothering you?” Dustin pops out of nowhere, head peeking out from behind the intrusive stranger. Stacy glances subtly at him, hopefully successfully sending pleas through her eyes which Dustin picks up on thankfully. “You’ll have to excuse him, Stacy. He’s not exposed all that much to the opposite sex.”
“Good to know you’re finally getting out of Nancy’s hair.” Lucas scoffs.
“Whatever.” The creepy teenager mutters with gritted teeth before pushing past a few other kids to get to the cashier counter.
Stacy turns back to her friends and gives them a small smile as they all walk back in front of the game machine. “Do you know how to play?” Dustin asks her as she watches Max strategically press buttons in patterns that don’t make quite sense to her.
“Not really.” She shrugs, looking at Dustin before gazing around the arcade and spotting single basketball games with hoops lined along a wall. “I can play that though.” She points to the other side of the room, catching Dustin’s, Lucas’, Will’s, and even Mike’s—who was busy watching Max play— attention.
“Basketball? We’ve never tried that before.” Lucas mentions. He and his friends have practically lived in the arcade for days on end yet none of them has ever touched a ball from there. Sure, they’ve joked about playing it before but no one ever really stuck through and tried it.
“Well,” Stacy casually shoves both her hands inside the back pockets of her jeans, “I usually play with a team.” She adds all the while glancing at Max to catch her reaction which by the way, is just a determined look in her face as she continues to aggressively press buttons. Stacy only ever came to the arcade because she offered to be there for Max when she deals with telling Lucas what she feels, specifically what troubles her.
“Yes!” Max yells, throwing her tired hands up in celebration. “Suck it, Wheeler!” She smirks at the poor boy, knowing Mike wouldn’t be able to overthrow her at the top of the leaderboard. “Stacy!” She greets excitedly, wrapping her arms around the dark-haired girl, squeezing her slightly before letting go.
“Stacy wants to play the basketball.” Dustin word-vomits, pointing at the hoops.
“What!” Stacy reacts, “I just said I could play, not that I wanted to! I don’t want to shame myself really,” she says as an excuse while shaking her hands in front of her.
Dustin and Lucas weren’t listening anyway as the two of them literally drag Stacy in front of the game, excited to see what she’s got. The boys standing near the basketball game machines all quirk an eye at the unfamiliar girl with pink cheeks looking a little bit distracted as one of her friends input a quarter inside the machine.
“Kick their ass, Stac.” Max giggles, pushing Stacy closer to the edge of the game machine. Stacy looks back at Max with a freaked out look on her face but she’s forced to play as the countdown under the score lights go from 3 to 2 and to 1.
Stacy feels a little underwhelmed at the fact that she’s literally planted on the floor, unmoving like the basketball hoop in front of her. It’s nothing like an actual game at all, especially that the hoop is not as high up as actual boards in a game but she lives through it. Stages 1 and 2 pass her by a breeze until the hoops actually started moving horizontally which weren’t much but it’s then that she actually started enjoying the game.
From behind, her friends watch her, lowkey impressed as she hauls her 5’2 body upwards and slightly forwards to shoot every single ball, except for one when her worn- out striped sweater was pulled out from being tucked under her jeans and she felt slightly conscious.
“A-right, it’s taking too long,” she laughs, discontinuing the game and walking towards her friends instead. She feels guilty that they’re all just waiting for her to finish the game when they could be playing something else. Red lights flash 304 behind her until the countdown finishes and the tickets pile a little on the floor. “You can have it, thanks.” She smiles at Dustin since he was the one who offered a quarter for her game anyway.
“Sweet.” Dustin grins widely, plucking the long trail of tickets and gushing with Lucas about it. They were thinking of getting that kazoo from the prizes stand just so they could annoy their friends with it.
“We practically rule this place, huh?” Max jokes, bumping shoulders with Stacy who chuckles along with her.
Stacy looks around a little, noting that Dustin and Lucas are still busy with the tickets and Mike and Will are simply standing, trying to make sense of what they should do next. “Have you talked to him?” She asks with a hushed voice.
Max looks down on the floor, as if her sneakers are the most interesting thing she’s ever seen. “Not really.” She mumbles.
“Hey,” Stacy says softly, “You don’t have to do it right now, yeah? I don’t want you to feel like I forced you into this. It was just a suggestion.” She explains. Max nods, releasing a big puff of breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Stacy smiles lightly, “You’re eavesdropping.” She says to no one in particular, but she does have one person in mind.
“H-huh?” Mike straightens his stance, cheeks flushing at being caught redhanded. Will glances at his friend, then at Stacy, then at Max, then back to Mike, looking as confused as ever. “I wasn’t,” Mike says sharply in feeble defense.
Stacy smiles wider, finding the situation and maybe Mike Wheeler’s rosy cheeks funny. “Didn’t say it was you, bud. But if the shoe fits..”
This time, it’s Max’s turn to mirror Will’s confused side glances. What the hell?, she mentally asks herself. Wasn’t it just four days ago that these two were like trained savages coming for each others necks? The question doesn’t ever stop coming through her mind. They all pile up in her head.
However, the shrill sound of the kazoo cuts its way through the awkward tension in the group. “Oh hell no,” Mike mutters to himself, already hitting his forehead at the upcoming migraine he would be having the near weeks. His friends and objects that make sounds don’t really mesh well, he knows that so well after Lucas tried to learn how to play the clarinet. Mike felt a little relieved after he lost interest.
“Why do these two look like someone tried to explain quantum physics to them?” Lucas furrows his eyebrows, stretching an arm to gesture at Max and Will.
“Anyway,” Stacy claps, “Which should you play next?” She asks the group, but none of them seem to want to play any more games. Neither do Lucas and Dustin who are both already satisfied with their new musical instrument and weapon of mass migraine, if not destruction.
“They’re selling cotton candy outside.” Will shrugs, inwardly craving the sweet snack.
Everyone else shrugs back, willing the entire friend group to haul ass outside in search of the cotton candy stand. It’s a few steps that they take as they all line up for the stand, using their excess coins to buy a stick of cotton candy.
In the windy chill of the night, Max, Lucas, Will, Dustin all sit on a curb in a line, nibbling through the sugar on stick, enjoying the company of each other. Max gives Lucas side-glances through her blue cotton candy every once in a while until Lucas himself started noticing.
“You okay, Max?” Lucas turns to her with a worried look on his face.
Max’s breath catches a little in her throat, “Huh?” She asks, taken a little off-guard. It’s been quite a while since Lucas asked her that. “Y-yeah.” She answers softly, smiling afterwards at the boy she has been crushing on for almost a year now.
“Okay, but I’ll be here to listen in case. Okay?” Lucas smiles back at her, already forgetting the cotton candy in his hand.
“Okay.” Max replies with a little nod. Just as she takes a bite from her snack, the boy next to her sneaks in a quick kiss on her cheek.
“Gross.” Will announces as a joke, biting through his own cotton candy with a little smile on his face. He’s feeling better lately, and hasn’t had an episode since the last one which is a good sign. It’s enough to make him giddy, but with the added sugar, the boy is jumpy with energy.
Meanwhile, Dustin can’t help but wonder what’s taking Mike and Stacy so long. The two were left lining up by the cotton candy stand just a few meters away while the rest of the group sat down by the pavement. At this point, Dustin thought the two have already murdered each other, but as his eyes look around the area, he spots the two conversing just a few steps away from the cotton candy stand, two colorful fluffs of candy forgotten in their respective hands. Unfortunately for Dustin, he can’t hear them but he does pick up the relaxed vibe coming from Mike’s body language. He then, is as confused as Max and Will were a while ago. It’s like seeing fire and ice interacting so comfortably.
What Dustin can’t hear from afar is Mike asking Stacy, “So... Have you noticed anything from them? Will is really quiet but I very possibly believe he can’t harm a fly let alone El—“
“That’s the same for the rest of ‘em, Mike. How do you think they’d feel when they find out you thought they could do something so horrible?” Stacy tries to guilt trip him, but Mike’s head is too clouded and honestly a little distracted from the fruity scent he smells distinctly from Stacy.
“I’m on their side.” Mike appeals.
Stacy frowns, “It doesn’t look like it, Mike.” She takes a deep breath, “Keeping secrets from friends never end well.”
“Okay, Will the wise—“
“Oh, it’s an inside joke,” he waves a hand off to dismiss the idea. “Don’t change the topic! It’s like you’re not even trying to watch over them.”
“What, do you expect me to crouch around them with a magnifying glass in hand?” Stacy chuckles. She’s observant at best and notices even those she doesn’t want to notice.
Mike glares at her then rolls his eyes ever so slightly. “You don’t need to crouch, you’re already short.”
“Wow!” Stacy exclaims at the banter. “Look who’s talking! You’re like 5’4, you fucking troll!” Stacy would have appeared offended, but Mike finds her outburst funny anyway.
“I’m way taller than that.”
“Not as tall as your ego.” Stacy barks back, but at this point it’s all in fun’s name. Stacy joking and playing along with Mike Wheeler’s antics? The world must be coming to an end.
Silence follows the two teens like a shadow as they walk so casually slow to where their friends are. “Stacy?” Mike calls.
“Hmm?” Stacy hums, distracted by the sickly sweet candy in her mouth.
While looking down at their feet tapping through the pavement, Vans and Puma next to each other, Mike says lowly in almost a whisper that Stacy almost doesn’t catch, “Promise you’ll try.”
Try to what? Stacy has no idea at all. Still, she finds herself responding after a while just before reaching their friends chatting in a comfortable line across the sidewalk, “Promise.”
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tomb-of-ash · 7 years
Kurtis Trent Spin-Off Game Design Ideas
We’ve received a number of documents on the abandoned Kurtis Trent spin-off game, a prequel to Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. These were sent to us anonymously. This particular anonymous contributor has sent a number of screenshots and documents to us in the past and they were eventually verified by members of the Core Design team. As such, we have no doubts about the authenticity of these documents.
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Kurtis Game – Design ideas – 06/07/01
Game name   -  Bloodline
The name comes from Kurtis Trent’s realization of his ancestral legacy and the re-discovery of his inherited paranormal powers.
The story overview
The story is a prequel to TR Next Gen.
Set in New York City, USA. Between the years1998 to 2000.
Kurtis drives a wrecked 1970’s Ford.
He sleeps in the back seat.
Survives on the proceeds of crime.
He is running from his ancestral past - and present day demons.
Game genre
Third person arcade adventure.
Focal points of the game
The core of the game is based around search and destroy missions.
Focus on (in order of importance)
Combat – destroy all     enemies using available weapons.
Exploration –search     rooms for pick ups and enemies to destroy.
World interaction – open     doors, shoot out windows and walls.
Story – to create     atmosphere, depth of character and link episodes.
Focus on - Combat
Kurtis Trent has the following abilities.
Hand to hand combat.
Use of firearms.
Use of explosives.
Use of psychic occult powers – to power-boost firearms and explosives.
Use of psychic occult powers – for reconnaissance and object control.
World interaction – use of computers and machinery to produce a simple goal.
Enemies will have the following abilities.
Hand to hand combat.
Use of firearms.
Use of psychic occult powers – to power-boost firearms and explosives.
Focus on - Exploration
Search for pick ups to replenish energy and weapons.
Search for enemies to destroy.
Kurtis must destroy all enemies in a room before the door unlocks and lets him continue.
Focus on - World interaction
Kurtis can climb stairs
Kurtis can open swing doors with a push
Kurtis can shoot out windows and jump through the hole
Kurtis can shoot out walls and vents at pre-defined points and jump through the hole.
Kurtis can smash objects – crates, barrels, machines
Kurtis can be harmed by pre-defined zones placed in the room.
These zones are : Fire (burning), Water (drowning), Electrical (electrocution).
Focus on – Story
The story is presented using the in game polygon graphics.
The story is revealed in the twelve episodes that make up the game.
At the end of each episode is a short video that plays music, news bulletins and off the wall imagery. This is designed to reinforce the world of Kurtis Trent.
There is no introduction sequence.
The game starts and as the player plays the names of the characters are superimposed over the action.
Story is delivered in the following ways:
Exerts from diaries.     (With voice over narration).
In game cut scenes with     game characters.
Media transmissions from     TV.
Media transmissions from     radio.
Kurtis Trent – Demon hunter.
Father Francis – Excommunicated priest and occult expert.
Ana Bell – TV news reporter and Kurtis’ doomed girlfriend.
Marty Cruise  - Forensic police scientist.
Marie Cornel – Kurtis’ mother.
Eckhart – Fourteenth century crazed alchemist.
Phil Yates – Possessed billionaire software mogul.
Jean Rochelle - Old ‘friend’ from the Foreign Legion.
Obnoxtrux - Monster demon
Spawn - Furry gremlin critters.
Vampires – The living dead.
NYPD police force – Gun happy flat foots who get in the way.
MIB’s –  Government agents looking to capture Kurtis and study his paranormal powers. (By removing his brain and cutting it into small pieces!)
                       MIB’s come in two varieties:
                       Type 1 - MIB agent. Man in a dark suit. (Investigators).
                       Type 2 - SWAT team commando operatives. (Capture teams).
Demonic possessed – People who have been enslaved by the dark forces. Only scanning their aura will alert Kurtis to their true nature.
Enemy Reactions
Enemy characters are assigned trigger values for reaction times, aggression, health and ammunition.
These triggers control the resulting animations.
A line of sight cone emits from the characters head. If Kurtis is within this cone the enemy character will react according to its trigger values.
Enemy patrol paths
Patrol paths are set by positioning control nodes around the room.
The direction and any incidental animations of the character is set on the node.
World navigation
A scanner that shows the level map and paranormal hot spots.
Appears as a semi-transparent HUD map over the game world.
To use the map scanner:
Select map scanner from the inventory. HUD map appears.
Press the CROSS – (action) button to make it disappear.
Time gates
These are inter-dimensional gateways that offer a window into past and future events.
Kurtis can witness actions from other times and receive messages from the past - and future.
While Kurtis can not step through, he can use his mind control powers to capture small non-organic objects and bring them into his dimension.
Time gates are scattered everywhere but are disguised as everyday objects.
To find and use a Time gate:
Select Psychic Aura Scanner from the Psychic inventory.
Scan the area for psychic aura.
When it is revealed the player stands in front of the Time gate and presses the CROSS – (action) button.
The Time gate opens and the Kurtis sees a third person camera view of the action.
To capture an object:
R2 – Hold = Mind control over objects
Steer crosshair over object with:
AL – Left/right/forward/back + 1 click = Capture object
When the object is captured Kurtis is returned to the normal game mode.
Objects can also be thrown into the Time gates.
Players inventory
D PAD – LEFT ARROW - Hold down = Inventory
Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.
Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.
Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.
Items list:
Paranormal scanner.
Hand weapon inventory
D PAD – UP ARROW - Hold down = Hand weapons
Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.
Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.
Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.
Items list:
Multi-round hand gun.
Fires a variety of 9mm ordnance.
Sodium SALT tipped slug.
Standard 9mm slug.
Stun slug. 
Uzi sized submachine gun. Fires standard 9mm slug.
Throwing weapons inventory
D PAD – DOWN ARROW - Hold down  = Throwing weapons
Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.
Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.
Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.
Items list:
Gas grenade.
Explosive grenade.
SALT grenade.
PSYWARE is the military term given to the paranormal abilities of the human mind.
This breaks down into two areas:
Area 1.            Psychic powers are concentrated on tactical and information gathering activities.
List of powers:
Out of body eye for reconnaissance.
Aura scanner. For detecting the paranormal.
Mind control of objects. Pick up, move and drop.
Levitation. Limited in height and duration. Quickly depletes energy reserves.
Best used to enhance fighting moves. Kicks, flips etc.
Mind control over life forms. Take control of other creatures’ bodies.
Psychic tap. Kurtis can drain the energy from humans to power up his occult energy reserves.
Area 2.           Occult powers are used for offensive and defensive attacks and draw their energy from the energy signatures of all living things.
List of powers:
Directional energy wave.
360 blast energy wave.
PSYWARE booster.
All of the weapons in the Hand weapon and throwing weapon inventory can be power-boosted by combining Hand weapons and Throwing weapons with the Psychic power button.
Select a Hand weapon or throwing weapon.
Hold down the L1 – Psychic power
Enemy demons
When a demon breaks through the dimensional barrier, the first thing it wants to do is enslave minions. It does this with a zap of power, turning the victim into a slave. These slaves can be used as assassins or cannon fodder, and spies.
Demons will camouflage their true shape for as long as possible, preferring to take the form of another creature.
Only when the host form has been rendered useless will they appear in their true demonic form.
Demon hunting tends to follow this pattern:
Tracking – the investigation and locating of the demonic infestation.
Mortal combat – combat with the enslaved minions protecting their master.
Paranormal combat – containment and exorcism of the demon itself.
Game structure
The game will take the format of a TV series.
Twelve episodes form a complete series.
Each episode has its own complete story and mission to be completed, although some missions and stories will span two episodes.
Key characters will appear in each episode, while some will only come back later on in the series.
Overview of episodes. Only showing key story points.
Note: In-between each episode is a commercial break. Adverts, music videos and news bulletins are broadcast. Some may seem completely off at a tangent but all will create a feel for the kind of world that Kurtis inhabits.
Episode 1      
Kurtis on the streets. Living on the proceeds of crime.
Meets Father Francis for the first time.
Rejects the priest’s offer of help.
Kurtis is involved in a robbery that goes wrong. Ends up in prison.
Father Francis gets him out and takes him to his safe house.
Episode 2      
Father Francis shows Kurtis how to master his occult powers.
They go on a demon hunt together. Kurtis is back on track.
Episode 3
More demon fighting. Kurtis is becoming more adept at using his skills as a demon hunter.
Eckhart makes his first appearance and escapes after a savage fight.
Father Francis explains the invisible war between good and evil that is raging in the city.
Episode 4      
A super demon breaks in and is loose in the city.
Kurtis rescues a girl. Ana Bell, TV news reporter. Falls in love. She dies. (Sigh.)
Kurtis blames himself.
 Episode 5      
First part of a two part story.
Eckhart is trying to mastermind a massive occult invasion in the  city.
To be continued …
 Episode 6      
Continues …
The investigation leads to a billionaires mansion. Beneath the gothic pile are miles of catacombs filled with a demon army.
Eckhart escapes to fight again.
 Episode 7     
Introduce Martella Chancy - a forensic police scientist. Side kick for Kurtis and Father Francis.
Kurtis meets his mother. She gives him his father’s diary.
The diary will provide insights into Kurtis past and future.
Episode 8      
More demon fighting.
An old friend from Kurtis’ legion days turns up.
Kurtis’ is persuaded to join in a bank robbery.
This is a trap and the MIB capture him.
Kurtis must escape from captivity.
Episode 9      
Comedy episode
Cute furry critters are being sold all over the  city.
They hatch into something nasty.
Episode 10
Halloween in the city.
Vampires are abroad tonight.
Father Francis “Vampires! I hate those guys!”
Episode 11    
Eckhart kidnaps Kurtis’ mother (Marie Cornel) and Kurtis must rescue her.
Father Francis dies in this episode.
Kurtis must go on alone.
 Episode 12    
Eckhart has taken Marie Cornel to the place where Kurtis was born – a hermetically sealed base in the Utah desert.
Kurtis must rescue his mother.
Eckhart escapes to Europe.
Kurtis Trent character animations
Basic moves
Personality move – smoking a fag/eating peanuts.
Strafe – left + right
Belly Crawl
Jump – upwards/forwards/backwards - (hop)
Rolling – left/right/forward
Stepping – left/right/forward/backwards
Death move
Weakened slouch
Hit reactions – punch, shot, electrocution etc..
World interaction
Push door
Kick locked door open
Climbing – ladders
Press button – chest height
Operate keyboard – table height
Pick up object
Throw object
Holster + Draw firearm
Fire firearm
Reload firearm
Grab + Throw Grenade
Cast/throw salt
Hold occult amulet
Psychic moves
Trance state – out of body movement
Mind control – arm extended to move objects/humans etc..
Psychic wave – tense up crouch move and release
Levitation stance – angelic pose
Psychic Energy Drain – same as mind control move
Psychic Shield – cross arms and brings head down
Psychic overload – hands holding head, stumbling around
Psychic blast – arms extended, hands together/open
Hand to hand fighting
Punch – psychic same move
PSX 2 controller
AL – Half forward = Walk
AL – Full forward = Run
AL – Full back = Jump back
AL – Left/right = Turn around
L3 + 1 click = Crouch. To exit crouch : L3 + 1 click = Stand
L3 + 2 clicks = Crawl. To exit crawl : L3 + 1 click = Stand
AR – Left/right = Strafe sideways
AL – Forward + AR – Forward = Sneak
AL – Full forward + SQUARE – Tap = Jump forward
AL – Full back + SQUARE – Tap = Jump backwards
L1 –   Hold down to combine psychic power with weapons and fighting moves.
           Hold down to build up a stronger release of psychic power.
           On screen charge bar will indicate level of power.
L1 – Hold = Psychic power + TRIANGLE – Block = Psychic shield
D PAD – UP ARROW -  Hold down  = Hand weapons
D PAD – DOWN ARROW -  Hold down  = Throwing weapons
D PAD – LEFT ARROW -  Hold down  = Inventory
To select an item from the D PAD menus do the following:
+ AL – Left/right scroll to pick item. When high lighted release the D PAD arrow button
L1 – Psychic power + SQUARE – Jump = Levitation
To steer the character in levitation mode use a combination of AL and AR:
AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right
AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down
R1 – Hold = Out of body.
The Kurtis character freezes and a ball of light leaves his body.
To steer the ball to a host body in the out of body mode use a combination of AL and AR:
AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right
AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down
Fly into the host body you want to capture and control. They will move using the same controls as the Kurtis character.
L2 – Hold = Psychic power drain
To direct the beam onto a host body use:
AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Forward/Back = Up/down
L1 – Hold - Psychic power + CROSS – Tap = Psychic power blast
Mind control over objects:
R2 – Hold = Mind control over objects
Steer crosshair over object with:
AL – Left/right/forward/back + 1 click = Capture object
Move with:
AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right
AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down
Release with:
AL + 1 click = Release
CROSS –      Tap = Action/punch Note: Hold down longer for greater distance throws with objects.
SQUARE – Tap = Jump up
CIRCLE – Tap = Kick
TRIANGLE – Tap = Defensive block
Threat indicator
How to show which direction the enemies are coming from in a combat situation.
Occult database
Referred to by Father Francis but only discovered at the end of the game.
Pick ups and reward system
Kurtis’ fathers’ diary
Handed to Kurtis by his mother. This is not a happy family reunion.
Kurtis is bitter at his fathers absence and his mothers enforced exile from him.
The diary is not something he immediately values.
Game will use diary to provide background to enemy characters weaknesses.
The Lux Veritatis charms
Body charm 1 – True sight
Amulet that when Kurtis picks it up it burns a symbol onto the palm of his hand.
The tattoo will glow when occult danger is in the vicinity.
Body charm 2 – Pillar of strength
A rune covered stone pillar that when Kurtis encircles it with his arms burns a tattoo onto both forearms.
Increases Kurtis’ resistance to occult attack.
Body charm 3 – Pure of heart
A horizontal beam of energy that cuts through Kurtis leaving a tattoo on his chest.
Increases Kurtis’ resistance to occult mind control.
Body charm 4 – Wisdom of ages
A headband with a carved rune on the front.
Burns into Kurtis’ forehead and gives him instant access to the Lux Veritatis archives of occult knowledge.
Psychic power meter
This onscreen power meter indicates the amount of psychic charge being used when the player presses the L1 – Psychic power button.
The diagram below shows the power scale.
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The longer the L1 – Physic power button is held the greater the eventual discharge of energy.
If the player exceeds the safe zone limit and enters the danger zone then the eventual discharge of energy can have unpredictable effects on Kurtis and his surroundings.
These can be one of the following:
Kurtis dies (if mortal     energy is low).
Shape change
Kill mortals in the     immediate vicinity
Fire storm
Game map building
Dimensions are in meters.
Steps, stairs, walkways, doorways, windows, machines and furniture will all be built in metric scale.
See Kurtis Trent character animations for the characters walk/jump distances.
Let us know what you think about these documents in the comments below.
See more exclusive Tomb Raider - the Angel of Darkness content
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tamarinfrog · 7 years
Unwanted House Guest Part 27 - Tetrox Vs. Cosmo
“C…” Cosmo muttered as he moved the joystick on the arcade cabinet, “I… M!” he said triumphantly. “Nice!  1st Place on the High Score List for today!”
Tetrox had just finished entering her initials on the cabinet and smiled, “And 2nd Place for me!  Not bad if’n I do say so myself!” she stated confidently.   It was another 10 or 15 minutes before Tetrox and Cosmo finally beat Metal Sea Slug 2XLT with the destruction of the Crustaceanoid mother ship. “Gotta say, sugar, you a pretty good shot there!”
“Likewise!” Cosmo smiled as he returned the compliment.
Sorrel and Arnick just glared at the two of them from a distance.  Arnick had folded his arms and was tapping his finger against his bicep impatiently.  “If you two are finished patting each other on the proverbial back, can we PLEASE get going now?!” Arnick complained, “The noise and din in this place has already pushed Tiny Splat Tim here off his rocker, and I’m not interested in the same happening to me!”
“Staring at your ugly mug doesn’t help either, Monkeyface!” Sorrel shot back.  Arnick turned, growled, and made a mental note to show this kid a thing or two about who’s boss if they ever run into each other on the Splattlefield.
“Just one more game, sugar!” Tetrox called out with a smile to Arnick.  She then turned to face Cosmo who was cracking his knuckles and stretching his arms over his head.  It had been a while since he had a good video game challenge, and if Tetrox was as good at other games as she was at Metal Sea Slug, then he figured this little competition of theirs ought to be fun.  “How about that one?!” Tetrox said excitedly as she pointed to a larger arcade cabinet over in a corner.
Cosmo smirked as he saw what game Tetrox was pointing at, “Splatter House of the Dead Crisis Time, huh? Good choice!” he said with a smile. The two walked over to the cabinet that had two small light guns connected by a cable to the large cabinet. In front of them was a large 60” screen that was playing the introduction for the game.
11,998, 12, 18…
A phone sat on a small desk and began to ring.  It went to the answering machine and a woman’s voice could be heard.  “HELP! E-EVERYONE’S BEING SPLA- “was all she said before the call cut off.
A middle-aged Inkling man in a black suit and tie was sitting near the desk, and listened closely to the call through an ear piece.  “I know who that is…” he said solemnly before turning to an Agent standing by their side.  “Get Agents 1 & 2 on the line!  We have a situation!”
It then cuts to an overhead panning view of an island covered in lush forests with a single tall mansion sticking out from the foliage.  A helicopter came into view and zoomed towards the island as the government official from before narrated.
“Agent 1.
Agent 2.
There’s been a kidnapping. It’s Rasbora: daughter of the President of Lemuria!  She’s been taken captive and brought to an uninhabited island by Sherman Garibaldi, the last blood relative of the Lemurian royal family that was exiled years ago.  He’s demanding secrets belonging to the Island Nation of Thule in exchange for Rasbora’s life.  Get inside, and rescue her!”
The scene changes to a clearing as Agents 1 and 2 hop off the helicopter before it takes off again. Agent 2 scanned the perimeter. “This is Agent 2.  Performing communications check.  Agent 1, can you read me?”
The headset on Agent 2’s head crackled to life and she could hear, “ɹǝƃpop ɹǝƃoɹ”, as a response.
Agent 2 then turned to Agent 1 who smiled and waved at them.  Agent 2 just scratched their head and said, “How do you do that with a headset?!”
“ǝɯ sʇɐǝq”
“Well anyway, stay alert. Approaching this island was way too easy.  I got a bad feeling about this,” Agent 2 said with a serious tone in her voice.
A narrator began to speak as the two Agents began to walk into the dense jungle, “Sometimes, somewhere, someone is plotting a government overthrow…”
Agent 2 froze up and looked at her foot in horror.  Lifting it up, she saw an ink-like substance cling to the bottom of her shoe.  There was an eyeball stuck in the ooze.  It blinked.  The camera pans out to a wide view of the island as an ear-piercing shriek echoes through the trees, causing several birds to fly away in surprise.  
The narrator continues, “And sometimes, somewhere, someone is plotting something even worse!”
The introduction then cuts to a montage of cut scene clips as an orchestral musical score plays over them.
Agent 2: “There was someone else here before Garibaldi showed up!”
Agent 1: “Who?!”
A lobster wielding a cane and wearing a white lab coat laughs maniacly.
It then cuts to a fish-man in an ornate navy blue suit.
Garibaldi: “YOU TRICKED ME!”
It cuts to a scene where Agents 1 and 2 are running and firing at unseen pursuers.
Another scene appears where Agent 2 is reading a document in an abandoned lab.
Agent 2: “Progress on the Atlantis Project is advancing swimmingly…”
It cuts to a mysterious man in sunglasses and a trench coat, holding a detonator in one hand.
Wild Dogfish: “Just to be sure.  HA HA HA HA HA!”
Cut back to the lab.
Agent 2: “…the secret of eternal life is within my grasp, and nothing will stop me now!”
A large anemone tendril bursts through a glass ceiling and begins flailing around wildly.
A large conch shell sits before Agents 1 & 2 before two glowing yellow eyes appear from underneath.
A shadowy figure with shark-like features screams in the distance, eclipsed by moonlight.
Once more to the lab.
Agent 2: “…there is only one more thing I need, and it’s already on its way.  By the time anyone reads this, I will be a Cod among Squid! Signed…”
Close up shot of Agents 1 and 2 cocking their weapons.
Agent 2: “…Dr. Crucian.”
A close up of Agent 1 smiling wide appears before zooming out so the Agents can strike a pose.
A shot rings out as a crosshair zooms in on the title against a black background.
Scene changes back to show Garibaldi holding a fileting knife next to Rasbora’s neck.
Garibaldi: “Your mother will pay the price for destroying-“
A large crash is heard as an anemone tendril bursts through the wall, wraps around Garibaldi and pulls him away.
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“Oooooooooohhhhhhh!” Tetrox awed.
Arnick meanwhile was looking thoroughly disgusted.  “Are you squidding me?” he said to no one in particular, “Agents 1 & 2 licensed their likenesses to this… this… Travesty!?”
“Hey man, don’t knock it until you tried it!” Cosmo said with a smirk as he walked up to the cabinet. He leaned on the edge where the light guns were holstered and looked at Tetrox with a confident, smug grin on his face. “Alright, rules are simple!  We start the story mode off and play from here to the end of the game.  Winner will be whoever has the highest score by the time we get to the Initial Entry screen.”
“Sounds good tah me!” Tetrox said with a gleeful smile.
“But remember,” Cosmo said while lifting a finger in caution, “If you lose all your health and have to continue, your score resets back to 0 and you’ll have to start from the bottom back up!  Think you can handle it?”
Tetrox exuded confidence, “Honey, I betcha I could do this blindfolded with an arm & tentacle tied behind my back!”
“I’d like to see that,” Arnick muttered under his breath. Sorrel, in the meantime, was standing a little further back and wondering why he was still here.
Tetrox walked up and took the light gun for Agent 1 while Cosmo grabbed the light gun for Agent 2. The two of them put two tokens in and both hit start.  A scene from the intro clip replayed with Agent 2 screaming after stepping in the strange goop.  Suddenly, a small Splatoon of Horseshoe Crab soldiers appeared.  
One of them cried, “THERE THEY ARE!  GET THEM!”
Agent 1 smiled and cocked her weapon, “IT’S TIME FOR THE TWO SQUID ARMY!”
The game was on.
Arnick slumped back against the side of another arcade cabinet and watched Tetrox and Cosmo begin their game.  He thought they looked absolutely ridiculous swinging those brightly colored plastic toys that could barely be called “guns” around.  He looked over to Sorrel and decided that given this could easily take a good half hour for them to beat, he may as well attempt to make small conversation.
“I don’t understand how you can stand having a superficial slacker like Cosmo on your team,” Arnick said, “Doesn’t it make your ink boil knowing that your team loses whenever he’s acting like a blithering idiot?!”
“Tell me about it,” Sorrel deadpanned.
Seeing a chance at finding some common ground to discuss, a dislike of Cosmo, Arnick decided that it would be better to find something to talk about than simply stand there in silence. “So-“
“WHAT?!” Cosmo cried out in disbelief.
“WHOO-HOO!” Tetrox whooped, “GOT ‘EM!”
A 10,000 point bonus went to Tetrox for blowing up a crate of explosives and taking out all the Horseshoe Crab soldiers that were on the screen.  It then changed to a summary of Stage 1-1, and upon moving a bit closer, Arnick’s eyes widened a little.  Displayed on the screen were the respective scores for Tetrox and Cosmo…
…and Tetrox was in the lead!
Sorrel was also dumbstruck, “SHE BEAT YOU?!  HOW THE SHELL DID SHE DO THAT?!”
“Whoa! Whoa!  Easy there, Sorrel.  It’s just the first stage!” Cosmo reassured.
“DUDE!  Nobody has EVER gotten a higher score than you on the first stage!” Sorrel exclaimed, “Cod knows I’ve tried something like a million times trying to get the high score!”
That piqued Arnick’s interest.
“So I underestimated her. Big deal!  Just means I’m going to have to get serious!” Cosmo said confidently.
“As if you could,” Arnick thought to himself.  He was now standing closer and began to pay more attention to the game.  Normally, he wouldn’t have been caught dead anywhere near this thing, but deep down he began to feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time:
A genuine feeling of excitement.
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A cut scene began to play on the screen.
Agents 1 & 2 flanked a doorway and peeked inside.  There they could see Sherman Garibaldi in his navy blue suit standing before Rasbora. She was tied to a chair and appeared very frightened.  The dandyish Garibaldi brandished a filleting knife from his coat sleeve and looked at it with admiration.  “Ahhhh…” he said with a dramatic gesture, “Isn’t it wonderful when everything goes your way?  Once I get the launch codes for Thule’s Inkstrike Warheads, I’ll have enough power to take back Lemuria and not even those pesky Agents will be able to stand in my way!”
Rasbora was quite defiant, “You’ll never get them!  They’ll never give in to your demands!”
Agent 1 nearly gave a cheer of “Yeah!  You tell him, sister!” before Agent 2 slapped her hand over Agent 1’s mouth and shooshed them.
“A setback, but a temporary one at best!” Garibaldi said with a smile, “As it just so happens, there’s someone who is VERY interested in you and was willing to pay top sand dollar to anyone able to deliver you to their doorstep.  I’ll either get the codes, or I’ll get the money to finance an even grander operation to take back Lemuria!”  He then slammed his fist into the wall behind Rasbora and held the fileting knife close to her neck.  “Your mother will pay the price for destroying-“
With a crash, a large, gelatinous, magenta tentacle bashed through the side of one wall and began to flail wildly.
Garibaldi turned in shock and uttered a loud, “What?!” before the tentacle wrapped itself around him and pulled him through the newly formed hole in the wall.  “AAAAAAUUUGGGHHHHHhhhh!” he screamed before another tentacle burst through the wall.  Another smashed through the glass ceiling of the room Rasbora was in, sending shards of glass falling to the ground.
Agents 1 and 2 burst in. “WE GOTTA STOP THAT THING BEFORE IT HURTS RASBORA!” Agent 2 yelled over the commotion as she and Agent 1 turned to face the owner of the gelatinous tentacles.  A massive Sea Anemone with a head full of tentacles, red glowing eyes, and a mouth with razor sharp teeth burst through the wall and roared.  On the screen, underneath the creature, the words “THE TOWER” appeared.
Tetrox hooted in surprise, “What in Tarnation is
“Just the first boss,” Cosmo said as a matter of fact, “This gal’s not too terrible.  Just shoot where it tells you to shoot.  Nothing to it.”
Tetrox and Cosmo both began shooting at it as colored circles appeared to mark the weak points that needed to be hit for massive damage.  Arnick was standing almost behind Tetrox now.  She and Cosmo were aiming quickly at the circles which were gradually changing from green to red, indicating how much time they had to shoot them before it was too late.  At first, there were only two circles on screen at a time.  Then there were three.  Then four.  Then six.  
Tetrox had maintained a solid lead going into the boss fight, but it soon became apparent that she was beginning to struggle a little.  Both she and Cosmo were mashing the trigger on their light guns as fast as they could.  Unlike the rest of the stage leading up to the boss, there was nowhere to hide for cover, and the only way to avoid taking a hit was to fire fast enough to push the boss back so they couldn’t get too close.  
Here, Cosmo had the advantage since he had the boss’ attack patterns practically memorized.  It took him little effort to aim at just the right spot and fire just the right number of times to keep the anemone tentacle away whenever it targeted him.  Tetrox was also firing at the tentacle aimed at Cosmo, expending a lot of energy even when she wasn’t in danger.  But when the tentacle was aiming for Tetrox, Cosmo only made a “show of effort” to help.  Even though teamwork was supposed to be an important part of the game, this was still a competition and Cosmo was playing to win.
Arnick furrowed his brow as he saw small beads of purple sweat begin to form on Tetrox’s.  He had been silently watching the boss fight carefully and could tell that Tetrox was barely able to keep herself from taking damage. She was surviving on pure force and willpower alone.  If this kept up, she would become too exhausted to see the game through to the end. Arnick didn’t want that to happen, so if what he saw on the game screen was what he thought he saw…
“How many times I gottah shoot the Dang Thing?!” Tetrox complained as she frantically tried to keep up.
“Oh don’t worry!  It’s almost dead,” Cosmo said before thinking to himself, “Or at least it’s FIRST form is. Once it changes to its second form, it’ll be so fast that there’s no way she’ll be able to keep up!  Well, unless you know the secret to skipping the second form altogether like I do!  Time to show her how it’s-“
Cosmo thoughts were interrupted when Arnick suddenly shouted, “BOTTOM LEFT CORNER, BETWEEN THE THIRD AND FOURTH TENTACLES! 
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As if by reflex, Tetrox swung her light gun away from the tentacle that was approaching her and fired right where Arnick had said.  As the tentacles that weren’t attacking Tetrox whipped around every which way, they spread apart just enough to create a space between them large enough for a shot to pass through.  Time seemed to slow down as Tetrox unconsciously put her faith in Arnick and pulled the trigger.  
The shot rang out, and as it did, a small red circle, barely visible to the naked eye, appeared for a split-second.  The circle was over a giant flagellum which had a slightly different color than everything else on the screen.  The shot connected and the screen changed to a cut scene.  It showed Tetrox’s shot hitting a very sensitive spot causing the slimy appendage to drop what it was holding:
As the agitated despot in the navy blue suit landed on the floor, he stood up and gritted his teeth in rage.  He reached into his inner jacket pocket and pulled a miniature Splat Pistol that contained a strange colored liquid that was most definitely not ink.
Garibaldi fired a shot at the creature’s back which connected.  The creature howled and screamed in agony as a strange chemical reaction began to resonate through it.  Its tentacles began to swell and puff up before the rest of it began to follow suit.  Agent 2 grabbed Agent 1, “GET DOWN!” she shouted as they both dived behind a table.  The creature grew and grew until finally it stopped.
It exploded and covered the entire room with its remains.
Agent 1 stood up and looked like they were going to be sick, “EWWWWWWWWW!” she whined.
Agent 2 snapped at Agent 1, “NEVER MIND!  WHERE’S RASBOR-“
 Tetrox said defiantly, “I wanted tah watch that!”
Cosmo seemed non-plussed, “Yeah, Yeah.  Found the secret alternate route, got the hidden cut-scene, blah blah blah blah. Let’s get going to the next stage!”
Tetrox pouted and prepared for Stage 2.  Before it began, their scores appeared on screen hinting that Cosmo had got a gain on Tetrox’s lead.  She was still ahead, but the gap had narrowed.
Arnick scowled at Cosmo from behind Tetrox.  “That little Sneak!” he thought to himself, “Don’t think I didn’t see what you just did there, Cosmo!  You can’t fool me!  You didn’t skip that cut scene to get on with it!  You skipped it so that Tetrox wouldn’t have enough time to rest her trigger finger!”
Arnick didn’t know it at the time, but his hunch was correct.  Cosmo had built up a callous that makes wielding weapons such as his N-Zap ’89 a breeze thanks to years of practicing with light gun games.  So long as Tetrox didn’t have that kind of tolerance for toy, plastic weaponry, then Cosmo had a good chance to wear her finger out which would allow him to not only take the lead but surge past her.
After blasting their way into the mansion, the enemies on screen started to become a mix of soldiers and strange creatures.  Tetrox kept her focus trained on the screen and continued to fire at almost anything that moved.  With her eyes still staring straight ahead at the game, she gave a small smile and said, “Thanks for the assist, Nicky,” knowing he was behind her, “How’d you know to do that?!”
Arnick smiled a confident smile, “I didn’t!” he said plainly, “I just noticed something kept appearing on the screen every now and then and since it seemed to be following a pattern, I figured-“
Tetrox interrupted him, “You noticed a lil’ ole’ thing like that?!”
“How could I not!?” Arnick defended himself, “Frankly it was becoming quite annoying how it would stick out like a sore thumb about every 15 sec-“ he interrupted himself, “Yellow soldier hiding behind the table.”
The table broke apart as the Horseshoe crab soldier in yellow garbs fell back and a stylized +5000 point bonus appearing above them.
As Cosmo silently grit his beak underneath closed lips at the missed bonus, Tetrox couldn’t help but be impressed by Arnick, “You could tell that lil’ ole’ thing was there the whole time?” Tetrox said in awe, “AND how often it showed up?!  Nicky, that’s amazing!”
Arnick actually felt himself blush a little from modest embarrassment.  “Oh it’s nothing that spectacular,” he dismissed.
“Nuh-Uh,” Tetrox said as she blasted three guys and a mutant sea cucumber away, “Seeing a tiny lil’ thing like that with all them big tentacles flying around?  I know I ain’t capable of doing something like that, sugar.”
“It does take some practice,” Arnick admitted, “Although if you’re really interested in that sort of thing, maybe I could teach you how to notice details like that someday.”
“Maybe you will!” Tetrox said sweetly.
Sorrel was about to gag. “Oh! My! COOOOOOOD!” he loudly complained, “Would you two Kissing Gouramis stop already!?  It’s bad enough I don’t have the money to play anything without having to watch you two flirt with each other!”
Arnick’s eyebrow twitched as he whipped around to look menacingly at Sorrel.  “WHAT?!  WE WERE NOT FLIRTING?!”
“You squidding me?!  You totally were!”  Sorrel quipped, “I mean c’mon: ‘If you’re really interested in that sort of thing, maybe I could you teach you how’ and junk!?” he said while making finger quote signs as he spoke, “That’s like flirting One-Oh-One right there!”
“NO IT ISN’T!” Arnick denied, “I was genuinely offering to tutor her on ways to improve her perception!”
“You were not!”
“YES!” Arnick barked, “I WAS!”
“I dunno, Nicky,” Tetrox said with a smile, “You kinda were!”
“WHAT?!  Tutelage is NOT a dating tactic!”
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“Dude, it 
 Whinter thought to himself as he continued watching the events transpire from a distance.  It was just last week that he was two hours late for team practice after a one-on-one lesson session with Clementine.  He had a perfectly good alibi ready for being tardy too, but the hickey marks on his neck and face gave him away.  Marian chewed him out something royal that day.
Normally, Cosmo would have been all over this conversation like a fly to honey, but he still had ground to cover if he was going to surpass Tetrox.  “Okay, guys,” he called out calmly enough, “Hate to be a buzzkill, but could you keep it down a little?  Kinda throwing off my groove here.”
“What’s the matter, sugar? Having trouble over there?” Tetrox teased.
“What? Me?! Pfft!  No!  I got this,” Cosmo said even though he knew full well that he hadn’t got this.  For someone who had never played or even seen this game before, Tetrox’s aim and reaction times were incredibly good.  It was like she had been practicing or training for something like this.
The second stage boss came and went, and the tallied scores on the screen showed that Tetrox was still in the lead, but Cosmo was slowly catching up.  Cosmo breathed a small sigh of relief before turning to Tetrox, “You sure, you never played this before?  You ain’t hustlin’ me, are yah?”
“Nope!  Just a girl out lookin’ for a good time is all,” Tetrox said with a smile, “Ain’t nuttin’ wrong with that, right sugar?”
Cosmo smiled confidently back at Tetrox.  It was a smile that Arnick noticed and immediately became concerned about.  “But we’re only halfway through this game, and I still got a few tricks up my sleeves!”
“Might as well lay all your cards out on the table, sugar, ‘cause I’m calling!” Tetrox said with a grin.
Cosmo then peered behind Tetrox and grinned at Arnick, “See that?  Now THAT was flirting!”
“THAT WAS BANTER!” Arnick shot back.
“That’s a kind of flirting,” Cosmo stated
Arnick was clearly getting steamed, and Cosmo took a small comfort in knowing that he could still rattle his cage.  Now if he could only figure out how to get under Tetrox’s skin, then he’d be able to shake her off her groove and reclaim the lead.  Fortunately for him, he knew exactly where in Stage 3 he could make that happen.
To Be Continued…
Written by
Some Squid Named Steve [Patreon]
Art by
Oranguin and Splatatattat
You may have noticed we have a new artist contributing to our silly cause!
Please welcome the newest member of the Unwanted House Guest crew, everyone’s favorite:
Splatty Tatty Tat!
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Look forward to more of Tat’s colorful and dynamic work in future updates!
Previous Parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Holiday Special
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Bonus 1
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Bonus 2
Side-Story 1
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Tammy’s comments: WOO! A great new chapter once again and welcome to the team Tat! Lovely work from everyone!
88 notes · View notes
tomb-of-ash · 7 years
We’ve received a number of documents on the abandoned Kurtis Trent spin-off game, a prequel to Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. These were sent to us anonymously. This particular anonymous contributor has sent a number of screenshots and documents to us in the past and they were eventually verified by members of the Core Design team. As such, we have no doubts about the authenticity of these documents.
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See earlier Kurtis Trent Game Design Ideas 06/07/2001
  Game name   Bloodline
 The name comes from Kurtis Trents realization of his ancestral legacy and the re-discovery of his inherited paranormal powers.
  The story overview
 The story is a prequel to TR Next Gen.
 Set in New York City, USA. Between the years1998 to 2000.
 Kurtis drives a wrecked 1970’s Ford.  (He sleeps in the back seat).
 Earning his living as a small time bounty hunter.
 He is running from his ancestral past - and present day demons.
 Meanwhile …
 New York city sits at one end of an inter-dimensional time bridge which spans the gulf between the demon dimension and our own world.
 The keystones guarding our dimension are being weakened by the demons who plan to break the ancient seals and invade earth.
 A chance meeting with a mysterious priest becomes Kurtis’ salvation and leads him to develop his paranormal powers, claim his ancestral birth-right and ultimately save the city from the forces of darkness.
Game genre
 Third person arcade adventure.
  Focal points of the game.
 The core of the game is based around search and destroy missions.
 Focus on (in order of importance)
 Combat – destroy all     enemies using available weapons.
Exploration –search     rooms for pick ups and enemies to destroy.
World interaction – open     doors, shoot out windows and walls.
Story – to create     atmosphere, depth of character and link episodes.
 Focus on - Combat.
 Kurtis Trent has the following abilities.
 Hand to hand combat.
Use of firearms.
Use of explosives.
Use of psychic occult powers – to power-boost firearms and explosives.
Use of psychic occult powers – for reconnaissance and object control.
World interaction – use of computers and machinery to produce a simple goal.
 Enemies will have the following abilities.
 Hand to hand combat.
Use of firearms.
Use of psychic occult powers – to power-boost firearms and explosives.
 Focus on - Exploration
 Search for pick ups to replenish energy and weapons.
Search for enemies to destroy.
Kurtis must destroy all enemies in a room before the door unlocks and lets him continue.
 Focus on - World interaction
 Kurtis can      climb stairs
climb ladders
open swing doors with a push
shoot out windows and jump through the hole
shoot out walls and vents at pre-defined points and jump through    the hole.
smash objects – crates, barrels, machines
crush objects with his paranormal powers
be harmed by pre-defined zones placed in the room.
These zones are : Fire (burning), Water (drowning), Electrical (electrocution).
 Focus on – Story
 The story is presented using the in game polygon graphics.
The story is revealed in the twelve episodes that make up the game.
At the end of each episode is a short video that plays music, news bulletins and off the wall imagery. This is designed to reinforce the world of Kurtis Trent.
There is no introduction sequence.
The game starts and as the player plays the names of the characters are superimposed over the action.
Story is delivered in the following ways:
 Exerts from diaries.     (With voice over narration).
In game cut scenes with     game characters.
Media transmissions from     TV.
Media transmissions from     radio.
 Kurtis Trent – Demon hunter.
 Father Francis – Excommunicated priest and occult expert.
 Ana Scott – TV news reporter and Kurtis’ doomed girlfriend.
 Marty Cruise  - Forensic police scientist.
 Marie Cornel – Kurtis’ mother.
 Agent White – Shadowy secret service agent protecting Kurtis from the MIB’s.
 Lost girl. - Ghostly apparition that fades in, delivers message then fades away.
 Eckhart – Fourteenth century crazed alchamist.
 Phil Yates – Possessed billionaire software mogel.
 Jean Rochelle - Old ‘friend’ from the Foreign Legion.
 Obnoxtrux - Monster demon
 Spawn - Furry gremlin critters.
 Vampires – The living dead.
 NYPD police force – Gun happy flat foots who get in the way.
 MIB’s –           Government agents looking to capture Kurtis and study his paranormal powers.
                       (By removing his brain and cutting it into small pieces!)
                       MIB’s come in two varieties:
                         Type 1 - MIB agent. Man in a dark suit. (Investigatiors).
                       Type 2 - SWAT team commando operatives. (Capture teams).
 Demonic possessed – People who have been enslaved by the dark forces.                                               Only scanning their aura will alert Kurtis to their true nature.
  Enemy Reactions
 Enemy characters are assigned trigger values for reaction times, aggression, health and ammunition.
These triggers control the resulting animations.
A line of sight cone emits from the characters head. If Kurtis is within this cone the enemy character will react according to its trigger values.
  Enemy patrol paths
 Patrol paths are set by positioning control nodes around the room.
The direction and any incidental animations of the character is set on the node.
    World navigation – map scanner
 A scanner that shows the game world as a top down two dimensional map.
Paranormal hot spots show up as red pulsing blobs.
The locations of mortals are shown as green lozenges.
Kurtis appears as a central blue icon in the center of the screen.
The scanner always orientates itself to the North.
It appears as a semi-transparent HUD map over the game world which allows the player to keep on steering Kurtis through the environment.
 To use the map scanner:
 Select map scanner from the inventory. HUD map appears.
 Press the CROSS – (action) button to make it disappear.
  Time gates
 These are inter-dimensional gateways that offer a window into past and future events.
Kurtis can witness actions from other times and receive messages from the past - and future.
While Kurtis can not step through, he can use his mind control powers to capture small non-organic objects and bring them into his dimension.
Time gates are scattered everywhere but are disguised as everyday objects.
To find and use a Time gate:
 Select Psychic Aura Scanner from the Psychic inventory.
Scan the area for psychic aura.
When it is revealed the player stands in front of the Time gate and presses the CROSS – (action) button.
 The Time gate opens and the Kurtis sees a third person camera view of the action.
 To capture an object :
 R2 – Hold = Mind control over objects
 Steer crosshair over object with:
 AL – Left/right/forward/back + 1 click = Capture object
 When the object is captured Kurtis is returned to the normal game mode.
 Objects can also be thrown into the Time gates.
    Players inventory
 D PAD – LEFT ARROW - Hold down  = Inventory
 Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.
Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.
Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.
 Items list:
 Occult sign.
 Paranormal scanner.
  Hand weapon inventory
 D PAD – UP ARROW - Hold down  = Hand weapons
 Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.
Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.
Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.
 Items list:
 Hand gun.
Fires standard 9mm rounds.
 FNP-90 submachine gun.
Fires 9mm tracer rounds.
 Occult sign.
Hold this in front of a demon to weaken it.
  Throwing weapons inventory
 D PAD – DOWN ARROW -  Hold down  = Throwing weapons
 Scrolling horizontal selection bar. Rolls left or right.
Center slot is high lighted and the item inside it is the current weapon.
Release the D PAD button to use the selected item.
 Items list:
 Gas grenade.
 Explosive grenade.
 SALT grenade.
 PSYWARE is the military term given to the paranormal abilities of the human mind.
This breaks down into two areas:
 Area 1.            Psychic powers are concentrated on tactical and information gathering activities.
 List of powers:
 Out of body eye for reconnaissance.
 Aura scanner. For detecting the paranormal.
 Mind control of objects. Pick up, move and drop.
 Levitation. Limited in height and duration. Quickly depletes energy reserves.
Best used to enhance fighting moves. Kicks, flips etc.
 Mind control over life forms. Take control of other creatures’ bodies.
 Psychic tap. Kurtis can drain the energy from humans to power up his occult energy reserves.
 Area 2.           Occult powers are used for offensive and defensive attacks and draw their energy from the energy signatures of all living things.
 List of powers:
 Directional energy wave.
 360 blast energy wave.
  PSYWARE booster.
 All of the weapons in the Hand weapon and Throwing weapon inventory can be power-boosted by combining Hand weapons and Throwing weapons with the Psychic power button.
 Select a Hand weapon or Throwing weapon.
 Hold down the L1 – Psychic power
  The Demon dimension – Where? Who? Why?
 The demon dimension is a universe parallel to our own.
In this dimension is a planet where the demons live their lives in much the same way mankind has done for millions of years.
 But unlike man, demons evolved down the reptilian branch of life which has resulted in a stunted, aggressive, ritualistic culture where war and conquest are the only goals.
Demon society is therefore somewhat akin to mankind’s medieval past with feudal overlords directing the fates of their minions.
 The study of the paranormal is only ‘science’ on the demon world because of its use in war. This knowledge of the occult led to the discovery of the Time Bridges which link the multi-dimensional universe together.
These time bridges allow the demons to invade other worlds for war, plunder and slavery.
 Enemy demons.
 When a demon breaks through the dimensional barrier, the first thing it wants to do is enslave minions. It does this with a zap of power, turning the victim into a slave. These slaves can be used as assassins or cannon fodder, and spies.
 Demons will camouflage their true shape for as long as possible, preferring to take the form of another creature.
 Only when the host form has been rendered useless will they appear in their true demonic form.
 Demon hunting tends to follow this pattern:
 Tracking – the investigation and locating of the demonic infestation.
Mortal combat – combat with the enslaved minions protecting their master.
Paranormal combat – containment and exorcism of the demon itself.
  Demonic insurrection squads
 These demonic raiders will materialize to kill or kidnap their chosen victim.
They operate as assasins, hostage takers and emissaries for their dark masters.
  Demon hierarchy
 Demons are structured into clans which are then broken down into further ranks.
 A clan is structured in this way:
 Dark Emporer – supreme demon ruler.
 Dark Knights – the emperors loyal barons, (each controls their own private army and territories but must be loyal to their master at all times).
 The Horde – drone soldiers. They follow orders and will fight to the death.
 Type 1 – Sword fighter.
 Type 2 – Archer.
 Type 3 - Artillery
 Gargoyles – employed as spies, assassins and couriers.
  Demon hybrids
 These are sub-species of demon that have adapted and changed their appearance and bodies.
 Hybrid 1 – Uses cybernetics to enhance their physical prowess and their ability to live in the human world.
 The Time Bridge
 The Time Bridge is a natural glitch in the space/time barrier that separates all universes from one another.
It spans between two universes and acts as a bridge, allowing matter to travel back and forth.
 At each end of the bridge are the seven keystones.
These paranormal anchors hold the bridge steady in the dimensional vortex but can not stop the Time Bridge from following its migration over the Earth.
The migration pattern of the bridge seems to correlate with powerful ley lines running through the planets core.
 To stop this movement the seven keystones must be turned to face the center of the formation. This effectively applies the breaks to the Time Bridge and it will come to a halt.
 The ancients who discovered the Time Bridge realized its potential for evil so they erected an occult barrier to bar unwanted guests from other dimensions. This door requires a key that takes the form of a code sequence.
The only surviving code lies in the LUX VERITATIS Occult Database.
 The Time Bridge – Demon insurrections of the past
 There is recorded evidence that the Time Bridge was used by the Demons during recent Earth history.
 As far back as the Crusades there is reference to a troop of English Knights discovering the gateway.
This comes from the eye witness account of a Franciscan Monk who writes of a glowing white entrance appearing on top of a mountain range in the Holy Lands.
Thinking this was the path to the Promised Land the Knights entered and where never seen again.
 The second incident is noted in the diaries and field reports of a French artillery unit serving during World War One.
They mention that during a night attack a huge phosphorous glow was seen over the front line area that continued to glow for many hours.
 The next day a dawn patrol was sent to investigate and reported that hundreds of soldiers in that sector had been killed and stripped of their weapons. It was only after the end of the war that the same account was found in German field reports.
 Demons steal weapons of mass destruction technology
 Demons are evil and cunning but they lack mankind’s self-destructive streak when it comes to designing weapons of mass destruction.
 During the crusades they discovered the crossbow – (a weapon so terrible the then Pope said it would end all wars!)
 In World War One they took the machine gun and the airship – (both weapons of mass destruction – the Zeplin was the first aircraft to drop bombs on a civilian city).
 Present day – INTER-CONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILE SYSTEM – (mankind’s best attempt yet at DIY-extinction).
 Sealing inter-dimensional gateways
 The gateways are used by the demons to enter our world.
As they are the demons escape exit they are heavily defended by the enslaved minions.
 To seal up the gateway Kurtis must use his Directional energy wave.
Fire the energy wave at the gateway and within a few seconds it will close.
This action will severely deplete Kurtis’ paranormal energy supply.
 Game structure.
 The game will take the format of a TV series.
Twelve episodes form a complete series.
 Each episode has its own complete story and mission to be completed, although some missions and stories will span two episodes.
 Key characters will appear in each episode, while some will only come back later on in the series.
 Overview of episodes. Only showing key story points.
 Note: In-between each episode is a commercial break. Adverts, music videos and news bulletins are broadcast. Some may seem completely off at a tangent but all will create a feel for the kind of world that Kurtis inhabits.
 Episode 1      Kurtis on the streets. Living on the proceeds of crime.
                       Meets Father Francis for the first time.
                       Rejects the priests offer of help.
                       Kurtis is involved in a robbery that goes wrong. Ends up in prison.
                       Father Francis gets him out and takes him to his safe house.
 Episode 2      Father Francis shows Kurtis how to master his occult powers.
                       They go on a demon hunt together. Kurtis is back on track.
 Episode 3      More demon fighting. Kurtis is becoming more adept at using his skills as demon hunter.
                       Eckhart makes his first appearance and escapes after a savage                               fight.
                       Father Francis explains the invisible war between good and evil                               that is         raging in the city.
 Episode 4      A super demon breaks in and is loose in the city.
Kurtis rescues a girl. Ana Bell, TV news reporter. Falls in love. She dies. (Sigh.)
                       Kurtis blames himself.
 Episode 5      First part of a two part story.
                       Eckhart is trying to mastermind a massive occult invasion in the                               city.
                       To be continued …
 Episode 6      Continues …
                       The investigation leads to a billionaires mansion. Beneath the                                  gothic pile are miles of catacombs filled with a demon army.
                       Eckhart escapes to fight again.
 Episode 7      Introduce Marty Cruise  - a forensic police scientist.
                       Side kick for Kurtis and Father Francis.
                       Kurtis meets his mother. She gives him his fathers diary.
                       The diary will provide insights into Kurtis past and future.
 Episode 8      More demon fighting.
                       An old friend from Kurtis’ legion days turns up.
                       Kurtis’ is persuaded to join in a bank robbery.
                       This is a trap and the MIB capture him.
                       Kurtis must escape from captivity.
 Episode 9      Comedy episode – Cute furry critters are being sold all over the                                city.
                       They hatch into something nasty.
 Episode 10    Halloween in the city.
                       Vampires are abroad tonight.
                       Father Francis “Vampires! I hate those guys!”
 Episode 11    Eckhart kidnaps Kurtis’ mother (Marie Cornel) and Kurtis must rescue her.
                       Father Francis dies in this episode.
                       Kurtis must go on alone.
 Episode 12    Eckhart has taken Marie Cornel to the place where Kurtis was born – a hymetically sealed base in the Utah desert.
                       Kurtis must rescue his mother.
                       Eckhart escapes to Europe.
    Kurtis Trent character animations
 Basic moves
Personality move – smoking a cigarette/eating peanuts.
Strafe – left + right
Belly Crawl
Jump – upwards/forwards/backwards - (hop)
Rolling – left/right/forward
Stepping – left/right/forward/backwards
Death move
Weakened slouch
Hit reactions – punch, shot, electrocution etc.
 World interaction
 Push door
Kick locked door open
Climbing – ladders
Press button – chest height
Operate keyboard – table height
Pick up object
Throw object
 Holster + Draw firearm
Fire firearm
Reload firearm
Grab + Throw Grenade
Cast/throw salt
Hold occult amulet
 Psychic moves
 Trance state – out of body movement
Mind control – arm extended to move objects/humans etc..
Psychic wave – tense up crouch move and release
Levitation stance – angelic pose
Psychic Energy Drain – same as mind control move
Psychic Shield – cross arms and brings head down
Psychic overload – hands holding head, stumbling around
Psychic blast – arms extended, hands together/open
  Hand to hand fighting
 Punch – psychic same move
Kick –        “   “
Shove -       “   “
Block -       “   “
  PSX 2 controller
 AL – Half forward = Walk
 AL – Full forward = Run
 AL – Full back = Jump back
 AL – Left/right = Turn around
 L3 + 1 click = Crouch. To exit crouch : L3 + 1 click = Stand
 L3 + 2 clicks = Crawl. To exit crawl : L3 + 1 click = Stand
 AR – Left/right = Strafe sideways
 AL – Forward + AR – Forward = Sneak
 AL – Full forward + SQUARE – Tap = Jump forward
 AL – Full back + SQUARE – Tap = Jump backwards
 L1 –   Hold down to combine psychic power with weapons and fighting moves.
           Hold down to build up a stronger release of psychic power.
           On screen charge bar will indicate level of power.
 L1 – Hold = Psychic power + TRIANGLE – Block = Psychic shield
 D PAD – UP ARROW -  Hold down  = Hand weapons
 D PAD – DOWN ARROW -  Hold down  = Throwing weapons
 D PAD – LEFT ARROW -  Hold down  = Inventory
 To select an item from the D PAD menus do the following:
 + AL – Left/right scroll to pick item. When high lighted release the D PAD arrow button
 L1 – Psychic power + SQUARE – Jump = Levitation
 To steer the character in levitation mode use a combination of AL and AR:
 AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right
AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down
 R1 – Hold = Out of body.
 The Kurtis character freezes and a ball of light leaves his body.
To steer the ball to a host body in the out of body mode use a combination of AL and AR:
 AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right
AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down
 Fly into the host body you want to capture and control. They will move using the same controls as the Kurtis character.
 L2 – Hold = Psychic power drain
 To direct the beam onto a host body use:
 AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Forward/Back = Up/down
 L1 – Hold - Psychic power + CROSS – Tap = Psychic power blast
 Mind control over objects:
 R2 – Hold = Mind control over objects
 Steer crosshair over object with:
 AL – Left/right/forward/back + 1 click = Capture object
 Move with:
 AL – Left/right = Turn around
AR – Left/right = Hover left/hover right
AR – Forward/back = Hover up/hover down
 Release with:
 AL + 1 click = Release
  CROSS –      Tap = Action/punch Note: Hold down longer for greater distance throws with objects.
 SQUARE – Tap = Jump up
 CIRCLE – Tap = Kick
 TRIANGLE – Tap = Defensive block
  Threat indicator
 How to show which direction the enemies are coming from in a combat situation.
  Occult database
 Referred to by Father Francis but only discovered at the end of the game.
  Pick ups and reward system
  Kurtis’ fathers’ diary
 Handed to Kurtis by his mother. This is not a happy family reunion.
Kurtis is bitter at his fathers’ absence and his mothers enforced exile from him.
 The diary is not something he immediately values.
 Game will use diary to provide background to enemy characters weaknesses.
 The Lux Veritatis charms
 Body charm 1 – True sight
 Amulet that when Kurtis picks it up it burns a symbol onto the palm of his hand.
The tattoo will glow when occult danger is in the vicinity.
 Body charm 2 – Pillar of strength
 A rune covered stone pillar that when Kurtis encircles it with his arms burns a tattoo onto both forearms.
Increases Kurtis’ resistance to occult attack.
 Body charm 3 – Pure of heart
 A horizontal beam of energy that cuts through Kurtis leaving a tattoo on his chest.
Increases Kurtis’ resistance to occult mind control.
 Body charm 4 – Wisdom of ages
 A headband with a carved rune on the front.
Burns into Kurtis’ forehead and gives him instant access to the Lux Veritatis archives of occult knowledge.
  Onscreen meters - Psychic power meter
 This onscreen power meter indicates the amount of psychic charge being used when the player presses the L1 – Psychic power button.
 The diagram below shows the power scale.
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The longer the L1 – Physic power button is held the greater the eventual discharge of energy.
If the player exceeds the safe zone limit and enters the danger zone then the eventual discharge of energy can have unpredictable effects on Kurtis and his surroundings.
 These can be one of the following:
 Kurtis dies (if mortal     energy is low).
Shape change
Kill mortals in the     immediate vicinity
Fire storm
  Psychic power – Kurtis transformation
 When Kurtis uses his paranormal powers his appearance changes in subtle ways.
Apart from residual energy auras and ghostly special effects, his physical appearance will alter.
Hair becomes charged and glows.
His eyes burn with a blue fire.
Clothing becomes charged and floats away from his body.
  Onscreen meters - Mortal energy meter
 This onscreen meter indicates the amount of energy the player has remaining.
Run over the energy pick ups to replenish Kurtis’ energy.
  Onscreen meters – Ammunition
 A three digit figure is displayed indicating the number of rounds remaining in the currently selected weapon.
  Game map building
 Dimensions are in meters. Y axis is up.
 Steps, stairs, walkways, doorways, windows, machines, ladders and furniture will all be built in metric scale.
 See Kurtis Trent character animations for the characters walk/jump distances.
  Deforming in game objects
 Kurtis can deform objects (crush them) in one of two ways.
 Directional energy wave – fire the energy beam at an object and it will be crushed.
 Mind control – pick up an object and smash it into a solid barrier.
 The effect of an object being crushed is achieved by moving the objects vertices inwards and downwards. They will have a field of influence that stops them intersecting and cutting through neighbouring polygons.
  Using the environment to full effect
 The game world will feature pits, ledges and suspended walkways and bridges.
Enemy characters can be thrown from high points while suspended walkways can be dropped on top of enemies.
  Character profiles
 Kurtis Trent – Demon hunter.
 Father Francis – Excommunicated priest and occult expert.
 Ana Bell – TV news reporter and Kurtis’ doomed girlfriend.
 Marty Cruise  - Forensic police scientist.
 Marie Cornel – Kurtis’ mother.
 Eckhart – Forteenth century crazed alchamist.
 Phil Yates – Possessed billionaire software mogel.
 Jean Rochelle - Old ‘friend’ from the Foreign Legion.
 Obnoxtrux - Monster demon
 Spawn - Furry gremlin critters.
 Vampires – The living dead.
 NYPD police force – Gun happy flat foots who get in the way.
 MIB’s –           Government agents looking to capture Kurtis and study his paranormal powers.
                       (By removing his brain and cutting it into small pieces!)
                       MIB’s come in two varieties:
                         Type 1 - MIB agent. Man in a dark suit. (Investigatiors).
                       Type 2 - SWAT team commando operatives. (Capture teams).
 Demonic possessed – People who have been enslaved by the dark forces.                                               Only scanning their aura will alert Kurtis to their true nature.
  Special effects
 Combat (mortal)
Punch and kick flash
Speed blur
 Combat (paranormal)
Punch and kick flash
Glowing eyes
Speed blur trail
Glowing aura around head and hands
Directional energy beam
360 blast energy wave
Tracer bullet
 Firearms (paranormal)
Tracer bullet
 Natural elements
Light through coloured glass
Light beams
Lens flare
Wind blowing paper and trash along the ground
Reflection in water puddles
Roaring fire
Steam rising from vent
Electricity arcing
Electricity flash
Electricity sparking
Bubbles rising
Spreading rings on water surface
 Explosions (thermal)
Grenade explosion
Oil barrel explosion
Dust cloud explosion
Gas grenade explosion
Ricochet from bullet strike
 Explosions (paranormal)
 SALT grenade
Psychic grenade explosion
Psychic gas grenade explosion
Ricochet from bullet strike
  Playable cut scene sequences
  Some cut scenes will require the player to interact with the action.
 This can be as simple as pressing a button on the control pad at a certain time to ‘help’ one of the characters achieve a task in the film.
 Paranormal weapon training
 The player must master the powers before being allowed to use them in the game.
Failure to master a power does not end the game, but leaves Kurtis vulnerable in demonic encounters.
   Training sub games
 Father Francis instructs Kurtis in how to use the paranormal weapons.
These training sessions will take the form of simple sub games.
 Web – Sticky and saps Kurtis’ paranormal powers.
 Bubble – Transparent energy ball that blocks Kurtis’ path.
 Vortex – Step on this and you are spun around while your energy is drained.
 Trip wires (linked to Traps).
 Dark mist –    Brings down a dark cloud that restricts the players view distance.
 Gas –             A cloud of poisonous gas wells out of the floor. This will sap Kurtis’ strength.
 Scatter bombs –       These are occult symbols that appear on the floor.
                                   They move in random patterns, crossing each others path.
If Kurtis treads on them they will explode and sap his energy.
 Demon sentry -         This alerts a demon guard who will materialize and fight Kurtis.
 Psychic disrupter -   Emits a chaff effect which disrupts the Map scanners display.
  Ghosts and gouls
 When Kurtis uses his psychic aura scanner to check humans for demonic possession, he will also be able to see any passing ghosts or ghouls in the vicinity.
 These transparent visions are harmless and go about their business in period costume. They do not interact with the player and will pass straight through any solid object in their path, (including Kurtis).
  Demon technology
 Demon technology is a mish-mash hybrid of human ingenuity and occult magic.
Highly volatile and often just plain dangerous to operate, their machines and devices resemble a Victorian eccentrics laboratory experiment.
  Father Francis tricks Kurtis
 Father Francis has spent a lifetime studying the Lux Veratatis and occult powers but he can’t actually make them work.
 This has made the old priest bitter with resentment, and the demons have exploited his weakness.
In exchange for the priests help in opening up the dimensional gateway they have offered to transfer Kurtis’ paranormal powers to Father Francis.
  The key to the dimensions
 When Kurtis gains his fourth and final Lux Veratatis charm (Wisdom of ages), he is given the knowledge to open the dimension gateway seperating demon and human realities.
 The demons plan is simple. Use Kurtis as the key.
  The game episode progression
 The game world is split into eight districts.
The player will start the game in district one. When this is completed the next district is unlocked.
After completing this district the player has the option of continuing to the next district or revisiting the previous one.
This continues throughout the game.
 Why should the player revisit a district?
 When the player does revisit a district they will find one or two small missions waiting for them. These are not connected to the main game but will give the player the opportunity to try out their powers and weapons from further on in the game.
For instance, a tough street gang that Kurtis couldn’t beat the first time around can now be tackled with the powers he has mastered further on in the game.
  Save game points
 The save point where the player can store their game is represented by a wall mounted telephone kiosk.
 These telephones are placed around the level and are activated by walking up and pressing the CROSS (action) button on the controller.
 An option screen appears showing the previous save positions in the city.
 Add your current position to the list.
 The players current energy, inventory, weapons and location in the game world are stored on the PS2 memory card.
 High light the EXIT command with the D PAD - RIGHT ARROW and press the CROSS (action) button to return to the game world.
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