#stevin levins
kideternity · 8 months
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👻🦇🎃💀 Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! JACK! JACK O’LANTERN! 💀🎃🦇👻
To continue repping myself as That One Freak In Spiderman Fandom Way Too Into Jack O’Lantern, I wanted to draw a bunch of chibis of everyone whose ever been Jack for October/Halloween. Life got in the way though, but through sheer Fuck It We Ball, I was able to squeeze these out before the month's end- some cuts had to be made (AKA I didn’t draw the Jack O’lanterns I didn’t care about as much), but overall, I'm happy with these. As an FYI, whilst the rest are all canon characters, the last Jack is actually an OC of mine for my own personal spiderman/venom AU! Who I wanted to include, because I can. Maybe one day I'll actually talk about him here alongside my 5000000 other comic book OCs. (Also, the reason almost all of them are unmasked is because I needed a good way to differentiate them- please. There are so many of these cunts.)
Regardless, Happy Halloween to all those who celebrate! 🎃💖❕
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nitpickrider · 7 months
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It's amazing how this entire fight scene is Steve and Sam making Crossbones and Jack O'Lantern look like chumps. The second they're confronted, the villains scatter looking after their own asses where as the heroes close ranks and only break into hand to hand when they know they're supporting each other as best they can. It goes to show and Steve and Sam's partnership is way more than just strength in numbers. Captain America 410
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lizallanosborn · 8 months
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you cannot begin to imagine the context behind the conversations that lead to bits like this.
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kideternity · 7 months
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