#supercorp incorrect quote
Lena: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Kara: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Lena: … Lena: You mean ring bearER, right? Kara: … Lena: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Source: How I Met Your Mother
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rjmac211 · 2 months
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Lena holds a gun to Lex
Lex: Kara Danvers is Supergirl
Lena: No shit Lex why do you think all the lights in my apartment are Red
Lex: What?
Lena: Sorry let me put this in idiot terms for you
Lena presses the gun against Lex’s head
Lena: I’ve been dating and fucking Supergirl for years and I’m sick of you trying to kill the love of my life
Lex: Lena-
Lena shoots Lex
Lena: With your last moments I just want you to know that I was the first and only Luthor to bring a Super to their knees
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rainbowrelyea · 25 days
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Lena’s true intentions for that visit to Catco
Based off of this post
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fazedlight · 18 days
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Inspired by this post
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waytooinvested · 24 days
Sam: So let me get this straight. You bought Catco magazine. Lena: Yes. Sam: Because Kara was upset that Morgan Edge wanted to buy it and you couldn't resist her wobbly-lipped pout? Lena: No, it's an investment- Sam: And now you're going to go and learn to run a media empire with help from a certain junior reporter who has also never run a media empire. Lena: Well it's my company, it makes sense that I need to be there to- Sam: ... while stepping away from THIS company. You know, the one with your name on it that you are extremely qualified to run. And you're having me step up to take your place here. Lena: I- Sam: Instead of hiring someone who knows how to run a media business to look after Catco for you. Lena: ... Sam: Nope, sorry Lena. There's no way to get this one straight. That is the least straight thing I have ever heard.
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thecasualqueer · 24 days
After the Pulitzer Party
Kelly: I think it's so nice that they got her wife to present the Pulitzer, it just made it feel really special.
Alex: Lena and Kara aren't married.
Kelly: Oh, sorry, girlfriend.
Alex: They're not dating either.
Kelly: What???
Alex: I know, we have a betting pool on how long it will take them to realise.
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lemon-el · 3 months
supercorp ep.3 ★ ❝REVIVAL❞
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kara: (laying on the street, unconscious after a fight)
alex, panicking: she’s not breathing!
mon-el: i’ll give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation!
kara (opening one eye): ew, no. let lena do it. (closes eye)
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marinawolf · 4 months
Lena Is Down Bad (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
Lena gets knocked the fuck out by a flying car door because she’s too busy thirsting over Kara to run away from the chaos. A short, funny (?) fic.
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Lena navigated the street with Kara, trying to keep up with the conversation as they walked back to the office. But her usually focused mind was currently on vacation and her brain seemed to have booked a one-way ticket to a thirst town. The reason? Kara fucking Danvers and that blue shirt. In that light blue button-down, Kara wasn't just walking; she was parading around like a mobile museum exhibit on the art of making Lena's brain short-circuit.
The top buttons of her shirt were undone, and her sleeves were pushed up to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of biceps that could make even the most stoic person weak in the knees.
Each flex of Kara's muscles turned Lena's attempt at coherent thought into a stumbling mess. And it didn’t help that Kara was an animated talker. The way her arms were moving, and fucking flexing, Lena worried that those sleeves were about to rip. The poor things were clinging on for dear life and Lena found herself torn between concern for the fabric's well-being and a wholly inappropriate wish that, just maybe, the fabric might surrender to the sheer strength on display.
Lena’s love life had been in a Sahara Desert-level dry spell of late, and Kara looking like this didn’t help matters. Her crush on Kara was usually easy to hide but dammit, those muscles would be her undoing. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from Kara’s arms.
Suddenly, Lena lurched as her heel got caught in a crack on the sidewalk. Her coffee cup tumbled out of her hands, and she felt herself fall backwards, only to be grabbed by those very arms. She looked up at Kara’s blue eyes and almost swooned. Kara righted her, and laughed “be careful” before casually going on with the walk while Lena struggled to remember how to breathe.
And then when the guys with big guns and super strength suddenly stormed the street, Lena barely registered the danger. Why? Because Kara, ducked into the alley and ripped off her shirt. Naturally, Lena's brain clocked out for a moment.
When Kara pushed her into the alley with a stern “Stay here”, Lena's focus remained steadfastly fixated on Kara.
Kara’s muscles were on full display as she threw punch after punch and Lena was more turned on then ever.
And oh god, Kara’s thighs in those tights- Lena wanted those thighs wrapped around her. And when Kara effortlessly crushed a gun to smithereens with her bare hands, Lena couldn’t help but wonder what else those hands might do…
So obviously Lena didn’t register Kara’s shout of warning until it was too late, and the flying car door smacked into Lena’s face, knocking her the fuck out.
Blinking against the pounding in her head, Lena awoke to find herself in Kara's apartment. Kara stood before her, arms crossed.
"Oh, thank Rao," Kara breathed out as she knelt down to grab Lena’s hands, her relief evident, “You’re okay.”
"What happened?" Kara inquired, concern etching her features. "You were just standing there, frozen.”
Lena groaned inwardly, already knowing where this was headed.
"I was distracted," she muttered accusingly, casting a side-eye at the source of her distraction.
Those muscles were shaping up to be the greatest threat to Lena's well-being.
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blazethecheeto · 4 months
Things Supergirl Characters Absolutely Have Said Pt.3
Alex: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Kara: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Alex: Not when you’re playing with Brainy, it’s not. He put words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
J'onn: What’s your greatest weakness?
Brainy: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
J'onn: Could you give an example?
Brainy: Yes, I could.
- Kara: Look, I know you think my judgement's a bit clouded because I like Lena a little bit.
Alex, holding Kara's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Kara: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Alex: My mistake.
Lena: This bloodline ends with me.
Alex: That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say 'I'm gay.'
Kara: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you're single?
Nia: Do not do that.
Kara: You won't even notice!
Brainy, entering: You wanted to see me?
Kara: Nia's single
Kara: I'm sorry. Please talk to me.
Kara: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure?
Lena: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&Ms.
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csquare · 7 months
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Idea based on Melissa’s Cameo (thanks to those who organised and posted it, and posed the question :))
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lonelydiary · 1 year
Kara, incredibly drunk: Lena's eyes are so freaking beautiful. She's the most gorgeous woman I have ever met. God, I think I'm in love with her. Don't tell her I said that, okay?
Lena, bright red in the face: o-okay
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rjmac211 · 1 month
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Alex and Lena working in the lab
Lena: Alex
Alex: Yeah
Lena: When you were sharing a room with Kara did she ever while she was sleep did she ever
Lena & Alex: start fly in her sleep
Alex: Yeah she does that
Lena: It’s kind of cute
Alex: Wait I thought Kara only had one bed in her place
Lena: oh she does
Alex: Then…
Lena: It’s not that big a deal you and Maggie sleep together all the time
Alex: We’re in a relationship
Lena: Exactly
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Lena: Kara, it’s not that big of a dea-
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SuperCorp idea
Y’all remember that episode where Lena developed that device meant to detect whether or not someone is an alien and she tried to get Kara to use it? It would be so funny if Kara just decided to gaslight her into thinking that Lena shoulda already known that Kara was an alien, just not what species.
Kara: *uses the device* as expected, it says I’m an alien.
Lena: ???? You’re an alien?
Kara: Yeah, I told you on our first date.
Lena: Our first date?
Kara: Oh so now you don’t remember our first date either? I can’t believe you. I had our anniversary all planned out, but you can’t even bother to remember our first date. *leaves Lena’s office*
Kara 100% tells Alex that she decided to just gaslight Lena into thinking they’re dating, their anniversary is coming up, and Lena should’ve known that Kara is an alien. Yknow just incase Lena calls Alex.
Alex: Hey Lena, what’s up?
Lena: Did you know Kara and I were dating?
Alex: Of course, I encouraged her to ask you out. If you need help with shopping for an anniversary gift, I have time on Saturday.
Just siblings working together to gaslight one of the smartest person in the world.
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waytooinvested · 3 months
Lena: After a great deal of thought I have decided it is in my best interests to become evil at this time Kara: Lena, no! Lena: Lena yes >:) Kara: Okay, you act like a villain I will treat you like one Lena: Lena: Lena: After a great deal of thought I have decided it is no longer in my best interests to be evil at this time. Lena: ...kisses now?
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thecasualqueer · 3 months
Lena Luthor (PhD): *puts glasses on and looks in the mirror* Ahhh!!!! Who the fuck is that???
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