#superhuman rpg
tspromo · 2 years
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In a post apocalyptic world there sits a small city deep in                       the Dead Frontier called, the Steppes.
                                    A Post-Apocalyptic City/Super-human RP                                                                                                         Mature themes                                                                                                                                   Opening Soon
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sequence-ads · 1 year
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                           Order born from the wrath of chaos
Chicago Illinois, a city rebuilt and protected by PRIME. It is an organization tasked with policing both the Conduit species itself and maintaining the peace between it and mankind. Having bought out the privatized contract for law enforcement throughout all of Chicago; they have kept the peace within the city. Well, for the most part. The Mavericks, a group that has seen PRIME's methods and control have begun to rebel against the organization. They Are willing to do anything to maintain their freedom and remove PRIME from the city. They are not alone, however, and when motivations within the city collide; everyone has to pick a side, even if its the wrong one.
                                                                                   CHAOS WILL ALWAYS TRIUMPH OVER ORDER
SEQUENCE is a mutant/abilities roleplay site revamping and coming back after years of hibernation. This group contains mature themes and is rated as such. We accept OCs and Skeleton Canon characters. We focus on our members enjoying themselves, having a great place to plot, post and enjoy themselves without the worries taking place outside this group’s community. If this sounds right up your alley, feel free to check us out and ask any questions you might have.
Discord OOC and further information is forth coming!
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navitoworld-blog · 2 years
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#navitoworld #anime #animefigure #toronto #bestoftoronto #animegirl #figurine #kawaii #waifus #scalefigure #overlord #novel #albedo #mobilegames #mmorpg #rpg #superhuman #horns #wizard #wings #nazarick #goodsmilecompany #kadokawa (at Navito World) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clxz0tMOZ_b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Have you played KNIGHT RPG ?
By Antre Monde / Simon Gabillaud & Coline Pignat
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Knight: An Avalon RPG is an epic horror game in a dystopian future full of challenging monsters, impenetrable darkness and Knights equipped with meta-armours granting them superhuman capabilities!
In the 2030s, darkness has invaded Earth and with it came the horrors. The world became greyer, art started to fade. The obscurity is filled with monsters, of meat, of beasts, of steel, of frost. And they may not be the only ones. You are humanity's last hope
Arthur meet Mecha (and each armour is named after a dnd classes)
Completed with an Epic ( not a campaign, an Epic, it's 2 big books and 1 book to help navigate them)
A personnal Favorite of the poll runner
Currently Crowdfunding an English translation on Backerkit (quickstart already available on dtrpg)
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Any RPGs about being an unethical mad scientist or being a mad scientist's creation? Like creating an orangutan with buzzsaws for hands, a horribly mutated two-headed crocodile, grafting a rocket launcher onto a demon's back, giant biomechanical monstrosities, etc.
THEME: Mad Scientist’s Paradise
Hello, so I have a few games that seem specifically tied to mad science, but I also found some games about mutant animals that are a bit more focused on a post-apocalypse. I hope they are still close enough to what you are looking for!
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Metamorphosis BX, by Tragos Games.
Metamorphosis BX is a post-apocalyptical MiniBX hack in which you'll roleplay a hybrid survivor in an ever-changing world in which a cataclysm fragmented time and space. It is light both in mechanics and tone, aiming to be fun above all.
This is one of the games where your strange mutations and abilities don’t necessarily come from mad science; but I think they could, if you wanted them to. This is a game that employs the use of roll-tables and gives your characters both benign and malign mutations, with different sized pools of different size dice for your hit dice. What is interesting is that you have a list of different dice pools on what is called your hit dice double-helix, aka HDDH - taking your highest dice from your dice pool every time you take a hit. This encourages your characters to end fights quickly, or avoid them when you can - and it also makes for a highly lethal game.
Mutants in the Now, by Julian Kay.
In the ‘80s and ‘90s, they ruled the streets, kick-flipping off of villainous faces and slipping into the shadows. Then, they vanished from the world of tabletop gaming.
But they’re back. And ready to KICK BUTT.
Mutants in the Now is a retromodern retake on the mutant animal role-playing games long past and left behind by licensing. Mutants fight to survive, thrive, and make the world better for themselves and humanity.
I’m not entirely sure what the origin of your mutation is in this game, and it seems that’s the point. The source of your mutations is meant to be a mystery, although big tech corporations, alien conspiracies, and psychic ninjas are all on the list of potential bad-guys. The game itself has a multitude of good reviews, with a lot of praise for the flexibility available to you at character creation, and a large amount of love for the random tables.
If this game sounds interesting but you want something a little less scienc-ey, you might also want to check out the Mutants in the Next supplement, which adds in cryptids, mythical beasts, and a post-apocalypse setting to throw at your characters.
CyberRats, by Alex Rinehart.
You are genetically engineered Operatives addicted to Biotech, a glowing gel that gives you superhuman powers. 
The world is being invaded by extraterrestrials known as Interlopers. You have been employed by a megacorp to ensure that the aliens don't win, and that if they are stopped, it's you who does it, and not some rival corporation.
Winning won't be easy. But it also won't be enough. The right corp must get credit.
Can you stop the aliens? Will you sabotage the military to steal equipment and defense contracts from your competitors? How many Operatives will you lose before you taste victory?
Cyberrats, an illuminated RPG.
Here’s a game all about being lab rats - literally! Cyberrats is a fast-paced shoot-em-up about genetically engineered rats addicted to the substance that gives them super-human powers, up against a terrifying alien threat. Your characters can be altered biologically, but also cybernetically, so I have a feeling rocket launchers and exo-suits are on the table here!
If you want to hear what this game plays like, you can check out the Cyberrats Radio Hour, a 30-minute episode full of alien combat and explosions.
Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones, by ChrisAir.
Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones is a 48pg biopunk facility-crawl for Mothership RPG, inspired by the body horror of Cronenberg’s The Fly and a twisted take on Metroidvania “save stations.” This zine is the first installment of The Sleeper Crew Adventures zine series.
PCs wake up in the Mountain Forces R&D Facility, dropped smack center into the plans of a scientist gone mad in her love for the dead despot that once owned the world. Players must gather clues, navigate NPC motivations, evade monstrosities before they Become the Mutants.
This is less of a gonzo scenario and more built for fans of horror, putting the player characters in a hostile lab environment and threatening them with a number of mutations as they try to find a way to stop the mad scientist big-bad of the adventure.
This isn’t a standalone game, but rather a module for Mothership, which is a game set inspired by Alien and has many, many different kinds of modules that you can run in many different horror scenarios. This module looks rather extensively developed, with printable maps, a set of VTT tokens, and art for all of the listed NPCs and Creatures. If you want a game full of suspense and horror, you should check out Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones!
The UPLIFT, by Kurt Potts.
The Uplift is a tabletop RPG about cybernetically uplifted animal heroes saving the galaxy with superpowers! Think Guardians of the Galaxy, but you're all playing Rocket.
You awaken to find you are both less and more, you are both old and new.
You play animals who've been cybernetically uplifted by some mysterious company or lab. Through your adventures you may get the chance to learn why this was done to you, but by then it may not matter anymore. You're a hero and the galaxy needs saving.
Describe yourself in four steps, and let the GM describe to you the situation the crew finds themselves in. You roll 2d6 for pretty much everything you try, with modifiers for advantages and disadvantages. Each character will have one super-power that allows you to add a third d6 to certain rolls, to increase your chance of beating the difficulty score. You can risk personal injury or busted implants on a failure, and then spend downtime later to fix yourself up.
I like that the designer of this game took the basic rules of WSCA games and combined them with tools like clocks and downtime, which are commonly seen from Forged in the Dark games. It allows the players to deal with bigger setbacks during play, because you know you’ll have a chance to fix them down the road. That being said, you can still choose to die a heroic death if you still want to!
Science & Sabotage, by Live Real Press.
You are a team of evil mad scientists, hell-bent on creating a doomsday device that can bring the world to its knees.
Unfortunately, there is competition for the honor. You must finish your device before they finish their device. 
You don't have time to play fair.
This is a game where you actually get to play the mad scientists, rather than their creations. It’s built off of the famous Lasers & Feelings structure, so you just need a d6 or two to play. Race against a rival team of mad scientists to be the first one to destroy the world - or at least, to threaten the world with destruction. This is probably good for a single one-shot, or perhaps, if you want to combine it with one of the other games here, you might want to use this game as a set-up for the event that destroyed the world, or perhaps your scientists are instead racing to be the first to cause mutations on a global scale!
Blister Critters, by stillfleet.
Pick your favorite varmint, grab your dice, and roleplay as a cartoon animal on a radiation-blasted Saturday-morning show!
The humans are gone just like the ozone layer, and the world they left behind is overflowing with danger…
In this innovative and surreal game, you play as a small animal who can wield bizarre mutations called Blisters as well as physics-bending Nonsense powers. These strange abilities—artfully developed within the Grit System—will help you survive in a vast, cruel suburbia populated by fellow Critters and their feral counterparts, Beasts.
The sun will mutate you and give you special powers as you scavenge the piles and piles of loot that the humans have no more use for. The tone of this game is very much like a Saturday-morning cartoon, but you can also turn up the gritty dial and make it about the harshness of this new world if you want to. Blister Critters uses a number of different polyhedral dice, with larger dice assigned to traits you’re good at and smaller dice assigned to traits you’re… not so good at. Your character also has two pools that can diminish: Health and Grit, which represent your hit points and your energy respectively. Your Grit can be spent to power the special abilities given to you by your Blisters, so the course of gameplay will likely require balancing your resources as you work through various obstacles.
The Kickstarter has finished for this game, but you might want to keep an eye on it so you can see when the final product is published. In the meantime, you can also check out the Quickstart, as well as the entries to the Critter City Crawl Jam.
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anew-jackson · 2 months
i once made a supervillain academy in a superhuman rpg setting and the four houses were theater kids (vulcano house), young conservatives (reagan house), gamers (zelda house), and environmentalists (kaczynski house)
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dice-wizard · 1 year
Hello everyone looking for a new fantasy tabletop game!
As it nears backer release, there's never been a better time to pre-order Exalted: Essence
Pre-ordering gets you access to the beta document and the early release backer pdf.
What's Exalted you ask?
Exalted is an epic fantasy TTRPG where players play the titular Exalted - humans elevated to superhuman/demigod status - in a wild and unique setting that draws inspiration from the ancient world rather than medieval Europe. Creation (the setting) draws key inspirations from the entire world. If you're used to having to make yourself visible on your own in other fantasy, there's probably some representation in Exalted.
It has explicit queer and trans themes about finding your people, creating your own identity, and having the power to punch back at the people who hate you. This isn't incidental. The writing staff is queer as hell. You can hear me break this down more here.
Curious to learn all you can? Well you can get a detailed overview of the entire game on the podcast Systematic Understanding of Everything hosted by myself, @presidentofbirds and @phillycuriosity
If I'm used to D&D 5e why should I pick this up?
Well, I presume if you're reading this post you're already interested in trying something new, so:
The entire game in one book. Exalted: Essence is self contained, character types, equipment, enemies and all!
An exciting style of fantasy that's different than classic D&D but like, textually gay, and very easy to have scenes like ballroom fights, epic galas, and touching homoerotic healing scenes - no house rules required.
But also, tactical depth and combat you can really sink your teeth into if fighting monsters and villains is your bag.
An excuse to use all your d10s at once
Character building and advancement mechanics designed to be familiar to a 5e audience. Characters "level up" based on story beats, and have Advantages, which are functionally similar to class and race features.
A world welcoming to most heroic archetypes, so it's easy to convert your favorite OC.
Extremely kissable dragons, demons, gods, elementals, ghosts, faeries, and unnamed ancient horrors
I'm a fan of a previous edition, what's Essence got for me?
Design focused on alleviating some of the previous versions' missteps
Virtues are back, baby
2e fans will find it an improvement from second edition's mechanical strengths - it's pretty easy to convert all your favorite 2e Charms to XS.
Streamlined versions of familiar rules to make it painless to introduce new friends to the game we love.
The Cliff's notes on Ex3's new Exalt types.
Did I mention it's all of Exalted in one book?
How does it play?
d10 dice pool looking for 7,8,9 as successes. 10s count as two successes, which can lead to explosive, heroic outcomes
Combat system designed to keep all players engaged the entire time - even characters who aren't focused on fighting at all.
Combat also narrows the gap between experienced and new players and players who want to win at RPGs and players who just wanna vibe so GMs aren't tearing their hair out trying to balance encounters.
Social system designed to resolve in a single roll so you can be immersed in role play and not interrupt it with constant rolling - without sacrificing a variety of social approaches
"Ventures" system for characters working on long term projects from traveling across the world to crafting magical wonders to building communities without forcing this to be "downtime" activity
Characters have access to Charms - exception-based special powers that make them extremely good at whatever they focus on.
It's easily my favorite game (and the project I developed that I'm the proudest of), so I'm excited for everyone to try it out.
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yuhi-san · 5 months
So for the last day of @tristampparty have just some fun fact about trigun, escpecially july but lets get them done in order.
Despite being very, very obsessed with anime and manga and being quite active in german forums at the time trigun 98 first aired and was popular here… I was barely aware it existed.
I vaguely recall two people from a rpg trying to get me into trigon but they showed me the silly opening, vash skedaddling around like a lizard and him not having a bullet in the first episode. So it didn’t seem like something for my edgy teenage taste (oh sweet summer child I was.)
Trigon stampede didn’t show up on my radar at all either until I was traveling in japan in late july. I have no idea what even caused it but I went through the wiki, snooping for spoilers like any normal person. Which, sins the wiki contains stuff from trimax, 98 and tristamp it was. Uhm yea.
So anyway what I knew after was:
Vash and knives were species plant (which was so like ???? because I was thinking of trees without any context)
Also what the fuck is millions knives, how is that a name, this is almost as bad as the very manly male priest named ‘frau’
I am not going to entertine the section about a group that calls themself the freaking gung-ho guns, is this a joke
There is superhuman stuff going on with vash and also knives who is his twin.
Apparently he blew a hole in a moon??
He has a bounty on his head.. because he destroyed a city I think.
There are the two girls milly and meryl
Wolfwood dies (I vaguely remember seeing his death in a top then tragic anime deaths from watch mojo, I think)
when I came home from japan I just binge-watched it before going back to work.
So I went into stampede with very little context, but still some. I guess a lot of easteregs and hints went past me at first but that meant I was also unbiased (*cough*Roberto*cough* Milly *cough* new design *cough*)
I was delighted to hear johnny young bosch but a little disappointed we didn’t get any robin-esque gremlin cackle.
Was just a little surprised that wolfwood lived but I did eventually catch on that it was sort of an alternate prequel so to speak.
But then there is lost july.
See, I was vaguely aware vash destroyed I city. Sort of. But I don’t think I really took notice of july when skimming the wiki.
So the finale comes. Everything goes horribly. Roberto dies. At least meryl and wolfwood live. What knives does to vash is terrible. The fight isn’t looking too good for vash. The way knives kills the officers that attack vash.
and like vash was probably expecting it to be a suicide stunt to get the cube so far up in the air and detonate/fire (?) it. And in such a tragic way, it kills knives too (or at least that’s what it looks like to an unsuspecting audience and DEFINITELY to vash).
Everything is horrible but at least he managed to save the city.
Except it explodes anyway.
I was like WHAT!? WHAT!?
I’m telling you guys, I was shocked. I did not see that coming. In the slightest. I think I was still reeling from it by the credits.
Somehow, despite all the spoilers I’ve seen and read (also the couch…) I somehow managed to not expect lost july and was so blindsided by it
Edit: I posted this like three minutes ago but it just hit me what triggered me getting into trigun!! I’m pretty sure I never had trigon posts on my dash but somehow I had a post on it suddenly that was like this:
A screenshot of wolfwood saying to vash: don’t call me that! I’m Nicholas the punisher!
Then a short text about how he was trying to make himself and others believe that this was all he was or something along these lines and then the screenshot of the title drop “Wolfwood”
And then something really clever about how this was set up, as if right after wolfwood insisting he was just the punisher, the title drop immediately tells is otherwise. Like, no, no matter what you tell others and yourself, you are still wolfwood.
Actually if anyone has an idea what post that was hit me up.
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linkspooky · 2 years
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Fun little comment I got the other day on one of my posts, but it did get me thinking. This wasn’t really a question asked in good faith, but I’m gonna answer it anyway, because it gives me an opportunity to talk. 
I think the ideal superhero story is one that criticizes its heroes relentlessly. The same could be said of any story I suppose, main characters who are challenged to grow are more entertaining to realize about than main characters who remain stagnant. The whole point of a story is conflict, if there is no conflict there is no story. It’s like playing an RPG where you’re level one hundred from the start and kill every enemy in one hit. There’s no point to even playing the game because it’d be awfully dull to just walk right through it. 
Of course there is a super hero story where the main character kills everything in one hit, ironically, but even that character is challenged by the depression and emptiness he now feels because despite being the strongest dude in existence his life was otherwise kind of empty. 
Superho comics especially seem to relish in relentlessly punishing their heroes. If you look up the lifetime of a single major hero in American comics, Nightwing, Batman, especially Batman their lives are filled with tragic events and people they failed to save. Perhaps that is where the SU)PER in superheoes comes from, they are held to an especially high standard. They live their lives selflessly sacrificing for others over and over and that eventually takes it’s toll on them, because the second part of superhuman is “human.” The thing is I don’t hate heroes in stories. I LOVE heroes. 
I just don’t like the heroes in MHA that much. 
Let me give an example, with the greatest superhero of all time.       
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Peter Parket, AKA Spiderman. I’ve read posts about how Matt Murdock isn’t much of a hero because hell’s kitchen is like two blocks in New York and they are bad and incorrect because the best heroes aren’t the ones who save the world, the best ones are the ones who don’t have that power and then do their best anyway. Spiderman is at his best as a character when he is just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, he’s a local hometown hero, he patrols New York, he is really bad at balancing his love life, his job, and his time as spiderman. He is a person before he is a hero, and a very flawed person at that. 
Spiderman’s very origin is his failure to save someone, because when suddenly given amazing spider powers, regular kid Peter Parker, kind of bullied, kind of put-upon immediately uses his powers to become a pro-wrestler and a television star. A pretty selfish use of his powers, but Peter is a teenager at this point. Coming home from one of his television appearances Peter sees a burglar being chased by a security guard. The guard calls out to Peter for help, but Spidey refuses on the grounds that catching crimminals is not his job. 
When Peter later comes home that day, he discovers that his Uncle Ben had been killed by a burglar. Outraged, Peter dons his wrestling outfit and then goes to hunt the man down, only to discover that it was the same man he let go earlier that day. Peter could have easily stopped the man right then and prevented Uncle Ben’s death. Ben’s dying words are what save him however, that with great power comes great responsibility, rather than continuing to use his powers for his own gain he decides to selflessly devote himself to fight crime.
But it doesn’t stop there. One of the most famous story arcs of Spiderman of all time is him once again failing to save someone, and this is not Peter as a fledgling hero but rather when he had been Spiderman from some time. The Death of Gwen Stacy, and yes yes, Gwen didn’t deserve to be sacrificed for Peter’s character development, women in fridges and all that, but there’s a reason this storyline is famous and it’s because it’s IMPACTFUL it mattered in the comics years, even decades after the story was originally published. Here’s an example, the trope “women in refridgerators” was coined by Gail Simone after Kyle Rayner’s girlfriend who was killed and then stuffed into a refrigerator for him to find. Do you even know what Kyle Rayner’s girlfriend name was? However, Gwen Stacy is at least remembered which means there is something about her plotline that works, and for me it’s because it centers around this theme of “failure” again. 
Peter, young and in love, failed Gwen Stay in a lot of ways, Peter’s whole character revolves around this idea of his many responsibilities and how he has a hard time balancing these things because he is just one person. One of the early storylines is in fact, Peter failing to save Gwen’s father from Doctor Octopus, which makes him overprotective of her, to the point of not telling her his secret identity ostensibly “for her protection.” What sets off the plotline that leads to the Gwen Stacy’s death however, is one Norman Osborn aka The Green Gobling, the only one at the time to know Peter’s secret identity. 
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Due tot hat fact, he decides to target Gwen Stacy as a way of getting at Peter. Gwen Stacy with no idea who Spiderman, unaware of this incredibly dangerous aspect of Peter’s life that she is involved with due to being in proximity to him is taken completely off guard and easily captured. Spiderman at the time is also incredibly sick and off his game, because once again Peter Parker is someone who will work himself to death trying to take care of his one million responsibilities. 
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Goblin at that point threatens Gwen Stacy’s life on the top of a bridge in order to get Peter to give up his identity of Spiderman, of course he’s not going to do that so he fights with Goblin like it is any other hero and villain confrontation. Goblin manages to slip past him and knock her off the bridge, and then you know what happens next. However, what most people don’t remember is what made Gwen Stacy’s death so effective is for a moment it looks like Peter has saved her. Peter, in a moment of borderline arrogance even quips about it because webbing people to catch them from falling buildings is something he has done a hundred times before this. 
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Only to learn that it was Peter’s method of saving her by catching with her web that delivered her untimely death, as the force of falling and then suddenly coming to a stop snapped her neck. Peter believes he’s saved her until he cradles the body and finds she’s not moving, and after that has an emotional breakdown repeating to himself over and over again that he’s saved her. 
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Now, I don’t believe it’s Peter’s fault because it was genuinely an accident, and Goblin is the one who chose to throw her off the bridge as a way of getting at Peter. The same way you could say Uncle Ben’s death is not Peter’s fault because he had no way of knowing the robber would later shoot his uncle. Yet, both times it seems like a failure of the main character, because heroes are supposed to save people, when they don’t save someone something’s gone wrong.  
Peter, overconfident at that point despite the fact he is sick, and off his game goes in swinging against Green Goblin, and you can even say he focused more on defeating the Green Goblin in a physical fight then the immediate danger to Gwen’s life. He also is way overconfident when he does try to web her to save her, which is what directly leads to him snapping her neck because he just wasn’t thinking about the danger of a fall from that high. 
There is also the added element of Peter never telling Gwen about his secret identity, she never knew her life was in danger to any one of Peter’s enemies who would have wanted to target her to get to him. Would she have dated him if she knew this was the case? We never knew because Peter never gave her that choice. 
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“Gwen: As much of a victim of Spiderman’s lifestyle as Peter Parker? “
The comic itself brings this up, Goblin was the one who killed her, and yet Peter failed in his responsibility towards her in a way. Gwen Stacy’s death becomes a last point of guilt and trauma for Peter that he continues to struggle with, it adds a deep personal conflict for him. There are later comics where Peter remembers what happens to Gwen and tries to do better to make up for what he has lost. 
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Now, let me compare this to one of the more recent happenings in MHA, a case where a hero has failed to save someone. Bakugo dies in the fight against ShigAFO, and SHIGAFO pointed out that if heroes are going to put inexperienced children on the front lines some of them are going to die.
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We have this same setup as we did with the Green Goblin. The villain threatens the loved one of a hero in order to hurt them, the hero fails to arrive to save them. Even if it is the fault of ShigAFO for being the one who killed Bakugo, the heroes still played a role in it, because they made the decision to bring him to the frontlines of a battlefield and directly put his life in danger. The same way that Peter not telling Gwen Stacy his identiity meant she was totally unaware of the danger that would have come with dating him. 
Peter tries his absolute best to save Gwen, he made a promise to her father that he would always protect her, he was fighting against Goblin with everything on the line, and yet he still doesn’t save her because of one moment of overconfidence where he thinks webbing her will be enough. Peter as a hero is not perfect, and he cannot save everyone, and Gwen Stacy’s death is a cruel but effective lesson to him in that, and yet his ability to pick himself up and keep going after such a terrible loss and even learn from it to make sure that he doesn’t make the same mistake twice results in character development. However, what happens after Bakugo dies?
LIterally one chapter later, the heroes conveniently have a way to restart his heart with a hero named Edgeshot who has been a background character the entire time. Did anyone know he could do this? Was this foreshadowed and established in any way? People made jokes about this plot twist for weeks because it makes no sense, but for the most part they didn’t care because they wanted Bakugo back... but is the plotline better served if he just immediately pops back up because the plot convenience fairy waved her magic wand? 
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Imagine if this had happened to Gwen. Gwen got her neck snapped, and then the next issue she just popped back up alive like “Hey, just kidding Peter!” or, while Peter is holding her body some guy just comes along and says he has the super power to heal broken necks. One of the most compelling stories in Spiderman’s history, would have ended up being really lame. 
I’d also like to mention I’m a fan of Gwen Stacy’s character. In fact, Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane are two of my favorite female comic book characters of all time, because unlike most comic book love interests they were their own people, with their own little lives, thoughts and feelings they didn’t revolve around Peter. However, the plotline is effective because Gwen Stacy Dies. A story where a hero fails will always be more exciting than the one where the heroes always succeed, because their failures are what makes you sympathize with them. Peter Parker is not perfect, far from it in fact. If you’ve watched the movie “Spiderverse” Peter B Parker in that was super popular with audiences, and at the same time he was a man-child divorcee who is scared of having kids because he’s not mature enough to have them with really bad depression and all of those flaws he had was what made the audience connect with him. 
I would argue also that the heroes are compelling characters for the first three arcs of MHA, because they consistently fail. The tournament arc Shoto is completely isolated because no one notices the trauma his father has inflicted upon it, and he doesn’t start to come into his own as a person until Deku reaches out to him. Shinso feels failed by his adult mentors because they didn’t give him a fair shot at pursuing his dream at becoming a hero. 
Iida himself fails as a hero when he decides to try to kill Stain out of vengeance for his brother, not only does he fail that but Midoriya and Shoto nearly die as well and are put in harms way because they helped him against Stain. In the camp raid arc, Deku saves the little boy yes, but because he compeltely destroyed his body fighting against Muscular he fails to rescue Bakugo and he’s kidnapped. In the Overhaul arc, Mirio and Deku don’t save Eri when they have the chance and then feel horrible crushing guilt when they realize she is going to suffer more abuse because they didn’t save her right then. Mirio in trying to make up for letting more harm come to Eri, even has to sacrifice his quirk to a quirk erasing bullet because he can’t let her get hit any more times. 
During the Pro-Hero arc, Enji is told by his whole family basically none of them care that he defeated a villain, because he hasn’t made up to them the abuse they suffered under him in any way. 
The heroes are compelling characters when the story is about their failures, because they are characters, human, flawed, capable of improvement. However, after a certain turning point in the story all criticism of the heroes basically stopped. 
When the public is rightfully upset that the heroes are not doing their jobs, you know their government jobs as protectors of society, the things they get paid for (spiderman does this for free you know he doesn’t get anything out of it) Uraraka gave a big speech on how people need to be EASIER ON THE HEROES, because look how much THEYRE SUFFERING. 
When Hawks kills Twice, when Enji’s own son reveals himself as a villain, basically the only consequence they have to face is making an insincere apology at a press conference. Enji did not even write his own apology, Hawks wrote it for him. 
The story is no longer about the heroes failing, instead we get the story telling us over and over again how good the heroes are at protecting people, how noble they are. 
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This whole speech reads as kind of preachy and insincere considering that the heroes right now are wielding all their power to beat up three children who were in fact not saved by heroes, Enji destroyed Toya’s life, Toga watched her best friend get murdered by a hero, Nana abandoned Kotaro, and when All Might had the chance to reach out to Shigaraki knowing he was Nana’s grandson and that he had been captured by AFO for who knows how long he just didn’t do anything. 
Peter isn’t a moral paragon, he’s a whiny asshole at times, an overconfident brat however what makes him a hero is that he has all of these flaws and he keeps trying. The heroes in MHA are also flawed, but the story acts as if they aren’t, and nothing is their fault anymore. Which is why I’m critical of the heroes, because I am hoping they will finally show some character development and go back to being the compelling characters they were in the first half of the story. If the heroes are making mistakes here, then the plot should recognize them and challenge them to do better. If the heroes are perfect... then why is this story even about them? 
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Mukuro Ikusaba VS Kaede Kayano [Danganronpa Survivor VS Assassination Classroom]
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[NOTE: This is a scheduled post.]
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Hifumi: Kaede Kayano, the tentacled terror from Assassination Classroom!
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Leona: And Mukuro Ikusaba...The sixteenth student, lying hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the Ultimate Despair!
Hifumi: ...
Leona: Oh yes I did...Oh YES I did...
Hifumi: Ahem...Never underestimate just how far some people are willing to go to protect or avenge the people they care about. Be it their family or their friends...Their sisters or the one's they love...
Leona: Apparently, choosing to stop dying your hair is one thing those people do! He's Hifumi and I'm Leona!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Leona: Take your seats folks...We're about to get into one of the most complicated histories of our line of characters right from the god damn start...
Hifumi: To get started though, as we've explained many times previously, and will most certainly explain many times in the future of this series, Ultimate Students are those scouted by Ultimate Academy's, like Hope's Peak, because they excel in a certain area of expertise. And for Mukuro Ikusaba, that area just so happened to be military conflict and terrorism! And would eventually be crowned with the title of the ULTIMATE SOLDIER!
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Leona: When she was a very young age, the quiet, and rather notably deranged girl, Mukuro Ikusaba, took a keen interest in this career path. She won survival game tournaments and writing for militaristic magazines. She eventually decided to CHOOSE a life of conflict, pain and tragedy, and joined up with the infamous elite mercenary group known as Fenrir, symbolized by the symbol of a wild howling wolf. Funny 'cause...most people are kind of forced into that stuff...Hey, I never actually met Mukuro. Makoto talked a lot about her, but what's her deal?
Hifumi: Well, when looking at Mukuro Ikusaba's history, a very important thing to keep in mind is that she is the twin sister, and for the longest time, closest compatriot and aide, to the Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima. Imagine how twisted you could become when having someone like THAT joined at the hip with you...Figuratively speaking, of course. The girls spent a few years together homeless on the streets, but then didn't see each other for the longest time until middle school, as Mukuro went off to join Fenrir.
Leona: And how did that work out for her?
Hifumi: Well, suffice to say that when Hope's Peak finally scouted her, that talent was rightfully earned. Being quite possibly the most powerful superhuman soldier in history, Ms Ikusaba had a completely spotless record when it came to battles. And when I say spotless, I MEAN SPOTLESS. According to her school profile, during her three years with Fenrir, she never once received a scratch or wound on the battlefield. In fact, this was a damning piece of evidence in the Final Trial of the First Killing Game to prove that she and her sister were not the same person.
Leona: Plus, as a result of her passion, her training and her skills, unlike our previous combatant, she was BORN a FIGHTER. She is naturally capable and powerful, and has a thorough understanding of all firearms and explosives, ranging from pistols, rifles, RPG's, machine guns, and even nuclear bombs, marking her territory as one of the most deadly fighters in our universe. She can use all of the following with deadly accuracy and aptitude. Even aside from that, she never goes anywhere without her trusty combat knife; a tool that allows her wrangle with any enemy and tear them to shreds! Like Kuripa's sword! But smaller...Actually, when you think about it, that's really what a sword is! Just a very big knife!
Hifumi: But a knife is equally as deadly, especially when in the hands of Mukuro Ikusaba. She's arguably as proficient, if not more, in hand-to-hand blade combat that Kuripa is.
Leona: And lastly, she's also a master in medicine, ammo and defense mechanisms. She even...Um...Wait, hang on a second...Am I reading this right!? She has BULLETPROOF PANTIES!?
Hifumi: Indeed! Her undergarments are made of sturdy enough fibers that bullets and blades can't scratch them! Yor Forger probably needs to take lessons.
Leona: How do you even...?
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Hifumi: That's for me to NOT know and you to NEVER find out. But even in a hypothetical scenario where she DOESN'T have her weapons by her side, anything the Ultimate Soldier touches could become the exact tool she needs to assert her dominance. For example, in Danganronpa IF...
Leona: What's that?
Hifumi: Alternate timeline where she turned to the good side a lot earlier than she did in our universe, you don't need to worry too much about it.
Leona: Hold on. If it's an alternate timeline, are we really allowed to take it into account.
Hifumi: Technically...no? But the truth is we don't have much information of Ms Ikusaba's early capabilities within our own world. However, source materials have stated her power and capabilities are the same in both canons. Besides, Ms Ikusaba has displayed similar feats in the current timeline, so there's proof of that; so I think we can count it here.
Leona: Well I'm not gonna argue so long as it makes the fight better.
Hifumi: As I was saying, in Danganronpa IF, Mukuro is forced to fight against an army of Monokumas, and she defeats them armed with nothing but the pole of an IV as an improvised polearm. Not nearly as effective as a real one, but still deadly enough simply because SHE'S the one wielding it.
Leona: And that's barely even scratching the surface of her strength, speed and power. She's so incredibly combatively, she's wrangled and matched numerous other Ultimate Students or people of similar power and capability, including Sakura Ogami, Peko Pekoyama, The Madarai Brothers, Yukari Koime, and possibly even stronger opponents...Though her limit seems to come in the form of Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura. But come on, what do you expect? That guy outmatches EVERYONE.
Hifumi: This is possible due to an innate ability Mukuro Ikusaba possesses called her "Battle Trance." While capable on her own without even having weapons, armor or anything else by her side, Ms Ikusaba can also enter this state eerily similar to that of Son Goku's Ultra Instinct state from Dragon Ball Super. When she's in this stance, she becomes one with the battlefield around her, and her perception of the flow of time nearly comes to a stop. It's impossible to catch Ms Ikusaba off-guard in this state and sneak attacks are completely impossible. Stated in her own words, it's like "every inch of her skin gets covered with eyes that analyze everything going on all around her."
Leona: That's...creepy...Cool but...creepy...
Hifumi: This is the former one half of the despair sisters we're talking about her. And she's the less crazy half. Ms Ikusaba's speed in the Battle Stance state becomes HYPERSONIC. She can run so fast that it appears she's teleporting, can effortlessly dodge military grade turrets while fighting a hundred Monokumas without so much as losing focus or batting an eye from her target, can easily defuse a nuclear bomb before it hits the ground, dodge a point-blank explosion, and can travel from Japan to Prague in only a couple of seconds!
Leona: Ok, that's all well and good, but that last one feels a little odd compared to the rest. 
Hifumi: Even more odd than disarming a mid-air nuclear bomb or dodging bullets?
Leona: The Matrix and Top Gun had desensitized me to that kind of stuff, and I kind of expect it from a super powerful soldier/spy. Running at the speed of The Flash or Sonic the Hedgehog seems a little...out of place is all.
Hifumi: Well, the canonicity of that one is questionable at best. Still though, it's undeniable that she's overpowered. In terms of power scaling, Mukuro Ikusaba and Sakura Ogami-
Leona: i.e. The woman who's widely considered to be the strongest human on earth, has won 400 martial art matches in a row and was easily able to knock out Genocide Jack who has her fair share of superhuman and ridonkulous feats, including slicing missiles apart mid-air.
Hifumi: -are almost dead even, with any discrepancies leaving Sakura ever so slightly stronger. However, that gap in power is so minimal, it might as well not exist. In fact, in several points of time, the two HAVE fought. Though these days it is mostly casual sparring practices, during the IF timeline, they did have a serious fight where Sakura tried to restrain Mukuro so the 78th Class could question her.
Leona: According to the information I have here, that fight lasted for around 10 minutes and was so intense that it caused the gym they fought in to quake with the pressure. Not only that, but Mukuro was handicapped in that fight. With Makoto Naegi having been rendered unconscious after being stabbed with the Spears of Gung-Hang on a second! Why didn't we mention the fact that Makoto survived this execution in our previous analysis!?
Hifumi: Well, we don't really NEED to. Makoto was left unconscious and bleeding profusely due to that execution. He only survived it because his Ultimate Luck prevented the spears from damaging any internal organs.
Leona: Fine, whatever, this is only semi-canon anyway. As I was saying, she had an unconscious Makoto dangling in her arms the entire time and Mukuro was still able to end the fight and escape by causing a quick distraction.
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Hifumi: Ms Ikusaba also defeated Peko Pekoyama with her knife in a swordfight, survived a casual blow from Izuru Kamukura, who can casually destroy steel walls and sink 41 battleships by himself, and killed all 8 Madarai brothers with brute force alone, all of whom are separately strong enough to break down walls with their own raw strength.
Leona: And remember what we said earlier about Mukuro taking on 100 Monokuma's alone? Let's go back to that for a second, since that's one of her earliest, most impressive feats. 
Hifumi: It's important to keep in mind that taking out this version of Monokuma is a BIG DEAL. You've no doubt seen us fight Monokuma's and Kerokuma's and everything in between, but there is a big difference in power between the Monokuma sentries shown in Survivor and Ultra Despair Girls, and the Monokuma's from the main Killing Games, 1, 2 and V3.
Leona: Killing Game Monokuma is equally as capable of matching Sakura Ogami blow for blow. They're shown having a toe-to-toe battle, in which the bear is easily able to keep pace with her. In the case of Mukuro who had to fight hundreds of these things at once, while ALSO dodging machine gun fire, she took all of them out in a SINGLE HIT EACH, launching some of them into the air!
Hifumi: Monokuma's suspected weight, based on his size and make, is about 15kg. If we calculated it, the amount of energy you would need to use THAT much strength at THAT much speed would require an energy equivalent to between 30 to 90 kilotons of TNT.
Leona: And to top it all off, she's hella sturdy too! Monokuma claimed that Mukuro could have possibly survived The Ultimate Punishment; the death trap that killed her sister Junko, which involved feats such as being electrocuted with enough force to liquefy, being hit by speeding trucks while being burned alive, getting hit by countless baseballs at machine-gun rate of fire, pounded by a bulldozer, sent into space and forcefully brought down again, all before dying under a crusher.
Hifumi: See, the thing about that is that it's not consistent. Mukuro's power and speed are naturally always that above every other person around her, but in terms of defensive capabilities and survivability, it's not certain whether Monokuma's claim holds water. For example, Mukuro possesses enough vitality to survive Yukari Koime's knife straight to the heart long enough for her to get medical help and slip into hiding. However, the knife pierced her skin easily and rendered her innate abilities damaged. Same applies to when Junko caught her off-guard and killed her the first time around using the Spears of Gungnir.
Leona: Wait, hold on a second. What actually ARE these "Spears of Gungnir?"
Hifumi: Regrettably, being the sister and most trusted ally of the most evil woman in every universe doesn't render you safe from her antics. And it's because of Junko herself that Mukuro's weaknesses really start to come to the surface. Her biggest flaw is that despite her prowess, power and almost unrivalled danger, she's little more than an emotionally abused young lady, that has barely any autonomy of her own. In fact, based on our old information, due to Junko abusing her older twin sister both verbally and physically, it got to the point that she found pleasure whenever Junko insulted her, seeing it as her loving little sister acknowledging her presence.
Leona: Wow...That's a YIKES!
Hifumi: It's not only Ms Ikusaba's emotional stern nature and maturity that gets severely diminished by her sister. Her skills as a solider are also halted in their entirety by Enoshima playing on her emotions. It was in fact Junko who betrayed and killed Mukuro in the canon timeline with the Spears of Gungnir, a trap designed to use Mukuro's loyalty against her.
Leona: But...that's not how things are anymore, is it? She came back to life and...changed, right?
Hifumi: Well...yes...and also no. See, when the Future Foundation discovered these special machines that could revive people from the dead, they used it to resurrect those that had died in the First Killing Game, and give them a second chance at life; of which included myself, and also Ms Ikusaba.
Leona: But wasn't it established by this point that Mukuro was dangerous?
Hifumi: Yes, and naturally, everyone was very opposed to the idea of bringing her and her sister back to life...That is everyone except for the ever kind Makoto Naegi. He was the only one who saw more to Ikusaba than simply being a terrorist nutjob, and saw that there was still an emotionally damaged girl underneath that was repressed as a result of Junko's cruelty. He figured that because she had never had a chance to experience the feeling of Hope over her life, she didn't know how it felt, nor did she understand the true weight of her actions. 
Leona: So he figured that if he gave her a taste of that stuff, she could be reformed?
Hifumi: And lo and behold, he was right. Curious to see where things would go, Mukuro accepted the offer to reform, and her vision on life became clear. She saw the world's beauty and natural power, instead of the military power and despair-ridden view her sister had painted over her eyes. It took some time, but eventually, she became the greatest friend and classmate that we needed her to be...
Leona: It's amazing how that all worked out so well.
Hifumi: I agree. Though looking back, it most likely had to do with Ms Ikusaba's attachment TO Mr Naegi that served as the crux. She may be an unstoppable force in war, but a rather weak foundation in love. It was even stated in prior documents that Makoto's smile was enough to gift Ms Ikusaba interest in the world outside of her dedication to Junko. However, despite choosing to join the good side for the sake of her crush, not everything about her changed.
Leona: I think I see where this is going. Even though Mukuro's Despair focus disappeared, her need to be of use to others didn't. Though he was fighting for the complete opposite ideal, Makoto basically took Junko's place as that figurehead.
Hifumi: Mr Naegi obviously never abused Ms Ikusaba like Junko did. He'd rather jump into a ditch and let himself rot away and die before he ever tried to hurt her. But without someone to fall back on, Ms Ikusaba is an indifferent would-be killer who doesn't feel any sadistic pleasure when killing her victims in battle, and a socially awkward girl out of touch with her emotions that hide her uncertainty under a very well reserved personality. Which wouldn't be a problem if that didn't cause her endless emotional stress and repressed anxiety.
Leona: And WITH someone to fall back on, like Junko or Makoto, she's a spiritually broken, basically masochist of a girl that does whatever she's to do with no questions asked, be it aiding in a scheme that would cause the entire world to go bonkers with Despair, or saving the same world with the power of friendship, passion and Hope. Even after her switch to the light of Hope, just mentioning Junko's name or seeing her visage can cause Ms Ikusaba to enter a state of PTSD that she's unable to break out of without support.
Hifumi: These feelings of companionship, while helping to make Ms Ikusaba a more approachable and dependable person, GREATLY diminish her aptitude as a soldier. While still undeniably capable, Ms Ikusaba is more willing to take risks for the sake of others, some of which land her in a lot of trouble. 
Leona: For example, she turned her back on the Future Foundation to aid Makoto Naegi when he was forced on the run. She was willing to mentor and teach Maki Harukawa, despite barely knowing her. And as we said already, she almost sacrificed her life for Kuripa Kurafto, by taking a deadly knife for him straight to her heart. It was only because of her unrivalled vitality, as well as some mysterious outside help that she even survived. But these newfound feelings didn't make Mukuro weak. Instead, they gave her a NEW kind of strength. The kind to never give up, even when life puts you through the ringer over and over again, and to pursue what matters to you. Chasing a dream has never felt so important.
Hifumi: As an Ultimate Despair, Mukuru Ikusaba is a tool of destruction, mercilessly cutting down any foe that comes her way and putting everyone to shame. As an Ultimate Hope, she is an unlikely hero who struggles every day to protect what she loves and stand for what she believes in. Regardless of where she stands, or what timeline she follows, whether she lives or whether she dies, the wolf-shaped mark of the Ultimate Soldier will continue looming over us for now and forever.
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Hifumi: Kunugigaoka Junior High School is a HELL ON EARTH for Class 3-E, the end class of the academy. It's infamously filled with rejects, losers, and people who aren't expected to amount to anything in society. As of such, the students in said class are berated, bullied, and belittled by EVERYONE.
Leona: With the tacit approval, and in fact MOTIVATION of GETTING RID of these kids. These students were brought together for the sole purpose of fulfilling Chairman Asano's educational value of his variation of the 20:20:60 worker ant ratio, a social science which states that 20% of people are exceptional, 20% of people are worthless, and the other 60% are ordinary-Oh god that's a lot of numbers...*gag* Ahem...Long story short, the class exists purely as a punishment for students who let their grades fall below a certain threshold, and the chairman goes out of his way to prevent ANY of these students from succeeding academically. What a jeeeerk!
Hifumi: And I thought HOPE'S PEAK was oppressive! But anyway, the lives of this classroom changed dramatically on the day something bewildering happened. The moon was DESTROYED, with only 30% of it's overall mass left drifting in space!
Leona: Not long after, Class E were paid a visit by a STRAAAAANGE creature: who claimed HE was the one who destroyed the moon, and would eventually destroy the world...if the class didn't stop him first!
Hifumi: And that was how the game first began! The class tried everything they could to murder the monster that would eventually become known as Korosensei. Aside from wanting to protect the earth they live on, many of these students all had their own unique motivations for killing him, though most of them mainly consisted of making money from a hit, restoring the hierarchy to normal, or sticking it to the society that made them out to be weak...However, ONE person in particular stood out among the rabble...
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Leona: Kaede Kayano...Or more accurately, Akari Yukimura, the younger sister of the very reason why the yellow octopus bastard was even here in the first place!
Hifumi: Akari Yukimura was a child prodigy when it came to acting. Though it was a fairly lonely life, she was still glad to have the company of her older sister Aguri, Class 3-E's homeroom teacher. They had a rather pleasant life, except for one little thing...
Leona: Aguri was the fiancé of one Kotaro Yanagisawa, a complete and total douchebag human and a mad scientist, who made her work as his lab assistant. On one fateful day off of her acting career, little Akari came to visit her sister at the institute where she worked, when suddenly... KABOOM!
Hifumi: The building exploded! And when Akari finally got inside and found her sister, her dead body was lying at the foot of this mysterious and conniving looking monster, which then proceeded to take off while leaving a note behind, claiming he was the one who killed Agari.
Leona: As you might have already guessed, that monster, known at the time as "The Reaper" would eventually take the form of Korosensei himself. Fueled with a burning desire for revenge, Akari chased Korosensei to the school, dyed her hair green, took up a new name, and joined Class E as a transfer student to help them with their shared goal of killing Korosensei. She even went as far as to become protagonist Nagisa Shiota's "sidekick" of sorts as to not draw attention to herself.
Hifumi: Through her determination and drive for vengeance, Akari Yukimura, now Kaede Kayano, set about training to enact her revenge against the monster that took her sister from her. Like all the other students in the class, the government who put out the hit on Korosensei provided her with her own arsenal of weapons, including, but not limited to, M1911A1 Pistols, M4 Carbines, smoke bombs, poisons and explosives. Not to mention a special uniform made from a unique cloth, which allows her to easily camouflage, resist shocks and burns and hardens in response to strong physical trauma.
Hifumi: Wrong series! But effectively, it means that so long as she has the special uniform on hand, she can't be wounded by knives, and she has the durability and force resistance of a solid wall.
Leona: Speaking of knives, it should be noted that combat knives appear to be the weapon which Kayano is most proficient in. And this is mainly because her small size makes it very easy for her to run circles around opponents with similarly high agility, stamina and precision, which includes Hinata Okano, a speedy and athletic gymnastic prodigy, and even the ever-powerful Korosensei. And given that Korosensei can reach speeds of Mach 20-
Hifumi: Which by the way, would allow him to completely run around all of planet Earth in approximately 3 hours and 12 minutes!
Leona: THAT'S not something to sneeze at!
Hifumi: Not only is she fast, agile and perceptive by nature, Ms Kayano is a master of several unique styles of fighting, like Judo, Sumo, Aikido and several others, all of which culminate into one to make her obscenely deadly. Her raw strength allows her to completely obliterate a shelf full of heavy trophies and take out a trained mercenary with a knee to the head.
Leona: But the deadliest skill in Akari's arsenal for a large portion of her series was the innate talent she was born with. A lot of the students of Class E were able to take their natural talents and apply them in their killing methodology, like how Chiba was able to become a really good sniper due to his fascination with angles and mathematics. But Kayano's special talent, as we already mentioned, is her ACTING. 
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Hifumi: Among all his other insane powers, Korosensei has the ability to perceive one's true thoughts like he's reading their mind; an ability that has allowed him to constantly foil Class E's traps to kill him. However, Ms Kayano's innate ability to play a role and deceive any audience she comes across rendered the overpowered octopus's ability...COMPLETELY USELESS!
Leona: Kaede's ultimate goal was to lie in wait, observe Korosensei's movements and find a way to take him out for good, and initially, she had this tunnel-vision focused only on putting this murderous monster to rest...But the more time she spent with the rejected class, the more at home she started to feel. She gained many friends, close acquaintances and began to have more fun than she'd ever had during her lonely life as a prodigy, with just her sister as company. She even ended up falling in love with Nagisa, and saw a side of Korosensei that she thought was very respectable. However...it wasn't going to last forever...
Hifumi: Turns out the reason Korosensei was on the scene of Aguri Yukimura's murder is that he was captured and used as human test subject in an experiment of Yanisagawa's, her fiancé. The goal of Yanagisawa's experiments was to create anti-matter without massive energy requirements by generating it in a living body. When antimatter particles and regular matter particles come into contact with each other, they annihilate one another, leaving behind pure energy, which results in an explosion that NOTHING can survive. (As seen in DB's official episode Frieza Vs Megatron)
Leona: It's this exact science that triggered the REAL reason the moon blew up! Concerned with what would happen to the anti-matter cells if the living host were to age and die, Yanisagawa injected a mouse with the same cells as Korosensei, and sent it in a capsule to the moon to observe any changes. The result was catastrophic. As soon as the mouse died, the cells began to multiply and turn into matter. This mixed with the anti-matter of the moon and caused a giant explosion that almost destroyed the entire thing, leaving it as a permanent crescent.
Hifumi: Why are we bringing all this up you may ask? Well, the truth is Korosensei was injected with a special serum that changed his body to better house the antimatter inside him, which gave him his tentacles and his cartoonish yellow form. And as part of her plan to get revenge and kill him, Ms Kayano took this same serum and implanted herself with these SAME TENTACLES!
Leona: THIS is Kaede Kayano's DEADLIEST weapon! Pure antimatter and all the strengths that come with it reside on the tentacles in the back of her neck, and she can move and attack with them at above hypersonic speeds. In addition to this, the tentacles come with abilities like secreting a special mucus to counter their weakness to water, regeneration on a cellular level, the power to melt metal, and even set them on FIRE!
Hifumi: That last ability actually comes from the high temperature caused by the metabolic abnormality that happens to tentacle transplant recipients. Her body temperature is very high, and by channeling all that excess energy into her tentacles, she can light them on fire.
Leona: The tentacles only serve to boost Akari's power to an insane level, which makes her almost undefeatable coupled with the abilities she possesses as a regular human. She, as well as her classmates, have shown that they're able to tank explosions up to 2 tons of TNT, possibly several times that with all their special gear and training.
Hifumi: With the tentacles, we can scale Ms Kayano to another tentacle wielder, Itona Horibe, who was able to destroy tanks, jet fighters and demolish buildings all by himself. As a matter of fact, when Ms Kayano's true nature was revealed, Mr Horibe blatantly stated that "she's far stronger than I ever was." 
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Leona: But it's not all sunshine and rainbows...Not that it really was ever...According to Korosensei, and this was also shown with Itona, if human flesh hosts the power of tentacle cells, they get tortured by a nightmarish rejection response from their body that, if not consistently cared for with the right treatments, will cause them to die from madness in up to 3 days! And how long did Kaede Kayano have these in for?
Hifumi: AROUND A WHOLE YEAR! The energy required to keep Mr Horibe in check for so long required energy of around 665,407.77 Megawatts, tantamount to the average energy of 3 thermal power plants! Yet Ms Kayano showed no signs of any pain, nor did she ever falter, despite constantly in a state of slowly dying for such a long time! 
Leona: Not just that, but the tentacles also took over Kayano's mind and body, since they're fueled by her lust for blood and desire to kill. In a suspiciously Doctor Octopus kind of way, when she began to have doubts about herself and her revenge plan, they did just that, and turned her into a bloodthirsty insane maniac of a girl. 
Hifumi: And as we've already mentioned before, using her tentacles, Ms Kayano was able to match Korosensei blow for blow, and damn near killed him! Korosensei, who by the time the class fought the Grim Reaper, another powerful assassin who shared a code name with the original Korosensei, was capable of dodging a laser that he didn't notice until it was fired at him, blocked point-blank beams of light by kicking up some dirt, and created a tornado powerful enough to part the clouds as wide as a mountain! Throughout their whole confrontation, Ms Kayano had him on the defensive, and completely overwhelmed him.
Leona: The downside was that while she was fighting him, the tentacles were on the cusp of killing Kaede herself. In order to rescue both Kaede AND Korosensei, those tenta-bitches HAD to go! Fortunately, Nagisa was able to save her...With the power of a true love's kiss! ...I-I'm not joking by the way, that's ACTUALLY what happened.
Hifumi: With the tentacles gone, the pain subsided and now able to learn the truth about her sister and her weird octopus lover, Kaede gave up her aspirations for revenge and officially turned to the side of good. She was able to live the life she wanted with her friends, her now possibly-more-than crush, and her beloved sensei...But remember what I just said about there being another Grim Reaper assassin? Yeah, so long as he was around, the peace wasn't gonna last.
Leona: By the way, if the feat of living a whole year in intense agony and surviving attacks from Korosensei was somehow not enough to prove Kaede's insurmountable level of stamina, she's also survived an uppercut from this Grim Reaper, who destroyed a room filled up with stone through a casual kick, and created a huge crater in the ground, both of which would have had a max energy output equal to at least 2.44 tons of TNT.
Hifumi: And this was AFTER the tentacles were gone, i.e. her greatest weapon. In order to protect her friends, her teacher and everyone she held dear, Ms Kayano sacrificed her life in the battle against the Reaper. 
Leona: From start to finish, Kaede Kayano and Korosensei were tied together by a strange tentacle of faith, and their story ended when Korosensei gave up both his previous life, as well as bringing back hers by regenerating her on a cellular level, allowing her to spend the rest of her days in peace. 
Hifumi: As a girl, Kaede Kayano was willing to sacrifice her life and her future if it meant destroying a monster from her past...But now, she stands for her own future...
Leona: Once she decides on something, she moves straight towards it. That's just how she is~
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Hifumi: And with that, the combatants are set! It's time we end this debate once and for all!
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The scene opens in a second-floor Japanese apartment home. With a group of Branch 14 soldiers behind her. They surround the door and Mukuro makes a signal with her hands. The soldiers all nod and she kicks open the apartment door, weapons at the ready.
Mukuro: ...
Despite the heavy force, there is little sign of anybody home. However, Mukuro is still able to sense a presence.
Mukuro: Akari Yukimura AKA Kaede Kayano, correct? Former student of Kunugigaoka Junior High School? I'm Mukuro Ikusaba, Future Foundation 14th Division. Would you be so kind as to come out of hiding?
Kayano: What do the Future Foundation want with me?
The soldiers are alerted by the sound of a voice, yet can't see glean where it's coming from. Mukuro doesn't seem phased.
Mukuro: A few years ago, you were at the center of an incident involving the antimatter tentacles experiment. Our division was tasked to investigate.
Kayano: Those tentacles were removed a long time ago. You've wasted your time.
Mukuro: Perhaps...But...it's common fact that octopi can regenerate their limbs if they get cut off...Please, just come with us...
Kayano: ...!
Mukuro: ...!?
Kayano suddenly appears from behind a doorway and opens by throwing a grenade straight at the Future Foundation. Mukuro parries the grenade, but it explodes, blasting her accompanying soldiers back.
Kayano: Get out! Or it'll be more than jacket that gets a little dirty!
Kayano, though acting condescending, quickly becomes displeased as Mukuro pushes through the cloud of smoke, slipping off her charred jacket and unholstering an MP5-K from her back.
Mukuro: No need to worry...If this is coming to blows, I'll just sew myself a new one with your SKIN...!
Mukuro grabs her firearm and and opens fire upon Kayano. The ex-assassin dives through a doorway for cover. As Mukuro halts fire, she pokes back round again to shoot her with a pistol. Mukuro however, easily slides out of the way of her bullets. 
Mukuro: Hi...
Kayano: Go AWAY!
Mukuro: Tch!
Kayano unholsters a combat knife from underneath her skirt and tries to stab Mukuro, but Mukuro pulls out one of her own and blocks the blade. Kayano tries to attack again, but Mukuro grabs her arm, swings her into the wall and kicks her in the chest, the force which is enough to break the wall itself down, bringing the fight into the apartments kitchen.
Kayano: Ngh! Gragh!
Mukuro: Hmph!
Kayano quickly jumps back onto her feet and spars with Mukuro, the two of them clashing blades. However, it isn't long before Mukuro's strength is able to overwhelm Kayano's, and she knocks the assassin off balance, flourishing her combat knife for a finishing blow.
Kayano: Eh!?
Mukuro: RYAGH!
Kayano: ...
Mukuro: ...
Mukuro tries to run her knife through Kayano, but it just bounces off her.
Mukuro: Huh...That...usually works-
Kayano: HIYAGH!
Mukuro: GUH!
Kayano flip kicks Mukuro backwards, then tears off her shirt to reveal her reinforced PE uniform underneath.
Mukuro: Ah...That explains a lot...You came PREPARED...!
Kayano: BUHAGH!
Even though her blade can't cut through her chest, Mukuro is still able to land a heavy hit with her fists, knocking Kayano back.
Mukuro: What's the matter? Feeling out of your element?
Kayano: You don't want this fight...!
Mukuro: I don't...But I DO want what it's going to bring out...!
Kayano whips out an M4 Carbine and hails bullets on the Ultimate Soldier. In a flash, Mukuro breaks off the door to the fridge and uses it as a makeshift shield to block the fire. As soon as Kayano has to pause to reload, she throws the door at the green-haired girl. Kayano avoids the door by flipping to the side.
Kayano: Huh!?
Mukuro: ...
However, just as she lands, Mukuro, without showing any expression or remorse or caring, suddenly pulls out an RPG, and aims it at her. Kayano rolls out of the way of the rocket as she fires, and braces for impact as the rocket explodes! The apartment is blown to smithereens and a large gaping hole is left in the side of the building. Kayano herself it flung back and smashes into the wall.
Kayano: HNNGH!
Mukuro: Too easy...
She doesn't stay down for long. She lunges straight at Mukuro by flying at her through the hole made with her body earlier. Mukuro reads this attack a mile away, parries Kayano's blade hand with her fist, then trips her over and throws her into the wall. Mukuro then grabs Kayano by the scruff of her clothes and throws her through the large window onto the roof of the building next door. Mukuro gets a run up and leaps out after her, rolling onto the roof.
Mukuro: Ah...!? Where did she...?
Kayano: ...!
Mukuro: !!?
Upon landing, Mukuro loses sight of Kayano, and she barely reacts in time as the assassin appears behind her. Having used her uniform to camouflage, Mukuro just barely catches her wrist as she thrusts at her with her knife. The speed is more than the soldier expected, and her face gets cut, but fortunately, not fatally run through.
Mukuro: Is this the extent of what you can do? Trickery won't work on me forever!
Kayano: BLUEAGH!
Yet again, Mukuro blocks Kayano's ensuing attack and tosses her backwards. Simultaneously, both girls pull out their rifles and fire on each other. A mad dance of bullets ensues, with the area around the rooftop being laid to waste. However, despite the extra protection of her uniform, Kayano takes more fire than Mukuro and her arms become gradually more grazed and tired. In the split second she drops her guard, Mukuro attacks.
Mukuro: Hmph...
Kayano: GRAGGH! AGH!
Mukuro rushes forward and knees Kayano in the jaw, then punches her in the stomach, though due to her uniform it doesn't have much effect other than knocking her back. She grabs the green-haired girl, throws her upwards and rams her fist straight into her spine, causing Kayano to scream out in pain. The blow is strong enough to send her rocketing up into the sky.
Kayano: I...told you...!
Mukuro: Hm?
Sensing something amiss, Mukuro glares up at her opponent.
Kayano: I warned you...Leave...Me...ALOOOOOOONNE!
Mukuro: Grrgh!?
Though she attempts to dodge, the speed of the next attack is lightning fast, and a large mark is left across the Ultimate Soldiers face! A pair of green tendrils burst out of the back of Kayano's neck, and smash straight through the roof of the building! The floor underneath Mukuro comes away, and she retains her focus bounding off the falling debris to safety. When she's safe enough, she looks back up at Kayano, who bares a maniacal, evil glare on her face.
Mukuro: There you are...
Kayano: I'll kill you...! YOU'RE DEAAD!
Before she even falls back to the ground, Kayano's tentacles once again lash towards Mukuro. The soldier girl is only barely able to dodge the incoming attack as the ground next to her is cut straight through like butter. Mukuro continues to dodge the whipping tentacles while she reloads her rifle!
Mukuro: Alright, play time is over...!
When Mukuro gets half a second to react, she aims her rifle at Kayano, who just now lands back on the ground, and fires an array of bullets at her. Kayano responds by spinning her tentacles around like a fan, blocking every single bullet and melting them into nothing! Mukuro is then unpleasantly surprised as the tentacles wrap around her rifle and disintegrate it.
Kayano: You BITCH!
Kayano's body language and screams are angry, despite the homicidal joy on her face! Mukuro is caught off-guard as the girl launches herself forward with her tentacles, and throws an uppercutting punch at the soldier! Mukuro catches Kayano's fist, but the force of the blow is so strong, she still feels the effects shoot through her body!
Mukuro: Gagh! D-Damn...!
Mukuro: Shit...! GAAGH!
Kayano's initial blow sends Mukuro sliding back across the ground, and in a split second, Kayano lunges forward again. Mukuro is too dazed and the girls movement is too fast for her to dodge, so she ends up bracing herself to receive several thousand blows from the whipping tentacles within the span of a few seconds! The speed, power and sheer force of the clash is so powerful, steam starts to emit from Kayano's tentacles and Mukuro's hands; the soldier biting her lip the whole time to retain her focus.
Mukuro: That's ENOUGH! 
Kayano: Gagh! RRGH!
Mukuro: AHAGH!
Mukuro finally gets a chance to deflect Kayano's tentacles and she drops to the ground, roundhouse kicking the girls legs to trip her up. This doesn't work. Kayano simply holds herself up with her tentacles and kicks Mukuro in the chest with both her legs, sending the soldier smashing through the wall onto the street outside. Mukuro pants, struggling to catch her breath. She lazily raises her head to see Kayano hoist herself up onto the remains of the building, glaring down at her, tentacles wiggling behind her neck. Mukuro stands up straight, rolls her shoulder and cracks her neck.
Mukuro: Looks like I made a mistake not going for the kill immediately.
Kayano: And I will make sure...you REGRET it...!
Mukuro: Well...if there's one thing I've learned in these last few years, it's that no matter how dire things get, it's never too late to see things to the end...
Kayano: Spare me your GROSS PLATITUDES!
Kayano angrily whips at Mukuro full power, hoping to slice the soldier in two...But to her horror, Mukuro bends back and dodges this attack perfectly, despite it's speed. She becomes even more nervous as the soldier lifts her head. Her expression and disposition have both changed dramatically, and there is a menacing, red tint to her pale eyes.
Mukuro: So...let's finish this...!
Kayano: I despise you so much...! I'LL BURN YOU ALIIIIIIVE!
Kayano uses every limit of her power, and sets her tentacles ablaze!
Mukuro: ...
Moving even faster than they were before, the tentacles cut through the area, leaving almost no room for survival! However, even at their unfathomably fast speed, Mukuro still jumps and slides out of the way, showing no emotion and not breaking focus.
Mukuro: ...
Mukuro: Tch...
However, it's apparent that Mukuro is still struggling to retain. Sweat rolls down her face as the flaming tentacles lash around her. She's only narrowly able to dodge them, suffering slight burns on the tip of her hair and the end of her elbow!
Mukuro: ...!
Mukuro leaps up towards Kayano, but using her tentacles, Kayano leaps away onto the building on the other side of the street! She brings the tentacles down on Mukuro, who just weasels her way through them as the ground beneath her craters open! Kayano whips at her again, sending the rubble of the building flying into the air, which the transcended soldier uses as platforms to get in closer!
As Mukuro gets in closer to deliver what one could assume to be the final blow, Kayano's tentacles kick into overdrive and whip around the entire area! The rubble Mukuro rides on is destroyed one by one, and all the buildings within several miles start to crumble to dust, save for the one Kayano is using as a platform! When she runs out of footing, Mukuro launches forward, pulling out her RPG launcher again!
Mukuro: ...
Mukuro: ...!
Kayano: AAH-!?
Mukuro: So long...!
Kayano thrusts her tentacles out once more, hoping to grab Mukuro mid-air and end the fight there, but Mukuro reacts faster than anticipated. Within a single moment, she grabs the tentacles and uses them to hoist herself forward, grabbing her RPG launcher, and aiming it point-blank at Kayano's face! She pulls the trigger, and a huge explosion engulfs her.
Mukuro: Hmph...H-Huh...!?
Kayano: Kegggh...
However, Mukuro is horrified to see that in the nanosecond before the rocket could hit her, Kayano uses her tentacles as a barrier to block the explosion. The tentacles come away to show her gritting her teeth with a face of violence and death.
Mukuro: No...!
Mukuro: HURUGH!
Mukuro lands on the roof of the building, which is now crumbling to pieces. In light of her false victory, she drops her guard, and just before she can reenter her battle stance, Kayano thrusts the tentacles forward, plunges them straight into the soldiers chest and completely rips out her heart, crushing it between them!
Mukuro: Aah...Aah...ah...
Kayano: Hah....Haah...Huh?
Mukuro: Ah...Ngh...
Mukuro slowly trudges forward, sliding along Kayano's tentacles which are still embedded through her chest, and approaches the green-haired assassin. She reaches up and gently strokes her face, which has calmed down significantly.
Kayano: You...
Mukuro: Nrrgh!
Kayano: AAGH!
With Kayano's guard down, Mukuro reaches behind her head and pulls out the tentacles from her neck. They retract into a much smaller size, pulling back through her chest, and tightly into Mukuro's hands before turning into nothing. Mukuro chuckles.
Mukuro: ...you're...welcome...
She then collapses to the ground, dead. Kayano hurries over to her, takes her head in her hands, and rests her forehead against hers, crying.
Kayano: I'm...I'm sorry...! I'm...sorry...
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Leona: Oh come on! She JUST came back to life! Ugh...She's not coming back from THAT one, is she?
Hifumi: Surviving being stabbed in the heart is one thing...Surviving your heart being ripped out and crushed...Yeah, no...She's not getting out of THAT one safe and sound...
Leona: Don't worry though! This is a simulation! They're all fine, really! But uh...onto more important matters-WHAT HAPPENED!? Mukuro has god levels of attack power and mobility! How did she lose!?
Hifumi: Because ironically enough, Kayano had everything she needed in order to put the Wolf of Fenrir down. But let it be known that for at least the first half of any confrontation, Ms Ikusaba would have had the upper hand.
Leona: First and foremost, at their base levels of power without the use of any of their innate special abilities, Mukuro's sheer power and ability blew Kayano out of the water. Many of the Future Foundation's strongest fighters, like Sakura, Peko, Nekomaru or Akane; Mukuro could either overpower easily, or at least fight on an equal level with.
Hifumi: Ms Ikusaba also had far more combat training than her opponent. Kayano was no slouch, but the Ultimate Soldier gained that title for a reason, having been into military tactics and fighting in wars since she was only a child, and never ever gaining a scratch on her body in all that time.
Leona: There is actually another advantage that Mukuro possessed as well for this fight: No matter what, her respective martial arts prowess would have been too much for Kayano to deal with, especially when compared to her own skillset.
Hifumi: With her own martial arts prowess, Kayano is by no means weak. The fact that she was able to use her skills to take down that armed soldier is proof of that. However, part of why she was able to do that is because she was trained to as an ASSASSIN. Assassins by nature are trained to go for the kill immediately, and physical confrontations aren't typically their strong suit. Ms Ikusaba on the other hand, is a SOLDIER, and she has spent most of her life training in hand-to-hand combat, self-defensive and brutal killing, and she's much more physically fit and strong.
Leona: In fact, in Danganronpa Survivor, Maki Harukawa, who is an assassin herself that would have had similar training to Kayano, even admits this. And the two even dueled one on one shortly after Maki joined the Foundation, and this was after she defeated both Peko and Akane. You know, it really feels like Mukuro SHOULD have won this. 
Hifumi: Be that as it may, Kayano had just the right defensive capabilities that would allow her to eventually wear Ms Ikusaba down.
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Leona: Well, for one thing, she's a fair bit faster. Mukuro could easily match Korosensei's Mach 20 speed, possibly higher with the Battle Trance, but the truth is, though Assassination Classroom states that Korosensei can reach speeds of Mach 20, he would have to be moving and reacting faster in order to achieve that laser feat. 
Hifumi: And if Kayano can keep up with him and put him on the defensive, it means she should realistically be able to achieve similar levels of speed, which would make her several times faster than Ms Ikusaba's max speed. Even with that in mind, the special cloth of Kayano's uniform made her resistant to attacks from blades, bullets and tasers...Which...is effectively most of Ms Ikusaba's arsenal.
Leona: What about the RPG then?
Hifumi: I'm sure that could have done some damage, but again, speed is a key factor there. If Korosensei can effortlessly catch grenades and RPG's, who's to say Kayano can't do the same thing?
Leona: So basically, Mukuro's real only option in the end was to fight with her bare fists. Which, let's be real, are a deadly weapon in their own right, but still, it wouldn't have been enough.
Hifumi: Not only is the uniform also shock-resistant and hardens when faced with physical blows, Ms Ikusaba really had no way to get around the tentacles. Even if she was somehow able to rip them out, they can just regenerate again. There was also no chance of tiring Kayano out to gain an opening due to her immense stamina. Plus, even if Kayano didn't have her reinforced uniform, the tentacles can melt metal, which is ANOTHER way to counter Ms Ikusaba's vast arsenal.
Leona: And in comparison to their overall defensive capabilities, Mukuro's defensive prowess just does not compare. Sure she can withstand explosions or attacks on an even more immense level, but she is still easily hurt by things like knives and bullets when they actually DO hit her. 
Hifumi: The last thing to consider is power. As we mentioned, Ms Ikusaba was more than a match for Kayano in their base levels; in fact, she would have been quite a challenge, possibly as dangerous as opponents like the Grim Reaper. 
Leona: As we said before, Mukuro's feat of fighting against the Killing Game Monokuma army, and the fact that she was able to easily dismantle them with her makeshift weapon, proves her strength is equivalent to 30 to 90 kilotons of TNT. For reference, that's between 2 to 6 times the power of the atomic bomb, like the one dropped on Hiroshima during WW2. 
Hifumi: In contrast however, Korosensei's feat of parting the clouds on the scale of a mountain would require a force of about 3 MEGATONS of TNT, which is about 30 TIMES the Ultimate Soldier's feat. Of course, it's not DEFINITIVE strength, especially since power levels and feats of strength in both Danganronpa and Assassination Classroom aren't exactly grounded in human logic, despite the fairly standard setting of both series. However, Kayano's feats of fighting stronger opponents in her universe than the likes Ms Ikusaba fought in hers proves that Kayano's maximum strength just outclasses hers. Though it's a hard pill to swallow, in the end, Kaede Kayano was just the perfect opponent to take down the infamous Ultimate Soldier.
Leona: She outmatched her in speed, power, durability and stamina, and had just the perfect tools to kick Mukuro Ikusaba in the...Fen-REAR...!
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Next time:
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tspromo · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ In a post apocalyptic world there sits a small city deep in the Dead Frontier called, the Steppes. ࿐ྂ
Where New Mexico used to be now sits the Dead Frontier. It’s practically a wasteland now, cities are few and far between and everything is covered in dust. In the deepest parts of these dead lands is the Steppes, a decayed city struggling to rebuild and start over after the war. 
It’s home to the superhumans that are now majority on Earth as well as some humans that were generously spared. It’s far-removed and rough around the edges but it’s home, the residents of this city wouldn’t have it any other way.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ about steppes ࿐ྂ
Steppes is a semi-appless, OC friendly, skeleton city rpg. Members and characters 21+. Big on character and relationship development. Mature and triggering themes. Currently accepting and opening October 1st.
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sequence-ads · 1 year
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                              Order born from the wrath of chaos
Chicago Illinois, a city rebuilt and protected by PRIME. It is an organization tasked with policing both the Conduit species itself and maintaining the peace between it and mankind. Having bought out the privatized contract for law enforcement throughout all of Chicago; they have kept the peace within the city. Well, for the most part. The Mavericks, a group that has seen PRIME's methods and control have begun to rebel against the organization. They Are willing to do anything to maintain their freedom and remove PRIME from the city. They are not alone, however, and when motivations within the city collide; everyone has to pick a side, even if its the wrong one.
                                                                                     CHAOS WILL ALWAYS TRIUMPH OVER ORDER
SEQUENCE is a mutant/abilities roleplay site revamping and coming back after years of hibernation. This group contains mature themes and is rated as such. We accept OCs and Skeleton Canon characters. We focus on our members enjoying themselves, having a great place to plot, post and enjoy themselves without the worries taking place outside this group’s community. If this sounds right up your alley, feel free to check us out and ask any questions you might have.
Discord OOC and further information is forth coming!
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navitoworld-blog · 2 years
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#navitoworld #anime #animefigure #toronto #bestoftoronto #animegirl #figurine #kawaii #waifus #scalefigure #overlord #novel #albedo #mobilegames #mmorpg #rpg #superhuman #horns #wizard #wings #nazarick #goodsmilecompany #kadokawa (at Navito World) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxzbJTOj0L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christiansorrell · 8 months
RPG Read-through: Himbos of Myth & Mettle
After my recent read-through of .dungeon//remastered (originally posted to Twitter), someone there was like "I really like your old read-throughs. Have you put those somewhere else for when Twitter inevitably dies?" I hadn't! So here is a read-through I did last year about one of my favorite releases from the last few years Himbos of Myth & Mettle! - Christian
Time to read-through one of the most fun games I've played this year: Himbos of Myth & Mettle by Maxwell Lander!
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Right out of the gate, this game has such an exuberant, fun energy to it, and I like the voice throughout the writing. The concept could be done much more impersonally/traditionally, but it really wouldn't carry the same feel at all.
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Straightforward d20 roll-under system with guidance to create drama and fun over everything else. I've played with the dice chain optional rule and enjoyed it! It's something I love in other games and it's fun to see its inverse here (smaller dice are better).
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Interestingly, the system has a mixed success component as well - although you may not expect it with the d20 base. It takes something like your ability modifiers from a traditional game and makes that into a window of error that gets you success with a complication.
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The magic system is a lot of fun here. Any himbo can use their Heart stat to attempt superhuman or supernatural things. You answer some quick questions to determine the cost and roll to see if you pull it off. There's an effect table too if things go wrong with some wild results.
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The Heart system is a good encapsulation of what I enjoyed about this when I've had the chance to play it. It has this vivacious, positive, and often cartoonish energy to it where things almost always go big, in good and bad ways. It's very heartfelt (no pun intended).
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Fun art (by Mary Verhoeven) and quotes throughout this book too. I wonder if these were real player characters from playtesting or maybe in-universe Legends of Himbodom?
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One of the most memorable lists of player stats out there. It stresses letting players use most stats for most things. Doing something very courageous in combat? Roll Breast over Thighs. Flirting with an NPC to distract them while you pick their pocket? Roll Lips over Hands.
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Death is rare, rather Himbos take Scars when they fall to 0 Heart (acting primarily as health but also "mana" to some extent). Each scar makes them more and more jaded, a bit more negative. After 4 scars, they retire - becoming a hero maybe (yes, heroes are bad here!)
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There are special abilities, skills (gained from a lifepath system), and Heat (a bonus pool that reflects how sexy you are in the moment). I had a lot of fun with the special abilities in particular when I played.
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D20 tables throughout help build the tone really well. It's clear what kind of characters this game is focused on after looking these over. I really like lifepath systems in games, and this one is surprisingly extensive. It's fun to roll a random character and see who comes out.
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Tips section gives some guidance about trying to create a different type of story and different types of conflicts than you typically see in fantasy RPGs. I really like the take on Heroes here. It's a great twist on the genre (and is probably more accurate, honestly).
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It's got two adventures in the back, including the 12th Annual Fresh Meat Games which was the adventure I got to play through at EFCon. It's a local festival and competition that the PCs join to test their mettle in front of big crowds. Lots of fun.
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Nice little thing: there's a library check-out card holder on the back inside cover with little character sheets in it!
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That's the game! It's a lean little book, quick to read and quicker to play. It's got a straightforward central system with fun twists and tables throughout to ramp up the drama and really the entire text just exudes a unique, over-the-top, heartfelt tone I love.
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It's available digitally for $10 USD on Itch!
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The hardback version is great - really nice quality, it has a ribbon and those cool sheets in the back! I'd recommend picking it up HERE.
Lastly if you'd like to hear more from me, you can do that in my monthly newsletter (includes an article, an RPG freebie, and a list of cool stuff from myself and others over the last month): https://meatcastle.substack.com
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st-just · 2 years
Like, space marines being all-guy is actually pretty unobjectionable to me on the grounds of, like, look at them, they're caricatures of masculinity - the idealized supermen of a fascist state, created by years of indoctrination and abuse, severed from any social connections but the fraternal bonds with their fellow soldiers and a surrogate-paternal/spiritual loyalty to their Leader, totally useless for anything but spectacular violence.
But my idea of what space marines should be is pretty distinct from what they're actually sold as, I think. I only ever really interacted with 40k through the rpgs and the memes. If you're going to make them just the superhuman heroes who save the day yeah probably don't just make them all dudes.
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interstcheck · 3 months
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♡   ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ + ᴄᴏ - ᴀᴅᴍɪɴ ꜱᴇᴀʀᴄʜ ;
hello , loves ! i'm currently looking to bring a new group to the tags , but would really love to create something with someone . i usually run groups myself , so i'm very comfortable with setting everything up and making my own graphics but i'd love a duo buddy in this . bouncing ideas off of each other , sharing the workload and falling in love with whatever we create seems way better than stressin' myself out alone . i'm also leaning towards making the group a discord rpg , which out of all my many years of being in the rpc , i've never jumped into . ideally , besides becoming besties , you'd have some knowledge about setting up discord severs all snazzy . ngl a bit of a aesthetic lover , love when things look pretty and specialized . i'm decent with some discord related things but if the coding and setting up the pages is really ur jam , i'd be vvv happy . i think the idea of a more close - knit , group where we develop characters + throw in plot drops to keep stories moving forward is more what i'm interested in making rather than a normal , larger muse count tumblr rp . if this sounds of any interest to you , send me a message and we can get to talkin' to see if we are on the same wavelength , ya know ? i wanna make sure we're both genuinely excited and love what we end up making together .
♡ ​🇸​​🇮​​🇲​​🇵​​🇱​​🇮​​🇫​​🇮​​🇪​​🇩​ ​🇵​​🇱​​🇴​​🇹​ ​🇮​​🇩​​🇪​​🇦​​🇸​ 🇧​​🇪​​🇱​​🇴​​🇼​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇨​​🇺​​🇹​ ⦂
slightly mama mia inspired , taking place in greece , a group of friends are reunited for their friends wedding . this would be a skeleton group , each friend having pre - established connections to one another that will for sure bring some drama forward and help provide plot & character development .
a group of musicians embark on a summer tour , each of them either in a band / group / or a solo artist . locations would change as they tour around the world .
small town with very fleshed out locations , town history , and tight - knit friend group . elements could be added to make the plot have more to it . such as rival groups in town , the group had a friend disappear , they were all at the scene of a crime , ect . we could come up with something together to give the simple plot a little something more !
a cruise rp , either all rich / celebs filming a reality show while aboard or just normal ole' friends who promised each other a big trip .
slightly inspired by miss peregrine's home for peculiar children , this plot would include some supernatural elements . a group of peculiars , people with powers , have been living in the same town for years in peace until suddenly it seems they're being tracked down by a skilled , unknown hunter . or a boys inspired rp , again humans with powers but more grounded in reality . i've never really done a supernatural / superhuman group before but i think it could be really fun and there are so many different routes to go down
rich kids / celeb rp with a secret society aspect .
if you have any other ideas you've been dying to bring to life , i'm also open to hearing other suggestions . again , i want something the both of us would love to create .
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