#sw: rots
edgeofn1ght · 8 months
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He'll never be normal about that old man
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milk09 · 1 year
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glad everyone is catching up
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colorfulsmayles24 · 5 months
So ppl have been saying the Revenge of the Sith Clone-Wars‘ style animation "hits different" or "tears out your heart in a completely new way".
Because we’ve spent much longer with the characters in their animation form, and in clone wars they’ve only ever been friends. Sure, they had their differences, but ultimately Anakin and Obi-Wan would banter and be on the same team. This version of them, we’ve never seen them fight like this, (you could argue that they did fight in the Mortis-arc, but really Anakin just steals the speeder and fucks off) and never with those consequences.
All this to explain that I was really fucking devastated by the animation.
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morethanaloveinterest · 8 months
A Reverent Review of Padme's Costumes on ROTS
Let's look at all the costumes Padme wears in Revenge of the Sith and try not to cry.
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This is the first costume we see Padme wearing in this movie. She wears it to wait for Anakin and then tell him that she is pregnant. It's not the first time she's worn buns, but these are the closest to Leia's and it makes sense for her to wear them when pregnant. She is also wearing dark clothes and wrapped up thoroughly in a cloak because she is hiding a lot - both her relationship with Anakin and her pregnancy.
Female representation: 10/10 I mean, she's very covered up, but can't complain.
Practicality: 9/10 Presumably moving around is a little impractical but it works great for what she's doing.
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Here is the third nightgown we see Padme wearing. Unlike the other two, it is not white. Virginal white, some might say. The color reflects her married status, as does the bare shoulders.
Female representation: 9/10 It's a nightgown, so obviously going to be more revealing than other clothes. However, it makes sense as something Padme would wear, what with the detailing and the length.
Practicality: 8/10 Again, nightgowns are not the most practical. I'm sure she could manage to get up to some adventures if needed.
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Padme wears this to meet with some other senators in a deleted scene and then talk to Anakin about what side they're really on. It matches the complexity of her other formal senatorial gowns while also hiding her pregnancy effectively. Her headdress is less elaborate but clearly different from her previous buns - she is definitely at work now.
Female representation: 9/10 You know, I am going to dock a point for having a pregnant woman have to wear something so voluminous to hide it. But it is nice to see a pregnant lady wear something so lovely.
Practicality: 7/10 As with her other gowns, it is probably fine and she could manage, but this one is especially large and difficult to maneuver in, I would imagine.
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Padme wears this in her apartment presumably casually. Like most of her daywear in this movie, it is a dark color. Unlike her previous gown, it shows off her baby bump in a very flattering way.
Female representation: 10/10 A great representation of what a pregnant lady might wear in this universe. Padme would definitely wear this of her own volition.
Practicality: 9/10 Not the most practical dress she's worn, but the skirt is not so voluminous or dragging on the floor, and the sleeves are closely fitted under the lace shawl. So I think she could do whatever she wanted to in this.
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Padme wears this in a more formal setting than the previous one, which explains how voluminous it is to hide her pregnancy. The belt is pretty but otherwise it seems more like a cloak than a dress.
Female representation: 9/10 can I drop a point because I just don't really like it? I understand the in-universe explanation for the design but Padme would not like being under all that weight while in a delicate condition.
Practicality: 7/10 Probably less than her other gowns but about the same the previous one of this design.
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Nightgown #4! I really like this one. Again, it is not white because she is married. The blue reminds me of Naboo, the lake district where she and Anakin fell in love. I really like the detailing on this nightgown and the opening for her belly is a great touch.
Female representation: 10/10 I can not think of a better nightgown for a lady, especially a pregnant one to wear.
Practicality: 8/10 Still a nightgown, but pretty good for all that.
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She wears this gown to the final senate meeting, where she gets one of the best lines in Star Wars. The structure is more like her queen's costumes and emphasizes her important position in the government. It also sort of resembles what Palpatine wears, which makes sense as she represents his opposite. And her halo-like headdress emphasizes how she could be the angle on Anakin's shoulder to Palpatine's devil.
Female representation: 10/10 Perfect for her last official senatorial gown. It hides her pregnancy without looking like she's wearing a tent, which is nice.
Practicality: 8/10 Likely no more practical than her other state gowns.
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Can it be, Nightgown #5? At least leisure-wear. Her robe is similar to the one from the last movie but not, I believe, exactly the same. Her nightgown is now purple and I wish we had seen her wear that color more often.
Female representation: 10/10 Another great nightgown for our pregnant leading lady.
Practicality: 8/10 I mean, it is still a nightgown.
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Padme wears this to go make a final plea to her husband to come back to her. It is similar to her action scene outfit at the end of the previous movie, though a darker color.
Female representation: 10/10 This is by far the most comfortable she looks in any of her pregnancy outfits. It would stretch in the needed areas but not leave her dealing with a lot of excess fabric.
Practicality: 10/10 Definitely the most practical thing she wears for the whole movie. Both because of her condition and to go potentially get into some adventures on Mustafar.
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Padme's final gown, which she wears for the funeral. It's giving strong Ophelia vibes and that makes sense, given the similar reasons for their demise. It's very beautiful and tragic.
Female representation: 10/10 Okay, I mean, if we have to look at a deceased woman, it could be worse. She looks like she's in a fairy tale, Snow White or Sleeping Beauty, and that's a lovely way to go out.
Practicality: 8/10 I can't really tell, to be honest, since she is obviously only ever laying down in it. But I'm sure it's fine. I'm not crying at all.
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If you enjoyed this, check out my Star Wars for the Girlies Series (Padme episode out now!)
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theemmtropy · 1 year
Not to make fandom personal or anything, but it actually enrages me when people make fun of Anakin getting angry when the Council won't make him a Master in ROTS. I've seen tons of posts calling it a tantrum, or being out of line, but it's fucking not??? Anakin dedicated more than a decade of his life to nothing but becoming the best Jedi he can. He even advances far enough to gain a Padawan, despite having been "too old" to start the training himself. He is truly a good Jedi, and if the Council hadn't thought he was the chosen one, they would have promoted him, or at least given him words to encourage growth. After years of yearning and working for their approval, the only family he has tells him that they do not find him good enough.
Not only that, but directly afterwards, Anakin learns that the only reason he's on the Council is because of his closeness to a politician. He learns that the Council does not recognize him as a valuable teammate; no, they only see him as a means to an end, another pawn in their game.
And then, when Sidious confirms that he already knows, but still cares about Anakin as a person (or so he says), that pushes Anakin further into paranoia and rightful distrust of the Council.
Anakin turning to the dark side was Sidious' fault, sure, but it was also the fault of the Jedi Council.
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
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[Image description: a screenshot of Anakin Skywalker aboard the Invisible Hand, flanked by two battle droids. He has a speech bubble indicating he is saying, "Girl help! Grievous is shorter than I expected!" End of image description. ]
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nocti-luca · 2 years
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I did some Star Wars fanarts.
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lightspeedskipp · 2 years
y’all ever think about the actual extent of Anakin’s injuries on Mustafar?
like, the parts of him that weren’t cut off or physically on fire were still definitely on HOT rocks
pardon my language, but that bitch got his pp panini pressed
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whokenobi · 2 years
also to add to my NYC/Philly trip memories. I think one of my favorites is my friend and I realizing that the Prequels were playing on TNT, and after we took an edible, driving our other friend absolutely NUTS with quoting every single line. Just the best giggles and same brain energy. I already miss them dearly.
pretty sure we said “omg no, you can’t die you’re too sexy!” more times than anyone should. and naming every glup shitto we spotted, absolutely branding ourselves as nutcases.
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hayden-christensen · 1 month
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The series features the return of Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen to Star Wars after 17 years. Jimmy Smits, Joel Edgerton, Bonnie Piesse, Temuera Morrison, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Liam Neeson and James Earl Jones also reprise their roles from the prequels. It is the most-watched Disney Plus original series premiere globally to date, based on hours streamed in an opening weekend and was nominated for five Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series.
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edgeofn1ght · 2 years
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#For Science 🧐
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inth3world · 8 months
Every time I hear this song I think of Anakin and Padmé.
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intermundia · 6 months
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kinda fucks me up to know that the first among anakin's immediate friends and family to realize he'd become a danger to them was threepio. like what about anakin triggered his threat sensors? was it the way he moved? the expression on his face? what about the youngling slaughter clung to him? how could a droid sense the dark side when those who love him couldn't see it?
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morethanaloveinterest · 7 months
For her final tragic appearance, Padme is an essential part of Darth Vader's rise, but how does she impact the creation of an empire? We'll talk about what she does in this movie, the culmination of her arc, and how much like Ophelia she really is.
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tatooineknights · 5 months
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Luke's just not a farmer - he has too much of his father in him.
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corukant · 19 days
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ultimate hate circle 😍😍
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