#swapfell!sans black
rosescries · 1 year
How would the UT,US,UF and SF bros react to their S/O starting to overlap what they are saying because they've been with them so long that they just on simular wave lengths, This is not on purpose but it just happens when talking to others, hang out or dates that they just start overlapping when talking and S/O cracks up everytime. (I do this a lot with my friends and its both funny and creepy at the same time XD)
It'd mostly be a reaction of "Huh. Neat."
More specifically,
Classic (Undertale Sans) would just kind of chuckle and be amused by it. Neat little trick and he's kind of flattered by the closeness. And hey, you can finish his thought for him. He doesn't want to.
Prime (Undertale Papyrus) would be overjoyed! You're both so in love that you can finish each other's sentences! What an amazing bond you both have!
Blue (Underswap Sans) is mostly just pretty amused most of the time, finds it kind of cute. But don't do it too much, because he will feel a bit talked over if it happens frequently.
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) thinks "Hey, sweet." He feels kind of flattered and gets a warm feeling from it. You're both so in tune with each other and he thinks it shows how close you are. Plus he loves seeing the looks people get when they hear it, it's hilarious.
Red (Underfell Sans) mostly just huffs in slight amusement, and never mind the blushing. He thinks it's kind of weird, but he also didn't think he'd ever find someone that could read him so well. Thinks he might have to try a bit harder to be more unpredictable.
Edge (Underfell Papyrus) is blushing, but don't read too much into it! Also, please don't do it too much because he doesn't really like being talked over. It's not what you're doing really, but it kind of feels like it sometimes. Especially don't in front of certain people.
Black (Swapfell Sans) is a bit weirded out, but he's also very warm and fuzzy about it! But he also thinks he needs to work harder at being unpredictable if you're able to read him so well. But also, aw! You're both so in sync!
Mutt (Swapfell Papyrus) just finds it completely adorable. Like it's so cute that you're so close that you can just finish his sentences. It's cute! A little weird, but ultimately adorable! His S/O is so cute. But don't do it in front of certain people, they'll never let it go.
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desktopdinosaur · 4 months
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seirindono · 7 months
So...does Black have similar laugh to Blue's?
You’ll rarely hear him laughing out loud, he snickers a lot more, but yes it’s similar! I'd prbly spell it as "Bwahahah" or "Mwahahah" to show the resemblance.
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He enjoys dark humor and clever wordplays. Will laugh at your misery if he's in the mood.
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greenheartart · 10 months
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Hundred dollar bills under our sleeve We intend not to sleep 'til we're dead Drink our problems right out of our heads
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh Trouble (Trouble) Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh Here comes trouble (Trouble)
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hanzidanzi · 11 days
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Date Night✨
Seems Black is dragging @valkyrieofsmut out on a night of romance, while being babysat by Mutt…
Been awhile since I’ve posted, reason being school and my pc saying night-night! I’ve also recently gotten a boyfriend who is very sweet, so my focus has been elsewhere(understandably)🌻 Been drawing using an old iPad, it’s a bit wonky but I’ll try to draw & post more!
(Hope it’s okay I used your oc Val🙇‍♀️)
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improvidence318 · 1 year
Inspired by this delightful art by @day-nish
Maxim 16: Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth.
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sin-cognito · 2 months
Ooh, how about Swapfell Red bros in C2 and D2? Or Fellswap Gold with E2 and A2. Maybe with some color palette adjustments if that'd look better.
Right before hitting send, I realized I didn't specify which outfit for which brother. And yknow what... that's fine. :D
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Sorry for the wait, I also couldn't decide which outfit to give which brother so uhh... You get all of them.
Alright, on a more serious note, the Fellswap Gold was pretty easy to figure out, I really don't see Coffee wearing E2! XDD And he looks good with a hoodie on. Meanwhile, deciding which outfit to give to the Swapfell brothers really was a struggle. I can see them wearing both, but with different settings. In the first one, Black is your typical edgelord while Slim is this awkward and shy but very eager puppydog who likes to wear comfy clothes. But in the other one, you can imagine it's Black's day off so he allows himself to wear something casual, while Slim like to look tough and like a bad boy to warn off potential danger (AKA people who will try to flirt with Black).
Anyway, they took time (and I went back to work last week as well so less time to finish these) but I'm really happy with all 3! I had fun (except that moment when I realized I forgot to draw the choker around Slim's neck so I had to copypaste it from the other illustration XD)
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Avian Milord and Mutt
Because these two when Mutt was a fledgling is so completely wholesome.
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Look at that proud brother smirk.
Mutt's already a little gremlin, and Milord won't shy away from little playfights with him every now and again.
Back when the two had a flock, it was a common occurrence for Mutt (as a fledgling) to dive-bomb Milord when he was mid-flight.
Milord is a Black Swan, and Mutt is a Bearded Vulture.
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wolfbeestudio · 11 months
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More UnderMeow! This time is MeowSwapFell~
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@zwagyzonk @tiredcringe @mmishee-art @charamelwrites @llamagoddessofficial @valkyrieofsmut @yeosin-n @aka-indulgence @bonelyheartsclub @kamari333
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ivyprism · 8 months
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skelekins · 1 year
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he got that ol' razzledazzle
Razzledazzle - KHSwapfell Sans
Black - General Community Fellswap Red/Blackgggum (I think)
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desktopdinosaur · 1 year
Swapfell sans needs some love
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seirindono · 2 years
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The Missing Scarf VI - part 15
Welcome to TMS, where all skeletons are different level of rude/shameless ( ˙▿˙ )
First part | Prev | Next
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greenheartart · 1 year
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* A sickening cracking sound...
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hanzidanzi · 1 year
Gasp! Smooches for skeletons? Always smother those sugar skulls! I’ll gladly offer one for whatever skeleton might want one ✨
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Hihi here you go💕
He might not say he wants it and he might not act like he wants one! But trust me, if any of the skeleton boys needs some love? It's him!
And he really enjoys your attention~
Thanks for the ask Lylia💕
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improvidence318 · 1 year
Even though we all recognize the hollow performativeness of it all, we still try to do something special for our loved ones, because at the end of the day, we all want to be special to someone. 
Happy Valentine’s, everyone!
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