#undyne will not let it go
rosescries · 1 year
How would the UT,US,UF and SF bros react to their S/O starting to overlap what they are saying because they've been with them so long that they just on simular wave lengths, This is not on purpose but it just happens when talking to others, hang out or dates that they just start overlapping when talking and S/O cracks up everytime. (I do this a lot with my friends and its both funny and creepy at the same time XD)
It'd mostly be a reaction of "Huh. Neat."
More specifically,
Classic (Undertale Sans) would just kind of chuckle and be amused by it. Neat little trick and he's kind of flattered by the closeness. And hey, you can finish his thought for him. He doesn't want to.
Prime (Undertale Papyrus) would be overjoyed! You're both so in love that you can finish each other's sentences! What an amazing bond you both have!
Blue (Underswap Sans) is mostly just pretty amused most of the time, finds it kind of cute. But don't do it too much, because he will feel a bit talked over if it happens frequently.
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) thinks "Hey, sweet." He feels kind of flattered and gets a warm feeling from it. You're both so in tune with each other and he thinks it shows how close you are. Plus he loves seeing the looks people get when they hear it, it's hilarious.
Red (Underfell Sans) mostly just huffs in slight amusement, and never mind the blushing. He thinks it's kind of weird, but he also didn't think he'd ever find someone that could read him so well. Thinks he might have to try a bit harder to be more unpredictable.
Edge (Underfell Papyrus) is blushing, but don't read too much into it! Also, please don't do it too much because he doesn't really like being talked over. It's not what you're doing really, but it kind of feels like it sometimes. Especially don't in front of certain people.
Black (Swapfell Sans) is a bit weirded out, but he's also very warm and fuzzy about it! But he also thinks he needs to work harder at being unpredictable if you're able to read him so well. But also, aw! You're both so in sync!
Mutt (Swapfell Papyrus) just finds it completely adorable. Like it's so cute that you're so close that you can just finish his sentences. It's cute! A little weird, but ultimately adorable! His S/O is so cute. But don't do it in front of certain people, they'll never let it go.
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
Do you have beef/opinions on finaglc? Asked bc of tags from a few days ago. It’s been years since I read that one…i remember it being A Lot but that’s about it.
you ever read some really wack papyrus characterization where you don't even need to check the author's other works cuz you just Know they write f0ntcest
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licollisa · 1 year
Hottest UT character, go!
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Her muscles and ability to suplex children captivates me.
.... For real though. I think she's the most badass character in the game and I'm a diehard Sans stanner. Not counting Flowey or the amalgamates who got DT injections, she's the only monster who was able to feel DETERMINED by themselves, the thing monsters shouldn't even able to do in theory. Like hell, she can bounce back from death out of sheer fucking will, and Undyne doesn't have time bending powers and whew if I don't find that hot,,,,,
And this,
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She!!! Cares so much!! And she shows it! If you didn't help MK, her HP is lower when you fight her after. Didn't attack you when you're inside the seagrass because Alphys told her it's under scientific protection (though it's actually to make Ice cream and Undyne doesn't like cold food so she drink it melted like soup). Kept soda inside her house even when she doesn't like it, in case Alphys drops by.
She also got her dorky moments. Because of anime, she thinks humans are capable of mind control and has told the guards to not obey her if she issues orders that could help the human (so we still had to fight them after we befriended Undyne). Was able to lift most of the cast off the ground at the same time, but now weren't sure how to put them down.
Man. I love this fish lady so much. Hands down the hottest undertale character and I'll throw hands with my fellow Sans enthusiasts if I need to. Like she wears a fucking eyepatch (sexy!!!) what else do you want.
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And the Underground will go empty.
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bogos-bint3d · 12 days
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warverse · 1 year
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The Sheriff and the Pirate
They hate each other <3 Sane: @revolvius Austyn: @toxictoxicities
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blondeaxolotl · 3 months
You could always make some Mettaton (or Papyton) art if you end up not having any 👀
That's true... If I ever get into some like Undertale brainrot for a hot minute it will most likely be Mettaton or Papyton, they're very dear to me
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humankk · 5 months
Secret Santa gift for @just-a-soft-kid from the event in a discord server! And also a fanart for a fic Another Child Lost to the Mountain by @lizavet! (would it be santa if the event starts late by matching names (and preferences) at Christmas and giving gifts at New Year?)
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this fic, got a point (haha spear) like in the game why would Undyne broke that bridge what would that even accomplish will the soul just lay there waiting if they die??? it could disappear to like idk afterlife? someone could have just take it? yea
(if you're wondering, yes the outline is based on the Bits and Pieces mod, the fic is also based on it too so I did that because why not, and it looks better so-)
also! behind te scene under there, perspective is, hard, normally I'm kind of okay with those but for some reason I chose, this angle, out of all things
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perspective, is hard, as you can see there are like 4 Undynes and 2 Frisks... that you can see, I redraw them like a bunch more times
saw a guy gave advice about using cubes(tm) to help with dimensions for the perspectives and so I just do that... it helps a lot actually
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
I absolutely HATE underswap. Always have. The fact that it just swaps characters personalities with no actual changes annoys me so goddamn much. There's no actual thought put into any of the swaps! If you're going to make a roleswap, I feel like it should at least do something meaningful with the characters, because otherwise it's basically just doing an aesthetics swap. Which is fine I guess. But then WHY WAS IT SO FUCKING POPULAR... also the fact that everyone obsessed over swap papyrus was so fucking frustrating (not because I don't like papyrus, quite the opposite, but because the only time he was the center of attention was when he was basically just sans but tall and orange.) speaking of which why the fuck did the fandom decide that papyrus' color was orange it makes no goddamn sense. he's never even connected to that color in game. where as red and blue he absolutely is. sorry this became an absolutely insane rant
*physically resisting the urge to type YEAH as the start of my sentence for the third time* NO I GET IT i think it’s another thing that can be super interesting and cool if done right but people are so damn LAZY about it!!!! especially since after a point they weren’t even the characters they swapped with anymore, they just turned into caricatures! nobody actually liked swap papyrus for his potential to be interesting, they saw him as a taller, “sexier” sans (who still didn’t act like sans.) swap sans was.................that!
but your last point i am JUMPING UP AND DOWN AND YELLING AND POINTING because i have been saying this for!!! YEARS!!!! i GET that its meant to be complimentary to sans but papyrus has never used orange magic ONCE!! SURE he has a much warmer color palette but that makes the blue a damn striking contrast!!!! everyone who joins me in drawing blue undertale papyrus is the coolest sexiest bitch on this earth and you heard it here first
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down-thedrain · 9 months
"this world will live on...!" girl no it wont im sorry
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grapestones · 2 months
Out of there idea where Jiang Cheng and Undertale/Underfell meets
To be specific, Jin Ling hangs out with his friends and then falls in the hole of Mt Ebott. Said friends frantically reach out to Jiang Cheng, his uncle, and since they all know people gave up on anyone who disappears on Mt Ebott without searching, Jiang Cheng goes to find his nephew alone and proceeds to jump/fall into the same hole as Jin Ling
And he is definitely Not Friendly lmao. How rude he is is also depends on which underverse he is in but I'm inclined to imagine Underfell or an au of that au. And it is also a problem that he's willing to go far for his nephew, meaning that he's not entirely on a pacifist run. Again, depends on his opponents. Even if he would be a pacifist, he would threaten instead of paying mindless compliments. He's on a mission to find his lost nephew, worried out of his mind, is anyone surprised here?
The kicker is that whenever Jin Ling resets, it's not only Sans that remembers but Jiang Cheng, too. And Jiang Cheng has no idea what's going on, he thinks the monster's are messing with him somehow and that just agitates him further, while Sans is pissed at Jiang Cheng (and also a bit intrigued) because he's obviously lying by not knowing about resets and stuff and refusing to answer.
But hey, Sans is smart, he can figure out that Jiang Cheng has really no fucking idea what's going on and may or may not search for Jin Ling to test some things.
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mar64ds · 2 years
Are monsters aware that a human needs to kill Asgore if they want to cross the barrier or is that very hidden information, apart from Alphys none of the monsters seem concern about that
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officialundyne · 1 year
hm how would you react is i punched u i wonder
*I'd take it OBVIOUSLY! I'm no wimp I can take a punch!!
*Then I'd see if you can TAKE ONE BACK!!
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bogos-bint3d · 11 months
I've been reading undertale fanfiction for two and a half hours
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warverse · 2 years
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Redesign for Undyne and Alphys <3 I keep redesigning them but I’m finally happy with how they are now, lesos lets goooo!
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rinqueen6 · 2 years
go watch me date undyne or i'll put dog residue in your bed 💩
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