#synchronic 2019
firespirited · 2 years
The film of the day is Synchronic 2019 as it’s set in the sort of same universe as The Endless and it’s Anthony Mackie who is an incredible actor, don’t let his MCU appearances fool you. I’m not sure I can see him hurting in another piece of media for a long while after this and Altered Carbon S2. Phew.
Ok so a lot of the IMDB reviews complain about the film not being sci-fi horror enough and being too slow, too heavy on the drama and, again like for The Endless, they’re so wrong.
Character driven horror is a rarity and I cherish every story that puts in the effort to get us invested in the people before kicking off the “action”. I wish more stories would endeavour to make us care first instead of just exploring the cool concept and answering all the plot holes nitpicky folks are going to find not to mention the current obsession with outguessing the audiences expectations wrt to twists. Movies are stories not puzzles, I enjoy both but stories like this in the sci fi or horror genre shouldn't be so exceptional. It's grounding and makes it so much more real.
I’m going to start with a rant: all time travel is space travel, by the time i’ve finished typing this we’ll have moved thousands of miles through space. You have to be magically tethered in some way to some spot on this fast travelling rotating rock or you would end up in the vacuum of space. All time travel stories require suspension of disbelief in logic as you know it and belief in concepts like quantum entanglement and objects & places being imbued with tethering properties... So wading through reviews is like watching folks fight over how magic healing crystals work. I love sci-fi but man alive, it attracts a certain demographic that is very annoying.
Steve’s a paramedic in New Orleans, he works with his best friend, they’re starting to see some weird cases linked to a new designer drug, he finds out he has a GBM which is usually when I tap out of a movie and go cry my eyes out because fuck that cancer in particular [ ... ] He starts radiotherapy to increase his time then the friend’s daughter disappears after taking some of this drug. That’s when time travel comes in and we find out Steve loves physics and is definitely down to experiment in his time left.
This is where he gets to shine, the voice-over for his adventures is glib, relatable, smart and very funny.
He’s a black dude time travelling in New Orleans so he meets white dudes with guns who don’t like black folks three times which is wild and 1/ kind of iffy for white writers to be putting him through, 2/ New Orleans has an interesting history of being more permissive about black people than elsewhere in the USA, he didn’t have to have a bad time all the time.
While we get to know him well, there’s clearly some underlying serious PTSD here that’s going unexplored, the man is self-medicating and half numb.
The end is left ambiguous but the writers throwing in a line about the radiotherapy going surprisingly well was not fair, it turns him into a saviour instead of a man choosing between two types of death. He deserved more time: more screen time, more time not being a hero, I needed the tree outside his house to be engraved with “I found the one”. He did some magic time travel and had a magic brain - I need him to be his own great great granddad.
7/10 - needed a black writer in the room & more time spent on Steve. Very compelling sci-fi. I love the small interpersonal scale of these stories far more than earth-shattering events or galactic wars and plan to visit more of the Moorhead and Benson work. The cinematography was gorgeous and unsettling. It would have been terrific with better music: something edgier or tied to Steve himself (think the Piaf piece that gets slowed down in Inception - haven’t seen that yet either btw)
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souvenir116 · 2 months
Max and Charles 🤝🏻 fixing the mirror while going 300 km/h in Suzuka, same corner
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bulkapperception · 9 months
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"I'm much wilder than you."
|CONTROL ▴ 2019|
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 month
I decided to make another witchy post with regards to Gen because one of my best friends watched Walker last night from last week and was outraged Geri gave away one of Cordell's shirts at the charity sale Emily gave him. She said to me "I swear Gen does things like this" and brought up a story she heard about Gen having burned a pair of jeans. I decided to look this up to see if it was true, not because I didn't believe her (I the most certainly did) but because I wanted to see the source of this as she didn't remember the con this story was told at.
Lo and behold, this story was told at Vancon 2019 during the J2 main panel with regards to a pair of jeans Jared had. When the question where this story was shared, he was initially a bit hesitant to answer it and seemed slightly embarrassed about what seemed like an innocent question: "Who is your style icon?" He then talked about how he had stapled these jeans he had for a pretty long time, boot cut style jeans (or should I say Jensen took over most of that conversation). Look and listen between around 32:20 and 36:31. It is around 36:19 is where Jensen says "when he wasn't looking I think I think she had a little bit of a ceremony in the back yard and she lit them on fire". A little bit before that they were talking about how these particular jeans were held together by staples and as Jared said around 36:08 Jensen said "they didn't work, they were held together by metal!" Then Jared while having his hands clenched in fists and smiling a little said "and love" and went on to say "long story short, I never did get rid of them but they did vanish".
Now, I also read some of the comments saying things like "Hope Gen salted those jeans before she burned them, don't want those things to come back to haunt you for all eternity" and "in regards to Jared's jeans... Been there. Done that. Will probably do it again" and "They would held together by metal!!! …..And love lollllllll". Before I have idiots come to my inbox or post behind my back without mentioning my name like a coward saying I don't know how to make light of things or how to just enjoy a good story and laugh, I will say this. Jensen decided to chime in and answered half of the question for Jared with regards to this question about clothes and fashion icon.
Now, if you want to go ahead and watch when Jensen is answering the question about himself after the time mark slot I told you to look at, you will see that Jared is looking off into "space", looking in different directions and at one point starts to put the microphone up to his jaw and lifts his bottom jaw up and down. The microphone and jaw tidbit while staring off into the distance sounds a bit like "stimming" to me and he looked lost in thought at this point. Things like rubbing your legs, clenching fists, wringing fingers, etc. indicate discomfort, feeling threatened, or sensing conflict. [X] [X] [X] [X] A few sources you can check out for yourselves, 'cause I know for a fact some morons will come along and think I'm making shit up or looking for a reason to dislike someone.
Sure, it's all fun and games saying things like I hope she salted the jeans before burning them but wait until someone comes along and burns your stuff, then it won't be so funny anymore. Why she didn't think like a caring wife who is aware of things like him loving those jeans and taking them to a seamstress, getting them PROPERLY fixed and then giving them as an anniversary gift or something like I would've in her shoes (or really most caring, SANE partners would) instead of burning them when he wasn't looking, I can't tell you why but I can guess. It's clear he was embarrassed answering a rather innocent question because he was not happy talking about these jeans being gone and clearly was getting made fun of for the jeans. Staples are no solution for clothing true but DON'T go burning someone else's shit seriously...
According to this Tumblr post and other sites with regards to actions within witchcraft practices:
Burning - Burning an object is a common practice in spells and rituals. Fire is considered a cleansing and activating force. If you want to destroy something’s influence, burn it and dispose of the ashes away from your home. If you want to set something into motion, burn objects related to the situation to ash. If you want to activate certain energies, burn objects related to those involved. If you are performing a curse or hex, burn the object in the flame of a candle.
Something funny occurred to me last night while I was painting my son's piggy bank for his birthday coming up. I realized his ex girlfriend on screen and off screen Alexis Bledel (hello Gilmore Girls, Jared's first major TV role!) starred in the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" movies, which is about a group of 4 friends who bond over a pair of "jeans that magically happen to fit us all" and take turns sharing while they are in different parts of the world over some years. Close to the end of the the second movie, Lena Kaligaris (who is played by Alexis Bledel) gets upset when her grandmother tells her that her sister Effie lost the magical pants after she was upset with Tibby's ex and now Effie's also breaks up with her. Interestingly enough, the first movie was released May 31, 2005 (photography started May 17, 2004), which was a few months before the first episode of Supernatural aired on September 13, 2005. The second movie was released August 6, 2008, which was apparently a few months before Jared and Gen started to officially date and about a month after they met. Of course the girls or "sisters" did also patch up the jeans and put other things on the jeans. It seemed to be implied these jeans ended up in the water somewhere in the fourth book and Effie didn't just "accidentally" lose them.
At the end of the summer, Effie, depressed at the loss of Brian to his original love, runs off to spend a week in Oia, Greece with her grandmother. She impulsively decides to take the Traveling Pants with her in order to get back at Tibby (for getting back together with Brian) and Lena (for always choosing her friends over her sister). She accidentally loses the Pants so she calls Lena, and when the other girls find out, they all travel to Greece to try to find them. It is here that Lena patches things up with Kostos and finds out everything was a mistake. Despite days of searching, the girls do not find the Pants. However, they enjoy spending time together, realizing that they haven't all been together in a year. They went to the ocean and saw a color in the ocean from something, the pants. They also realize that they had begun to rely on the Pants to maintain their connection, rather than trying to maintain it themselves. They vow to always maintain their bond but not to allow it to keep them from moving forward.
Ironic also how it was Lena played by Alexis who also at one point almost drowned while wearing the pants during the first movie, who was Jared's onscreen ex girlfriend as Rory Gilmore on "Gilmore Girls" and offscreen ex girlfriend, which lasted about a year between 2000 and 2001. What he said about it to Glamour in February 2021:
The "Supernatural" star then finally broke his silence in a February 2021 story with Glamour, revealing that the two hit it off while playing a fictional couple on the set. "It is true! But I had never met Alexis before the show. We did date," he told the outlet. "When Alexis and I met, we were both 17 years old and were both Texans and kind of in this new, strange city, and I was like, 'Hey, want to go out to dinner?' I don't know if we tried to keep it a secret. I wish it was scandalous or something! I think it was more kind of silly. We were two 17-year-old kids who were like, 'Hey, you want to go bowling?' It wasn't anything super juicy."
Oh my, how is all of this relevant you ask? I would say that Gen burning Jared's favorite jeans he had for years before he started dating Gen was at best questionable. I am going to guess that this was a bit of a ceremony just like Jensen said and that she was hoping to burn away the influences of his past. 'Cause "letting go" of past influences seems to be key here, like of old former loves. Jared did say the jeans were held together with love. He just wants love Gen, isn't a big money hungry man but whatever. Synchronicities are a thing, and it seems to me that the burning of these jeans ultimately actually "burned the bridge" between Gen and Jared beyond this lifetime.
I posted this newly released song "The Prophecy" by Taylor Swift in a post earlier and I believe it's not only relevant to Jensen but also Jared as well. Check out the song and lyrics below ♥ However, if someone wants to look at why someone would burn stuff from a psychological or criminal justice point of view, the most common reasons include profit, extremism, crime concealment, and what the applicable reason here would be revenge (real or perceived injustice) or just downright spite. There are laws today about burning people's things for a reason. It's legally not acceptable, it's not psychologically acceptable and in cases like this it is not acceptable in the eyes of higher powers.
Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle Oh, but it's gone again And it was written I got cursed like Eve got bitten Oh, was it punishment?
Pad around when I get home I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy?
Cards on the table Mine play out like fools in a fable, oh It was sinking in Slow is the quicksand Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand Oh, still I dream of him
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy?
And I sound like an infant Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moonAnd I look unstable Gathered with a coven round a sorceress' table A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates I'm just a paperweight In shades of greige Spending my last coin so someone will tell me It'll be ok
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy?
Who do I have to speak to To change the prophecy?
Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle, oh But it's gone again
Pad around when I get home I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said Please
I would like to hope this was a one time deal with Gen burning Jared's stuff. However, I have a strange feeling that Jared finds things like this somehow something that should be tolerated and is evident in Geri donating a beloved shirt of his not long after he gave her the left side of the dresser. He glued together a mug she broke as apparently some foretelling of their relationship. I'm sorry to say this but the parallel between Geri getting rid of a shirt Cordell clearly loved WITHOUT asking him first and Gen burning Jared's favorite jeans he loved is pretty similar. Hmmm....
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buddhajesuschrusthole · 7 months
Hey everybody on tumblr (or whatever this damn fucking app is called ) - I am not a hip youngster anymore I am 25 years old and have never used this shit!
But anyway - hello!
I will be sharing today - one of my favorite things - advice on manifesting what you want to happen for you in this lifetime!
So! Without further adue- (is that how you spell it, French people?) Here is my blog on the subject! (At least for tonight haha, today is November 17th , 2023!)
So - manifesting! Have you heard of that term? It means - “bringing into reality / making your dreams come true!”
Manifesting your dreams therefore means - you guessed it - bringing your dreams from the dream realm - into your real life realm! (Turning your fantasy into reality!)
I’m serious, dawg! It’s happened to me - so that’s how I know! - So I don’t want to hear it! Lol! Jk - but I mean it tho!
So - I have manifested many-a-thing. Including - my dream boyfriend! (YES , I mean it - like he is the LITERAL GUY I wanted for SO LONG - the man I fantasized about in bed - before it actually happened! OMG - crazy - right!? NO! Because it’s fucking real! Now listen dawg…)
So here’s the story - so - years ago - I had wished for a guy with long hair down to his ass - a gorgeous one - that I literally would marry!
(We didn’t get married yet but that’s not the point!)
Years after I wished for that (YES, YEARS AFTER), I met this guy at work - named Devon (I literally remember thinking in bed one day - years before this happened - that his name would start with a damn D?!! WTF!!) - and was soooo cute! I loved him aaaaaaaaaaa! He was literally so adorable, I can’t even tell you!
But anyway - he was my type - shy - quiet - an asshole! Hahahha - just kidding Devon, I love you! No, but - maybe a lil bit. Lmao! (Sorry baby - I love you!)
But anyway he looked exactly like the kind of guy I would want to date tbh! So ummmm, so I talked to him as much as I could, even though he scared the shit out of me! He just had this intense stare of like - hate towards everybody - lmaooo! I can’t explain it but - if you experienced it before - then you probably know what I’m talking about haha!
He was just like - very anti-social and quiet - but I liked him anyway! Every time I talked to him - he was always nice to me! So that’s good haha!
Except for that one time at work - where I asked him where the cheese was during a rush (we worked in a kitchen at BDubs) - and we went in the walk-in fridge and he started kicking shit out of anger - and then I cried because I was scared that he hated me (he didn’t see that tho…) Oopsie Devon! You bitch! Lmao! Jk - I still love you!
Except for that one time - he was a really nice guy! Ummmm, so far hahaha!
But then after two weeks of working with him he walked-out and quit! Oh no! Fuck! He was the hottest guy at work and then I was so disappointed and mad tbh, lmaooo! Mostly because I had to do his job and mine - two weeks into my new fucking job - ahhhh!!!!!
I didn’t even know how to make nachos - and they still had me do it - all by myself - even in a rush! WTF!!! I had just started!!! Those bastards couldn’t hire someone!? Fine! So I did it all by myself!!!! (I’m serious - I was so mad wtf!)
But anyway - a few months go by - then I walk out too! Cuz I’m tired of working two peoples jobs - when I literally asked them to hire my two friends - and they just wouldn’t! WTF!
So yeah! That’s why I quit that one~! Hahahaha…
But! I think a few more months go by - or weeks!? I don’t even remember hahahaha I’m so sorry - but - it wasn’t too long…
But one night - I was thinking about Devon - in bed - by myself - and I was like damn - he was so cute! I miss him! - and I was taking out loud to myself and I went “Well, if he liked me, I’m sure he’d let me know!”
AND I SHIT YOU NOT!!!! I SHIT YOU NOT - he literally followed me on my instagram - THE NEXT MORNING! LMAOOO!! NO FUCKING WAY!
Yes, it’s true - this is the fucking facts of my life y’all! It’s literally all over my old YouTube channel!
That moment is what you’d call a serendipitous synchronicity! A moment of WTF and mystery - and a moment of - how the fuck is this even happening right now!? (It kind of felt like a dream I’m NGL!)
And the rest I’m going to keep from you - because it took about a year for us to get together - but I blocked him two weeks after he followed me - because I messaged him and we started taking but then he pissed me off - so I blocked him and cried about it!
But yeah - before that happened - me and him planned to meet at the park - but we couldn’t find each other (and I had to walk there.) But that’s not why I blocked him, so - blocked him because he pissed me off because I told him I liked him - and then he told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship right now (he kept talking about his ex gf and how much he missed her prior to this - and told me that he was crying blah blah blah.) (That was his only gf so I am giving him a fucking break in this one, but still - goddamn bitch!)
They had broken up a few years prior to that so I was like - wow. But they were together for three years and I can’t even imagine being in a relationship that long - so I can’t sympathize 100 percent… but I tried, goddamn it!
But yeah - I blocked him because of that ( even though I probably shouldn’t have told him I liked him the day after he cried to me about his ex gf, I think he just needed a friend tbh - but I wasn’t being a friend - I was being a thirsty bitch! Hahaha goddamn it!)
But to be fair he was flirting with me and it really mad me angry! So yeah! Kudos to past me! Muahahahha!
But anyway - even though he was a beautiful guy - I blocked his ass and cried about it immediately after - because after I blocked him - I unblocked him but then found out that he blocked me, too. (To be fair , after I told him I liked him I went ahead and told him I would just go fuck this other guy instead (he was hot too…))
Goddamn, maybe I was a damn bitch….oh well.
But anyway!
Me and that other guy met one time (I think it was a few days after or something, but we never saw each other again, and no we didn’t fuck, just hung out and shit, didn’t even kiss the guy.)
But yeah. So that’s why I blocked him ~!
But then! After that second guy kind of hurt me because he didn’t text me back after we hung out (maybe it’s because I pointed out this girls choker in his fucking car!?) IDK if he had a gf or what but - ew.
I was like sad and shit - but then I was like - fuck men! So I stayed single after that.
I just wanted my soulmate tbh.
But honestly - the dating sites weren’t working - and I was bored.
So I messaged Devon on his Facebook account like (two to four) months after I blocked him hahaha!
He didn’t reply for two weeks - but then he saw it and replied ( I think he didn’t see it because we weren’t friends - either that or he was ignoring me but idc I understand tbh!)
But he messaged me back and we started talking - I tried not to be clingy this time - but when I wanted him to message me first - he didn’t. So I was like wow, why should I message you first if you don’t message me first!? The fuck!
But I don’t think that technique worked… because I went a few weeks without messaging him - and then I messaged him once after that and I saw that he had blocked me.
I was like “NOoOoOooO!!!” And I cried - I’m sorry I’m just a sappy lil bitch tbh - even though it’s my own fault cuz I blocked the guy first!
Hahahhaha oh lord.
But anyway - I cried for a few days because I still had a crush on him and all that… but after that happened - I told myself that he just needed time. I told myself that he was going through something and wouldn’t just block me out of nowhere for nothing. (Which ended up being the truth - he was indeed going through something.)
So - months and months and months go by - maybe six months? Seven months? I don’t know how many! Maybe five? I’m not good at math nor time - sorry folks.
But anyway - months go by - and during those months - I was vigorously masterbating to him.
Yes, I mean every damn day!
I mean it.
But anyway - I imagined him massaging me in my bed with lotion all over my back - making it nice and relaxing and romantic.
I imagined him eating me out and plowing the shit out of my vagina hole.
And I mean it, too!
Anyway - I told myself not to worry - and that if he really liked me that much - that he would unblock me eventually.
Low and behold - the day comes - I’m browsing my Facebook messenger - and I see his bubble was online!
I was like - why would his bubble be online to me if he has me blocked still - that seems dumb.
So I clicked on his bubble and it took me to his profile - which wouldn’t happen if you’re blocked. (IK you already know this, ladies and gentlemen, hahaha jk!)
But anyway - I clicked on it and I was so happy because I was like OMG no way - he finally unblocked me after how many months!?
So I didn’t message him that day - I waited for him to do - which was unrealistic and he didn’t end up doing anything - so like a week or two goes by and then I decide to message him!
I was like “Hey Devon - so - why did you block me - I thought I told you that I was going through some emotional stuff and I thought you had forgiven me for that already?”
Then he said something like “Yeah I’m sorry - I don’t really know why I did that.”
And I was like “Sure you do, buddy! I know I blocked you first and I know it’s my own fault - but I’m very sorry and I hope you understand that I liked you and wanted to be your friend - I was just going through a lot emotionally at the time.”
And he told me he understood, and he told me something along the lines of “I think you are a wonderful person - I am sorry if I hurt you - I didn’t mean to.”
And inside I felt so happy because I thought that was sweet…
So we talked - and talked - and talked - and then every day after that - I messaged him - not caring who was first to do it anymore. I guess I just liked him that much or something haha. But he always messaged me back and didn’t leave me on read or anything.
So that’s good.
So I think a month of that goes by - and then I finally ask him if he wants to hang out with me - and he says yes.
(Remember when I told you I couldn’t find him at the park? He thought I stood him up - and I thought he had stood me up, too. That was also before I told him I liked him. Probably not a good plan to tell him after that , and the fact that he cried about his ex the night before. But whatever - I was thirsty - he was hot - what can I say? LMAO And guys - he did tell me he thought I was very attractive (before I blocked him and before he blocked me lol) - so I know he didn’t think I was ugly so that’s definitely not it.)
So here is another weird coincidence : also called a serendipitous moment - also called a synchronicity - meaning that we are synchronized!
Before the day we hung out - I had asked myself - “what would that moment be like?”
So, I had imagined that moment - and guess what? The very thing I had imagined and hoped for - became the ultimate reality that day that we hung out.
To the very T.
(Which is also why it weirds me out a little - but it’s also very beautiful - if you ask me~!)
I mean to the damn T - the energy was the same - and before we hung out I hoped that he would ask to buy me a coffee (which he did ask me if he could get me one one day!) Plus - I had hoped that he would hang out with me every week after that (which he had said to me - something along the lines of: “We should make it a tradition to see each other every week, or something.”)
But yeah now we’re dating.
(We didn’t get to see each other every week after that - but we did see each other - and I am very happy that he’s a blessing in my life now. He is a dream come true and I have told him this - and he had also told me that he had sex dreams about me and about us dating before it actually happened.)
We were friends for a few months after we first hung out - and then I told him: (“What are we doing here? I like you. And I need to know if you like me too. And if not , tell me now.”)
Then he told me he was confused too and then we talked about it - and then I invited him to a sleepover. The rest is personal - but honestly we’re dating now. So the rest is history.
However, he does remind me of a character I made up in my head, whom I said had long dark hair, and who would be my husband one day.
Like I said - this was so many years ago - probably about four or so years ago that I made up that fantasy.
And I told myself he’d like to read too - which he does! Which is crazy to me! Now all I have to do is make him gothic and he will literally be the exact match to my fantasy many years ago. (He does like gothic stuff so I don’t think that’ll be too hard.)
But yeah that’s the story of me and my boyfriend - omg I missed a detail!
I remember - the day after we officially got together - the next day Devon had told me that his brother had got an engagement ring for his girlfriend and that he was going to ask her to marry her!
I just thought that was significant since - like I said - this guy reminds me of my fantasy that I had of a husband. LMAOOO!
But yeah! Thanks for reading and listening to my story! Leave a like and follow for more manifesting stories - I have lots - even scary bits! :D
Also look up my YouTube if you’re interested - Buddha Jesus Chrusthole (Infinite Butthole Jesus)!
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gael-garcia · 7 months
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IT MUST BE HEAVEN (2019), dir. Elia Suleiman
"What the younger generation are doing today, I’m envious of. The people you see in the last scene are people I witnessed myself during the shooting. Something synchronized between the emotion I was building inside of me, and then confronting them. I had not met those people. Other people on the shoot told me Haifa has the most beautiful bars. We went on a tour and I got so slammed. At 3am, at the end of the night, the last bar was a gay and lesbian bar. I kept on drinking and watching. And I thought, 'This is the last scene of the film, for sure.' It was great. It was completely in sync with my feeling and sentiment. It came to me like a destined scene." —Elia Suleiman
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demilypyro · 10 months
At what point in time did you see a giant hammer and go “yeah, that’s my main.”
Monster Hunter: World is a 2018 action role-playing game developed and published by Capcom. The fifth mainline installment in the Monster Hunter series, it was released worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in January 2018, with a Windows version following in August 2018. In the game, the player takes the role of a Hunter, tasked to hunt down and either kill or trap monsters that roam in one of several environmental spaces. If successful, the player is rewarded through loot consisting of parts from the monster and other elements that are used to craft weapons and armor, amongst other equipment. The game's core loop has the player crafting appropriate gear to be able to hunt down more difficult monsters, which in turn provide parts that lead to more powerful gear. Players may hunt alone or in a group of up to four players via the game's online multiplayer.
Announced at E3 2017, Monster Hunter: World adopts the series' standard formulas from its older home console roots and recent handheld games to take advantage of the higher processing power provided by modern consoles and computers. Changes made in Monster Hunter: World include creating environmental spaces that are fully connected and removing the "zones" that were necessary for the PlayStation 2 and handheld games, more advanced monster artificial intelligence and physics, a more persistent cooperative multiplayer experience, and a refinement of the game's tutorials and user interface to help with bringing new players into the series. These changes led Capcom to plan for the game's simultaneous release worldwide, since Monster Hunter as a series has generally languished outside of Japan partially due to disparate release schedules. Capcom also opted to support online play between these different geographic regions for similar reasons. The delay for the Windows release was attributed to Capcom seeking to make sure its first foray into the Windows market was optimized for players on computers. By April 2020, updates to the game were synchronized among all platforms.
Monster Hunter: World received critical acclaim upon release, with critics praising how Capcom was able to make the game more accessible to new players and to Western markets, without detracting from the series' core gameplay elements and enjoyable difficulty, and fully taking advantage of the computational capacity of modern consoles to create living ecosystems, with some even calling it the best in the franchise. Monster Hunter: World is the single highest-selling game in Capcom's history, with over 21 million copies shipped by July 2022. A DLC expansion pack, subtitled Iceborne, was released for home consoles in September 2019 and for Windows in January 2020, and reached 10 million sales by December 2022. The next mainline installment, Monster Hunter Rise, was co-developed alongside World and announced for a worldwide release on Nintendo Switch in March 2021, with a Windows version released the following year.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
This is a thank you, not an ask. I guess I would be classified as a lurker in the Tumbler world since I primarily only read what others write.  But I did make a comment to you once and you responded so you made me feel comfortable enough that I could send this to you.  Shippers have unknowingly been helping me stay sane these past few years.  My husband has Alzheimer’s with Aphasia and I have been his sole caretaker for a long time.  Having this responsibility is not for the faint of heart. One day in early 2019 I stumbled across Outlander and like a lot of others, was in, hook, line and sinker and Jamie & Claire and Sam & Cait became part of my daily life.  Last week I had to place my husband in a memory care facility.  It was an agonizing decision and I prayed for a sign that this was the right move.  As stupid as this may sound, I think my prayer was answered.  On the second day he made a friend.  His name is Jamie.  Only in the Outlander world would this have any meaning, but we've now got a sweet Jamie in our lives.  You may officially call me crazy.  Thank you to you and all the other shippers for all the smiles and happiness you've brought to me and many others. It kept me going.
Dear @jovialchaoslover,
By all means, do not thank me, even if I felt incredibly moved and honored by your submission, on behalf of the entire OL Shipper community. In fact, I should thank you, because for all those name calling and finger pointing Anons, you get to read something as genuine, moving and personal. These moments are rare and precious (and should remain so). They make you feel useful, in a very unexpected way.
You are one of those daily life unsung heroes and I want you to know that you are probably way stronger than you would ever think. I can only imagine the kind of experience you are now going through, even if I am (like many daughters, all around the world) only too aware of the cruelty with which old age sometimes disfigures beloved family members. I have only a remote idea of my own grandmother's quick descent into dementia and death, but I do have a very direct experience of the grueling toll it took on our family. Especially on my own mother, who let everything go and cared for her until the very last moment.
With the proper care solution in place, you will find yourself with a lot of time on your hands. A spare time you perhaps forgot existed. Please (I urge you) use it wisely and never forget this is all about you. You more than deserve it and the moment is now. I may know a thing or two about emptiness and void. They are incredibly enticing and treacherous. Please try and do something for you every single day. It does not matter if it is important or completely futile: it is about YOU and changing the angle will change everything. Remember the wonderful woman I am sure you are and try to reconnect with her. I can promise you she is not very far and I bet she misses you, too.
Last but not least, let me tell you that I will never call you crazy for having shared that Jamie story with us. I think it was very brave of you and I can confidently tell you it even has a name. What you experienced is called synchronicity and it is part of the tiny and personal magic of daily life. People as serious as Carl Gustav Jung dedicated their life to try and make some sense of this. And it all started with one of his patients (he was a shrink) describing a very vivid, recurrent dream of hers, that featured a scarab beetle. At the very same time, they both saw a scarab beetle (uncharacteristically) tapping on the window. The woman was not instantly cured (psychoanalysis does not exactly work like this), but it helped both of them overcome a very frustrating communication barrier.
That Jamie story is a real synchronicity, too, because it is meaningful for you and nobody else. It happened for a reason you are the only one to understand, in time. I could talk about it for hours and link it (as Jung did) with my beloved I Ching or with a couple of dead(ly) serious German philosophers, for some extra gravitas. But I am not going to over-complicate things. You got this. You are strong and brave and believe it or not, I am sure you are also loved by many.
I also think Caitriona Mary Balfe and Sam Roland Heughan should read your ask, finally understand their magic brought solace to many, many people around the world and get their damn act together for Season 8. But that is a different story altogether.
For the rest, if you want, we will be here for you. Me and probably other kind people on this side of the fence. Anytime you want, here or in DM. It may not be much, but it is something.
PS: that may or may not have brought a #silly tear, you know.
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resonancewitness · 4 months
Falling down the rabbit hole (or was it the lion’s den?), becoming a turtle 
I have to admit that I owe getting to know about yizhan to a completely unrelated fictional character. Blame it all on Yoshikazu Miyano and his obsession with BL manga :)
The story of Sasaki and Miyano (manga/ anime by Shou Harusono) reminded me of some of my own personal untold stories and led me to writing fanfiction — creative retelling of the canon story in the form of first-person narrative. It was easier to do Sasaki’s POV first, but to write a companion piece from Miyano’s POV, I had to do writer’s research on BL, which was mainly out of my orbit before (except for some great Harry/Draco stories I read, gosh, more than 15 years ago).
Reading and watching BL led to Netflix recommending me tgcf donhua. The sense of “wow, this is something special” led to purchasing the books and watching “The Untamed”, digging up fandom(dot) com while waiting for the books to be delivered. I have been learning Chinese recently, so I also started to try to read the manhuas. 
Watching “The Untamed” was a very special experience. Something was there, in the playing of it, that rang truer than mere acting. I could not name it, what it was, but I could tell that I can recognise something genuine, authentic and exceptionally beautiful. I could not leave it be, it was like this feeling of “really real and special” was calling out to me, leaving me with questions I felt the need to find answers to. 
The Facebook algorithm, which is too clever for its own good, but to which I owe some really good recommendations, started showing me reels made of cql bts footage. What a beautiful mess these reels are. Exceptionally befuddling. Sometimes obviously altered — cut, edited and mistranslated. I understood that there are more where those came from, and spent some time on Youtube. It is to a significant extent a clickbait-ey and money-hungry garbage dump, but I was lucky to see some long unedited fancam footage from the first big fanmeet and from the t-cent award night at the end of 2019. 
The thing that turned me into a bona fide turtle, I think, was
watching the way one’s face transformed when the other arrived at the t-cent award night, and the way their movements synchronized, and the body language at the fanmeet. I have not been a counsellor for longer than the younger of them is alive (scary to say that, I feel old :)) for nothing. I do read body language very well and I can tell genuine expressions from schooled ones. And I can tell a good relationship from a bad or non-existent one.
I saw that what I was witnessing was something precious, exceptional; each of them looked at the other as if the other was a miracle — undeserved, stunning, adored, beautiful, worthy of all love possible.
And then it was time for the “Tomorrow Will Be Better” recording, which I witnessed as the footage appeared. I saw that the resonance between them was still there, even if they weren't physically side by side. I could see that what they have has been transforming them, making them into better people, expanding inwardly, as beautiful in their inner worlds as their outward appearance is beautiful. And at the same time, I knew by then they could be silly and playful and dirty-minded, which I also appreciate a lot in people. Very human, very genuine, very pure in unexplainable ways. Capable of overcoming difficulties without becoming jaded or conceited.
And yes, I can tell where and when what I am reading into what I am seeing is my own collection of projections and inferences, — and where and when it isn't.
I felt that my world has become brighter when I got to know about these brilliant young men. Their steadfastness and earnest commitment to choose what is worth doing, and to do it to the best of their ability, gives me hope. 
I wanted to know more about them, to sort the edited versions from the real story as it had happened.
And so I found that there is a whole international community of people who treasure an untold story and carefully put it together to confirm what they felt in their hearts as true. And some part of the most thoughtful and careful core of the international part of this community is here on Tumblr. 
This is an exceptional phenomenon — a community of readers of an untold story, for whom this story is so important that they hold on to it for years, reconstructing it from tiny crumbs, without much hope of ever entering into true, deep, expanded dialogue with the heroes/authors of the real thing. The readers that are themselves, obviously, transformed in some important ways, quite possibly — very precious ways. Sharing the resonant values with the heroes/ authors. Creating beautiful friendships with each other across distance and differences. Paying it forward. 
I am happy I have found the turtles. I am happy I got to know about yizhan. 
The resonance I felt seeing their eyes and smiles, was something so unusual that I felt an urge to make sense of what I was feeling. I created this space to write my reflections. Maybe something that I write will make sense not only to me. 
If there are errors in what I write, please kindly forgive me. English is not my first language. 
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bulbabutt · 1 year
ok. elephant in the room or shit i thought about a while ago but didnt post, my going theory on the rise cancellation which idk if its a theory more-so as reading the room and putting the pieces together.
it seems like playmates fault to me on account of the toys being shit and then cancelled outright. like waves of toys ready to go in 2019, none saw the light of day.
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obvs a lot of them were shit, not the point. the point being theres up to 6 waves of toys on the table at 2019 toy fair, only 1 and 2 were made. compare to the last toyfair showing the mutant mayhem toys.
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playmates made both of these era of toys. do you see how much more effort went into one than the other. you can say movies are more popular blah blah blah. but playmates has made ALL tmnt toys since they ever existed, and comparing the rise toys to even the previous shows toys it seems obvious where they put the money.
anyway my theory here is playmates got told (or given or offered or whatever) mutant mayhem. they immediately went. oh. yeah this will make us money. lets start prepping moulds for this now, lets get ready to sell a shit ton of different stuff. and they just left all those rise things on the cutting room floor. they didnt tell anyone on the team they were gonna do that. they didnt say "yeah it doesnt matter what you do cuz we have this NEW thing coming" they just abandoned it. they pretended theyd give it a chance to come back if their movie went well just to appease them and us, cuz they saw more money elsewhere.
the dumb shit about that is like imagine saying that about like. batman or the avengers or something. yeah we wont make this cartoon anymore cuz we have a theatrical movie coming in 3 years. like. you can have more than one iteration YOU DID IT WITH 12.
truly this is nothing against mutant mayhem by all accounts it looks amazing, my point here is that im sick of playmates fucking over each tv show with their stupid hunks of plastic. it has in fact happened each time, rise was just faster
87 was good, then there were the 90s movies that got popular enough that the show needed to be closer in style to.
03 was good, then it got dark, told to be more fun (cuz kids like ben 10 now) so they made fast forward, which was also good but in its own way, but then tmnt 2007 came out and playmates literally said "nope nope, we want to save on moulds so change your show to look like this movie" then 07 didnt go well cuz warner bros didnt fucking market it (what i heard from a podcast w nolan north was that they were super preoccupied marketing the shit out of 300 at the time. which. ok very weird choice for kids toys)
then we have 2012 after nick buys the franchise. and 12 has the weird tonal dissonance of dark stuff and kid stuff, with the most "designed to be toys" characters in it, clearly messing w things in the show itself while it was going.
then bayverse comes out along side it and once its over we get rise, where the designs clearly take inspiration from that movie (donnie and raph specifically)
then mutant mayhem is announced and rise just. fades out of existence. planned seasons cut and cancelled. planned toys disappear.
anyway. none of those shows are bad. none of the movies that come out along side them are bad. its just the dumbassery of like. not being allowed more than one iteration at a time, and its nOT on account of popularity or brand synchronizing like youd think, its literally to not have to make as many DIFFERENT SHAPED hunks of plastic! its fucking stupid. rise's downfall seems to be POOR FUCKING PLANNING on playmates part for THEIR shitty toys and then also being cheap/unwilling to have TWO DIFFERENT KINDS OF TOYS AT ONCE (proof being the 03/07 thing)
anyway. thats my theory or whatever that fills me with rage. i hate playmates and i think its insane that the downfall of rise literally comes down to two stupid companies and their desire to sell garbage to children.
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redmyeyes · 4 months
Hey Red! It's Tim's watch anon again! So, I think I've found it ahgairgairtgiart. I went down a hole and did a reverse image search on Google lmao. Prepare for some infodumping!
I really think it's either a Timex self-wind watch like this one https://cdn.watchcharts.com/listings/eb578671-c4fa-46e1-8d77-0ddfccfa4714.jpg or a Timex automatic watch like this one https://www.watchrepairtalk.com/uploads/monthly_2020_05/20200331_104721.jpg.f1f0b0e48234c80ce990c78230b6f557.jpg based on how the numbers alternate with the dashes. Apparently, the Timex watch was released in 1950. I'll bet Tim either treated himself to a new watch as a college graduation present in 1951/52 or it was gifted to him by his grandmother. Or his dad. (Unrelated, I really want to know about Tim's relationship with his dad.)
According to an article I found online (because I'm a fucking nerd), "the Timex watch would be the cheapest watch on the market, thanks to clever manufacturing practices and those wartime innovations". I really think this fits in with Tim's background because he wouldn't want some big, gaudy watch that looked good. He would want something that's practical and will last him a long time. (Also, the article says the Timex watch “takes a licking and keeps on ticking.” Is that not Tim?)
Also, in the article, which is here https://www.heddels.com/2019/08/cheap-tick-history-timex-watches/ in case you want to read it, there's a picture of a watch that's just like Hawk's. Imagine if they got to have matching watches if things had gone differently. Wow.
Which brings me to Hawk's watch! artgiartaoirtoart. Considering we saw it close up when he was practicing for the polygraph, it was an easy find. He had a Bulova military automatic watch https://www.ebay.com/itm/185976377415. Apparently, it wasn't the Most Expensive Brand™ but it supplied wristwatches as "official gear" to the American troops during World War 2. So. Specifically, it's called a "Hack" watch, which is a "reference to the hacking seconds function that permitted soldiers to synchronize their watches for coordinated timekeeping on missions." If that isn't Hawkins Fuller in a personal possession, I don't know what is.
Anyways, this was fun aortiotairotirot. I feel like I have a peace of mind knowing what their watches are? Lmao. I may need to go track down Tim's 70s watch. Watch this space.
anon, I LOVE YOU. and i am madly impressed with your research skills (coming from a research librarian, lol)
(re-posting the images here so everyone can see)
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anon, you found it, it's perfect!!! and i love the self-wind option for tim, i think he would've loved the self-discipline of it. also really love the idea that it was a college graduation present. (something something tim wearing gifts from the people he loves). you're right though, it suits tim so well -- simple, elegant, functional, long-lasting.
and hawk's!
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"Hawkins Fuller in a personal possession" lmao, you're so right. the costume/props department did such an amazing job on both of them!
"Imagine if they got to have matching watches if things had gone differently. Wow."
anon, this is my new headcanon. they lived every day of their lives together, and when tim's old watch finally broke, hawk persuaded Tim to let him buy them both matching new ones. more proof (without rings) that they belong to each other. <3
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
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// synchronicities pt. 13
- Austin Butler // Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - 2019
- Elvis Presley // Love Me Tender - 1956
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g1rltalk · 5 months
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GIRL TALK is a five member fictional girl group under Delphi Entertainment consisting of Soojin, Minji, Holly, Mei, and Yuuri. Starting as a pre-debut project, GIRLISH, in early 2017, each member was introduced to the public through a solo promotional single and dance and song covers. GIRL TALK was set to debut on November 1, 2017 but their debut was delayed due to unknown reasons. They debuted on May 5th, 2018 with the digital single Summer Dream. Their debut was received well by the public, quickly rising their way up to stardom.
Despite their rising domestic popularity, GIRL TALK did not become successful internationally until 2019 with their song Fancy, a mature concept, a stark contrast to their usual bubblegum pop sound while maintaining their upbeat style.
Dubbed the Princesses of K-pop, they are considered one of the most successful Korean girl groups internationally. They are stylistically recognized by their versatile sound ranging from bubblegum pop to girl crush to funk rock.
GIRL TALK is considered to be one of the best live vocal groups in K-pop and is known for their highly synchronized and complex dance routines, having been awarded the Best Dance Performance Award at the Mnet Asian Music Awards two times in a row for their dance performance.
LABEL﹕ delphi entertainment
MEMBERS﹕ soojin, minji, holly, mei and yuuri
FANDOM﹕ blossoms
GREETING﹕ it’s tea time, hello, we are GIRL TALK!
DEBUT DATE﹕ may 5, 2018
DEBUT ALBUM﹕ we girls
DEBUT SONG﹕ summer dream
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⩨͢ MUSIC ⍣
really like U › 2017 › minji solo
girls next door › 2018 › mini album
… tba
like a girl › 2023 › mini album
⩨͢ TOURS ⍣
girl talk 1st tour: chit chat › 2019 asia tour
girl talk 2nd tour: pillow fights › 2022 world tour
sleep-over with girl talk › 2017 to present › 150+ episodes
spotlight › 2019 › 10 episodes
the girls talk › 2023 › documentary movie
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littleststarfighter · 4 months
May I ask if there’s any mcr fics that you would recommend
These are what I’ve enjoyed so far. All Frerard (Frank/gerard) fic recs. I have many more to read (saved about 100 fics yikes) so will have more recs in the future if anyone is interested? A lot of supernatural, spooky and ghosty ones here. And, lots of Danger Days as that’s what got me into reading them in the first place. Of course I started with what is seen as the holy fic trinity. These are just my tastes. I can’t promise that they’ll be yours, but hope there’s something you like XD
Unholyverse by Bexless
“He thinks I have stigmata,” Frank said, because what the fucking hell, it couldn’t get any worse. He might as well just lay it out.
“Oh, well,” said Brian into his hands. “Of course.”
The Anatomy of a Fall by novembersmith
The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand.
A Splitting Of The Mind by Shoved2agree (Gaiamdma)
Gerard Way sees the world differently. Alone and institutionalised, Gerard claims that he is being hunted, and that his mind holds the key to existence. Does Gerard really hold such a powerful secret? Or is he just insane like everyone else in the institution?
Run by vesna (mrsronweasley)
Being a secret teenage werewolf is hard. Frank should know. He is one.
James Cameron Got It Wrong by ladyfoxxx
In which 2005!Frank and Fun Ghoul get it on. Then Frank accidentally winds up in 2019.
Shadows In The Parking Lot by Cellphonecharm_au
In which there’s a mass grave under Frank and Ray’s apartment complex, Frank doesn’t believe in ghosts, & Frank’s ex-boyfriend is, conveniently, a paranormal consultant.
The Science of Sleep by chimneythunder
It’s 2011 and Frank Iero’s life is pretty average until the night where he starts getting dreams about a strange, apocalyptic California where there’s rayguns, grey corporations and terrorists who use art and colour as a weapon. Interesting and fun at first, but the more he dreams about this world, the more he starts to wonder if it really is a dream... and the deeper he gets into this futuristic world, the more it seems to affect his life in the present day.
And just how exactly does everything all seem to link in with that douchebag black-haired artist who sits in Starbucks every day?
The Calypso Initiative by theficisalie
AU: A rise in technological and medical advancements combined with an unexpected surge in mutations around the globe can only mean one thing: superpowers. As a child born before the information boom of 2010 rocked the world with the official news of these "SuperHumans", Frank Iero was kicked out onto the street at nine years old. His power seems to be more of a curse than a blessing: his body creates and leaks a net of energy that sets those who are unaware of it on edge. He is saved at first by a rogue agent of the government who understands the plight of the homeless children, and then by a small team of government agents who bring him into The Institute: an underground compound set up by the government to teach those with emerging superpowers how to control and use their gifts.
Frank finally has a place where he seems to belong, and a group of friends: Mikey Way, a telepath; Gerard Way, whose body is a vacuum that neutralizes energy; and Ray Toro, a healer. All is far from perfect, however. Frank’s powers and training are put to the ultimate test when he has to fight both evil and betrayal to save not only the world, but also the best family he’s ever known.
synchronicity (cut me open, cut you down) by BackyardOwl 
Party Poison glares like Frank’s mere presence could’ve jeopardized the game. But then the scowl melts off and is exchanged with a smirk.
“I’m so glad you came tonight!” he says in the fakest sugary tone possible. “It’s important for a novice to observe, because you learn so much. And surely you learned from this, because that?” He motions to the arena behind him. “That’s how you play GridSlam.”
Frank is shaking. He’s this fucking close to decking the motherfucker. Novice? He hasn’t been a fucking novice since age fucking 11!
(a story about heated rivalries, mourning your loved ones, and cheating death)
Strange Things Happen At The One Two Points by lovebashed 
1930s. The Dust Bowl. Having no place to turn after his mother's death, Frank joins a carnival. By doing so a chain of events commence, that lead him to Pete. Frank and Pete couldn't be more different, but they both possess strange powers that gain momentum as their journeys unfurl. Both their lives, and that of those they know, will be irrevocably changed before the end. Carnivale AU.
I Believe We're The Enemy by Test_subject_306
"You know what?" Frank snaps, glaring at the person who used to be Party Poison. "You know, sometimes I wish they'd just killed you instead."
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w3bgrl · 6 months
the art of shameless adoration
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synopsis: changbin visits the eldest dancers in the practice room and once left alone binchu react totally reasonably when things get hot and sweaty
date: march 2nd, 2019
era: pre-miroh
word count: 1.8k
featuring: kang juyeon, seo changbin, lee minho
warnings: n/a!
a/n: i swear something other than binchu will be coming soon <3
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unintelligible gibberish of counts from the experienced dancers echoed into the quiet halls of the jyp building as changbin opened the practice room door just enough to peek inside. minho and juyeon were in the center, watching themselves closely in the mirror as they polished up the details of their most recent choreography, cheeks red and hot to show how long they’d been doing this.
“hello my friends whom i love,” changbin stepped into the room with a beaming grin “looking good! how long have you been here?”
the eldest wiped the sweat from his brow as he checked his watch, eyebrows jumping in shock. “since 5…”
“what time is it?” juyeon panted
“bed time” “ten”
the boys answered simultaneously, though changbin was the one to actually answer her question. minho looked at him wildly, seemingly perplexed at their synchronicity, and turned back to juyeon.
“i think that’s enough for tonight?” his pitch raised at the end, making this statement sound more like a suggestion. what he meant was he was done for the day, but he already knew she’d either agree to go home without a fight or be here for another hour and a half. so when she looked back at herself in the mirror as if to size herself up, he could guess what she was gonna say.
“one more time.” she giggled with an awareness of her own ridiculousness. “just one more time and i’ll be good.”
“i think i was okay one more ago, actually” minho chuckled through heavy breaths and slapped a hand on changbin’s shoulder “you make sure she gets home soon, kay? we don’t need another pockey-stick-incident this comeback. i need to go lay down now.”
changbin flashed a thumbs up at minho’s request amidst juyeon’s whines that ‘it was one time forever ago, you don’t always have to bring it up!’ minho mimicked a teasing smooch on his way to snatch his things from the couch and quickly hurried out the door before she could wrangle him into boiling some water for her nightly ramen. once the door closed behind him the two in the room met eyes in the mirror, a mischievous smile on juyeon’s lips.
“okay, ready?”
“i’m doing it with you?”
she laughed “yeah! minho clocked out, it’s time for you to appease me.”
changbin found a smirk on his face at her words and feigned an exasperated sigh as he unzipped his hoodie. “fiiine, but just once!”
“yes!” juyeon bounced giddily to her phone beside the speaker “just once, and then we’ll go home.”
changbin tossed his things aside carelessly as he waited for her to queue the music. he’d just showered before coming to see what they were up to and honestly really didn’t want to practice on top of working out today, but then again, she was right. it was his turn to appease her, and he would do so happily. plus, the mirror made it easier to shamelessly admire her without being told he had a staring problem (lovingly.)
changbin continued to indirectly adore juyeon through the mirror even when she finally started the music and they began to go over the miroh choreography ‘just once.’ and even after something he did reminded her of another choreo which lead her down a different tangent. even when she said ‘really, just one more. boxer is almost right!’ changbin only stopped re-committing her features to memory when he could barely stand anymore, the music fading out as he put his hands on his knees with panting breaths.
“up.” juyeon wheezed, her fingers interlocked behind her head. she’d learned a long time ago that bending over compressed the diaphragm when you were trying to catch your breath and strictly enforced the correct way to do it ever since. it hurt like hell, but it was better for your body, so changbin grit his teeth and stood tall on his way to slump into the couch.
juyeon kept her fingers joined on her neck until she sat beside him and picked up the water bottle next to her bag. they were close enough that their shoulders almost touched but far enough that they weren’t actually sweating on each other, which was a nice detail even for the touch-starved physical affectionists.
“one more time” he mocked with a smile, using the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his upper lip “just one more time and then we’ll go home”
the older girl’s eyes took over the role of her smile as she held back laughter while taking a swig from the sticker-covered bottle. then, as a symptom of her unending attention to detail when it came to him, juyeon offered her water to changbin who hadn’t brought one when he came in; probably because he wasn’t planning on getting all hot and sweaty when he came to see the dancers in their natural habitat. his mistake, honestly.
changbin’s hand automatically went to reach for the waterbottle before he stopped to ask, “how much is left?”
“finish it. i’m good until we get home.”
and finish it he did. changbin took big gulps from her water and as juyeon watched his adams apple bob she felt herself start to get distracted - reverted into the cavewoman brain that showed up whenever he was around. distracted by how his chest rose and fell with each breath, skin glossy with sweat, lips and cheeks pink.
she cleared her throat quietly as to not raise any suspicion and forced her eyes away in an effort to re-evolve her brain until her mind wasn’t totally consumed by him anymore, just barely glancing in the mirror to see if he had noticed. and of course, just as always, he was looking at her. she did a double take before furrowing her eyebrows at him, which made him laugh.
“what are you doing?”
“same thing that you were!”
“what was i doing?”
changbin chuckled and nodded toward their reflection. “i saw you looking. you are not slick, kang juyeon.”
she now pushed herself up to look at him face-on again, a playful smile on her lips. “do you think you are? you made miroh look totally different because were too busy looking at me to see yourself! i kept going just to see the -” she wiggled her arms about wildly, an obvious over-exaggeration of his performance but it was enough to have him throwing his head back to rest on the couch with an exasperated sigh.
“you are — !!”
“what?” she nudged him with her shoulder to urge him on “i’m what?”
“…you’re dreamy.” he hummed
juyeon now regretted poking him to say more as her face flushed with embarrassment. she laid her head back, too. “yeah, whatever.”
“don’t ‘yeah whatever’ me. take my compliments! accept my love!” changbin spoke with that grouchy voice that made him stick his lips out to pout “you’re beautiful and charismatic and hardworking and should be acknowledged for your efforts - and your results! because you are incredible.”
there was a beat of silence that left changbin out in the cold until she spoke again. “you think so?”
changbin finally lifted his head to look at her incredulously, like there wasn’t a possibility in the world it was the other way around. but he didn’t question why she didn’t claim her boasting rights, instead he gingerly elbowed her side with a smirk. “of course” he cooed “anyone else would say the same thing.”
her nose crinkled in something similar to a wince, eyes on the ceiling. “but…what do you think of me…”
changbin’s eyebrows knitted together. for a moment he had to stop to think of what to say; there was a lot he thought about her because he thought about her a lot. changbin leaned into her shoulder, nudging her with his weight to regain her attention. she lifted her head now, eyes flicking between his - left to right and right to left again. in the few inches of space between them he spoke artlessly, the fondness and sincerity painfully obvious in his tone.
“i think you’re everything, ju.”
juyeon’s gaze fell to his lips again as she analyzed what he said and the corners of her mouth began to curl upward with the warm hum in her chest. she lingered there with her bottom lip caught between her teeth and, after finally pulling her gaze away, noticed the lag before his eyes met hers again. they were darker all of a sudden - like his pupil had swallowed the iris whole - and his cheeks had ripened from a peachy pink to a deep crimson.
there was a moment of stillness as they stared at one another, silent but comfortable, contemplating the same thing; to take the leap or not. both went through the pros and cons they had meticulously organized in their mind over the years as if there would be a clear answer on the next step, but there wasn’t, and just as changbin came to decide he wouldn’t risk it, juyeon decided she would.
the older girl bridged the gap between them nervous yet eager and, tenderly cupping his cheek in her palm, pressed her bitten lips to his - tentative and salty with sweat. it was soft and familiar, not a drop of haste in her touch. it took him a moment to fully believe the reality he had been gifted on this day but, once he realized her lips were on his after years of pushing those feelings away, changbin’s hands found themselves at her waist as if to hold on so he wouldn’t float away. a fuzzy feeling began to take life in his chest, burning red hot like flames licking at his skin. this overwhelming warmth grew with each passing second spent exactly where he’d always dreamed of until it bubbled scalding magma in his throat and erupted into a grin against her lips, which then made her smile, too.
juyeon sat back and pressed her buzzing lips together, a short laugh slipping past the barricade. “we’re in trouble.” her tone was light in contrast to the serious subject matter.
“not yet,” changbin hummed sweetly “we’re just in the practice room.”
“you know what, i think you’re right.” she concurred with a cunning shrug “maybe tomorrow we could just be in the studio?”
“i can make that happen.” he was quick to blurt out an approving response to this suggestion.
juyeon chuckled softly before her fingers moved automatically to tuck her hair behind her ear, catching her lip in her teeth again but this time for a starkly different reason. “um…we do need to talk, though…”
changbin looked at her now from the darkest depths of yearning, dark eyes now glossy and pleading. “not yet. please. leave it for tomorrow. and tonight can just stay like this.”
she sighed softly almost as if to hide the adoring sparkle in her eyes and brushed away the strands of hair tickling his eyelashes. “okay, binnie.”
“…does that mean we can do that again?”
“you know…i think it does!”
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midnightmurdershow · 1 year
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Synchronic (2019) Directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead
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