#tbb crosshair x sister reader
Y/N: Get out of my room, Wreck!
Wrecker: *being a little shit and standing outside the doorframe* I’m not in your room!
Wrecker: Hey! No fair! You can’t just call Hunter every time you want to get your way!
Y/N: Fine.
Wrecker: *immediately running away* That’s so much worse and you know it!
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 9 months
Midnight Masquerade - Invitation
Summary: You receive a mysterious invitation to an equally mysterious costume party off-world. While you don't normally do things like this, you're glad you decided to attend this party, especially once you realize what you stand to gain.
Warnings: reader is a monsterfucker; monster!clone au; unexplained Force magic potions; alcohol consumption; this intro is pretty tame but minors DNI regardless; individual chapters will be tagged with specific kinks and additional warnings
Word Count: 2.8k
MDFM's masterlist | Suggested listening for this series
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You’d been distracted all day, mind fixated on the mysterious invitation and accompanying note you returned home to last night. A simple rectangle of orange paper, the invitation’s words spun dizzying circles in your mind: “Come not as you are...but as you wish to be.” The note, signed simply from “your favorite trooper,” explained that the proclaimed “midnight masquerade” is for a costume party to be held today, off-world—but that’s the extent of the information you know. 
Maker, you don’t normally do things like this. Granted, you don’t often have time to do things like this; working as a senatorial aide leaves much to be desired in terms of a healthy work/life balance. If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve been feeling stuck lately, wishing for something greater, something better, something more, to happen to you.
Which brings you here, to the mystery destination. The ship you’d chartered on Coruscant had given you a gorgeous view from space of this planet, a giant crystal ball, glimmering pastel blue in the light of the local star. Up close, though, the landscape is even more breathtaking. Towering spires of crystal glow from the inside in shades of white, blue, and purple. As you step tentatively toward the nearby town, the ground crunches underfoot, as though you walk over a field of tiny crystals. Jaw hanging open, a rush of awed excitement pours through you, electric and hot. 
The town itself looks almost out of place. Curving durasteel and plaster walls clash in harsh juxtaposition with the natural landscape. So far, you’ve seen no signs of other people or the planet’s native inhabitants. Swallowing thickly, you do a full 360. Anxiety begins to churn in your stomach. Thoughts, each darker than the last, chase each other in circles in your mind. In your palm, you clutch the invitation so hard it crumples.
“Hello there,” a singsong, ethereal voice calls.
“Kriff!” You nearly jump out of your skin. 
“I did not mean to startle you,” the voice says. A moment later, a tall, slender being emerges from behind one of the nearby pillars. Skin almost the same shade of blue as the crystal, they smile at you with such otherworldly beauty that you find you can’t breathe properly. Standing easily ten feet tall, they seem to glide forward, robes of pure black draping over their body like shadows, iridescent hair cascading down their back.
“Do you carry an invitation?”
You blink dumbly. “Um. Y-Yes. Here.” You hurry to smooth out the piece of paper before presenting it.
Their cloudy eyes drift serenely down to the paper. “Excellent. Right this way. There are many who have already arrived.”
Turning, they begin to meander towards town. You rush to catch up. As you approach the cluster of buildings, you notice signs of the party that was promised. Bassy music thrums up through the soles of your feet, and the scent of mulled cider tantalizes your nose and taste buds alike. But still a worm of anxiety wriggles within you. 
“Sorry, but, what exactly is this party?”
The strange being’s gaze caresses your face. “It is a most sacred ceremony in celebration of life, during a time in which death is closest. The spirits grow restless; we do our best to placate them through dressing in costume, among other things.”
As a senatorial aide, you’ve had many years’ practice of schooling your expression into polite neutrality. It’s a mask you wear well. You find yourself donning it now. While you don’t discount the possibility of veils between planes, spirits, and the like—not to mention the Force, not with the Jedi constantly in the Senate—you personally harbor no such beliefs. 
“Understood,” you say. 
The being chuckles, a pleasant, tinkling sound, like a wind chime in the evening breeze. “Not yet. But you soon will.” They glide to a halt in front of a large building, from which the sounds and smells of merriment emanate. “Here I leave you.” 
In the time it takes for you to approach the door and turn back to thank your guide, they’ve vanished. A shiver snakes up your spine. “Creepy.”
The blaring, synth-rock music is a physical force to the chest as you push the door open. Where the landscape outside is a swirl of crisp, crystalline blues, the interior is a foggy expanse lit by hues of rich violet, burnt orange, and vivid green. Gnarled, bare trees dot the large room as decoration. Several dozen high-top tables cloaked in tattered cloths are laden with food and drink. 
Perhaps most striking, though, are the dozens upon dozens of troopers in costume. 
Door falling shut behind you, you can’t contain your wide, incredulous smile. As you begin to step toward the dance floor, you catch sight of Mayday, Hexx, and Veetch adorned in identical Frankenstein’s-monster-like face paint. Through a break in the crowd, you spot Kix carrying far too many shots in one hand, dressed as—a slutty nurse? You blink to make sure you saw that right.
Interspersed throughout the crowd are a handful of other nat-borns. You recognize none of them.
Someone grabs your arm. Jerking your head around, you heave a relieved sigh at the familiar sight of Rex. Atop his head rests a wire halo. His body is dressed in a loose, draping white toga, with fluffy white wings protruding from his back.
Your eyebrows shoot up, both in amusement and in genuine joy to see your friend. “Rex! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“I lost a bet,” he admits with a cavalier smile. “Come on, we’ve got a spot saved for you.” 
Chest warming at his words (and definitely not at the glimpse of his partially bare, toned torso), you follow eagerly. Around you, costumed clones chatter away, sip drinks, and just generally appear far more relaxed than you’ve ever seen any of them before.
Near the edge of the room, lower tables have been set with seating and peculiar centerpieces. Glowing from within, the vase-like decorations sprout darkened and decaying flowers, stuck through with glitter bats, cats, and pumpkins—an odd assortment for a crystalline planet, but you’re distracted from the thought when you spot the table Rex leads you to. 
“When you said ‘we,’ I thought—”
“Torrent Company?” He flashes a wry grin over his shoulder. “Not quite. Gotta keep you on your toes, mesh’la.”
Squished around a table that is far too small for all of them are another ten troopers. Present are the entirety of Clone Force 99—a rare sight to see them sitting still; Commanders Cody, Wolffe, and Fox—your knees weaken when you realize you’ve never actually seen Fox without his helmet; and, deep in discussion, Fives and Sister, both of whom you’ve developed budding friendships with.
Rex squeezes into the booth between Cody and Fives. 
Jostled by his captain’s return, Fives glances around. His expression brightens when he sees you. “There’s our favorite aide!” he calls. 
Emboldened by his attention, you snag a nearby chair and pull it up to the last bit of free space at the table. To your left, Wolffe arches one severe eyebrow. His skin shines with a gray pallor, and a dark, twisting crown rises out of his curls. Black robes that look suspiciously like General Koon’s wrap around his body. To your right, Echo, dressed to the nines in a custom-tailored suit with red bowtie, gives you a genuine smile and nod. The rest of the troopers cheer or raise their glasses to you, welcoming you to the party.
“About time you showed up,” Fox deadpans. 
Someone pushes a shot into your hands. “What, didn’t think I’d miss getting blackmail material on you all, did you?”
As the others whoop and holler, Fox fixes you with a flat stare; around his eyes glint realistic scales, painted the same hue of red as his armor. Segmented horns curl up from his graying hair. As he lifts his drink to his lips, you catch the tiniest nod of appreciation from him. Your entire body flushes in satisfaction. 
Maker, this bunch is going to be the death of you.
You let yourself get swept into the current of the conversation. For the most part, you content yourself to listen. Occasionally one of them will ask you for input from a senatorial perspective, and they all seem to value what you have to add. But you’re more than happy just to observe. While each and every one of them are absolute stunners in regular life, tonight they all look divine, glowing with relaxation and costume makeup.
Most of their costumes are easy to parse together. Rex and Cody seem to have coordinated, Cody dressed as a devil to counter Rex’s angelic nature; Hunter has opted to dress as a werewolf halfway in the process of transforming; on Crosshair’s neck you spy two pinpricks of fake blood; Tech has donned a blood-spattered lab coat and swapped his usual yellow-tinted glasses for swirled ones; and the scales on Fox’s bare skin reveal his inner dragon. But you can’t quite pin down what Wrecker, Echo, Sister, Wolffe, and even Fives have dressed as.
With a shrug, you assure yourself you’ll find out at some point. 
You knock back the shot at last and grimace as it burns down your throat. Cody slides you another with a dangerous wink; you raise an eyebrow and shoot him a wink of your own. The deep, pulsing thrum of the music washes through you, and you let it control the rate of your heart. And you miss, or perhaps choose to ignore, the lingering looks they all give you, the ones that trail down your body and study your face with equal intensity. Heat, stoked by their looks and the liquid courage, simmers below your skin. 
The barest hint of an idea begins to form in your tipsy, buzzing brain. 
When Fives shoots you a conspiratorial smirk, raising his glass in a toast to you, you enact the half-formed plan. From the cluster of finger foods at the center of the table, you pluck a skewered olive, lift it to your mouth, and, eyes boring into Fives’s, make a show of licking the salty snack before wrapping your lips around it. Fives sputters and chokes on his drink. 
“Mesh’la,” Wolffe grits out, a warning note in his gravelly voice.
You turn wide, innocent eyes on him. “Something the matter, Commander?”
His grip on his glass tightens, to the point you worry he’s going to shatter it. Resisting the urge to wilt under his mismatched glare, you snag another olive and suck it into your mouth in much the same manner as the first. Wolffe breaks first, glancing away.
Around the table, the rest of them shift in their seats, acting like they didn’t all just watch you practically give head to those poor olives. Stifling a smirk of your own, you lean back, satisfaction lingering in your veins. After a moment, the conversation resumes its ebb and flow around you.
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You’re not sure how much time passes before the music quiets and a dreamy, floating voice comes over the speakers. “Revered guests, now is the time for you to decide whether you will cross the shadowed veil and experience another form of living. Potions will be provided for consumption. You may notice that you become more than a mere costume. Be assured, the potion’s effects are temporary.
“One final word of caution: in the case of sexual coupling, it is inadvisable for more than one person to partake of the potion.”
A buzz of confused, excited chatter whispers across the assembled crowd. At the mention of possible intimacy, your skin flushes, heart beating rapidly against your ribcage. Whoever had been speaking has just dredged up the unspoken thing between you and every person at your table. An idea begins to bloom in your mind, spurred on by the alcohol in your system, the bone-rattling music, the sweet scent of the fog machines, the looks they’ve been giving you all night. You glance, suddenly shy, and find Rex already looking at you with concern slanted across his brow. With a smile, you relax. 
“I’ll get the potions!” Sister clambers out of her seat and disappears into the crowd. She reemerges several minutes later carrying a tray of shot glasses, each filled with a murky, swirling liquid. You grimace at it when she hands you one.
“We’re supposed to drink this?” you mutter, voice drowned out as the music resumes its previous volume. 
Wrecker sniffs at his glass. “It smells nice. Herbal and fruity.” 
Rex catches your attention again. “Maybe just one of us should try it first.”
You’re about to affirm what a good idea that is, when Cody’s gaze shifts from you to someone behind you. Turning, you watch as one of the Wolfpack downs the thick drink in one go. For a moment, nothing happens, and then his entire body shudders violently. You must have blinked, because suddenly he’s no longer fully corporeal, and instead floats a few inches above the ground, his body and clothes gray vapor and mist. You realize with a start that the entire squad is costumed similarly to Wolffe; he’s the only one wearing a crown.
Next to you, Wolffe heaves a sigh at the same time that Fives and Sister gasp out, “Wizard!” The two of them share a conspiratorial grin, then, clinking their glasses together, throw back the mystery shot.
The same odd shudder-and-blink phenomenon happens to them. In place of Fives’s plastic horns and fabric tail are suddenly real, bony horns protruding from his forehead and a writhing, leathery pointed tail. Sister’s nature-themed costume sprouts living flowers. Her braided hair becomes a mass of vines. 
“It appears that the drink turns you into your costume,” Tech observes, one finger raised.
“I would have never known,” Crosshair snarks. He, too, downs his shot. Skin growing paler, the mock wound at his neck dries into faded scars. When he flashes you a smirk, two pointed canines poke from between his lips. Arousal shoots through you with sudden heat, your core clenching.
One by one, the troopers around you down their potions, until you’re the last one left. Mulling over the announcement, you weigh your options. You’d be a liar if you said you haven’t had a few...indecent thoughts since arriving tonight. But you know none of these troopers would hold it against you if you decided to drink the potion and similarly transform.
Twirling the glass in your fingers, you shake your head to clear it and set the drink on the table. 
“I have a proposition for you all,” you say, leaning forward. You preen a little when you see you have their rapt attention. Confidence surges through you, hot and languid and bold. A smile curls over your face.
“I’ve always wanted to know how a monster fucks.” 
For a brief moment, the table remains draped in silence, punctuated only by the nearby raucous shouts of other clones and the heady, bassy music. Then, all at once—
Tech, always aiming for precision: “Technically, we are not monsters, but rather realistic imitations of them.” 
Crosshair, snarky and smug: “Really think you could handle it, doll?”
Cody, one stern eyebrow raised: “Is that so, mesh’la?” 
Sister blushes a wonderful shade of red, giggling as she reaches up to close Fives’s hanging jaw. Hunter squints at you. In the strobing multicolored lights, his eyes seem to reflect like an animal’s. Only Wolffe and Echo seem to have maintained their composure, though you catch the dangerous smirk toying at Echo’s lips.
As the initial outburst of reactions subsides, Fox snorts, a gasp of smoke puffing from his now-elongated snout. “That sure was a funny way of begging, little one.” 
“I only beg for those who earn it, Commander Fox,” you say, a little too sweetly, judging by the way his eyes—dark and reptilian and piercing—rove your features.
Rex clears his throat, drawing your attention back towards him. Your breath catches; in the chaos of everyone transforming into their costumed selves, you’d somehow missed the finer details of Rex’s new form. The fluffy white wings, formerly attached by elastic, now rest gently against his back, shifting as he adjusts in his seat. Floating above his head, casting his face in radiant beauty, the halo burns in a miniature solar flare. 
“All you have to do is say the word, mesh’la,” he says.
Swallowing, the trickling realization of what you’ve gotten yourself into finally sinking in, you shake your head. You dart up from your seat and rush to a nearby trash receptacle. Thankfully, you don’t have to dig, the object you need resting near the top. 
You return to the table with an empty bottle. Eleven near-identical expressions of dismay and confusion clear as you settle back into your seat and rest the bottle on the table in front of you.
“Let’s let fate decide.” 
You spin the bottle, watching, mesmerized and anxious, as it rotates in a blur, before coming to a rest, its neck pointing at...
...Rex and Cody
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Ragu list: @the-hexfiles @thorsterstrudle @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writess @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebell @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueenn @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter (if you'd like to be added or removed, click here!)
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
2x1 anon. YAAAAAASSS. I hope I inspire people to ask you these 🤤 I have so many ideas, so many couples, where/with whom I do begin...
Yeah, please and thank you so much!
May I ask, pearl love with Tech and Crosshair in winter at night please. With an introverted reader maybe?
Better Together
Summary: It's been a week since Life Day, and you're struggling with being overwhelmed with everything you've had to do in the last two weeks. Luckily, you don't have to manage alone.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader x TBB Tech
Word Count: 854
Prompt: Pearl - Honest Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, I came really close to going over my word limit with this one, but, thankfully I was able to make it happen without going over the word limit. I hope you like it! Also, introversion kind of went hand in hand with anxiety in this one, I think. Whoops.
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You love Crosshair and Tech. You do. They’re wonderful, even when Crosshair is at his grumpiest. Even when Tech is intentionally trying to irritate his brother.
You’ve never been happier.
But sometimes you need some space from them. It’s not because you don’t want them around, but because sometimes you just can’t handle people anymore. Even people that you love.
Maybe even especially people that you love.
Normally this happens after you’ve been forced to interact with a lot of people over a short period of time. Holidays are the worst for this, honestly. And though both Crosshair and Tech said that you didn’t have to host their siblings for Life Day, that their brothers and sister would understand, you were determined to push through it.
For a week. A week of people in your space. Touching your things. Talking to you.
It would have been overwhelming even if you hadn’t spent the week before with your family.
Which leads you to now.
Awake even though both Crosshair and Tech are asleep. Neither of them are pressed against you, which is a good thing because it means that you’re able to slide out the end of the bed and retreat to the living room.
Hunter and the others left earlier that day, but the Life Day decorations are still hanging around your home, and you need to do something, anything, to make the bad feelings go away, so, in spite of the late hour, you start pulling decorations off the tree.
It’s peaceful. The movements of pulling ornaments down and wrapping them is the perfect kind of repetitive that it’s nearly meditative, and you’re able to half watch the snow fall from the sky.
Quiet. Peaceful.
Exactly what you need.
Still, you’re not surprised when the bedroom door slides open and a pair of warm bodies press against your sides, “Kitten,” Crosshair sounds doubly grumpy, and you feel bad for waking him up, “It’s 2 in the morning.” His arms sling low around your waist, and his fingers absently play with the hem of the shirt you’re wearing.
“There are more productive times to pull down the decorations.” Tech agrees as he rests his head on your shoulder. “Such as when the sun comes up.”
“I’m being productive now,” You point out.
Crosshair’s arms tighten around you, “You should be sleeping, not pulling down life day decorations, Kitten.”
“You should not be doing it alone at all.” Tech adds, “We all decorated, so we all pull the decorations down.”
“You were asleep.” You offer weakly.
The brothers share a look over your head, before Crosshair sighs and lightly pulls the decoration from your hand, carelessly tossing it into the box, and he pulls you onto his lap so you’re facing Tech.
He rests his forehead against the back of your head and his arms wrap tightly around you.
Tech, meanwhile, shifts closer so that he’s able to cup your face with gentle hands. “You are overwhelmed.” It’s not a question, but a statement of face, “You have been for days now. We,” He motions to himself and Crosshair, “did not say anything because everytime we tried you claimed that you were fine.”
“I am-”
“Don’t.” Crosshair warns, “Don’t lie. Not to us. You think we can’t tell how you are feeling, Kitten? After all this time?”
“The back to back Life Day Events were too much. Even we think that.” Tech adds, “Next year we will spread them out.”
“Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, just be honest with us.” Crosshair says, “That’s the only way that this relationship is going to work. You agreed to that.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” You slump in Crosshair’s arms, “I just…you were both so happy to see your brothers and sister-”
“-and you felt that you could not talk to us.” Tech finishes, “That is on us, and we are sorry, cyare.”
“Clearly, we all need to do better.” Crosshair says, “We can start in the morning, when the sun comes up.” 
“I agree, we should return to bed.” Tech says, “Will you come with us?”
You glance at the decorations all around you, and Crosshair squeezes your hip tightly, “The mess will hold until the sun comes up.” He says in your ear, “Come back to bed, Kitten.”
You sigh and nod, “Alright.”
Tension seems to drain out of both men, and you wonder if they expected you to fight them on this.
And then you’re ushered back into bed, and bundled up with your favorite blanket. Crosshair tangles his legs with yours and pulls your face to his chest, while Tech buries his face in the back of your neck.
They both murmur affirmations of love against your skin, and you feel a surge of affection towards them both as you return their sentiments. 
And then a wave of exhaustion hits you, and you wonder if part of your problem is that neither Crosshair or Tech have been as physically affectionate with you in the past week. Something to consider in the morning, as you slowly drift off to sleep, safe and comfortable in their arms.
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ttzamara · 1 year
Truth or Truth
(Tech x Reader (18+))
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(Warnings: SMUT, Minors DNI, Sub!Tech x reader, P in V, unsafe sex (Wrap it before you tap it kids), oral, masturbation, tit fucking, slight choking, language, Alcohol consumption) !English is not my first language!
I take requests for the CW/TBB Boys! (:
6.928 words and 37.49k characters
79's was full. With 3 battalions present who had just arrived or had recently returned, the bar was even more crowded than usual, but who could blame them?
The atmosphere was good, drunk regs getting more and more drunk, many regs dancing with the other guests, couples making out in front of the toilets and couples just waiting to leave this bar to throw themselves at each other.
It wasn't often that Clone force 99 was on Coruscant and even less that they liked to have fun around the Regs, but the Clone Bar was always the perfect place to have fun. Since Wrecker had begged for 17 standard days that we would go here and had even remarked that he would buy the first round, none of you had said no, of course. Who would say no to free drinks?
The boys and you had already drunk a lot. Hunter was about to pass out, but who could blame him, his senses were the most sensitive, but that didn't stop a pretty drunk Wrecker, a pretty tipsy Tech and a drunk Echo from teasing him and getting him even more drunk. Crosshair also teased him for a while, but after a while and a poke in the ribs from you, he turned away and started talking to you.
"We have never seen you in a dress before".
he said and sipped at his drink while pointing at your dark red dress.
"I've never really had a dress before, my little sister gave it to me for my birthday and since it's been hanging in my closet for a while I thought I should try it on."
you said and crossed your legs while looking over at the others.
"And the dress doesn't happen to be in our squad's red because of one of my brothers," he said with a teasing smirk, looking over at his brother before looking at you with a grin.
"First of all Cross, the dress is in the color because I got it after I joined you guys and the dress isn't for Tech either."
you said, noticing how Crosshair looked at his brother. Fortunately, the others were still involved in their own conversation and didn't notice what you were talking about.
"I never said I was talking about Tech."
he said, taking a sip of his drink while leaning back with a grin. Shit.
"Neither did I, but why don't you drink alcohol at all?"
Your poor attempt to change the topic of this conversation didn't go unnoticed by him and Crosshair, the little shit, was about to protest when Wrecker suddenly spoke up.
"We should play truth or dare!"
He said loudly and grinned at all of you. Echo groaned and looked annoyed at Wrecker and Tech didn't look too convinced either, Hunter looked at wrecker and nodded his head grinning. That boy was really drunk to the core.
"Truth or dare? I don't think is a good idea when we, especially hunter, are so drunk"
you said, looking at the long-haired sergeant who was glaring at you. The others Echo, Tech and also Crosshair nodded while Wrecker looked pouting at Hunter.
"Then truth or truth"
Wrecker said, and he and Hunter looked at you pleadingly. The others didn't seem so averse to the idea and looked at you too.
"We can play truth or truth, but on the marauder...I don't think it would go well here."
you said, pointing to the crowded area, which was getting more crowded the later it got.
The others agreed and finished the rest of their drinks before everyone got up and headed to 79's entrance to finally head out. The booth you were sitting in was occupied right after you got up, a bunch of wolfpack boys sliding directly into the seats and grinning at you.
The air outside the club was refreshing in contrast to the sweaty alcoholic air inside. Hunter put an arm around you with a grin and gave you a peck on the cheek.
"Glad you came along."
he slurred, looking at you happily. It's a wonder what alcohol does to people, but the guys deserve it after being off-world for the last 213 standard days.
The Marauder was cooler than usual after Echo left the door open so 'maybe the stench would go away a little' which of course it didn't.
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After Tech turned on some lights and Crosshair got some leftover alcohol so you guys could still drink, everyone sat on the floor in a circle.
"Alright, I'll start. Echo how's it going with the Twi'Lek you once told us about?"
Said Wrecker and everyone looked at a blushing Echo who scratched his neck in embarrassment. Had he told you that?
"It's going quite well, she's unfortunately not on Coruscant at the moment but we keep in touch."
he said and smiled a little, she really seemed to be something special for him.
"Okay, uh, Hunter, where's the weirdest place you've had sex?"
Asked Echo and you looked at him slightly shocked, that was a pretty quick 180° turn and then from Echo? geez.
Hunter grinned and took a sip of his spotchka.
"Probably in the warehouse of the clinic"
"The clinic warehouse? That's not very clean, especially for the medical stuff."
Tech said and looked at his brother critically, of course he would think about it despite his drunken state. Typical
"Oh shush. but now that you mention it so nicely tech, one thing you're into when you're having sex."
the sergeant said with a grin and looked at his brother knowingly. Oh maker, what was he up to now?
Tech mumbled something under his breath. Hunter looked wide-eyed at his brother, shocked at what he had just heard.
"What did you say, Tech? I'm afraid we couldn't hear."
Crosshair said, smirking at him. The little shit knew exactly what his brother had said, a thing confessed one night under high alcohol influence, a thing that he would never forget.
Tech glared at his youngest brother and narrowed his eyes before sighing in annoyance.
"I said, I like overstimulation."
Hunter started to protest, but he didn't say what Tech had actually just said, knowing that it apparently made him uncomfortable.
"Wrecker, have you ever caught one of us doing something but never said you saw it?"
Tech said, grinning slightly at Crosshair, who was now looking at the genius with a firm look. Wrecker, however, didn't notice the somber exchange of glances and sat up straight.
"I once caught Crosshair having sex on Echo's bed."
The aforementioned brother spat out his spotchka and looked at the gray-haired sniper, who gave Wrecker a sour look.
"On my bed?! Why would u even do that?!?"
Echo asked, looking at his brother with a bitter look. There was so much he had already experienced because of Fives and now he was experiencing that again here?
Crosshair sighed in annoyance and looked to Echo.
"Calm down, I changed all the sheets afterwards."
You wondered if that was true? But it seemed to calm Echo down.
" It's my turn, (y/n) have you ever had a thing with one of the regs?"
Wrecker asked, looking at you curiously. The others also looked at you with interest.
You were constantly on the move within different battalions during your training as a combat medic. Mostly with the Foxtrot guys, but you also saw the Torent Company, the wolfpack and the Corrie Guard men.
"With one, yes."
You said and smiled ashamedly. The guys looked at you with open mouths, knowing that they didn't really like any of the Regs, it was a little awkward to tell them.
"Anyway, Crosshair have you ever been rejected by anyone?"
You asked and looked at him questioningly, he had a big ego and that was one of the questions that tugged at it. Too embarrassing that he would ever actually admit such a thing.
He said and a slight blush rose to his ears as he turned his gaze to his glass. Hunter chuckled and looked amused at his youngest brother, who then looked at him fiercely.
"(y/n) which of the regs did you sleep with?"
Crosshair fired at you, now looking at you with a smirk. Maker, you should have known he was going to ask you again and this time you couldn't even avoid the question.
"One of the Foxtrot boys from the 212th battalion."
Crosshair looked at you with raised eyebrows and leaned his head slightly to the side. You sighed
"Captain Gregor."
"Don't I know him."
Echo said and the others nodded in agreement, phew! Crosshair shook his head in disgust and filled his glass with another drink.
Gregor was a good friend, maybe a little more than a friend, but the others didn't need to know that and after he was killed on Abafar it wasn't something you liked to talk about anyway.
"Tech, what do you look for in partners?"
you asked the genius sitting to your right, noticing how he momentarily stiffened.
"Uhh, My partner should get along well with my brothers, be loyal, be helpful, be kind-hearted, be interested in what people around her are interested in, and preferably also be intelligent, so she usually understands what I'm saying. Especially since intelligence is quite attractive in general"
Answered the brown-haired man and the redness rose up his face. Crosshair looked at him for a moment before his eyes widened briefly and looked over at you.
Tech looked up at you briefly and smiled nervously at you. Cute how he talked about this topic and he was right with the statement. Intelligence is sexy.
The evening continued with some embarrassing but also funny questions and at a certain point you leaned your head slightly against Tech's shoulder.
Tech briefly looked down at you to see if you were still awake or already asleep, but you seemed wide awake. A slight red glow on your cheeks from the alcohol and slightly smeared make-up around your eyes from all the laughing, but you were as beautiful as ever.
The brown-haired man put his left hand lightly on your thigh, just above the knee, so as not to cross a line that would make you uncomfortable in any way.
You clutched his arm lightly with your right arm and looked up at him for a moment, only to see that he was already staring at you.
But you didn't think anything of it, too carried away by the alcohol that you only grinned at him and then continued to focus on the game.
"Tech, when was the last time you masturbated?"
Hunter asked, even drunker than he was earlier in the club, but clearly more awake.
"Twenty-three standard days ago."
He said matter-of-factly and looked up.
"Twenty-three days ago? That long?"
Wrecker said shocked and you giggled at his astonishment, it seemed the rest of them were really a bunch of rabbit's that couldn't go long without sexual interaction.
"Yes, Twenty-three standard days. masturbation does have some health benefits like boosting your immune system by increasing cortisol, lifting your mood by releasing dopamine and oxytocin, and also helping you fall asleep by releasing serotonin, prolactin and also oxytocin to the brain. Nevertheless, I do not see it as an importance.
He said and then took a sip of his drink, While the others just looked at him stupidly.
"Sleep, one of the things you might want to consider sometime when we're on missions."
you said, lifting your head from his shoulder to look at him urgently. He just shook his head and looked at echo.
"Echo, have you ever used your scomp-link for anything else?"
Tech now asked, looking knowingly at a blushing Echo. Echo looked sheepishly at the ceiling of the ship and the other guys burst out laughing.
You, too, couldn't help but smile in amusement. Tech rolled his eyes mockingly, but relaxed again when he noticed how you unconsciously began to draw shapes on the back of his hand with your fingers.
Echo cleared his throat and looked apologetically at Tech, knowing that he was the one who always cleaned and repaired his scomp-link. Echo looked from you to Tech and spoke:
"(y/n) what is your favorite sex position?"
Your unconscious movement stopped briefly but started again after a few seconds.
"Mhh, I would say cowgirl?"
Tech inwardly choked on his breath. Cowgirl?
Oh maker, the thought of what you would look like riding him suddenly entered his head.
How he would hold your hips while you would slowly move up and down, how you would look into his eyes, with those beautiful (e/c) eyes. He loved your eyes so much, so much that he could drown in them for hours.
He loved so much how your eyes gleam with interest while you listen to him, how they glare at him when he hasn't closed his eyes all night. How they would stare at him worriedly when he was somehow injured during a fight. Oh those eyes
He inwardly insulted himself as he felt a familiar warmth move down his spine. But the thought of you dropping your head back and pinching your eyes shut as you moan his name never left his mind.
He glanced briefly over at Hunter, curious if he had noticed any of his brother's arousal, but the long-haired sergeant was far too drunk and too busy to nod of on his brothers shoulder to realize anything.
He straightened up slightly and crossed his legs to hide his hard-on, afterwards he looked down at you sitting there and leaning against him, enjoying yourself with his brothers.
Tech was the last to really befriend you, too jealous of the new intelligent member who was getting all the attention from his brothers. But after a while you started hanging out with him and asked him questions, but what surprised him more was that you were actually listening.
A loud yawn interrupted the conversation and wrecker looked at the clock next to the fresher door. 04:37am
"That was a great evening, good night".
Wrecker stood up and looked at all of us, only then noticing how hunter was asleep hanging on Crosshair's shoulder. Sighing he stepped over one of the glasses to pick up the sleeping sergeant and carry him to his bunk.
"Well then I'll say goodbye for today too, I have to check in with the clinic again tomorrow or today whatever, so we can restock for the next mission."
you said and slowly stood up while leaning on Tech's shoulder. Tech held your leg momentarily as you stumbled slightly and you gave him a grateful smile.
After you went to the bunks, the other two stood up as well.
"Aren't you going to bed Tech?"
Echo asked, looking at his brother questioningly, but he remained sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and picked up his datapad.
"No, not yet, I wanted to do some calcuations."
He said and turned his attention to the device. Echo sighed, but then walked wearily to the back of the ship. Crosshair looked at his older brother with a grin.
"And you don't stay seated because a random word earlier took you completely out of the world?"
Crosshair asked mockingly, pointing at Tech's crossed legs with a grin. Tech looked up at his brother with red cheeks.
"Nothing threw me out of the world."
He said stubbornly and looked Crosshair firmly in the eye. Said brother chuckled teasingly and leaned against the wall.
"Oh yeah, sorry, you didn't stare at her for a good 10 minutes while getting a boner and then crossed your legs even though we both know you hate sitting like that."
he said, taking his toothpick out of his mouth to flick it at him. Tech sneered and looked annoyed at his brother.
"Oh, before I forget, she loves giving head!"
Crosshair said, grinning and looking at his brother who grunted and clenched his eyes tightly shut.
"Copaani mirshmure'cye, osi'kovid? Usen'ye!!!" (Are you looking for a smack in the face, shithead? Go away!!!)
Tech said and looked sourly at the silver-haired sniper, who just laughed and joined the others in bed.
After Crosshair left, Tech went to the cockpit. Why would he even say that when he knows how Tech felt about you, of course he was aware that his arousal amused the sniper, but c'mon.
Tech closed the cockpit door and sat down in the pilot's chair, but the calculations he wanted to make didn't make any sense in his head.
All the attention that had once been focused on his datapad was now on his brother's words. 'she loves giving head' 'she loves giving head' 'she loves giving head' MAKER!
He put his datapad on his thigh and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping he could focus again. But all he could think of were those words.
He sighed in defeat, but it had been Twenty-three days since he had been able to relax for the last time. Too busy with his projects, too busy with the last mission and more importantly, too little privacy. The chance that he would be caught was too high, but now that everyone was pretty drunk he was sure that all of you would be fast asleep.
He closed his eyes and leaned further back in the chair before taking his goggles off his head and rubbing his hands over his eyes. The cockpit was pitch black, he almost couldn't even see his own hand, because apart from the small blinking light from his glasses, not a single light was on in the ship or even in the hangar.
He was not the biggest fan of alcohol, but he enjoyed the peaceful time with you and his brothers even more, especially with you. The dress you wore looked stunning.
And when you leaned against him during the game he could have sworn that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. The places where you touched felt cold and he longed for your touch.
The way you kept looking up at him during the game made him crazy, He always knew your eyes were beautiful, But the difference between knowing it and seeing them in person is the difference between dreaming of flying and flight.
Tech's thoughts stopped at your eyes. And there were those words again, once dispelled but they reappeared and he couldn't even complain about it. 'She loves giving head'
His eyes were still closed, too deep in his dreams and instead of resurfacing he let himself fall.
His right hand slid slowly to his pants and he slid with little pressure over the bulge that pressed firmly against the fabric of his blacks. A soft grunt fell over his lips before he sighed softly.
He slid his hand under the fabric of his blacks and ran his finger over the wet tip of his cock to spread the precum slightly. He took his hand off his pants to spit on it and with his other hand pulled the pants down to the end of his shaft.
The cold air sent goose bumps over his body, but he couldn't care less. He began to stroke his cock up and down with his right hand, the saliva smoothing the movement. A satisfied grunt left his mouth and his eyes closed tighter.
He imagined you sitting on your knees in front of him, looking at him with sparkling eyes as you stroked his cock with firm movements and gave him one of your breathtaking smiles. A breathy moan escaped his lips, louder than before, and his hips began to move in rhythm with his hand.
Tech saw you lick his cock from base to tip before you took his tip in your mouth and started sucking lightly. His hand moved faster and he began to moan softly, his other hand slid lightly over his nipples and an electric shock traveled down his back, eliciting a louder moan.
he whimpered and his left hand went down to his balls to play lightly with them. A loud moan escaped his lips and his back arched against the seat.
His movements became faster and faster, Tech imagined you saying his name and taking his cock deeper into your mouth, your hands slowly moving up his thighs until you could start fondling his balls with one hand and start following the movements of your mouth with the other.
"Oh god, please"
His breathing became more frantic and he felt so close, the band in his stomach tightened more and more his leg started to wobble up and down, causing the datapad to fall off his leg and hit the floor with a loud thud.
His hands became faster, more irregular and he had to pull himself together to keep his moans as quiet as possible. His whimpering came uncontrollably and his head fell back with a gasp.
"Oh god (y/n) please, fuck."
His rhythm faltered and stopped, only hearing the squelshing sound of his hand moving and the knot pulled tight, tighter tighter tighter and he prepared to let go. His hand passed over his nipples again and he was read-.
You asked, knocking on the cockpit door. Tech, startled, dropped his hand from his cock and whimpered, he was so close. Shit
He quickly put his cock back into his pants and cleared his throat, the pulsing sensation against the fabric of his pants was almost painful. He picked up the datapad and took it firmly in his hand
He said quietly through the cockpit door and with a whoosh the door opened. You stepped in through the door and squinted your eyes slightly to make him out in the darkness.
"Are you okay? I just heard a loud thud when I came out of the Feesher."
You asked, walking slowly in his direction, careful not to trip over anything.
Tech slowly turned around to you and saw the shirt you were wearing, were you just wearing the shirt? The twitch of his cock in his pants pulled him out of his thoughts, he carefully leaned the datapad over his pelvis.
"Yes everything is okay, I just accidentally dropped the datapad".
He answered your question and you leaned skeptically against the co-pilot seat. It was still dark, but your eyes had adjusted enough to the darkness to see that his cheeks were flushed and his breathing was relatively quick.
"Okay, I can't really sleep, wrecker's snoring is incredibly loud... it's a wonder the others can sleep at all, but with the amount they've all been drinking it's not that unlikely."
you said and carefully took his goggles from the seat and put them on the seat behind the pilot seat before sliding into the seat next to him.
Tech was silent, his erection pressed firmly against the fabric of his pants and his leg began to wiggle up and down again.
For a while it was just silent and Tech didn't even have a clue what he was doing, he had been staring at the same page for a good 10 minutes and the light from the device falling on his face disturbed him somehow.
you said softly and Tech flinched, the memory of his earlier imagination almost making him grunt. He turned slightly in your direction and looked at you, you were sitting on the chair with your head leaning back and your gaze fixed on the hangar.
He indicated with his hand that you had his attention, watching you blink rapidly and chew lightly on your lip before clearing your throat.
"You said my name earlier."
The brown haired man looked at you in panic, his hands started to sweat and the datapad in his hand was about to fall out of his hand again until you took it out of his hand.
"It doesn't bother me, you know?"
you said and leaned out a bit to look at him with a piercing gaze. Tech's mouth dropped open, did you really just say that?
"What were you thinking about?"
He had never heard you speak so boldly before, and only now did he notice that you had a clear view of his bulge. He had noticed in a panic that the datapad you had taken away from him was the only thing covering his cock.
He cleared his throat and looked at you sheepishly.
"I- Uh. Well after you asked what your favorite sex position was earlier I couldn't think of anything else and Crosshair said something earlier too and since then I couldn't get it out of my head and then- well yeah."
"What were you thinking about?"
you said again and Tech realized that you really wanted to know what he was thinking about while he was moaning your name.
"I imagined you kneeling in front of me."
he said softly and scratched his neck while watching you. But you showed no reaction, he was afraid he had crossed a line and just as you started to get up he started to apologize, but you moved in front of him.
Your knees touched his and Tech fell silent. He looked up at you nervously waiting for something, anything, a twitch of your eyes but nothing.
Until you suddenly started to grin.
The brown-haired man leaned his head to the side and looked at you in confusion. His eyes widened when he saw you kneeling in front of him.
"Like this?"
You asked with a slight smile, oh god that smile. Tech shuddered in his seat and nodded speechlessly.
"And then what?"
"You started jerking me off."
He said and his leg bobbed up and down nervously. He watched as you ran your hands up his thighs and looked at him questioningly, after he nodded you carefully tugged down his blacks.
His cock stood up proudly and slapped lightly against his abdomen. Tech grunted slightly as you brought your hand lightly to his shaft. His cock was nice, a little longer than average but not too long, a little wider but not too thick.
You spit lightly into your hand and began stroking it slowly up and down. Tech grunted in satisfaction and looked at you with a hooded gaze.
"Please faster!"
He begged you and bucked his hips forward slightly. You giggled slightly and quickened your movements, a breathy moan slipping over his lips.
Your touch felt so incredibly intense. It triggered a much stronger feeling than he could ever create himself. Because after only a few minutes he was again so close to his release.
"I want to come, I want to come please?".
The brown haired man didn't know why he even asked, but his back arched strongly away from the seat and he felt like his back was about to break. His head pressed tightly against the back of the seat and his eyes squinted tightly shut.
Your movements became faster and one of your hands began to play firmly with his balls. A high-pitched moan came deep from his throat and he began to moan uncontrollably. He muttered broken words under his breath and he gasped.
Your hands didn't break their rhythm and Tech could feel the knot tighten tighter than ever.
"Look at me Tech."
He looked down at you hesitantly his eyes fell shut and you lightly slapped one of his balls, tech whimpered before opening his eyes and looking at you.
"Cum for me Pretty boy"
The compliment and the way you said those words shot him right over the edge. Small breathy moans fell over his lips as his cum shot onto your hand and also onto his Shirt.
But your movements didn't stop and Tech twitched back and forth from the overstimulation and one of his hands tried to push your hand away from him. He heard a soft click and looked down at you again, still overwhelmed by the persistent movements.
In one of your hands were his stun-cuffs and he grunted in shock as you suddenly tied his hands tightly behind the chair.
"What are you doing?"
he asked, groaning again as you took your hand off him to lick his cum off your hand. He dropped his head back from the sight momentarily and groaned before looking at you again questioningly.
The brown haired man watched as you pulled your shirt over your head, you had no bra on, the look was divine. How you knelt in front of him in just your panties and looked at him with a smile.
"Ready for more?"
You asked softly and he nodded frantically which made you giggle. His cock was still hard and he twitched in anticipation of what was about to come.
You leaned forward slightly, your hair sliding in your face slightly, and licked a strip from his base up to the tip of his cock, tech shivering as you licked at his sensitive cock.
"How are the cuffs?"
You asked, looking at him with a gentle gaze. He jiggled them slightly and then looked down at you with a smile,
"They fit well, not too tight but not loose enough that I could free myself in any way. I must still say that I have a large desire to touch you".
he remarked and your hand closed around his cock. As long as he could talk normally the job wasn't finished, just the way he raised his eyebrow and looked at you with a lecturing look.
"If you look at it that way Tech, I'm touching you because my hand is currently around your cock".
blood shot up the brown haired man's cheeks and he looked at you sheepishly.
"I don't mean your touch in general. I mean me touching you- Ohhhh"
He groaned as you put his cock in your mouth. Definitely a way to shut him up.
Your mouth felt so warm, so wet and so soft... if that's what your mouth felt like, then how would you feel?
You began to take him deeper into your mouth until the tip of his mouth touched your throat, his hips bucked forward slightly causing you to gag. Tech apologized with a moan, but you didn't let him stop you and started moving your mouth up and down with a steady rhythm.
One of your hands pressed Tech's hips against the seat and he whimpered at the loss of movement. Your other hand began to jerk him off with the rhythm of your mouth and the brown-haired man's moans grew louder.
"You are so good, fuck more please".
he moaned and let his head fall back gasping, he was embaressed that he was so close again after such a short time, but your mouth was heavenly
Tech started to protest when you suddenly took your mouth off his shaft. But he fell silent as you changed your sitting position, sat upright on your knees so that your breasts were level with his pelvis and slid between his legs closer to him.
You let a drop of spit fall between your breasts and took tech his cock closer to you to stick it between your breasts. Tech growled at the feeling of your soft breasts around his cock.
"Come on pretty boy, fuck my tits".
Your voice was a little lower than usual and he could see your dilated pupils. The sight of you and his cock between your breasts was a sight for sore eyes.
The brown-haired man started to move his hips in a thrusting rhythm and his arms flexed behind the chair. Maker
Your hands pressed your breasts tightly together as Tech moved freely up and down, the tip of his cock touching your chin again and again, which is why after a short while you stuck your tongue out and licked the tip lightly.
Tech twitched as his release came closer and closer, he had never heard himself verbally like that before, but you felt so good in every way. He groaned as his rhythm got out of control and he began to thrust frantically up and down.
The heat tightened in his belly and the rope began to knot tightly, but just when he thought he could come, all stimulation was suddenly gone and he whimpered as he arched against the chair.
"No, no, no whyyyyyy?"
he asked whimpering and bucked his hips urgently in the air to get any kind of stimulation. You struck a warning blow on his thigh and he groaned.
"Aren't you going to ask if you can come now? That's not nice tech, only bad boys do that."
you said and stood up to take his chin in your hand. Tech swallowed nervously and looked pleadingly into your eyes.
"I can be a good boy, please."
he pleaded and tears began to form in his eyes as a result of the denied orgasm. You smiled proudly at him and brushed a loose strand of hair from his face.
"Please what?"
you asked mockingly, looking at him playful. But Tech didn't seem to catch your playful gaze and squeezed out a rough "Please ma'am."
"Can you also be good enough for me and come together with me? Can you be a good boy?"
you asked him and he nodded with a groan.
You threw your legs over his and sat down on the brown-haired man's lap. Your hand pulled his face down to you and you looked into his eyes.
His golden eyes were almost black, but they still radiated as much comfort as usual, his gaze softened to admiration as he stared at you. His gaze lowered to your lips
He was so incredibly handsome, you stroked his cheekbones and pulled him closer to you. Your lips were only a few centimeters apart, tech leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours.
His lips were soft and unlike the situation you were in, the kiss was slow, romantic, emotional and a strong feeling of happiness exploded in your stomach.
Your hands went under his shirt and you pulled it up slightly, but the handcuffs prevented you from taking off his last piece of clothing.
Tech giggled against your lips and you parted your lips from his, grinning. You leaned back past his waist to undo the cuffs and freed his hands. Tech rubbed his hands briefly, the red imprints of the handcuffs coming from all the pulling.
"You okay?"
you asked, looking at his joints to check for any permanent injuries. But Tech pulled his hands out of your grip and pulled his shirt over his head before placing his hands on your hips.
"I'm more than okay."
He said breathlessly, grinning as you relaxed despite his almost painful erection. But that didn't stop him from kissing you again, your tongue slipping into his mouth and fighting victoriously against his. He parted with a light sigh and looked at you sweetly.
You grinned at him before taking his cock in your hand, tugging your panties to the side and rubbing it against your wet entrance, Tech moaned and it got louder as you slowly inserted his cock.
"Shit, you feel so good Ma'am".
He said and dropped his head against the back of the seat, his hands tightening around your hips and he had to pull himself together not to come right away.
Your lips found his neck and pressed soft kisses against his throat, after a few kisses you slowly began to playfully nip and suck his neck. Knowing that you were leaving Marks turned him on even more than he already was and he slowly started grinding your hips against him.
The sensation made him growl and your facade dropped momentarily as a soft moan came from your mouth. Tech was sure he could hear that sound for the rest of his life without getting tired of it. Maker
You straightened up and slowly began to ride him, his grip on your hips loosened and one of his hands went down to your butt with a smack. His head straightened up and his lips enclosed one of your nipples to lick and suck on it. Tech moaned as your hands pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck and bit nekishly into the flesh above your nipple.
Your pace quickened and your lips found his again in a teeth-clashing, tongue-dancing kiss.
Tech started moaning uncontrollably with your movements and he moaned so loud that you thought the whole hangar could hear him.
"You have to be quiet for me Cyar'ika, or I have to get you to be more quiet,"
you said and the genius groaned at the term of endearment. But your warning seemed either not to interest him or just not possible for him.
Your hand found his throat and you pressed lightly against his airway. Tech looked at you with a hooded gaze before dropping his head back against the backrest and groaning breathlessly as he squeezed his eyes shut.
The fire in his belly was so close to exploding, he couldn't suppress his moan, and the new sensation of the encapsulation of his airway tightened the knot a bit more.
His hips began to thrust against your rhythm and his eyes rolled back into his skull. His moans began to break and scattered tears ran from his eyes, his breath was quite erratic and his normally neat hair strands stuck sporadically to his face.
"I can't, I need to cum please, Too much please, Shit"
he slurred and moaned loudly as you clenched around him. The sweat made you shine so extraordinarily erotic, he grunted harshly.
"Come for me ner karta"
you said softly and moved your fingers down to your clit to circle it tightly. You moaned Techs name desperately and that was all Tech needed to explode.
A way too loud moan of your name left his mouth and he arched away from the chair so hard you could hear it crack. He began to tremble and his breathing quickened frantically, too overstimulated to even notice that you came right after him.
After the blackness disappeared from his eyes he looked around, you were no longer on him, nor beside him. Had he dreamed that?
A slight whoosh pulled him out of his daze and he saw you come into the cockpit with a glass, you already had your shirt on and were slowly walking towards tech.
"Hello love, are you okay? You were completely gone for a few minutes."
You said, looking at him with concern before putting the water glass in his hand.
"I've never been better"
he slurred tiredly and looked at you with an loving grin. You looked at him with a smile and stroked his hair out of his face.
You helped him get dressed, at least his greys, and then quietly helped him go to the back of the ship where the others were still snoring quietly or in wreckers case loudly.
"Sleep with me"
he whispered softly and pulled you to him by the hips. You put your arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
"You need a real night of sleep Cyar'ika and not just for a few hours".
you whispered and looked at him urgently
"I can sleep well when you are with me, please."
He whispered pleadingly and looked at you with wide eyes you sighed and nodded in agreement. But instead of following him to his bed you pulled him to yours. His bed was full of small stuff from his experiments and you certainly didn't want to sleep on it.
You lay down in the bed and Tech sat on the edge of your bed for a moment. His eyebrows drew together momentarily as he looked at Crosshair, no he had imagined that, he was asleep.
He turned over with a soft sigh and lay down with you, his arms hugging your hips and his head finding a place on your breasts.
"Sleep well ner sarad"
he whispered softly, you pressed him closer to you and noticed after a few minutes that he was fast asleep.
He looked so peaceful, he really needed the sleep and you could see it on his face. His wrinkles completely relaxed and non-existent, his breath calm and quiet, some drool ran out of the left corner of his mouth and you grinned slightly.
You sigh and close your eyes, you couldn't have asked for anything better. It may have been a bit much, but in the future it would go right.
"Try to be louder next time, maybe all of Couscant will hear you".
said a harshly amused voice across from your bed.
"Not all of Coruscant, but the whole system."
said an annoyed voice below you.
You looked in shock at the silver haired sniper lying across your bed looking at you in amusement, he looked at you with wide eyes and imitated Tech with a playful moan.
Scattered mocking moans came from Crosshair and the boy under your bed and tech began to move slightly.
"Crosshair shut up and sleep and echo, I expect this from Crosshair and wrecker, maybe from hunter but not from you. You rat"
you whispered urgently and gave crosshair a fierce look, both of them started snickering.
"All of you shut the fuck up and sleep, this howling has kept me awake long enough."
Said the firm voice of an already Hungover Hunter. Oops
Thank you for reading Love!
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toska-writes · 10 months
Summary: 6 members of the bad batch decided to through a party for the last member
Paring: TBB x GN padawan reader (ITS PLATONIC FOR EVERY MEMBER)
Warning: none just fluff!
Word count: 1377 (Not proof read)
Notes: it’s my birthday tomorrow! The 23rd!! So it felt appropriate how self indulgent is this 🤷‍♀️
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In their defense it was sensible not to tell Wrecker or Omega until the day off. They even thought of keeping it from Tech with his blabbering mouth.
Hunter Echo, and Crosshair need the perfect planning though so that was out the window.
"Why didn't you tell me!" Omega tugged at the arm of Hunter for what seemed the millionth time as they walked through the small shops.
Hunter sighed before saying. "Sorry kid, but we couldn't risk it. We can't really surprise them."
Omega didn't seem satisfied with the answer yet until Hunter took her by the shoulder before whispering. "It was Echos idea anyway."
She smiled up at him before trying to lead Hunter to the next little shop. He was going to get an ear full from Echo if he found out Hunter threw him under the bus.
Omegas giggles filled the air snapping Hunter back to his young sister- She claimed that unlike the others she would find the gift you would like the very best for your birthday.
Satisfied she held her hands out in a grabbing motion for Hunter to drop a few credits in.
Wrecker swatted Tech's hand away for the millionth time in the last rotation.
"Would ya just let me finish this in peace?" Wrecker was balancing with one foot trying desperately to hang that last banner from the roof of the Marauder.
"If you would hang it sufficiently." Tech muttered to himself finishing blowing up the rest of the balloons.
"Hey!" Wreck whipped his head around, for a moment his entire life flashed before his eyes before Wreckers hand slapped the wall and he fell flat on his back.
The banner now had one end hung neatly from the ceiling and the other completely lowered hung on the wall.
Wrecker only laughed trying to return the breath back to his lungs. "Well Tech hope your happy with that, I'm not gettin' back up there again."
Echos laughed filled the right space, quickly he walked over with a hand outstretched.
Tech only scoffed before throwing a ballon at the head of his brother as he stood. "That is quite alright Wreck, we don't have that much time anyways."
Perfectly on time with his words the hatch to the ship open and in rushed Omega pushing past their legs and up into her loft.
"Well whatcha get 'Mega." Echo called after her.
She didn't poke her head out until the sound of paper crunching filled the room.
"It's a surprise! I gotta wrap it."
Hunter walked over and took a seat momentarily looking around the now brightly colored ship. A small smile appeared on his face.
"Food is all prepared Hunter." Tech spoke over his shoulder, he quickly checked something off of his data pad.
"I'm comming Cross then." Echo took a seat next to the sergeant. "You better finished wrapping." He now directed at the younger girl.
Omega flew from her loft and place the small package next to the small assortment of food and gifts. "Ready." She jumped up to high-5 wrecker.
You didn't think Cross was one for nature walks, or sight seeing before as that is what the story he came to you with.
Confusion flew out the window however we Crosshair starting giving you lesson in sharpshooting.
As he talked you didn't dare not to pay attention knowing that this was a privilege to even be breathing near his precious sniper.
Laying down Crosshair snug the blaster into your shoulder and positioning your hands the right way.
"You need to keep steady both internally and externally." He spoke quietly to you lining up your shot.
Breathing in once, the out again you pulled the trigger. The shot wasn’t far from the mark, but with the expert sniper breathing down your next you felt differently.
Crosshair took the time to adjust what seemed to be wrong and let you have a few more shot.
The last 3 neared closer and closer to the center mark of a tree you both decided on. Your focus was all on the center-
That was until Crosshair’s comm beeped sending a rouge shot up through the trees.
“That’ll wrap it up for today then.” He held his hand out waiting for you to return the blaster.
“That last shot was hardly my fault.” You tried to defend yourself getting to your feet quickly.
“Good snipers will tune that out, I thought that’s what the Jedi taught you.” A dastardly smirk edged onto his face.
“Yeah well they did, but I wouldn’t say I was the best at it.” The duo started the small walk back as the twin suns just started retreating over the horizon.
Breaking the comfortable silence you said. “Any reason you wanted to go shooting today?” With this being one of the days the group had nothing planned that was dangerous it was refreshing.
“Doing something nice.” He shrugged pulling a toothpick out its case and putting it right into his mouth.
“Yeah right.” You snorted, quickly bumping shoulders into the man. “Because you were so nice when you first met me.”
“You were weird kid.” He barley spared you a glance before continuing. “And you still are.”
Coming up on the ship now the hatch door wasn’t opened which was odd for a nice cool night. Glancing at the other man quickly, clearly he didn’t think nothing strange so you shrugged it off and opened the door.
Squinting your eyes into the darkness you barley could make out a few figures before the lights flashed on.
“SURPRISE!” A chorus of people yelled. Looking around all the bad batch members had their eyes on you as Omega flew into for a hug.
“You like it?” She asked with a giddy laugh.
“You guys it’s wonderful!” The siths themselves couldn’t have wiped the tooth eating grin from your face. “I barely remembered, how did you know.”
“Your records has all the information needed.” Tech stepped forward wrapping an arm of his own around your shoulder and giving a quick squeeze.
You laughed for saying. “Yeah we’re gonna talk about that later.”
“After food of course!” Wrecker shouted point to a table filled with many delicious treats.
Crosshair planted a hand on your shoulder flashing you a smirk before joining Wrecker with a plate.
You looked around once more, the streamers were magical hanging from the ceiling and the banner… well it definitely made you laugh.
To the side stood Hunter and Echo with their own grins in their faces. Rushing over quickly you gave no warning flinging your self and trapping both of their necks in your arms.
“Thank you too.” You whisper at both of them. “I can’t remember the last time I celebrated something like this.”
“Any time kid.” Hunters warm voice filled your ears.
“Now would you go eat? Some of us trekked along forever looking for it.” Echo playful taped your shoulder.
“Why of course.” You turned, Omega had a plate already stretched out for you and the pair quickly found a comfortable place together on the floor.
Even Gonky got into the spirit with his own party hat on.
Omega rambled on for a minute or two before she finally recalled. “Oh I got you something! It’s way better than the others so you should open it first.”
With your laugh echoing around she jumped up and quickly grabbed the gift off the table.
“You guys didn’t have to get me something.” You said as the package was handed carefully to you.
“The least we could do.” Wrecker boomed from behind you. “Now open it up so I can see what it is.”
With Omega’a and the rest of the Batches eyes on you you peeled the paper away.
Inside was a trooper doll that matched Omega’s, this however seemed to be a tad bigger and had more colors on it.
“Look now we match!” She said delighted. Pointing to the shirt, which seemed to be homemade, Omega said. “It even matches your lightsaber!”
Tears welled in your eyes now. “Oh Omega it’s perfect.” Scooping the girl into your arms you came her a tight cuddle.
This is how you wanted to spend all your birthdays, happily surrounded by your family.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook
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fandomstars · 1 year
Hi :) I was wondering if I could request tbb boys with a male Jedi boyfriend? (With orange light sabers/saber since that's the color I have and it is pretty uncommon to see in the star wars universe. Also maybe have the reader be trans?)
(Sorry can’t do Trans/non-binary/poly/genderfluid. I’ve never done so and I don’t have enough knowledge to do so. Plus, I don’t want to offend anyone. The rest though I can do!)
Bad Batch x Male Jedi
First thing that caught his eye was the orange saber. He didn’t know too much about Jedi like Tech and Echo, but he knew enough that something was different about him.
It took him a few seconds to realize like yeah, and he’s also good looking.
Cue him being between flustered and trying to seem cool in the Jedi’s presence.
His brothers tease him ridiculously, especially since Hunter is usually the least likely to romanticize with anyone.
So when Hunter began to actually have feelings for said Jedi, it didn’t help Tech managed to find out enough about him to add him as the batch’s first Jedi.
Y/N didn’t really find out of just why the batch with the reputation of ‘No need to a jedi, we got a Hunter’ were so nice to him. Of course he had a crush on Hunter, I mean have you seen his hair?
Y/N was just as flustered around him, and even more so once the two began to get closer and go into battle together.
Let’s just say Hunter might do the first kiss due to the heat of battle more than anything.
Crosshair might of gotten a glance at him from afar one time, can’t say exactly how he ended up at the sparring room, but there he was battling a couple of training droids. Despite usually not interested in Jedi stuff, he couldn’t help but watch the entire training session.
Said Jedi knew someone was watching him, it didn’t help the force seem to draw some sort of connection to the mysterious person. (Force ships hard!)
Crosshair waits till he stops training (trying hard to hide the blush of being turned on by the Jedi decapitating the two training droids in one move. Not that he’ll admit it) to ask him for a drink.
The Jedi accepts, which has Crosshair wondering if he’s an imposter. No way a goodie twos Jedi would indulge in alcohol.
“It’s not that, Jedi occasionally drink alcohol (once of age), they just either do so in secret or rarely one forgets they do.” - Y/N
“I don’t drink alcohol, but the milkshakes at Dexters are the best.” - Y/N
Which leads the pair to the 79s bar, followed by Dexters for their first date.
First kiss happens the first place they meet, cause that training move basically made Crosshair this time, not try to hide his excitement and adoration.
First thing he thought when he saw you was, ‘I can totally get more knowledge on Jedi lore from him!”
Wasn’t till he actually came up to you, that he became partially speechless on your beauty, but also flustered and stuttering of his request.
You smile and accept helping him learn more of Jedi lore, which makes him even more red.
So starts the two of you study dates. Tech rambling, yet blushing since you basically lean to his every word each time.
First kiss happens by your first move, followed by Tech nearly going all out passion before realizing the two of you are in the archives.
Tech knows Jedi have rules about dating and so on, but thanks to his intelligence, is able to loop hole around it and eventually let it be public (beyond his brother and sister) without any fear.
Loves to shower his lover with gifts, especially if you bring back some cool item on one of your missions.
Unlike the rest of the batch, he’d already seen plenty of Jedi fighting and knew a lot of lore (the guy carried a manual a good portion of his life after all).
Still, it wasn’t to say he wasn’t impressed by Y/N’s moves, and once he became the batch’s Jedi, he was crushing hard.
He basically was the perfect gentleman for you. Making sure you got off the ship okay (hand holding bonus), back you up in battle (he surprisingly felt more alive fighting side by side with you)
He didn’t confess his feelings for awhile, mainly due to being part cyborg and all.
But you didn’t care, in fact, it got you to show him one of your favorite holo shows with a cyborg character.
Made him feel better, and it was during said binging holo dates, that he made a move.
Loves to see you use the force, maybe more way than one if you know what he means.
Will not let any Sith hurt you is he can help it. Beware Grevious and more.
This guy is the king of the party, so it’s no surprise first meet up was at the 79s bar.
He was just chilling with his brothers, when across the bar he spots you.
He is usually upbeat and social, but he could literally feel his palms sweating just wondering what he should do.
His brothers encourage him, and so he does, and good timing too. Some drunk brute tries to assault you.
He cracks his knuckles and gets ready to throw hands. But then he sees you (after the brute knocks your drink off the bar) circle throw him into a nearby table before calmly asking the bartender for another drink.
Yeah, he was smitten. And the night seem to go by like that, and before he knew it, he was leaving the bar with his brothers, with your pad number in hand.
First kiss was defiantly after a usual sparring date, and it may of gotten heated.
Loves to show you affection, no Jedi or clone can stop him.
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thecoffeelorian · 9 months
Overwatch, Chapter 3
Inspired by ASMR
Word Count: 1.1k
3 of 5 Chapters
Created for TBBAW 2023 @tbb-appreciation-week
Characters: Crosshair and Omega, aka You are Omega because the usual ‘x reader’ tag will not work here.
Tags:  Smoking, Imperial Horror
A/N: I brought in one of the members of Delta Squad for this one, because they were shown around the end of Season 2 as Imperial Commandos, even if their faces were covered the whole time. Also, even though Omega doesn't know which Commando it is, my inspiration settled on Scorch for...reasons. *wink wink*
Tag List: @groguandthebadbatch
AO3: Click Here
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Crosshair goes and takes another puff, only this time, you're careful to lift the rag over your nose and mouth in case he tries to exhale any more smoke at you. After what you saw and heard on Ord Mantell, maybe that’s why you're not about to be caught unawares by anyone else’s surprises.
"And how are they going to find you?"
What you are ready to do, however, is not allow yourself to fall into despair, or sadness, or any other low feelings that can otherwise disrupt a person's well-being. Not when you could literally be within spitting range of the ship that could fly you to freedom.
"That’s easy. I'll just sneak out to where the hangar is, steal a ship, and then comm them once I hit hyperspace."
By contrast, Crosshair just sits in silence, watching you and then...smirking. He's got the look of someone who's acting as though you just told him a droid joke, though you don't remember saying anything silly. What is he reacting to this time, or are you too foolish to ask?
"You're going to find your way past all of these guards and doctors, sneak up to the uppermost levels of this facility without setting off a single alarm, and then convince one of these pilots to look the other way while you fly off with their shuttle...?"
"Of course. I've gotten away from two bounty hunters already, how can some Imperials be any—"
"—How do you plan to steal one of their key-cards?"
"Their what now...?"
His smirk widens.
"Their key-cards, kid. The things they have to use to get from one level to another, without which nobody has proper clearance. How are you going to get one?"
At first, you imagine the ground dropping out directly from under you, leaving you to fall forever into whatever lightless void waits beyond all the floorboards, dirt, and everything else than lies between.
Then, you get your first of many ideas, and hopefully not your last. Specifically, your mind turns to Emerie Karr, not just the strange woman who claimed to be your sister, but also the second 'doctor' you happened to meet in this scary new place. She might have the clearance you need to go snoop around a little, never mind to help create your escape plan.
Provided, of course, that you manage to work your way into her good graces first.
"I can go to Emerie. She’s also a clone, right? Maybe I can just ask to borrow hers one day, like...to go help Nala Se, or something."
His smirk hasn't vanished yet, but at least the two of you are thinking ahead rather than arguing. So far, so good.
"...All right. So you now have the key-card, but you're going to need your weapon back. How do you plan to get it?"
Your memory rewinds for your a second time, back when one of those Imperial guards took your beloved energy bow and traveling sack away from you, seemingly because they thought your journeys were over. However...since this facility has dedicated itself to various forms of research, would they choose throwing a potential asset away over studying its strengths, weaknesses, and overall capability in combat?
"Well, there's got to be an armory here, if not also a weapons testing room. I'm good at snooping in places where nobody would expect me, so maybe I can start there."
"And then what?"
"Then, I'll...eavesdrop in secret to learn their pass codes, after which I'll sneak in after dark and take back what they took from me."
"Good, good...so you're armed, and you have clearance. Now lie down."
Crosshair barely pushes you back onto your bed in time before you hear the footsteps, the one sign available to you that an Imperial Guard is coming. Did he hear you talking? He must have. Those upgraded helmets could have also upgraded their comm devices and earbuds in the time you spent away from Kamino. What if he—
"—Shhh. Just lie still until he leaves."
He doesn't dare speak above a whisper, but then again, he won't have to tell you twice. The growing sound of this Guard's breathing is more than enough to make you go rigid and silent, your face turned toward the wall to purposefully avoid having to stare into that faceless visor. Each new breath he takes makes the sick feeling in your stomach return, and with it, your fear of being discovered by him grows a little at a time.
"Who's still awake? Status report."
It's a sound you only ever heard in the hospital bays before, the sound of respirators keeping so many Troopers alive while they healed from blaster wounds, broken bones, concussions, infections, and so many other strange descendants of the Republic's battlefield. This Guard, curiously enough, rarely made it into those same bays because of how accomplished his team—also known as Delta Squad—had once been, according to all the stories. Curiouser still, you had once believed him to be far above serving any dictator—let alone this new 'Emperor' Palpatine—because as far as you were concerned, they were the closest things to heroes besides your own Clone Force 99.
How quickly the galaxy has seen it fit to teach you otherwise.
“...Ya know, you’re not in trouble. Every Trooper has a rough night here and there, so. Any of you shinies wanna tell me who ignored the ‘Lights Out’…?”
His voice sounds a little bit clearer now, so he’s got to be a little bit closer to you than before. He’s coming. He’s on his way, but you’re not going to look back at him. He may be so close as to notice that you’re only pretending to be asleep, but you are not going to look back at him. The moment that you do will be the same moment you disappear behind those massive gray doors, and then—
“—The kid had a bad dream.”
Then...nothing happens whatsoever. You’re fighting the urge to turn and see if he’s standing right behind you, but this Imperial Commando makes no sound of response. Shouldn’t he be trying to punish you right now, or something…?!
“You do know how kids can be, right? You obviously had nightmares at her age. I never met any other regs who didn’t, so...maybe you could do her a favor, and ignore the usual protocols just this once?”
You hear a low sigh from nearby, a shifting of old armor rattling in spite of its new technological upgrades—
“All right, Trooper. Just this once.”
—And then, whichever part of Delta Squad this Trooper is supposed to be—be he Boss the fighter, Fixer the hacker, or Scorch the accident-prone, as there was never any further word about Sev—simply walks away to continue his rounds of guard duty.
He’s gone now.
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s1st3r · 3 years
An Eye for Detail (Crosshair x Reader)
Warnings: none
Summary: Crosshair helps you get ready for dinner 😊
Author Note: Had this idea bouncing around my head for awhile and finally got it finished up! Hasn’t been edited so any feedback and criticism is more than welcome!
Word Count: 941
I swore under my breath as I fumbled and dropped the pencil.
So clumsy today.
A quiet chuckle drew my attention to the cabin’s entrance where a slim silhouette lent against the door frame, arms crossed. So my mistake, unfortunately, failed to go unnoticed.
Rolling my eyes dramatically, I stooped to pick it up.
“Jeez thanks,” I muttered sarcastically, to which he only smirked in response.
I turned to face the small mirror again as I finished applying my eyeliner. With the sharp shooter eyes fixated on my movements, I applied the final touches to my make up with some mascara and lipstick before finally turning to address my mocker.
He had stood patiently still the whole time. Observing. Though anyone who looked closer would know he was admiring.
Truthfully, I never had the time for trivial things like cosmetics, nor the need, but for the first time in a long time the boys and I had... leave? It was an unexpected yet not unwelcome surprise when we received orders to spend five days on a peaceful planet located close to the outskirts of the Inner Rim. The planet was heavily vegetated, with lots of woodland and forests filled with magnificent flora. Tech and Omega found themselves easily entertained by the unique plant life along with the many other natural landscapes left essentially untouched. Hunter spent most of his time training and... well... hunting, while Echo and Wrecker sought out waterholes and lakes for Wrecker to swim in while Echo relaxed nearby in the sunshine.
Which left me and Cross.
As much as I was grateful for being away from the constant risk of death, Cross and I were both becoming increasingly antsy. To feel productive, we had spent hours shooting and training. From climbing trees to swimming laps in the nearest body of water, we tried to find ways to relieve the tension. Not just the tension of being away from the battle field, but the tension that stirred between the two of us when we found ourselves alone and undistracted.
With our five days almost up, Hunter suggested we travel into the city for dinner on our final evening. Apparently Crosshair and I ‘weren’t relaxing’ pfft.
So now I found myself, dressed up and ready, facing the man I had spent the past days alongside.
I gestured to my face.
“What do you think?”
He raised his brow and I saw a tick of a smirk as the marksman pulled the toothpick from his mouth. The room was comfortably quite as he stepped closer to evaluate my artistic skills.
He hummed in thought as he scanned my face. His eyes roaming from my forehead, to my eyes, to my nose and cheeks... to my lips. He hesitated before flicking his gaze back to my eyes.
“Your liner is uneven.”
I let out a puff of air I didn’t realise I was holding as I laughed quietly at his blunt observation.
“Give it,” he said, opening his palm.
I raised my brows to which his eyes silently indicated his meaning.
I pressed the eyeliner pencil into his calloused hands.
“Close you eyes,” he murmured, almost a whisper as his breath tickled my cheek.
Without speaking, I closed my eyes and relaxed as he rested his palms on my face and began the delicate task of sharpening and evening the wings of my eyes.
His fingers were slow and precise. He shifted slightly. One hand held the pencil and gently worked while the other now held my chin lightly, only his fingertips gracing the curve of my jaw.
I could feel his breaths flutter my hair and smell the scent that was so distinctly Crosshair’s.
In only a moment he was done as he lifted the pencil from my face. He gently traced circles on my jaw with his thumb and placed the liner down on the cabinet beside us.
My eyes fluttered open to meet his intense gaze and once again his eyes quickly flicked to my lips and back.
Anticipation filled the air taunt with tension. The same tension we had shared over the past five days, I now realised.
Slowly he let his hands fall, tracing my shoulders, down my arms, finally settling on my waist. His touch electric on my skin. His eyes seemed to search mine before something clicked in his mind. A decision.
He leant forward and captured my lips in a firm kiss, pulling me into his chest. With my light gasp of surprise silenced by his passionate administrations, my hands were forced to find refuge on his chest.
He deepened the kiss when he felt my positive response. His hands squeezed my waist and my arms snaked up to wrap around his neck. My fingers weaved through his short hair which drew out a grunt of approval.
Crosshair was so caught up in the feel of my lips against his, I had to lightly tap out to signal my need for air.
Both of us pulled apart gasping, our eyes closed, as his forehead rested against mine.
When I opened my eyes, I saw his starring back into mine. I smiled softly as my eyes traced his face before realising...
“Ah crap,” I sighed.
His shoulders stiffened and his brows furrowed at my ominous statement.
“Guess you’re going to have to redo my lipstick too. I’ve seem to have made a bit of a mess,” I giggled as I tried to swipe away the smudged lipstick that coloured his lips.
He smirked. “I like this look better.”
And he kissed me again.
And for those who were wondering, the eyeliner was fire.
~ Sister
Tag List:
@damerondala @imalovernotahater @kaorikoizumi @xlittlemissydjx @in-the-crosshairs @littlemisscare-all @dionysuskid21 @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s
Let me know if you want to be tagged in any future works! 😁
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Like I know we discussed country boy Echo, so if you wanted to do the rest of TBB as country boys I wouldn't be mad about it. You know I'd be all over that and I'd probably read it until I pass out from delight.
Howdy howdy, indeed we did! I am sharing the ask now so I can have my inbox cleared to put my mind at rest,, but here is the Hunter x Reader yeehaw headcanons for us and others, my friend 😌
This may be a bit short and bad? I'm super exhausted but wanted to write something 👊😔
Echos || Wreckers
Modern!Cowboy/Redneck!Hunter Headcanons
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Hunter would definitely be that one guy that did everything for everyone
If he saw an old lady locked out of their car?
He'd find a way to break in without damaging the car.
Saw someone broke down?
He'd help them with their troubles.
Saw you struggling to lift something heavy?
He'd be on top of things and most definitely helping you any chance he could.
Hunter would also have his days where he struggled to talk to people, as he does in the series and TCW.
He'd spend those days with you at home.
He'd probably still have a sensory issue, just it wouldn't be as bad as in the star wars verse, since this is based in a modern-day type au.
He would have a dog. Probably a German Shepard or a Black lab.
They would go everywhere with him
When you're somewhere out of town, whether it be for work or to visit family. The dog is always under his arm for comfort.
When you're home, he's hugging on you and the dog is normally at the foot of the bed.
Hunter loves taking you joy riding.
The two of you'll be gone for hours just to take a ride in his pickup.
He'd bring blankets so the two of you could cuddle in the bed of the truck and star gaze.
He'd sometimes fall asleep on your shoulder if he's had a rough day.
If you can drive Stick he's gonna lose his shit
That's the hottest shit in his eyes, doesn't really even know why.
And if you can and will do a lot of yard work and manual labor?
Lawd have mercy he's gunna bust.
Omega is his adopted daughter who you end up adopting as your own once you and Hunter get serious.
After a couple years she's a nosy girl all
"When will I get a sister?"
"Or a brother! Or either! I just want a sibling."
You'd get flustered, you and hunter rarely talk about kids
But after that the conversation strikes up that night and you admit you've wanted a couple kids of your own.
Hunter goes absolutely feral on you that night.
Mans always wanted his own kids
He'd crack jokes about having more helping hands on the farm
Oh, Hunter absolutely loves swimming too
He just seems like he would be that one guy that would be in the middle of the lake just having the time of his life, not even worrying about getting back to shore or the fact he could get ran over by some dumbass on a boat.
Who thinks about that when there's all this water to swim?
He would most definitely start building things for your future kids.
Even if you weren't pregnant, yet.
He'd make a whole ass tree house and Omega would use it for the next few years because,
"Hunter, a baby or even a toddler cannot climb in trees!"
"Oh right-"
You'd make him happy each time you even spoke kind words to his brothers.
Let alone when you would help them.
Some days he'd just stand sad watch you help Tech gather supplies for his creations
Or when you'd help Wrecker with the garden
Or when you'd just sit and converse with Crosshair, even if the conversation was more one sided.
Or even when you'd help Echo around when his prosthetics bothered him.
His favorite things to see is sunrise and the sun beaming through the window to gentle kiss your skin.
He'd also definitely take you to races or demolition derbies.
Which you'd go to as long as the two of you could walk around after and just hold hands.
His favorite thing to do with you is hiking!
He loves it because it's just you, him, Omega and nature. Since Omega often tags along.
He love watching you play around with Omega
Or when the two of you catch frogs or lizards.
The one time he was smiling like an idiot just because Omega was chasing you with something you hated and he thought it was the funniest shit ever.
Oh, Hunter also gets you your own bandana to wear
Because once when you were doing yard work you used one of his to keep your bangs from your eyes and to collect sweat
He swears it was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
I would love to see Wrecker with Topaz in the winter! Warm soup, cozy fireside snuggles, and just sheer cuteness! 💕
Silent Night
Summary: After Wrecker and the Batch’s Medic are stranded in the middle of a winter wonderland, Wrecker decides to make the best of it.
Pairing: TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Word Count: 725
Warnings: None
Prompt: Topaz - Affectionate Love
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: This one fought me at every turn. I knew what I wanted it to say, but I'm not sure I managed to make it as soft and sweet as I wanted. Oh well, Happy reading!
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“You know, you’re pretty good at this, Doc.” Wrecker says with a grin as his gaze drifts from the fish he’s cleaning, to where the team medic is crouching next to a roaring fire. 
The light from the orange flames gives her an almost ethereal look, and Wrecker has a look away before he gets too distracted. “Well,” She admits as she clears a space of snow, as best as she can, and pulls the tent out of his kit, “Mom and dad divorced when I was a kid. And while mom had a nice house, dad wasn’t so lucky. So his weekends were usually spent camping.”
“So you could probably clean this fish then?” Wrecker asks, as he glances at her curiously.
She smiles sheepishly, “Well, dad did show me how, but you’re doing a wonderful job.”
He grins at her, and sets his knife to the side, “Well, as it happens, I’m done anyway. You have everything set up?”
“Yep. Just toss everything in the pot.”
Wrecker does as she instructs, and watches as she adds a few packets of seasoning, as well as some dehydrated vegetables, “I’m guessing your dad had you doing most of the cooking?”
“Yeah. Well, he wasn’t very good at cooking, really. So it was either learn to cook, or me and my siblings were going to end up with tapeworms or something.” Wrecker sits on the flat rock that she found…somewhere…and starts cleaning his knife.
“You know, you don’t talk about your family often.”
She glances at him, “Well, there’s not really much to say, is there?” She drops the contents of a second package into the pot, and then sits next to Wrecker, “My family is just average.”
“I’m not sure what an average family is,” Wrecker points out, “Though I bet Tech could tell me.”
She laughs, “Right, right. Well, there’s mom. She was a housewife up until she and dad got divorced, and then she got a job at the local elementary school getting me and my siblings free tuition. Dad was a firefighter who had a gambling issue. And then there’s the kids, my other brother, me, and our younger sister.”
“Well, you’re a doctor. What do your siblings do?”
“My brother is a chef at some big name restaurant on Coruscant. My sister is trying to become an actress, though she’s only really starred in commercials.” She shrugs, “Like I said, normal. Your family is so much more interesting.”
He laughs, “That’s one word for them.” Wrecker finishes cleaning his knife and stashes it away, “Are you comfortable?”
“It’s kind of cold.” Wrecker points out.
“Oh, I’m alright. The fire is helping, and Hunter insisted I wear cold weather gear for this mission.” She hesitates, “Do…do you think-?”
“I’m sure they’re fine. Tech is there, after all.” Wrecker drapes an arm over her shoulder and tugs her against his side, “We’re the ones who have to camp outside in the snow.”
She smiles shyly, “I’m not worried.”
“I have you here, don’t I?” She asked with a small, almost flirty, smile.
Wrecker’s heart flips nervously, “I…uh…”
She tilts her head, “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Nah, Doc. I’m just…I’m not Hunter or Crosshair, I’m not used to flirting.” Wrecker admits.
“I’ll stop, if you want.”
“Well now, I didn’t say that.”
She laughs, her hand coming up to cover her mouth, “I like you, Wrecker. You’re fun and you make me laugh and you make me feel safe. I’d like to go on a proper date with you, if I can.”
Wrecker blinks at her, “You…you do?”
“Yeah, if it’s alright.”
“We don’t really…there isn’t much time for proper dating-” Wrecker stammers, “And I don’t get paid-”
“I do get paid, and, well, it doesn’t have to be a big thing, Wrecker. I just want to spend time with you.”
“Well, in that case, can’t this be considered a date?” Wrecker points out.
She looks startled for a moment, and then she beams at him, “I think that’s a wonderful idea.” She lifts to her knees slightly and presses a light kiss against his cheek, before she settles next to him again.
Wrecker presses his hand against his burning cheek, a wide grin that he isn’t even trying to stifle. 
Being stranded here isn’t as bad as it could be.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
We Could Be More pt III
Summary: Upon arriving on Takodana with Crosshair, you come to a distressing realization. A realization that, you fear, will change things forever.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1802
Warnings: None (Though this series is 18+ as a whole)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @yourusername1
A/N: So I now have no idea how long this series is going to be. Until I get tired of it, I guess.
Part 1 | Part 2 (smutty)
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So far as you’re aware, the plan is for you and Crosshair to flee to Pabu, where his brothers and younger sister are hiding out from the Empire.
It’s a good plan. Reasonable. Succinct. 
However, the ship, newly named Signal, isn’t heading to Pabu. It’s heading to Takodana.
And you’re beginning to think that Crosshair is dragging his feet.
That maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to see his brothers.
You purse your lips, moving the hard candy from one side of your mouth to the other, as you ponder this thought. To be fair, he might be a little hesitant. After all, his brothers did defect from the Empire-
But then, so did you. And it was his idea.
You spin your seat so you’re looking at him, “Hey, Cross.”
He doesn’t look up from the Nav computer, “What?”
“Are you nervous about seeing your brothers again?” 
He pauses, and his gaze snaps up to your face. If you were anyone else you’d probably be a little worried about that look on his face, but you’re not anyone else. You’re you. And he’s Cross. 
And you’ve never been afraid of Cross.
“Because Takodana isn’t Pabu.” You point out.
“I’m aware.”
“And, you know, if you were a little hesitant about seeing your brothers again, I wouldn’t judge you.” You continue lightly.
Crosshair sighs, “Alright, enough.” He leans back in his seat, “Fine. Yes. I’m a little…uneasy about seeing my brothers again. But that’s not why we’re going to Takodana.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. We have stuff we need to drop off, and you’re hoping for work from the owner. I remember.” You lean back in your seat, “And then what?”
“Hopefully, she’ll give us a few odd jobs so I can buy better armor.” Crosshair grouses.
“Aww, but I like your armor.”
“Yeah, I know.” He shoots you an amused look. “You’re hardly subtle, kitten.”
“Am so.”
You’re as subtle as a brick to the face.” Crosshair adds.
You pout at him, and open your mouth to say something, only for the alarm indicating that you’re about to fall out of hyperspace blares. You cancel the alarm, and focus your gaze back on the monitors in front of you.
The Signal falls out of hyperspace and Crosshair puts the ship into orbit while you shoot a message to landing control. 
“Pretty planet.” You note lightly, “What do you think?”
“Looks very green,” Cross replies, “You have the coordinates?”
“Yeah, just got them. Here.” You send them over to him, and you settle back as the ship starts moving down towards the planet's surface. 
Trusting that Cross isn’t going to crash the ship into the planet, you twist your chair to watch him work. It might be your favorite pastime.
You love the look on his face when he’s totally focused on something. You really love it when he focuses that look on you, but just seeing it at all makes you happy.
“You’re staring, kitten.”
“Can’t help it, you’re very handsome.”
“You never used to stare back when we were in the Empire.”
“Yeah, well, most of the time when you came to see me, I was working.” You shrug, “Does it bother you? Me staring?”
He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, even as he brings the ship to land, “No. I like having your eyes on me. It means they’re not on anyone else.”
You laugh in surprise, “Good to know. You think we should check in with Maz before bringing her the stuff?”
“More than likely. Good manners and all.” Crosshair stands and rolls his shoulders, “Stay with the ship, I won’t take long.”
You watch as Crosshair steps off the ship and heads towards the castle, and you settle yourself just outside the doors, enjoying the sunlight and the cool breeze.
As you wait, you let your mind wander.
It’s been close to two months since you, and Crosshair, defected. And so far as you can tell, no one has noticed. And you have been paying attention to the alerts that come out of the Empire.
But the longer you go without being noticed, the more comfortable you get with thinking that maybe no one will notice that you defected.
That really is the best case scenario. 
You tilt your head back slightly. Actually, running from the government aside, you’ve really enjoyed the last two months. You’ve enjoyed spending this time with Crosshair.
You’ll admit, if only to yourself, that you were worried. Worried that your easy friendship would falter as you spent more and more time together. You’ve never been so happy to be wrong.
As it happens, you enjoy waking up next to him every morning. And you enjoy cooking with him, and joking with him, and just being with him. In fact, at this point, the idea of waking up and not seeing him makes your heart hurt.
The thought makes you pause. 
You love him. 
Of course, you knew that was a possibility. You knew that there was a chance that spending so much time with Crosshair would encourage you to fall for him, it was one of the reasons you were so hesitant about entering the friends with benefits situationship that you ultimately agreed to.
So the question is. What do you do about it?
Well, that’s easy isn’t it? Nothing. You say nothing. Why should anything change simply because you caught feelings?
No. It’s better to just leave things as they are.
After all, you might lose him if you tell him the truth.
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“Welcome to my humble abode,” Maz Kanata says as she greets Crosshair, “You must be the one bringing the delivery from Corellia?”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“Wonderful! Wonderful.” Maz scurries around the table, “And the young lady traveling with you?”
“...with the ship. Wasn’t sure this place was safe.”
“That is very understandable.” She nods, “But I assure you that neither you, nor your lady friend, will come to harm while my guests.”
“You don’t know us.”
“I know you both defected from the Empire.” Maz says, her gaze sharp, “I know that you’re both looking for someplace safe.”
“I don’t think safe exists in this galaxy…except maybe on our ship.” Crosshair replies as he folds his arms over his chest, “Where do you want the goods?”
“No need, no need. My droids will unload the cargo.” She gazes at him thoughtfully, “How would you feel about running some errands for me? If you agree, you and your lady will be my employees.”
“Depends on the job. She’d prefer if I didn’t have to kill anyone.”
Maz nods at him, “Understandable. I need you to make some deliveries to some old friends. I will provide you with new armor, so you won’t stand out so much.”
Crosshair frowns at her, “We are supposed to be heading somewhere.”
“And yet, I get the feeling that you’re not ready.”
“I…” He doesn’t have an answer for that, because she’s right. He’s not ready to come face to face with his brothers again. “Where would I have to go?” He asks instead.
“Naboo, Alderaan, Taris, Bespin, and Jedha.” Maz replies, “And then come back to complete payment.”
Crosshair thinks about it for a moment, and then he nods, “Alright.”
“Wonderful. I’ll have my droids bring the cargo to your ship. Now, come with me. I have your new armor.” Maz says, leading him through the throng of people and into her back room.
And fifteen minutes later, he’s stepping back onto the ship, “Cross-!” He turns to look at his Kitten, “Some droids just dropped off, like, 20 crates worth of stuff-”
“Yeah. I took a couple of jobs from Maz.” He admits.
He watches confusion flicker across her pretty face, before she grins, her entire face lighting up with amusement. “So. We’re avoiding Pabu for a bit longer then?”
“That a problem?”
“No. Just making sure.” Her pretty eyes drop down to his new armor, it’s black and dark blue with some orange, “This is new.”
“Maz insisted. I won’t stand out so much.” A small smirk crosses his face as her fingers glide across his new chestplate, “Like it?”
She hums as she traces the new paint with a delicate finger, “It suits you much more than the other one.” She finally says, before she looks up at him and favors him with a warm smile, “You look good, Cross.”
He slowly trails his fingers up her arm, and then up her neck, so he’s able to brush them across her painted lips. She really is so pretty. And so clever.
She deserved better than the Empire.
She deserves a better man than him.
Unfortunately, he’s not a good enough man to step aside and let anyone else have her.
He’s good enough to feel guilty about it though.
“I always look good,” He says with a small smirk, as he leans in and brushes his lips against hers.
She hums, and the smile she directs at him is warm and soft, and it’s like basking in the sunlight after a long rain storm. He’d burn the entire galaxy to the ground if it meant that her smile never fades.
“So,” She asks, “Where are we going?”
“Naboo, Alderaan, Taris, Bespin, and Jedha.” Crosshair lists off, his gaze still locked on her face.
“Well, that’s quite the list.” She beams at him and her eyes crinkle from her happiness, “I’ll go get Peabody and tell him the list.”
“Not just yet.” Crosshair murmurs, “Maz isn’t expecting us to leave right away.” He lowers his head and kisses her again, much more passionately, he feels her lightly grip the edges of his new armor, but before he can start tugging her clothes loose, his comm dings.
Crosshair pulls away and leans his forehead against hers, as she pulls his comm out of his pocket. She reads the message, pauses, reads it again, and then again, before her face twists in confusion. “Cross?”
“Did you join the Rebellion while you were talking to Maz?”
Crosshair pauses, “What?”
“You have a message from Saw Gurrera. I remember that he’s a leading member of the Rebellion.” She looks up at him, amusement glittering on her face, “Cross-”
He turns the comm so he can read it, and a low curse falls from his lips, “Well, I guess we did.”
Her head falls to his chest and she laughs, “You procrastinated us into the Rebellion,” She says through her giggles.
“Yeah, yeah. Come on, kitten. Let’s get out of here before Maz ends up making us cell leaders.” Though a small smile crosses his lips as she continues to giggle.
If this is what it’s like to love someone, he could get used to it.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
After a very thoroughly singling out my favorite smut prompts, I'd like to request: Either 20. “I’m gonna fuck you so good you forget all about that bastard.” or 5. “I can’t pull out when you wrap your legs around me like that.” (or maybe both? 👀) With a feral Hunter Sorry I couldn't decide 🫣 - I'm just down bad for him. Have a nice day
I'll Take Care of You
Summary: Hunter takes care of you when you fall apart.
Pairing: TBB Hunter x Reader
Word Count: 1492
Warnings: Smut, Reader has an abusive boyfriend, infidelity
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I don't know if I like this one. I think I might be to critical, but Hunter feels hard to write for me. Almost as hard as Tech. Dos it saw something about me that I have the easiest time writing about Crosshair? And now I actually do have to go, lol. My husband took a nap so I could write this.
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You’ve been friends, or at least friendly, with Hunter for ages now. Since he moved with his brothers and younger sister to Pabu, actually. He’s always happy to offer his help around your house, though you’ve never actually asked for his help.
You like to joke that he has a sixth sense that’s directed towards knowing when you need help around your house.
He likes to joke that it’s called “big brother” senses, and that he just knows when the people closest to him need help.
And while Hunter is very attractive, and you kind of hoped for more than just friendship, his comment makes you think that you’re solidly in the kid sibling category in his mind. So you mentally shrug, and turn your attention elsewhere.
Which wouldn’t have been a problem, except when you did find a boyfriend, Hunter would scrunch up his nose whenever he came around you. Quietly, he admitted that you smell like your new boyfriend and it’s not exactly a pleasant odor to be exposed to.
And you felt so bad at the time, that you made sure that you showered whenever Hunter was going to come over, and you also made sure that your boyfriend never came over to your house. Should you have put Hunter over your boyfriend? Probably not, but you did.
It seemed to help, for a time. Hunter smiled a little more, and didn’t scrunch up his nose quite so much when he was around you. And it was going well…for a bit.
Until your boyfriend starts making demands. 
“Spend less time with the clones.”
“Spend more time with me.”
“If you loved me, you would let me move in with you.”
“If you loved me you would give me half of your paycheck.”
“Since you won’t let me live with you, it’s only right that you pay my rent.”
“I can’t believe you spend so much time with other men. Stop being such a whore.”
It’s…a lot. Too much, really.
And it all comes to a head late one afternoon, when Hunter’s helping you repair your broken sink. You’re putting your clean dishes away, and you drop a plate, and it shatters into pieces.
And you stare at the broken plate while Hunter moves to get a broom and tells you to stay put so you don’t get hurt, and you just fall apart. Hunter, being the godsend that he is, manages to pull you somewhere safe, and then he proceeds to ignore the broken plate in favor of comforting you.
And as he holds you and strokes your hair and tells you that it’s just a plate, that it’s not the end of the world-
You spill everything. Every cruel word. Every demand. Every little thing your boyfriend does that makes you feel worthless. And his hands stop moving. His hands rest gently on the top of your head, and your face is pressed against his neck, and you want nothing more than to hide in him, because Hunter has always been you’re safe place to land, but he’s not yours-
And then Hunter’s hands are on your shoulders, and he pushes you back, just enough that he’s able to see your face. You have tears in your eyes, and on your cheeks, and he’s so furious that his lips are pressed into a thin line.
But his touch is so, so gentle when he brushes a tear off your cheek with his thumb.
He scans your face for a moment, “Stars, I’m fucked.” Hunter mumbles, and then his hand slides to the back of your neck and he crashes his lips against yours. 
You’re surprised, but Hunter has always been your first choice, so it takes very little time for you to curl your hands in his shirt, and to kiss him back. 
He releases a noise that can only be called a growl and he walks you backwards until your back bumps into your bedroom door. Hunter uses his lips and teeth and tongue to devastating effect, and it takes an embarrassingly short amount of time before you’re whimpering and whining for him. 
He pulls away from you just long enough to open your bedroom door, and then his lips are on your neck, biting and sucking marks onto your skin, as he walks you backwards to your bed.
You squeak as you fall back on your bed, and you blink up at Hunter as he doesn’t follow you to the bed. Instead he stands over you, his gaze dark with desire, as he pulls his shirt off and throws it to the side. “We should stop,” He rumbles low in his chest.
You reach out for him, “Probably,” You agree.
He climbs over you, and crashes his lips against yours, his hands sliding under your thin shirt, his fingers gently exploring your body, “Wanted to do this for ages,” Hunter mumbles against your lips, “Thought you were happy.”
You tangle one of your hands in his hair, “You were always my first choice.” You admit quietly.
He closes the distance between you, short as it is. The next time he pulls away, it’s only for long enough to peel your shirt off, and toss it somewhere in the room, before attaching his lips to your collar, intent to leave marks everywhere you allow it.
“My perfect beautiful cyare,” He groans against you as he slides down your body, removing your clothes as he does so, “I’m going to fuck you so good, you forget all about that bastard.”
You release a quiet whine, and you lightly tug on his hair to pull him back up so you’re able to kiss him, something that he’s more than happy to go along with, based on how he curls an arm around you, and impatiently kicks how own pants off his legs, leaving them sitting on the edge of the bed rather than fully tossing them out of the way.
He grinds his hard length against you and a quiet moan falls from you, “Hunter, please.” Your voice is soft.
He rains feather light kisses all across your face, “I have you cyare.” Hunter promises, one of his hands sliding down your body to lazily slide between your folds, “You’re so wet, mesh’la.”
You press your face against his neck at his words, feeling a flush of embarrassment, and Hunter lets you for a moment, “Don’t hide from me, cyare.” he coos, “Love it. Love how wet I make you. Wanna spend the rest of my life making you feel amazing-” He murmurs into your ear, and then he lightly pats your hip, “Lift up a little, cyare. Need to remove these,” He lightly snaps the elastic to your underwear against your skin.
You squeak, but do as he asks, allowing him to slide the flimsy material down your legs and toss them to the side. 
The moment you’re both bare, he sits back on his heels and just stares down at your body. Hunter uses his hands to trail over the newly exposed skin, exploring you with his fingers and his eyes, and then he leans in to explore your body with his lips and tongue.
“I wonder,” He murmurs as his lips trail to your nipples, “Can I make you fall apart just like this.” It’s an absent comment, more to himself than you, and then his gaze meets yours, and you note the glimmer of mischief on his face. “I bet I can.”
And then his lips are around your nipple, and he takes his sweet time. Licking, sucking, and gently nips, paired with feather light touches across your thighs, and ghosting touches over where you need him the most-
It doesn’t take long for him to push you over the edge, his hair tight in your fingers and his name a prayer on your lips. 
But it’s not enough. And a sly smile crosses his face when you, breathlessly, tell him so. “Don’t worry, angel. I’m nowhere close to being done with you.”
The following day, there’s a knock on your door. And you, too exhausted from your night with Hunter, don’t even stir. Hunter, however, does.
So he pulls on his pants, and he saunters to the door. And when he opens the door, he leans against the frame and smirks at your now ex. He doesn’t even bother to try and hide the marks you left on his body.
Hunter’s voice is very pleasant, even if it’s a little rough, “I suggest you walk away.” The ex flushes, and opens his mouth to say something, only to get cut off by Hunter, “You made her cry. You made her feel worthless. You’re lucky I haven’t shot you. Leave.”
Hunter watches him stalk away, and then shuts the door. Only to hear your soft voice from the bedroom, “Hunter?”
A slow smirk crosses his face, “I’ll be right back, mesh’la.” He calls to you.
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s1st3r · 3 years
You Have No Idea (Hunter x Reader)
Warnings: Mention of blood and injuries.
Summary: A part 1? Hunter is smitten... :3
Author’s Note: I actually wrote this before I even knew about the Bad Batch series being released lol. Ok this isn’t fantastic but I wanted to share it with you guys to see what you think and if I should continue the story. It’s kinda slow and anti climactic soz. But I was thinking of making it maybe a multi chapter thing? Let me know what you think.
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A loud bang and commotion just outside the Marauder had you and Crosshair racing to the entrance. The hull opened to reveal Hunter covered in mud and grime as well as an equally dirty Wrecker behind him; extended between the two, was a small makeshift stretcher.
Oh no. You stared wide eyed at the groaning Tech that rested atop the scrap canvas material as the two boys settled him gently on the floor. As soon as they were safely nestled in the hull, Hunter collapsed to the floor, resting his back against the nearest wall. His eyes flicked to you in exhaustion and you snapped from your daze.
“Cross, grab me some warm water and a cloth.” On your command, the sniper swiftly turned and made his way to the refresher as you stepped forward and knelt next to Tech.
“Wreck,” you called, as you efficiently assessed the wounded trooper.
“What can I do?” The big man turned to face you as he patiently waited for your instruction.
You marvelled at how much they trusted you now.
“Grab me the med kit from my quarters.” Before you had even finished your request, Wrecker was halfway down the ship, retrieving your pack.
Removing his chest plate and putting pressure on the chest wound that left Tech grappling for conscience, you briefly glanced at Hunter in concern as he stiffly shifted in his place.
A moment passed and both Cross and Wreck had placed your supplies to your side. You immediately got to work on cleaning and bandaging the wound.
Years of medical experience kicked in as you scanned the extent of the injury. Noting it wasn’t as bad as it looked, you made quick work of patching him up.
Wrecker, Crosshair and Hunter had been quiet as you worked. They had quickly learnt, when working with you, that you preferred silence when you were concentrating.
By the time you were done, the water had long since gone cold and was tainted a dark pink.
You sighed as you leant back to sit on your heels.
“He’ll be ok,” you breathed as Tech lay passed out before you. “There was no internal damage,” you report, “but he lost a lot of blood. He’ll need bed rest for the next couple of cycles.”
With a grunt of effort, you pushed yourself up from the ground and wiped a forearm across your forehead.
“Could um,” you sighed and tried again, “could you guys take him to his bunk?” With the adrenaline of the emergency gone, you felt smashed.
If that’s how I feel, these guys must be beat.
Carefully, the boys lifted Tech from the uncomfortable durasteel floor and made their way down the hall with Tech draped between them. As you watched them go, you saw Hunter flinch in your peripherals as he tried and failed to reposition himself.
Now your second patient.
“You’re hurt,” you state, already pulling out the appropriate instruments.
“I figured it could wait a bit,” Hunter mumbled as he let his head tip back to rest against the wall.
“You’re ridiculous,” you huff as you shuffle towards him. You felt the heat of a blush rise to your face as he smirked at you.
Fighting the ever-increasing blush, you set to work and lent forward to disconnect his chest plate. Now, with his top armour promptly removed, and his blacks peeled down to his waist, you chastised yourself as your thoughts wondered, and realigned your focus to the task at hand.
He looked so exhausted and, after running a quick scan, you realised that that might actually be his primary health concern.
You had noted a broken rib, bruises, strained muscles, but it seemed that the general wear and tear of mission after mission had finally caught up to him, causing extreme fatigue.
“Broken rib, couple of bruises and scratches,” you mutter as you move your hand over the expanse of his chest to evaluate. You could feel his gaze steady on you.
Hunter sucked in a sharp breath when you fixed the bone back in place without warning.
“Sorry,” you cringed.
He let out a breathy laugh, “no you’re not.”
“Nah I’m not,” you sarcastically agreed as you collected and reorganised your supplies.
Quickly, you rose to your feet, grabbing the bowl of bloodied water you had used for Tech and moved to replace the dirty water with warm, clean water.
You returned with the bowl and plopped beside the Sargent. Cautiously, you rinsed another clean cloth you had salvaged and proceeded to dab at the small cuts.
His forehead was still covered in dirt and mud, so you moved the cloth to gently wipe his face. At this, Hunter closed his eyes and sighed.
“You should get yourself cleaned up properly in the ‘fresher,” you suggest, scrunching your nose in exaggeration as you reluctantly pull away.
“Yes ma’am,” came the quick quip. You sat back and watched as the Sargent pushed himself to his feet and shuffled his way down to the refresher.
“And don’t forget to rest!” You call. You don’t know why you bother; you know he won’t listen to you even if he heard you.
As you hear his footsteps recede, you quietly sigh. You sit in the main hull alone, cleaning up the remaining mess.
Your gentle hand brushed over his chest as you scanned for injury. It’s strange how you knew so much about him. His biology, medical history, when his senses became too much. You could tell something about him was off from the other side of a starship cruiser just by a slight change in posture or tone.
Yet somehow, you had no idea what you could do to him.
Watching you work as you attended Tech’s wounds, he noted how calm and confident you moved. After a while of you joining the Bad Batch on various types of missions, he grew to trust and appreciate your skills as a medic. They all did.
Much like them, you were highly successful in your field. But only because your stubbornness determined that you were going to single handily ensure this war had no casualties. He knew the GAR was the closest thing to family you had in a long time, naturally, you would take any and every death personal.
It was your skill, intelligence, compassion, determination, and stubbornness that were qualities Hunter found increasingly irresistible. So, as he had observed your movements, he took the chance to admire you.
But when you attentively pressed the warm cloth to his forehead, he couldn’t help but sigh as he relaxed into your delicate touch. This was more than admiration for a fellow soldier. And you had no idea.
~ Sister
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