#tea party asks
sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
*crawls into your mailbox for a bit of free love*
Idea, what are you doing in there? Do you want to come out and have some fruit? You're not under the impression that I don't give you a figurative heart sticker of affection every time you cross my dash, are you? Oh good, I was worried there for a sec. So I've got a pot of rose lychee tea on, and some snickerdoodles. Yes, you can take a few home.
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murdering-time · 2 years
"perhaps we should.. move on to other orchards to talk about."
|| the speaker, who'd been rather quiet throughout the conversation up until Jervis' outburst considering Dr. Crane, mumbles to themself incoherently. they didn't want the conversation to go on if it meant yelling would ensue, but they did not want to accidentally escalate the situation by adding to the fire.
"oh dear- i can fill a whole room, or a stadium too; i can start from disagreements, or misunderstandings or fear; so until i'm brought up, i'll always be near.."
-- ☎️
Jervis didn't reply; not immediately. His seething scowl was set on the table cloth near by where Alice sat. His eyes flickered to the phone. To the webs. To the rat.
A deep and heavy breath left him, eyes twitching as he chewed his bottom lip, nails carving crescents into the backs of his hands as he held them together.
"An elephant in the room. Silence, perhaps? Doom and gloom?" He straightened himself, "Or did you mean to eliminate that, a quaint little riddle ready at the drop of a hat for a table of people all sat watching and waiting... twiddling thumbs and avoiding glances."
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between the great molasses flood and the tea party, boston harbor has to be one of the most beverage harbors
Bold move claiming molasses is a beverage. It's barely a liquid.
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inky-duchess · 8 months
Etiquette of the Edwardian Era and La Belle Époque: Tea
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This is a new set of posts focusing on the period of time stretching from the late 19th century to the early 20th Century right up to the start of WWI. I'll be going through different aspects of life. This series can be linked to my Great House series as well as my Season post and Debutant post.
Today will be focusing on the rules of tea with this time period.
Tea was a staple in society, not only as a comforting beverage but as a social gathering beset by strict rules. Etiquette at tea is not only important for guests but is a sign of respect to one's host.
High Tea vs Afternoon Tea
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You're reading both terms and you're thinking high tea is the formal version and afternoon is informal. In fact, no. It is the opposite. High tea was actually served far later, about 6pm/7pm and focused on more savoury, substantial dishes. High tea was more of a lower class tradition, designed to fill the stomachs of hungry workers. The word "high" is derived from the tall tables used. Afternoon tea is served at 4pm, designed to fill the gap between lunch and dinner. Afternoon tea is served at low tables with all the guests seated and involve a lighter meal, more nibbles than anything.
Hosting and Attending Tea
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Tea is an event that happens every day, it's not an excuse for a snack, it's a ritual. One can have tea served in one's own home or at the home of a friend. One must be invited to tea, one can't just show up and expect to get fed. Tea was typically served in libraries or drawing rooms and done times outside in the gardens if weather permits. One had to dress for tea usually in comfortable but appropriate clothing. Men would wear suits, women would wear tea gowns or a simple gown - keeping their hats upon their head, if they are visiting. Tea was not poured by the footman but by the host or if it is a large party, by one assigned guest. The hostess or designated tea pourer would serve themselves last.
The Tea Set
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Tea sets are highly coveted and much remarked upon at tea. One would usually inherit a service (that's what the collection was called) or be gifted it at one's wedding. Services would all match and most households had different kinds, the best usually reserved for important guests.
Teapot: the tea pot held the hot water and tea leaves was was usually made of china and decorated.
Cups: the cups were generally low, shallow.
Saucer: a small plate for the cup to rest on
Tea cannister: where dried tea leaves would rest until needed.
Sugar bowl: was a small container made of china with a cover to protect the sugar from moisture.
Milk jug: a container for the milk
Slop basin: was a porcelain dish used for disposing tea leaves left behind with the dregs of tea.
Tea spoon: small spoon used to stir tea
Side Plate: small serving plate used for food.
As you might have noticed, other than a tea spoon, cutlery is not listed. There would be a spoon for jam and a knife for a scone, most food was designed to be eaten with one's hands.
There is also one instrument not listed here and it's the most recognisable thing at afternoon tea.
The Tiered Tray
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The tiered tray is a set of trays stacked upon one another holding on each one, a different course. Sandwiches and savouries were served on the bottom (Favourites include smoked salmon, cucumber, cress, egg salad sandwiches), scones on the second and sweeter delights served on the top (sponge cake, macaroons, pastries etc). One would begin ay the bottom and work one's way upward.
Making the Perfect Cup of Tea in the Edwardian Era/Belle Epoque/Gilded Age
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Disclaimers: Let's make one thing clear. Tea is not prepared one way for all. Tea is culturally important across the world and every culture has their own rules about how tea is consumed and served. There's no one right way.
I will be discussing the English way of brewing tea in this post.
As mentioned before, tea is held in a cannister before use. Tea leaves were added to the hot water and lightly stirred.
Controversially for most people, milk was commonly added first.
One would then set a strainer in one's cup, tilting the pot. The strainer will catch the leaves and leave your cup almost tea-pulp free.
With the tea added, one could add in sugar. The trick is not to make a show about it or be too loud. One simply should gently turn your spoon from the 6 o'clock position to the 12 o'clock position. Also, the spoon rests on the saucer when not in use and doesn't stay in your cup.
When drinking your tea, put your pinky down. That's an American myth. Simply lift your cup to you, lifting the cup to your mouth by the handle. Saucers are not lifted unless your cup is far away. Don't slurp it, there's plenty more where that came from.
Etiquette at Tea
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Afternoon tea is for light conversation, do avoid heavy topics.
Listen attentively when being spoken to.
Don't talk with your mouth full or stuff your mouth. Typically everything should be polished off with 2-3 bites.
Gloves should be removed at tea because one is eating with their fingers.
If one is leaving the table to go to the bathroom or a breath of air, simply turn to your neighbours and excuse yourself. No explanation needed.
Napkins should be removed from the table and set across one's lap when one is sitting down. When finished with tea, set it beside your plate before you rise.
Also you daub, not smear.
Don't cut your scone but break it.
Don't lick your fingers.
Don't bang the spoon on the side of the cup.
Also there's no dunking biscuits into your tea. It's just not done at afternoon tea.
Never thank the staff for fetching anything - or at very least, don't be overhead doing so.
Always say your goodbyes to the hostess and compliment the tea, even if you had a rubbish time.
Also most importantly, never criticise somebody else's manners. That's the height of rudeness.
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theglowingeyeballz · 5 months
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The Magnus Archives x Gravity Falls
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in making you guys go on a tea party with me and if you don't want to attend i shall strap you down to the chair
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lewmagoo · 2 months
Happy early birthday!!! Can I please have earl grey- “You come first.  You’re always my first choice.” With rhett from the fluff prompt list?
rhett couldn’t understand why you’d dropped everything to come to him. it was just a dislocated shoulder. he’d sustained quite a few of those in the past, so it was nothing new. but this one was a little more serious than the other times. this one landed him in the emergency room after a particularly nasty bull had tossed him like a ragdoll to the ground. rhett knew, as soon as he hit the dirt, that it was bad. he felt the pop, and the pain that radiated down his arm made him grit his teeth so hard he was certain they’d crack. he was dragged out of the pit, in so much pain he couldn’t even find it in himself to stubbornly protest as a medic approached him. in fact, it was so unbearable that the edges of his vision had begun to go spotty. “i’m…i’m goin’ down,” he managed to slur, suddenly feeling as if he was outside of his body, watching himself fall.
when he came to, he was in a bed in the emergency room. he was still in a world of pain, but it had lessened considerably. he looked down to find his arm in a sling. “rhett!” he heard your voice, your intake of breath, and he turned to find you at his bedside, your eyes wide with concern. his brow furrowed. “what…what are you doin’ here?“ you were supposed to be leaving for a work trip. that was why you hadn’t been there to watch him ride that evening. but now here you were, disheveled, still in your traveling clothes. “i got the call while i was on the road. i turned around and came right back here so i could be with you,” you replied. he shook his head, ignoring the twinge that went through his shoulder as he did so. “you…you came all the way back because i dislocated m’ shoulder?” your face softened, and you shook your head, opening your mouth to reply, only to be interrupted by another voice.
“not dislocated. fractured, mr. abbott.” a doctor stepped into the room. hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. a kind look in her eyes. “you suffered a pretty nasty fracture to your clavicle.” so that explained why the pain was severe enough to steal his consciousness from him. but even so, that still bore the question; you’d postponed your trip just for a fractured clavicle? it wasn’t life threatening. he’d be fine on his own. yet here you were, chewing anxiously at your fingernails as you listened to the doctor explain rhett’s injury, and what would need to be done during recovery. he stared at you, hardly listening to the doctor’s spiel. it wasn’t until she left the room that he spoke. “darlin’, i’m fine. you didn’t need to come back. you’ve been plannin’ this trip for months,” he insisted. you looked at him, immediately shaking your head. “no. you come first. you’re always my first choice. my first priority. work takes a back burner when it comes to making sure you’re okay.” you spoke with conviction.
rhett leaned back against his pillows, grunting softly at the flash of pain that radiated along his shoulder and down his arm. “you…you really dropped everythin’ for me?” he clarified. you stepped toward him, reaching out to brush a lock of hair away from his forehead. “of course. and i’d do it again. that phone call scared the hell outta me. i don’t care if it’s just a busted shoulder. you got hurt, and i had to make sure you were alright.” at your words, rhett’s chest tightened. he wasn’t used to the way you cared for him. the way you’d drop everything to run to his side when he was in distress. he was so used to going it alone. he was self-sufficient, everyone always assumed he was fine, that he could handle it himself. but truth be told, oftentimes he couldn’t handle it alone. he needed that extra support that others never seemed to want to give. and then there was you. you always showed him such care and concern. you prioritized him, and to rhett, knowing you had his back was the equivalent to stepping outside and feeling the sun warm his face. it felt good. it felt right.
“thank you,” he whispered. you smiled softly, leaning in to kiss him. “don’t thank me. this is what people who love each other do. they look out for one another. and i’ll always look out for you, rhett.”
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mtndw-whteout · 2 months
hhhhhh may i request girl dads terumob (she tries on teruki's haystack of wig and slays it big time CUZ YEAH, SHE'S HER DADDIES' DAUGHTER)
((also hi, fellow taller teruki enthusiast 🛐))
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Oh she’d never take the damned thing off (shigeo tosses it at some point)
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fatuismooches · 2 months
HII SMOOCHES OMG I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM AHH OKAY I GOTTA CALM DONW, uhm so can I request like Dottore and segments with fragile reader who went outside without telling them? I imagined that reader went out to the market to the park or shop and stuff, and Dottore or the segments were worried when they realized that the reader were gone so they went out to find reader and when they come back to the lab they scold the reader a little bit but it’s out of worries but the reader weren’t scared or afraid cause they think it’s cute how the segment or Dottore were scolding reader out of worries, I JUST THINK ITS CUTE SOMEHOW CAUSE DOTTORE AND THE SEGMENTS WERE SEEN AS A HEARTLESS PEOPLE BUT WHEN IT COMES TO READER TEHY DROPPED EVERYTHING FOR THEM, ANYWAYS I LOVE YOU SMOOCHES I HOPE YOUR DOING WELL BYE BYE💗💗💗
It had been an impossibly long time since you had to deal with your illness, but over time, there were times Dottore was able to stabilize your condition enough to allow you to enjoy normal things more easily. One such thing was leaving the lab to enjoy the beauty of Snezhnaya. Very simple, but so fun for you, who had been deprived of such things for so long. It had taken a long time for Dottore to be convinced to let you go, still cautious about your health, (now that was an understatement) but in the end, you won (of course). Always, there was a segment or one of your friends accompanying you though. But this time, Bina couldn't come to pick you up, and it seemed like all the segments were too busy to even bother - wrapped up in the middle of an experiment or meeting... well, this was an issue. You really wanted to go! You had plans! Well, maybe if you return quick enough they wouldn't notice? If they did... that's it, you'd just tell Zandy to tell them the situation. And you'd take lots of Fatui agents, yes, everything would be okay.
And it was great! You made it and had lots of fun by yourself and with Bina... exploring the frosty nation and picking up a few specific ingredients you wanted for some recipes. Very fun. Unfortunately for the group of blue-haired scholars back at the lab, nothing was okay. One worried segment had turned into two into three into all of them who were currently flipping the lab over to discover where you could have gone. For themselves and also before Prime terminates one of them for not watching you properly. (Zandy had fallen asleep for a nap before he could convey your words.) All while you were none the wiser.
After very much scoping out every inch of the huge lab and discovering you are actually gone, for once they manage to work together flawlessly and it takes them no time to start investigating and discovering your exact coordinates. You may have succeeded in escaping their radar for a little bit but, you can't underestimate their tracking skills.
When you're entering the carriage to go back home and the original Dottore is there inside waiting for you, you nearly lose your footing. Needless to say, you have a lot of explaining to do...
You can tell he isn't exactly angry at you, just a bit annoyed but out of worry for you. Yes, he can understand why you did it, but you still need to be more cautious than that! What if your condition acted up and no one could help properly? The long lecture from him and mostly the older segments is thoroughly embedded in your brain, and although you feel bad, you can't help but think it's cute, how much your crazy lovers care for you this much.
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infiniteko · 2 months
I realized that there is a certain "herd effect" with anons when they hear someone who would contradict whatever they have created in their mind about Xyz thing, Y’know? It’s boring, funny and sad at the same time even though it doesn't mean anything
Nobody cares if someone does something, if they have a simple life or are a vampire who can sunbathe while trapped in the year 2006, if the person is at home with their partner or playing with the cat, if they are reading right now or if I’m typing this. It doesn't matter, if I decided right now to be a siren or do NOTHING it wouldn't matter, it's an empty appearance in a big nothing, stop caring about “others” and trust you, that's all there is. Guys, let's relax and drink tea with Ko, I'll take my cute cup to drink tea 🎀
I used to have a very cute bear shaped cup before I gave her away in a moment of pure insanity💔 But let's drink Bo cha!! 🍵🫖
but yes, you're 100% right. This herd effect of being deeply affected by someone's apparent contradictions or words/actions in general is a reaction that stems from 1. not understanding yourself 2. fear which turns into unnecessary anger if left unchecked.
If someone in my dream told me they're engaged to XYZ and it turns it they aren't or did this and that, I'd be like "OK👍🏼". I do not care, it's my dream. What part of a dream is Actuality? Why do you choose to be affect so much that you have to be obsessively running after it for days, weeks, months. You are affected by the dream if you take it to be "Reality". Fullstop. Is a cinema screen affected by the Dune 2 movie thats playing on it?
You think "oh they lied, then this philosophy must be a lie too", get off tumblr and notice it for yourself. They rely too much on "external" reassurance and lose it if something doesn't make sense. That is a cycle you have to get out of otherwise you'll be seemingly stuck looking at the same words for years. If that's what you choose, continue, it's your choice after all 🤷🏻
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hungriestheidi · 1 month
doriane and abbi on ao3....how about in goose's inbox?
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
Thank you for the scarf, it seems really nice! And I listened to the song and i like it so thank you for it too!
Also i may have teared up at your answer, it radiated so much kindness, i just–
See you next time for blackcurrant cordial and macaroons! 🥰
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murdering-time · 2 years
"So, if you don't mind me asking, Spider, how did you know about Crane?" Doorrat sounded genuinely curious, tail swaying. "I mean, I believed he was hiding it pretty well."
"Social osmosis-?" He muttered, scouring his brain for some sort of definition. He knew what osmosis meant, though, so tafter a couple moments understood it. "Oh, well- I didn't mean to make you feel left out- if I did, that is, I apologize!"
"Crane was- ah." Doorrat hesitated, before sighing and deciding against hiding. It didn't help him with Jervis, it wouldn't help him with Alice. "He was a professor, brilliant man, but obsessed with fear." Doorrat kneaded at the tablecloth, fidgeting in an odd way, "His experiments started to become a bit- let's say- inhumane." His ear flicked, and he seemed to look of into space. "He got fired and became the scarecrow. The master of fear," Doorrat scoffed, shaking his head with an almost disappointed laugh, "whatever that means.."
Alice paused as she looked over to Jervis who, in that moment and a few prior, had taken to worrying the table cloth in a similar way to the doorrat.
His smile had slipped, now his lips twitched into a downward frown but still be tried to keep the spirits high. "There's no - there's truly no need to acknowledge it at all, in fact I dare say why bother - We don't want to attract the wrong attention. We don't want to come throwing stones at a burbling creature. No, no, definitely not. Come now, come, let us speak of finer things."
Jervis let a broken cry of laughter slip from his mouth, hoarse and desperate. Clinging. "Finer things such as this tea, or Miss Pleasance, o-or anything other than the man that causes so much stress in all our lives!"
Alice glanced to the others with her brows furrowed together. "Isn't he the man you used to --"
"Not now, Alice!"
"You always used to say --"
"Miss Pleasance --"
"Jervis, what --"
"Please, god, can we not talk about such tumultuous things!"
Alice fell silent as lowered her head and nodded. "I only meant to offer some sympathy..."
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officially coming out as the transgender tea party anon, everyone who I messaged and anyone else who wishes to attend can come to our tea party
this is our setup by he way
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requested by anon
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Damn forget the turtles, imma need a hug from April like that 😔✋💕
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Don't worry Zah! Forget those jelly turtleley butt! April gives you THE hug! 🫂 🤗
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