#that killing that serial killer cursed the rest of her life and that she can only be this huh
sunlit-haruka · 5 months
Okay so after reading a bunch of theories on Deep Cover and rewatching the MV about 30 times, my only coherrant thought is that I want Kotoko Yuzuriha to be fucking okay
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Peko Pekoyama: (raised as a tool to aid the next heir of the Yakuza. Born to live and die by that ideal, which transforms into a tragedy in the 2nd chapter when she refuses to let her master kill a girl and instead shoulders the burden of his revenge—so that he is saved and doesn't get executed. Tries her best to sway the trial and when caught, goes "actually I am not a human being, I am just a tool, so the REAL killer is master, y'all voted wrong" so that he is the one to live and leave the island and the rest (including her) get killed in the process. Oh and right before that, there's a dramatic portion where she pretends to be a deranged serial killer with an anime mask and starts reciting the serial killer's lines. Of course her façade gets blown by the resident serial killer enthusiast princess but still.....).
Allen Walker: To start, his left arm is a demon hunting weapon that can turn into a sword that he at one time stabbed himself through the chest with intentionally. His uncle lives in his mind and is trying to take over his body. His left eye was cursed by his adoptive dad after he tried to bring him back to life. He has gone through so much in his life and there is still soo much that we don't know about him. And there is so much more I could talk about but won't. Vote Allen if you like characters that have never had a break in their life
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 25 days
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All This Devastation
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, weapons (knives, guns, mentions of bombs), insults, past abuse, past SA, scared boys, pregnancy symptoms, secrets revealed, mentions of blow jobs, talks of death, attempted assault (on Blain), blood, fighting, Megan being awful, guilt, pain, hurt with no comfort (yet), driving without a license, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature AF
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Colson was having a surprisingly alright day after he adjusted to being away from his mate. There was a constant pull feeling as if something inside him was telling him to go home but it wasn't so strong he couldn't ignore it. It honestly felt nice to be like his old self again and to remember he truly had been a self serving and protecting badass before he met the Alpha. At work he was slightly annoyed because his roommates were still being weird and hiding in their office, and his mother was still missing from the conference table. Tim was there though, and so was Pete. So even though a few important people were missing there were new faces. It helped keep him focused on what they had to do.
“Pete!” He huffed as he set his glasses and jacket on the table when he arrived. He shouldn't enjoy the way the beta jumped but it made him smirk. He had always loved scaring the shit out of people. “Any updates?”
The beta nodded and stood up like he was making a presentation in class. “The guys I sent after her followed her back to her place where she grabbed a few bags and then over to the airport. They couldn't figure out what plane she got on but it seems like the bitch listened and got the fuck outta dodge. Good fucking riddance if you ask me.”
A knot of fear and worry that had been stuck in the omega's chest for days loosened at those words. He wouldn't have to kill her. He wouldn't have to send his mate to do it. He could actually let her escape and live her life as long as she didn't come near them again. “Fuck.” The relief was so strong it made him dizzy and warm and he had to sit down.
“You good brother? Where's your other half?” Tim worried and Col waved him off.
“He needed to rest. I'm good. Contrary to popular belief I can actually function without him.” He rolled his eyes. He wasn't trying to be a dick to the man but come on.
Tim gave him a bit of a worried look but nodded. “I know. At least you don't have to worry about him or your mom getting their own revenge now. It's a good day when the trash takes itself out if you ask me.”
They moved on to other concerns, worked through a few shipments and scheduled shit around his due date. Of course no one was dumb enough to say that was what was happening but they all knew when the boss said he might have to take some time off. There was a peace in the room he hadn't felt in too long, everyone was teasing each other and messing around. They felt like a family again without Megan sucking the energy out of the room. Everything would have been perfect if not for the cramps tightening his hips and belly. The Doc had told him to expect it occasionally as he got closer but he hadn't expected it to be so annoying.
As they were ordering lunch he felt himself break out in a sweat and his stomach rolled at the idea of food. “Boss, you look a little pale.” Tim took a seat next to him in Collette's normal spot. He didn't say it to the whole room but kept his voice low. It was nice of him not to worry the room, some of his boys would just fucking shout it.
“I'm good. Braxton Hicks shit. The Doc said it's normal. Probably just my body pissed that I came out alone.” He growled at himself and rolled his eyes. “You talk to mom recently? She's been busy since the break in. I figured she was with you but…” He trailed off.
“Nah man. I haven't seen her since she set me up to fuck with Megan. I'm sure it just brought up some shit. Or she's helping at the hospital.”
“Yeah.” Colson sighed, his mother did spend a fuck ton of her time helping out at the omega hospital. She had since Travis died. She'd never exactly been the same since losing her mate and now the omega understood why. He didn't think he could survive it. It made him even more impressed by his mother.
He sat back and rubbed at his chest, everything felt weird. He tried to clear his throat and ignore it. “Does jizz cause heartburn? What the fuck?” It was an offhanded thought he didn't mean to mutter aloud but the beta snorted a laugh.
“Not that I remember.”
Kells eyes went saucer wide as he looked up at the older man who just winked and stood up to walk away to the kitchen. “Wait what? Wait. Tim! What?” He knew damn well it wasn't his business but that look had said so much to him. He wiggled out of his chair and followed after, hip checking the counter as the other made his lunch. “The fuck you mean?” It shouldn't be bugging him and he needed to leave it alone but his world view had shifted with that one joke.
“What? I didn't think we were exactly secretive.” The beta shrugged. “Even after I left… I didn't leave them.”
Them? Them? His brain felt like dial-up. He'd spent so much time thinking something was wrong with him for loving Dom, even though he'd never thought himself homophobic. His bio dad had fucked him up early but Travis had been his example of what a man should be. A leader. A leader in a fucking thruple? “Are you and mom still…” He trailed off. He found himself lost for words when that rarely ever happened to him.
“No. It wasn't the same without him. I love her but I think… It doesn't matter.” The man shook his head and turned to hide his face. Tim looked in the fridge long enough to get control of himself before he turned back without picking anything out.
“I wish I had realized. Might have stopped the shit show my mind was for a while.” Col laughed.
“Yeah but you were kind of an idiot as a kid. No offense. I mean shit, do any of the guys sleep over at your place as much as I used to? You didn't see it because you weren't ready to. Just sucks because I think you could have turned to him for a lot.”
“You miss him. I do too. Especially lately.” His palm fell to his stomach and he rubbed over it absentmindedly. It hurt his heart that their child wouldn't know it's grandfather. Travis would have been amazing. “We've got you though. If you'll hang around.” He offered and Tim smiled. It wasn't exactly the same no but it frustrated him that he could have still had a father figure the whole time.
The beta had tried to connect after Travis died. He hadn't been working with them for about a year before and Colson had blamed him a little. In his mind if Trav had his second in command maybe he wouldn't have believed whoever called that awful night, lying about being an omega in need. They never figured out who killed him, but for a long time the boy had blamed everyone around him. It was just like Travis to pick up a call in the middle of the night and leave by himself to save someone. Of course it had been a trap but they were too late. Collette woke up alone and found a note on her bedside table saying where her mate had gone. Kells hadn't seen the man after, his mom had taken care of everything because he'd run off and hid with Mod for a month.
Eventually she tracked him down and explained that he needed to come home and take his place as boss and he hadn't looked back since. Well he had. Constantly, and he was finally realizing how much he got wrong. He'd pushed Tim away and basically everyone else.
The boss shook himself and rubbed his side, trying to massage out the pain. “I do actually have some of the guys at my place every night. Mod stays with Tom.” He tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“I wondered about that. Full house huh? Where's the kid today?” The beta was thankful to move on.
“Ugh shit. Home too. Poor kid hit his cycle. I think it's fucking with me.” Colson huffed. He wanted to crawl inside the freezer and never come out.
“Well if everyone else is home resting… maybe you should try it too? I think we can function without you. Might be good to test run this shit, make sure you can take off all the time you need. Work out who should take over while you're gone.” The man offered and Colson couldn't say he was wrong. It was probably smart to work out the kinks before he was on leave for a week or so. He didn't want to leave them for too long though.
“Yeah maybe. I figured you and Mod could handle it? I would leave it to mom but who fucking knows where she is.”
“And she'll probably want to stay close to you.”
“Pfft. You would fucking think. Starting to think she'll miss the damn de-” He stopped himself and cleared his throat. He always felt panic at the thought of what was to come. He could still barely accept he was pregnant but that his kid was coming soon? Fuck that.
“Doubt that. She's obsessed with Punk.” The beta grinned. At some point his mock insult for the baby had caught on as a nickname. It certainly fit with the way his little one made a mosh pit of his womb. It was getting less cute the more they grew.
“Fuuuuck me- yeah I might take you up on that. Can't seem to stretch out this fucking kink in my back. Maybe I should head out a little early.” Colson sighed, pulling out his phone to text his mate and their boy. He didn't want to bother their rest coming in unexpectedly.
“Yeah, let's get you in a car.” The older man was more concerned than he wanted to let on but at least he knew The Doctor was at the boss’s home. He would get Kells settled and on the road and then he'd send her a warning text.
Blain's phone beeped and woke him from a nap and he reached out from under his blanket to check. Colson wasn't feeling well? Shite. Weren't they a little family of fucked up. He pushed himself up to text back but the moment he did he heard something else- someone was walking in their home. “Dom?” He called out. He should let him know about Kells but the Alpha didn't say anything back.
Alarm bells went off in the omega's head and his heart raced as he reached for his blade. At the same moment his palm wrapped around it his door was thrown open and his lip pulled back in a snarl. “Fuck off.”
“Oh look, someone left me a little treat. Hey Goldilocks, the bears aren't home?” It was a beta he didn't recognize, strapped with a gun and wearing a mask. After a moment the bastard pulled it off but it didn't help the boy with knowing who the hell it was. “Megan said the place would be empty but fate blessed me today.” The sick fuck actually reached for his belt and Blain felt his stomach roll. He tried to text without looking down, he tried to tell Colson not to come home. Where was Dom? Did they already get him? How the fuck had they broken in?
“Ya fink so? Why don't ya come find the fuck out. Maybe I'm jus’ right for yas, but maybe you don't make it out alive.” The kid hummed.
“I've got a score to settle anyway. Your owners killed my boss and our second.” The bastard growled and Blain couldn't help but laugh as he dropped the phone and pushed himself to kneel on the bed. He was just glad it wasn't an Alpha, this bitch could barely scent him he hoped. His heat was making his blood lust double and he felt almost as excited as he was scared.
“I'll give ya the boss. They killed him, but I was the one to do in ya second. Fucker tried the same fing you're about to and I ripped his artery out wiv my teeth. You sure you wanna try me?”
“Fuck yeah. I just won't get near your mouth don't worry. He was an idiot trying for a BJ with such a fresh virgin pussy. I won't make the same mistake.” The asshole was blocking the door and moving closer. Blain knew it wouldn't be long until he lunged.
“Wha’ next? Gonna tell me not to worry cause it won't last long? I'll bet. Last chance beta bitch. Leave my ‘ome.”
“Why? I'm not scared of your Daddy, neither of them. They'll be dead before I'm done with you. If you're really good I might even keep you for myself.”
“Oh I don't fink you should be scared of ‘em. But me? Mmm. Do you really want my cute face to be the last fing you ever see?” Of course the fucker didn't leave and Blain made sure to jump first. He lost himself in a frenzy of blood and fists and fangs. He didn't even realize the text message he had meant to send never did, it just waited on his now locked phone. No one was warned about the intruder but at least the boy could hopefully take care of one.
Colson had stopped at a store on the way home, they'd driven past it so many times and he'd finally been drawn. By the time he got off work it was always closed but since he left early he'd been able to stop in. When he finally made it back to the Four Seasons he was carrying at least ten bags full of baby clothes. He knew Dom would complain about the prices and tease him that children are messy but he didn't care. His kid would live in style damnit.
His driver helped him carry more in and he was chatting with the man as they entered. He didn't notice the quiet at first until it was disturbed by a gunshot that went right by his head. The driver he'd had for over a year dropped dead next to him, his blood pooling under the bags. Kells had a thought that at least he'd been carrying the heavier shit so everything was boxed up and safe but he knew deep down it was fucked of him.
“Hey Daddy, or should I start calling you Mommy now?” A voice he'd hoped to never hear again sounded whiny and small to his hurt eardrums. When his gaze finally found the bitch he rolled his eyes and set his bags on the floor away from the stain.
“Megan. You're supposed to be in the fucking sky a million miles away from me.” He grumbled, looking around to see who else was around.
“Oh don't worry. Not everyone is dead yet. My new boys gathered them up and has them… safe.” She giggled at her own joke and Col just hoped the safe door wasn't closed. That thing could double as a panic room but he doubted she let them turn on the oxygen.
“And the entire fucking hotel?” He asked, crossing his arms. He knew he should be scared there was a gun on him but he just couldn't be frightened of her. He was too enraged.
“Fire alarm. They all came down except your personal floors. My men have your omegas and this whole place is ready to blow. Literally. So don't fuck with me Daddy, you've already pissed me off enough.” She stepped closer and his skin crawled as she took his gun and tucked it in her waistband. It was so close to her crotch he knew he couldn't sanitize it enough ever again.
“You can keep that I guess. Ew. So you thought of everything? Except that my Alpha is probably killing all of them as we speak.” And that the fire alarm went straight to the fire department and LA took that shit seriously. He wouldn't tell her that though, he knew she might want media attention, she was just that narcissistic.
Megan laughed and shook her head, walking away and setting her gun on the service counter now that she had his. “Your Alpha wasn't home. Did he not tell you? Are you already fucking that relationship up too?” She purred and his stomach dropped.
Blain. He hoped the boy was okay. He wouldn't show his worry though or his upset that his mate didn't tell him he was leaving. He could take it out of his bitch's ass later when they were all safe and sound and she was six feet under. “So what the fuck do you want Megan? This is a big move for you. Bold.”
“I am bold Daddy, you just never noticed. I could have made us rich and famous but you and Travis could never stop trying to be heros long enough to see.” She pushed herself up to sit on the counter and tried to lean back seductively. It made him sicker. He really didn't want to vomit on the rug, it was so nice. Maybe he could pull an Exorcist on her but it might get him shot. “You took out the boss of your biggest rival, I just took his place. Those boys see my vision and they love me.”
“Okay cool, so take your new boys and fuck off.”
“No, you hurt me. I want your love too.” She pouted out her faux full lips and he couldn't hold in a laugh. “And if I can't have that I'll take all your shit and I'll combine the families under me. First female Alpha leader of the biggest syndicate on the West Coast? Doesn't that just fit me perfectly?”
“Suuuure. Cause those bastards will listen to you. I know my men won't. You'll have to kill them all which means you won't have shit of mine. Fuck off Megan, you can't win this.” He tried to urge her though the want to keep her alive was shrinking more every second.
A cramp rolled through him and it was a rough one, he had to bend over to breathe through it. She must have thought he was going for his phone because she hopped off the counter and ran over. Bile rose in his throat when she reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and smashing it on the floor. It didn't matter. The alarm had gone off. It wouldn't just alert emergency but it would send one to Mod as well. “You s-should get out while you can. I don't think you get what you've done but I'm not surprised. I'm just fucking sorry I ever believed your bullshit.” He expected the slap but she used her Alpha strength and it nearly knocked him off his feet. He tasted blood and spit it out in her direction.
“We could have been something amazing. You were mine! But you had to go and be a whore just like your mommy. That should be my child but don't worry. We can fix that.” Fuck Colson was going to be sick.
When another cramp rolled through him it finally hit him what was happening. What had probably been happening since the night before. He was in labor. He was in labor trapped in the hotel, kidnapped by the bitch who assaulted him. His mate was somewhere else and his doctor might be dead. For all the fears he'd developed about his baby this hadn't even been in the realm of possibility but of fucking course it was just his luck. It didn't matter if Dom was there or not, he wouldn't let her make him doubt his love or lose the only faith he'd ever found. It felt strange after hating himself for so long but he realized he truly believed in them- both of them together. He believed in his family and he flat out refused to let her destroy that.
“I guess like father, like son. I tried to get Travis to run away with me but he was an idiot too.” She shrugged. “I'm not going to have to kill you too, am I?” Her voice went sweet as she cupped his cheek, her eyes looked truly psycho- and not in the sweet way he thought of his lover. It struck him what she just said, she admitted to killing Travis. Fuck that was it, he was going to gut this bitch.
Dom was still stuck in some emotional turmoil that felt like the shock that had set in the day he found out his father had killed his mother and was the sole parent to his little sisters. That day he'd gone home for the first time in over two years and he did what he had to in order to save them. Everything he'd discovered when following Collette wasn't as awful as all that, not really, but it was still something that altered his family's lives forever. He was shaking as he pulled a cigarette from his lips and exhaled a drag. He was waiting outside the building he'd confronted her in. He couldn't decide if he wanted to go home alone or wait for her to make her tell his lover everything. He honestly wasn't sure he could. It was too much.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and realized he'd never turned it up after putting it on silent the night before, and as he unlocked it he was flooded with alerts. Texts from his mate, Mod, Tom, and Blain, even an influx of missed calls. “Wha’ the fuck?” He huffed, flicking the butt of the cigarette as he pressed play on the first voice mail.
“Dom, something has happened. I don't know what yet but an alarm went off at home.” Tom's voice was worried but not overly so however the next one from Mod had his heart racing in his chest.
“Fucking answer your phone Dom! What the fuck? Megan has the Four Seasons under guard. From what the cameras are catching she's got men everywhere. Civilians are locked in the vault but our people are stuck on our floors. Cols went home brother. She's got him alone.”
The Alpha didn't know what sound escaped him but it was deep and broke a part of his soul. The shock was ebbing away as rage took its place but the phone just kept fucking playing. “Dom ya wanker, I thought you was ‘ere but you ain't. Part of me is glad you ain't but… fuck you. Or maybe you already dead. I’m locked in the bloody closet but I don't think it'll ‘old long. Ones already t-tried- FUCK OFF ARSE’OLE! I’d sic a serial killer on your arse but…” Blain trailed off and his voice sounded strained. Scared. He kept pausing to sniffle. “You ain't coming aye?” There was a pounding on the door and the phone went quiet. He squeezed his own so tight he worried for a moment he broke it but no, that was just the last message. He scrolled through his texts next though he knew he needed to go home. He felt frozen. Terrified. What if they were all already gone?
C: Just wanted to let you know I'm coming home early. Feeling pretty fucked still. Get naked and ready to cuddle okay? Love you bitch
Oh, and just wait till I tell you what the hell I learned about Travis 🤯
He almost laughed at that, his lover had no fucking idea. “Fuck!” The boy screamed before nausea rolled through him so hard he couldn't help but be sick. That's how Collette found him and she took him into her arms but he knew he couldn't be held. He had to fucking move! “Megan ‘as ‘em all. We ‘ave to go.” He growled and he felt her go stiff. She was just as protective as he was.
“Go, take my car. We'll follow you. I have to get weapons first. This bitch will wish she'd never been born.” The omega huffed and he nodded in enthusiastic agreement.
“Wait, I don't bloody know ‘ow to drive.”
“Tough shit. Nut up buttercup. All you need to know is step on the fucking gas and save our boy.” While the words weren't exactly helpful they made him move. She was right, he didn't need to know what he was doing, he just needed to get home.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
Eep! The plot is plotting hard and we're close to the end! Just a little more before we move on to part two. I hope you're still enjoying it enough to follow another part! I'm really loving the dynamic of these boys, I hope you are too! 🩸🖤
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frociaggine · 1 year
re: the Cytherea Was Faking Her Cancer conspiracy theory
She’s melodramatic. She is, arguably, the most dramatic of a very dramatic cast. She's fully committed to the Seventh House tagline. The Rose Unblown, the Beautiful Death. She lounges dramatically in frilly dresses and a large hat. She met God and didn’t kiss him back because it would smear her lipstick. She swoons. She coughs blood on pale cloth handkerchiefs. She wears lace. She embodies the concept of Romantic, and what she’s romanticizing is death by consumption.
She’s a Lyctor. Yes, ascension didn’t cure her cancer because it froze her body as it was in that instant, but Lyctors are able to manipulate the concentration of cells in their body. Harrow is able to purge her kidneys and thicken her body fat, not to mention shut like regrowing limbs. Cytherea’s body is full of cancer but those cells are just there; they aren’t multiplying anymore. There’s no reason why she shouldn’t be able to just cordon them off somewhere within her own body - and I would bet that it’s what she does, unless she needs to play it up for drama. Imagine Cytherea arguing with Mercymorn, and her coughing blood dramatically when she runs out of comebacks. Then she swoons until Mercy apologizes. This is just Peak Cytherea
Yes, she did say she has “been dying for ten thousand years”. She has “kept dying all this time” — Yeah, yeah. But this is the same woman who said that the real tragedy is not death, it’s life. “Being left behind by those who pass away... the total lack of control … Once somebody dies, their spirit’s free forever.” I posit, once again, that she was being dramatic. She’s come to resent immortality and would curse it regardless, cancer cells or not.
But Palamedes said she has been in horrible pain for millenia! — Palamedes is very smart but he doesn’t know everything, especially how Lyctors’ bodies work. He thought his trick would kill her; it didn’t. He’d been scanning Cytherea’s body as it currently was, chockfull of cancer cells, and assumed that was always true. These people can regrow limbs! I’m sorry Pal but u wrong.
Speaking of Lyctors, at her funeral no one says “she’s been suffering from cancer all her life”. They’re all “she was funny!” “she laughed too much” “the only good thing Loveday did was kill herself so Cyth could live!” I don’t think you would say that if your cheery serial killer friend had been in excruciating pain every day for ten thousand years.
I rest my case. She was playing it up for THE DRAMA.
EDIT: because I might have not been clear — there’s no questioning she did have cancer, and the “default” mode of her body was very advanced cancer, and she had to actively use her powers to keep it at bay. But I also believe she did keep it at bay most of the time, and it wasn’t nearly as widespread or as painful as it had been when she was alive. In GtN, she does stuff like coughing up blood just at the right moment when she wants people to remember how weak she is or distract from a conversation, and I think this is not a new habit but something she's been doing for most of her immortality.
(On a more serious note I do have thoughts on her playing it up as a sort of coping mechanism, like someone making off-colour jokes about their own affliction. But everything about Cytherea is a performance, and she dramatizes her struggles like she does everything else)
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
15 - Picked A Death Wish
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Part 16
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus
Stretching my arms above my head I winced a little, blinking the sleep from my eyes. Rolling over onto my side I hold myself up on my elbow against the pillows grinning at the sight of Klaus sleeping peacefully beside me. "It's rude to stare, little human." He mumbled not opening his eyes until I started running my fingers through his curly mess of hair.
"Last night was better than I could have imagined. Thank you for that...and I love you." I mumbled, pushing my hair around even though it was a knotted mess.
Klaus shifts leaning forward kissing me for the first time this morning. Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened the kiss until I needed air. He rests his forehead against mine vamping out and back into the room with the glass mixture yet again. "If you're a good girl and take this we can get to the fun much faster." He smirked, tilting his head to the side.
"Klaus, you're driving me crazy right now!" I groaned burying my blushing face in the pillows until he vamped over, shaking the glass in my face where I stuck my tongue out. "Fine. Only if I hear the words first."
He hands me the glass vamping over to his side of the bed again with loving eyes. "I love you too, Maddie Forbes."
Tipping the drink back I sat the glass on the table climbing on top of him about to kiss him until the doorbell. Klaus throws his head back cursing to the ceiling. "Bloody hell!"
"I'll get it." I poked his chest throwing on one of his shirts and my jeans from last night. Opening the front door once walking down the long staircase I gasped seeing Damon. But he vamped forward covering my mouth with his hand before I could say a word. I thrashed against his hold not noticing that my ring had slipped from my fingers before he shoved me inside the cellar in the boarding house.
Klaus's POV
Vamping down the stairs I heard the ruckus from seconds ago. Bending down immediately I grasped the small object in between my fingers knowing something was definitely wrong. Maddie's matching ring with her sisters is something she would never take off by choice. Vamping back upstairs I shoved the phone up to my ear needing help from the one person who cares about her as much as I do. "Caroline, Maddie's been taken. I need you to bring your witch friend and help me...please."
Pulling on a grey long sleeve shirt I heard her vamp inside the house no less than 30 minutes after my phone call with the Bennett witch in toe. "How the hell did you let her get captured? I told you that if you hurt her I'd hurt you!" She scoffed, stomping her foot on the floor showing me her vampire fangs.
"Can you yell at me later, Caroline. Right now Bennett, do a locater spell on this so that I can get my love back and seek vengeance on the rif raf who took her!" I threatened the girls not wanting to waste another second.
The witch stood at a table candles circling her ring, already chanting the words then glancing over to us. "She's at the Salvatore house with Damon."
Maddie's POV
Damon wrapped another chain around my wrist so I was chained to the floor staring up at him. "Damon, why are you doing this? We're friends and in case you don't already know Klaus will kill you for this." My hair falls in front of my eyes when I hang my head down.
"I'm aware, Little Forbes twin. But you see I want him to stop trying to kill Elena and according to your sister you seem to be the only thing that can convince that psycho of a hybrid to do anything." He spoke bending down on his knees trying to compel me. "When you see Klaus again tell him he no longer wants to kill Elena to make more hybrids and will leave us all alone."
Shaking my head I begged him thankful in this moment Nik's been giving me Vervain too. "Damon, please let me go. I have done nothing wrong and I'm not gonna abuse my power on him. I love him."
"You love him but he's a serial killer?" Damon spit out his bourbon grabbing my chin in his hands pulling out a key locking the chains around my wrists right before there was a commotion in the living room. He vamped out of the room where I heard arguing before someone vamped in front of me.
"Care, what are you doing here?" I asked in relief as she used her strength yanking the chains off of me helping me to my feet.
She wrapped her arm around my waist where we ran out of the cellar seeing Damon and Klaus fighting by throwing weapons at each other. "Blondie, you're helping him. I thought you wanted him dead" Damon asked ducking as Klaus threw a piece at his head.
"Yes Damon. I am because she's my twin. That comes first!" My twin scoffed before holding her behind for protection.
Damon launched a stake at Klaus who snapped it in two vamping him harshly into the wall. "You shall die for hurting her mate. You came after the woman I love. So here's the end to your immortal life!"
"Klaus, wait. My sister's a part of his sire line. If you kill him she'll die too." I saw his hybrid fangs come out where he was about to bite his neck until I remembered something. Pushing myself away from my sister grabbing his shoulder.
Klaus slumped his shoulders releasing his grip on him giving Damon the chance to grab the stake from his other hand attempting to stab him. But he vamped out of the way causing Damon to shove the stake into my chest. "No!" Caroline and Klaus cried in unison as I collapsed to my knees seeing blood rushing from the wound.
My sister rushed forward biting into her wrist trying to get me to drink it quickly but my eyes fell closed and all three vampires could hear the heartbeat slowing...
Cliffhanger ya'll
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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somnoflesh · 1 year
Michael Myers & Psych
Warnings for — sanism / ableism, sexism, incest, sexual violence, animal death
I will not give a very long preface, most are aware of Halloween and M. Myers. My fascination with the Horror and particularly the Slasher genre is deeply connected with my sense of Mental Illness & Disability. I am an extremely low empathetic individual and have always felt an outsider for my violent & weird tendencies. It was, perhaps, only natural I find some kinship in these exaggerated killers of disorder.
Myers is a unique case to me, however. Psychiatry is a large if understated part of Halloween. Much staging for the films and stories are of institutions that simply can never hold Myers for long, and a reoccurring face is of Dr. Loomis, Michael Myers’ psychiatrist.
This is an important part of Myers for both story and real life inspiration purposes. Carpenter based much of his concept for Michael Myers on a real person.
In A Cut Above The Rest, a Halloween documentary from 2003, Carpenter shares that while he was in university his class visited such institutions and he saw a young boy of about 13 there. He describes his eyes as a “schizophrenic stare”, referring to schizophrenic catatonia in a blithe manner. This directly is the spark for the quote by Dr. Loomis within the films;
Loomis: I met this... six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and... the blackest eyes - the Devil's eyes
The connotations of schizophrenic individuals have shifted from the time of Carpenter’s experience to current day, with Myers being spoken of in more schizoid terms, coldness, apathy, social isolation, and his catatonia. Michael Myers is explicitly stated has experiencing catatonia in numerous films.
Interestingly, regarding his catatonic states, in a scene added to pad more time in the television cut, Dr. Loomis thinks he is faking catatonia. Myers is about preteen or teenaged in this moment. From a young age Dr. Loomis made his mind that he cannot he fixed and that there is nothing more than a primal instinct to kill.
Loomis : [talking over] Michael Myers is the most dangerous patient I have ever observed.
Younger Doctor : Doctor, there is no diagnostic evidence to support that statement.
Loomis : He's... he's covering up. This catatonia is a conscious act. There's an instinctive force within him. He's waiting.
Younger Doctor : For what?
Loomis : I don't know.
I find that Dr. Loomis claim that he is faking is as in character as it could be, this belief permeates the franchise save for some exceptions. It is key, as well, that Dr. Loomis is always proven right about Michael Myers.
The institutions he is held in do not fail him, Dr. Loomis does not abuse his power and cross boundaries, Myers is not dehumanized by him, he is incurable and inhuman to start with. There was nothing to be done about Michael Myers.
Loomis: You’ve fooled them, haven’t you Michael?
Loomis: But not me.
Dr. Loomis’ stance on Michael Myers rings very familiar to the experience of those denied care or humanity because those who hold power over us declare that either we are faking our ailments or that we are incurable.
With Dr. Loomis main position on Myers as such, It is not the only ‘diagnosis’ he receives through the films.
In The Curse of Michael Myers, the films writer intended a sexual deviance within Myers. Sexual sadism being a repeating concept of serial murderers of women. Farrands believes he wants to repeat the murder of his sister, Judith. It is of note she was naked at the time he had murdered her when he was a young boy, an impressionable age for him. Though, Farrands’ idea of Myers having an incestuous obsession isn’t just exclusive to canons in which he isn’t related to Laurie Strode.
Sex as power and violence against women is the main fear and persistent trait of serial killer archetypes. Myers characterization is no exception to this. Making a psychosexual aspect of Myers is what feels natural to someone who wishes to dissect the mind of a killer. Michael does not only kill, he stalks. Particularly his female victims. His primary watch is as always Laurie Strode. Compared to his immediate violence to men, boys, and on occasion animals.
Michael Myers is the perfect vessel for a societies fears and conceptions about serial killers, despite his own creator wishing for him to be more of a supernatural force. He is grounded in real life by those who view him and use him.
He is the suburban terror. An anonymous danger you never know will turn up. He stalks and kills your teenaged daughters, he kills your children while they play in the same park you’ve taken them for years, he’s why your dog ends up lifeless in a home invasion, he is whatever you want him to be—as long as he is evil. For when these things happen, you simply cannot think of why. Why someone could be capable of this. It must be some instinctual base reason beyond our moral and good human thought. It must be a fear as old as humans can conceive of. It must be evil.
Michael Myers can be whatever fear you wish him, can do whatever you wish him to do, but he will always be connected to the idea that mental illness beyond others compassions and imagination are an inhuman primordial thing, that they are evil and must be purified.
He cannot be fixed, he is not a person at all, he must be stopped and yet he can’t be. He is evil simply. For evil does not end as long as it’s feared. It merely breeds more evil. Like an infectious disease the same people could not dream of contracting and spreading. A sickness they thought only the other could have.
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elysianslove · 3 years
Hiii! I loved your Iwa fluff headcanons and was wondering if you could do one with Suna? thanks <3
yesyesyes i would love to!!! iwaizumi’s version. 
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↬ when suna was younger, he really, really wanted a pet bunny. like he really, really loved bunnies, and would beg his parents day and night for one. he even made a really badly edited powerpoint on bunnies and why he deserves one (aside the editing, it was a very persuasive powerpoint. they filmed him while he presented it and the video haunts him to this day). his parents were relentless, though, and didn’t get him his bunny. instead, though, they surprised him with a cat. a cat isn’t as high maintenance since they’re very independent creatures, but can also be very fun. they figured any pet would make him happy. they were wrong. suna hated her so much and would never interact with her. like to the point where he nicknamed her “bitch” and now she mainly answers to that instead of her name. but all that only worked against him, and the cat just kept getting more and more attached to him.
↬ suna now loves her so much, and she’s just as attached to him. like he would kill for her, honestly. it’s his cat >>> everyone else. he has an album on his phone dedicated to pictures and videos of only her, and her bed is in his room because she always ends up sleeping there anyways. he realized later on when he grew older that a cat was the perfect animal for him, and he’s not sure if it’s a parents thing and they really knew or they were just winging it and hoping for the best, but she’s his favorite ever and he would risk it all for her.
↬ his favorite sleeping position with her would be when he’s casually laying on his back scrolling through his phone and she comes and crawls along him to lay on his chest. the warmth he feels within his chest like he just gets so giddy.
↬ suna is crazy obsessed with serial killer documentaries, horror movies, unsolved mysteries, everything like that. his favorite pastime is watching and reading these things, but honestly, it’s not even a like, “wow that’s so cool,” and more of a, “suna what is wrong with you???” type of thing, because he’s the type to have like insidious 2 in the background as he does his homework or gets ready or something. it’s kind of scary how unfazed he is with things like that.
↬ but! yeah he’s extremely brave when it comes to horror movies, borderline unhinged, but his biggest fear? his phobia, if you will? spiders. insects in general, really. he will scream like a sixth grader that’s yet to hit puberty if he sees a spider crawling near him. once he was peeing in the miya twins’ bathroom and some kind of cockroach crawling on the wall and nearly fainted. thank god he was already peeing because he would’ve pissed his pants either way. it’s so embarrassing for him, so he’s so good at hiding it. he just freezes impossibly when he notices an insect and doesn’t take his eye off of it until someone else notices it and kills it. there was this instance when they were at a training camp and he kept feeling as if something was crawling on him, but assumed it was just really hot and his skin was tingling from that. something was crawling on him, though, and it was not just really hot. Top 10 Most Traumatic Moments of his life, especially because atsumu’s first instinct was to record the whole thing.
↬ suna is extremely, and i mean extremely, touch-starved. physical touch has always made him uncomfortable for a reason unknown to him, so he never really accepted hugs or kisses from his family, and would feel so icky if he was roped into a group hug b by his teammates. so when he met you, he thought you’d be so against the fact that he’s uncomfortable with it, because who would want a partner that doesn’t wanna touch or be touched? turns out he actually craves it, and needs it badly, he just needed to take his own time and pace approaching it, and with how understanding you were, he doubted he could ever figure this out without you. he just took it slow, you know? but the more he touched you — held your hand, pinched your cheek, rested his head on your shoulder, pecked your lips for a few seconds longer than last time — the more he wanted you.
↬ when suna became comfortable with the thought and idea that yeah, he actually craves physical touch so damn bad, he wouldn’t stop touching you every second he could. he became insanely clingy, no matter if you were in public or alone. just always has a hand on you at all times. when he’s alone with you, he’s always trying to cuddle with you. you wanna sit and chill on your phone and not really talk? sure, just come do it with your head on his chest. you wanna watch a movie and munch on some popcorn and possibly share a drink? of course he’d love to! just come sit between his legs with your popcorn on your lap so he can steal some and also offer you some sips from the drink. you don’t wanna hug him after a game cause he’s too sweaty? that’s too bad, he wasn’t asking for permission. so you see, suna is a clingy mf. like latches onto you like a koala clingy <3
↬ suna’s music taste is very diverse. his favorite genre is alternative and rock, like the neighborhood, arctic monkeys, etc, but he also loves, loves loves glitchcore music, but also will un-ironically listen to kpop, and rap, and hannah montana’s old music too because why not. he just doesn’t care. if a song is good, it’s good. so what if it caters to a bunch of 12 year olds and not him? who decides that anyways?
↬ suna is very good at hair. like so good. as his sister started to get older, and her hair grew longer, she would sometimes ask him to do it for her before school. at first he was terrible at it, except maybe ponytails cause his hair was long enough at some point to push back into a ponytail, but everything else like parting her hair for pigtails or doing braids or a bun… he was just awful. so, in response, he’d just practice. he’d watch videos as he’s doing his little sister’s hair and be so focused, with his tongue sticking out a little and his eyes squinting as he tries to get it accurate. eventually, he becomes a master at it! you find this out when one day, as you’re just over at his house, his sister comes into his room with a hair tie and a brush and he just carries her up onto his lap and braids her hair as he chats with you and it was so endearing and so impressive and you genuinely believe that was the moment you realized you were in love with him.
↬ he offers to do your hair for you all the time now!! especially if you’ve just showered and are too lazy to brush it and tie it in some way, so he does it for you. he’s actually so, very gentle when brushing your hair, you don’t even feel a thing. if anything, it makes you really sleepy.
↬ when he joined the national team and started to become more and more of a public figure, he’d send you really explicit fan art of him and other teammates he was shipped with just to piss you off. if he was feeling really bold, he’d send you smut written about him. he says he wants to make you jealous. he just wants to provoke you in every way possible, really. one time someone made an edit plot twisting you and him to him and like atsumu so he downloaded video star and made such a bad edit of you and him and posted it on his twitter and instagram and it went viral. like it was one of those edits of just pictures flipping and hearts flashing and lights spasming all over the screen it was so bad it made you cry with laughter. that was his way of telling the world, no one but this person for me, right here <3
↬ i think he’d be very good at doing chores and cleaning and all that, despite how lazy he is. i just think it’s a habit kind of thing, where he grew up doing laundry and making his bed and cleaning his room and washing the dishes that he genuinely doesn’t mind doing it cause it’s natural for him. and he’s learnt to enjoy it.
↬ suna’s favorite color was deep, deep purple at some point, but now it’s between green and black.
↬ he’s caught up with all seasons of keeping up with the kardashians. please don’t ask him why, he doesn’t even know.
↬ once when you were out with him you just gave him a rock that was on the floor and he’s kept that rock with him ever since. like it’s in the drawer next to his bed and sometimes he just takes it out and holds it in his hand while he’s doing homework or scrolling through his phone.
↬ he spams you a lot. like at any time time of the day he just sends you a million videos of him doing the most mundane things; he sends you a video of him eating some almonds and at the end it’s just him going, “i’s good,” or him lip-syncing a song you sent him to listen to, or him trying to do eyeliner because why not. or maybe it’s pictures of him and it’s always ridiculous: him exaggerating him thinking, and then captioning it “thinking,” or just a picture of him on the roof with a peace sign and a pretty smile, or a close up photo of his face saying, “miss u.”
↬ he also spams you with memes all the time. and there’s no set type, it’s just all kinds. really corny memes and really cursed memes, wholesome memes and also memes that bully you. it’s all about the versatility.
↬ suna loves to sleep, he really does, but before meeting you, the only place where he could properly fall into a deep sleep was his bed. after meeting you, anywhere where you were next to him was the perfect place to sleep. if he had your presence near him he could sleep, it didn’t matter, especially if he was resting on your lap or shoulder or gripping onto your hand or resting his legs on your lap. he just wants you close to him, you know? like he feels so safe and comfortable when you’re around, it kind of scares him if he’s honest.
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deanstead · 3 years
Somebody’s Watching
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request by danipearl16: Request- Jay has a girlfriend that nobody knows about and then they get a case where she’s being stalked and her stalker is killings women that seem to remind him of her and it turns out to be her ex-boyfriend from high school and Jay starts going downhill a little bit because he’s worried about her. Also his girlfriend is more on the younger than his side by 7 years
Word Count: 4,365
Warnings: cursing, mention of sexual assault/misconduct (non-graphic), mention of non-con touching, stalking, minor OC death, mention of injury, angst, fluff
A/N: Please beware of the triggers before you continue reading! I changed some parts to fit into the storyline but I still hope you like what I did with it! I’m pretty excited about this fic so I really really hope yall will like it! It’s my first time writing such a detailed case in so I hope it turned out well? Please hit me up and let me know what you think! Love yall!
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You looked up from where you were sprawled on the couch, fiddling with your phone. Jay was sitting at the table, a small frown across his face as he pored over case notes.
Jay usually didn’t bring his work home with him but they’d just closed a big case and he had spent a whole week in the district. So instead of spending more time there to finish the paperwork, Jay had opted to bring it home instead.
You smiled to yourself just as Jay looked up. “Sorry babe.” He said, making a little face at the papers strewn across the table.
Chuckling, you climbed off the couch and moved towards him. You stood behind him, looping your arms around his shoulders, resting your chin on his shoulder. “I missed you.” You whispered.
Jay turned slightly, tugging you so that you now landed in his lap.
“Missed you too.” He whispered, smiling as one of his arms snaked around your waist, holding you securely to him, another hand reaching up to cup your cheek. “Sorry I’ve been busy.”
You shook your head, smiling.
You’d been dating for a while but no one else knew. Both of you had agreed to keep it on the down low, partly because of your age difference. Even though you had agreed you’d keep it quiet at least for the first few months, it had been a lot more than that and it had been going so well that you didn’t really want to purposefully invite anyone into this world that Jay and you had created for yourselves. Rather than keeping it a secret, you guys just hadn’t made the effort to tell anyone or publicize it to the world. This also meant that when he was stuck at the district, you didn’t get to see him but on such days, Jay was always mindful about checking in.
“What’s on your mind?” Jay asked.
“Just thinking I’m lucky to have you.” You responded, leaning in to try to give him a hug. Instead, Jay stroked your cheek and pressed his lips to yours. “Now, I really need to finish this.”
You laughed. “Go forth.”
Jay had taken a few well-deserved days of furlough, which he had mostly spent curled up with you. You didn’t have any complaints, it had been just what you both needed.
But Intelligence couldn’t catch a break. It was Jay’s first day back and now, he was already walking up to a crime scene.
Jay pushed the yellow crime scene tape upwards, letting Hailey walk through ahead of him before following behind her.
“What do we have?” Jay asked, approaching the spot where Adam and Kim were standing.
Kim turned. “Kate Whitewood, 22, stabbed multiple times.”
“She’s not in the system. No priors, nothing.” Adam added.
“No belongings on her?” Voight asked, looking around.
Adam shook his head. Jay frowned. “There’s barely any blood here.”
Kevin nodded, jogging forward to join them. “This is probably just the dump site. She must have been killed elsewhere.”
Hailey stood from where she had bent to examine the body. “She has defensive wounds on her. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find skin under her fingernails.”
Jay bent forward slightly. “What are those? Marks around her neck? We need to get her to the ME to get the exact cause of death.”
“Kim, bag her hands and get forensics to run a deluxe.” Voight said, as Kim nodded.
“My CI works this street, let me see what I can find out.” Jay said, turning away.
“So Kate was last seen at this bar right in town.” Hailey said, walking in and sticking a screenshot onto the board, which showed a camera view of the street outside the bar.
Kate could be seen on the image, her head turned slightly as she waved to someone, a man standing by her side. Hailey tapped the image.
“We can’t find this guy. His face is always turned away from the camera, facial recognition is out.”
Voight nodded. “Jay, have you heard from your CI?”
Jay nodded, resting slightly against Hailey’s desk, his arms crossed in front of him. “My guy says there haven’t been any deals going down. I think we can rule out drugs or gangs. Streets have been quiet ever since that big bust we did last month.”
“It was 28 degrees out last night, ME couldn’t find the exact time of death. But there were signs she was raped, signs of asphyxiation and five penetration wounds from a knife.” Kevin said, opening the file he had gotten from the medical examiner earlier.
Voight turned to Kim. “Who was she?”
Kim sighed. “Kate was a hard worker, she had just started her job as a receptionist at a dentist’s office in South Loop. Dad’s MIA, Mum’s remarried and relocated to New York so she’s living on her own.”
“Have we found who she was with last night?”
Adam nodded. “I’ve gone through her phone. Looks like she was meeting her friend Grace at the club last night.”
“We need to talk to her. I want to know about the last day of Kate’s life. Timeline. Check all sex offenders in the area. Comb her social media. Let’s go.” Voight instructed.
Jay knocked on the main door, glancing sideways at Hailey. The door swung open.
“Grace Archer? I’m Detective Upton, this is Detective Halstead, can we come in?” Hailey asked.
She furrowed her brows. “What’s this about?”
“You’re friends with Kate Whitewood?” Hailey asked, without directly answering her question. She nodded and without missing a beat, Hailey continued, “We need to ask you a few questions about last night.”
Grace stepped back to let them in, her face falling as she led them to the sitting room.
“I heard from her parents. The whole thing’s horrible.” Grace whispered, wrapping her hands around herself.
“Can you tell us what you remember?” Jay asked.
Grace looked up. “Kate’s boyfriend had broken up with her a few months ago, so I took her out. She needed to get out again.”
“Were you approached by anyone?” Hailey asked.
“Several.” She answered.
“Anyone that stood out?”
Grace paused, trying to recall. “Kate didn’t even really want to go. She barely looked at the guys… except…”
Hailey sat up a little. “There must have been something about this guy that she left with, something unique. We have a photo of him on the surveillance tape. Flashy?”
Grace nodded, “Yeah, he had this like... attitude… like he was hitting on us but he was making a joke of it at the same time.” She paused. “The last thing she told me was that she had a great time… I shouldn’t have forced her to come out.”
“This isn’t your fault.” Hailey leaned over and patted Grace comfortingly on the arm. “Thanks for talking to us. Please call us if you think of anything else.”
As Jay walked out of Grace’s house with Hailey, he looked at his partner. “This guy’s confident, he’s smooth and it doesn’t look like he knew Kate or Grace.”
For the rest of the day, the team had almost combed through the whole of Kate’s whereabouts before she had disappeared and all they had was a big fat nothing.
Jay typed a quick text to you to let you know that he wasn’t going to be able to come over tonight.
You read the text, smiling a little. Jay was busy but it was cute that he always kept you informed. You stopped walking, typing back a reply to tell him it was okay and to do what he had to do, before you kept her phone back into your pocket.
You walked along the street, the same street you walked on every night, frowning a little. You turned around, scanning the street behind you.
You could swear that it was like someone was watching you, or following you. But the street was empty. This wasn’t the first time you had had this feeling - like the little hairs on the back of your neck were standing but you had nothing to back up this feeling you had.
Holding your bag tighter against you, you pushed yourself forward, quickening your footsteps, only letting up as you passed the safety of your apartment building’s front door.
As you passed the threshold of your apartment and closed the door behind you, you pulled out your phone, staring at it for a while. Part of you wanted to call Jay, to hear his voice and have him tell you that you were just tired, imagining things. But the rational part of your brain convinced yourself that everything was okay, reminding you that Jay was so busy and deep in a case, he really shouldn’t have to worry about you.
Ultimately, you put your phone on the counter, chuckling at yourself. Maybe you really were too tired.
By the next morning, another body had turned up, not two streets away from the first dump site.
Jay felt an uneasy feeling spread in the pit of his stomach as he stared at the photo of the new victim that was already up on the board. They had a serial killer in Chicago and this guy’s victim type had physical characteristics that were scarily similar to you.
“Jay.” Hailey broke Jay out of his thoughts. “Emma Green, 23, strangulation marks, six stab wounds.”
Jay turned to his partner and nodded. “Did they go to the same club?”
Hailey handed Jay a file. “No, but look at what we picked up on the surveillance camera.” Jay opened the file, studying the photo.
“This is our guy isn’t it?” He pointed at a male figure who was standing next to their second victim, his face still hidden from the camera, wearing a plain cap.
“Hey guys, I might have found a link.” Kim said, walking in. “I checked the employee records and there’s a bartender that works in both clubs and he was on shift on each day our victims went missing. He’s got a prior for aggravated assault and harassment.”
“We’ll take it.” Jay said, grabbing his jacket and heading out of the district.
Hailey fell into step next to him, glancing at him. “Jay, you okay?”
Jay nodded. “Let’s just get this son of a bitch.”
They travelled the rest of the way in silence. Hailey seemed to pick up that this case was affecting Jay differently but she didn’t press further, allowing Jay to lead the way into the closed club.
“Ben Carlton?”
The bartender looked up from where he was, his eyes falling onto the police badge that was hung around Jay’s neck.
In a sudden motion, he ducked out and ran.
“Hey, stop!” Jay yelled, as both he and Hailey launched themselves after him, Hailey shooting out the front door to try to head him off.
“5021 George, I have a suspect fleeing on foot.” Jay called into his radio, sprinting after the bartender.
The bartender barely made it onto the next street before Hailey flung herself at him around the corner, rolling onto the ground as Jay pulled out his gun. “Don’t move!” He yelled, as Hailey pulled the bartender to his feet.
“Let’s go.” Jay snarled.
“It wasn’t me!” Ben yelled as he sat in the interrogation room, facing Jay and Hailey.
Jay sighed internally, watching Ben’s reactions and the way he was answering the questions Hailey was shooting at him.
“Those were mistakes, I didn’t do this!” He yelled again.
Jay pushed himself upright, getting up from where he was leaning against the wall and pushing the photos of the victims onto the table. “This. Look at this. We can place these girls at the bars you worked at just before they died.”
“Look.” Ben said, looking up at Jay. “I saw them but they left before I even finished my shift.”
Jay glanced at Hailey. “Who did they leave with?” Hailey asked.
Ben looked from Hailey to Jay. “Look, I don’t know the guy, he’s not a regular. But he’s white, about their age. I noticed him because he headed for them the moment that he walked in. Like he knew they were there.”
Before Jay or Hailey moved, a knock came from the door.
“You guys gotta see this.” Adam said, sticking his head in.
“Sit tight.” Jay said to Ben, following Adam outside, where Kevin was waiting as well.
Kevin handed the file to Jay. “We got another one.” Jay flipped open the file, which told him what he already feared. Another victim, of a physical type that not only matched the first two victims but also you.
Jay looked up. “His cooling off period is getting shorter. We need to get this son of a bitch.”
The feeling was getting a little stronger that someone had been watching you.
You glanced over your shoulder but as usual the street was empty. Maybe you needed to stop staying late.
You turned back towards the front. There were sounds of footsteps but you swallowed the lump in your throat, quickening your pace as discreetly as you could.
It definitely felt like someone was following you now. You were almost running by the time you rounded the corner, colliding with someone.
You gave a yelp of surprise.
You had collided with Jay.
You let out a breath, spinning around to look over your shoulder.
“What’s going on? You okay?” Jay’s eyes snapped from you to the empty street behind you.
You turned back to look at Jay. Now that he was standing in front of you, it didn’t seem that scary anymore - maybe you had imagined the whole thing.
You shook your head, taking one last glance behind you. “What are you doing here? You finished the case?”
Jay smiled but the smile didn’t really reach his eyes. “Just wanted to check in on you. I have to go back soon.”
You reached for his hand without saying anything and that’s how the both of you walked back to your apartment, your hand clenched securely in his, almost like the both of you had a tight bubble around you.
You could tell Jay’s mind was far away, and it was even more unlike him to come see you in the middle of a case. You knew there was something troubling him but you weren’t one to press. Jay would tell you when he felt he could or he wanted to.
Instead, you just squeezed his hand.
Almost as if you were prying him from his thoughts, Jay looked at you and smiled. He pulled you closer to him, tucking you under his arm.
“You’re okay, right?” You asked, without looking up at him, just as he escorted you to your door.
Jay turned to look at you and nodded. “I will be, once this case is over.” He leaned forward to give you a kiss. “If anything happens, you call me, okay? No matter what.”
You raised an eyebrow but nodded at him, watching him disappear into the elevator before you retreated back into your apartment.
Intelligence had been tirelessly chasing down leads but they now had four bodies and Voight was getting pressure to solve this quickly as well. They needed a break in this case and fast.
“Okay, let’s regroup, what do we have so far?” Voight barked.
“All four victims were raped and found with multiple stab wounds. We know he picks up his victims from bars and appears non-threatening enough that his victims are willing to leave with him.” Jay said, getting up.
Hailey headed to the board, frowning. “We dumped their phones but we weren’t able to find any connection between the victims other than their physical type.” Hailey cast a look at Jay, which Voight didn’t miss. “I think he’s working his way up to something.”
“Hey guys?” Kim spoke up as she walked back in, flipping open the file sitting on her desk. “I went back over the first murder to see if we missed anything. Look at this.”
Kim pulled in her chair, zooming into the photo. “This badge here on his jacket, it’s barely visible so we missed it the first few times. I sent it to the lab to see if they could enhance the image and this is what I got.”
Kim clicked and up popped the crest of a high school. “Look, it’s not just a general badge. Look at the year.”
“Okay, that is the crest for Lincoln High. It’s a jacket given to those who graduated that year.” Kevin said, frowning at it.
“I’ll run the list of students who graduated in that year.” Jay barked, heading straight for his desk, his fingers flying across his keyboard.
Cross-checking was the worst job ever but the moment Jay’s eyes landed on your name on the list of graduates, he pulled it together, eliminating the women, men who had moved out of state or country, until finally he only had three names on the list.
“Okay, I have a Steven Miller, Charles Shoemaker and John Marlin.” Jay finally spoke up as everyone looked up. “But only Steven Miller has priors.”
“For harassment, sexual misconduct, and attempted assault. Sarge, this has to be our guy.” Jay looked up at Voight.
“Do we have an LKA?” Voight asked.
“Already on it.” Adam said.
“Go pick him up.” Adam nodded, motioning to Kevin as they headed out.
Something was bugging Jay. Steven Miller. That name was…
Jay pushed back his chair, entering Voight’s office without knocking and closing the door behind him.
Voight looked up, frowning a little at the look on Jay’s face. He put down his pen and leaned back in his chair, looking up at Jay.
“I’ve heard Miller’s name before. It was bugging me, but I remember now.”
Voight sat up straighter.
“I’m seeing his ex-girlfriend.” The words slipped past Jay’s lips. “Sarge, everything makes sense now. The physical type, the way he’s building up because his actual target…” Jay trailed off.
You had told Jay about Steven just once. You hadn’t gone into detail but you had told Jay about the short period that you had been together with Steven – his need for control over all aspects of your life, how he had always been a little rough, how he hadn’t taken any form of rejection well, and how you’d ended it the day he struck you.
“Take Hailey.”
Jay was already halfway to the door.
You had left early today.
It had been a while since you had done such an early shift but you’d been feeling more and more uneasy while walking home at night and the news coverage on the murders that were happening at the moment didn’t help.
You didn’t need Jay to tell you that you looked exactly like those girls who had been murdered. It was clear as day.
You fiddled with the key in the lock, opening the door.
You felt your heart drop into your stomach as you registered the person standing in front of you. In your house.
“Steven.” You muttered, your voice trembling, barely registering the butt of a gun heading towards your temple before it went dark.
Hailey hadn’t said anything but she knew something was off.
“Jay, what’s going on?” She asked. “How do you know this girl’s the target?”
Jay didn’t answer but pressed harder on the accelerator, gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles were white. The ringing tone going off through his bluetooth speaker in the car making him feel even worse.
“Jay.” Hailey said again. “I’m your partner.”
Jay glanced at her now. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Hailey’s eyebrows shot up. “I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.”
Jay let a beat of silence passed. “Miller’s her ex. I should have seen the signs, the physical type, everything, I…”
“Jay. She’ll be fine. Come on.” Hailey reassured him, as he turned his truck onto the familiar street.
“She’s still not answering.” Jay said, through gritted teeth. He’d been trying to call you since he had left the station.
Without hesitation, Jay bounded up the stairs, Hailey right behind him. From down the corridor, Jay could already tell your door was slightly ajar.
“Hang back.” Jay whispered, pulling out his service weapon.
Jay quietly approached the door. “Y/N?” He opened the door with his foot, freezing as his eyes landed on you, sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, your eyes frantic as Steven held a knife to your throat from where he stood behind you.
Jay gritted his teeth, using his foot to slam the door shut, knowing that Hailey would know what to do.
“Step away from her.” Jay growled, pointing his gun directly at Steven.
Steven smiled. “I was wondering when you’d arrive. Put that down.”
Jay grinded his teeth but didn’t move. You felt the cold blade of the knife press against your skin and inhaled sharply.
“Put. It. Down.” Steven repeated.
“Okay, okay.” Jay said, glancing at you before putting his hands above his head, disarming his gun and putting it down onto the floor.
Steven smiled again, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Jay growled.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to tell me what to do.” Steven answered.
“Jay, I’m sorry.” You whispered.
Jay looked straight at you. “It’s going to be okay. You focus on me, you hear me? I’m right here.”
“We broke up a long time ago, what the hell are you doing?” You asked. You were afraid, hell you were trembling, but this was crazy and you had to help Jay to find a way out of this.
“We wouldn’t be broken up if he hadn’t come between us.” Steven snarled, moving closer towards you, his lips almost touching your ear.
Jay growled. “Leave her alone.”
Steven looked back up at Jay again.
“What, you mean don’t do this?” Steven asked, crushing his lips against yours.
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” Jay yelled. “Is that what you did? How you forced yourself on all the other girls? What do you want, Steven? What are you trying to accomplish?”
“All I wanted was to be with Y/N! But you took her.” He spat.
“So you decided to go on a rampage?” Jay asked. You saw him twitch like he was looking for something so you started talking, as much as it made you want to gag.
“Steven, why didn’t you just talk to me?” You asked, trying to distract him.
“Talk? All you care about is him!” He yelled, lifting the knife and pointing it at Jay.
It happened in a split second.
The moment he lifted the knife, Jay yelled, “Now, Y/N!”
You threw yourself forward, covering your head with your hands as you heard the gunshots go off, just two. You weren’t sure who was shooting but you didn’t move until you heard Jay’s voice again.
“Y/N, it’s okay, it’s over.” Jay whispered.
You looked up, Jay’s face hovering above you.
Jay nodded, “It’s okay, come here.”
Jay pulled his arms around you.
“He…” Jay shook his head, shielding your view of Steven’s now motionless body. “Don’t look back, come on.”
Jay tried to lead you out of the apartment, barely making it to the main door before his teammates appeared. “Jay!” Kevin called, as he spotted both of you.
Jay nodded. “Thanks.” Kevin nodded, his eyes lingering on the way Jay was holding you close to his side before making way for Jay to lead you back down to the ground floor where the ambulances were waiting.
Jay led you all the way to the waiting paramedics, not even leaving your side to get himself checked.
You weren’t hurt, not really. There was a little open cut from where Steven had pressed the blade a little too hard when he had been agitated but other than that you were fine. Well, that, and that disgusting feeling that came with remembering how Steven had pressed his lips against yours.
Voight approached you and Jay. Jay squeezed your hand. “I’ll be right back.” You smiled and nodded.
Jay and Voight talked in low voices until Voight turned to look at you. “And she’s okay?”
Jay nodded. “Yeah, she is. I just need to…”
“Do what you need to do. We’ll finish up here.” Voight said, nodding and clapping Jay on the back.
The paramedics had dressed the wound on the scene before Jay had brought you back to his apartment.
After getting you into a clean change of clothes and some warm food in you, you had ended up back in your favourite place in the world – on Jay’s couch, in Jay’s apartment, encircled in Jay’s arms.
You lay your head on Jay’s chest.
“So this was all because of me?” You asked in a low voice.
Jay sat up, looking at you. “What?”
“He killed all those women… because of me. I got them killed.” You whispered.
“No, no, baby.” Jay propped himself up, but didn’t let you go. “This is not your fault. Steven he… he did this, not you.”
You looked up at him. “He even… in front of you… he…” You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, you felt disgusting. He’d kissed you, he’d done it in front of Jay and he’d ruined everything.
You hadn’t said that much but Jay just tilted your chin upwards and kissed you. “Jay…”
“I’ll take it all away.” Jay whispered. “I’m sorry, I should have been there sooner.”
You shook your head, swiping away the tears that had slid down your cheeks.
Jay cupped your cheek again, pulling you into his chest. You balled your hand around his shirt, gripping at Jay.
“It’s okay, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” Jay whispered.
“I’ll never let anyone touch you ever again.” He half snarled, still caressing you gently.
You leaned into his embrace, closing your eyes as the sound of Jay’s heartbeat gently lulled you back into the feeling of safety and security.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Nemesis (Spencer Reid/Reader)
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Requested: Can I request a Spencer x reader where they’re dating and she’s always been quiet about her past but then a case comes up in her hometown and her whole past gets uncovered and it’s pretty bad. That’s when they realize why she had been acting like that.
Summary: A case takes the team back to Seattle, (Y/N)’s hometown, only to discover her past was darker than they had ever imagined. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Reader 
Warnings: This one is dark. Angst, bloody crime details, Criminal Mind usual content, fluff at the end ‘cos I can’t help it. Also, cursing but that’s just how I roll. 
Word count: 2,7K 
It was obvious there was something wrong with (Y/N). Spencer could see it clearly, though she kept telling him everything was ok. It was easy to read her after working together for five years and dating the last two.
Reid knew he shouldn’t profiler his girlfriend, but he couldn’t help it when he saw the painful expression on her face. She tried to smile when she noticed he was looking at her, but that just made it worse ‘cos now he was sure there was something awfully wrong with her. 
She wasn’t like that when they woke up. She had spent the night over in his apartment, and she looked happy. She made hotcakes for breakfast, and they laughed the whole way to Quantico, talking about the movie they had seen the night before. 
But everything changed the second they received the information of the serial killer they had to catch. 
When Garcia presented the case, Spencer noticed how his girlfriend’s face turned white. She didn’t even look at the pictures of the crime scenes. (Y/N) fixed her eyes on her notebook on the table and crossed her arms on her chest. She didn’t speak during the briefing, just bite her lips and the inside of her cheeks the whole time.
- “Today, my dear furry friends, you will be flying to (Y/N) ’s hometown, rainy Seattle, for a case that will give me nightmares for the rest week, so I refuse to look at the screen”
(Y/N) held her breath and stayed as still as possible on her chair. 
- “The unsub is targeting couples in their late thirties. He stabs them to death in their bed, places the bodies as if they were asleep, and forces the kids to lay between them. Then, he locks them in the house until they manage to escape”.
Hotch sighed and looked at the team. Family-related cases always were the hardest for him and J.J. Especially when there were kids involved. 
- “The police department asked for our help because they think it might be related to four unsolved murders that took place in Seattle back in the nineties”-
Garcia finished. Hotch stood up and announced, “wheels up in twenty”, and everybody left the room. Everybody but (Y/N), who couldn’t move. 
- “Hey… are you ok?”- Spencer stood in front of her chair and held her hands. She just nodded and tried her best to smile. 
- “I’m just tired, honey, that’s all. It’s been a long week”. 
- “You can tell me if there’s anything wrong, buttercup, you know that”- she tried to smile and stood up. Spencer cupped her face with both hands and kissed her lips sweetly. 
(Y/N) held her breath for a few seconds, making her best not to cry. When he looked at her, she cut him a small smile, trying to show him everything was ok. 
Of course, it was not. 
Neither Spencer nor anyone in the BAU knew (Y/N) ’s secret. She didn’t want to share it with anyone ‘cos it meant everybody would pity her, and she couldn’t handle that. She couldn’t deal with people looking at her like she was a victim. She hated it when it happened back in her hometown, and she knew she couldn’t handle it if their BAU family looked at her like that.
That case hurt her deeper than she could ever explain, and she wasn’t sure she could keep the secret that was killing her alive for much longer. 
During the trip, she barely looked at the files. Spencer sat next to her, trying to comfort her. He knew she wouldn’t tell him what was happening, but he wanted to be by her side. He wanted her to know he was there for her, no matter what. 
(Y/N) knew that, but of all people, he was the last one she wanted to share her secret with. She was too embarrassed and too scared he could run away. She was also too damaged, and she had, somehow, managed to cover her wounds for all those years. 
But now, everything was collapsing, and she knew it could only get worse from there. 
- “Morgan, you and Reid talk with the forensic. We need every detail on the killer’s M.O.”- Hotch said as soon as they landed in Seattle- “(Y/N), you and Prentiss talk with the family of the latest victims. JJ, Rossi, we will speak with the police chief and see the previous investigation files”. 
(Y/N)’ s heart stopped for a second. She held her folder fight and nodded, making her best not to show her whole body started shaking. 
Spencer could read it, (Y/N) was hiding something, and it wasn’t something good. He leaned in and kissed her temple and held her hand tight. 
- “Do you want me to go with you? I can ask Hotch…” 
- “No, honey”- she whispered, shaking her head- “I’m ok”
- “Sure”- she nodded and pecked his lips- “I’ll see you back at the police station, ok?”
Prentiss was doing all the talking. (Y/N) could barely breathe in that interview. A thirteen years old little girl sat on a couch, nearly crying, holding her grandmother’s hand tight, as if her life depended on it. 
-” I know this is hard, and you are doing great, Kristy. I need you to close your eyes and tell me, what do you remember of that night”. 
Without even notice, (Y/N) did the same. 
- “Mom and dad stayed up after I went to bed. I heard them talking in the kitchen when I went to the bathroom” 
- “What time was it?”- Prentiss whispered 
- “Eleven… eleven-thirty”
- “And do you remember anything odd? anything that didn’t look right?”- Kristy stayed in silence. You could tell she was doing her best to remember. 
- “The neighbor’s dog was barking“
- “Ok, good”- Prentiss praised- “You are doing great, anything else? A smell, a noise?” 
- “I heard something in the closet in the hall, like… like someone was chuckling, so I got scared and ran back to my room”- Kristy was agitated, and tears started falling down her cheeks. (Y/N) held her hands and looked at her, whispering. 
- “You had heard that chuckle before, hadn’t you?”- and the girl nodded. 
- “But your parents told you you were too old to believe in the boogie man, right?”- (Y/N) continued, fighting her own tears.
- “(Y/N)?”- Prentiss was confused
- “It’s not your fault-” (Y/N) whispered and wrapped her arms around the girl, who now started sobbing- “You have to understand it’s not your fault. He wanted you to be scared”. 
- “(Y/N), what are you talking about?”- Prentiss asked her but still didn’t get any answer. 
- “Kristy, this is important. Do you remember if a stranger had been in your house in the last week?”- but the girl just shook her head- “He may have said his car broke down, or he was lost” 
- “A man came last Wednesday”- the girl whispered, still crying- “He said he needed help with his car… dad borrowed him some tools and helped him change his tire”
(Y/N) nodded and looked at Prentiss. 
- “That’s the guy” 
- “How do you know?”- Emily was confused. Not only because tears kept falling from (Y/N) ’s eyes, but because of her deduction. 
- “Believe me, that’s the guy. I’m gonna call Hotch”. 
- “(Y/N)! Wait!”- Prentiss ran after her friend and followed her back to the SUV- “What the hell happened back there?”
- “What do you mean?”- the young agent tried to act as if nothing had happened. Which was impossible, but still, she gave it a shot. 
- “You knew something about this case! You knew the girl had heard the unsub before, how?”
(Y/N) stayed still and just looked at her friend, took a deep breath, and lied. 
- “We studied this case back in the academy. Some of the kids said they had heard a chuckling the days before the murder”
Prentiss frowned. She had read that case over and over again, and she knew that information wasn’t in any file. But it was apparent (Y/N) didn’t want to talk about it. 
Against all odds, (Y/N) managed to go through the day, keeping herself as calm as possible. After talking with Kristy, she and Prentiss reached the police station. Spencer was waiting for her with a hot cup of her favorite coffee. Just what she needed. He held her hand and kissed it as they walked to the rest of the team. 
- “How are you feeling, buttercup?”
- “I’m tired...”- she sighed and looked into his chocolate eyes. They were filled with love for her. The kind of love that made her feel no matter what, everything was going to be ok.  
- “When we are back home, I’ll run you a bubble bath. Would you like that?”
- “I would love that, honey” 
They delivered a profile, which confirmed it was the same killer as in the nineties. A white man. Now in his late fifties. His parents had committed suicide when he was thirteen. He was left alone with the corpses for three days until a neighbor contacted the police because of the smell. As he grew up, his trauma led him to kill couples around his parents’ age, with a single kid the same age as he was when he died. 
- “Hey baby girl, I need you to help me find this unsub”- Morgan called Garcia as the whole team gathered around the board. It was late, and they were all tired, but they didn’t want to give the unsub the chance to kill again. 
- “I need you to run me a list of all the prisoners in the area who were released a month ago, that’s when the crimes started”
- “You are gonna have to give me something else, chocolate thunder. Do you have any kind of idea how many people are released weekly from jail?”
- “Ten thousand”- Spencer answered and kept his eyes stuck at the board- “Garcia, he is around fifty, white, and had been in jail approximately thirteen or fourteen years”. 
(Y/N)’ s heart was beating so fast inside her chest she thought anyone could hear it. Her legs were shaking, her eyes were watering up. But she had to keep herself together. She had to, for the team. For herself. For this case. For the victims.
- “Still too many”- Garcia said 
- “Can you see if any of them had a red truck?”- (Y/N) asked, and the whole team turned to her, confused 
- “Why a red truck?”- Hotch asked her, confused 
- “It was a theory we analyzed at the academy”- she lied again. 
- “Bingo! Sam Paterson, 53 years old, was released five weeks ago. I’m sending you his last known address right now”. 
- “(Y/N), I just read all the files about this case, including the cases from ’98, and they never mentioned a red truck”- Spencer asked his girlfriend. They were in the SUV, and Morgan was driving. Reid turned to the backseat to look at her, but she kept her eyes in the window. 
- “I don’t know why it wasn’t there. Maybe they dismissed part of the evidence”
Reid was afraid to ask again, so he just nodded and turned to Morgan. 
- “How long until we get there?” 
- "Two minutes. I can’t wait to catch this bastard”. 
The unsub was hidden in a barn at the back of his property. He had all the trophies he kept from the crime scenes: a toy from each kid’s bedroom. 
They surrounded him quickly, but he kept pointing a gun against the team. He knew he was fucked, but he wasn’t going to surrender. 
- “You are done, Sam”- Morgan tried to talk to him, but the unsub just looked at the agents around him and laughed. 
- “I was sure you were going to be the one to get me”- he said and looked at (Y/N)- “You haven’t changed a thing”
- “Shut up!”- (Y/N) muttered and bit her lips, trying her best not to cry. She didn’t want to give him the pleasure of seeing her crumble. 
- (”Y/N) James, sorry, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you use your mother’s last name now”
- “Shut up!”- the gent spit those words holding her gun tight. She could shoot him. She wanted to shoot him. But she wasn’t a monster like him. She had to keep telling herself that over and over again to keep her from pulling the trigger.
The whole team looked at her in shock. James. The James was the last couple the unsub killed in ’98. Their thirteen-year-old daughter was left with their bodies for a whole day locked in the house before she managed to escape.
- “(Y/N)?”- Spencer didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t believe it. 
- “I always knew you were special, (Y/N)”- Sam smiled- “You were the only one who heard me. Too bad mommy and daddy laughed at you when you told them someone was walking around the house at night”
- “You are sick”- it was a miracle that (Y/N) wasn’t crying. The anger that filled her body was too powerful, and it fueled her with revenge. 
- “Maybe I am sick, but I’m also the one who knows you better than anyone”- he made a pause and looked around at the rest of the team- “Oh! They didn’t know! Why didn’t you tell them? Want me to give them the short version of the fact?”
- “You don’t know anything about me!” 
- “That’s where you are wrong. I know a lot about you, (Y/N). I hunted you and your parents for weeks. Remember that little cat that used to play in your backyard? Garfield, that’s how you called him, right?”
- “Shut up!”- (Y/N) was having serious trouble stopping herself from pulling that trigger. She wanted to kill him and avenge her parents. They didn’t deserve to die just because a sick bastard decided to kill them. 
- “I always wanted to ask you, how did you feel when you laid there with them? After I killed your parents, how did you feel? ‘cos when I laid with mine, I just felt such peace… Did you feel peace too? (Y/N)? did you?” 
A single gunshot was the end of Sam. Spencer put his gun down after killing him and looked at his girlfriend. She was shaking. He didn’t say a word. He ran to her and wrapped his arms around her tight, just to hear her burst into tears. Tears she had been holding for years. 
- “I’m here, I’m here with you”- he whispered as he kept kissing her cheeks- “You are safe, I’ve got you, (Y/N)”
- “He… he…”- she tried to speak, but she couldn’t. Spencer held her closer, tighter, and kissed any part of her he could. Her shoulder, her head, her cheek, her hair, her temple. 
- “He’s dead, (Y/N). He is never going to hurt you again”
(Y/N) couldn’t move. She just kneeled on the floor, a few feet away from the corpse of the man that had killed her parents. Spencer held her in his arms and carried her outside. 
- “You are safe”- Reid kept repeating, and she just nodded as he sat her in the back of an ambulance
- “I’m never going to let anyone hurt you, (Y/N). Did you know that?”- Reid ran his thumbs across her cheeks, wiping off the tears that kept falling from her eyes. 
- “I will protect you, forever”
(Y/N) looked at him and quivered her chin again. She knew he meant it, and a small part of her felt relieved he knew everything now. Even the dark part she had managed to hide for years from everybody.
- “I love you so much (Y/N), and I am so proud of you. You overcame a situation that most people would never get over, and you became an amazing woman. The amazing woman I love” 
- “Thank you”- (Y/N) whispered and sobbed- “I just didn’t want to tell anyone so they wouldn’t pity me”- she said and hugged Spencer tight again, hiding her face on his chest
- “No! listen to me. I am proud of you, that’s how I feel about you, ok?”- he looked at her and kissed her cheeks sweetly- “I love you (Y/N)”
- “I love you too, Spencer. Thank you for being here”
- “Always”
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kamoniwa · 4 years
 ⟼ a little madness
⇢ pairing: yokai!kuroo/demon!akaashi/human!reader/werewolf!semi
⇢ au: college!au
⇢ summary: you, your friends, and some friends of your friends all get tricked by one tendou satori into visiting an abandoned amusement park for halloween. it turns out it isn’t ghosts you need to worry about, though.
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⇥  kinktober masterlist
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⇢ warnings: gangbang, noncon to consensual, lots of reluctance, mind break if you squint?, technical temperature play, unprotected sex, creampie, the boys are real gentle in breaking you down
⇢ word count: 11,695
⇢ a/n: don’t really think noncon is my forte but practice makes perfect. is the pairing self-indulgent? fat yes. does this fic make total sense? not really sure. did i have fun writing it? hell yeah. also big thank you to @ishuzoku​ for helping me come up with the flyer bc my og id was garbage lmao.
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Furrowing your brows, you looked at Tendo with a mix of exasperation and unadulterated dismay.
“An abandoned amusement park. On Halloween?” Kaori asked before you could, eyebrows disappearing into her bangs. “You cannot be serious, Tendo.”
If he was put off by your reactions, he didn’t show it. If anything, he was probably relishing in it, and said, “Yes, yes I am. It’ll be fun. Come on, do you really just wanna get drunk at a boring house party on Halloween?”
You snorted at that, stirring your coffee as you said, “As opposed to getting murdered at an amusement park? That’s like, straight out of a horror movie, Tendo.”
“You guys are so boring,” he whined, slumping forward across the table. Shirabu grumbled under his breath, glaring at Tendo as he nudged his drink closer to Shirabu’s textbook. “Look, it’ll be so cool! Exploring all the abandoned funhouses and imagine how freaky the haunted houses will be! Just think about it, okay?”
The looks everyone exchanged said they had and had already made up their minds, but you nodded anyway, if for no other reason than to appease him.
A moment later, your alarm went off and you bid them goodbye, walking towards the door with Shirabu for your next lecture. You were sure as shit not going to an abandoned anything this weekend.
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Except somehow, against all odds, you were piled up in the back of Konoha’s car, crammed beside someone who had been introduced to you as Akaashi Keiji. He was a friend of Bokuto’s and Konoha’s and, upon hearing about your adventure, asked if he could tag along. If you had to peg him, he was more the librarian type than a ghost hunter type-- soft spoken and well mannered with pretty blue eyes that closed slightly when he smiled.
In the front seat were Konoha-- driving-- and Yachi, currently fighting with the radio and Konoha’s phone. 
In the car behind you was someone named Kuroo-- also a friend of Bokuto and Akaashi-- Kaori, Goshiki, and Semi-- a friend of Shirabu, Goshiki, and Tendo. Kuroo was almost ecstatic to be going, but Semi had seemed like he would rather be doing anything else as he climbed into the passenger seat of Kuroo’s car.
The car in front contained Tendo, Bokuto, Yukie, and-- god bless him-- Shirabu. You were sure he was losing his mind as Tendo guided him towards the location of the amusement park. The details on how exactly this had come about were lost on you, but you vaguely recalled a drunken bet made two nights ago and a video that Tendo refused to share properly, but assured you was proof that the group had agreed to the terms of said bet and then lost. Spectacularly. Supposedly.
“So, how did you meet everyone?” Akaashi asked, turning to look at you. The scenery outside was turning quickly from civilization to wilderness, the trees growing thicker the further you drove until you couldn’t tell one trunk from the next. 
Humming, you rested your chin in your hand, bracing your elbow on the door. This was the worst part of meeting someone new during a trip-- tedious small talk. But you had to start somewhere, so you said, “I met Kaori in one of our classes and ‘Toka-- er, Yachi--” The girl turned around at the sound of her name and waved. “-- is my roommate. They kind of introduced me to everyone else.”
Truth be told, you weren’t sure how they had become your core group of friends. From loud and boisterous Bokuto to sullen and taciturn Shirabu, you adored all of them, but you had had your own group of friends before meeting them. Most of those old friends had faded from sight as you found yourself absorbed in your new ones and, while a part of you felt bad, it was just a part of life.
“What about you?” you asked, glancing at him from the corner of your eye. “How do you know them?”
Konoha snickered from the front seat and Akaashi cut him a glare before turning back to you. “I’ve been friends with Konoha, Bo, and Tetsuro since highschool. Kaori and Yukie were our managers,” he said.
Konoha made a turn onto a road who’s name sign had long since fallen off the rusty pole, and you wondered just how far out you had traveled. It didn’t feel like it had been long since you left, but you recognized nothing around you and there was no sign of life. 
“So, everyone but ‘Toka and I were friends in highschool, huh?” You chuckled. “What are the odds?”
Akaashi laughed with you, fiddling with his fingers as he turned back to look out his window. 
The car was now filled with the sound of music, overtaking the silence that fell between the four of you. Konoha was focused on driving and you knew Yachi was more than a little nervous-- you had almost expected her to back out and accept whatever payback Tendo had planned for it afterwards.
“Do any of you guys know anything about this place?” you asked, leaning forward and resting your chin on Yachi’s seat. Through the windshield, you could see Tendo’s shaved head and Bokuto’s spiky locks in the backseat, and worried for poor Shirabu’s sanity. “How did Tendo even know this place existed?”
“It’s an old legend,” Akaashi spoke up softly. 
Both you and Yachi turned to look at him, the latter’s breath hitching because everyone knew when those words were said, the story was going to be unpleasant.
Konoha cursed as he hit a pothole, muttering Tendo’s name under his breath as he righted the car between the faded lane lines, and Akaashi smiled at that before looking back to you.
“I doubt most people have heard of it,” he began, popping his knuckles one at a time. “It’s more of a local thing, really.”
“Well then how do you know about it?” you asked curiously, quirking a brow. You knew Bokuto grew up in Tokyo, which meant Akaashi had as well, and you were well outside of the city limits.
Akaashi smiled, tipping his head to the side and for the first time there was something other than soft indifference in it. “I enjoy these types of places and legends. It’s a hobby, you might say. This particular amusement park was meant to be scary in nature and didn’t stay open for long due to unexplained deaths and disappearances.”
Yachi squeaked, and you cast her a glance before resting your hand on her shoulder. This was probably not the best story for someone as easily scared as she was, but it was too late now, and you knew there was curiosity beneath the fear.
“That sounds way too vague,” you said, lips curling up at the corners. “That’s what everyone says about places like this. It’s not scary.”
Your skepticism was met with laughter and he said, “True. The police at the time pinned the problems on faulty attractions or poor background checks, saying there must have been a serial killer hired without anyone realizing. Sounds to me like they just couldn’t figure out what was causing it.”
You rolled your eyes, nodding along. If the park was as old as Tendo said, it could really have been faulty attractions, but you weren’t buying the serial killer story. It sounded too far-fetched compared to being crushed by an unstable support beam. 
Akaashi continued, voice dropping in what might have been a scary attempt at atmosphere if the sun wasn’t framing his pretty features in a golden glow behind him. “The locals all said that the place was haunted, too many deaths had built up negative energy, trapping the spirits of those killed there. Unable to escape, they grew angry and the deaths continued until authorities labeled the park unsafe and banned any more visitors. And then--”
“What the hell?” Konoha cut him off, hitting the brakes a little harder than necessary.
Akaashi’s seat belt locked and he grunted, rubbing at the new red mark on his neck as he asked, “What’s going on?”
“Dunno,” Konoha replied, putting the car in park. “Sorry about that. Shirabu is getting out of the car.”
The car behind you pulled up as you were getting out, eyes wide as you watched Tendo lay a map out on the trunk of Shirabu’s car.
“We’re lost,” you said, sighing in exasperation.
A tall figure blocked out the sun in front of you and you squinted up into the face of Kuroo. He was giving you a catlike grin, ruffling his messy rooster hair as he said, “Sure seems that way, princess. This place is in the middle of nowhere. I’ll be surprised if we even find it.” He guided you over to the car where the others were gathered, snickering at the look of surprise on your face. “What?”
“You know about this place too?” you asked, glancing at Akaashi on the other side of the car. He cast you a small, closed eyed smile. “Akaashi was telling us about it in the car.”
Kuroo chuckled, raising a brow at his friend. “Yeah, being friends with Akaashi has its share of hazards.”
“Look, I’m pretty sure we’re here,” Tendo said, interrupting your conversation. He was pointing to a small line that looked just like any other on the map, aside from the major roadways and cities. If he was right, you were a decent ways out of the city and your watch read 1:01pm. “If we just follow this road and then this one, it’ll lead us straight past the village and to the park.”
Shirabu looked skeptical, spinning the map around to look at it as well. He wasn’t exactly wrong but how could he really tell? All the smaller roads looked the same and they couldn’t even confirm the name of the road because there was no sign. It had also been ages since they last saw a house or even another car, so asking anyone was out of the question too.
“This is stupid,” he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. No one besides Tendo really wanted to be there-- he ignored the fact that Kuroo was just as excited as his weirdo friend to be going and that Akaashi had jumped at the opportunity as well-- and it would be so much easier to just turn around and go to Hinata’s party. “We should just go home before we get lost.”
Tendo frowned at that, sharing a look with Kuroo before saying, “We aren’t lost*. It’s not much further now. Just trust me.”
The others were all inclined to agree with Shirabu, you included, but arguing with Tendo was like arguing with a brick wall-- pointless. He had already tricked you into agreeing to this endeavor and at this point backing out would be both a waste of time and gas. Shirabu was too smart to get lost anyway but, if you were lucky, Tendo was wrong and you wouldn’t be able to find the place at all.
“Do you really think we’ll be able to find it?” Yachi asked once you were safely back in the car. 
Akaashi hummed beside you, but you said, “God I hope not. I was looking forward to Hinata’s party and if we get back quick enough we might still make it.”
Konoha looked at you in the rearview, eyes crinkled as he snickered. “What, are you scared, _____? Afraid the ghosts are gonna get ya?”
Scoffing, you dug through your bag for your phone. A check an hour ago had revealed one bar, but now the words ‘No Service’ blazed across the service banner. “No, I’m not scared. There are just a thousand better things to be doing that than breaking my neck on rusty amusement park rides.”
“Sounds like cowardice to me,” he answered, laughing at you through the mirror. 
Sticking your tongue out at him, you turned back to the window, sighing as the scenery passed by in a blur. Konoha and Akaashi talked a lot about volleyball, Yachi pitching in occasionally. You knew she had managed her highschool volleyball team and knew everyone else in the group to some degree, but most everything sports related went over your head. 
Still, Akaashi made some effort to get to know you, asking about highschool and what classes you were taking. You told him about your major and asked what his was, finding out he was a literature major and constantly busy, explaining why you had never met him before. He, Kuroo, and Semi were the busiest out of all their friends, often skipping out on get togethers in order to study, work, or-- in Semi’s case-- practice with his band.
A little while later, while Yachi and Konoha were having a heated discussion about their favorite subjects, you caught the first glimpse of something besides trees. Turning to look out the windshield, you saw brake lights already lighting up and the car began to slow.
“Well, we found the village, at least,” Tendo said, reading the faded sign displaying the name of the town. “I didn’t expect it to be abandoned too, though.”
Everyone was gathered in the middle of the road, looking down the mainstreet of the village. Windows were busted out and boarded up, paint faded on rotten clapboards, and roofs missing tiles or riddled with holes. The street was littered with potholes and the whole town had an eerie sense of unnatural quiet. Everyone shifted on their heels, slowly making their way back towards the cars without a word and piling in. 
Even Tendo looked unnerved.
The town disappeared behind you but in the distance you could see the towering track of a roller coaster above the treeline. Even from so far away you could see that the paint was faded off of it, the sun filtering through clouds and casting the whole area in shades of grey. To you, it seemed like the forest was darker, the trees packed more closely together, and your heart began to thump in your chest.
“You okay?” Akaashi’s gentle voice asked in your ear. His hand landed on your shoulder, colder than expected, and you shivered underneath his touch. “You look like you’ve already seen a ghost.”
You nodded, looking over to find him giving you a look of amused concern, one corner of his mouth turned up in a half smile. “Just nervous. That town was creepy as hell and it freaked me out a little.”
“Me too!” Yachi squeaked from the front seat, turning around to give you a pleading look. “Don’t you dare leave me, _____.”
Laughter filled the car then and you patted Yachi on the shoulder. “Wouldn’t dream of it, ‘Toka.”
The towering sign for the park appeared up ahead and the car fell silent all over again as brake lights lit up again. Broken glass and gravel littered the parking lot, which was smaller than expected for how big the park looked. 
Everyone seemed to hesitate on getting out of the cars. Tendo was the first, followed by Kuroo, and then Akaashi. Like it was a signal, the rest of you followed, Yachi clinging onto your hand and Kuroo and Akaashi seeming to stand behind you protectively, close enough that you could feel warmth radiating off them.
“Do we really have to go in there?” Goshiki asked, eyeing the ticket booth with disdain. The paint on it, like everything else, was faded, the wood rotten and the window and door busted out. The latter creaked on its hinges, filling the still air with an unsettling noise that mixed with the faint sounds of creaking metal and leaves fluttering in the wind.
Everyone shuffled back towards the cars a little at his question, but Tendo took a step forward, resting his hand on the turnstile. “Since we’re actually here, may as well take a look around.”
Without another moment of hesitation, he hopped over it, peering around with an unusually quiet interest. It was the first time since you had met Tendo that he had nothing to say, his already pale face seemingly devoid of color, making his vibrant, sleepy eyes pop out even more.
Groaning, you, Shirabu, and Goshiki stepped forward, dragging Yachi with you as you climbed over the turnstile as well. You couldn’t just let Tendo wander off into the dangerous park alone. The others followed suit, muffled whispers and conversations floating through the air as they spread out in the area. 
The forest had started taking back over through the concrete, weeds and grass sprouting up through the cracks and pushing the cobblestones up and out of place. Vines of ivy and moss hung from the powerpoles, vendor booths, and some attractions further back, swaying in the gentle breeze. The buildings were dark inside, but through the gloom you could make out mannequins and shelves devoid of merchandise.
The bell dinged on the first one Tendo pushed open-- a souvenir shop. It was empty except for dust and garbage, as were the next few you entered.
Slowly but surely the group made their way further into the park, Yachi clinging onto you the whole time. Akaashi and Kuroo were right behind the two of you, Shirabu and Semi in front, forming a kind of guard while Tendo and Bokuto led the way. Kaori clung to Goshiki, who looked like he was putting on a brave front despite his pink cheeks and the nervousness in his eyes.
For all his grumbling, Shirabu looked interested as he eyed all the buildings and machinery. It was quiet, devoid even of the sound of birdsong or humming bugs, and it unsettled you.
“Oh look, it’s the pirate ship ride!” Bokuto yelled suddenly, breaking the deathly silence.
Everyone jumped, Shirabu hissing at him to shut up while Yukie shrieked, latching onto him. Bokuto had the decency to look abashed but still steered the group towards the derelict platform, testing his weight on the creaky metal stairs on his way up.
The deck of the ship was littered with leaves and dust, the seats worn down and showing stuffing and springs after however many years left in the element. There were signs of rust on the metal and the whole thing shifted slightly to emit a creak.
“Um, Bo, I don’t think that’s safe,” Kuroo called out, grabbing your arm to stop you from following up behind him. 
Tendo and Goshiki were up beside him, examining the boat itself and, before anyone knew it, the former had hopped into it.
“Tendo!” Shirabu called, a trace of panic in his voice. His fingers were wrapped around the railing, paint flakes coming away under his touch hand as he prepared to spring up the stairs, but everyone’s eyes were locked on Tendo’s precarious creep down the middle aisle. “Get out of there before you get hurt, idiot!”
“It’s fine, Shirabu,” he called, now standing at the bow. “It’s kinda cool actually. I can see more of the park from here.”
Bokuto landed with a thump a moment later, a louder creak ringing out than when lanky Tendo had landed, and everyone took a collective breath and held it. 
But as before, it held, and he joined Tendo up by the bow.
“Wow, he’s right!” he called, holding his hand above his eyes like a visor and peering out over the park. It was certainly bigger than he imagined for being in the middle of nowhere. “There’s a house over that way!”
“Probably the haunted house,” Tendo said, straining to see what Bokuto was looking at. In the distance were two stilted, twisted steeples painted in different hues. One was flamboyant and bright, the other dark and dreary, even compared to the state of disrepair of the rest of the park. “I see a funhouse too, I think. Looks pretty freaky. Wanna check ‘em out?”
“Hell yeah,” Bokuto shouted, whipping around to look at the rest of you.
Shirabu looked ready to blow a gasket, and Yachi looked ready to faint, but everyone else looked intrigued. Even you couldn’t help but be a little curious about it, having free range to explore the most interesting rides in the park. Wasn’t it everyone’s dream to be able to see what they were like without restraint? 
The sun was just beginning to fade behind the treeline, turning the clouds a thin shade of orange, but the lure of seeing something interesting had dissolved any real fear.
The two men met Goshiki on the platform and made their way back down to the rest of the group, eyes shining bright with the promise of adventure.
“I told you it wouldn’t be so bad!” Tendo said as if the stunt he just pulled hadn’t taken years off all your lives. Jumping haphazardly onto a decade old, rusted out death trap attraction at an abandoned amusement park hours from the nearest hospital wasn’t going to earn him any genius awards.
On the way towards the supposed attractions, you came across the carousel. Its metal panels were tarnished, the paint worn away from them and the animals, the mirrors grimy with dirt. Vines and ivy climbed up everywhere. The platform shifted when Kuroo stepped onto it, Tendo hot on his heels followed closely by Bokuto. 
“Let’s go see, ‘Toka,” you said, tugging her forward by the hand. Kaori took your other one, squeezing, while Akaashi guided you with a gentle hand on your back.
“Look at this,” someone said, and you turned to find Semi holding a faded paper. “It looks like a poster claiming someone was kidnapping people.”
“How the hell is it still here?” Konoha asked, peering at it around Semi’s arm. “It should have disintegrated a long damn time ago.”
“Dunno,” Semi said with a frown. Trying to see the paper, you were crowded against Semi by Yachi and Kaori and flinched when you realized how hot he was. “It was wedged in the frame of the mirror.”
The whole thing was faded but still legible, due presumably to being tucked into the mirror, and appeared to be a flyer issued by the park itself.
Due to the recent disappearances, park security has been tightened. Please stay aware of your surroundings and report and suspicious activity immediately.
“You were right, Akaashi,” you said, glancing up at the man standing behind you. “They really did think someone was kidnapping people.”
“A lot of the people were never found,” Semi said, folding the sheet up neatly and tucking into his pocket. “It’s not surprising they thought that.”
“Ohhhh, maybe the bodies are still here,” Tendo said, wiggling his fingers over Konoha’s shoulders. “Maybe it was actually the workers kidnapping people and they kept the bodies in a secret place.”
“Like where?” Shirabu asked, giving him an exasperated, skeptical look. It was getting late and they were wasting time just hanging around. He wasn’t particularly thrilled at the idea of being in the park after dark, going to possibly the scariest attraction in the place, but if they were going to do it, they needed to just get it done. “The authorities probably tore this place apart looking for them.”
Tendo shrugged, looking thoughtful. “Maybe they hid them in the haunted house. Maybe there’s a hidden room somewhere that only the workers knew how to open.”
“Could you not?” Yukie asked, slapping Tendo on the arm. “We’re going there, in case you forgot, pea brain. Way to freak us out.”
Yachi was clinging onto Kaori now, staring at Tendo with wide, frightened eyes and he almost looked repentant.
“Or, you know, could be anywhere. The haunted house would be a pretty obvious place to hide it, wouldn’t it?” he said, rubbing the back of his head. Beckoning to Yachi, she went reluctantly, letting Tendo tuck her under his arm. “Don’t worry, Yach. I’ll protect you, ‘kay?”
You and Kaori snickered at the shade of red her face turned, and Shirabu sighed.
“Can we just get going before it gets too late?” he asked, turning and leading the way down the path. The shadows were slowly lengthening, orange mixing with shades of pink and purple in the sky.
Semi fell into step beside you, Yukie on your other side. Goshiki and Konoha were having a conversation about the derelict rollercoaster to the right, and you allowed your attention to drift to it. It was eerie, the faded paint and rusted metal tracks looming like a foreboding beacon above you. Staring the way you were, your foot caught a displaced cobblestone and you went sprawling with a yelp.
Before you could smack the ground, a strong, warm hand wrapped around your upper arm and hauled you back up. It hurt, causing a sharp ache in your shoulder, but it still hurt less than the concrete probably would have. Looking up at your savior, you gave him a half smile.
“Thanks, Semi,” you said, rubbing your shoulder.
But he was frowning at you-- not that that was any different than the look he’d worn all day-- but this one was marred by soft concern. “Are you alright? You’re awfully cold.”
“O-Oh. No, I’m fine. Just got distracted by the coaster,” you said, giggling in embarrassment. “It is a bit chilly though, now that you mention it. I didn’t notice.”
There was a moment's hesitation, then the sound of a zipper being drawn down. A weight settled across your shoulders, surrounding you with an unfamiliar cologne, and your cheeks heated up at the realization that he had given you his jacket.
“That’s okay, Semi, really,” you said, shrugging the jacket off. “It isn’t that bad, and it’s my own fault. I left mine in the car.”
“No worries, _____,” he said, and for the first time you could see a small smile on his face in the dim light. “I’m not cold, so you can take it.”
“Well, thanks, I guess,” you said, pulling it back around your shoulders. It was warm and you smiled when you caught him looking at you. He was wearing a peculiar look, kind but almost possessive, and he licked his lips once before looking forward again.
You shivered, unsure if you were just seeing things. The park had rattled your nerves and Semi was just being nice. You didn’t know him well enough to make a judgement call like that and forced down the uneasiness, taking your place beside him again.
“Smooth move, klutz,” Konoha quipped, nudging your back. Goshiki and Shirabu snickered and you flipped them off over your shoulder, looping your other arm with Yukie.
The steepled spires of the haunted house came into view, beside which stood the funhouse, like Tendo said. Both looked terrifying in the dying light of the sun. Like everything else, the paint was almost gone, shingles missing from the roofs which were adorned with holes.
Without thinking, you reached out and grabbed Semi’s arm, pressing yourself to it. He glanced at you for a moment, a soft smile flitting across his face before looking at Tendo, who was staring between the two buildings.
“I wanna go in the funhouse,” Tendo said, turning back to the rest of the group. Setting his hands on his hips, he looked around at everyone. “Should we go as a group?” Kuroo shifted, pointing his feet towards the haunted house. “I kinda wanna go in there, actually.”
“Well no one should go anywhere alone,” Shirabu said firmly, and everyone nodded in agreement. If someone got hurt, no one would know for ages and then there was the long ride back on top of it.
“So we’ll split up. Everyone pick a house,” Tendo said, clapping his hands. 
Yukie’s arm around yours disappeared and she scurried over to Tendo, looking at you apologetically. Yachi took her place instead, looking for all the world like she was going to collapse from fright, and you gave her a concerned look.
“I’m going wherever you go,” she said, and you raised a brow. 
Before you could answer, Kuroo’s arm slung around your shoulders, looming over Yachi’s tiny form. “It looks like everyone’s decided. Pretty even split. Let’s meet back here in--” He checked his watch. “Two hours? That should be enough time to see everything.”
You opened your mouth to object, but Tendo nodded while Shirabu set the timer on his watch. “Everyone be careful, please. We really can’t afford any injuries.”
Yachi looked up at the dark house looming before you while the other group made their way towards the funhouse. 
You could hear Tendo’s voice echo back, saying, “That’s the reason we have you here, Shirabu. You’re a doctor and all.”
Shirabu said something in return, but it was lost in the distance as you were herded towards the haunted house. The doors hung open, swinging in the breeze and creaking.  It seemed like the house sucked all the warmth from the air the closer you got to it, and you squeezed Semi’s arm in yours.
“Scared, princess?” Kuroo whispered in your ear, raising the hairs on the back of your neck when his warm breath met your cold skin. “You shouldn’t be. We’re here with you.”
The steps leading into it sagged beneath your weight, the wood softer than it should’ve been and it came as no surprise when one broke beneath Semi’s weight. He cursed while you and Yachi pulled back, keeping him from falling over and potentially hurting himself. It took Akaashi and Kuroo both to pull him up out of the hole and a quick check revealed his jeans had protected his leg.
“Are you alright?” you whispered, looking up into Semi’s unamused face. He was wearing a hard scowl, his grip on you iron clad now as he guided you up the steps.
“Sure,” he said, eyes softening when he looked down at you. “Just annoyed.”
Inside, the light from your phones seemed to be swallowed by the darkness. The dust was thick and the air musty and humid. Cobwebs hung from everything, casting long shadows into the darkness beyond the halo of your flashlights.
Yachi yelped, tripping over a rotted track board and would have dragged you down if you weren’t holding onto Semi so tightly. His heat was almost a comfort now, driving away the persistent chill that seemed to emanate from the ramshackle walls. You couldn’t tell where the fabricated deterioration ended and true rot began.
“This way then?” Akaashi asked, leading the way into the first door. It was the kitchen area, set up to look like a butcher shop. A thick layer of dust settled over everything, motes flurrying through the painfully white light from your phones in an eerie dance that made it even harder to see.
Old props lay on the worn countertops, splotches of what was likely-- hopefully-- fake blood a dark black on the faded wood and laminate. Someone had a hand on your back while Akaashi examined a chain hanging from the ceiling, something hanging from the end of it. It made a strange noise when he pushed it, a crackly, grinding noise like it was rusty. It wouldn’t be a surprise, with the humidity as high as it is. 
“That’s a little unsettling,” Kuroo admitted, and you all jumped when a loud crash rang out somewhere further down.
“Now would be the time to leave if we were in a horror movie,” you hinted through gritted teeth, even as Kuroo stepped back out into the hall. He scanned the darkness, his phone hanging by his side, the light pointed towards the floor. “What do you expect to see anyway, genius?”
He turned back to wink before disappearing into the dark and you groaned, straining your eyes to see anything. His light was lost in the gloom and you released Yachi’s arm, taking a step forward. Semi allowed himself to be dragged along with you while Goshiki held Yachi, petting her hair as she whimpered.
Swearing, you and Semi trudged down the hallway, listening for any noises but heard nothing besides the sounds of an old building settling. Your voice caught in your throat when you opened your mouth to call for Kuroo, your ire failing in the face of the oppressive darkness in the heart of the house. Swiping a cobweb off your face, you shined your phone around, lighting up a destroyed living room area, two hallways, and a staircase.
“You don’t think he went upstairs, do you?” Semi whispered, following your line of sight.
Swallowing, you said, “God I fuckin’ hope not. This is so creepy, can’t we just leave him?”
He chuckled against his will, a quiet, rough noise as he tried to stifle it. “‘Fraid not. I don’t wanna deal with the cops.”
Heaving a sigh, you pointed the light down to the floor and found no sign of footprints in the thick dust. Flashing it behind you, you saw your own and Semi’s clearly visible and frowned. “Hey, look.”
Semi scoured the floor, waving his light all around you. “He definitely came this way.”
Nodding, you pointed the light back in front of you, down the hallway, but it was unable to break more than a few inches of darkness. “Okay, now I’m really freaked out. Where is he?”
New light joined your meager one, shuffling footsteps coming to a stop just behind you. 
Akaashi’s hand landed on your shoulder, peering over your head at where you were staring.
“This way,” Semi said after a moment of silence. It was broken only by Yachi’s occasional sniffle and you wondered if you shouldn’t just return to the front door and let Semi and Akaashi handle the rescue. But gentle pressure on your arm and shoulder guided you down, sniffling at the dust before you broke out into a sneeze.
The floor creaked beneath your feet, making the already eerie feeling worse as you crept down the hall. There were faded, torn paintings lining the walls, a few false doors, and windows painted black and boarded up. You couldn’t tell if the paint peeling up the walls was due to age or intent, but it certainly didn’t help settle your unease. 
“Careful,” Semi said suddenly, jerking you sideways into him. The cold hand slid off your shoulder and a light revealed a hole in the middle of the floor, where you had been about to step.
“Thanks,” you breathed, swallowing harshly. The dust was starting to sting your eyes and you repressed another sneeze, rubbing your nose. 
Skirting around the hole, it opened into another room, what appeared to be a library. Overstuffed armchairs littered the room, the shelves lining the walls stacked with what were likely fake books. There was no sign of Kuroo, but Semi led you further into the room carefully.
He wasn’t careful enough, though.
Once second you were clinging to him, the next you heard a crack and then you were experiencing the most curious sensation. Your stomach swooped as the light disappeared, and you realized belatedly that you were falling. Something warm, almost scalding wrapped around you, and your fall stopped short with a grunt of impact.
You lay there stunned for several long moments, head spinning and heart beating hard enough that you could feel it in your ears. The dark was only furthering your disorientation and you only realized you were laying on something when it moved beneath you.
Sitting up, you felt something slump over your shoulders before coughing filled your ears.
“Semi?” you whispered hoarsely. Above you, you registered screaming and looked up only to be blinded by light.
Semi grunted behind you but didn’t move, breathing heavy against your back. From above, you could hear muted conversation before the shrieking stopped.
“_____, Semi, are you both okay?” Akaashi’s concerned voice reached your ringing ears, and you nodded in response.
It took you a moment to realize he probably couldn’t see you, calling up, “Yeah, I think so. Semi--”
“‘M fine,” he yelled, though he sounded winded. 
“Are you sure?” you asked, wrapping a hand around the wrist dangling in front of you. A few feet away lay your phone, face down, the light muted but visible, and you sighed in relief. “You caught me, are you sure*?”
Semi chuckled, a rough noise. “Yeah, I’m sure. Trust me.”
“You guys stay there,” Akaashi commanded, then turned back to Goshiki and Yachi to say something. “I’ll find a way down to you.”
He disappeared and you scrambled forward, snatching your phone up. Moving back to the relative safety of Semi’s presence, you shined it around. 
The basement, you decided upon seeing the array of monster props and torture machines, was perhaps the most terrifying part of the house. It was only heightened by your adrenaline rush, the shadows seeming to jump out to your paranoid mind.
As the adrenaline wore off, you took stock of your extremities. Semi really had cushioned you-- nothing hurt-- and you turned to face him.
In the light, he really did look fine, even his breathing had evened out, and he looked back at you with a smirk. “Told you. I’m tougher than you think.”
“I’m beginning to realize that,” you admitted, getting to your feet. You didn’t let Semi get far, linking your arm with his and clinging to him, much to his amusement.
His eyes adjusted to the dark faster than yours and he located his phone near the base of a rusty filing cabinet. The screen was cracked-- which he cursed-- but it still worked, and he turned the flashlight back on.
“This is creepy as fuck,” he muttered, thumping the model of a skeletal doctor to see the dust swirl. There was a medical table in the center of the room with a light looming over it. He assumed there was supposed to be a body laying on said table and, in the dark, it was a scary thought that it was no longer there. “I hope Akaashi hurries up. I don’t like it here.”
You couldn’t stifle the small giggle, though you covered your mouth in a poor attempt. It was the nerves, you were sure, because as he moved away you held tighter, stumbling after him. He tried one door, the handle stiff enough that you recognized it to be fake. There was a set of metal double doors on the other side of the room and those swung open with an eerie grinding noise, scraping across the concrete floor.
The hallways extended to either direction, cells lining the wall in front of you and you shuddered. “Let’s go, Semi, please,” you begged, tugging him down to the left. It was the same direction that you had come from on the floor above and hoped that it would lead you to a staircase or something*.
Semi went along reluctantly, flashing his light in all the cells you passed. Most were empty, besides the occasional bed or other prop. Some contained chains mounted in the wall and his eyes flashed to you.
The hallway opened up into what may have been a waiting room if most of the furniture hadn’t been utterly destroyed. As you scanned the area, there was a noise from up ahead and you jerked to a stop, scurrying back to Semi’s side. Peeking around him while he stared down the hall, you kept a tight grip on his arm, feeling the muscles flex and tense beneath your hand. A shadow moved in the light and you nearly screamed as Kuroo stepped into view, followed closely by Akaashi.
Neither carried a light and your heart leapt in your throat when you caught a momentary flash of light reflecting off of Kuroo’s eyes before it disappeared.
Still hiding behind Semi, the four of you regarded each other in silence for a moment, before Kuroo chuckled.
“Well, this is certainly convenient, though I didn’t expect you to get involved,” he said, leaning sideways against the wall. He looked as relaxed as usual while Akaashi lurked behind him, staring at you peeking around Semi’s arm. 
He held out a hand to you but you held back, suddenly unsure of Kuroo’s words. With your heart in your throat, you looked up into Semi’s relaxed, impassive face. He made no moves, just watched the other two linger in front of your only escape route.
Then he shrugged.
“Dumb luck.”
The men burst into laughter and you squeaked, taking a step back from Semi. Before you could get anywhere, his hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you forward.
“Easy, kitten. We don’t wanna hurt you,” Kuroo said, stepping further into the room. His eyes lit up once again in the light from your flashlight, mischievous brown turning solid gold. His pupils narrowed and elongated, his smile seeming to become more sharp as he stared down at you.
You breathed in sharply, taking a step back into Semi’s chest. Regardless of whether he was in on whatever they had planned, he was the safest option as opposed to whatever the hell Kuroo was.
The grip on your wrist loosened but came to your shoulders instead, keeping you in place with a warning squeeze. You had already guessed he was tough, given he had taken the full brunt of the impact earlier, but you now suspected he wasn’t human either.
Akaashi came forward last, looking as placid and calm as ever, cold fingertips stroking down your cheek.
You shivered.
None of these men were human, if you had to hazard a guess. Staring up at them, you felt your heart drop.
“W-Where are ‘Toka and Goshiki?” you asked, and were proud that your voice barely cracked. Maybe if you reminded them people would be looking for you, they would back off, allowing you to escape.
Kuroo chuckled, flipping the zipper of your-- Semi’s-- jacket up in what would have been a cute manner under different circumstances. “Keiji here sent them looking for the others in the funhouse, but they’ll never find the doorway down here. Tendo was right, there are lots of hidden doors in this place.”
“What are you? What are you going to-- to d-do to me?” you asked quickly, wrapping your fingers around his wrist as he started to tug the zipper down. You were stalling at best, your heart thumping harshly in your chest. If there was any chance of escape, you couldn’t figure it out. You had no idea where this door was and you had the impression you wouldn’t be able to outrun them anyway.
“I don’t suppose it would hurt to tell you,” he answered, taking a step closer. You tried to shrink away, huddling down into Semi’s oversized jacket, but it only seemed to entice them. “I am a yokai, I assume you know what that is? Akaashi is your run of the mill demon.”
If that offended Akaashi, he didn’t show it, simply widening his smile and blinking slowly. His once serene blue eyes turned pitch black and when he blinked again, they were normal.
“I’m just a werewolf,” Semi said, breathing against your ear. His hands slid down, catching the zipper of his jacket between his fingers and drawing the zipper down slowly.
“W-Wait, please,” you tried, grabbing and tugging at his wrist to no avail. He was far stronger, and you were like a fly in comparison. “Please, can we just go?”
Kuroo cupped your cheek, a moderate temperature compared to the other two, and his smile seemed to soften a fraction. “No, kitten. Keiji and I have been waiting for this for far too long. The wolf probably just likes how you smell.”
You weren’t sure what that meant, but the deep, pointed inhale Semi took against your neck seemed to verify the statement. The jacket fell to the floor with barely a whisper and then your phone was placed face up on a table, beside the men’s, and the combined light filled the room. 
It felt like you couldn’t get enough air as warm hands skimmed down your stomach, stretching the soft fabric of your t-shirt out, before settling on your hips. Lips met your neck, tentative at first, trailing up to your jaw, causing you to shiver.
The heat radiating off of Semi and Kuroo was getting to you, Semi’s soft lips flitting over pleasure spots causing your back to arch. You didn’t want to like it, but when Kuroo’s hands slipped up your shirt and over your ribs, your muscles tensed in unwanted arousal. Your nipples were already peaking inside your bra, the hairs on the back of your neck raising at the first graze of teeth on your skin.
“W-Wa-ait--” you breathed and, for a moment, you thought they really would stop because they both paused.
It was over in a moment, a soft kiss pressed to your other cheek as Kuroo pushed your bra up over your tits. His hands were soft as they cupped the tender flesh, giving gentle squeezes that went straight to your core, as much as you protested. “Not gonna happen, kitten. May as well enjoy it. We’ll take good care of you.”
A new sensation joined the heat surrounding you then, Kuroo moving to the side to allow Akaashi to join in. His hands were cold compared to the other two, one on your side and one cupping your unoccupied breast. The difference was enough to make you gasp, back arching on its own into their touch, and they at least had the decency not to snicker.
“You really do smell good, princess,” Semi whispered in your ear, nipping the lobe. “I can smell everything, even how wet you’re getting for us.”
Craning your neck away from him only opened you up to another smattering of kisses and you hated that he was right. They were getting to you, their gentle touches on your body doing everything right, like they had been your lovers for years rather than men you just met today. It made it harder to think than it already was, mind still racing in a futile effort to formulate some way to escape, but even you could recognize your body giving up.
Your shirt came up and over your head, disappearing somewhere outside of your vision. There was a collective intake from the men in front of you, and Semi groaned over your shoulder.
“I knew you would be so pretty, kitten,” Kuroo cooed, palming one tit again. He relished in the way you twitched when he pinched your nipple, then he cupped both, bouncing and watching them jiggle. “Been watching you all day, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on you.”
Akaashi was the first to lean over, wrapping cool lips around one pert bud, and Kuroo stepped back to watch your teeth sink into your lip to stifle any noises.
“Feel good, princess?” Semi asked, and chuckled when you shook your head. “It will soon, then. We won’t hurt you. Just wanna make you feel good.”
The worst part was, you were beginning to enjoy it. It was so tempting to cave, to just let them have their way with you. They were gentle, surprisingly so, and it was knocking down whatever resistance you had left at an alarming rate.
Semi’s hands were almost scalding against your sides, squeezing and kneading as he suckled at your neck, feeling you whine in your throat. “There you go. Just let go.”
The clasp of your bra came loose, and you weren’t even sure who had done it, before it was slid down your arms and dumped, presumably with your shirt.
There were two sets of lips attached to each nipple, your nails digging into your palms to keep from tangling your fingers in someone’s hair but you were losing the will to fight. Your panties were embarrassingly wet, no matter how much your mind insisted you didn’t like it, and you broke your silence when cold fingers drifted down to undo the button of your jeans.
“No please,” you begged, wiggling your hips in your first real display of resistance. Hands clamped down to still them in an iron grip, and a hand clasped your jaw, forcing you to look Kuroo in the eyes.
“What wrong, kitten? You’ve been so good up til now,” he said, stroking your lower lip with his thumb. There were imprints of your teeth in the skin, and he ached to kiss you, but it would have to wait.
“I-I don’t w-want--” you stuttered, tears burning the corners of your eyes as your zipper was pulled down.
Semi interrupted you then, tilting your head just so that he could kiss the corner of your mouth, smirking. “She’s embarrassed because of how wet she is.” Dropping his voice to barely a whisper, he said, “I can smell you, princess. You want this, don’t deny it.”
Shaking your head feebly, you whined when Semi pressed his lips to your cheek, dangerously close to your lips again. It was enough to distract you from your jeans sliding down your legs, until they pooled at your ankles and Akaashi had to tug your shoes off. Your jeans hit the floor shortly afterwards, the air startlingly cool against your now bare skin only to be covered with warmth as the men caged you in again.
It started with two fleeting touches to your inner thighs, which you tried to stop by squeezing them together only for them to pried apart in an instant. Semi took the opportunity to lay another languid kiss to the corner of your mouth, tongue flicking out against your lips.
For a moment, you turned into it only to jerk away, looking in the opposite direction. You knew what they were trying to do and you wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of hearing you beg for something you didn’t want. You wondered briefly where the others were and why you could hear nothing from above, until warm hands cupped your tits again.
You bit down on your lip again when Semi circled your nipples with his thumbs, massaging your breasts as he rolled them between his fingers. It was hard to keep quiet when it felt so good, especially when Kuroo and Akaashi were teasing your inner thighs, so close your aching cunt.
Your hips rocked of their own accord, your mind too preoccupied with the warm touches on your tender nipples and stifling your noises, but all three of your attackers smirked.
“Ask, pretty girl,” Akaashi said, speaking for the first time. 
His voice combined with his fleeting, cold touch against the soaked lips of your cunt caused a gasp to break free, hips rolling up in a jerky manner against your will. Your ears burned when they laughed and your teeth sank into your lip again. It was driving you insane, they were so close but you refused to beg for it.
“Aw, did we upset you, kitten?” Kuroo cooed, placing a wet kiss against your hip. “We’re sorry. You’re just so cute we can’t help it. Come on, ask us. Ask us to touch this pretty little pussy and we’ll make it up to you.”
Another swipe across your clit timed with a tug on your nipples broke the seal a second time.
“There she goes,” Semi whispered, tilting your head around to look at him. Tears were spilling down your cheeks as you looked up at him with wide, resigned eyes. His eyes dropped to your parted lips for a moment and you swallowed, blinking the tears away, but didn’t struggle.
The first kiss was tentative, tongue ghosting between your parted lips to test you for a reaction. You only whined into the kiss, leaning in and he delved into your mouth, tongue lapping at yours as he tasted you.
When he pulled away, you hiccupped, letting your head rest on his shoulder as you closed your eyes.
“Please, just touch me. Fuck me, do whatever. I can’t--” you whispered, thighs aching from how tense you had been for god knew how long. It was too much to hold out, not when you were so wet and aching for it anyway. They knew what they were doing, their gentle teasing and buildup working to break down any fight you had and it had worked flawlessly. 
You melted into Semi as Kuroo lifted one leg over his shoulder. Akaashi left a trail of cool kisses down your inner thigh while Kuroo kissed up the opposite one. You didn’t know whether to tremble or whine, so you did both when his nose bumped your clit, and they chuckled again.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it, pretty girl?” Akaashi asked, and you might have mistook it for affection in another situation. “Just relax.”
As if you had a choice. Hot breathe puffed across your folds, teasing just a little more until you were practically dripping on his lips. Only then did his tongue swipe across your clit, your hips jerking harshly. His hot tongue was replaced with a cold one, the two of them taking turns lapping at your clit at such a languid pace that it was more torturous than not being touched at all.
“Fuck, please, stop teasing,” you cried, voice cracking as your back arched. You were desperate at this point, willing to beg or do whatever they wanted. You weren’t getting out of it without doing so anyway, so you might as well enjoy it. “Kuroo, Akaashi, please.”
A sharp pinch to your nipples made you squeal just before Semi devoured your mouth. You could feel the aggravation in the kiss, the way his teeth clacked against yours and his tongue pressed against yours. You made muffled noises against him, one hand coming up to tangle in his hair.
At the same time, Kuroo latched onto your clit properly, and your eyes almost rolled into the back of your head as you rocked your hips against his feverish suckling. The noises he was making filled the quiet space, grunts and would-be moans that terminated against your clit as he worked to make you cum.
Your head was starting to spin from lack of oxygen and intense pleasure. Kuroo wasn’t giving you an inch and your slick hole fluttered around nothing, until something swirled around your entrance before slipping in.
You forgot about the kiss, Semi’s lips hovering against yours as you came with a cry around cold fingers. The temperature difference between Akaashi’s fingers and Kuroo’s lips was mind numbing, your eyelids flickering, trying to stay open before giving in. You didn’t bother to be quiet, letting your moans bounce off the walls. Maybe it would draw the others to you, and you could still get out of this.
Instead of withdrawing his fingers, Akaashi slipped another one in beside the first, kitten licking your still sensitive clit and listening to you whine for him to “Stop, please, too much.” He only smirked, continuing to lap until you relaxed, though the stream of noises never stopped.
There was a moment of hesitation as Kuroo stood, cocking his head in Semi’s direction. With your attention on your throbbing clit and Akaashi’s almost icy touch, you missed the way Semi beckoned to him. Their lips met briefly, allowing Semi to get a taste of you on his lips before Semi dragged him into a deeper one, tongues meeting in a heated tangle. Both men were hard, Semi grinding his clothed erection against the cheek of your ass, the chafing fabric unnoticed against your soft skin.
You squirmed against him when Akaashi crooked his fingers just right inside you, grazing over the swollen sweet spot inside you again and again until you were on the verge of another orgasm. It seemed like no matter how long his fingers stayed inside you, they never heated up. You weren’t even sure if the cold of his tongue flicking over your clit was pleasurable or not but it was such constant pressure that you hurtled towards your second orgasm. Kuroo was quick to stifle it, delving into your mouth for you to taste what remained of you on his tongue.
You came with a cry, convulsing around Akaashi’s fingers for a second time so hard you became light headed. He continued to pet that spot inside you until you were squirming to get away, tugging roughly at his hair.
Your legs shook when he let you down, only Semi’s strong grip keeping you upright. The sound of belt buckles clanging brought you down quickly, and trepidation set your heart racing again. There was no stopping it, but you found yourself trying to back up anyway. 
“Ah,” Kuroo tutted, taking you from Semi’s arm and kissing the crown of your head like he was comforting you. “Don’t start that. We aren’t going to hurt you, kitten.”
No, they certainly hadn’t yet, and you had no choice but to trust his words. Something hard pressed against your ass, hotter even than the rest of Semi. You instinctively jerked away, pressing into Kuroo only to feel something slip between your thighs.
“Excited, aren’t we?” Kuroo drawled, and you could feel the condescension dripping off of him. Semi pressed to your back again, shielding you from the cold, while Kuroo asked, “How are we gonna take her? Semi, you kinda threw a wrench in things, can’t lie.”
Semi shrugged against your back, letting his cock settle between your thighs. You whined, jerking your hips instinctively away from the heat against your folds, but it only served to make him grind into you.
“I want this sweet cunt,” Semi snarled, cupping your jaw in a tight grip and tilting your head away, baring your throat to him. He licked a stripe from your shoulder to just beneath your ear before kissing the soft skin, and you shivered at the possessiveness in his tone.
“Alright, wolfboy smells a mate,” Kuroo said, rolling his eyes. “Akaashi?”
The last of the trio stepped forward again, skimming his fingers down your cheek before leaning in to steal a kiss. “I’m okay with whatever you want, Kuroo. Just wanna feel her around me.”
There was something dark in his eyes that belied his passive words. He was deferring to Kuroo to get things moving, you were almost sure. Like the rest of him, his cock was cool against your thigh, more like a glass dildo you kept at home than a cock attached to a man.
“That makes things easy then,” Kuroo said, clapping his hands and giving you that mischievous smile. If you didn’t know any better-- you didn’t-- you would say his teeth were a little sharper, the canines more pronounced than before. His eyes certainly hadn’t changed, maintaining that almost glowing golden color this whole time. “Semi, lay on the couch. Keiji, you can take her from behind. I want her mouth.”
He sounded like he was giving out instructions to his employees rather than fucking a very reluctant person, but the other two followed his instructions without question. It was an odd sensation, to be talked about as if you weren’t there, as if you had no say over what was happening to you.
Not that you did.
It wasn’t until you were straddling Semi that you realized something. In addition to being hotter than average, he was larger than average, peeking out from between your folds to drip precum just below his bellybutton. The way your stomach swooped made you nauseous and tears fell down your cheeks all over again.
“What’s wrong, princess?” he asked, wiping them away as best he could. You wouldn’t be fooled by the concern in his tone; he wouldn’t stop anyway.
You turned your face away only to jump when a finger slipped your cunt, cool to the touch, followed by a second, only to be removed a second later. They moved instead to your slick rear entrance, circling and massaging until it gave way, eased by your previous orgasms. You fell forward, bracing yourself over Semi, who held your rocking hips still. Two fingers filled you, the stretch no more than a sting but it was uncomfortable nonetheless when you didn’t want it.
Akaashi’s other hand came down, long fingers wrapping around your throat just beneath your chin, pulling you back up to your knees. “Good girl,” he whispered in your ear before forcing your head around so he could capture your lips.
They parted naturally when his tongue glided across them, allowing him access without thought. You couldn’t place his taste; it was like he’d just eaten ice before kissing you, and you moaned into it.
Kuroo, who until then had been content to watch, groaned and stood from the dilapidated chair he had been lounging in. One hand wrapped around your wrist, moving your hand to wrap around his aching cock, desperate for some kind of relief. Your palm was soft against him, and he spit on it twice for good measure before allowing you to curl your fingers around him again. They did so automatically, squeezing tight and he hissed through gritted teeth, slit pupils narrowing further as he watched Akaashi’s tongue delve into your mouth like he wanted his cock to.
All the while, Semi was forcing you to slide along his shaft, slow, calculated moves designed to drag your clit back and forth against him. He could feel you trembling above him, your hands curled into fists against his chest, hips moving with his hands. You dripped down his cock, covering him in your slick and he almost growled at the heady scent. Unlike the other two, he could smell how bad you wanted it and it was driving him wild.
“Akaashi, hurry up,” he snapped, digging his nails into your soft hips hard enough to leave marks if he wasn’t careful.
Akaashi hummed in disapproval, pulling from your mouth to stare impassively at the werewolf. “I don’t want to hurt her, Semi.”
Yet, he withdrew his fingers and you whined at the loss.
“Finally,” Semi hissed, helping Akaashi lift you up so he could slick his cock up against your cunt before settling against your rear hole. “You go first.”
Your toes curled tight enough to cramp as Akaashi gave you a warning nudge before splitting you open. Your jaw dropped, eyes widening as you stared up into the cobwebbed ceiling, waiting for him to bottom out. Thighs trembling in Semi’s hold, you fell back against Akaashi’s chest as his hips met your ass.
“Don’t worry, pretty girl,” he whispered, leaving cool kisses along your shoulder and neck. Goosebumps were raising up your arms and back, and he would have felt bad if you weren’t squeezing around his cock so tight while Semi positioned himself at your dripping hole.
You couldn’t decide if you really wanted two cocks, weren’t sure if you could even take two, but Semi was stretching you so wide you were crying out broken babbles none of them could make out as he seated you flush against his hips. You twitched above him, fluttered around him, squeezed rhythmically while you tried weakly to get away.
The sensation of fullness was one you had never experienced before. Even just Semi’s cock was more than you had ever taken, let alone Akaashi’s cock in your inexperienced asshole. You blinked rapidly, unable to decide if you liked it or not before a hand wound in your hair and you were pulled down. 
Kuroo’s cock bobbed in your face and your jaw dropped automatically, allowing him to smear precum around your lips. He was more salty than bitter as he slipped into your mouth, stuffing himself as far as he could before you started gagging. Pulling back, he gave you a small reprieve to gasp for air before filling your mouth again. There was no fighting his thrusts, you had to force your throat to relax or choke. A mix of drool and tears spilled down your chin as a thick vein dragged against your tongue, dripping off to the floor. In the back of your foggy mind you were disgusted.
When they felt you relax around Kuroo’s cock, his hips moving in a steady rhythm to fuck your throat, Akaashi and Semi moved. 
You spasmed around Kuroo when Semi lifted you up and dropped you back down, your hips meeting with a wet slap, his cock stifling your scream. Akaashi pulled out then, a little more careful as he stuffed himself back in, but the constant push and pull of their hips soon spread fire through your body. Kuroo was heavy on your tongue, Semi and Akaashi bumping and grinding against each other through the thin wall separating your cunt and ass, Semi’s curls stimulating your throbbing, sensitive clit.
You couldn’t fathom how you were careening towards a third orgasm, but Semi’s cock was so thick he couldn’t help but drag along the swollen, gummy sweet spot inside you. Akaashi’s low, pleasured moans in your ear gave you a vague sense of pride. These gorgeous men wanted you, were moaning for you. 
It was enough to make you forget this wasn’t right.
Kuroo thought you were moaning, your throat vibrating around his cock as he facefucked you with abandon. The tight sleeve of your throat only grew tighter when Akaashi’s hand slipped between your legs to pet your clit and Kuroo grunted.
“Keep that up, kitten, and you’re gonna make me cum,” he said, holding your nose down in his curls for a few seconds just to feel you spasm around him.
Semi and Akaashi felt the benefits of it, both your holes clenching around them as you gagged. Semi took the opportunity to grind deep inside you, rolling his hips up so that he pushed against your cervix.
Your thighs trembled around him, a squeal stifled around Kuroo’s cock as you came hard, jerking in Semi’s hold. He snarled, bouncing you on his cock with abandon as Akaashi slammed into you, spreading your clenching hole without care as he moaned.
Kuroo grunted, pumping into your mouth a few more times before pressing your nose into his pelvis and cumming, his lips parted in an ‘o’ and his head tipping back. You had no choice but to swallow until he pulled out and spilled the remnant all over your face, smirking as it mixed with your tears and drool to drip off your chin.
Semi’s back arched off the couch, strong hands pulling you down to sit flush with his hips as he spilled inside you. Your eyes grew wide at the intense heat filling your womb, the warmth rushing up through you at the same time Akaashi came in your ass. Goosebumps erupted across your skin as his cum offset the heat of Semi’s, and your vision swam for a moment from overstimulation.
Semi caught you as you collapsed forward, cradling you to his chest regardless of the mess, petting your hair. 
Akaashi slipped out of you, sharing a small smirk with Kuroo as he sought out your clothes.
“Give me my shirt,” Semi said, catching it from the air when Akaashi threw it. He forced you to sit up, watching you sway with a twisted sense of pride, and wiped the mess from your face. Akaashi and Kuroo took you from there, helping you to dress while you leaned against them, unable to keep from snickering at the state they’d left you in.
“Can you walk, kitten?” Kuroo asked, setting his hands on your shoulders. “Or do you need someone to carry you?”
“I-I can w-walk,” you stuttered, throat raspy. You frowned and grabbed it, swallowing with a wince.
“Good girl,” Kuroo said, dropping a kiss on your lips and smirked when you leaned after him as he pulled away. “We don’t need to worry about you telling anyone, do we?”
Shaking your head, you allowed Semi to wrap an arm around your shoulders, keeping you close to bathe in his warmth as Kuroo led the way up the hidden stairs a little ways down the hall they had been blocking earlier. At the top of the stairs, you could hear voices calling your names and perked up, trying to follow the echoes in the darkness.
“This way,” Kuroo said, leading the way though there wasn’t a speck of light in sight. Your own phone was tucked safely in the pocket of Semi’s jacket, which he had taken back. “Keiji, give me your phone. Appearances.”
Right, couldn’t let the humans know.
Everyone crowded around you, throwing questions all at once, until Shirabu lost his temper. He insisted on looking you and Semi over, just to determine for sure nothing was the matter. 
He seemed a little concerned by how out of it you were, and asked if you hit your head.
Three sets of eyes landed on you, all carrying a different weight as they waited for you to speak.
“Just tired, Shirabu,” you murmured, hiding your face in Semi’s side. “It took ages for them to find us. Can we go home now?”
The tension eased, though you kept your face hidden, allowing him to guide you blindly down the hallway.
It was even colder outside than earlier, and Kuroo took over the spot on your other side, gently shooing Yachi towards the other. She had insisted on keeping you company, watching you with wide, worried eyes while Akaashi and Kuroo whispered together behind her.
Even now, she watched the way the three men hovered around you with curious concern. They treated you like a precious object-- or a possession that needed to be protected.
You nodded in response to something Kuroo said, trying-- if possible-- to curl even closer into Semi. Akaashi hovered in the background, pretty face as impassive as ever until he caught Yachi looking at him.
His lips curled up in a smile, his face softening ever so slightly, and she relaxed. Whatever had happened to you down there, it seemed to spark something in the three men.
Whatever it was, it couldn’t have been that bad.
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truglori · 3 years
Homebody (Ch.11)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language
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Erik sat on the round wooden stool. He frequently had to shift around in his seat due to the cheapness of the material and uncomfortable feeling. Arms resting on the bar and head low as he waited for the bartender to walk back over to his area. With his first finished drink pushed to the side he wanted another to hush his thoughts.
“Yo can I get some service over here.” His voice called out catching her attention.
She turned her head. Erik observed her the closer she got. A pretty brown skinned that stood no taller than 5’5. Her long hair falling past her shoulders as she had on an all black t shirt with the bar’s logo printed in white bold letters on the front along to go with some hip hugging blue jeans. With her towel in her hand she threw over her shoulder before leaning on the bar directly in front of him.
“Sorry about that. Had other customers to attend to. What can I get you this time?” She smiled showing her straight white teeth.
“Same as last Hennessy, neat.”
Shaking her head she went to grab the bottle.
“Yo, make that two!” Erik scratch the back of his head as he watched her bring another glass over.
She poured it into his first glass and the fresh one. Putting the top back on the bottle she didn’t move from her spot.
“You know you don’t have to call me like that. My name is not “Yo” and it won’t sound as rude coming out of your mouth.” She gave him a small smile.
Erik threw back both of the glasses like it was nothing. His eyes never left her frame. Wiping any liquid that didn’t make it in his mouth with the back of his hand, he pushed his glass towards her.
“May I have another miss...” He waited for her to speak.
“Harmony .” Her eyes looked exotic under the neon lights that surrounded the bar.
“Harmony. Can I have another shot please?” He brought his hand up to his beard and stroked it.
She blew out air twisting the top off the bottle. She poured him another but not as much as the last three times. Erik noticed as his face screwed up.
“What’s this? That’s not as much as the last ones you gave me.” His eyebrows knitted as he eyed the drink.
“Yeah well that was before I noticed that this has become a cycle within the last four days. Just before then I never seen you a day in my life and now here you are turning into a regular within a short amount of time. This is your second time being here and it’s only 8pm.” Harmony told him bluntly.
It was true. This was Erik’s second time today at the bar that he’s been visiting daily within the last few days. He was fucked up. About the whole situation from Amiyah to Durk and lastly Cane. There was a lot on his plate. So he came to Rue’s Bar & Grill. It was a local bar next to his place that became a quick stop for him on the way home. Erik wanted an escape even if it was just for a few hours. Amiyah would barely talk to him other than answering his good morning text, him and Durk were still not on the same terms for the job, and he hasn’t heard from Cane since he blew up on him that day. Erik was stressed.
“I don’t believe that’s your business how much I drink as long as I’m paying I don’t see what the problem is.” He wasn’t trying to be rude he just wanted to drink so he could be out.
Harmony smiled shaking her head. “Listen you’re not my only customer that drinks this shit okay I have other people that-“
“How much for the bottle?” Erik pulled out his wallet.
“Because I don’t give a fuck about your other customers. Now how much or I could take my business elsewhere?”
“Fifty-five.” Harmony gave a defeated sigh.
“Here.” Pulling out a hundred dollar bill he slid it across the bar to her and grabbed the bottle.
“It’s only a liter it doesn’t cost this much.”
“Keep it. For your trouble and your customer’s.” Erik snickered as he poured another shot.
Within the next hour about almost more than half of the bottle was gone. Erik sat at his end of the bar threw his shots back only taking breaks when he went to use the restroom. Harmony watching from the other end would look after his drink to make sure no one would do anything to it. His steps were starting to become unsteady as he would walk into some of the chairs but gain his composure back afterwards. Harmony shook her head as she walked towards him.
“Hey sir. It’s time to go home.” She gave a stern look.
Erik sat back in his chair. “I’m not done with my bottle yet.” Some of his words were partially slurred.
“Well you can come back and finish the rest tomorrow. It’s time to go. How did you get here?” She stated being concerned and not wanting him to drive home.
Erik laughed. “I got here by my damn self and I can take myself home. I don’t need any help.” Getting up from his seat Erik grabbed his phone and shoved it in his pocket.
He started walking towards the door when he knocked over another chair. Stopping he picked it up and walked outside. The night air hitting his face woke him up just a bit. He began slowly walking to his car when he felt a hand grab his jacket. Circling around he checked to see who it was. It was Harmony.
“Sir I can’t let you drive your car. I get off in about fifteen minutes, I’ll take you home.” Her eyes gave off compassion as she became worried about the stranger getting ready to put his life at risk. Harmony wanted to leave him alone but it would have been on her conscience.
“Nah I’m good ma. I’ve done thiss before.” Wiping his face Erik looked for his keys.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re slurring your words and you ran into almost all of my chairs in there. Please let me take you home at least. You can come back for your car tomorrow.” She stood in front of him and pushed him to keep him going in the street.
Erik looked stunned. He was shocked that she put her hands on him and also with the fact that her small petite body had enough strength to actually make him stumble back. He shook his head as he tried to walk around her but she followed his steps. When he went left she was there and when he went right she followed. She was not letting up.
“Look miss I don’t know you. You could be a serial killer with yo lil strong ass pushing me and shit so I’m not letting you bring me home.” Erik stated as he try to escape her but failed again. He cursed at himself for getting this drunk to where he could barely move fast enough.
“My name is Harmony and I’m not letting you drive. Now I don’t have to take you home let me order you a Lyft and I’ll wait with you.” She looked at him with pleading eyes.
Erik sighed and ready to end this stand off had finally gave in. He was drunk and just wanted to sleep this off. “Aight man fine order that shit and hurry up.” He shook his head as he sat on the curbside of the sidewalk.
Harmony gave a half smile of relief pulling out her phone. She went to the app and asked him for the address. Once he gave it to her she sat down next to him. Folding her arms together to try and keep herself warm from the night wind. It was a whole four minutes before Erik turned to his side noticing that she was still there. He smirked shaking his head.
“You ain’t gotta babysit me. I’m a grown as man.” He rested his arms on his knees.
“I’m not babysitting you I just want to make sure you get into the right car that’s all.” Her voice shivered when the wind blew.
“Why you helping me? You don’t know me. You don’t even know my name.” He eyed her up and down.
Harmony look back at him and gave him a blank stare. “Okay so then what’s yo name nigga?”
Taken back by her forward-ness he laughed. “Erik.”
They both turned their heading watching a white Chevy Malibu pull up in front of them. “Well Erik your ride is here and it was nice to meet you. Don’t worry about your car. I’ll make sure it’ll be here when you come back for it tomorrow.” Harmony had her hands on her hips and watched him walk to the car.
“Thank you.” Erik nodded his head as he slipped in the back slouching in the seat.
“Here you go. Thank you so much for doing this the last minute.” Amiyah smiled as she handed her stylist the money for her hair.
“No worries. I’ll see you in a month.”
She gave her a wave and walked out of the shop. Pulling up her phone she went to camera mode to admire her fresh knotless braids that stopped to the middle of her back. It was long over due for her to have a new style and she figured this would be a perfect looked. Now standing outside it was around ten o’clock at night. The streets were starting to get empty as the time past. She needed a ride home. She didn’t call Durk because lord knows how long it would take for him to get there and she didn’t want to bother Kelley so she settled for an Uber.
Ordering her ride she rested against the side of the building with one hand in her pocket and the other scrolling on her phone. She went to her messages to see if had any unread. There was one from Kelley saying that she wanted to see her hair when she was done and one from Durk saying that he wasn’t going to be home tonight. Then she saw Erik’s. His last text was sent this morning asking how she was doing but Amiyah didn’t respond.
After what happened between them four days ago she didn’t know how to react to him anymore. He scared her that day. Amiyah knew that Erik had every right to be upset but it was the way that he handled the situation that made her nervous. He didn’t seem like himself and extremely angry. She wondered if that would be the case every time they would get in arguments in their future. That was what made her afraid.
When Erik brought her home she went to her room and cried herself to sleep. She wished the situation could’ve went differently. It’s not like she planned on keeping it away from him forever, she wanted to tell him but it was always something that got in the way. Amiyah had no clue on had he found out but it had bit her in the ass for not speaking up.
Even though it was her who had fucked up it seemed as if Erik was the one in the dog house. He sent her countless text throughout the day asking how she was and if they could talk but Amiyah was still nervous. Yes she still wanted to be with Erik but they both needed their time apart to think.
The ride back to her house was short and fast. Walking to the elevator she waited until it arrived to step inside before pressing on her floor. Amiyah leaned her head against the wall as she gave herself a mental to do list. She had to get her clothes out for work tomorrow, clean her room and the kitchen before she could even think about taking a shower and getting in bed to go to sleep.
The doors opened on floor. Going through her bag she searched for her key. When she turned the corner to the hall where her apartment was she stopped in her tracks. There was Erik sitting in front of her door with his elbows on his knees looking up at the ceiling. When she was a few steps away he finally acknowledged her presence.
“Oh shit. What’s up Amiyah.” Erik stood up wiping the dust of his hands.
Flipping her braids behind her hair she sent a shy smile his way. “Hey Erik. What are you doing here?” She asked studying his movements. He was biting his lip out of habit and leaning against the wall.
“Uh I’m looking for Durk. You heard from him?” He held the back of his neck.
Amiyah squinted her eyes hearing him speak. She was starting to think that he was drunk.
“Last I check he wasn’t coming home for the night. Why don’t you just call him?” She asked stepping closer to see if she can smell the liquor on his breath.
“We got into a disagreement a few days ago. Now he acting like he can’t answer my phone calls.” He chuckled.
Yeah, it was definitely alcohol on his breath.
“You want to come inside Erik?”
Erik made eye contact with her. She was staring up at him with those innocent soft eyes that he missed. He noticed that she was now rocking a fresh hairdo that was making her look extra sexy to him. But Erik didn’t know how she still felt about their argument the other day.
“You sure?”
Nodding her head she smiled. “Come on.”
Unlocking the door they went inside. Amiyah hung up her jacket then walked to her room to sit her purse down and changed into her slippers. Going back into the living room she saw Erik sitting on the couch with his hands over his eyes. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and gave it to him.
“Thank you mama.” He spoke softly taking the top off and downing the beverage.
Hearing her pet name that he always call her gave her stomach butterflies. She sat down next to him. They didn’t speak only sat there quietly. Erik couldn’t stand the silence so he spoke up.
“I like this look on you. It’s cute as shit.” He played with the braids.
Amiyah giggled. “Thanks.” Her body tingled when his fingers ran over her scalp.
Biting his lip, his dimples showed when he smiled at her before stopping his actions. He took another gulp of the water now placing the empty bottle on the coffee table. Amiyah, with her face resting on her fist with her knee holding her arm watched him. The expression on his face was down and it made her sad. She didn’t want it to be like this between them anymore. She missed the Erik that she knew before everything happened.
Scooting closer to him she hooked her arm around his. “I’m sorry Erik.” She stated knowing her faults.
He glanced at her. Erik seen the genuineness in her eyes and knew that she meant it. Yes she was wrong for not telling him but he knew that Amiyah was a good person who was also still a bit naive when it came to other people. She had a good heart and wanted to please everyone. It still amazes him sometimes when he remembers who her brother was. Her and Durk was nothing alike. Durk was cold hearted and Amiyah had a big heart.
He looked down into his lap and shrugged. “I’m not tripping about it anymore.”
“It still doesn’t make it right. I knew what I did and I was wrong keeping that from you.” She intertwined her hand with his.
“I’m sorry for flipping out the way I did. I should’ve calmed down first and then we could’ve talked. I didn’t want you to see that side of me baby girl.” His grip on her fingers tightened as he spoke.
Amiyah nodded her head. “Yeah but you had every right to be mad.”
“Not mad enough to where it kept you away from me for days ma. You shouldn’t accept shit like that from nobody...wether it comes from me or not.”
“I understand.” She leaned her head on his shoulders.
“I just want you to keep it real with me baby girl. Don’t hold nothing from me. Tell me everything.” Erik tilted her chin looking into her eyes.
Amiyah’s averted her gaze. If she wanted a fresh start with him she had to let him know about everything.
“Erik there’s another thing...but I just don’t want to see you mad again.” Now she was the one looking down.
His chest tightened. From the look of guilt on her face he knew it was something he would disapprove of but he had to know.
“What is it?”
Amiyah hesitant but had to make it right. “Cane kissed me on the date.” She spoke lowly.
Erik heard every word. His hand left hers as he folded his together. His eyes was facing towards the tv that wasn’t on. The only thoughts the was running through his mind was wanting to beat Cane’s ass. Breathing in and out through his nose he had to calm himself down. He didn’t want to have another episode like how he did at his condo, but he couldn’t help but to be disappointed with Amiyah.
“Did you push him away?” His face was hard.
“It happened so fast but that was the only time. He kissed me not the other way around.”
“Did you push him off of you?” He repeated his question.
Amiyah closed her eyes. “No, but I didn’t kiss him.”
He felt himself getting upset all over again. “How would you feel if you found out something similar about me and Alexis? Would it make you mad?”
Amiyah furrowed her brows. “Of course I would , why would you ask me that?” She was confused.
“Because the same shit you accused me of trying to do that night when I asked you to be my girl, you’re doing now.”
Amiyah stood up in front of him with her arms folded. Here she was trying to apologize and admit her wrongs and he had the nerve to bring up Alexis. She was starting to feel disrespected and offended.
“Erik I’m apologizing to you and telling you everything and you bring her up. What the hell is wrong with you?” Her voice rose.
He stood up next. “What did I do now? Called you out and spoke the truth. Cause I clearly remembered you complaining about that in my car and yet you were the one who was tryna have your cake and eat it too.”
“How am I trying to do that if I’m telling you. You just sat there and forgave me but now you’re acting like you just found out again. Why?”
“Because you should’ve told me about him kissing you when I came to you about this the first time. Don’t have me thinking it was a just a date and that’s it. Damn it’s like could you really be honest with me Amiyah for once.” He sighed shaking his head.
The silence crept in the room once more. They kept their glance on each other. But it felt different this time. There was no more butterflies in Amiyah’s stomach that was there minutes ago and Erik was no longer nervous about seeing her when he had the Lyft sent here. The room was now filled with tension.
“I don’t want to do this anymore.” Her expression saddened.
“What are talking about?” Erik looked at her.
“Us. I don’t know if it was the thought of you along with the infatuation that made me say yes but I don’t want to do this anymore.” She folded her arms speaking lowly shifting between him and the grown.
“You breaking up with me?” Sadnesses had clouded Erik’s features. He could feel the effects of the alcohol wearing off.
The sound of keys unlocking the front door alarmed both of them. Amiyah walked in the kitchen leaving Erik. The door opened revealing a Durk who had a confused look on his face. He wasn’t expecting to see his so called best friend standing in his living room. But his sister standing in the kitchen also caught his eye.
“The hell you doing here this late?” He placed his keys on the coffee table.
Amiyah walked back in with her sleeves rolled up and dish soap and water covering her hands.
“He just got here. I let him in while I was washing the dishes. He was looking for you but said you wasn’t answering your phone for some reason.” She gave a fake giggle trying to cover for the both of them.
Durk nodded his head turning to his friend.
“What’s up nigga why you here?”
Erik’s mind was still catching up from the break up he just had only seconds ago. He didn’t care about Durk coming in. He didn’t even know what he came here for but he had to come up with something. Anything to keep Durk from thinking suspiciously about seeing that him and his sister in their house alone.
“Uh I came to tell you that...I’ll do the job with you.” It wasn’t what Erik came over for but he had to cover himself.
A wide smile crossed over Durks face. He shook his head walking towards him. Holding his hand out he gave him dap with a half hug.
“I knew you would come through nigga. Let’s get this money.” He spoke into his ear.
Erik didn’t care about a word he said. His eyes was focused on Amiyah who had her back facing them as she cleaned up. He couldn’t believe that she just ended things like that. Over an argument that they were having. He started to wondering if it even meant anything to her? Did she take it serious, or was it only him? Yes they were only together for a little bit but Erik liked her. More than what he was used to. But this is what he gets when he let his feelings think for him. He ends up hurt in the end.
“Yo you hear me man?” Durk knocked him out of his thoughts.
“Nah say that again?”
Smelling the liquor on his best friends breath he laughed.
“Damn Erik you fucked up ain’t you?” He laughed.
Erik tried his best to put on a fake smile. “Yeah and I had a Lyft coming over here so I’ma need a ride to my place.”
“Aight man say less. We’ll talk in the car.” Durk patted his shoulder.
He walked over to his sister who was still cleaning up. Amiyah faced him feeling him near her.
“What’s up?” She asked placing the scrub down.
“I’m bout to drop this nigga off then I’ll be back. Okay?” It came out more as a question trying to see if she was cool with it.
“Alright. I’ll probably be sleep when you’re back.” She smiled
“Aight lock the door behind us.” He gave her a kiss on the top of her head leaving after Erik.
Amiyah closed the door and locked it. Turning her back she rested against the cold wood. Bringing her hands up to her face she cried when she realized it was over between her and Erik.
Waking up from the sound of his tv playing Erik sat up immediately reaching for the remote to turn it off. He sat up finding himself in nothing but his sweats on the couch. The throbbing coming from his head was killing him. Getting up slowly he walked to his bathroom going into his medicine cabinet and poured out three Ibuprofens before popping them into his mouth. He was definitely experiencing a hangover.
After Durk had dropped him off last night he went to his mini bar grabbing whatever he had left trying to forget the knowledge he had of Amiyah’s last words to him. He may have been drunk but he remembered that moment clearly. He couldn’t lie, he was hurt. When Erik went after her he didn’t plan for it go like this. He thought it would be better. He knew she was different and that’s what he liked about her so much. At least that’s what he had thought. It was over between them just as fast as it started.
Erik hopped in the shower hoping to revive himself. He needed a refresher and the hot water rolling down his skin was doing the job. But every time he closed his eyes underneath the water he would see Amiyah. She’s been taking over his mind since he left her place. Taking only twenty’s minutes to wash up Erik stepped out grabbing a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He walked to his bed sitting at the edge and checked his phone. A few missed calls and a message from Durk that caught his eye.
Durk 😈: I need you at the shop today after you go pick up your car...1:34pm
A confused look dawned over Erik’s face. Glancing at the ceiling he retraced his steps in his head and chuckled when he remembered what he meant. He forgot that he left his car in front of the bar he got drunk at yesterday. Placing his phone down he lotioned his body and then went to his closet and got dressed. Since Erik always had his own car he never had the need for a car service so he had to to download one the apps to bring him to the location. Grabbing his keys he left out his his house and went downstairs to wait on his ride.
It didn’t take long for him to arrive back at Rue’s. It was a ten minute ride there. Erik spotted his car still in the same places that he left it. A flashback popped in his head when he thought of that to himself. It was the same thing that some young woman told him when they were outside. Erik remembered her being feisty and powerful for her size the way she kept pushing him on the sidewalk. He couldn’t remember her name but he figured he could go in and thank for her for helping him not make a stupid decision.
Erik walked in the bar. Being only three in the afternoon it was quiet only having a handful of people inside. Some were sitting at the tables and others at the bar waiting for drinks. Strolling up to the counter top he saw her at the other end servicing drinks. Her bright smile capturing his sight even in the dimly lit place. It was a nice one. Erik sat in the same spot where he drunk his feelings away before he called her.
“Miss “Yo” can I get a drink?” He playfully yelled causing her to look at him.
Harmony turned her head when she heard the voice of the young man who was intoxicated that she helped out last night. Seeing the smirk on his face let her know that he was in much better shape. She served one of her regulars their usual before walking over to him.
“Nice to see you again, Erik.” Leaning against the bar she smiled.
“You have to forgive me I forgot your name with me being drunk last night. You mind telling me?” Erik sent a sincere smile.
Harmony playfully rolled her eyes. “Harmony and if you’re here for another drink I’m not helping you.” She started to walk away before Erik grabbed her wrist lightly.
“Actually, Harmony, I’m here to thank you. For what you did last night.” He let her go not trying to over step his boundaries.
She searched his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.”
“No it was. I could’ve made a stupid ass mistake and ended my life. I really appreciate what you’ve done.” Erik stated honestly.
Taking in his frame, Harmony found herself attracted to him. He was a bit younger than what she was used to but he definitely was very attractive. Besides him over drinking and getting drunk she didn’t mind if Erik became a regular.
Harmony leaned in closer while Erik stole a quick glance at her glossy lips.“Like I said it’s nothing. Take care of yourself Erik.”
Erik gave an inside snicker as he watched her walk away.
Please excuse any mistakes!
(A.N: I might fast forward in time just a bit in the next chapter)
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169 notes · View notes
I’ve been obsessed with The Blissfield Butcher (or Quentin Shermer as he is named in the movie) ever since watching Freaky and I knew I just HAD to write something with him. He is definitely going on my character roster for requests once they’re open again! He is way too much fun to write! Plus there are just NOT enough gifs of him so I had to make my own sdfgngfdedfgfd
Warnings: Fighting, violence, and cursing (surprisingly tame for me)
Word Count: 1.6k
The Blissfield Butcher x Gender Neutral Reader
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Water droplets slowly dripped down into the bathtub below. Vanilla candles placed around the bathroom flickered ominously. Even though the bath water was scalding hot, all you felt was the cold chill that raised the hair on the back of your neck.
Something felt wrong. 
He was gone. Dead. He wouldn’t hurt you any longer. You were back in your own body. And yet, this skin felt odd ever since you returned. You thought you would feel immediate comfort when you returned, but all you felt was the way your skin crawled. He had lived in your body, worn your flesh, and while you knew you were fine besides the bruises and cuts you had inflicted on yourself trying to face off against the Blissfield Butcher, he had violated you simply by existing under your skin.
Yet something else felt wrong. Your gut twisted uncomfortably as you had the sinking feeling that things weren’t fully settled. But you had seen him die. It was impossible that he could survive as many bullets as he had and still come back for you. 
Shaking your head, you rose from the bath, drying yourself off with a towel and throwing on a bathrobe. You decided you would make yourself a pot of sleepytime tea to calm your nerves, that always helped. As soon as you left the bathroom, that eerie feeling intensified. Your apartment was small, only one bedroom, and you could see most of it just by standing in your room. But you had shut the bedroom door before your shower, you swore you had. You couldn’t help but close every door now, just to feel like you were putting distance between you and every potential threat since the Butcher had come into your life. 
The door creaked as you pushed it open the rest of the way, glancing around the room as you tried to decide if anything else was amiss. Your door was still dead-bolted, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You were just being paranoid. Mentally chastising yourself, you made your way to the kitchen to fumble around in the pantry for your tea. 
As you rifled through the box you kept so many of your teas trying to find the right one, your breath caught in your throat. Your heart pounded in your chest. Danger. Your body was frozen in place, afraid to even turn around because you knew exactly who was there. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Your throat tightened, your hands shaking as you held the box of tea. You couldn’t stand here forever, in limbo between safety and demise, though you desperately wished you could.
Everything went slow and fast at the same time, nothing registering in your mind properly. You spun on your heel, the figure looming over you in your peripheral. His hands coming up to grab you. You threw the box of tea at his face, little packets strewn into the air like confetti as your ears are filled with the sound of an angry grunt. The shriek caught in your throat as his hands wrapped around your body, attempting to restrain you as you thrashed around against him. As a large hand raised towards your neck, attempting to choke you, you were able to get enough momentum to elbow him in the ribs and stumble away. But the apartment was small, only a few steps backwards and you flipped over the back of the couch, rolling over as you gasped in shock at the sudden lack of equilibrium. An unlit candle sat on your coffee table, and before you could think you grabbed it, holding the hefty jar tightly in your hand as you spun around to meet your attacker.
You stopped dead in your tracks. The Butcher stood mere inches away from you, his dark eyes boring into yours as he glared down at you. After a few moments of fear completely taking over your body, he straightened up slightly, a curious expression on his face. “Well?” he asked, his voice husky and deep in your ears. “Why did you stop? Keep going.”
When you didn’t make a move, he simply strode forward, closing the gap and gripping your wrist, twisting tightly as you cried out in pain. The candle dropped to the ground as you tried clawing your way out of his grasp. He simply watched you struggle futilely, his expression almost bored as he stared down at you trying to free yourself. 
“Why bother fighting this much?" His question only made you fight harder, teeth clenched tightly. No matter how hard you struggled, he wouldn’t budge. "Why struggle to fight for a life that's so depressing?" 
You couldn't help the hurt look you suddenly shot up at him as you looked into his face, expecting a sneer as he beat you down. But he was deathly serious, his face radiating the tiniest hint of… pity? 
"Why act so shocked?" He asked. "I've been in your body. I've seen your life, I know how you must feel." 
Leaning forward, he met your surprised gaze, your mouth gaping as you listened to the words that were coming out of his mouth. The words that made you ill, knowing he was speaking from a place of truth. And truth from the Blissfield Butcher of all people made you want to retch. 
"You feel weak. Defenseless. At the mercy of everyone else. So meek and fearful of what others think." You couldn't look away from his darkened brown eyes, his stare mesmerizing and unsettling all at once. "I know you felt powerful in my body. Probably for the first time in your life you knew that you could fight back and if someone started shit you could defend yourself." When you didn't respond, he asked, "Wasn't it?"
"Shut up." Even the command sounded small and pathetic coming from your mouth. 
The smirk that pulled at his lip made your stomach flip. It wasn’t just that you were bracing yourself for his teasing, it was the fact that there was some sick part of you that found his smile almost cute. For a serial killer with such a gruff exterior, there was almost something boyish about his smile and how it crinkled the sides of his eyes when he did. You wanted to slap yourself for even thinking of him being anything resembling cute or handsome in this moment. 
“Deny it all you want, you know it’s true.” His head cocked slightly, his eyes hooded as he looked down at you with such a smug expression. “You know, you could have done so much damage in my body. Could have killed anyone you wanted. And it would have been blamed on me. Those miserable bastards you work with at your shitty minimum wage retail job? Hell, how about your mother, that cunt deserves it with the way she treats you.” A pause. With a whisper, he asked, “You know what I did to my mother, right?”
The threat hung heavily in the air, your body trembling horribly in his grip. His hold hadn’t slacked the entire time, and yet he wasn’t actively crushing your wrist anymore. All you could do was nod, the words unable to come out. Her decapitated head was found at the local Dairy Queen. Everyone knew that. 
His face softened as he leaned down so you didn’t have to crane your neck up at him. A soft whimper left your mouth as you weakly tried to pull away from him as he urged you closer, your bodies mere inches from each other now. You didn’t know what this was, what he was going to do. You were terrified of the lingering feeling that this was going the way you thought he was taking this. Even scarier was the fact that you were praying for this. 
“You and I both know we’ve dealt with the fucked up shit this world has thrown at us. We’re the only ones who have looked out for ourselves this entire time. And now, the only one who knows just how much we’ve been through is each other.” As you tried to look away, he brushed his hand over your cheek and turned you back to look into his eyes. “No one else can ever begin to know you as well as I know you. I know just how fucking lonely it is with only yourself to keep you company. We’re lucky enough to have this opportunity right now. And you know it. Whether this is what you ever wanted or not.”
He was so close to you, and you couldn’t help the tears that welled up in your eyes that threatened to spill over. He was right. You absolutely hated him for it, but he was right. You had no idea what this even meant, what could even happen from this. But before you knew it, his name blurted from your lips, the name that you had heard so often on the news over the years as the town talked about him every time something new happened in his case. Quentin. 
He closed the gap, his lips crashing into yours as you gasped softly. His hands held your face, hungrily devouring you like a man starved. You held his wrists, not to push him away but to steady yourself. The years of the lack of physical affection for the both of you only amplified each other’s touch. You were almost afraid the lack of genuine affection in his life would destroy you with the sheer force of his desire and need in this moment.
By the time the two of you organically parted, lips parted and panting as you tried to catch your breath, Quentin looked at you with an almost reverence in that moment. “You’re mine,” he panted, large hands brushing your hair back. “All mine.”
133 notes · View notes
binxyu · 3 years
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Being an agent undercover was difficult enough but it being with Jung Hoseok- that was a whole other story. Of course, you expected for him to catch feelings for you because that was part of the plan- but getting a tattoo just to say you were his property? That was definitely not part of the plan.
>>Pairing: Jung Hoseok (dom) x fem!reader (sub) | mafia!hoseok x secret agent!reader
>>Word Count: 2.7k
>>Genre: Oneshot / Smut
>>Warnings/Kinks: Gun play/penetration, knives, murder, manipulation, mentions of drugs, blood, tattoos/needles, branding, creampie, oral (giving), overstimulation, fingering, unprotected sex, humiliation, mirrors, double penetration, and scratching
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You had been working alongside Hoseok for months now. You were now his most trusted subject and you became that through murdering whoever he chose, sexual manipulation, and having the ability to figure out anyone you were supposed to.
Hoseok was referred to as ‘The Heir’ by your police department. This was because no officers dared to call him by his real name. They knew they wouldn’t live long if one of Jung’s, what they called Hoseok’s father, men found out about that.
Hoseok was the heir to one of the most notorious crime families in the country. Well, more like the world. The Jung family has been responsible for the exportation of millions of drugs and weapons, the murder of thousands, and so much more. Yet, your department could never seem to get enough evidence to put them in jail since Jung would just bribe them out of it.
That’s why you were sitting beside Hoseok at this exact moment. You were supposed to be the one to get that evidence that was needed to put their asses in prison for life. However, you hated to admit that you were growing rather fond of Hoseok.
He really was charming for a psychotic serial killer with an army of men waiting for any order he may give. 
“Okay y/n, I think it’s finally time I give you what you deserve”, your head tilted at Hoseok’s words. You two had just escaped an ambush and Hoseok was more than pleased with how well you protected him. You saved his life and for no payment.
“What I deserve?”, you asked as Hoseok put his arm around your shoulder. You couldn’t help but have certain thoughts run through your head and your cheeks went red.
“What my father requested you get. The mark of the Jung family”, you realized what he was referring to immediately. The tattoo that every member of the Jung empire. You had seen enough members to know the tattoo was a dagger with the initials of Hoseok’s father engraved on the handle. 
“Oh, I see”, you simply answered as the limo parked. You got out first and held the door open for the man. Hoseok got out and thanked you, adjusting his luxurious suit that had had blood smeared across the front of it just yesterday. Now, it seemed good as new and you wondered when he had managed to get it clear. 
That question didn’t last long because it was replaced with the question of who was going to give you this tattoo? Could you trust them?
Don’t be stupid. If Hoseok wanted you dead then you would be by now.
You calmed down and followed Hoseok, noticing a rather young man staring at the two of you.
“Boss! It’s been a while”, the young man greeted Hoseok, looking beyond happy to see him.
“Hello Han”, Hoseok smiled softly back and you never failed to be surprised when that smile appeared. It was so rare and precious. 
“The usual, sir?”, Han asked and you studied him curiously. You knew more than just tattoos took place here from just the sounds alone. The screams weren’t extremely loud but you could hear them from one specific room. You shook your head and didn’t focus on it. 
“Yes, but I would like to add red on the end of the dagger. She looks good with red on her skin”, you knew what Hoseok was referring to. He had seen you plenty of times with blood on your skin. You knew he loved the sight.
“Like blood I’m assuming, sir?”, Hoseok nodded and Han gently hooked his arm with your’s and guided you to the chair for you to sit down in. A table with all the tools for the tattoo was beside the chair and you looked at it. Han looked at Hoseok.
“Make it right above her breast”, Hoseok walked over and unbuttoned the top few buttons of your blouse, tapping on your skin with the tip of your finger. Of course he would want it above your heart. The tattoo artist nodded and got the needle ready before he cleaned the area above your breast and put the outline for that tattoo on your skin. 
You bit your lip and just looked at Hoseok to distract yourself as the needle started to dig slightly into your skin. It was painful, but it definitely wasn’t the worst pain you had ever felt. 
“Is there anything I can do for you today?”, Han asked as he finished up the tattoo, putting the finishing touch on the blood dripping down the dagger. You looked down to see the crimson red. 
It definitely looks like blood. I’m sure Han has seen his fair share of it too. 
“Yes”, Hoseok paused as he moved his gaze from your eyes down to your hand that was resting on the arm of the chair, “I want to put a tattoo myself” Han looked a little taken aback but he nodded after he was finished and moved out of the way.
“Another one?”, you asked curiously, tilting your head a little as Hoseok sat on the stool that Han was previously sitting at. He hummed and started to prepare the black ink he was going to use.
“The dagger shows you belong to my father. I want something on your skin that is a permanent reminder that you are mine too”, you blushed at his words, a little taken aback as the needle pricked your skin again. You just watched as Hoseok’s fingers gently held your own in place so the letters would not be ruined.
S. L. U. T.
You read each letter individually in your mind until you realized what it said. Across your knuckles read the word ‘slut’. 
“S-slut?’‘, you mentally cursed yourself for stuttering and Hoseok chuckled.
“Mhm. I know you like being called it and that’s what I call you. It suits you”, he leaned closer to your ear and whispered, “my pretty slut. Maybe we should get out of here and make use of that tattoo, hmm?”.
You gulped and nod, shivers going up your spine from the feeling of his cold breath against your ear.
“Thank you, Han. We’ll be on our way now”, Hoseok helped you up off the chair before he started to button your blouse back up, his fingers ghosting over the dagger on your chest. Only the tip of the dagger was visible after he was done and you looked over at Han. 
You started to dig for your wallet, ready to pay the man but he gently put his hand around your wrist to stop you. 
“No, it’s okay. Any friend of the boss is on the house”, if you didn’t know better, you would say Han was an innocent and charming young man, but you did know better. He had probably seen more death than you had.
“Thank you”, you returned his bright smile with your own before Hoseok took your hand in his own and guided you out of the building.
“I should’ve asked for you to have baby written on your knuckles so people know you belong to me too”, you joked quietly and giggled. Hoseok looked at you and opened the door to the limo. 
“You think I belong to you?”, he asked, an eyebrow raised teasingly and you smirked as you moved to get into the vehicle first. 
“Oh, I know you do”, you whispered into his ear and sat down in your seat. He looked taken aback but got in beside you, your words replaying in his mind as you two rode in silence back to the penthouse.
“Come on, let’s have some fun”, Hoseok quickly dragged you out of the vehicle once you got to the building. Hoseok’s bodyguards allowed you in and you two went into the elevator. His penthouse was on the top floor of the building and you had always wondered what was found on the other levels, but you never asked. It wasn’t your place to.
The elevator door opened and you walked inside the penthouse, going to sit on the bed across the room since you assumed that’s exactly where Hoseok would eventually lead you anyways. 
“I do think you deserve to be rewarded, y/n”, Hoseok takes off his leather gloves and sets them on the kitchen counter before he walks over to where you were and lifted your head up to look at him with his finger that was under your chin.
“For what, Hoseok?”, you tried to keep your voice steady despite the wetness gathering between your legs. 
“For staying by my side and doing what I ask. We’re going to kill anyone that stands against us, isn’t that right?”, you quickly nodded and moved back on the bed so Hoseok could crawl onto it.
“C-could I reward you first? I feel like you could use it”, you softly smiled and Hoseok smiled back, slowly nodding since he had never been asked such a thing. You put your hands on his chest and pushed him to lay down on the bed. Hoseok looked up at the mirror on the ceiling and watched your reflection as you started to unbutton his clothes for him and toss the fabric to the floor. 
“I’ll be your good slut master”, you saw the man get significantly harder from your words and you smiled before you started to wrap your mouth around his cock. You took as much of him into your mouth as you could and wrapped your hand around the rest. Hoseok moaned at the sight of your head bobbing up and down on his dick and your hand with the tattoo pumping the base of it.
“Fuck, that looks so amazing”, he groaned and you took that as encouragement to continue what you were doing, moving a little faster. Hoseok’s hand trailed down to your jeans and he started to unbutton them, pushing his hand into your panties when they were visible. You moaned around his cock and rocked your hips against his finger when he started to rub your clit with it.
Hoseok’s moans became louder from the vibrations and he pushed two of his fingers inside of your dripping wet cunt. You whimpered from the stretch and started to bounce your hips to ride his fingers as you hallowed your cheeks to suck him off better.
You knew you really did look like a whore right now and you loved it. The knowledge that slut was inked into your knuckles and that those knuckles were jerking Hoseok off was enough to make a loud moan spill from your lips. Hoseok’s gripped your hair with his free hand and started to force your head down further, making you choke on his dick and you gasped for air.
“Don’t be pathetic slut. I don’t care if you’re choking, keep going”, you held back the tears threatening to spill from your eyes and started to move your head again as you speed up your hips when Hoseok added another finger. He curled them against your walls when you sank back down onto them and the sensation caused your legs to shake. His fingers were easily knuckle deep. 
Hoseok’s grip tightened in your hair even more and you knew he was close. He came down your throat and you swallowed all of his seed like he had taught you. He gripped your hip with his free hand and turned you onto your back, making it easier for him to help you finish too. His fingers started to thrust much faster than before and you desperately gripped his arm as your legs shook more, your nails digging into his skin. 
You came around Hoseok’s fingers with a loud moan of his name. He smirked and brought his finger out of your panties to lick them. The sight made your eyes widen as his cheeks hallowed and he sucked on the digit, cleaning it completely of your cum. He removed the rest of your clothes entirely and you looked up at the mirror, waiting for his next move.
“I know you’ve wanted to try this for a long time. I could tell by how you look at it when I’m cleaning it”, you watched cautiously as Hoseok went over to where his jacket was lying on the floor and retrieved his pistol from the pocket. That’s when it hit you what he was referring to. You knew you had fantasized about Hoseok using a gun for your pleasure before, but you never expected him to realize you did.
“Hmm, what to do with you?”, he asked himself and trailed the gun down your chest, the cold metal against your bare skin causing you to let out a soft moan. You honestly felt a little scared but you were quickly reassured when Hoseok pulled the trigger and only a puff of air came out. 
“P-please fuck me with it master”, you begged and the man chuckled at how desperate you were to have anything inside of you. Hoseok cleaned the barrel of the gun and you watched his hands move up and down it with a rag. He moved the tip of the gun in circles around your hole, causing you to clench around nothing in anticipation. 
Slowly, the barrel of the gun was being pushed inside of you and you watched the reflection in the mirror as the top of the gun slowly disappeared inside of you. You looked down and saw the tip bulged in your stomach, making your mouth fall open in pain and pleasure. 
“It fits so perfectly”, Hoseok commented before he started to thrust the barrel in and out of you. You clenched around the metal with a loud moan and gripped the sheets.
“Pull the trigger! Please!”, you moaned out and Hoseok nodded before he slowly pulled the trigger of the pistol. The rush of air made your back arch and the sight of you squirming and moaning from his pistol caused Hoseok to groan too. He moved the gun a little more to the side and slowly pushed himself inside of you too. 
You screamed a little from the stretch, tears prickling your eyes and you whimpered loudly. Hoseok kissed your face gently, easing you into the feeling by slowly moving the weapon and his hips. As he sped up, your moans got louder and louder to the point that Hoseok had to cover your mouth with his free hand and he noticed something laying in your pile of clothes. 
“Shhh slut. Take it like a good girl and be quiet”, you breathed heavily and whined as you tried your best to nod. The overstimulation was causing your second orgasm to come much faster and your legs were beginning to cramp.
Hoseok groaned as his cock rubbed against the barrel inside of you, the cold metal was a pleasant sensation he hadn’t felt before. He was going to cum soon too.
“Cum with your master, okay?”, Hoseok spoke softly and you nodded so he moved his hand away from your mouth. He counted down and you both came on three, your cum mixing inside of you before Hoseok pulled the gun out and watched his cum flow out of you.
He moved to lay beside you and pulled you into his arms, gently stroking your hair. You tried to catch your breath and relaxed in his embrace.
“I love you”, the words surprised you to say the least and fear struck your heart as you thought about what to say in response.
Is this a test? Do I love him back?
I do.
“I love you too”, your words came out clear enough for you to know you weren’t lying.
“Then why did you betray me?”, Hoseok pointed to the burner phone next to your jacket on the floor and your eyes went wide at the sight of it. You forgot to toss it out after you called your department earlier that day with information.
“I-I can e-explain”, you mentally cursed yourself out for stuttering.
“What a shame. I really did like you”, he pressed a knife against your neck and looked at the word across your knuckles.
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taeescript · 3 years
II. Script of the Angel
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 >> This is the story of three very different people. A successful novelist, a blossoming artist and a dedicated cop. They seem to have nothing in common. Yet, they are continually drawn to each other. It is as if their fates have been intertwined. Written. That they must meet.
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> ft. jungkook and jimin primarily.
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 >> policeman!jimin, author!jungkook, painter!reader, serialkiller!XXX; a classic game of cat and mouse
𝔴/𝔠 >> 6.6k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> mature themes depicted. due to the explicit nature of the topic (serial killers, murders, violence, sexual content, infidelity etc.) scenes are graphic. this is rated 18+. to spare storytelling: please consider yourself warned.
𝔞/𝔫 >> i’m so glad to see people enjoyed the last part! this part is a little shorter but i hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. will likely be making a masterlist post for this soon as i’m having too much fun writing this and it’s getting long. feedback and comments always appreciated. as always, enjoy! (: 
previous part || masterlist || next part
Muscles and bones. The primary architecture of the human body. It allows us to stand and walk; sit and run; jump and spin. But what really keeps us alive? Blood. It carries the nutrients our body needs. It carries the defenders our body requires. So integral to our survival, blood can tell a story of its own. Looking at the direction of travel along with the width and length of the spatter, a single droplet is its own author, spinning a tale of its origin and its birth. A good spatter gives us more information than just a large overlapping pool. “Come again?” Jimin says in disbelief. Taehyung shrugs. He is the unit’s spatter analyst. In one latex covered hand, he holds a cotton swab and the other is pinching his nose. “There are traces of blood everywhere,” he repeats. “Yet I don’t see a single stain of red anywhere,” Jimin rubs his temples, “Are you telling me that the killer had enough time to wipe the whole room clean?” “I’m only telling you what science has told me,” Taehyung says. He carefully dances around another coworker to reach his open kit. It shuts with a loud snap and the younger turns back to look at his commanding officer. “Can I please get back to the lab? This smell is killing me.” Jimin can only wave half-heartedly at him before turning his attention to the scene in front of him. It is eight in the morning. They had received an anonymous call about fifteen minutes ago describing a horrific murder. The station had forwarded the call to him and after hearing the detailed account, he left the station with his team. “Fuck me. What in the world happened here?” a new voice enters the scene. It is too much even for him to handle this early in the morning. Jimin utters a “you tell me”, then excuses himself from the room. He pushes past the crowding officers and curious residents until he reaches the front of the hotel. There, his stomach dislodges everything it can. Even as he wipes his mouth, the black spots do not cease dancing in front of his eyes. Deeper in his vision, the picture is all too clear. She hangs from the ceiling with her arms stretched wide. Her feet are wrapped together in rope and her body is naked. Attached behind are two massive wings. The feathers have been stitched carefully together to create an impressive wingspan and if they were not speared into her back, Jimin may have thought they were beautiful. Yet there they were, dug into her shoulder blades, ripping into her muscle and tissue. That was not the centerpiece of it all. Missing from the body were all its abdominal organs. They had been ripped out, cut out… forensics would tell him how they were taken out, but they were gone. Replaced inside her was a large bouquet of red roses. They glistened in the sunlight and when the team had arrived, there were still dew drops on its velvety petals. The grotesque memory causes his body to expel its contents again. “Boss,” the voice from before returns, “You alright?” Jimin turns to face his partner. Namjoon stands in front of him, a worried expression which contorts his face. Namjoon is one of his only friends at the work force, being the only one similar in age. The other agents were all much older than him so with common interests, the two were naturally drawn to each other. Jimin liked Namjoon well enough. He was smart and quick on his feet. More than once, Jimin had reached out to Namjoon for advice, whether it be for work or personal life. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Yeah, I wasn’t prepared to see that this early in the morning,” Jimin says. Namjoon nodded. He too has dark circles under his eyes and his lips were hardened into a thin, straight line. “Makes you imagine what a sick motherfucker could create this,” he comments. They stand in silence for a quick second until Namjoon speaks again, “What do you think we should do?” Jimin resumes his commanding role. “Take down the body. Have somebody sweep it thoroughly. Send a couple of the lab geeks in to scan the room. I want everything put into evidence, even if it’s a speck of dust. Everybody leaves something behind, and we will find it.” “What about the civilians? We’ve got a growing, curious crowd spreading like cancer.” “You’re Lieutenant. Do something about it,” Jimin light-heartedly teases Namjoon in his new role. Namjoon slightly flinches at the address. Although Namjoon had been promoted to a position higher than Jimin’s, Namjoon only ever treated him in the way they had always been working together: as partners. “Fuck me,” Namjoon curses with his favourite two words. Jimin grins. “Maybe later. I’ve got a shit ton of paperwork to get started back at the station. I’ll see you,” he pats his distracted friend’s shoulder. Taking a last scan of the building, Jimin strides towards his parked car. He is ready to hunt down the person who dared mess around in his town.
Jungkook watches the scene before him with mild interest. His ears pick up the voice of an officer that is instructing the crowd that everything is under control; to return to what they are doing without a worry. “What’s going on?” the housewife asks beside him. She is still in you pajamas and had seemed to wander out due to the hubbub. He smiles at her. “Murder.” She regards him with wide eyes. Her feet stumble backwards and she scurries away. The officer had finished his speech and the crowd was now dissipating. Jungkook took it as his cue to exit as well. As he walks out of the hotel, he feels vaguely irritated. At the end, his script is not perfectly carried out. He had needed to modify it slightly although the end result is what he had planned it to be. Even the timing of the police’s arrival after his call had been as he predicted. The world was too easy for him to guess. Now, it is time to return to Krystal. Even without using his vast knowledge of facial cues and body expressions, he knows exactly how she would react. Nostrils dilated, lower lid tensed, brows lowered and lower jaw jutting out. He reads her like a book and its title screamed “anger”. “Where were you all last night?” she questions, hands placed on her hips. He sighs while placing his jacket on the hanger at the entranceway. His feet ache as they pad across the tiles towards the bedroom. “I was out doing research. I told you yesterday,” he says. She bites her lip. When he walked past her, she could smell a faint hint of perfume mixed with a lemony clean scent like soap. Her jaws clench tighter. “Yes. But you had said you would be out late. You never said you’d be gone the entire night!” she follows him closely behind. He does not turn or wait for her. Once inside the bedroom, he throws off his shirt and pants, trudging to the showers. “Don’t you think you could have given me a call at least?” she asks. His figure is a faint silhouette through the shower curtain. She can see him scrubbing his face. She waits for him until the water is shut down and he steps out of the box. Water drips from his hair and his skin is still a flush pink from the heat. The room fills with steam and he brushes past her on the way out. Still, she relentlessly follows him. “Jeon Jungkook!” she calls out, “Say something!” He pulls out a new pair of boxers from the drawer and put them on. Once they snap against his waist, he turns to finally look at her. “I’m tired, and you’re annoying me. We’ll talk when I wake up,” he says. Tears sting her eyes but she cannot allow him to see any type of weakness. She whirls around on her heels and stalk out of the room, leaving him to himself. The door slams shut loudly behind her and makes his ears slightly ring. The sheets are cold and inviting on his body. The wrap around him like a silky cocoon and his eyes are heavy the instance he hits the pillow. There is only one last thing to do before he can allow his body to rest. With delicate fingers, he pries off the paper-thin gloves from his hands. They slide off smoothly and if there was an onlooker in the room at that moment, they would have been reminded of a snake that was shedding its skin. These are special gloves just for his hobbies. They disguise his hands so that they are void of fingertips. They are so lightweight he cannot feel them at all. They blend in with his body so perfectly, only the keenest of eyes would be able to notice the thin line above his wrist where the material ends. They are perfect for him and allow him to do what he does without a worry. He leaves the material out on the top of the drawer. He knows that Krystal would not be back in the room for a while so it is safe sitting there. They are like contact lenses, shriveling and drying up due to the exposure to air. In about fifteen minutes time, they would look like shrunken autumn leaves and be the size of a walnut. The room-keeper would find them if he had still not thrown them out, and discard them thinking they were candy wrappers. He lets his body drift into nothingness, content with the day’s work.
Besides having a good eye for detail, a coroner should be able to work under extremely stressful conditions. They could be asked to visit crime scenes, identify human remains or supervise the transportation of corpses. Working often behind the scenes, a coroner is an integral part to this unit. It is sad to say that we are low in numbers and are extremely interested in people joining our team! If you have taken subjects like biology, chemistry and forensics, in addition to law and humanities, we encourage you to apply to our graduate program! We would love to see you working beside us! Jimin’s eyes scan the announcement that has been placed on the door of the coroner’s office. He is scheduled for a meeting with the elder man on what may have been found and as a man of time, he is early for it. “Park! You’re here,” the coroner steps out of his office. He has patches of grey hair and a scruff of facial hair that he now scratches with his fingers. Dressed in his usual white lab coat, his black shoes peek out from beneath his pants and they lead the way towards the morgue. “How’s it going, Fernando?” Jimin greets back, “I see your wife has been feeding you well.” He eyes a popped button on the stomach of his coworker. Fernando laughs. It is loud and bounces off the white walls of the building. It is a laugh that is jolly and hearty; a strange sound to hear in the location they currently are. “Maria always has a full meal whenever I return home. I swear, she’s trying to fatten me up like the witch from Hansel and Gretel,” he chuckles. He and Maria, a linguistic analyst also working in the police force, had been married for years. They had invited nearly the whole station to their wedding and wanted to celebrate for another week before a case had dragged everyone back to work. The two turn a corner and the black door of the morgue greets their face. Fernando hands Jimin a pair of gloves and a mask before they enter the room. The body has already been laid on the table and labelled after Fernando’s inspection. “I’ve already submitted the full report. You’ll find it on your desk by tomorrow morning,” Fernando speaks with a muffled voice due to the mask. The material itches Jimin’s nose and he wrinkles it. His fingers carefully pick up the sheet that covers the body and he scans the female underneath. “You know I like to see the victims personally for each case. Do you mind giving me an overview?” he asks. The other man shrugs. This is not the first case he’s worked with Jimin. While he was not a hard man to work with, he was extremely meticulous – borderline obsessive – in details to the point that it was tiring and burdensome. “No signs of struggles. She evidently took care of her body and skin; probably went to the gym in the times between work. Besides the large opening on her abdomen, the rest of her is intact.” “What is missing from her?” “Mainly her digestive system and portions of her excretory system. Everything within her ribcage has been preserved and unmoved.” “So nothing out of the ordinary then.” “Aside from the gaping hole? No. My best guess is that she knew her attacker. Or if she didn’t, then she at least didn’t sense any danger from him.” “What makes you say that?” “I found seminal fluid in her body.” This new information made Jimin turn his attention away from the body and back to Fernando. He had finished circling the table while mentally confirming everything Fernando had been saying. “You’re suggesting our killer may have had intercourse with our victim then?” “Jane Doe, technically,” Fernando inserted, “We haven’t made an ID on her quite yet.” Jimin waved the comment away. “Maybe,” Fernando recognized Jimin’s piercing look, “I sent a sample of it to the lab geeks. It could be from the killer or it might be from when she last had sex.” Jimin knew how long these types of analyses could take. He didn’t want to wait several weeks for results so he told Fernando to put a rush on it. Fernando stood wordlessly and watched Jimin as he continued to encircle the body. Every so often, his fingers would reach out and lightly tap a part of the body. With each tick the clock on the wall made, it seemed to drive its sound into Fernando’s skull. When he could not take the silence any longer, he let out a cough. At the sound, Jimin remembers that he is not alone in the room. It happened every time he got absorbed in a case. He would become trapped in his own world and forget everything that was around him. “Sorry, Fernando. I’m going to be here a little longer. You’re free to leave. I’ll read the report tomorrow morning and if I have any more questions, I’ll find you again,” he dismisses him. Fernando bows politely and exits the room. High cheekbones, full lips and a perky nose. She was attractive enough to gain a few extra glances when she had walked down the street. Was that how she got the attention of the killer? That would make sense to why he maintained her facial features and took out her organs. Perhaps it was an interpretation of keeping her beautiful exterior shell. It could also explain why a bouquet of flowers was put inside her. Jimin shook his head. He was thinking too much. Who knew what went on in the mind of a killer? Well, besides the killer themselves. He observes her face a while longer and notices that it is not as perfectly symmetrical as he had initially thought. In fact, her right cheek bulged out in a way similar to after a person had their wisdom teeth pulled out. Bringing the overhanging light towards the mouth of the girl, he shines the light inside. There were a couple of metal tools that were placed on a tray nearby and Jimin used this to pry inside her mouth. He pushes aside the meat of her cheeks and peers at the gums. There was nothing unusual there. Something continues to urge him to look further so he turns his head slightly and checks the inner cheek. Deep at the bottom of the valley where muscle meets gums, he notices markings that stand out from the normal. He is unable to make out what they are and so he pushes away the bright light. Opting for a smaller flashlight, he drops the piercing ray of light to where he had been looking before. Four squiggles. 2-0-something-1. Or was that an I? He rotates his head further. The originally illegible third Jimin becomes an A, and the two looks more like an S at this angle. If these were letters, then the second Jimin could potentially be an “O”. The last symbol was still inconclusive as it could be either a one or “I”. Consumed with his new finding, Jimin nearly forgets to record the new information. It is not until a few seconds later that he then whips out his cellular phone and snaps a picture of it. He cannot decipher whether the symbols could be anything more than letters and numbers so he peels off his mask and throws it with the gloves into the trash bin. As he walks out of the coroner’s building and back to the main station, a feeling continues to burn in his gut. His intuition is telling him that there is something oddly familiar with what he had just saw. It wasn’t the girl or the markings themselves, but rather the position he had found them in. He felt like he had seen something like this before. He scratches his head the entire way back until he sits at his desk. That is when he remembers.
The light takes him by surprise from the slight crack of his curtains. Warmth from the afternoon sun hits him directly at the eyes and its rays creates a band that gives him the illusion akin to Cyclops from X-Men. He stretches and feels his muscles straining from last night’s activities. With a roll of his neck, he bounces off the bed and throws his legs onto the floor. The cold from being out of his blankets send a shiver down his spine that makes him curl his toes. Everything is strangely quiet around him. He does not hear the clatter of plates nor the running of water. There are no soft paddings from footsteps. The world is silent. He grabs a shirt from his suitcase and throws it over his head, bringing a small bit of warmth to his body. With each step around their hotel room he sees nothing. Her clothing is gone as with it her toothbrush and shoes. In fact, her entire suitcase has disappeared. With miniscule curiosity he returns back to the bedroom and unplugs his charging phone. There is one unread message and he opens it. “I know you’re tired but I don’t think that’s an excuse for your outburst this morning. Regardless, I will respect your need for personal space. I’m flying back to LA. I’ll see you when you return. – Krystal” Her words are curt and straight-forward. He reads her frustration between the words but doesn’t carry it with him. He knows she is waiting for an apology but he is too engrossed with his newfound freedom. He had not planned for the research on this trip to be completed with such speed and so his return train ride was not scheduled until the day after tomorrow. She will have to wait. He had a whole city to walk and sights to see. She will be waiting regardless. Ever so slightly he forms a smile with his lips. He walks over to the curtains and throws them open, allowing all the sunlight to enter his room. It bounces off the white sheets and covers the rug. Dust particles float around after being stirred from their slumber. With a hand pressed against the window, Jungkook peers down from the height of the hotel. He watches the automobiles that zoom beneath his gaze and traces the pathway of each person that passes by. It is a good day.
Fingertips graze her lips with a type of tenderness that sends small vibrations through her entire body. He holds her gaze and she peers shyly into his half-moon eyes. A smile dances on his face while she caresses his face with tremoring hands. He grabs them and holds it in his own. “You’re shaking,” he says with a light teasing tone. She wants to pull away but he holds them only stronger. He traces the lines on her palms to soothe her, but it only makes her shake all the more. “Is this real?” the question brushes your mouth much like the autumn wind rustling through leaves. It falls from your lips and floats gently to reach his ears. “Do you want this be real?” he asks you. His eyes never leave you, starting from the top of you forehead to trace to the tip of your nose and finally landing on your cherry stained lips. You faintly hear the sound of laughter in the background and the pattering of feet running but you are only consumed by the man who sits in front of you. Your nod is but a slight shift of your head. He smiles at you and cups your face in the warmth of his hands. Pressing his lips affectionately on yours, you inhale and take in everything from him. “I love you, Y/N” he confesses with all of his heart. You can feel your heart tugging towards him as he stands and offers a hand. You take it and he lightly pulls you to his feet. A rush overcomes you and suddenly, he seems taller than you remember. You look down and sees him standing a few centimeters off the ground. Your brows furrow and you peer up at him again. He has turned and is now starting to run forward. “C’mon, let’s go!” he calls back towards you. You try to move your feet but they only propel you forward while he runs upward into the vast blue sky. “Hyun!” you cry, reaching out to him. He doesn’t seem to hear you but you see laughter bursting forth from his mouth. “You’ll have to run faster or you won’t catch up!” Pressing your feet firmly on the ground, you push off but gravity brings you back down. “Hyun, I can’t! I can’t get into the sky like you!” He has now risen further than ever, growing smaller in your vision. “C’mon, Y/N! Come fast, before you can’t catch up!” his voice is faint but you hear him calling to you. You run forward faster than ever but you are never able to leave the ground. Tears spill from the corner of your eyes in frustration at the fact that you are behind him. “Hyun, don’t leave me!” you scream between your sobbing, “Baekhyun!” Your dream is shattered at the sound of metal clattering to the floor. You are jolted awake and your heart bolts at the sudden sound. The metal can which held your wet paintbrushes were now spread across the floor after falling from the table. Your friend stands at the door with an embarrassed look on her face. “Sorry,” she says, bringing a finger from her forehead towards you in apology. You feel the rise in your heart rate. You conceal it by slowly getting up out of you seat and rolling you head to get rid of the kink. Together, both you and Min clean up the mess off the floor from where she had knocked over the art supplies. “Are you okay?” Min asks softly, not quite meeting your eyes as the two of you straighten out the other half completed canvases which balance precariously on the table. You blink in confusion, causing a tear to roll down your cheek. You reach up and brush it with your fingers. They return wet and tinged with green. You let out a small laugh. “I slept on paint again, didn’t I?” you muse. You and Min are standing at the art studio where you had spent all last night in. Your completed painting stands at the corner and Min walks over to it. Min tries to read what you are thinking, but the other has her head turned away. “You stayed here all night to complete this?” Min inspects the painting closer. It depicts a girl standing shyly in front of a boy against a background of red, pink and purple. The boy had his back towards the observer and he stood with his hands behind him holding a bouquet of flowers. The painting showed an innocent love between the two but when Min squinted her eyes, you noticed two circles that were put on the back of the coat the boy was wearing. Min raises an eyebrow and points it out to you. “Are those bullet holes?” You in the meantime had stood hypnotized in front of the painting. A strange feeling is stirring in your heart as you look at what you had painted. It brought forth the memory of Baekhyun standing in front of you with flowers after their first date. It led to the memory of your first shy kiss after. It made you remember the pain you felt from your dream. Another tear perches at the corner of your eye and you turn to brush it angrily away. Min is still standing in front of you, now watching you with concern. She could guess why you are crying and trying so hard to mask it. You had only ever shed tears for one person and this painting brought back the reminder that this person was no longer around you. “I’m not sure what that is,” you laughs nervously, “It was quite late last night. My mind does weird things when I am sleep deprived.” Without further explanation, you grab your bag and head out before any other memory can shake you. “I’m going home to shower,” you say without looking back, “Sorry about the mess of the studio. I’ll be back later to clean it.” Your last words choke and you escape before Min can see the tears that fall consciously down your cheeks this time.
3. 2. 1. Boom. Making the entrance of the century, the three horses gallop into the square where the three beings are strapped on. White. The stallion neighs and throws his head back, unsure of where to go next. But a loud snap makes it head to the right and it brings its hooves down on the ground. Its rider’s body has been punctured with holes and the smell that emits from it is horrendous. For the first horsemen is called Pestilence. Red. Its mane has been dipped in the blood of its enemy. It limps as the giant beast follows in step behind the stallion, a battle scar from its recent fight. His rider flails at a sharp right turn, causing the spear attached at the arm to clash with the helmet. For the second horsemen is called War. Black. The man is but naked, showing his skin pulled taut over the ribcage and bones. He carries the pair of scales with his stomach plastered on one end and the other tipped with bread. For the third horsemen is Famine, but this man can no longer fill his hunger seated upon the black horse. There is a final horseman. The fourth’s name is Death. But why does it need to exist, when it is so very much alive in the other three? Excerpt: Written - Three Horsemen Everything from his desk was moved into the presentation room that allowed him more space to work. Papers of the current case overlap with the papers from the older file. They are grouped in a way only the creator can understand and it is Jimin who stands before it. Picking at his lips with a hand, his foot taps rhythmically on the floor as he continues to scan what he has laid out in front of him. He knew something had been bothering him since he returned from the morgue. Now it was clear. He had remembered a case he had taken part of when he had been temporarily stationed in Los Angelos. The case had remained unsolved but the victim was similar to his Jane Doe. In that case, the man had TH3C scratched into the inner part of his cheek. Matching the picture he had taken earlier to the picture in the old file, they were even scratched in the same place. After digging around a little more, he found two other cases that were similar. It could be coincidence but if they were all related, this was not a simple kill any longer. They had a serial killer in their hands. However there is trouble with the cases. Besides the one he is holding, the other three are from Los Angeles. He technically no longer had any jurisdiction over them. Jimin was contemplating on calling up his colleague when his own phone interrupts his thought process. He answers the phone promptly. “Hello?” “Jimin?” your timid voice reaches his ears. His name uttered from you relaxes his tense shoulders. “Hey. What’s up?” He can hear shuffling from your side as you think about what to say. “I just wanted to call and see if you were okay. You didn’t return home last night.” “I went home for a bit but was called out pretty early for a case this morning. Wait, how did you know I didn’t go home?” “Ah… Well, I’m standing in front of your place right now.” “Why are you doing that?” He can basically hear your body language through the phone. You are gnawing on the inside of you cheek and probably tugging at your shirt, a habit you had when you were nervous. “I forgot my keys again. I thought that you might be home and I could use your shower.” Laughing at how sheepish your voice is, he says to you, “That tells me you slept over at the studio again. And very likely have paint on your face.” “Hey!” you huff, “I don’t wake up with paint on my face every single time!” “But you did this time, didn’t you?” he continues teasing you. You mutter something unintelligible, causing him to laugh at you again. “Unfortunately, I can’t step out of the office but if you don’t mind stopping over, I’ll hand you my keys.” You agree to his proposal and tell him that you’ll be there in twenty. Once their call ends, he chuckles silently to himself. You never seemed to change. When he and Baekhyun were roommates, there were multiple times he’d return home and find you standing outside their flat. You would tell him the same story of how you forgot your keys and of whether you could wash up at their place. And each and every time you would have a blotch of paint on you face where you had fallen asleep at the studio. He had teasingly got you face wash in a paint bottle for your birthday a long time ago as a joke. The last time he went over to your place, he had seen it standing in your room. His mind continues to wander to memories of his college days with Baekhyun and you until he is interrupted by Namjoon. “Whoah. What do you have going on here?” he asks, stepping towards the multitude of papers. Jimin takes this break to grab himself a new cup of coffee as the one sitting to the side had long since turned cold. “I was at the morgue earlier and discovered something strange. It reminded me of an old case,” he told Namjoon. Namjoon flipped through a couple of the pages but he was not as patient as Jimin to read through all the details. He scrunched up his nose and breezed past Jimin again. “I wanted to tell you we have a name for our Jane Doe,” Namjoon said, leaning against the doorframe. He is actually quite impressed at what Jimin has discovered in the span of the short time since they discovered the body this morning. Generally, he was impressed with how fast the department had gathered information. Perhaps as this was their biggest case in a while, the team as a whole was interested in solving it as soon as they can. “Sara Michel,” Namjoon continues on, “Female. 25. From Los Angeles. She’s a fine arts curator. She was in town for a meeting with the local museum about transferring a couple of new sculptures over. It’s been confirmed that the room we found her in this morning is the room her company booked for her while she was town.” “Los Angeles,” Jimin repeats. His eyes dart to the papers. Again, their neighbouring city is mentioned. “Yeah. What of it?” Namjoon picks up on Jimin’s sudden interest. He watches as the other walks over to the piles of paper and brings up a folder. “The old case I was talking about,” Jimin says, “It was from when I worked in LA last summer. A bit unusual that Ms. Michel is from there, don’t you think?” Namjoon scratches his chin. “Well, LA is a big city. And we’re only a train ride away….” Jimin shakes his head. “I don’t like it. Something weird is going on here.” Somebody outside the room yells out for Namjoon. He groans and Jimin throws him a sympathetic look. Jimin never told Namjoon, but before Namjoon was offered the promotion as lieutenant, Jimin had been approached by the captain. He had declined the position as he knew all the responsibilities that came with the new role. Besides, he enjoyed working as a detective; it allowed him hands-on access to all cases. “I’ll keep you updated on anything else I find,” Namjoon says as he turns to leave. Jimin replies, “Same here.” “Alright, well see you around. If I don’t get lost amongst all the conferences I have to start pulling…” his voice trails off as he exits with a dejected curve of his back.
“Hi,” your voice interrupts his nap. After Namjoon had left, Jimin had sat down at the desk fully planning to do some more research. However, his fatigue got the better of him and he ended up dozing off. He rubs his eyes sleepily and rises to greet you. You urge him to sit back down. You may have spent the night at the studio, but you looked more put together than he was. Dressed in the first pair of jeans he could find and an old tshirt, he was in a contrast to your outfit. You wore a pair of black and white polka-dotted overall shorts that you paired with a slim fit quarter sleeved shirt inside. A necklace hung around your neck, and you had thrown your hair into a messy bun. Tendrils of hair had fallen out, but it framed your face giving you an overall effortless but fresh look. Walking up to him, you sit gently at the edge of the table while he remains seated to your side. He gently reaches up and smudges the shadow of green paint on your face. “What a way to greet me,” you pout. He smiles at you, then yawns and stretches. Remembering why you had arrived, he rummages through his pocket and retrieves the key to his apartment for you. You thanked him for it and then rotate in your spot to take in the entire room. You were similar in this way, where the two of you had an eye for minute details. It intrigues you to see the pictures that had been laid out. It is true that they are morbid but being around Jimin all these years had made you accustomed to seeing images of a crime scene. “Are you going to be coming home tonight?” you ask him. Your back is still turned towards him as you walk up and study a picture up close. He walks up to you and stands behind. You were looking at the picture of the markings on one of the victims. “TH3C,” you whisper. “No,” his voice rumbles from behind you, “This case is pretty big. I’ll most likely be spending the night here.” You spin in your spot to face him again and your noses nearly touch. He stumbles and takes a step back at the close proximity. A frown starts to crease your forehead and you nervously chews on your fingernail. “What is it?” he sighs. It takes him a moment to gather himself while the scent of you lingers around him. “I feel bad that I’m barging into your place again,” you mumble, “What if I bring you dinner tonight?” “There’s no need. I’ll order take out from nearby. Besides, you’re always welcome at my place. It’s not a bother.” “Jimin…” He sighs, defeated. “Sure. I’ll wait for your meal.” You delightedly clap your hands together. “Perfect! I’ll make your favourite dish tonight! How does carbonara sound?” Nodding he feels the usual smile that appears around you on his face. It was strange. Before you came, he had nearly fainted with tiredness but now that you were here, it was like you had transferred you energy to him. “I’ll see you again tonight, then!” you quip animatedly. Taking his keys off the desk and into your pocket, you makes your way towards the door before stopping again. “TH,” you begin, “It makes me think of Three Horsemen.” “What’s that?” he asks you, distracted by the thought of delicious homemade food. “Three Horsemen. Remember the novel I was reading? It was just a random thought. And then maybe the number three for the third one? I don’t know what “C” would mean though. Perhaps it’s the horsemen from set C,” you continue to ramble on. You notice that Jimin is now staring at you with an intense gaze. You wave your hand in front of you, as if the simple action would cause you thoughts to magically disappear as well. “Forget what I said. I’m an artist,” you laugh nervously, “Besides if it was a set C, there would be a set B and A. And that would make… nine total kills. My mind is just overactive with the books I’m reading.” Jimin laughs nervously along with you. But inside, he mentally makes a note to investigate the possibility of what you have said, however miniscule that may be. You thank him once again for his hospitality and wave him good bye. When he is left alone again, he sinks back into his seat. It makes his bottom ache as he had been seated for a while, so he paces the room. Three Horsemen – Third Horsemen – Set C. TH3C. It wasn’t an unreasonable conclusion to draw. It was scary to imagine though. Eight other victims that were not found. His thoughts are interrupted once again when the phone in the room rings. Namjoon is on the other end when Jimin picks up. “We found a witness.”
next part
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
queen of hearts // chapter four
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summary: y/n y/l/n was crushed when she found out about maeve donovan. heartbroken, she left her entire life behind. what happens when she becomes the most prolific serial killer the bau has ever seen?
prologue + series masterlist & taglist
content warnings: swearing, angst, implied/mentioned sex, restraints, blood, head injury, kidnap/hostage, alcohol, gunshot, murder
a/n: reader is a psychotic murderer. this is purely a work of fiction and if you or someone you know are experiencing homicidal urges, seek professional help immediately.
The room was filled with tension and an overwhelming sense of despair but no one said a word. No more hellish arguing, no irritatingly random facts, not even discussion to solve the case. Everyone worked on their angle of the case and despite the fact that no one would dare admit it, they all somewhat hoped that Y/N wouldn't be caught. Some hoped more than others but deep down they all felt a twinge of it. JJ walked into the room and spoke, startling the team and ripping them away from their thoughts and guilt.
"I've given a picture of her to the media, it's being circulated."
It pained her-- almost physically-- to have to hand over a picture of someone who'd been like family for so many goddamn years. She felt that she was betraying Y/N and that made her feel indescribably horrible.
"Now what? We just wait?" Morgan seemed to be the only one that really did want to stop her. Maybe he was angry that he hadn't seen the signs. Maybe he was angry that his best friend had just... left. Maybe he was angry that she lost herself so much. Maybe he blamed himself.
"What else is there to do Derek? Call me bad at my job- Hell, call all of us bad at our jobs but we can't profile her. Admit it, we're all biased. Too biased to think straight but there's no way we can give this case to another unit." Emily had always been so close to Y/N and was able to open up to her. Something she couldn't bring herself to do with most people. But you weren't most people, were you? Even with what Y/N could be doing, Emily doesn't have it in her to hate her. The sadness she was feeling must have shown because JJ squeezed Emily's hand and gave her a weak smile. And for the millionth fucking time, everyone stayed silent. Not even Spencer was saying anything and he is not the type to stay quiet this long. Believe it or not, that was actually one of the things Y/N had loved about him. Everyone rolled their eyes or cut him off but she loved to listen to him ramble. To everyone's surprise, she was always genuinely interested in what he had to say and that was one of the first things that made him fall in love with her. She never invalidated him or called him strange. Sometimes when she had a nightmare or experienced anxiety she'd even ask him talk to her about a random topic so she could focus on his voice until she calmed down. 
"Your voice is like... honey. In my ears." Spencer wanted to scream with emotional torture building up as he remembered how she'd laughed when she said that and how he'd had smiled at her with nothing but adoration and love.
"That seems unsanitary Y/N."
"You're such a smartass."
"Am I?"
"Definitely. But it's ok. I love that about you. I love you."
"I love you too."
She'd planted a sweet kiss on his lips before laying her head on his lap and listening to the rest of his topic rant. Still basking in the memory of Y/N, a sharp pain entered his hand and he realized he'd dug his crescent nails into the palm of his hand. And in that moment, he couldn't help but think about how much he'd love to be holding her hand right now.
They all turned to Garcia, the source of the exclaim, who was walking in with Hotch.
"A bartender downtown says he just saw a woman matching Y/N's description leave with another man."
"She's chosen another victim? Here?" Rossi asked with confusion written on his face. "Up until now she's only killed 2 people per state and knowing the BAU has been called in, why is she staying here?"
JJ stepped in,
"This place is special to her, she has history here. Y/N must have an endgame but what is it?"
"The profile says she'll take as many people as she can with her. Probably suicide by cop."
Derek had accepted the situation. So why did that hurt to say?
"Rossi will go to the bar and talk to witnesses. Reid and Prentiss, stay here with Garcia. JJ and Morgan, PD is surveilling the radius around the bar and setting up roadblocks, come with me to help them."
"There's no way I'm staying here." Spencer objected.
Stay here and do nothing? Like hell.
"Neither am I, what the hell Hotch?"
"Reid, Prentiss that's an order. You're not going."
They both started to argue again but Hotch had already left. JJ and Derek followed and Rossi stood up with to leave for the bar. Apologetic looks were shot at Spencer and Emily because they all know why they have to stay behind. They're the two closest to her, the two that wouldn't be able to keep their emotions from affecting them on the field. And with that, off they all went.
The second you get to his hotel room, your lips crash against the handsome stranger. Your next victim. He pushes you against the wall and you moan loudly. His hands roam your body and you pull back.
"Hey... Go lie on the bed and wait for me."
Panting and staring at you with lust, he complies. Of course he does.
For God's sake. This man doesn't even know your name.
To be fair, Spence didn't even know Maeve's last name. And he still chose her.
You walk over to the eager man on the bed. Your hot breath on his neck, you lean close and whisper to him.
"We're going to do things my way."
He moans and you fight the urge to roll your eyes at him in disgust.
"Yes ma'am."
Taking out a rope, you tie him up and you know he thinks you're just a kinky slut. That's what they all see, isnt it? Suddenly something roars inside of you. Forgetting your usual routine, you pick up the lamp on the bedside table and smash it against him. Crimson stains the bed and you drop it, shocked by yourself. Yes, you've done worse. But it isn't the act that's sending regret and nausea through your body, it's that you're devolving. You're losing control.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting to panic, you take the unconscious man and check for a pulse. He's still alive.
Giving him a shower (much to your disdain) and change of clothes, you put his arm over your shoulder and walk out of the room giggling as you pass one of the housekeepers.
"Baby, you're such a lightweight! Let's get you out of here."
The housekeeper barely gives you a second glace but when she enters the room of the man you've taken, she starts to scream and you know you're running out of time.
Run. Drag him. Just hurry the hell up.
Finally at his car, you take him to the small studio you own downtown. No one can find you here. It's been yours for nearly a decade and you aren't stupid enough to have told anyone about it or put it under your name. Granted, you'd never thought you'd have to use it to hide out from the feds, it's still useful. After taking a look at the brightly colored wall in your basement, you feel a sense of sudden pain race through your veins. You used to be normal. You used to have a life.
The man is chained up, gagged, and bleeding but you can't even remember doing anything to him. What you need is numbness. They thought the other bodies were bad? Wait til they fucking see what you do with him. Pain shoots through your skull again and you wince and fall to the ground.
"Fuck. I- I need a drink." you stammer to no one in particular but yourself.
A wig and sunglasses make you look different enough from the woman being circulated to take the bus to a nearby gas station. Walking down the liquor aisle of the store, you hum a song to yourself and let the AC blow on your skin. Vision blurred, you bite your lip and taste the unmistakable strong metallic taste of your own blood. Still humming that fucking song. The song you'd danced to with Spencer in your living room before you'd made love for the first time.
"You cannot be serious!"
"Y/N! I can't dance."
"Oh come on. How bad can you be?  Seriously, the songs going to end and it'll be too late."
"Yes, that's what I'm hoping for."
"Psh. Don't tell me Doctor Reid is scared to sway around a little."
"Shut up."
"Make me." you laughed.
With one playful look, you dared him to shut you up in the most passionate, sensual way he could. But instead he put his warm hands on your hips and swayed to the song. You melted into his touch and your breaths synced as you laid your head on his chest. His heart beat was steady and calming. One hand reached for yours and intertwined before twirling you and pulling you back in to dance. He'd held you until it was over and brought your chin up to his face. The kiss was so intense, so loving. He tilted his head and pulled you tighter to get as close as he could to you. His tongue met yours and your mouths bathed in each other's taste. Running a hand through your hair, you'd started to unbutton his shirt. He'd been taken aback at first but then picked you up and placed you in the bedroom ever so softly. Placing gentle kisses all over each other's bodies and undressing for the other, you made raw, breathtaking love for the first of many times.
"Hey lady! Get out of the way!"
"W-What?..." You tremble and realize you're crying on the floor of the aisle.
"I said get out of the damn way, some of us got places to be."
The man is clearly batshit drunk. Probably here to buy his next fix. Shaking and letting yourself actually feel your emotions, you stand and use the wall to balance yourself.  The man that yelled at you curses to himself as his phone rings and he picks it up.
"Hell do you want? Thought you were still mad about Andrea."
Andrea? Mad about Andrea. Another cheater. Another liar. Right? It has to be.
Before you can process what you're doing-- how irrational it is-- the gunshot rings through the store and everyone turns to see the man before you on the ground, screaming and spitting blood. A mix of a laugh and a sob escapes you and you scream.
"Everyone on the fucking ground! If I see any cellphones, I'll shoot you just like this dickhead. Got it?"
Frightened people drop to the ground and you start to yell, incoherent bullshit again. You smash the freezer glass behind you and open an expensive bottle of bourbon.
You practically whimper having to take deep gasps in between words, but in a somehow still confident, fearless tone.
"Now let's have some fucking fun."
But what you didn't know was that the cashier in the front had sent a text 5 minutes earlier.
Call 911! The girl from the news, the Queen of Hearts. She's in the store.
What you didn't know was that the woman that recieved the text had called immediately.
911, what's your emergency?
What you didn't know was that the BAU was on their way.
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starlocked01 · 3 years
The Black Coffee Widower
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Dukexiety Week Day 3- Coffee Shop
WC: 4.2K
Summary: Virgil works the late-night shift at the local coffee shop. That's where he poisons and picks up his victims. He wasn't ready for the one who didn't fight back.
Content Warnings (there's a lot today): Serial Killer/Coffee Shop AU Unsympathetic Virgil, Poisoning, Kidnapping, Swearing, Gun Violence, Negative Self-talk, Self Hatred, Murder and Attempted Murder, Implied Sexual content. Sexual innuendo, referenced rape, referenced mutilation, Strangulation, Hospitals, Police
The simple fact was that they glowed. Virgil had long ago given up on trying to explain it to himself; they just glowed when he saw them. It was like a premonition- a beautiful soft light that needed to be contained lest it sullied the rest of the world by leaving it dim and grungy in comparison.
Virgil was grungy. He knew very well he didn't and would never glow as they did. Maybe that was the reason why. Maybe if he ever had to tell someone why he did it, he'd tell them that.
He killed them because they glowed and no one should be able to glow.
However, he'd never cared all that much about the whys. The hows were so much more fun. How did he pick his victims? Easy. They glowed and walked in at the wrong time. How did a weak, little, pathetic loser subdue the perfect glowing people? Bitter coffee was a perfect cover for bitter poisons. How did he end their lives? Any way he pleased.
How did he avoid detection? A healthy dose of anxiety kept him careful. Too many of the brightest glowing people escaped because they'd be missed. He never went by his legal name anywhere. He stayed patient and alert. He was the nobody that no one could ever remember. Playing barista sucked but it was the perfect cover. No one ever suspected the sulky, little, dimwitted worker stuck on the insomniacs shift at the quiet little 24-hour cafe. And no one ever really noticed if the store's hours were a bit unpredictable between 2 am and 4 am. That was the best time for hunting; it worked and Virgil wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
Virgil knelt, his latest catch already unconscious and tied up behind the counter when the doorbell chimed. Cursing at himself for forgetting to lock the door, Virgil grabbed a refill pack of napkins and stood cautiously. He gasped, finding the man who had entered shone twice as brightly as the woman he already had tied up. Certain that Miss Double-Soy-Latte-with-Hazelnut-Syrup-and-Whipped-Cream-you-got-that-Sugar? wasn't about to wake up and cause a scene, Virgil watched the man as he studied the menu.
The first thing he would do is take the man’s studded wrist gauntlet and fishnet fingerless gloves. Those things couldn't belong to someone who glows. Virgil squinted and could just make out a loosely looped studded belt to match, hanging off the man’s hip and exposing his lack of undergarments. Virgil hungrily followed the curve of that hip with his eyes up to the man's stomach peeking out underneath the ragged edge of a homemade cropped band t-shirt. He wanted to punch that stomach, to feel what it was like when the man tensed and when he stayed soft in compliance.
Next, he stared at shapely arms crossed in front of the man's chest. Those arms looked strong as a vice and he wondered how much effort it would take to break those delicate bones to render the muscles useless. Would he break first?
The man wore a sleeveless leather vest, displaying a museum's worth of inkwork, tentacles and snakes, and other writhing forms accented periodically with teeth and eyes and fangs and beaks. A rendition of the Harry Potter Death Eater mark set into the shoulder and tattooed thorns circled his neck. Virgil found himself getting hot under the collar and decided two in one night would be a fun challenge.
It was hard to see the man’s face until he flashed Virgil a brilliantly blinding smile as if on cue. The smile was all the sign Virgil needed to know this man would die tonight. He was practically begging Virgil to save him from the light radiating from his face. His gorgeous, handsome, wild-eyed face.
Virgil wanted so badly to touch the messy, overdue 5 o'clock shadow, to feel the scars left by razor nicks and frequent skin irritation. He wanted to wipe away the heavy eyeliner and mascara, run dirty fingers through greasy, dyed hair. He wanted those eyes to see him for who he is so he could spare them the pain of hoping there had been another ending once he'd entered the shop.
If the stranger was uncomfortable with his intense gaze, he certainly didn't show it as he approached the counter. Virgil squirmed as a cacophony of overlapping mismatched beats of a second hand overwhelmed his entire sense of hearing. Looking down, he quickly spotted a wristwatch on the unconscious woman's wrist and stepped on it to deaden the maddening sound. Soon all he could hear was the new customer's watch ticking erratically as though it needed to be wound up.
"Heya, kitten! Like what you see, baby?" the man smirked at Virgil as he leaned down on the counter and made sultry suggestive eyes at him.
"Excuse me?" Virgil hissed, recoiling from the familiarity.
"Woah, kitty's got claws huh?" the man giggled. Virgil stiffened, well aware how close the man could come to looking down and spotting the woman. And if he attempted to turn him in it wouldn't end pretty. He didn't want to have to clean up the shop after a struggle before having his fun.
"What are you ordering?" Virgil asked tersely.
"Me-ow. Guess you don't swing my way- darn. I bet you've got a totally bodacious booty too," the man batted his eyelashes at Virgil.
"That isn't on the menu. Order or get lost, yeah?" Virgil growled, trying to seem as disinterested in the enticing man as he could manage.
"Right. Seven shots of espresso, a shot of creamer, and a shot of the pineapple ginger concentrate, s'il vous plait," the man listed off as though he'd ordered the same thing a hundred times.
Virgil froze, unsure how to ring up the disgusting concoction, "what the hell? What kind of drink is that?"
"It's like me. One of a kind," the man beamed, brushing bleached silver hair out of his eyes, "can you handle that, kitty kat?"
"Stop with the pet names," Virgil rolled his eyes and finished inputting the drink, "um.. that will be… $6.69."
"Eyo! Sixty niiiiiiine," the man giggled emphatically while pulling out his money to pay.
Virgil rolled his eyes, "childish. Name for the order?"
"Uh, your phone number."
"Damn you don't take hints!" the man placed one hand on his chest and bowed with a flourish, "my name is Remus, and I think you're very cute, kitty kat."
"You are maddening! Just call me Virgil!" he snapped, getting a cup ready to prepare the last drink Remus would ever have, "it's gonna take a minute to pull all those shots. Gosh… that much caffeine could kill you…" Virgil smirked at his own joke.
Remus took the smirk for a friendly smile and grinned, "I got all night for you, Virgil."
"That's cute. I'll let you know when it's ready," Virgil smiled, making direct eye contact as he added his favorite blend of sedatives to Remus’s cup.
It only took 30 seconds before Remus hit the floor with a confused grunt. Virgil was almost impressed the man had downed half the drink in one gulp. Moving quickly, Virgil locked the shop and dragged Remus back behind the counter, binding and gagging the flirtatious idiot. Tonight was going to be so special.
It hadn’t been easy, moving both bodies- cursing his weak, pathetic self the entire time. He made sure to dose both of them again after stashing them in the trunk so he could go back and finish out his shift.
He smiled pleasantly at the officers who stopped by just before the morning shift, careful to not give them any reason to be suspicious as he packed up day-old donuts and prepared two drinks nearly as caffeinated as Remus’s drink had been but significantly less poisoned. But still a little poisoned because fuck the police.
It took every muscle in Virgil’s body to not run gleefully to the car when the morning shift came to relieve him from work. He hid his excitement behind his usual persona of snarky disinterest and exhaustion until he was safely in the car and blasting his favorite CD on the drive home.
Pulling directly into the garage, Virgil shut down the car and giggled as the door shut slowly on his prisoners' last hope for rescue. Working at a leisurely pace, Virgil dragged first Remus then the woman down into his basement, both drowsy and barely able to make a complaint. It only seemed fair they die in the order they'd been caught so Virgil laid Remus out on the couch while he tied the woman down to his workbench.
The woman began to moan pathetically just as Virgil was tying down the last limb. It was not a moment too soon. He chuckled to himself and smacked her face a few times to help her wake up.
"Look alive, sunshine! You won't be much longer, I'm afraid," Virgil quipped as she blinked awake and started to panic at the restraints holding her down.
God, he hated when they screamed almost as much as he hated the watches. Virgil waited as long as he could stand the high-pitched whining pleas for freedom and help before loudly shushing until she quieted.
"Shh! Stop yelling or I will restrict your breathing," Virgil hissed, laying a prohibitive finger to her lips, "I promise you'll live longer if you stay quiet."
"You'll let me go?"
"No. I'll just take my time," Virgil smirked as the color drained from her face and her lip began to quiver, "ohh. Ohh, don't be so dramatic, sweetheart. It's time to grow up and realize death is inevitable."
Virgil laughed as she started screaming again, only turning away when Remus stirred from his sleep.
"Oh, dear. You've woken up my other guest. Now you know, he's special. You're going to have the life choked out of you, slowly but surely, but he gets to lose a lot more than his life. Count yourself lucky, sweetheart." Virgil turned to examine the man on the couch again as he blearily blinked up at him.
"You coulda'sked, kitkat," Remus mumbled nearly incomprehensibly. Virgil tilted his head in confusion as he watched Remus. The man slowly regained awareness, and even as Virgil stood above him with a hard frown, he smiled back up at his captor.
"What the hell are you getting on about?" Virgil asked with a growl, hoping to startle that unsettling grin off Remus’ face.
Remus laughed, "you coulda just asked if you wanted to do a scene, cutie! Although I love the attention to realism. Like you actually drugged me to bring me home!"
Virgil stared, completely in shock at what he was hearing, "wait.. you think…"
"That you were too shy to ask me out so you drugged me and dragged me back home? Yes," Remus nodded enthusiastically, "if you have some whips and an electric hand mixer we can have some real fun, you sexy little kitten!" Remus bumped his eyebrows suggestively, leaving Virgil absolutely stunned.
"What is going on here?!?" the woman on the table cried out.
"Shut the hell up!" Virgil barked back at her, too confused to do much more than stare at Remus. Why did he like this? Why did Virgil like that Remus liked this? He felt hot and confused but also certain about one thing he absolutely wanted.
Experimentally he reached down and laid his hand on Remus’ exposed stomach. Watching Remus for his reaction, Virgil slowly slid his hand along the skin and up to Remus’s chest. Remus shut his eyes with a smile and shivered at the touch, "oh yeah, baby. I can purr for you, kitty. Anything you want."
Virgil inhaled sharply, pulling back his hand and looking back at the other prisoner as she lay whimpering on the table.
Well shit, what was he supposed to do with a captive audience?
Virgil didn't know what he'd been thinking, letting Remus go after all was said and done. Remus had been fun and so down for all of his sickest fantasies, supplying quite a few of his own. He'd stolen Remus’ watch and put it on the woman's body before shooting both timepieces on her wrist. The ticking had probably driven him to let Remus go. That had to explain it
He dumped the woman as far as he possibly could and hoped beyond reason that Remus wouldn't recognize her in the news and realized what he'd done. For a week he lived in fear of the cops showing up at work or worse his house, armed with search warrants and one hell of a witness. For a week, nothing happened.
It turned out he'd worried for nothing. Just when Virgil began to itch again to get rid of another glowing being, despite the police pressure pushing him to lay low, Remus came back in during his shift.
"Hello, my little purrrfect kitten!" Remus beamed as he walked into the shop.
Virgil froze and slowly turned back to face him, "you- you came back?"
"Mhm. Never got your number but I wanted to see you again, Virgie. Figured we could have some more fun this time," Remus smirked as he leaned casually against the counter, "one usual with the special sauce please!"
"Special sauce?" Virgil asked, still amazed Remus had even come back to the cafe.
"You know," Remus leaned in close and whispered, "the stuff that knocks me out so you can take me home and we can get it on freakier than my last BDSM club"
"Wow, you- you liked it that much?" Virgil let out a low whistle. He studied Remus again, stricken by the fact he didn't glow so much this time. Even though Virgil wanted to take care of another glowing bastard, he was so much more interested in this willing abductee.
"Yeah, I did! That shit's hot as fuck!" Remus beamed. Virgil checked the time on his terminal display and realized it was nearly the time his least favorite police patrons would be making their morning run.
"Look, uh… why don't we save the tranqs for my place?" Virgil smirked as he started to prepare Remus’ strange order, "I'm amazed this drink doesn't put you in a coma already."
Remus giggled, "sometimes it takes a little something extra to get the heart pumping, yeah?"
"Hm. Well, I get off in two hours-"
"I'll be sitting right here in the corner then. I wanna get to know you, Virgie."
"A horrible mistake for you, really," Virgil laughed, heart fluttering far too much.
"Plus I think I left my watch at your place…"
"I haven't seen it this week. We can look though," Virgil lied smoothly, knowing very well the police had the timepiece in evidence.
Remus kept flirting as Virgil cleaned the store and served the early morning crowd, true to his word about waiting to leave with Virgil. They walked out to his car and Remus held out his arm expectantly when they sat down.
"What?" Virgil asked suspiciously.
"You're off the clock, let's get this party started. Surely you have the special stuff in here- you injected me last time."
Virgil flushed, "um.. really? You don't want to wait to know where we're going first?"
"How am I supposed to pretend I'm getting kidnapped if you don't knock me out? At least tie my hands?" Remus bat his eyes at Virgil who rolled his eyes and leaned over to grab a scarf out of the glove box.
"You're ridiculous."
"Yeah but you like it, kitten."
Logan stared at the evidence bored, absolutely baffled. In 5 months there had been 18 victims, a consistent signature, and every promise that someone would turn up with a connection to this perp. Or someone should know where these folks had been headed when they fell into the unsub's trap.
And then after Lydia with the two watches- nothing. No bodies were found for weeks. No whisperings of the media-named Black Widower who aggressively mutilated his male victims almost beyond recognition after raping them and humiliated the women after strangling them with silk scarves.
"I just don’t understand. Guys like this don’t go dormant! It's against every drive they have. What are we missing, Patton?"
Patton looked up from his third cup of coffee, "I don't know, Lo. What about the two-unsub theory? Maybe they met up and are keeping each other occupied?"
Logan rolled his eyes, "oh sure. Two serial killers, one who's gay and one who hates women meet and start playing house. Real cute."
"It could happen…" Patton replied defensively, already reaching for a second donut as his partner glared disapprovingly.
"No. I think it's the same unsub. The watches are always shot while the victim wears them. It's consistent. It's a single, unique signature that the media still hasn't published. If it's two different killers, they knew about each other and were purposefully copying each other long before they went dormant."
"Well, I'm not going to complain that we aren't finding more victims. I'd rather people not be mysteriously killed and maimed by the Black Widower...s," Patton lifted his chin defiantly. He stood and walked over to the evidence board, studying the geographic profile again, the map showing a confusing cluster of dumpsites, victim's homes, and last sightings, and puzzled over the strangeness of the case.
"If this case goes cold, we may never find the unsub. He lives his life, free to decide to start again while all of his victims lay rotting in the ground. Their families don't deserve to live with that fear," Logan sighed heavily in near defeat, "of course I don’t want more victims. I want this man caught. Why did he suddenly stop?"
For a month, Remus had come in once or twice a week, asking Virgil for the secret sauce and flirting with him until the end of his shift. The randomness of his timing and anticipation of his visits made it impossible for Virgil to hunt. He didn't quite mind because seeing Remus was always better than the thrill of the kill.
Virgil finally relented and watched with quiet admiration as Remus celebrated over getting his number, and their relationship only moved faster after that. Pretty soon Remus was able to convince him to go on an actual date after work, grabbing breakfast at a nearby diner and hitting up his apartment afterward. Virgil had rarely spent so long away from his own home, but being out with Remus made him feel almost normal.
Media slowly stopped covering the Black Widower and Virgil smiled to himself just imagining how frustrated the police must be that they couldn't find him.
Virgil was happy, laying next to his boyfriend who loved him despite almost every eccentricity. He almost believed nothing could go wrong with Remus there.
"Uh, kit kat? I have a bit of a confession to make," Virgil winced, cursing himself for being so naive to believe that foolish sentiment.
"What’s up, dukey?" Virgil rolled to his side to face his boyfriend, "you can tell me anything."
"I don't- promise you won't get mad or like.. react badly?" Remus asked quietly, alarming Virgil even more.
He gently laid a hand on Remus’ neck and rubbed that roughened cheek with his thumb, "what's going on, Rem? You're scaring me."
Remus visibly gulped and whispered, "I know what happened to my watch. Virgil, I've always known.."
Virgil pulled back slowly. So this is what it actually felt like to be caught. His heart hammered in his throat, making a verbal reply impossible. He strained to not start crushing Remus’ throat and his own heart in his panic. This was love and this was a threat and god the way Remus looked at him right now only complicated everything else so much more.
He wasn't scared. He wasn't wriggling away from Virgil’s touch. Remus stared death in the eye unflinchingly.
He'd always figured his boyfriend must be brave or stupid, but Virgil hadn't counted on both.
"I know… what you are… and I still fell in love with you, Virgil. If you're gonna… could you at least drug me first and let me kiss you with my last breath?"
Very quickly several pieces fell into place as Virgil stared at the man who loved him despite every flaw and couldn't even beg for his own safety or life.
Remus knew what happened the night they met.
Remus had made the connections to the other murders and the subsequent drought of victims.
Remus could have turned him in- directly to the officers at the shop a half dozen times and a hundred other times when they weren’t spending time together.
Remus loved him.
Remus loved him and was scared of this confrontation.
Remus was not scared of dying.
Killing his boyfriend would be the exact link the cops would need to capture him.
Not killing his boyfriend for knowing his secret would be the largest risk imaginable.
Virgil couldn’t live without Remus
His hand was slowly choking Remus out despite his reluctance to take action.
Virgil gasped and pushed Remus away roughly, darting out of the bed and down the hall. He didn't stop until he heard Remus calling out for him.
"Virgil!" his voice came out hoarse and painfully weak sounding. Virgil knew he should run.
But Remus was calling for him. And this was his fault.
"Virgil?" it was a question, asked in a voice that couldn't get enough air to support itself. He could leave and Remus would probably die a very painful death, all alone, with his fingers and palm emblazoned in the bruising that would provide the cause of death.
Remus loved him. He couldn't let this be the end.
Virgil flew back into the bedroom, grabbed the landline, and made the call.
"Remus, I am so sorry. Just keep breathing, baby. I am so so sorry!" Virgil apologized profusely, waiting for the emergency operator to pick up.
Hospital staff had to pry Virgil from Remus’ side as they moved him quickly into the O.R. Virgil paced and wondered how exactly to explain Remus’s injuries without getting arrested to distract himself from the fear that Remus would die in surgery.
He should have never let himself get so close to someone so smart and funny and perfect and… glowing. Virgil sat and waited for the doctor's verdict, pulling his hood over his eyes to block out the throngs of injured, sick, frantically glowing people around him.
Ages passed until Virgil heard his name and looked up suddenly for the source. A doctor and a police officer stood before him and all of the adrenaline in his body screamed that he needed to run.
"Uh.. how is he, doc?" Virgil asked, fighting himself to not scream or make a scene.
"Remus Crowne is currently in recovery and you may visit him. Due to the nature of his injuries, we have contacted the police to speak with him first," the doctor intoned, voice dripping with suspicion.
The officer took the pause to speak up, "would you like to make a statement, Mr. Kier?"
"I just want to see him," Virgil replied in a raspy voice, shaking his head in denial as he stood.
"Very well. This way, sir," the doctor led Virgil and the officer back towards the recovery rooms. When they arrived, Virgil nearly choked seeing Remus talking with the same two officers who came into his shop each morning. The shorter one knelt beside the bed to hold Remus’ hand. He spoke softly and asked all the questions while his partner stood tall and took notes, looking incredulously at the injured man. Virgil instinctively wanted to barge in and protect Remus from these pigs but the third held him back with a firm hand on his shoulder.
Before long the two officers left the room, eyeing Virgil disdainfully. He waited for the words that would send his world crashing around him even more than it already had.
"You- you can go in now, hon," Virgil's head tilted in confusion as the third officer let him go, "just be more careful in the future."
"I- what? No charges?" Virgil barely whispered, glancing towards the bed where Remus laid watching the tv.
"Believe me, if it had been me, I don’t care how consensual- I would have pressed charges for sending me to the E.R. have a good day, sir. Come along, Patton." The stricter-looking cop turned, gesturing to the kinder one and all three left quickly. Virgil beamed and ran to Remus’ side.
"You're welcome, kitten," Remus coughed and reached for Virgil’s hand.
"I'm so sorry- I didn't want to, Rem-"
"Shhhh. I told them it was a sex fantasy gone a bit too far. If I'd known you liked strangling dudes too-"
"Now you shush!" Virgil leaned in close, "you get better fast now, okay?"
"I always wanted to date a serial killer.. promise you won't leave me over this?" Remus grinned weakly up at Virgil, "I could help you, ya know."
"Shhhh this is just the pain meds talking. You don’t know a serial killer," Virgil laughed as tears of relief streamed down his cheeks. He gave Remus a dramatic stage wink and held his hand securely.
"Aww, you're right. I'm just stuck with a pretty boy who doesn't know his own strength," Remus grinned and watched Virgil rather than the tv until a nurse came to shoo his boyfriend away for the night.
Remus couldn't wait for their first hunt together.
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