#that motorcycle killed me but I’m so proud of this
honeyglas · 1 year
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Local butch and their beloved motorcycle
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As it was
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✧.* Pair: Leon S. Kennedy x F!Reader;
✧.* Plot: Leon and the reader are meeting after the events of RE4 to catch up. They meet at a bar to eat and talk;
✧.* Tags: fluff.
✧.* Ko-fi || Patreon ✧.*
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"Oh my God, how much he changed..." You thought so when you saw him. The moment he noticed you, his face brightened and his frown disappeared completely. His lips curved into a big, beautiful smile as he approached you.
Even if he was happy at that moment, you still couldn't find the rookie you met all those years ago. He was a completely different person, one haunted by the outbreak and all the difficulties he had to endure, but who could blame him for this change? Still, there was a tiny bit of that rookie inside of him that gave him his boyish charm.
"Long time, no see, stranger." He said this as he hugged you tight.
You and Claire had a special place in his heart because all three of you went through the same hell together.
"It's hard to reach you nowadays, Leon."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I had tons of classified shit to do."
You hugged again, and this time it lasted a few seconds longer.
"I wish I could tell you." He said as he caressed your back, "but I’m afraid I’ll have to kill you."
You both laughed at his cheesy joke.
"You grew up, Leon." you said as you withdrew, arms sliding along his shoulders, "You're a big government agent now."
"It's not as exciting as people think it is." His smile faded for a second, but it came back. "Should we go inside?" He asked, pointing towards the bar's door.
"Yeah, sure"
His eyes had a trace of nostalgia in them as he watched you. You didn't know, but you changed too.
Being the gentleman he is, he opened the door and held it for you. Then you found a table in the corner and sat down, looking over the menu.
You still couldn't believe how much this man had changed. Your gaze kept shifting from the menu to Leon until a waiter arrived.
"Can I take your order?"
"Yeah, sure, I'll have a cheeseburger with fries, and you?"
His voice changed too. It was deeper, and he sounded more confident in himself.
"I'll take the same."
A small pause followed until Leon spoke again.
"So, what have you been up to?" He asked, playing with a toothpick but without taking his eyes off you.
"I got myself a job in the BSAA. Surviving Racoon City opened some doors to me."
"BSAA? That sounds amazing." He seemed proud of you. "So you get to work with the legendary Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine?"
"Not yet, but I hope I will soon. But until then, I hope I'll get to work with the legend in front of me."
Leon burst into laughter.
"You are adorable."
Everything went smoothly that night. The food was great, you both were in a good mood, and Leon even offered to take you on a motorcycle ride.
Before driving in the city, you stayed outside and talked for a bit. The night came, and it was a bit cold outside, but Leon was nice and gave you his jacket. He was resting his back on the bar’s wall with his hands in his pockets, and you stayed the same but with your arms crossed. You both faced the road.
"Do you have any plans next weekend?" Leon asked, fidgeting in place.
"Are you asking me on a second date, Leon S. Kennedy?"
"Yeah, I mean, you asked me first, and I thought it was my turn." A shy smile appeared on his face.
"I didn't realize we were keeping score."
"Heh, well, it's not just about that. I enjoy your company, that's all." He spoke quickly.
"I can say the same."
Leon looked around nervously, not knowing what to say next. You looked so cute wearing his jacket, and he just wanted to hug you and held you to his chest all night. He missed you too, a lot, and wanted to contact you many times, but his job kept him very busy.
"Listen I-" he started "I just missed you, that’s all."
Here it was the rookie you remember: shy, sweet, and very awkward when it came to expressing his feelings.
"It’s ok" You firmly grabbed his shoulder. "I missed you too, and now I know where you work, so next time you ignore my calls, I will simply show up in your office."
He chuckled lightly.
"Yeah it’s just that, after Racoon City, everything changed-"
He lowered his eyes, and his tone became feeble.
"And maybe we should talk about that some other time." You suggested it, seeing that his mood was changing. "We met today to have a good time and enjoy ourselves, remember?"
"Yeah, you’re right." He said this, turning his head to look at you.
"I’ve seen how you look at me, tho." He continued.
"Like I’m different. You’ve been staring at me all night, and I don’t think it’s because of my good looks."
"Well, it can be that too. You’re a handsome man, it’s impossible to look away."
He giggled.
"C’mon, be serious."
"Ok fine. Well, to tell the truth, I really think you changed. You are more…gloomy, serious…"
He sighed.
"We changed too."
"But…" you began to wave your hand in circles around his face, "there is still some of that rookie inside you."
"And how’s that rookie to you?"
"He’s sweet, kind, and has a great sense of humor."
Leon smiled and nodded.
"I think you’re the only one who sees that part in me."
"Well, it’s been a long time since I saw you."
Another pause followed.
"You changed too, you know?" Leon said.
There was something in the way he was looking at you. Even at the bar, his eye followed your every move, as if he were trying to find someone. There was a bit of…sadness in them, maybe when he realized that you weren’t the same either. But he was happy the whole night. He told a lot of jokes, laughed, and disclosed some sensitive information that would get him fired if another agent heard him.
"How so?" You asked, knowing that he would address this subject eventually. Still, you were curious.
"You are more…I don’t know, sad, absent."
Leon waited patiently for you to answer, his gaze not leaving your body.
"We can’t just ignore what happened, we have to move forward with our lives. I guess that sometimes my mind wanders back to that night, to all the people we lost…including ourselves."
You both sighed.
"It’s funny, tho, how our minds end up being our number one enemy. The path we chose is a dangerous one for sure, but it makes me glad to have people like you next to me." You looked up and saw him taking a deep breath and resting his head on the wall. Maybe it was too dark, but you swore you saw him blushing a bit. Was he holding in a smirk?
"Yeah, I’m glad I have you by my side too." He rubbed your shoulder as he turned his face to look at you again. "It’s just, it never ends, you know."
"It has to." You came closer to rest your head on his shoulder, and his arm slid along your back to grab your waist from the other side, holding you with a firm grip.
Feeling that things might go in a weird direction, you spoke.
"I don’t know about you, but this talk kind of saddens me."
"Yeah, same. Sorry about that, it’s kind of my fault."
Oh, don’t be," You pulled away from his embrace, and tapped on his shoulder as a reassuring gesture. "Talking about your feelings it’s a good thing."
"You’re right." He smiled again. Oh, how you missed that smile, even if it was gone for just a few minutes.
Leon turned his head to face the motorcycle that was parked in front of the bar.
"Hey, I promised you a motorcycle ride, didn’t I?" He turned his head to look at you.
Yeah, you did, Leon. Do you intend to keep your promise?"
C'mon, sharp tongue." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.
You both disappeared into the night at high speed, and you held tight to him as he drove past cars.
The ride made you feel good, it made you feel free of your worries. The wind blew through your hair, and the cars became nothing more than bright dots and lines. You lost track of your surroundings. You didn’t know where Leon was taking you, but you trusted him and held onto him tight the entire time. He gave you a feeling of safety. Perhaps his body was not the only thing you were holding tight to.
Taglist: @lunarastrobabe @ravenrune @alegrvs
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pinazee · 1 month
Psy vs. Psy
I genuinely think that if they were going to bring back any psych villian, Lindsay Leikin would pose the biggest threat. She knows Shawn isn’t psychic, she has adequate motivation to target him personally, and has the skills to prove he’s a fraud and do it slyly as she is also highly skilled in deductive reasoning (she did manage to get them to the counterfeiter to begin with so she has legitimate talent). She could even orchestrate it from prison. Maybe her parole was denied again so, like, what else is she going to do? Plus, she’s kind of nuts. Faking being a psychic with the FBI is a whole other level of bold compared to a local precinct, then she met a counterfeiter and was like yes please, more crime, then killed him when he tried to run, slept with Shawn that same night, then tried to take him hostage when she got caught. Its just a shame she wasn’t a bit more charismatic or eccentric. They had her play it as a very normal girl swept into a life of crime because of a guy (probably because she was a “love interest” for Shawn) when the receipts show she was an absolute lunatic (look at her face after they found the guy she killed. This bitch is smiling).
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Also, she just kinda gave up when she was caught. I wish she’d have been screaming “he’s a fraud!” as she was taken to the car or even had a heart to heart moment with Lou Diamond Phillips because she did betray him after all. Idk, i just wanted more. (But i think maybe the writers recognized this and thats how we get Declan later??)
Gus is basically siri at this point. Between the archeology, safes, online poker, the law, tennis players, space, comic books, of course pharmaceuticals, and now studies tender from all over the world- its a smaller list of what Gus doesn’t know. Gus clearly likes learning. I’m surprised he never thought of becoming a teacher or college professor, to try to pass that love of learning to the next generation. Though i guess we see he’s not that great with people surprisingly, considering he’s a successful salesman. (OH MY GOD WHAT IF THIS WHOLE TIME GUS ACTUALLY HAD LIVED UP TO HIS POTENTIAL AND BECAME AN INTERNATIONAL SPY. He knows all these things because of his job, psychs only been able to stay open because Gus can fund it from his spy job, joining psych was a good front but he was also lonely from never getting to be himself. I kid, i kid, but its a fun idea for me haha)
No fucking way shawn doesn’t know what a drill is. Henry definitely would have beat that kind of man stuff into him. The military time too. I just felt the need to point this out. its like the show itself is dissing my boy and i have to defend him lol
I love when Gus is proud and smarmy over shawns talent. Look at his face here. My boy about to prove you wrong.
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And do you think Shawn is actually afraid of competition or do you think he learned at an early age from his father that he didn’t have value unless he was the best? Huh Henry, huh???(Weekend warriors “you don’t want to be a loser” comes to mind)
Henry trying some reverse psychology here. I can’t tell if its because Henry is actually concerned for Shawns safety like he said he wasn’t in the previous episode, or if he’s still taking it personally that Shawns using the gifts he “gave” him to be psychic. Probably both. We know he was really bothered by his motorcycle accident, so i wonder if he’s been kind of spiraling, and adding up all the crazy situations he’s been in. (Which, i don’t think Shawn tells him about. i think Gus calls him like a weekly report haha) I think the fact that shawns cases are becoming more dangerous he suddenly doesn’t like the idea of him being a detective, well a detective this way at least, because i think in his mind he’d be safer if he was an actual cop where he had a partner with a gun, and back up, and rules, and training. I mean we know he wouldn’t be, (look at what happens to Lassie and Juliet)
I just wanted to gif this because it’s one of my fave jokes in the episode!
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Mildred to the rescue! Im not entirely sure how this worked but it did and thats what matters haha
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*Appropriate reaction is appropriate*
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icedhotcocoa · 1 year
hello mo my dearest and most bestest friend in the whole wyde world. do you have any zhannapauling takes. ive been thinin gabbout women and i love them so mcuh
ok weird hc to start with but admin hates this relationship SOOOO much. mostly because pauling makes time for zhanna (re: zhanna forcibly makes time for herself) and it’s killing her productivity so she comes up with increasingly more cartoonishly villainous ways to split them apart
it never works
zhanna also comes along on jobs (mostly hits). she can help she loves to help
sometimes she fully almost kills just like the wrong guy and Pauling has to be like HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON. and then zhanna gives her big puppy eyes and Pauling just sighs and is like ok you did a good job thank you
zhanna is, of course, a very jealous lover. regularly threatens to beat the shit out of scout but pauling talks her down.
“yes yes I love you, you’re the only woman for me. yes I know he has no muscles and is an uncooked spaghetti stick of a man. you’re right sweetie he would never survive in the russian wilderness like you and he’s probably terrible in bed. now can you please release him from the chokehold I’m going to get in so much trouble if he dies”
PAULING IS THE MOST TAKE-HOME-ABLE GF. zhanna’s mom fucking LOVES HER and is always like how come you and that nice young woman never come to visit me. and she always sends them sweaters and cookies and shit and zhanna is so proud
ms pauling is my favorite genre of “seems normal but is actually insane” and has not dated in a while so her idea of romance is like deeply flawed. but it’s ok because zhanna’s idea of romance is even more deeply flawed.
“PAULING! come bear wrestling with me for one year anniversary” “…OH MY GOD YES! I thought you would never ask!” and then they have a lot of fun and ms pauling is like giggling the whole time
Also pauling gives zhanna rides on her motorcycle and zhanna thinks it’s the sexiest thing ever
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madisonfilmss · 2 years
Why We Try - Austin X Reader
warnings: angst
an: This is the longest fic I have posted yet and it's my favorite!
inspired by Why We Try by Matthew Mayfield so listen while you read!
Please leave requests for future imagines! :)
The fame was getting to Austin. He told you he was fine but you thought differently. You have grown up together, both of you seeing ech others faults and triumphs. You were grateful getting to grow up with Austin, your friendship turning into a romantic relationship in high school. 
You would always be proud of him but it hadn’t been the same as it was when you first got together. Between his filming schedule and your workload, you had barely laid eyes on him in weeks, possibly months. At this point, you were done with it. All you wanted eas him there with you. 
It was currently 9pm on Day ---- you didn’t even know ----- of shooting one of the many projects he had become attached to within the last two weeks. Between Elvis, Masters of the Air, Dune and a motorcycle biker gang film, you didn’t even know what was next for him. You could be proud from afar. That’s all you felt you were allowed to do from now on. You had made his favoeite meal but you knew, that for the millionth time, you were unable to wait up for him so you headed to bed. 
A Few Hours Later… 
The door opens, Austin tossing his keys and wallet onto the table by the door. “Baby?” He notices the plate of fod and a note you had left him. Here’s your dinner. Hope you had a good day. “Of course, she’s asleep. It’s 2am. I can’t expect her to be awake at all hours of the night. He walks up to your shared bedroom to see you facing away from him. “Good night angel.” he says in the silence and kisses you sweetly on your forehead as he has done every night since you decided to be together. 
The Next Day 
You wake up, once again, to an empty bed. The only reason you know that Austin slept next to you was by the indention his body had left behind in the sheets. Of fucking course. He left again. Heading downstairs, you hear the sound of frying bacon and a slow sweet hum of Elvis Presley music. You turn the corner to see your boyfriend shirtless, finishing plating breakfast for the two of you. 
“Hey baby. I don’t need to go to work until later so I thought we could spend the morning together. Just the two of us since we haven’t really seen each other lately.” he tells you sweetly. 
God, it’s gonna kill you to have to do this but it’s the only way for him to do something about it. 
You walk past him on the way to make yourself some coffee for the day. Austin was confused as to why you ddin’t tell him good morning. He thought this is what you wanted. “Are you okay?” he asked you. You continue to ignore him. He gives you space, leaving to go to work for the afternoon. “I love you” he yells upstairs to you before walking out the door. 
A few hours later 
It was 6 pm. The earliest that Austin had been home in months. He walks in on you making dinner, sneaking up behind you and wrapping his hands around your waist and kissing you on the cheek. You turn away from his kiss. “What’s up with you today?” he asks you. 
“You really want to know, Austin?” you ask. 
“Yes, i really want to know.” 
“Okay well, it’s the fact that we have been living together for almost a year and I am able to count on my hands how many times we have ACTUALLY been able to spend QUALITY time with obe another.” 
“Well, I’m sorry that I have been booking jobs left and right!”  he screamed at you. 
“Austin, I am not upset with you for chasing your dreams. I am happy for you. I’m always gonna be proud of you and be right by your side supporting you.” 
“But..?” he asks you questionly. 
“I am upset with the fact that I have to go to sleep every night without you next to me. All I want is you here with me, I want to be breathing the air you breathe, being present in the moment with me. Not Olivia.” 
“What does Olivia have to do with ANY of this?”
“Well, how bout the fact that she has been able to see you every single day for 3+ years? How am I supposed to feel when I see photos of you with her on the beach looking all cozy? When i told you to put your heart and soul into this role, I didn’t mean like this!” 
“For once, won’t you just be there for me?” 
“Really Austin? You think I haven’t been there for you?  I always try to be as present as possible. I was the one laying awake at all hours of the night waiting for you to come home just so I can see you for 30 seconds. I read all your scripts with you just so you are able to do what you love!” 
“Can’t you see it in my eyes? Can’t you see how much I love you? Can’t you see all the reasons I chose you?” 
“Y/N…. Why has it come to this?” 
“It’s the whole reason we try, why we fight.” 
We give it all we got to keep this love alive because I know for a damn fact that you are the man i am meant to spend my life with.” 
“I love you. I’ll never let you go.” 
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violyane · 5 months
Do you know the huge motorcycle in the Science Club? Have you ever thought that it could be used for a date? Kaga and Megami can ride it to a location far from the city for stargazing or various astronomical phenomena. But they will be surrounded by her guards, which will make it somewhat awkward.
Ooh! That would be so cute! However, we should establish first that the guns which are attached to it exist only in the game’s easter egg because I’m certain that Megami would jail Kaga for seeing that killing machine.
But imagine him showing her the motorcycle for the first time, being all proud and smug, thinking she’ll run into his arms, but the only thing Megami does is question whether it’s even safe to ride lmao
Kaga deftly removes the cover, revealing a rather large and technically advanced motorcycle, boastfully smiling at the student council president. "Just a small creation of mine," he announces very proudly while showcasing the vehicle. "I thought we could drive around the city roads and have some fun. What do you think?" Megami stood cross-armed, shifting her eyes between the motorcycle and her boyfriend in silence. "Are you certain that this is safe? Your inventions do have a tendency to explode unexpectedly,” said finally Megami, looking at the massive construction in front of her. At first glance, it did look impressive and well-made, but life has taught her that Kaga’s inventions should be approached carefully. "It pains me that you don't believe in my great genius", replied Kaga with a small frown forming on his face. "But I can promise you that this is my safest invention yet! ...probably."
But after successfully convincing Megami of the safety of the motorcycle, they go on a date. Kaga probably thinks that he looks like a cool motorcycle gang leader, but in reality, he's like a gremlin lol
And yes, the bodyguards! One of his greatest enemies, who ruins every romantic scenario between the two of them.
After a long journey, they stopped on the outskirts of Buraza Town and rested on one of the mountains surrounding the city, where there was a small viewing station. That day the sky was astounding. The black, everyday void above their heads was as if painted with blue and purple paint and decorated with white, shining stars. Even for a scientist like Kaga, for whom the starry sky was just part of astronomy, today's was like a work of art. He turned to his companion, who was also fascinated by this wonderful sight. Her eyes like a mirror reflected the beauty of the sky, although for Kaga they were always stunning. "Isn't chemistry impressive? Only a few thermonuclear reactions taking place inside stars can create something this amazing," started Kaga, taking her hand to gain her attention. He gave Megami a small smile and then continued: "But none of these reactions compare to the ones that happen inside me when I'm with you. No thermonuclear reaction will ever exceed the level of oxytocin and norepinephrine in my brain when you look at me or smile, or when you are simply close to me." Megami's bright eyes looked at him tenderly as he confessed his declarations of love. Her cheeks took on a slightly pink tint that would be almost unnoticeable to a normal eye. But Kaga was always able to pick it up because he memorized her every reaction and gesture. Seeing her positive reaction, Kaga slowly moved his lips towards Megami's to confirm his confession through actions. But just as they were about to connect with each other, a small grunt was heard in the background. Megami immediately turned away, while Kaga looked with annoyance at the source of the sound, which were four security guards looking at the couple with disapproval. I should just bring my killing robot next time, thought the scientist and his gaze turned back to the starry scenery above them.
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Queer Metalhead History
It’s time for a brief lesson about the history of queerness and metal music. That’s right, the metal and queer communities are old friends and allies. 
So, the leather community has been around since the late 1920′s/early 1930′s, but leather bars specifically became more popular in the late 1950′s. And you know who was hanging out at leather bars? Gay bikers and veterans, who needed safe places to gather during McCarthyism and the Lavender Scare. In fact, the Satyr Motorcycle Club, the oldest gay biker club in the United States, was recently inducted into the Leather Hall of Fame.
And who was spending time in those clubs and with those gangs? Rob Halford, lead singer and songwriter for the legendary heavy metal band (and my personal favorite band of all time) Judas Priest. His song “Raw Deal” (1977) includes the line: “The true free expression I demand is human rights” and references “Fire Island”, a popular gay hangout in New York. 
He stated in a 2019 interview: “I urge people, LGBTQ, any of us that are still trying to find that moment to break down the door … step forward and say, 'This is who I am and I’m proud of who I am. I'm not going to be intimidated. I'm not going to live in fear. I'm not going to put everybody else before me.”
In 2020 he was interviewed by Rolling Stone and said: “Everything changes when you hit the stage. Just getting out there and holding a mic, there’s something very tangible that shifts in me and suddenly it’s the Metal God. It’s a bit like when Superman went into the phone booth and came out. Whereas he came out in a cape and tights, I come out in leather chaps.”
The title “Metal God” comes from Priest’s sixth studio album, British Steel, which was released in 1980. The album cover depicts a man’s hand holding a razor blade and wearing a spiked leather cuff on his wrist; Halford’s experiences in the leather community forever affected the metal community, who picked up on this trend quickly and spread it through the culture. 
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He posted selfies with his favorite cat t-shirts through the entirety of the COVID-19 lockdown, for fuck’s sake, and swaps book recommendations with his life partner, Thomas. 
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And yet the metal community remains largely homophobic, with Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx using the f-slur repeatedly, the infamous “AIDS Kills F***s” t-shirt worn by Skid Row’s guitarist Sebastian Bach, and plenty of other examples should you care to learn more. 
This Pride Month, as a metalhead raised by an 80′s metalhead who took my queer ass to see Judas Priest a few years back (love you Dad), let’s say thank you to this badass “stately homosexual”. Let’s remember who’s predominantly responsible (not entirely, but he helped A LOT) for the leather aesthetic in metal. For some of the queerest lyrics of all time (Grinder, anyone? Perhaps Hell Bent for Leather?). For being a general badass Metal God.
Rock on, Rob Halford.
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fluttering-lillies · 4 months
Afterparty Chapter 2: Sunset
Words: 2,243
Pairing: SunDash
Rating: T
Warnings: Talk of excessive drinking, mentions of sex
-- Sunset Shimmer meandered through Canterlot City on her motorcycle. The machine looked relatively new and sleek, but only because Sunset had spent a long time fixing it up after she’d found it in a dump. Even with the few scratches and dings though, it was still Sunset’s most prized possession. So she was treating it well, even with her emotions flaring and mind spinning, even with the desire to rip through town like a rampaging, wounded dragon simmering in the back of her mind.
Herself on the other hand… well at least the wind whipping through her hair and brushing against her arms felt nice. Not that Sunset had forgone the helmet and leather jacket to court danger, she’d just… hadn’t had the time. Or really, she hadn’t spared the time in her rush to get out of Pinkie’s house as fast as possible. She just couldn’t face any of her friends watching her go, couldn’t see their disappointment or anger or blame. She couldn’t have stayed either, not with the buzzing wasp nest of thoughts inside her head, stinging her, poisoning her mood.
She turned a corner, moving at the speed limit on a winding back road as she tried to sort those rumbling thoughts now that she was alone.
Rainbow was a good friend. A great one at that. A good person. So what, if anything, did she see in Sunset Shimmer? She was the girl who had nearly ripped the world to pieces, the girl who had almost killed her, the monster. Sunset told herself and was told by others that she wasn’t that girl anymore. That she was different, better, nicer. She believed it in rare happy moments, surrounded by her friends, laughing, joking, smiling. Most of the time though, it was like this, her past sins a constant dragging weight and her present a flawed mirror, cracked in a million different little ways.
Sunset was supposed to learn from her mistakes. She was supposed to look at the lives she almost ruined, the people she terrorized, remember the realm she nearly destroyed and be better. Still, the Friendship Games were only eleven months ago, and she could remember cutting Twilight down so vividly. How righteous and correct she felt, all while leading an innocent girl toward painful, monstrous magic. She remembered how proud she felt getting that lead yearbook editor position at the beginning of this year. How good it felt to win. To beat Trixie and… and… and she couldn’t even remember who else was on the ballot! Someone she didn’t care enough about to pay attention to apparently. And now. Now she was riding around Canterlot with no helmet, no pads, no jacket berating herself into anger and sadness. Right after running away from her best friends.
She yelled, the sound rising as her speed did, as she got more and more upset and cared less and less about the bike. Less about herself.
Someone honked at her as she wove around them, she ran a red light. She didn’t care. She just wanted to just drive away from here, as far away as possible. She escaped all her mistakes before maybe she could escape Rainbow-
Sunset squealed her bike to a stop, turning enough so her front wheel just barely managed to not bump into the couple that had been crossing the street in front of her. They were staring, jaws slack, or Sunset could assume they both were, even if the glasses covered whatever Vinyl Scratch happened to be looking at.
“Sunset Shimmer?” Octavia Melody asked, still staring.
“That’s me.” Was all she could reply with. It sounded hollow and lifeless.
“Are you quite alright? You were… well that seems a little fast for a thirty. And well… your eyes.”
Sunset put a hand up to her face. Her fingers came away wet with tears. She breathed in deep, ignoring the way the breath hitched. Then she shook herself. “I’m fine. Thanks.” She wove around her two classmates and took off again, this time back at her reasonable meandering speed.
She swallowed, then gritted her teeth. Who was she kidding? She couldn’t run away from her friends. Not from Rainbow or any of the rest of them. She’d only been apart from them for fifteen minutes and had almost committed vehicular manslaughter. She was crying too. She was a total mess.
Sunset had to figure out what to do, had to solve this Rainbow Dash dilemma, had to fix things. She took another deep breath, it stumbled and hitched before steadying out into something calming. She was smart, she could do this.
Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash was… what to her? An infatuation? A crush? A close friend. A friend that understood her need to keep moving, to chase impossibilities, to push herself to limits. Sunset could see herself with someone like that, could see herself chasing Rainbow, catching her, touching her. She swallowed, shook the memory away.
Maybe it didn’t matter what she saw in her mind. She didn’t know how Rainbow felt after all. More than that, Sunset couldn’t trust herself with that kind of vulnerability from another person. She didn’t really trust herself now, when they weren’t anything more than friends. Romance was out of the question. It was too dangerous, she was too dangerous. She definitely wasn’t going to let Rainbow be another Flash Sentry. Which, ugh talk about people who she’d really wronged.
Then what did she do? Let Rainbow down easy? Then again Rainbow had seemed pretty vehement about them not being a thing. Which meant, she didn’t have to do anything. Right? They’d slept together and she was just going to… what? Go back to how things were before? No changes, no words, no discussion?
She grumbled and this time turned on a dime. Her cracked, weed-invested driveway was right there, and her emotions were welling up too much again. The bike seemed to screech in pain as she stopped, but Sunset just dismounted and stormed toward the door. Off of the motorcycle and not a real danger to herself or anyone else now, Sunset didn’t hold back, slamming her door and screaming when she was finally sealed inside her humble home. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have jeopardized the one good thing she had? How in all the fiery, tortuous pits of tartaurus was she going to fix it?
“Fuck.” She swore vehemently, intensely, loudly, and the venom dripping down from that word at least felt good. “Fuck!” She yelled again. It gave her enough relief from her internal storm to start pacing, to start thinking up a plan.
Turning her down and going back to the way things were before was a no go. So… dating her? Absolutely not the right answer. Either Rainbow wouldn’t be interested and things would get awkward, or Rainbow would be interested and somehow, someway, Sunset would end up hurting her.
Talk with her about it? Just… talk. It was the most likely, the most sensible idea, but whenever Sunset tried to imagine how that conversation would go, each fiery disaster was worse than the last. She’d ruin it, someway, somehow.
They could… be friends but with added sexual benefits? Change the dynamic enough that last night wasn’t a weird fluke they’d have to talk over, but not so much so as to make Rainbow vulnerable to getting her heart crushed. Only… what if more serious feelings developed? Then it was basically dating and Sunset had already thrown that option away.
It was impossible. At least from where Sunset was standing. Maybe she really would just ride off into nowhere, never to be seen again.
Or… she could always stop running. She could return to Equestria to be tried for her crimes. Be put in a cell forever somewhere. Or maybe she’d return to Equestria and go by a fake name. Dusk… Dusk something…
Sunset shook her head, waved her hands in front of her, chasing the way those over the top thoughts. They weren’t solutions, not really. It’d just be running in a different direction. She didn’t really want to leave this world, more importantly, she didn’t want to leave her friends.
She needed other solutions, other eyes, another mind. She needed– Her eyes flicked to her bedroom door… advice.
Sunset rushed to her room and saw it. The journal, resting on her nightstand. She practically dove for it, and tore it open. The pen saving her last place was a salvation.
Princess Twilight,
I need emergency friendship advice. S.O.S.
She stared at the page. She knew that it wasn’t helpful, that it wouldn't make Twilight write back faster, but the thought of putting down the journal made the pancakes she had that morning rush back up into her throat. She swallowed. The pancakes!
She reached for her phone in her pocket. Most of her friends had texted of course. Applejack suggested she faced the music sooner rather than later, Rarity asked if she needed anything, Fluttershy sent... cat pictures. Yeah that was Fluttershy. Only Rainbow Dash was absent in her recent texts. Their last shared messages were from the amusement park.
Where'd you go?
br be there for boarding dw
Sunset tried not to dwell on that. On how they'd spent half the day on ride after ride, coaster after coaster. Sunset and Rainbow were the thrill seekers, the daring ones. They'd connected back with their friends at lunch and spent a good amount of time after that as a big group. Playing games, seeing shows, but... Sunset scrolled up a message. It was a picture of her and Rainbow, both beaming as they waited in line for a ride. Rainbow had taken it and Sunset had asked her to send it.
Another ping came in. It was a punchline to one of the two or so dozen jokes Pinkie had sent her. And then another. Are u okay?
Pinkie had been the reason she picked up her phone. So she scrolled back and typed up a response. I'm fine. Sorry I ditched on the cleaning. I owe you a favor for that one. Name when and where and I'll be there okay?
She sent that, paused, then added. Just needed some time alone.
Pinkie’s reply was near immediate. Awwww don't worry SunShim! You feel better! That's all I need, kay?
She wasn't going to let Pinkie get away with that, but arguing about it over text wouldn't get her anywhere. So she flipped her phone closed, and saw that Princess Twilight had written back.
Oh Stars! Is everything okay Sunset? What happened?
Then as Sunset looked at the book, another message scrawled itself on the pages.
Sunset? Are you there?
Whoops. Now she had left Twilight waiting. She gripped the pen firmly in her hand, and sighed as she tried to think of exactly what to write.
I'm okay physically.
She hovered over the paper with her pen. Ugh, what would Twilight even say. She had a Rainbow Dash of her own. Would that be weird? What if... did Twilight have anything... more with her friends?
Well I'm glad for that at least. You said you needed friendship advice though, so I kind of figured. Did you have an argument or something?
Twilight's neat swirly script appeared again.
No, nothing like that.
Her thoughts went back to the texts, to how her friends would advise her.
Applejack would just tell me to rip it off like a band-aid, and just say it right out. But Celestia, that is scary.
Part of me doesn't even want to acknowledge it happened.
If she wrote it out that would make it even more real. That would make one of the scattered outcomes she thought of actually come true.
Twilight's script came again, fast this time, and a little messier.
Well Applejack does give solid advice, and honestly the more you talk about this, the more worried I get. It might be best to just be open and honest. I promise I won't be mad? Does that help?
Sunset was surprised to find that it sort of did. She didn’t know what Princess Twilight had with her friends and that assurance felt like a safety net. No matter how she saw Dash. Still.
Can't I just... ask you to come through the portal and tell you in person?
She doubted that would make it easier, but it bought time at least.
I mean if that's what you really want, I can probably find the time, but be honest about this at least. Is this just to stall?
Sunset sighed. Even a world away, Twilight was good at seeing right through her.
Then it's probably best if you just say it here. If you need to talk more in depth then I can come to your realm, but let's start here alright?
It was still hard. She pressed her pen into the pages of the journal for a good thirty seconds, sending just a dot across dimensions. She breathed in deep and on the exhale, scribbled.
I slept with Rainbow Dash last night.
Sunset waited an agonizing full minute for a response. Then finally, a question.
You mean... I assume you didn't just sleep in the same bed, correct?
No. We- Ugh! They were adults for Celestia's sake! -had sex.
Right. Twilight responded, then after a pause, continued.
I'll be over in twenty minutes. Meet me at CHS.
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d1xkrider · 1 year
Blood sucker
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Vampire hunter Black! gn reader x Vampire Angel Devil
warnings. (Some warnings are serious others are just things I want people to know).
cursing(not as much),
you rip your arrow out of the young vampire's ribs and clutch its heart in between your fingers. “You are such a nuisance.” Annoyed you sighed placing the arrow back in your stack. You start to walk over to your motorcycle but realize something’s off. “Boring. How quickly you notice things truly upsets me.” The voice groaned. It was a vampire with gorgeous pale skin, red hair, a white turtle neck, and black pants but no shoes? His lashes flutter somehow his precence made you feel cautious but entertained. This guy... what does he want from you?
He was floating in the air admiring the anger in your eyes and rotating himself to be set on the dirt floor. “Relax, I’m not planning on killing you.” He reassured but that didn't stop you from gripping your dagger tightly. "You know you can't kill me with that. Even if you try, trust me. Many before you have died looking as determined as you." I swiftly throw my dagger and immediately like reflex grab my arrow ready to attack. Instead, he pushes my arm again deflecting my move and seeing past my fast reflexes, I was fast
but he is much faster.
My back collapses onto the hard dirt floor. As i gasp at the sudden feeling his knee pierces right into my abdomen making me unable to move anywhere.
"You know. Im, not one to go out of my way to do anything slightly physical. Blinking itself is such a pain." He spoke in a soft voice ignoring my grunts of resistance. "But I have been watching you for a while. And I must say I am rather interested in you."
He pulls my hands above my head and intertwines them as he eyes me. He leans in as his hair covered my face. He was so close that his breath hits my nose., Blood. the smell of blood and a hint of mint I smelt. I wasn't disgusted by this scent but felt that I was weakened by a lot, this man as small as a car door is straddling me like some weakling holding me down with ease. I hated it, I hated feeling weak, I have felt weak and belittled by these species for as long as I can remember. No more. I cannot stand it. I refuse to believe I am being handled like this.
Make it stop. Please make it stop.
"Your heart...It sped up. Why is that so?" He questioned. He waits for my answer but I do not speak. I cannot let it hear the tremble in my voice. I couldn't let him know this bone-crushing position hurts even when he does he has no proof. I can't cry. I am a proud Vampire killer and we do not tremble or cry to no one.
The gorgeous blood-sucking creature uses this moment to pierce his nails into the back of my palms with the hope of hearing my voice but I do not give him that privilege.
"Even when you can feel your blood leaking out of you you still manage to stay silent, so amusing you are." I could hear the glee in his voice but his face is stone cold with curiosity within his eyes. "I have been following you for quite some time now. I was curious on how you could keep on going, when you have lost so much."
He spoke like he knew me. Like he knew everything that has led up for me to become a vampire hunter. Deaths, sacrifices, betrayal, and being used. His face is so hard to read making me turn my head away from his demanding stare. "Uh uh face me. I want to see how you react to my words." He lets go of one of my hands and forces my head back into place.
"Why me." I forced. His eyes brighten. He lifts himself off me giving me an opening. I kick his stomach as hard as I could and pull myself back and away from him. My legs felt weak like I hit a wall of bricks. The man holds his stomach unfazed and sighs. "I knew you were going to do that." He shakes his head. "Im going to fucking kill you!" I screamed taking out a large red faded dagger. "Can't you see? You cannot kill me." He starts to take a few steps forward ignoring my poor attempts at leaping at him and stabbing. "I can hear your thoughts y'know." He deflects my moves and slams my head against a tree making me twist up in rage. "Your heartbeat is so emotional and loud." He grabs my wrist and forces me onto the same tree and just stays there. I struggled for so long, that I felt exhausted. His face made me so angry and the way he speaks so monotone. I just couldn't.
I stop moving completely. "I want to know one thing and one thing only." He whispered.
"And what the fuck is it?" I spat.
"Why do you try so hard to live. When there is nothing for you to go back to."
I didn't know how to reply to what he said. Since he was correct, nothing is waiting for me anymore. But my will to live still is within me. He stares at me waiting for an answer, any answer. His lips quiver and his eyes dart to every discoloration, bruise, hair, and mark on my face. I gulp the lump that has formed within my throat hard. "I don't know," I said. He stares at me for a little longer and grits his teeth together.
"They gotta be around here somewhere!" I heard many voices at the entrance of the forest and a sigh of relief. "These fuckers take so long to save one of their own," I said. When I looked back at the redhead he had vanished without a trace. I stand up holding the parts that hurt and try to make it out of the forest Blood drips from my body and I groan every time I take a step. Birds flutter and branches broke. commotion getting louder and louder and-
"Holy shit what happened to you?!" A man asked with expensive body gear at each part of his body.
"Vampires," I replied before collapsing into a deep sleep.
Even though I have been saved, the ache did not leave my heart. I still felt hopeless, lost, and weak.
The more I think about what happened the more it affected how I lived. How could I let such a blood-hungry animal speak about me in such interest?
and why do i long to speak to him again.....
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trash-king18 · 1 year
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finally created a spider-sona, just finished the concept sketches because i don’t like doing digital art but i might for the color.
meet penelope parker, 26, from earth 927
“all right, let’s try this again. my name, is penelope parker and four years ago i was bitten by a radioactive spider. 
my brother, peter, worked for alchemax and when he tried to show me what they had been working on his boss decided to use us as test subjects to make sure we kept quiet. the poison killed us, or at least i ~was~ dead. i had been brought back to life by my brothers nonconformist coworker.. he couldn’t save us both. 
when i woke up, everything was different. i was stronger, faster. i also had fangs, and venom, which was new. if i concentrate enough i can channel my own bioelectric currents into my fingers. good trick if you need to short circuit something and sneak away from the police.. which i totally haven’t done. 
at first, all i wanted was to avenge my brother. they started calling me widow maker… because i widowed the wives of every man who played a part in his death. it’s not something i’m proud of, i was angry then. but since those days, i’ve shaped up, starting using my powers for good. they still call me widow, because spider woman’s kinda corny.. no offense. but i’m stopping crime, and the occasional inter-dimensional threat, you know no biggie. and now? i’m just another friendly neighborhood spider” 
here’s my head cannons for her in the spiderverse
Steven Stone (doppelgänger of the grandfather of tyler stone earth 928) was the boss responsible for her brothers death and he was the last person she killed when she was avenging him
the edge of her swords is charged with electricity and can cut through spider webs
her fangs inject black widow venom with cause pain, stiffness, nausea, and trouble breathing but the reaction varies for each person and she doesn’t bite almost ever.
suit is all black including the detailing which is just matte black
motorcycle girly asf
if venom exists in her universe she would be best friends with him and eddie is kind of like her tired grumpy dad friend. she crashes on his couch after missions when she’s hurt so she doesn’t arouse suspicion with her roommate since she’s still in her last year of grad school.
resident older sister for all the kids (miles margo hobie pavitr and gwen) at HQ.
fluent in spanish, puerto rican, and would absolutely help miles get better
best friends with lyla, and loves making miguel’s life as difficult as possible with her
doesn’t hesitate to question miguel’s cannon theory (bc it really doesn’t make sense) and knock some sense into him (probably literally)
would absolutely teach mayday more tricks with her webs
she met deadpool once on a mission with miguel and they bonded over their swords and he practically has to drag her back out of that universe but they immediately promised to hang out again. “You make the weirdest friends” “aw don’t worry i’m sure you’ll make some of your own one day”
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lgg5989 · 2 years
MavDad: Radio Silence
A/N: Here's the next installment of MavDad! Thank you to everyone for reading and your support. As always please leave ideas for future chapters in the comments! 💜
I think there are about 4 chapters of this story left!
Warning: Angst 
MavDad Masterlist
Also on Ao3!
After Bradley’s accident and Ice’s intervention, Mav realized that, while he still loved the kid, he needed to try and put some of their history behind him. Mav would have to accept that when Bradley was ready, he would reach out. He couldn’t rush the situation no matter how much he wanted to. 
The only contact Mav attempted was a phone call on Bradley’s birthday in addition to the birthday card he sent each year. At first Mav thought that his silence would prompt Bradley into messaging him, maybe he would miss Mav’s nagging and finally reach out. 
Bradley always listened to Mav’s birthday messages, they were all the same for the most part, wishing him a happy birthday and hoping that he was safe, but the message that came in on his twenty-fifth birthday was different. Bradley hadn’t been feeling the birthday spirit at all that day, it was the day he turned the same age as his dad was when he died. 
“Hey Bradley, happy birthday,” he heard Mav say, “I know today’s is different than most. At least it was for me, it is an indescribable pain when you lose your parents young, but the day you turn the same age as them never feels real. Your dad was the best friend I’ve ever had, he was a good man. He would be so proud of you and the man you have become. They both would be. I know I am.”
Brad almost thought that the message had ended because Mav had gone so quiet. 
“I know we haven’t spoken in a while, but I would love to hear from you,” Mav said sadly, “Let me know if you ever need anything. I love you, kid.” 
With that his voicemail told him it was the end of the message. Bradley sat in his bunk and played the message over and over again, listening to Mav’s words. 
Bradley had saved that message to his voicemail permanently, he would listen to it when he needed reassurance, Mav hadn’t given up on him, he still had time.
After almost a year of no contact, and an, as usual, ignored birthday call, Mav had given up hope of hearing from Bradley any time soon. Instead of letting this push him further into his spiraling emotional state, Mav tried to pull himself back out of the hole he had fallen into, again. 
He started by trying to get his sleep schedule under control. When he woke up from the nightmares he would turn on (Sittin on) the Dock of the Bay or just laid in bed and listened to the planes taking off outside his hangar. 
Mav also cut down on the amount of work he was doing around the hanger. Much of the maintenance items and projects he had come up with were just a way for him to kill time. He crossed them off his list and only tried to stick to things that actually needed to be done. 
As he found more enjoyment in the things he had stopped doing, Mav started to take himself on short trips. It began with motorcycle rides to see Ice and Sarah, their kids adopting him as Uncle Mav, a title he had not heard in several years. 
He started taking the P51 to different cities for day trips. Eventually he joined a group of pilots who would put on airshows once a month, his P51 was always a hit with enthusiasts. 
Doing what he loved allowed for Mav to think of reaching out to Bradley only so often. Sure, Mav wanted to hear from him more than anything, but he was no longer letting that need control his everyday life. Ice helped, he still kept Mav updated with Bradley’s life, often telling him of Brad’s accomplishments or accolades as they came across his desk. 
Bradley sat in his bunk staring down at his phone. The last message he had received from Mav was almost two years ago - I’m glad you’re alright - it read. It had come in right after his accident but before his visit from Iceman. 
Looking back on it, Bradley wished he had the courage to reach out to Mav, there were so many things that he wished he could talk to him about over the past years. 
The first time that Bradley could remember getting the clear urge to reach out to Mav had been the first time he had opened Mav’s messages. Before then he had still been angry and committed to getting through life without any more help from Maverick. 
As he finished flight school training, and was deployed for the first time, Bradley would lay in bed at night with questions he wished he could ask Mav. There were so many scenarios and worries going through his head about aerial combat, that he knew Mav would have the answers to. Where is the line between dangerous and necessary? How far can you go before you get yourself into trouble?
He never could bring himself to message Mav about his questions, he would figure it out eventually, right? 
After Ice had confronted him about ignoring Mav, Bradley planned on answering the next text he got. If Mav hadn’t given up on him after all these years, then maybe Brad could try to forgive him for what he had done. Bradley was almost grateful that Mav had interfered with his plans to go to the Naval Academy. He had met a lot of great people at OCS and in his flight training unit that he wouldn’t have otherwise. 
As much as he loathed to admit it, deep down Bradley knew that Mav had been right, that he wasn’t ready to be a pilot then. Brad thought he was ready now, but he doubted himself and it showed in the way he flew. ‘Rooster’ they called him, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin had given him that name in Pensacola and unfortunately, it stuck. He was always waiting for the right moment that never came, constantly just late, with flying, with women, and with Maverick. He had waited too long and the next text had never come. 
Bradley didn’t know what to think about it. Maybe Mav had finally gotten the hint that Brad didn’t want to talk, or, just maybe, Mav had finally given up on him. Brad did still get a birthday phone call and a card each year, but he didn’t know if he was ready to talk to Mav yet. Texting was one thing, it was safe. He wouldn’t have to hear the hurt or disappointment in Mav’s voice from all these years of silence over text. 
The next time Bradley had the urge to text Mav had been after his fallout with Kate. He had called her a few months after his accident to check on Mav. Ice’s warning had worried him. He had not gotten the usual banter that he expected when she picked up the phone, she was concerned for Maverick. 
“Bradley, have you tried to reach out to him?,” she asked worriedly before adding, “I honestly can’t tell you the last time I think he slept.” 
“What do you mean?” Brad had asked, trying to ignore her questionn. 
“He looks so tired, and pale,” she said, “Ice stopped by our house and asked me to go see him every now and then.” 
Bradley’s heart dropped, “What happened?”
“Apparently when Ice told him about your accident it really got in his head,” Kate said quietly, Mav was one of the strongest people she knew, and she was scared for him.
Brad closed his eyes, a deep sigh passing through his chest, before he could respond to that, Kate’s next question set him off. 
“Don’t you think its time to put this behind you?” she asked daringly, “You told me yourself that Mav had been right to delay your joining the Navy. Why can’t you forgive him?”
“I can’t just let it go,” he said angrily, “He didn’t trust me and he went behind my back, how can I just go back to how things were?”
“You don’t have to go back,” Kate said, frustration present in her voice, “You have to figure out how to move forward.”
“Its not that easy!” Bradley yelled into the phone. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Kate bit back. 
“You always think you know what’s best for people Kate,” he fired back in defense. 
“I have my things to work on Brad, but don’t make this conversation about me. You’re scared of making up with him. Why?” she demanded, voice cold. 
Brad’s anger faded away, Kate knew him better than almost anyone and she had hit the nail on the head, “I’m not scared,” Brad said defiantly. 
Kate laughed humorlessly at his stubbornness, “When you’re done lying to yourself I’ll be here Bradley, but until then, you’ll have to get your updates on Mav from someone else.” 
With that, the line went dead. 
Bradley hadn’t been in contact with her for a few years now, he didn’t want to admit that she was right. It was easier to continue to hold his grudge against Mav. After their conversation, he almost texted Mav, but his fear held him back. What if Mav had given up on him? What if his messages went unanswered, like he had done to Mav? 
Mav remembered when Ice had called him with the news of Bradley being sent to Top Gun like it was yesterday, he was so proud. 
Mav’s phone rang out in the hanger, he inched out from under the P51 and sprinted over to the workbench to answer it before it stopped ringing, “Hello?” he said. 
“Maverick,” he heard Ice say, sounding gravely, Ice cleared his throat before continuing, “How are you?”
“I’m doing better Ice,” Mav said, he was proud of the progress he had made on himself, “How are you? Are Sarah and the kids good?”
“Yeah, we’re alright,” Ice said before getting to why he called, “I have some news about Bradley.”
“What is it?” Mav asked, he knew that if Ice had bad news he would deliver it in person, so it must be another accolade. 
“He’s been called to Top Gun,” Ice said, “The kid is the best in his squadron, everyone here is expecting big things from him.” 
Damn..,” Mav exclaimed, his mind thinking back to the last Bradshaw who had attended Top Gun, “I wish I could tell him how proud I am.” 
Ice sighed, “I know you still worry about him, but he will be alright Mav, he’s a good kid and a great pilot.” 
Mav nodded to his empty hangar, “I know, that doesn’t keep the parent in me from worrying though.” 
“I get it, Andrea is going to be driving soon and I’m not sure what to do with myself,” Ice said with sympathy in his voice. 
Mav laughed, “Trust me, driving is easy.” 
“I’m sure you’re right,” Ice said softly.
As much as Mav had wanted to reach out to Bradley and congratulate him, he resisted. He couldn’t keep the progress he was making if every time Bradley did something Mav texted him. 
The years passed quickly, if Mav was counting right they were now up to ten years of silence from the day Bradley left. Mav began to wonder if Bradley ever thought of him anymore. He thought of Bradey everyday and the Bradley sized hole in his chest never really faded, he had just found healthier ways of trying to fill it. 
When Brad got his orders to report to Top Gun his excitement was like no other, but he found that no matter who he shared it with, their reaction always left him wanting more. He wanted to know if Mav was proud of him, and without Mav’s messages he wasn’t sure if he even knew Bradley would be back in California, let alone at Top Gun. 
Bradley was frustrated with his Top Gun score, currently in second to none other than Hangman. He couldn’t stand Jake’s penchant for dangerous flying. In Rooster’s opinion, he was always pushing the limits past a reasonable point.  
They were up in the air for another hop when Rooster finally had enough of Jake’s aggressive and cocky behavior. 
“Hangman, are you going to take the shot?,” Rooster snipped, irritably, trying to evade their instructor. Hangman had done what he does best, leaving his wingman out to dry, and now they were going to pay the price for it. 
Hangman was trying to get the angle on the back of the F35 but wasn’t having much luck. “Like you’re doing much better,” Hangman fired back, frustration evident in his voice. 
For the first time in years, Bradley thought about Mav’s advice, ‘Don’t think, just do’. He closed his eyes, letting himself feel the jet under him. When he opened them a second later, he knew exactly what to do. The only problem was that Hangman’s jet was in his way. 
Before he gave himself time to think about it, Rooster pulled his plane into an almost vertical climb while pushing his flaps to their fully open position. He heard the alarms blaring from his control panel, but ignored them. 
Hangman’s shocked voice came over the coms as Bradley’s plane came straight up over the instructor’s, “Jesus Rooster!”
Ignoring Hangman’s yelling, Rooster let his mind go blank and operated on gut instinct. As he rammed the stick down hard, the jet responded immediately, bringing him down and level with their instructor’s F35. 
He took aim and heard the tone, “That’s a kill,” he said confidently. 
Warlock’s voice came over the comms, “Rooster, get your ass back to base, now. We are done for the day.” 
“Yes sir,” Bradley was immediately worried, the one time he listened to Mav’s advice and now he was going to pay the price for it. 
As he was climbing out of his jet, Warlock approached him, “I never want to see that shit again, you could have killed all three of us,” his voice low, to keep others on the tarmac from hearing him, “Don’t think for a minute that I don’t know who you learned those moves from, I flew with Maverick for years.” 
Rooster was shocked, he didn’t realize that this was the same Warlock Mav had flown with before he transferred to Lemoore, “Won’t happen again, sir,” he choked out. 
Warlock nodded, he turned from Bradley heading back into the hanger, before throwing him a sly smile over his shoulder, “Kid, he would be damn proud to have seen you do that.” 
Bradley stood there, stunned. 
That had been the closest Bradley had come to reaching out to Mav in almost ten years. He had been wondering for a while if Mav was proud of him. Having a near stranger tell him so almost broke his will of silence. Even though he was still upset with Mav about how he handled the situation ten years ago, Bradley missed his dad. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep up this charade of silence when all he desperately wanted to do was feel one of Mav’s bone-crushing hugs. 
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hyliascommonwealth · 2 years
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I posted 294 times in 2022
234 posts created (80%)
60 posts reblogged (20%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 286 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#oc - 143 posts
#crossover oc - 139 posts
#zelda oc - 137 posts
#hws oc - 137 posts
#ooc - 95 posts
#uli - 83 posts
#vallo - 39 posts
#viri - 38 posts
#rika - 19 posts
#nabora - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#bro today has felt like it lasted three weeks and that journey culminated in recording these asks right next to eachother and garnered
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Ok so.. I’ve been at work today and listening to my music an 80s song called me to draw Uli, with the disco colors from earlier, but @cardverse-royality-and-rouges suggested him on a motorcycle, then i picked specifically a 1984 Kawasaki Ninja, which i relied on this a lot haha.
But yea 80’s Uli on an international trip riding a motorcycle accidentally becoming a muse for artists or whatever, it’s a silly idea but it’s mine now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway it’s here now so have fun with that idea
14 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
((Okay I am so unbelievably curious to see what you have to say about Oliver. 👀💕))
Sexuality Headcanon: I see him as being homosexual, in the way that a homosexual neighborhood mom adopts every queer child within a 14 block radius. He’s got the pins, the flags, and so so proud! Monogamous, he’s very VERY devoted to the one he loves, and it would take no less than the world ending to jeopardize that loyalty.
Gender Headcanon: He/him fluid
A ship I have with said character: can’t help but ship him with Arthur, your muses just have such great chemistry! Plus i see those simping hours
A BROTP I have with said character: I’ve enjoyed a lot for interactions I’ve seen with Oliver! I think it’s a tie for Alfred and Francis? They just seem to mesh well in a playful way while still feeling well flushed out and comfortable
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm, i can’t say i have one as of yet? Honestly he’s got such a vibe i think it would be hard to find a real NOTP for me
A random headcanon: I’m not sure if it has any basis in reality, but i feel like he loves to teach others how to bake, and might do weekly baking lessons at any given senior center / community He just seems so patient and bubbly, I love to imagine him just gladly teaching those who are disadvantaged how to bake?? It just vibes so hard in my brainspace.
General Opinion over said character: I have only had Oliver for 15 minutes and if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. He’s so smol! But he’s also got a great wit and sass! Like, he’s such a well balanced muse, i love how you portray him!! It is always a pleasure to see how he interacts with those around him. There’s just a really powerful charm, and warmth to him, like even when he seems a bit exasperated, there’s no sense that he’s going to snap, or break over it, but like he’s genuinely considering what brought any given encounter to this point.
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14 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Oliver disco fever
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He was such fun! I feel like he had a good time in the 80s.
The Disco Fever Paint brush has a solid Variety of colors, but I used the Palette for Kacheek
15 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
((Cause they’re buddies and based off the garden RP. Uli and Oliver with the woodland paint brush? 🥺💕))
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//aaaaaaa! I hope you like it!!!
I used the Palette of the Woodland Uni for this set! It had the most diverse and appealing look! I'd like to think that they would hang out and pick herbs and forage for fun.
16 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay okay okay here me out. Captain Oliver Kirkland with the pirate brush.
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//this implies that you wanna paint an already pirate themed pirate with the pirate paint brush?? does it duplicate his clothes? or just apply the PB color palette?
Pirate Oliver Pallete
22 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
// Genuinely feel like mine is embarrassing lol
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s-brant · 2 years
ok i’m back
- “don’t threaten me with a good time” COME ONNNDNDBDB god that made me squeal
- lifetime supply of blowjobs HES SO CHEEKY IM GONNA PUKE
- “take ‘em from me” IF I WAS STANDING I WOULDVE FALLEN TO MY KNEES SHUT UPP i would fold so quick jesus christ
- please daddy INDEED! that man will always be my sexy dilf <3
- man i love it was shehas those badass moments that just make harry seem beatable and tamed like yeah it’s obvi hot when harry has control of situations but the situations when she has the upper hand… i LOVE it
- WHO is gonna tell them that they’re both in love w each other fr like babes 🙄 come on now just admit it !!! (not rly i love the slow burn but ykwim)
- THE FINGER HOLDING JFC ur killing me here like actually i am cheesing SO hard my god knowing his hands are big as fuck too like his pinky is large enough for her two fingers shut up. shut up .
- YES DADDY I WILL !!!!!!!!
- ….oh that son of a bitch… i hate him .
- beautiful face 😒 go away i’m mad at u rn u sexy son of a bitch
oh my GOSH 😭😭 i think that might’ve been my fav chapter by far… he’s getting softer and opening up more :( i loveee how she communicates her feelings even though that may not be reciprocated by harry. the way she didn’t necessarily get mad at him for leaving her alone but actually talked to him about how he made her feel and ways he could improve if there ever was a next time and the way she set boundaries!! she said if u ever treat me like shit again i’m out! i loveee that so much. also the little ways she got back at him in this chapter was so cheeky and just cute and smart and i’m just so proud of her. hitmanrry is so dilf like damn that man is sexy. why do i forgive him EVERY time. also his favorite book :( why would u do that to me . the way he hasn’t read the ending bc he may be scared of what he may find like just stab me in the cooch - it would hurt less. AND TELL ME WHYY him saying he’ll handle his dick problems alone made me wanna cry like babe i’ll help u out if she doesn’t like 😫 don’t leave my man hanging like that HES HAD A ROUGH WEEK!!
you’ve done it again - idk how you do it but every chapter just gets better and better. i say it all the time but this series is truly one of, if not THE best thing i have ever read. like ever.
i also wanna know which part you were referring to when u said that u were finally getting around to writing it in this series!! was it the motorcycle part???
your reactions are killing me 😭 i also love when she gets the upper hand in situations with him, she’s gotta put him in his place sometimes.
“who’s gonna tell them that they’re both in love with each other” i don’t think they’d know even if someone hit them over the head with it lmao, they are certified oblivious. the finger holding had me screaming too don’t worry.
thank you darling 🥰 i’m so happy this is your favorite part because it’s definitely my favorite since part two (part two didn’t perform well in terms of notes but that was suuuuch a fun part to write) he is such a softie he just hides it well, like he’s been whipped for a while now let’s be real. and yeah i really like having lead girlies that actually try to stand up for themselves and set boundaries. obviously their relationship isn’t anything close to healthy, and i never set out to make it anything but the chaotic, toxic mess it is anyway. she’s also a sweetheart and went through so much with her mother and peter already that i think she has a lot more patience than most and a better ability at understanding them. most of which i feel can be contributed to her experiences with peter when he was struggling with his addiction. it’s no easy thing to be someone’s support during that process, whether they’re getting sober, relapsing, or in the height of their addiction, and it requires a lot of maturity and patience, so i feel like she has been prepared for harry’s issues so to speak.
the book :( yeah. oh and i SO forgive him every time too. i’m not under the illusion that he doesn’t behave in very unproductive and unhealthy ways in his interpersonal relationships, but i also know, because i created him lol, everything that made him this way and his true thoughts/feelings on things behind the hard shell, so i have a very big soft spot for him and forgive him every time as well.
hitmanrry is my baby. he’s innocent, ur honor.
also, the motorcycles weren’t planned. i mean, i knew i vaguely wanted to do a scene of them riding motorcycles but i wasn’t chomping at the bit to write it. the parts i’ve been dying to write are the more domestic scenes of them, harry starting to open up, and introducing the parallels between this story, as well as harry’s character, and papillon. i read a quote from his tattoo artist about papillon inspiring his butterfly tatt and have had that planned as a motif of the story for a bit.
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kudosmyhero · 26 days
Batman (vol. 1) #402:There's Nothing So Savage--As a Man Destroying Himself!
Read Date: June 29, 2023 Cover Date: December 1986 ● Writer: Max Allan Collins ● Penciler: Jim Starlin ● Inker: Jim Starlin ● Colorist: Daina Graziunas ● Letterer: John Costanza ● Editor: Dennis O'Neil ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● o_o …broke his neck?
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● I haven’t read a lot of Jason Todd yet, but I know what becomes of him. I appreciate that there are pretty palpable differences between Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake. Damian Wayne, too, but I’m not a fan of his. ● sneaky bastard! that disguise of Batman got me good ● wow those bat-ears are LONG ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Two muggers named Roach and Spider brutalize a couple named Dick and Jane. Batman arrives and snaps both of their necks, killing them. He rides a motorcycle back to his garage, where it's revealed that this Batman is someone other than Bruce Wayne.
The real Batman responds to the Bat-Signal and swings over to GCPD Headquarters. Deputy Commissioner Barnes is waiting to arrest him for the murders, and the GCPD shoot at him as he escapes. Batman goes to visit the home of Jim Gordon, who explains that Barnes is trying to take over the department. A news report reveals that the two muggers killed were both murderers, previously released on a technicality. Batman tells Gordon to pretend to help with the manhunt so he can keep an eye on Barnes.
The next day, Bruce Wayne eats breakfast at Wayne Manor with Alfred Pennyworth and Jason Todd. Alfred investigates companies that sell Batman costumes, and finds that every one in the area has been stolen. Jason asks Bruce what's so wrong about killing criminals. Bruce tells him murder is a line they must not cross. Jason reminds him that he's killed before, and Bruce says this was in self-defense. "If we're no better than the lice who snuff out human life like it's worth nothing at all, then, well -- then it's time I hung up my cowl." Jason responds that he's still glad the crooks are dead, and Bruce says he is also but he's not proud of that.
Bruce Wayne visits a man named Howard Despond whose wife was killed by the muggers who died fighting Batman. He pretends to be there on Wayne Foundation business. Despond says nobody cared about his wife's death except the detective who took the muggers in.
More criminals are found dead the next night. This time it's an armed robber, who also previously escaped murder charges on a technicality. Batman poses as a reporter named Mr. Davis to ask Gordon questions about the murder right in front of Barnes. Gordon explains that all of the crooks who got off on technicality were arrested by a detective named Tommy Carma. Carma was once the youngest detective in the city, but his constant police brutality allowed many arrested criminals to go free. He snapped after his wife and daughter were killed by a hitman.
Batman goes out to pursue Carma, and tells Robin he must stay at home. He finds Carma's home address and meets his mother. She assumes that Batman is her son because he's wearing the same costume, and it's revealed that Tommy thinks he really is Batman. Tommy's mother tries to convince him that he's not Batman and what he's doing is wrong. Further inside, Batman finds a crime lab and a wall of newspaper clippings about Batman. Some of these clippings are about a man called the "Snuffer" who he believes was responsible for the death of Tommy's family. Gordon tells Batman where to find the Snuffer, who is currently about to go into witness protection.
Tommy Carma finds the Snuffer first and drops him out of a window. Batman arrives just in time to save the Snuffer. When the Snuffer thanks him he says "saving your life is the most disgusting thing I've done in a long time. Tommy hits Batman from behind and insists that the Snuffer does not deserve to live. They fight, and Tommy accuses Batman of being an imposter. Robin arrives and distracts Tommy, allowing Batman to knock Tommy out with a clean punch. Batman says he should be angry at Robin for disobeying orders, but he's glad they stopped Tommy before anyone else got hurt. The police arrive, and Batman decides to stay so he can clear his name. Robin asks why Batman didn't punch the guy out sooner, and Batman replies "It was hard to swing at him. After all, who am I but just another guy who thinks he's the Batman?"
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Fan Art: Batman on Gargoyle by ardian-syaf
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batman Knightcast - episode 04
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winderlylandchime · 6 months
I really felt like you deserve to read this tiny moment from his check up today. I remember you said you also had a doctors appointment and i would just like to ask, how does a normal one look like because I fear I forgot about it.
We were basically in the office with a nurse and a doctor waiting for the attending. And the nurse made a mistake of asking him how he was doing to try and make small talk and you guys. He literally looked at her, sad as fuck and went ‘How I’m doi- well let’s see, shall we? *crosses his legs and puts his hands on his knee* i started this year all happy and excited. Then i had a tiny accident, maybe you heard about it? (Narrators note: this all was said very calm and nice but with heavy sarcasm since that accident is the reason for all the surgeries) and there goes my motorcycle, which don’t even get me started about. So bad month. Then i come here across the whole country and you people don’t let me go home for almost a month and then this dickhead *points to me* shows me a tv show. And i figured: i had a few bad months but maybe a little distraction wont hurt, its not like im gonna care much about it, just to watch while on bed rest. Cool. And then the funniest thing happened. It hurt! It hurt a lot! And i cared, way too much according to my dad. So a bad day turned in a bad month which turned into a bad year. And now I’m sitting here still in pain from a surgery that happened months ago, a broken wrist with a cast on that I cant even write on, crying over two dudes while also wearing one of their fucking faces on my shirt. So what do you think how I’m doing?’ And she stared at him and went ‘im gonna go with: not good, am i right?’ The other doctor and I fucking lost it. And my brother just sighed really loudly and dramatically and went ‘you could fucking say that’
And let me try to paint this picture for you because i made the mistake of laughing at the beginning of this and i had to cover it up as a sneeze cause he looked at me like he wanted to kill me. He was sitting on those bed/tables that they have. Swinging his feet like a child and he was wearing his Brian shirt over a long sleeve shirt (hes been doing that since it got cold but still wants to show his Britin merch) and he was pouting. Like a child. Just the sight alone was funny but the complaint? Golden.
Then the attending arrived with another doctor and made the mistake to ask the same question and the nurse went ‘I wouldn’t do that if i were you..let’s just say he’s had better days’ and the other doctor goes ‘(the other nurse’s name) told me you finished the show. Are you just sad it ended or was it actually that bad?’ And my brother looked at him like he was just kicked and went ‘they broke my heart, put it back together, broke it again, put it back again, then broke it, stepped on it and flipped me off. And then had the audacity to ask me if I was proud. So yeah, that bad’ and then the attending just looked at him and went ‘i cant believe I’m doing this for a grown man but if you can answer next questions without talking about the show or that dude *points to the shirt* ill get you a chocolate bar’ and yes, it worked. He fully cooperated and got his chocolate bar. And when the doctor went to get him just a normal chocolate bar, he kinda nudged him with his cast and went ‘don’t be cheap, get me the good shit or i will talk about Brian next check up from start to finish’
By the time we left his check up, everyone knew he finished up the show and that he was absolutely miserable about it. Im honestly surprised that they even let him leave the hospital at this point.
They wanted him to shut up about QAF and Britin and they bribed him with chocolate.
The crossing his legs and putting his hand on his knee is killing me all over again. "How am I doing? Well, Susan, thanks for asking. Not well, not well at all." I am cracking up.
The thing is, I bet they all love him - the nurses and doctors - most of their appointments are business only and here comes your brother and yes he keeps breaking himself because of this show, but he takes their "how are you doing" literally and is very engaging about it too! I imagine he's animated during all of this.
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🔥 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘 ➜ The Sins of the Biker: Sub Rosa MC (The Mayhem Makers Series -MMM World Collaboration) by J.A. Collard is 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘
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Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy, and Sloth
The seven deadly sins.
Sins I know I’m guilty of most days.
Lust, anger, and, most of all, envy—these three sins keep me awake at night.
Envy of the man who got the girl I’ve loved all my life. The girl I promised I would take care of forever and always. The girl I hoped I would have a future with and who would take my name and have my children.
But I was wrong.
My dreams ended the day my father was killed, and I had to step up as president of the Lost Souls MC, a job I didn’t want but was forced into taking.
Serena said she would wait for me, give me time to settle a score that could ultimately lead to my death. But she didn’t.
Instead, she chose to marry the one man who ruined my life and took my family—Clemente.
Gone is that sweet boy that promised her love, hope, and a future…
Instead, he’s been replaced with a proud man wanting Serena to pay for choosing the enemy over me.
Motorcycles, Mobsters, and Mayhem author event proudly presents The Mayhem Makers Series.
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