#that time she tried to smother me with a pillow seemed like it would cover up too much of Bart
nikrei · 2 months
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Presenting day 3, Thad!
For this one i wanted to draw Thad and Bart doing some of the terrible shenanigans that my sister and I got into when we were kids.
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sorceress-queen · 1 year
Arthur x Morgana [ArMor]
Morgana returns to Camelot following the death of her husband. + Older AU ArMor. Some time passes since their last encounter at the burial. And this, Ummm... took a smutty turn. I hope you will like this, too @twisted-shipper. I did my best for it to be in the spirit of the other darker work. So once again, possessive/jealous Arthur :D.
Morgana keeps picking at her ring finger when she arrives at the castle. People are lined up to welcome the Lady Morgana, but she only cares about one person in the crowd. When her eyes find him, she offers him a faint smile that he returns with one of his own. Arthur takes her hand in his own as he leads her up the stairs, preventing her from giving in to the nervous tick of fiddling with a ring on her finger that is no longer there. Did he notice she did this when she stepped out of the carriage? Morgana ponders to herself.
"Am I to be placed in my old chambers, my King?" She asks him when they go in the direction of the corridor of her old rooms; she can't help but ponder how much it has changed, if at all. Has he visited them? Did he have the servants clean it? Or did he leave it as it was on the last day that she spent there?
"No," his response is gruff. Clearly, he does not like that Morgana resorted to using his title once again instead of his name. Serves him right for leaving her alone for so long.
"Then where are you taking me-" She is about to add his title again, but then he cuts in.
"Lord have mercy, Morgana, just use my name." He snaps at her as he stops in the middle of the corridor with her hand grasped in his own.
"I didn't realise we became that close again." She teases him, but truly she yearns to know if what they shared could return if it ever left.
"Of course we are. Don't play coy with me now," He clenches his jaw as he lets go of her hand to instead tug her closer by the chain she wears around her neck with his ring on it. "You wear my ring for a reason, and I have every intention to make my promises come true to you." His tone softens when he catches a flash of relief in her green eyes.
"Do you now?" She narrows her eyes at him. "It has taken you quite a long time to come and get me, years I have spent waiting for you in that wretched place I had to call home!" The anger bubbles forth from her throat, and she has to fight back her tears from escaping as the memories swirl in her head.
"You know as well as I that I couldn't do anything until I was crowned King. Don't put the blame on me for this; with all your charms and medicinal knowledge, you could have put an end to your marriage yourself!" He growls at how impossible she is being, how unreasonable when a few weeks ago she has so readily fallen back into his arms.
"And I would have been accused of murdering my husband. I didn't have anybody I could trust there, not as I do here, as I did." She corrects herself, unsure about who is left that she can trust.
"And believe me, I have tried to think of countless ways to put an end to his life, to my life with him." She scoffs at Arthur, pulling the ring back from his grasp. "Thought of smothering him with a pillow in his sleep after each night that he was done bedding me." She spits out, wanting Arthur to hurt as much as she does. Her words reach the desired target as Arthur clenches his jaw and fist by his side at the thought of another knowing her as he does.
"Stop it, Morgana. I won't hear another word of it." He covers his ears with his hands out of protest as she goes into detail about her nights with her husband. "I said stop it," His frustration with her grows with each passing second that she uses to twist the knife in his chest. He grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her up against the nearest wall, his mouth colliding with hers to shut her up once and for all.
"You belong to me. You have always been mine." He mutters against her jawline as he makes quick work of bunching up her dress around her waist. "It just seems like you need more than my ring around your throat to remember it." He murmurs as his mouth presses against the pulse point in her neck, his teeth grazing against it.
"Arthur," She mewls against him, arching her hips forward.
"Now, you say my name." He chuckles against her after he leaves a mark on her pale flesh. She deserves it after her behaviour; with how she offers her throat up to him while remaining still against the wall, he can't help but think that she knows it too. "Good," He adds when she moans it again.
"But not good enough." Arthur muses after he tears the chain from her neck. He lets it fall to the floor, but he keeps the ring in his hold. He looks up at her, but without needing to say anything, she already offers her left hand up to him.
"I'm yours, Arthur." She whispers as she combs her fingers through his hair with her right hand while he puts the ring where it belongs.
"Louder Morgana, you can't expect me to settle for a meagre whisper when you were so loud earlier about him." He sticks a hand beneath her dress and trails it up her pale thighs until he finds her core. He presses his digits against her making her tilt her head back and moan his name again. He clicks his tongue in disapproval as he delivers a small smack against her.
Morgana gulps, flustered but eager to please him as she repeats his name, louder this time, which makes him continue moving his fingers over the damp cloth separating his touch from where she needs him most. "Keep going like that, and I might just have to reward you." He purrs against her ear while his fingers keep on moving, and she continues saying his name over and over.
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The next morning, your quiet alarm woke you up bright and early. You quickly shut it off, just in case it would wake someone else. As you stretched and let your eyes adjust to the light, you realized that you were still in Josh's arms. The only difference is that you felt an unexpected guest pressed into your back. Blushing, but also trying not to giggle, you slowly tried to wiggle your way out of his grasp. You quickly realized this wasn't helping when you heard a quiet moan come from behind you.
"Josh." you whispered, thinking that waking him and acting like you didn't notice his morning problem was the best option. "Josh!" you whispered a bit louder.
"What time is it?" He mumbled, pulling you tighter to his body.
Giggling, you replied "You can go back to bed, you just need to let go of me, first."
"Oh, sorry." He said, loosening his hold. You then saw him realize his predicament, blush, and scramble to cover himself with one of the blankets.
You giggled before you could stop yourself and saw him turn a deeper shade of red. He flipped over so his face was in the pillow and all you could see was his back. "Josh, stop it. I'm sorry I laughed." You rubbed your hand up and down his back hoping he'd turn back over and you guys could laugh it off.
When he stayed face down, you decided to take it a step further. Trailing your fingers up into his hair, you added "You seemed fine when you moaned in my ear a minute ago. Why are you shy all of a sudden?" He flipped over and stared at you with his mouth open.
"What?" he asked.
"Well, I tried to wiggle my way out of your arms so I could get up and make coffee and breakfast, but when I did it just made you moan and hold on tighter.
"Oh, dear God. Kill me now." He replied, covering his face with his hands.
"Hey!" You grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face. "Stop it. Don't be embarrassed. If it helps, you sounded really sexy."
"You are not helping at all." Josh said, trying and failing to hold in a laugh at this point.
"There's the carefree boy I love." laughing with him, his hands still in your hands. You realized how tense the moment had gotten with what you just said, so you cleared your throat. "I'm going to go figure breakfast out. You should go back to sleep."
"I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep now." he laughed, noticing the same tension. "Sorry I smothered you last night. I was out after all we drank."
"Don't apologize. I really liked it." you replied, trying not to blush. "Well, before I make this any more awkward, I'm going to go." you laughed, getting up and leaving the tent.
You boiled water for French Press coffee, made omelet's, and pulled out the pain killers and Gatorade for the boys who were most likely going to be hung over. Josh had come out and helped you about a half hour after you left the tent. You split up to wake up the boys, though this time you took opposite tents.
"Josh!" you whisper yelled. "Come look!"
Walking over to you, Josh looked in the tent door and saw all three boys spooning. Caspar in the middle, with Jack to his back and Conor to his tummy.
"Comfortable, boys?" Josh said into the tent, waking everyone up. "Come get food."
You had to laugh at the looks on their faces when they woke up all cuddled together. "I'll go wake the others" Josh said, going to Joe's tent.
"How did you two sleep last night?" Joe asked you and Josh, joining the breakfast circle.
"Great, actually. I definitely picked the best bunk buddy." you replied, smiling at Josh and enjoying your morning coffee.
"And after waking Caspar and those two up, I'm happy she picked me." Josh added. "I definitely got the best cuddle partner."
"Hey, I'm a great cuddler!" Jack acted offended.
"No, I'm jealous of Josh. You two stink." Conor deadpanned.
"I can't even argue with you there." Caspar replied.
"We were fine in our tent." Oli added.
"Yeah, we all snore and we all cuddle. No one gets annoyed." Mikey said, laughing.
"I still don't know how you made coffee in the woods, Y/n" Conor said. "Witchcraft."
You had finished breakfast and everyone had gotten ready to explore.
"Mikey, you're going to end up with very strange tan lines if you wear your socks like that." Jack pointed out.
"There is supposed to be a lake nearby. I think I'm going to try to find it so we have a place to clean up tonight." You said, looking at a map.
"I'll go with Y/n. You guys are headed up to the look-out, right?" Joe asked the rest of the boys.
"Gotta get that Instagram pic." Oli replied.
"Make sure everyone packs 2 water bottles and 2 protein bars each. Caspar has the small first-aid kit in his bag and Mikey has the fully charged walkie in his bag. Joe has the other one. Conor also has a map in case you get lost, and Oli has my epi-pen in case one of you nerds finds out you're deathly allergic to whatever is out there to bite you." you crossed everything off of your list.
"Thanks, mom!" everyone called out, making you laugh.
"Here, Josh." Everyone else had started up the hill, so you handed him one of your back-up usb chargers. "Just in case y'all get stuck. I'd rather be safe."
"Thanks, mom." Josh smiled at you.
You smirked back. "No problem, daddy." You turned and started off towards Joe in the direction of the lake. When you turned back around, Josh was still standing there with his mouth hanging open.
"JOSH!" Jack called. "Stop flirting and catch up!"
"What was that all about?" Joe asked.
"Oh, nothing." you said, but you couldn't keep the smile off of your face.
It turns out the Lake was only a 15 minute walk away from your camp site, so you sat down for a while and enjoyed the view.
"We can come out here in shifts to clean up. Less people, less awkward. Maybe group people by the tent they're staying in." Joe said.
"I'll trek out here by myself after everyone else has bathed." you said.
"No way! If you don't want to go with Josh, I can switch with him. I promise I won't look" He replied.
"Joe, it's not a big deal. I can handle myself." you hoped he'd drop it.
"Y/n, it's not safe to go places out here by yourself. You're the one that told me that!" He scolded you.
"Fine, fine. I'll go with Josh. I know he'll be a gentleman." You gave in.
"You two do okay last night?" He asked. "I promise I'm not taking the piss, just being a friend." he assured.
"Good, actually." you answered, receiving a look. "Nothing happened! It was just a good night. We checked on everyone else and then went to bed. I woke up in his arms. How could it not be a good night?"
"Awww, you're blushing." he teased.
"Shut up." you slapped his arm. "I'm too old to be giggly over a guy. You don't have crush's when you're in your twenties, Joe."
"Nah, I don't think age matters. You're allowed to get blushy over a boy. Especially a good one." he replied.
"A good one, huh?" you asked.
"Yeah. Big brother Joe approves." he smiled at you.
"Lets hike around the lake." you suggested, standing up and grabbing your bag.
Meanwhile, back with the rest of the boys...
Josh had caught up with everyone after putting the charger in his bag.
"Could you be anymore obvious?" Conor teased him.
"Um...She just called me daddy. I don't think that was my fault." Josh replied, still shocked at what you said.
"Yeah right." Oli snipped, thinking Josh was kidding. When he was met with Josh's stare, he second guessed it. "Wait, what?!"
"I'm telling you. She handed me a portable charger, I said 'thanks mom', and she said 'no problem, daddy.'"
There were a mix of laughs and innuendos that lasted pretty much the entire way up to the look-out. Eventually, the banter was about something other that you and Josh.
"This place is beautiful. I really didn't think I'd last a day out of the city, but this is incredible." Conor said after they finally made it to the look-out. "I should try writing out here."
"Just make sure you don't wander anywhere without a partner." Caspar added
"Oh, look. You can see the lake." Mikey pointed out.
"And your lover." Jack whacked Josh on the back.
"Mikey, give me the walkie?" Josh asked, grabbing it once it was out of Lp's bag.
"Papa bear to Momma bear, you copy?" Josh spoke into the walkie, making the boys laugh. They could see you and Joe stop walking.
Grabbing your walkie from Joe you replied. "This is Momma bear. I read you loud and clear." You and Joe were also laughing.
"I really hope they aren't stuck somewhere." Joe said.
"Look up to your right." was all that came back through the walkie. You and Joe turned, scanning the hillside looking for something. At the very top at the look-out spot, you could see the 6 boys.
"You made it alive!" you said into the wakie. "Is it gorgeous up there?"
"The view is incredible." Josh replied.
You could actually hear the boys yelling and cheering from where they were.
"Nerds. All of you. Meet you back at camp soon?" Joe grabbed the walkie.
"We'll head down in a bit." Josh replied. "I think a few of the boys wanted to enjoy the view a while longer."
Grabbing the walkie back, you responded. "Okay. We're going to head back and start cooking here shortly. Just don't split up. Be safe. See you soon."
Jack grabbed the walkie, "Don't worry. Daddy will keep us safe." You heard the boys cheering and cat calling again and you couldn't help but crack up laughing.
"Did Jack just call Josh 'daddy?'" Joe asked.
All you said into the walkie was "He better. Momma bear out."
You heard Jack screaming and when you looked up Josh was chasing him. Probably as payback for the Daddy crack.
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ohimsummer · 2 years
Hello! I’m new to your blog and saw you have comforting prompts posted for requests. Can I request an Eren x Fem!Reader scenario with the prompts “Come here, let me hold you.”, “Please, don’t cry.”, “Let it out.”, “You’ll be okay, I promise.”, and "I love you." where Y/N (she wears a nightgown to sleep) gets comfort cuddles from Eren after having a mental shutdown as he cradled her in his completely naked body. Then, Eren sings Y/N a lullaby to help her feel better? Thanks! - 🌺
thank you for your rq ^^ hope this is what you were looking for! 
eren + 5,7,8,15,40
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The sound of thunder outside feels like it’s miles away. You feel like you’re in a bubble the way everything around you feels muted. It’s like someone is smothering you with a pillow, but you can’t even be bothered to struggle. Your boyfriend seems to sense how miserable and empty you feel, and he wraps an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him.  
Eren plants a kiss to your temple and brushes your hair out of your face. “Come here, let me hold you.” You lean into his chest and fight the urge to break down into sobs. He sees your bottom lip quiver, a sign that you’re about to cry. Eren hates seeing you so sad and vacant. He doesn’t entirely understand everything that’s been going on with you these past few weeks, but Eren is determined to stay by your side, regardless. He has an unyielding hold on you, almost like he’s trying to squeeze the sadness out of your body. 
You look up at him and he can see the pain in your expression. Tears are building up at the corner of your eyes, and Eren feels he’s trying to defuse a bottom counting down from ten. ” Please, don’t cry, Y/N.” He takes your hand in his and starts covering it in kisses before trailing them up your arm, peppering them around your neck and chest, and eventually coating them on your face. He pulls back to look at you. Eren doesn’t know what to expect. Maybe that him smothering you with affection would stop you from crying, make things better? It doesn’t. He watches in disappointment as the tears fall down your cheeks anyway, and you bury your face back into his chest. Eren reaches around to rub your back. He feels helpless as he tries to console you. “You’ll be okay, I promise. Just let it out, okay? I’m right here, baby.”
 You feel like hours have passed when you lift your head. Eren’s still right there waiting for you, ready to squeeze you into another hug and press more kisses to your lips. The sleeve of your night gown slips down your shoulder and you shiver, and then huddle closer to Eren’s bare body to steal more of his warmth. Eren cards his fingers through your hair as he desperately tries to think of another way to cheer you up. In a last-ditch effort, he decides to sing to you. You sang around him all the time and it always helped him feel better, so he felt it was only fair to return the favor and see if it would help. 
To Eren’s surprise, the smallest of smiles forms on your face as he sings, terribly that is. You giggle at him and his awkward singing voice as he sings you a lullaby. He’s clumsy and uncoordinated with the words, but it combined with the gentle sounds of rain outside are still enough to lull you right to sleep. Eren finishes the song even long after you’ve dozed off and lays you down onto the bed.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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Draw your swords, pt.4
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Summary: In his attempt to get to know his wife, the Darkling realizes he might be getting too close.
Warnings: angst, swearing, sexual innuendoes, slightest bit of fluff
Part one // Part two // Part three   
Y/N couldn’t sleep that night. Not only did she agonize over the slightest possibility of his words being true, but the lingering of his lips on hers even hours after they’ve left tormented her mind. Instead of sleeping, she sat outside in the darkness with nothing but stars to keep her company. She shuddered with the cold wind as it chilled her, even the kefta didn’t protect her as well as she thought it would.
Sighing, she smiled up at the night sky, watching the stars in their celestial dance. It’s undeniable, she’s envious of them – their freedom is undisputed, their beauty unmatched by anything earthly. No one can force a star to marriage, no one can dull its brightness.
“Are you alright?” Genya spoke up, startling Y/N into a loud gasp.
Turning around, Y/N giggles in slight panic, a hand resting on her chest. “You scared me!”
“I didn’t mean to”, she chuckles too, coming closer to Y/N who let out a relieved sigh, only to look up once again.
“I couldn’t sleep”, she explains, “So I came here to watch the stars.”
“Most people are afraid of the dark”, Genya raised an eyebrow as she fixed her gaze on Y/N instead. She studied her carefully, unsure if she should invest all her hopes and dreams in her – no matter how striking she is.
“Oh, I’m scared of the dark!” Y/N exclaims, pointing up at the sky, “But the night sky is littered with lanterns, meant to guide you home. My mom always told me to look up whenever I feel lost, because the stars will help me find answers to any worry.”
Pursing her lips, Genya frowned, “Does that mean you doubt your plan?”
“No”, Y/N replied with haste, “I am simply trying to understand some of the chess pieces I thought I had figured out.”
Looking back at the Palace, Y/N’s eyes found the window of her room in an instant. A dark figure passed by it, the candlelight revealing the figure is pacing.
“He’s not a bad man, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Holding her breath, Y/N’s eyes find amber ones, “That’s not what I’ve heard. His deeds have spoken plenty about the strength of his character.”
“He’s fighting a war, not just with the outsiders, not just your father, but those on our side as well.” Pausing, Genya steps before her, “Do you know what they call him?”
“The Darkling”, she states, “A starless saint, a demon, a shadow king.”
“So many of those names are meant to demonize him, to shun him from society simply for the power he was born with”, licking her lips, Genya reaches for Y/N’s hand. “His own people are dying simply for who they’re born as – humans, Shu, Druskelle, they’re all sharpening their swords. If he’s not feared, we’re all dead.”
Nibbling on her lower lip, Y/N closed her eyes. Exhaling, she faced Genya once more.
“Does that mean I should applaud him for the way he’s treated the First army so far? How can you defend him when he’s the one who brought you here…to the emperor?”
Retracting her hand, Genya flashed a smile – one too strained to be believable. “He tried to defend me and got himself punished for it. So I’m here and I’m telling you to give him a chance.” Walking past Y/N, Genya stops just a few paces behind her, “He might surprise you.”
All the things Genya said became faint echoes inside Y/N’s head. When she returned to the room, she was ready for a new quarrel with Kirigan. Despite her readiness, he was sound asleep as she slipped her kefta off. With trembling fingers, she lifted the comforter only to stifle a laugh upon a surprising sight. Not only had there been a pillow to separate them, but three to ensure she wouldn’t accidentally roll on his side during the night. Perhaps she did smother him the night before and for once, she didn’t feel ashamed, rather satisfied. If he’s so insistent on sharing a bed, why would she make it any easier on him?
Tossing the pillows aside, she slid onto his side. Pressing her lips in a thin line, she tried to wrap an arm around his middle, but she couldn’t do it with her heart clenching wildly inside her chest. She drew back, forming tight fists at her side as she glared up at the canopy in frustration. If she’s going to play well and win, she’ll have to swallow her pride and withstand some discomfort.
Staring daggers at the back of his head, Y/N held her breath as she half climbed atop of Kirigan. Waiting to see if he’ll wake, Y/N finally released a shuddered breath. Burying her nose in the crook of his neck, she finally felt herself warm up after being outside for so long.
Closing her eyes, she inhaled his scent – woodsy and clean as if he had just had a bath. She never realized it before, but he smelled the same way on their wedding day…and night. But also earlier when he was pressed against her, devouring her mouth. Just the thought of his arms around her, his tall frame against her and the feverish kiss they’ve shared had caused her heartbeat to quicken with no shame.
And while she drifted off, she failed to realize something else – the Darkling was very much awake.
Instead of moving away when he felt a weight atop of him, he struggled to even his breathing. She smelled like spring, like lilacs and oddly enough, he enjoyed it. Most times, he’d crinkle his nose in disgust for strong, flowery scents made him nauseous, but she didn’t have the heavy, unbearably thick air of perfume cling to her – it felt like it’s her natural scent.
Smiling, the Darkling allowed himself to relax once her breathing calmed down and while her hands and feet felt like icicles, her cold nose brought most of the discomfort. Once she warmed up, by stealing his body heat, the Darkling began to drift away too. After all, he was winning.
A single ray of sunshine came through the window, its heat tickling Y/N’s nose. Sleepily, she brushed at it then tried to turn away, but something blocked her way. She lazily opened her eyes and saw the strange bed canopy overhead. When she remembered where she was and how she fell asleep last night, she felt her face grow hot as blood rushed to her cheeks. Even her body seemed to blush. She moved her head toward the other side of the bed and looked at where her husband’s supposed to be, yet he was gone – only the pillows she could have sworn she removed remained.
There was no way of knowing it, but each morning, the Darkling opened his eyes and looked at her first. No matter if she was drooling or her hair matted on her face, he quite enjoyed his view. She seemed gentle, almost like a saint sent to remind him light can exist along with darkness he’s been shrouded in.
Disgruntled, she sat up and huffed. She wanted to wake up at the same time as he did. One, she wanted to see his reaction and laugh, two, she really wanted to discuss the kiss from before. Then again, she just wanted to see the general at his most vulnerable state – waking up disheveled, just like any human would. His perfectly styled hair unnerved her and she couldn’t help but wonder if Genya used her power on it because she had never once seen a hair out of place, not even after their kiss.
For the rest of the day, Y/N tried to catch him alone. Unfortunately, she barely saw her husband at all. A fleeting glance of acknowledgement was all she received as they passed each other in the hall, both surrounded by others.
At night, she laid awake in hopes of speaking to him before bed. The faint candlelight on the bedside table kept the darkness away, relieving her fear. Would he laugh at her if she admitted to it? After all, isn’t he the one who can create darkness out of thin air? Perhaps he’d shroud her with it and prove he truly is cruel, but she had no way of being sure. He must never know of it and she truly hoped never to see his display of power.
Lost in her thoughts, she blinked and it was morning.
Wide eyed, she sat up and looked to his side. It was unmade, the pillow dented right where his head was and yet she can’t remember hearing him arrive in the night or leave in the morning. She never does.
“Fuck”, she mutters under her breath as she slams a fist in his pillow. Grunting, she buries her face into it, muffling her frustrated scream.
“Are you done?” Genya frowned at her, waiting by the door while Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs into a pillow.
Scoffing, Genya rolled her eyes. “You need to be more perceptive about your surroundings.”
A knock on the door had startled them both, enough for them to both let out a strangled scream. The door opened before either of them gave the permission and once they realized who it was that entered, they didn’t need a reason as to why.
“Ah, you’re awake.” The Darkling grinned at his wife who narrowed her eyes at him immediately.
“Your voice gives me a headache”, Y/N complains.
Squinting at her, the Darkling wondered if a woman could be so infuriating without wielding some mystic power to make her so.
“I believe you agreed to ride with me.”
“Oh”, Genya smirks, “She’ll ride you –“, covering her mouth, Genya giggles as she sees Y/N’s glare is on her, “I meant, with you.”
“I’ve prepared the horses”, he waited for her to respond, to give him reason to dislike her yet she didn’t.
“I will keep my word”, Y/N stood with her formidable gaze on his. She dared not look at his lips for they brought memories and self-loathing she’d rather avoid. After all, what kind of a woman quivers for her enemies touch?
“Wonderful”, he smirks, “I’ll wait for you to dress.”
Remaining in his spot, his hands at his sides, Kirigan raised his eyebrows as both women stared at him.
“Get out”, Y/N waves him off and he clicks his tongue.
“You may not let me touch you, but I can look.”
Angry, she narrowed her eyes at him, “That didn’t stop you from pinning me to a door.”
Genya’s eyes widen, pressing her lips to stop herself from commenting on their little exchange.
Shrugging, he stepped closer. His eyes raked over her body, the nightgown leaving little to imagination. “You didn’t seem to protest”, he leans in, “Especially since you proved you could easily escape me.”
Swallowing thickly, she exhaled through her nose. She couldn’t argue with that, now could she? If she wished, she could have forced him to unhand her. She could have fought him, but she didn’t. She may have been startled when he kissed her but she barely tried to push him away and still, when she had the option to back away, she was the one leaning in for a kiss when he lifted her onto the table. He played a game with her and she lost that day and now he gets to be smug about it.
“As your husband, I promise to protect you from all others. If anyone harms you, they’ll part with their life. For that alone, I deserve an occasional view.”
Winking, he takes a step back and sends a smile in Genya’s direction before turning on his heel and walking out.
Groaning, Y/N throws her head back, “Sort of. It’s more like he kissed me and I didn’t fight him on it.”
“So, does this mean you like him?” Wiggling her eyebrows, Genya squealed in excitement. “Are you bringing him on this plan of yours?”
Holding out her hand, Y/N shook her head, “No, no and no. I don’t trust him one bit and he isn’t exactly a man who’d go along with it.” Exhaling loudly, Y/N decided, “He must be removed along with the emperor.”
When she walked outside, Y/N breath was caught in her throat. The sight of the general on a horse truly felt like a fabrication. Never had she seen a man as majestic as him, as proud and aggravatingly cocky all at once. With his black kefta and the cape, he rode on a black stallion as if he were a mere extension of his will.
She wasted no more time in mounting her white mare, chasing after the Darkling who seemed to only then notice he’s not alone.
Her horse was not above average size, but she was alert and slender-limbed. Her muscles and good nature allowed Y/N to keep up a fairly good pace, never too far behind the black stallion her husband rode. The stallion was clearly riled up, competitive by nature. Anyone else on its back would be a great danger for the rider, but he clearly trusted Kirigan.
The wind blew her hair back and the cold was rather unforgiving on her skin. Passing him narrowly once they entered the woods, she didn’t look back. Instead, she gripped the reigns tighter and continued to breathe as the cold air made her mouth dry and throat scratchy.
Feeling his gaze on her, she relents, looking back at him.
“Where’s your coat?!” He shouted after her and only then did she realize it must have fallen off. Genya made it pretty for a romantic ride, not quite as practical for a race. But that’s not what truly made Y/N’s heart skip a beat. The hint of worry laced in the words of an angry general is what betrayed him and she couldn’t help but wonder – what if it’s more than just lust for him?
“It was slowing me down”, she couldn’t suppress a victorious smile just as he couldn’t suppress an annoyed grunt. Yet they both slowed down, neither of them speaking as they turned around and headed straight to the palace.
“You’re an avid rider.” The general conceded as he dismounted. Before she could blink, he was beside her, his hands on her hips as he pulled her of the horse and effectively stole her breath away.
The rosy colored cheeks left him defenseless as he stared at her too, a little too intently for it to be innocent. Taking her hands in his, he brought them up to his mouth, blowing at them. She kept her gaze at him, undoubtedly in shock as her cold hands started to tingle with the warmth of his breath.
“I’ll have to leave for a few days”, he speaks before she has a chance. “You’ll have the bed all to yourself.”
“Don’t I have to come? If it concerns my peo –“, she began, but he silenced her.
“It’s got nothing to do with the army. I’m merely doing an errand for the emperor.”
Looking at her hands still in his, she pursed her lips. “Doesn’t he have enough servants to do his bidding?”
A breathless chuckle escapes him, “Why? Will you miss me?”
Rolling her eyes, she snorts, “Why? Do you fancy yourself as someone of importance?”
He looked at her like she's the Sun, angrily squinting at every second she spent in his presence. He never looked at her other than in frustration. At least she thought so. It’s how he looked at her a month ago when they first met on a field stained with Druskelle blood. He stood there, alone and victorious as she stepped over the bodies after arriving on this side of the fold with a Sandskiff.
All of their conversations were arguments – she’d narrow her eyes and he’s squint at her, throwing jabs at each other every chance they get, but this felt different. Something changed after the wedding and she wasn’t entirely sure what.
Achingly aware of their closeness, she couldn’t help but ask. "What is this between us?"
Pausing, he looked at her with wonder. If he could put it to words, it wouldn’t make any sense. His mind could hardly fathom what exactly she meant to him other than being a nuisance, but he didn’t exactly hate her as he believed at first when he admittedly hoped she’d find herself eaten by Volcra while crossing the Shadow fold. What he hated was not having a choice. He hated how arrogant she is and how little respect she has for her superiors. He especially hated her mortality, her species and all the atrocities they’ve committed against him and his kind.
He didn’t love her, that he was sure of. He couldn’t possibly care for her either. Lust, winning this game, feeding his ego by having Zlatan’s daughter at his feet is what he longed for. So no, he didn’t love her, but a part of him feared he might love her in time. For the first time in a very, very long time, the Darkling had a fear and it carried her name.
Perhaps that’s why he reacted the way he did when she asked him if there is something between them.
"Nothing." He grabbed the back of her neck, his lips pressing against hers hard.
He was right, she realized. There was nothing between them, nothing between their lips, not even air.
Pulling away, he smirks as she inhales sharply.
"Did you feel a connection?" He looks her in the eye, his lips set in a firm line.
"Yes", she whispers shakily.
His eyes harden as an ache in his chest reminds him of his fear. Someone like him must give up anything he could possibly love for the loss and disappointment are inevitable. She’s mortal, an enemy behind his borders he can never trust. So he will shut his heart out. Love is not an option for the Darkling, he reminds himself. The last time he allowed himself to love was also the day his heart turned to stone. So, he will not love her and she will not love him. He will destroy that possibility, cut any ties that bind them. Lust is the only thing he will let fester.
Leaning in, his lips brush hers softly as he whispers against them, "That's why you're a fool." Stepping back, he heard her gulp. “The connection you feel is lust, that’s all we have and it’s all we will ever have. Accept it.”
“Is that true or are you just afraid?!” Her voice wavers and she instinctively steps toward him, asserting dominance she felt was lost.
“General”, Ivan calls out, just in case Kirigan needed an excuse to leave.
“Afraid?” The Darkling chuckles dryly, averting his gaze to Ivan who waited for him at the entrance. “I’m not afraid of anything”, he remarks as his eyes lock on her lips again, “Certainly not of my wife.”
As he stepped back, the Darkling caught the strangest look in her eyes. It looked like clarity, total and complete sobriety from the ecstasy his presence gave her. She stood proud, despite the self-loathing in her previously warm eyes that slowly turned them back to the ice she held when she first laid her eyes on him.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart​
Part 5  
907 notes · View notes
ssahoodrathotchner · 3 years
Pictures of You
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Summary: you lose your memories of the last few years, including the ones of your relationship with Aaron. The rest of the team thinks it’s hilarious.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: memory loss, swearing, some angst, hospital, talk of injuries, team shenanigans and fluff
A/N: okay this was a lot of fun to write bc soft!Hotch rights !! also really wanted to make the team play a larger role in a fic so here we go :)
You wake in a hospital bed, Morgan by your side, and a godawful pounding in your cloudy head. With a groan, you try to raise one of your hands to cover your eyes as Morgan’s head shoots up to stare at you with a relieved smile.
“Hey,” he says, catching your hand before you can lift it higher, “Don’t do that. You had a nasty fall, Princess.”
Satisfied that you won’t make any more moves towards your head, he sits back down at your side.
“Should I even ask how you’re doing or…” he trails off when you glare at him. “I’ll go let the team know you’re okay. Boss Man will be happy to hear you finally woke up,” and with that, Morgan is up and out of the room before you can even open your mouth because what.
Shifting around in the bed, you try to gauge just how injured you are, but the soreness in literally your entire body coupled with the haziness in your mind from the constant pain makes you conclude that you’ll leave it to the doctors to tell you what’s wrong. Sighing, you gently tilt your head to the side and observe the various beeping monitors.
The door opens and as you turn to see who it is, your mouth opens in disbelief. There’s no way. There’s absolutely no fucking way. This is fake. This is a dream. Your stomach simultaneously drops and fills with dread. How is this possible?
“You’re dead. You’re dead. We buried you,” you say in a rush, as none other than Emily fucking Prentiss stops by the side of your bed, looking at you confusedly. “Does this mean I’m dead? Are you a ghost?” you wonder out loud, and Emily looks behind her as the rest of the team, except Hotch, file in behind her, seemingly fine with her sudden appearance.
“How are you here, why are you here, what happened? You died. You’re supposed to be dead which means I’m probably dead,” you continue to ramble, frantically looking from at each member of your team and then back to Emily.
“What? Y/N, you aren’t dead. Just like I’m not dead,” she says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“But you are,” you say shakily, chest tightening as your breaths become shorter and shorter.
“Y/N…” she says slowly, softly, “I faked my death four years ago.”
And with that, your ears rush and your mind goes blank. No no no no no no we buried her six months ago, she’s dead. You don’t notice the rest of the team trading glances around you as the world you thought you knew shatters and reforms in your mind.
“No,” you croak, throat suddenly constricting, but Emily only looks at you worriedly, Reid slipping out the door behind her.
“Y/N, can you take some deep breaths for me?” and your head turns to find JJ at your other side, hand on your shoulder. “Let’s breathe, you can do this,” she says, taking exaggerated breaths to demonstrate, smiling gently as you cooperate.
Reid enters, now, followed by a doctor who, immediately upon reaching your side, proceeds to shine a light in your eyes and asks you to complete all sorts of short tests while the team looks on.
“Now, Agent Y/L/N, Dr. Reid informed me that you seem to be having some memory issues, which is normal,” the doctor assures you, “especially with the head trauma you endured. So, tell me what you can remember and we’ll go from there,” he says with a helpful smile.
Fuck. What do you remember?
“Well…” you trail off, trying to pin-point an exact moment. “I remember Emily—Agent Prentiss’—funeral because it was six months ago, but apparently—” your eyes slide over the rest of the team, “—apparently, it was more like four years ago,” you finish slowly.
“And that’s as recent as you can remember?” the doctor pushes. You nod your head. “Well, Agent Y/L/N, it seems that you have post-traumatic retrograde amnesia, which isn’t a surprise, as I said before. My guess is that it’s temporary, and that you’ll recover your memories in time.”
“Any ideas how long?” Emily speaks up, carefully looking at your face.
“With cases such as these, there isn’t a definite timeline or standard procedure for memory recovery,” the doctor explains. “It may help to look at photos or videos and tell stories to try and help Agent Y/L/N heal quicker, but the brain is tricky,” and with that wonderful statement, the doctor turns and exits, leaving you and your team staring at each other, processing the fact that you don’t know when you’ll get your memories of the last four freakin’ years back.
“So, from the research I’ve done, it seems that—” Reid is cut off by the door flying open and Aaron Hotchner, your Unit Chief, bursting into the room with a concerned look on his face wearing a hoodie and jeans.
Morgan tries to grab his shoulder, but Hotch shakes him off as he walks right up to your bedside and grabs your hand. Holy shit. Heat rises to your cheeks instantly and you think your heart might have actually skipped a beat but, you can’t help it, you’ve had a crush on Hotch for ages and he’s holding your hand. But you don’t remember a time when Hotch was so forward in showing concern for one of his agents.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up, Sweetheart—” you’re pretty sure you’re dreaming because Hotch has never called you Sweetheart. Ever. You’ve also never seen him in anything other than a suit. “—Jessica called because Jack has the flu and then he wanted to talk to me and—”
“Hotch!” Morgan all but yells, interrupting Hotch’s update on Jack, as you stare pointedly at his hand, still holding yours, trying to control the redness growing steadily stronger in your cheeks. What the hell.
“Hotch,” Morgan states, softer this time, “The last thing Y/L/N remembers clearly is Prentiss’ funeral.”
You look up with a weak approximation of a smile, and watch Hotch’s face shift as he comprehends what Morgan said.
“That was years ago,” he says slowly, face hardening into a look you’ve seen too many times when he tries to separate himself from the information he’s received.
Looking down at you, you can’t tell what he’s thinking, so you divert your eyes to his hand in yours. Once he notices this, he gently lets go and you know it’s silly, but you almost reach out for it again. Who knows the next time Hotch will want to hold your hand?
“So you don’t…” he doesn’t finish his question, which leaves you even more confused. Don’t what…?
“Umm. If it’s happened in the last four-ish years, then umm… Then I probably don’t remember it,” you say quietly, apologetically. “Sir,” you add on quickly, not wanting to forgo formalities even if your memory isn’t what it’s supposed to be.
However, instead of nodding, like you thought he would, Aaron Hotchner looks sad which confuses you even more.
“Aaron,” Rossi begins slowly, “the doctor said that talking about what’s happened since then may help Y/N’s memory come back.” Hotch looks up, almost relieved. “So why don’t you tell her something that’s happened since Prentiss’ funeral.”
And with that, Hotch takes a breath before reaching across your body to your other hand and holding it up. Not quite sure what’s happening, you allow him to hold your left hand up in your line of vision and that’s when you notice a fucking wedding ring. On your hand. Which Hotch is holding.
“I’m married?” you screech, looking at the team, who are now all trying not to laugh for some reason. “Who am I married to? Holy shit, what?” you continue looking around. Morgan and Prentiss look like they’ll break into outright laughter any minute. What’s going on?
Looking helplessly to Hotch, who is suspiciously quiet, you don’t have to repeat your question before he is carefully letting go of your left hand to hold his own up next to it and since when did Hotch wear a wedding band? Until you notice the striking similarities between the ring on your hand, and the one on your boss. What the actual fuck.
“We’re married?” you say, whipping your head to the side—ouch—to stare at Hotch, who is looking a little more amused than worried. “What? When? I just…” you can’t even finish your train of thought because your head is spinning so fast.
“Is it really that much of a surprise, Princess?” Derek chimes in. “I mean, you guys have been in love with each other forever,” and with that, he and Prentiss dissolve into a fit of laughter, which they try to smother, but you’re too busy taking in this very new and very interesting life development.
At some point in the last couple years, you married Hotch. Which means he knows you like him. And he likes you. You dated Hotch and now you’re fucking married. And you can’t remember any of it.
“…I don’t remember it…” you say sadly, softly and the laughter ceases.
Running a hand through his hair, Hotch takes a step back and shrugs, a small, reassuring smile on his face.
“We’ll figure it out, Sweetheart—” your stomach erupts into butterflies, “—we always do.”
With a sigh, you sink back into the pillows on your bed and stare at the ceiling, head throbbing worse than before thanks to all the new information.
“I just…” you pause to think about your current dilemma. “I just don’t know where to start with all this…Getting my memory back,” you look to Hotch and then the team, unsure of what to do.
“Well, the doctor did say that photos and videos might help. I’d be willing to recount every conversation we’ve had since Emily’s funeral, if you want, including the ones that you weren’t a part of, but were about you or a case,” Reid offers with a grin, and your heart melts.
Slowly shaking your head, you answer, “Thanks but maybe later, Spence. I’m still stuck on the whole I’m-married-to-my-boss thing right now.”
“Trust me Princess,” Derek laughs “I’m pretty sure all of us could tell you about how everything went down like a damn movie.”
“Yeah…” JJ continues with a fond shake of her head, “You guys weren’t very subtle about it.”
Sneaking a look out of the corner of your eye, you catch Hotch blushing and staring down at his shoes before he also sneaks a look at you, meeting your eyes.
“See?” Derek’s voice breaks your gaze. “This is exactly what I was talking about. You guys weren’t subtle and still aren’t,” rolling his eyes, he laughs a little and you can’t help but smile.
“At least they’re married this time around,” Rossi supplies. “No more ‘secret’ glances and yearning,” he says with such contempt you can’t help but laugh as Hotch—Aaron? — lets out a small chuckle of his own.
“Now I just need to remember how we got here,” you say, feeling a little more at ease. Slowly, you reach for Hotch’s left hand, studying the ring the matches your own. “Remember us,” you continue, just to him, and the smile that overtakes his face is the best thing you’ve seen since waking up.
“You weren’t wrong, Morgan,” comes Emily’s voice from the end of your bed. “This is just like a movie. Ugh. But don’t worry, Y/N, we’ll help you sort this out.”
“And I know just the woman for the job,” Morgan adds with a mischievous smirk which immediately makes you wonder about whatever it is he has planned.
“Now as much as I’d love to watch the two lovebirds gaze into each other’s eyes, I actually have plans,” Rossi states, looking down at his watch. “So, I’ll be back tomorrow. Have a good night, Y/N,” he says before waving to the rest of the team and leaving.
The rest of the team makes their own excuses to leave, and you can’t help but feel like Morgan and Prentiss have concocted some sort of scheme to “help” you get your memories back.
Running a hand over your face, you sigh. What now? The sound of someone clearing their throat makes you look up and realize that Hotch hadn’t left with the others, but was instead standing near the foot of your bed, looking somewhat anxious.
“I ummm… I was planning on spending the night here to make sure you were okay, but umm…” he trails off, unsure.
“But since I have no memory of us being together you think it’s weird…?” you ask gently.
“Yeah,” he answers in a sigh. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by being here, especially because I know how frustrating and confusing this must be for you…”
“Hotch,” you start, but he can’t hide his wince when you call him that. “Aaron,” you try again. “Yes, this is incredibly confusing and frustrating because Emily should be dead and I didn’t think you had feelings for me at all,” you pause and see him smile, just a bit, “But I’d really like it if you stayed here. With me. Because—” you take a deep breath. “—Because you make me feel safe, Aaron, and I need that right now,” you say gently, not quite sure where the confidence came from, but Aaron’s eyes soften and his smile grows bigger as his shoulders drop in relief. Worth it.
“Then I’ll stay,” he says, and you can’t help the heat that once again rises in your cheeks as he continues to look at you.
You guys are married, dammit. Pull it together.
Averting your gaze, you turn your attention to getting more comfortable in your bed and decide to fuss with the placement of your pillows because damn was your back starting to hurt, but Aaron beats you to it. Within ten seconds of arranging the pillows behind you, he has them perfect.
“How…?” you start to question, but he just raises his eyebrows. “Right. Married,” you say with a shake of your head.
Aaron finally sits in the chair next to your bed and reaches, almost absentmindedly, for your hand before catching himself and stilling. You can see the fight in his mind—he wants to comfort you and himself, but with your memory, he doesn’t quite know where your boundaries are. Taking pity on him, you grab his hand yourself, weaving your fingers together so he knows it was on purpose. Okay so you really just wanted to hold his hand again, but you’re married! You’re allowed. He takes a deep breath and leans back in the chair, turning his head to really look at you.
“How’s your head?” he asks, brow furrowed in what you’ve come to understand is genuine concern.
You pause and consider for a moment.
“Not terrible, but not great,” you say slowly. “It’s like there’s a fog in my mind that I can’t see through. I know I’m missing stuff, but I just don’t know what.”
Aaron gently squeezes your hand, but doesn’t speak yet.
“I want to know what brought Emily back, how we happened, what it was that gave me this fucking injury, I just…” with an exasperated huff, you collect yourself. “I just want to know.”
“Well, Emily should be the one to tell you her part of the story, and as for us,” he gives you a smile “it’s a longer answer, at least for me, so that will have to wait—Sorry, Sweetheart,” he says when you pout. “However, I can tell you about what landed you in the hospital. How does that sound?”
“It’s a start,” you tease, and yes Aaron smiles wider and rolls his eyes.
“We were chasing an unsub, and Garcia had tracked him to a warehouse not too far from Quantico. We went there and—” his voice wavers. You squeeze his hand. “—and the unsub had set explosives around the perimeter of the building. I guess you got too close to him when trying to talk him down and he triggered the whole set.” Aaron sighs, and his eyes are glazed over like he’s reliving this—which he probably is—and there’s nothing you can really do besides let him take his time.
“You weren’t right by any of them, but you were thrown back and had hit the ground before I could even yell at you to stop—not that you would have listened,” he says pointedly with a watery laugh. “You just laid there, Morgan and I carried you over to the medics as soon as the dust settled and they took you away as we cleared the rest of the scene.”
“And the unsub?”
“He didn’t survive the explosion. As soon as we figured that out, we left it to the local PD and crime scene techs.” He looks at you softly. “We came straight here after that.”
“How long was I out before today,” you ask lightly, curiously.
“Three days. Dave had to convince me to go home and shower on the second day.” He looks down before sneaking a sideways glance at you.
“Well I’m glad he did,” you tease, scrunching your nose.
“And I’m glad you’re awake, Sweetheart,” he replies, squeezing your hand.
You laugh and look away before mumbling, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”
“Get used to what?” he waits a second. “Sweetheart?” Motherfucker. He knows what he’s doing.
“That! I woke up convinced you didn’t have feelings for me at all,” you say with a glare, “and now I know we’re married and you keep being so nice and understanding and calling me Sweetheart and I just don’t know how to deal with all of this!” you finish in a huff.
“I just feel bad that I can’t remember this, us” you add, gesturing between the two of you. “I’m trying and there’s just—” you make a frustrated noise and flop back to stare at the ceiling. “And my head still kind of hurts,” you add softly, almost pouting.
“Oh, Sweetheart,” Aaron whispers. He clears his throat before continuing. “You’ll get your memories back,” he leans forward to stroke some hair off your forehead. “And until then, you know the team and I will do what we can to catch you up and help you remember.”
You push your head further into his hand with a sigh. He runs his hand through your hair a few times before pulling back and you almost whine. You yawn instead. Settling down, you tug the blanket up higher across your chest and turn to face Aaron as he also gets comfortable. He turns on the small television in your room and at some point, you fall asleep holding his hand.
You wake to the sound of the door opening, followed by the unmistakable click-clack of heels worn by none other than Penelope Garcia.  
“Rise and shine! Time to regain your memory, lovely Y/N,” she sings, coming to a stop by the side of your bed as you roll over with a yawn.
“Pen—” you groan. “Let me sleep. Please.”
“Oh no, my little profiler. Do you have your memory back?” You shake your head. “Then we need to work on that! And don’t you dare tell me no; my wonderful Derek Morgan and I were up all night making this for you,”
You raise your eyebrows.
“Sadly, not like that. But, we compiled a presentation-slash-video montage for you about what you’ve missed!”
That catches your attention.
“Wha--? How? Penelope where did the footage come from?” you ask, more awake now.
“Well, I may or may not have used security cam footage for a lot of it, but that’s neither here nor there, so, without further ado, I present to you: your life for the past four-ish years!” and with that, she somehow connects her tablet to the TV and you see a picture of the whole team; Penelope then produces a remote from the depths of her purse and then proceeds to the next slide.
Which is a photo of you. And Aaron. Standing by the coffee machine in the office and smiling at each other, clearly unaware that the moment was being documented. The image is embellished with what must be close to fifty moving, sparkly hearts, obviously done by Garcia.
“First thing’s first,” she starts with a flourish. “Your husband!” and as if on cue, Aaron walks into the room, cup of coffee in hand. Much to your surprise, Aaron just rounds your bed to sit in the same chair you assume he fell asleep in, watching the screen.
“What is happening,” you say softly to yourself, looking from Aaron to Garcia and back.
“The doctor said photos and videos might help restore your memory, so who better to put something together than Garcia?” Hotch answers dryly, a small smile flashing across his face. “The rest of the team should be here shortly,” he says directly to Garcia.
“Oh good. I always work better with an audience,” she replies as you continue to process just what the hell is happening since you woke up approximately five minutes ago.
Within a few minutes, your hospital room is overrun with the rest of the team. Sitting, standing, leaning wherever they can find the space to view Penelope’s presentation with you in the middle of it all.
“Don’t you people have jobs?” you grumble.
“C’mon, Princess. Who better to help you remember the last few years than us?” Derek says with a cheeky grin that makes you roll your eyes.
You turn your gaze to Aaron and find that he’s already looking at you in concern.
“If you really don’t want all of us here we can leave,” he says just loud enough for you to hear.
“I just…” you take a moment to try and collect your thoughts. “I guess I just don’t know how to feel about all of this, but you’re all here so— “
“So here we go!” Penelope cheerfully finishes your sentence before turning back to the screen. “As I was saying before, part one of Operation Get Y/N’s Memories Back is all about—drumroll please—our very own Unit Chief, a.k.a. Hotch, a.k.a. loving husband to our very own Agent Y/L/N.”
With a shake of your head, purposefully ignoring the way Derek and Emily are whooping and whistling, you settle in and gesture for Penelope to continue. God, let’s hope this works.
It doesn’t work.
Three almost four hours later and nothing has changed for you. However, it’s a lovely opportunity for some team bonding and creating new memories, but you’re still disappointed. It’s not for lack of trying, though. Penelope did a wonderful job of pulling together a presentation-slash-video montage of your life, complete with titles such as ‘Your lovely husband,’ ‘The Miraculous Life, Death, and Subsequent Resurrection of Emily Prentiss,’ and even ‘Badass BAU Babies,’ which was a collection of team photos and news clips of cases you guys had closed in the past few years.
The whole team had gotten a kick out of each section, especially the last one, as Penelope had spared no one in her quest to help your memory; ugly selfies sent in the BAU group chat, embarrassing footage of you tripping up (and down) the stairs to the bullpen—courtesy of the security cameras, Reid doing physics magic and narrowly missing Rossi’s coffee cup, it was all there. But nothing worked, there was no magical ah ha moment where everything came rushing back. If anything, it really was like watching a movie; it didn’t feel like you were the one is all of these clips and photos. Not even Reid’s commentary made you feel any closer than before to recovering your memories.
It wasn’t all bad, though. Penelope had a veritable stockpile of photos of you and Aaron, ranging from the office, to cases, to the occasional night out with the team. Your engagement announcement, wedding photos, freakin’ everything on the two of you and yet, nothing seemed to make a difference to your brain.
The photo on the screen was one of you and Aaron on a case. You were tucked under his arm, snowflakes visible in your hair and his as you look up and laugh at something he said while he just smiles gently down at you. Penelope had put hearts over both your eyes.
“Actual heart eyes! I had to! You guys are so cute!” she basically squealed when the photo came up.
“What did I tell you,” Rossi said teasingly, “Yearning.”
Prentiss and Morgan hadn’t stopped laughing for this entire segment, with JJ and Reid occasionally joining in if there was something exceptionally ridiculous Penelope had included, like fucking heart eyes.
A hand covering your own makes you realize you had spaced out, and you look down to see that it’s Aaron’s hand, wedding band catching the light.
“Anything, Sweetheart?” he asks in a low voice, carefully watching your face.
You shake your head. “It’s like it’s someone else’s life, but I know it’s mine; you’ve told me it’s mine, there’s photographic evidence that it’s mine!” you say in a huff. “It just doesn’t feel like it’s mine,” you whisper, voice breaking at the end. Tears gather in your eyes and you bite your lip to stop it from shaking as you desperately try and control your overwhelming emotions. You can hear the team in the background, strategizing new ways to help you, but Aaron’s face hovers in front of your own, drawing your attention.
“It’s okay,” he says lightly, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“No, it’s not,” you insist as a few tears make their way down your face. “It’s not, Aaron. What if this is it? What if I just don’t get my memories back?”
Letting out a long sigh, Aaron raises your hand to his lips and kisses your palm before folding your hand into his.
“You will. I know you will,” he says with such conviction you might just believe him if it weren’t for the way he rapidly blinks to keep his own tears at bay.
“Yeah, Princess.” Morgan chimes in from somewhere across the room. “We’ll figure this out, you know we will.”
And with that, you see something click into place in Aaron’s eyes and suddenly, he’s looking at you in such a way that your heart picks up—thanks, heart monitor.
“Aaron…?” you ask cautiously.
“Princess,” he says it so simply, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. You only have time to raise an eyebrow at him before—
Kissing Aaron Hotchner is something you could definitely get used to. His hand comes up to cradle your face as he gently moves his lips against yours. You sigh and can feel his smile against your mouth before he’s tugging your face closer, tilting your head just so and—
It’s like opening a window to let in a breeze. Soft and sure, filling the space in a way that’s all-encompassing without being suffocating.
Like snowflakes falling and settling on his black jacket, like Aaron down on one knee sliding your engagement ring on your finger while you smile so much it feels like your face will break. It’s leaving cups of coffee on his desk during late nights in the office. It’s playing soccer with Jack as Aaron smiles and cheers both of you on. It’s being in bed late at night, falling asleep in the comfort provided by the man you love. Your wedding vows, promising to love him forever.
And you know.
With a gasp, you pull Aaron closer, kiss him deeper, harder, moving your lips more frantically against his. I remember I remember I remember and you think he gets it because he pulls back and looks at you with so much hope it almost breaks your heart.
“When I said I’d love you forever, Aaron Hotchner, I meant it.”
And his face breaks into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen as he laughs in disbelief before capturing your lips with his again, returning the urgency you had kissed him with just moments ago.
Someone clears their throat and you pull apart, smiles obvious on both your faces as you turn to the team who are looking somewhat confused.
“Would you mind enlightening us as to why you two are suddenly acting like teenagers?” Rossi asks, eyebrows raised.
“Well,” Aaron starts, grinning in your direction, “It would seem that— “
“Nuh uh. No way,” Derek interrupts him. “Are you seriously about to say that you kissed her and she magically remembered?”
You can’t help but laugh at his disbelief because what the hell and nod, unable to speak through the giddiness overtaking your body. You remember.
“Ohmygod! You guys!!” Penelope squeals before launching herself into your arms for a hug which she promptly pulls Aaron into as well; he doesn’t protest.
“What made you do that, Hotch?” Reid asks curiously once Penelope has let you and Aaron go. “Did you know it would work?”
“Princess,” Aaron says with a nod towards Morgan. “In Jack’s storybooks, a kiss always wakes the Princess so she and her prince can live happily ever after.”
Okay that’s adorable and you can’t help but aww with the rest of the team at Aaron’s confession.
“Happily ever after, huh?” you say, tugging on his hand. “Who knew you were such a sap, Hotchner?”
Rolling his eyes, Aaron just smiles. “Wasn’t it obvious from Garcia’s presentation? I’ve been in love with you forever, Sweetheart. And besides, it worked, didn’t it?” he says with a smug smile. 
You pull him down for a short kiss before moving back just enough to murmur “My Prince Charming.”
“I can’t believe you guys,” you turn to see Morgan shaking his head. “A literal fuckin’ fairytale,” and then he’s laughing and the whole team, you and Aaron included, are laughing with him because yeah this is pretty surreal.
“I can’t believe you thought I was a ghost!” Emily says once the laughter has died down, her arms crossed in mock-anger.
“Can you blame me?” you retort. “The last thing I remember was burying you and suddenly you’re here? Nope. No way. Ghost. Only explanation.”
“I have to say, Y/L/N, I’m glad you’re back, if only to stop Aaron’s sad puppy-dog eyes every time you called him ‘Hotch,’” Rossi shakes his head. “I don’t know how much more yearning I could take.”
“Hey! Be nice,” JJ admonishes, swatting Rossi’s shoulder. “I think it’s sweet.”
“Yeah guys,” you echo. “Be nice! Don’t think I forgot you two,” you say, leveling Morgan and Prentiss with glares, “and all your laughter when I couldn’t remember that my husband and I were married!”
“Oh c’mon, Princess,” Morgan groans. “It was pretty funny. You were trying so hard not to look completely in love with your husband.”
“In my defense,” you start, “I didn’t know that you guys already knew how much I love Aaron, so excuse me for trying to hide my love,” you say with a sniff.
“Well, it was pretty obvious. Whenever you looked at him or he grabbed your hand, the heart monitor would register an increase in your heart rate by—” Reid starts to ramble but your laughter cuts him off.
“I get it, I get it,” you continue through your laughter. “I’m very in love with Aaron, even when I think it’s a secret, but as Penelope’s presentation so eloquently demonstrated, I’m not subtle and neither is he.”
Aaron leans over to kiss your cheek as the rest of the team continues into a conversation about Penelope’s presentation and how the hell she collected all those photos and videos in one day.
With the attention no longer on you—for now—you smile at Aaron, who smiles right back. He slumps back in his chair with a sigh, and you can’t help but pull him back closer to you.
“I love you,” you say kissing the back of his hand.
“I love you more, Sweetheart,” he replies softly.
Yeah, this is happily ever after.
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Father's Day Special!
(Fathers day always makes me emotionally sad so why not fight it with some fluffy times for these demons! ^^)
Despite not being a morning demon, he is up well before you and the children are, already set at his desk in the study. Deep in paperwork, you take advantage of him being distracted to make him a cup of Hell Coffee and breakfast, the two little ones carefully holding the plate and mug as you lead them to him.
You knock on the door and you hear him call ‘Enter’, before opening the door and letting the children run on in. He looks up and beams as they approach him, happily hollering “Papa, papa, we made you something!” They hand him the now somewhat messy plate of food and the cup of coffee, but than run back up to you to get the cards they made for him.
He looks at the handmade cards quizzically, reading the “Happy Father’s Day!” written on each one in crayon, before looking to you. “It’s a Human Realm tradition. Once a year we celebrate the fathers in our lives, so I figured the kids could make something to celebrate you.” You also inform him that you spoke with Diavolo, and he has been ordered to take the rest of the day off to spend it with you and the children.
He chuckles slightly and that trademark smirk reaches his lips as he stands and pulls you in for a kiss, whispering a ‘Thank you’, and turns to bend down and embrace his little ones who happily leap into his arms, thanking them as well for his gifts.
Being the weekend, the demon is still deep in sleep in your shared bed, as you slowly slip out to start working on your surprise for him. Your child wakes up a little after you, and you motion for them to follow to the kitchen where you plan on making a stack of pancakes for Mammon. You both get covered in flour in the process, laughing together but satisfied with the stack you have made, covering them in whip cream and strawberries.
You then help your little one design a card for Mammon, drawing a picture of the three of you together in crayon, and they happily hold it over their head, ready to bolt back into your bedroom to show their papa. You have to slow them down, place the food on your tray, and then lead them back to the bedroom.
Slowly you both step in, and you place the tray next to the bed, leaning down to wake Mammon with a kiss. He grumbles but wakes up, smirking at you and kisses you again, until he notices the stack of pancakes and the hand drawn card. “Happy Father’s Day!” you both exclaim, and when he looks confused, you explain how it is a tradition in the Human Realm to celebrate fathers once a year, hence you two making the day special for him. No, he isn’t crying at all when he pulls the both of you in for a tight hug, smothering you in kisses.
You had been doing your best to keep things a secret from Levi for a while, because you knew the moment he found out, he would flip his lid. He had been asking you for what seemed like a month if you had seen the newest anime release available on Akuzon, but you kept telling him ‘no’, though had actually bought it for him as a surprise gift for Father’s Day.
You were going to make a day out of watching it, working with your little one to get all his favorite (and theirs as well) snacks and food to have for the all night marathon. They tried their best to draw a picture of Ruri-chan as well for him, since they knew she was his favorite as well.
When the day came, you both had everything set up and ready, surprising him with a ‘Happy Father’s Day!’ when he came back from being out with his brothers. He had heard of the tradition before, and was so thrown that you went through all the trouble just for him; but you gave him a kiss telling he deserved it. He was the slightest bit peeved that you hide the anime from him, but he was brought to tears by the drawing your little one made for him.
It is extremely rare to catch this demon by surprise, but you still tried none the less. You and your child worked on a book together, placing photos of the three of you, drawings they made for him, and even some pictures of cats into it. Whenever he would come around, you would do your best to hide it; he of course would notice, but never seemed to question you about it.
Once Father’s Day came around, you and the little one worked in the kitchen to make him his favorite meal, and took it to him in his room, your child carrying the book you both made. As soon as you opened the door, though, the little one bolted right for him, excitedly yelling, “Daddy, daddy, look! We made you a thing!”
He smiles warmly at them before taking the book and opening it, flipping through the pages, his smile only widening. You shake your head and laugh a bit, placing the tray of food next to him and kiss him. “Happy Father’s Day,” you say warmly, sitting next to him. He knew it was Father’s Day, having studied much about the human world; but he was so very thankful for you and the little one celebrating him like this.
From the moment he wakes up, he is usually glued to you and your children, always wanting to do things together; so surprising him for Father’s Day was a hard feat. With some help from his brothers, you manage to get him pulled away from the HoL for a few hours, long enough for you to set up his room into a little spa, made by you and your children.
They bubble with excitement, making drawings and signs for the different sections of the room, like where he will get his hair done and nails done, things of that nature. So when he comes home, he is welcomed into his own spa day, courtesy of you and your children. “Happy Father’s Day!” the three of you cry when he walks in, and he is awe of how well they set everything up. He smothers you in kisses as a thank you, and then let’s himself be taken care of by your two little ones.
Though they muss his hair and paint his nails sloppily, he could not be happier letting them play with him. You also promise him a professional spa day for him later in the week, and he can’t thank you enough for celebrating him as you are.
While he is out at the gym, you get to work in the kitchen with the help of your twins and even Belphegor. He helps you to cook as many of Beel’s favorite dishes as you can, while the little ones work away at making cards for him on the counter. You’re tired and messy when you finally finish, but stand there for a moment, satisfied with all the work the lot of you did.
When Beel gets home, you usher him into your bedroom, trying to get him to avoid the kitchen since all the food is already been set up; you want him to be surprised, and Belphie watches the kids for you two while you both shower. Once finally clean, you then lead him into the kitchen where his twin and your twins are now waiting for him.
“Happy Father’s Day!” you all exclaim, catching him completely off guard as he looks around the room before his eyes falling quizzically on you. You explain what Father’s Day is, and emphasize it’s to celebrate him and show how much he means to you and your little ones. They come running up and hand him all the cards and drawings they made for him, and he starts to get teary eyed, pulling them in for a tight hug. He thanks you for all the food you made and kisses you over and over before letting himself delve into the dishes, of course making sure you all eat with his as well.
Though he usually fights his need for sleep to spend time with you and your child, you give him the opportunity to rest some while you and the little one decide to go out for a while. You take advantage of this to pick up a gift for him for Father’s Day, and set up the Planetarium for the evening to spend together. Loads of pillows and blankets are strewn about the room, and you make his brothers swear to not bother you all for that night.
When you return to the attic to wake him, he is groggy but greets you with a smile and pulls you in for a lazy kiss. You urge him to get up and follow you, but he gives out annoyed groans, until your little one starts jumping on him. Than he gets up and follows you to your surprise.
The Planetarium is strung up with soft fairy lights that gift off just a soft enough glow to not dim the stars above, and he looks at it in awe before turning to you and questioning what it’s for. “A Father’s Day gift,” you say with a soft smile, and he flusters a bit, saying he doesn’t deserve something like this; you shush him and give him a peck on the cheek. Your little one runs up with the gift you got for him; a book on the different stars and constellations of the Devildom, and they ask him to read it to them. He is more than happy to do so, as the three of you sit in the bundle of pillows and blankets, looking up at the sky.
It's very hard to get a surprise over on Dia considering he has a hand in almost everything going on, especially when it comes to you and your child. But you manage to sneak off with the help of Lucifer and Barbatos, who distract him with issues concerning RAD.
You and the little one go shopping for him, finding him a gorgeous golden watch set, and the ingredients to make his favorite hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies. When you get home and prepare your gifts, your little one goes about making him a paper crown out of construction paper and glitter, writing 'Best Papa' on the crown in crayon.
You two enter his office where he is finishing up the paperwork with Barbatos and Lucifer, when your little one bolts between the other two demons and straight for their father, jumping to put the paper crown on his head. He is all smiles and laughter as you both wish him a Happy Father's Day, giving him his gifts and cookies. He pulls the both of you into his lap, hugging you tightly and praising you for doing something so special for him.
Though it pains you how busy your demon husband always is, you get to take advantage of it for this special day. You and the children go and shop for him, buying his favorite tea as well as some of Madam Scream’s Macarons that you know he enjoys. One of your little ones sees a green plush bat, and immediately begs you if they can get it for him as well. You also buy him a new pair of silk gloves and the children a bag of candy to share with him.
You set up your shared room with a small table and place the now wrapped gifts on it, your children sprawled out on the floor with markers making pictures as gifts as well. When he finally enters the room, the little ones practically tackle him in excitement, handing him their drawings and drag him to the table to see what they got for him.
He smiles and questions if this is all for Father’s Day, surprising you that he knew of the tradition; but you nod, “We wanted to celebrate you for being such an amazing father.” His cheeks gain a bit of color as he opens the gifts, thanking you with a kiss and turning to pull the children in for a tight hug. They sit with the both of you and share the treats you bought, asking him about his day while making a small mess of themselves with the candy.
You both are usually awake at the same time every morning, so you have to put in quite a bit of effort to wake up before him. You prepare breakfast and tea, setting up the table nicely with flowers in the center, and go to check on the children who are also still sleeping. Thankfully you planned ahead and had them work on their gifts for him the night before, so you take their gifts and place them on the table as well.
Everything is set up, so you go and gently wake your angel up with soft kisses to his cheek. He stirs and groggily smiles at you before pulling you in for sleepy kisses. You manage to get him out of bed and walk with him to the kitchen where the sunlight is coming in just right to make everything look romantic and serene. He asks what all of this is for and you explain it is a Father's Day gift for him, something you celebrate in the human world.
He pulls you in for a tight hug and kisses you over and over, thanking you for the lovely morning. While you are serving him his plate, the children come running up and wrap their arms around him, asking if he liked the cards he made for them. He beams happily at them and says he will cherish them forever.
He's been busy at his desk for hours, working on mixtures and his latest spell, leaving you time to get things ready for your surprise. You and your child go around town, gathering ingredients to bake a large cake, thanks to Barbatos' teachings. While getting the things you need, you happen upon a matching pendant set, and buy it as a gift to give him.
As you are putting together everything you need for the cake, your little one sits at the table, making a drawing of the three of you holding hands, and writes in big letters, "Happy Father's Day!" at the top of it, holding it up proudly. Once everything is finished and set in place, you go and retrieve the sorcerer, finally getting him to step away from his desk.
When he steps out of the room, your little one grabs his hand and drags him to the kitchen, and immediately hands him the drawing they made, bouncing up and down excitedly. He smiles warmly at them and ruffles their hair, thanking them for the picture, and takes in the delicious looking cake. "I honestly forgot it was Father's Day in the Human Realm," he remarks bashfully, but you dismiss his worry and give him a kiss, before handing him your present. The matching pendants are grayish blue stones in silver setting, one for him and one for you. He happily puts his on, and then yours on you, placing a small enchantment on it in hopes it keeps you close to him.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 3 years
Doing Me Right - Fred Weasley
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Title: Doing Me Right Pairing: Fred x Fem!Reader Warnings: NSFW!! Dirty talk, semi-public sex, fingering, mentions of choking, unprotected sex, comments that def could be construed as a breeding kink bc im trash Summary: Fred knows he shouldn’t be eavesdropping on the girls, but when his girlfriend starts to sing a song about getting it on all night, all his concerns go away and all he can think about is 34+35. A/N: not requested, just the product of my own brain!! Inspired by 34+35 by Ariana Grande, all lyrics used are in italics. Feedback is always welcome!!
“No way!”
Fred pauses with his hand hovering over the knob on his bedroom door at the sound of Hermione’s voice. Y/N, Ginny and Hermione had gone upstairs over an hour ago, but clearly they lied about going straight to bed. They obviously deemed whatever conversation they’re having unsuitable for the boys to hear and Fred can’t help but wonder what they’re talking about. Unable to help himself, Fred inches down the hall closer to Ginny’s room, hoping to catch more of their conversation.
“Yes way!” Ginny responds with a giggle. “Harry is very talented on and off the Quidditch pitch, if you catch my drift.”
Fred grimaces as Y/N and Hermione burst out into laughter, and he makes a silent note to hit a few bludgers a bit harder than normal at Harry during their daily Quidditch game tomorrow. Fred settles on the floor outside of Ginny’s room, peering in through the slit in the nearly fully closed door and his breath catches in his throat when his eyes land on Y/N. She’s sitting cross legged on Ginny’s floor wearing a thin tank top and a pair of sleep shorts. They’ve been together for nearly five years, but the sight of Y/N never fails to make Fred’s heart race.
“Who would have thought, eh? Seems the chosen one isn’t as innocent as everyone thinks,” Y/N teases. Someone, Fred figures it’s Ginny, throws a pillow at her and Y/N dodges it with a laugh. “No need to be so feisty, Gin. You’re the one who brought it up!”
“That’s enough out of you,” Ginny responds playfully. “I would have smothered you with that pillow, but we all know how much you enjoy that, don’t we, ‘Mione?”
Fred watches Y/N’s cheeks flush red and she picks up the pillow to hurl it at Hermione and Ginny, who are both laughing hysterically. Fred knows he should forget he ever heard any of this and go back to his room but listening to the girls talk so openly is addictive. Especially since one of the participants is his girlfriend.
“I’m never talking about my sex life with any of you ever again,” Y/N grumbles, flipping both Hermione and Ginny off.
“Why? Tired of bragging?” Hermione teases, and Fred can practically hear the grin on her face.
Y/N shrugs and Fred doesn’t miss the smug look on her features. “No need to be jealous, Hermione. It’s not my fault the Weasley brother I chose is a sex God. I’m sure with a few more years of practice Ron will nearly be as good as Fred.”
Fred can hear Ginny gag as his chest swells with pride. Of course he knows that he’s good in bed and Y/N reminds him just how great it is every time, but it’s different hearing her brag about it to her friends.
“You know the rule!” Ginny shrieks as another pillow comes flying at Y/N. “If you’re gonna talk about your sex life you’re not allowed to use their names! It ruins the whole conversation for me when I’m reminded that my two best friends are with two of my brothers.”
“Sorry, Ginny. I couldn’t resist,” Y/N apologizes.
All three of them are quite for a few moments, and just when Fred is about to sneak away to his room, Hermione makes a noise, and the faint music that was playing in the background turns up.
“Oo, I love this song!” He hears Hermione get up and then her hands come into view as she pulls Y/N up off of the floor. Fred’s eyes widen as he watches Y/N sway to the beat, singing to the lyrics of the song.
“So what you doing tonight?, better say, "Doing you right", watching movies but we ain't seeing a thing tonight,” Y/N sings along, her hips moving in time to the beat.
Fred’s mesmerized by the way Y/N’s hips move, and he can feel himself starting to get turned on from the words she’s singing alone. Despite the fact that they’re both adults and have been together for years, his Mum still insists that Y/N stay in Ginny’s room when they spend the night, so it’s been a few days of nothing but lustful glances and teasing touches between them, and the scene in front of him is making Fred crave more.
Y/N tilts her head back as she sings, and Fred picture himself sinking his teeth into the sensitive sink of her throat. “Can you stay up all night? Fuck me 'til the daylight, thirty-four, thirty-five. Can you stay up all night? Fuck me 'til the daylight, thirty-four, thirty-five.”
Fred watches the way Y/N’s mouth forms around the words, unable to stop himself from imagining them wrapping around his cock. He’d give anything to be with her all night long, and before he can stop himself Fred is reach down and squeezing his hardening cock through his pajama bottoms.
Y/N bends over, giving Fred the perfect view of her ass. She starts to move her hips again, and Fred has to bite down on his index finger to muffle the noise that rips from his throat. The shorts she’s wearing are far too short, so the bottom of her bum cheeks are visible as they bounce, and Fred can’t look away.
“Baby you might need a seat-belt when I ride it, I'ma leave it open like a door come inside it, even though I'm wifey, you can hit it like a side chick, don't need no side dick, no,” Y/N sings, and Fred starts to palm himself harder. It’s taking all of his willpower not to storm in there and drag Y/N into his room so they can do all of the dirty things she’s singing about.
“We started at midnight, got 'til the sunrise, done at the same time, but who's counting the time, when we got it for life?”
Fred watches Y/N move sensually as the song starts to end, in complete and utter awe that he’s going to spend his life with her. Not only does she have an amazing personality, but she’s beautiful and downright sexy. She can drive him crazy with just one look, and Fred knows he’ll never get tired of being with her.
Someone turns the music down as another song switches on and Y/N settles back on the floor, slightly out of breath. Her eyes pass over the door, and for a second Fred thinks she’s missed him, but then her attention refocuses on the opening in the door and their eyes lock. Fred holds his finger up to his mouth and winks at Y/N, before motioning for her to meet him in the bathroom down the hall.
Y/N swallows thickly as Fred disappears from outside Ginny’s door, refocusing her attention on her friends. She has no idea how long he’d been sitting there watching her, and the thought that he’d just witnessed her dancing instantly makes her wet. Once she’s sure Fred is gone, Y/N clears her throat and stands up.
“I’m gonna run to the loo. Brush my teeth and wash my face, all that jazz.” Y/N hopes her voice sounds casual, and she has to focus hard on walking away at a normal pace, even though her mind is telling her to run towards Fred. They’d been teasing each other on and off all day, and with the lustful look Fred had given her when their eyes met a few minutes ago Y/N can’t get to him fast enough.
“Fucking finally,” Fred groans when Y/N meets him in the bathroom. He slams the door shut behind her and presses her up against it, his hands landing on her hips. Fred kisses Y/N desperately, licking into her mouth almost immediately. “Do you know how fucking sexy you are?” Fred starts to trail open-mouthed kisses down her neck as he presses his erection into her stomach. “Got me so fucking hard just from watching you shake that sweet ass of yours.”
“Fred,” Y/N moans as his teeth dig into her collarbone. “You ah, you weren’t supposed to see that.” Fred’s hands have traveled up her shirt and are now cupping and massaging her breasts. “But I’m so fucking glad you did,” she gasps as Fred’s thumbs start to swirls around her nipples.
Fred kisses Y/N again, needing to feel her lips on his. Kissing her has to be one of Fred’s favorite things in the world, and over the past few days all he’s had to get by are a few random pecks here and there. “Such a little slut, Y/N. Singing about fucking me for anyone to hear. You just want everyone to know how good I fuck you, don’t you?”
Fred lifts Y/N up by her thighs and moves so he can place her down on the edge of the sink. He pulls her tank top off over her head before pushing her thighs apart to give him room to stand. One of his hands immediately moves to her breast, starting to massage it, while his head dips down at takes the nipple of her other breast into his mouth.
“Oh my fucking God, Fred,” Y/N moans as his tongue starts to flick at her nipple. Y/N lets out another noise as Fred’s free hand covers her mouth, pressing against it hard.
“Gotta be quiet, Y/N. Don’t want my family to hear how much of a desperate slut you are for me,” he teases before taking her other nipple into his mouth. He lets his teeth nibble at it, and the moan Y/N tries to let out goes right to his cock. “Can’t wait to fuck you and have you writhing on my cock,” he continues, as his mouth nibbles and sucks on her breasts. “Always fuck you so good, don’t I baby? You’re always begging for more when I’m done with you.” Fred’s hands start to play with Y/N’s breasts again so he can press hot kisses to her neck, just below her ear lobe. “You always come so hard on my cock, don’t you baby? I make you feel so good that you can’t help but brag to all of your friends, isn’t that right? Letting them know how hard your sex God boyfriend fucks you.”
Y/N face heats up at Fred’s words and she tries to moan as he presses his hand to her mouth harder. She’s absolutely dripping in her panties, and as much as she’s enjoying the teasing, her core is aching to be filled.
Fred lets one of his hands travel down Y/N’s torso towards the waistband of her sleep shorts. “Bet you’re pretty pussy is soaking wet for me. Probably so wet I could drink it like water,” he teases, referencing the song Y/N had just been singing along too. Fred moans as Y/N’s hands tangle in his hair and tug and he feels her tongue lick at his hand. “Something to say, darling?” He shoves his hand into her shorts and panties, just barely letting his index finger graze her clit.
Y/N tilts her head back and lets out a whine as Fred starts to tease her clit. She tugs on his hair once again, desperately trying to ask him for more. She can feel Fred smirk against her neck as he sucks a mark into it, and she tries to let out a groan in frustration.
“You always make such pretty noises when I rail you,” Fred praises, teasing her entrance with his index finger. “Always love making you scream my name.” He sinks his index finger all the way into Y/N’s heat, and the noise she tries to make sends a shiver down his spine. “Bet you love having my hand wrapped around your mouth? Don’t you, my dirty girl?” When Y/N nods he smirks and pushes another finger into her heat. “Though you probably wish it was wrapped around your neck, don’t you?” Y/N’s hips have started to grind against his hand, and he starts to rub her clit as his fingers curl inside of her. “You fucking love it when I choke you, don’t you? Such a dirty whore. My dirty whore,” Fred growls.
Fred feels like he might burst out of his trousers if he keeps teasing Y/N like this, so he reluctantly steps away from her and takes his hand from her shorts so he can rid himself of his bottoms. It’s a bit hard with his hand still clasped over Y/N’s mouth, but he makes it work. Once he���s naked from the waist down, Fred wraps his hand around himself and starts to slowly stroke his cock. “Am I ‘up’ enough for you?” he teases. “I’m gonna take my hand off of your mouth, but I want you to be a good girl and stay quiet for me, okay?”
“Need you so fucking bad, Freddie,” Y/N pants as soon as he’s removed his hand. “Need you to fuck me like the dirty whore I am.” Y/N lifts her hips up, helping Fred to rip her shorts and panties from her body. As soon as she’s naked, Y/N grabs Fred’s shoulders and pulls him in, kissing him hard. “You heard what the song said, just give me them babies.”
Fred clasps his hand around Y/N’s mouth once again as he shoves hips forward, fucking into her wet heat until their hips are flush together. He can feel her trying to make noises against his hand, and he starts to move his hips, fucking her at a fast pace. “Can’t wait until we’re back at home,” he growls, leaning forward so he can whisper in her ear. Y/N’s legs have started to shake as they wind around Fred’s waist, and he shoves a hand in between them to rub at her clit. “Gonna fuck you all night long, my hand around your throat as you scream my name.”
Y/N starts to breathe harder as her orgasm approaches, her hips moving in tandem with Fred’s. The tip of his cock drags against her g-spot with each thrust, and the dirty things he’s whispering in her ear are quickly pushing her towards her climax.
“Gonna make you ride my face and then ride my cock,” Fred whispers, nibbling on her ear lobe. Y/N clenches around him and his hips stutter as he moans. “You like that idea, huh? Love having your pussy eaten, don’t you? My dirty whore.” Fred starts to thrust harder as he feels his orgasm start to build. “Gonna have to choke you for a bit on my cock too, yeah? I know how much you love to gag around me as I fuck your throat.”
Y/N reaches her peak then, her whole body shaking from pleasure as she cums around Fred’s cock. Her hips to continue to move with Fred as her walls convulse and twitch around him, wanting him to reach his orgasm as well.  
Fred rests his forehead on Y/N’s shoulder as his thrusts turn sloppy, his orgasm nearing. “So fucking tight for me, baby. Feels so fucking good around my cock. Gonna cum. But that’s what you wanted, isn’t it baby? Wanted me to fuck you raw and pump you full of my seed, my little cum slut.” Y/N clenches around Fred one more time and it pushes him over the edge. He rolls his hips slowly to help him through his orgasm, his cock twitching as he releases deep inside Y/N.
“Fred,” Y/N whispers when his hand finally falls from her face again, before she pulls her face to hers. They kiss slowly as they both comes down from their highs, and Y/N whines against Fred’s mouth when he slowly pulls out of her. But a moan falls from her mouth as Fred slides two of his fingers back inside of her.
“Can’t let any of it leak out yet. Not if I’m gonna give you my babies,” he teases, pecking Y/N’s lips several times.
Y/N rolls her eyes, and pulls Fred closer, kissing him deeply. “Pretty sure the potion I’m on is gonna prevent that from happening no matter how long you keep your fingers inside of me.”
“A guy can dream, can’t he?” Fred asks playfully. He slowly pulls his fingers out of her and brings them up to Y/N’s mouth. Fred groans as she takes them into her mouth and sucks them clean, unable to look away. “This is our last night here, no matter what my mum says. We’re gonna be back in our bed tomorrow night so I can fuck you into the mattress.”
“Now who’s the desperate slut?” Y/N teases before kissing Fred again. She winces as he helps her off of the sink, before starting to collect her clothes. “Although I would much prefer a bed to the sink.”
They both get dresses quickly, not wanting to be gone for too much longer. Fred kisses Y/N deeply for a few moments before he lets her leave the bathroom, watching her hips sway as she walks away.
“Finally,” Ginny comments as Y/N reenters her bedroom. “You were gone for ages.”
Y/N can’t help the grin that takes over her face. “Sorry. I had to wait for Fr- I mean someone to finish doing me right. If you catch my drift.”
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saphirered · 3 years
Drowned Sorrows (Vagrant pt2.)
Caleb settles at the table in your shared room, ink and paper ready to go to work and you grab your stuff making way to leave when Caleb stops you, stepping in your path to the door, arms crossed and eyes burning into you. You try to step around him but he just moves with you until you give up. Apparently He’s adamant on talking.
“What the hell do you want?” You roll your eyes at his childish means from preventing you from leaving the room.
“This has gone on long enough.” Caleb states.
“What has?” You play dumb and Caleb gives you a disapproving look akin to a teacher scolding a student and you could just wring the life out of him for for it. Gods, can he just leave you be?
“You know exactly what.”
“Please, by all means, enlighten me, oh grand master Widogast.” You mock and now it’s Caleb’s turn to roll his eyes. Do you have to be so annoying? Why can’t you just act like an adult?
“If you insist. Why do you run out of the room whenever I study? Why do you feel the need to cringe and cower whenever I do anything even remotely magic related?” Caleb asks as you shake your head biting your tongue. This man… This man has some guts to call you out like he has but you suppose maybe this whole thing between the two of you wouldn’t have been as much of an issue if the two of you could just talk about your issues instead of bottling it up until you burst in moments like these, usually ending in some kind of shouting match followed by the silent treatment until Nott makes you ‘kiss and make up’ like she’s your mom.
“It’s none of your business, Caleb. Now let me out.” You once again try to push past him but he doesn’t let you. “Try me, Widogast or I’ll-“ You threaten but are cut off.
“Do what? You won’t use your magic beyond rudimentary practices. What could you possibly do?” Caleb pushes. You know he’s pushing your buttons, your anger only another means to get answers for himself and you hate yourself for falling for his calculated move but you still do.
“You don’t want to find out, Widogast. It didn’t end well for the last people.” There it is. That’s what he’d been waiting for. Those words alone, that threat is not an empty one. You wouldn’t harm him, not permanently at least but there’s a truth to your words and Caleb knows his calculated move to piss you off is paying off. He’ll have to tread carefully if he wants more answers and not actually provoke your wrath.
Shit. Shit shit shit. ‘It didn’t end well for the last people’. Shit. You didn’t want those words to leave your lips at all. Ever. Stupid Caleb fucking Widogast. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You can’t deal with this right now and try to push him out of the way but Caleb hardly budges. You half contemplate leaving through the window just to make a point but you’d rather not draw that kind of attention to yourself.
“Veiled threats and half truths. Those are a coward’s words who doesn’t intend to make true on their promises.” Oh you’re this far away from kicking his ass.
“Well it takes one to know one.” You hiss. “You might want to think twice. We still share a room and I will not hesitate to smother you with a pillow while you sleep. Now. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.” You feel a tingling in your fingertips, frustration running through your face with just a tiny hint of fear. You ball your hands into fists, your nails digging into your palms. Last thing you need is to lose control right now but Caleb doesn’t have to know that.
Caleb steps out of the way, allowing you to pass. He stares you down until you close the door behind you, sharing one last glare before you’re off doing whatever you can to not be in any proximity of that room.
Hours later Nott has fallen asleep at the foot of Jester’s bed, the tiefling herself curled up comfortably. Beau’s sprawled out across her own bed limbs dangling off each side as she snores. You’d fallen asleep sitting against Beau’s bed until her hand slapped you in the face rudely pulling you from your not so comfortable sleeping position. You get up and stretch your limbs, cracking your back. Hopefully Caleb will have gone to sleep himself and you’ll be able to make it to your own bed without dealing with the wizard at this late, or rather early hour.
Exiting the girls’ room you see Fjord slumped against the wall near to his room, giggles and moans coming from the room he shares with Mollymauk. This time he had the sense to bring a pillow but Fjord still looked about as comfortable as anyone could be sleeping against the wall of one of the most expensive places in all of Zadash. You contemplated waking him and telling him to take your bed instead but you don’t doubt you’ll lose your comfy bed forever if you switched roommates. Don’t want to set any precedents because in all honesty, rather him than you having to deal with the lavender tiefling living his life to the fullest. Still, you take your cloak, throwing it over the half-orc gently as you move on to your room.
You don’t see any candle light bleeding through the narrow slit beneath the door so you count yourself lucky as you quietly open the door and slide in, tiptoeing over to your bed, putting your things down and beginning to get ready to sleep. You pull the silk covers back and lay down, making yourself comfortable and close your eyes. You can still smell the scent of that fine parchment and ink. You can almost hear the phantom scribbling of a pen over that paper, dipping into the ink vial every so often to replenish. It’s pure torture. The sound needs to stop. The smell needs to go and despite you trying to use some prestidigitation to get rid of the smell, changing it to those overly fragrant flowers at the shop you passed by a few days ago, the smell is still stuck in your nostrils, the sound still trapped in your ears, the damage already done.
You turn over onto your back, pulling the pillow from beneath you and pulling it over your head, releasing a frustrated but soft muffled scream more akin to a sigh into the plush feathers. The darkness behind your eyelids doesn’t help as you feel a vision of a room creep in, one etched into your memory just as that scent and sound are. Accompanied by feelings of pain and fear, desperation and helplessness, is the feeling of being completely and utterly trapped. No matter your tossing and turning, it all remains and the walls close in, sleep couldn’t be further out of your reach. That is until the lights turn on. A gentle orange glow fills the room and you’re pulled away from your memories and back into the room you share with Caleb.
“Would you stop your tossing and turning, please.” Caleb asks groggy, the sound of moving fabrics and endless sighs having awoken him from his own sleep. Caleb turns over to see you sitting, elbows on your bent knees and head in your hands as you try to stabilise your breathing, counting under your breath like its a life line. You may not exactly be friends and quarrel more often than not, that doesn’t mean he can’t be worried for you. Something’s clearly wrong and it doesn’t take an expert to see that.
“Are you alright?” He asks carefully turning to a half seated position to get a better view of you.
“Just go back to sleep, Caleb.” You grumble not moving from your position. No quip back, no witty remark, not even actual annoyance or a half threat to let Jester draw dicks in his precious books. The position you’re in, the traits you’re displaying are also familiar to him. He’s found himself in a similar situation many times and while you may have said it before as an offence, it’s true no less; takes one to know one. You’re reliving trauma, or at least coming back from reliving a traumatic memory of some kind. Triggered by what exactly?
“I’ll go back to sleep when I’m sure I won’t be awoken again every ten minutes.” In other words; talk.
“Piss off.” You spit raising from your bed, reaching for your bag. Instead you find an orange tabby raising it’s back and hissing at you, by the command of his master no doubt. You have half the mind to pick the cat up by the scruff and toss him at the wizard but right now you just want out.
“You can’t keep running away from your problems forever.” The words hit hard. Caleb’s right but why does it sound like a statement not solely directed at you? You know exactly why. You might not exactly have had any bonding moments with Caleb and he’s been shifty about his past but you know the words of someone who tries to deny that same truth themself.
“It seems to work just perfectly for you. Hypocrite.” It sounded like a curse. Hypocrite. Caleb had known for a long time but having it thrown so bluntly at his face, it hurt. He doesn’t lash out in anger or hit back with an equally venomous retort but instead just stares at you with pity. He really does pity you. He may not know the story but he knows that pain and no one should have to endure that. Still it’s your choice to keep it to yourself. It’s your choice to keep it all bottled up and locked away. No matter what he says, or does for that matter, he can’t change your mind, or even help you despite your differences, if you don’t allow anyone in, regardless of your like, or dislike in his case, for the person. He can’t help someone who won’t help themselves. And that’s exactly what makes him the biggest hypocrite here. His pain is his punishment.
“Where are you going?” Caleb asks as you push Frumpkin aside just enough to reach for your coin pouch, the cat hissing and clawing at your hands until he falls silent again. You open the door looking back one last time.
“To find a rooftop with a good view and drown my sorrows.” You close the door behind you and do exactly that. A bottle or two of good booze acquired and a nice rooftop found. The view would have been nice weren’t it cloudy. Halfway through your first bottle the gods decided to shit in your dish by the sound of rolling thunder and rain pouring down from the skies by the buckets, drenching you to the bone in a matter of seconds. You debated going back inside but you’re stubborn and stayed on that rooftop watching the water spill over the drains until you were shaking from the cold. Maybe suffering from hypothermia isn’t worth making a statement.
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Surprise Rides
Nesta Archeron x Cassian - Motorcycle Oneshot
Cassian plans a surprise for Nesta
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Written for Nessian Month 2021 @illyrianet
Prompt: Motorcycle
Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Art by @mehx1000
1802 words
Nesta’s phone chimed again with a new notification. Rolling her eyes, she tried to get back to her book. She was sitting on her couch with an old romance novel and a glass of wine. It was her favorite way to relax after a long day—and today had been one hell of a long day. All she wanted was to immerse herself in her book for a few hours and go to sleep.
Her phone chimed again.
It seemed her boyfriend wasn’t going to let her have her relaxing night alone.
To be fair, he didn’t know how exhausting the day was. All she’d told him when he called earlier asking if she wanted to go out that night, was to say she was tired and that she’d see him tomorrow.
Another chime.
Sighing, Nesta placed her bookmark before closing the novel and reaching for her phone. There were a dozen notifications, all from Cassian. The first few texts were asking if she was sure she didn’t want to go out and then a few suggesting they could stay in while offering movie suggestions and take-out offers. Then there a few texts asking if she was alive because she wasn’t responding.
The next text came almost immediately after with the realization that she was probably busy with something and not to worry about texting back right away. An hour after that he tried calling and the voicemail was a string of "are you okay?", "I know you said today was long, do you need anything?", and "You're probably curled up with a book right now so I'll stop calling."
Nesta couldn’t help but smile at the messages. In another circumstance, she may have felt overwhelmed or smothered by the number of messages, but she knew Cassian only meant well. And usually, when she felt the need to be alone she gave him more of an explanation than she had today.
She was about to respond to his message when she was startled by a loud knock on her apartment door.
Tossing her phone down and moving the blanket off her legs, she grumbled at being interrupted as she walked over to her door. Without bothering to look in the peephole, she yanked the door open and stopped short.
Cassian was leaning against her doorframe, arms crossed over his chest, with a boyish grin spread over his face. He was wearing his usual: worn jeans, boots, black t-shirt stretched deliciously across his hard chest, and his worn leather jacket. His hair was pulled away from his face in a messy bun atop his head and he had the start of a five-o’clock shadow along his jawline.
“Hey Nes.” He grinned as she stood there open-mouthed. It wasn’t the presence of her boyfriend that left her speechless, it was his appearance. Because on top of his clothes, he was covered in leaves, twigs, and grass stains.
His smile turned almost sheepish as she took in his disheveled appearance, and he raised a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“Cassian,” She looked back at his face, and although he has the barest hint of a blush, he still looked very pleased with himself. “I...what...what happened to you?”
He smiled again and swooped down to kiss her before answering. Pulling back, he seemed even more pleased that it took her an extra second to open her eyes after his kiss.
“Guess what I did today.”
He seemed really excited, but Nesta was still trying to understand why he looked like he tumbled down a hill.
“Nothing stupid I hope.” She answered with a skeptically raised brow. She tried her best not to smile as he scoffed and shook his head at her mocking tone.
“Of course not! Who do you think I am?” He asked indignantly.
She rolled her eyes at him but stepped aside so he could come into her apartment. Closing the door behind him, she crossed her arms and made an exaggerated scan over his body.
“I think you’re someone who would do something stupid.”
He rolled his eyes but looked around to see her discarded blanket, book, and wine glass. Turning back to Nesta, he grinned. She knew he was pleased that he guessed her nightly activities correctly.
“I have a surprise for you.”
This time she looked at him surprised but asked, “What?"
"I have a surprise for you," Cassian repeated, stepping closer to her so he could wrap his hands around her and slip both his hands into the back pockets of her jeans. "You said you had a long day, so I wanted to surprise you with something that will hopefully make it better."
Nesta melted into his touch and smiled softly at the gesture. But when she went to wrap her arms around his neck, her hand snagged on a twig clinging to his collar and she looked at him skeptically.
"What is it?”
He walked towards her coat closet and started rummaging through it before pulling out the thing he was looking for.
“Ah, put this on. And I can’t tell you, Nes, or it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore.”
She just stared at the leather jacket he held out to her; the one she’d bought months ago when she was out with Cass. He insisted that if she was going to ride with him on his motorcycle, then she needed a good jacket to wear.
And they both wanted her to keep riding on his bike.
As long as she’d known Cassian, his bike had been a part of him. She was more surprised than anyone when she started dating the leather-wearing, motorcycle-riding, tattooed, man standing in front of her. But despite his outward appearance, he was the kindest, most sincere, and compassionate man she had ever dated.
And it only took one ride on the back of his bike, with the wind in her hair and the heat of him pressed against her as she hugged him from behind, to show her that she, too, loved the feeling of riding on a motorcycle.
His motorcycle.
During one of their rides up the coast, Cassian insisted that she needed a good leather jacket for their longer rides. When she tried this jacket on, the one he was still holding out to her, he had just stared at her unblinking and insisted she buy it. In his words, she looked “so fucking sexy in the leather” that as soon as they got home he asked her to wear nothing but the jacket and showed her exactly how much he loved it.
Accepting the fact that her relaxing night in wasn’t going to happen, and more than a little curious about what the surprise was, she grabbed the jacket and slipped it on. She didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on her body as she zipped it up; the leather clinging to her curves. Ignoring his darkened eyes and the way he bit his lip, she rolled her eyes but smirked as she turned to grab her purse.
“Fine. Let’s go.” Nesta followed him out the door, making sure the lights were turned off and the door locked.
“You don’t need to sound too excited.”
She rolled her eyes but handed her purse to his outstretched hand as they got to his parked bike. Lifting the seat, he took out the spare helmet and handed it to her as he tucked her purse into the now-empty storage space.
“Maybe I’d be more excited if my boyfriend wasn’t taking me wherever it is that made him look like he just jumped into a pile of leaves.”
He laughed and expertly put his own helmet on. “Have a little faith in me, Nes.”
Nesta rolled her eyes again but smiled and climbed on the bike behind Cassian. He revved the engine and she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, pulling herself as close to him as she could. She raised the visor on her helmet briefly to tell him, "You know I do."
She flipped her visor back down and leaned her head against his back as he quickly squeezed the hands she had around his waist. He kicked up the stand on the bike, pushed on the gas, and drove away.
Nesta could easily get lost in the feeling of riding. It felt like flying; it was fast, exhilarating, and she never felt safer than when she was with Cassian.
They rode for almost twenty minutes on the main road before he turned down a more secluded path, covered by a canopy of trees that made the stretch of road feel like their own personal tunnel. Cassian turned again, this time along an unpaved path and she held him tighter as he maneuvered over the uneven ground. Soon, he stopped at the edge of a clearing and Nesta lifted her face from his back to get a better look.
“So? What do you think?” He asked, sounding a little nervous as if she wouldn’t like it.
But how could she not like it? A large blanket was set up in the clearing with a picnic basket and pillows. And lights had been strung up along the branches, creating a glow around the space.
“Cass…” She swallowed the lump in her throat and lifted her helmet so she could press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “It’s perfect, I love it.”
She felt him grin and she kissed him again.
He turned the motorcycle off and helped her climb off the back. Then he grabbed her hand and led her over to the blanket. She could see now that more blankets were laid out beside the pillows.
He let her look around and when her gaze fell on him again he was grinning at her surprised look.
“Told you I had a surprise for you.” He grinned, pleased with her reaction.
“I can’t believe you did all this.”
“I may have had a little help.” He admitted, “But they’re long gone now, you don’t have to worry about anyone interrupting us.” He winked and wiggled his eyebrows at her.
Nesta threw her head back and laughed. Cassian’s smirk widened into a large grin at the sound of it. He grabbed her hand and tugged her down onto the blanket landing on his back and pulling her on top of him.
She leaned up to kiss him as his hands held her waist.
“Thank you,” Nesta murmured against his lips moments later.
Cassian smiled and kicked off his shoes. She did the same and fell back against him, tucked into his side as they watched the lights twinkle above them.
As they laid there, content in each other’s company, Nesta realized she much preferred this over her book and wine. This time.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @ladygabrielli1997
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dabisburntsack · 4 years
Pay attention to me
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing(s): Shigarki Tomura x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Restless from your lack of attention to him in quarantine, Shigaraki takes matters into his own hands.
Wordcount: 2162
This is apart of a quarantine fluff collab done with the crackhead sanctuary discord server! Can’t wait to see how everyone’s fics turned out! This was fun to do I hope you all enjoy ٩( ᐛ )و
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Shigaraki was secretly enthusiastic after a mass pandemic had broken out in Japan, usually the two of you would not be able to see much of each other due to the danger of being caught with your profession as a pro hero and his as an extremely wanted villain. Now you had no choice other than to be wrapped in each other's embrace as chaos roamed outside the solid walls of your modern apartment. No one was there to judge you guys being together and the usual paparazzi outside of your residence had been resolved as people were not stepping foot outside.
However, what he didn’t expect was for the hero commision to still call you forward as an essential worker. Villains it seemed were still up to no good, even though Shigaraki had told the rest of the league to stay put and inside; lesser known villains had decided to make their own names known in the country's vulnerable state. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the times you were home you had steadily grown yourself attached to the retro nintendo switch gaming console. What the fuck was so good about animal crossing anyway? Did you enjoy spending time with that rat Tom Nook instead of him?!
Shigaraki was used to him being the gamer between the two of you, he enjoyed it as you pleaded for him to get off whatever device he was on at the time by smothering him with kisses till he gave into you. Sometimes he would even do so on purpose to get affection from you. Being on the other end of it though, was something he quickly learned he did not enjoy. Not being one to initiate intimate gestures in the relationship, he just watched you hoping you would notice him sulking and give in to him.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Sunday morning. No hero duties, just you and him, sleeping in till noon; but as his hand caught the coldness coming from your side of the bed, Shigaraki buried his head into his pillow and groaned. He could hear your padded footsteps going downstairs. Rolling over he yawned into his hand before checking the time, 8:45am. Why were you awake at 8:45am. Why was he awake at 8:45am on a Sunday morning.
Throwing off the sheets he winced as his feet hit the cold wooden floor of your shared bedroom, he was going to have to drag you back to your cocoon pile himself. Muttering, he walked his way downstairs before peaking into the living room to see you huddled on the
couch, switch in hand. Of course you were up so early just to go on that damn game.  
“Player two, what the fuck are you doing awake right now”
Your head snapped up like a deer caught in headlights as you saw your boyfriend's tired face leaning beside the door frame. Sheepishly rubbing at your neck you pouted up at him, “But Daisy Mae is selling turnips”
“Daisy who is doing what???”
“Daisy mae” You repeated bringing your switch up so he could look at what you were referring to “look at her she's so adorable, I have to buy from her I can’t make her sad by not buying”
Shigaraki looked down to your screen and blanked. There on screen was an orange little pig with a hat full of turnips, and standing by its side smiling brightly was your avatar. You got out of bed for a pig??? A pig selling turnips from its head...and was that a snot drop hanging from its snout?!!
He looked back up at you and if emojis existed in real life, he swore you would be the pleading eyes one with the face you were pulling at him. Ok, but who gave you the right to be so fucking adorable, he was meant to be mad at you for having woken him up so early!! Over a PIG!!!
“And why do you have to ‘buy turnips from daisy mae’ so early in the morning, you can do it later on”
“You can only buy before noon” You pleaded at him “Come on who could resist look how cute she is”
“I can be cute” Shigaraki huffed under his breath “Come back to bed, I’m tired and cold”
“Ok ok after this I will, you go warm it back up for me” You had already started slotting your switch in the port that hooked it up to the TV.
Shigaraki puffed out a breath but obliged and made his way back upstairs, waiting upon your arrival. Sliding back between the covers he peered at the doorway to your bedroom patiently to see when you would come back, however something about the warmth of the sheets and the way the mattress moulded perfectly into his back pulled him back into slumber in an instant however much he tried to fight it.
When he awoke again it was 11:15 and he was content to see you rolled up on his chest. He breathed out slowly, tucking a hair strand behind your ear, before kissing the top of your head.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Waking and sleeping at ridiculous times had seemed to turn into the norm for you after that however, as he once again caught you out of bed at 3am this time, when he awoke from feeling the coldness of your body not pressed up against his. He blearily rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb before seeing a brief light flickering from downstairs through the cracks of your bedroom door. He threw his head back and protested, muttering under his breath on how much of a hassle you were, before pulling off the covers and making his way downstairs. Blinking at going into the light he found you once again curled up on the sofa, controller in hand and staring avidly at the TV screen.
“Yes?” You replied not taking your eyes off the screen.
“What are you doing awake?”
Well at least you had the dignity of alighting a blush that made its way up your neck and across your cheeks. You meekly turned your gaze to him ready to spring up your puppy eyes but he looked back at you with a deadpan expression. Still, you tried your luck by pouting at him and blinking your eyes in mock innocence.
“But shiggy there’s a meteor shower today and I had to watch it”
“It's a game, can't you do it in the morning?” Shigaraki sighed, being once more brought to weakness by your gaze. He couldn’t resist you, not when you were looking at him like that paired in an oversized t-shirt with a blanket draped over your head. HIS oversized t-shirt might he add.
“I have to do it nowww, the stars only come between 7pm and 4am”
Honestly he didn’t know how to respond, you really stayed up to watch a pixelated star fall from the sky. Is this how bad he was? He shook his head but couldn’t help at the slight smile that tugged at his lips. Making his way over to you he took off your blanket before wrapping it round the both of you.
“Lets see this damn star that has you awake all night then”
You beamed at him. He melted.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
With the days going by of you ignoring him for your switch, Shigaraki thought doing the same to you would be a good idea. But as it went on he couldn’t bring himself to carry on, he wanted your attention, and he had just thought of a way to achieve his goals.
Basing his plan on the night a few weeks ago when you had stayed up for that meteor shower, he dragged out an assortment of blankets to the old trampoline you had in your garden. Since that night he had decided if you so badly wanted to stay up for a stupid capatilist racoon, you could do so with him too and experience the real thing. He had gone ahead and checked the weather for when clear skies would take place for you guys to stargaze in your back garden, along with a nice dinner beforehand. He had already started cooking back when quarantine had begun trying to ease the load off you as you worked on your hero duties, and although not the best, his food was the least bit savagable now. (Although this did include multiple temper tantrums on his behalf and having to call Kurogiri to calm himself down.)
Coming back inside he checked on the curry he had left to simmer only to find it was burning. FUCK. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, ten minutes away he looked up in exasperation at the mess in front of him, this wasn’t going well. The curry was burnt, the salad was old and the flowers he got you had disintegrated when he tried to move them into a vase as he wasn’t wearing his gloves earlier on. Maybe it wasn’t too late for Kurogiri to teleport some decent food his way…
As the door chimed from your arrival he hurriedly put down the plates and scratched at his neck, he didn’t usually do huge gestures in the relationship between you guys, that was more your thing. He showed his love in small ways, he liked touching you, having at least one body part pressed against you eased his nerves. Whether it be your thighs brushing against each other as you sat next to each other or feeling the warmth of your hand against his leathered one it never failed to put his mind at ease. This was long overdue, he wanted to show you how much he cared, if things would just go his fucking way the once.
“I’m home!” You called out, he knew your routine by now, you would go hop in the shower as to decontaminate yourself from any germs and then come eat with him before going off to spend hours on your switch. Well not tonight, you were his for tonight.
“Welcome home, brat”
His attention turned back to the utter chaos in front of him and he brought his forefinger and thumb up to massage the bridge of his nose. Picking up his phone with all fingers but his pinky he dialled Kurogiri’s number but stopped in his tracks as he heard a gasp in the room.
His ears felt hot as he turned to face you, you were looking at the small dining table set up in the kitchen and looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
His cooking really was so bad he had made you cry fuck this wasn-
“Shiggy you did this for me?”
“Well who else would I do it for”
The air was knocked out of his lungs as you flung yourself into his arms, he was still fearful whenever you made sudden movements on him as of his quirk but he relaxed as he noticed the leather adoring his hands was there.
“I had a bad day at work today, I missed you so much all day”
Shigarakis arms wrapped back around you as he buried his face into your hair. “I missed my player two aswell”
Staying in each other's embrace, Shigaraki hummed in content. “I burnt the curry by the way”
“It's the thought that counts, I’m sure it isn’t so bad”
It was bad. Shigaraki seemed to have missed out a lot of steps and he ended up calling Kurogiri after all, after eating and showering together (you had jumped straight into Shigarakis arms and needed to be clean from your day of work) Shigaraki grabbed your hand and tugged you outside.
“I thought we could stargaze together…” Shigaraki muttered out his ears turning red yet again. “Like you do with bob rook”
“Tom nook?” You laughed
“Yes the dumb racoon boy”
“Are you jealous of said dumb racoon boy?” You asked, amused.
“No” He replied too quickly, and was silent for a while before speaking up “You’ve been playing on that game a lot recently though”
“Finally got a taste of your own Medicine, have you?”
“I’m not as bad as you”
“I beg to differ”
He flicked the top of your forehead as you giggled and laid back in the nest he had built on your trampoline, before staring up at the sky. It really was a beautiful night to stargaze, the weather was pleasant too, with the warm summer air and no breeze. Shigaraki laid down next to you, laced his fingers with yours and brought them up to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles.
“I love you”
“More than Tom Nook?”
Pretending to think about it you hummed. “Mmmm yes I think so”
“You think so?”
“Of course I love you more than Tom Nook dummy”
Shigaraki was quiet for a while before softly muttering out “I love you too”
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Midnight Stroll
AUTHOR: mooncat163
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that you struggle with sleep walking, and one night you manage to get to Loki’s room. The next morning he wakes to find you snuggled against his back, and wonders how you ever got past the security spells he’d cast.
RATING: General
NOTES/WARNINGS: just fluffy stuff, sleepwalking
— —
You’ve been up for close to seventy-two hours straight, copying VHS surveillance tapes to digital in an attempt to isolate and identify players suspected of gearing up for a major weapons heist. Any attempts to make you rest before you collapsed were rebuffed: you were determined to complete the process and make positive ID’s as soon as you could.
The greeting was soft so that you weren’t startled when Steve came up behind you. He glanced over the monitors before looking at you.
“Hey, Cap,” you replied, and turned your head slightly. “I’m almost done, just have about twelve hours left-“
“That's why I’m here,” he said. “You’ve been at it for close to three days, and you need to rest.”
“I’m good,” you protested. “Jarvis has already isolated footage for me, I just have to-“
“Rest,” he said, firmly. “Jarvis, bookmark where she’s at, but she’s not allowed to start again until she’s eaten and slept.”
“Yes, sir.”
“But I-“ You turned your chair to face Steve after the computer monitors went blank.
“No.” He urged you out of the chair and then ushered you from the room. “Tony agrees, and none of us want you to become overtired.”
You still wanted to protest, but there wasn’t any point in doing so. Jarvis wouldn’t allow you to access the files until Tony or Steve agreed to it, and there wasn’t a way to subvert the AI. You knew this because you’d tried several times, just to see if you could and to see how badly you could annoy Tony.
You had managed one small victory: you’d renamed some of his music files, so that instead of the heavy metal songs he liked to blare at random, Jarvis would end up playing teen bop songs. Tony didn’t talk to you for a week after that, although you could see by the gleam in his eyes that he was slightly impressed by the feat.
Computers had always been your ‘thing’, and you could set up networks and track down problems in record time. When you worked with the electronics, your mind visualized the connections and routes in schematic form, enabling you to pinpoint the failing areas. When it came to analyzing data, you could do so just as quickly.
Steve led you to the elevator, and the ride up to the Avengers’ level was made in silence, then his hand in the small of your back guided to the dining table, where the rest of the team sat.
“Glad you could join us,” Tony said, grinning when you cut your eyes at him.
You sat down across from Loki and Thor, then helped your plate with food as it was passed to you. You offered them both a tired smile, which Thor returned with a wink. Loki nodded, and although he didn’t smile, his green eyes were lit with amusement. A warmth spread through your veins, making it hard to look away from him, but you finally managed.
If only he wasn’t such eye candy, you thought. Or maybe such a snack...a tall, tall, snack…snack-a-licious…
You smothered a giggle that almost escaped, but then strangled on the sip of water you’d just taken. While you coughed into your napkin, Bucky tried to help by patting your back, but his strength knocked you forward enough where you almost face-planted into your plate.
You composed yourself while keeping your attention on your food. You weren’t very hungry, even though you’d subsisted only on coffee, protein snacks and candy over the last few days. As you began to eat, it became difficult to keep your eyes open. Now that you were still and quiet, the lack of sleep caught up with you fast. The others watched as your head began to drop lower and lower, until your fork clattered onto the plate as you fell asleep while sitting upright.
“Come on, sleepyhead.” Steve scooped you up and carried you to your apartment, where he put you to bed.
— —
Later that night, Tony was still in the common room when you padded quietly on bare feet into the kitchen. You went to the fridge and stared at its contents for several minutes before taking out a yogurt cup.
He watched as you shuffled to a drawer for a spoon, and he started to ask if you needed help when you struggled to open the yogurt, but you did manage to get the lid off after a couple of minutes.
“Are you alright?” He asked as you consumed the yogurt in four large spoonfuls.
You didn’t respond, just dropped the spoon into the sink, and the empty cup into the garbage, and left. Once back in your apartment, you crawled into bed, pulled up the covers and went back to sleep.
— —
Several hours later, Loki stirred from a deep sleep when something woke him. He listened for any movement in his apartment, but all was quiet. Something wasn’t right, though, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
He started to get up, but then realized what had disturbed him: a warmth against his back, along with a bare arm across his waist. To say that he was stunned would be an understatement, since neither should be there.
Loki carefully grasped his bedfellow’s wrist and raised it enough to try to determine who had invaded his space, and he didn’t need three guesses when he recognized the intruder’s bracelet.
He couldn’t help but think of you by the nickname that Tony had burdened you with due to your computer skills. None of that was important, however. What was important was why you were in his bed, and how you had managed to avoid the spells that he cast each night that would alert him to any intruders. It was a habit that he kept, even though it was unlikely that he’d be attacked in his own suite, and he felt a bit uneasy that you hadn’t triggered any of them.
Loki carefully shifted until he faced you, and the movement was enough to turn you on your back. He braced up on one elbow while he looked into your face, and recognized the exhaustion it reflected. He knew that you’d been working hard on the surveillance videos; too hard, it seemed. He frowned at that, and decided to speak to Stark about letting you stay awake for days on end, as it wasn’t necessary since Jarvis could easily help run comparisons.
“Hey, Pixel.”
He brushed hair out of your face before shaking you gently, but you didn’t stir. He tried again, with no success: you were dead to the world. He considered taking you back to your own bed, but an urge for mischief kept him from doing so. He rather wanted to see what your reaction would be come morning. So, he adjusted position slightly so that your head was pillowed on his arm, then he put the other arm across you and pulled you closer.
— —
Early the next morning, well before dawn, you awoke slowly to find that something was very, very wrong.
Your sheets were softer than you recalled, you were curled against someone’s side, with your head on their shoulder, and this someone had their arms around you. Slowly, carefully, you sat up, and the shock when you recognized your bedfellow had you turning toward the edge of the bed.
Before you could disengage fully from his embrace, he turned with you, and drew you even closer to his chest, where he held you firmly. You laid still for a couple of minutes, not wanting to disturb him, hoping to escape before he woke. Then you carefully tried moving his arm from across your waist so that you could slide from beneath it.
“What’s the fuss, pet?” Loki asked, sleepily.
“Why are you in my room?”
“Your room?” You felt his smile against your temple.
“My room! And my bed!”
“Are you certain about that?”
Your brow furrowed in confusion while you slowly looked around, then your mouth fell open in astonishment when you realized where you were. Nope, not your room, but his.
“How did I get in here??”
“That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” He asked, while burying his nose in your hair. “How you got in, and got past my security measures.”
“I don’t—wait, security measures? You mean booby traps?” You whispered, aghast.
He almost laughed aloud at that, and would have if your tone hadn’t been so horrified at the notion of triggering one of his spells.
“Don’t worry, Pixel, there isn’t anything that will cause lasting harm,” he chuckled. “So, first order of business: why did you come here?”
“I’m not...oh...cripes…” you rubbed your face with a groan.
“I’m so sorry...I must have been sleepwalking.”
“I haven’t done it in years, though...I guess being up for close to four days straight triggered it.”
“I see,” Loki mused over that for a moment. “But how did you get past my spells?”
“I don’t know, I really don’t,” you replied. “Are you sure they’re still intact...never mind, forget I asked.”
You’d backtracked on the question when his arm tightened slightly; you could imagine that his expression would remind you that he was a master sorcerer who was at least nine hundred years in age, and that he would know if his spells had failed.
“I should go,” you told him as you tried again to move his arm. “I’m very sorry for invading your space…”
“It’s early yet, why not stay?” He asked. “You’re delightfully warm.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I should.”
You were painfully aware that your gown’s thin straps left your arms and shoulders bare, and the hem only reached to your knees. There was no way that Loki hadn’t noticed it either, just as it hadn’t escaped your notice that his chest was bare. Thankfully, you could tell that he had on pajama bottoms. Thank God for small mercies.
“I was a perfect gentleman last night,” he commented. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I do,” you replied, quickly. But do I trust myself?
Loki hummed softly before he ran his hand down your arm and changed your gown into one that covered you from your chin to your feet, and from your shoulders to your wrists. You were quite sure the thing would strangle you, since you were a restless sleeper.
“Geez, did you raid Steve’s grandmother’s closet??”
“Just trying to be helpful,” he replied with a chuckle, before he changed the gown again.
This time it was a green shirt with flowing sleeves, open neckline and a shorter hem which reached your knees. It wasn’t lost on you that he’d put you in his color.
“Better?” He asked.
“Yes, thank you,” you replied. “But I should go....”
He held you more firmly, and drew his legs up behind yours to trap you further. He was reluctant to let you go now that you were in his arms. He’d watched you for months now, slowly warming up since you treated him the same as anyone else, perhaps even better. He wasn’t sure how you’d managed to get under his skin, but he found himself wondering how it would feel to hold you, to kiss you...to have you.
When Loki refused to let you up, your heart began to race at the implications. Was he interested in you? Or just being mischievous because you had accidentally climbed into his bed? Either way, the proximity to his bare skin had you shaking; it wouldn’t take much for you to give in to his request.
“I’d like for you to stay,” he whispered, before he’d turned your face toward him.
When his lips found yours in a gentle kiss, your reticence flew out the window.
Yes, that did it.
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clairdelunelove · 3 years
Closer Than We Seem
kyoutani kentarou x f!reader
genre: slight angst, fluff, comfort, romance, mutual pining 
warnings: cursing, implied past physical abuse, mentions of physical/verbal harassment 
synopsis: college!kyoutani demanded to know the source of the obnoxious arguing that kept him awake throughout the night. The thin walls barely filtered out the yelling and he had a 7:00 a.m. class in the morning. Venturing out to immediately put an end to it, kyou stumbles upon a person with a past that changes both their lives- and romance ensues. 
a.n: 5.0k words of some kyoutani content! enjoy!
He was sick of it.
Amber eyes, bloodshot around the edges, shifted to glance at the digital clock seated on the nightstand. The dark plastic is well worn as the illuminated screen is covered in cracks. Undoubtedly, the piece of technology was victim to his annoyed clobbering whenever the alarm went off.
Smothering a plush pillow over his ears, the blonde fervently attempts to block the commotion. His fingers press tightly against the only source of comfort that keeps his sanity at bay. A raised vein etched across his jawline as his teeth grind together and he forces out a grunt. 
“It’s been two damn hours.” 
Kyoutani’s gravelly voice is barely heard over the yelling in the next room. Disgruntled, he removes the pillow from his face and tosses it beside him with a roll of his eyes. The part-time college student is openly miffed by the lack of peaceful sleep he could be getting. He, quite honestly, didn’t appreciate showing up to morning classes with eye-bags as dark as the eyeliner that he meticulously lined his eyes with. Over the past four months, adequate rest is a miracle for him to discover each day. 
“And they’re still arguing,” Kyoutani rambles on while using the bottom of his hand to hammer the pillow onto the mattress, “who the fuck argues that long?” 
Scrunching his thin eyebrows, he tries to comprehend the mere logic behind quarrelling in the middle of the night, especially on a school night. By all means, Kyoutani isn’t a saint amongst sinners but in a couple hours the blond has a chemistry quiz, a subject he’s gloriously failing, and sleep was needed. 
Another frustrated shout rips through the popcorn textured walls which doesn’t muffle the noise due to the poor insulation covering. The voice is distinctly a male’s and it takes all of Kyoutani’s willpower not to roar back to assert his dominance. Instead, his fingertips rake through his cropped hair while letting out a grumble. 
His eyelids feel like weights are strapped to them, progressively drooping shut, as his vision becomes blurry. A rare silence drifts through his cramped dorm room. The place resembles a battle zone with clothes tossed to the bed, papers scattered over the desk, and empty protein bar wrappers cascaded on the floor. Yet, Kyoutani adored the small freedom he finally had at the university dorms. 
The silence lulls him to close his bloodshot eyes, a deep exhale flares out his pointed nose, and a relief floods through him. He might actually get some rest for once. 
“Get out!” 
At the obnoxious yell from the neighboring room, the blond is far too annoyed to logically comprehend his actions before his bruised knuckles are knocking at the wall. The numbness of rapping at the wall is barely registered over how livid Kyoutani is at the intrusion to his sleep. 
“Shut up!” 
He throws in the bellow for good measure and stops his onslaught of assault on the wall. It seems awkward scolding the wall and his hand slowly drops to his lap. His sharp eyes track the movement of his fingers, dimly noting that he needs to trim the cracked edges. Perhaps his unpolished fingertips are the reason for his missed spikes on the volleyball court lately. 
A solid thump resonates back to him, to which Kyoutani dumbly blinks at. Hairs at the back of his neck stand and he can literally feel the heat leave his ears as his blood boils. The college student’s temper has simmered down since high school but hearing the other person’s unperturbed knock ticked him off. It was almost like they were taunting him. 
“Oh that’s it,” he mumbles and kicks away the blanket that interlaced his figure. 
Stretching across the small room, his legs move on its own accord and he reaches to twist the knob of the door. Using the expanse of his muscular shoulder, he pushes the wooden structure open in hopes of confronting the rowdy student that resided next to his dorm room. 
Permanent frown plastered on his pale lips, the blond urges to dramatize the expression. He crosses his arms after knocking on the neighboring door and the action displays his athletic build as a result of years of sports. The irate appearance was perfected as a scare tactic that he used to his advantage in varying situations. Petrifying the student next door wasn’t excluded out of the list.
“Could you shut your mouth? You’re being too damn loud, man--”
Kyoutani allowed himself to commit a double take before hastily shutting his own mouth, only for it to part as a sharp inhale almost made him sputter. His onslaught of vulgarity, a script he’d previously rehearsed plenty of times, fell lost on his tongue as he eyes the female in front of him. 
You’re unfairly pretty. 
It pains him that the first thought that races within his mind is a compliment when your mascara is smudged at the edges. Your frizzy hair is at a disarray, strands sticking up even when it’s pulled into a ponytail. The hoodie that you’re wearing is far too large as the end hits above your midthigh and his thoughts short circuit when he drags his gaze upward to see that you’re already giving him a sheepish smile. 
“Sorry,” your voice pitches higher at the sudden appearance of the male, “were we being too loud?” 
“N-no? I mean yes,” Kyoutani sputters the first words and finishes his reasoning with a pathetic remark, “chemistry.” 
Your face lights up, visibly amused with his lack of speech at the moment while understandingly nodding, “you have a chemistry test?” 
“And you need to get some sleep before it?”
His responses are pitiful- even he knew- but there was only so much he could verbally say when focusing on the way your lips curved up when smiling. Plus, perhaps he was delusional with the lack of sleep, but your curiosity seemed to dip to his lean physique.
“I’m so sorry,” your eyes follow the blond’s movement of leaning against the doorframe, “we’ll try to keep it down so you can get some rest.” 
His brain disconnects with the small ounce of logic he carries when your sleeve sweeps across your nose to sniffle and he recognizes the dried tears that stain your face. Kyoutani isn't the best at handling emotions or being touchy-feely but he’s not ignorant.
“You good?” He asks while cautiously taking a step forward.
His defensive instincts, honed by years of avoiding other people, raise at the wary glint in your eyes. The blond’s inquisition is answered with a meek nod of your head and your nose scrunches to halt your sobs. Upon closer inspection, the sleeves on your hoodie is drenched in what he infers are tears.
Your feet remain rooted to the ground, neither welcoming him or pushing his intrusiveness away. He’s aware of the slight shake of your body and his golden eyes widen at how unnerved you were behaving. 
“My bad,” Kyoutani falters as his own doubts consume him, “I didn’t mean to make you cry-” 
“Who’s at the door, (Y/n)?”
The new voice, startling you with the sudden shout, comes from within the room. Distinctly, it’s the same tone that was hollering while Kyoutani was trying to sleep. The blond’s keen on how you were shifting your weight to each foot and the fidgeting only increased when footsteps resounded on the creaking floorboards. 
“Oh,” you squeak as your evasive gaze connects with his, “my dorm room neighbor.” 
Pulling your hands away from your face, a naive expression is plastered on when a male comes up behind you. The stranger is shorter and less lean than Kyoutani is. Yet, when the male captures your stare, you’re reeling back by fiddling with your fingers behind your back. 
The unpleasant male, brunet but his darker roots were peeking out, regards Kyoutani with a sniff, “can we help you?” 
Something about the male irked the blond and a frown tugs at his lips. He predicted that the guy was your boyfriend or had some type of connection with you. Being in university led to freedoms such as relationships. Although Kyoutani was a stranger to such involvement, he knew the attachment or void others were attempting to fill during these years.
“Yeah, you can,” the blond responds with a miffed scowl, “noise complaint.” 
There’s an uncomfortable silence when the brunet eyes Kyoutani with an agitated glower. It’s painstakingly silent. He’s surely showcasing his superiority within the uneasy situation. Though, the volleyball player is grateful for his decision of wearing a tattered, sleeveless shirt because the other male loosened into an apprehensive gaze. 
“She wasn’t listening to me, so,” the other male jut a thumb towards you and shrugs his shoulders, “sorry, dude.”
Raising a sharp brow, Kyoutani’s expression is dubious when noting how the blame is placed on you when the other male was clearly the only one hollering beforehand. It clicks that the uneasy flickering within your eyes is due to the other male and disgust engulfs him. 
His fist clenches, displeasure rolling off of him in waves before speaking up, “I’m pretty sure I just heard your loudass screeching. Just keep it down.” 
The brunet clams up at the jest, forehead wrinkling just enough to cause worry that lines would permanently stay there. Kyoutani watches the way the other male’s jaw tightens before he’s storming off. The blond regards the other’s lack of positivity with a roll of his eyes and mutters an insult under his breath. 
A whisper, faint but lingering in the silent air, leaves your lips, “thanks.” 
“Nah,” his amber eyes flicker to yours, “don’t need to thank me. ‘Ts about time someone put him in his place.” 
“Tell me about it.” 
“I could,” Kyoutani pauses to toe at the floorboards and the cheap tile chips at the touch, “if you’d let me.” 
The words tumble out of his mouth before it can be filtered and the result has him reeling back. His cheeks are warm, probably matching with his reddened ears. The invitation is annoyingly corny and the staleness makes him want to hurl. 
“Sounds like a deal.” 
Your response has his attention locked onto you again and he’s internally thankful that he’s not the only one embarrassed by his impromptu. Thumbing at the sleeves of your sweater, a lopsided grin etches across your face and the blond freezes up. His mind is functioning as quickly as a bullet train but his expression only stares back at you with a stupidly blank look. 
Your giggle snaps him out of his stupor before putting him into a daze over how charming the noise sounds. An entertained peek casts over him as you tuck your hair away from your face.
“I guess I’ll see you around-”
“Kentarou,” he discloses with a respectful yet hurried bow of his head, “Kyoutani Kentarou.” 
“(Y/n)(L/n). Call me (Y/n),” you mention before begrudgingly edging the door closed, “and good luck on your chemistry test, Kentarou.”
The next day, it irritates him that he can only conjure up an image of your smile when he should be solving for Planck’s constant.
“Whatcha doing there?” 
Keys dangling in his grasp, he halts at the front of his dorm room door. It’s unwelcomely cold today and the brisk wind has his fingers alike to popsicles. The blond’s tried to fight off the chill with his customary varsity jacket and black beanie. Ideally he didn’t toss on the hat because he couldn’t bother with styling his hair- of course not. 
You’re situated on the floor with your knees pulled up to your chest while balancing a notebook atop of your makeshift desk. The lined paper has quick notes jotted down, highlighted words, and doodled diagrams that Kyoutani is able to discreetly peer at. A twinge of satisfaction tugs at him when your study habits are exactly what he’d picture they would be. 
“Studying,” your eyes never leave your paper as you respond to him. 
Uncapping a pastel highlighter, you exaggerate the action by underlining a phrase written in your notebook and raising a brow at him. The incredulous look on your face only comes off as sarcastic as Kyoutani rolls his dark eyes at your mockery. A grin curls on your lips while raising your shoe to nudge the side of his boot. He’s recognized each one of quirks, including your friendly banter.
“No shit Sherlock,” the blond pulls his hand away from the door and tucks the keys into his pocket, “coulda sworn you were sleeping.”
Crouching on par with you, he extends a finger to poke at your cheek and indicates the dark bags underneath your eyes. It’s lighthearted payback for the attitude he received just a second ago yet there’s a concerned glint in his stare. The darkness that surrounds your eyes is apparent even with the dab of concealer you managed to slap on in the morning and an embarrassed hand covers half of your face. 
The threat isn’t laced with malice but the jab at his shoulder sure proves that humiliation is a strong consequence of emotion. He lets out a groan while gingerly rubbing the ache that emits from the bundle of muscle you punched. 
Childishly sticking out your tongue at his dramatics, you declare, “that’s what you get.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
He pauses and then recognizes that the position you’re in is one that seemed too familiar. Your gaze flutters back to the flimsy notebook, aware of how perceptive Kyoutani was when it involved the wellbeing of yours. 
Inviting the blond to warm up to you was certainly a gradual process but you did not regret it. Shy smiles transformed into late night talks over the phone. The two of you had a special yet uncharted compassion for each other that had bloomed over the last two months. 
“What,” the words taste like venom in his mouth and he desperately wants to spit it out, “he locked you out again?” 
You feign interest in your notes, physiology facts are sprawled onto the margins, while avoiding Kyoutani’s heated gaze. His hand balls into a fist, dull fingernails digging into the soft flesh of his palm. He knows that you won’t answer the seemingly obvious question even when you’re slumped on the floor in a feeble heap and it tugs at his heart.
Unfortunately, when Kyoutani faces displeasure he’s only adept to outwardly show his emotions. Ever since he was born, it was a rule to allow oneself to be impassioned about hobbies, beliefs, and avocations. The blond applied the rule to showcasing his appreciation to the people he deemed as special, as per usual. Except, he didn’t have the best grasp on handling his intense emotions. 
“He’s always treating you like shit,” the next part comes out like a scoff that rages within him, “and you’re always falling for it.” 
The weight of the words felt like a blow to your face, leaving a stinging sensation that resonated within you. The confrontation shook you to the core. Not once has the male ever blamed you for your boyfriend’s inconsideration. 
Kyoutani’s chapped lips form around the syllables of the offense and he automatically knows that he just messed up. Curses sling together within his mind as he pitifully watches your reaction. A silent wince morphs upon your delicate face. You’re recoiling away from him, shrinking yourself into the crevice of the wall. His fingertips reach for you, the action is subconscious, and the next words spill out of his mouth like an off brand remedy. 
“Listen, (Y/n), I didn’t mean it like that-” 
“No,” you speak up with newfound acrimony, “that’s exactly what you meant.” 
Lifting your head up, your narrowed eyes connect with Kyoutani’s wide ones. A part of you desperately wishes to become agitated with the blond. Envy grips a hold of you at the thought that he’s able to live his life freely without the burden of an overbearing significant other. By all means, he had all the attributes to attest your relationship- or lack thereof. 
Your furrowed expression mellows.
Yet, his comment awakens a self reflection that you’ve casted away to maintain some dignity. Your boyfriend’s attitude toward you equated to virtually nothing. Countless nights of arguing, getting locked out, and being pushed aside were bouts of normalcy to you. It was your responsibility to get the respect that you deserved. Cutting out toxicity, even if the future frightened you, was an initial step. 
The golden hue outlining Kyoutani’s eyes, intense in many cases, recast into a softened stare. He’s mindful of the gears shifting in your head and the tremble of your bottom lip settles it. Unknowingly, you just received a life changing message with his chiding. The doors of independence and freedom swing open. An exhale passes through your lips. 
Crouching closer to you, the blond compels your attention with a tilt of his head, “sorry.” 
The apology is gruff, likely the result of his avoidance toward wrongdoings, but the intent is clearly there. Chewing on his bottom lip, he gestures toward your fragile stance with a shifty gaze. Your cowering behavior scared him immensely. It wasn’t often someone else was willing to interact with his loner self. He can’t mess this up even when his pride is screaming at him to bicker.
“It’s not your fault,” you shake your head in reassurance, “I know that it’s mine.” 
Unintentionally, your demeanor frees open with his genuine apology and you can’t help but be soothed at the gentle prod in his scrutiny. He appreciates that you’re able to acknowledge his opposition because the male wasn’t planning on taking his comment back. The truth may hurt but it’ll ultimately improve your mentality in the long run. 
Perching on the heels of his feet, he repositions himself to improve comfort. His arms are draped over his knees and the jacket bunches at the ends due to his movement. The blond is close, alarmingly near your face, and an aromatic whiff of dry cedar invades your senses. 
“You’re just,” his confession smoothly slips out, “too good for him.”
The side of his face rests against his forearm while he awaits your response. He’s content when your eyes light up, gleaming in reverence, at his blunt compliment. Lips tugging upward, your lopsided grin is all he has to witness as he hops to his feet. His palm pats at the faded denim of his jeans before offering his free hand to you. 
“C’mon,” he easily pulls you to your feet in a quick motion, “you can hangout in my dorm room, I guess.” 
“What do you mean, ‘you guess’?” 
Kyoutani catches your teasing eye roll while organizing your school materials that are cluttered on the floor. He’s nimble, stacking your books into a pile and swinging your backpack over his wiry shoulder. 
“I mean, let’s go.” 
With the grace of a dancer, the blond balances the items while fetching his keys and unlocking the door. He nudges it open and steps aside to let you enter first. Certainly the male must’ve picked up the chivalrous acts in a sappy movie or television show because your heart thumps against your chest. It’s absurd in reality. A person helping another is ordinariness yet you feel like you’re flying when he looks at you expectantly.
“Thank you,” the gratitude is a whisper as you tug your sweater tighter to your body and eagerly slide past him.
“Don’t mention it.” 
The room is comfortably warm, easing away the shivers that racked throughout you while seated in the middle of the dorm hallway. Its surprisingly tidy, which also comes across as a shock to Kyoutani because the scrunch of his nose indicates that he’s accustomed to a messy room. However, upon closer inspection, you note that the blond is the one readily cleaning because he scoots aside a stray snack bag with his elbow. An embarrassed pout conforms to his face when he hears your amused giggle.
Gently placing your stuff on the desk, he notices your awkward stance in the middle of the room and gestures to either his bed or desk chair. You respectfully, minus the internal debate you had, settle on the chair and only then does Kyoutani move over to lounge on his bed. It’s eerily silent despite how comfortable you both are with each other. 
Indefinitely, he flops onto the mattress, much like a child would, and folds his hands behind his head to stare up at the popcorn ceiling. A couple months beforehand he would’ve despised being locked up in his dorm room without having anything to do. Now, however, his nerves were bouncing off the walls.
Peering over to your rigid position, he takes your fiddling fingers and shy demeanor with scrutiny. Not once in his life did he think he’d actually invite a person into his sacred place. Yet, when his gaze locks with yours and you return a coy smile- he’s praying that this won’t be the last time.
“So, I only let you in because I don’t get this chemistry problem-”
Treading backward, a sense of urgency rushes through you as you narrowly avoid the aggressive hands. It’s bewildering that he’s willing to physically confront you in public. The dorm hallway was bound to have university students frequent the place and prying eyes were not on your current wishlist. 
“What are you doing? I told you that we’re over!” 
The incredulous question goes over his head as he refuses to outrightly answer or perhaps he just didn’t wish to. Before this incident, you attempted to just force in a power nap before your next class that was situated across campus. Your ex boyfriend, however, had other plans as he lingered by your dorm room while you were unaware of the unwanted surprise. 
The unruly male is clearly tipsy and his wandering hands are not in your favor as he lunges for you once more. Thankfully, you sidestep away while your shoulder bumps against the wooden frame of a door. Your blood turns to ice.
“Come here and give me a kiss, babe,” your ex boyfriend garbles. 
The stench of alcohol overwhelms your sobriety and a part of you yearns for the familiar scent of dry cedar musk. You longed for the latter of the aromas to engulf you in a reassuring embrace but grabby hands motioned for you again. A slight tug at your cardigan fuels the hatred that ignites within you. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes, inwardly loathing how you managed to date such a pathetic excuse of a person. 
Your hands defensively jab at your ex boyfriend’s chest, “get away from me!” 
The sudden force propels him backward, giving you an inch of breathing room, before he’s barreling towards you again. His furrowed brows and snarl illustrate that you’ve unlocked danger. Sweat trickled down your temples, gathering at your hairline and your tongue sweeps across your chapped lips. The thrashing of your heart is the only sensation you’re aware of at the moment. Eyes fixated on his response, you don’t dare to blink. Your ex boyfriend raises a hand, a sign you’ve been introduced to before, and you instinctively flinch at the action.
A lean figure abruptly steps in front of you to provide protection from the physical onslaught. Dry cedar breaches your uneven inhales but you’re holding onto that scent like it was a lifeline. He was your salvation. 
Landing a hit on Kyoutani’s sturdy chest, your ex boyfriend promptly pulls away with a confused glance, “get outta the way, man-” 
“Didn’t you hear her,” the blond barks out and shoves him, “get the fuck away.” 
Waves of animosity radiate off of Kyoutani, a scene that you’ve never witnessed in your encounters with him. He’s absolutely livid. His teeth gnash together while his hands are clenched at his sides. The veins on his brow protrude as a result of his creased forehead. Kyoutani’s damp in perspiration from his hurried movement, a deduction you’ve assumed. 
The male is clad in exercise attire, probably coming back from a run, and his dri fit shirt conforms to his physique. His pullover and snug joggers were clear indicators that Kyoutani was in excellent physical shape, causing a wary stare from your ex boyfriend. 
If the muscles rippling off of Kyoutani’s body isn’t a fright factor then his black, rimmed eyes are intimidatingly adequate. Yet, your ex boyfriend has intelligence compared to a newborn so he still lurches forward to attack Kyoutani. The blond dodges, grasps your ex boyfriend’s wrist, and twists it behind the other’s back. His defensive response is swift- almost alarmingly so that you wonder if Kyoutani ever brawled before. 
“Seriously, cut the shit,” the blond warns, “leave (Y/n) alone.”
When your ex boyfriend utters a curse embedded within your name, the blond pulls the seized wrist tighter and a sickening crack echoes. Your hand flies up to your lips. Yowling in pain, your ex boyfriend’s mouth instinctively shuts to avoid further punishment. 
“‘Ts alright,” Kyoutani rolls his eyes at the other’s dramatic behavior, “I didn’t break it. Yet.” 
Your ex boyfriend’s eyes widen, irises dilated at the gruesome image conjured up in his mind, and pitifully begs, “I-I’ll leave you alone! Please. I’ll do anything! Jesus Christ, (Y/n), who is this guy?” 
Turning his cheek, your ex-boyfriend gets a glimpse of Kyoutani’s face and the recognition dawns on him. He’s seen the aggressive blond before. Months ago, when your ex boyfriend was hollering at your lack of intimacy and the other’s lined eyes glared at him to surrender. One side of the blond’s lips raise, a snarky smirk directed towards the other male. Triumphant reigns within Kyoutani. 
“Her new boyfriend.” 
Raising a freshly cut eyebrow, Kyoutani incites a victorious expression as your ex boyfriend’s eyes are downcast at the message. The blond sneers. A sense of satisfaction, you suppose that’s the rare emotion, floods within you at your offender’s misfortune. You toss Kyoutani a grateful smile and he’s left faltering. He blinks- once, twice, three times- before regaining his intimidating demeanor.
“Get the fuck outta here,” Kyoutani shoves the other male forward when acknowledging the lack of resistance, “or I swear I’ll invert your ribcage.” 
Your ex boyfriend doesn’t need to be reminded, sprinting off with his tail tucked between his legs and stumbling on his uncoordinated strides. You and Kyoutani regard the pathetic male with a deplorable frown. Then, the blond is tugging you close while burying his face into the crook of your neck. You don’t mind the sweat that gathers onto him and instead delve into comfort. A giggle resounds to reach him and he lets in a shaky inhale. He was indebted to the pure luck of running back to you. The thought of you getting injured or reliving the trauma you’ve initially faced was heartbreaking. 
“Kyou,” your nickname to him was like a secret prayer you voiced, “I love you.”
He’s steadfast, a physique of strength and warmth, giving you a perfect invitation to cling onto. Respect, loyalty, and adoration were qualities that you didn’t have to force out of him. Violence, in any form, were taboos that he never crossed. The blond is undoubtedly the beginning of your journey towards self-love. 
“I love you too.” 
The genuine moment lingers on when your teasing nature resumes upon hearing Kyoutani’s forthright confession. Your hand comes up to trace his jawline, collecting perspiration that hasn’t dried up quite yet. He’s still cradling you, fingers protectively pressed against your waist. The sentiment is seldom, yet welcomed, and Kyoutani’s drawing you closer. He’s earnest. Scrunching up your nose, you jokingly flick at his forehead and he’s grumbling at your childishness. 
“You didn’t tell me you’d gone out running,” you motion toward his frazzled state. 
“Phone died.” 
He fishes out his phone from his back pocket. Sure enough, your reflection is illuminated on the dark screen and you nod in acknowledgement. Your head dips to lay on the junction of Kyoutani’s chest. Allowing yourself to get swept up in his embrace is habitual, the addiction smothering an unmistakable itch inside you. 
He’s silent before remarking, “I got us takeout though.” 
Golden eyes don’t miss your gleaming ones and you’re beaming at the mention of food. Raising your head, the narrow stare he’s given causes him to motion to the forgotten bag that’s placed on the floor. Boxed cuisine was cast aside when Kyoutani saw the trouble you were caught up in. 
“What’d you get?” 
“Pizza,” he pauses, “and mozzarella sticks since you liked that stuff.” 
“You’re the best.”
Lifting on your tiptoes, you press a gentle kiss on his cheek and you emit a carefree giggle. His ears burn crimson yet the presumptuous grin on his face brings butterflies in your stomach. Fingers pressing into the sides of your cheeks, he responds with a chaste, insistent kiss on your lips and hums in covert satisfaction. 
It’s dizzying. Your mind is flooded with images of Kyoutani- his appeal in usual clothing, each line of muscle on his physique, and the carnal desire that swirls in his gaze when he pulls away. Your knees are putty as you’re rooted to your spot. The observant fixation is all you need to recognize when he’s aware of his effect on you and he raises a smug brow. 
“Your room or mine?” 
His question is in the form of a drawl, mostly uttered to raise impatience, but it only adds to the adoration you have for him. Your rooms are, quite literally, twenty feet apart. 
Taking a step forward, the blond grasps the large takeout bag while slipping your hand into his free one. His thumb drags across your skin and you’re shivering at his tenderness. Kyoutani proudly rakes his gaze over you, openly compliant and completely in love, before slowly chuckling. 
“Not that it matters, I guess.”
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all i need
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pairing: dom!tom holland x reader
summary: you’ve noticed that tom’s really been on edge lately. when you ask how you can help, he knows the perfect way. 
warnings: smut
notes: why do i always get random ideas when i’m making food at 3am? (side notes: tom has a full head of hair in this. also there’s no daddy kink in this ik some people aren’t a fan. and finally i started this in the summer and only got to it now, isn’t that crazy?)
“Baby?” you asked, calling Tom’s attention as he closed the door to your bedroom. He had been stressed out for the past week and it’s been paining you to see him like this––even as he took off his jacket you could see the tension in his muscles. 
He stepped over to the bed, stopping at the foot of it to unbutton his shirt. He raised his brows in response. 
“You’ve been on edge for the past week and I really want to help you but I don’t know how.” You genuinely pouted, noticing the furrow between his brows, the tension in his jaw. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
He looked into your eyes and for the first time you noticed the dark glint in them. He was looking you up and down, and though you were wearing one of his old shirts and a pair of panties, he had a way of making you feel like you were the prettiest girl in the world. “How about I make you come?” He answered nonchalantly, throwing his shirt aside as he began tugging at his pants. 
His blunt response took you aback and at first you thought he was joking, until you noticed how serious his features were. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “Tommy, this is about you––”
He crawled onto the bed, still looking you in the eye, “I’m serious. All I need,” He made his way towards you, his legs coming in between yours so that his crotch was pressed up against yours until he hovered over you, knocking you back onto your pillow, “Is to make my girl come.” His gaze fell to your lips and back up to your eyes, “Over and over again, until I feel better.” 
You swallowed thickly as your thighs subconsciously squeezed around him and you noticed the smirk that fell upon his lips as you did so. 
“So what do you say?” he asked, the smirk still on his face.
Your mouth opened and closed a couple of times as you tried to compose yourself to answer him, but the feeling of his hard-on between your legs really made it hard to focus. When did that even happen? You blinked up at him as you somehow regained control of your mind again, “Um––I mean, if it’ll help then...” You tried to sound nonchalant about it but the way your body was reacting to him was saying otherwise. 
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes playfully, before leaning down to capture your lips with his. Your body arched into his perfectly, the friction causing the both of you to moan softly into the kiss. 
Tom trailed his kisses along your jaw, down to your neck before finding that one spot that made you melt every time. Your eyes fluttered shut as your hands found their way up to tug at his curls and he growled into your neck, making you gasp at both the sound and the vibrations. You could feel him grin between his bites and kisses and you swore he could tell that you got wetter from the action. 
Although this was his idea, he always did like to be a tease. Though he was between your legs, and you could feel his bulge growing, he still made sure that he was barely grazing your heat. Getting restless and hornier by the second, you raised your hips off of the bed, chasing after his, the friction made your eyes practically roll to the back of your head as you let out a sigh of relief. You heard Tom curse at the feeling and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. 
He pulled away from your neck after being satisfied with the marks he’d left and looked down to where the two of you were touching. “Would you look at that,” he bit his lip, “my girl’s always so desperate for me isn’t she?” 
You whined in response, silently begging for him to move. He looked up at you, “That’s my good girl.” He winked before leaning down and finally moving along with you, the feeling causing you both to moan. “You wanna cum like this, huh? With my cock rubbing on that pretty little pussy?”
You moaned, “God yes, please, please Tommy––”
“Shh,” he kissed you softly, “I’ve got you.” 
He moved a hand down to hold your waist and the feeling of his fingertips digging into your skin was enough to make you feel like you were on fire. He left a lingering kiss on your lips as he continued his movements, pulling away when you clearly wanted more, letting his lips graze yours teasingly as he thrusted himself onto your core, through your panties
You could feel his breath gently hitting your lips as he spoke, “Can feel how wet and warm you are even through clothes, baby.”
You could do nothing but whine in response. He knew just how much his words affected you and he used that to his advantage constantly. 
“Your legs are squeezing me so tight––can tell you’re about to come,” he leaned over to whisper in your ear, before biting it softly, “want you to come so I can tear these panties off you and have you fall apart on my tongue too.”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your breath caught in your throat as you reached your high, “Oh fuck me––”
He smirked, “Oh, I plan on it.”
Your legs fell to the bed and he wasted no time. He slid down your body, his hands following the places he kissed, grazing everywhere they could touch, from your breasts, down your torso before spreading your thighs, keeping his eyes on yours the whole time. Your breathing became heavier and he had to admit that seeing you come undone made him feel like he would burst out of his boxers any minute. 
He slid your panties off, uncovering his target, raising your legs slowly in the air to slide the fabric off of them. He decided against taking the shirt off of you-–he always did have a thing for seeing you in his clothes. Once they were off and your legs were back on the bed, he spread them again, laying in between them before diving in to taste you. 
He moaned immediately at your taste and your hands flew to his curls, grasping for some sort of stability as Tom quite literally knocked the breath right out of you. 
“Always taste so good for me, don’t you?”
He chuckled into your heat, noticing your eyes rolling (in a good way) at his comment and you felt like you were on fire. “Eyes on me, love” he squeezed your thighs, getting your attention and you swore you were done for. 
He started to pick up his pace, moving his head from side to side, having to pin you down with his arm when the feeling became too overwhelming. He was groaning into you, and just as your legs started to tighten their hold around his head, he moaned at the feeling before sucking on your clit, hard. 
You saw white as your back arched off of the bed, only realizing how hot you were once you felt the breeze hit the skin that had unstuck from the sheets. Once you regained awareness of your senses, the first thing you felt was Tom’s arm still pinning you down, then his cheeks pressed against the insides of both your thighs, then his tongue still lapping away at your wetness and you gasped. Everything came crashing back to you all at once and you immediately bucked your hips all the while trying but failing to scoot away from Tom’s mouth––your mind and body seeming to disagree with what you really wanted. 
You could feel your third orgasm rushing towards you and it seemed that Tom could too, because he wasn’t letting up. You looked down and locked eyes with him and his gaze was so intense you found yourself unable to look away. You practically hear what he was thinking just from the look in his eyes, That’s a good girl, come for me. One more. 
Then, he pulled a card that he rarely ever pulled. Leaning away from you for a split second, a mischievous and dirty glint in his eyes before he spit on your pussy, immediately lapping it up and spreading it between your lips before wrapping his lips around your bundle of nerves yet again. 
“Holy fuck, Tom!” Your eyes fluttered shut and a broken cry escaped your lips as you came for the third, but not the last time that night. 
This time, Tom let your poor clit breathe as you came back down from your high. Once your breathing settled down and you unclenched your legs, Tom set them down on the bed and left a quick kiss on your clit, making you twitch at the sensation. 
He sat up and placed a large hand on your stomach, caressing the soft skin as he looked at you. He slapped his cock on your clit a few times and you jolted after each hit. You hadn’t even realized when he took off his boxers. 
He rubbed his member between your folds, sliding easily thanks to the wetness from your previous orgasms and your breath hitched in your throat. His eyes were focused between your legs as he raised one of them with one hand, his other still holding his prick. 
“S’my fucking pussy,” he growled, slapping his cock down once again. You could tell he was lost in you, in his thoughts, in your body. When he got intense like this, all he could focus on was you. He looked into your eyes and you almost gasped at how dark his gaze was. “You ready, princess?”
You nodded before he even finished his question and if he wasn’t so horny, he would have teased you about it. He pushed through your lips and slid his cock into you, letting your walls swallow him whole. 
“Shit,” his head fell back as his eyes closed at the feeling, “feels like fucking heaven I swear.” He slowly started thrusting his hips, his eyes looking back down, “So tight and wet for me.”
Your hands were grasping at his arms and he could tell you were desperate to feel more of him so he leaned down, covering you with his body as he bottomed out into your pussy. He smothered your lips with his, muffling the both of your moans. You wrapped your arms and your legs around him, pressing him as close to you as possible––almost as if you wanted to become one with him. 
He bit your lip teasingly before pulling away and bringing his lips to your neck, continuing to leave marks where he’d started to at the start of the night. When you started practically panting at the pleasure he was giving you, he quickened his pace, bringing a hand down to rub at your clit, knowing you couldn’t get off without that extra stimulation.
Your fingers tugged at his hair as a reflex and he groaned into your neck. “Fuck––you gonna cum for me?” He was properly pounding into you now, the sound echoing throughout the room. 
You whimpered and nodded in response, “Uh huh––”
His hand quickened it’s pace and you swear it felt like it was vibrating on your clit. “Then come on, let go for me, angel. Cum all over my cock so I can fill you up.”
With that, your eyes rolled back and you practically screamed as Tom made you cum for the fourth time that night. He groaned as he bit into your shoulder, waiting for you to finish before releasing inside you. 
He left a quick kiss on your neck before collapsing on top of you. The smell of sex was so strong and the both of you were a sweaty mess but you were too focused on each other to worry or care about any of it. You sighed as you ran your fingers between his curls as the both of you settled down. 
“So did that help you at all?” you asked, still worried about your boyfriend.
You felt Tom’s eyelashes flutter against your skin, “Yeah baby,” he kissed between your shoulder-blade and your neck, “I promise. I was just stressed out from work and everything but making you cum like that? Definitely took my mind off it.”
You laughed breathlessly. “Okay bub. I’m glad.” 
He sighed contently and you could tell he was falling asleep.
“We should probably go take a shower, babe.” You pointed out.
His voice was sleepy as he answered you, “Yeah, but after.”
“After what?” you asked, confused.
“After round two.” You could feel him smirk against your skin as he replied.
You had a long night ahead of you.
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justmypartner · 3 years
Make it Work: Chapter 9
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Summary: When offered a permanent position with the FBI, Hailey agrees to take it under one condition: Jay comes too. As their personal lives and work lives begin to change, the two partners find it increasingly difficult to navigate their complex relationship and manage their feelings for one another.
Writer’s Note: Just want to say this is the second to last chapter of this fic, and it feels bittersweet. This has been a fun multi-chapter to write (my first ever!), and I’m already getting way too excited for the next. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the support. It really makes me smile to see the reactions and kind comments after uploading each chapter, I really appreciate it so much. Happy penultimate chapter with our special agent babes & happy reading :))
TW//: brief and vague mentions of assault and sexual harassment 
Tagging: @angelsjedi , @brookerz122493 , @cpdfan2014 , @the–carousel , @maya-asturias , @itsdesiree86 , @tvshowsaremyhappyplace , @stephanie708​
Read on AO3 or below​
Jay wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, or even how long he was out before his eyes slowly blinked open to a dimmed light peeking in through Hailey’s window. It still seemed to be daytime, and it still seemed to be raining, but other than that he had no clue how much time had passed. He promptly became conscious of the way she charmingly snored into his chest, the way her leg was tangled up with his, and the way it felt so natural to be laid up like that with her. It was all almost enough to make him forget how they had gotten in that position in the first place. Almost enough to make up for all of the bad stuff, but not quite. The more he came out of his groggy state, the more he remembered the details of everything she had revealed to him. With that came a resurgence of anger, and the strongest urge to climb out from her grasp and go after the man who had hurt her.
He couldn’t count how many times he had dreamed of waking up next to her. It was too many times throughout the years that he allowed his mind to drift, imagining a world where he’d wake up with her cuddled in his arms, her golden locks sprawled out across his pillows, and the smell of her shampoo fresh in his nose. He would wonder what it would be like to kiss her, to have her fingers in his hair, her touch on his skin, and he would wonder what it was like to be loved by her. Yet, in all of those fantasies, he never imagined things would happen the way they did. That their first kiss would come after she dished out the details of a trauma, that it would come after he blurted out the words I love you, or that he would blurt them out in the middle of her apartment in rain-soaked clothes. He also never imagined their first time sharing a bed would end with a desperate desire to flee it, but there he was.
The stillness of her body and the evenness of her breath told him she was still sleeping. He knew she needed it after the night she had. So, he suppressed that urge to leave and settled his mind into staying right where he was. He looked down, running his fingers lightly across her bruised hands, taking in every break of the skin and every discoloration that lined her knuckles and fingers. It was a visible representation of her strength, the fighter in her, but it was also a symbol of the trauma she endured. The perfect bittersweet metaphor for his emotions in that very moment.
“You know, poking and prodding at a girl’s wounds isn’t the best way to wake her up,” she mumbled as he did so, exhaustion evident in her voice.
“Sorry, just checking that you’re alive,” he said playfully, assuaged by the lightness in her voice and their ability to joke with one another after everything that transpired. She laughed softly before bringing a finger up to draw invisible patterns against his chest.
“You know, you make a great pillow,” she said, raising her head up to flash him a smile. He smiled back, but it quickly faded when he noticed the split on her lip and the bruises that loomed behind the curls covering her chest. He brought a hand up, tenderly tracing over the cut on her lip with his thumb.
“He’s going to pay for what he did,” he said to her, trying to maintain an even tone. She swallowed, crossing her arms on his chest and letting her head fall against her elbow.
“This is my battle, let me handle it,” she told him straightly.
“Hailey, please. I’m your partner, let me be there for you,” he requested, earnestness in his voice. She was quiet, eyeing him as she bit the inside of her cheek. If either of them had learned anything after four years of partnership, it was that no matter how much one of them tried to push away, the other would always be on the other side, more than prepared to push right back. It was a losing argument she was starting, and they both knew that. Her eyes stared blankly behind him as she thought it over, and slowly reconnected their gaze as she responded. 
“Fine, but follow my lead? I want to do things my way,” she finally settled. He wasn’t entirely sure what she meant by that, but a wide smile crept across his face.
“I’ll follow you anywhere,” he said. He knew they had probably reached a point when saying that had become cheesy, but it was their thing, and it felt like a fitting time to remind her of it. She gave him a soft grin, dipping her head in agreement before pushing herself off of him, making him instantly miss her warmth against his body.
“For the record, I don’t think partners kiss each other and share a bed while one of them is half-naked,” she said as she climbed out from the duvet, clutching at her ribs as she did so. It hurt him to see her in pain, but he found it in him to smile at her words. She exited the room, and he raised his voice slightly so she could hear him.
“For the record, you kissed me first,” he chaffed. She reentered the room with a bashful grin, his clothes from before in hand as she came to sit on the edge of the bed next to him. He sat up against the headboard and she set his clothes down beside her. Then she looked at him and the grin fell from her lips, she inhaled sharply before speaking.
“Listen, about what you said earlier…” her voice dropped slowly as the words came out. She didn’t have to specify what she was referring to because he already knew. She stammered, and her eyes circled the room nervously before he stopped her. It was clear she wasn’t ready to say it back, and he was okay with that.
“Look, Hailey. We don’t have to figure this out right now. Today was heavy and emotional, and I’m sure this thing with-“ he almost said his name but he stopped himself. “Taking care of what happened is more important than anything right now. I meant what I said, but I didn’t say it with any expectations. I’ve been wanting to tell you that for longer than you know, and quite honestly, I'm surprised I finally got the guts to. For now, I’m going to be by your side in any way you’ll have me. We can figure out the rest later,” he told her, reaching out to grab her hand. She smiled, bringing her other hand to cover his.
“While we’re adding things to the record,” he started, jabbing at her tease from before. “I really enjoyed kissing my partner and would happily share a bed with her again… while half-naked,” he teased with a wink. She rolled her eyes and pressed her lips together into a smothered grin before taking his clothes and shoving them into his chest.
“Get dressed, Halstead,” she commanded before rising from the bed. He watched as she made her way out of the room, his eyes traveling with her.
“Hey,” she said, stopping in the doorway as he picked up his still damp clothes to put on. He looked up at her as she pursed her lips to the side, almost like she was debating whether or not to say what she was intending to say.
“I really enjoyed it too,” she said quietly before turning and disappearing into the other room.
He blushed as a large grin erupted across his face, and he was glad she didn’t stick around to see how smitten he was just by those simple words.
One of his biggest fears about finally confessing his feelings was that she wouldn’t feel the same way. That he would leave those feelings in the air, to not only be rejected, but ruin the great thing they had as partners and best friends. While she didn’t say it back, everything that took place after his confession gave him more assurance than any words could have. She didn’t need to say anything for him to know she had feelings for him, and he knew they needed to figure out whatever there was to be figured out with Walker before they made any major changes in their relationship.
He put on his slightly soggy clothes and she changed into something more presentable before exiting her apartment back to headquarters. He flagged them a cab when they made it to the street so that they could avoid having to trek through the rain. Jay’s eyes followed the rain droplets racing down the side of the window of the cab, and when he looked over Hailey was doing the same. He smiled to himself as he looked at her, and diffidently looked away when she caught him. Except this time he wasn’t nearly as embarrassed as all of the previous times when she had caught him stealing a glance. This time it was amusing more than anything, especially when his eyes cut over and he caught her doing the same. It was a light moment that effectively distracted them from what was to come.
In the elevator, the way her fingers fidgeted with the ends of her coat sleeves told him how nervous she was. She had a good poker face, an impressive way of appearing calm in the face of fear. Looking at the stone-faced expression on her face, you would think every part of her was fearless, invincible. It was a skill he saw her use so many times with offenders three times her size and even with Voight. However, he came to learn that every nerve in her body during those moments rested in her fingers. She either nervously tapped the sides of her thighs, the surface that her fingers rested on, or in this case, pulled at the ends of her sleeves. He reached over, sliding his fingers between hers as the elevator ascended to their floor, causing her to release an alleviated breath. When the elevator reached their floor they quickly pulled apart, and he took a deep breath before stepping out.
Drake was the first to see them, and he sent them a puzzled look.
“Are you two okay?” He asked, a look of concern on his face. Jay looked over at Hailey, waiting for her to respond as he didn’t want to speak for her.
“All good. Um… where’s Burrows? We need to talk to him,” she finally said, maintaining a stolid expression.
“He and Bennett are out right now, what’s going on? I can call them in if it’s urgent,” he offered. Jay opened his mouth to respond, ready to reveal everything to their boss, but she cut him off before he could get a full word out.
“No, it’s okay. We can wait. Sorry for flaking today, I- we had something personal to take care of,” she said, Jay creasing his brow with confusion.
“It’s fine. Let me know if I can do anything,” he said hesitantly. Jay could tell Drake knew she was holding something back, but he didn’t press her for it. Hailey turned to walk away and he followed. She walked down the hall and to the locker room, Jay followed quietly, disoriented by her evasion.
“Why didn’t you tell him what happened?” Jay asked when they reached the concealment of the room.
“Because I want to do this my way. Not some bureaucratic, hoop-jumping way that might not even end in my favor. Trust me, these systems aren’t set up to protect people like me in these situations. They’re just not,“ she shook her head as her words dropped off. She began pacing the floor and Jay sat down on a bench between the lockers, looking up at her as her words took him by surprise.
“Wait, it sounds like… Are you talking from experience? Hailey, has this happened before?” He asked, frowning at the thought. She stopped her pacing, standing before him with a defeated look on her face. She nodded slowly before coming to sit in front of him on the bench.
“Nothing quite as bad as this time,” she said softly, twisting her fingers together in her lap. “When I was on patrol, I had this partner. My original partner had moved up to detective before me, so I had a revolving door of partners until I eventually made it into Robbery-Homicide. This guy was charming, a good cop, except he didn’t understand the concept of boundaries and the word no. It started out as inappropriate compliments and seemingly innocent touches on my shoulder or my forearm... until it was fingers grazing my thigh or hands brushing against my chest. Me telling him no didn’t work, so I ended up reporting him for sexual harassment. He was much older than me, had been on patrol for years before I even graduated the academy, and he had a clean record, so when it made it to the higher-ups, all they did was separate us. He was in the wrong but got to move on while I became known around the precinct as the girl who cried harassment. What happened here was way worse than that, and while I was fortunate enough to fight him off before… anyway, the next girl may not be so lucky. I can’t take that chance. He can’t just get a slap on the wrist and move on, he’s gotta be done,” she said, determination in her voice. Jay wasn’t sure how to react. He had never been in a situation like that, and he never would be. He understood her frustration with the system, but he also thought the only way for Walker to truly pay was for an official allegation to be lodged against him.
“Hails, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can’t even imagine what that’s like. I just can’t,” he shrugged. “I know you don’t trust the system, rightfully so, but I think things could be different this time around. Drake would back you all the way, and you have me. I’m not going to be satisfied until you get justice for this,” he told her firmly.
“I know, I know, but Jay this isn’t as simple as that. So many things can go wrong if it gets out of Drake’s hands. At that point nobody, not him, not you, not even I would have control over what happened next. If I force him out, threaten to turn him in, make him leave, the power stays in my court and this all goes away with a guarantee,” she reasoned.
“Yeah, but what happens when he gets a little too drunk with his coworker at his next job? It may not be in the bureau, but that doesn’t change the fact that someone still becomes a victim. We need to do this right. Not only does he need permanent termination from the bureau, but he needs to be disciplined for what he did. Plus, as bad of a thought as it is, realistically, you aren’t his first. Are we just supposed to deprive potential others of their justice?” He fought back.
“I-“ she began. He cut her off.
“Sorry, I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but let me just say this one thing. We took this job because we knew we could make a difference here. And we have. We’ve taken the worst of the worst off the streets and saved innocent people from so many horrible situations. But, how much of a difference can we say we’ve made if we aren’t addressing the problems that exist within? Do you remember what you told me when I was nervous before our first day? You said we put ‘em in check, and they sort the rest out themselves. Well, that’s what we can do here. We can make sure the system protects those who need protecting in these situations, and we can make sure everyone knows that. The change starts with us, Hailey, and they sort out the rest. Look, I’ll back you with whatever you decide, I just needed you to hear my two cents,” he finished, tilting his head down as he waited for her response. She let out a sigh before raising her eyes from the floor.
“You really think Drake will have my back?” She asked him, a hopeful look in her eyes.
“If he doesn’t, I will,” he admitted firmly. She bobbed her head lightly, and they stood.
“Fine, but let me tell him. I can do it alone,” she told him just before they exited the locker room. He agreed, waiting outside of his office as she told him. When she came out, her eyes were red with tears, but she bore a look of relief that told him the conversation went well. When Walker and Daisy finally returned from the field, Drake emerged from his office immediately.
“Agent Burrows,” he called out, stopping the man in his tracks. A look of fear overcame him as he paused before the agent in charge.
“As of today, you are stripped of your authority and duties as a Special Agent of the FBI, pending investigation by the internal review board and the Department of Justice. Badge and gun,” he said to him, his jaw set tightly as he addressed the man.
Jay looked over at Hailey who carried an impassive expression as she watched the ordeal. His eyes surveyed the room, taking in every reaction to the scene before them. Most carried a frown, others carried a very indifferent expression, but nobody appeared to look on with surprise. Daisy’s expression was the most telling. As his partner, you’d expect her to come to his defense, to be utterly astounded by what was happening. Instead, she watched with a knowing look, like it was something she had half-expected for years.
After Walker handed the boss his badge and gun, he shook his head aggressively, eyes circling the room to find Hailey. When they did, he began to approach her. Jay stepped forward, a protective stance ready to give the man what he had coming. Instead, Hailey held out an arm, pushing him back as the man approached. He reluctantly stepped back, but he maintained a steady glare at the man. He let his mind fantasize about laying him out right there, but he restrained himself, giving Hailey the control she deserved. She was toe-to-toe with him, looking up as he towered over her, maintaining a plucky look on her face despite the way he was trying to intimidate her.
“You played me,” he said. A disgusted scoff escaped from her mouth. “You’ve been leading me on since you got here. Now you want to ruin my life because you changed your mind?” he griped.
“Leading you on?” she repeated with a laugh. “If you mistook me being friendly with you, a coworker, as me leading you on then that’s your problem. I’m not the one ruining your life, you did that all on your own,” she spat at him.
“You’re going to be sorry for this,” he bit back.
“The only thing I’ll be sorry for is ever treating you with any ounce of decency. Drunk or not, you’re a prick for what you did, and you’re never going to get a chance to do it to another girl ever again,” she returned. He stepped forward as if he were going to unleash his anger on her, but Jay quickly stepped in, pushing aggressively against the man’s chest.
“You better get out of here before I put you on your ass. Believe me, I would like nothing more than to add to those bruises she already put on your sorry face,” Jay told him through gritted teeth. The man huffed and stormed out, escorted by two agents following close behind. The second he was gone, Hailey let out a sigh of relief as if she were holding her breath throughout the entire interaction. He brought a reassuring hand to her shoulder and Daisy approached from the other side of the room.
“Jesus, Hailey. Are you okay?” She asked, eyeing the visible evidence of Walker’s actions across her body. Hailey nodded softly, and a sad look filled Daisy’s eyes.
“I’m sorry. I thought all of his, whatever it all was… I thought he was harmless. I probably should’ve known,” she confessed, her voice trailing off.
“None of this is on you. He was somewhat harmless... until he was drunk. You know what they say though, true personalities come out when people are drunk,” she shook her head with her words. Daisy just nodded in response.
“Let me know if I can do anything for you, please,” she said.
“Thank you. Really, I appreciate you, Dais,” Hailey told her, bringing a hand to the woman’s forearm briefly.
After everything, they stuck around the office for a while. Jay watched as several others approached Hailey, checking to make sure she was okay, voicing their support for her. They didn’t announce what actually happened, what led to Walker being stripped of his badge, but based on the confrontation in the middle of the bullpen and the bruises on each of their faces, everyone must have put the pieces together. As he watched, he hoped she’d felt a sense of support she didn’t feel all those years ago when the department turned their back on her. He hoped that it comforted her, made her realize she made the right decision to turn him in. When things started to die down, Drake instructed Hailey, Daisy, and Jay to go home. He knew they all needed to decompress, and he also knew they would’ve stayed for the rest of the shift if he didn’t say anything.
“Ready to go?” Hailey asked Jay as she approached him at his desk. He nodded, rising from his chair and grabbing his jacket from the seatback. He had a brief flashback in his mind to earlier that day when he did the same thing. That moment felt like a lifetime ago, but he was consciously aware of the juxtaposition of those two moments. Earlier that day he was grabbing his coat, worried out of his mind about Hailey, but at that moment he was grabbing it with a sense of peace that everything would be okay.
They rode the elevator to the lobby in silence. They stood shoulder to shoulder in the small space, both eyeing the digital glow of the numbers beside the door as it counted down to one. The silence continued as they walked down the street. It was nighttime by then, and the rain had finally stopped, leaving the familiar petrichor emanating from the sidewalk. The day began with a rainstorm, a horrible mess completely out of their control, but it was ending with that smell of rain like everything had been washed clean and they were getting a fresh start.
Before he realized it, they were reaching the street corner. The corner where she’d turn to walk home to her apartment, and he’d turn the other direction to walk home to his. He wasn’t sure where they stood. He told her he loved her. She kissed him. They shared a bed together. Then, they had to leave that small blissful bubble they created to confront the man who attacked her. He knew that night wasn’t the proper time to have that conversation, to figure out what things would mean for them. He didn’t know when that would be, but he did know that in the low light of the streetlamp above them, she looked so beautiful. She looked up at him with a what now look in her eyes, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her and tell her a million times over how much he loved her. But he didn’t. She was the one who just went through something unimaginable, the one who was probably still reeling from having so many world-shaking things happen to her in the past 24 hours, so he was letting her write the rules. She eventually broke their silent gaze with her quiet voice.
“Thank you… for everything. I don’t want to even think about what would have happened today if you weren’t around,” she confessed, looking up at him with slightly glossy eyes.
“You don’t have to thank me. You don’t ever have to thank me. You know I’m always going to be there for you,” he returned.
Because I love you, was what he wanted to add, but he didn’t because he didn’t know where her head was. Yet, something in the look on her face told him she knew it even if he didn’t say it. She inhaled, shifting her weight to one leg as her head cocked up at him.
“I know you said earlier that you’ll be by my side in any way I’ll have you,” she began, causing him to hold the breath he had just taken. “I need just a little more time to figure that out. This entire day has been incredibly long and exhausting, and I really don’t trust myself or my feelings right now,” she choked, the heaviness of the day written across her face. As much as he understood, the words hurt, and he hung his head low with a nod to conceal the splintered expression that overcame his face. She reached out, grabbing his hand in hers.
“I’m not saying no. I’m not saying I don’t feel the same because trust me, I-“ she cut herself off. “I just need time,” she requested. With that, he forced himself to lift his spirit, raising his head back up with an affirming nod and sending her that soft and reassuring look that seemed to come so naturally with her.
“Of course. Take all the time you need,” he said, squeezing her hand back gently. With that she nodded, pulling away before making her way past him, headed down the street to her apartment. He watched as she walked away. He didn’t know how much time she’d need, but he couldn’t wait until the moment when she was walking back to him. He knew the wait would be agony, but he also knew for her he would wait forever. He inhaled deeply, that smell of rain filling his senses, giving him hope that their fresh start would be well worth the wait.
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
History of Us Part 36- The Recovery
Summary: Once upon a time Todoroki and (y/n) were best friends. Now they haven’t spoken in years. When (y/n) is forced to transfer to UA, will she and Shoto reconnect or will their troubled past keep them apart? A childhood friends to enemies to lovers hybrid fic.
If you don’t want to see History of Us content blacklist #hopelesshou
Masterlist Kofi
You slowly wake up to a rhythmic beeping sound, feeling as if you’ve been run over by a truck and then it backed back up over you a few times. You blink your eyes open, taking in the white ceiling and fluorescent lighting above you for a moment before shifting to try and sit up. You wince and suck in a breath at the action, squeezing whatever’s in your left hand to help you grit through the pain. Once you’re comfortable the oddity of having something in your hand occurs to you and when you look to see what it is your heart immediately softens. Shoto is passed out asleep, head resting on his arm which sits on your hospital bed, his other hand holding yours. As you look past him you notice Kirishima and Bakugo passed out in chairs nearby. A nurse walks in and smiles when she sees you awake and notices your gaze. “They’ve been here since you were admitted. A couple of nurses tried to kick them out when visiting hours ended the first night but they barricaded themselves in. After that we just decided to let them stay,” she explains. “The first night? How long have I been here?” you ask. “About a week,” the nurse responds and you push out a shaky and disbelieving breath. You can’t remember the last time you had to go to the hospital instead of just healing yourself, let alone having to stay multiple nights. “You should get some rest, your body needs time to recover. Plus, it’s late,” the nurse assures you as she checks over your chart and vitals. “I’ll let the doctors know you woke up and in the morning we can talk you through everything ok?” “Ok.” “Good. Sleep well Eclipsa.” Something about hearing a civilian use your hero name affectionately lights something warm in your chest. With that feeling and the knowledge that Shoto and your friends are right by your side, you drift back to sleep content.
When you next wake up it’s to Kirishima and Todoroki watching you eagerly from the side of the bed while Bakugo hangs back, as if he’s any more subtle than the other two just because he’s slightly further away. “Damn, you guys are so obsessed with me,” you joke and immediately Shoto and Kirishima are launching themselves into your hospital bed to pull you into an embrace. Your still sore body protests a bit but you can’t bring yourself to complain. Bakugo continues to hover nearby until you notice he still hasn’t joined. “Are you getting in on this or what asshole?” you ask. He scoffs. “Well if you want me in there so bad then fine dumbass,” he quips before climbing into your hospital bed much more delicately than Shoto and Kirishima had, careful not to disturb your injuries. It isn’t long afterwards that the attending nurse walks in, a middle aged woman in her 40s most likely, and immediately she yells at the boys to get off the bed and begins scolding them for potentially aggravating your injuries. “I understand you missed your friend but she is still healing! For Christ sake get down!” she admonishes until all of the boys are somewhat sheepishly back in their own seats. You can’t help but laugh at Kiri’s kicked puppy look and it only gets worse when you see the disgruntled looks on Bakugo and Shoto’s faces as well. You laugh harder than you have in a long time, so hard your stomach and still healing ribs ache with it, but you relish in the feeling. By the time you stop you notice that you’re glowing again, which causes the nurse to give an amused huff. “Well I’m glad your healing factor is finally kicking in, that should speed up your recovery considerably,” she sighs before whirling back on the boys to say, “but so help me god if I come back in here to find you boys smothering her again I will kick all your asses, quirks be damned!” The boys all mumble “yes ma’am,” with Shoto and Bakugo’s sounding far more resentful than Kiri’s. It’s funny how alike the two of them can be.
The nurse leaves the room after doing a quick check of your vitals to go inform the doctor that your quirk has finally kicked in when yet another visitor arrives. Your mother is panting by the time she gets to your room, having sprinted from the other wing of the hospital where she’s been working her shift. “Oh my sweet baby,” she coos before rushing to your bed side to caress your cheeks in her hands. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, God I was so worried,” she admonishes lightly. “Sorry Mom,” you reply with a sheepish smile. She gives you a soft smile in return, relieved that you’re safe and sound again. “Well Shoto I know but are you going to finally introduce me to your other two watch dogs?” she asks teasingly and you can’t help but to laugh again as you introduce her to Bakugo and Kirishima properly. It’s nice, the four of you talking and laughing, and you can tell that she’s happy to see you finally have friends. As day turns to night and visiting hours end, your guests are shooed out, although your mom does pull some strings to ensure Shoto can spend the night again. “No funny business you two, (y/n)’s still healing,” your mom says with a wink. Shoto’s face goes bright red as you groan out a horrified “Mom!!!” before collapsing back against the hospital bed and covering your face with a pillow. When Shoto lifts the pillow from your face, cheeks still tinted slightly red, and peers down at you with earnest eyes as he asks if it’s ok to join you, you can’t help but melt and nod. He carefully climbs in alongside you and the moment he’s settled you curl into his arms, your head resting on his chest. A warm contentment fills you as you snuggle up against him, the scent of him filling your nose and the steady rise and fall of his chest instantly lulling you to sleep.
The next day the doctor explains that, while your quirk activating is certainly helping matters, the extreme overuse of your right side had done a number on your body and the bulk of your healing was likely going to undoing that damage so you’d need to stay in the hospital for a little bit longer so they could monitor you. You can tell there’s something he’s not saying but you don’t press the issue. If the doctor doesn’t think you need to know it then it’s probably for the best you don’t. At least for now while you’re still feeling decently tired. Your mother swings by again, it’s kind of funny seeing how enamored she is with Shoto and his dedication to staying in the hospital with you until your release. Her endless praise makes him blush and it occurs to you then that he may have assumed your mother would hate him as much as you used to. It’s a sad thought but it makes you all the more appreciative to be where you are now. Eventually she too has to leave to resume her shift, but your next guest is by far the most surprising.
Endeavor walks into the room looking the most awkward you’ve ever seen him. Immediately Shoto stands in front of your hospital bed protectively. “If you’re here to try to arrest her I swear-“ Shoto starts but you put a hand on his shoulder and cut him off. “I don’t think that’s what he’s here for,” you assure him. He clearly still doesn’t trust his father but he does sit back down on the bed, even as he continues to glare at Endeavor. Endeavor sighs at his son’s behavior but it doesn’t sound disapproving it just sounds resigned. You can’t help your budding curiosity as you watch the hero shift awkwardly as he tries to find where to begin. It’s the most vulnerable you’ve ever seen the man look and it’s still odd seeing him without flaming facial hair. Finally he clears his throat and then bows lowly to you. You and Shoto both seem stunned at the gesture. “I owe you an apology (y/n) not just for my recent conduct but my conduct in the past as well,” he states. You and Shoto exchange a look but he makes it clear he’s just as lost as you are. “Oook?” you reply hesitantly. “It was unfair of me to blame you for the sins of your father. I should know better than anyone how unfair that is, it’s the very concern I had for Shoto when my own misdeeds were exposed,” Enji elaborates. “You really don’t have to bow and I get why you were so hesitant even if it was unfair,” you shrug but he shakes his head, rejecting your dismissal. “No. You saved my life, in spite of the way I’ve treated you, and maybe had I been better to you you wouldn’t have felt you had to take on your father alone and we could’ve coordinated our efforts with you and saved a lot of lives and prevented a lot of damage,” Enji continues before finally standing back up. “I once promised Shoto I’d try to be a hero he could be proud of. I’ve failed in that recently. I hope now to be a hero you both can be proud of and to right the rest of my wrongs. If you need anything just let me know,” he finishes. You stare blinking at him for several moments as you process his words. You’ve no intention of just forgiving and forgetting immediately but there’s no doubt in your mind his apology is at the very least sincere. “I, uh, appreciate your apology I guess,” you reply. It’s not much but it seems to be more than he expected because he bows to you again. “By the way, when you’re finally released from the hospital, Rei and I, uhm, we were thinking you and your mother could come by for dinner,” he offers sheepishly. “We’d love that.” “Great. I’ll see you then.” With his mission apparently fulfilled, Enji nods to you and Shoto before making his leave. “That was weird,” you note once he’s gone. “Yea,” Shoto confirms. “Your dad is kinda super fucking awkward when he’s not trying to be intimidating,” you note, causing Shoto to snort. “You can say that again. Now you know what I’ve been dealing with the past two years,” Shoto scoffs. “He’s trying though,” you note and to that Shoto nods. “He’s trying,” he confirms.
You reach out and gently grasp hold of Shoto’s hand, giving it a quick squeeze. He turns to look at you, eyes searching yours. You notice his gaze linger on your right eye for a moment but before you can ask him about it he leans in to press a chaste kiss to your lips. It lasts only a second before he draws back a bit, still so wonderfully close as he asks, “Is this ok?” “It’s perfect,” you tell him before sealing your lips back together.
A/N: After last chapter was so intense (and that one angsty ask I got lmao) this is just allllll fluff
Taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @miss-bakugo-writes @pixelwisp @larkspyrr @sokkaandzukosimp @akkaso @sunaispretty @shot0stea @todoplusultra @oliviasslut @lapysllazuly @immah0e4fictionalmen @cinnamonruts @koifishq
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