#the blue haired girlfriend
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04/05/2023 The Blue Haired Girlfriend spotted a couple morels while we were walking down to the mailbox. Delicious! We've never seen morels here before.
Every year, in spring and autumn, when the light comes through the rain in a particular way, we go through a process foragers sometimes call "getting your mushroom eyes." At first you look at pieces of the forest one after another: the shadow of a likely tree, a mossy hollow, a fallen log, a pile of rotting leaves. Mushrooms could be in this place, or that one, and you focus on each possibility one at a time, switch between them with a sort of internal click. But as the rains continue and the world greens, we start to read the forest as a whole story, instead of sounding out each individual shadow and clump of moss. There's a trick to it that has to be relearned each season, a porousness, a way of looking at the world and letting it flow through you and feeling the underlying currents and patterns.
Until one day you are walking in the woods and there are mushrooms everywhere and it doesn’t seem possible you didn’t see them before. Like you've gone through a hidden doorway into a different world, stranger and truer than the old one.
The thing that is most like getting your mushroom eyes is falling in love. You meet someone. A musician: you talk about synthesizers and phrygian mode. You look at the moon together when you are sleepless thousands of kilometers apart. You've never been good at conversation, but she listens to everyone - waiters and tow truck drivers and delivery people - and you learn that everyone has a story so beautiful that listening to them tell it feels like wings opening inside your ribcage. At first the glimpses of the other world are piecemeal, clicking into and out of focus - like maybe you hear a synthesizer in grocery store background music, and you tell your friends, "hey, you know, my girlfriend is a musician," and they smile tolerantly. (It is not the first time they have heard this.)
  Until one day you realize you can feel the phase of the moon without looking at it, the mode of a song is as clear as its lyrics, and that when you talk to a stranger you can see a soft light in them now, like a lantern through stained glass. It doesn’t seem possible that you didn’t see these things before, somehow. You have come through the door of her, to a better world, vaster and stranger and truer. We enjoy cooking, but I think more than the occasional leaf or mushroom for the kitchen, the thing we love about foraging is to love the world, together.
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just-ornstein · 6 months
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Chrysalis or Chrissy for short, the rambunctious daughter of the Mighty Monarch and Council Member Dr. Mrs. The Monarch! And collector of all types of plants and insects…
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kiochisato · 7 months
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♡ # 𓂃  Shizuka yoshimoto rentry Graphics ! ❥ . ➶  requested by @clubesse. enjoy !
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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[OCs] An alien speeds through a neon city, with a single mission on her mind.
I compiled some of my boards from class into a single video/animatic, exploring the story behind my alien and scientist ocs I made in 2019 :) I know it probably doesn’t make sense without a lot of context (I have a lot of their story already mapped out in my head) but this was mostly just for experimentation and to get the grade 😗👍 I added a couple frames at the end but I did sketch out some of the rest of the story. It’s uncolored though bc those were for fun, not class and I don’t have time 😭
They don’t have dialogue bc since conception I always had the idea that it would be a dialogue-less story and also bc I imagine their story through music videos half the time lol.
My place holder title in 2019 was “I come in peace” so until I come up w a better name I’ll put all posts relating to these guys under the tag #i come in peace
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chocosourlemon · 1 month
Some doodles I did between multiple long tests and quizzes.
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Here's my fave
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waifubluexo · 8 months
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Am I your favorite waifu? 🥺👉👈
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caleohateclub · 11 months
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“Hold on, Seaweed Brain. You’re not getting away from me that easily. You are such an idiot sometimes. Come on. Take my hand.”
POV: ur percy
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licoririce · 16 days
No pen, no paper...but, you still draw my attention.
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(Ur picrew was CUTEEE BTW 🤧🤧💗💗)
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WAHHH IM GONNA CRY everyone in bllk girlfriend cult is so sweet 🥹🥹 Here’s Mr Explosions for our resident Ryusei fan 💗💥💥
(kit design by @/bueris)
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7th-inningstretch · 10 months
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clowningclownn · 8 months
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my pickles together, similar vibe but opposite energies
one from harvest moon the other from my time at sandrock
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whatevvvs · 11 months
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Skyboy’s getting jealousssss
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almoststedytimetravel · 9 months
This just in: In a win for lgbtq wrongs, local lesbian with blue hair and pronouns has massacred an entire village of Kitsune. When pressed for comment, her mother, who was watching the whole time, said, "This is war. Sacrifices are nessasary in order to achieve victory."
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astro-inthestars · 6 months
Just experienced the gayest as fuck experience at school. like living the dream type shit, and ironically it was not gay at the same time?
Apparently, according to my classmates, my hair is ridiculously soft. And I've actually been rewarded with headpats due to this, in which, as a touch starved gayass catboy? Absolute win.
Then I come over and quite literally draw boobs with my friends, in which one of them is one of the cutest girls in class (unanimous opinion btw) and I also find her very adorable and pretty, aesthetic attraction type beat <33
She then discovers the magic that is my hair, and then begins to hyperfixate on it and pet it endlessly. Like full on unlimited headpats!!! Just full on caressing my hair and it went on for about an HOUR and like??? holy moly?
Honestly the gay dream, and the craziest part is it wasn't even inherently romantic to me?? But anyways I just folded like a leaf, eyes dilated like a cat, and laid there pretending to have fallen asleep to the headpats and SHE DIDNT STOP!!! living the DREAM <3
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sowhiteblonde · 1 month
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cute, classy, and never afraid to make a statement ‍️ ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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nene: as a contract killer I must take my job seriously and let no distractions bother me-
cici: hii
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