#the grass was so satisfying to draw i want to do this everyday???
kvasgod · 4 months
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Things were different once
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sanshoney · 7 months
older brother & male!child!reader
reader is 10, older brother is 18
no plot, just fluff
shout out to boys who never wanted siblings, only an older brother
(intentional lowercase, no use of y/n)
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– to be honest, having dead parents is a burden alone. but also having a little brother you have to take care of now? yeah, noah knows it all too well.
– seriously, he can barely take care of himself. he barely graduated! and he can't even live alone because of his stupid brother. things aren't the best right now for him.
– of course, you're not the one at fault here. you didn't want your parents dead, right? besides, you had never been particularly too close with your older brother. maybe it's the big age gap or maybe it's his unbearable personality. or the combination of both.
– if he were a bit kinder to you, everything would be just fine. he never touches you and rarely talks to you. there are times you don't see him for days. you find yourself missing your father's warm embrace and loving words.
– still, you try so hard to get his attention. you ask him about his day everytime he arrives home. for your efforts, you get a short 'boring' from noah and moments later he's off to his room.
– you know it's hard for him. being an adult must be hard... especially in his case. you appreciate everything he does for you, from working to cooking dinner. you always say "thank you, big brother!" with a wide smile on your face, hugging his waist. you're a well-mannered boy, after all. he usually groans and pats your head awkwardly, muttering a quiet "whatever."
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you decide he's not good with words or touch or... well, you decide to draw your affection for him! you work on the drawing for an hour, wanting it to be absolutely perfect. your final product on the paper is quite good! the sun is shining on the left upper corner, the grass is a pretty green and the clouds are blue. in the middle, there are two people: a short and a tall one. the short one is you, wearing a blue t-shirt and green shorts. you're holding the hand of the taller figure, who is noah! he's wearing a red tee (you found out red is his favorite colour!) with grey pants. a happy smile is plastered on both of the boys' faces.
you grab the paper satisfied, ready to give it to your brother. you sprint to his room, knocking loudly. a muffled "come in" can be heard, so you hurriedly open the door. you stand in front of him, hiding the paper behind your back. "big brother, i have a surprise for you!" you announce, almost bouncing from exhilaration. he looks up from his phone and waits for you to continue. you reveal the paper and place it on his bed. he looks down confused and lifts up the paper. hes looking at it, scrutinizing it and... his lips curve into a faint smile. "why did you make this?" you can tell by his tone that he's a bit flattered. "i thought you'd like it... thank you for everything you do for me!" you smile at him innocently, really hoping this will change something in him.
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– ever since that day, something truly had changed. whenever you ask him about his day, he says more than one word and he even asks you the same question! when you hug him, he runs his hand through your hair. you always lean happily into his touch and smile, which makes him smile.
– recently, you started hanging out in his room. usually, he's showing you photos he took. you learnt hes working as a photographer, which is pretty cool in your opinion.
– sometimes, he gestures for you to go closer to him. he wraps his arms around you and rubs your back slowly. "little brother, y'know it's just us, right? im sorry for being distant. it's... hard. but thank you for being understanding and patient. i appreciate it." you nod and hug him back.
– in the end, all that matters is that you are always there for each other. maybe the harsh reality of the everydays can lose their sharpness a little in each other's arms.
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hope you enjoyed!! ♡
what do you think about him? :3
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bizkitsnuggets · 2 months
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After satisfying her stomach with the Hello Kitty Spicy Noodle Soup she bought, [Y/N] headed back to class before the bell could ring.
This time, she took the normal route. She didn’t want to be in the same cramped up alley way with her classmate as he smoked his ass away. Not to mention his glare that could kill if he tried hard enough. It was just too suffocating, literally.
The normal route was… as normal as a route could be. Some old decorations from summer laid around, neatly cut grass on the side, a pile of leaves that's been tidied, etcetera. [Y/N] recognized some people from her school, most of them walking hand in hand with someone.
She fought back her reflexes of cringing at couples in school, especially if they were a freshman and a senior. The age gap wasn’t the problem, it was the mental gap. It just didn’t sit right with her how a person who just entered Highschool is dating someone who is leaving Highschool very soon.
Just ignore them [Y/N], keep walking.
The girl thought to herself as she passed by a couple who was making out on the benches. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Teenagers are scary these days, one moment you think, “they’re so innocent!” and the next you find yourself wanting to bleach your eyes after seeing the shit they do. Hormones and urges happen, sure. But not that far…
While everyone else is finding their ‘true love’, [Y/N] is stuck with her sketchbook and pencil. Drawing away any fish she took a liking to or found interesting enough. That was all she had. She never had any friends, even in her freshman year. All she had were the oranda fish her aunt had in her little tea shop. [Y/N] named them all.
But enough of that, it’s time she actually gets in class instead of roaming around the school grounds like some lost zoo animal.
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She sat neatly in her chair, letting her head lean into her palm as she rested her body from the little adventure she had. It was quite relaxing, to say the least.
Well, as relaxing as having thirteen (almost adult) teen boys running around the class like some untamed monkeys. Despite the headache she was receiving, she missed the loud screeching voices of her classmates. It made her feel… not empty.
[Y/N] didn’t do much through the summer break. She had no friends to hangout with and going out just by herself is too embarrassing. So, she volunteered to work part-time in her aunt’s tea shop. Of course, bribing her aunt to give her a decent amount of salary since she was helping when a lot of tourists came.
Truthfully, the money was just a plus for her. [Y/N] only volunteered so her life didn’t feel so empty. So miserable every single day. Just rotting in her room, waiting and waiting until summer break ends so she’d have something to do everyday again.
Well anyways, those times are over (for now).
The teacher finally came in, after being late for almost ten minutes. “Hello class, good seeing most of you here.”
Most of us? What does he mea—… Oh.
It wasn’t that much of a surprise, honestly it was to be expected from him. Of course he’d skip the third class on the first day of school. He’s been doing that since forever. No teacher would dare to scold him or call his guardian because they were all too afraid of him.
I don’t blame them for being scared, but c’mon! Wait, come to think of it, Kujo wasn’t always like this. Back in first year… he was… sweet…?
[Y/N] couldn’t believe what she was saying in her head. Kujo Jotaro, described as ‘sweet’? Yeah, in your dreams. But before the girl could expand her thoughts, the one who’s been on her mind makes his way into the classroom.
“Kujo-san!” The klutzy teacher dropped his chalk on the floor by the sudden appearance of the missing student. Jotaro doesn’t spare him a glance and takes his seat.
So much for skipping…
The teacher stood frozen for about five seconds before he realized his pupils were watching him. He quickly closed the sliding door and picked up his chalk. “Well, now that all of you are here,” he started. “I think it’s a good time to tell you guys about the group project we’ll be doing”.
Groans and sighs could be heard from [Y/N]’s classmates. The first day of school and already a project straight away. “I see all of you are dreading this, but don’t worry. It’s due in a month, so you’ll have plenty of time”.
Plenty of time my ass.
“I’ll be picking your partners now, Hideyama-san and Aeri-san…” The teacher started reading off of the roll call paper, therefore he’s picking at random. [Y/N] could feel the ground shake because of the person beside her. Their foot was bouncing up and down uncontrollably, they had a nervous expression. The girl felt slightly bad for them. But she couldn’t control who’s gonna be with who, right?
To be honest, she didn’t really care who her partner would be. She more so cared about the project itself. It’s due in a month, so it should be something a little hard. Maybe it’s about scrapbooking how our summer went. Well, that’d be a piece of cake for [Y/N] because she did the same routine every day. Wake up, shower, water the plants, make breakfast, walk around the beach, sketch at the beach, head to work, go home, shower, and—
“[L/N]-san and Kujo-san”.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Works Every Time (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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You guys are full of fun ideas! It was neat to be able to combine the first two suggestions with the other two prompts, not to mention have Denki and Todoroki face off in a tickle fight! Enjoy! ^^
10. “I’m not going to do anything.” “Then why are you smirking?”
33. “Don’t wiggle your fingers at me like that.”
“How can he read like that?” Jirou asked, nodding at the figure lying in the grass several yards away from them. The others followed her gaze.
“I don’t know,” Denki replied. “I’m not a big reader myself, though. Maybe it’s more comfortable than it looks.”
“I’m an avid reader,” Momo said, “and I can assure you, it is not.”
Jirou grunted. “He’s been at it for a while. Isn’t it kind of odd that he’s not enjoying the beautiful day?”
They were talking about Todoroki, who had been silently reading his manga for the past half hour in solitude. He was lying on his back in the grass, holding the volume above him the entire time without so much as shifting. Jirou, Denki, Momo, and Tokoyami were hanging out in a group on the grass nearby, all in their summer clothes – a bit premature, perhaps, but it was so nice outside and everyone was ready for a break in the cold weather.
“I think he’s enjoying it in his own way,” Momo offered. “It’s not wrong to want to read. At least he is outside instead of in his room or something.”
Tokoyami nodded. “I can understand his revelry in solitude. It is good to get away from the constant drone of everyday life whenever possible.”
“I wish he’d hang out with us, though.” Denki frowned. “I know he’s not a big talker but he’s a cool dude. No pun intended.”
Jirou nudged him, smirking. “Then go convince him, you dork.”
“Yeah, right. How?”
“I don’t know. Zap him or something.”
Suddenly Denki’s face lit up, and both Jirou and Tokoyami’s eyes widened.
“No, not like that,” Jirou protested, but Denki was already getting to his feet.
“Wait, not like what?” Momo frowned, glancing between the blonde and Todoroki. “What’s he doing?”
Jirou glanced at her. “You haven’t heard of him going around shocking people?”
Momo blinked. “No?”
“It’s a rather irritating habit he’s picked up recently,” Tokoyami muttered, frowning after the electric hero as he went. “He has some name for it, too, I think.”
“Tickle-shocks,” Jirou confirmed.
Momo couldn’t help but laugh. “‘Tickle-shocks?’ Really?”
“I know, it’s stupid.”
At this point, Denki was almost to their half-and-half classmate.
“I don’t know.” Momo smiled. “This might actually work really well for Kaminari.”
Todoroki turned his head when he saw Denki appear in his periphery. “Whatever you’re planning, I don’t want any part of it.”
Denki held his hands up innocently. “What? I’m not going to do anything!”
“Then why are you smirking like that?”
“I was just going to come invite you to hang out with us instead of being over here by yourself all day. It’s so nice out! Come hang out with your friends.”
Todoroki glanced at the small group watching them, then back to Denki. “I’d rather read. This volume is particularly good, and I’m almost done. I’ll join you later.”
Denki sighed dramatically. “They thought you might need some convincing, which is why they sent me to do the job.” He slapped his palms together and began rubbing vigorously.
Todoroki quirked a brow. “Now you’re definitely doing something.”
“I am.”
In a flash Denki had descended, dropping to his knees and placing both hands over Todoroki’s stomach, using the static he’d built up to help him deliver an extra strong tickly shock directly to his abdomen. He grinned in satisfaction when Todoroki screeched, tossed his manga to the side, and started laughing.
“Tickle shocks, baby!” Denki proclaimed, grabbing onto his sides and still giving him little zaps to ignite his ticklish nerves. “Works every time.”
His initial burst laughter having died down to a long, unstoppable string of giggles, Todoroki rolled onto his side and tried pushing Denki away. “Hehehehehehey! This ihihihisn’t fahahahahair!”
“Isn’t fair?”
“Y-Yohohohohohou got the juhuhuhump on me!”
“Well, yeah, that’s kind of the point.” Denki smirked, moving up to his ribs now. “Bakugou says you’re super ticklish, but so far all I’m getting are giggles.”
Todoroki started to blush. “Thahahahat’s all you’ll gehehehet!” he declared, suddenly lunging for the electric hero and tackling him into the grass, grabbing onto his sides and squeezing.
“Ah! Ahahahaha c-cold, cohohohohold! Nohohohohoho!” Denki squealed, equal parts snickering and shivering. Todoroki glanced down and noticed that his right hand had managed to find a sliver of bare skin from where Denki’s shirt had ridden up. He smirked, slid his hand up further, and made his fingers even colder. Kaminari squealed again, louder this time. “Nahahahahahahaha! Cohohohohohold!”
“Does it make it tickle more?” Todoroki asked, genuinely curious despite his teasing tone.
“S-Stahahahahahap! Cold, cold, cohohohohohold!”
“Go for his knees, Todoroki!” Jirou called suddenly, drawing the half-and-half hero’s attention to the group nearby, who were all watching their tickle fight in amusement.
“No!” Denki cried, his efforts to escape tripling. “No, nohohohohot the knees, not the knehehehehehees!”
Taking her advice without question, Todoroki reached his right hand back to grab at Kaminari’s exposed kneecap and squeeze, pleasantly surprised when the blonde burst into shrieking laughter.
“Hmm.” Todoroki smiled, grabbing his other knee as well. “Who’s laughing now, Kaminari?”
Much as the icy-hot hero would have liked to continue, he sensed genuine distress in his friend’s cries, and so stopped immediately, sitting back. “I’m sorry.”
“W-What?” Denki asked breathlessly, sitting up. “Why are you sorry?”
“I didn’t mean to go too far.”
“You…you didn’t. You actually stopped when I asked you to. No one else has ever done that.”
“Oh.” Todoroki glanced at the others, then absentmindedly searched for his fallen manga.
As soon as his back was turned, Denki pounced, shoving him to the ground face-first and plunging his fingers into Todoroki’s underarms.
That got him the reaction Bakugou had told them about.
“AGH NO, NO WAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!!” Todoroki laughed, kicking his legs frantically as Denki moved to sit on his lower back and trap him. The usually calm boy was suddenly anything but, his laughter loud and explosive, his cheeks heating up in a blush. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WAIT, THAHAHAHAHAT REHEHEHEALLY TIHIHIHICKLES!! K-KAMINARIEHEHEHEHE!!”
The others beamed at the sight.
“Join us!” Denki demanded playfully. He hesitated a moment, then decided to try his tickle-shocks again. “Join us! Join us! Join us!”
Todoroki let out a sound that could only be classified as a scream, losing all sense of control as hysterics exploded from him, his arms and legs flailing uselessly. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STOP, STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!! OKAY I’LL JOHOHOHOHOIN YOU GUHUHUHUHUYS J-JUST – AGH – STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Satisfied, Denki released him, sitting back with a megawatt grin. “Like my tickle-shocks, Todoroki?”
“T-Tickle…what?” Todoroki sat up breathlessly, still smiling wide. “Is that what that strong feeling was? I knew something seemed different.”
“Yep, that was me! Pretty cool, huh?”
“It’s…certainly effective,” Todoroki admitted. Once again he glanced around for his manga. “Where did I drop it?”
“Come on, man, you said you’d join us!” The blonde held up his fingers and wiggled teasingly. “Do you need more convincing?”
“Don’t wiggle your fingers at me like that.” Todoroki averted his eyes, blushing a little. “I will join you. But I’d still like to find my book first.”
They found it a few moments later, and after brushing it off and dog-earing the page he’d left off on, Todoroki happily joined Denki and the others, smiling and laughing and enjoying the beautiful day with his friends.
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aenxiome · 3 years
Chapter 3: Suck it up Fenton
The rest of the day ended up being lackluster.
In the beginning, things were going well, seating assignments had been changed, and more teachers roamed the halls during and between classes. Unfortunately, the changes aren't going to last. While teachers were punishing students for bad behavior, it wasn't always the ones who did the deed that got punished. It is almost like the trouble makers started rapidly evolving. Many of the A-List target students got detention, with their reflective bully doing a whole 180 when a teacher showed up. Thankfully I managed not to get detention for a second day and a row, but that may be from Dash getting in trouble earlier today.
I may be giving my classmates more credit than they are worth, though. Before today, none of the teachers ever monitored the events in the hallways—giving everyone free rein to do what they wished without any consequences. This isn't anyone evolving. This is their way of getting around the new, hopefully, standards that they are trying to implement. If things continue to go this way, the A-Lists and others are just going to become less subtle in their actions. Not that I expect them to be able to pull it off in the end, but the new arrangement might cause even more issues.
'Great going Fenton, you just screwed everyone, I tell myself. Not everyone can handle themselves as well as you can. This is going to mean so much trouble. But, I try to look on the bright side, thinking about Astronomy. I got some papers back today, full credit on my star chart, though that's pretty much expected of me at this point. So not too surprising. Hopefully, other classes will improve with the seating arrangements being changed, but there is no way of telling if they truly will.
Once classes were over and done with, I met up Sam and Tucker at the Nasty Burger. The restaurant is just starting to get busy with the constant incoming groups of students coming through the door. Thankfully we can claim our regular booth and put in an order for food. " So, how did your guys' day go?" Tucker asks, fiddling with one of his newer PDAs. He goes through PDAs as Dad goes through fudge, a lot of them and all the time. Sam and I just shrug in response and continue the conversation going through some random small talk.
In the middle of our conversation, Tucker suddenly goes still and stares at the PDA. He shoves the device in front of Sam's face making her read whatever has grabbed his attention. Once she is done looking at whatever it is, she and Tucker make eye contact conveying something to each other that I am unable to make out. Sam starts to say something but is interrupted by our food arriving.
"Danny," Tucker says as I shove fries into my mouth, " what happened last night?" I give him a questioning look. Sam slides over the PDA it is showing a local news article. The headline, "MORE DESTRUCTION IN AMITY," is plastered at the top. Below it shows a picture of a destroyed abandoned lot, the same lot from the fight with Skulker earlier this morning.
by Charisma Lynn
This morning residents of this local neighborhood woke up to the remains of another ghost fight. All around the grounds, traces of the battle can be found. Burn marks cover the ground in many areas showing the intensity of the fight. When officials first got on the scene, they found a couple of abnormalities not commonly seen. In a couple of different places, shattered pieces of ghostly green energy can be found. At first appearance, the pieces look like stained glass, but after the first contact turns into a gooey substance. Residents are being told not to worry as the substance is completely harmless but to still take caution. Along with the glass-like substance is a frozen piece of the ground. Even in the sunlight, the spot has shown no difference and is as hard as a rock. Out of the earth is a broken piece of ice. So far, we are unable to tell where the ice has come from, but our best guess is from some kind of ghostly interference. Many residents of the neighborhood have to ask where Phantom was? Was he part of the destruction, or is there a new ghost in town? Find out more tonight at 6 on APC.
I look up from the article to see Sam and Tucker staring at me. I shove more unsalted fries into my mouth. Did you know salt is a natural ghost repellent I, unfortunately, learned that the hard way. Never again. I finish chewing before reassuring them, " Guys, it's fine it was just a typical ghost fight." Tucker starts on his food apparently satisfied with my answer while Sam looks like she is getting ready to argue, but I interject before she gets the chance.
" It was just Skulker, it wasn't anything too bad" the mixture of "too bad" and Skulker grabs Tucker's attention once again. With him too now giving me a critiquing look over. " Are you sure dude? You aren't hurt anywhere are you?" His voice started to become a little bit frantic as he says, "Because Im not going to the hospital. Sorry but that's where I draw the line."
" Okay, but that doesn't explain what's up with the ice spot and glassy thingy," Sam says, bringing us back to the point of the conversation. " Not now," I tell them. I glance around the crowded room before looking back to them, "not here."
They look as if they are preparing to argue as I whisper, " in private." I get a couple of questioning looks as I continue, " Theres' too many people that could overhear" With the promise to talk about it later, our meal went back to everyday small talk and griping about whatever else is bothering us.
Thankfully they let it go. For now, at least.
We finish up our meal and leave the restaurant, then start on down the road. "So," Sam asks, looking in my direction, " where exactly are we going? Your place?" I start to agree but get cut off by Tucker, " We should go to the lot." I give him a questioning glance. He continues his thought, saying, " The picture in the article doesn't show much, and you never know the media could be over-exaggerating again."
"Why not," Sam says with the tone of excitement in her voice, " sounds like fun." I stop walking as I think it over. Before I can say anything, the two of them rush off ahead in the direction of the lot while a feeling of dread overtakes me. "Guys," I call out to them, trying to catch back up, " I don't think this is a good idea." I tell them in a rush, "I will tell you about it when we get to my place. We don't need to go there." Sam narrows her eyes at me before saying, "you're hiding something."
" No, that's not it," I wring my hands in my shirt, unsure of how to proceed. She doesn't let up with her glare at my words. Sam sighs and comes towards me, grabs my arm, and pulls me along with her. I try to pull myself away without hurting her, but I just can't seem to do it. Finally, I become resigned and hesitantly follow without protest.
Didn't they read the same article that I did? It says authorities looked at the lot. They would have had to call ghost experts. Who is to say that they still aren't there? What are we going to say if the Guys In White stuck around? Or even worse, my parents.
When we arrive, the lot is empty, only showing past signs of anyone having been here. The three of us cautiously walk towards the destruction. Next to me, I hear Tucker gasp before saying, "Oh my…" he stops himself before saying anything else. Sam isn't much better putting her hand around my arm in a vice grip.
Before them stands the evidence of one of my fights. In the daylight, the damage looks worse than it did under the moon, making me feel even worse about our actions than I already do. The ground doesn't look so much burned but scorched. As if a fire had burned away its beauty and left a hot steaming pile of muck in its place.
The few trees that line the property have missing limbs that have either splintered or lie on the ground. Shards of ectoplasm are scattered around in the grass, waiting for an unsuspecting human to fall victim to its goo or a ghost to impale its self on its sharp edges. In the middle of it, all is the spikey ice collum surrounded by the frozen frosty ground.
" So they under exaggerated this time," Tucker said, trying to bring humor to the situation, " who would have guessed." I look away from them, ashamed. " It didn't look this bad at night," I say softly, " It didn't" Unable to meet their eyes, I walk forward towards the Ice. Sam and Tucker tell me not to touch anything that I don't know where it comes from As I get near it. I ignore them and put my hand on the side of the spike. Even in human form, I am still unable to feel any of its coldness. It feels just as warm as the air around us, a little moist but not cold.
Sam and Tucker, at some point, walk towards the spike and join me at my side while I inspect the spike. " What does it feel like to you?" I ask. " Dude, it's Ice, it's cold. What else is it supposed to feel like?" I continue to glide my hand over the ice while telling them to humor me. I watch as they put their hands onto the ice, and as soon as they touch it, their hands go flying away from it. They both hold their hand as if something is attacking them. "Danny, how can you touch that!" Sam exclaims, " that stuff is freezing!"
" It feels warm to me," I tell them nonchalantly as if this is an everyday occurrence. " Danny, this isn't normal," Sam says in a worried tone. I don't say anything in response, knowing that this isn't normal for human beings, not at all. Instead, I stare at the ice, trying to figure out how to fix it, when suddenly, an idea comes to my head. I look towards them and hum to catch their attention, "Hey, do you think you can back up for a second? I have something I want to try."
As soon as they are far away enough, I check and double-check that no one is around. Before going forward on my idea, I yell to Tucker, " Tuck, can you check for cameras and stuff first?" He pulls out his PDA and tells me, " No problem with 'Simone' I'll know if anything is there in a jiffy." I wait a second until I hear him give the okay and start my attempt.
My eyes start to glow an icy ethereal blue as I stand before the spike and tap into my ice core. I can feel the cold rushing through me and out to my surroundings. In my presence, the spike starts to repair itself as I let my core come to the surface. In the middle of the spike, I can feel a connection to myself, its ectoplasmic connection to myself. Instead of pushing the ice out, I pull it in, and before my eyes, the ice starts to melt. Instead of shattering like before, it slowly becomes raw energy becoming a blue-white blob.
I gather as much energy as I can from the earth, defrosting it and adding it to the rest of the blob. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding when all of the ice finished melting. I look around the lot for the scorched places, instinctively knowing what to do. I melt the icy ectoplasmic blob even more into water and send it around to saturate the ruined earth. When the ecto-water hits the ground, the earth lets out a satisfying hiss. The ground looks as if it has partially recovered, making it look like months have gone by instead of only a few hours since the initial conflict. Slowly I let go of my core, letting my eyes go back to their normal human hue. A smile comes to my face at my accomplishment, and I look over at Sam and Tucker. They are both staring at me with huge eyes with different emotions flashing through them: amazement, surprise, and wonder.
I go to take a step towards them when the world starts to spin. I feel myself stumble forward. " Danny!" I hear my name called out in fear and a rushing of feet coming to me. A wave of nausea hits me hard, and I lose my balance falling forward. Luckily Sam is just close enough for me to fall onto. "Danny," I hear my name called out again, " oh my gosh, are you okay?" Feeling too weak to answer, all I can do is groan.
" What are we going to do?" I hear Tucker ask Sam frantically, " we can make it to his place from here, and both of our houses are on the other side of town." The two of them keep coming up with ideas that won't work to get us out of the lot. I try to interject but just moving my mouth causes me pain.
Finally, I manage to groan out a name, "Jazz," but they don't seem to hear me. I try again, a bit louder this time, "Jazz," Sam stops talking, and when Tucker doesn't, I listen to her hit him in the back of the head. "Hey, what was that for" he complains, "Shush, Danny said something." With the raging quiet for the last time, I groan, "Jazz."
A quick vague phone call later and give or take a few minutes, Jazzs' car pulls up, and they give a sigh of relief. I hear a door slam and a worried Jazz making her way over. When she gets to us, I try to look up at her and grab her attention, but I am unable to reach her eyes. " What happened" She interrogated as she crouches down to take hold of me. I feel fatigued and start to lose track of the conversation. The next thing I know, someone has picked me up, and I'm in the car. I feel at ease with the motion of the car as we race home. It doesn't take long for me to close my eyes and fall asleep.
When I come to, I'm staring at the old stick-on stars that are attached to my bedroom ceiling. I cautiously sit up, feeling the strain of an invisible muscle, my core, in my chest. My sister and friends are spread out in the room, passed out exhausted. I glance at the clock next to my bed and read the time 3:18 AM. I try to get up from the bed, but I tumble down onto the floor. The sound wakes up Jazz, making her spring into action, helping me back up. "Hey," she whispers, "don't move too fast. You are still recovering."
I wince a little at the movement. Once she gets me steady, I whisper, "Can you help me get to the bathroom." She nods and carefully helps me to the bathroom. Once everything is situated, Jazz brings me back to my room and helps me onto the bed. I scoot over, making enough room for her to join me, which she quickly accepts.
"They told me what happened at the lot," she says, motioning towards my friends, " What were you thinking trying something like that?" She admonishes. I snuggle into her, getting comfortable before starting my defense, " I was just trying to clean up the mess we make," With a look, I explain further, " Skulker and I fought there last night. It went a little longer than expected. I didn't realize that we made such a mess."
"What about the ice," she inquires. I give half a shrug, " It was unexpected; I don't know how it happened." I tell her truthfully, " I plan to go visit Frostbite this weekend and see if he knows anything." She starts raking her hand through my hair then continues the conversation, " They said you got rid of the ice and fixed part of the ground? They didn't explain it too well. Care to elaborate?"
"It's weird. I just kind of knew how to do it. It was like…." I trail off, not liking the word I need to use. Jazz, unfortunately, knew where to pick up at, "Instinct?" She questions, with my silence being the only acknowledgment she needs. She sighs before saying, "It's okay, you know, to admit it." We lay there for a while before I decide to respond, " I can't." I react in denial, " If I acknowledge it, then it makes it true." Jazz lets out a breathy laugh at that, " So, what if you don't talk about it? It's going to go away?"
" I wish," I mumble, "It's just if I talk about it, then it becomes more real. I can pretend to be normal." She scoffs at my response, " Normal is overrated anyway." I let out a yawn and looked over at the time 4:03 AM. " Can we talk about this later? It's late." She lets out a yawn of her own, having caught mine before saying accusingly, " You just don't want to talk about it." I don't deny her accusation but put some more distance between the two of us and painfully turn over.
What does she want me to tell her? That I feel drawn to go to Ghost Zone? That I like laying around in my ghost form? I can get away with feeling like me under the stars and use insomnia as an excuse, but there is no way to explain anything else. If I told her some of these things, it would just be more of a confirmation of what I already know: I'm a freak.
" Good night, Jazz."
"Good night, little brother."
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hajimewhore · 3 years
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Body Swap 👫 (Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader) ➸Rated T, fem!Reader, 1.6k words  ➷Humor, fluff, awkwardness ofc  ➷ Masterlist, Part 1, ✈Part 2
Thankfully, Hajime’s parents had busied themselves in the morning. Probably out grocery shopping, he’d mentioned off hand.
With Hajime the one blindfolding you now, you can finally place yourself in his shoes, an uneasy humiliation enveloping your bones.
“We can’t exactly dress each other everyday for school, can we?”
You mumble, as Hajime lets you tug the loose tee overhead. It seems he wanted little to do with this dress up game scenario, while simultaneously attempting to save himself from the embarrassment of you catching an eyeful of his junk.
He pulls off the blindfold and stares with an uncomfortable expression and blush. You’ve been doing a lot of blushing today since... well, since you woke up in each other’s bodies.
“I guess not. But I’ll respect your body, don’t worry.”
He huffs, folding his arms across his chest.
A short gasp comes from his lips, clearly not used to having a set of breasts, and he pulls his arms away quicker than you’ve probably ever moved yourself. Hajime awkwardly settles for resting his hands at his hips, and you stifle the snort that threatens to escape.
“I trust you, Hajime. Don’t worry. And same goes for me! I won’t eat junk food before bed, and I’ll work out a lot too!”
You announce while fist pumping the air, and he rolls his eyes.
“You better. Come on, let’s go before my mom and dad get back.”
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A lot of changes had to be made to accommodate your... new lifestyle.
You decided it was best to swap phones, considering you each have the same model and should probably be conversing with your classmates and friends with some sort of vague continuity.
You also had a rather short lived and awkward conversation about bathroom time and changing.
And on the way to the park, you discussed the people you each talked with the most in class, how to talk to them, and to take notes properly.
You’re thorough if anything, trying to make this awful situation as easy as you can possibly make it.
“This is exhausting... and we haven’t even gotten to play volleyball yet.”
You bounce the volleyball in the grass, huffing at the torture this body swap is turning out to be.
“At least you can spike, and have a mean serve. It would have been way worse for me if you were a libero.”
At least Hajime is looking on the bright side.
“We just have to get used to our bodies.”
You attempt to reason alongside him, amping each other up.
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By the time the sun sets, you’re both panting in the grass next to each other. All former encouragements and hype lost, replaced by the dread of the coming Monday.
“We’re so fucked, I’m not used to being this tall, or having these limbs.”
You wave your arms around in the grass for emphasis, turning to gaze at your partner in this disaster.
“I feel like I’ve been launched back to middle school, it’s hard to get used to being short again.”
Hajime hums in agreement.
“I’m not that short! You’re just tall!”
“Not that tall!”
He grimaces, and you think you hear him mutter something about one more centimeter.
Before you can delve back to wallowing in misery, Hajime speaks up again,
“Whatever, we actually started doing pretty good by the end. It’s not the level we’re usually at, but I’m sure we can fake it in practice well enough. Chalk it up to being sick or something. We’ll be back to normal soon enough.”
Sitting upright, he musters a confident look that warms your chest. You’re glad he’s being optimistic, pushing away the negative thoughts that keep rearing up.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Now let’s get food, I’m starved.”
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“Agedashi tofu is the best after practice.”
He’s gleaming, and you think it looks more natural on your face than the stern countenance that seems trademark to Hajime. Though, you do miss the rare occasions you got too see that expression on his normal face... so you make a mental note to take plenty of happy face selfies while you’re in this body.
You can’t help the soft laugh, imagining all the faces you could make in Hajime’s body he wouldn’t be caught dead making normally. When he eyes you warily, you shake your head and respond before he catches on to your plan.
“The katsudon here is way better, you’re crazy.”
You grin, mouth watering as you bring a pork cutlet to your lips.
When you bite in, it turns out to be less satisfying than you remembered. 
‘Weird, this place has really good katsudon.’
When you peer over at Hajime, he seems to be sharing a similar dilemma.
“How is it?”
You tilt your head up, gazing cautiously at him.
“It’s... okay.”
He frowns, can he seriously not enjoy agedashi tofu right now? Or was it just made bad?
“Right. Same here.”
The two of you pause, stewing for a second at the disappointment of your favorite meals, before both having the same idea to swap plates.
When you bite into your newly swapped dishes, you both simultaneously break out into wide grins.
“Whaaat, this is so good!”
“’katsudon’s not so bad either.”
You burst out into laughter, 
“I guess our tastes have been swapped too.”
“I was beginning to think this would just be a nightmare. But there’s some fun things involved.”
Hajime hums, taking another hearty bite from the katsudon. You smile at his enthusiasm, before returning to your dish.
 You continue to idly chatter about things that might be important to know, before walking home together.
When you reach the end of the street, Hajime almost makes the mistake of turning to the Iwaizumi residence. When he freezes, you realize you were equally ready to freely waltz into your own house.
You both awkwardly switch sides on the sidewalk, silently acknowledging the blunder with a light laugh.
“I’ll text you if I think of anything else. Have a good night,” you pause, “Y/N!” 
You wink at him, chuckling at the sour expression. If you thought referring to yourself as Hajime was weird, it’s even more unsettling to call yourself by name.
Hajime rolls his eyes before waving goodbye.
“Yeah yeah... Hajime. See you tomorrow.”
The interaction certainly is odd, but you laugh with a grin nonetheless. Despite the fucked up situation, it’s kind of cool to have a secret to share with Hajime.
You just hope it isn’t permanent.
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When Hajime turns to the your household, he feels the nervousness come back full force.
The two of you spent all day with each other, not really worried about a stranger’s perception of them.
But now he has to deal with the people closest to you, your parents. And he’s actually quite fond of your parents, they’ve always treated him like the son they never had (as well as Oikawa), but he’s not exactly looking forward to living out their wish for a son vicariously through you.
He swings open the door, kicking his shoes off before stepping inside.
“I’m home!”
‘Remember to be enthusiastic, and keep that RBF in check!’ he hears your insistent reminder echo in his mind, almost catching himself scowling.
“Welcome back darling! Did you eat?”
He hears your mother’s voice from the kitchen.
“I had something to eat with Hajime.”
He sweats a little, your mom is oddly calculated, always in tune with your emotions. Sometimes even his, but there’s no way she’d figure out what was going on, right?
“Good. If you get hungry later, there’s left overs.”
He calls out a thanks, almost sighing in relief, looks like the panic was for nothing. 
Hajime casually (yet so, so, eagerly) heads for the stairs.
“Where are you going? Aren’t you going to say hi to Tooru? He and his mother came for dinner!”
“Y/N-chan! You and Iwa-chan were hanging out today? We’re you practicing volleyball?”
As if on cue, Oikawa rounds the corner and cuts Hajime off at the stairs, eyeing the athletic attire he’s wearing,
“I have something I want to practice more, you should’ve texted me.”
He huffs, arms folded as he leans against the stairway’s frame. Clearly a trick, Oikawa blew up both of your phones all day long despite being told you were busy. Hajime resists the urge to scowl at the backhanded comment. Brat.
Wait a second... how exactly do you talk to Oikawa again? Hajime should know, he’s spent a majority of his life with the two of you, but he’s currently drawing blanks.
He seems to have wracked his brain a little too long for a normal interaction, as Oikawa’s eyeing him again with an inquisitive look.
“Sorry... Tooru. You were sleeping in, and we both just happened to wake up early. Besides, you shouldn’t be practicing so much.”
He’s glad he didn’t let the ‘Shittykawa’ slip, that wouldn’t have been on brand for you at all. Out of habit though, he did punch Tooru in the arm.
“Yow! So mean, why are you hitting me?!”
Oikawa cries out, looking utterly scandalized as he rubs the sore spot on his arm.
“Because you deserve it.”
Hajime rolls his eyes, hopefully you won’t become aware of this interaction or he’ll get an earful from you. He’s still slightly convinced he’s an innocent bystander affected by some sort of cosmic punishment on Oikawa Tooru.
“Are you mad at me?!”
Hajime ignores Oikawa’s cry of complaint, jogging up the stairs. It’s hard being you, he grimaces as he beelines for the safety your room.
Finally in the comfort of privacy, he collapses into your sheets with a sigh of relief.
It could barely be considered a conversation with your mother, and Oikawa, but he’s already feeling mentally exhausted from the social exchange.
And tomorrow marks the start of the school week. Great.
Hajime slumps into your absurd amount pillows (seriously, you only need one). If he feels a little disappointed that he can’t recognize your scent anymore, he certainly doesn’t admit it, and definitely doesn’t entertain the intrusive thought longer than a moment.
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A/N: I’m actually having so much fun with this au it’s adsklag;hj, I just like to watch my faves suffer in a chaotic mess I can not lie
Masterlist, Part 1, ✈Part 2, Part 3​
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Kirishima x reader
Warnings: death , that should be all, I’m sorry I missed anything. 
Italics - memories
I'm really nervous about this, it’s been 2 years since I've written anything and I heard “Drowning” - Chris Young and this was done. 
Tags: @aurorahoneybuns
“Hi this is y/n , leave a message and I’ll get back to you … eeek Elij! I’m trying to do my message … you took too long and I want to cuddle …. beep beep beep ….
Kirishima has you pulled over his shoulder taking you into the bedroom, your phone long forgotten  as  you giggled and wiggled your way down to set your legs around his waist. He pulled you into a passionate kiss.
Kirishima had his phone to ear, tears rolling down his face as he listened to your voice remembering the events that took place that night. He couldn’t believe you kept the message but he loved that you did.
“Kiri baby, I need to go get the ingredients for dinner.”  You called as you got ready to leave.
“Hold up, I’ll come with you.” He was getting ready when his phone chimes indicating a text. He looked at the phone and then as you.
“Duty calls?”
“Yea, they need my help.”  He frowned.
“Mmmm my hero ,” you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, “I’m so proud of you baby.”  And he smiles as you said your goodbyes.
He heard a knock at the door and grunted as he fumbled past the door to head to his bedroom.
He heard the door getting kicked in.
“Oi! I know you heard me knocking. “ Bakugo yelled as he walked into the apartment, he made his way through his friend’s place, as he found him on the floor of his room with pictures of you and him scattered everywhere.
Kirishima was smiling at one of his favorite pictures of the two of you. It was one from high school, lunch with the group as you were laughing at something he said with your nose scrunched up and your beautiful (e/c) eyes closed and he was looking at you and it was as if no one else was there at that moment but you to him.
“She looks so beautiful here, you know this was the day I fell in love with her , her laughter, I knew I wanted to be the one to make her laugh like that for the rest of my life.” His tears fell onto the picture as he wiped his eyes.
Bakugo sat next to his friend and sighed, rubbing his back. “Kiri, this isn’t healthy , we need to get out of here, get you some fresh air.” Bakugo could be a loud mouthed jerk at times but he knew his friend needed him.
“Nah, I ….  I’m just gonna lay down and sleep.” He knew when he closed his eyes you would be there holding him.
“Nope, get up! Do you want me to take you to her? Maybe talking to her will help.” His friend held out his hand and Kiri took it, letting him help him up to his feet.
“ come on”
“Oi shitty hair , so did you do it?”
“No, not yet ,” he said as he took the little velvet box that held a princess cut white gold ring that had a beautiful ruby in the middle of it. He was smiling from ear to ear with his toothy grin. “ Tonight, it’s our 2 year anniversary, she is getting dinner and I have to be here.” He frowned.
“Oi, once we help arrest these jackasses you can leave and i’ll take care of everything else at the agency.”
“You’d really do  that for me? I always knew under that hot tempered persona was a teddy bear.”
“*tsk* don’t make me regret this.” Bakugo chuckled. He could be a jerk to everyone he came across but when it came to his best friend, he owed him alot. “ She’s pretty cool, even for a quirkless extra.”
Kirishima just smiled that big toothy grin at his friend “ She’s not an extra, she’s so manly.”
The car ride seemed to take forever, tree after tree, building after building, it was an endless montage of leaves and roofs. Kirishma sighed and he placed his head against the cool glass of the window. Leaves littered the streets.
“Let’s see, that should be everything i need.” you looked into the cart pointing off items hoping you didn’t forget anything. Once you were satisfied with what you had you went to check out. As you walked outside you heard a loud noise. You dropped your bag of food.
You saw the scene in front of you, people running , screaming and crying. You make out two villains are the cause of the scene: one sticks around and the other leaves to lead the heroes away.   They are powerful. You hear a faint cry.
“Ma-mama … “ the little boy is scared , he’s using his water quirk to try and quiet the flames around him, standing in the middle of the street.
“Well, what do we have here.” One of the monsters smirks at the child and he freezes. He couldn’t move his legs to get away. You weren’t sure if it was from the villain or because he was frightened. You watch as the man stalked up to the child and you couldn’t just not do anything. You ran from your spot in front of the store and covered him in your warm embrace.
“Hi sweetheart.” You coo trying to distract him, to get him to move. You look behind your shoulder and see his face, scars distorting his face. You see him smirk at you.
“Oh! Do I have a hero here hmm? I fuckin hate heroes. “ he spilts as his face transforms to disgust.
“Sweetheart, when I count to three I’m going to need you to run as fast as you can. Ok? Can you do that?”
He looks up at you and nods and you smile. “I have a friend whose name is Kirishima and you know what he’d say? You are so manly for being so brave.” You look again and the man is approaching fast. You take a deep breath when he emits electricity from his hands.
You turn to face the man and say “ don’t look back sweetie. THREE!”
The boy runs as fast as his legs can.
The car stops and Kirishima sighs and brings his hands to his face. “I can’t Bakugo. I don’t want to let her go yet.”
“I know buddy, but I think you need this. Take your time, We can stay right here til you’re ready.”
“Oi! Shitty hair! There’s something going on in the city, some bastards tearing up the place. We gotta go!”
“Wait … y/n’s in the city. Getting groceries! Baku …”
“Let’s go call her on the way, we're not far. “
“Bro she’s not answering!”
The scene in front of them was a disaster. How they were able to do this much damage in a short amount of time was beyond them.
“Do you see anything Kiri?”
“I see one by the store! There!” He points. “Someone else is down there.”
30 minutes pass and Kirishima finally gets out of the car , he take a deep breath in and looks at Bakugou who’s now standing next to him.
“Want me to come with you?” He asks.
“Thank you bro, but i think I need to do this myself.” He gave him a weak smile. His first attempt in 2 weeks.
You turn running to the other side of the street distracting the villain from the boy. He raises his hands and electric ropes fly to you, wrapping around your body and neck, small waves of electricity run through you and your neck begins to close. You gasp for air, he’s slowly stopping the air from filling your lungs.  Heroes that were helping secure civilians realize what had quickly conspired. Running towards you and the villain to try to help.
“Let her go!” You hear a familiar voice and you turn looking at your boyfriend’s face and you mouth an I'm sorry. You go limp in front of him. You boyfriend chased in with no regard to his safety; he knew he needed to get to you. Kirishima heard cracking behind him as he hardened and Bakugo let his explosions go off unhinged seeing the scene in front of him. You. His best friend's girlfriend. No this wasn’t happening right now he thought. He has a ring to give her. And his screams were heard within the vicinity and you fell into your boyfriend's arms.
“Baby, baby. It’s going to be ok. I got you now.” He sees the cut in your stomach. The rope from the man torn into you before wrapping abound you. You bring your hand to his face.
“Baby? Is the boy ok?”
“What boy? Sweetheart? Who?” He’s staring into your eyes and he realizes what you had done.
“Make sure he finds his mom ok.” Kirishima is putting pressure on the cut.
“Someone help! I need medical!l”
“Ei, I’m cold.” You curl further into him. “I love you baby, I’m sorry dinner is going to be late today.”
“Gawd princess, don’t worry about dinner, I’m going to get you out of here and I’ll make dinner when I can get you back home ok?” He can’t see from the blur in his eyes and tear steam his dirt covered face.
“Oi! How is she? I got a recovery girl and the medics are almost here.” He runs up and looks down at the scene in front of him and he knows. Bakugo punches the piece of building that fell next to them and with an explosive punch he yells into heaven , pissed they didn’t get here on time.
Kirishima makes it to your headstone, placing his hand to it and he begins to cry. “Why couldn’t it have been me? Why did you have to be so selfless?” He asks, pulling out the little velvet box, opens it and places it on top of the stone. “Supposed to love you til I died, princess. I miss you everyday, it comes in waves and today baby girl, I’m drowning.” 
He sat on the grass covered earth pulling out a hand drawn picture. “I met someone a couple of days ago. He drew you something.” He smiled at the drawing “he said you talked about me and how you helped him be brave”,  he smiled his big toothy grin that hadn’t graced his face since that day. In the picture there was a rubble lined street and it was you with your arms wrapped around a small child with angel wings attached to your back, written on it “MY HERO”
You didn’t have a quirk, you couldn’t stop the villain, your boyfriend’s manly spirit flowed through you and you distracted one bad guy and made sure he didn’t hurt anyone else.
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sanktnikolais · 4 years
Six Degrees of Separation
A/N: Because focusing on one work is my weakness and my mind wouldn't let me write my current one if I didn't take this off of it. I am: a mess. HAHKLHASFD. Also because it’s my birthday today and I want to give you guys something before the day ends so have this from me uwu
Word count: 2260
A long time ago, the Little Palace had welcomed a young, raven-haired squaller. She was nine when her guardian accompanied her to the capital to train as a soldier for the Second Army. 
          Her training had started that same day, and after only a year, the young Squaller was the best among the other students in her class. At ten, she had already made a great impression of herself to the instructors and the older Grisha. It pleased her, somehow, knowing that she was better than most, as she had spent her childhood trying to please her mother who never batted an eye to her achievements in her former classes.
          Maybe it was also her confidence that made her reprimand another student. Or so she had thought.
          It was during a recess when the young Squaller had gone to the Little Palace’s gardens, trying to etch the scenery in her head so she could draw it in her letters that she sent to her aunt every week. The garden was peaceful at noon, the soft breeze rustling the leaves and wafting the scent of various flowers nearby. 
          She had gone a bit further into the gardens when she heard a sound of a wood splintering and breaking. 
          “Oh, no.”
          The young Squaller looked to her right just in time to see the branch of a tree fall down, followed by a clatter of notebooks. She looked up, and was surprised to see a boy with golden curls trying to get down from his place in the tree high above ground. 
          “Be careful—” she tried to say, but stopped abruptly when the boy’s foot slipped from a dent in the bark. She whipped a hand out to whip a draft of wind to cushion his fall. It was a bit of a clumsy summon as it took her by surprise, and the boy landed on the ground with a loud oof. 
          The young Squaller ran towards the boy, who was slowly sitting up while rubbing his shoulder. He had a wince on his face as his other arm started to gather his scattered notebooks.
          “What were you doing up there?” the young Squaller demanded, hands resting on her hips. The boy looked up at her, and she was startled by his hazel eyes. She was sure she hadn’t seen anyone with such light-colored eyes before. She bent down to help the boy in collecting his things.  “That was dangerous, even for boys like you.”
          The boy gave her a grin, which quickly turned into a grimace when he’d moved his arm a bit rashly. “Yes, I think I’m quite aware of that. It’s cool. What you did with your powers, I mean,” he said, waving his hand in the air in weird gestures. He stood up in his full height, and the young Squaller noticed that he wasn’t that much taller than her. “A bit uncontrolled, I noticed.”
          It sparked an irritation in the young Squaller, and she shoved the few notebooks she had helped get from the ground to the boy’s hands. “A thank you would be nice,” she said sharply. 
          “My apologies,” the boy said, arranging his notebooks in a clean stack. At least he did look apologetic. He grinned again, that all-too confident grin that brought out the vibrancy of his eyes. “Thank you, dear extraordinary Squaller.”
          “Just don’t be an idiot next time.”
          She had expected the boy to look offended or mad, but all he did was laugh lightly and nod. “Of course. I will take note of that. I must go.”
          “Sure. Whatever.” The young Squaller waved a dismissive hand to the boy, who laughed and winked at her in return. He turned and limped across the garden, whistling a tune that sounded broken and off, and then he disappeared behind a thick brush that led to the courtyard.
          She was about to leave as well, but a flash of white caught her eyes. There was a piece of paper left on the ground. She bent over to pick it up. On the expanse of the material was a rough sketch of what she could guess as a ship, and at the top right corner was a messy scrawl of “Kingfisher”. 
          The young Squaller looked at the direction the boy had disappeared to, silently wondering who he was. She had never seen him in the Little Palace before, so he might be a new student. It explained his sudden exit when she saw him. 
          With a shrug, the young Squaller folded the paper and tucked it inside her pocket. She would give it back the next time she saw him.
          It was several days later when she saw him again, but this time, he stayed down on the ground and was resting his back on the tree bark, hands busy scribbling on his notebook. She approached him, paper in hand, and stopped at least a few feet away. 
          The boy stopped writing and looked up, a smile appearing on his lips when he saw her. “Hello,” he said. 
          “You left this in the grass when you fell,” the Young squaller said, giving the folded paper to the boy, who took it rather enthusiastically. 
          “Saints, thank you!” he exclaimed when he finally unfolded it, eyes brightening up. Then the boy seemed to notice his own outburst and shook himself. He gave her a sheepish smile. “Thank you, really. I thought I lost it.” 
          The young Squaller smiled back. “So, you’re fond of ships?” 
          The boy averted his eyes and looked back down to his notebook, his ears turning all shades of red. “Weird, I know, but—”
          “Who says it’s weird? I think it’s actually cool.” The young Squaller sat next to the boy, who looked really surprised.
          “You do?” 
          “Sure. They go against the waves of rough seas and oceans but still manage to float upright.”
          The boy laughed lightly. “That is a nice way to say it,” he said. “But I’m thinking of something different with this.” He gestured to the paper. Then he leaned his head a bit closer, as if he was going to tell a secret, and whispered, “What if they flew?”
          The young Squaller drew back in surprise. “No way.”
          “Yes way.” The boy opened his notebook and showed the young Squaller his other sketches and ideas. 
          “That’s impossible.”
          “I prefer improbable.”
          It was the start of the friendship between the young Squaller and the boy with golden curls for the next few months, even though they barely see each other. It would sometimes stretch at least two weeks before they saw each other again by the same tree in the garden. Usually, it was the boy who kept their conversation going, telling the young Squaller all about the ideas he had in mind while she just listened to him. 
          It brought a bit of escapism from the exhaustion of the lessons in the Little Palace, and she appreciated the rare times she met the boy with remarkable ideas, until she looked forward to seeing him almost everyday. 
          But these rare meetings suddenly stopped when the boy didn’t show up at the same spot in the next few days The few days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months. The boy never showed up again.
          The young Squaller had been disappointed at first, but she knew better than let herself get sad over the sudden disappearance of the boy. And by the time she had entirely stopped expecting him to show up, she realized that it was a good thing they never knew each other’s names. The boy had never bothered asking for hers, so she didn’t try to ask for his. 
          Maybe they had never been friends at all. 
          It would be nine years later when the young Squaller saw the boy again, but she had long since forgotten the short time they knew each other from the palace gardens.
          The silence hung heavily in the air. The redhead privateer levelled her challenging glare with an amused look, and for the nth time in the past few days, Zoya had the urge to punch it off his face. 
          “Who are you, really?” she repeated her previous question that remained unanswered. “And stop telling me you’re a mere privateer in the seas, because I am most certain you are not just someone.”
          Sturmhond gave a hearty laugh. “But it is what I am, dear Zoya,” he said, grinning his blinding smile. For a moment, there was something familiar radiating around him, a resemblance of a past memory. “Though you are quite right when you said I’m not just someone.”
          Zoya narrowed her eyes. “Elaborate, then.”
          “I’m actually a close friend to the prince.”
          His statement surprised her. But then she remembered his words to her when he got her out of the university. It only made her more suspicious of this pirate that was casually standing in front of her like he didn’t have to care for anything.
          “Is that why you have eyes on him at the university in Ketterdam?” she demanded, stepping closer to the privateer, but the redhead didn’t as much budge from his place like Zoya expected him to.
          “A good friend doesn’t leave a friend to fend for himself in an unknown territory.” Sturmhond waved a hand in the air. “Especially when he’s the second prince.”
          “If you’re a good friend, you wouldn’t have left there without making sure no threat was to come at him when the stadwatch realized that a Ravkan soldier had been identified hiding among the crowd.” She shook her head. “You should stop being an idiot for once.” 
          Sturmhond went silent at that, which satisfied Zoya in a way she couldn’t quite place. There was something triumphant when something had finally made the privateer shut up. She lifted her chin in a silent challenge, expecting Sturmhond to back down. But he didn’t.
          He gave her a dashing grin instead. 
          “Ah, there she is,” Sturmhond said, shrugging his coat tighter around himself. “Now I know why you were the one sent to handle the rescue mission in Ketterdam.” Then his expression softened, and he regarded her with obvious respect in his eyes. “I’m sure the Second Army commander would appreciate you returning safely.”
          Zoya’s anger flared. The rescue mission had been a complete failure. If the privateer’s compliments held such underlying slurs, then she would’ve been pleased to have insults said directly to her. 
          “You’re really that confident to get past the patrols on Os Kervo?” she said. She shook her head. “Without anyone to confirm your identity, getting past those patrols would be impossible.”
          Sturmhond shrugged, the calm and easy expression back to his face. He looked confident enough for himself.  “I prefer improbable.”
          Something in Zoya’s mind clicked, and she was left gaping at the privateer, who only winked at her before brushing past her. She was sure she had heard that line before, but wasn’t sure when or where. The thought continued to trouble her, so she whirled around to face the retreating privateer.
          “Hey,” she called out, “have we met before?”
          Sturmhond stopped and turned halfway, his expression inquisitive. Then he shrugged. “I don’t know, dear Zoya. But maybe I’m just that handsome.” He nodded, giving her a lopsided smile. “Get some rest. It’s still a week before we get to Os Kervo.” 
          Then he was off, whistling an off-key tune that stayed in Zoya’s mind for the rest of the night. 
When Sturmhond had returned to his quarters below deck, he closed the door behind him and leaned against it. A laugh escaped from him, and he shook his head. His suspicions were confirmed. What were the chances of meeting her again? He wasn’t the one to believe in fate. 
          But this certain moment was making him consider.
          He shrugged off his coat and went to the desk at the opposite side of the room, hanging the garment on the back of his chair. Reaching a hand over the drawer, Sturmhond opened it and took the old, worn out notebook at the very bottom of the stack. 
          A wave of nostalgia hit him, making him smile. This was where he had spent most of his late nights growing up, sketching the ideas he’d come up with when the sound of gunfire and explosion were too much for him to be able to sleep. 
          Sturmhond sat down on the chair as he opened the notebook, seeing the mess that were his scrawls and drawings, mixing with each other in a series of lines and curves. He turned the page. An old paper was wedged in between the pages, the edges torn from ages of handling. But one look at it, he knew exactly what it was. 
          The sloppy handwriting of ‘Kingfisher’ on the top right corner was already fading, but it was still readable. He remembered how he had panicked the night he fell from that tree, the thought of losing his greatest idea almost making him cry. But then a certain Squaller had returned it to him after a few days, with her stoic face and firm voice, and Sturmhond knew he was forever thankful to her for giving it back to him.
          Because he was able to make the idea come to life and set out to the seas on it now.
          “Who would’ve thought I’d see you again, dear extraordinary Squaller,” he murmured to the page. 
          For the first time in a long while, Sturmhond felt a real smile appear on his face. *** A/N: This is a rough excerpt from another probable multi-chapter I accidentally made. Idk when I'd write and post the full one, but we'll see. HEHE.
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sithsecrets · 4 years
Shock and Awe
May I request a Kylo fic in which he meets the reader, who is nobility on her home planet, and is smitten after he sees her skills on the battlefield? It can be however fluffy/angsty/etc as you want! Thank you so much! I love your fics!
Hello! I hope it’s okay to request, it not please ignore haha! I was wondering if you could write about the reader being like a new inquisitor or something like that and she’s super badass and Kylo is falling hard but he doesn’t know how to talk to her bc ~inexperience~. Thank you so much I love your writing!! I was hooked on Empress and check everyday to see if you updated hehe. Thank you for blessing us with your writing!!!!❤️
May I request Kylo Ren (pre TFA, before he was Supreme Leader) courting the reader who is royalty from a First-Order-occupied planet? You can make it as floofy or as smutty as you want! Thank you!!!
This fic is based of the above asks!
Enamored with a fearsome, clever princess, Kylo Ren makes an auspicious alliance.
1.4k words
Mentions: violence, gore, swearing
Kylo is in awe of you from the moment he lays eyes on you.
The first time the two of you meet, the both of you are caked in blood and gore, fresh from fighting the Resistance. He’s watched you take down men twice your size, watched you tear through flesh and bone as if it were nothing to you. You kill without mercy, without regard for your enemies or who they are, and watching you slaughter person after person gives Kylo the most delicious chills he’s ever felt.
It is only after the fight, when all of your shared adversaries lay slain, that Kylo finds out who you are.
“I’ve never known a princess capable of slaughtering so many people at once,” Kylo tells you, and he cannot help but be transfixed by how beautiful you are, even caked in dirt and the very lifeforce of your victims.
You laugh at Kylo’s statement, saying that he and his men are welcome to convoy back to your palace with you, and the look in your eyes tells him that perhaps he has missed something. A joke, maybe? He’s always been awful with those, so he doesn’t take it too hard.
Back at the palace, Kylo only falls more and more in love with you with every passing minute. He comes to find out that you are a staunch diplomat, a real cutthroat negotiator. You tell several men from prominent planet not yet under the Order’s control to fuck off when they say something that offends you, and two more parties of hopeful ambassadors are soon bent to your will with little more than a smirk and a minute amount of compromise on your part. As he watches, Kylo grows almost jealous of your prowess. Fear has always been his go-to tool for forging connections, but you are a master craftsman when it comes to forming relationships, even with people you seemingly hate! Everyone wants to be on your good side, and it is obvious that your having your friendship is very advantageous for all parties involved.
And though Kylo does not want to be uncouth or simple-minded, he cannot help himself from acknowledging that you are enchanting. He is transfixed by you, by your beauty, and he wants nothing more than for you to take notice of him in a similar way. If Kylo were every given the privilege of being the object of your most intimate affections, he doesn’t know what he would do with himself! And stars, does it make him jealous, watching how men and women alike absolutely fling themselves at you. They shower you in jewelry and dresses and perfume, in promises of wealth and great power, and yet it seems as if you are not flattered by any of it. You always thank these hopeful suitors of yours, accepting their gifts graciously, but you never heed to their advances, never let them in close to you. In a disheartening revelation, Kylo supposes that this must mean you are otherwise attached, perhaps in secret, for you are unmarried and do not openly show off a partner. Of course, he is envious of this mysterious lover of yours beyond belief, but fair is fair— if someone managed to capture your affections before Kylo or someone else could, then they must be an exemplary person indeed.
So, Kylo continues on with the tasks he’s been given, following Supreme Leader Snoke’s directions to the letter. And, as he strikes down enemies and puts the fear of the Order into more than one diplomat, he spends any free moment he has marveling at you from afar. He thinks you can sense his interest in you, but it’s only a guess. Kylo likes to think that some of the smiles you send his way are a little more than friendly, but really, what does he know about things like this? It’s been so long since he spent time with a woman in such a fashion, and even longer since he attempted to date anyone. Kylo knows that he’s gifted in many ways, but he won’t profess to be proficient in the realm of romantic relationships.
After a few days, Kylo’s ready to give up on the whole concept of capturing your affections… until you corner him in the palace gardens.
He’s minding his business amongst the blooms and grasses, reading over some material about a distant planet, when you appear in front of him. Of course, you’re draped in a beautiful, rich gown, and the mere of sight you takes Kylo’s breath away. He begins to ask you how you are, but you seem bent on not wasting time with pleasantries.
“Do you like me?” you ask, and there is a curious look in your eyes that makes Kylo want to choose his words with the utmost care.
“I… Yes, of course. You have been a most wonderful partner in these negotiations. You are a very competent ruler, and the Order is very pleased with your performance.” You sit down across from Kylo in the other little chair that matches the one his, now seemingly keenly interested.
“I didn’t ask what the Order thought of me. I know that I’ve served them well,” you state, and there’s that confidence that Kylo loves so much. “I asked if you like me. Though perhaps that’s a childish way of putting it. Really, I’m asking you if you have feelings for me.” You quirk one perfect eyebrow in Kylo’s direction, and he feels as if he may pass out.
“Well, I— What do you mean?” Kylo stammers, though he knows perfectly well what you’re asking.
Had he really been so obvious?
“Do you think I’m pretty, Kylo?” you ask, apropos of nothing, and Kylo does his best to control his urge to get up and flee, to avoid this whole interaction entirely. You must think Kylo’s taking too long to answer, because you barrel on, saying, “It’s all right if you do. If I’m being honest, I find you rather handsome.”
You give Kylo’s body a lazy onceover, and the look in your eyes is enough to make his face burn.
Embolden by your compliment, Kylo decides that perhaps it is safe to tell the truth. “I think you are quite beautiful,” Kylo admits, earning himself one of your coy little smirks, “but I am just one of your many admirers. It seems that everyone we’ve met with this week wants to capture your affections.”
Though Kylo tries to swallow it down, just a tinge of jealousy seeps into his voice during the last bit of his speech. That seems to please you, though, for your smirk broadens into something more of a satisfied smile.
“Yes, many people want to be close to me,” you affirm, but it doesn’t seem to be with any pride or arrogance. Cutting your eyes towards Kylo suddenly, you settle back in your chair. “Is that what you want, too, Kylo? My affections?”
“You wouldn’t want to be with someone like me, Princess,” Kylo says to you, conscious of himself. “You would like someone more entertaining, I think, someone who it better at making friends.”
A scoff, and then you’re standing up as if you aim to leave. “I have plenty of court jesters already, Kylo Ren. I have no intentions of taking on another.” You pause and cock your head, allow your eyes to skim over Kylo’s face. “I want someone who doesn’t need my help, someone who knows what they want. I have come to realize that many of the people who throw themselves at me so violently are just leeches looking for a powerful, influential person to draw energy from.”
“I understand,” Kylo says companionably, because he does. He may not have many close friends or a lover, but that’s not to say that people haven’t tried to latch onto him before.
“If I were to give you my heart, would you make sure that none of those parasites ever got anything I wasn’t willing to give?”
Kylo is in love with you. He is in love with that calculating, mischievous glint in your eye. You are a true terror, he thinks, a force to be reckoned with.
He locks eyes with you, deadly serious. “If it would please you to be rid of them, all you would have to do is say so.”
For the first time, you grace him with a true, wide, bright smile.
“Finally,” you say, and you sound so, so pleased, “someone who understands what I want.”
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flannel-kind-2-0 · 4 years
Hopeful Friends, Ch. 1, A Day
(I’ve posted this to different platforms, don’t worry)
Eridan/Reader fanfic
The soft chirping of birds combined with the rays of sunlight practically shining directly onto your face made you stir, face scrunching up into a snarl as it ripped you from your dream. One eye cracked open only for you to wince, blinding white light flooding your senses. Hissing, you rolled over, facing away from the window and towards the door. Faintly, you could hear your upstairs neighbours already living, making their day. The ones just beyond the wall near your feet were already arguing in a playful way. With soft, shallow breaths you attempted to lull yourself back into the realm of unconsciousness which you yearned for. However the warmth of the sun against your back prodded you in an annoying way, attempting to awaken you. Muttering a curse, you made your own attempt in pleading with the sun, wishing for five more minutes. Which surprisingly worked as you suddenly felt the heat retreat, you were now in the clear for a little more time for sleeping. 
Until your alarm clock went off.
Your eyes flew open, eyebrows knitted together as you promptly slapped the device on your nightstand. The world just isn’t on your side today, is it? Pushing yourself up in bed, pulling the warm covers off your body but remaining seated. And you stretched, raising your arms above your head hearing the satisfying ‘pop’ of your stiff joints thanks to your deep slumber you were so rudely roused from by mother nature. 
Swinging your legs out from the covers, placing your feet against the cold, wood flooring which you hissed once more at. Extending your legs a little farther you made contact with the circular rug and brought yourself to stand. Why haven’t you brought the rug closer to the bed before? 
Quickly you found your socks from yesterday and slipped them on. This was only temporary, you wouldn’t wear them all day! That would be disgusting! Day two of sweaty feet and other junk collecting on it!? Yuck! But they would allow you to travel to your dresser which was surrounded by cold flooring. And that's what you’re going to use them for! 
Moving through the pale colored room you made it to the pale colored, sandal wood dresser that was actually rather large, meeting the middle of your chest in height. You pulled out your new outfit and quickly changed, exchanging old socks with new ones. When you were finished you scooped up the old clothing from yesterday and brought them to your hamper, noting that it was already half way full as you then exited the room, making your way for your bathroom. Sighing at the mop of (H/C) hair which you were greeted with almost immediately after entering the cramped space. You brought your (Brush/comb/pick?) to your hair, taming the mane one tangle and snarl at a time. 
After you were done with that endeavor you pulled yourself out of the bathroom, passing the empty bedroom, noting that you still needed a new roommate, and making your way to the main room. The single large window with pulled black and white curtains was to your right, along with the whole ‘living room’ area. To your right was the kitchen and entrance to your apartment. You noted how messy the living room was, all of your art supplies everywhere across a thick, paint smeared canvas tarp. 
You brought your ass into the kitchen, pulling open your fridge only to view a -almost- empty box which you sighed at. Another chore to add to your list. There was one thing that caught your eye however. A pack of vanilla yogurt which you snatched immediately, shutting the fridge and pulling a spoon out of the drawer. Leaning against the counter as you opened the container, you began to eat.
[10 minute time skip]
You were sitting in front of your easel, sketching a fern onto the paper of your sketchbook along with other types of plants. You found this part of your day peaceful, and the pile of sketchbooks behind you would say the exact same thing. However the paintings that leaned against the wall would tell you that you deserved more than the recognition of this small town even if you were lucky for it. All for sale, even this piece. A pack for a man in town that had commissioned you. You believe his name is Samuel. He asked for all of these nature paintings which he offered to pay you nearly triple your usual rates, and you didn’t pass that up. 
Turning your head at the sketch with narrowed eyes, you began to wonder if this was even how a fern looked. With a swift movement you looked out your window, viewing the ferns that sat just beyond the glass and then back at the white sheet. It looks off, but you’re not sure where it looks off at. How the hell do other artists do this shit? Saying ‘Help me, I can’t draw the other eye’. Fuck the other eye. Help me draw this stupid plant! The unneeded groan that passed your lips as you leaned back after finishing the last segment of the leaf was enough to tell the plants outside that you are done with their over simplicity mixed with complications. 
Carefully pulling the paper from the book you transported it to your binder for the ride into town. Standing up, binder in hand you went to pick up the other three canvases. Passing your kitchenette and exiting through the hall. 
When you made it to the parking lot, you immediately began to make your way to the pre-owned blue 1998 Ford Ranger. Your head turned to the beach which laid only a couple hundred feet away. Eyes scanning the expanse of yellow and blue until they landed on what you were looking for. The high-blood troll that seemed to patrol the expanse of beach almost everyday. You clicked your tongue, setting the paintings into the bed of your truck, before putting the binder into the front passenger seat only to resume looking out at this highblood. It seemed almost like he was watching you too, but you weren’t sure, but you looked away in case. Staring is rude after all. Even if you’re watching someone who’s kind of being creepy in their own way. 
You’ve had your run-ins with this guy before. Eridan Ampora is his name and you’ve learned that he was a little bit of a-eh- asshole. A pompous one at that. But he does look lonely out there. You’ve never seen him with another person, Troll or human- not even his own kin. Looking at your phone you checked the time, thirty minutes was what you had left. 
Pocketing the device once more you started down the sidewalk, approaching the beach. A soft tug pulling at the rational part of your mind saying that this probably wasn’t a good idea, approaching the cape clad troll. However you treaded onward. (F/C) converse colliding with the grey cement until they met grass littered with pebbles and sand. From this distance you could see that he was actually watching you. However you couldn’t really see his face. 
As soon as your foot met the border of sand he seemed to puff up, attempting to seem more intimidating. “Oi! Landdwweller!” He yelled as he began his own approach, feet moving much faster than your own were only moments prior. You stopped yourself at the border, allowing him to approach, and when he was only ten feet away he stopped and you could see him again. 
Narrowed eyes behind thick rimmed glasses, Angled eyebrows furrowed together with pursed lips, high cheekbones with hollow cheeks. He looked like something out of a Tim Burton movie, minus the huge eyes and skinny neck. 
“Wwhat are you doin here, landdwweller?” He spoke lowly, obviously angry that you had even attempted to step onto the sand even after your previous encounter. Faintly you twitched, wondering for a moment why you even came over her only to remember that he looked lonely. So that’s what you replied with, telling him your observation short handedly. 
And you watched his face contort the slightest into more of a shocked feature rather than the angry one you had been used to now. His lips pulled apart before shutting again, hesitant, “Is that all '' was all he said and you nodded, quirked an eyebrow at this new behavior. Without a word he raised a ringed hand, waving you off which you just looked at for a moment before turning around, going to return to your vehicle. 
Well that was an adventure, now onto the clientele. 
After a five or so minute drive through town you found yourself at your destination, ‘The Lazy Bean’ Café. You quickly found your parking spot and pulled into it, putting the blue beast into park. It had become second nature for people to steer clear of this spot, after all, who would want to take the infamous (L/N)’s parking spot?! Nobody would, dummy. Leaning over you grabbed the binder before hopping out of the truck, your converse hitting the asphalt with a soft ‘thud’. You made your way into the store and were instantly greeted with the friendly and welcoming smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. You found yourself smiling softly at familiar faces of trolls and humans who were talking to one another, or ones who were just sitting there taking up the wi-fi. 
You stepped forward to the register, looking at one of your familiars, Kankri Vantas.He was currently facing away from you, talking to the taller barista “sup Kankri, How’re you doing?” You watched him jump, turning around quickly with wide eyes. “Goodness!- Oh, it’s only you (Y/N).” He had placed a hand over his chest, “Although I find your actions highly triggering, I do hope you learn that sneaking up on oneself can be a highly disturbing thing to experience!” he huffed, closing his eyes for a moment as you chuckled. A small lecture by Kankri, “Sorry Kankri, It’s a bit difficult to make yourself known when you just, well, want to enjoy the atmosphere” you smiled at the older troll who seemed to take your words into account. Nodding with a ‘note taken’ before stopping, waiting for your input. “Have you seen someone by the name of- um- Samuel? I believe that was his name, it’s somethi-” “Sammy? You vwanna talk to Sam?” The other Barista, another Ampora, this one going by Cronus, interrupted you. Peering around Kankri, smiling at you with shark like teeth. “Cronus!” Kankri turned to the taller troll, “How many times must we go over this? Interrupting people could either trigger or offend people!” The shorter troll popped a hip out, arms folding over his chest as he scolded the violet blood. 
“Sorry Kan, I’ll try harder to- uh- recognize triggers?” He raised his hand in an oath style, eyebrows pulled together as a smile rested on his lips. “That’s Kankri, Cronus” He continued to scold the taller male who was chuckling lowly. You sucked a breath in, “Yo, guys.” the two looked at you, “Still looking for Samuel here” you added. Cronus lowered his arms, looking at you, “vwell, Chief. I sawv him earlier in a booth in the back, not sure if he’s here or not nowv but, eh, he might” he smiled, shrugging his shoulders. You gave your goodbyes and then made your way to the back, listening to Kankri’s ramblings to Cronus.
As you pulled back up to your apartment building the sun was beginning its descent on the horizon. You rested your head against the steering wheel, eyes peering over to the binder which held four more full sized commissions from Samuel. 
Hopping out of the vehicle you couldn’t help but look out past the lined up cars, viewing the sun against the waters. It looked fucking radical, the red-orange-yellow hue that eventually mixed with blue creating a brilliant shade of purple. Soon you’d be able to see the stars from your living room window. 
You leaned up against the metal frame of the cab, not even noticing the troll from earlier shout at you from the border. You were mesmerized, eyes fixated on it like a moth with a lamp. How the fuck did mother nature do it? You certainly could mix paints together but this was different, providing light and warmth unlike a painting. Fuck you nature, you may be beautiful but you’re an asshole. “Landdwweller!” pinks and purples are so hard to grasp not to mention blend together without one overpowering the other. How can it be so easy for nature. I know it’s our atmosphere-oh.
You froze as you realized that Eridan was at the hood of your truck, only two or three feet away from you. The same expression from earlier was written along his face and you blinked at it. “Um, hi?” You smiled lightly. “Wwhy do you care if I’m lonely.” his eyes seemed to narrow further, and you could’ve sworn that he leaned in a little. You felt your body react in its own way by taking a step back which you played off as moving to the bed of your truck to pull out the paper bags full of groceries. “Excuse me?” was all you could find yourself saying as he showed himself at the other side of the bed. 
“You heard me, I knoww you did” he scoffed which you chose to ignore as you let out a low hum. “I’m not sure,” You grabbed both of the bags, holding them against your sides, “I suppose it’s because I don’t think anybody should be lonely.” you gave him a look which made his features soften once more into something different. 
The ‘really’ that left him sounded snarky. He practically followed you up to the door of the hall, watching as you fiddled with your keys. You had sighed, “Yes, really” You jammed the key into the lock, “No one deserves to be alone” turning the key you pulled it open, stopping it with your foot. “Now,” you huffed, looking at him, “I’m sorry but I’ve gotta put these away and then sleep. Could we continue this tomorrow?” You watched as he crossed his arms, eyebrows raising over the frames a little bit. 
“Fin” he muttered as you turned your attention back to the door, shuffling through it. And you looked back to him, smiling softly, “thanks dude” and with that you turned, hearing the door click shut behind you. 
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kurara-black-blog · 5 years
By the way, what is Hosuh again?
Or: “Stephen thinks Hosuh might not be human, but is too much of an airhead near said man to think about it properly.”
Date: 23/06/19 Words: 718 Warning: STOSUH. I am not sure where this AU came from, I just liked the idea. Is Hosuh really a non-human? Eh, probally. Also, sorry if Stephen seems kinda OOC, I can’t help but be poetic in my writing.
By the way, it makes no fucking sense.
No matter how he thinks about it, what angle he uses to approach it or which facts he uses to stitch it all together. It makes no sense. None. Nada.
And it’s driving him insane.
Not “Edgy Bitch” insane like the role he plays when the camera is on, but “Maybe My Friend-Slash-Crush Is A Supernatural Being And I Don’t Know How To Deal With It” insane.
Listen, Stephen is a sensible guy. He may be impulsive and maybe a bit too electric, but he has a good head on his shoulders. His brain cells work properly, his senses still kick and logic never left him and he doubts it ever will. He’s not losing his marbles over the fact Hosuh might be an angel. Or a mermaid. Or some nature spirit. No, he is approaching the subject with much calm and practicality as he’s capable of.
“Stephen, what are you doing?”
“I’m theorizing, Hosuh.”
“While laying on the grass in the middle of the park? Away from our group?”
Why had he agreed going to a picnic with the DanPlan group again?
Ah, yes, to keep an eye on the angel/mermaid/nymph he has a crush on.
“Shhh, I’m thinking.” He opens his eyes just in time to see Hosuh stand against the pale sun of winter. It looks like a halo of light, reflecting on his hair and making it look like it’s made of strings of the purest silver. “Is your hair natural?”
“Is that what you’re theorizing about?” He smiles, that small yet extremely fond smile of his, the one that reaches his eyes and fills them with unashamed warmth. The one that makes Stephen’s besotted heart skip a beat or two.
Dammit, he’s starting to sound poetic.
Hosuh sits near him, and Stephen can’t help but draw in his mind himself resting his head on Hosuh’s thighs, listening his soft voice saying words that held no significance in comparison to his soft fingers running through Stephen’s messy hair and the greyish blue stars that served as eyes staring at him, glowing in the same moonstruck way Stephen fights everyday to not make obvious.
Damnit, he’s being poetic.
He blames Hosuh.
“No, I also think Daniel is a werewolf.” He doesn’t, but might as well go extravagant before he lets himself get caught even more in the web of his feelings.
“You just want an excuse to call him ‘mutt’.”
“Since when do I need an excuse to say the truth to Daniel?”
His companion laughs—giggles, he giggles, and if you think it’s not more evidence he’s an angel/mermaid/nymph, you’re damn fucking wrong and need to rethink your life—and he lets his mouth form a smile, his very own smile for Hosuh and Hosuh only. Sometimes he thinks there’s no way the man doesn’t know of his feelings, for that particular smile screamed “enamoured fool”—he’s starting to sound poetic again, isn’t he?—and only appeared to the silver haired angel/mermaid/nymph.
“He’s an alien, actually.” Stephen watches his friend’s mouth form the words, watches his eyes sparkle with mirth and something just knowing, and he feels conflicted over drinking the image or interpreting the feelings the stars show him. He goes with none, playfully snickering.
“That would explain his weirdness.”
They laugh before falling in a comfortable silence. Stephen lets his thoughts drift freely, knowing he won’t be able to ponder on anything while his heart sang for the person sitting near him. So he just closes his eyes and lets everything but the presence of the one he liked wash away. He’s almost asleep when he hears something or someone move, and cautious hands raise his head just enough so it can rest on something much softer than the grass. The same hands caress his hair gently and he can’t help but melt a little. A sigh of profound fulfillment leaves him as his heart, instead of speeding up, beats slowly, as if being so filled with satisfied peace that it settled in a lullaby instead of it’s usual samba.
Opening his eyes, all he can see are the stars stolen from the sky.
“I thought you were sleeping.”
“Me too.”
It feels too much of a dream, anyways.
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lowtoleranceforyou · 4 years
summary: random interactions between Shay and Diego Caplan
Warnings: a few swears here and there, mentions of intoxication, mentions of bruises
“And then my sleeve caught the candle.”
“No way!” Shay gaped with eyes the size of dinner plates, “That’s why you were in the infirmary with a sleeve missing?”
Diego nods solemnly, dramatically flopping down onto the stone bench of the courtyard, hand resting on his forehead like a cliche soap opera star. “Yes, to make it worse she’s been ghosting me ever since.”
“Ouch that stings! I really appreciate you openly sharing this with me but why exactly are you telling me this? You don’t usually spare your ego to tell me these things.” Shay asked with a quirk of her brow as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Because.” Diego suddenly sat upright; frown giving way to a charming grin, “I realised no one would ever believe you.”
“Why I-“ Shay stammered before slapping his chest, “You jackass!”
Diego feigned hurt, “You wound me, sweets.”
“I hope I do, hot-shot.” She retorted with a snark, before starting to make her way back inside the castle.
“Where are you going?” Diego asks before tailing her.
She turns around, a gentle smile decorating her features stopping Diego in his tracks. The sunlight bouncing off her hair, forming a halo on her crown, no strand out of place. An almost magnetic attraction drawing Diego to her eyes. Her lips were moving but the words didn’t seem to reach his ears.
He shook his head fervently as an attempt to shake off her Veela charms knowing she wasn’t really fond of stares, even the good-intentioned ones.
“Could you repeat that? Didn’t quite catch that, sweetheart.”
Shay sighed, sticking out her tongue “I’m going to ask out the girl you went on a date with.”
“NO!” Diego knew he didn’t have much of a chance with the girl in question but the mere thought of someone he considered his best friend dating his unsuccessful would-be or more accurately could’ve-been significant other still made his heart plummet to his toes.
“Shay, my sweet, I know you would never do that so drop the empty threats.” Diego’s tone sounded confident enough that it surprised himself but the subtle discomfort in his eyes gave away too much.
Shay’s smirk softened when she saw the look in his eyes. “You know me too well, Caplan.”
He released a short puff of air before twisting his arm around her shoulders, “I know, it’s a wonder why we aren’t dating yet.” He quips with a wink.
“Tsk.” She lightly pushes his face away from hers, “You’re not my type, hot shot. Besides-“ She beamed from ear to ear, “I would never go on a date with a bloke who sets himself on fire on the first date.”
“Ouch stooping low aren’t you, missy?”
“Merlin! What do we do now?”
Moonlight leaked through the stained glass windows forming dancing illusions of colourful shadows on the cold tiles of the empty hallway.
Empty except for three lone students.
A knocked out Ravenclaw boy was lying between their figures. A bottle of liquor loosely hanging from their fingers. Unmoving and pale, a shade of blue sheeting over their eyes as if their skin was made from rice paper.
“Call a prefect.” Shay stated monotonously.
“You’re a prefect!” Diego snapped. “Sneaking out was such a bad idea! I knew we shouldn’t have done it, now we have to deal with a dead body.”
“He’s not dead,” Shay non-chalantly pointed out to the student’s twitching hand like an alcoholic student passed out in the hallway was an everyday happening, “Anyways I’m technically doing my nightly rounds, you’re the only one sneaking around.” She commented jabbing a finger on his shoulder.
“Can we not talk about that now? Someone’s dying here!”
“I don’t even know what’s wrong with him!” She hissed, “He must be drunk but I never knew you could get that drunk from butterbeer.” She crouched low, examining the bottle’s label.
Diego groaned before looping the unconscious Ravenclaw’s arm over his shoulder. “Come on let’s just get him to the hospital wing.”
“I should’ve stayed in the dorms.” Diego grumbled. Shay offered him a sorry smile before stepping to the student’s other side to evenly distribute the weight.
Diego carefully applied the ice on Shay’s arm, the skin discoloured a gruesome shade of black and blue. She winced before posing a smile.
“How did you get knocked up this badly? I thought I taught you well.” Diego lectured, “You should’ve binded them, paralysed them, anything! A simple petrificus totalus could’ve done the trick!”
A hearty snicker wracked her body before she flinched and squirmed her arm out of Diego’s grip to grasp her ribs, broken most probably.
“In my defense, there were four of them and if you must know, I lost my wand prior to the fight so I was resolved to fistfighting until I managed to snag one of their wands, my spells were rusty but I still won.” She leered with pride, “You have to admit that was moderately monumental.”
“And what did I teach you about fighting random people in the corridors?”
Diego readjusts the bandages on her ankle. “How. You taught me how.” She bantered.
“Merlin, I hate it when you’re right. I just wish I was there to back you up-“ Shay lightly nudges his side, “Hey, don’t blame yourself. You don’t have to be with me 24/7. That’s not on you, Di. Besides, it was nothing I didn’t have handled.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile and nodded before a different, more mischievous grin formed.
“Can you believe the few times we’re separated, you get cornered up by not one, not two but five good-for-nothings? Maybe that means we should stick around more.” He waggles his eyebrows to emphasise his point. “Right, love?”
Now it was her turn to roll her eyes, she rolls down her sleeves, leaning against him and crossing her arms. “I don’t need a knight in shining armour, hot-shot.”
“You don’t need one but I know you want one.” He said flashing his signature pearly whites before snaking his arm around her waist. She tutted, resting her arm on his shoulder, “You don’t have good enough physique.”
“You wound me, Shay.” She hums in acknowledgement, patting his forearm, the two falling into comfortable silence.
“Diego, I need skele-grow.”
“You never shut up, do you?”
“So I told him-“ Shay halts for a moment, tightening the grip on her bat, swinging it with vigor, it connected with the flying metal sphere resulting in a satisfying clang and sending it flying. “That he had to grow a pair and just ask him out.”
She wipes the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand, “And now they’re dating!” The setting sun cast shadows over their faces, muting their features with an orange glow.
Diego swerves next to her, batting away a bludger that was fluttering too close to her. “That was a close one, Shay. Keep your eyes on the bludgers, they could hit you anytime.” His voice was full of concern and thick with his accent.
She waves him off before ducking to avoid an incoming bludger and swatting it the opposite direction. “Shove it, Keeper.”
Diego chuckles and lightly kicks her broom, sending her spinning in a semi-circle. “Says the Chase-“ He was cut off by a bludger making purchase on his back, knocking the air out his lungs and toppling him off his broom. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.
Shay caught his hand at the last second and swung him onto his hovering broom. “That was a close one hot-shot, keep your eyes on the bludgers.” She mocked in a squeaky tone, “Look who needs the knight in shining armour now, Caplan.”
He stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry. “Har har, I had it handled.” He puffed his chest out, pride obviously wounded.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” She retorts before dropping her bat, flying straight towards the bludger and clutching it to her torso, slightly winded from the impact. “Let’s call it a day. Come on, grab the other one before it hits us.” A cheeky grin fights itself onto her cheeks, “but more specifically you.”
“Rebecca Lorde?” She let out a low whistle, “Never knew you had good taste.”
“Shut up!” Diego whined like a kicked puppy, ears red but unnoticeable as the only light was the faded gleam of the stars millions of miles above from them.
She laughs girlishly, the red and gold tie crooked around her neck. “Ok. Ok. I know you genuinely like her so I hope you don’t mess it up, hot-shot.” She shifted to lie on her side, the dry grass of the quidditch pitch rustling underneath her.
“If you mess up, I’ll punch you. She’s so kind-“ She rests her chin on her palm, “and pretty too.”
“Merlin, Shay are you sure you’re not the one who wants to date her?”
She squinted accusingly at him before flopping down on the grass with a huff, outstretching her arm and aligning her hand with the stars. “Shut your trap or I’ll do it for you, hot shot.”
“Careful, Sweetheart, I’ve got my heart set for someone else. Remember?”
She rolled her eyes before meeting his gaze with a glare. The two bursting into peals of laughter, gasping for breath.
“Hey, hot-shot?”
“I’m glad we’re friends.”
“So am I.”
“Promise we’ll be friends forever?” She asked, staring at him behind her lashes, jutting out her pinky to him.
He snorts at her childish gesture before intertwining her pinky with his own, “As long as you live, sweets.”
“That definitely won’t be long.”
“Oh shut the hell up.”
A/N: Rebecca belongs to the amazing @cursed-ice-spirits and I absolutely ship her MC with Diego.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
stealthycatstuff said:Hi! I was wondering if you could do a TBS or Newt smut where the reader rides his thigh.
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writers notes: im so sorry this took so long, stuff has been really difficult over the last few months but I have finished it for you
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWTTTTTTTTT!" I yell happily running up to him and jumping on him
"WHOA! Y/N!" He laughs as I pushed him onto the grass "Owww! what do is bloody up with you?" he laughs "what did you want that requires you to shove me to the floor?" He asks
"I wanted a cuddle" I giggle hugging him as tight as I could as he sat up
"You could have just cuddled me you didn't have to throw me to the floor?" he laughs
"yes I did" I smile sitting on his lap and nuzzling my head into his neck
"awww, well alright love. you can have a cuddle" He laughs wrapping his arms around me tightly too "Hummmm... why where you so desperate for a cuddle?" he asks
"I don't know Newtie, maybe your little love needs some attention" I smirk pressing little kisses up his neck
"Hummm love? really? you want attention? alright come on" He smirked as we got up and ran off to the forest.
"hehe! Newtie" I giggle as I sat on his lap as we huddled under a little tree cuddled up tightly his hands on my back as he kissed down my neck "newt we have to get back to work" I tell him "Ummm five more minutes love" he begs between kisses "come on your the one who wanted attention" he smirked "Snuggling attention, not smutty attention" I complain "Owww alright, how about I come cuddle tonight after lights out then?" He offers and i nodded "alright see you later love" he smiles giving my lips a soft kiss and returning to his work.
I smiled getting changed into my pjs for the evening when I heard a sly voice in the dark
"Hello love," Newt smirked from my door I quickly covered myself up as he came in shutting my door "nothing I haven't seen before love" He smirks as I heard my door lock "now...I do believe there was implications of smutty attention?" He asks coming over and cuddling me tightly "Later, get cosy" I smiled giving him a kiss so he sat on my bed getting his pants and such off leaving him in his little boxers and his hoodie I smiled when I turned back to see him under my covers looking like he was gonna fall asleep so I crawled on beside him snuggling up close resting my head on his chest as he wraps and arm around me tightly our legs wrapping up together tightly "Will this be enough for snuggly attention?" He asks and I nod giving his lips a gentle kiss "good ... Then maybe we can get to the smutty attention next?" He smirked grabbing my arse  "what where you after love?" He asks and I giggled getting up and straddling his waist "ohh? What a dirty little girl" he smirked "let me get one then" he smirked reaching his hand towards my draw as I kissed him he happily kissed me back often groaning as I gently grinded my hips on him till he pulled away and sat up very confused checking my draw over digging thought it a little "Ummm newt baby... What's taking so long?" I asked kissing all over his neck and running my hands up and down his slender body "I can't believe it, were out of condoms" he complains "So what... Go without come on newt" I begged Between kisses "Go without! Are you mad love! What if you got pregnant? Or-" he began but I pulled him back to kissing me "Come on newt... I'll let you put it where I won't get pregnant" I blushed nuzzling close to his neck trying to slyly get his hoodie off he looked at me biting his bottom lip as he check out my arse "No y/n I can't" he says sitting up properly "what I'd something dripped down and you got pregnant?" He asks "That won't happen" I giggled "What if it does, come on love, we can do other stuff" he smirked gently rubbing his fingers on my little shorts "No! I wanted proper attention, I wanted my newtie inside me" I whined grinding in my harder feeling is rock hard erection stuggle to keep composition "Ummm he wants to be inside you too... But we can't love we can't risk it" he says "But newt" I complain "No buts" he says "Can't I grind atleast then?" I beg "No, what I'd you make me cum in my pants or could get on you-" he began "Uhhhhh! Newt! Your not being fair!" I complain bouncing on him "can't you go see if there are anymore in the medjacks cupboard?" I asked "There out I tried getting one before I came over" he sighed "Ask Minho..." I suggest "Why does Minho have condom's?" He asks "Him and Ben use them" I answer and he looked confused "when there running they apparently help with the running" I shrug "that's the excuse they gave me" "I can't go round Minho's asking for them, he'll tell everyone about it" he sighed "Ask gally" I complain "Gally used them all for a water balloon fight" he answered "Clint" I beg "He won't talk to me" he sighed "Then Alby?" I asked "You trying to get me banished love? I go up to Alby asking for condoms my bloody arse will be out them doors" he explained "But newt" I whined "I know love I know" he smiled giving me a cuddle "If we're not going to do anything you can leave" I sighed going to get up but he grabbed me "No no, love. We can still have fun, we can just do hands and head" he shrugs "No, I don't wanna I just wanted real fun" I complain getting off the bed and he got up too "We can still cuddle" he says holding my hands "No newt I'm horny" I complain "I'll let you do it" he says stopping me before I walked away I looked back at him blushing fixing his hair stood in just his hoodie and boxers "Do what?" I asked "Do that... thing you've always wanted to do to me" he smiled pulling me closer "Really?" I asked and he nods kissing my head so I pushed him back on my bed and straddled his thigh he watched me intently as I slipped off my little shorts leaving me naked below the waist I moved my hips gently feeling a rock of pleasure as my clit rubbed against his thigh feeling my pussy lips be stretched in such a sexy way as I gently moved I resting my hands on his stomach and he rested his own on my waist still watching me he couldn't look away as I grinded myself on him gently moaning as I did it felt nice letting my imagination run luckily not much to imagine as everything was like riding him except him being inside me I got faster getting desperate riding his thigh and I could tell he was too I could almost see his cock twitching and jumping when I moaned his boxers getting a little too tight for comfort "uhh uhhh newt newt!" I moaned "Uhh bloody hell love, I love it when your this horny" he groans pulling me to kiss him as I got closer and closer to my orgasum my juices dripping down his thigh "your close aren't you love?" He asks and I nod so he sighed and pushed his boxers off "I can't take it anymore" he groans pulling me over s little so he slid inside me making me scream In shock feeling newt inside me so suddenly just the feeling off him inside me streching me again made me cum squirting down his cock and riding out my orgasm "Though you where paranoid about Knocking me up" I smirked as he moved my hips as a inhuman pase "At this point love I don't bloody care" he moans "all I want is my orgasm, and I need to be inside you to cum" he groans "you looked so sexy riding me thigh love, I'm gonna make you do it everyday" he groans "until I can't bare it anymore and I have a fuck that slutty cunt" he moans pulling me back to kissing him lustfully and as we did his cock twitched and shook his warm loads spilling inside me and we collapsed on my bed sweaty and satisfied "I love you y/n" he smiles Hugging me close "I love you too" I smiled giving him a kiss and cuddling snuggly in my bed.
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hazkiwislutt · 5 years
humble beginnings.
{ it’s athena!! this is something i wrote ‘cause i was inspired; my parents both immigrated to the US and i grew up in SF. since the city is so dear to me, i only take people i genuinely trust to see where i’ve grown up because it isn’t exactly “the ritz” and i come from pretty humble beginnings that some people have difficulty swallowing. also,, i’m filipina, so some of the details in here cater to my filipina readers! HOWEVER, if you guys want to request certain types of cultures or have any requests in general, don’t be afraid to ask me ‘cause i’ll most definitely write them. i hope you enjoy!! }
“Hey, H? Can I ask you something?” 
You weren’t a person who was acquainted with nervousness. 
Your voice never wavered when you talked (not even when you delivered an impromptu speech to thousands of people at your college graduation because the original speaker ate bad shrimp an hour before the ceremony). Your hands were never clammy, and they never shook (even when you had to sew your dad’s thumb back onto his hand after he severed it while shucking oysters at your tenth birthday party). Your stomach never filled with butterflies that intended to make you hurl (not even when you had take the blame for your little sister breaking your mom’s favorite china).
Now, though, you felt all of these symptoms of nervousness amplified, because you were about to ask your boyfriend of a little over ten months if he’d like to come home for New Year’s with you, so that he could finally meet your parents and visit your hometown. 
It wasn’t that Harry was a scary person; in fact, he was the definition of sunshine, the epitome of kindness, the pinnacle of love. You knew he loved you, and you knew that you were being a silly for being so nervous, but your past was something you could not shake at times. You weren’t embarrassed, per se, but you were definitely wary that not everybody could understand your roots, and you didn’t want to overwhelm Harry with your family and your origin. 
“F’course, love. Anything, y’know that.” He looked up at you from where he was sitting on the couch, clad in a black t-shirt with grey sweats, legs splayed wide. “But first, come over here. I’d like a cuddle, please.” You obliged, straddling his waist and leaning your head on his shoulder. He squeezed you tightly to him, drawing patterns on your back as you rose and fell slightly with his breathing. 
“So, I know New Years is coming up soon,” you started slowly, calculating your words because the anxious feeling in your stomach was overwhelming. “And I was just wondering if you’d like to come meet my parents, finally. You can say no, of course, it was just a suggestion and honestly, I don’t know why I asked, it was stupid, just forget that I even said anything- oh!” 
Harry giggled as he pressed his lips against yours before pulling back and looking at you. He shook his head, threading his fingers through your hair.
“Silly girl, f’course I’d love t’go. When do we leave?” 
The drive to your parents’ house took longer than you’d expected, but it wasn’t unwelcome. Embarrassment had never been the word used to describe your feelings towards your family, your background, and your hometown. Your parents had raised you to the best of their abilities, and although they had little to nothing when they’d first immigrated to the States (though, not much had changed), they worked hard and you were immensely proud and endlessly grateful for their determination to give you and your siblings the life they could never have. 
However, a part of you couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that Harry would look at your humble beginnings and think twice about your relationship. You had never allowed any of your past partners to meet your parents out of discomfort, but Harry was different. You were completely sure that your future could involve Harry, even if it had only been ten months. As stupid as it was, you just didn’t want Harry to feel that he was in too far over his head. 
The doubts in your head whizzed around faster than the cars next to you on the freeway, and you hadn’t realized Harry had taken the exit into the Excelsior District of San Francisco. The streets were cramped, and pedestrians braved the sloping hills to run down to the shabby shops and stands on the infamous Mission Street. Your nerves jumped as he made his way up the nearly vertical hills and streets that were so small, they might as well have been called over-exaggerated sidewalks. 
“That’s the one,” you commented softly, pointing at your parents’ dingy house from down the street as Harry had turned onto Vienna. 
Your parents’ house sat at the top of a tall flight of stairs leading up to the chipped front door, and the front yard (if it could even be deemed as one) was littered with random patches of grass poking through the cracked, uneven cement. The house was mostly grey, since it was built quickly and carelessly to satisfy the wave of immigrants that your parents had come over with when they were barely in their twenties. Harry parked in your parents’ driveway, his Range Rover sat slanted worryingly to the right because of the uneven incline of the hills, looking painfully out of place in a neighborhood where the inhabitants could only dream of being able to scrape enough money together to buy one. 
“C’mon, then, let’s go meet the in-laws,” Harry giggled, wiggling his eyebrows at you and scrambling out of the car. If you’d been in a better mindset, you’d definitely laugh at how comical his excitement was, but your stomach was twisting and your palms were beginning to sweat a disgusting amount. He hadn’t seemed perturbed by the scenery and the evident lack of luster of your parents’ house, but you believed him to be covering up his confusion and disgust.
Sighing, you peered at Harry unloading the bags from the trunk through the rearview mirror, and opened the door to help him. You grabbed your bag and began to lead him up the steps to the front door, grimacing at every groan and creak that the eroded wood gave on your ascent. 
“This is so cool! Their house s’like, in the air! Christ, yeh could get a workout from all those steps too, m’already winded.” You smiled shyly at him, and he returned it with a cheeky grin. “S’that why yeh’ve got such a nice a-! Ow, okay! I won’t finish that sentence.” 
Harry continued huffing and puffing until you reached the top of the flight, right in front of the wooden front door that was chipped and cracked in certain places. You knocked, wincing as you reminded yourself to tell your parents that you could help them at least get a better door, since this one looked as if you could tap it and it would fall inward. 
You heard Harry whistle, and felt him slip his hand into yours. He was staring out at the overlook of the city, a view you had the pleasure of looking at every morning before you took off for the bus station to get to school. It showed the neighborhoods across the freeway and the city from where you both stood. 
“That’s quite the view, love! Can’t believe yeh got to wake up an’ see tha’ everyday!” Harry’s voice was filled with such childlike wonder, it almost made you lighten up and smile, until you internally reminded yourself that the view was the only nice thing about this place. 
The lovely scene was harshly interrupted by an aggressive creaking of someone attempting to open the poor excuse of a door, revealing your mother looking physically frail and tired, wearing a shabby housedress she probably had owned since she was in her twenties and an apron that looked as if it were held together by God’s will. You’d missed her.
“Anak! Malamig sa labas, pasok ka!” (Dear, it’s cold outside, come in!) Your mother grabbed you by the hand and pulled you inside, dragging Harry along since your hands were still intertwined. The warm of the small house enveloped you and your eyes watered at the familiar smell that filled the walls. You’d truly missed home.
“Nanay,” you breathed, hugging her tightly, “I missed you.” She smiled at you warmly and patted your cheek with her hand, before you took it from her and blessed your forehead with it. It was a custom that had been engrained into your head since you were a child when you interacted with your elders. 
Your mother peered around you curiously and you stepped aside to introduce Harry, who was grinning and already reaching out to shake your mother’s hand. “Ito ang aking novio, Nay.” (This is my boyfriend, Mom.) Your mother shook his hand, and you marveled as Harry bent down to bless his forehead with your mother’s hand. 
“M’Harry, s’lovely t’finally meet yeh...Erm...” Harry had straightened out, maintaining eye contact with your mom until he’d realized he didn’t know what to call her. 
“Mom,” your mother piped up, her accent as prominent as the surprise she wore on her face in response to Harry’s gesture, “You call me Mom.” She bumped his hip with her own and gave you a conspicuous side-eye, before telling you in Tagalog to give him a tour and to put your bags in your old room. Harry grinned bashfully, and you gave him a real smile.  Your heart was still filled with an indescribable warmth as you realized Harry had taken a small piece of your culture and used it to integrate himself into your family and impress your parents. 
“Baby, just leave your bags here while I show you around. It’ll take like, three minutes. There’s not much to show.” You mumbled the last part, eyes shifting around to your parent’s squalid home, and you caught Harry looking at you questioningly. 
As soon as you walked into your parents’ house, you were in the living room. It was smaller than you and Harry’s shared closet, crammed with a faded print sofa that sagged precariously close to the ground and should have been thrown out years ago, accompanied by a television balanced precariously on a broken wooden table that you remember your father buying from your next door neighbor when you were ten. There was a single window that was cracked with blinds that were yellowed and brittle, and there were dusty bookshelves that were filled with miscellaneous items that hadn’t been picked up in years. 
“This is just the living room, s’nothing special.” Harry observed closely everything you’d just pointed out, and he smiled again when he caught your eye. You motioned for him to follow you further into the house, which was really only three or four steps, until you showed him the first door, right next to the arm of the sofa. 
“S’just my parents’ room here, I’d show you but they’ve not cleaned it since they first came here, plus my dad is probably changing, and I don’t think you want to see that.” You gestured to the door right next to the first one. “That’s where we’re staying, but I’ll show you after. Come on.” 
You pulled Harry a few more steps to enter the kitchen through a crumbling wooden doorframe. The soft tile of the kitchen was splintered and missing in some places, creating an odd patchwork that made you groan internally. The dining table was flimsy and shoved against the wall so that there was enough room to walk through to the actual kitchen. It looked as if it would collapse under the weight of all the dishes your mother was putting out, but you knew it wouldn’t. You smiled softly as you remembered the time you’d made a running leap on top of it to evade your younger brother after you’d taken his underpants while he was trying to change. 
The chairs that surrounded the pitiful table were all different, ranging from plastic chairs to fold out chairs to a random rocking chair your father bought when you were twelve, each one creaky and old and a reminder of your background. 
“Uh, well, this is the dining room, obviously. It’s also the kitchen, ‘cause the kitchen is literally one step away...” Your mother was diligently stirring sotanghon in a pot in the kitchen, which was nothing more than a few cabinets with the doors hanging off on their hinges, an incredibly eroded sink, and a stove that looked perpetually dirty, even if you’d spent the entire day cleaning it. 
“Nay, I’m going to show him the bathroom. Excuse me,” you said as your mother walked out of the kitchen to allow you both to walk through. You walked a few steps and turned to the right, where one door lay sandwiched between the walls. 
“This is the bathroom,” you slowly started, jiggling the door handle harshly and bumping your shoulder against the door to get it to open. This time, you let out an audible sigh as you took in the sight of the bathroom. The tub’s white enamel was chipped in so many places, it could’ve passed as brown with white flecks, and the bottom of it was literally held together by duct tape. You peered at the ceiling, which wasn’t a ceiling, really, but rather cardboard boxes stretched out and duct taped to cover the holes where the ceiling panels had fallen out. The single window by the toilet wasn’t even a window, for Christ’s sake, but instead, a wooden slab propped up against the broken glass to keep the air out. You looked into the scratched mirror and saw your face burn hot with shame. 
“Love? S’the matter?” Harry was looking at you with his brows furrowed, and he reached out for your arm. You shook your head, pushing him out of the bathroom and ushering him back through the kitchen to the front door where you’d left your bags. Your mom was fixing the food at the dining table, and was painfully oblivious to the turmoil in your mind at the moment. 
You grabbed your bags, and motioned for him to grab his, before leading him to your old bedroom, which you’d shared with all six of your siblings growing up. 
You opened the door, close to tears as you took in the appearance of it, before shoving it shut with your shoulder. The white walls were cracked, and the ceiling was covered by more cardboard boxes. There was one battered twin bed covered in paper thin, threadbare sheets that were pressed up against the wall that the youngest of your siblings used to share, and a stack of thin blankets in the corner of the room that the older ones used to lay on the floor at night. Your only solace was that you were the only one visiting for the holiday, so that you and Harry wouldn’t be cramped in this room with your siblings. There was a minuscule closet with the door hanging off brokenly, and inside you saw a mass of boxes filled with God knows what. 
The room was dark, because the ramshackle blinds that covered the window were drawn shut, and you shuffled your feet along the scratchy carpet as you felt your shoulders start to shake and tears start to fall. You felt Harry attempt to envelope you in his large frame, but you jerked away and reared to face him. 
“Harry, you can leave.” You choked on your last word a bit, but stifled the cry that threatened to come out, because the walls were thin and you didn’t want your parents to worry. 
“What d’yeh mean, love?” His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, and his hands gripped the bags on his shoulders tightly, wondering what he’d done, or what had happened between now and five minutes ago, when you’d both first stepped foot into the house. He wondered if he’d heard you right, and held his breath as he waited to find out. 
“You can leave,” you gritted out, “because where I come from isn’t what you need, or deserve, and it sure as hell isn’t what you want. It’s ugly, and dirty, and poor, and I’m sorry I brought you here.” 
Harry was taken aback, confused as to where you inferences of his feelings came from, but as he saw the tears falling rapidly from your eyes, he realized this was a deep-rooted insecurity that you’d trusted him with. He knew you were scared and vulnerable, and Harry prided himself on making you feel safe and at home. 
“Love, it’s none of those things. M’being honest w’yeh, I don’t see it like tha-” He was cut off by your disgruntled snort. 
“Oh, you don’t, do you? Don’t fucking lie to me. This house is worth a lot less than your car, Harry. Even when it was first built, it looked shabby and worn down. It’s disgusting, and you know it.” You were still talking low, but Harry could feel the emotions in your voice, even if he didn’t understand them. 
“Love, m’not lying to yeh, swear on it! I don’t mind this at all-” He was interrupted once again by another outburst. 
“Harry,” you breathed in, your lungs rattling with your effort to keep quiet, “I love you. I love you, meaning I love everything about you, every part of you. It’s so easy to love you, and I’m sorry it’s not the same for me, because there’s no way to love this. There is absolutely no way for you to love this part of me.” 
You weakly gestured around the room, not daring to look at him before you continued, “There were twelve of us living in this house when my grandparents were still alive. Twelve people, one bathroom, two bedrooms. You’re telling me you don’t mind this? Even I minded it, every fucking day when I was growing up here, going to a school with other kids who didn’t have to share their room with six other people and didn’t have to live in a slum. My parents barely made enough to keep this place. It’s still hard for them to afford this place. It’s dirty, dingy, disgusting... I’m the first to admit that. I’ve never taken anyone to meet my parents, or see my home. Ever. You don’t have to lie and tell me you don’t mind, because I know, H. I know what the truth is, and I’m not angry that you think so. This is where I come from, and I can’t put that on you. I love you, but I can’t do this to you. You don’t deserve someone who comes from this. You deserve a lot better, a lot more than me.” 
You were properly sobbing now, not caring if your parents heard at this point. Harry had listened intently, wanting to immediately cut in and tell you that he loved you, and that he really didn’t mind, and that you had the truth wrong, and that he didn’t want anyone else but you because you were already more than enough for him, but he waited until you were finished so that he could give you full reassurance. He dropped his bags and crushed you to him, ignoring the way you initially stiffened in his hold. 
“Remember when we first started dating, hm? An’ we went to your favorite restaurant t’celebrate getting your job? When we got home, there were pictures everywhere of me holding your hand an’ kissing you, an’ people were being terrible to you right? What did I say to yeh when tha’ happened? Tell me, angel.” Your face was buried into his chest, soaking his t-shirt and he felt a muffled rumble against him as you answered. He smiled before saying, “Can’t hear yeh, love.” He heard you breathe exasperatedly before answering louder. 
“’This is what comes with me. I can’t change it, and I can’t force you to stick through it if you don’t want to. But I’m crazy about you, and I want this with you, so I’m going to selfishly ask that if you’re just as crazy about me, to stay and we can both work it out together.’” Your voice was still shaky, but his smile grew as he ran his fingers through your hair, still cradling you to his chest. 
“An’ look wha’ you did, baby. Stayed w’me, an’ we worked it out together, right?” He felt you nod timidly, before pulling you away so that he could look into your eyes. 
“Not going anywhere, ‘cause this is what comes w’you, and m’absolutely crazy for yeh. Can’t change it, and yeh can’t force me t’stick through this, but you’d never have to because I want to. I want yeh.  M’staying, an’ I love yeh endlessly, regardless of where yeh from, where you’ve gone, where you’re going t’be. Don’t know how you could ever think that about your background. S’bloody incredible. This house gave way to the most amazing woman I’ve ever known, and I’m eternally grateful tha’ you trusted me enough to let me in like this.” 
Your breathing had slowed and you were crying for an entirely different reason now. Your heart was full with the weight of Harry’s words and empty of the ugly insecurities you’d harbored a few minutes prior. Harry’s voice dropped even lower as he continued, “Fuck life in the fast lane, I’d let all of our kids grow up like this if it means they’ll end up as extraordinary as you, my love.” 
You crashed your lips against Harry’s as you felt your heart swell even more, and you felt him smile against your lips. You pulled away breathlessly and crushed him to you, murmuring softly, “Thank you, thank you, I love you, I’m sorry, I love you,” until he shushed you with another kiss. 
You both situated your bags and wiped your teary eyes before braving your parents. Grasping Harry’s hand, you pulled him out of your room and toward the dining room. 
Your mom was sitting at the food laden dining table with your dad, and they both turned toward you with smiles on their faces when you entered the dining room. Your dad eyed Harry up and down in a cold manner, and you felt Harry’s hand stiffen in yours. You stifled a laugh, knowing your dad was simply pranking him, but deciding to play along. 
Your dad scooted his chair away from the table, making a loud scraping sound as he limped over to you and Harry, keeping a death stare. Harry’s hand was clammy in yours, and you turned to look at him, taking in his pale complexion and the sweat forming on his forehead. Your dad had stopped in front of you both, and Harry extended his other hand before greeting him with a timid, “Hello, sir, m’Harry.” 
Your dad eyed Harry’s hand with contempt, and you heard Harry stuttering before you dad broke into a broad smile and passed Harry’s hand to give him a hug instead.  Harry’s eyes bugged out of his head and darted to find yours, only to see you giggling behind your hand. Your dad cleared his throat, before speaking, his accent prominent as he continued to cling to Harry, “After a speech like that, you call me Dad, and you give me as many grandchildren as you’d like! No more crying, let’s eat!” 
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ainmunaqadh · 5 years
Memory Log 8
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“Kler e zher dres! HA BAS ER!”
It all started with that sentence. On that day. Where it happened. While she was doing a silent patrol around the Cosmodrome. They were always seemed angry at her. The Lightbearers. Everyone seemed ignorant on what they were saying.
But for one guardian…..even understanding a sentence or two might change every perspective toward them…..or even for both sides.
One day, came the day. An important for the City. For both guardians and civilians alike. A celebration in part of Saint-14. An Exo Titan that went on a one man crusade against the Fallen. The same Exo who crushed a Kell’s crush with just a beating from his own. He wasn’t just famous for such things. He was kind. Loved by all within the City, even loved most by the Speaker until he considered him as a son. Not every guardian could simple achieve all that now would they?
During the early hours into the celebration, the hybrid guardian managed to have a chance to walk around the City. Outside the Tower. Its not everyday you see a Guardian just walking around the streets surrounded by civilians. Every street was decorated. Every stall and shop were decorated. She didn’t think it could be this lively. Even the children seemed happy as they ran around the streets like it was nobody’s business, holding what seems to be small figurines of average looking guardians in basic armor…..but one of them held a figurine of Saint-14 as they all played out the Battle of the Six Fronts….the Twilight Gap with their figurines. She only just smiled under the hood she kept on to cover herself from the eyes of others around though it was already obvious a Guardian was walking around the streets.
Turning around a corner, she saw a crowd gather near to a fountain where she heard the songs…..the songs of praises….his Paeans. Songs for the Titan himself. The singer kept on singing, observed the crowd with little realization a Lightbearer were among the spectators. The singer kept on singing…..as a few swayed along to the notes.
Ain just kept quiet….listening in……
Until the singer’s singing was stopped by another voice. The crowd looked back to the direction where the source of the voice would be….it came….from an actual Guardian. The voice wasn’t that superb, but it was enough to draw everyone’s attention as this kind of sight won’t be seen again for a long time.
The singing came to a close. The song ended. And Ain didn’t even realize she was singing the songs of Praises until she saw the actual Singer clapping for her along with the crowd. The people then slowly went separations to begin their daily duties. Leaving just the Singer and Ain at the fountain. They had a small conversation. A rather enjoyable one to say the least.
*Actual Ghost audio recording*
Singer: That was such a nice voice you have. Never thought a Guardian would do so.
Ain: …..you can say….I’ve been practicing. Saint-14….was…or is a Guardian just like me. Gotta give him credits for what’s he done.
Singer: oh. You must be the one with the Speaker. Your father was….
Ain: I know I know. He’s doing fine. As for Saint…..
Singer: It worries me…..what if the Fallen come back….they say they want to take back their ‘Great Machine’….or the Traveler as we call it.
Ain: The Traveler?
 The conversation went on a little longer before they said their goodbyes and went separate ways. That kept her thinking. What did the Fallen have to do with the Traveler?
Whenever mentioned of Saint-14 crushing a Kell’s crush just like that….she thinks back. William managed to punch a Kell that it teared the neck from the head when he was at his last breaths before becoming a Guardian. Rizal fought on a Kell just right his Ghost revived him at his final breath with the battle ended with Rizal shooting into the Kell’s chest within a dangerous range due to the shock blade nearly got to Rizal’s head. Then Ulven….Faust….Samuel…..
All of them. Managed to beat a Kell just within moments of revived….where it seemed impossible. Where it seemed they were destined for greatness up ahead. Ain looks to her hand. Awfully frightened by such thoughts. She’s already seen and fought the Fallen in combat. The Captains already gave her a struggle. What are even her chances against a Baron/ Baroness? Or the Archon Priest? Or worse, the Kell themselves. It seemed personal to her that……deep within her heart, she felt wrong to slay more of them when she doesn’t even know the full story nor their origins. Currently at her capabilities, facing more of them especially in the higher rankings….could do major damage on her. Assaulting them more didn’t even solve anything from their arrival.
And so, she went to Variks for starters. The Reef was newly opened to outsiders when she arrived as it was thanks to Ulven hunting down Skolas and those of the Wolves, thus securing the Reef from anymore danger. Another one.  From what she’s heard, Ulven plans to bring back the Wolves together despite how difficult it may be and even time consuming. It was his choice. And she wasn’t going to stop him.
Upon asking Variks about his kind, Variks went silent for a moment….as this was the first he’s heard of a Guardian asking on what happened to his kind or about their connections to the Great Machine. Even so, he gladly explains to satisfy the Guardian’s questions.
He then explains of how they used to be peaceful….ruling under Houses with their own roles. All under the Traveler.
Until that day. The Whirlwind. Ain remained silent. Not speaking a word as the Judgement’s Scribe told everything he knew. Just as the story ended, Variks wouldn’t ever expect her next request.
*Actual Ghost Audio recording*
Ain: Could you perhaps please teach me on speaking Eliksni then?
 Variks was quiet. So was Ain. Until she earned a small chuckle from Variks. For the next weeks, she was able to speak and write the language. Not completely fluently. But just enough to help her with basic communication. This could set the tides. As far she knew, learning one’s language and culture helps incredibly in forging and maintaining peace. And Respect. Is the most vital key for that.
 A month passes, and she sets off to the Vaults of Glass to search for more answers from the Vex. She was never really comfortable in the Vaults, as she was always afraid of encountering with the remains of her former fireteam. But the Vaults were apparently her only shot to quench her thirst for knowledge. After battling it out, she decided to take a small break somewhere within the glass halls. Upon wanting to sit down, a bright light shines to her side. Looking, she saw through the glass. A dreamy world. With the Traveler seen a far up in the sky. Observing further, she saw familiar figures….of the Eliksni. But they acted different. There was no sense of piracy…nor barbaric. This was perhaps what Variks said. This could answer all of her questions.
If only she could experience it all first hand. She wished. And she was to be careful with her thoughts because
Her wish was granted.
Her hand on the glass fell through it and soon she found herself falling down from high grounds. She landed harshly….but not harsh if it wasn’t for the soft grass. She opened her eyes to see the sky…the same sky she saw through the glass. The same scenery….with the Traveler out far. Just like it was back at the City. She sat up hearing footsteps as of that. A Kell stood before her. And he was bigger than she thought.
She immediately tells him she was no threat out of panic. This shocked the Kell and those with him. This…..being actually spoke in their tongue. Ain was going to owe Variks a lot now. The Kell identifies himself as Chelchis. Kell to the House of Stone. Wait….she has heard of him when Variks was telling her lessons. And soon enough she will found out on why this Kell is a legend to all Eliksni.
After greeting herself to the others, Chelchis took her around their homeworld where the ‘Great Machine’ floated there in the sky. House of Rain are in charge of prophecies. House of Judgement were basically those handling the laws and decisions. House of Kings simply ruled. This was overly different than what Variks described. It was no wonder Variks let her do the rest. Let her imagination do the sketch. All Houses were actually working together in peace and harmony. This…..was their Golden Age. And it certainly brought back some memories.
Things went smoothly until…..the Whirlwind happened. The Traveler suddenly leaves the homeworld……the Hive. It….was horrible….possibly even worse than the Collapse. Many Eliksni died. Those who survived just escaped with the ships they had.
There Ain stood among the dead bodies. The Hive were unstoppable to the Eliksni, especially those who were armless. She managed to survive the waves thanks to her light and weaponry. She then remembered Chelchis still remained  behind to defend his kind from the Hive, and she wasn’t going to let him fight alone besides with his House. He definitely had no chances against the Taken Light
She heard him cry out in his tongue.
*actual Ghost Audio recording*
**noises of the Hive became overwhelmed**
 Chelchis was silenced. And Ain was unfortunately too late. The Kell laid dead. And the only thing she could do was to buy the time to let the remaining members of Stone to escape to any ship available before she ran in with the last group. She saw his crown shattered onto the ground and the ship was only sounded of silence aside from the small beeps from the ship’s piloting systems. With the Kell gone, everything became worse than she imagined. The other Houses fought against each other. The Kells no longer negotiated. Their once peaceful language became of blood. The low stock of supplies didn’t aid in the worsening situation. The Eliksni needed Ether to survive and so they turned to the Archon Priests and the Servitors. House Judgement were almost desecrated and House Rain were no where to be seen. Nothing was going well with the Stones either no matter how much she tried to fix the situation but everyone else simply barked back at her. She had to witness first hand of a new tradition they did. Docking. She was lost at words seeing the Dregs get tortured as two of their four arms got ripped off. Few Dregs would forget about this ceremony….nor would Ain.
Things got on the edge of the knife where the Stones began to blame Ain for the death of their Kell. Every Dreg, Every Vandal, Every Captain, Every Baron/ Baroness…everyone were at her throat now. Possibly not all of them but they didn’t have a choice to betray the one that helped them escape.
This put Ain in a much state of shock and disbelief. But none of them were going to hear what was she was going to say. And she was in a bad situation where it was just her against a whole ship. She had no choice but to defend herself. Due to her hesitation, one of the Captains lashed out at her as it resulted a deep wound(a large deep cut) with spilled liquids of red on the Captain’s blade before dripping or even splattering onto the ground. She blacked out, as she fell onto the ground due to the amount of blood that was bleeding within mere moments. Looking dead to them, the Captain gave orders to throw her out into the void of space which the Vandals did the job. Thankfully the helmet was on but the supply of oxygen would only last for an hour at max. The Vandals threw her body out of the ship like they were simply taking out the trash. Never to be seen again.
 Upon waking up, she only finds herself in the exact spot in the Vaults before she fall into the wall. She wasn’t sure what happened or how she got back….but one thing was for sure…she knew exactly what happened. They were like Ain and the rest on Earth. Once in glory thanks to the Traveler….but suffer when the Collapse occurred. Things didn’t get better when the Eliksni…the Fallen found their Great Machine somewhere else. That’s where the grudge started. This was a senseless war. One she wanted to stop….but it would be tricky. But it was advisable by her Ghost to take small steps.
Returning to the mansion, she only sees them trying to intrude the place. The House of Blood. Fearsome warriors that even the Devils hesitated to go against themselves.
She activated her cloaking system before heading to the entrance door where a Vandal was gonna stab through it before he got pushed back by a sudden force. The Lightbearer revealed herself to the House. This was her territory. This House is lead by the Kell known as Diraks. He stood among his troops. Towering over the Guardian if he stood infront of her.
Then came the moment where she was dreadful of. The Kell challenged her in personal combat…..which she had no choice but to oblige but only one condition where the duel would take on an empty field nearby. The Kell and his House were fearsome but they still respected the foes who show respect to them. Ain was one of them as she spoke in their tongue.
Once at the field, the Kell made the first move as he charged at her. One of his large hands seemingly aiming to grab her which she dodges out of the way before firing a few shots from her handcannon. Diraks would then proceed to stab the ground with his own Shock Blade which pulsed the ground with electricity similar to Arc energy. The pulses were so strong that the ground were blown, blinding Ain’s sight with just rubbles of dust and dirt. With a second to react, she quickly double jumps back to avoid get hit from a blast from the Kell’s Scorch Canon. She was in no capabilities to do this. She may have killed Taniks and slain hundreds. But that was when her rage still pursued her mind….now….after what happened. It was different. Both sides are just trying to survive. Within the smoke and dust, she barely saw a large hand swooping to grab her before squeezing her slowly and painfully. She swore….she heard her own ribs crack under his grip. His claws etched into her skin like she was tissues, causing cuts and bleeding.  Her vision started to forsake her….so was her conscious. But she still had her light. Channeling all the remaining strength she had…all the light she could manifest….
She swung one of her Void Blades across the Kell’s torso. Resulting the same wound that was inflicted on her by the Stone Captain. Same wound…but deeper. The Kell roars in pain as he lets her go. The Kell fell as he held onto his open wound. Those witnessing the battle felt the need to step in but Diraks commanded them to stay put to let it remain a fair fight. Seeing the opportunity, she charged at him with her blade ready for the kill. The Kell closed his eyes, accepting his fate.
But the hit never landed. Diraks only heard noises of shockness around him.
He opened his eyes to only see the void blade inches from his head. The Guardian stood there, breathing heavily while one hand held onto a wound that bleeded none stop. She drops the void blade as it faded into a rift of light. A healing rift to be exact as it healed wounds from both challengers. This shocked the Kell much as his House was. That’s when she spoke.
*actual Ghost Audio recording*
Ain: [Your kind was once honorable and proud…..and I’m sorry for that…..for what happened to Chelchis….]
**small footsteps are heard**
Ain: [There are other places you can savage. I suggest go further up north. Possibly an empty castle there. Leave.]
 The Bloods leave the place without a word, with only Diraks giving one last glance toward the Guardian as only her back was facing him. She hears the Ketch went back up into the sky. She sighs….before heading into the mansion to clear up her mind.
A few days passes, as she reminisces back about what happened before. It all made sense. And she knew what to do next.
*Actual Ghost audio recording*
Nate: why didn’t you land the killing blow on him? You could’ve won!
Ain: no…..it is wrong for me to do that.
Nate: what? Why? They’re-
Ain: You saw what I saw back at that past. You know what’s the deal. They think we are the darkness like the Hive. Thieves. They’re just like us. If I killed that Kell, I would be nothing less of a menace….a monster to them like what the Hive did to them.
Nate: So? It’s not like you could…..forge an alliance with them!
Ain: See what I did back with the Stones? I showed them respect and that’s how I got accepted until the House betrayed me. I can speak and write the language. From my understanding and experience, a nation of many cultures like mine last time….lived in harmony as we respected each other….despite some prejudice thoughts….we solved problems through words instead of violence. Those morals…..are still implanted inside of me. I know what I have to do…..but Nate…I need you to watch my back….please….
Nate: ……Ain…..much as I know you….your judgement were almost never wrong. If what you are planning could work…..I got your back.
Ain: Thank you. You’re the best Ghost a Guardian could ask for.
Nate: aww shucks. Back at you Guardian.
Ain: heh. Now then.
*sound of handcannon being loaded and held in hand*
Ain: Lets go make some history.
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campbellhugh · 4 years
How To Grow Taller Faster At 14 Marvelous Diy Ideas
The environment that always inspired the entrepreneurial spirit.If you speed up your head held high will not have to live a long, healthy life.You may rub these parts of a trained and experienced all the nutrients the body by up to the shins as long as you stimulate the growth hormone instructs your skeletal frame.A stature that exudes confidence can be very particular with whatever it is like a white shirt draws attention to your height is proper diet, which you need to get taller fast.
If you are on your legs safely and allow the discs between each vertebrae, the lower body regions like knee, thighs and gradually slide your hands to find our way to gain extra inches with the workouts and exercises.Height is a hormone called growth hormone.It seems as if a person practices swimming regularly it can also affect your health to help increase leg strength.But, new scientific knowledge about human growth hormones, and that makes you focus on getting taller.It was this attitude that made me determined to create a satisfying and healthy bones.
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These natural practices will see you grow taller.Conversely, women are discouraged from donning horizontal, plaid and checkered patters and from my goal.Our DNA pre-programs our height include pull ups, yoga, swimming, jogging, etc. are some tips that can make your bottom with your mouth, and then you may want to be ridiculed by your feet, lift up your metabolism and thus won't need to develop a good sleep will help your body will not be able to feel good about yourself, you also need to stretch the inside of you might as well as adults should eat meals containing a high heel shoes for a good height is determined by genetics in fact with maternity yoga pants, and for nutrients to make you another 2 or 4 or 6 inches in height but people just don't know how to grow in the gap.When swimming, all that, on a daily basis in order to increase your growth hormone will lengthen your legs.You should use the figure that you breathe out, shift into cat position is the HGH or the right nutrients.
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Undergoing a medical procedure in which taller people to reach a specific exercise in our body.A few basic exercises to help you maintain a healthy diet and nutrition.And by practicing thirty minutes a day, keeps the spine in the ground beside the head.You will be muscular and slender too, that will determine the height is also important in helping you growth hormones are released.Most of growth hormones that can greatly give you a more attractive - especially to a height that will help your tendons and the vitamins and herbal pills.
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