#the high king
adaptations-polls · 22 days
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highqueenofprydain · 1 month
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He broke the seal at their lips to speak raggedly against her mouth. “This is why.”
She had forgotten the question, and mumbled in confusion.
“Why I keep my distance.” Words broke hot against her cheek, her jawline, under her ear; down the curve of her neck. “Because when I am close to you, I cannot think of anything else.”
“And what is so wrong with that?” It was a gasping demand, too urgent to acknowledge the satisfaction of such a confession.
“Eilonwy,” he groaned softly, into the hollow of her throat. “I have a responsibility to my men. It isn’t fair to them.”
“Fair?” She pushed him away a little to glare him in the face. “It wasn’t fair that I was sent away for years and had to fight to come back to you. It wasn’t fair that the moment I got back, the world came all undone. It isn’t fair that I can’t stay with you on what could be our last night alive.” 
Her hands fisted into his cloak, as though she could twist the sense out of him by force. “And you worry so much about being fair to a lot of farmers and crofters, you’ll barely be seen in my company. Shall I always come second to your sense of duty?”
“I...” He looked upset and bewildered, as though somehow it had never occurred to him that she would want anything else. “I didn’t...”
“Next time you decide to be so bloody self-denying,” she plowed on ruthlessly, “you might stop and consider how it’s affecting others. And by others,” she added, “I mean me. Because you’re quite good at thinking of everyone else.”
She sensed him tighten all over, stoked by an invisible spark, like the crackling jolt that sometimes jumped between metal and wool. He took her by the shoulders almost roughly, steered her backwards until she was pinned against her own bed, leaning against its high support, melting into the space between it and his body. “I never stop thinking of you,” he said hoarsely. “Never. It is all I can do, when you are in my sight, to concentrate on the tasks set before me. You cannot know what it is, to be so...”
“Oh, yes, I can,” she interrupted, and pulled him to her mouth again to prove it.
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the-dust-jacket · 10 months
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Some lovely old Chronicles of Prydain editions, with cover art by P.J. Lynch.
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Jean-Léon Huens (1921-1982) for The Chronicles of Prydain books, The Book of Three, The Black Caldron, Taran Wanderer, and The High King.
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The High King Cover Art by David Wyatt
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smalltownfae · 1 year
The Chronicles of Prydain Overview
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Numbers: 5 books + 1 short story collection
The Book of Three
The Black Cauldron
The Castle of Llyr
Taran Wanderer
The High King
The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain
Why you should read it:
Similar to Lord of the Rings, but shorter and for younger audiences and it includes a brilliant main female character;
Inspired by Welsh mythology;
Traditional fantasy coming of age done brilliantly;
Acknowledges the importance of team work and asking for help;
Prophetic pig and the importance of being a “pig-keeper” (common person);
Cozy atmosphere and charming characters;
Beautiful and tender writing style with some great quotes;
Soft magic and lots of nature;
Really short books and quick to get through;
Pronunciation guide at the end of the book!
What is it about?
On the surface, it’s about a battle of good vs evil, but at it’s heart is about the understanding of human nature and the world around us. It’s a coming of age story about a boy that longs for adventure and finds out that there is nothing better than being with the people one loves and helping them. It’s about a boy trying to figure out who he is and what he values and finding out that the past doesn’t matter more than the possibility of the future. The side characters are also wonderful and fleshed out enough (the standout being Eilonwy, which is almost as important as Taran, the main character).
What I love about this series the most, besides the great journey towards knowing one’s self, is that it recognizes that great actions cannot be done alone and that there isn’t one single hero even if the story is focused on Taran. It recognizes the value of connecting with others and working as a team towards a common goal. In that way, it can get really emotional.
If you have watched the Disney animated movie and did not like it, fear not. Everyone seems to think it’s a bad adaptation that tries to combine the first two books in the series. I watched it once as a kid and it left no impression on me whatsoever. As always, the books are way better.
Fun fact: Taran Wanderer was written after the last book, The High King, which might explain why it feels more mature.
“A damp green scent filled the air. No bird called; no squirrel chattered. The forest seemed to be holding it’s breath.” (The Book of Three)
“Does it trully matter which one did what, since all shared the same goal and the same danger? Nothing we do is done entirely alone. There is a part of us in everyone else.” (The Book of Three)
“There is much to be known… and above all much to be loved, be in the turn of the seasons or the shape of a river pebble. Indeed, the more we find to love, the more we add to the measure of our hearts.” (The Black Cauldron)
“It is easy to judge evil unmixed. . . But, alas, in most of us good and bad are closely woven as the threads on a loom; greater wisdom than mine is needed for the judging.” (The Black Cauldron)
“There are those who have labored all their lives to gain the gift, striving until the end only to find themselves mistaken; and those who had it born in them yet never knew; those who lost heart too soon; and those who should never have begun at all. Count yourself lucky that you have understood this now and not spent your years in vain hope. This much have you learned, and no learning is wasted.” (Taran Wanderer)
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verecunda · 2 months
ngl Rhun's death is one of the most brutal in the whole of the Prydain series. Like damn, Lloyd, that was cold. D:
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nerianasims · 1 year
I love how, in The High King, all the men (except Gurgi if that’s what he is) keep saying “Eilonwy shouldn’t be here we need to send her back!” And meanwhile she saves all of their asses at least twice, and is the first in the army to defeat a Cauldron Born.
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millificent · 5 months
Every Nico Di Angelo fan focusing more on the background of the episode than the actual plot
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cloudmancy · 1 month
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I saw you again in a dream, or maybe it was a nightmare
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girlzoot · 6 months
But when prophecies give no help, men must find it themselves. --Lloyd Alexander/The High King
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highqueenofprydain · 1 month
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A redo of an old image.
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esmeamesart · 13 days
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Fake complicated women when a real complicated woman pulls up !
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halcyon-autumn · 27 days
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I assume The Nightmare King saw heterosexual Kristen and the concept was so shocking that Cassandra reformed to vaporize K2 on the spot
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nosnexus · 4 months
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rustchild · 9 months
desperately craving weird surrealist arthurania. Knights with no faces wandering through the mists. Seams between Christian and pre-Christian Britain gaping like open wounds. Beafts and visions. Maybe a monk. Maybe the monk is gay
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