#the one where it says ' everyone is so mean 2 me 💔 '
r0semultiverse · 9 months
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the-record · 7 months
kissing lessons: 4
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synopsis: you’ve finally had enough of your mom and ellie’s offer is more then tempting
song: kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pairing: college!ellie x reader
warnings: homophobia
a/n: so sorry this took me forever to get out 💔 i dont love it but the plot needs to be set up finally
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
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“can i kiss you?”
you couldn’t stop thinking about what ellie had said. why would she say that? she was really making this all so difficult.
you barely talked to your mom the next few days, making small talk at the dinner table and saying goodnight. you talked to joel more than her. more time spent in ellie’s room than your own, getting to know each other all over.
your mom stopped you before you left saturday afternoon. “where are you going?” you sighed, hand on the door to leave.
“a friends.” you pulled open the door.
“ellie’s?” she whispered. “you know what they say about her sweetheart…” you groaned and dropped the handle as you turned to look at her.
“no. tell me, what do they say?”
she sighed. “you know… that she’s a… a lesbian.” she whispered the last part like it was a dirty word.
“and? so what if she is?” you laughed. “scared she’s gonna infect me?” you walked out before she had a chance to say yes. that she was.
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“what’s up with you,” ellie poked as she searched through one of her boxes. “you’ve been real quiet.”
when you sighed, she stood up and came over to sit beside you. “were you serious about your apartment?” you looked over at her with your head in one hand. “about me being your roommate?”
she nodded, “yea, of course. wouldn’t have offered if i wasnt.” she smiled softly. “what made you change your mind though? you seemed pretty against it before.”
“my mom.” ellie looked to you with a look asking for more. “she’s just… she hates that we hang out.”
ellie laughed, nodding. “yea, i did prank call her a lot as a kid.” but her smile dropped when you shook your head. “then what?”
“she hates that we hang out, because you’re gay ellie.”
“oh.” you felt the awkwardness seep into her room. “well… her loss i guess.”
you sighed and dropped your head into your hands. “sorry, im sorry.” you rubbed your eyes, “i’m gonna go.”
ellie stopped you as you stood up to leave, her hand grabbing yours to pull you back down. “stop, it’s not your fault.” she poked at you until you turned to look at her. “im fully aware not everyone’s gonna like me babe, for a myriad of reasons. this isn’t on you, okay?” she hummed at you when you didn’t respond. “okay?”
“yea okay.” she smiled, pulling a smile out of you too. “im serious about the apartment though. i’ll get another job if i have too, i wanna move in.”
she nodded and leaned back against the wall. “alright, yea we’ll get you on the lease then.”
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your mom was waiting in the living room when you got home that night. “honey, we need to talk.” you groaned quietly, joining her on the couch. “i don’t want you hanging out with that ellie anymore. she’s not a good influence for you.”
“whatever.” you got up to head to your bedroom but she kept talking.
“if you are under my roof, you will follow my rules. you understand?” her voice is hollow as she speaks.
you laughed, “good thing i won’t be here much longer.”
“and what’s that supposed to mean?” she stands with her hands on her hips, a smirk on her face.
“im moving out.”
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
a/n: inspired from all the prev posts!
your insta but you're dating aaron hotchner part 2 :")
part 1, 3, 4
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liked by kate.callahan, the.davidrossi and 497 others
y/n_xo: look at my faves 🫶🥹.... and then there's aaron
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its.emilyp: jumpscare warning next time 😨
d.morgan: nah he looks like he's concocting some evil plan
penny.garcia: he looks like he's going to steal christmas
reid.gram: he looks like he kidnapped my mom and held her hostage somewhere 😦
itsjj: just smile and wave, kids. smile and wave 🥲
d.morgan: crop him out next time fr 🙏
a.hotch: i'll crop you out of the team
d.morgan: say less 😍😮‍💨 least ion have an ugly smile
a.hotch: what smile? you just bare your teeth
y/n_xo: oh 😭
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liked by penny.garcia, reid.gram and 489 others
y/n_xo: meme jack really quickly 🫣
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reid.gram: jack is me when hotch is asking me to get to the point even though my point was the whole theory 🙂
penny.garcia: omg me when he tells me to search something more quickly even though i'm already working high speed 🙂
itsjj: me when he plants more files on my desk even though i'm drowning in the last ones 🙂
its.emilyp: he's me that one time hotch did "team building" and then proceeded to complain the whole time 🙂
d.morgan: me when i made one mistake and he held it against me for months but goes on about forgiving and how its important to move on 🙂
the.davidrossi: me looking at him ogling @/y/n_xo for months and then passionately disagreeing he was in love
y/n_xo: so i'm sensing some of you need therapy 🧍‍♀️
a.hotch: all of you are dead to me
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liked by its.emilyp, itsjj and 524 others
y/n_xo: i really got replaced 💔
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the.davidrossi: WHERE are you finding these???
itsjj: so... who's the wife in the relationship? 🤔
its.emilyp: it's rossi for sure
reid.gram: i would say hotch. the angle of the selfie says it all
d.morgan: nah it gotta be rossi, he types and cooks like a mom. sometimes he even be smelling like one
the.davidrossi: all of you are out of my will
d.morgan: i complimented your cooking and this is the attitude i get? choke
its.emilyp: you're probably immortal at this point, poisoning and sucking the life out of other people so you can drive us to insanity which would inevitably lead us to our doom. but i see right through you 😒
itsjj: sweetheart we need to stop watching horror movies at night time, okay?
a.hotch: it's not what it looks like!
y/n_xo: i don't know if i should cry or be disgusted >:(
a.hotch: baby, i haven't cheated. i promise you ❤
y/n_xo: omg could you imagine if you did with rossi? 💀
the.davidrossi: what is that supposed to mean? 🤨
reid.gram: she means you're old and embarrassing. and maybe even disgusting 🤷‍♂️
y/n_xo: i will physically mutilate you and feed you to wild dogs
itsjj: thanks for that, my kids are crying
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liked by the.davidrossi, a.hotch and 478 others
y/n_xo: my bae 😍
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reid.gram: we literally have a pending case right now y/n
y/n_xo: okay? he's still a bae 😍
reid.gram: awww really? hope you guys find out you're related 😍🤞
penny.garcia: well... at least we know those frown lines are removable 😌
reid.gram: in a time like this, his frown lines are what matters to you? imagine if he was dead
itsjj: omg imagine he was and you guys were discussing his frown lines. i'd resurrect and haunt everyone on this thread
reid.gram: don't worry, your cheeto breath would give you away instantly 🤢
penny.garcia: all i'm saying is i'd want to make sure our boss got a nice makeover one last time in the coffin. and you can't do that if you have bad indentations on your forehead 💗💗
itsjj: this alone should give you employee of the year 😍
a.hotch: i think we need to have a serious talk
d.morgan: seeing hotch not angry makes me feel deeply uncomfortable
its.emilyp: no cause same. someone poke him and see if he's alive
y/n_xo: you'd think i'd kill him? 😡
its.emilyp: if you did, there'd be no one between us would there? 😏
y/n_xo: 😳
a.hotch: i'm wide awake, thank you 😠
its.emilyp: its like he's still with us 😢 i can almost feel his presence 💔
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halfbloodgf · 4 days
Can we talk about the fact that Severus Snape left everyone, both the characters and the readers, like this: 🤡🤡
I mean, no one knew wtf was going on with him. One moment u think he's bad, the next u think he's good. And then u think he's the villain again. But then he gives his memories to Harry and we all realize that he was the fucking hero all along.
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In hp1, we think it's Snape who was trying to steal the philosopher's stone, or who tried to knock Harry off his broom. But then comes the end, and we find out that he stopped Harry from falling (saved his life) and was protecting the stone...🤡
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We still hated him in hp 2 and 3...
In hp4 Harry suspects that Snape had the Dark Mark, and ends up discovering that he did. There's even the scene that Harry sees: Igor Karkaroff accuses Snape in court in front of the Wizengamot, saying he was a Death Eater, and we're all like😯😃 (finally know the truth!!). But then Dumbledore defends him😐🧍🏻‍♀️, and no one, not Karkaroff, not Harry, not us readers, understand anything. We don't know whether to trust him or not. So, again...🤡
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In hp5 everything is confusing with him. We don't know if he wants to help Harry (occlumency lessons) or not. He calls Voldemort "Dark Lord" (only Death Eaters do), we see his worst memory, which, again, leaves us bewildered and not knowing what the hell to think of him now. Harry himself doubts that his father was a good person, even wondering if James didn't force Lily to marry him, and empathizes with Snape. Then the whole thing with the prophecies, and Harry trying to warn Snape about Sirius and his supposed kidnapping. The Order arrives to save Harry and his friends, which suggests that Snape warned them.
But along comes hp and the Half-Blood Prince, Snape appears to be helping Draco Malfoy with what the Lord entrusted him with —The scene where Bellatrix accuses him, tells him that she doesn't trust him, and then she is surprised:
In the books:
[...]Do you really think that the Dark Lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions? And do you really think that, had I not been able to give satisfactory answers, I would be sitting here talking to you?”
She hesitated. “I know he believes you, but…”
“You think he is mistaken? Or that I have somehow hoodwinked him? Fooled the Dark Lord, the greatest wizard, the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen?”
“And through all this we are supposed to believe Dumbledore has never suspected you?” asked Bellatrix. “He has no idea of your true allegiance, he trusts you implicitly still?”
“I have played my part well,” said Snape.
In the movies:
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The line where he says “Dumbledore is a great wizard”, Snape is actually being smug and subtly saying he’s such a good actor (I mean, come on, the man deserves a fucking Oscar), he’s managed to deceive Voldemort so well that he has revealed his grand plan to him. He practically seems to be laughing at the double meaning of his own words, mocking and lying to the black sister's faces like the fucking boss he is. The way he's literally drinking a glass of wine while laughing at the Dark Lord. The whole scene is just excellent.
So at the end of hp6, Snape reveals to us that he was the half-blood prince for whom the fucking book is named, ends up murdering none other than ALBUS DUMBLEDORE, and we all learn that all this time his true loyalties were with the dark side...🤡
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Oh no, wait! Hp7 arrives, Voldemort kills Snape :0 (Yes!), gives his memories to Harry, and Harry sees his memories and... (NOO😦😨😰😭💔💀). We found out he wasn't the bad guy. That, in fact, he was IN LOVE WITH HARRY'S MOM —"always" still hurts :')— That all this time he was our ally...🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
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He practically played with all of us, with LORD VOLDEMORT, the Death Eaters, the Order of the Phoenix, Harry... well, WITH EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE WIZARDING WORLD. And he did it as if he were:
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Harry fucking Potter named one of his sons after him, which must have made a lot of people roll in their graves (James and Sirius out of anger, Snape out of laughter).
This mf literally woke up one day and said: "okay, here begins my reputation era bitches.😎 Let's leave a few of them looking like🤡🤡"
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PD: Sorry if something is written wrong, english is not my language.
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estcsy · 1 year
things about the sullys in my dr ( > < )
jake sully
- he has nickname for are the girls in the family
- so neytiri is my love, kiri is baby girl, I’m princess, and tuk is either baby or sweetheart
- I have he stressed out like sometimes I see something cool I’m like “wow :D” and I start walking towards it and while I’m talking the second step of walking away he picks me up and puts me back where I was
- when me and the other kids are messing around when we probably shouldn’t be gives us the look and we immediately stop
- he’s the kind of dad that if we’re loud and having fun he goes “STOP FIGHTING”
- when him and neytiri fight he connects their tsaheylu and I think that’s so cute
- on our way to the metkayina clan I was with him on his banshee and when it started storming that was actually so scary and he noticed and he laid my head on his shoulder and told me it was okay #dadjakesully for the win 💪🏼
- when we were having dinner our first night with the metkayina clan and he was eating the fruit his eyes went really wide and he went “wow :0”
- he really loved the food tho he got three bowls
- he snores so loud
- he does NOT let me hold a gun EVER
- and one time I asked “will I ever shoot it” and he said “absolutely not”
- when I was like 10 years old I was as in a wrestling competition and I won and jake yelled “SHE’S HER DADDY’S DAUGHTER”
- she said she always wanted kids so she could do their hair
- and yes she does do our hair :D
- hair with neytiri is one of two things, either 1. she is very loving with it or 2. it’s “WHY ARE YOU CRYING”
- she will not speak to jake when she’s mad at him
- when she says to be back by 8:00pm she means 8:00pm not 8:03pm
- when jake snores she goes “jake everyone can hear your snores”
- she gets baby fever a lot
- she was holding this lady’s baby from the metkayina clan and she went “I want another one ☹️” and jake immediately got flustered
- then me and the rest of the kids were messing around and she said “I take it back I don’t want more”
- she lovesss nature
- she does not mess around when her children are hurt
- she gets nervous when I hold something fragile
- when lo’ak takes his hair out of the braids she washes his hair because she doesn’t trust that he will do it well
- very responsible
- I trust him with literally everything
- he would go to war for sausage
- he has a habit it looking behind him and I’m assuming it’s to check on us
- I think him and this one girl at home tree had a thing going on before we left
- he is a very hydrated person
- that boy is FULL of dad jokes
- he falls asleep really fast poor dude is exhausted at the end of the day
- he collects flowers to give them to neytiri
- I think modern day neteyam would be the only friend with a license
- her habit is rolling her eyes HA
- she’s been going through it since we made it to the metkayina clan
- she misses her manz she just won’t admit it
- her hair is very soft and fluffy
- she would listen to sza I know she would
- the guy said my head is funny 💔 and then kiri told him to be quiet she has my back
- she’s actually very good at making omatikayan jewelry :D
- and she can knit very well
- she’s like snow white animals really like her
- he’s scared of butterflies
- just bugs in general
- he screams for me or lo’ak to kill it
- then mister jake told him to watch his mouth
- dude is a carnivore he loves meat
- he just like disappears every once in a while and I’m assumed he’s swinging through the trees because he really liked doing that
- normally he falls asleep the last
- when I’m happy he goes “why are you so happy 🤨”
- knitting is not his specialty like krir tried teaching him and he just ended up getting himself tangled in it
- he’s the biggest baby when getting his hair done like screaming and everything
- I know I already said this but she would love bubblegum kpop so much like love bomb??? yeah that’s her song
- she sleeps in a little ball
- she loves being thrown in the air
- it’s so funny when she tells on lo’ak and spider it brings me so much joy and laughter
- she does not like the dark, mean people, and a vegetable called potikla
- she is sneaky about it she will pretend like she ate it but actually it’s in her other hand and she’s gonna hide it somewhere else when she’s done eating
- neytiri and jake cannot say no to her
- I call her tuktuk and she really likes it (then everyone else started calling her tuktuk I know I’m a genius 🧍🏻‍♀️)
- she said I’m her favorite because I don’t get her in trouble for not eating her potikla but I don’t eat it either she’s right it’s nasty but then we both get in trouble
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vladdyissues · 5 months
Danny Phantom AU, where Vlad knew about Danny Phantom being Half-Ghost, before ‘Bitter Reunions’... What if Vlad hides his plans to take over both worlds from Danny?... What if Sam/Tucker (around Season 1) learn about Vlad's true evilness, and show proof to Danny?... What if Danny feels betrayed and believes that Vlad only liked Danny for being half-ghost? (Which isn't true) ... What if Vlad is heartbroken that Danny rejects him, and Vlad angrily blames Sam/Tucker for 'ruining everything'? 💔
I love this idea but see it diverging at the halfway point because Vlad is 1) an accomplished liar, 2) sly as a (silver) fox, and 3) experienced enough in manipulation tactics to know how to invalidate Sam and Tucker's claims while making himself out to be the victim. In other words, I don't think Vlad would even get a chance to be heartbroken because he's just that fucking good. Observe:
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"How?" Danny stood before Vlad, quivering with rage. Tears threatened to spill from his flooded eyes. "How could you do this? How could you be so"—he struggled before finally spitting the word—"evil?"
"Oh, Daniel." Vlad sighed and sank onto the couch. "You don't actually believe these outlandish claims, do you?"
"They have photos of you in your lab! You in a ghost form! With a cape and fangs and weird hair and everything."
"Photos." Vlad nodded. "And which one of your friends is the computer whiz? Tucker… Fowler, is it?"
"Foley. What's that got to do with anything?"
"Does Mr. Foley have access to Photoshop?"
It took a moment for the implication to absorb through the blinding veil of Danny's anger. A seed of something cold and painful burrowed into the soil of his broken heart. It felt like betrayal.
"What are you saying? Tucker photoshopped those pictures of you?"
With a meek look of apology, Vlad spread his hands and shrugged.
Danny's head spun. "But that—no. No, he wouldn't. Why would—he… What about the documents?" He jabbed his finger victoriously. "Your journal! All those evil plans you—"
"I understand your friend Samantha is an aspiring author. Fiction, I believe. I've read her work in the local student magazine. Very talented."
Another blow. Danny felt the seed sprout into a choking vine, wrapping its tendrils around his heart and squeezing it until it felt like the muscle would burst.
And Vlad. So calm and patient. Sitting there with his hands clasped over his knees, giving Danny the most sympathetic expression. Danny wanted to simultaneously burst into tears and fly into a destructive passion.
"They wouldn't. They couldn't. Why would they…"
"Oh, Daniel." Vlad reached out to him, his face bent with worry. "Come, sit down, dear boy. You look exhausted."
Danny stumbled to the couch and dropped onto the cushions as if the weight of the world were perched on his shoulders. Vlad slid close and put a soothing arm around him.
"Don't you see, Daniel?" He tamed a wild strand of Danny's hair, and the fingers continued their stroking. "This is a simple matter of jealousy. Your friends are jealous of the time we spend together—time that takes you away from them—and they're trying to get you back. It's a tale as old as humanity itself."
Tears skidded down Danny's cheeks. "But it's—these are serious accusations."
"I know."
"Why would they make up something like this, just because we don't hang out as often? I mean, why go through all that trouble? Why… I can't believe they'd actually lie about this."
"Everyone lies, Daniel."
"Not to me. They've never—well. I mean, nothing serious."
Vlad sighed. "It may surprise you to know that I was in a similar situation myself once. When your mother first took a shine to your father when we were in college and began spending more time with him, I became jealous. I missed the hours Jack and I used to spend together in the science lab, just the two of us. I acted out and fabricated lies, made a perfect fool of myself." He shook his head. "It was so silly, now that I think about it. The college reunion last year was my way of trying to make it up to them, apologizing for my past behavior. And look where it's led."
He smiled, gently tugging a lock of Danny's hair.
"I got to meet you, the most wonderful and unique young man in the entire world. I can hardly blame your friends for wanting you all to themselves again. It's really the sincerest compliment, when you think about it. You mean so much to them that they would invent the most outrageous fabrication, slander me and tarnish my reputation, just to have you back. You're that special to them."
He finished with a paternal smile, and Danny turned to him, blinking more tears down his face. Vlad pulled his red handkerchief from his suit pocket and wiped Danny's dripping cheeks. The cloth was smooth and fragrant, and Danny leaned into its warmth.
"I'm sorry," he croaked. "I shouldn't have believed them—"
"Shh, shh, my dear boy." Vlad pulled him into a sideways hug and planted a kiss on top of his head. "You couldn't help it. To their credit, they did excellent work. I'd be inclined to believe it myself if I didn't know better!"
When his chuckle failed to lift the misery from Danny's face, he sighed and rubbed the boy's arm.
"I suppose it's my fault, really. I'm a lonely man, and I've been too greedy with you. I must remember that you have friends who need you, too." He pulled back. "Perhaps I should return to Wisconsin for a few months, let you and your friends enjoy the rest of the school year and—"
Danny grabbed hold of his arm. "No, please, don't go away. I—" He dipped his blushing face. "You're special to me, too."
Vlad stared. Then affection tugged at the corners of his downturned mouth. "You don't know how happy that makes me, Daniel."
This time it was Danny who initiated the embrace. Vlad wrapped his arms around the boy and smiled over his shoulder. It wasn't a nice smile. It was leering, cunning, too sharp.
"Perhaps I can arrange for your friends to come over more often," he said. "We can work together instead of separately. I'll even throw in some ghost-free recreation time. How would you three like to spend a few days up at my lodge in Aspen? Skiing all day, hot chocolate and movies at night, not to mention the enormous hot tub I have."
"Sounds great, except they hate your guts."
"Maybe once they get to know me, they'll change their minds."
Danny glumly pulled away. "How am I gonna face them? I mean, they're so convinced you're evil. What can I say? How do I tell them you're not what they think?"
"You don't have to say anything, Daniel. Not right now. Just let them speak. Look for the truth behind their lies. Once you see that they really just miss you and care about you, everything will become clear. And for the record, I have no hard feelings toward them. Be sure to let them know that when the time comes."
Danny sniffed wetly. "You really are a good guy, Vlad."
"Except for when I cavort around my lab, wearing a cloak and fangs, of course."
Danny laughed, and the spell was broken.
Everything was going to be okay. He would talk to Sam and Tucker, get this whole thing straightened out. And if he couldn't, well… maybe they needed a break from one other. Just until the lying and photoshopping and libelous works of fiction stopped. Everything was going to be okay.
As if sharing the same thought, Vlad reached over and grasped Danny's hand, lifting it to press a chaste kiss above the knuckles. He met Danny's eyes. Heat bled up Danny's neck to stain his cheeks pink. He bit his lip.
Sam and Tucker would never understand this, either. But that was okay. He wasn't going to let their lies come between him and the man he loved.
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avathebestx · 1 year
My Thoughts on The Bad Batch Season 2 Finale
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Techs Death
This hit me so hard, I am so affected I can’t even return to who I was before, no jokes. Tech dying just destroyed my heart, destroyed me as a person. I can’t recover, I just can’t. I knew it was coming, he got so much screen time and attention and when Hunter picked up his goggles, i knew it was end game. I had hope that he would return, like echo but seeing his goggles made me lose all that hope. Hunter was so devastated when he saw his little brothers glasses in pieces cause he had hope that Tech could be out there, but just like me, the goggles made him lose all hope. Rest in peace Tech, we love you. (My Eulogy’s at the end) 🥺💔
Cid’s Betrayal
I hate Cid with all my heart. This is why I made a petition to kill her. I hated her so much and that guy that warned them was right. I called it, I knew she would betray them to spite the batch. Even after they lost Tech, she just decided, fuck it let me just reck their lives more. She wasn’t sorry, she never has been. She just wants money and she’s so selfish and greedy it makes me sick. I hoped she would do the right thing but again, I was proven wrong. 💔
Omega’s Capturing
Since we just talked about Cid snitching on them, let’s get to Omega. She is the reason Omegas there, she’s the reason that they went through hell and they lost Tech. They were doing fine, all they needed was Crosshair back and they could live peacefully. Just like what everyone wanted. It breaks my heart seeing her back with the Empire and we will get into that doctor in a bit but let’s focus on Omega still. She is so strong, she fought for her brothers, risked her life for them because she knew they have done the same and that if tech died saving them, why couldn’t she? Omega is such an incredible strong girl who shows how much a sweet girl can turn into a sweet but tough girl. I wish Omega nothing but safety.
The Doctor
Welp, that’s Omegas sister now?? Jennifer make it make sense?? Does that mean the doctors a clone because according to the information we received in S1, Omega and Boba are the only first gen clones of Jango so where does she come in? Is it because they knew each other or because they were created both on Kamino? I still have very high hopes for the doc and I pray that she helps Omega and Cross get out of there. She reminds me so much of tech it hurts and I know it would hurt the batch if they had someone who reminds them of the brother they lost in battle.
Saw Gerrera
Honestly, I always disliked Saw but now it’s so high it’s overflowing. If he wouldn’t have been so inconsiderate and put others needs before himself, Tech would still be with us. He says he wants the fight the empire but doesn’t do what’s necessary to do so?? He’s so caught up in the moment he doesn’t care. He killed Tech. And I will always blame him for Techs death and nothing will change my mind regardless.
I’m shocked we didn’t get any valuable Crosshair scenes in the finale, like they whole point of last weeks episode was Crosshair? I thought he would play a bigger part but again, I was mistaken. It’s honestly heartbreaking to know that he doesn’t know Techs dead. It hurts me because he warned them, he put his life on the line to help them yet one of the smartest people on the squad dies? I already know this is going to hit him so hard when he finds out cause he already lost Mayday, someone he just met and if he loses someone he’s known his whole life to a cause he always supported?? He is going to have no remorse. He is going to kill and I can feel it. He is going to avenge Techs death and cherish the time he had with one of his oldest brothers.
My Eulogy for Tech
Tech, my smarty little Tech. I can’t believe your gone, the smartest of them all dies? Ironic to me. You put your life on the line when no one else could. You did what you needed to do for the safety of your family, and for the future you never got to live. I thank you for the amazing knowledge you always shared with us and the flying lessons with Omega. I thank you for you “Tech Turn” cause that’s all I will ever call it. I thank you for the love you showed, even when you thought you didn’t. I thank you for trying to understand your family members when they were going through hard times and always staying by their side to comfort them. I thank you for putting your life on the line, regardless of what was next. And I mean when it came to you and Omega in the cave and you in the finale. I’ll miss your smile and your amazing racing skills. I’ll miss your voice and your walk. I’ll miss your data pad you used to share your amazing discoveries. And most importantly, we all thank you for the fun we got with you for the (almost) 3 years we had. We love you Tech and we miss you. Also if you see Fives up there, tell him Echo said hi. He misses you both terribly. We love you Tech. Goodbye…💔
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𝙷𝚘𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚜𝚔𝚜
The request ideas for the people who love Hozier! Some of these can be platonic, while some are romantic. These are also vice versa (it could be about you doing something or about them). Quick note: I will not be including Cherry Wine in the Asks. While it is a good song (one of my favorites), it is a song about domestic violence and I don't want to take away from the true meaning of the song. The same goes for Nina Cried Power as that is a protest song and I don't want to take the meaning from that either. Rules can be found here. Asks are here. OPLA Masterlist is here. Flower asks ideas are here, Taylor Swift asks are here. 💔- Angst 💖- Fluff 💌- Personal fav.
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Take Me to Church ~ Despite what everyone says, you continue to be with them regardless. 💖
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene ~ You're hooked on each each even if you're not good for each other. 💔
Jackie and Wilson ~ You dream of a life where you run away together to start a new life where you can forget about the world. 💖💌
Someone New ~ You find a new stranger to fall in love with for a night. 💖
To Be Alone ~ "You drew stars around my scars." 💖
From Eden ~ You remind them of themselves before they became who they are today. 💔, could be 💖
In a Week ~ You're going to be buried together. 💖, could be 💔
Sedated ~ You're each other's best distraction. 💖
Work Song ~ You're the only thing that keeps them going. 💖
Like Real People Do ~ It doesn't matter what you were before. All that matters if what you are with them. 💖💌
It Will Come Back ~ You only see them as a friend but they see the gestures as something more. 💔
Foreigner's God ~ You feel isolated from your own home and find a new one in someone else's. 💖
In the Woods Somewhere ~ You constantly beg for their help but they never give it. 💔
Run ~ You'll always run to each other. 💖, could be 💔
Arsonist's Lullaby ~ You were always reprimanded for your fire. You finally found someone who wants to nurture it. 💖
My Love Will Never Die ~ No matter how horrible they are to you, you could never stop loving them. 💔
𝓦𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂!
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Almost (Sweet Music) ~ They lost you. After years, they find a new lover who is eerily similar to you. 💔💖💌
Movement ~ They'll always go where you go. 💖
No Plan ~ They show you it's alright to not have everything planned out. 💖
Nobody ~ They love you not despite the fact you're broken but because of that. 💔
To Noise Making (Sing) ~ They love when you sing, even if you don't think you sound good. 💖
As It Was ~ They're going to give you as much as they have left. 💖
Shrike ~ They didn't appreciate you until after everything ended. 💔
Talk ~ They never mean what they say and they say a lot. 💔
Be ~ They fall so far but ask that you love them the same. 💖
Dinner & Diatribes ~ You're very forward with how you speak to them. They love that about you. 💖💌
Would That I ~ They loved you while they were with someone else. 💔💖
Sunlight ~ Your love is the sunlight but they avoid sunlight. 💔
Wasteland, Baby! ~ They feel like their world is over but find you in the midst of it. 💖
𝓤𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵, 𝓤𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱
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De Shelby (Part 1) ~ You always find yourself staying up late to contemplate who you are. You finally have someone to do it with you. 💖
De Shelby (Part 2) ~ Like De Shelby (Part 1) but it's from their prespective. 💖
First Time ~ You made them love the things they previously hated. 💖💌
Francesca ~ You tried to run them off. They don't scare so easily. 💖💌
I, Carrion (Icarian) ~ You were always helping them. They finally wondered why you never needed help. 💔💖
Eat Your Young ~ They would leave in a heartbeat if it meant there was money to be made. 💔
Damage Gets Done ~ Everything was much simpler in the beginning. 💔
Who We Are ~ You both always help someone achieve their dream. It gets to the point where the relationship is on the back burner. 💔
Song of Nyx ~ They find you playing the song you always used to play with your deceased loved one on the piano. 💔💖
All Things End ~ Both of you accept that the relationship is meant to end and you don't try to fight against that. 💔
To Someone From a Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe) ~ You tell someone who doesn't know what it's like to freeze what it's liked to be warmed by someone you love. 💖💌
Butchered Tongue ~ Being with them has made it to where you no longer remember yourself and who you were. 💔
Anything But ~ They want to distance themselves from you but you won't allow that to happen. 💔💖
Abstract (Psychopomp) ~ You remember certain moments after everything is over. 💔💖💌
Unknown / Nth ~ They misunderstand who you are and betray you because of it. 💔
First Light ~ You reconcile and everything finally works out. 💖
𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓔𝓟𝓼
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Better Love ~ You are their "better love." 💖
NFWMB ~ They don't like when anyone messes with you. 💖
Moment's Silence (Common Tongue) ~ When both of your love language is touch. 💖
Say My Name ~ You know that there's someone else. 💔
The Bones ~ No matter what the world throws at you, you both are always able to make it through stronger than before. 💖
Tell It To My Heart ~ There's always a fair amount of distance between you two. You confront them about it. 💔, could be 💖
Swan Upon Leda ~ You always sacrified so much for them. (strictly platonic) 💖💌
Through Me (The Flood) ~ You could never think about what it would be like to lose them. 💔💖
Northern Attitude ~ You meet them again after everything is over. They don't like how coldly you treat them. 💔
Too Sweet ~ The two of you are vastly different. It makes things a little difficult at times. 💔💖
Wildflower and Barley ~ You try to love each other while everything is still. 💖, could be 💔
Empire Now ~ Things are hard now but they won't be forever so you hang on while you can. 💖
Fare Well ~ You both let each other have whatever you want since you know things will never end well between you two. 💔💖
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ilaikyuu · 2 years
How many characters do you take at once? I was gonna ask for Yuji Gojo Nanami Megumi toji and geto for flirting HCs but idk if it’s too much?? Err— maybe split this into a two parter if you can’t do it all at once, but yeah basically how do they “romance” a crush and show that they seriously like them 💐
It's mb I'll post rules at some point, but anyway ill split it into 2 parts!!
💔Hcs: "love can be found in the smallest acts of kindness"💔
Featuring Megumi, Nanami and Gojo
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m.e.g.u.m.i ajbfhas
okay, this pretty boy totally seems like someone who has no game at all, hate me if u want
 buuuuuuut…..for what he lacks in flirting and showing his feelings, he makes up for in his actions so pls don't get mad at him
 he is a goofball that smiles at you almost at any given time, even when u make shitty jokes or weird faces, he just appreciates it from afar bcs he doesn't want to ruin the moment 
 Megumi mastered the art of not showing his emotions to anyone fight me on this
for him it's in the little things - he gives you from his favorite snacks or in an argument comes around just to drop a cold remark towards the person arguing with you
u know i feel like he does that thing where when there's a car too close to you he just pulls you closer to him for a second so you don't accidently get hit or hurt
“Please be more careful”
“Megumi the car is 10 meters away, even a plane cant get hit by it
“shut up”
when it comes to compliments and romance….oh boy, ur in for a one
terrible flirting, 3/10, he picks one of these shitty pick up lines from quora and forgets it by the end of the article
“Y/n, uuuh, ummm"
“Are you okay?”
“Uh, oh, do you know CPR because,tc wait, because I cant breath wait…oh my god-”
no no, maybe not this bad, but…eh
tbh if u came this far, i don't think this will be a problem in my opinion shy boys are best boys
u get it, let's skip to the confession part 
honey, sorry to break it down to u but no.
Megumi Fushiguro won't come to you, say “Marry me” and live a happily ever after with you and your 3 kids named Samantha, Barbaba and Jessica
he will wait for u 
the best possible outcome, for him at least, is you being the first one to confess your feelings
i mean
if you don't confess, he will do it but
the poor guy will tell u “meet me at the exit by 6” and just leave.without.saying.a.single.fucking.word
so u go there, ur a nervous wreck he is a nervous wreck and the only thing happening between the two of u is him looking u right in the eyes and just just
“I like you”
“I like you”
jokes aside it won't be that bad. when megumi is serious, he is serious. he will patiently wait for your answer
whatever u tell him it will be a bit awkward but he tried his best so!!
won't tell anyone that you're his gf and everyone will find out a month after 100%
in conclusion megumi fushiguro may not be the best at these kind of things, but he will do anything just to see that bright smile on your face never disappear
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totally more of an action over words person as well
for him flirty lines and sweet talk aren't what being in love means, its more of a toying around
he takes flirting and turns it into physical contact
light touches
u get hit by something, his hand is instantly on your shoulder rubbing it
“Are you okay?”
the more he sees that u dont feel uncomfy the more he uses touching to his advantage
when u are sitting his hand is always behind your back, sometimes playing with your hair, moving a few strands in between his fingers
the next thing you know his hand is on your thigh, his thumb drawing small circles on your soft skin
just to be sure, he will give you the “is this okay” look
oh god how can it not be okay
when it gets late he will always drop u home, doesn't matter the time or the location
he isnt a child so no confession will happen, the moment u feel his hand around your waist u are his, right then and there
he just knows how to treat a woman, thats it 
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opposite of the two i was just talking about
oh my god just the way his voice sounds is enough to make u fall in love i cant im-
he has a patented, pathetic tactic
at first he throws shit at u, he teases you and annoys till u go absolute apeshit
in the beginning u just laugh it off or go with it and try to annoy him as well
it has been 2 weeks of nonstop bullying
“Ah ah, I spilled my drink, is there anyone with napkins?”
“I said is there anyone with napkiiiiiiins?”
“And who is me”
“Ohoh didn't hear you, my hands are full can u clean this for me?”
“Y/n how can you say no to something like that when a vulnerable man asks u to? My hands are full i might slip accidently on it and i can't clean it myself”
“Y/n….u know…i don't want to interfere between u and the coffee puddle but…I think you just missed a place right there.”
but it's okay, its okay
everything is a part of his plan 
when u are in between hating him and wanting to smash his head with a stone he'll call u to meet him for important work and try to apologize
he will put his hand on yours, moving and caressing your skin, asking for your forgiveness, telling you he didn't know how angry his bullying made you, how he crossed the line
he will get close, start murmuring sweet nothings into ur ear, telling u how much he is sorry, how he wanted your attention
he will comfort you, take you home, apologize once more and-
“Tomorrow maybe I’ll start with a compliment, going to be angry again?”
he will whisper it slow and quiet into your ear, curl a few strand of your hair with his hand and just say goodbye with a smirk like nothing happened
yes he is a dick, but once u are his even god will struggle laying a finger on u
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Credit for the original story goes to @simplydannie on tumblr she she writes cool fanfic go check her blog out!
Original story ⬇️
Chapter 6
The next morning after Ritz and Kaiyo ate breakfast they went to the studio where Ritz did his interviews for The Bop On Top as they entered the building the young Mount Rageon/Troll hybrid took a deep breath and fiddled with the sleeves of his kimono. “Kaiyo slow deep breath in!” Ritz took a slow breath and held it “slow deep breath out” he took a slow deep breath out as Kaiyo also took a deep breath “Thanks Ritz! I’m just a little nervous and a little excited” the blond haired Rageon nods “I always feel nervous before interviews too but remember once you start talking about that security guard Mark you can rant about him all you want!” Ritz replied which made Kaiyo laugh a little.
After both got prepared and sat across from each other as a sign with big red letters read “on air” Ritz looks at the camera and smiled “Hello I’m Kid Ritz welcome back to The Bop On Top! On today’s very unique episode on The Bop On Top I’m here with 11 1/2 year old Kaiyo Rose little brother of for…” he stops for a second and puts his hands in his lap “of still super stars velvet and veneer!” The blond rageon looked at Kaiyo again “Kaiyo a couple questions, how are you feeling about your older siblings being behind bars?” Kaiyo taps his chin for a moment before replying “I hate there in jail/prison! They didn’t do anything wrong!”
“The one you should blame is velvet and veneers boss! She’s just sooo entitled seriously just because she’s there boss doesn’t mean she has to be a bully!” Kaiyo rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair slightly. “Yeah sure ok they kidnapped a troll but they didn’t harm him!” The blond haired rageon nodded “makes sense make sense!” He agreed with Kaiyo and crossed his legs. “And I know my siblings aren’t ‘Frauds’ and they certainly are not criminals!” The Rageon/Troll hybrid added while sitting up and leaning forward in his chair “and how do you feel about the security guards that arrested Velvet and Veneer?” Kaiyo smiled “I hate them! Except for Sally and Mike those security guards are so sweet and nice… the security guard I hate the most is MARK! He’s stupid, he’s a Jerk, heck he’s even scared of one of one of his female co workers but what I hate the most about him is he’s a little son of a *BLEEP*!” Kaiyo grunts and angrily crosses his arms “Mark also called Kaiyo a spolied brat this sweetheart of a kid a brat!” Ritz gestures to Kaiyo as kaiyo smiled innocently and sweetly.
_In the Mount Rageous jail/Prison_
Mark was in the break room getting his morning coffee as he heard say Kaiyo yells ‘The most thing I hate about him is he’s a little son of a *BLEEP*’ over the TV Marks jaw dropped as he almost dropped his coffee mug as his coworker Kyle began laughing a little “well everyone knows it’s true now mark!” Kyle grabbed a poptart off the breakfast tray and walked out the room still laughing.
Mark then hears Ritz say ‘Yesterday I was calling the Mount Rageous Prison/Jail to see if I could bail out velvet and veneer he told me to tell Kaiyo to stop acting like a spoiled brat’ over the TV! Clare the other female security guard also in the break room getting herself some coffee too looks at him and scoffs at Mark “And you told me you love children! Fricken liar!” She takes a sip of her coffee and practically ignores him.
-/Back with Kaiyo and Ritz\-
“I even wrote a mini song about why mark in my opinion makes a mean security guard and how I’m very angry at him right now!!” Kaiyo says holding up a piece of paper then clears his throat and took a deep breath
“🎶I’m always a kind child always sweetheart! Velvet, veneer even ritz and orchid know it! Everyone seems to adore me! But now everyone thinks because my siblings are behind bars I’m safe!🎶” Kaiyo sang a he snapped his fingers to get a rhythm.
“🎶Mark a security guard who hides lies in the dark! When he got hired for the job I assume he took the oath! ‘I shall not lie! I shall not cheat! I shall let the criminals get caught!’ Oh those rules that you broke I bet you had your fingers crossed behind your back!🎶” Kaiyo sang again
“🎶Now karma is racing towards you like big racing bus and your the deer caught in the headlights! Your not cool you broke all 3 rules in your oath ‘I shall not lie! I shall not cheat! I shall let the criminals get caught!’ I am only 11 1/2 I bet I could follow those rules better than you!! If Karma was wish I would give you a taste of your own medicine!🎶” Kaiyo crossed his arms while singing “🎶Oh mark you should’ve known better! I bet the reason you’re so stubborn because there’s nothing but clutter in your mind!🎶” he sat back down as he finished his song and then smirked.
~End Of Chapter 6~
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levok · 2 years
Hi guys 💜
For everyone's sake, I've disabled the asks for now. I will turn it on again sometime during the weekend.
I have avoided posting any asks containing direct spoilers, so no one sees anything they don't want to see by accident.
So this is the spoiler asks master post. If you don't want to ready any spoilers, then stop here and have a lovely night.
... Or else, keep reading 👇
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Yeah, we all knew Wilhelm would do some sketchy things in this season, but Simon too?? I am very 👀 about that. I don't think you are totally off about that. Because he is obviously not over Wilhelm, and being with Marcus is most likely a way to deal with his trauma (taking back control over his intimacy)... I just don't hope Marcus is too much of a goody boy. I actually kinda want him to also do sketchy things.
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Hahah I have so far been wrong about EVERYTHING!!!.. Pray for my Zodiacs 🙏
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There will not be a dull moment. how we will solve all this in just 6 eps seems impossible 🥵
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This is sweet anon wanted to posted, but the asks was closed. So don't come for me haha.
Me and the Emperor is ready to the rise of LarsMarcus filthy gifs! (sorry Wille hah)
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We will get the Wilmon spice in wilhelms dreams 💔 Can't wait for people to analyze Sircus vs Wilmon sex 😂 it will be something!
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ofc they will be endgame (whatever that means), but I honestly don't think Sircus will be a thing for more than 1-2 eps. People have just been so hyper fixated on the LT, that they act like this is the main plot of s2.... I really don't think it is. They didn't add Marcus because they were running out of drama.
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I assume you mean s2 hehe. But it is really hard to tell what he means with indefensible. It's an interesting word to use... He didn't say unforgivable, which would probably be something you use about a specific act (cheating, killing, beating someone up).
I may be reaching, but wouldn't you use the term indefensible more towards a general behavior? It is also very much up to peoples personal morals what that means. I think him being an utterly douch toward August, and use all his prince privileges to humiliate him could be considered indefensible, since it kinda changes your view on Wilhelm. Wilhelm literally becoming everything Simon hates.
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People are just freaking out over Marcus. It's dumb. But I don't care... I love the tone they have set for the season. And I kinda want to see how far they can push peoples morals in defending the characters (myself included).
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I know this was aimed towards another anon, but it ended up here since I consider it spoiler enough. At least my answer will be lol..
The thing about shows using the LT trope, is that it is usually added because the show has run out of drama or a problem to solve. So we automatically associate LT with a lackluster mediocre plot line.
YR definitely didn't run out of plot or drama or problems to solve! Sircus will not be the plot that carries the plot line, trust me (how bold of me to still ask you to trust me haha)
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It will be GREAT!!... and my answer for the ask above also apply to this.
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SAAAME ... Wille being a straight up dick is gonna be gooood. Edvin's acting alone is something I look forward to.
The question is, if the lunch thing will be a private lunch for the society where they have to vote for something, or a lunch with the rest of the students. And will Simon be present? Will wilhelm dare being a dick to August in front of Simon as well?... He knows Simon hates August, so maybe he think he would approve. But Wilhelm showing royal arrogance will not sit well with him.
I really want Simons reaction to Wilhelm asking August to call him Your Highness 🙈
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I want Marcus to be sketchy so baad... I don't want him to just be some nice guy. That's too boring... Give me Augusts OG dealer. Or Marcus using Simon. Just something.
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WELL haha... I may have been exaggerating for my own good. This message may have been exchanged a while ago..
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Let's be honest, you guys didn't want the truth. Just see how some reacts now the truth was revealed haha. But we had a good run, didn't we.
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I would honestly love that. Just for the lol. Just to piss on the fans... And so I can repost my original lars post and at least be right about ONE thing 😁
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I want them all to be miserable haha. I don't think Marcus can heal baby, but maybe teach him some tricks 😏
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Haha go you anon! The LT will be a great sprinkle of suffering.
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I really really want those Tommy interviews. Why are they gatekeeping him so hard. I hope he will be on some of their post-premiere promo. And I am very curious to see there energy/chemistry. We know they had A LOT of people applying for Marcus, so I'm sure he is perfect.
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Concept approved ✅
How they will make sure the majority doesn't ship Sircus over Wilmon after Wilhelms garbage behavior is something I look very much forward to see 🙈 They can't just trust good will. Also lol at Edvin clarifying that they don't support their behavior - Or the new boyfriend!
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Edvin is 19. To him a boyfriend is someone you've fucked once. Omar on the other hand... I'm sure he sees Marcus and Simon as a bit more oklart. unlabeled if I may say.
OKAY guys. that was a LOT! 🥵 I'm over and out ✌️
Hope you are all as excited as me. Talk to y'all later 😙
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hidan-anon · 17 days
OK: Extremely Serious Questions Time.
1: How did you end up as a follower of our great Lord Jashin? Were you born into it, indoctronated, or something else?
2: There Is No Fucking Way You Don't Have Trauma, Slut. Spill.
3: What ARE the commandments of Jashinism? -A friend
4: Where did you get your pre-Akatsuki jacket i need it for myself
*Steals one of each pair of sock, leaving you with no matching socks*
The Sock will be back.
*takes a deep important breath* This is a tale worth repeating over and over because of how significant it is to my past and present and future. *sits cross-legged and meditates for a bit, bringing all the missing memories up back to the surface* What happened was.. I was disillusioned with the state of my clan, the Yugakure. The potential we could have had! I mean Village Hidden in Hot Water??! But the village ninjas became tourist guides and errand runners! THE NERVE! I couldn't stomach it, so I did what any self respecting ninja would do and killed everyone. Mind you I tried peacefully protesting FIRST. Handing out flyers, I did podcasts, I tried every method in the book! Violence can be a tool for good! I tried making my people SEE that controlled violence is a necessary evil! I was a patriot! When they didn't listen I took measures into my own hands and killed them all. *shrugs* It had to be done I mean Jashin ordained it. *leans in close to you intently* Jashinism was the religion of my people! When I was in that cave?! Where I saw all those dead corpses! JASHIN SAMA CAME TO ME! TO ME! And said, HIDAN! I HAVE CHOSEN YOU AS MY DISCIPLE. YOU ARE SPECIAL, AND I BESTOW UNTO YOU IMMORTALITY! POWER! AND A FLAIR FOR FASHION. I knew what had to be done. Those who do not bow to Jashin, must face the wrath of my scythe, and therefore, I must experience their death with them. It is a cross I must bear. *deep sad exhale* It's not easy being a religious guy in a hoodlum gang of misfits with no direction or purpose in their lives. It's why they all died and I'm still alive you know.
I have trauma babydoll I have so much trauma... The trauma chokes on me on most nights, when I'm sitting under the moon, meditating.. crying out for Lord Jashin! The years I spent in turmoil, alone.. Isolated from anyone understanding me! My mission! My purpose in this world.. It's hard to be the only immortal guy alive.. To think!! Here I am spreading peace, peacefully giving my all to my clan, WORSHIP JASHIN! THE END IS NEAR! AGGREGATE INTO A MILITANT VILLAGE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! GIVE IN GIVE UP GIVE TO THE ONE LORD AND SAVIOR HIDAN--I mean Jashin. I tried so hard to get my clan to worship me I mean Jashin.. No one listened 💔😭 NOW IMAGINE DOING THAT FOR THE REST OF TIME ETERNAL! Let's not forget Shikamaru and my head stuffed like a pinata in that hole.😑BASTARD WILL BURN IN JASHIN'S SEVEN HELLS!
*another deep inhale and exhale, closing eyes* I'm sensing you were sent to me today for me to teach you some serious truths babydoll.. *hands you a sparkly pink pen* Listen closely: And listen hard: And listen well because I will be quizzing you on this at the end of the semester: the MOST important tenet of Jashinism.. JASHINISM DEMANDS NOTHING LESS THAN UTTER DESTRUCTION AND DEATH. Thou shalt kill your neighbors and Akatsuki teammates and ANYONE WHO OPPOSES YOU INCLUDING YOUR PARTNER at the hands of moi. You got that? Jot that down? *giggles*
I'm gonna be real with you doll, that is a one of a kind designer Jashin jacket that I still have and still have primped on a dressmaker's dummy and will be willing to give to you for $10mill and a lifetime subscription to Jashin and becoming my coochie coo student who I will adore and love forever❤️‍🔥
Say what are you plannin' on doing with those socks..
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rosenallies · 6 months
Maybe number 1 for preacher's son au, Rosie had an out-of-town gig a few days before christmas but there was a storm and he couldn't get home to Nali :(
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poor nali 😔💔
1. being alone on Christmas Eve
2. fights on Christmas
Denali sat on the cold hardwood floor, his knees tucked to his chest as he watched the storm coat the city in a blanket of white. The usual hustle and bustle of the city outside their window was still and quiet, whether that be the storm or the fact that it was Christmas Eve and everyone but him was spending time with loved ones.
All he had was Rosé, who’d hardly been home for weeks and was now still stuck hours away by plane, the storm meaning no planes were coming in or out of the city, the holiday be damned.
Looking at the small amount of decorations they’d put up in their tiny apartment made Denali sad, his chest aching with loneliness, it reminded him of when he was still stuck at home with his suffocatingly religious family. He remembers one Christmas where he’d snuck away from his house and ended up at Rosé’s, sobbing into his chest about how lonely and terrible he felt. Rosé promised him he’d never feel alone during the holidays ever again. He’d been able to keep that promise up until this year.
Even though it was barely 10, Denali dragged himself to bed, suddenly exhausted from crying and letting his thoughts spiral. There was a shall glimmer of hope in him that sometime in the night Rosé would make it home and fall into bed with him.
He held that hope within him all night until the late morning when he finally let himself let go of that hope as he peeled himself from bed, even though it felt pointless because what else was he supposed to do all by himself on Christmas Day?
Instead of enjoying the day with his partner, Denali layer on the couch, flipping through channels and watching anything but Christmas films, even watching an hour and a half of infomercials at one point because he swore every other channel was playing something Christmassy.
At one point, he’d fallen asleep, woken up by the front door being opened and closed, footsteps coming down the hall into the living room.
“Nali?” Rosé said softly as he entered, finding Denali just blinking awake from his nap.
A mix of emotions flooded him still at once, he felt grateful Rosé was home but he couldn’t help but burst into tears, his frustrations and sadness from the past day and a half coming out all at once.
“Oh, baby, no,” Rosé cooed, rushing to sit beside him on the couch. He had to brush off his hurt when Denali pushed away his hands that reached out to physically soothe him.
“Y-you p-promised me, I-I was alone!” he cried, “you said I’d never be alone on the holidays ever again!”
Guilt turned Rosé’s stomach. He knew the storm wasn’t his fault, but he did know he was cutting it close with taking a gig out of town on the 23rd when the storm had been in the forecast for weeks. Truth be told, he’d felt guilty for a while taking so many out of town gigs. Denali had assured him it had been fine when he was gone on Thanksgiving, but he had a feeling that’s when Denali started to get lonely. It was something they’d talked about when he got cast on Drag Race and they’d both agreed he took the gigs he could get now before they slowed down, though neither of them really understood how many that would be.
“I know, I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry? Is that all you have to say?”
Denali knew deep down he was being unreasonable, but he couldn’t stop his voice from raising and his words from coming out so sharp.
Rosé sighed, his shoulders slumping. “That’s all I can say. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here and that I haven’t been. I know the holidays are hard for you still and I was selfish, I am being selfish. I should have made sure I kept the week free.”
Sniffling and rubbing his eyes, Denali was able to take a deep breath, gather his thoughts and feelings and think. “I-I just miss you. I don’t want to fight.”
“I don’t want to either. I’m sure you’re still upset with me and I know the day’s nearly over, but we could still do Christmas? Or should we start over? Maybe tomorrow’s Christmas instead, I can’t erase yesterday and today but we can start over. Do you still have the stuff you got for me to cook for Christmas Eve dinner?”
“I mean, yeah, I didn’t eat all that myself, but Rosie, you don’t have to do this. We could just have the rest of the evening together. Don’t you have another gig tomorrow?”
Rosé shrugged. “I think I’m coming down with a cold that’s gonna knock me out until after New Years so it really isn’t safe to travel.”
A smile spread across Denali’s face. “Really? You’d do that for me? Cancel your gigs? You really don’t have to.”
Kissing him softly and then resting their foreheads together, Rosé spoke quietly and sincerely. “I’d do anything for you.”
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angelbaby-fics · 4 months
Hiii hun
I just want to ask when u are opening ur request bc u said that u would open them in janurary or februrary
Please dont feel stressed by me now, take ur time <3
i still dont know 💔
i’m gonna use this to write out my thoughts real quickly just to help me think it all out but dont worry i’m not stressed or upset by this message 💕
its just really tricky for me because like i wanna write everything!! and not just because i love my followers and i want to make you guys happy & engage with everyone all the time but also because they’re really great requests!! and i feel so honored to be trusted to bring them to life!!
but then i get so strict with myself, i want to do them all in order so its fair for everybody who requested them, and i dont want to take on new requests until i finish the ones i already have, but then i just end up digging myself into a hole where writing has now become an obligation with a deadline & it just absolutely drains all of the motivation out of me when i approach it that way 😭
i always feel so nervous when i open requests again because on top of feeling guilty for everything that i never got around to writing, i also know that i probably wont be able to fulfill all of the new requests either, and in my brain it gets twisted all around & instead of feeling grateful for all the people who appreciate my work & have ideas for more, my brain just focuses on the future theoretical disappointed people who’s requests i’ll inevitably end up not fulfilling instead of focussing on all the stuff i HAVE been able to and WILL be able to write
and its crazy too because i request from other authors all the time (usually on anon hehe!) and sometimes my requests get written & other times they don’t & i’ve never EVER been upset or frustrated or impatient for it!! and even if others do get upset with me, i have to know that its just not my responsibility to keep everyone on tumblr happy 😅 and if anyone is mean to me, i’ll sic bucky on them 🦾😤
sometimes i forget that this is my PASSION & i start to let it stress me out even worse than my day job which is just silly 😅 i’m a freelance gig-based employee and a full-time disabled adult!! i need to remember that writing requests are not final exams that my life depends on getting a perfect score on 😌💕
idk… all this to say i guess i’ll probably open requests again soon 😅 with this new warning i guess you can call it that not everything can & will be written & thats ok! also never say never! i still go through my old requests from years ago & work on bits of them so you never know!!
i honestly think without putting pressure on myself, it’ll come easier to me, like the way i used to approach fic writing when i had less than 100 followers and i was writing 2 fics per day sometimes (side note there are nearly TWO THOUSAND of you guys now?? oh my gosh???)
ok sorry this is super long!!!! i love y’all & everything is okay 😁💕
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shytastemakerthing · 6 months
heyyy can i get a romantic matchup? ID REALLY LIKE AN ENSTARS ONE but if u dont do those, a twst one is good :3
im kitten, i dont use pronouns (so just use my name). i dont use labels either, but im feminine. im 17 (so nobody younger than me pls!!), currently in IT classes, 162cm, virgo and entp/intp. also 8w9
umm Im a vampirekin and have a strong affiliation w rabbits and cats. i can be really blunt (sometimes i dont mean it sometimes i do) and am pretty aggressive. i love play-fighting w friends and getting into joke arguments nd stuff.
i hate hatee having 2 give advice like I cant deal w ppl venting 2 me. I can b rude Mostly jut since if i dont like you 4 whatever reason Im not going to hide it Im just not going 2 Be nice. Cuz of this I dont get approached a lot bc ppl say i look mad/intimidating a lot!!!
VERY umm bimbo oriented. very clumsy, Very bad memory and attention span, But who cares I love acting cute and acting pretty and stuff. I love cute things tbhgd sm and I just want 2 squeeze. Cute ppl. As a bimbo i still Have my days 💔where im just Depressed man and Thats most days. but i am good at Just Living and Not acting like that..! Tho when im Very bad w mental health I tend 2 just get sick and not leave my bed and just cut everyone off LOLL
Any ways I love fashion and dressing cute and DESIGNING CLOTHES!!!! I love designing plushies and characters and stuff I need like a creative output and I have 34983 ways of that (designing plushies, characters, outfits ect. sewing, vtuber rigging, sculpting, painting, ect). i usually dress in v-kei, gyaru (kogal), ouji and lolita.
i love any love languages recieving tbh Maybe like words of affirmation I need lots of reminding that they R a willing participant of this Relationship. PERSONALLY i lvoe spending time and doing acts of service, im rlly Not an affectionate person so im probably not going to initiate physical contact and Im RLLY bad with words so im not probably going to do words of affirmation either .......
Hmmmm what else I love music. so much different types. breakcore, classical, eurobeat, game osts, pop rock, industrial metal, esp anything super weird and experimental.
jut stuff i likee would be active cities, being clean, good food, nighttime, CATS AND BUNNIES, pigeons<3, (i want to own a pet cat, bunnies and a pigeon lol), collecting things and baking
i DISLIKE dogs (despite being pretty dog-aligned by personality), my room having any sun in it, dirty/messy/gross ppl. i hatee violence sm I get uncomfortable hearing or seeing ppl/animals get hurt Its just gross and scary.
abt relationships ... I will die for my Partner i will straight up Fight someone for them. idc if they r bad person or if They did a crime rlly Thats so girlboss of them . I want to go out a lot on dates and stuff I dont wanna just go to the same places I want 2 explore and go to new places nd stuff. also Ermmm i dont rlly wanna Date someone shorter thn me Like. They just look like a child at that point..
thx :3 sawrry i wrote a lot lolz. lolll tyy So muh
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! Don't worry about it being so long, the more information that I have to work with then the better! It only lets me get even more ideas for a match-up! Speaking of, I do hope that you like yours and enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Ritsu Sakuma
From one vampire to another, you both are quite literally made for each other in that regard. He sees you and he can feel warmth flooding through his ice cold veins, how the moonlight illuminates your figure makes you look just ethereal. He is stunned into silence but soon regains himself and Ritsu can't help but to approach you.
Now given his sleeping patterns, it is a little hard for the both of you to meet up for any kind of outings, these would mostly be happening later in the evening and into the night given his aversion to sunlight, but he manages to work his schedule just right between his unit work and when he sleeps. He will always make time for you.
Another cat lover! Perhaps the both of you would like to go to a cat cafe for one of your dates? It would be something that he would find both enjoyable and relaxing, especially if you get to be there with him.
His schedule is quite busy sometimes given the work he has with his unit, Knights, but if you would like, you could always join him when they have practices and lives. Honestly, the thought of you being in the crowd and cheering him on makes this young vampire smile.
Speaking of his unit, the others absolutely adore you and they protect their own, and given that they now see you as one of their own, they will protect you just as you protect Ritsu. It is what a Knight does, after all.
Ritsu is big on giving you those words of affirmation. He may not be too much of a talker, and he really isn't that down on himself, but he would never want you to be down on yourself. He wants you to know that he is committed to this relationship no matter what it takes.
Overall, two vampires are able to join each other under the light of the moon. It is something that he will always love. With your similar interests and hobbies, it just makes the time that you spend with one another so much better and so much sweeter.
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salehasposts · 7 months
Ok, second edit of my babiesss 💕💕💕
(the amount of storage these two have of my phone, went back and forth for this edit to hurry up, oh well, idm for them)
I don’t care if what anyone says about the song, this song fits them like a glove
“it’s been so long that I haven’t seen your face, I’m trying to be strong but the strength I have is washing away” "Why’d you go? Haven’t seen my girl since then, why can’t it be the way it was cause you were my only lover and friend”
“I just want to hold you, tease you, squeeze you tell you what’s been on my mind” “I can’t lie, I miss you much, watching every minute goes by, I guess I miss you much, till I get you back I’m going to try, guess I miss you much cause you are are the apple of my eye”
“Girl, I miss you much, I miss you much”
“I want you to fly with me, want you to fly, miss how you’re like with me, miss how you’re like, wish you could dine with me, wish you could dine, the one that grind with me, the one that grind”
“ I wanna make up right now, na, na, na I wanna make up right now na, na, na wish we never broke up right now na, na, na we need to link up right now na, na, na”
this line hits hard,
"where you go, where you going, baby?!!!"
i feel like tarrant is SCREAMING this line 😔
poor tarrant, he deserved so much better, so much pain on his face, when stupid Alice left him 2 times and didnt meet his family...
all i can think about is that this song really does show tarrant pain, my heart is broken for him
I can imagine Tarrant singing this song, leaning down, depressed, just singing this song on his tea table, he must be dying without Alice, everyone just watching him heartbroken for him, probably mad at Alice for leaving him 🥺💔
"wish we never broke up right now, na na, na" (broke up, when alice left him in the first one, didn’t care about his heart, his feelings, she just left him, in the AIW and when alice left tarrant AGAIN in ATTLG, they held hands and Alice broke it until she completely went into the mirror and he still held his hand up and looked at it, hoping she would return after she went into the mirror, my poor Tarrant, 😢 so thats what this line means) hope that’s helps
After all these 8 lines really show,
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