#the ways it can be pleasured
allo-frouto · 5 months
It's quite strange that no one ever asked you to do the external part it's so common
Well, I didn't know it as of yet so that justifies it I guess!
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
I think so many people are so deeply alienated from themselves that they have no clue how to exercise their free will and autonomy. For some, this alienation runs so deep that they are afraid of their own autonomy and humanity. It is completely understandable why one would have those feelings, but it can be worrisome.
I want to help others who feel this way, so here are small things I have done to exercise my free will:
Add "guilty pleasure" songs to playlists and actually listen to them (I have a ton of late 1990s-early 2000s music I listen to now proudly that I never listened to in the past out of shame)
Getting the décor item, bath set, bed spread, ect. in the patterns you like, even if it's "childish" (I got a dinosaur-themed wastebasket from the kids' décor section and I adore it)
Taking a new route to get to a place you go to often
Eat dessert first
Celebrate well, and often
Collect things that are "odd" or don't seem like an "acceptable" thing to collect (somebody on my "for you" page collects dandelion crayola crayons and it was so cool!!!!!!)
Incorporate one new piece in an outfit you wear frequently (e.g., a new chain, a necklace, ribbons, bracelets, ect.). Challenge yourself to add onto the outfits if you feel up for it.
Sing along to songs without worrying that you sound "good" or your intonation is completely accurate
Read a book from a genre you weren't allowed to read as a kid (comics, thrillers, mysteries, anything!)
Walk without having a specific destination or goal
Pick up a new craft without expecting yourself to master it or to ever be "good" enough. Get your hands messy.
I don't want to shame anybody for not feeling as though they have free will or that they are exempt from exercising it. However, I wanted to give ideas so that you might read this list and find your own ways to express your intrinsic autonomy and will. You deserve to be a person, to feel alive, not just living. That is what our lives are for.
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E. E. Cummings
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Izutsumi character study
#dungeon meshi#izutsumi#One of my goals for this year was to spend more time doing art studies.#What better way to start than with my favourite danmeshi character (not seen: a whole page of figuring out her features)#I feel like she is by far one of the most poorly understood characters in the series. Partially due to her 'late party member' status.#'She's abrasive and mean' - 'she's a picky eater' - 'she's a catgirl who acts like an asshole cat ' YES and that is the point!#Everyone in dungeon meshi is traumatized and messy about it but izutsumi is just less polite in how she tries to cope.#Izutsumi is a extremely traumatized teenager who has utterly lacked autonomy her entire life.#She is the epitome of a “If I can just have X thing then all my problems will be solved!” character. And the X is 'Freedom'.#Her epilogue was one of the best and wrapped up her character so wonderfully (WARNING: I WILL NOW SPOIL PART OF THE ENDING)#Because she finally gets her freedom! She can go where she wants to and she doesn't need anybody! Yet...it doesn't fix her.#She is so focused on doing only what she wants that she forgets her own needs. Sometimes you have to eat the things you don't want.#And sometimes you have to face the hard truths that you need more than just one thing to make you happy.#Life is not all about only seeking pleasures and avoiding pain. You need to be balanced in order to grow.#Eat your vegetables (including the metaphorical ones: I am eating more art veggies this year by doing art studies!!!)
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wanderer-clarisse · 7 months
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"Mano po."
Pagmamano (Tagalog) - "honouring-gesture;" a sign of respect towards elders
A continuation of sorts, of this other drawing I made of the Feänorians, which was roughly inspired by Filipino culture. I originally planned on completing this for @nolofinweanweek, specifically the first prompt about how Fingolfin and Feänor's families got along, but life got in the way and I didn't finish it in time. More background/my long rambles under the cut:
Pagmamano - touching the back of an elder's hand on one's forehead - is not restricted to family, but it's usually done in the context of elder family members. I have many memories of attending family reunions and being told to follow the other kids to "mano po" a grandfather, aunt, or uncle. While Elves don't have elderly relatives, per se, I thought this image was too fun not to draw. Also, I love envisioning Feänor as that cool uncle who gives the most amazing gifts but like, the kids are intimidated by him, so they have to be told (and supervised) by their parents to line up and greet him properly. Fingolfin's just standing there making sure his kids all greet their uncle. (Maedhros, presumably having already finished his greetings, is sidetracking Fingon.)
All this to say, I think that these guys didn't have the perfect relationship. But. You can't convince me Finwë didn't get the whole family together from time to time on some sort of family reunion camping trip. And Feänor just has to begrudgingly tolerate it because he can't say no to his dad. While the kids, obviously, have a great time.
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sqwdkllr · 14 days
Ouuuuu,,,, I love how you draw Baribal and me and a friend of mine go crazy everytime you post baribal!! So I humbly request the woman ever being spooky,,,,if you want of course!
you are JUST in luck bc i have been thinking about her !! This one drawing is based off the song "Butcher Vanity", bc I'd like to think Baribal's lifestyle would have been heavily influenced from their life in the nether and being "on-the-run" so their taste in food would have to adapt as a result. At least they have another thing in common with the Watcher to bond over !! <3
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rosedom · 3 months
Okay but Ayato being fucked in the ass for the first time while reader uses as many toys on him as possible, like egg vibes on his nipples, a cock ring on him, and to prep him he’s being such a good boy and taking all those beads ☺️☺️☺️
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he'd be such a good boy >< pretty lil' ayato, ass up on the bed—because what other position is easier for a first-timer?—and rubbing his achey nipples into the sheets . . . but i'm also scared to overwhelm our pretty boy, all these new sensations from all different parts of his body at once, each attacking him n' making his endorphins run . . . there is simply so much potential either way !!
unfortunately, i'm not into cockrings ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌ n' besides, heavy orgasm denial's never rlly been my thing, y'know? it really depends. i want my boys to chase their pleasure and get boneless with it ⁠♡
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nastiiuu · 11 months
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I’m rewatching Naruto after years and years and the cringe must be embraced once again
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dictee · 1 year
also like. idk what theyre gonna end up doing in the show re: claudia's death but i can so easily grasp how louis and armand would be so drawn to each other and end up just staying together for over half a century even knowing theyre set up for failure from the start like they both share this immense earthshattering desperate need to be loved but w louis its this combination of masochism and hedonism the desire to be cared for and lavished w attention and also consumed and overwhelmed and ground to dust. and with armand i dont think he wants to obliterate himself so much as he wants transcendent meaning and purpose. so it is actually a very (in the most literal sense) functional relationship where louis gets attention to the point of obliteration and armand gets to exercise his tremendous capacity for giving and louis cannot be too needy and armand cannot be too smothering. Like i understand how they can exist in such perfectly stable symbiosis that theyre in a concrete box a mile above ground with only each other for company for 20 years. theyre meeting each others most essential needs and in doing so have reduced each other to those needs. most successful miserable failmarriage of all time
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Sometimes, I'm sad about the hobbies I have abandoned or have been too intimidated to pick up. But... what good is it, to just beat myself up over that? My bass is sitting in the corner, patiently waiting, and so is everything else. My life isn't over, and I've got nothing to answer to. I'm wading through a sea of time, and I'll pick up the seashells that interest me, and it's okay to put one back in the sand. The current's waves will bring it back to me if that is to be destiny. I can not hate myself into productivity, so I must swim on.
I think the same can apply to anybody. It's okay if you have dropped something, such as a hobby or passion. Human beings are like that sometimes, it isn't reasonable for you to beat yourself into submission. You, too, can not hate yourself into being a well-rounded person. You must cultivate it like you would a garden - with patience, time, and care.
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stonebutchstories · 1 year
Tell Me More
Stone butch submissive top/ Dom butch bottom
Mathilda and Annie have been seeing each other for a while, but Annie has yet to make Mathilda cum. Since she’s never been with a stone before, Annie decides wants to learn about stone pleasure, specifically HER stone’s pleasure, and discover the kind of touch that does the trick.
Cw: penetration with fingers, oral stimulation, degradation, dominance, use of titles (sir/puppy), sexual language, overstimulation
“What are you thinking about?” I ask. Annie looks distant, staring out the second story window at the intersection below. This late at night, I know the streets get dead, so she must just be staring at empty asphalt. She’s been lost in thought the past few times I came over, and I’m starting to worry.
“Hm? Nothing.” She comes to sit next to me on my bed. I’m lying down, relaxing in between rounds. We’ve been at it like rabbits since that campfire, and I always end up taking a breather. I card a hand through her hair.
“Don’t ‘nothing’ me, I wanna know! what have you been thinking about?”
She scoots in beside me, curling herself against my chest. She slipped back into her clothes for a smoke a few minutes ago, and, of course, I never got out of mine. Our hoodie strings tangle together. She smells like Mavericks.
“Just-“ she chews her bottom lip. “Worrying.”
“Why?” I draw her head in closer to my chest, stroking her hair. She has such soft hair, and it calms the both of us.
“I feel like you don’t… like this. As much as me, anyway.”
My brow furrows. “Why would you think that?”
She shrugs. “I dunno, you just don’t… I don’t know.” She rubs her forehead. “Maybe I just don’t understand how you… work?”
“I’m not following.”
“I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever made you cum.” She looks to the side, a little ashamed.
It’s a fair assessment, I haven’t cum during our hookups yet. But that means something totally different to me than it would to someone else.
“Oh, that’s not a big deal! I don’t cum with partners very often. It’s sort of part of the whole stone thing, y’know? It doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying it.”
“I guess, I only have my own frame of reference. If I had been dating someone as long as we-“
My eyes go wide.
“I mean. Seeing. Seeing someone.”
“Right. Right.” I smirk.
Annie’s been insisting we aren’t dating, but she lets it slip every so often. I wonder what she tells our friends about this relationship. I wonder if she uses that word when I’m not there. She may act like she’s too cool for romance, but late at night when I get up to go to the bathroom, she grabs my hand half asleep and says, ‘baby love, please stay.’ It feels decidedly non-platonic. I guess butches have to protect our hearts, but I’m dedicated to finding my way in, however long that takes me.
She clears her throat. “If I’d been seeing someone as long as you have and they never made me cum, I’d probably… I dunno, think less of them.”
“Oh, so, you’re just worried it reflects on you?”
She shrugs.
“Well, that’s a relief. I was worried you were gonna say you found me less attractive because I’m stone.” I kiss the top of her head and sigh. It really is a huge relief.
“What, do people say that?”
I prop myself up on my elbow. “Oh, yes. Very often. I’ve been dumped for being stone more times than I can count.”
“That really sucks, baby. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t dump you like that.” She kisses me on the cheek.
“Well, you couldn’t.” I smirk.
She looks quizzically at me, then it hits her. “Right, because we’re not- right. Got it.”
“Keep forgetting, huh?”
She rolls her eyes and shoves me. “Fuck you, I’m trying to go slow!”
I squeeze her waist tight to me. “Oh, but you just can’t HELP wanting to U-haul with me, you silly lesbo lover boy, you!” I ruffle her hair and she sighs contentedly. “Look at it this way- you’re absolutely my dream butch. I enjoy sex with you more than I’ve ever enjoyed sex with anyone else in my life. I just don’t cum easily. Not your fault. Nobody’s fault, really. And it doesn’t mean I don’t love having sex with you.”
She thinks for a minute. “But… do you want to?”
“You said it’s hard to cum, not that you don’t want to. Do you want to, and I’m just not good at making you feel good enough to?”
“I-“ I stutter. I don’t really think of it that way. “I dunno. I guess I’ve never… I mean, I barely ever came even with other people. I got good at faking it though, once I knew they’d break up with me otherwise.”
She holds my face in her palms. “I don’t want you to fake it. I want you to feel good. If that doesn’t include cumming, that’s fine. If it does, though, I want to know how to do it. And just in general, I want to do things that bring you pleasure at whatever level you’re able to feel it.”
I pause. “I don’t know. You make me cum when I’m by myself pretty often.”
“By yourself?”
I look to the side, embarrassed. “When I’m touching myself, I cum from thinking about you.”
Her breath hitches and she tugs me in closer. “What have you been thinking about, puppy?” The change of name strikes me in my gut. We’re revving up, now.
I squirm. “You.”
“What about me?”
She sits up into my lap and I lean towards her, posture just like the night we first kissed. The memory of it tugs at my heartstrings and makes me throb in the same breath. She weaves the bridges of our noses together, gazing down at my lips. I know she’s thinking about kissing me, but I don’t have permission to lean in on her behalf. I can feel her breath on the nerves of my lower lip. I steel myself.
“How my fingers would feel inside you.”
“Oh?” She leans back, tugging my right arm into her hands. “How would it feel?”
“Um.” I stammer. “Really good.” I’m not as natural at this kind of talk as Annie, but I have my ideas.
“Yeah? You sensitive in your hands?”
I nod. “Very.“
She exhales her question, one eyebrow quirked. I can tell she’s thought of something. “Are you-“ she draws my right hand up parallel to her eyes, holding on by my wrist. “-Ok with this kind of touching?”
My heart hammers in my chest. I nod.
The corners of her mouth twitch up subtly, not giving me the satisfaction of a smile. Annie keeps holding my wrist still with her right hand, but traces with her left pointer from my elbow to my palm. She presses and splays my fingers apart with her own.
“Do you ever cum from the stuff you do? Like, from stuff that isn’t direct?”
I swallow. “You mean my strap?”
Annie lowers my wrist to lean into me closer. She drags her nose up the crook of my neck, chuckling.
“I mean your hands. Can you cum from your hands?”
I shiver. “I- I dunno. I haven’t tried.”
I stammer. “Yeah, um. Cumming from stone stuff is different. It doesn’t just happen on accident. You have to be immersed, I guess.”
“Immersed.” She hums. Her lips graze the shell of my ear. “What does it feel like? Being immersed?”
I feel myself throb. Like that, I wish I could say.
“I have to go slower, but it feels really good. I focus on the touch and somehow I can move the place I feel it. Then it’s like my hand is - mmh-“ Annie is dragging her bottom teeth against my earlobe, firmness making me squirm.
She pauses when I stop speaking.
“Go on, puppy.”
“S-sorry. It makes it feel like my hand is my strap. Or, my dick. It’s all one feeling. And that can make me cum.”
She pulls away. “So, if I touch you like this-“ she drags a finger against my heart line, tracing the deep creases of my palm. My breath hitches, just enough to be noticed, but subtle enough that it’s clear I’m not faking.
“Wow.” Annie’s tonguing her molars, eyes alive with thrill. “That’s what you like, huh puppy?”
My eyes fall to the side. “Yeah.”
“Oh, baby, I don’t mean to embarrass you.” She pauses. “Well, that’s not entirely true. But I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’m just…” Annie touches between the pads of my pointer finger, featherlight and ticklish. I startle in my seat and suppress a moan. “Fascinated. I’ve never been with a stone before. Your body works in such interesting ways.”
I try to laugh. “I don’t know if I’m a good barometer for the standard stone experience.”
“Mmm, I don’t imagine you are. Not that that’s bad.” She traces the pad of her middle finger up my forearm.
“Palms up.” My hands tremble as I right them. Annie sighs. “Oh, very good, puppy.”
I bite back a whine. Annie traces the lengths of my forearms, stopping before the sensitive tendons on my wrist. My thighs tense and relax in a way that makes her bounce on my packer. Every feeling she gives me is a good one. She taps gently and works up and down, making the hairs there stand on end. “How is that?”
I squeeze my eyes shut and chuckle. “Hah. That’s- it’s stupidly good.”
She hums. “You’re so easy to work up.” Annie leans in and kisses my neck softly. My knees part on their own, letting her hips sink down further into my bulge. “Do you like being easy? Does it turn you on to be such a whore?”
“Annie, please.”
“Tell me more about how I’d make your fingers feel. When you’re inside.” As she speaks she brushes up the length of my pointer and ring fingers. Her touch travels up the nerves, along the veins. Proximal, middle, distal. One and then the next. With my eyes closed, I feel it in my cock.
“I don’t know how to describe it, it’s um. It’s soft. You-“ I pant. “You like to talk a lot. And make me talk.”
Annie hums, patting smooth my lapels. “Keeps us where were supposed to be. Do you not like it?”
“I don’t mind it, I just sound stupid when I try to talk dirty.”
Annie smiles into my skin. “Yeah, kinda. You ever consider that’s what I like about it? Hearing you mindlessly stumble over your words, trying to explain how good it feels to be fucking me?”
She rocks herself down into my hips. I want my hands inside her so badly.
“It’s soft.” I offer my best.
She draws my wrists towards her mouth, leaning in close. I can feel the heat of her cheek in my skin, and she parts her lips to whisper into the flat of my palm.
“Soft?” Her sibilance resonates across the nerves of my hand. I can feel the warmth of her breath. I gasp and pant.
“And warm.”
“Mmm.” She drags her lower lip up my heart line, breathing into me. Her teeth don’t touch my skin, but I’m orbited by my awareness of them, and of the soft wet fullness of her lips dragging up my splayed palm- fuck, she is so hot. “How warm?”
“Like, I can feel the blood rushing to it. And I can feel your pulse getting faster in it, too.”
“Faster where?” I can see the fingers of Annie’s free hand stroking over the fly if her jeans. “Here?”
I bite my lip. Her ring finger makes slow circles.
“Do those words embarrass you, puppy? I want to hear you say them.” I can feel the tip of her nose drag down my open palm as she speaks, hot breath continuously alarming the sensitive nerves in my hands.
I stumble in my confidence. Part of it is that there are a lot of words to use, and butches are always particular. I don’t want to say the wrong thing and upset Annie. And also, maybe she’s right, I’m a little embarrassed to say this out loud. But it is an exercise in her control- she puts fingers and objects and gags in my mouth as she sees fit, so why not a word too? She returns my attention to her movement, pressing a breath into the crease of my ring and pointer fingers.
“Which words would you like me to use?”
She traces the horseshoe of my jawline back and forth, scratching the patchy hairs on my chin. “Funny boy. I know you like the taste of cunt in your mouth. Say it. Where do you feel my pulse?”
I swallow. “I- like feeling your pulse in your cunt, sir.”
She tuts and shakes her head. “I don’t know here you keep getting this ‘Sir’ thing from, but it’s growing on me. I don’t know if I’d have more fun letting you say it or trying to break your habit.”
I whine and tilt back my head. Motherfuck.
She takes my diverted attention as a chance to drag her tongue up my forearm. Neither of us expects my reaction to be so intense. I nearly buck her off my lap. The shock of it overwhelms me, and I feel all the muscles in my body contract and glitter with tactile aftershocks. I moan so hard it comes out as almost a scream. She shushes me reassuringly and I try to pant my way back down to even breath. My hips buck into her in arhythmatic pathetic thrusts.
“Aww, puppy, too much? Is it too sensitive?”
It kind of is, but I don’t want her to stop. I wrap my free arm feebly around her waist.
“Jesus Christ.” I sob, pressing my forehead into hers.
“Did I hurt you? It kinda of sounded like it hurt.” She wipes tears from my cheek that I hadn’t noticed falling.
I shake my head, sweat plastering us together. My breathing has returned enough to string together a semblance of a sentence.
“Just- feels so. Fucking. Much.” I heave. “ ‘needa minute.”
“Aww.” She scratches my shaved sides affectionately. “You’re so sensitive, it’s adorable, puppy.” She caresses my face in her hands.
I lean the two of us back on the bed, my ab strength stuttering as we lower. I can feel the corners of the room tilting us in all directions. Sometimes, when it’s really good, I get this kind of vertigo, but it’s never happened from just touch like this. She lies down on my chest, stroking my hair.
We take a little break, and Annie does her best only to touch me where I have clothes on. Just my skin on hers feels a little too electric, and every time she brushes up against my arms by mistake my whole body contracts and I bury my face into her collarbone.
“Hah. Sorry.” I chuckle embarrassedly when my thoughts start to return.
“No, baby, I just wanna make sure you feel good. You don’t have to be sorry.” She kisses me on the cheek, just under my eye, and wraps her arms around me.
I sigh, still a little floaty, but not so overwhelmed.
“Can I- um. Have some more?” I feel my face go flush, and I extend my hand towards her mouth. She eyes me up and down and grins deviously.
“Say ‘please, sir.’”
I clear my throat. “Please, sir. Can I h-“
Annie cackles. “Oh my god. You actually said it. You little homosexual Oliver Twist.” She punctuates each sentence with a deep tongue kiss.
I get even redder, somehow. I wrap an arm under Annie’s waist and flip her under me, kissing back even harder and laughing. “Oh, fuck you. You made me so horny I forgot about Oliver Twist.”
“Who could forget! Who could forget that tragic little orphan twink?”
I swallow her laughter with our tongues and mouths pressed close together, and feel it kindling the fire between us. She crosses her ankles over my back and tugs me in, switching off between giggles and moans. I feel so soft and silly and sweet with Annie- vulnerable in a way I’ve never been able to be before. Being butch is sometimes a matter of projecting a persona. Only she has ever made me feel safe to drop that persona, and put the trust of my life and my body in her hands. For some reason, the fact that she doesn’t take that deathly seriously makes me feel at ease. We can be lighthearted and funny. We can take breaks when it’s too much. I love being here with her and letting her take the reins, knowing full well she’ll only ever lead me where we both can feel free and fulfilled. She pulls away, hips still gyrating into me as she speaks.
“I can’t lie, puppy, it really turns me on that I can fuck you so hard you cry.” She smiles darkly.
I bite my lip. “Mmh. Me too.”
“And I think I like this, if this is how I make you cum. We can definitely do this more often.”
I throb. “I’d like that, sir.”
Annie doesn’t correct me. She takes my hand in hers, gently, looking to me for approval. I nod, and she returns to her work, exhaling hot breath up and down my forearm where her wet tongue left a mark.
“Mm- I want you inside, puppy. I wanna make you cum while you’re inside.” She whispers in a sultry voice as her mouth travels up my forearm.
“Fuck. Fuck, I wanna cum inside you, too. Please.”
She presses the flat of her tongue at my wrist, just to feel my body bear down into hers. As my muscles tense and thighs clench, I feel her hips rutting into me.
“You get so- so worked up when I touch you.” She’s stammering her way through moans, speaking into the skin of my hand as she licks and sucks it. “Do you even realize you’re grinding your cock against me?”
“Annie.” I grip her waist hard into mine, rocking my hips back and forth. “Let me. Please.”
“I bet you don’t. I bet you’re too empty and horny from being touched, and you can’t even tell how good you’re fucking me.” She’s right. I’m so fucking empty and I don’t care how my body moves or voice trembles, I want my fingers inside of her. I wanna cum. I wanna make her mine.
She keeps on task, half-praising-half-mocking me even as my hips grind into hers faster and faster. I start to find a rhythm with my thrusts, imagining I was lining up my oversensitive fingers with her dripping cunt, breaching her one at a time and feeling that hot tightness surrounding each nerve. I could feel her pulse, her wetness, her softness, everything I love. The way her body contracts around mine. She’d murmur instructions in my ear, telling me I’m a good worthless little puppy boy. How I’m hers. How my hips would press my own wrist further and further in, back of my hand and front of my packer between us for me to helplessly rut against. God, I would cum in her so deep.
She coils a hand through my hair, tugging my head up to inspect it. I let her observe her full of me, sweating, stammering, and moaning. Brows knit as I concentrate on holding back my orgasm. I have to wait. I need to feel her inside. I have to feel it.
“Please.” I barely make a sound, shaking from exertion.
She roughly grabs my wrist, ignoring the hypersensitivity and licks up my palm with the broad end of her tongue.
My body reacts explosively. I sob and moan, legs clenching together and trembling fiercely. She was smart to grab my wrist so roughly, because my body tries to retract it away on its own, trying desperately to restrain myself from cumming. She keeps going, as my fingers seize and curl, sucking and flicking her tongue over my pointer and ring fingers. In this backwards stone way that only we understand, she’s go giving me head. And I can barely hold on as she edges me.
“Oh, god- oh, god, Annie- Fuck-“ I stammer. My abdominal muscles are contracting so tightly it feels like they’re going to pop. I can feel my boxers getting soaked through, my soft packer sliding up and down the length of me with each stuttering thrust.
She pauses, voice breathy and deep. “Getting your cock nice and wet for me. You ready?”
I can’t even answer with words, and I don’t try. I just moan for her.
“Go ahead, then.” She yanks me by the hair close to her, face to face. She revels in the tears and the flush and the panting. “Fuck me.”
I throw myself from her grasp and yank her by the belt loops ferociously to meet our waists. I cant wait any more, I have to fuck her. And I have my instructions now. I waste no time taking her jeans and boxers off and sliding my fingers in.
I growl when I’m all the way in. It feels like I’ve been imagining, like I’ve begged to get the chance to feel. God. Annie is so good. I press my hand further with my waist, the way I learned to fuck with my hips before I got a strap. It feels basic, primal- the kind of fucking you do when you weren’t planning and packing. The kind of fucking you do when harness be damned, you need to be inside her. Her cunt makes a squelching noise as her back arches completely off the bed. Sometimes it’s nice to see your sexy dom top butch at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the sensation you give. Pride in that look overwhelms me. I know I’m fucking her good, so I fuck harder.
“O-oh my god-“ she grabs my belt loops, pulling me as deep as my hands can possibly go. I curl my fingers gently against her g spot and her mouth flies open. She gasps so beautifully. For as much as she likes to whisper dirty talk into my ear, when I’m fucking her she just wants to moan.
I plant myself face first into her dripping needy cunt, because it’s not enough to just touch her. I need to taste and feel and hear her too. I need to be overwhelmed by the sensation of her.
“Fuck- Mattie-“
She never uses my name. I kind of love it. I pull her down further on my fingers by her shoulder. I may be a bottom, but I spent enough years stone topping to be incredibly gifted in this arena.
She whines and moans. “God, you’re fucking me so good, yes- yes-“ she wraps an arm around the base of my wrist and pumps it up and down, stroking my sensitive forearm in a way that makes my brain short circuit. With focus I can change where I feel sensation in my body, but I have no focus right now. I feel it fucking everywhere. Every nerve in my body is a s tender and electric as my cock right now, and the way she grabs me, pulls me, coats my tongue, clenches down on me- it all feels like I’m being fucked.
I flutter my two fingers, the tip of my ring finger grazing the back of her cervix. God, I’m in so fucking deep. She pulls my hair and whines.
“God, yes- fuck-“
I suck on her clit hard, tasting that tart and almost metallic wetness dripping from her. It tastes different from the rest of her cunt, tastes like getting closer and closer. Fuck, I get lost in the feeling of her on my mouth, now, too. A little stiff and so velvety and soft, she wants it so bad. Her thighs clamp against the sides of my head, smooth soft hairs brushing my neck and shoulders. Every nerve in my body is alive. I can feel it all. The room spins faster ever second.
“Fuck- baby- Ah-“ She pants, voice high and breathy in that way she only is when she’s at her limit. God she sounds so fucking hot.
I press my forehead into her soft belly, feeling the thump of my fingers inside her and the wetness drip from my mouth. “I’m gonna cum inside you baby.”
She goes rhapsodic, screaming please-please-please as she throws back her head and thrashes her spent body around me. I brace down against her hard, feeling her walls contract and throb as her orgasm overtakes her. Fuck. Fuck-
I wrap my arm around her back and pull her even further into me. I need to cum inside her so fucking deep. Oh my god. My body trembles. I’m full of electricity. My body is glittering at every touch and noise and- fuck. My hips and my packer and my fingers and my mouth, all of it cums at once.
The room is all the way upside down when I hear her voice again, gently cooing “Breathe, puppy.”
I try, unaware I had stopped. I’m gulping down shallow breaths of cool air. When did the room get so cold? Why is it spinning around the axis of the beautiful, wonderful butch who just made cum so hard I cried?
Annie is stroking my hair. I had finished with my face down at her hips, so I look up at her from where I’m lying.
“Hi.” She smiles. “You okay?”
I give a limp thumbs up. I’m still passed out on her bare skin, but way too out of it to move on my own. She drips off my chin.
She scratches my cropped hair just behind my ear. “You’re so cute. You get so stupid when you cum.”
“Uh-uh” I shake my head, bonking her bare thigh. “M’ stupid before I cum, too.”
Annie laughs, dragging my towards her for lots of little kisses. I flip myself over onto my back. I prefer my partner to be lying on me, the pressure of their body just feels nice that way. She snakes our legs together.
“You’re so haaandsome. You got cum all over you but you’re still so haaaaansome.” She nuzzles her forehead into my shoulder. Such a sap, this guy. Would never have guessed from all the academic posturing and tough butch persona.
I roll my eyes. I’ve never been good at taking compliments. “You too.”
“Hey, um. Matt.” She hides the bottom of her face in our mess of arms and hair and body.
“Can we be dating now?” She looks away, embarrassed.
“Aw, we’re you waiting to make me cum to ask me?” I kiss the bridge of her nose. “We have been. I was waiting for you to notice.”
She buries her face completely in my chest. “So are you my boyfriend, then?”
“Woah! Whatever happened to taking it slow? That skips like, two steps in one!” I kiss her forehead, grinning.
“I meant what word do you prefer.”
“Still, though. That’s a bigger commitment than dating.”
“Well maybe I’m tired of not being committed to you. Maybe I just like you a whole stupid lot. And I want you to be my girlfriend. Or boyfriend. Or partner I guess. As long as you’re not anybody else’s.”
“Boyfriend.” I smile. “Boyfriend works for me.”
We fall asleep there, and when I get up later in the night she doesn’t have to pretend to be asleep when’s he says ‘baby love, please stay.’ And so I stay.
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godstrayed · 7 days
After some consideration my blog is going to be transitioning to private / mutuals only. I’ll probably be considerably more picky with who I write with and it will only be things I enjoy. I don’t want to come off as an asshole but I don’t have the time or energy for anything but stuff I genuinely am interested in or enjoy.
That being said, if something doesn’t work out I’m always open to trying something else! I’ll still be open to plotting and new threads but only interested in continuing those things if they’re interesting or unique to me. I’m not really a big fan of casual threads that don’t go anywhere – if that makes any sense! :)
If anyone has questions, concerns or needs clarification feel free to dm me. ✨ Soon I’ll update my rules with a more coherent version of this. For the most part, the people I usually and consistently write with are likely to be unaffected as we already have a repertoire and I clearly enjoy the interactions. For anyone else I’m more than happy to try to find something we can both enjoy and work with! (Probably just requiring more plotting than winging it so I know what direction we’re headed and stuff!)
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sucresanguine · 2 years
David Cronenberg is actually the only film maker who understands sex
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 7 months
it might be because I'm aroace and can't help but project on my favorite little pookie bears 24/7 but like....
not platonic kunidazai, just like, they're dating but they don't have sex, they don't want sex, it's not something that comes up cause they just mutually have their reasons to not want/need it.
and that's not to say they're never intimate with one another, it's just that their intimacy is different. to them, intimacy is taking naps in each others arms, no bandage's, just a blanket and each other's embrace. intimacy is Kunikida washing Dazai's hair while they sit tangled up on the floor of the tub. intimacy is kissing each other so so softly, over scars and marks and phantom pains, over bad memories and pleasant reminders. Intimacy is sharing a cup of coffee in the office. intimacy is mending each other's wounds. intimacy is skin on skin, trusting one another not to hurt, not to take, not to use. Intimacy is talking long into the night, close enough to hear the faintest of whispers, talking about life, their pasts, their fears, their aspirations.
it's all intimacy to them, they don't need sex. one doesn't need it and one doesn't want it ever again, and that's fine, they find their own ways to share that vulnerable space both crave to fill.
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came by advice on this webbed site on how to ease penetration and this girl was like oh no pls help i will NEVER be able to have sex or be happy. and i just need us as a society to teach young women that penetration isn't necessary to have sex. maybe you'll never fit a dick or a dick shaped object inside of you. that isn't a requirement for good sex. you can still have a satisfying sex life (if your partners are normal abt it which i'd hope they are). please please please repeat after me penetration isn't necessary for female pleasure
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