#the winchesters 01x11
duaghterofstories · 1 year
John and Mary having a good relationship with Dean but only brcause he traveled into another time period in another universe, is the funniest concept.
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Has Castiel Appeared in The Winchesters?
2/21/2023: no
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soulonoscopys · 2 years
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"I'm proud of you, Sammy"
this scene is so dear to me. dean probably has never heard that growing up, heck even sam didn't hear it. dean models after john so fervently in the first seasons, and the entire way he has been socialized to emotions is through john's tough love approach. and yet here dean is - after his younger brother disobeyed their father and left him, dean tells sam that he's proud of him, that he sees him
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ldrmas · 2 years
Ya know what the main problem of putting jericho and spn together is that they have very different lighting packages and I’m not professional enough to balance them out lolz. 
Again the idea of Cop Gabriel and Hunter/”Criminal” Sam that just wouldn’t leave me alone!
So basically think of it as Sam being caught but Gabe knows he has to transfer Sam to the next town because that is the next big city that wants him. Or something along those lines. Obliviously it’s just them two there. Of course Sam is like look if you take me now whatever is happening in your town will keep happening unless you let me go.  Gabe is of course not knowing what he should believe. Then Sam is like “Look say you shot me and I’ll escape on my own!”  Gabe: “I’m not shooting Anybody!”  Sam: Then believe me when i say it’s my job to save this town, you gotta let me go.  Gabe in the last frame; ‘Oh I’m so getting fired.’ 
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orpheustiel · 1 year
i'm rewatching 01x11 you've got a friend and lol this lata storyline is so..... there's nothing there? it's almost funny. her WORST MEMORY the thing that's making the bracelete KILL her and carlos is that...she feels compassion? empathy? that her parents sucked? the way lata's acting like this is the worst thing ever doesn't really match the story.
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aborddelimpala · 3 years
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@deangenchallenge | September 2021 | Fall
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green-blue-heller · 2 years
SPN rewatch with the kiddo.
Episode 1x11
“Dean, why you so gay?”
She’s 15 and 11 episodes in. Lol. 😂
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duaghterofstories · 1 year
Fucking Clowns. Of fucking course. Because what Supernatural show is complete without an evil clown episode.
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hunterize · 5 years
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It’s Halloween, man!
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laf-outloud · 3 years
SPN 01x11 Scarecrow
It's interesting how knowing future events can influence how you see old episodes. There's so much to unpack in this one. Read below for my thoughts on the characters and motivations in this episode.
John Winchester: In his call with Sam we find out he knows what killed Mary and Jessica was a Demon. This is the first we know if it and it seems to me he's recently come into this knowledge. He specifically tells Sam that he can't be a part of this. Does he know Sam is on the demon's radar? Missouri told him back on Home that his boy has power, but later in the season, he admonishes them for not telling him about Sam's power. How much does he actually know?
Dean Winchester: We really see the conflict between Sam and Dean with Sam's question everything and Dean's obey everything personalities. But even Dean admits later on that he wishes he could be more like Sam in that regard. More importantly, we see that struggle to hold onto Sam when Sam decides to leave for California. You can see how much he doesn't want that and it lends itself beautifully to the notion that when first picking him up from Stanford, Dean stood outside his dorm for hours. Dean is very dependent on his family and with his Dad MIA, Sam's all he's got. However, he realizes that he needs to allow Sam his freedom and is willing to let him go. Was he so willing when Sam went to Stanford? I would say not simply because Dean's speech in Scarecrow surprised Sam.
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Sam Winchester: This episode really cements Sam's motivations that carry through the entire series. When John calls, his focus is on getting revenge, hunting the demon that killed Jessica. He refuses to obey John and is frustrated by John's willingness to leave him out. He's also quite willing to leave Dean behind and go his own way. He's done this before when he went to Stanford, though that was for an independent, normal life. This time, it's for revenge. In the call with Dean in the bus station, though, Sam realizes that Dean's letting him go. He's given that autonomy from his family that I don't think he ever had before. It helps him realize what's actually important and we get this gem of a conversation with Sam embracing the hunting life for the very first time. He continues to embrace it throughout the entire series as long as Dean is with him.
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(Because I'm terrible finding GIFs, I'll just put this in text, though if someone has it, please share!)
Dean: So, can I drop you off somewhere?
Sam: Nah, I think your stuck with me.
Dean: What made you change your mind?
Sam: Still wanna find Dad, and you're still a pain in the ass, but Jess and Mom, their both gone. Dad is God knows where, you and me, we're all that's left. So, uh, if we're gonna see this through, we're gonna do it together.
Bonus (for all you wincesties out there):
Dean: Hold me, Sam, that was beautiful.
Sam: You should be kissing my ass...
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Final notes: This is our first introduction to Meg. She seemed to playing the long con, but her conversation at the end confused me because she talks about how she could 'take both of them out'. We know that's not what's supposed to happen, so I'm not entirely clear on her marching orders.
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seaside-writings · 3 years
Watching one of my favorite episodes of Supernatural.
I know “Scarecrow” is one of the slower episodes and it’s more a filler than anything, but I love the concept!
The idea of an entire town worshiping an evil Scarecrow and sacrificing not just people they deem outsiders but their follow townsfolk is just horrifying, in my opinion.
Not to mention I love the creepy orchard that it takes place in.
I’m not gonna lie it’s a little creepier to me since Luke and I live in a little town. Not that little, of course, but still hits  a little close to home lol.
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saltyhuntress · 4 years
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Sam Winchester
► 01x11 ─ Scarecrow
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aborddelimpala · 3 years
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May 13th | Supernatural + Apple pie for Apple Pie Day
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Parallels Scarecrow and Carry On
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You’ve always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad. And you always have. Hell, I wish I—anyway….I admire that about you. I’m proud of you, Sammy.
Spn 1x11 Scarecrow
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I'm so proud of you, Sam. You know that? I've always looked up to you. Man, when we were kids, you were so damn smar... smart. You never... You never took any of dad's crap. I never knew how you did that.
Spn 15x20 Carry On
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duaghterofstories · 1 year
Carlos and Lata being best friends is my favorite thing in this.
And Carlos is right. Lata’s parents might as well be dead. They should be dead, and they’re dead to us.
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I'm currently rewatching season 1 of Supernatural and not for nothing, but I'm so shipping Sam/Meg in Scarecraw...
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Like, they are so cute.
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