#then i find weird food facts that i’ve never seen before
Hey, I was wondering if you could do a Chesshire reader x yandere demon slayers were they're out on a mission and come across demon reader and after the demon slayer sees the demons skill they want them but before they can get the reader, they vanished so now the slayers are after the reader on a search for them
(You don't gotta do this,I know it sounds weird but I thought of it and since I suck at writing I thought you could write it Please?)
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Cheshire Demon Reader | Yandere Demon Slayer
You are like Tamayo, acting on your own from Muzan Kibitsuji. With a smile as wide as the crescent moon you can easily make yourself disappear long before the drop of a hat. Something you seem to use in order to avoid others from apprehending you both against demons and their slayers. You’re akin to a mischievous yokai that simply appears to mildly inconvenience the townspeople, who are probably well aware of you. But when confronted about you they just shake their heads and wave their hands–”Ah them? They're no problem, just a sneaky yokai that likes to play tricks but when it counts they’ve got our backs.” 
And you do, enough to attract the attention of the demon slayers whose targets are no longer existent. Wondering who or what is killing these demons that have been so hard to track down. Only to find your smiling visage disappearing into the dark of the night:
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Kyojorou Rengoku
He’s been put on a mission to catch a demon on the run
Eating people and destroying the remaining lives in its wake
So he arrives greeted by the people who both curse and rumor about Cheshire (Y/n)
And when night hits he finds a civilian in distress 
Only to be seconds behind at the flick of your disappearing tail 
The demon is subdued and he can only look at the demon pleading to die
“Oh, flame guy! Don’t you have the sword that’ll kill that thing? Go ahead, I wanna see what it looks like to die that way.” “OF COURSE! I PLAN TO! BUT WHY HELP ME?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He’s persistent 
And he decides to keep finding out more about you
“Why don’t you make like a tree and leave flame boy?”
He loves you for your willingness to protect the humans around you
He doesn’t mind your mischievousness 
But he’d appreciate it if you weren’t so slippery to catch
“COME DARLING! There is no reason to run! I have no plans to eliminate you. IN FACT IT’S QUITE THE OPPOSITE!”
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Tanjiro Kamado
Same mission 
He’s led by the scent of the demon
Only to catch another
It smells like Ms. Tamayo except its more curious
“Well well, who is this young sprout? I’ve never seen you before, what’s your name?”
You meet him earlier on 
He probably doesn’t realize you're a demon though
Instead blushing at just the way that you are 
Completely unaware of the way you’ve stolen his food
“Huh!? I just had it?”
“Ah, it must have been (Y/n).”
“Yeah, they’ve been awfully curious about newcomers as of late.”
 He doesn’t mind it until he’s getting slapped around by the demon
Ready to pull out all the stops until you intervene
Saving his life and further making him fall in love with you
“Awww don’t get your kimono in a twist baby Tanjiro.”
It takes some time away when he decides to pursue you
You’ve broken away from Muzan so it's a given that he should want to know more about you
Don’t mind the weird bets he tries to instigate with you 
“I-I-I’ll have you marry me! If I win you have to marry me!”
“Whoa whoa, that’s hilarious little boy…Let’s do it.”
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Iguro Obanai
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to kill you, now.”
“Oh, will you then–!” 
You’ll have a blast with him
He’s such an antisocial outcast he’s perfect prey for your antics
He’s such a downer the townspeople are slow to inform him about your reputation
“Stop! Stop moving!”
“Ha ha okay.”
“No wait–don’t!” 
He gives up on killing you 
When you interrupt him again 
It’s to bring an end to the demon
And he quiets the attraction that bubbles in him when you terminate the demon
“Why…why would you save the people? As a demon.”
“ Don’t know. It’s fun here. And I won’t stand for anyone disrupting that.”
He figures he can take you 
After all, they let that stubborn kid keep one
Why can��t he?
“Just come with me and I’ll stop bothering you.”
“Hahaha, that’s hilarious. Why would I stop now!? This game of cat and mouse is one I’m quite good at!”
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suashii · 3 months
FRI(END)S — some suggestive fluff for suna :p
your alarm hasn’t gone off yet, your eyes haven’t opened yet, but you’re awake.
and something feels… strange.
when you finally peel your eyelids back, you’re met with another pair—gray and sharp—staring back at you. the unexpected sight makes you suck in a startled breath. you almost question what suna’s doing under the covers on the usually unoccupied side of your bed before memories from last night rush back. the line between friends and something more has officially been blurred.
“why are you staring at me?” you pull the blanket up to your chin to cover yourself, as if suna hadn’t seen much more than your naked collarbone only a few hours ago. “it’s creepy.”
a grin tugs at his lips. it’s familiar and makes the tension in your shoulders dissipate, if only a little. “i thought people liked being watched while they sleep. it’s romantic or something.”
you shake your head. “it’s not when it’s you.”
he chuckles and stretches his arms above his head, groaning with the action. he doesn’t seem to care about his skin being on display as he lets the comforter rest at his hip. “fair enough.”
silence blankets your room. the sunlight peeking in from the sheerness of your curtains lights up suna’s skin, casting its golden rays on the blank canvas. except, it’s not blank. there’s a mole on his chest and a small scar on his ribs, neither of which you’ve ever seen before. never had a reason to, you suppose. 
his voice, still thick with sleep, cuts through the tranquil air. “did you know that you snore?”
“i do not.” you frown and your fingers twitch with the urge to flick his forehead or pinch his arm but touching him, even in a friendly, jesting manner, feels like it isn’t allowed. so you keep your arm at your side.
“you do, i heard you. don’t worry, it’s cute.”
you’re not sure if it’s the way he keeps insisting that you snore or the fact that he called you cute like it was nothing, but the blanket over you suddenly feels suffocating—heavy and too hot on your warming skin. it forces your arm out into the cool air of your apartment and you find it impossible not to kick him in annoyance.
“shut up,” you mumble as suna laughs. he’s having too much fun with this. to see him this energetic in the morning is odd. “why are you even awake right now? i thought you slept until noon on off days.”
he shrugs. “kind of weird sleeping in someone else’s bed, i guess.”
it’s a relief to hear that suna finds at least part of this situation foreign. you’re both dancing around the subject, not bringing up what happened last night and how that changes things, but you’re in the same boat. 
no matter how, you’re sure you’ll figure things out—together.
“do you want breakfast?”
suna nods enthusiastically at the mention of food. it makes you smile for the first time this morning as you move to get out of bed. though, as quickly as you do, you stop. “turn around so i can put some clothes on.”
“i’ve already—”
you point a finger at him. “don’t you dare say it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“fine, fine.” he raises his hands in surrender before he rolls onto his other side, all while fighting the stupid grin pulling at his lips.
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inspired by v's new song fri(end)s :3
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mamamittens · 5 months
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Thatch +18 AU End)
As requested on AO3 by snowflakebeads and likely someone else I can't remember. AU end for Oh, Sweet Child of Mine.
Thatch X GN!Reader
Warnings: Yandere/obsessive/possessive behavior, marathon sex, aphrodisiac, dubious consent, unprotected sex, oral (reader recieving), food play, creampie, and cock warming.
Word Count: 2,533
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Thatch had been suspiciously eager to try out a new recipe. Insistent, in fact, that it be a bonding moment for the both of you.
It was weird because from how he described it, it just seemed like a chocolate cake. He did allude to a ‘secret’ ingredient but besides that… yeah. Just a chocolate cake. You glared at him as he cozied up to your side to beg for an afternoon with him. Arm thrown over your shoulder as he whined about feeling ‘neglected’.
“You spend so much time with Ace and Marco~! You’ve gone and left poor old me behind! Can’t you spare just a few hours for a lonely man?” Thatch begged softly.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Maybe if you weren’t being so weird, I would.” You hissed, poking his side only to receive a light jerk away from you. Thatch pouted. “Why now suddenly? You weren’t so ‘neglected’ yesterday.” You added with clear suspicion. Thatch grimaced sheepishly.
“Well…” He started. “I just got in a new ingredient that would be just the thing! And I wanted to try it with you!” You stared at him for a long moment.
He… seemed sincere. And he’d always been a little weird about spending time with you. It couldn’t be too bad or Marco would have came over to smack him for being pushy.
“…Fine.” Thatch lit up, grabbing your hand and pressing it to his cheek.
“Great! Meet me in the kitchen after dinner! We’ll bake a cake together!” Thatch cheered. You smiled wearily at him, still suspicious of his motives.
What kind of secret ingredient could he have been waiting for?
Guess you’d… find out?
The entire dinner that afternoon, Thatch kept looking over to make sure you were still there. Ignoring the teasing he received from his fellow chefs and, occasionally, Ace.
“I’ve never seen him this excited before.” Ace laughed. “What are you guys even doing? I heard he’d made his division clean up after themselves more than usual to make sure the kitchen was clean early.”
You frowned at that.
“Honestly? We’re baking a cake? I don’t know why he’s making it so weird though.” You mused. Ace lit up, looking excited. “Don’t even think about it. I just know he’d kick your ass for ‘intruding on our bonding time’.” You laughed as Ace pouted.
“Aw, come one! I’d take just a spoonful! You’d never know it was dirty, I swear!” Ace whined and you jumped as a warm hand fell onto your shoulder firmly.
“ACK!” You spun around to find Thatch standing there with a wide grin.
“Not a chance in hell! Maybe next time~!” Thatch denied Ace instantly with a strange gleam in his eye.
“Ah, that time already?” You asked and Thatch nodded.
“Yep. C’mon, we’re going to my personal kitchen. It’ll be over an hour before they finish cleaning the main one.” Thatch commented. You frowned.
“You have a personal kitchen?” You asked and Thatch laughed.
“Yeah, for testing recipes when I can’t trust some people to not interrupt or sneak some away. Thick door that locks and everything!” Thatch declared.
Well, with hungry bastards like Ace, you supposed some extreme measures needed to be taken when it comes to food.
The ‘personal kitchen’ was pretty deep in the ship. Closer to the storage areas than any main living quarters. And a ways off from the main kitchens. Definitely not somewhere you end up by accident if you want food. The promised door indeed thick and with a heavy lock.
Thatch slipped a key from around his neck and opened it for you, locking it back behind him before stowing away the key.
This kitchen was fairly reasonable in size. More like one you’d find in a house than one meant to feed the insane amount of people on board. Big enough for maybe four cooks to move around in and brush shoulders but that was about it. An array of ingredients already laid out, including a jar of thick, rose gold liquid.
“Ah, that your ‘secret ingredient’?” You asked, approaching the clear jar. “I was wondering what a chocolate cake could be missing… mixed honey?” You picked it up, the heavy glass jar plucked from you hands.
“Oop! No, no! No touching! Took a long time to get my hands on this beauty! It is honey, though. Specialty honey from near a particular harvest of flowers. Changes the flavor profile quite a bit.” Thatch declared proudly.
“Ah… what kind of recipe for chocolate cake calls for honey though?” You asked.
“Honey cake, of course!” Thatch declared. “Now, onto the mixing while the oven preheats!”  Thatch handed you a bowl and dumped mix into it along with eggs and a very cautious measurement of honey. Dutifully, you mixed it.
“No sugar?”
“Nope! That’s what the honey is for!” Thatch cheered, watching as you mixed it all together.
“You know, this is a pretty simple task. Are you sure you even needed me for this?” You asked as the dry mix turned into a thick sludge.
He laughed.
“Well, it’s about an hour of time with you until we can enjoy a nice dessert to ourselves!” Thatch shrugged.
He had a point. If it was so hard to get the honey, it would likely be impossible to make this cake for the whole crew.
“Thanks for inviting me then, I guess.” You sighed, your arms starting to ache. Thatch plucked it from you and set it onto the counter, pulling out the cake pans. He spread butter on them and distributed the thick mixture equally.
Barely fifteen minutes and they were in the oven to bake. Thatch must have been desperate for bonding time if baking a cake is all he could think of.
“Well, are you ready for the best part?” Thatch asked coyly, presenting the mixing bowl and two spoons.
“Isn’t that how you get salmonella?” You asked as you took a spoon with a smile.
“Haven’t gotten sick yet!” Thatch countered, scraping a spoonful of chocolate batter, but his eyes were on you as you tasted it.
It was delicious, of course. Sweet and rich from the chocolate. An odd, warm and tangy after taste that reminded you vaguely of honey.
“Mm! It’s good. Think it’ll be even better when it’s done baking?” You asked taking another spoonful as Thatch finally dug in himself. He looked oddly smug.
“I bet it will.” Thatch responded simply as you huffed, feeling a tad flush. Maybe from the vigorous mixing you did.
You frowned, noticing how clean the bowl was now. The batter was too damn good to be raw. And you felt hot. Your skin tingly, particularly your lips and lower body.
“Hey Thatch, what kind of honey was that again?” You asked faintly, setting your spoon in the sink. Thatch came up behind you, pressing into your back as he placed the bowl in the sink and poured water into it. His breath washing over your neck as he leaned in close.
“I already told you. Specialty honey.” Thatch breathed. “Why? You feel something?” His damp hands settled on your waist.
Specialty honey?
“T-Thatch, was that… spiced honey?” You asked breathlessly, feeling the heat growing inside you as his touch felt electric where his fingertips brushed under your shirt.
“Hmm, so you’ve heard of it before, huh?” Thatch asked in amusement. Setting the jar on the counter and popping the lid. His fingertips gliding across the surface and scooping up the thickness. It was a considerable amount as his other arm wrapped around your waist. The honey covered fingers pressing against your lips, sliding over your tongue as you panted. “Not as sweet as you though, look at that~ Eat up, I got it just for you~” Thatch cooed as you sucked his fingers. The honey much more potent in it's raw form.
He pulled his fingers free and licked what little was left. Ducking his head to kiss you breathless. You couldn’t help squirming against him as he pinned you to the counter, tongue running over your mouth like he was chasing the lingering taste of chocolate and honey before pulling away.
He grabbed another spoon and scooped up a generous amount. This time drizzling it onto his tongue before pulling open your mouth. Sliding the mouthful of honey directly into yours, smearing it onto your tongue and down your throat as you both moaned. The heat only getting worse as you swallowed.
“T-Thatch! D-Dirty ass trick—” You whined, tugging on his shirt as he laughed.
“But worth it to have you fall apart in my arms like this. Here, one more for the road. Don’t swallow though. Keep it warm for me~” Thatch scooped up another spoonful with honeycomb and placed it in your mouth. You sucked on the silverware as he lifted you up and placed your front on the counter. “I hear eating the honeycomb makes you go mad with lust.” Thatch stabbed his own section of honeycomb and ate it. Before returning the spoon and ducking behind you. His hands hot on your waist as he pulled down your pants.
When you were bare, your toes barely scrapping the floor, he pulled apart your thighs and licked up the soft skin. You could only moan as you sucked on metal and honey, his hot breath washing over your sensitive skin. Wet tongue laving to your entrance. Pressing in softly as you whined, honeyed drool seeping from your lips as every touch electrified you.
He spread apart your walls eagerly, like he’d get more honey if he just pressed his tongue deeper. Lapping at your quivering hole as you whined, pinned in place for his hunger.
“So damn sweet, knew this was a good idea. Glad I kept this just to us, aren’t you? Wouldn’t want to share this sweetness with anyone else.” Thatch swore softly against your clenching hole as you came suddenly, cum spurting down your thighs as he licked up the mess. “Better than the batter~” Thatch kissed your entrance deeply, spreading apart your cheeks as he dug into your overstimulated walls.
The honey quickly watering down in your mouth as your face tingled in the smearing aphrodisiac.
Thatch kept going, his appetite incapable of being satiated as you came so easily on his tongue and fingers. Spreading you open to blow across the heated flesh teasingly. Each orgasm coming along faster as the heat continued to build, sensitivity growing between your thighs as his honeyed lips spread the effect.
There was a ding and Thatch paused, a deep growl vibrating against you as you were pushed over the edge again with a muffled cry.
Thatch pulled away with a curse, leaving you cold and shaking as he took out the cake pans to cool.
Before you could turn around though, Thatch’s heat was back and his cock pressed against your sopping entrance. Slipping in easily to the hilt as you gasped, spitting out the spoon and what was left of the honey.
“A-Ah~!” You panted, your face pressed against the hot counter into the pool of thick, pink tinted drool.
“D-Don’t be wasteful!” Thatch tsked at you while you whined back at him. His balls smacking into your thighs as he started to fuck you hard. “Go on! Clean it up or you won’t get any cake either!” Thatch scooped up the honeycomb and pressed it onto your loose tongue. Your lips sucking on his fingers as he rubbed it to the back of your mouth.
Thatch pulled his hand away to adjust you further up, shoving your face into the cold puddle to lap at it. Your face tingling at the exposure as you obeyed, moaning with every wet slap of his hips. The watered down honey still so sweet and hot as you licked it up. Thatch’s hands rubbing your sides and slapping your ass hard when you stopped to breath.
“Ah! T-Thatch~! P-Please~! Ooooh~!” You drooled onto the counter as his cock brushed just right against your walls, sending shockwaves through your whole body. Thatch leaned over your back, grinding that spot as you cried out in overstimulation.
“Please what, baby?” Thatch huffed, licking up the mess and following it to your panting lips. “What do you need from me?”
“M-More! More, please more, Thatch! H-Harder! A-Ahhn~! Oh! OH! O-OHHH!” You wailed as Thatch grabbed your waist in a bruising grip and fucked you as requested.
“Fucking gladly!” Thatch grunted, the kitchen echoing with the sound of wet smacks. His lips brushing over yours as you moaned under the relentless assault, body burning for more. Thatch slammed into place suddenly, shoving your hips against the counter as he came in a hot burst of thick cum. Grinding harshly for barely a moment before going back to his frantic pace, cock still spurting cum down your thighs. “Y-You know, the seller warned me the effects could last for hours~ w-with just a spoonful!” Thatch chuckled against your lips.
You whined.
“H-Hours!?” You keened, trembling against him as you came on his cock.
“Hours~!” Thatch cooed. “And we still have a whole cake!” Not pausing as his cock jerked with a fresh wave of cum again.
“Th-Th-ThA-AAHcH~!” You wailed, cumming hard as he laughed.
Thatch laughed again as you whined, sitting on the counter as he fed you cake. You squirming on his cock as he fucked your sopping, wet entrance gently.
“Every bite, babycakes~! If you leave it to just me, you won’t be walking for weeks~!” Thatch cooed, eating a bite of cake covered in a thin layer of honey and powdered sugar. “M-Mmmm, break!” Thatch put aside the fork and plate, grabbing your hips to bounce you on his thick cock. A thick spurt of cum dripping down his thighs and balls to the counter.
“O-Oh! T-Thatch~!” You whined, leaning back against him and raking your nails across his shoulders as you squirmed. The heat unbearable in your blood. “M-More~!”
Thatch grinned, kissing your wet cheek as he fucked you harder. Not in the mood to make you beg. This time.
Your eyes sliding over the two-tiered cake barely eaten. Thatch had made it clear neither of you were leaving until it was all gone. Unwilling to share the delicacy with anyone else.
“More honey? Sure thing, baby~!” Thatch scooped up some honey from the jar and smeared it on your hanging tongue. “My, you’re so hungry, maybe we should make another one?” he teased as you wailed, a fresh wave of arousal surging through you and down his thighs.
“Tha-ahhcht~!” he laughed, groaning as he shot another round of warm cum into your.
“M-Maybe this should have been shared with more people…” Thatch chuckled. “But I can’t imagine sharing you, baby! So, I guess we’ll just have to power through it together.” He cooed, kissing your bruised neck as his pace slowed. Finally letting you rest against him despite the raging arousal inside you, his cock still hard and pulsing.
He picked up the cake again and you whined. Torn between exhaustion and excitement—though how much was natural was heavily debatable.
Regardless, you weren’t complaining.
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theladyofdeath · 1 year
Better or Worse {7}
Nessian. Angst. Modern au.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: Thank you for reading! We hope you continue to enjoy! I'm sorry there was no new chapter last week - I was on vacation! x
Warnings: language.
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“You like Gwyn?”
I’m laying on the bench, lifting, while Azriel spots me and Rhys stands near my feet, downing half a bottle of water.
“Seems nice enough,” I say, through clenched teeth. “Genuine.” 
Azriel grabs the bar and guides it back to its resting place. It’s Rhysand that asks, “How’ve things been at home?”
I sit up, running a hand through my sweaty hair before pulling it back. “Weird. Not bad, but different, I guess. It feels like we’re just tiptoeing around each other all the time.”
“You need to fuck,” Rhys says, and Azriel snorts but Rhys is dead serious as he completely contradicts Gwyn’s earlier words. 
Although I understand where Gwyn is coming from, I don’t think Rhys is wrong. Trying not to think of my wife’s naked body, I get a towel to clean off the bench before heading to one of the many treadmills for a run. I figure I’d get a mile in before joining my brothers in the steam room, then it’s home to make dinner for Nesta.
Hopefully we can find something substantial to talk about while we eat. I’m tired of smalltalk, it feels forced and I hate it. Not that it’s bad, it’s just…empty. I miss joking around and not being afraid to say exactly what’s on my mind, but I don’t feel like I can do that now. We’re not there yet. 
“Hey, Cass.”
I look up from the treadmill I’ve just stepped onto to find a familiar face. I give her a lazy smile. “Hey.”
I’ve known Justine for a couple months now, since she’s joined the gym. We’re often here at the same time, both on similar schedules. She’s nice enough, although Rhys and Az think that her showing up when I’m here is no coincidence.
Maybe they’re not wrong.
“Haven’t seen you much this week,” she says, leaning against the equipment. 
“Been busy.” I shrug. “Why? Miss me?”
She rolls her eyes in that way that girls have always rolled their eyes at me, that tells me they’re not really annoyed by anything I say or do. The only woman that’s ever truly been annoyed by me is the one that I married. Maybe that’s one of the things that drew me to Nesta, the fact that I could get under her skin. The tension it created that led to life altering sex.
“Just starting to think that you’re ignoring me,” she says, sweetly, leaning a little closer on the arm of the treadmill. Yeah, I know that move. Her breasts are suddenly a little more on display for only me to see. 
I keep my eyes on hers. Try to, anyway. I mostly succeed. “I would never.”
The smile she gives me is sensual, and it’s all playful fun until she slides a finger up my forearm. I should ask her to stop, but it’s nice to be touched like that. It’s a simple touch, nothing too forward, but behind that touch lies a promise of something more. Rhys is right. I need to fuck. I’m a man, and I’m horny as hell, and my hand has only gotten me so far.
“You almost done here?” Justine asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Why don’t we…get some dinner?”
Her hand is on mine. The reality of what’s before me finally hits me. She doesn’t want dinner. I know what she wants. It’s obvious that food is the last thing on her mind. I pull my hand away and step off the treadmill, despite the fact that I never turned it on. 
“I can’t,” I say, as politely as I can. “I’m sorry.”
She grabs my arm to stop me so I face her, and there’s hardly any room to breathe between us. “Can’t?”
“I’m married,” I say, as if that explains it all.
She looks down at the hand she was just holding. “I’ve never seen a ring.”
“I don’t wear it when I workout,” I say, simply, “but I can go get it from my bag and you can watch me put it back on, if you want.”
The words come out a little hostile and Justine’s eyes narrow. I blame it on the sexual frustration. 
She says, “You’ve been married all this time and flirting with me for months? That’s a dick move, Cass.”
“I haven’t been flirting with you.” I know the words are a lie before they even leave my mouth. 
She knows. “Liar,” she croons, and lays a hand against my chest. “I know you want me, Cass, married or not, I don’t care. Come on. Dinner. At my place.”
I take her hand and push it away, back down to her side. “No, thank you. I—”
I don’t get another word out before an obnoxiously loud smack sounds and my cheek starts stinging.
She fucking slaps me.
People around us all turn to stare as Justine says cocky jackass and storms off. 
My brothers are nowhere to be found, so they must already be hiding in the steam room, which I’m glad of. Otherwise they would never let me live this not-so-proud moment down. 
I send a text to our group chat, letting them know that I’m going to go ahead and go home. In the locker room mirror, there’s a red splotch on my cheek, barely seen beneath my scruff, but I’m hoping it fades quickly. 
No, I don’t want to sleep with Justine.
I would never cheat on my wife, I never have, even at our worst.
But it was really fucking nice to be wanted.
By the time I walk into the house, I have been in my own head for far too long. The house is quiet as I walk in, only setting my nerves on edge. Greg is asleep on the couch in a shaft of late afternoon sun. I scratch his head as I walk by, but he doesn’t even stir and I chuckle under my breath.
Spoiled little shit.
As I ascend the stairs, I see the door to Nesta’s office is closed. For a second, I hesitate as I reach the top stair.
Before I left for the gym, we agreed that we’d have dinner and spend the evening together. Her edits would be done before I got home. She’s been better about limiting the amount of time she spends on her computer, whether that’s writing, editing, planning, or responding to her overflowing inbox. I’ve tried to be more open with my thoughts and feelings. It’s been an awkward few days, but we’re trying. It actually feels like we’re making progress, even after our disaster of a date.
Seeing her office door shut feels like a slap in the face and this one hurts a hell of a lot worse than Justine’s physical one.
My jaw is locked and I’m doing my best not to grit my teeth as I walk by, heading for the shower when I hear her voice through the door.
“They didn’t exactly give me the easiest turn around. They wanted rewrites on multiple chapters in days, Eris. I’ve got a lot going on right now and—”
She was cut off as her absolute dickwad of a manager interrupted her.
I have no clue what he says, but I know it must be bad when Nesta says, “I’m. Trying.”
I know that tone.
People fear that tone. 
Another few seconds of silence goes by, then she says, “I’ll have it done. Alright?...Yeah. Yeah, no, I know, Eris, for fuck’s sake.” Her chair scoots back, and I take that as my cue to keep walking. Yeah, I want to know what’s going on, but if Nesta opens the door to find me while she’s already pissed, I don’t think she’ll like my prying. If she wants to talk about it, she’ll talk about it. 
I take my time in the shower, but by the time I’m down in the kitchen, taking ingredients out of the fridge in my sweatpants, Nesta’s still on the damn phone. I can hear her pacing upstairs. 
After cleaning a heap of green beans, I toss them with salt, olive oil, garlic powder, and parmesan before dropping them into a pan to roast alongside my marinated chicken. I’ve just opened a beer when I hear her office door open and she comes downstairs.
I don’t know what to say in greeting, so I raise my brow. She gives me an apologetic look, that quickly turns into her eyes wandering my body. Yeah, I didn’t wear a shirt for a reason. I want to know if my wife still finds me attractive, and it seems she does.
And I get hot when I cook.
Shirts are irrelevant. 
“I thought I heard you come in.” Her eyes come back to mine. “Sorry, I know I said I’d be done—”
“Is everything okay?” I ask, saving her the trouble of explaining herself. 
“Just, Eris…” She shakes her head. “I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll just get pissed. How was the gym?”
Well, I got slapped in the face. “Good. I think I went a little too hard, though. A little sore. You sure you don’t want to talk about Eris?”
She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth but shakes her head. “I don’t want to ruin the night with my work issues.”
I set my beer down on the table and walk towards her. She doesn’t move. Even in leggings and an oversized tee, she’s stunning. “Nes, it’s okay to talk to me about your work, especially if that asshole’s being a dick to you.” 
I want to hug her but I don’t.
I want to touch her, to kiss her, but I won’t. 
Gwyn suggested we start with touches, physical contact, anything as long as it isn’t sex, of course, but Nesta hasn’t indicated she’s ready for that.
Hearing that your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you because she’s terrified to get pregnant and miscarry again is hard to hear. I don’t want to push her into anything she isn’t ready for, even if I’m desperate for her touch.
She swallows, looking at my chest, but I’m not sure she’s actually aware that she’s staring at me. “The publishing company asked for two chapters to be completely re-written for one book and four for another. Meanwhile, I’ve got edits I’m still working on for previous submissions and I just…” Shaking her head, she finally meets my gaze. “The timelines they give me aren’t realistic for one woman.”
I don’t hesitate before I speak, knowing my words could set her off, but needing to voice my thoughts.
Time to see if therapy really has taught us anything.
“To be fair, Nes, you set yourself up with some unrealistic expectations. You’ve released what? Three books already this year? And you’ve got how many in the editing process?”
It wasn’t a dig. It wasn’t meant to point out that it was her own fault. It was the truth.
Something I would have said to her before everything went to shit.
With a sigh, Nesta closes her eyes and drops her forehead to my chest. “I know. That’s what he and I have been fighting about. I told him I can’t keep up with this kind of demand and he told me I did it to myself.”
I'm frozen in place. I heard what she said, but I’m floored by the feel of her skin on mine, by the contact that she initiated. I wrap my arms around her before I can second guess myself and rub a hand up and down her back.
“You have to do what’s best for you,” I say, processing what she said. “If he can’t understand that, if he can’t get the publishing company to understand, then fuck him.”
It’s the shittiest advice I’ve ever given, but honestly? My brain is shorting out, feeling Nesta’s body pressed against mine. She fits so perfectly against me, like she was made just for me.
“Easier said than done,” she murmurs, and looks up at me.
I could easily close the distance between us, could easily lean down and kiss her, and I really fucking want to but I contain myself.
At least until her hand comes up to rest on my chest. I brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear and rub my thumb along her cheek. It feels so good to touch her but I’m nervous, worried that I’ll go too far, that I’ll do something wrong and mess up this progress we’ve seemed to make.
I remember now that we’ve been having a conversation but I can hardly remember what it was about much less how to respond. All I can focus on is her hand against my chest. Her being this close is driving me insane to the point that it’s nearly unbearable. I hope she doesn’t look down, doesn’t come closer, doesn’t feel how much such simple contact is affecting me.
Her eyes never leave mine.
Her lips part.
And I open my mouth to say her name, but then the smoke alarm is going off and I’m spewing every foul word in the English language. 
I have no idea how long the food has been in the oven. At this point, I don’t even remember putting it in there.
I turn the oven off, clear the smoke, and reset the smoke alarm while standing on a chair in the kitchen.
And while I do this, Nesta is leaning against the counter, laughing hysterically. I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard her laugh, but hearing it now makes every ounce of anger and embarrassment at ruining dinner disappear.
She’s laughing.
She’s happy.
Even if it’s all while making fun of me, the chef that nearly set the kitchen on fire.
Once her laughter finally dies down, she orders takeout, and we sit on the couch and eat it together, side by side. 
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months
A.N.I.M. Adventure Art: The Seedtown Party
Meet the Seedtown Party. This is a cast of investigator PCs from one of the earliest test runs for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, back in late 2021. It didn’t even have any sort of combat system when this campaign started, that was written hastily somewhere in the middle of the campaign, somewhere around February 2022.
This campaign is maybe the longest we’ve ever done with Eureka, lasting 6 months with a session nearly every week, and it was amazing.
Four investigators find themselves one way or another in a small town in the mountains of Arkansas, coming together by chance due to shared interest in a series of seemingly related missing persons cases.
It pains me greatly that I cannot remember exactly what was said, but the way that this group of characters came together and agree to work with each other to locate these missing persons in the first session was the single most natural and organic way I’ve ever seen a TTRPG party form.
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Eunica, an actual professional private investigator from the big city, here on a personal mission, as one of the missing people is her own nephew.
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Joseph, an extremely friendly local bartender who has been manning his brother’s establishment since his brother’s death more than ten years ago.
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Sarah, a moviestar who sought to disappear from the spotlight and run away to a quieter life, only to find that some of the missing persons posters feature *her* face, and did before she even arrived.
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And finally Alice (pronounced in the French way, sounds more like “Elise”), a cheerful and energetic young Cajun-French biker claiming to be a friend of one of the missing people. She was definitely the youngest of the party, appearing to be in her early twenties, with the next youngest investigator being Eunica in her late thirties. Alice had the rest of the party in love with her sweetness, energy, and optimistic attitude, as well as many weird but endearing quirks like how sarcasm and jokes always flew right over her head, her insistance that her food never have any spices whatsoever, and the fact she wore the same part of sunglasses day and night. In fact, they never actually even saw her sleep, she was always awake when they went to bed and always awake in the morning when they woke up. Alice was “the baby of the group”, and all of the older investigators went out of their way to protect her and curb her bold and reckless actions, despite her insistence that they didn’t need to.
Art by @theblackwarden
This art has been posted here with permission as part of A.N.I.M.’s Adventure Art initiative in our TTRPG book club.
All of these characters are PCs from Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy by A.N.I.M.
If you’d like to join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club, you can find the discord invite on our website.
If your art fits he parameters outlined on this post, and you’d like it featured here, tag us or post it in the book club’s Adventure Art channel on discord.
If you’d like to support us and get a prerelease copy of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, check out our Patreon! Our Kickstarter is planned for launch in April 2024!
This group of investigators followed what clues they could through local urban legends, organized crime, police corruption, and finally occult ritual among the state’s wealthy elite in a remote manor in the mountains, ending in a high-stakes shootout as the gang attempted to flee the premises after disrupting a plot that could’ve brought the world as we know it to its knees, and then a confrontation with the source of the aforementioned urban legends. For the most part, the investigators got out unscathed, except for Alice, who caught three bullets during the shootout, way more than enough to kill an investigator, or most any character, in Eureka. She also did most of the killing in this shootout.
Alice near flat-out refused medical attention, instead sneaking away as soon as the others’ backs were turned, leaving a farewell message at the bar before getting on her bike, and riding away. There was no way to track her or find out where she went, who she was, or if she was even still alive. They never even learned her last name.
Not only was this a test run of Eureka in general, but also the origin of its unique approach to supernatural characters, wherein not even other players sitting around the table know which members of the party are supernatural or not. With exceptions that I’ll get to in a moment, none of the IRL people playing this game except the Game Master knew that there would be any supernatural element to this mystery, let alone within the very investigative party itself. Nearly all of the players were relative strangers to each other before the group was brought together for session 0, not knowing each others’ interests or original characters, so there was little chance of guessing anything was amiss before the session even began.
Eunica shocked everyone about a two-thirds into the investigation, after the involvement of occult ritual started to become apparent, by revealing that she was no ordinary private detective, but really one of a more magical variety, capable of more than a little magic herself, and the person you’d go to if you needed someone to, say, hunt and slay a vampire. This took some time to process for everyone and Alice had what seemed like a hundred rapid-fire questions about the truth or the supernatural.
Alice, on the other hand, didn’t shock anyone, no one suspected a thing. No one, not PCs nor Players, ever guessed that sweet “Alice”, “the baby of the group”, was actually the oldest of them all, an 800-year-old vampire named Yvette Preux. The other players didn’t find this out until a month after the campaign ended. In between regular sessions, secret one-on-one sessions between GM and player were being run while the rest of the party slept, wherein “Alice” did some investigating, and other things like drinking blood, on her own during the night, the findings from which she would sprinkle in casually during discussions of the case the next morning, subtly enough that no one ever asked where she got this information or why she was so sure of it. On a few occasions she even did a lot more than investigating during these nights, like when a crime boss, who had told the investigators that he would have them disappeared if he saw them in town again, mysteriously turned up dead the next day, never seeing any of them again. What a lucky coincidence for everyone else.
Alice actually clocked Eunica as some kind of vampire hunter or the like right away, on the very first day they met, which didn’t really concern her at all. If so-called vampire hunters were any good at their “job”, she wouldn’t be around to laugh about it, would she?
Really, in hindsight, she could hardly have been more obviously a vampire—the sunglasses at all hours; avoidance of garlic, onions, and any other spices on food; hoe she never seemed to sleep; how she always seemed to have something in front of her mouth when she talked; her avoidance of mirrors; taking risks like she was invincible; and always running ahead every time the party was about to enter a private domicile so that she could directly ask to come inside. She even at one point when the party needed to disguise themselves as occultists, revealed that she just *already had* a fine hooded cloak with black on the outside and bright red on the inside in her luggage. That was all pretty weird, but it turns out, when nobody tells you to look for vampires, they actually become extremely hard to stop! This isn’t even a massive failing on Eunica’s part, if it weren’t near impossible to identify them, vampires wouldn’t be considered just a silly superstition in the modern age.
In truth, “Alice” reveled in just being herself right under a wannabe vampire-hunter’s nose, feigning shock when Eunica revealed this, and going out of her way to ask as many questions as she could about real vampires and what they’re like.
This is the ultimate Eureka experience, what starts as a mundane investigation spiraling into sprawling madness, and if what the people you thought you knew could reveal about themselves will shock you to your core, imagine what they keep to themselves. They might not even be playing by the same rules as you, it’s always who you least expect.
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louloulemons-posts · 4 months
The Criminal And The Princess VII
Grumpy!College!Eddie X Sunshine!Skater!Reader
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Summary : Cosy time in the apartment for Eden and Eddie.
Word Count : 2.1k
Warnings : not proofread, swearing, talks of food issues, talks of eddies dad, talks of arguments, talks of horror films, very fluffy, petnames.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
I passed Eddie a green mug, full of coffee, giving him a smile. I took a sip of my own green tea before sitting down next to him.
“So what movie do you want to watch?” Eddie asked. “It’s up to you.”
“Do you mind horror?”
“Not at all,” I said, grabbing the remote and going to the horror section.
Scrolling through, Eddie leaned forward, putting his mug on the coffee table next to mine. “Thank you for this,” he spoke softly.
“The company. I appreciate it, your homes really nice.”
“It’s okay. I like the company too.”
“Have you seen the scream movies?”
“Mhm, I only really like the original one though.”
“Wanna watch that one?” Eddie asked. I nodded, going down to find the movie.
Eddie had seemed to settle more now, when he first walked into the apartment, he almost didn’t know what to do. Saying he didn’t want to dirty anything, but of course he was fine.
It was nice seeing him in my space. I could feel myself leaning into him, I found a comfort in the fact he was there. And I think, not to be cocky, that he found that comfort in me.
“Do you want some popcorn?” I asked Eddie, already pushing up off the sofa to make some. “Sure.” I could hear his rings rubbing together, almost as if he was wringing his hands - he had a habit of doing that.
“Hey Eden.” He was leaning against the counter, his hip pressed against it, arms folded. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry, if this is a weird thing to ask, I’m not good with this, I just um-“
I put the popcorn down, looking at the boy properly now. “What is it Eddie?” I walked over to him, “I uh, I got into a fight with my uncle, and I just … I need a hug-“
Before he even finished the sentence I’d wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into me. His arms joined around my waist, holding me close as he put his face into my neck.
“It’s okay,” I said, running my hand over his hair. “Thank you for this, we just had a misunderstanding and then everything blew up.”
“Come on, let’s sit.” I took his hand, leading him back to the couch. Holding his hand in my lap, I let the boy speak. “He heard me on the phone, getting an earful from the head of the school.”
Humming, the boy continued, “He flipped. Saying this is what happens to music stars and that I should focus on history and do something sensible.”
“Oh Eddie I’m sorry,” I rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand.
“That wasn’t even the worse bit, he said that music like mine led to my mom’s downfall. Meeting my dad, he’s a deadbeat, having me a teenager and then dying soon after.”
I squeezed his hand. “Music makes me feel so connected to her and he just made it out to be this horrible thing. I flipped after that saying it was something beautiful she left behind, and that he was mad because he was stuck on a dull job.
“Then I walked out, haven’t been home since,” he sighed, rubbing his face with his large palms. “God, where did you sleep?”
“In the van, have blankets and stuff in there.”
“Eddie that’s so unsafe!”
“It’s fine.”
“How are you feeling about seeing your uncle?”
“I think I should stay away, I’ve never shouted at him before.”
“Well okay, you can stay away today, but you’re going home and speaking to him tomorrow.” He raised a brow at me. “You can sleep here. Johnny and Steve have both left clothes here so.”
“You don’t have to do th-“ I cut him off.
“I want too. Let me look after you.” I put my hand on his knee squeezing. “Thank you Eden, you’re a really good person.”
“So are you. Now let’s watch this movie.”
“Before we do, can I borrow a hair tie?” Nodding, I walked to my room and gave the band a good stretch before walking out. Eddie held his thick locks and pulled them back, tying them into his signature bun.
“Thank you, was getting a little warm.”
“Of course.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The movie was around the halfway point when I felt something on my shoulder. Looking at Eddie. His eyes closed, long lashes kissing his cheeks, his lips pouted slightly as he let out soft breaths.
He really was beautiful.
The night in the van must have been awful, I didn’t want to disturb him, letting him remain where he was. He seemed so peaceful, which was amusing, considering the movie that was playing.
The popcorn was long forgotten, tea and coffee had gone cold and I, myself began to feel tired. My head resting on top of Eddies as my eyes fell shut.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Be quiet!” I heard a voice hiss. Nancy? I heard almost silent footsteps,but they were clumsy, Robin? With a sigh my eyes opened slowly, seeing the pair in front of me.
“Hi?” I said, voice croaky as they stared at me. “Hello.”
“Hi.” They said in sync. Both sporting small grins. “What?” I asked.
Nancy motioned her head to next to besides me. I hadn’t noticed I was now lay down on the couch, resting on a familiar person. Eddie lay sound asleep. The night in the van must have been rough.
“Oh,” I said.
“Oh?” Robin snorted.
“Shut up, both of you shoo. Go.” I waved them off, and with giggled they went. Picking up my phone I saw that it was getting late.
“Eddie,” I said, shaking him gently. He let out humming sound of protest at being disturbed, which made me laugh. “Come on, up you get.”
“Did I- Oh shit .. sorry,” he figured out he’d fallen asleep then. But that wasn’t what my focus was on, it was on how deep his voice had gotten, thick with sleep. Good fucking lord. The sound went straight to my … never mind.
“Come on, you can hop in the shower and I’ll fix us some dinner?”
“Are you sure?”
“Course I am,” I offered a sleepy smile. Leading him to the bathroom I lay out some clothes, then fetched some of Steve’s clothes out of a spare draw.
He crashed here a lot. “I’ll leave them on here, help yourself to anything. The peach scented stuff is mine so, but if you don’t want that, Jonathan’s stuff is in here,” I motioned to a cupboard.
“I think I’ll take you up on the peach stuff, you always smell great.” I snorted, with a nod of my head, placing towels and a change of clothes on the counter top, scurrying away.
Walking out into the kitchen, I saw Nancy and Robin leaning up against the counter. “What?” I asked.
“Eddies here,” Nancy said with a shrug.
“He is. I said he could stay the night, he’s had a fight with his uncle so. Is that good with you guys?”
Both of them let out a yell of “Yes!” With wide eyes I looked at them, “What is up with you two?”
“Just you and Eddie … it’s cute,” Robin said.
“He’s a friend.”
“Sure E,” Robin smirked, “And Vic and John are our friends,” she motioned between herself and Nancy.
“Both of you shush! So what he’s cute. I like spending time with him, but I’ve know him for like a week!”
“And it’s a week!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.
“I’ve never seen you this into a guy E, or anyone for that matter.”
“Well I don’t really do this kind of thing.”
“Like people.”
The pair smiled, jesus it was like looking at two cheshire cats. “So you like him?” Robin asked. “I … maybe? I don’t know!”
Nancy hummed, “Come on Robs, let’s leave her be.” The shorter girl held the others hand leading her away. With a sigh I rubbed my face, heading to make dinner for me and Eddie.
Those girls would be the death of me … or the very attractive man who was currently naked in my bathroom.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Around 20 minutes later I heard the bathroom door open, and was thankful for the quick meal of shitty but fantastic tacos I’d made for me and Eddie.
“Hey,” he spoke from behind me, as I grabbed up two cans of Dr Pepper, something I’d found out he liked. “Hi,” I turned to look at the boy and nearly choked at the sight.
His hair was damp, still dripping a few beads of water. Steve’s top was too small for Eddie slightly larger frame, the muscles on his arms making it stretch tight.
It was slightly too short on him, making it cropped, revealing his soft yet toned stomach. Oh my god. Clearing my throat, I slid the plate and drink to him.
“Thank you, I feel a lot better now,” The boy said, instantly tucking into the food. “It’s okay,” I smiled. The food was shit, but the company was great. I hadn’t felt this comfortable eating around someone in a long time.
Eddie was a sweet boy.
Eddie was a great friend.
Eddie was someone I could see myself falling for.
“Eden!” I looked up, Eddies dark eyes watching me. “Where’d you go Princess?” Putting the taco back on the plate I hummed before speaking, “Sorry was in my own head, skating stuff.”
“Oh yeah? Anything I can do to help?” With a shake of my head I replied, “Nah, just got my trainer back, so routines changed a bit.”
He let out a soft ‘oh’, sound taking another bite of his food.
I took him in, his tattoos, his pretty face, where his fingertips were rough from playing guitar, but steady from painting.
He really was extraordinary.
“Did you do those yourself?” I asked, motioning to one of the tattoos on his arm. It was a puppet on strings, “I drew it, but I didn’t do this one. I’ve got a few shitty stick and pokes,” he laughed.
He turned his arm so I could see a wobbly smiley face there. “I did that when I was 17, old man almost killed me when he realised it wasn’t marker,” he laughed.
“Your old man?”
“Uh my Uncle Wayne.”
“Oh I see,” I nodded taking a sip of my drink, “You don’t see your dad?”
“I haven’t seen him since I was like 12? No clue where he’s at to be honest.”
“Right, so not long after your mom passed.”
“Yeah, he got worse, got arrested and Wayne’s my closest relative so. I guess I got lucky. I know I’m pissed at him, but he’s a great guy.”
“He does sound it. I’ll look forward to meeting him.” With a smirk he looked at me, “You wanna meet him?”
“Well you’ve met my dad, only fair that I meet yours.”
“I guess you’re right princess.” With a nod I motioned to his plate, “Want any more?”
“Sure if there’s any going.” Taking his plate in hand, I filled it back up with tacos and veggies.
“Here you go pretty boy, eat up.” Eddies face flushed and he brushed his hair back out of his face, it was bothering him clearly.
“I can braid it for you if you want?”
“Your hair, I can braid it.”
“Yeah, finish eating and I’ll do it for you.”
The boy seemed to wolf it down, at that offer. Soon enough he was sat on the couch, I was behind it brushing through his hair with my hands, putting detangler in it.
He was almost purring at the feeling. Soon his hair was in three seconds, being braided into one. “Does this feel okay?” I asked.
“Not too tight?”
“No it feels fine.
Soon his thick curls were in a large braid, that came past his shoulders. “You have such pretty hair I’m jealous.” I plopped myself next to him.
“Thank you.” He stretched out letting out a slight yawn. “You tired?” I asked.
“A little.”
“I’ll go get you some pillows and a blanket okay?”
Going to my room I grabbed a blanket out of my wardrobe and a couple pillows off my bed. Wandering back out to Eddie, he gave me a smile. “Thanks Princess.”
“You sure you’re okay sleeping out here? I can bunk in with one of the girls and you can stay in my room.”
“Seriously it’s all good. This couch is a lot comfier than the van,” he joked.
“You try and get some sleep okay?” He nodded, taking the pillows and placing them at the end of the couch, pulling the blanket over his lap.
“Goodnight Eddie.”
“Goodnight Princess.”
Walking to my room he spoke again, “Eden?” I hummed, turning to face him.
“Thank you.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The slow burn is burning.
also this is the final pre-written part i have so there might be a slight wait for the next part to be uploaded
Taglist : @gnrquinn @flawiette @taylorswiftsloverfr @mygirlchaos @marvelcasey05 @ali-r3n @browneyes8288
Let me know if you wanna be added 😚
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deancaspinefest · 1 year
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Author: prosopopeya & marbleflan | Artist: Alexiescherryslurpy Posting on Saturday March 18
I swear I'm a straight dude, kind of a ladies' man if I'm honest. I'm the love 'em and leave 'em type–maybe that's why I never bothered to get my ex gf (37F)'s last name… or her marital status. We were in the middle of a horizontal tango session, if you know what I mean, when her husband (37M, straight??) walks in. I've never looked twice at a man, but he's the most beautiful person I've ever seen, male or female. Even though he met me when I was getting naked with his wife, he never held it against me. They got divorced and somehow he became my best friend. He even let me move in with him when my pipes burst (not a euphemism) and I had nowhere to go. I think I might be in love with him. Is it possible to be straight all your life but gay for just one guy? Sometimes I think he might be into me as well, but then I think it's just 'cause he's kind of a weird dude. When I look at him, it feels like a hurricane inside me, like I'll burst if I don't kiss him. TLDR: Wondering if asking the guy (whose marriage I ruined) out is a good idea.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
"Where did you guys meet again?" "Oh, um. Through work." It's technically not not true... if you follow six degrees of separation rules. "I think you'd like him. He's funny-- Not like, conventionally funny, I guess, but he's got his own kind of sense of humor that kind of catches you off guard." His phone buzzes again, loud against the counter, and Sam cuts his eyes over to look at it. Dean slides it off the counter to slip it into his pocket. "He's going through a divorce," he blurts, which makes Sam raise an eyebrow. "And he's just-- It's an adjustment, you know? He just really needs a friend right now." More true than his previous partial truth; in fact, that statement is objectively a true one, and it's Dean who's having trouble (apparently?) with parts of it. "Do you need to answer him then?" Sam asks, his tone softening, and Dean imperceptibly relaxes. "Oh, no, he's just elbow-deep into Dr. Sexy after I told him to check it out." Sam rolls his eyes again, laughing this time though, and he goes back to his nachos. "Are you sure being friends with you is the right move, if that's what you get him into?" "Come on, it's perfect breakup watching." "It's the TV equivalent of eating a pint of ice cream so I guess you're not wrong. So, are you helping him rebound?" Dean swallows his beer the wrong way and chokes. "What?" "You've been hanging out a lot." They've been out a handful of times at the Roadhouse, and Dean thinks that shouldn't count as a lot. "Not really sure that's where he's at," Dean says, mostly to the nachos. "Anyway, he wouldn't need my help." "No?" Sam prompts, sounding amused. "No way. He's got this approachable sorta hotness, you know, like he doesn't even realize it, and he dresses like a lump so it catches you by surprise." "Are you sure you're not dating him?" Dean's eyes snap up to find Sam smiling, the joke written all over his face, the picture of disbelief that his macho brother could possibly do something like that. "What?" "'Cas is so funny and hot,'" he teases, shaking out his hair. Sometimes, Dean thinks clearest through the panic, and this feels like one of those times when he throws a chip at Sam. "A good wingman knows how to sell," he says, and watches Sam laugh that one off too, leaning back down to eat his food. Dean's phone buzzes in his pocket. He pokes around at his nachos some more, but suddenly nacho night doesn't seem as appetizing as it did before.
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Saturday March 18]
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aceofstars16 · 7 months
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The next chapter is up!
Mabel and Ford venture out of the shack, Dipper and Stan stay behind. All the while, the younger twins try to uncover what happened between their grunkles.
You can read it on AO3 here or below the cut!
Chapter 9 – Past Mistakes
Mabel hadn’t seen Gravity Falls in the winter – but even if she had, she wasn’t sure if she would’ve recognized it now. Snow covered the roads and stores, and a few flakes were still falling, obscuring her view even more.
Glancing over at Ford, Mabel tried to figure out how to bring up Stan, seeing as Ford didn’t really seem very…coherent. He had swerved a few times while driving into town, and despite the sleep he had gotten, he still had dark circles under his eyes.
“Here, we can grab a few essentials before I go and find…” he trailed off and shook his head.
“Oooo, who are we-OH MY GOSH!” Mabel stared at the convenience store they had parked at. Despite the snow and the fact that it was actually open, she knew the store.
Ford winced at her voice and quickly looked around. “What?!”
“I’ve been here before! Well, kind of. It was abandoned and haunted then…or in the future? Huh…it’s the past for me but also the future, that’s so weird!”
For a moment, Ford just stared at her – which seemed to be his main response to anything she did – then shook his head. “Yes, well…come on. I don’t want to be out any longer than I have to.”
“Okay!” Mabel threw open the door and hopped out of the car, trying to ignore the freezing wind as it blew through her sweater. Ford followed and they both headed into the small store.
As soon as they got inside, Mabel beelined for the candy section. Sure, they needed some real food but there wasn’t any harm in getting some sweets too, right?
“I don’t think this is the kind of food we need.”
Mabel glanced up at Ford, who had followed her to the candy section. “Aww, come on. A little candy never hurt anyone.” Mabel gave him a big smile and for a moment he once again just stared at her. Then he let out a sigh.
“You can get one.”
“Yes!” Mabel pumped her fist, then started searching the isle. A familiar label caught her eye and she took a few steps away from it. Smile Dip. Never again. However, there were a lot of other candies that she had never seen before. Sure, she had caught sight of a few when her and Stan had stopped at gas stations on the way here, but she hadn’t asked for any because of their lack of funds. But now…
With her mind on candy, Mabel didn’t know how much time had passed. It took her ages to narrow it down to Ultra Butter Candy Caramel Blasts and Chocolate Glitter Bombs. Holding up both packages, she narrowed her eyes. Which one would she have a harder time finding in the future?
“Only one, remember.”
Mabel glanced up. Ford was standing there with a few essentials in his hands – bread, milk, some canned goods - all the boring food. Letting out a breath, Mabel settled on the glitter bombs.
Walking up to the register, Mabel could’ve sworn she’d seen the owners of the store before, but she wasn’t quite sure. After all, most of her memories of the haunted store were in Smile Dip land.
“Hello ther-” The lady at the register – Ma – froze when she saw Ford. “Are you okay there, mister?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” Ford quickly put his items – including Mabel’s candy - on the counter.
“Are you sure, cause you look-”
“My uncle stayed up too late last night watching his favorite movies!” Mabel piped in before Ford could respond.
“Oh, I see. A good movie then?” Ma looked at Ford who just pushed the groceries towards her.
“Yes, fine. Now can we please check out?”
“Oh, uh, sure thing.” Ma started scanning items, but kept glancing at Ford. “Say, aren’t you that science guy who lives in the woods?”
Ford narrowed his eyes and Mabel quickly jumped in again. “Yeah! He loves his science!”
Ma looked at her and Mabel gave her a big smile, which seemed to satisfy her as she continued ringing up the items. Out of the corner of her eye, Mabel saw Ford frowning at her, but she ignored it.
“That’ll be $6.18.” Ma’s voice broke the tension in the air.
As she put the groceries in a bag, Ford pulled out some crumpled-up bills from his coat pocket. For a moment, Mabel wondered if he had enough, but thankfully he seemed to find what he needed as he placed a few bills and change on the table.
“Have a good day!”
“We will!” Mabel waved, but Ford just grabbed the bag and walked to the door. Quickly rushing after him, Mabel shivered as the cold air hit her again, but soon she was back in the car.
“So, where to now?” Mabel asked, hoping Ford would tell her who he was trying to find, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he just pulled out of the parking lot and headed further into Gravity Falls.
As they drove through on center of town, Mabel hummed to herself – a Sev’ral Timez song that had a way of getting stuck in her head. Finally, she decided to try again.
“Grunkle Ford?”
The car swerved a little and Ford glanced at her in confusion. “W-what?”
“Why are you and Stan so…tensey?”
Ford’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “That’s not a word.”
Mabel shrugged. “Okay, but why?”
“You can’t just add a ‘y’ to the end of a word.”
“I mean, why are you and Stan-”
“It’s none of your business!” Ford snapped, and Mabel found herself shrinking into her seat. She hadn’t expected an outburst, and if she was honest, it was a little intimidating.
Silence filled the car as they drove on which gave Mabel enough time to gather her thoughts and try one more time. “I’m sorry…I guess I just...wanted to know. Cause you are twins and, twins are supposed to be super close. I couldn’t imagine not being close with Dipper...”
For a moment, Mabel thought Ford wouldn’t answer, he just stared at the road. But then he broke the silence. “Sometimes things happen and people grow apart. That’s all.”
“That’s sad…” Biting her lip, Mabel couldn’t help but remember the times when her and Dipper had arguments. They had always managed to work them out. She couldn’t imagine anything that would make them grow apart like Stan and Ford.
Ford sighed but didn’t respond.
Mabel took that as permission to keep talking. “But Stan came to help you now, right? So maybe…you two could be close again?”
“I doubt it…” Ford said, keeping his eyes on the road. Then he spoke again, so quietly that Mabel could barely hear. “But maybe he’ll prove himself trustworthy this time…”
A grin broke out on Mabel’s face. Sure, it wasn’t the most optimistic answer, but it was something. “I’m sure he will!”
Ford glanced at her for a moment, and a shadow of doubt crossed his face before he looked at the road again. “We’ll see I suppose.”
At that moment, he pulled into a driveway and stopped the car, effectively cutting off any more discussion about him and Stan. “We’re here.”
Looking up, Mabel saw a small condo in front of them. “Your friend lives here?”
Once again, there was a moment of silence before Ford’s response. “Yes. Now stay here.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and headed out into the cold.
Mabel watched him walk through the snow. She knew she should wait, but that was easier said than done. Through the flurries, she could make out Ford knocking on the door and her curiosity was too strong.
Opening the car door, she quickly hurried after him.
“It’s not for me. I just need your help with-”
The guy at the door tried to shut it, but Ford put his foot in the doorway to stop it from closing.
“I ain’t helping you anymore, Stanford. Now leave me alone.”
As he spoke, Mabel couldn’t help but feel like there was something familiar about the voice, but she couldn’t place it. However, it was clear that there was tension between Ford and this guy.
“It’s not for me, Fiddleford, it’s for-”
“Hi there!”
Both men turned and looked at Mabel, who grinned.
“Stanford, who is-?”
“It’s a long story, but I need your help to get her and her brother home.” Ford glanced at Mabel, then back at his friend.
For a moment, Fiddleford just stared at Mabel. Then he glanced at Ford again. “What have you got yourself into this time?”
“I’ll explain as we drive. Please. I don’t…have the time to-” Ford shook his head and let out a breath. “Please.”
Fiddleford looked at Mabel again – who smiled at him – and sighed. “Fine, I’ll come. For the girl.”
Dipper watched through the window as Mabel and Ford left. He couldn’t shake the tightness in his gut. He had only just gotten Mabel back; he didn’t like seeing her leave again so soon. And despite wanting to trust Ford, he knew that the author wasn’t entirely in his right mind. 
“They’ll be fine.”
Turning, Dipper saw Stan looking at the door, a small frown on his face, but when he looked at Dipper, he smiled.
“Ha…yeah…” Looking back out the window, Dipper sighed.
“So…uh…how did you end up here, kiddo?”
Dipper looked at Stan again. “It uh…it’s a long story…” He realized that staring out the window wouldn’t actually help the time go faster, so he reluctantly made his way to the couch and sat down.
“Well, we got time.” Stan sat down on a chair and waved his hand. “So?”
Letting out a breath, Dipper looked at the ground. “It’s kind of stupid…I wanted a perfect day with this girl…”
“Ah, a crush, eh?”
Laughing a little, Dipper found himself relaxing, despite the awkwardness the question brought up. Unlike Ford, Stan was familiar…and despite being years younger, he still seemed like Stan. “Yeah…I uh…found the time machine from this time traveler. Kind of tricked him into setting it down for a bit.”
“A trick, eh? Sounds like something I’d do.” Stan grinned and Dipper couldn’t help but smile back. Yeah, this was still Stan.
“I set everything up perfectly, so I’d have the perfect date. And it worked but…” Dipper sighed and glanced at the window. “I needed Mabel, and when she helped me, she lost this pig that she got really attached to. And then we…got into a fight with the time machine and…”
“Then you ended up here?”
When Dipper glanced at Stan, he was surprised to see that his uncle was looking at the wall, as if lost in his own thoughts.
“Yeah…I ended up in the snow. I recognized the woods, but the shack looked…different and…then I met Ford…”
“He any different in the future?” Stan was still focused on the wall.
“Umm…well…I’m not…sure.” Dipper was still aware that he shouldn’t talk too freely about the future, but at the same time, he was confused. And talking about things usually helped him reason them out.
Stan quickly looked at Dipper. “What do you mean?”
“Ummm…I…I’ve never met him before…in the future. It’s…confusing. I don’t really know why.”
“But you and Mabel…know me?” The confusion on Stan’s face reflected Dipper’s own feelings.
“Yeah, we…we came to Gravity Falls to stay with you…but…you go by Stanford in the future.” As soon as he said it, doubt overwhelmed Dipper. “Uh…maybe I shouldn’t have…”
Stan shook his head. “Look, kid, I don’t know what is up with your future but…I’m sure there’s an explanation…right?”
As he spoke, Dipper started connecting dots, his brain going into overdrive. “Stan?”
“You wouldn’t…ever…hurt your brother, right?”
“What!? No, of course not! We might not be…talking much but I’d never do anything to Stanford!”
The passion in Stan’s words convinced Dipper and he quickly backtracked. “Right, yeah, sorry I just…I’m thinking out loud…”
Stan blew out a breath. “That…it’s fine…”
It was quiet for a few moments and Dipper found himself pulling out the journal and his pen, clicking it as he tried to figure out what in the world had happened in the past to result in the future he knew.
“Hey, kid?”
Dipper looked up from his most recent journal entry. “Uh, yeah?”
“Do you know why Ford is all…” Stan rolled his hand around, searching for the right word, but he couldn’t seem to find it.
“Um…y-yeah…or at least, a little.”
Stan sat up straight. “Really? What’s going on?”
Tapping his pen on the journal, Dipper tried to decide if it was a good idea to tell Stan. But then again, maybe Stan could help Ford. “He’s…there is this anomaly.” Dipper flipped in the journal till he found the page on Bill, then held it up for Stan to see.
Stan quirked an eyebrow. “A triangle? Really?”
“His name is Bill and he…Ford met him a while ago and…made a deal. Bill wants to bring his dimension here, or…something like that…and he’s trying to use Ford to help him get here.” Dipper found himself fiddling with his pen as he spoke. Just mentioning Bill set him on edge.
“Does…does Bill talk through Ford?”
Dipper quickly looked up. Stan was frowning at the floor. “How…how did you know?”
“I uh…when Ford was sleeping, he…talked to me.” Stan’s frown deepened.
“What did Bill say?”
“I…eh, just stuff…” Stan sighed and looked at the window. “Kid, do you know why my brother wanted me to come here?”
An uneasiness settled over Dipper at Stan’s redirection. Was he avoiding something? What had Bill said?
“Kid?” Stan was looking at him again, and the uncertainty in his face caused Dipper to look away.
“I don’t know. He didn’t tell me. He just told me a little about Bill after…” Dipper swallowed, not really wanting to think about that encounter again.
“After what?” There was an edge to Stan’s voice.
“Bill just…tried to get to the portal and I guess I kind of stopped him…?” Dipper rubbed his hand along the bruises that had started forming after his fight with Bill.
“You stopped him?” Stan asked, the shock evident in his voice.
“Heh…yeah, I guess?”
Stan let out a small chuckle. “You’ve got more guts than I thought, kid.”
Dipper tried for a smile, but it fell. There was still so much that he didn’t know, and despite wanting to trust Stan and Ford, he still felt like they weren’t telling him everything. But maybe Stan would tell him a little more.
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“…why are you and Ford…upset with each other?”
Stan looked away and sighed. “It’s…a long story…”
“We have time.” Dipper said, using the same words Stan had used on him not long ago.
Shaking his head, Stan leaned back on his chair. “It all started ten years ago…”
“So, you’re from the future?”
“Yup! It was kind of an accident but…”
Ford was only vaguely aware of Mabel and Fiddleford talking. He’d told Fiddleford about his predicament, but now he was too distracted to partake in the conversation. After all, he had other problems besides getting the kids home. So he didn’t interrupt as Mabel spoke of the future. At this point, knowing facts about the future seemed trivial, and Fiddleford didn’t seem too concerned about it. That was a little odd but maybe he was too fascinated by it to think about the possible repercussions.
Blinking his eyes hard, Ford tried to ignore the throbbing in his head. It hadn’t been horrible when he’d left but now it was giving him more trouble than he’d like to admit. Plus, it was adding to his exhaustion. It was as if the few hours of sleep he had gotten vanished and he was going off of nothing again.
The car hit a patch of ice and slid. For a moment, Ford lost control of the car, but thankfully he got it under control again. However, the action effectively killed the conversation in the car.
“Maybe I should drive.” The wariness of Fiddleford’s voice was vastly different than the intrigue and curiosity he had used with Mabel.
“I’m fine.” Ford gritted his teeth. They were almost back at the cabin anyway; he could hold out for another minute or two.
Silence filled the car until Ford pulled in front of his house. Then Mabel started talking and Fiddleford engaged in conversation with her again. Ford tried not to let it get to him. He couldn’t entirely blame Fiddleford’s distrust of him after all, even if it did make him feel slightly unwelcome. Instead, he just grabbed the groceries and followed the two inside.
“-look familiar.”
As he walked in, Ford heard Dipper’s voice. He glanced up and saw the boy looking quizzically at Fiddleford, who seemed just as curious as Dipper.
“Best leave it alone.” Despite his growing lack of care at the security of the timeline, Ford found himself not wanting them to waste any more time. The sooner the kids could get home, the sooner he could figure out what to do about his own situation. Plus, he didn’t think Fiddleford would be overly fond of the kid’s future version of himself.
Everyone looked up at Ford and he swallowed in discomfort. “Fiddleford, the device is on the table there.”
For a moment, Fiddleford looked disappointed, but then he sighed and nodded. “Right, right, of course.”
As soon as his friend made his way to the table, Ford headed towards to kitchen. He didn’t necessarily want to waste time with groceries or food, but he also needed a break to compose himself.
Of course he couldn’t get even that. Walking into the kitchen and setting down the bags of groceries, Ford heard footsteps and looked up. Stan was watching him, but despite how close they had once been, Ford found he couldn’t read his brother’s mood now. So he ignored him as he put the perishable goods in the fridge.
“You didn’t crash my car.”
Ford froze - his hand on the milk - and glanced up at Stan. “Of course I didn’t!” The pain in his head and the growing exhaustion of his body resulted in his voice coming out sharper than he intended.
“Sheesh, relax…” Stan frowned and grabbed some of the food to put in a cabinet. There was silence for a moment then he spoke again. “Did everything go okay?”
“Yes, fine.”
“Are you sure, cause-?”
“I’m fine, Stanley!” Ford snapped. He didn’t have the energy to deal with his brother’s worry right now.
For a moment, they just stared at each other, then Stan’s face hardened. “Fine.”
He stormed out of the room before Ford could respond.
Letting out a sigh, Ford put up the rest of the food. Mabel’s comments about Stan kept coming back to him. As much as Ford wanted to believe Stan wouldn’t let him down, his brother’s current attitude towards him wasn’t exactly encouraging. Trying to shake the unease in his chest, Ford made his way back to the living room.
Upon walking in, Ford found the kids watching Fiddleford examine the time machine. His old friend was muttering to himself, clearly fascinated by the machine. Dipper was questioning him, as if trying to decide how he knew the inventor.
Despite not having the energy or desire to interact with anyone, Ford forced himself to walk up to the group. “Can you fix it?”
Fiddleford looked at him, a shadow passing over his face before he returned his gaze to the time machine. “I think so. But I don’t know if all of the parts are here…”
“I tried to grab them all…” Mabel said, worry crossing her face.
“It’s okay, Mabel, I’m sure we can figure something out.” Dipper gave his sister a reassuring smile and Ford shoved aside any resentment he felt at seeing the two siblings getting along.
“The parts are pretty advanced…” As he spoke, Fiddleford glanced at Ford.
 It was questioning and Ford knew he was thinking about Crash Site Omega. Another trip, more time. Ford didn’t have the time or patience to plan a trip to the crash site. Plus, it was freezing. He might not even be able to find the entrance in this weather.
Shaking his head, Ford found himself grasping at vague ideas, trying to figure out a plan. “It’s too cold.” He muttered to Fiddleford, though the kids glanced at him in confusion.
“Then what…?”
“I’ll figure something out.” Ford snapped.
“Maybe you should get some sleep-” Fiddleford started, but Ford quickly interrupted.
“I’m fine!”
When his friend shrunk back, Ford felt a small stab of guilt. “I just…give me a few hours to figure something out…”
“I suppose I could help-”
Ford shook his head. “No, just do what you can with the machine. I…I need to think…”
Making his way to his room, Ford could feel their eyes watching him, but he ignored it. Voices in his head, strange looks, feeling out of place. By now, he was getting pretty good at ignoring all sorts of things.
As he walked into his room, Ford froze as he heard a snore. Glancing at his bed, he saw Stan asleep on it. Annoyance grew in his chest, but it deflated as quickly as it had come. He wasn’t going to be sleeping again any time soon, and he might need Stan later. One of them might as well be rested.
Sitting down at his desk, Ford pulled out his journal and started trying to work out what to do, writing his thoughts out as he did so.
I don’t care to even think about the future any more, it is not as if I can unlearn the knowledge I have-
Ford’s hand froze in midair as he glanced at the sentence. Unlearn. Forget. Fiddleford said that he had destroyed his memory gun. But…what if he hadn’t? It could come in useful. Maybe…
Jumping up, Ford knocked his chair over. Stan mumbled in his sleep but didn’t wake up. Glancing at his brother, Ford knew what he had to do. If he could. If Stan would cooperate. If Fiddleford hadn’t destroyed the gun. If he was right about Bill. It was desperate and…it was permanent but…what other choice did he have? 
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raccoonhearteyes · 2 years
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Part I  | Part II
July 9th 2018
Clarke rushes to the gallery front desk to answer the phone. 
“Clarke, where have you been? I’ve called three times this morning. You’re never in after 9AM” 
“Sorry, sir, I had a bit of a late start to the morning.” But Clarke can’t remember why she had a late start. She remembers the party and sneaking food into her purse. She remembers leaving early, but doesn’t remember why. She remembers waking up alone in her bed. Naked, which was surprising. A quick shower where she must’ve spent a little too long with the shower head between her legs because the next thing she knew it was 8:57am and she hadn’t left her place yet. Weird. She’s usually more organized than that.
She spent the night and morning alone, apparently distracted enough to have a loose relationship with the concept of time, but still when she thinks of last night, her stomach swoops and she finds herself smiling. Gosh, what does it say about her love life that a night alone and a morning with her showerhead makes her feel more butterflies than any of the dates she has been on in the last three years? 
Clarke is on the phone with a collector when the door swings open and the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen strides into the gallery. Her responses become more of a series of nods and yeses as she half-heartedly continues the call, eyes following the stranger wherever she goes. 
When the woman disappears behind a center wall, Clarke’s train of thought sharpens again as she answers the collector's questions and eventually hangs up. She makes a few notes for her boss and looks up to see someone in the gallery. Clarke jumps a bit in her seat. 
When did they sneak in here? How did she miss them coming through the front door-- it’s right next to her desk? 
She reassures herself that she was just really absorbed in that collector call, and the stranger seems innocent enough. In fact, she’s drop dead gorgeous. Long tan legs. Short sleeve button down shirt with the sleeves cuffed a bit to reveal the definition in her arms. A mane of brown hair tamed into a neat braid. Piercing green eyes. 
Wow, her eyes might be a deeper green than the forest photograph she’s standing next to. The stranger catches her staring and offers a small smile, which Clarke returns before burying her embarrassment into the work at her desk. 
But still, she watches the stranger out of the corner of her eye as she makes her way through the full gallery. Clarke tries to focus on her work, she really does. But before she realizes it, she’s sketching the stranger’s face on a sticky note on her desk. She spends some time shading the cutting jawline and trying to get the dimensions of her tiny ears just right. 
After twenty minutes of fussing with the doodle, frustrated that she can’t quite get it right, everything seeming just a little too blurry, she approaches her mystery woman. 
“Are you looking to buy?”
“Ha, god no. I’m a student. I can barely afford to stand in here. I’m mostly here because there’s air conditioning. I’d have more success taking something off the wall and hoping you let me walk out of here.” 
“I’ll give you the ‘too rich for my blood’ tour then. I’ll show you my favorite pieces, and you can tell me which ones you would buy if you were independently wealthy,” Clarke offers.
Clarke loved the gallery she worked at, even though it made her anxious and unaccomplished as an artist. But there was a comfort in getting lost in someone else’s art, not having to explain the meaning or the depth to someone else. Not having to be so openly vulnerable about her own work, but able to talk about technique and the description someone else wrote. She can hide in the gallery that way, and getting someone else to love art is almost as big of a win as a sale. 
Clarke tours Lexa around the small gallery. Like most museums, the air is recycled, purified, and kept at a temperature and humidity that ensures that the art will not be damaged. There’s a distinct nothingness to the atmosphere, which almost forces you to fully engage in the exhibits. 
Lexa pauses in front of a seascape. “I like this one.”
“What about it?” 
“Uh.. I wasn’t expecting to be quizzed,” she pauses and tilts her head to study the painting a bit more closely, then points to a small two by two inch square of the painting. “I like this part. How do they make a solid two-dimensional painting look like a three dimensional wave with light peeking through it? Nothing made of solid pigment and canvas should be able to look so translucent.” 
There’s something so genuine in her answer, that Clarke can’t help but swoon. She’s used to the uppity clients who like it for the status of the name signed at the bottom, who want a piece because it’s expensive, not because they genuinely like it.
“Great answer,” Clarke says with a smile. 
They continue through the rest of the gallery, Clarke stopping to pause and ask what she likes about each piece. The small bunny hidden in the forest. The particular shade of blue used in an abstract. The fluidity of movement in the sculpture. When Lexa answers, “The tension between the two women,” Clarke’s eyebrows shoot up and she replies “Oh?” 
“There should be more gay art,” the girl says with a shrug, looking back at the painting.
Before she can control herself, Clarke blurts out, “Can I take you out to dinner after work today?” Stupid, she berates herself. She just asked someone out, and she doesn’t even know her name. Who does that? 
The girl’s face lights up. “I’d love that.” 
“Meet me at Noodles on 28th street at 7PM. They have the best dumplings in the city.” 
“It’s a date.” 
The gallery tour has come to an end and Clarke really needs to get back to work so she escorts the girl back to the front door. “See you tonight,” she says, and watches her make her way down the street. She’s just turned the corner when Clarke shakes her head. “Why am I standing near the door?” she mutters to herself. 
She walks back to her desk, trying to figure out why she’d gotten up in the first place. Did she think her Uber Eats was here? Was she expecting a patron? She shakes her head trying to clear it as she takes a seat in her comfy office chair, beginning to pull out some papers.
A yellow sticky note falls to the floor, and she leans to pick it up. It’s a sketch of a young woman. Her jawline is striking, her lips curved into a subtle smirk, and some blurred attempt at ears holding back a mane of wave hair. Clarke recognizes her own style immediately, but has no recollection of drawing this. Must’ve been an old drawing that got stuck to some newer papers, she justifies to herself. 
Still, Clarke isn’t one to do portraits without a model for them, and she wonders who this woman is. Did I make her up? Am I so desperate that I just tried to conjure the perfect woman? 
Looking at that doodle loosens something in Clarke’s artist block. She’s beautiful, and Clarke can’t quite bring herself to throw it away. Instead, she pins this one onto the bulletin board near her desk, hoping it inspires some future art. 
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khaothanawat · 1 year
i know i’ve seen people say it’s weird that nueng doesn’t, as of episode 7, seem upset that his mother was shot, but i don’t think it’s that weird. or: i don’t think he’s not upset. he’s just either hiding it very well, or completely compartmentalising by giving himself over to the fantasy escape of the island. or both.
like. i feel like the show has, over and over again and since episode one, made it so clear that nueng is a master of hiding his own feelings (unless he’s drunk pleeeaaase kssjdjjd). we saw him do it with ben in the dance hall, right before he decided to poison himself (hhh). my man ate food that was way too spicy for him and kept a perfectly straight face the entire time 😭
equally, it does also seem like nueng’s also keeping his feelings completely bottled up and letting himself instead get lost in this escapist fantasy the island offers him. he said it all out loud in episode 7 - i’m a different person here, i’m free from the weight of the expectations that are placed on me back home, i haven’t been happy in a very long time but i can be happy here… his focus on what the island offers him in comparison to the life he had (and just casually disregarding that the life he had would probably look very different to the life he’d be going back to, without either of his parents.) he was upset the entire journey to the island - and then he locked it up completely.
i mean, he’s out there trying to earn money as a fisherman because he’s never earned his own money before! he’s trying to work out how to put sheets on a bed! it’s not reality and he knows it, but i think that makes compartmentalising his feelings about what happened to his mother so much easier. he can just enjoy his time with palm, enjoy pretending to be a normal teenager (bc omg he’s a teenager) who doesn’t have people trying to murder him and his entire family. how else would you even really cope with that?
i think dating palm is also clearly a part of that. i absolutely believe he has feelings for palm, but i also wonder if he’s operating with a little bit of a #yolo mindset and just trying to make the most of his time on the island and live while he can. he’s never dated anyone!! he was so so lonely before he had palm!!! he’s got so many things he’s trying to escape from!!!! but none of it is permanent in his mind. that’s what he says to palm: while we’re living on this island, can you be my boyfriend?
i wonder if the fact that he’s not sleeping is also a sign of where he’s at - the show has shown us this a few times in the past two episodes. ostensibly it’s because he needs his music; we’ve seen him a number of times listening to classical music, particularly at school which was rough for him, so i suppose that’s an escape too. it’s like the spicy food though - he could hide his reaction to the pain from his voice and his face, but his body still betrayed how well he was actually coping.
the thing is, though, is nueng even really being honest with palm? does he genuinely need to buy a phone just to listen to classical music? don’t be such a zoomer nueng - go find a radio or something omg.
i just think that if i was planning to hitch a ride off of an island, becoming a fisherman with access to a boat and/or getting myself a phone would be a pretty smart call.
or else, getting myself sent to a hospital miles away would probably also do the trick, i guess.
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offsidekineticist · 11 months
❛ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile. ❜ for anyone :3
Hey Arrow! Gonna take a peek into the timeline where Theoven never leaves Cheliax for this one, so we can take a look inside Giliys's messed up little brain before the two get together.
Prompt from this post.
You are a fucking idiot. This isn't news to you, but it's especially relevant right now, when you realize you're feeling angrier than usual because you've never seen your best friend - the guy you are stupidly in love with, no matter how much you tell yourself it'll never fucking happen - crack a smile.
There are a lot of emotions you've never seen on Thay's face, on account of him being a bleachling and just not emoting all that much at all. Rage. Despair. Disgust. You've seen him pleased, but that wasn't worth a smile to Thay - when he's pleased, his face is relaxed, and his chin bobs in this quick short nod.
(You live for those fucking nods, cuz you're a fucking moron)
And you've seen him laugh - well, laugh by Thay standards. Your sense of humor is as warped as the rest you, but for some fucking reason, Thay finds you funny, and when he does, you get a Thay laugh - a short but audible exhale through his nose.
(Those weird little breaths make your day. Like a fucking idiot)
The thing is, you know he fakes it for other people. Other people find his lack of expression "creepy." Because they're stupid. The fact he doesn't bother with that when he's talking to you is a sign of trust, and you treasure that, by Thamir you do -
But you want to see what your friend looks like when experiencing pure joy. No, that ain't it. You want to cause him pure joy. You want to see him smile and know it's because of you.
Here's the part that makes you an idiot: he handed you the opportunity to do that years ago, and you said no.
It was a few months after you first met. You were passing through Brastlewark, so you stopped by the library to say hi, and he asked if you'd like to get dinner together sometime. And you wanted to say yes, because Thay's smart and kind and cute and funny and so far outta your league, and you'd already started daydreaming about his wispy white hair and charcoal gray eyes, and also he'd probably insist on paying because he's the one with a job, and you never say no to free food just on principle -
But getting that close would mean telling him about the Thing, and you know he'd hate you forever the moment he learned about the Thing. Better to just stay friends.
That left you a dilemma: how to turn him down? Cuz you can't say "sorry, can't, cuz then I'd have to tell you the truth about how absolutely shit I am as a person, and you'd never want to see me again." But you also don't want to give him the impression that he's somehow failed to meet your standards (cuz you don't have standards, but if you did he'd have outdone them a hundred times over). But you also -
"I'm straight." Sweet Silent Blade why did you pick that lie?!
It did the trick, of course. He nodded, but with a little crease between his eyebrows (that's his "accepting disappointing news" face) and thanked you for "your forthrightness." Because what else was he going to say? "No you're not"?? Sure, you could think of a few people you'd met who might say that, but not Thay. Even if he suspected you lied, he'd have the good sense to realize you were trying to let him down easy.
You don't regret it, not exactly. Well, you do, but you don't see what else you could've done without telling him about the Thing. But it seems like the longer you know him, the more you wish you could've just gone to dinner with him. Sometimes you think about just asking him out - but even if it was acceptable to do that without discussing the Thing (it's not), it's been years. He's definitely over you by now. Probably wonders what he ever saw in you in the first place, cuz even without the Thing, you're a pretty twisted motherfucker.
But that doesn't change the fact that you love him - or as close to love as your warped heart can manage. Doesn't change the fact that you want to bring him joy.
"You know," you say casually one day, "I don't think I've ever seen you smile."
Thay looks at you with a blank expression. "Well, I must keep some secrets, or you'll grow bored of me."
It's a joke, you're pretty sure - he's rarely completely expressionless, but he is as he delivers his line. It's also the only answer you get, and for the millionth time you wish you could've just said yes.
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missmeowfam310 · 1 year
Lee Know Knows everything
Hello, to anyone who might stumble upon this. This is something I had written for my, ex- bestfriend, and I think I want to share it to others.  English is not my first language, I in fact SUCK, but I love reading fanfiction, and I love writing for people, I know this oneshot is far from good, but I still hope anyone who reads it enjoys it.
I love lino so much and I tried to showcase it in this fic.
Summary: You met this weird boy. (yeah this pretty much is)
pairing: Lee know x reader (y/n)
genre: fluff.
Wordcount: 3.7 K
finally the bus driver stopped when he noticed you.
"thank you" you said not looking grateful at all, after running for a whole damn 10 minutes.
"I hate this man"
you whined under your breath while trying to find a seat.
you heard a voice on your left where a familiar young boy sitting next to the window.
you're not that social but he looked so cute pouting
" this bad man makes me stumble every morning as if he enjoys seeing me humiliated"
he continued, looking sad
you decided to set next to him.
" damn, stumbling in front of everyone every morning? What a way to start your day”
You surprised yourself, you’re not the type to talk this comfortably with a stranger.
"I know right? ah, it's alright, why do YOU hate him though?"
The sudden eye contact caught you off-guard.
"you have such beautiful eyes!"
you shocked the both of you with this statement, but it had to be said, sparkly, honey, and every other adjective.
His beautiful eyelashes, long enough to create a shadow on the tail of his eyes appearing as an eyeliner.
"OH! thank you I guess"
shit what is wrong with you.. he looked adorable though, smiling shyly while blinking too many times, it seems like it's his habit?
"well, this 'bad man' just made me run after the bus for a whole five minutes just because he couldn’t wait for more two minutes"
you sounded so angry.
"might as well run to the school since you’re that good at running"
Oh he’s cheeky
" I guess I should have run "
you agreed, smiling at him while acting like you're seriously considering his suggestion.
"we go to the same school right? because you look a bit familiar"
he asked you sounding a bit confident.
"yeah I guess because I feel like I've seen you before too"
"cool!" he said while gesturing a thumb up
"cool!" you replied
He’s weird, you love it
both of you kept the conversations going, words flow smoothly with him, you found him funny, adorable and a bit charming to be fair...
you both walked each other to your classes, " see you later" he said.
you smiled, "see you later"
you've never enjoyed somebody's company as you did today with- FUCK!! you can't believe you didn't ask him about his name! well to be frank it wasn't a usual "nice to meet you" conversation that ends ups with actually knowing the person's name.
Wow it’s your first time seeing the place so quiet and not so crowded, there was no line to wait in so you’ve got your food pretty fast, sat on a table alone because burritos before amigos!
Enjoying your meal peacefully while listening to a song your friend had recommended -which was not like anything you’d personally listen to - you turned it off looking a bit disgusted and mad because she kept gassing it, questionable taste as usual, shaking your head in disappointment.
“damn why you mad bro chill a bit”
It’s him again, now you’ve gotta ask him about his na-
“I’m lee Minho, friends call me lee know because I know everything, and that you’re Y\N, I know where you live too”
“okay that’s not creepy at all, lee know.”
You said, looking unfazed.
“Been going around asking about you all day, my efforts are totally wasted”
“and you’re disappointed cuz?”
You asked him, because he looked so done with life, even a bit mad which made you laugh.
“you’re supposed to be surprised with my amazing abilities, also, what a weird laugh, do you always make this noise with your nose?”
What did he just say?
“I love it”
“0-okey thanks I guess lol”
“I get roasted for it but no fucks are given”
He high-fived you with cute smile
“you have a cute smile”
You’re not that person who throws compliments so much but he makes you do that a lot.
“oh thank you dear Y\N”
He fake-giggled covering his mouth with his right hand
He received your smack on his shoulder because he’s looked like a silly rabbit, then he acted like you stabbed his arm, his extra ass started banting but as you ignored his existence, he quit his act and sat down to eat like a normal human being.
“why are you sitting alone?”
He asked with full mouth, you gave him a disgusted look
“my friend didn’t come to school today”
“you have friends??”
This mother fuc-
“OUCH IM SORRY! You take no joke huh, I bet you’re an Aries or a Capricorn, always so salty”
Speechless you were, because of course he was right, lee know knows… you heard him laughing, and his laugh brought a smile on your face.
“let me guess, you’re probably a Capricorn, you have that attitude, anger issues too, must be fun”
“if you think that I’ll be offended then you’re incredibly wrong, I am a proud Capricorn”
“yeah obviously lol”
“lemme guess, hmmmmm”
You stared at his face looking for answers, while he gave you a weird smile, you can count all of his teeth.
he seemed like cute asshole, savage, smart but silly, a Taurus? nah he’s not that naughty, or he is?
“damn is it really that hard, I’ll give you a hint, I’m lethal”
“A SCORBIO?????”
“makes lot of sense to be very honest”
“what do you mean”
Opps he looked offended
“you, love yourself and its obvious”
“aren’t we all supposed to love ourselves? Look if you don’t love yourself enough, no one will love you”
He looked proud
“you talk a lot”
“I know”
“we know”
“you know”
“lee know”
 You spent your break with him, it’s a lot of Minho in one day, you need to charge a bit.
The day is finally over damn this was an exhausting one. Walking to your bus with your headphones on listening to same playlist, it startled you when someone pulled on your bag’s belt, you didn’t really appreciate it, you turned around ready to fight but it was just lee know smiling his cute little smile , you removed your earphones because you saw his lips moving but couldn’t hear shit.
“been screaming out your name for hours”
“oh sorry I’ve had my earphones on”
“yeah I figured”
You walked in silence together to the bus.
“is this our thing now?”
He asked, making no eye contact, which is rare, because he likes to stare right into the eyes, is he nervous?
“what do you mean?”
You asked confused
He had his hands inside his pockets, eyes stuck on his feet.
“oh you know, walking each other to our destinations “
you couldn’t help but laugh at his cuteness, he was shy, nervous too, which is probably why he was avoiding your eyes.
“hmm I guess? “
You said with a smile, he looked satisfied.
You continued walking to the bus, and right before you took the bus steps, he pulled you from your bag’s belt, again, you almost smacked the shit out of him, but then he took the jacket that was hanging from you bag, sneaked his arms around your waist, and tied the jacket’s sleeves around your waist. He took his time tying it perfectly, and you took yours, staring at him, the way his bangs sat on his eyelashes, you feel your body getting warmer, he feels warm too, his hair looked shiny.
You patted him on the head when he finished, mouthing a soft “thank you”
“such a good boy”
With a smirk you said, as he walked next to you trying to find a seat.
“ew shut up you’re embarrassing me”
He pulled you to set in the last pair of seats before the last row while you were cracking up at how embarrassed and shy he looked, you sat on the chair still laughing, whipping your tears, and something felt off, you turned on your left to check, and he was weirdly quiet, he had his headphones on, you can hear the music, it was -twice’s feel special-
“oh so you’re a twice fan, so typical”
Now you got it, he’s mad, and ignoring you too, cool, it hasn’t been a day yet and you’ve already managed to make him mad, amazing, your only talent.
People starred at your loud ass but you gave no fuck
But you hear no music now but he’s still acting like he can’t hear you.
“well, guess you don’t wanna come over to rewatch endgame”
You whispered loud enough for him to hear.
You saw with the corner of your eyes how he froze and swore under his breath so you let out a laugh but acted fast as if you didn’t.
But he looked at you and saw your small smile.
And he giggled, so you giggled too.
“I do, want to come over to rewatch endgame”
“oh I know you do”
smiling, he’s so cute, like a little baby, gets easily angry and with a candy it’ll be like nothing-
“if you tried to pull shits like this again imma hang you from your foot on the school’s gate”
He whispered at your ear in the sweetest voice ever, it gave you chills.
“boy chill damn “
He seriously scared you, big Scorpio energy.
But then he gave you one of the headphones side, he played breath by lee hi, it���s a long ride till home, and you were tired, the urge to put your head on his shoulder was extreme but you held it in, you kept on yawning, when he took your hand that’s next to him, pulled you a bit closer to him, and pushed your head lightly on his shoulder, while your arm is in his lap, and his arm is in yours, you held tight into it, you gave up and slept.
You were having a nice warm nap, until your nose felt itchy so you opened your left eyes to see a shadow in front of your face, you tried to clear your sight and open both of your eyes, you were blessed with Minho’s face, Minho’s smile to be specific, with his cute teeth, and his beautiful lashes. You saw his lips move but had no idea what he was saying, when the bus stopped you realized it was your stop, so you stood, gathering your stuff.
“see you tomorrow” with sleepy voice you said
You walked to the door, looking at the steps as you get down, the bus driver drove away and then you realized it’s not your stop.
You looked back to see the bus was far away already, but Minho was running to you from the same direction.
When he arrived, he was on the ground dying with laughter.
“-I can’t damn”
He was breathing heavily and laughing at the same time.
You stood there crossing arms waiting for him to stop his bullshit.
“you are DEFINITLY not okay, agh “
He giggled
“you done?”
You asked him is a bored tone, and no he was not, cuz once he looked at you he started laughing again, tearing up too.
So you started walking to your house which wasn’t that far from this stop, and he soon enough started walking with you.
“damn I’m thirsty as fuck” he stated
“I bet you are” you laughed at him
It is your thing, now that you think of it, he walked you everywhere.
“why are you smiling like a fool?”
Were in fact smiling like a fool, but you’d be damned to admit it
“I was not” you denied
“you definitely were”
He said sounding certain  
“and by the way”
He stressed
“what moisturizer are you using?”
“why are you asking about my moisturizer what th-“
“you’re always glowing like a glazed donut, my dry ass skin would never”
“oh poor you, bae I ain’t using any moisturizer, it’s just my oily ass skin, I use a serum that’s a bit hydrating, skip moisturizer and use sunscreen afterwards”
“I don’t call that oily skin; I call that being a privilege”
He’s not normal, you doubted before but now you’re sure. (now I know, now I know)
The five minutes’ walk you were both chatting and giggling in felt like a one minute walk.
“oh, we’re here”
He said not sounding happy at all.
“c’mon in”
You invited him gesturing with your head towards the door.
“oh- no it’s okay no need to-“
“shut the fuck up and get inside lemme offer you a drink”
You walked to the door waiting for him to follow and you were sure he will.
He did.
You took off you shoes, wore the house slipper and offered him a pair too.
“so, water? Orange juice? Mango juice? Coke? Sprite? fanta-“
“damn do you have own a bar or something? Water please I don’t drink anything else”
“lmao acting all healthy while all you eat is burger king”
“what the heck? How do you know?”
“we ate lunch together stupid, and you spilled all of your secrets”
“oh right “
You shook your head at him and went to bring him a bottle of water from the kitchen.
As you were taking the bottle from the fridge, you glanced to see him looking so awkward, just standing there, which you thought was so cute and adorable but you quickly threw the thought out of the window and hurried to give him the bottle.
“thank you darling”
He said smirking at you.
“I ain’t your darling sweetie”
You smiled at each other, you both have the same sense of humor which is your conversations are never free of jokes and sarcasm.
“thank you for walking me home”
You said almost whispering cuz ew you hate saying cringy things out loud.
“I honestly got off the bus to laugh at your ass”
“yeah right, that’s why you ran all the way, to laugh at me “
“yup, exactly”
He bites his lips holding his smile, barely.
Oh no what’s happening to you…..
 It’s been two months since you and Minho became friends, you’ve been hanging out A LOT lately, more than y’all probably should, even your best friend noticed it.
You were both, your best friend and you, in the class before the break period, chatting while the teacher is answering students’ questions.
“I’m REALLY craving pizza”
You whined at her.
“let your new boyfriend buys you some”
“Minho, his name is Minho and he’s not my boyfriend”
You said, getting defensive
“yup sorry, Minho, your boyfriend-to-be”
“stop it before someone hears you”
“hear what?”
‘speak of the devil’ you thought
“hey Minho”
You friend greeted him
“hey Sara how are doing?”
“I’m fine, you?”
Why are they chatting as if they knew each other since forever? This bothered you.
“what do you want Mr.Lee knows everything?”
he’s so used to your rudeness now, nothing affects hi-
shocked by your question, he answered anyway.
“you said you wanted me to join you in your audition”
He said in a new tone that you didn’t like.
“oh right! I always need you by my side in the hardships, my brave and noble knight”
You HAD to fix your attitude because making him sad was NOT an option, you’d rather cut your arm-
“I know how much I mean to you and how much you need me-“
You take it back
“shut the fuck and let us go so I can be the first one in line, bye Sara see you later”
“bye, GOOD LUCK!”
She screamed as you both walked out of the class.
You screamed back
You linked your arms together, yours and his.
It’s a habit now, he’s cozy and you feel so comfortable around him despite the crush.
You arrived to the hall where the audition room is, you were so nervous, shaking and breathing heavily, it was an audition to the school play, you were into acting since you’re a fake ass b-
You loved movies and shows, you loved how with a plot and a scenario, you could live another life, which is you respected actors so much, how they can showcase a whole character and live its life, and how they step out of their own personality and reality.
You were breathing so fast you feel your heartbeat going crazy, when a sudden warmth covered your hands.
It was him.
“hey hey, look at me, breath, inhale, exhale, you’ll do well, you practiced million times, just imagine it’s you and me, just as we practiced, calm down”
You’re far beyond crushing on him now, you are certain, you are deeply in love with him, you couldn’t help but pull him into a hug, he froze for two seconds but soon he wrapped his arms around you, rubbed you back, squeezed you a bit.
“you’ll do well I promise”
“thank you Minho”
You broke the hug and gave him a grateful look.
He slapped your shoulder
He screamed in the middle of the hall gathering attention.
On other occasion you’d scold him for screaming, but right now, how could you? He’s cheering you up, embarrassing you both in the process, you couldn’t do anything but stare lovingly at him, he’s so precious.
“if I get accepted, I’ll tell you something”
You will, you’ll tell him how you feel about him, even if you don’t pass the auditions, it won’t matter because his support is enough for you.
“I’m going in, wish me luck!”
You knocked the door and got in after hearing the permission to get in.
“you’ve got the support as we can hear” your teacher said.
You laughed in embarrassment, but also in pride.
“show us what you got”
 Twenty minutes passed as Minho was waiting for you in the hall, his neck snapped to the door’s direction once he heard it, you finally got out, but he couldn’t read your face, you walked calmly to him, he opened his arms ready to comfort you but you surprised him when you held his face and kissed his left cheek.
You backed away and smiled widely at him.
He screamed looking shocked as fuck and you nodded
“YOU GOT IN??????”
You said, feeling emotional.
And he took you in his arms lifting you while hugging you tightly.
“omg I’m so proud of you”
He said while brushing your hair with his fingers.
“stop it or I’ll cry”
You hit him on his shoulder.
“put me down now”
You told him but he’s still holding you.
“shhhhhh lemme embrace and appreciate you a bit”
Your heart is racing tt might jump out of its place.
“I have something important to tell you Minho”
He heard your serious tone and got you on your legs but he still got his hands around you.
You started, while he was staring at you in anticipation.
“we’ve been friends for almost two months, right?”
You stated without actually really asking.
“and I-“
“two months and two days to be specific”
He added before you finish and you laughed at his usual habit of stating facts in unusual times.
“yes, friends for two months and two days, and I really found myself, like, really, you know?”
No he did not know, he was staring at you with his eyebrows raised making you even more nervous.
“go on you’re doing amazing sweetie”
He comforted you while squeezing your waist a bit to relax and continue.
“so basically, I am soooooooooo attracted to you, I really never thought that I’d-“
He interrupted you again but this time you weren’t sure you wanted to continue.
He kept staring at you, and you can’t read his face, it’s the face he makes when he spaces out and starts thinking, thinking in what? No one knows.
“why did you stop? Continue!”
He pulled you even closer and his expression has totally changed, to a playful one, with his cute smirk, so you smiled at him while putting your arms on his shoulders, getting cozier, the both of you.
He hummed, tilting his head to the side while smiling at you.
“the point is, I really like you, like a lot”
You finally said it, sighing because damn that was tough.
“oh y\n”
He sighed too, but with a smile.
“I’d kiss you if we weren’t in the middle of the hall-“
You cut him off by jumping to peck at his beautiful lips.
His expression was priceless, his eyes were wide and his mouth stayed at the position.
“this works too, I guess”
He giggled his cute giggle that gives you a stroke, and looked around avoiding eye contact.
“lee Minho are you SHY????” you screamed.
He shook you in his embrace acting like he’s mad and will kill you.
“but you didn’t tell me if you like me too….”
You said after realizing.
“wait- so you don’t really know?”
He said with pure shook on his face.
“know what?”
“I thought you already know that I liked you, wasn’t I being obvious?”
Oh, he likes you too…
“no, I didn’t know, I was too immersed in my own crush to notice your feelings, sorry”
You replied while playing with the hair on his neck KNOWING he’s sensitive in this area so you laughed at his reaction, he cringed with closed eyes.
“stop it”
He whined with the tinniest voice ever.
“I’d kiss the shit out of you if we weren’t in the hall-“
You said, this time, but he was the one that kissed you, deeply this time, with passion, he KISSED YOU!!!
He backed off with a satisfied expression, while you were still lost in your own feeling, you felt like your soul was leaving your body in the best way possible.
“I think we should go get our lunch before it gets crowded in the cafeteria”
You said to finally change the situation, so you linked your arms and started walking towards the cafeteria, as usual, no major changes, comfortable you were, and he’s still the same Minho.
(I hope you liked it, tell me what you think)
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chidoroki · 1 year
Black Clover ch353
Apparently the legendary dragon had the land perpetually covered in yoryoku, so the inhabitants never actually saw the real sky before. I guess it wasn’t really noticeable to us in manga either, but I’m sure if and whenever this moment gets animated the new sky will be beautiful to witness. (kinda reminds me of Juvia seeing the sky for the first time without her rain).
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Y’all are just gonna sit back and wait in hopes the Bulls will appear? I mean I don’t doubt them; they’re sure to find someway over here with some crazy method, but then they’ll all have to travel back to Clover anyway. Just seems like more work to me? Can’t we have Asta wash up on the shores like Yami did back in the day? Pfftt, but yeah sure, our boy needs a break anyway. He can worry about judgement day later..
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For now, we celebrate! Everyone seems so happy and lively which is good! They deserve to let loose and have some fun. I find it kinda hilarious they’re all gonna feast on the dragon. Sure it was all just laying there dead now and the thing was huge, so all that meat can last them like..several years. Thankfully Lily is getting some proper rest too, but still won’t wake until Lucius is defeated.
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We see Ichika ask again about who really killed off the Yami clan, but Ryu’s silence is a loud enough answer to that. And I dunno why but I think Fuji is probably my favorite out of the seven. He just seems so chill playing his biwa and I love it.
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I know I should be focusing more on the fact that Ichika apologizes to Asta about speaking ill of Yami, but I simply can’t ignore the fact our boy is actually drinking! Oh Vanessa would be so very proud of him. I desperately want to see the two of them celebrate together now.
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The whole Charmy resemblance towards this Ocha-ami doll has me confuzzled, like I thought it looking like our famous big eater was just for shits and giggles. I wasn’t expecting it to have some sort of backstory?? Has Charmy actually been to Land of the Sun once before? Could she get the rest of the Bulls there now since they’re trying to find Asta? Or is this all a bunch of nonsense and the real Ocha-ami is someone completely different? Maybe a real distant relative on Charmy’s dwarf side, or whatever side of her has the food magic? Charmy is such a big mystery, I dunno, it’s all rather silly to think about but still funny to me.
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Not gonna lie but Jozo looks kinda nice without his mask? I assume he wears it to hide all those scars and to better fit the mysterious ninja persona we’ve seen from him already, but I like it. He kinda reminds me of Gabimaru from Hell’s Paradise, which is weird how I even thought of him considering I’ve only seen him from trailer previews? But oh my god, please let Yosuga and Mereoleona meet up! Imagine the fight they would get into! (she’d probably wipe the floor with him).
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Soon after Daizaemon suggests Asta take a dip in the hot spring and seeing our boy all bare was certainly not on my list of things I’d wanted to see. Though I did get the reminder of the giant scar across his chest he received at the start of this arc. Poor lad needs to stop getting hurt so much. And as per hot spring tradition, ya can’t visit one without some kind of fanservice happening, so Asta unexpectedly runs into Ichika (due to Daizaemon’s forgetfulness). Thankfully Ichika’s embarrassment and Asta’s quick getaway spars him of any harm. For now.
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Asta wastes no time to apologize the next morning like the good boy he his and we’re back at it again with some more upcoming training. With the way the chapter ends, it reminds me of how the six month training in Heart was handled, so hopefully we time skip right to judgement day, or at least back to Clover and the other Bulls to see what they’ve been up to the past couple days.
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But ah, how great this was. Finally a chapter that gave me stuff to ramble on about for more than a couple sentences! The fight was nice and all but I very much enjoyed seeing the seven and Asta all chill out for once.
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spaceskam · 2 years
Akk had never felt better in his entire life.
Every morning, he video called Im and Egg and talked to them as if they weren’t separated for the first time in his life. Every day, he went to work and explored the city. Every afternoon, he came home to Theo in Akk’s tiny, partially-unpacked apartment and had dinner with him before making up for lost time with long kisses and heavy petting. They hadn’t gone any further than over-the-clothes groping and he respected Theo, so he had no intention to rush. They were together now and calling each other fiancé and had all the time in the world to build up to more, that’s all that mattered.
Also, it’d only been four days.
“Do you want to have dinner with my mom tonight?” Theo asked. Akk had his phone balanced on his shoulder and pressed to his ear, shoveling the cheapest food he could find for lunch. It was strange tasting and had a really weird texture, but he felt that way about most French food he’d encountered that wasn’t just plain bread and he ended up swallowing a lot of bites whole.
“Yeah, I haven’t seen her in awhile,” Akk said, “Does she, uh, know about us?”
“No,” Theo said, “I was hoping we could tell her together.”
Akk smiled a little to himself. He liked knowing Theo was his and that they could just tell anyone and everyone about it if he wanted to. And he wanted to. Pride was an understatement to how it felt to know that Theo was his and he could just hold his hand while walking down the street and people would know.
However, he very quickly froze and his smile started to droop.
“Wait, does she know that we kinda broke up? Is she going to hate me for that? Don’t parents usually hate their kid’s ex?” Akk asked through a mouthful of food. Theo was quiet for a moment.
“I… Well, I never really told her about any of it the first time around either,” Theo said. Akk blinked a couple times, his tongue unfortunately having time to absorb the awful taste of the food he was eating. “In my defense, there were other things happening like a whole divorce! I never got the chance.”
“Okay, fair, you got me there,” he said, but he was admittedly a little bit nervous still. Were they going to omit that part completely? Was he supposed to just be like “hey Pa, I’ve been in France for four days and now Theo and I are spontaneously in love about it”? “So what’s the game plan?”
“What do you mean?”
“What you mean what do I mean? What are we telling her?” Akk asked, pulling his phone off his face just long enough to see the time and then started heading back to the studio. He tossed the rest of his food in the garbage. 
“She already knows that you’re here, I had to tell her because I’ve been staying over with you a lot,” Theo said, “So, I think she had an idea. I don’t think she’ll be surprised, she’ll just be happy that we told her.”
“Theo, I love you, but I don’t trust you when you say things like that. You’re chronically optimistic.”
“You love that about me.”
“I do, I really sincerely do, but still. I don’t want her to think we’re moving too fast,” Akk said, “I don’t want her thinking I have some witchy power over you that’s making you feel like you have to rush into marriage about it.”
“We’re not rushing into anything. I love you and you love me and we don’t plan on getting married anytime soon,” Theo said, reciting the facts because they’ve talked about them pretty much every day since they’ve been reunited, “It’s just a promise. I think she’s going to be happy for us. She’s always liked you.”
Which, that was also true. It was true when they were young and it was true through all the years Theo was gone and she’d see him in passing. She always asked how he was, how his grades were, what he was up to, and she’d give him a little update on Theo as well. She was there at his parents funeral and had hugged him for so long, promising she’d be there if he ever needed it. He never really took her up on that offer, but the sentiment was there. She cared about him and he didn’t think that this would change anything.
But it was still nerve wracking nonetheless.
“Come over after work, I’ll send you the address,” Theo said, “I love you.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then. I love you too.”
“Ah, young love, it’s both adorable and annoying,” Mila commented as he walked back inside, ending the phone call, “I still cannot believe you came all the way here to chase after a boy.”
“You wouldn’t move everything for love?” Akk asked, speaking slowly. He wasn’t extremely confident in his English, but it was infinitely better than his French at this point and none of his coworkers knew Thai, so they reached a middle ground there.
“No,” Mila said, barely giving it a thought, “I don’t think I would.”
“One day you can meet Theo. You will get it,” he promised. She smiled and nodded, almost like she didn’t believe him. Which she probably didn’t. But, seriously, who could meet Theo and not want to abandon everything to be with him?
Later that afternoon when Akk was on his way to Theo’s mother’s home, he could feel his previous nerves build even more.
He wasn’t even sure what he was so nervous about. He didn’t think it was going to go badly and he proudly showed off his relationship with Theo to everyone else, so he couldn’t quite put a finger on why this was different. Maybe because he wanted her to be extremely happy and anything less will be a let down. Or maybe because he’d known her his whole life and just announcing that he now planned to fuck (and to be fucked by) her son for the rest of his life was intimidating. Or maybe it was how much both of their mother’s had agreed that they would be best friends and brothers forever, Akk being the only boy and Theo being the only child, so this might really catch her off guard. Just imagining a shocked expression in regards to his feelings for Theo was scary even if it wasn’t a bad shock.
He wanted people to see him and Theo and just know. He wanted it to be obvious. He didn’t want shock.
Akk knocked on the door and bounced on his toes until it opened, a smile blooming on his face the moment he saw Theo. He looked cozy here, dressed down in sweats and a soft t-shirt and barefoot. His hair wasn’t even fixed.
“Hi, I missed you,” Theo said, reaching out to grab Akk’s jacket and pulling him inside. He immediately went for a kiss and‒as much as it pained him to do so‒Akk dodged it. Theo’s bottom lip jutted out in a pout. “No kisses?”
“Your mom might see and that is absolutely not how I want her to find out about us,” Akk insisted. Theo rolled his eyes, but he let him go.
“My mom isn’t even here, she’s grocery shopping. She’ll be here later,” Theo said, closing the door behind him.
“Okay, I’m still nervous,” Akk said. Theo looked at him skeptically and then a smile started to pull at his lips and he poked him in the side. 
“Why are you nervous?”
“Why wouldn’t I be! Why aren’t you?” Akk insisted, letting Theo lead the way. The house was fancy, not as fancy as the one back home, but fancier than anywhere Akk had ever lived. He didn’t know how he felt about the idea that one day he might live somewhere fancy just because he would be with Theo. He didn’t know how Theo felt about the fancy lifestyle‒he’d never asked. Maybe he should.
“Because I know her and she’s going to be so happy that I have someone, happier that it’s you because she trusts you,” Theo said, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the couch. Akk sat upright instead of sinking in like he usually would.
“No, she trusts best friend Akk, we have no idea how she feels about Akk, the boyfriend edition,” Akk said. Theo rolled his eyes again and went to kick him, but Akk caught his leg on reflex. That finally got a smile to start showing on Theo’s face again and he left his foot in Akk’s lap.
“What’s the difference? Actually, the difference is you’re sappy now, which feels like a plus for a mom,” Theo said, grinning.
“Since when am I sappy? I’m not sappy at all. I’m hardened and hide all of my feelings,” Akk argued. Theo laughed.
“What are you talking about? No, you don’t, and I wouldn’t want you to. I love knowing how much you love me just from the way you look at me. And your little monologues about how much you want to kiss me and stuff aren’t bad either,” Theo said, reaching out to run the back of his hand up and down Akk’s arm, “Calm down, it’s going to be fine. Just act normal.”
“Theo, respectfully, I don’t know what normal is anymore. I haven’t felt normal in months because of you. I feel like I am always preparing to run a marathon‒but in a good way, I hate running,” Akk stated. Theo’s face, somehow, got even fonder as he scooted closer.
“Kiss me then,” Theo said. Akk’s eyes widened and he made the world’s most foolish mistake‒making eye contact with Theo.
“How did you come to that decision? That would do the opposite of calming me down‒in more ways than one,” Akk said, keeping his voice hushed even though they were allegedly the only one in the house. Theo reached up to put his hand on Akk’s cheek‒an equivalent of a killshot at this point.
“I’ll distract you, keep your mind off it,” Theo said, his thumb rubbing over his cheekbone. And Akk could already feel himself leaning closer and tightening his grip on Theo’s ankle and staring at those lips.
“I think I should keep my mind on it,” Akk said, but he knew his voice had lost its conviction, “We didn’t even decide how we were going to tell her.”
“Mind on what?” Theo asked, smirking because he was a sore winner. Akk swallowed.
Akk had probably always been passive. He wouldn’t say he was a coward or anything, but definitely passive. He spent so much of his life sitting in the backseat and letting things happen because it was easier that way. But he’d learned that acting on his wants and his dreams and desires were good and that’s what he would tell himself over and over as he slid his hand up to Theo’s thigh and tilted his head to accept the tongue Theo was offering.
They weren’t doing anything wrong, they were fully clothed behind closed doors and they were, for all intents and purposes, set to be married one day. This was totally fine. There was no reason to be shameful or guilty or paranoid about this. And Akk thought about that as Theo shifted into his lap entirely.
Theo was bold‒that wasn’t new, honestly‒and he knotted his fingers into Akk’s hair to maneuver him any way he wanted. It felt good to have his hair tugged on and to be kissed so deeply. Akk had never really imagined being desired like this and every single time Theo kissed him like he wanted to stake claim on him, like he wanted to make a mess of him, Akk’s brain went completely blank. Which is probably why he was doing it now.
Akk’s hands slid up and down Theo’s thighs, hands eventually resting at his hips as he played with the hem of his shirt. That playing very quickly led to Akk feeling the warmth of his skin underneath, smooth and inviting. Any last bit of attention and blood in his brain went straight to the bulge in his jeans at the feeling.
It was Theo‒it was always Theo‒who hummed a soft little noise and rocked his hips forward. It was just enough that it shook Akk awake and he immediately broke the kiss, grabbing Theo’s arms and holding him a bit away so he could try to clear his thoughts. His lips were red and glistening with saliva, his eyes wide and his pupils blown. And if that’s how Theo looked, Akk was terrified to know how he looked. 
“You can’t do that,” Akk said, shaking his head, “We’re on your mom’s couch.”
“Do you know how many things I want to do to you on my mom’s couch?” Theo breathed, reaching for him again.
“Theo, I think you’ve officially lost it.”
“When have I ever had it when it comes to you?” Theo asked, laughing softly as he moved in for another kiss. It was soft, just a peck, but both of their lips were damp and it made a much louder noise than it had any right to. “I want you to think of me all through dinner and when you’re talking to my mom. I don’t want you to worry. I want you to know that I want you and nothing’s going to change that. She’s going to love you still because I love you. That’s all that matters.”
“Theo…” Akk trailed off, but his eyes fluttered closed as Theo kissed him again. He let out a sigh as Theo moved his hips, just a little bit, just enough to know that he was interested. 
Theo encouraged him to lay his head back against the couch cushions and rewarded him by putting his arms on either side of his head so he was just surrounded by Theo. Theo kissed him and laid against him, pushing him further into the couch. Akk had practically become one with it, the cheese of an Theo-Couch bread sandwich. His hands mindlessly roamed his thighs and his back as Theo grinded against him and licked into his mouth, slow and thorough. Akk’s thumb caught the waistband of his sweats and stayed there, letting his hand spread out on his ass. It was a good place for his hand to be, actually, the best place.
“Tell me you love me,” Theo requested, slowly moving his kisses down to his neck. When Akk didn’t respond immediately, mind still lagging, Theo bit down on a muscle below in his neck.
“Ah, shit, I love you,” he complied, easy as breathing. He could feel Theo smile.
“Good boy.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Mmm, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Akk was going to explode. There would be nothing left of him after; he would be thoroughly destroyed. And he was perfectly happy with that.
Or, he would’ve been, if the sound of someone clearing their throat‒loudly, like it had been done more than once by now‒broke him from his Theo-tinted haze.
Akk all but threw Theo off him, making sure he went onto the couch. He still landed with a little ‘oof’ against the cushions and was wide-eyed like he was offended. Akk, however, immediately turned his attention to Theo’s mom who stood with her arms crossed and her lips pressed together.
“Hello,” Akk said, laughing softly as he raised his hands and bowed his head. Part of him wanted to fully just get on his knees to beg for forgiveness, but that seemed like it would just make everything extremely obvious. 
“Mom,” Theo said, “You’re home.”
“I’m home,” she said, raising her eyebrows and the faintest of smiles found her face. Akk needed to find a temple to pray at immediately. “Sorry to interrupt, I wasn’t expecting this. And I could assume neither of you were expecting me either.”
“I’m sorry, Pa,” Akk said, bowing his head again, “That was inappropriate.”
“No, no, don’t apologize. I’m happy you both feel… comfortable,” she said, but she covered her mouth as she started to laugh. Akk cut his eyes over to Theo for a little bit of guidance, but he was already getting that soft smile back on his face like he was perfectly chill. Apparently Akk was the only one who didn’t feel perfectly chill about this situation. “You two… fix yourselves up while I get started on dinner and meet me in the kitchen, okay?”
“Okay, thank you,” Akk and Theo said in tandem, both bowing a little bit.
The moment she was out of sight, Akk turned entirely to Theo.
“She’s going to put my head on a stake. I’m going to be cooked for dinner. I hope you like Akk stew,” Akk said. Theo rolled his eyes and leaned closer, hands going to fix Akk’s hair. It proved to have a secondary effect of calming him as his fingers combed through his hair, gentle and soothing.
“It’s fine, she clearly doesn’t mind,” Theo said, “Besides, now we don’t have to think of how to say it.”
“Why are you so calm? You’re usually the one who isn’t calm, I didn’t agree to this role reversal,” Akk told him. Theo laughed.
“I disagree that I’m the one who isn’t calm usually.”
“You are, though! You get those big doe eyes when you’re all caught off guard, it’s an internal panic, I see it all the time, I could draw it from memory,” Akk said. Theo put his hands on either side of his face and squeezed his cheeks together, looking him in the eyes.
“If you think that’s me panicking, I think we should evaluate your definition of panicking,” he said, kissing him on the nose, “I think that went well, all things considered.”
Akk looked at him, eyes searching his face. Theo was weirdly calm and had that pleased, proud face he had whenever he got what he wanted. Akk was becoming more and more familiar with that face with each passing day and half the time he never saw it coming.
“Did you plan that?” Akk asked. Theo scrunched up his nose, looked off to the side, and tilted his head a little bit. “Oh my god. My boyfriend is an evil genius.”
“You’re right. My fiancé is an evil genius, that’s my bad.”
Theo grinned and pecked his lips, standing up off the couch. He stretched and Akk watched him, lips parted in something akin to awe. He knew Theo was bold and had mastered the art of encouraging Akk to be bold as well, but it still caught him off guard sometimes. He was almost impressed.
“I can’t believe you got me to make out with you on your mom’s couch just so we didn’t have to figure out what to say,” Akk said. Theo shrugged and held out his hand to him. He pulled him to his feet. “You’re a villain. I love you. Don’t ever do that again.”
“Make out with you on the couch or get caught?” Theo asked. Akk blinked a couple times and realized he didn’t actually know. He didn’t mind getting caught‒just not when it was his mom.
“Just not when your mom is supposed to be showing up,” Akk said. Theo nodded and kissed his hand.
“Okay, I won’t, I promise.”
 Akk let himself be pulled into the kitchen where he witnessed mother and son act like the couch situation hadn’t just happened. It was a good thing, though, because it gave Akk a moment to remember how to act normal. It was only after he calmed down that he realized how good the whole situation actually was.
Theo’s mom didn’t have any issue with them, but she did ask questions like how and when it all had happened. It was nice to tell someone that loved them both this story, nice to see her excitement. Akk didn’t think they’d ever really get another reaction quite like it. Akk had thought he was on cloud nine before, but this was something even better. It felt like being home again.
He had no intention of letting it go ever again.
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Title: Cafe Con Lychee
Author: Emery Lee
Genre: YA Fiction | Drama | Romance | Food | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia
Overall Rating: 8.3/10
Personal Opinion: A charming love story about good food and enemies turning to lovers, what more could you want? Theo Mori and Gabi Moreno are the sons of parents that own competing businesses. So naturally, they’re enemies. They hate each other’s guts. Or at least, Theo hates Gabi. In truth, Gabi has always admired Theo. Not just because Theo is living out and proud, something he can only wish he did. But how will admiration evolve into romance? You’ll just have to read to find out.
Couple Classification: Theo Mori X Gabi Moreno = Jock X Nerd
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- I am a sucker for two things in stories. Food and Gaysians. This has both those things. I mean, I have a few gripes with Theo but overall I enjoyed his passion. The food though. I’ve got a borderline addiction to boba and every time it was mentioned and how popular it was, I felt… validated. Maybe because I went to college in Vermont and I didn’t find any places that sold boba. Oh yeah, this book takes place in Vermont and it mentioned Lake Champlain so again, I felt seen. Basically, I’m saying that there was a lot in this book that I personally related to and that gives it bonus good points in my book.
- I think the thing that I had appreciated the most was that people took accountability for their actions. Meli apologized for being a lousy friend and Gabi did the same. Justin said sorry for pushing Theo away and Theo said sorry for making everything about him. Gabi also apologized to Justin for meddling with his love life, Theo’s parents apologized for making him feel like he was to blame for everything, Gabi’s parents apologized for… well, everything. It doesn’t really make up for shit and Gabi also acknowledges that Meli will probably make mistakes again but it’s a start. Unfortunately, I would have liked it if Meli had followed up her apology with a promise she could actually keep but again, it’s a start.
- I think there is nothing more romantic in this book than when Gabi was gushing about Theo. Theo fully believed that he’s a disappointment and he’s full of self-loathing. The fact that, even before he fell for him, Gabi saw these incredible traits in Theo (his athleticism, his intelligence, his work ethic) is just so charming. Also, admiration turning romantic is one of my favorite tropes.
- Theo’s parents being so giddy about the homecoming dance was so cute to me. Just Theo’s dad lending them his suit jackets and ties and his mom wanting to take a bunch of photos. That kind of shit is so cheesy but it’s good shit.
- The title is super clever to me. It’s good wordplay and fits with the themes of the book. Especially since so much of the food stuff in the story was about weird fusions. Now, that being said, coffee with lychee sounds disgusting. I mention this because apparently, it’s not just the title of the book and the name of the new cafe they’re opening (super cute), but it’s also an actual menu item that Theo and Gabi sold. I cannot imagine it being a best-seller because it truly does not sound like it tastes good. However, I hate coffee so maybe that’s just me. 
- Thomas doing drag was a twist. I don’t know what he’s questioning when it comes to his identity but him doing drag was never something I had imagined. And I love it.
- I also love Theo’s mom standing up for herself against Greg because fuck Greg. Like Theo said, that was amazing.
- Gabi’s parents are a mess. And Theo’s aren’t much better but they put in a lot of effort in the last few chapters. I bring this up because blood families treating their kids like shit never sit well with me. Sixteen years of being homophobic is… ugh. Gabi says himself that their apology doesn’t make up for all that, so like, I’m trying to look past it but I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I read so many stories with chosen families supporting one another unconditionally and this book just did not have that. Justin and Meli were both kind of lousy friends at times. I didn’t feel like they were actual best friends with either of the protagonists. So when the parents aren’t great and the friends aren’t great, I’m left at a loss for the relationships I like. Is the only one between Theo and Gabi? Because if so, that’s kind of lame.
- Theo is not the most likeable protagonist. He’s very negative and it is so draining. There’s not really anything wrong with a less than outgoing main character but Theo just made me feel tired. I think it was too much like looking in a mirror. Inferiority complex with his brother, self-loathing concerning his sexuality and his parents’ views on it, and overall just thinking you’re inadequate. It was depressing. Plus, there’s also all his unreasonable hatred toward Gabi in the beginning. It was so aggressive and I just felt bad for Gabi. At least he was able to admit to himself later that it was unreasonable. But it was still a lot.
- Uncle Greg is the real worst though. Glad he got put in his place in the end.
- I cringed way too hard at Gabi not wanting to share a drink with Justin and saying, “But I’m not gay.” I’m glad he apologized (and also came out) two chapters later but oh my god, I had to stop reading for a bit because I felt my soul exit my body. My guy, straight people can share a damn cup.
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master-of-stringz · 1 year
Christmas Date.
hi! i'm new to this; but i love writing and got big on shuyuka on this last week. any feedback is appreciated! just dont be too mean pls ^^" also, english is not my first language so there's probably some mistakes here and there qwq
Christmas Eve of 2009. 20:30, Paulownia Mall.
It was a snowy day at Tatsumi Port. Even though the cases of apathy syndrome were increasing, and the SEES team knew about the doom approaching their livelihoods all too well; they tried to take these days to relax a little, reducing the training at Tartarus and trying to be happy in these times of wintery joy.
Yukari had made plans with Yuki to meet at Paulownia and then go around town, to have the fun that the month had lacked so much.
–”Aaand… he’s late again! He’s lucky I like him, or else I’d already left this dumb place.”--. Said to herself the Lovers Arcana. She wasn’t really *mad*, moreseo annoyed. She can't be blamed though, everyone really needs times like these to spend with each other.
Then, a weird sound came from some feet away where she was seated. As if a door had just been closed. Makoto had appeared on scene, coming out of what he called the Velvet Room. –”What hour is it?... Damn, guess I’m late.”--. He looked at his phone to check the time, to then mumble those words to himself. He approached the girl in pink, sitting at the center of the mall. –”Hey. Sorry for the wait, I was occupied with some–”--. He got interrupted. –”No need for formalities, Mako. At least you came…”--. She was clearly annoyed, but at least it looked like she didn’t wanna ruin the mood with her bad temper. –”Well… you wanna do something or…?--. The kid was still, as awkward as ever. He did have some intention to have a good night, but God if it isn't taking him his whole chest to speak. –”Of course I want to, idiot! Come on, let’s go find a place to eat or something.”--. She stood up and grabbed the Fool by his arm, with both of her hands; clinging onto him. –”Sounds ok to me, ma’am.”--. They wandered around the place for a few minutes. –”How does Chagall Café sound to you, miss?”--. Makoto was pointing towards the café, of which he’s heard there’s some good food to get at night-time. –”You can stop with the whole ''miss”, ''ma'am”; stuff already, please. We’re the same age and you’re NOT funny.”-- She seemed a little pissed, while she was bringing the boy into the café with her, by force.
They were sitting on a table, waiting for their food to come. –”So… what do you think we’ll be doing after all of this?”--.Takeba spoke to break the ice. –”I… I don’t know. I think the both of us have already decided what we’ll do with Ryoji, right?”--. Yuki talked with a serious tone in his voice, reducing all his sarcasm to 0. –”Yeah… I’m sick of the fact that we can’t do anything about it, and can’t begin to imagine how hard it’s gotta be for you…”--. The girl was staring at the ground, sorrowfully. She knew they had to fight; even though it seemed so hard to do.
–”Yeah… I don’t think we can do anything else. It’s for the better of everyone, really.”--. Makoto looked at her directly, with a meek smile on his face. –”Well. I guess there’s no point in being sad, right?”--. He said, in what seemed uncharacteristic from him. –”Huh?”--. Not even Takeba could’ve seen that coming from him. –”At this point we’re at, we can’t walk back. We won’t.”--. A light was shimmering inside his eyes, as if he was truly sure of this. –”We will fight. We can change fate. I know we can.”--. –”Where did all that hope come from? I don’t think i’ve ever heard you talking like this–”--. Yukari was taken aback by the words coming from her lover.
–”I sat back and took some time to think. Thought about everyone who gave their lives for this…”--. Yukari gasped for a second, to start processing what came from Yuki’s mouth. –”The last thing my mother told me before passing… she told me to “live”.”--. Takeba was staring toward the boy, intrigued. –”I never really understood that. “What does “Living” even mean?” I wondered… I always felt as if Death came with me everywhere after that. Never spoke too much, never thought too much… I spent my days alone in my sorry room listening to music. Now I know that probably had to do with the Death Shadow within me, but still. It never came out until I got here, and I doubt anything would’ve actually changed… without you.”--. Yukari started to get red at Makoto’s words. –”Not only you, but everyone. You guys changed my life, seriously. But you were always there for me, Takeba…”--. Yukari, still blushing; responded. –”You say it like it wasn’t you who saved our asses that night at the rooftop.”--. She laughed a bit, looking a little happier. –”And who stayed at the hospital with me, even without knowing who I was?”--. Makoto’s smile became more genuine by every sentence he spoke. –”I’m going to fight. For everyone. For us. You showed me that I really could do something in this world, you know?”-- He had a warm smile on his face. –”Now that you say it, it is kinda funny.”--. Takeba was grabbing her own arm and looking at the floor with a light smile on. –”You and Mitsuru really changed my view on things. About myself, my family… I can’t begin to imagine where I’d be without you two.”--. She laughed it off.
–”I guess you’re right, Mako… But well. What do you say we amp up the mood a little bit?”--. She said, reaching for something in her purse. –”I didn’t exactly know what to get, but I remembered that plushie you gave me one time. Jack Frost, was it?”--. She said, pulling a little Black Frost out of the blue. –”Matching Jacks, huh? I didn’t know you were that corny, Yuka”--. Yuki took the plushie from Takeba’s hand. –”This is really cute though, I like him.”--. The boy had a smile on his face as he put the plushie on what would be his inventory. –”I’m glad you liked it!”--. Yukari was notoriously happy, as if they hadn’t just had a whole existential conversation seconds ago.
Their food came and went, and afterwards; they left the café. Not to go to the Dorm yet, but to wander around Iwatodai Station, and sit back on a bench, watching the stars.
–”Yuki?”--. Takeba was resting on Makoto’s shoulder, as he had his head softly resting over her own head. –”When everything is over… I want to take you out, somewhere outside from here. Just the two of us. I’ll ask Mitsuru if the Kirijo group can get us some kind of transportation, and I’ll take you somewhere. Maybe a big city, maybe a beautiful countryside; whatever you want. Just… to be together. Spend some time, you know?”--. The sky was full of stars, all shining brighter than the last. It had stopped snowing, though the floor, bench and everything around them was full of snow. –”Hey, hey. No need to be fancy with me, Yuka. You know anything works well with me, I’m a simple guy.”--. He said, chuckling a little. –”I just wanna make it special! You know, after everything you’ve done for me… I thought I could at least repay you, somehow…”--.
Takeba blushed in an intense tone of red while speaking. Yuki grabbed her hand, speaking up quickly. –”Don’t be stupid, Yuka. You’re already “repaying” me, whatever that means. Just… being here. It’s enough for me.”--. He looked directly into her eyes, and could see how Yukari was as red as a tomato. Before she could speak up, he stole a quick kiss from her lips.
–”Let’s… stay here, like this. For a little while. We´ll go home later…”--. Takeba squeezed his hand as gently as she could, as she was full of different emotions at the moment. –”You–... I–... I love you.”--. She whispered, as she responded to Yuki’s moves with a profound kiss of her own.
After some minutes, they both went back to the dorm; where they continued the act at Makoto’s dorm. Finally, they fell asleep on his bed, waking up early the next morning and having Takeba go to hers as quickly as possible, with no one noticing.
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