#there's a difference between uplifting yourself
gatheredfates · 3 months
Also related but I can't be bothered adding it to the original post: we should be allowed to make 'ugly' work. Don't treat your creative process like a content farm, I'm begging you.
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lelanida · 26 days
The dualism of Sky. A small essay.
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Vincent Diamante, maestro, we don't deserve you. Music is the heart and soul of Sky. It's not the face of the game, no. Music does not try to attract attention and force you to interrupt the gameplay in order to enjoy it. Instead, it works for the atmosphere, not just without overriding everything else but also giving other aspects leadership positions. Sky's music is patiently waiting for you to pay attention to it. And since we're all here, let's appreciate it.
Sky has two main leitmotifs. The first is the theme of our first flight on the Isle of Dawn. It also plays during the loading of the game during the daytime. The second is the "Flight" by Aurora. Not many people pay attention to this, but these two melodies accompany us (in one form or another) in a bunch of other compositions. "The first flight" sounds at moments of special emotional uplift and "Flight" at moments of decline. You may think: "Well, what's the big deal? The music, written at a time when lore was still important, contains an interesting subtext.". But it's not that simple. I listened to the rest of Sky ost. I have tracked the use of these leitmotifs, and I can say with confidence that these two themes never play together. The composition either uses only one of the leitmotifs, or both, but at different ends of the song... ...I was thinking until I listened to the soundtrack of the season of prophecy.
The theme that sounds when you complete the trial. In it, both leitmotifs are woven together.
This is the ONLY theme in the entire game built in this way. I sat in a stupor for a while and was about to bury this musical analysis. But then it hit me. What was the season of prophecy about anyway? No, not about the trials. NO, not about the extra candle cakes. The season of prophecy was about Alef.
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The theme of passing the trial is the theme of Alef. And it combines two opposing leitmotivs.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for madness because this simple detail puts everything in its place.
As soon as I found out about the existence of the Megabird in lore of Sky, this character immediately interested me. I liked how she was essentially detached from the whole action, but at the same time, incredibly tightly woven into it. Megabird is Sky's phenomenon whose potential TGC is afraid to exploit.
I have always been confused by the generally accepted image of a Megabird. She is always portrayed as a powerful, very wise, prudent, and merciful being. The true and only ruler of this world. Everyone was pleased. But not me. And the most important thing is that I couldn't explain why! Something inside me subconsciously resisted the concept of monotheism within the framework of Sky, but there was no specific reason. I had a feeling that it was simply... wrong. And now I realized: This is indeed wrong! Megabird, as the only deity, will actually break the whole system!
Sky is steeped in dualism. It's always one thing against another. I mean:
Life and death.
Nature and machine.
Sky and ground.
Descendants and ancestors.
Children and elders.
Light and darkness.
In this, Sky is different from Journey. In Journey, you didn't have a clear enemy. Journey taught that you can become your own enemy. The ancient civilization destroyed itself, not someone from outside. And the messengers must step over themselves, and themselves only in order to be reborn. Journey taught you to look into yourself. Sky is about something else.
Even though the concepts of these games are similar, Sky is a fundamentally different game. Sky is about joining up with others. Therefore, Sky sets a clear boundary between "we" and "they". And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Otherwise, this system simply would not have worked. In Sky, everything has an opposing force. The other side of the coin, if you please.
Megabird just can not be the only deity. This contradicts the whole system, starting from philosophy and ending with music. Someone, something, sentient, unsentient, there MUST BE SOMETHING on the other side. That's why I made Angst.
Let's return to the topic of the two leitmotifs and the Alef. The system of confrontation between the two sides can give us an answer to another question.
What is "the void"?
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We know that after the explosion of the crystal, Alef fell in a kind of "void", from which he still has not found a way out. But what kind of place is this? Many people used to think that this is something like a dimension of darkness. But I can disagree with this.
At first It is logical: Alef was imprisoned in a darkstone crystal and fell into darkness. But I have a question: Why does this "darkness" charge us?
The void is not darkness. If it was the darkness, it would have extinguished the skykids' cores in the blink of an eye. The void is the place BETWEEN light and darkness.
Alef, the child of light, was imprisoned in a darkstone crystal, the gift of darkness. Together, they created a new, third kind of energy. Chaotic, unpredictable, wrong. Alef has united in himself, things that, according to the laws of this world, cannot be combined. Therefore, it is his theme that connects the two main leitmotivs of the game. The Alef was on both sides at the same time.
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But you can't be on two sides. You're either light or dark, or you're not on anyone's side, like ancestors were. At the moment of the Shattering, Alef literally tore the fabric of the Sky universe itself. That's why he got into the void. After all, if he does not obey the fundamental law of this world, then he has nothing to do in this world.
The void is the space between light and darkness. Like a number divided by zero, the void is negligible, but at the same time infinite. It is a mirror that doesn't allow energy to mix. Therefore, the floor in it charges us. The void reflects our own light back into the cape.
That's why the Megabird sends us to die in Eden. With our sacrifice, we repeat the same shattering on a reduced scale and fall into the void to the Alef. But Alef sacrifices a fragment of his former power to bring us back to the side of light. And when that happens, the void just pushes us out.
Something like that.
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foone · 1 year
Random thought brought on by seeing a veterinarian sign on the drive to Coffee Land, but I think Jesus would really appreciate people localizing his parable of the Good Samaritan.
Because, like, it's a good story, right? When the administrator-guy and the holy man wouldn't help the injured, the Samaritan went out of their way to make sure the injured man was able to get the help they needed, paid out of their own pocket. And that's good and all, but what even is a Samaritan? Do you know?
Well, they're a ethnoreligious group from northern Israel who follow Samaritanism, which split from Judaism sometime around the 11th century BCE. There's only about a thousand of them left. But around the time of Jesus, they were not very popular with your average Hebrew. Remember the Seleucid empire that was oppressing jews? There's a yearly celebration about it, involving a candle that lasted for 8 nights. Yeah. So at the time the Samaritans had taken the opportunity to point out they're not Jewish, they're Samaritans, so they wouldn't be persecuted. So they were seen as, like, selling out their brothers and sisters in the faith. Then by the time the Romans took over the whole area, the province of Judaea contained Samaria.
So basically the Jews and the seen-to-have-sold-them-out Samaritans were stuck in the same province, thanks to some Romans consolidating the areas they'd conquered. Tensions between the two groups were high, and I don't imagine either of them liked each other very much at all.
To a Jew of the first century CE, a Samaritan is basically the worst kind of person you could be, and that's exactly why Jesus used them in the parable of the Good Samaritan!
The parable isn't about Samaritans. It's about how the worst person you can imagine is a better person than the people you idolize and uplift, if that person takes care of their fellow man. It's about how you should love your neighbor as yourself, and who is your neighbor? Everyone. All people are your neighbors. Help them when they need help!
And that's why I say it should really be localized. You should tell this parable differently than it was told in AD 29 or whenever. Do you hate Samaritans? Probably not! You probably barely know who they are, even after I did some explaining up there. So why use them as your example? If Jesus was here, I don't think he would have done that.
So like, if you were giving a sermon on the good Samaritan in the 1960s to a white church, you should be like "so the policeman walked past, and the pastor walked past, but then a poor black guy saw the injured man, and got him help at the local hospital."
In the 80s, his rescuer is Soviet. In the 2000s, they're a Muslim, from Afghanistan or Iran.
Today? Maybe they're trans.
As an American, there's been many times that "Mexican" would have been the best choice. Maybe even today, especially if you specifically make them an undocumented migrant.
But yeah, the point is that you pick the group of people most hated by the audience you're talking to, and make the point that THEY ARE A BETTER PERSON THAN YOU and ALL THOSE YOU UPHOLD AS PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY if they help their fellow man. If your worst enemy is lying injured in the street, you call the ambulance, you pay their doctor, you get them help. That's what Jesus says you should do. That's loving your neighbor, that's the Great Commandment.
And in the Roman province of Judea back in the first half of the first century, when talking to a Jewish audience, that meant the rescuer was a Samaritan helping a Jew. That was just the context for that one particular telling of the story. It shouldn't be told the same way today, or in the future. It should be an evolving parable, always changing, always adjusting the nationalities and situations and genders and everything. It's not a story about a specific event, it doesn't pretend to be history, it's a metaphorical lesson about what makes you a good person.
This parable is basically in the form of an "X, Y and Z walk into a bar" joke, and just like jokes, it should be updated over time. Those don't stay funny though the decades, as cultural attitudes shift. And this parable hasn't been updated in nearly two millenia, so it's long overdue.
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ukiyowi · 8 months
Channelled Messages II 💌
Channelling messages from your: Future Spouse's guides, your shadow self, your parents.
Note: Have fun!! And please reblog and send feedback (if you want) it helps a ton, have a lovely day everyone. Reblogging and paid readings help a lot! Pls DM me if you want one!
Masterlist! || Book a reading! || Tip 🫙!
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Future Spouse's Guides
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Your Shadow Self
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Your Parents
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💌 Pile 1
My Dearest,
As the spirit guide of your future spouse, I am honored to offer you guidance and wisdom that transcends the boundaries of time and space. Though my role is to support your beloved from the spiritual realm, I am deeply invested in your happiness and well-being, for your future union is a testament to the profound love and connection you share. In this letter, I aim to provide you with advice that is both general yet specific, touching upon various aspects of life, not solely confined to matters of love.
First and foremost, let us discuss the significance of self-discovery. Throughout your life's journey, you will encounter a myriad of experiences, challenges, and joys. It is crucial to embrace these moments as opportunities for growth and self-understanding. As you become more attuned to your own needs, desires, and values, you will naturally radiate a sense of authenticity and confidence that will enrich your relationship.
Never forget the importance of compromise. In every relationship, there will be differences in opinions, preferences, and priorities. Approach these disagreements with a willingness to find common ground, and remember that sometimes, the act of yielding can be a powerful testament to your love.
Remember to nurture the small moments of joy and spontaneity. Life often unfolds in the ordinary, and it is within these seemingly simple moments that the deepest connections are forged. Cherish the laughter, the shared meals, and the quiet evenings together.
The universe is conspiring to bring you together with your beloved, and your spirit guides, myself included, watch over you with love and care. Embrace the lessons and blessings that come your way, and may your love story be a timeless testament to the power of love.
They are waiting for you, your souls are meant to meld and they will very soon, till then please take care of yourself <3.
With love 🩵
💌 Pile 2
Hello love,
Beginning with, let me assure you that your path is illuminated by the radiant light of potential and destiny. The future holds both challenges and triumphs, and it is essential to approach them with an open heart and a resilient spirit. Remember, life is a beautiful tapestry woven from both joy and sorrow, and every thread contributes to your unique and intricate story.
One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer is to embrace the ever-changing nature of existence. Life is a series of cycles, and like the seasons, it brings moments of both abundance and scarcity. In times of abundance, cherish the blessings bestowed upon you, but do not become complacent. Use your good fortune to uplift others and to grow as an individual. And in times of scarcity, hold steadfast to your inner strength, for they are the crucibles in which your character is forged.
In the pursuit of your dreams and aspirations, I urge you to cultivate patience and perseverance. Life's most significant accomplishments often require time and effort. Do not be discouraged by setbacks, for they are the stepping stones to your ultimate success. Your journey may be arduous at times, but your future spouse's spirit guide assures you that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth. As you journey through life, you will encounter love in its many forms.
Some loves will be fleeting, like shooting stars in the night sky, while others will be enduring and steadfast like the North Star. It is important to discern between the two, for not all who enter your life are meant to stay, and not all who depart are lost.
Your relationship with yourself is the foundation upon which all other connections are built. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and remember that self-love is not a selfish act, but a necessary one. When you love and respect yourself, you radiate positivity, attracting love and respect from others.
Waiting for you~
💌 Pile 3
Hi sweetheart!
In the years to come, you will encounter crossroads and diverging paths. The choices you make at these junctures will shape your professional destiny. Remember, dear one, that it is not always about the most lucrative or prestigious option, but rather the one that aligns with your passions and values. Seek out work that resonates with your soul, for a fulfilling career is one that brings joy and a sense of purpose.
Let me reassure you that the path you're on is destined for greatness. While life can be a rollercoaster, remember that even the steepest drops can lead to thrilling highs. So, don't be afraid to embrace the twists and turns that come your way. They're all part of the grand adventure. Now, let's talk about your career.
Picture it like a delicious buffet (and who doesn't love a good buffet, right?). You've got a wide array of options laid out before you. Some might look tempting, while others might leave you scratching your head. My advice? Try a bit of everything! Just like at the buffet, you won't know what your absolute favorite is until you've sampled a little bit of everything.
Don't feel pressured to settle for the first dish that comes your way. Explore different career opportunities, experiment with various roles, and indulge in your passions. If you're passionate about something, even if it seems unconventional, go for it
Remember, your future is a canvas, and your career is the vibrant palette you use to paint your masterpiece. Oh, and remember to strike a balance between work and play. Life isn't all about the hustle and grind.
Take time to savor the sweet moments, laugh with friends, and cherish the love of your future spouse. They'll be your biggest cheerleader on this journey, and together, you'll conquer any challenge that comes your way.
Take care love!
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💌 Pile 1
I see you often doubting your abilities and second-guessing your decisions. When you're faced with challenges or new opportunities, you tend to retreat into your comfort zone to avoid the discomfort of failure or rejection.
My advice to you is this: Embrace the discomfort. Step outside of your comfort zone intentionally, even when it scares you. It's in those moments of vulnerability that you can truly learn and grow. Remember, making mistakes is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of courage and the path to improvement.
When faced with challenges, don't shy away. Confront them head-on, for it is through adversity that you discover your true strength. Embrace your flaws and imperfections, for they are what make you uniquely you. They hold the seeds of your growth and evolution.
Do not suppress your emotions; they are your compass. Feel them deeply, both the joy and the pain. They offer valuable insights into your desires, fears, and aspirations. Learn from them and allow them to guide your decisions.
Embrace your darkness, for it holds the potential for profound transformation. It is not something to be feared, but a wellspring of untapped creativity and power.
Remember, you are a mosaic of light and shadow, embrace both.
💌 Pile 2
When you hear that inner voice saying, "I can't do it" or "I'm not good enough," that's me. My advice is to confront those thoughts head-on.
First and foremost, remember that your thoughts are not necessarily facts. They are products of your perception and past experiences. Start by analyzing the evidence for and against these self-doubts. Ask yourself, "What proof do I have that I can't do it?" You might be surprised to find that many of your fears are based on assumptions rather than concrete evidence.
Furthermore, consider reframing your self-talk. Instead of saying, "I can't," try saying, "I can, but it might be challenging," or "I can, with effort and practice." This shift in perspective can empower you to approach tasks with a growth mindset, recognizing that even failures and setbacks are opportunities for learning and improvement.
Embrace challenges as opportunities to prove me wrong. Remember that growth often occurs outside your comfort zone. Taking calculated risks, setting ambitious goals, and pushing your boundaries are all ways to demonstrate your capabilities. Each small victory, each obstacle overcome, is a testament to your potential.
Seeking support and encouragement from others is not wrong or bad. Share your aspirations and fears with trusted friends, mentors, or therapists. They can provide valuable perspectives, guidance, and motivation during your journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Analyse your doubts, reframe your self-talk, embrace challenges, and seek support. By doing so, you can prove your shadow self wrong and unlock your full potential.
💌 Pile 3
When haunting memories of past mistakes and regrets resurface, don't let them consume you. Rather than dwelling on the pain of the past, reflect on what each experience has taught you. Every misstep and error holds within its valuable lessons. Reflect on what you've learned from these experiences, for they have shaped you into the person you are today.
Forgiveness, both of yourself and others, can be liberating. It allows you to release the emotional burdens that may be holding you back and opens the door to personal growth and healing.
Finally, those impulses and desires that occasionally surge within you are not to be ignored or suppressed. Instead, explore their origins and motivations. Sometimes, these desires reveal untapped passions and dreams that are yearning for your attention. By embracing and understanding them, you can find ways to channel them positively, enriching your life in unexpected ways.
I am here to challenge you to become a more authentic and whole version of yourself. They are not reckless impulses but signposts pointing to unfulfilled potential.
By acknowledging and channeling these desires constructively, you can embark on a transformative journey toward a more fulfilling and authentic life.
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💌 Pile 1
You've been positively shining lately, and we couldn't be prouder.
It's like watching a shooting star streak across the sky – you're constantly surprising us with your brilliance and leaving us in awe. From acing your exams to that recent project you tackled with gusto, you're proving to the world that you're a force to be reckoned with.
But you know what we love even more than your accomplishments? It's your zest for life and the twinkle in your eye as you chase your dreams. Remember, life is not just about reaching destinations; it's about enjoying every twist and turn of the journey.
So, keep reaching for the stars, our little superstar! We have no doubt that you'll continue to amaze us and everyone around you. Just promise us one thing – never lose that playful spirit and infectious enthusiasm that makes you who you are.
We love you more than words can express, and we can't wait to see where your next adventure takes you. Congratulations, and keep on. You're not just making us proud; you're making the whole family proud!
💌 Pile 2
We hope this letter finds you well and wrapped in the warmth of our love, even if from afar. There are words we've been carrying in our hearts, words that need to find their way to you.
We want to tell you how very sorry we are for any moments of pain, frustration, or disappointment we may have caused you in the course of your life. As parents, we've made mistakes, stumbled along the way, and at times, failed to truly understand your perspective.
We want you to know that our love for you is immeasurable, and it is in the shadow of that love that we can identify and acknowledge our shortcomings. We recognize that there were moments when we should have listened more, when we should have supported your dreams more enthusiastically, and when we should have been a more constant presence in your life.
Please understand that our actions were never intended to cause you harm. We were navigating the complexities of parenthood the best we knew how, often learning as we went along. Sometimes, our fears and insecurities clouded our judgment, and for that, we are deeply sorry.
Our love for you, though, has always been unwavering, a beacon of hope and pride. Watching you grow, accomplish, and become the remarkable person you are today fills us with indescribable joy. Your kindness, intelligence, and strength are a testament to your character, and we couldn't be prouder.
We hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us for any past missteps. Our wish is that we can move forward with a renewed sense of understanding, compassion, and love between us.
We're here to support you in all your endeavors, to listen when you need an ear, and to be the parents you truly deserve. With a love that will never die,
💌 Pile 3
You are a cherished part of our lives, and nothing will ever change that. We wanted to share some feelings with you because we believe in open and honest communication. Recently, there have been moments when we felt a slight sense of disappointment in some of your choices and actions.
Please understand that this disappointment does not diminish our love for you, nor does it define our overall view of you as a person. We apologize for feeling this way, as we recognize that no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Our expectations might have been too high, and we realize that it's important for us to accept you as you are, with your unique strengths and flaws.
Our intention in sharing this is not to make you feel guilty or burdened but to foster understanding and growth within our family. We believe that through open conversations and support, we can work through these feelings together. We hope that you can forgive us for any undue pressure we may have unintentionally placed on you.
Remember, our love for you is boundless and unconditional, and we are here to help and support you as you navigate life's challenges. Let's move forward together, learning from our experiences, and growing as individuals and as a family.
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butch-reidentified · 11 months
I'm noticing more and more a certain pattern so I'm just going to put my cards on the table and be real with yall.
prioritizing and centering your hatred of and/or anger toward men - no matter how deeply justified those feelings are (and they sure fuckin are) - over your capacity/desire/actions of supporting and uplifting women... is still centering men. you're still focused on men. you're still giving the male sex the majority of your energy. it has its place, our pain and rage toward men, but when that goes unchecked to the point that you are no longer able to see your actions clearly or of applying yourself to the needs of women and girls, you have stopped contributing something impactful and meaningful to female liberation.
pain can be useful, but there is a crucial difference between pain that is infected, festering, untreated, and the measured pain of a slowly healing wound. I have known enough of both to tell you that only one of these can be a source of strength and building something new and better. the other can only necrotize and decay everything around it from within.
if you have not worked/do not continue to work on your own healing, coping, emotional regulation, etc., especially given that the wound is still taking damage outside your control as worldwide female oppression and our heightened awareness of it continues, it will, sooner or later, turn septic.
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maximumsass · 4 months
Green Eyes of Envy Pt. 2
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Story Synopsis: So part 2 is the aftermath of Melissa’s confession. I added some more characters into the mix of this story to round it out. Hopefully you like that. And then of course the angsty hot interactions between the reader and Mel. The real question is will they do the “right” thing or will they take the risk and choose each other?
Author’s note: Hey my lovely fanfic village! So I’m not going to lie this one was hard for me to write because I had several different scenarios that could be played out with this but in the end when I sat down to finish this, this is what came out of my author’s soul! So hopefully you enjoy it and it doesn’t disappoint! I do have a pretty wild part 3, let me know if you want it!! I’d love to hear your thoughts and of course any requests you have please ask me! Thank you again for all the likes and the kind words! Sending love to you beautiful humans!!
Word Count-4.3K
Warning: There is a puking part but I promise it’s not graphic or anything.
Part 1-For those of you who missed part 1 here you go!
You hear the door open and close and then you unexpectedly start silently crying. Pull yourself together (Y/L/N), you think to yourself. You think back to the redhead asking why life is like this, that really is the question, why couldn’t you both just be single and start to date like normal people do. You wipe the tears away, there’s honestly nothing you can do at the moment, all you can do is exactly what you told Melissa to do and that’s to think on it and make a decision, wait for her decision and then act accordingly.
You work on the bulletin board until the final bell rings. You rush to grab your stuff and hall ass out to catch the bus to your place. You walk out into the empty hallway before the other teachers start leaving so that you can avoid any small talk, the whole situation with Mel has drained your social energy completely. Of course you have to pass the redhead’s classroom to leave the school, you can’t help but stop and look to see if she’s in there, you think about the kiss you two shared and feeling her gorgeous lips as well a her gorgeous body pressed up against yours. She’s sitting at her desk looking at her computer with those extremely cute cat eye glasses on, she’s biting her lip in concentration as she stares at the screen. And it takes everything in you to not go in there, close the door and give her a kiss she’ll never forget. Something makes her look up and she locks eyes with you, and there is a deep craving in those green eyes, and you know that she feels how badly you want her in that moment. You both just stare at each other for what feels like forever and then your snapped back into reality as the other teachers make their way into the hallway to depart for the day. You rip your eyes away from her emerald eyes, and physically wince as you walk away because you know that was just as painful for her as it was for you.
As you walk away, you feel an arm hook onto your arm, you look beside you to see Jacob looking at you with a huge grin.
“Heyyy!” he exclaims.
“How do you have energy after all of those sessions today?” You tease and playfully nudge him.
“Just call me the energizer bunny!” He says as he mimics pounding the drum like the bunny does in the commercial.
You, Jacob, Zach, and your girlfriend Carly all celebrated pride together this summer. And it had only brought you and Jacob closer as both work and social friends. He was your go-to when you needed a laugh, or just to surround yourself with some uplifting energy.
“On a serious note, I need to ask you a favor.” You say to him as you walk him to his car.
“You know I’d do anything for my home girl!” he exclaims. “Please step into my office.” He opens the passenger door for you and then runs to get in on his side.
You chuckle and roll your eyes. “Have you noticed that Melissa has treated me differently than the rest of y’all since I started?” You ask him as you look at the floor of the car scared of what his answer will be.
“Oh yeah, Janine and I have had many conversations about it. We came to the conclusion that it’s because you’re quiet and give off a chill vibe but at the same time work really hard and the passion you have to help students succeed shines through that.” He answers in a genuine tone.
“Aww Jacob, that’s nice of you to say.” You say with a smile. “So I ask that because obviously I’ve noticed it too. And to be honest before I noticed her behavior towards me, I noticed her from day one because she’s drop dead gorgeous and I developed a little harmless crush. And she was with Gary and I shortly after met Carly so I know that I’d never act on it. But then her and I became close work friends and there was this undeniable fizzle of chemistry I felt towards her whenever I was near her, long story, short your girl caught feelings.” You say as you feel yourself intensely blushing.
Jacob slaps your arm. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before! But now that you say that you guys are extremely flirty with each other! So what are you going to do?!” He asks loudly.
You then proceed to tell him about everything that went down between you and Jessica Rabbit today as well as Barbara telling you about the proposal.
“Now everything that I just told you stays in this car! Not word to anyone, especially Janine!” You give him the stare downs of all stare downs.
He mimics zipping his lip and throwing away the key. “Girl you’ve gotten yourself into one hot mess! I love you to death (Y/N) but Carly’s my friend too, and you know that you don’t deserve to be with her, when you’re doing the things you’re doing. You at least need to be honest with her about what’s been going on regardless of what Melissa’s decision is. Okay that is the tough love portion of my ted talk. Imagining you kissing Melissa is so hawt!!! How did it feel?!” He asks excitedly.
“You’re right about Carly, I know I need to tell her. And I promise I will. As for the kiss, it was better than I ever imagined it could be! I know what were doing is wrong but the kiss just felt so right. Honestly all of it is a huge mind fuck and that’s the last thing I need right now. Anyways back to the favor, I need you to play interference so that when Melissa and I are in the same room there is no opportunity for her to talk to me. I could just stay away from the breakroom until she decides what to do but the other staff would notice my absence and that would draw more attention to me and that’s the last thing I need right now.” You say with a big sigh.
“Mission (Y/N) No Communicado with Red is a go!” He exclaims. You chuckle.
“You want a ride home?” He asks.
“Yes that would be very appreciated. Thank you!” You reply squeezing his arm showing your appreciation.
Tuesday goes smoothly without a hitch. Jacob does exactly as you asked of him and is by your side and talking your ear off whenever Melissa’s in the room and there becomes a possible opportunity to start a conversation with you.
Wednesday morning you can tell that the redhead is itching to talk to you, you can feel her eyes boring into you throughout the sessions. It’s literally taking all your will power to not be available for any conversion or physical close proximity and feed her neediness of your essence close to her.
“Is there a hole in my body that you can see? Cause she hasn’t taken her eyes of me this whole time.” You joke to Jacob with a quiet chuckle.
“(Y/N), I don’t know how you’re staying away from her. Her longing for you is so palpable you could cut it with a knife. Do you think that she’s made a decision and that’s why she’s being so intense?” Jacob asks you.
“Well it is Melissa we’re talking about here Jacob. If she wasn’t being intense I’d be worried. If she made a decision, she would just interrupt you to tell me about it. No offense.” You say with a smll smile.
“Oh none taken. She would definitely do that!” He says returning the smile.
You get through lunch and the rest of the sessions and then you have free time again to get ready for next week. You are the special education teacher at Abbott, you were born with a rare syndrome that in a nutshell paralyzed most of your muscles in your face and left you with multiple physical disabilities that are lifelong. You wanted to make sure that students with disabilities felt included in their classes and that just because they might need to learn differently, doesn’t mean they’re any less smart than the other kids and that they can be successful with anything they want to do, they just might do it a little differently and that’s okay. Thursday and Friday are your accessible tours of the school and the classrooms so it isn’t so scary for the kiddos on their first day. Already setting them up for success for the year ahead. You list your kids by grade and teacher, and then write down when they are scheduled to come for their tour.
You: Hey hun. We need to have a talk tonight. It’s pretty serious so if you just want to come to my place and skip dinner like we planned.
Carly: You’re scaring me. What did I do? Leave a towel on the floor again. Haha. XD
You: Not that this is comforting. But it’s not you, it’s me kinda thing.
Carly: Yeah super not comforting. I guess I’ll see you tonight.
You: I’m sorry. Okay I’ll see you tonight.
You shoot off that last text and then immediately have to run to the staff restroom in time to make it to the toliet. The cool hard tile on your knees is the thing that is keeping you grounded in the moment and not dissociating from the shit show that your life has become. You grab some toilet paper to wipe your mouth and cough a little. Great, now this situation is making you physically sick, at least you’ll come clean to Carly tonight.
“(Y/N)?” you hear the redhead’s voice call out to you.
Shit, Melissa would be the one to find you in this state.
“I’m good Mel. Don’t worry about me.” You respond.
“You are the most stubborn woman! You throwing up during the work day is not fine. I’m going to stay here until you come out. And then you’re gonna let me take care of you. And I’m not taking no for an answer.” She says to you in her I’m not fucking around tone.
You stay in the stall for a few minutes until you think you’re good. You hear her running the sink water. When you come out of the stall you see that she has ran and gotten the toothbrush and toothpaste you keep at school, as well as a plastic cup.
“G’ahead and brush your teeth.” She instructs softly. You take the tooth brush and toothpaste and brush your teeth. When you’re finished she hands you a paper towel to wipe your mouth.
“Come here hun.” She says to you. You go to her and she produces a warm wash cloth an starts to blot it on your forehead, all the time she’s looking at you with this extremely worried look on her face but her eyes show that she’s determined to fix whatever is going on with you.
“You’re not pregnant are you?” She teases you. You both chuckle at that. “But seriously what happened?” She asks in a serious tone.
“I just texted Carly that we need to talk tonight. I’m going to tell her everything that’s been going on with us. And apparently all of this has me fucked up enough that I can’t keep my bodily fluids down.” You say quietly.
A horrified look creeps onto the redhead’s face. “I shouldn’t have told you about my feelings towards you. You’re getting physically sick because of my actions. This whole thing has been so selfish on my part. (Y/N) I’m so sorry, I didn’t think…” She says with a deep look of shame and tears tarting to glisten her eyes.
You put one hand on her waist while the other cups her cheek. “Mel stop, if you wouldn’t have said something the other day, I truly believe that it would’ve still come out somewhere down the line. And then who knows where we would be then, you might be married to Gary by then and then it would be a should’ve, would’ve, could’ve conversation or a lot more complicated to be together. It wasn’t a selfish move because I truly believe deep down we both knew that our feelings were reciprocated. So no matter what happens moving forward, never apologize for telling me about your feelings towards me, because just knowing that Melissa Schemmenti was falling in love with me is an honor all on it’s own.” You say softly.
You look down at her lips and then back to her eyes silently asking for her permission. She slowly nods with a pleading look in her eye. You gently push her against the bathroom wall and kiss her with the craving that has been plaguing you both since your last kiss. A moan reverberates from her mouth into yours and you moan a response back into hers. Her hands tangle in your hair and pull you closer until there is no space and your bodies collide like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.
Sadly air is required to live so you break away, her hands still in your hair holding you to her.
“Fuck.” You say between pants trying to get a proper level of oxygen back. “This is exactly why I asked Jacob to play interference between us.” You say more to yourself than her.
“So I wasn’t just imagining him being your little body guard for the past few days.” She chuckles.
“No you weren’t but obviously it was needed. I mean this situation went from caring friend to eroctic fiction in 0 to 60 in 6 seconds.” You chuckle.
“You’re doing the right thing by talking to Carly tonight. What just happened is evidence that I know what my decison is. I’d just be lying to myself and denying myself of what I really want if I didn’t choose you. And I’ve denied myself of what I really wanted too much in my life in order to make others happy or to keep up appearances. I’ll talk to Gary tonight.” She says quietly looking at you with a determined look in her eyes.
You both fix each others clothes and get the smudged lipstick off of your faces and reapply so it looks like nothing happened. She pulls you into a hug, you hold her feeling her warmth engulf you, there’s a sense of peace that washes over you. You end the hug and walk into the hallway together.
“See you on the flip side Schemmenti.” You say to the redhead, giving her a big smile and grabbing her hand and giving it a tight squeeze before letting go and walking back to your classroom.
That night you tell Carly everything. She’s understandably upset and hurt by everything. But at the end of the night, she thanks you for being honest with her and not leaving her in the dark and making her the backup plan if Melissa didn’t pick you. She gathers her things she’s left at your place. You end the night with a hug, wishing each other the best.
Melissa knows that she needs to end things with Gary in public, not because she thinks he’ll do something but if she’s wrong she’d rather not be forced to use her trusty bat even though it is very tempting. She asks him to get drinks at a bar they regular often since they started dating. She tells him everything that she’s felt and that has occurred. Once she’s finished, she can see the red hot anger seething from him.
“How dare you cheat on me!” He hisses at her. “You really think that you’ll find anyone better than me? You are walking away from the best thing you’ll ever have.” He growls at her.
“I’m sorry Gare. But it isn’t fair to either of us for me to stay because I think it’s the “right” thing to do. You deserve a woman who actively and excitedly chooses you every day. And I’m just not that girl.” Melissa says in a somber tone, tears pricking her eyes.
She finishes off her Yuengling. Stands up from the table and walks to his side, and puts her hand on his arm. “I really do wish you all the best Gary.” She gives his arm a squeeze and then exits the bar and doesn’t look back.
You tossed and turned all night long, you know it was the right thing to end things with Carly but to say it didn’t hurt you would be a lie. You get up before your alarm because it was obvious you weren’t getting any more sleep. You have your breakfast and get distracted by watching tv. Then you look at the time and rush to the shower. You are drying your hair when you hear a loud knock at your door, you llok at you phone, it’s 6 in the morning, who the hell is at your door at 6 in the morning! You grab your aqua silk floral robe and throw it on and then go to the door. You look through the peep hole and low and behold stands Jessica Rabbit herself.
“Get your cute ass in here.” You say as you open the door and step aside for her to come in.
She steps inside and you realize she’s holding coffee in one hand and an iced coffee in the other. “So what do I owe the pleasure of being graced with your presence at 6 in the morning?” You tease her with a chuckle.
“I talked to Gary last night and ended things. And I couldn’t sleep last night because all I wanted to do was tell you and be with you without feeling the guilt that has been surrounding us since my confession. I choose you (Y/N) and I’ll keep choosing you as long as you let me. I also needed to bring you an iced caramel latte because that’s your favorite and since this is the first day of me giving you the world and making you feel like the most wanted and cherished woman in the world bcause that’s exactly what you are to me.” She says in a soft voice, vulnerability as well as adoration filling her eyes.
“Mel I feel the exact same way about you. Thank you gorgeous.” You kiss her forehead and then you take your drinks and set them on the counter. And then you are pushing her up against the door and showing your appreciation from the moment your lips are pressed against hers. This kiss feels different, the neediness isn’t there it’s been replaced with a sense of freedom, with the knowledge that you have all the time in the world to savor these kisses because you chose each other and have gifted yourself the time to take this slow and sensual and explore and worship every crevice of each other.
She somehow turns you around so she’s pressing you against the door. Her hand goes to the tie of your robe and looks at you for permission. You nod and she unties it and pushes it until it falls to the floor. You stand there in all your naked glory for her to admire. She steps back and her jaw hits the floor.
“Fuck (Y/N), you’re perfect.” She says in her deep husky voice dripping with seduction.
She steps as close to you as she can, your noses are touching. She starts slowly and softly kissing your neck, making you moan quietly. She takes her hands and cups both of your breasts and then taking her thumbs and slowly rubbing circles on your hardening nipples. She turns her attention back to your lips as she kisses you hard with passion, tongues colliding, sharing moans through hot breath.
She pulls away with an evil smirk on her face. “As much as I want to make you cum for me and witness you in the bliss of an orgasm I give you. We are going to do this properly. And just so I am clear I will make you cum and give you an orgasm you’ll never forget. Will you (Y/N) (Y/L/N) join me for dinner at my house at 7 tonight to enjoy a delicious meal I cook for us as our official first date?” She asks you as she looks at you a little nervously as she caresses your cheek.
“You are a cruel woman!” You say in sexual frustration. “But yes I would love to join for you for dinner as our official first date. You say giving her a big smile and then leaning in and giving her a soft kiss.
When you break the kiss, you playfully and gently push her off of you as you grab your robe and put it back on. She of course gives you her sad puppy dog eyes and pouts.
“You do not get to pout Schemmenti! You are the one who teased me to the point where I have to go take care of myself after you leave.” You tease her.
“You loved it, besides it only makes tonight hotter!” She says with a smirk.
You go to your iced caramel latte and take a sip. “Thanks again for the coffee hun.” You say. “Now unlike you I still have to get ready. I’ll see you at school, okay?” You say with a smile as you kiss her forehead.
“Okay I guess I’ll let you get ready.” She teases. “Stop by my room to say hi if you have time.” She says as she gives you a slow soft kiss and when you break away you both say bye and give a cute wave to each other before she walks out the door and closes the door behind her.
You are meeting with one of your students and his parents for his accessibility tour of the school. His name is Jamal Williams, and Jamal has autism and ADHD, you’ve worked with him for two years now and have seen immense growth. You talk with his parents about how you and Jamal will discuss what his goals are for the year next week. And then it’s time to go see his new classroom, Jamal is starting the 2nd grade and is fortunate enough to have the infamous Ms. Schemmenti.
You walk hand in hand with Jamal down the hall with his parents close behind to the redhead’s classroom. You knock on Melissa’s open door, she’s at her desk when she looks up at you she gives you a big smile.
“Ms. Schemmenti, I would like you to meet Jamal Williams, he’s going to be in your class this year. And he’s just here to get a feel for the classroom and to meet you before the first day so that he isn’t so nervous on his first day. Isn’t that right buddy?” You look at Jamal with an encouraging smile. He silently nods with a small smile.
Melissa bends down to his eye level. “It’s very nice to meet you Jamal. I am so excited to have you in my class. Are you excited to be a little eagle?” She asks him in a warmingly calm voice.
Jamal looks directly at her and holds out his little hand for her to shake. “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Schemmenti. I’m excited for the second grade!” He says with excitement. You look at the interaction shocked. You’ve been working with him on his being introduced to new people skills but this was not how you were expecting that to go.
“Oh my gosh, look who has been working on his introduction skills this summer!” You exclaim. “That deserves a high five and I think I have a gold star sticker for you when we go back to my classroom. That was awesome Jamal.” You say giving him a high five.
You step away from the door to let Mr. and Mrs. Williams in. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Williams and this is Melissa Schemmenti, Jamal’s teacher this year.” You say as you make introductions.
“Jamal let’s go find your desk and let them talk for a bit.” You say to the little boy and then he’s off searching for his name tag. He finds it and looks at you with a big smile.
“Oh my gosh look at you being a big 2nd grader and finding your name tag so fast!” You exclaim. “What did you think about Ms. Schemmenti?” You ask him.
“She’s nice. I like her.” He answers.
“I like her too. Ms. Schemmenti and I are friends so if you ever need to come to my classroom or need me to come here, you just let her know and she will help you, okay?”
“Okay.” he says.
You got him new fidget spinners for the new school year. You pull them out of the pocket of your blazer. “I got you new fidget spinners for the new school year so when you feel yourself start stemming you just pull these out and play with them just like you did last year. Okay bud?” You say to him.
He gasps loudly, making the redhead and his parents turn to us.
“It’s all good y’all, I just surprised him with new fidget spinners for the year.” You quickly explain.
You turn back to Jamal. “Thank you Ms. (Y/L/N)!” He exclaims.
You chuckle. “You’re very welcome. Now where’s a good place to put the new fidget spinners?’ You ask him.
“Ummmmm….” He pauses to think. “In my desk?” He asks.
“That’s right bud! Fidget spinners always go back in your desk when you’re done using them.” You say to him, holding up your hand for a high five.
You sit with Jamal as his parents finish up talking with Melissa. You stare at the gorgeous woman with a big stupid grin on your face, still in disbelief that she chose you and that you were having your first date with her tonight.
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.2]
(what if our mc just got tired of Night Raven College and it's inhabitants?)
(what if our mc meets a boy of red hair and blue eyes to show them the way around RSA?)
(also please read the small authors notes at the bottom if you make it that far T-T)
it's been a good short hours on the ship and this whole time you've been chatting up a storm with your new friend Rielle, and during this time you've both actually warmed up and learned a handful about each other! 
you learned about each other's basic favorite things like colors, food, subjects, and even in music! Conversations seemed to flow smoothly like water between you two and you even learned how enchanting and magical his singing voice sounds, it almost had you entranced.
your new friend and you were now having a moment of silence while taking in the sounds of the water splashing against the ship until the boy spoke.
"if you don't mind me asking-- and I don't mean to pry! just that.." Rielle spoke while he nodded his head forward towards the direction of your cast holding your broken arm."is the reason why you're wounded related to your experience in Night Raven?... you don't have to answer if you don't want to I'm just genuinely curious." he gave you a comforting smile and his eyes were right on you, listening intently.
you gave a half-hearted and sheepish smile as you looked away and quickly started reminiscing about the events these past few months had in store for you in your head before you started to speak.
"well... in a way yes. I don't want to point any fingers--" you did want to point fingers, in fact you had many people to point fingers to. you sighed as you lightly shook your head in disappointment whilst facing the ship's floor "there were people who should've just done their job." your face started to form in a bit of a scowl "then maybe, just maybe... I wouldn't be in this state."
the young man formed an 'o' with his lips as he understood what you're trying to say.
"hmm..I see.. I'm very sorry _____, I promise that with my friends and I you'll never get a scratch on you while you're with us! and if it makes you feel any better, our staff too is always responsible and capable of finding a solution for any problem you're facing!" Rielle tried his best to sound optimistic and uplifting with the brightest smile on his face to get your frown turn upside down! and to also make you feel a little more confident in yourself as to give you more hope that your situation will turn around.
his very short speech made your head turn towards him and as he intended, you smiled warmly back with a new spark of optimism rising in your chest.
"thank you Rielle, that's... very kind of you." you spoke "I'm sure that while I'm with you, I'll at least have less than half of the injuries I have now."
he chuckled softly before responding to your comment "i'm sure you'll have few to none."
there was a moment where you two just looked at each other, both smiling and chuckling with the cold yet fresh sea breeze hitting both of your faces and the last few shines of the setting sun hitting both of your faces so perfectly. when you both calmed down you could feel this feeling of optimism rise up in your system even further.
this guy, his school-- you had a really good feeling about this change.
as well as a terrible feeling but about NRC.
but you didn't want to think much of it, not right now at least.
 on Rielle's side he genuinely feels and understands your predicament, having to adapt into a strange new world that works differently than your own home does... he gets the feeling of being a total fish out of water. so because of this he feels he has this kind of connection with you because of this small detail you both have in common.
but in a really random way you also couldn't help but notice how ethereal the shade of blue was in his eyes.
you were about to ask a question but were rudely interrupted when the sailors of the ship were yelling from up above and hanging on the ropes beside the sails, announcing that the ship is now slowly arriving towards the school.
the news made you automatically want to stand up and get a good look of the school. to then have your eyes finally meet the shape of a large white castle as the focal point with the peaks of each of it's towers glistening while still being overshadowed by the shining and setting sun behind. the scene was breathlessly magical with the special touch of this entire moment being the mixed splashes of orange, deep purple, and yellow of the sky blending in with the glistening waters of the calm ocean.
Rielle slowly stood up beside you while facing the school as well "amazing isn't it? seeing the academy shining against the sunset is one of my favorite things to see here." he said before he took in a big inhale of the ocean air to then exhale, taking in the scene and all it's beauty.
"you're damn right it's amazing." you chuckled at your comment before Rielle quickly joined in too in a shared chuckling fit. For the rest of your time on the ship you two decided to just calmly enjoy the view until the ship reached ashore.
Let's speed up to now reaching and stopping on the shore.
A gangplank was set down for you and any other residents to hop off the ship. Rielle and you slowly yet excitedly walked off at the exit to finally walk down to RSA-- that was until Rielle stopped you before you could step a foot on the large plank.
"Here, let me help you out my friend." Rielle then offered a helping hand by extending his elbow out, asking you to link your uninjured arm around his as a way to help and avoid slipping but also because he's just a gentleman at heart.
you gave him a smile and a small 'thank you' as you accepted his offer while linking both of your arms together with him(or only hold onto his arm with your hand, whichever you feel comfy with)and carefully walked off the ship with him at your side. when you two find yourselves on the shore at the edge of the sea you could feel a bit of nervousness now in your system since to you it seems like you're in a whole new world. Rielle noticed this and in another attempt to cheer you up he gently tugged at your arm that you linked with him to have you look at him, to give you a reassuring smile.
"You'll be just fine _____, I'll show you where you need to go if you'd like. just know I'll be right here with you."
His words started to sink in as you gave him a hesitant nod but a strong statement,
"Let's do this."
Meanwhile... at Night Raven College..
well... I'll save all the NRC chaos in the next post, it deserves it's own chapter ;)
(will include descriptive yet somewhat short reactions of only house leaders unless there is demand for other characters)
(also if you're confused why I had a ship travel you to RSA instead of just going through the forest and through the town I completely forgot that the isle of sages housed both NRC and RSA 💀💀but im already this far in so pretend it makes sense please T-T)
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ezekiel-krishna · 1 month
What kind of person are you going to cross path with this year?
A stranger I shall meet, a soul unseen before, Their presence will ignite a spark within my core. Our paths have crossed with fate's design, A chance encounter that we cannot define. - The Poet
PICK a card 🀧
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🟡 Card 1
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⊹ Ah, the Hierophant! This card embodies tradition, structure, and the quest for guidance from established systems or institutions. It signifies a possible encounter with someone who exudes wisdom, authority, and a profound connection to spiritual or philosophical beliefs. You may come across an individual who possesses immense knowledge or holds a position of influence within their community. This person could be a spiritual mentor, a guide, or someone who deeply values and upholds tradition in their approach to life.
⊹ This encounter holds the potential for you to gain valuable insights, receive guidance, or even establish a mentor-mentee relationship. It may be an opportune time for you to explore your own beliefs and delve deeper into your spiritual or philosophical journey and personal evolution.
🟡 Card 2
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⊹ The Lovers card! What an intriguing revelation as we embark on this quest to discover the next person who will cross your path. This card is a symbol of partnership, harmonious connections, and the incredible potential for profound, genuine love. It signifies that an important encounter is on the horizon, one that holds the promise of a meaningful relationship or connection.
⊹ In the context of your inquiry, The Lovers card beckons you to embrace the possibilities of love and companionship. It suggests that a significant meeting with someone who deeply resonates with your soul is likely to occur soon. This person could be a potential romantic partner, a kindred spirit, or even a close friend who will inspire and uplift you.
⊹ Drawing The Lovers card also calls for introspection regarding your own beliefs, values, and desires in relationships. Are you truly prepared to welcome love and meaningful connections into your life? Consider this as an invitation to align yourself with your highest intentions and to remain receptive to the opportunities that come your way. By embracing the energy of The Lovers, you are setting the stage for a transformative encounter, where both individuals have the potential to grow and evolve together. Trust in the universal flow, for it brings people into our lives for a purpose, even if their significance is not immediately clear.
⊹ As you navigate this journey, remember to stay true to yourself and honor your own needs and boundaries. Allow this encounter to unfold naturally, and bear in mind that every connection we forge serves as a mirror, reflecting back the aspects of ourselves that are ready to be witnessed and embraced. May this meeting be a beautiful symphony of souls as you cross paths with someone who has the potential to enrich your life in extraordinary ways. Trust in the journey and remain open to the enchantment that the universe has in store for you.
Blessings on this path of connection and discovery.
🟡 Card 3
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⊹ Behold the presence of the Temperance card! In the realm of Tarot, this card symbolizes balance, harmony, and moderation. It signifies the integration of opposites and finding a middle ground in all aspects of life. When this card appears, it suggests that the next person you encounter will embody these qualities of balance and moderation.
⊹ Prepare yourself, for the weaving of a captivating narrative that brings these insights together. The Temperance card reminds us of the significance of balance and harmony in our connections and interactions. It indicates that the individual you are about to cross paths with will bring a sense of serenity and equilibrium into your life. They will act as a bridge, harmonizing different aspects of your existence and helping you find a perfect blend between your creative pursuits and other areas of your life.
⊹ Their presence will inspire you to embrace a balanced approach to self-expression, allowing your creativity to flow freely while staying grounded in practicality. Together, you and this person have the potential to transform each other's lives. You will support one another in finding balance and harmony within yourselves, navigating the highs and lows of life, and remaining aligned with your true essence.
⊹ This person will offer valuable insights, shedding light on new paths and possibilities for your personal growth and self-discovery. As you cross paths with them, be open to the lessons they bring and the opportunities for growth that arise. Embrace the qualities of balance, moderation, and harmony represented by the Temperance card, and trust that this connection will guide you towards a more fulfilling and harmonious path.
Remember, this is a General Guidance and Insights.
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welcometomyoasis · 6 months
Seventeen as life's impactful moments
Synopsis: what impactful moments do the seventeen members remind me of. Pairing: none | headcanon, fluff, hurt/ comfort, angst | approx. 1150 words | warnings: mentions of anxiety and stress in life | not proof read A/n: a more sentimental headcanon since svt won a daesang and i am so proud of them <3
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Seungcheol is that moment when you are surrounded by people you love and care about. It’s when you sincerely treasure the time you can spend together, within that feeling of warmth and home, but when you are also worried and wonder about how long that moment and the time with them will last. He is that moment when a bittersweet feeling overwhelms you, he’s the moment when that realisation of all the possibilities of the “what ifs” of the future starts to sets in.  
Jeonghan reflects those moments when you are able to find joys in even the littlest of things in life. There are often times when genuine happiness washes over you because of something/ someone. But it’s more about the little moments when your mood just gets uplifted when you see something cute, or when you find one of your old toys from your childhood. It’s about those little moments and pockets of joy/ contentment you find in life. Jeonghan is when you can finally see the joy in literally everything around you. 
Joshua is that moment when you learn to love. He encompasses everything beautiful about the process of learning to love and love in general. In love there might be loss, pain, maybe betrayal, but there’s so many more positive aspects about love. There’s platonic love, familial love, romantic love, self love. It’s about the happiness, peace, contentment etc. that comes with the different types of love. He is when you reach that point of embracing all that is beautiful about loving yourself and others. 
Junhui is that moment when you find friends who truly get you. In life, there are always times when you lose friends, whether it’s just life causing you to drift apart, or if you have a falling out. It doesn’t matter because there will come a time when you find a close-knit group of friends who respect your boundaries and you get along with. He is that moment when you find a group of friends who have your back no matter what, a group that you can find comfort and strength in. 
Soonyoung is the moment when you try something new and manage to find something that you really like. You could have tried a new skill, a new class, a new food. Regardless, the point is you need to try new things in life. If you never try, you never will know just how much you might really enjoy something. He is when you gain the courage to put yourself out there and when you just dare to try. 
Wonwoo is being content with being by yourself. Being with friends and family is fun, there is no doubt in that.I think it’s about that balance between having fun with others and finding happiness from being alone. You can do what you want, when you want with no one else around you that you need to structure your life around. You can be unabashedly yourself, it’s liberating. Wonwoo is when you can finally find solace by being by yourself, and more importantly, being yourself.
Jihoon reflects the moments when you have to make sacrifices for the sake of others. He does so much for seventeen that I don’t even want to think about what he had to give up (because I will sob). It’s definitely not about sacrificing yourself/ your time/ what you believe in for something that you don’t care about. Rather, he is when you willingly give up something/ some part of you knowing that it will benefit your loved ones/ something you believe in in the end regardless of how much stress/ pain you might feel. 
Dokyeom reflects the moments when you smile again after pain. There is no shortage of painful and stressful moments in life. It doesn’t matter whether you are able to power through it, or whether you broke down, or were more vulnerable. What matters is that you know it will get better at some point. What matters is when you can pick yourself up again to take another step forward. Dokyeom is that moment when you can rise again after the storm knowing that you are strong despite everything life throws at you. 
Minghao is the process of learning to see the beauty in being alive. Life sucks sometimes. But there’s also so much that is beautiful about it. There’s good food, good company, good music, beautiful sights (seventeen), peaceful scenery and nature, fun things you can enjoy, etc. Minghao is that moment when you realise that there are things and people worth living for because that’s when you actually start to live and feel alive. 
Mingyu is when you feel comfortable being yourself (similar to Wonwoo I know). There are a lot of times when society tells us what we can and cannot be because of who we are/ what we look like. Yea, society sucks and it’s just a construct. It’s a process (more like a rollercoaster) to come to terms with that, but when you do, it’s liberating. Mingyu is that moment you feel liberated from the pressures that you and society had previously placed on you to act/ be a certain way. He is when you can finally feel comfortable in your own skin. 
Seungkwan is the moment when you learn that you don’t always have to smile or put on a straight face. Through the past few months of him going to take the time to heal, he looks so much happier and healthier now. I think that’s really important in life. When you have a tough time, you don’t always need to tough it out. It’s okay to take a break. He is when you acknowledge that you are going through a tough time and that what you need isn’t to push forward, but to take a step back to heal. 
Vernon is the moment when you can find a routine that works for you. Yea, i know this trope is overwritten about Vernon being a weird, lovable alien. It’s still important though because what matters is that you find a routine in life that you are comfortable with. You don’t need to adhere to the routines that works for others. Even if it’s a little out of the ordinary like say watching an hour of seventeen, or just blurting out random sounds like Jeonghan, it’s what works for you. Vernon is that moment when you find a routine that you know you can thrive with, no matter how weird it might seem to others.
Dino is the moment when you can finally do what you love for work. When I watch Dino, I can see he genuinely enjoys his job and he takes so much pride in his ability to do his job well. Sadly, I don’t think many people can 100% say that. Fortunately for us, I do think that there is a greater emphasis being placed on doing what you enjoy for work. So, Dino seems to be that moment when you choose to do what you love for work, and that moment when you can say that you are proud of your craft. 
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taglist: @weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff
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infipretty · 2 years
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Here are the Glimpses of your love story/journey with your significant other <3 I have not seen many PACs on this topic, so here's one. I hope y'all like your piles and they resonate with you. Don't be a silent reader, let me know your feedbacks and enjoyy! 🥂| My other PACs
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Temperance - 2 of wands - The Sun - The Emperor
Mesmerizing. That's the word I'll use to describe y'alls love story with your person. Do y'know about those certain comfort stories/books/series or movies that one can't help but keep returning to because of the comfort they radiate? y'know those stories which you wish you could go through again for the *very first time* because of the way they made you feel? Well, that's exactly how y'all will feel about your own story with your special person. Infact, I'll go as far as to say that although your love story will have a few ups and downs like any other relationship and a bit of setbacks here and there, at the end of the day it's the kind of love story that makes everyone wishes they could have the fortune to experience.
This is honestly giving enemies to lovers and if not that, it is plausible that you two didn't get along with one another initially. I'm seeing that both of you have such strong personalities and thinking of your own. Both of you come from a different backgrounds and ethics which initially, could have been the cause behind the clashes between you two but later, it is exactly what will keep you two together and balanced. Obviously, over the period of time the whole initial disliking thing will change when you both will come to the realisation that you guys actually enjoy being with one another and their presence soothes you like no other. You guys will be a whole different person with one another vs with others, you guys will bring out the best in one another.
This realisation will come to you both (mainly you) rather quickly and you will start to see your equation with this person from a different perspective from that point on. Y'all will have a very smooth, romantic, fancy path to cover with them once y'all realise that they are on your mind 24/7 not because they get on your nerves but because they have made a special place in your heart, knowingly or unknowingly. All of this will come to y'all as a shock but once you accept it, you'd know how down bad you are for them and vice versa. And ofc, before this realisation, y'all will go through a period of pure confusion and lying to yourself. As cliché as it sounds, your journey with this person will get so far and successful because of the very fact that you guys will deny to give up on each other. No matter what life throws at you, you guys will stick with one another like two pods in a pea and that is what will get you guys so far. And all of this is in a very non toxic way, there is very little to no toxicity in this relationship. All this relationship has to offer is pure love, understanding, support and devotion. Moving on, you guys will eventually know that you guys have never been so sure about anyone and that, this is it for you guys.
In your hearts, you guys will know that this person is your light at the end of the tunnel, this person is the one you have dreamed about all this time, this person is the answer to all your manifestations and this is *certainly* the person with whom you'd like to grow old with. This is the kind of love that is undeniably empowering, you both uplift each other so much even just by being there for one another. This is the kind of love that will fill you with contentment and a feeling of wholeness. You guys will make such a powerful couple, I'm seeing a lot of parties and trips happening. You guys will make such a warm and outgoing couple, the type of couple that makes a child think 'I want to have something like this with someone'. You both will be each other's confidence and solace. You guys would be each other's wall to fall on. If y'all decide to have a family, you guys will make such badass parents. I'm seeing they won't force you into having kids, they will be more than happy to entertain whatever your choices are. Your relationship could act as a rolemodel or as a standard for your children/your friends/people around you. Your relationship with this person is meant to be, you guys may have shared a past life together and I won't be surprised if you two lovebirds turn out to be soulmates <3
Chanelled Quotes :
"I didn't wanna fall in love, not at all But at some point you smiled, and, holy shit, I blew it"
"You are the person I'll never stop looking for in a crowded place"
"You make me feel things I didn't believe in anymore."
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Knight of wands - King of Pentacles - The high priestess rx - Queen of Pentacles
Endearing. That's the word a person will think of when you tell them your story. This is the exact type of story that will make you laugh even years later when you fathom about it. This is the kind of story that takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions, right from 'how dumb are they' to 'how adorable are they'. It's the kind of journey that is although lowkey annoying and amusing even to the main characters, they wouldn't have it any other way. Imagine two people who have known each other or at least about one another's existence for a significant portion of their lives but are unaware of how intertwined their fates are, this is how I see y'alls love story with your special someone to go down the road.
For a lot of you, I feel like you guys already know this person but they are not exactly the centre of your attention. Yet. They could be someone that you have met a few times in your life or have known from a distance. Y'know the type of person who's around but you're not exactly friends with them because y'all never interacted with them or never anticipated any kind of relationship with them? That's how it could be with your person, y'all could be co-workers/neighbours/classmates/batchmates/within the same friend circle or neighbourhood. When the fate will finally bring you two together, you guys will instantly connect and you guys will wonder how did y'all not notice this connection, this sexual tension and attraction with this person all this time. For others, they could be someone who's a complete surprise, someone who's from a different land and background.
The dynamic I'm getting here is Sunshine × grumpy, your vibes will match effortlessly and you guys will become sort of a team? Like everyone around you guys would know that if either of you were to pair with someone else from the whole room, you guys will most probably choose one another. That understanding will come to you guys very naturally and authentically. The person with whom your love story is supposed to play out is someone quite grounded and private, this could be also how many of y'all are which makes me think that your relationship with this person will be likely kept lowkey and private. I feel like both of you would want to keep the relationship personal and also, to gatekeep one another. However, your chemistry with this person, both sexual and physical will be so evident and prominent, people will automatically notice how well you guys complement one another. I'm hearing 'It couple' and with both king and queen of the same element being present here, I see you guys being the type of couple which naturally makes half of the people jealous while making the other half look upto you guys and your relationship.
I see your story playing out quite firmly and slowly, it's almost like connecting one dot to another to make one whole picture. Although, the undeniable attraction and charm towards one another will be there since your first real interaction, your story with them may play out over the years. I don't see you guys rushing into anything, you both might be somewhat inexperienced when it comes to serious relationships and dating so you guys may want to savour every moment you spend with one another and cherish it. You guys may date for long period of time before tying the knot and If you guys decide to have kids (this person would certainly want a family and future with you), you guys will make a beautiful family. You guys will find your home in one another, will have an unimaginable depth of understanding with one another, eye contacts and eyes talking will occur a lot. This is the type of love that you guys may have never experienced before, it will take you on a high road of growth and prosperity. You two will be undetachable from one another, they will miss you every minute they are away from you <3
Chanelled Quotes :
"The only Heaven I'll be sent to Is when I'm alone with you"
"I'd pick your thunder, I'd pick your rain; over anyone's sunshine any day."
"I will chase you, my love, to the edge of days."
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Page of cups - 6 of swords rx - Queen of cups - The hanged Man
Intense. That's the main vibe of this reading and the first word that came to my mind when I started reading for this pile. This is the kind of story that gives you butterflies in your stomach, makes you go 'woah' and think 'how lucky are they'. This is the kind of tale that could have either ended in greatest of heartbreaks or in the best of love. This is the kind of story that makes one cry the tears of joy and smile like an idiot. This journey is a dream for many. Your story with your special someone will make you feel all sort of emotions, even the ones which you thought didn't exist. Infact, this journey will actually make y'all and y'alls person wonder how you guys got so fortunate. Y'alls journey with this person is giving me the same vibes as the feeling of the first ray of sunshine reaching you after days and days of a loud and fierce thunderstorm. It is incredibly romantic, delicate and basically, a rollercoaster.
A lot of you won't be expecting your love story to unfold with this person the way it does, I'm hearing. Even before you guys pursue each other as a romantic lovers, you guys may already have deep bond with one another. I'm seeing bestfriends/friends to lovers happening here for a lot of you guys which for obvious reasons, makes every step leading towards this relationship a bit more internse. Once y'all and y'alls persons realise that the love you share is infact, romantic and not platonic, things might get a bit dubious for a while. Neither of you guys would want to overstep your boundaries and since, y'all won't be knowing the other person's feelings initially, you guys will have second thoughts about this whole falling-in-love-with-your-bestfriend/friend thing because you wouldn't want to ruin what you already have with them. This relationship could have gone either way (hit or miss) and that realisation might make you guys a bit overwhelmed since you wouldn't want to lose your friend/bestfriend.
As heartwarming as your love story is with this person, it will also teach you loads of maturity, patience and understanding. It's giving yearning tbh, you guys will literally yearn for each other 'til you guys can't no more. This seems to be the kind of love that is so pure and innocent and is led by nothing but your hearts and well intentions. Both of you guys might fall for each other around the same time I'm hearing (winters?). Fast forward to after the confession thing, from there your road with this person will be very smooth. You guys will be obviously surprised that the other person has also felt the same for you all this time and suddenly, all of their previous actions and words will start to make a lot more sense. You guys will feel so fortunate that out of all the people, you found your love and your bestfriend within the same person. There will be so much love in this relationship, you guys will go out of your way to understand each other's love languages and do what y'all best can. This honestly makes me feel like that this might be either your first or last lives together and your souls want to make every single moment worth it.
They will be your partner in crime, no surprises here. You guys will have so many life experience together, y'all gonna bake together, go to games arena together, watch late night movies together and what not. You guys will make the type of couple that makes go people like 'eh, they must be soulmates'. You both would wish that if multiverse exists, you guys are lovers and as much in love in every single universe. You guys will make the type of couple who flirts with one another all the time, buys random *meaningful* gifts for one another all the time and just confesses love for one another out of nowhere all the time lol. Your person might be someone who's artistic and someone who feels emotions a lot more and so, I feel like you'd be their muse for everything naturally. Everything they create will have a touch of you. Both of you are giving *hopeless romantics* lmao and it will be evident to everyone around you just as much it is to me. Also, this pile is the freakiest pile lol, y'all gonna act all adorable in the streets and then fck each other's brains out in the sheets. This is the type of love that is very genuine and you'd be able to feel it in every cell of your body, this is the type of love that makes you count your blessings and makes you grateful for every moment you guys spent with them.
Chanelled Quotes :
"it's always been you, it's still you, & it'll always be you"
"Between seas, galaxies and moons, I was lucky I stepped on the same land, I dreamed under the same stars as you."
"I think I like you best when you're just with me and no one else."
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© Infipretty
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This was sent to my main but I didn't want this putrid shit on my aesthetic blog. @trudgemank99, I'm going to try to explain this as best I can without insulting you.
Zionism is not a fascist ideology, and it is not responsible for an "ongoing genocide".
You don't even know what Zionism is. Seriously, you and others like you straight up don't even know what it means. You don't know its history, you don't know its cultural and religious significance, you don't know its politics, you don't know how it has saved so many Jewish peoples' lives over the 20th century. How dare you apply your own made-up interpretation of it to give you an excuse to go around harassing Jewish people on the internet?
You know how I see you? I see you as a Nazi. Because you have replaced "Jew" with "Zionist" in your vocabulary, so that you can get away with the same hatred of Jews that has festered within society for thousands of years.
You claimed in that other thread that you cared about the Palestinians. But you don't, because instead of, oh, I don't know, donating to charities or uplifting Palestinian voices, or even supporting joint Israeli-Palestinian peace movements like Standing Together, Women Wage Peace and A Land For All, you chose to desecrate the images of dead and grieving Palestinians who are victims of the tragedy of the conflict to "prove" it was a genocide (it's not; the ICJ ruled that Israel must take steps to prevent actions that could be considered genocidal. War and civilian death is horrific enough on its own; you gain nothing by misrepresenting what it is.)
You couldn't even name a single person in those pictures when I pressed you. I don't even know if those photos were of the conflict, because you didn't link to any reputable sources or date the images or name the photographer. For all I know they could have been pictures of the devastating war in Syria, which have taken on a second life with people attributing them to Gaza. Either way: how dare you use the dead as props. They were real people with real families and friends left behind to suffer - they are not your "gotcha" gore card to play on the internet.
Despite all of that, I don't hate you. I don't hate anyone. I don't want anyone to die. I want the conflict to end but I am realistic about why it occurred and why there is no ceasefire yet (hint: it's because Hamas keeps refusing ceasefires, because they want to send as many Gazan civilians to their deaths as they can). There is nothing I can say or do on my blog that will work towards an end to the conflict, and nothing I can do or say in my real life that will end the conflict - because I don't have a direct line to Netanyahu's office, and calling my local politicians here in Australia will accomplish fuck all. Because Australia doesn't influence Israel, just as Israel doesn't influence Australia.
So how does ranting incoherently at Jewish people on Tumblr save Palestinians? Go on, answer how screaming at me demanding I call it a genocide helps anyone.
I'm not defending Israel. I don't need to. What I do talk about is fighting Antisemitism and anti-Zionism - because there is no difference between them anymore. You and people like you might keep using the word "anti-Zionist" (something that I consider to be grossly inappropriate and culturally appropriative, actually) but we all know that, deep down, you're just Jew-haters.
If you can't admit to yourself that you are operating on a basis of incoherent hatred for Zionists (aka Jewish people who believe in the existence of a Jewish homeland in our ancestral land of Judea; something, by the way, that is fully compatible with the existence of a Palestinian state) then I'll do it for you: you are a Jew-hater.
Oh, wait! You did admit it:
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Thank you for this mask-off moment. Truly.
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hearts4hughes · 9 months
lacy | mark estapa
( mark estapa x fem!reader )
a/n: i know i should be working on my bday celly, but this song has been stuck in my head since i first heard it. olivia so perfectly captured the feeling of insecurities within girls and others. this is sooo short and it’s devastating writing mark angst, but i had to write something for this song!
warnings: mentions of being insecure, being led on, no part two!
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Lacy, oh, Lacy
Skin like puff pastry
Aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of Hell?
Dear angel Lacy
Eyes white as daisies
Did I ever tell you that I’m not doin' well?
the bar was loud- so loud it hurt your head. then again, maybe it was also the result of the countless drinks you’d lost track of, each one seemingly going down easier than the last.
why had you agreed to go there? why had you agreed to torture yourself?
just a week ago mark had his arm around you. he was whispering sweet nothings into your ear, giving you the impression he wanted more than to just be best friends. yet he never acted on it, never followed through. so you waited on this confusing limbo. you didn’t know what you were waiting for- perhaps for your crush on your best friend to magically disappear or for him to finally act on all those mixed signals.
now, mere days later, he had his arm around her- treating her as he had just treated you. his arm rested comfortably around her waist. their height difference made him have to lean down to whisper in her ear, just as he had done with you. and he looked at her with those unmistakable heart eyes. you wanted to believe that she had lured him in with some siren song, or maybe cast a spell on him, but you didn’t believe in magic. that’s why lacy almost didn’t seem real. she was impossibly perfect.
her long, blonde hair was tied back with delicate pink ribbons, matching with her adorable slip dress. but when you wore pink, it washed out all of your features, leaving you feeling less then feminine. with lacy, it was different. pink accentuated her plump red lips and those piercing blue eyes of hers. she embodied femininity in every way.
why couldn’t you look like that?
Smart, sexy Lacy
I'm losin’ it lately
I feel your compliments like bullеts on skin
Dazzling starlet
Bardot reincarnate
Wеll, aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist?
you were jolted as she gracefully moved away from mark and headed in your direction. she sent you the sweetest smile, showing off her pearly white teeth. it was the kind of smile that could uplift anyone that was lucky enough to see it.
“oh my goodness, you look like an actual goddess!” she complimented, her eyes filled with sincerity and awe. there was no devilish undertone or hidden agenda in her words, so why did it feel like bullets against your skin?
you smiled in return, yet it didn’t reach your eyes. “speaking of looking like a goddess, darling, that’s you.” you replied with sincerity, even though the gnawing feeling in your stomach hinted otherwise.
“thank you so much, cutie! i channeled my inner bardot with this look.” she said, though she didn’t need to channel anyone. she was a modern-day brigitte bardot herself. “anyways, catch you later; i’m going to get drinks for mark and me.” she beamed, planted a sweet kiss on your cheek, and strutted off to the bar.
you wanted so desperately to find a flaw, to mock her in some way, but it was impossibly- she was genuinely one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met, and it left you conflicted, torn between admiration and insecurity.
you couldn’t do this. you couldn’t sit here praying on the downfall of her and mark’s relationship. it was time to accept the painful truth: you were just a pawn in his game, leading him to her- his queen. your trembling fingers found their way to the heart pendant necklace around your neck, and with a determined tug, you broke the clasp. gazing at it in your palm, you remembered how mark got it for you for your one year ‘friendiversary’. what once was such a special piece of jewelry, was now a mockery of your failed relationship.
tears welled up in your eyes as you stomped over to mark. he didn’t notice you were next to him until you shoved his shoulder. he looked at you with confusion as you opened his hand, shoving the golden pendant within it.
“what’s going on?” he asked, peering down at the necklace. “why are you giving this to me?” foolish was the only word that could describe him.
“i can’t be friends with you anymore, mark. you’re tearing me apart and i don’t even think you notice it.” you confessed, tears streaming down your face. his eyes were laced with hurt. what had he done to lose his best friend?
“no, don’t say anything!” you snapped, your breath hitching in your throat. “you don’t get to say anything after what you did to our friendship. you ruined it! you’re the one who ruined it.” your words were slurred, fueled by the alcohol coursing through your veins.
he didn’t respond or ask for clarification; you both knew exactly what had been done to ruin such a solid connection.
as the weight of your confession hung in the air, you turned away from who once was your world, leaving him behind with the heart pendant in his open palm. there was a whirlwind of emotions coursing through you- pain, anger, and an overwhelming sense of betrayal.
pushing through the crowd, you made your way to the exit. lacy waved you bye, clueless of what had just happened.
you stepped out of the bar into the darkness. tears clung to your lashes, but you didn’t let them fall. your phone vibrated in your pocket, but you ignored it- too nervous that you’d see mark’s contact picture staring back at you.
and you left, leaving everything you once cared about behind you; leaving that cruel chapter of your life in the darkness of the open night.
Lacy, oh, Lacy
It's like you're out to get me
You poison every little thing that I do
Lacy, oh, Lacy
I just loathe you lately
And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you
Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you
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trashytoastboi · 18 days
Day of Envy - Leviathan
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
🎮 Levi is affectionate in theory, not in practice. He wants to be affectionate but finds himself to be too nervous, and too insecure to do so. After all, he’s just a gross otaku. How could you possibly want to be touched by him? Takes a lot for Levi to work up the courage and ignore his thoughts of self loathing, having you praise and encourage him works wonders. It makes him really feel he is worthy. Levi still doesn’t think himself deserving, you will have to initiate contact and affection first. All the while hoping that he doesn’t pull away in fear. Levi does really like being held though and he wants to be the little spoon. Not the biggest fan of holding hands only because he needs his hands to play video games. (He’s also worried because he gets sweaty hands) Makes up for it by unconsciously wrapping his tail around you when he’s in demon form. Has a propensity for nuzzling, however one will see a very different side to Levi should any of his brothers be too affectionate with you. His envy will come out in full force and will overcompensate by smothering you in all of his reserved affection that he held back previously.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
🎮 He is the chaotic friend, one who will constantly spam you with memes, videos and pictures. He also will feed your hyper fixations if it’s something he’s into as well. He’ll check up on you and ask how you’re doing in roundabout ways. If you’re sad he’ll make sure to give you a list of really comforting and uplifting animes as well as surprise you with snacks. He’ll also suggest really wholesome and cozy games. He’s a calming presence to be around even if he’s raging about something, or rambling and going on tangents about his favourite things. He will always listen to you patiently talking about things you like. Most of your activities center around going to conventions, playing games, watching anime, reading manga and light novels or helping Levi with his cosplays. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
🎮 Doesn’t mind cuddles so long as it doesn’t affect his gaming. He’ll give you some brusque attempt of saying it’s whatever even when his blushing face gives away what he is really thinking. Levi loves cuddles, he’s just too embarrassed to tell you and defaults by putting on the tsundere act to hide the fact that he is nervous. It doesn’t work because it makes him all the more adorable and tempts you to tease him. Sometimes after too much teasing he’ll sulk and go full baby mode, he’s got his arms wrapped around you from behind while you either sit between his legs or on his lap and he’s hiding his face by resting it against your back. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
🎮 He’s a pretty fair 6/10, with relatively good capability to clean and cook. (Total malewife material) He just chooses the instant ramen lifestyle, and can easily turn the scores into a 10/10 if he really wanted to. His sewing skills are unrivaled and you’ve never met anyone who can sew like him. Levi has never seen himself with a 3D partner, aka you. So he has settled down a lot before, all in the good ending of his various dating sims. He’s got a hardcore collection of 2D spouses, so he’s willing to settle pretty quickly after every event flag has been triggered. How does this translate into real life you may ask? If you ask him out on a date, it counts as the date event. What about after? When it comes to the dramatic backstory reveal and comfort arc…Or will he receive a sudden proposal from you. Levi will never admit it but he’s waiting. Either for the dialogue option to pop up in his status window or have you trigger the event yourself. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
🎮 He doesn’t want to face you and does not think he’ll be able to. Levi decides to text you, not great, but how else? It’s that or a handwritten letter. 3 text essays later, one character analysis with a corresponding analogy, details his breakdown and a copious amount of broken heart emojis is more or less what you can expect. He’ll end it with a parting line from one of his go to, give me strength characters. Underneath the self depreciation, comparison back and forth between himself and other characters, you’d eventually find the root of his discontent and the unrest in Levi’s heart. Of course Levi can be a bit… Over dramatic and break up with you over a mistake then apologize and take back everything he said a minute prior. He was just mad because he thought you overwrote his save file. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
🎮 In the real life sense, Levi couldn’t muster an answer to that question. Sometimes he wrangles with the thought of it, wondering if he could actually get married. I mean the absolute potential for a cosplay wedding would be amazing, too amazing to pass up. However, other than that very appealing aspect he just doesn’t know. It’s not that he hates the idea, it was just a possibility he never foresaw himself experiencing. Levi never thought that he would get the chance to love someone as deeply as he loves you, or fall this hard. Especially knowing that you feel the same way about him, it’s enough to bring him to tears. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
🎮 Levi is a gentle soul who can sometimes get worked up and over zealous about something. He can get very jealous and lose his gentleness along the way but he’d never really hurt you. It’s more the accident of forgetting to regulate his strength adequately and he might grab your hand a little too hard, not enough to cause injury but the roughness of his action will make Levi feel bad. He’ll feel guilty for days afterwards. Emotionally he’s a squish, you wouldn’t say gentle since he can say some pretty sharp things in defense of what he likes but he’s squishy and easily hurt by words. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
🎮 “I-I don’t like hugs!” Is what he says, not what he actually means. Levi is way too embarrassed about PDA and he’ll combust if he had to hug you in public. He just thinks you’re so perfect and he’s well….him. Levi often hides behind this reasoning to avoid contact in public and social settings. You respect this because you don’t want him to feel pressured or awkward by your sudden affectionate gestures. Even if he’s not honest with his words. His actions will be honest on his behalf and when the two of you are alone he’ll give you lots of affection to make up for what he didn’t do in public. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
🎮 Well Levi, our pretty boi who isn’t the most adept at conversation dropped the L-Bomb pretty quickly. Ever since the two of you crossed the threshold of crushes to actually dating, he’s emotional about it and you mean so much to him. So clearly there’s no other right answer aside from LOVE. Levi does ramble a bit, get side tracked and say that he loves his harem too, and all those 2D characters within. He didn’t mean to say that part out loud, he meant to keep it in mind but the funny little thing happened when his brain got all cross wired and you just made him so tongue tied…He should probably stop speaking even though he had already told you all his honest feelings. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
🎮 He isn’t the avatar of Envy for nothing, he lives up to his epithet. It’s a matter of how well he copes with his jealousy and the tendencies that come with it. You didn’t realize it at first until seeing how drastically his personality changes. Levi becomes more domineering, demanding and possessive. You might have mistaken him for the avatar of Greed. You’re his partner, so don’t pay attention to other people. How could you not notice that stupid demon clerk was flirting with you, right in front of Levi. You’re used to a shy and reserved Levi with a reluctance to PDA but when he’s jealous? He’ll have no qualms about pulling you in real close and away from whoever received too much of your attention. It’s for him, don’t go making him jealous. Levi will even ask if you did it on purpose :( “You should know better than to make me jealous…" He’d say in a low voice, uncharacteristic to him. He’ll keep you close and act needy for your attention, so you don’t need to mind other people right? When he’s finally back to his senses he’ll be incredibly embarrassed about whatever he said and did when he was consumed by jealousy. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
🎮 Levi is a real romanticist and enjoys intimate kisses, the kind that make him feel as if his heart is about to beat right out of his chest. So he’ll lighten up and kiss your forehead, your cheek or some sweet gesture of the oh so famous indirect kiss. If the mood is right, he might deliver the smoothest kiss brimming with all his suppressed passion. (Once in a blue moon) His heart is on the verge of bursting if you’re the one who kisses him first, god the way he just melted when you pressed him against the wall and kissed him. He likes when you reach up to give him forehead kisses too, or adorable little nose kisses. 
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
🎮 Little ones? Levi would rather not be around them. They stress him out more than he can handle. He’s not good at entertaining them and what constructive conversation could he have with a child? He’s heard about the wisdom that kids possess but when a kid has asked the same question six times, Levi doubts the claim. Did they say they watch anime? Okay maybe it’s doable. He’ll put something on to distract them and throw a snack at their face when he hears the tummy grumble. He does think that’s enough but no one warned him beforehand about a child’s attention span or just how inquisitive they can be. His patience snapped when one of them unboxed a figure to play with it as a toy “I’d teach my kids the value of-” The words added some insight that he has thought about his own little mini me’s before.  
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
🎮 Mornings can be a bit rough, especially after a binge. He’s only been asleep for half an hour and now he has to get up for class? The audacity of the day… He grumbles, he’s grumpy and he feels tender without adequate amounts of sleep. It wasn’t a good idea to stay up from Friday night through to Monday but he did it and now Levi feels the regret of it. He’s usually good at getting up and surviving on minimal sleep but not when he’s that sleep deprived he’d even convince you to stay with him. Acting all cuddly and pouty so he can turn you into an accomplice, “Lucifer can’t punish both of us” is his sleepy brained logic. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
🎮 Delicious snacks? Check. Backlog of anime to catch up on? Check. Game to play in the background? Check. Open monitor to peruse potential merch and cosplay specials? Check. Beverages to prevent dehydration? Check! Levi is all ready and set, locked and loaded into his plans for the evening. Which is more or less the same routine and sometimes he’ll spice it up and read manga or a light novel instead of playing a game unless it’s one that can auto farm for him. He’s pretty intense with his rituals and binging. He is impressed by your ability to keep up, truth be told Levi appreciates having someone to talk and rave to about the episode the two of you just watched or when he accidentally does something really cool in game and you were there to witness it. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
🎮 Levi believes himself to be an open book or so he thinks. He also thinks that making negative jokes about himself is the same as someone getting to know him but Levi is very, very mistaken. Only when he realizes how deeply he can actually trust and rely on you is when he properly opens up his heart. Revealing his insecurities and aspirations, the true nature of things unmarred by anything else. He always worries if you’re going to judge him, he argues with his mind knowing he can trust you. Every secret he’s confided in you has never resurfaced again, he knows. You’re a safe space but it makes him feel exposed and vulnerable and that scares him. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
🎮 Can be considered patient in a normal setting. Levi hates confrontation and if anger could lead to that, he would rather avoid it altogether. Levi gets envious, and can lose his temper due to that but without that trigger he’s very much an unloaded gun. However, do something he finds trashy in a video game and watch this man RAGE. You swear he’d put Satan to shame. Perhaps Levi should have been the avatar of wrath. That’s what you think when you see him going off at the troll who just ruined Levi’s vibe with his shit plays and trashy in-game etiquette. (He’s borderline making them regret their own existence) 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
🎮 He treats you like his favorite series. Levi knows everything about you, even the details you would classify as pointless and maybe even ‘fillers’ to your own lore. Nope he knows it, he’s memorized it. Everything you love, hate or feel lukewarm about. He knows it all. What scares you, what brightens you up and makes you cheer up on a bad day. He knows your favorite characters, the ones you crush over and can’t stand the sight of. You once jokingly asked Levi if he had some folder all about you that he can refer back to, It wasn’t a folder, it was his own personal handwritten MC Lore book that even had illustrated pictures. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
🎮 Remember that time you got angry and degraded Levi and he– Whoops. Wrong memory. Levi would probably say it was the first time you took him to a proper human world anime convention and even did a couples cosplay with him. He remembers the compliments and how many people wanted to take pictures with the two of you. You guided him through all the various attractions of the human world conventions that he had only ever dreamed about. There were a few things he never knew about, one of the darksides so to say was why the hell is water such a precious resource at a convention? It’s like an SS+ Weapon. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
🎮 Levi will protect you even if he’s terrified he’d also be the first person on the front lines to defend you. You can rest assured knowing Levi will always be on your side, if it’s for your sake Levi can even talk back to Lucifer if it’s in your defense. You know just how hard that can be for him, so you appreciate it. You protect Levi in the same ways, some ways you can’t protect him such as hateful comments online and the like as that’s oftentimes out of your control. But you can and will protect him from the insecurity that could bud from those hateful words. Anything you can do, you will. Levi knows that and he feels safe with you because of it. It gives him courage and confidence to see you standing by his side while silently reassuring and supporting him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
🎮 If the consistent density of constant content taught Levi anything, it’s to keep dates, times and schedules highly organized to make sure he tends to everything. Of course Levi uses his great skills in his relationship as well. He makes sure to keep track of all dates of anniversaries, special occasions and more. Levi puts in a lot of effort into your dates and special occasions, it’s a special event after all! He wants to remind you of that. Levi himself will admit that he’s awkward and not exactly the savviest in real world romance but he tries his utmost. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
🎮 Spontaneously canceling or postponing plans because of a surprise live stream, announcement or unannounced LTE that he absolutely has to tend to. He’ll apologize, and promise to make it up to you. And so he does, it still doesn’t change the fact that you’d be all dressed and ready for a date, waiting for him to arrive only to get a rushed text that says he won’t come. You’ve expressed your annoyance at that before and how it hurts to be stood up, Levi gets that. He really does and he’s sincere in his apology but he also keeps doing it. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
🎮 He is conscious of his looks in a different way to what you’d expect. Levi cares more about what others think about him more than worrying what he thinks about himself. Although when he’s cosplaying he is very attentive and privy to his appearance, everything from his shoes to the makeup and wigs. It’s immaculate. You didn’t realize he’d be that good at it, Levi possessed skills that Asmo was envious over and that stroked Levi’s ego a little. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
🎮 He would notice your absence and he’ll feel it deeply. It would suck and Levi would mope or who knows how long. He’d be flooding himself with sad music, sad AMV’s and playing all of his comfort games while reminiscing about you. Which in hindsight would probably make him feel worse. He’d type out long messages, wanting to hit send but change his mind while erasing the entire text. Only then going to mope in his bathtub. (Until one day he accidentally hits send) He’d try to forget you in the process which only makes him feel more regretful that you’re not here. Sometimes you’d only be gone for 30 minutes and it would feel like an eternity. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
🎮 Levi had a ritual of kissing his body pillow collection goodnight before tucking them in and saying goodnight to each and every figure he owns. A good otaku must know how to treat their merch right obviously, you’d pout saying you wish you got the same treatment. You had meant it jokingly but ever since then Levi makes sure to always wish you goodnight and give you a little kiss and make sure you’re all tucked in and comfortable in his bathtub while he played games.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
🎮 Himself- I mean…(Moving on) 
🎮 He’s an envious person, so of course his dislike is not what he hates in a person per se but rather a quality that he admires and feel he does not possess in himself. He’d get jealous and hateful because he wishes to possess that trait for himself and not to see it in someone else. More than anything Levi gets annoyed by his own envy more often than not. It’s inconvenient to be having a good day, see something and then have his mind riddled with jealous thoughts. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
🎮 Well when he actually does decide to sleep, he loves it being comfy. He curls up likes a kitten and snuggles his own tail and a body pillow (or you if you’re sleeping over in his room for the night) Has a tendency to sleep talk and whine in his sleep. Letting out the cutest sounds you’ve ever heard. When you tell him about it, he’d go so far to deny it and say that you were just imagining things. Recording him didn’t help because he nearly smashed your D.D.D to hide the evidence. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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rea-grimm · 1 month
Weapon Luffy
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You were one of the few masters aboard the Straw Pirates. You haven't found your right weapon yet. You really knew it would take some time.
For now, you fought with a makeshift battle staff. The weapon you had tattooed on your arm. The mark of a weapon that is meant for its master. You knew nothing more about your weapon, about your soul mate.
You didn't mind that though. You didn't need your weapon when you could rely on your friends. But that's just what you thought. Of course, you wanted a weapon, someone who was only for you. Who wouldn't want this?
Surely you knew that Zoro and even Sanji were not your weapons. These two were completely different weapons than what you had on your wrist. You had a hunch that it might be Luffy, but he mostly fought for himself. You never had the opportunity to check this domain.
After a while, you stopped trying and decided to let things go. Maybe you'll come across your weapon somewhere along the way…
You were on a new island, which consisted mostly of mountains with deep ravines and which was inhabited by rather unhinged people.
You originally went exploring in a much larger group, but very soon you and Luffy got separated from the others. Because Luffy smelled the meat and before you could stop him, he was running towards your nose. You had no choice but to follow him.
His nose led you to a small settlement of bridge dwellers. Unfortunately, you didn't stop him and he threw himself into their feast. This pissed them off and before you knew it Luffy was handcuffed with a sea prism stone.
But he could still change into a weapon. However, it was such a shock to his body that he couldn't fight at all. Unluckily for you, they also tied you up. Even with an ordinary rope, you still couldn't fight properly.
You were surrounded and trapped. They pointed their spears at you and kept you at distance. This is how they led you to the edge of a deep ravine. You looked down and your head would spin from that height.
This was supposed to be the end of you. You noticed that the ravine was not very wide. You were already making a plan in your head to save yourself.
The two of you stood on the edge of the abyss before they kicked you into it. As you fell, you tried to grab the rock, but to no avail. Luffy soon caught on to your plan and tried to save you too.
Luffy stretched under your arms as you hugged him and turned into a battle staff. You grabbed him and directed him so that he got stuck between the rocks.
You were afraid you wouldn't make it in time. Either the rock was breaking or Luffy simply slipped off. You really grabbed Luffy like a staff and stabbed him into a rock.
This finally worked and you stopped falling. Luffy seemed to have a firm hold there, so you could breathe a sigh of relief for a moment.
"Are you OK?" you asked him. A hand emerged from the staff at the wrist, pointing a thumb up. You were glad he was okay. You knew he had a hard root, but you were still worried.
After this, you somehow managed to get down and back to the ship. There you got Luffy out of his handcuffs and Chopper took care of your injuries.
Ever since you got on the ship though, Luffy has been stumped the entire time. As if his thoughts were somewhere else completely the whole time. And that almost never happened. Especially for a time like this.
“Hey Luffy, are you okay? ” you asked him worriedly.
“Y/N, what's the tattoo on your arms?” he asked you seriously. Besides, this was the first time he asked you about your sign.
“A battle staff,” you replied, showing him the tattoo on your arm. However, things have completely changed since you last saw him.
The last time you looked at him was before your tattoo. It was an ordinary seated battle staff. Now? Now it was something else entirely. Although it's true that when you clung to Luffy like a staff, you had this strange, uplifting feeling, as if you were complete with him.
You still had a battle staff on your wrist now, but it was wrapped around a whip. However, the most distinctive feature of it was the straw that was hung from one side. Luffy looked at your tattoo thoughtfully before a smile appeared on his face.
"That's my straw hat!" he rejoiced. Others who were nearby were also in shock. After all, you've been sailing with them for a while now and only now have you found out that the captain has been your weapon all along.
"That's not possible," Nami wondered, while Robin just chuckled knowingly, as if she'd suspected it all along.
“Shishishi,” Luffy laughed. The future king of all fights has found a master. Something like this had to be properly celebrated.
Luffy Masterlist
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sardonicdoll · 8 months
able-bodied artists (or artists who don't have the relevant disabilities even if they are physically disabled in some way) really need to start checking themselves because i have seen more than enough ableist garbage on my TL recently. i don't get any traction on twitter though so i'm posting this here instead.
1. i'm not giving my thoughts on "AI art" because i do not have the patience and energy but bringing up physically disabled artists with limb differences, motor impairments, etc. (the ones that able-bodied people put on a pedestal because inspiration porn, anyway) as a gotcha is just as bad as the "AI art" bros you're arguing with who aren't disabled themselves (or disabled in these ways) but also tokenize these forms of disability. we're not ammunition in online discourse, i bet 10-1 that you people never uplift and empower and give a platform to disabled artists w/ limb differences/motor impairments/etc. in your online art spaces otherwise, and any logic that amounts to "this disabled person can do [x] so you're just not trying hard enough/what's your excuse?" is always always ALWAYS ableist no matter how you try to spin it, sorry.
if you don't have these conditions and consider yourself an ally to us then you do not have any business speaking with any kind of authority in conversations involving limb differences, motor impairments, etc. and art-making, or bringing artists with these conditions up when people are talking art-making and accessibility. full-stop. speaking from experience, being an artist with coordination and motor skill impairments when i'm surrounded by artists who aren't hindered by those things (even if physically disabled) really takes a mental toll on you and being all "oh this guy learned to draw with his teeth, so" does not help that whatsoever.
2. speaking as a horror artist/author - critically examine what you consider monstrous or horrific and the overlap between that and visible physical disability. not only have i had the above nonsense shoved in my face but then semi-popular art account posted a few photos (from online assumedly) that they called "monster eyes" when one of those images was leukocoria and another looked something like tonic pupil and/or coloboma (the pupil looked atypically large and out of place.) structrual eye conditions that cause visible differences aren't "monstrous." one of the images had crystals growing out of the eye, which, yeah! do more with that. but consider that images of "freaky" eyes you find on the internet are in fact eye conditions that real people have and what you're doing is associating how their bodies look with "monstrosity."
people have talked about this quite a bit with limb differences, bodily proportions, gait differences, motor impairments, etc. but i've never seen it talked about nearly as much with eye conditions. stop associating aspects of visible bodily differences with horror and monstrosity. even if it's unintentional that's purely due to your ignorance of the wealth of conditions that cause disability. exploration of disability and bodily difference within the context of horror and monstrosity can and honestly should be explored but that should be left to to those of us who actually understand what that is like rather than those who only have an outside perspective.
generally i'm very tired of able-bodied artists and then any physically disabled ones who lack respect for those of different experience to their situation.
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sepublic · 6 months
Like yeah they both had power fantasies they pursued but the opposing nature of those fantasies -and not just how they tried to achieve them- is key when it comes to Luz and Philip;
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Because Luz just wanted to be herself, she wanted to be a witch, something that doesn't actually require others to suffer; Sure there's the "Now eat this sucka!!!" bit, but it's never emphasized and used very sparingly, with the main focus on Luz wanting to appreciate the wonders of the world around her, and focusing more on trying to make friends out of enemies than just condemning them; So Eat this Sucka becomes a necessary last resort, in a way. Luz tries to avoid picking fights and only does so for the sake of others, and even then has to confront whether that's appropriate or not.
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Whereas Belos, his power fantasy explicitly calls for the harm of others; Which he justifies because they're 'evil', but he nevertheless wants for there to be evil people, he wants people to do wrong, so he can then hurt them. Kill them, even; He wants injustice to always exist and that's unsustainable. Belos doesn't want people to get better, he wants to punish them first and foremost, it's not his last but first resort, and he claims to be an aggressor on behalf of 'humanity' but never listens to actual humans. He desires an Us vs Them scenario, Belos is basically "It's not enough I should succeed, others must fail." He relies on hierarchy instead of wanting to uplift everyone else if he can.
And so you can see how these different power fantasies that Luz and Philip latch onto reflect who they want and choose to be, and become; With Luz wanting to engage with another world and respect it, learn to value and see the beauty in it, making friends with unexpected people in unexpected places and only kicking ass as necessary. Whereas Belos approaches everything from the entitlement of a colonizer who believes in his own supremacy and superiority to lesser, subhuman beings that he distances himself from, and never truly connects to.
So their dichotomy is a discussion of the nature of power fantasies and what they'd logically require in real life, but also an expression of who they are because of why they choose those fantasies, and how far they're willing to go to commit to them; Because Luz is willing to give up her fantasy for the sake of others (despite it being inherently less dangerous than Philip's, which he still clings to), because people's lives will always matter more than some fantastical achievement. The problem is that Luz thinks she necessarily has to make that sacrifice.
There's just a lot of interplay between wanting things for yourself and how that relates to selfishness, and what selfishness even IS, what makes it bad if it is, etc. The line between choosing to sacrifice others for yourself, VS having to prioritize your own health over pleasing others (such as society's expectations), even using self-defense against people who keep taking advantage of and threatening you. You should want to look after yourself and you should care about others, these are not mutually exclusive!!!
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