#they are going through it
epickiya722 · 2 months
Yuji Itadori 🤝 Maki Zenin
Will and can kick your ass, got beef with their uncles and come from a messed up family but got/had siblings who love them... and sibling(s) and parents who are dead
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
You know Mileena’s fatality from MK1 where she stabs her opponents head with two sais and twist them until the head can get pulled off?? (You should really see it to get a better idea)
Picture Nomad!Branch going hunting with a group of ferals trolls and for SOME reason BroZone decided to tag along with him?? (They don’t know how else to spend time with Bitty B, they’re desperate at this point 😭) They promise to be quite to not disturb them, and what do you know a critter does appear!! The group does it thing and manage to hold the critter down and the brothers think that Thing is going to be the one to put it down (honestly, they would have), so image to their absolute horror when Branch is the one to run at the snarling creature with two knives, stab both of them to its head, BREAKING and TWISTING its neck, to finally decapitating the creature and have its head rolling on the ground. The ferals and Branch all celebrate the kill since yay!!! food for the rest of the village for another week, meanwhile the brothers are losing their shit at their brother killing a critter so violently and IS HE LICKING THE BLOOD OFF HIS FINGERS (At least two brothers definitely fainted)????
Needless to say, BroZone needed a moment to process this and did NOT eat the meat during dinner that day trying to hold back tears at the loss of the mental image of baby Branch 😭😭. Meanwhile Branch and Thing are already talking about heading out again tomorrow (Cue to ANOTHER break down of BroZone trying to convince Branch not to go).
(I LOVE your Nomads AU!!!)
THANKS FOR THE LOVE!!!!!! I love this idea sooooo much AHHHH!!!❤️❤️❤️ if u have more pls do tell 😁😁
I’ve said before Branch only comes out on hunts for emergency (or trying to step out of his comfort zone) but since this takes place after they have been found, I like to think he has a easier time leaving the grey village once he knows the Bergens are cool now!
The story would be Branch and Thing wanting to bond (and get more food) by going on a hunt with some of the hunting squads, Brozone would overhear this plan (not putting in too much thought on what the hell a hunt was) and begged to go so they could spend more time together as a “family” (they are so desperate to spend time with Branch, they have no idea how to bond with him without it being something they did with him as a kid) Branch (reluctantly) agrees some cheering happens, the brothers get some gear and their on their way.
They honestly thought they were just gathering berries or playing a game and you know no not hunting HUGE DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS!!!! The hunt trip overall consists of Bruce and Floyd being bad at being sneaky (Clay and John are like stealth masters) Thing keeps trying to piss Brozone off by being super close with Branch and doing “family stuff” (or what he thinks family stuff is) basically just rubbing their Brotherhood in the other bros faces(they are seething with jealousy) The brothers are also trying to “protect” Branch by shielding him or getting ready to “fight” when they hear a noise (their not the best at “protecting” Branch well besides John of course)
Soon when the hunt looks like a failed trip a GIANT CRITTER comes out!!! The hunting sqaud does its thing and gets the critter tied down as they wait for the killing blow. The brothers at this point circled around Branch to “defend” him from the beast and the bros are just waiting for Thing to handle-…why is Thing just standing there?!?Why aren’t they running at the opportunity to kill?!? why are they starring at Brozone with a knowing look and smug smile?!??
Yelling that’s what the brothers heard before Branch jumped over them and took two daggers out of his hair. He proceeded to stab them into the beasts head, as he quickly twisted them BREAKING the creature’s head off as it rolls limply on the ground… The cheers of the hunters were tuned out by the horror that is currently overwhelming Brozone they just saw their sweet baby brother (who would cry over stepping on a fly) who has just killed a critter 20x his size, he was so sweet and innocent what happe- OH MY TROLL IS HE LICKING THE BLOOD OFF HIS FINGERS, WHAT THE FU-(so Floyd and spruce fainted, John and Clay were standing due to years of being desensitized to this kind of thing, Clay is trying not to puke as John is slacked jawed at the site of Branch )
When they got back they just had these horrified looks on their face but no one payed to much attention to them, except for Branch fretting over them asking if they were ok (the brothers would find it adorable that Branch cared so much if they weren’t currently losing their minds at the moment) When they sit for dinner they are trying their best not to breakdown as the meat of the creature Branch killed was sitting right in front of them taunting them as the horrible revelation of Branch not being their Bitty B anymore is finally sinking in. Next to them Branch and Thing are chatting about going out again tomorrow for ✨funzies✨!! Cue Brozone immediately panicking and begging Branch not to go as they are currently having a complete meltdown while holding Branch trying to keep him their with them (Branch panickingly agreed so they would calm down, he was so scared ) Thing was not amused that they just ruined bonding time 😐
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Sevenish Sentence Sunday!
I was tagged by @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @wildlife4life @rainbow-nerdss @captain-hen @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @wikiangela @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 thank you 💜💜
I have been bouncing back and forth between docs, but have a bit more of buddie trapped in the elevator when the conversation starts getting heavy since they refuse to fight oaksaoskasasok prev snippet
“I don’t really try to understand the things that tried to kill me,” he shrugs, and Buck keeps frowning. “Lightning hit me.” “Didn’t you just say I got hit by it too?” Eddie teases and he shoots him an really? look that makes him chuckle, “no, I meant that lightning collapsed that well, and well, I was in the army, I know how guns work. I do see why you would want to though, I remember the natural disaster phase, but it’s not like it is with you for me, my brushes with death are pretty straightforward, you just have some fucked up luck, like, what are the odds of you getting caught in a tsunami with our kid because I dragged you out of bed, and then get struck by lightning on a random call? That’s gotta be some-” Eddie is talking while looking at some point in the wall next to him and Buck’s not sure he’s even registering every word he’s saying and he’ll need to unpack the whole our thing later, but that’s not the thing that makes him freeze.  “Wait, back up,” he interrupts, shaking his head, and Eddie seems startled looking back at his face.  “What?” “What do you mean ‘because I dragged you out of bed’?” Buck asks and Eddie presses his lips together, blinking at him a couple of times.  “I mean- come on, man, I- I forced you to deal with it, and that almost got you killed.” “Eddie,” he tries, but he can’t find words as Eddie continues, back to staring at some point of the wall to his side.  “You wouldn’t be at that pier if I had let you wallow for one more day. And I didn’t even know, the whole day, I was thinking that it was lucky that you were missing it, that you were nowhere near that mess, that you were-” he cuts himself with a sharp breath, blinking up while clearing his throat, “but you were there the whole time,” he says with a humorless laugh. 
No pressure tagging 🩷: @bucks118 @honestlyeddie @sherlockcrossing @watchyourbuck @housewifebuck @aspecbuddie @giddyupbuck and you if you have something to share 💜
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moonlightmarvey · 1 year
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byclair, but its punk lucas and emo will
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sancastarcs · 5 months
Little Garden arc could be also named Nami's and Ussop's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
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anartisticdreamer0 · 5 months
ohhh sunny is upset that lullah is being nice to em
and em is sad because she thinks sunny is mad at her
and lullah went back to her place.
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quinncupine · 9 months
Chapter 15: To Be A Hero
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Word Count: ~6,000
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X female reader
Previous Chapter: Fourteen
Next Chapter: Sixteen
Warnings: violence, drugs, cursing, injuries
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The room had fallen silent and the tension was so thick, you felt you could suffocate at any moment. Shizue still stood behind the desk, arms crossed. That overconfident leer fixed on her face. No one had so much as moved since she revealed herself and you weren't very keen on getting that ball rolling.
"Mrs. Deku!" Little Miwa tugged on your jacket from behind you before her father pulled her back. "It's gonna be okay," she escaped his grip and grabbed your jacket again with a smile. "Deku always saves the day, right? He'll come for sure. Don't you worry."
"Takara," Mr. Miwa forcibly whispered, pulling her away again.
"Oh yes, relying on the hero has proven to work out so well recently, hasn't it?" Shizue laughed and you couldn't help but clench your fists at the barb.
"What do you want?" Your voice wavered slightly but you kept your stance tall, moving in front of the Miwa's.
"I want a lot of things," she shrugged as she moved in front of the desk, leaning back on it, "but most importantly, I want my work recognized."
"And you need to trap me here for that?"
"Well, using you in my experiment is just an added bonus." Shizue glanced out the wall-to-ceiling windows. The skyline of downtown glittered along the river. "I'm nearly there and nothing is going to stop me now. Not you, not Deku, not anyone."
You glanced out the window too. The glass, just like the walls was slightly hazy. No doubt whatever kind of barrier quirk Mr. Miwa had placed. It warped the view slightly, though you could still make out the river sluggishly flowing in the distance.
The river.
It still brought up unpleasant memories. Even now, you had hesitated to cross it again. Everything that had happened, the source of your problems, stemmed, in part, from this woman. And despite everything you'd gone through, you still felt helpless standing in front of her now.
"Time to get the show on the road," she reached back on the desk and held up a small box. "Do you know what this is?"
"Something as dangerous and utterly insane as its creator?" you mumbled.
"I'd watch who you call crazy," she straightened, eyes narrowing dangerously. "But you're not far off, I suppose. True genius is mocked by the ignorant."
As she talked, she dragged her fingers along the top of the box and your stomach dropped at the thought of whatever new toy she'd concocted.
Behind her, something caught your attention outside the window. In the corner, at the top, just inside the shadow was a familiar brush of purple. You blinked as Shinso cautiously peered through the glass with a finger to his lips.
It took all your willpower to school your features and look back at Shizue. Though you felt so much better seeing his face. The man was clever. Years of innovating his own quirk to stand against dangerous villains had made him a superior hero. Even if the general public couldn't appreciate it, you sure did.
"Daddy!" Little Miwa suddenly pulled on her father's sleeve, eyes wide as she glanced out the window and then back to him.
You glimpsed back at them and prayed she wouldn't say anything else. Shizue had focused on the girl as well, eyeing her curiously as she unlocked the box. If she found any of it odd, she didn't say so.
"Miwa," Shizue spoke up, gaining his attention.
Inside the box was a stoppered bottle with some sort of hazy blue liquid. She lightly shook it with a smirk then tossed it across the room to him. The man barely had time to jump up and catch it. He stared down at the little bottle in disbelief.
"Your cure." She set the box down and hopped up to sit on the desk. "See, I'm a reasonable person."
"Mr. Miwa, you can't seriously be considering this?" you asked in horror as he continued to stare at the bottle. "She's a criminal. A-a villain. You don't know what's in that!"
"It's hope, Mrs. Midoriya. The last I could find." He whispered, not able to bring his gaze to yours. "She's-" he paused, glancing at his daughter who was staring curiously up at him. "There's not much time left. I-I ran out of choices."
"You don't have children. A father would do anything for his child." He spoke again, more firmly this time, pulling Little Miwa close. "And I'm a desperate father."
"What is that?" Little Miwa tugged his arm down to get a good look at the bottle, but he held it out of her reach. "What are you doing? Why did she give that to you Daddy?"
"Quiet Takara." He shushed her, tucking the vial into his jacket pocket. "Our deal is done. We're leaving."
"Oh, and ruin the party?" Shizue clicked her tongue, pulling out another vial. "You leave when I say you can leave."
"You've got me here, you don't need them anymore," you said, holding up your hands. "Just let them go."
It was silent for a few tense moments before she snickered, letting it grow into a full-bellied laugh. "What, are you trying to mimic those heroes you're always surrounded by?"
She unzipped her jacket, revealing that intricate belt of hers with a myriad of vials you assumed were different quirks. Her fingers danced along them until she found the ones she wanted and pressed the buttons below them. A slight hiss echoed from the device and she flinched as the vials emptied themselves. How many was she going to use? That couldn't be good.
"If you're feeling heroic, then you'll do as you're told and then everyone gets to walk away alive… well for the most part."
Lifting a hand, you watched as her fingernails grew longer and thicker until they curved into sharp gleaming talons. A clear substance dripped out of one of them before she flexed her hand, grinning from ear to ear.
As she admired her quirk, you glanced at the window again. Shinso was gone and you had a mini panic attack. Where did he go? Surely he wouldn't leave, but not seeing him was bringing that tremble back into your hands. He had a plan. You just had to trust in that plan…whatever it was.
The phone on Nobusuke's desk rang, startling the three of you. Shizue casually eyed it. As she turned her back to silence it, you subtly stepped towards Mr. Miwa.
"Bring down the barrier," you whispered.
"…no. I can't."
"Whatever she's threatened you with, it's nothing compared to what she'll do to all of us if you don't." you gave him one last meaningful stare before facing Shizue who had turned her focus back to you.
"Who's first?" She grinned when no one moved she pointed at you with one of her claws. "I see one very eager volunteer."
Shizue moved faster than you thought. She crossed the room in seconds until she was standing just a few feet from you. You sucked in a breath as she grabbed your wrist and yanked you forward. The sharp talons tapped along your skin almost teasingly. Behind you, Little Miwa yelled, but her father placed a hand over her mouth, his own body frozen in fear.
"Get off me!" you tried to release yourself from her grip only for her to tighten her hold.
"See these?" she held up her other hand, the talons gleaming in the light, "this is a very special quirk I made just for you. Let's see how well it works."
You grabbed her other wrist, trying to keep her at bay. The two of you fought for control and spun in a circle. She was a lot stronger than you, but perhaps out of adrenaline running purely on fear, you were able to keep her away. But not for long. This was a fight you were quickly losing.
"Miwa!" you screamed, "anyone can be a hero! You're daughter thinks the same thing!" you managed to steal a glance at them. "You said you'd do anything to protect her. Prove it! If not to me, to her!" Her hand came closer to your neck, the tip of the talon scraping along your skin.
"You're not alone Miwa! You don't have to do this alone!"
There were tears in his eyes, but you couldn't focus on him anymore. Too much of your strength was being overwhelmed by Shizue and her mad smile.
"I thought I had beaten all the fight from you the first time, but it seems you do still hold some surprises after all." She laughed, slamming your back into the wall. "I hold all the keys- or should i say quirks- here lady. You can't beat me."
"Let her go!" A tiny voice cried out and you saw that mousy brown hair at the edge of your vision.
"Takara!" Her father's frantic voice yelled behind her.
Talons lightly dragged down the side of your throat and plunged into your shoulder eliciting a sharp cry from you. Shizue grinned, though it didn't last long. Her smile faded and her skin took on a sickly white as if all the pigment was sucked right out of her. She glanced behind her and snarled.
You followed her annoyed stare to see Little Miwa hugging her leg tightly. Her fingers dug into the exposed skin around Shizue's ankle. The girl's fingertips glowed faintly, spreading white lines along the veins in both their limbs.
Her father ripped his daughter off the villain and stumbled as far away as he could, clutching the child in his arms as tightly as he dared.
Shizue blinked hard, but she kept the claws buried in the meat of your shoulders. You gripped her wrists, preparing to shove her off but she shook her head and leaned against you.
"Th-that was a dirty trick, little girl." She took a heavy breath. "I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson in… manners too."
"You will not touch her." Mr. Miwa said firmly, the most bravado he'd shown all day. "I'd die first."
"Well if that's all," she laughed, pushing the talons in further to keep her balance and you groaned under the pain. "After I kill Miss Hero here, you and junior sidekick are nex-"
She faltered, knees shaking uncontrollably. You tightened your grip on her talons and holding your breath you tore her talons out with a sickening squelch. Even though the talons themselves were thin and needle-like, they still cut deep.
Shizue looked surprised at how easily she was shoved off. Her knees couldn't hold her and she collapsed to the ground with shallow panting breaths. Her talons scraped ragged, blood-tinted lines on the carpet.
"What did that brat do to me?" She moaned struggling to even sit upright.
You sagged against the wall, eyeing the Miwa's. The girl was curled in her father's arms, breathing fast and heavy. She bunched his shirt up in her tiny hands, squeezing for all her worth. Her skin was just as sickly pale as Shizue’s, an odd mirror image that twisted your stomach.
Whatever she'd done, had stopped Shizue in her tracks. When you first met the family, you had been tempted to investigate into her quirk but knowing whatever cruel twist of fate that awaited her was too much to bear. But now you wished you'd known whatever it was she did. No, you knew what she did. She saved you.
A loud click hurled your mind back to the present. You looked down at Shizue, her hand over one of the vials on her belt. And inwardly, you smacked yourself for being too slow to notice.
"Stay down." You said, though your voice didn't hold many commands with you bleeding over her.
"You can't stop me." She said quietly, her voice dripping with venom. When she whipped her head up at you, you stumbled back into the wall listening to her laugh lowly at you. "I am the superior human. I create quirks. I am one step closer to God. And you think you can stop me?"
Her skin glowed and the color restored itself. Her hair even turned a brighter shade of red. Whatever she'd injected herself with, it seemed to reverse the draining effect that little Miwa managed to do.
She rose to her knees, a death glare written clear on her face. Her talons grew longer, Sharper, deadlier. She jabbed a finger at you and the tip rested just against the soft of your throat.
The sound of glass breaking registered in the corner of your mind. One claw managed to barely puncture your skin and you watched as she stood up, her entire being radiating with power. As much as you wanted to move, your body didn't respond to any mental commands. Whether it was part of her power or your own fear, you weren't quite sure. Then suddenly, she was gone.
Shizue was bodily flung backward, engulfed in Shinso's capture scarf. She struggled, kicking out wildly, but she wasn't strong enough against Shinso. He expertly tied up the squirming villain in a matter of seconds.
An airy petrified whine spilled out as your trembling fingers scrambled along your neck. A small line of warm blood dribbled down your throat, but you could barely feel the cut. For a terrifying moment, you'd thought she was going to rip your throat out. Adrenaline abandoned you, and you sunk down the wall in relief.
"Dad!" Little Miwa had said weakly, dropping to the floor along with her father, who seemed to deflate on the spot.
"I'm…I'm alright." He nodded shakily, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry." That seemed to be directed at you.
Now that you're mind had time to think, you looked at the shattered window. He must've brought down the barrier to let Shinso in. You focused back on Shinso who had secured Shizue in cuffs, the woman still squirming and spewing curses at him.
"You okay?" He looked up at you, a hard light reflecting in those deep purple pools of his eyes.
"Yeah… yeah…" you mumbled. "You were right Shinso. I'm a fool. I'm so sorry."
"Now's not the time for apologies, but if we're doling them out, then I am too." He looked away from you, wrangling the villain to her feet. "I broke a very important promise."
"Ugh, please don't get all sentimental and mushy on me now." Shizue rolled her eyes, blowing red, staticky hair out of her face.
"Mrs. Midoriya," Mr. Miwa spoke up, still sitting on the ground, eyes wet.
"Don’t." you stopped him, still unsure if you were ready to pummel him or hug him. "I know why you did it, but…" trailing off, you stared at Little Miwa, who had seemed to recover enough to wrap a protective grasp around his shoulders. She was so young, but she somehow held a brave face. "That stuff is untested and potentially extremely dangerous. Are you really sure that's your only choice?"
He didn't say anything, only swallowing a few times before dropping his gaze to the floor. Though he still clenched his jacket pocket tightly. His daughter peeked at him before letting go and stumbled over to you, slamming into your leg with a big hug.
"Deku told me heroes can be anyone with a kind heart and a brave soul." She said, meeting your gaze with her own sunken but still bright eyes. "I think I'd like to be a hero like you one day."
Blinking at the praise, you finally smiled, resting your hand on her head. "Thank you."
"Welp, I've had enough." Shizue simply said before she twisted to the side and bent down. Her talons contorted and grew even longer, easily ripping through the cloth and snapping the cuffs in two.
A sharp crack resounded and a thick fog filled the room. Shinso grabbed for her but she dissipated along with the fog and an eerie laugh. You watched the room grow foggier and foggier, waiting for her to pop out of the gloom.
"Everyone out!" Shinso ordered, grabbing your arm and rushing for the door.
The Miwa's were out first with Shinso following up the rear. You stepped over the threshold and into the brightly lit hall. Shinso stepped out behind you, but a cold hand made of fog grabbed his ankle and flipped him off his feet. He kicked at the invisible force but with no tangible substance to hit, he was pulled back into the smog.
"Go!" His voice yelled from inside, but your feet didn't want to move.
"Shinso!" you yelled back, grasping the doorframe. "Mr. Miwa, go call the police! Tell them what's happened!" You looked at the father who had scooped up his daughter into his arms.
He nodded but hesitated as you took a step into the room. "Are you sure-"
"Hurry! We don't have time for this!" you waved him off and raced into the room.
"Come join the party!" Shizue's voice echoed around the foggy office. You turned in circles, struggling to pinpoint her location. "We're having a blast!"
Something exploded beside your foot and you leaped to the side to avoid the now burnt hole in the floor. The air was growing denser and you were finding it harder and harder to breathe even with your sleeve covering your mouth. The smell of burning permeated the air. You worried the office had caught on fire.
"Shinso!" you coughed. "Shinso!"
"Oh Shinso, Shinso!" Shizue mocked, her voice echoing around the office. "Get ahold of yourself." Her voice suddenly whispered in your ear.
Twisting around, you threw a punch that she easily caught. Her hand wrapped around your wrist and used your own momentum to flip you onto your stomach. You landed with a thud, coughing the air from your lungs, and cheek digging hard into the carpet. There was no time to recover as her knee dug straight into your spine, cutting off your pained yelp.
"Now, be a good girl and hold still."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw her claws outstretched, set on jabbing it in the back of your neck. You fought back wildly, trying your damnedest to buck her off. She squeezed her legs around your sides, leaning forward until her hair dangled in your face. You stilled as her breath tickled your ear.
"What are you really afraid of, hmm? I bet I know what it is." She jingled out as a singular claw scraped along your ear to brush your hair out of your face.
You didn't even have time for her words to register as she pierced four talons just below your neck. Pain seared along your spine and up into your head, bursting like fireworks. Every muscle in your body convulsed before going rigid. Time seemed to slow and your vision swayed, darkening into long shadows.
White looped around her hand, yanking it back so sharply you heard the crack of bone through threads of sound around your barely conscious form.
"Argh! You bastard!" Shizue screeched from the ground, clutching one of her snapped talons.
Even with her off you, a heavy weight seemed to take her place, pressing into your lungs, pinning you to the floor. Anxiety crept through your thoughts. It invaded every inch of your mind. It took a few moments for you to gain control of your limbs again and when you did, you flailed around onto your back. Black spots clouded your swaying vision.
The smoke seemed to disperse at her loss of concentration. Lying across the room, gripping his capture scarf was Shinso with a bloody grimace. He wiped at the trail of red on his cheek and stood up, keeping the rope taught.
"Shinso!" you shakily got to your feet, clutching the back of your neck. It felt wet and painful but you ignored it for the moment, focusing on him. "Are you okay?"
He nodded, though you noticed he wasn't speaking. He only kept his tight grip on the slightly bloodied scarf, glaring at Shizue who glared daggers right back at him.
Though the smoke around you had diminished, there was still a very real fire blazing across half the office. Surely someone must've noticed by now the flames licking out into the cold of the broken window. That and the fact that the Miwa's had gone to alert someone; help would be on the way soon.
"You're boring," Shizue decided, still glaring at the man. "But you," she plastered a devilish grin on her bruised face, "you're head is a mess right now. So many to pick from. What should I start with?"
"Shinso, we need to-" You turned to grab his arm, but he wasn't there.
Gasping, you looked around for him and found both he and Shizue had disappeared in the growing smoke. The fire in the corner of the office, fueled by the winds sweeping through the window, had grown larger and hotter. Bright swathes of flames climbed the walls, burning everything in their wake. In the blink of an eye, the fire had crossed the room, blocking your exit.
Twisting in circles, you desperately searched for him. He was nowhere to be seen. "Shi-" you coughed out, his name dying in your throat as a figure emerged from the smoke. Relief washed over you before you heard him speak. That relief quickly molded into horror.
"There you are my dear," a hauntingly familiar voice said.
"…No," you backed up, eyes wide. "No, no you're…you're dead."
Kanaye Tatsuya. The very man who you still had nightmares about. The one who nearly killed those you loved. The one who was supposed to be dead. The one who stood in front of you now.
"Now don't say such things, darling." his hand reached out to caress your cheek, and as much as you wanted to smack it away, your body seemed frozen to your very core.
His hand was warm and so lifelike that your mind could barely comprehend how he was here. His fingers lightly stroked your cheek and caught a stray tear as it fell. He smiled down at you with such a warm gentle expression that looked so very wrong on him and that was what finally broke through your fear.
"Don't touch me!" you smacked him away and bounded back a good distance. "You're dead! You're not real!" Gut twisting violently, you clutched your stomach. "You're not real!"
"I'm every bit as real as my love for you," he smiled in that terrifying way that held no emotion in those cold eyes of his.
When he reached for you again, you stumbled back, bumping into a wall. Fire had consumed the room around you and this little corner was the only space you could escape to. Even without the flames and smoke, you felt your lungs shrink under his intense gaze.
No. This man couldn't be here. He was dead…wasn't he? Izuku had told you he was. He wouldn't lie. Not about something like this. This had to be some type of illusion, one that was intensely real. Something…something like his own quirk.
"Get back!" you screeched, clutching your shirt with one hand and holding your other hand out to keep him at bay.
"Don't take that tone with me," his smile vanished and cold dread flooded your veins.
The door to your right burst open with such force that the wood splintered in all directions and the flames themselves seemed to part. Both of you looked over to see Izuku silhouetted by the bright light from behind. He was leaning on the doorframe, hunched in on himself, hair clouding his eyes.
"Izuku," you nearly sank to the ground as he stepped into the room.
But something wasn't right. He staggered into the room, using the wall for support. When he looked up, your hope faltered.
Those eyes.
You'd seen those eyes before. It wasn't a look you'd soon forget. You'd only ever seen him look at you like that once before. When he'd lost his mind on that psychotic drug. It was then that you noticed the rest of him. Bloody, ripped clothing. A large gash across his face…and frothy blood dripping from his mouth. But the worst part was when he locked eyes with you, a bestial snarl ripped from his lips.
"…Izuku?" you whispered, not even aware that Tatsuya had faded back into smoke.
He lifted himself off the wall, staggering in place. A low growl rumbled from his chest. The room seemed to dim, the fires forgotten in the background. It was just the two of you.
"S-stop." holding out your hand, you slowly backed along the wall as he clumsily advanced.
Izuku's eyes glowed with power, skin crackling with energy. In an instant, he leaped forward and your feet moved on their own, tripping over each other as you tried to get away. Fire suddenly arched, blocking your escape like an infernal wave. The heat was so tremendous that it scorched the hair on your skin. Flames crawled along the ceiling. In a matter of seconds, you were completely surrounded.
Trapped. With him.
He crashed into your back and threw you to the ground. In a panic, you rolled onto your back, fighting to throw him off, but he was stronger. He had always been stronger. It was one of the things that used to give you peace of mind when he was out there fighting the bad guys. But now, as he pinned you to the floor with terrifying ease and hands that had snaked around your neck, you couldn't help that terrorized feeling buzzing in your head, telling you that right now, he was the enemy. The bad guy.
The villain.
"St…op!" you gagged out, scratching at his fingers, trying to find relief from the agonizing pressure.
Pain overtook panic as it ballooned in your head, numbing the rest of your body. Fingernails dug into your throat, piercing your skin and nothing you did had any effect on him. Green danced in your dimming vision, sparks that used to bring hope, now cruelly bringing despair. Your throat was on the verge of collapsing but you couldn't even think about any of it because all you could see was the pure hatred in his eyes. A hatred that didn't belong there. Not on him.
"Look at you," he spoke, voice distorted with malice and a misplaced coldness you've never heard before, "Can't even protect yourself. Always relying on others to save you. How pathetic." Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, drops of red landing on your cheek. "I need someone stronger. Better. Not this. Not you."
Tears blurred your vision. Everything was too much and his words were the final straw. You squeezed your eyes shut, praying it would all just stop. And to your surprise, the hands disappeared from your throat, landing on your shoulders only to shake them hard.
"Hey!" Izuku's voice sounded different, almost blended with another. "Y/N, listen to me!" Desperation tinged his words until he finally roared, "OPEN YOUR EYES Y/N!"
Your mind stilled and your eyes flew open against your will. It was like the flood of emotion in your mind suddenly turned into calm waters. It was a familiar feeling. What your eyes had focused on was a mop of purple hair and dark eyes full of concern. His fingers dug into your shoulders as he stared down at you pleadingly.
That tension of his quirk coiled your body tight but the moment he released it, you let out a sharp sob, nearly driving yourself into hysterics. His fingers were the only thing keeping you grounded and your own trembling ones found his wrists, squeezing tight.
"You're alright," he kept his eyes locked with yours. "It was just a quirk. Whatever you saw, it wasn't real."
"How-" your voice was raw and overused. Had you been screaming? "-how do I know this is real?" You nearly broke down into tears again. "He was right here. He was- he was…it felt so real. I don't- I can't go back there."
"Listen to me," he helped you sit up, his hands a welcome warmth on your shoulders. "You're safe now. My quirk broke through that trance." He dropped his head, guilt clear on his face. "I'm so sorry. I failed to protect you."
You pulled your legs closer and gripped your jacket, though your hands were shaking so bad you could barely hold on. While the hallucinations seemed to stop, it felt like you were attached to a live wire. And you would know, you accidentally spooked Kaminari once and learned the hard way why that was a bad idea. Adrenaline and whatever was left of that quirk must still be pumping through your body. Any little motion seemed to make you nauseous. Wait, it was definitely making you nauseous.
"I'm gonna puke," you mumbled before twisting onto your knees and retching on the carpet.
Shinso, for his part, made sure your hair didn't get in the way, rubbing a consoling hand on your back. Once you cleared the contents of your stomach, you sat on your haunches, rubbing the tears from your face. It occurred to you that the room was never on fire. The walls were still pristine as always, with not a single burn mark to be found.
"That was all a quirk?" you croaked out, checking your arms for burn marks. "It felt so real."
"I know. The police are on their way. She'll go to prison Y/N. She won't be able to hurt you again." Shinso got to his feet, offering you a hand. "Can you stand?"
Taking the proffered hand, you shakily stood up. "You were right Shinso. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm not a hero." The tears just kept coming, no matter how much you scrubbed at them. "I should've listened to you and just gone home."
"If we did that, then that little girl would still be in danger." He gently grabbed your hand still rubbing at your face and pulled it away. "You really are just like Midoriya. And that's a compliment this time, just so we're clear."
He smiled for you and you tried to give him one in return, but it didn't last. Images of what you saw, of Izuku, the man you trusted, the man you loved came haunting you again and the tears resurfaced.
"Oh, hey," Shinso stepped in front of you, eyes wide. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
Dropping your head into your hands, you took a few harsh breaths until you calmed down enough to look again. "I'm…okay, I think."
He grew quieter as he stepped closer. "Do you want to talk about it? What you saw?"
"No." you jerked away and stumbled for the door, hand pressed on the back of your neck. "I want to go home."
As you headed for the door, you glanced down at the unconscious villain. Her jacket was open, revealing that intricate belt with a variety of different colored vials you were assuming were her lab-created quirks. As you passed her, she stirred on the floor with a low laugh, startling you back into Shinso who put a comforting hand on your shoulder as he stepped between the two of you.
"This isn't over," she mumbled, squinting open her eyes. "The heroes will die." Her voice turned sing-songy. "In fact, any moment now, she'll broadcast their deaths for everyone to see."
"You're lying," you growled.
"Oh? Don't believe me? Turn on the T.V. then." She tilted her head towards the T.V. on the wall. "I wanna see your face as you watch their demise."
Ignoring Shinso's attempt to stop you, you ran to the desk and searched the drawers for the remote. When you found it, you clicked on the local news. Expecting a reporter onscreen, you were met with hazy footage inside a ballroom where a lone woman was standing on the stage. Just below the stage, you saw…bodies lying on the ground and your heart nearly gave out as you searched for green.
The camera suddenly swung upward to the ceiling. High above them, was the catwalk, broken and swinging wildly. On a thin wire just below was Izuku, struggling to hang on. But no, that wasn't right. Izuku had the power to float. If he wasn't able to, then that must mean he had to resort to Plan B.
"No," you clutched the remote to your trembling hands as you watched on in horror.
Another hero on the catwalk had a death grip on the only bar keeping Izuku up. But the thing snapped off and the hero attempted to snatch it, but slipped past him in a blink of an eye. Izuku went into a free fall. The white-haired hero on the catwalk managed to grab the wire, jerking Izuku to a sudden stop, but the thin wire cut into his hands. He was losing his grip and fast. Izuku would fall and without a quirk, there was a very real possibility he could die.
Dropping the remote, you sprinted back to Shizue and kicked her onto her back, straddling her. She let out a surprised yelp as you violently slammed her into the ground with both hands.
"Which one is it?" you ripped the jacket open, scanning the vials before finding the one you wanted.
"Y/N!" Shinso came after you, harshly pulling you off her, but you had what you needed. "What are you doing?" He tried to swipe the vials from you, but there was no time to argue.
Popping the top you cringed before swallowing the liquid in one go. That same burning sensation overtook your senses and you keeled over. The only thing preventing you from falling was a furious Shinso, shouting at you, a tight grip on your shouldes. His voice blurred into the background as you focused on breathing.
A moment passed before your vision cleared and you took a deep breath, looking up at him. Every part of you tingled with an unfamiliar sensation. It felt as if your body was trying to move in every direction all at once.
"I'm sorry.”
The world bent in around you, twisting your perceptions until you weren't sure what was up or down. All the light seemed to press flat and suddendly everything went dark as you were sucked into a weightless void.
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I. AM. IN. PAIN. My boys! My poor boys!
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dallieart · 1 month
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like Night and Day
Sometimes I draw my oc's.....here's Lafavel at it again. Dande belongs to @heybiji
dandelion brushes: https://t.co/AyeRRbcS5t https://t.co/RdPOcGCfUP https://t.co/TfD6z8Jbck https://t.co/cTZEGyiKXx Moonflower brush: https://t.co/9sJqBWFk4E
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astral-from-afar · 2 months
I’ve watched what I needed to let me go to sleep <- will be up in <2h
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madkatiscool · 2 years
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Me breaking into the writer's room for KaboodleSMP to save c!Kaboodle and c!Rooty
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squidkid15 · 2 years
Hawk and I are whumping the core boys again and im THRIVING
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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@mariyyum twitter post: Recipes that have been passed down to me by my Palestinian mother 🇵🇸, and I've had the honor of sharing them with all of you. #freepalestine
1: Cheese Manakeesh (cheese pies)
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2: Homemade Hummus w/ chicken koufta
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3: Msakhan (the National dish of Palestine)
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4: Sfeeha (meet pies)
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Follow her on: twitter instagram youtube tiktok and her own blog for more.
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muffinlance · 1 month
My baby daughter got her adorable puffin-print dress absolutely CAKED in mud crawling around the yard and my first thought was "oh no her beautiful dress"
And my second thought was "oh huh it really WOULD be easy to unconsciously steer her away from playing in the dirt. Unlike my son, whose outfits are usually some kind of solid dark easily washed pants plus a shirt that doesn't trail in the dirt like a dress does."
Anyway something something gender roles start getting shoved on kids from literal birth, but with a little time to think about things, YOU TOO can let your children of any gender absolutely destroy their clothes in the dirt pit they're digging in your garden
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ghirahimbo · 2 months
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starting a compilation of my favorite "no thank you" buttons from when they want you to subscribe so bad
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