#they give brain stimmy
bucketinyourwalls · 5 months
Papa Emeritus Gary Miller au send tweet
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buzz-stims · 2 years
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arcade themed stimboard with pizza for anon
x x x
x x x
x x x
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Love when something tiny happens and your brain decides not only are you 5 again you also physically cannot raise your voice above the quietest most passive of tones
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moth--blood · 1 year
the 2012 boys with a y/n with tourettes
by: a man w tourettes 👍
• at first thought they were you being obnoxious or interrupting on purpose, so he got..peeved very quickly.
• he'd give little comments about the noise sometimes, never really meaning to sound snarky but of course it came off that way. until he did mean to be snarky.
• you were on patrol with him and your original plan was to be listening for break-ins, or the foot, or whatever. one too many verbal tics later and Leo's gone full leader mode and doesn't *stop talking* and it takes you telling him he's being mean for him to stop so you can explain you physically cannot help it.
• he doesn't make too many comments about the noise anymore.
• he always tries distracting you when they get bad, so your brain has something else to focus on. often now he's the one telling people off for being mean about it.
• raph.. gets overstimulated very easily. so constant strings of tics and twitches upset his brain quickly
• he does what he can to distract you or help you during attacks, but he can only help so much before he has to calm his brain so he doesn't flip out on you.
• akin to Leo he was also being a little mean when you told him, and being his partner he swiftly decided "fuck my upset brain, you're sad and I'm going to fix that"
• he copies small ones sometimes without realizing when you're alone. some of the ones he copies turn into stims, and a lot of the time he accidentally triggers them over and over until he realizes this is not, in fact, a fun little copy stimmy game and you might be in pain from it
• he will apologize for a solid 2 hours after even if you're fine, he feels so bad
• before you told him, he would copy your tics constantly. if they weren't physical (i.e hititng yourself or something akin to that) he thought you were stimming, so he would do them back because mimicking people is his nonverbal way of bonding
• once you told him he flipped out.
• "why didn't you tell me?!" "i didnt want you to feel bad" "didn't that hurt though?!" "i mean. yeah. but it was funny." "DUDE-"
• if you get "booyakasha" as a tic he refuses to take the blame for it lmfao
• "you stole my word!" "you engraved your word into my brain." "i would never-"
• (same with Casey. if goongala is a tic now it's "not his fault, legally")
• he'll still copy them sometimes when he can't tell if it's a stim or a small tic, and he feels so bad when you correct him
• please don't be mad at him he means well i swear
• realized pretty quickly it wasn't just you stimming or doing it on purpose
• like raph and Mikey he will copy you sometimes, not realizing it's not a stim
• when you tell him and he stops, he'll go "oh, im sorry. ...can we do the copy stim game my hands feel weird now."
• and thus the copy stimmy game continues properly this time </3
i didn't mean for this to sound like A-Team slander they just get angy so fast<///3
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So uh.. I was bored and wanted something new/interesting to please my brain. Therefore, I decided to check out some of the songs you mentioned in my last ask. “Hey, how are you?” Stuck out to me- so I gave it a listen. And OH… OH MY GOSH!!! WHERE HAS THIS SONG BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! I think I’ve replayed it a dozen times already…
Thank you. Thank you so much >^<
(also, I relate to the song as well. A LOT. It has now become my top jam because: A.) it’s very stimmy :D & B.) it’s telling my whole life experience right back to me..)
I'm delighted you liked it!
Since it was a very personal list.
Mia Stegner has a great discography, which I relate a lot to in general!
Good, How are you? perfectly describes the autistic experience of communication issues.
Give a listen to "From Your Room" & "Quiet Chaos".
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emo-gremlin · 11 months
Disco Bear x Autistic reader!!!
(As always, based off my own experiences)
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🪩 You end up being his mockingbird, when you tap your fingers or hum randomly, he starts hearing a rhythm in it. He insists on giving you a writing credit in his songs when you help him.
🪩 Gets you the best, top of the line, noise canceling earmuffs so you can come to his concerts, and stylish sunglasses too.
🪩 Yes, he does have a shag carpet in one of his rooms. Yes, it's one of the softest things ever. He's caught you more than once just laying on the floor. He thinks it's cute.
🪩 Man's a foodie. Knows the best restaurants and best dishes they offer. He does learn what your brain just says "NO." to and respects it like one would a food allergy.
🪩 He has many, many silk and fluffy clothes, and some of his jackets are heavier than others and he loves to share.
🪩 Definitely understands obsessing over stuff. I mean, look at him. It's 2023 and the man's still dressing like it's the 70s.
🪩 You might start hearing him writing songs based off your interests. I mean, you talk about them so often, and he wants you to know he supports you. <3
🪩 Finds it adorable when you do full body stims. It's like you're dancing to your own beat.
Enjoy!! <3
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Here to say that Racetrack Higgins has ADHD and is a stimmy-boi, and the film/show gives evidence to prove this.
His cigar.
Though it’s rarely lit (possibly because cigars would have been a bit out of our boy’s budget), Racetrack is rarely without it. Behind his ear, in his mouth, OR in his hands. This is the item he goes to. This is what he plays with when he’s nervous, twirls between his fingers absentmindedly, puts in and out of his mouth, moves around his body, etc. The ever-present cigar is definitely used for stimming- and is what Race goes to in every situation, serious and not. Just having it in his possession is helpful, and he plays with it incessantly.
This also indicates his cigar may be a comfort object- the presence alone is soothing to his chaotic brain.
ADDITIONALLY- in the film, Race is seen smoking cigarettes in addition to his trademark cigar. His smoking habit might not only be addiction or comfort, but he uses the nicotine (stimulant) as a way to combat said ADHD; likely completely unwittingly.
Race likely doesn’t know WHY he like smoking/cigars, but it helps him feel calm and/or focused, and that’s enough for him.
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moony-ghoul · 9 months
unpopular or unique ant headcanons 🎤 spill, moonson. spill
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i wish i could draw so i could show how i imagine ant but picrew is the best we’ve got
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(minus the black skunk streak of course)
now time for just a brain vomit cause that’s the best i can do
- ant is extremely clinging they need to be touching someone at all times or they go insane somedays this will lead to mountain just carrying them around like a backpack while he works in the greenhouse and sometimes he’ll literally forget they’re there (“uh whatcha got there mount?” “a smoothie?”) one time they were taking a nap in swiss’ room while he was figuring out a new song and messing around on the guitar and ant started to whine in there sleep before reaching out and grabbing swiss’ pant leg and immediately settling down and swiss almost sobbed
- they’re absolutely atrocious at video games but love to watch rain play and get super stimmy when things get intense (also love to support rain under the desk iykyk)
- one time swiss dew and them were sitting on the roof late at night smoking and they saw a shooting star and ant started crying cause they thought the sky was falling after it was explained to them they started crying even more cause “it’s just so cool”
- they’re a romantic but awful at social cues and flirting “huh? … OHH THIS IS A SEX THING?? okay okay i gotcha now yeah cool let’s party”
- they don’t fully understand the point of clothes around the ghoul den not in a “i’m hot everyone look at me” kinda way but more of a “literally everyone here has seen me naked already and clothes are uncomfortable” (swiss loves this cause he can give them a lil love tap or squeeze whenever (not that he doesn’t already do that when they are clothed))
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Nice Eclipse is probably under a lot of stress, and Lunar seems to be his only friend right now.
Can we get sone angst about him regressing with nobody to help him? Maybe with some fluff later where someone shows up and decides to take care of him while he’s still regressed?
Sirius sets up everything beforehand when he knows he’s going to drop into his regressed headspace. Usually he’ll set up a beanbag in the theater with Disney movies on with drinks and snacks and stuffies and pacis galore and rattle toys because the ✨neurospicy stimmy urge✨ to make noise when he’s small is intense so he must own rattley toys.
If he drops without warning, he gets emotional because he drops down to basically a baby and he doesn’t have his stuff and he can’t find them, so he just cuddles his working project and his trusty wrench (this wrench has received more love than Sirius ever has, I swear)
More often than not, his drops are sudden because of stress and he has a tendency to hide away because he feels he’s being a burden if he shows that he’s regressing. Often, he ends up in the naptime area curled up in a ball, crying.
Technically his Moon knows about it but also doesn’t care because he’s so preoccupied with their Sun and trying to fix him. Sirius has seen Sun a total of once while he’s small, it ended with him crying because he thinks it’s his fault his big brother won’t wake up and he can’t just ask Sunny for cuddles that the sunshine model would absolutely give him.
He hides his little toys and pacis and all his stuff because, last time he left them out, the staff threw them out thinking they were left behind by a kid.
His favorite stuffy is a patched up old yellow bear named Apollo. He patched it up himself and now he can’t regress without it. It’s his favorite comfort item, he sleeps with it because he needs comfort to be able to sleep.
Sirius has only ever lost Apollo once. A staff member had thrown him out. He cried so much that another staff member felt bad and fished the bear from the trash, cleaned him, and put him somewhere Sirius would find him. Sirius cried even more finding Apollo.
He doesn’t know how to age back up besides sleeping because he’s never had anyone to watch him so he also doesn’t fully know what to do when he’s small other than hide and watch movies.
When Lunar finally visits, Sirius immediately regresses after he leaves because, despite Lunar telling him that he would be gone after an hour, he felt abandoned again. This translated to Sirius hiding away in the basement of the theater and crying with Apollo.
When Lunar comes back, he finds Sirius in the theater basement still regressed, he’s been there for the week Lunar’s been gone and he can’t leave because his little brain thought he was abandoned again.
Lunar coerces him up into the theater and into his beanbag, turns on Tinker Bell, and cuddles him to sleep. Sirius clings on immediately, whimpering and grabby hands as he desperately holds onto his new friend because he came back! Lunar came back for him! Someone wanted to be around him!
Lunar lets Sirius fall asleep on him, rubbing his mostly retracted rays to help him sleep. This is now firmly his baby, he refuses to leave without his new child.
Sun is hesitant to accept him, this is an Eclipse after all, but one time there’s big wide baby eyes staring up at him and hands grabbing for uppies because he wants to be held and Sun just immediately caves in.
He hides from Moon when he regresses even after Moon agrees to let him stay with them. Moon only finds out he regresses when he finds Sirius pressing into the wall of the theater during a patrol and he has to coerce him from the little crevice and he carries him around the rest of patrol.
Blood Moon has sniffed him aggressively, they licked his face. Sirius is a wide doe-eyed little kid who immediately licks their face back. Both Blood Moons like this Eclipse, he is safe from the inevitable bloody rampage, this child is too precious to harm and he isn’t scared of them! That’s a plus!
Kill Code took one look at him regressed playing with a rattley toy and noped out. He doesn’t want to hurt a baby and this baby happens to be technically his son so he just can’t do anything to him.
Eclipse babysits him, watching this cute baby alternate self cuddling with his bear, completely transfixed watching Wall-E and chewing on his paci. He can’t help but coo over him, he’s cute and nobody else is here to see it, he can coo over and baby his alternate self all he wants.
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nat-stimmy · 11 months
so earlier today, I got some asks pertaining to OCD that I'm not entirely sure how to respond to, but I still want to answer... somehow. I want to keep them in my inbox for a little bit for personal reasons, but it also just didn't feel right to ignore them because I didn't Dislike them or anything, and they hit on some good points about how I talk about my OCD on here that I've been worried about since I started. this will be a long and personal post, so as always with these, block the #personal tag if you don't wish to see these.
I have OCD. I have OCD and am seeing an OCD specialist semi-regularly for treatment and therapy. I have a lot of issues with intrusive thoughts and anxiety that borders on paranoia. I don't make this a particularly well-kept secret, and that is very much on purpose
throughout my life, the only kind of ocd symptoms and traits and representation I saw were the contamination/cleaning/hoarding subtypes. I do not have those (except for maybe hoarding tendencies, but that's uncertain and may not even be true clinically), so I never realized that I was suffering from this disorder.
if I had known sooner, I would have had a much, much better childhood. if I had known about intrusive thoughts, obsessions, and compulsions, I think I may have been able to avoid a depressive episode brought on by self-hatred and fear, not just of the people around me but of my own brain.
to the concerned anon in my inbox earlier: thank you. I sincerely, truly appreciate your warnings and words of support. I understand the risks of talking openly about my intrusive thoughts and I understand that there are many, many bad actors who may use this openness against me.
but I don't want to give OCD power over me anymore. I don't want to have to hide this stuff away and try to ignore it until it all gets overwhelming and I crash. because that's what I've been doing my whole life, and I'm tired of it.
if i could open up about my symptoms and struggles, then not only would that help me not feel like I'm broken or evil or disgusting, but it may help others who are dealing with this too feel seen.
I want to help people avoid the shame and fear that OCD instills in us daily. I want to let people know that their intrusive thoughts are not who they are. I want to help end the stigma around talking about mental illnesses like this that have upsetting sides to them.
I want people to know they're not alone.
so while this blog will not be centered around my struggles with OCD, I'm still likely going to talk about it when/if the topic comes up. because it's part of who I am, a part of me that isn't going away. it influences everything, even how I format gifs in stimboards and what I find stimmy at all!
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roseverdict · 1 year
God nerfed me when i was born by not giving me multiple sets of arms. how the heck am i supposed to knit or crochet while simultaneously writing or drawing? if i had the ability to set my ADHD distractability and one set of arms on a repetitive, soothing, stimmy motion i could do in my sleep, i'd be able to crank out plots and drawings like yall wouldn't believe. i'd be too powerful for this plane.
actually as i was writing this post i came to the conclusion that i should develop a yarn-based system or two of note-taking. this would involve using the following fixations of mine in a cohesive effort:
linguistics- specifically, the idea of "encoding information in a compact-but-understandable way" as a whole. this encompasses programming languages, conlangs, ciphers, radio, and cryptography, as well
yarn arts, both knit and crochet. other needlework would not be off the table but i do not know anything other than the two listed
creating stories, be they literary or visual
whatever fandom my brain is locked into at any given time
the insatiable need to be able to complete something and be able to show that i'm not lazy or a flake
however i have no clue how feasible that would even be due to the fact that i have many thoughts about many plots and stitches need to have some sort of baseline for consistency
also hey hello hi i'm exhausted and this is the first post i've been able to make in like 13 hours
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february-sunshine · 8 months
TECHDOG 1 Reveiw I'm doing in a day cause I don't know how to write about musicccc
*reviewed on a track by track basis, just wanted to do this, bad at writing reviews
Feels very bbep bop, the ringing noises at the beginning are a very good mood-setter for what music you're in for. The Dee- de de de Da de da daa  that runs throughout the song also leads very well into the distortion that's used in the song. It's basically a car that keeps on pleasantly running into trains at railroad crossings, it also feels very insectoid in an odd way (positive). The window wiping noises that start at the halfway point are also very nice and infect the other noises in a pleasant way.
The loud train noises at the beginning are kinda obnoxious, but when the little noises start coming in and the chugs of the train start stopping every 4 quarter notes (I think?? I don’t know sheet music; that assertion vibes only) it starts paying off. The last 3rd of the song where non pure distortion instruments are introduced does really bring it all together tho. If the first 2/3rds are if how a QRcode looks was translated into sound, the last part makes it sound like you’re in a spaceship looking out the window at a nebula.
This probably doesn’t make sense but this song sounds like someone tried to hack an old PC from like the 1980s and tried to get Doki Doki Literature Club running on it and now it's dying.
The set-up noise reminds me of a combination of popcorn and fireworks, it contrasts quite well the cowbell (everything needs more cowbell in this world). This song does feel more repetitive than the others so far but I do like the de da da da daaaaa- de du da du de da- daaaa that starts repeating over and over at the end. You know like finding a shit ton of butter crystals at the bottom of a popcorn bag. 
I dunno, I kinda visualize this one as jamming out with the stranger that broke into your house cause of the thumping noises at the beginning. It also contains the bit that feels like it was sampled from happy birthday but I can’t tell and it drives me crazy. It is still very very very good- this song is particularly stimmy.
When I first heard this song in the middle of my theater class; still very devastated when my teachers made me get scenic paint on one of my favorite pairs of pants, my first thought was of Task (also by Patricia Taxxon). It does feel like the signal noises from that but what happened after. Task was the melodious communication across a vast distance, but this felt like that same beaver (for those who don’t know there's a beaver on the album cover) going to find that source but finding technological ruin. A dark presence there to meet them, not knowing what will be found beyond the gazing mechanical eye that stares at them now. So yeah- 10/10 sequel, I am still devastated about those pants, thinking about bleach painting them.
This song continues the pattern of abrasive sound clashing up against very wonderful electronic musical noises, but it's the first one here to utilize voices. I find it odd how the sounds of humans being chopped up and rearranged into nothing burger noises can be one of the most annoying starts here. Hearing how people use singing and the human voice in music is kinda one of my favorite things about this artform, so hearing it be fucked up in such a hostile way rattles my brain. I still like it tho- that isn’t really a criticism, more my brain bein weird.
We start with popcorn again, and the non super distorted instruments come in early as well this time. Most of those parts haven’t gotten a lot of build up in comparison to this song and I like how the added time gives it that spaceship feel that we got in CGTHODE but more like the ship is slowly breaking down and instead of making it dramatically tense, the person inside is accepting their faith and letting go. If Patrica Taxxon was a more popular artist I feel like this is the one most people would try to sample from here.
This one for some reason doesn’t click with me as much as the others, I think it's just that this one pulls off the formula slightly worse than all the others so after thinking about each song individually while listening to it to write this it just doesn’t stand out as much. I do like the kinda grand feeling towards the end of the song. My first thought was actually “Dang- why do these robots keep on breaking down? Must suck for em” then someone replying “They’re made by Tesla, whaddya expect?”, “How much will it cost to repair em?” “Last time we had to replace the wheels and that was like $700, so prolly bout the same.” “$700????????” and so on and so forth. So yeah- now this song will be connected to Elon Musk in my head.
I like the echoey bits and I like theres a snare drum in the beginning. I have nothing in particular to say though.
Agnes and Hilda is my favorite Patty Taxxon album so I love how this kinda just continues its style in a somehow more electric way. By far the best stimmy mc stimmison song in the album, 100/10- details by Greg Rutkowski- Should brought CJ the X back to have some part here cause he was a fuckin banger on I’ll Be- I need more.
So yeah- I had less to say towards the end but you know, banger shit, if the other 3 get flagged as music and auto added to yt music so I can digest them more I’ll probably go song by song on those too. But definitely not like- now. Maybe in like 2 months minimum. But yeah I really like Patricia Taxxons music and it really makes me happy. It's like the combination of my 2 IRL dogs in music form and it's absolutely perfect.
also heres my companion artwork for this:
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and heres the more accessible version without the morse code:
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Edit: APPARENTLY THERES A 5TH NOW!!! SHE SAID THERE WERE 4!!!! Now I’m extra behind
Edit 2.0: TECHDOG 7 IS 4 HOURS????!!!!!????!!!! HOW LONG IS 8 GOING TO BE????!!!!!!???
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Love when something tiny happens and your brain decides not only are you 5 again you also physically cannot raise your voice above the quietest most passive of tones
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bijouzen · 7 months
sometimes when i get overwhelmed (positively or negatively) i make up little metaphors and personifications and shit in my brain- ex 'a river flowing between a mountain range never asked to be there. how small it must feel, surrounded by such greatness, unable to see the beauty in its own waters', or like 'if heaven was real, do you think the angels would look up to the stars? or down to them? would they chart constellations? would they see the beauty in the world their society made?' (THIS ONE MAKES ME THINK OF THE SCENE WITH CROWLEY LOOKING AT THE BIG BANG AND IT MAKES ME SO STIMMY)
just little musings abt the world and stuffs that give me dopamine :) i quite like them
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collectingthestars · 1 year
the great war backing vocals are giving me life I’m a slut for backing vocals the HARMONIES I’m deceased
bigger than the whole sky. mmph. the instrumentals sound like it’s hurting the vocals sound like it’s hurting the lyrics sounds like it’s hurting. it makes you hurt a little too
the. hmm. how do i describe it. the… vocal structure? rhythm of the vocals? whatever it is it’s sooo good this is paris btw
first three seconds of high infidelity and i’m like. hoohoo stimmy. i can tell i’ll like this one. And the lyrics at 1:30?? Killing me a little bit. What’s the April 29 bit referencing is that an actual thing you know I’m curious now
two stimmy songs?? In a row?? Taylor’s really delivering with glitch
would’ve could’ve should’ve goes on for a bit longer than my brain is willing to listen to but otherwise pretty good pretty good
dear reader shot me twice in the back of the dead and left me in a dark alley. but like. in a good way
Overall: pretty nice pretty nice. Why weren’t some of these on the actual album
great war vocals were slaying indeed
yup bttws is pure pain
april 29 is the day taylor supposedly committed this 'high infidelity', more knowledgeable swifties please correct me if im wrong
yeah ig it's a bit repetitive but i think that's what adds to the themes of the song, in that she can't stop thinking about the pain and being haunted by her past
dear reader is very heartbreaking hdjsahdjk
honestly im not sure, taylor released the 3am version like three hours after the original album and we didn't even know these bonus tracks existed before that. maybe she made them bonus tracks on purpose like she knew she would surprise release them or they're just songs that didn't make the cut!
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2-wuv · 2 years
hi, i trust y'all've been well? we've been busy but we do have all halloween off of work. y'all's recommendations were stellar as always, runs in the family is one of those means-a-lot-to-everyone sorts of songs for us it's in a lot of our playlists. i have never heard sin shake sin before but the song eddie suggested sounds like something i should already have memorized, it's very good.
my suggestions for this evening are: wriggle by clipping. and worldwide torture by jazmin bean for billy, becky by be your own pet for steve (it reminds me of the shit that went down between you and hagan), you'll end up looking like the scary bitches by the scary bitches for eddie, my nocturnal serenade by yohio for kaz, redmageddon by sodikken for will, and my mom by kimya dawson for your jonathan (ik y'all've prolly heard it before but i've been in my feelings about 1981 lately and this is a song that Gets it).
dr. crane recommends gorehound by harley poe for poe.
Hello hello!!! We've been,, Eehhh. *gestures vaguely*. Okay I suppose. ZhfjzfjsHFJDJD. mental illness innit </3 HowEVER! ultimately we'll be just fine!!
Y'all deserve tht break off tbh we hope Halloween goes well for y'all!! omg!!
And!! Your recs are also absolutely wonderful as always!!! Very Very A+ Choices this time around!!,, tho yr choices are always A+ let's be real JFJDJDJJFFJ
semi related but Redmageddon sounds like something our Collector would also super enjoy omg,, we. Need to sit down and bingewatch T.OH sometime soon now that the final season is out (or. almost out?? @ sys check on that jfc JFJDJSJ) -Eddie
Here's our recs!!:
Celebrity Skin - Hole (my rec!!)
TOP TEN SONGS that give me gender euphoria. Cannot explain how. I think it's synesthesia related but i honestly don't knoe I just Really like the sound and colours of this song HFJSISKFKFK -Eddie
Pro Memoria - Ghost (Kaz's rec)
Another song that's ended up on many of our playlists, from what I'm seeing. We collectively quite like this band, especially their more quieter songs.
I don't quite have a Music Taste yet, but songs like this are definitely Good in my opinion! -Kaz
Attunement - Clipping. (Billy's rec)
oooookayyyy suicidal ideation tw for this one hdiaiskf
but uh!!!!! Clipping. holy shit!!!!!! we don't listen to them often but when we do we tend to listen to nothing else for a LoNG WHILE FJDJKF their songs are all so. Stimmy in a way!! Love love LOVE the way the lyrics r sung always tbh
especially with this song!! Really really fast which we love but the ambient noise in the background is also. Brain Scratchy! Polyrhythmic music in general is so brain scratchy JFJSJF -Billy
Spaceship - Art Sorority (Jonathan's rec)
This one's also a song that like,,, just Gets It, imo. Upbeat but kinda sad lyrics?? sign me tf up lmao. -Jonathan
The Song With Five Names - Will Wood, AND Miss Lucy Had Some Leeches - Emilie Autumn (Will's recs)
I've been driving everyone insane (word reclaimed!!) with The Song With Five Names™ and I dare say that it's My Capital S Song™ (a fuckin,, system thing basically uhhh if someone here has a Song™ it's basically like. super super SUPER important to them and tells others in-sys who they Are rlly. tl;dr just a Super Fcukifn Relatable Song X 10000000)
as for my second rec?? literally just me vibes tbh. sound-wise i mean. Ajdjkakfkf -Will
Voices - Shaman's Harvest (Both Steves' recs)
Okay I chose this one because of the beat and how it Sounds while younger Steve moreso chose it because of the Lyrics. overall a really good song tbh! -Steve🧋
Water Fountain - Tune Yards (Poe's rec)
eheeheeheee. Perhaps not quite yours or Dr. Crane's type of Music Of Choice? sorry in advance, but! We recently Remembered This Band Existed and Remembered THIS SONG Existed! And I! Am Quite Happy!
It is very! Colourful and tasty—very much our synesthesia talking there, yes. Also gives good Brain Scratchies too! -Poe
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